item: #1 of 37 id: A01003 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex VVritten to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. date: 1604.0 words: 9942 flesch: 34 summary: Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex VVritten to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Sir Francis Bacon his apologie, in certaine imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex VVritten to the right Honorable his very good Lord, the Earle of Deuonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. keywords: action; againe; answer; apologie; bacon; bene; best; better; betweene; businesse; case; certaine; chamber; course; day; dutie; earle; eebo; end; english; essex; euer; fauour; fortune; francis; giue; good; good lord; great; hands; hath; haue; heart; himselfe; honorable; honour; ill; imputations; ireland; kind; king; late; like; long; lord; lordship; loue; madame; maiestie; man; maner; matter; mind; nature; occasion; opinion; ouer; owne; place; pleased; proceeding; queene; reason; regard; rest; selfe; seruice; set; shew; speake; speech; state; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; true; vnto; vpon; vse; wil; words; world; writing cache: A01003.xml plain text: A01003.txt item: #2 of 37 id: A01043 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Apophthegmes new and old. Collected by the Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban date: 1625.0 words: 17093 flesch: 82 summary: Said another that heard him ; And I were as you , I would neuer come at Sea. Said my Lo Let 's forget him a while , and then he will remember himselfe . keywords: alexander; aristippus; askt; athenians; augustus; backe; bacon; bed; bee; best; better; betweene; bishop; bodie; books; caesar; captaine; cardinall; cato; chamber; church; cicero; comming; counsell; crassus; day; dead; death; diogenes; dionysius; diuerse; doe; edward; eebo; elizabeth; emperour; english; faire; father; fellow; france; francis; french; frends; gaue; gentleman; giue; god; gods; goe; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; henrie; himselfe; house; ill; images; iulius; king; ladies; law; life; like; little; long; madam; man; master; meaning; mee; men; money; moore; mought; nature; nero; neuer; new; noble; old; onely; opinion; ouer; owne; oxford; patient; people; person; philip; philosopher; physician; place; plato; pompey; pope; power; queene; question; ralegh; reade; reason; rest; rich; right; romans; rome; saith; sayd; sea; seene; seruant; set; seuen; shee; sir; small; solon; sonne; souldiers; spaine; spake; speech; state; sure; table; tcp; text; themselues; things; thomas; thought; time; verie; vespasian; vnto; vpon; vse; warre; water; way; wee; wife; wine; wise; woman; words; world; yeeres; young cache: A01043.xml plain text: A01043.txt item: #3 of 37 id: A01064 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A briefe discourse, touching the happie vnion of the kingdomes of England, and Scotland Dedicated in priuate to his Maiestie. date: 1603.0 words: 4520 flesch: 63 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. So , wee see waters and liquors , in small quantity , do easily purrifie and corrupt : but , in large quantity , subsist long , by reason of the strength , they receiue , by Vnion . keywords: bee; betweene; bodies; books; briefe; characters; coniunction; discourse; doe; dooth; early; earth; eebo; elements; encoding; england; english; forme; good; gouernement; great; greater; happy; hath; haue; hee; images; ius; kingdomes; kings; language; lawes; maiestie; maiesty; manner; matter; nature; new; online; oxford; particular; partnership; people; phase; place; priuate; reason; rest; rome; scotland; seuerall; small; state; tcp; tei; text; time; togeather; true; vnder; vnion; vnited; vnto; vppon; water; wee; works; xml cache: A01064.xml plain text: A01064.txt item: #4 of 37 id: A01086 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Certaine considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England dedicated to His most excellent Maiestie. date: 1620.0 words: 10447 flesch: 50 summary: Church of England -- Liturgy. So your Maiestie , rising to this Monarchie in the West parts of the World , doth promise a sweet and fruitsull houre of many blessings vpon this Church and Common-wealth , a showre of that influence , as the very first dewes and drops thereof , haue already layd the stormes and windes throughout Christendome , reducing the very sace of Europe , to a more peaceable and amiable Countenance . keywords: againe; ancient; baptisme; bee; best; better; betweene; byshops; case; causes; certaine; church; churches; ciuill; conscience; considerations; councell; court; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; edification; eebo; england; english; euery; example; excellent; excommunication; exercise; faith; fit; forme; generall; giue; god; gods; good; gouernment; graue; great; greatest; ground; hath; haue; hee; high; hold; holy; iudges; judgement; jurisdiction; kingdomes; kings; lawes; lesse; light; like; liturgie; maiestie; man; matters; ministers; nature; necessitie; neuer; non; number; onely; opinion; order; particular; people; persons; place; pluralities; point; practise; prayer; preachers; preaching; primitiue; proper; question; reason; receiue; reformation; regard; respect; rest; rule; second; sort; sound; speake; spirituall; state; sufficient; tcp; temporall; text; themselues; thereof; things; time; true; vnto; vpon; vse; wise; wisedome; word cache: A01086.xml plain text: A01086.txt item: #5 of 37 id: A01138 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The charge of Sir Francis Bacon Knight, his Maiesties Attourney generall, touching duells vpon an information in the Star-chamber against Priest and Wright. With the decree of the Star-chamber in the same cause. date: 1614.0 words: 8497 flesch: 51 summary: But for this apprehension of a disgrace , that a fillippe to the person should bee a mortall wound to the reputation , it were good that men did hearken vnto the saying of Consaluo the great and famous commaunder , that was wont to say ; A Gentlemans honor should bee , De telâ crassiore , of a good strong warppe or webbe that euery little thing should not catch in it , when as now it seemes they are but of copwebbe lawne , or such light stuffe , which certainely is weakenesse , and not true greatnesse of mind , but like a sicke mans body , that is so tender that it feeles euery thing . For Fortitude distinguisheth of the grounds of quarrels , whether they bee iust ; and not onely so , but whether they be worthy ; and setteth a better price vpon mens liues then to bestow them idely , Nay it is weakenesse , and disesteeme of a mans selfe , to put a mans life vpon such ledgier performances ; A mans life is not to bee tryfled away , it is to bee offered vp and sacrificed to honorable seruices , publike merites , good causes , and noble aduentures . keywords: atturney; bacon; bee; better; betweene; blood; books; case; causes; censure; challenge; chamber; court; day; decree; deliuer; difference; doe; duells; eebo; effect; england; english; euery; examples; field; fight; francis; generall; gentlemen; good; great; hand; hath; haue; hee; honor; honorable; iustice; kind; king; knight; law; lawe; life; like; lords; maiesties; man; matter; men; mischeefe; murther; nations; nature; nay; neuer; noble; noe; offence; onely; owne; persons; perticuler; practise; presidents; priest; priuate; proclamation; punishment; purpose; quality; resolution; said; saying; selfe; shew; sir; star; state; subiect; tcp; text; themselues; times; touching; true; vnto; vpon; world; worthy; wright; young cache: A01138.xml plain text: A01138.txt item: #6 of 37 id: A01185 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The vvisedome of the ancients, written in Latine by the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon Knight, Baron of Verulam, and Lord Chancelor or England. Done into English by Sir Arthur Gorges Knight date: 1619.0 words: 24772 flesch: 54 summary: THe curiosity of Men , in prying into secrets , and coueting with an indiscreet desire to atteine the knowledge of things forbidden , is set forth by the Ancients in two examples : the one of Actaeon , the other of Pentheus . But learning and education brings it so to passe , as that it restraines and bridles mans mind , making it so to consider the ends and euents of things , as that it clippes the wings of pleasure . keywords: actions; affection; againe; age; ages; alwaies; ancients; apollo; appeare; arte; arts; atalanta; bacchus; bacon; base; beames; bee; beginning; bene; better; betweene; birth; bodies; body; bones; care; cause; celestiall; ceres; certaine; chariot; common; condition; countrey; course; creatures; cupid; curious; day; death; delight; desire; destruction; disposition; diuers; diuine; doe; dominions; doth; eares; earth; eebo; effected; els; end; ends; english; enioy; euen; euery; excellent; experience; eye; fable; fame; famous; farre; fast; father; feet; fire; forme; fortune; francis; generall; gift; glory; gods; goe; good; graue; great; gyants; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heauen; hee; hell; hercules; high; himselfe; honour; humane; icarus; image; infinite; insomuch; instruments; inuentions; iudgement; iupiter; kind; kingdome; knight; knowledge; late; left; length; lesse; let; liberty; life; like; liuing; long; loue; making; man; manner; matter; meanes; meaning; mechanicall; men; mens; mercury; mind; miseries; monster; morall; moreouer; mother; motion; mountaines; muses; mysteries; naturall; nature; nemesis; neuer; neuerthelesse; new; noble; obserued; occasion; oftentimes; old; onely; open; opinion; orpheus; ostentation; owne; pallas; pan; pans; parable; passe; passions; pentheus; people; perpetuall; perseus; person; philosophy; places; plaine; pleasures; poets; power; present; princes; prometheus; proserpina; proteus; prouidence; quod; race; reason; religion; remaines; respect; rest; reuenge; right; sacred; saturne; sciences; sea; second; secret; seeke; seemes; selfe; shee; shew; signifie; singular; sirenes; somtimes; sort; soule; sound; species; sphinx; spirit; state; stones; strange; strength; subiect; sunne; sweet; tcp; text; thebes; themselues; things; thinke; time; touch; true; typhon; vaine; venus; vertue; violence; vnder; vnto; vpon; vpper; vse; vulgar; water; way; wee; whatsoeuer; whereof; wife; wings; wise; wisedome; wit; women; words; worke; world; worth; youth cache: A01185.xml plain text: A01185.txt item: #7 of 37 id: A01216 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices, against her Maiestie and her kingdoms and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments & conuictions of the said late Earle, and his adherents, as after: together with the very confessions and other parts of the euidences themselues, word for word taken out of the originals. date: 1601.0 words: 27324 flesch: 59 summary: A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices, against her Maiestie and her kingdoms and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments & conuictions of the said late Earle, and his adherents, as after: together with the very confessions and other parts of the euidences themselues, word for word taken out of the originals. A declaration of the practises & treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices, against her Maiestie and her kingdoms and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments & conuictions of the said late Earle, and his adherents, as after: together with the very confessions and other parts of the euidences themselues, word for word taken out of the originals. keywords: action; admirall; armie; bee; bene; better; betweene; blunt; buckhurst; cause; cecill; certaine; chamber; charge; chiefe; christopher; christopher blunt; citie; comming; company; conference; confession; consultation; councell; course; court; crowne; cuffe; dauies; day; dayes; death; declaration; defence; deliuer; diuers; doe; drury; earle; effect; egerton; end; ende; enemies; england; english; essex; essex house; euer; euidence; examinate; farre; february; ferdinando; fit; forces; foure; friends; gate; gaue; generall; gentlemen; giuen; god; goe; good; gorge; great; guard; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; hee; henry; herbert; high; himselfe; hope; house; hurt; iames; iohn; ireland; iudges; iustice; keeper; king; knowen; late; late earle; law; lee; libertie; lieutenant; life; like; london; long; lord; lord keeper; maiesties; maiesty; man; maner; marshall; matter; men; morning; nature; neere; night; notingham; number; offence; onely; open; opinion; ouer; owne; page; particular; parts; people; persons; place; plot; point; presence; present; principall; priuate; prosecution; purpose; queenes; question; raleigh; realme; rebellion; rebels; rest; robert; rutland; said; saith; sayd; seale; second; secretary; set; seuerall; sir; sir christopher; sir iohn; sir walter; sort; southampton; speake; speech; state; strength; tcp; terme; text; themselues; things; thomas; thought; time; tower; treasons; trust; tyrone; vnder; vnto; vpon; vsed; walter; whereof; william; word cache: A01216.xml plain text: A01216.txt item: #8 of 37 id: A01446 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The historie of life and death With observations naturall and experimentall for the prolonging of life. Written by the Right Honorable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. date: 1638.0 words: 34121 flesch: 68 summary: Softnesse , is 〈◊〉 worke of the Spirits , 〈◊〉 by heate , whereby the Spirits enlarging not venting , 〈◊〉 pierce into , and moysten 〈◊〉 thicker parts , making 〈◊〉 soft and limber , as Fire 〈◊〉 Mettalls , and Waxe ; for 〈◊〉 and other stiffe 〈◊〉 are of a matter fit to 〈◊〉 the Spirits , and keep 〈◊〉 from venting . 1. IT is a certaine Position , that all Bodies which may bee touched , have a spirit with tangible parts , covered and 〈◊〉 being the originall cause of dissolution and consumption , prevented by detaining of the spirit . keywords: a01446; affections; age; ages; alwayes; ancient; annoynting; appetite; augustus; ayre; backe; bad; bathing; baths; beasts; bee; belly; best; better; binding; birds; blood; bodies; body; braine; bread; breathing; breeding; burning; canon; cause; certaine; changes; children; cleare; close; cold; comfortable; comming; common; constant; consume; consumption; continuall; contract; contrary; coole; coolers; cooling; cordials; corruption; countries; course; creatures; dayes; dead; death; decay; delight; depart; desire; devoure; devouring; different; digestion; diseases; disposition; dissolution; divers; divine; doe; doth; drawing; drawne; drinke; drugges; drugs; dry; drying; drynesse; durable; dwelling; dyet; eagle; earth; eating; eebo; elder; eloquent; english; equall; evident; excellent; exercise; explication; famous; fancy; fasting; fat; fire; fish; flame; flesh; flowers; folkes; food; fortunate; foure; fourescore; francis; fruits; generall; gentle; glasse; gold; good; great; greater; greene; growing; growne; growth; haire; hard; hath; head; healthfull; hearbs; heart; heate; hee; high; history; holy; honey; hot; house; humours; inferiour; inquiry; intentions; inward; juyce; keepe; keeping; kind; labour; leaves; length; lesse; life; light; like; limbes; linnen; little; liv'd; livelesse; lives; living; long; long life; longer; longest; lusty; making; man; manner; mans; matter; meanes; medicines; minde; moderate; morning; mother; motion; mountaines; moysture; naturall; nature; new; nitre; notes; nourishing; nourishment; observable; observations; old; old age; onely; open; operation; outward; oyle; oyly; oyntments; paper; particular; parts; people; perfect; physitian; piercing; places; plants; pleasant; poppy; pores; power; powerfull; principall; private; proceeding; prolong; prolong life; prolonging; proper; proportion; pure; putrefaction; qualities; quality; quantity; quiet; reason; remedies; renewing; repairing; reparable; reparation; rest; roasted; roots; roses; rules; saffron; salt; sayd; second; seed; seldome; set; severall; sewet; sharpe; short; shorten; shortnesse; signe; sixe; skinne; sleepe; slow; small; snow; soften; softning; soone; sound; spirits; spirits doe; stature; stomacke; stones; strength; strong; subject; substance; subtile; suddaine; sweete; tcp; teeth; tender; text; thicke; thickning; thinne; time; trees; unknowne; vapours; variety; vegetables; veines; venery; venting; violent; vitall; warme; water; waxe; weake; white; wife; wild; wine; winter; wise; woman; wood; worke; working; yeeres; yeeres old; young; youth cache: A01446.xml plain text: A01446.txt item: #9 of 37 id: A01454 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Historie naturall and experimentall, of life and death. Or of the prolongation of life. Written in Latine by the Right Honorable Francis Lo. Verulam, Vis-count St. Alban date: 1638.0 words: 50290 flesch: 65 summary: Plaine , moderately dry ; 〈◊〉 yet not over-barren , or 〈◊〉 nor altogether without 〈◊〉 and Shade ; Is very 〈◊〉 for Length of Life . 31 Inequality of Aire , ( as 〈◊〉 even now said ; ) in the 〈◊〉 of our Dwelling , is 〈◊〉 But Change of Aire by Traveling , after one be used unto good : And therefore great Travellers have beene Long Liv'd . 〈◊〉 , that they drive not off , 〈◊〉 their Bodies bee utterly 〈◊〉 out , and Diseased ; For 〈◊〉 such Bodie , all Mutation , 〈◊〉 to the more Benigne , 〈◊〉 Death : The other , 〈◊〉 they surrender not themselves to a Sluggish Ease ; But 〈◊〉 they Embrace something , which may entertaine their Thoughts , and Minde , with Contentation : keywords: a01454; accident; actions; adde; affections; age; ages; aire; aliment; alimentation; alwayes; ancient; annointing; appetite; assimilation; attaine; baths; bearing; bee; benefit; best; better; betwixt; birds; bloud; bodies; body; bones; bowels; braine; bread; canon; cause; causeth; certaine; close; cold; coldnesse; common; conceive; condensation; condensing; consent; constant; consumption; continuall; contraction; contrary; cooling; course; creatures; cure; daily; day; death; decay; degree; desiccation; desire; diet; diseases; doe; doth; doubt; draught; drink; dry; dryed; dull; durable; eager; eagle; early; earth; eebo; effectuall; eightie; elder; end; english; equall; evill; exercise; experience; explication; extinguished; extreme; farre; fat; father; feeding; fire; fishes; fit; flame; flesh; flowers; flying; follow; force; foure; free; frequent; fruits; generation; gentle; goe; goeth; gold; good; graines; great; greater; grosser; ground; growth; haires; hard; harder; hath; head; health; heat; hee; herbs; high; himselfe; historie; hope; hot; howsoever; humours; hurtfull; inanimate; inconvenience; inquire; inquisition; insomuch; inteneration; intention; inward; iuyce; judgement; juyces; keepe; kinde; king; know; large; lasting; leaves; length; lesse; life; light; like; liquour; little; live; livers; living; long; long life; long time; longer; longest; malacissation; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meane; meat; medicines; members; men; metals; mixed; mixture; moderate; moisture; morning; mother; motion; mountaines; naturall; nature; nay; neare; need; new; ninetie; nitre; notes; nourishment; observations; observed; obstinate; old; old age; old man; onely; open; operation; opiates; opinion; opium; order; outward; owne; oyle; oyly; particular; parts; people; perspiration; physician; place; plants; pores; potent; powerfull; precious; present; principall; prolongation; proper; pure; putrefaction; qualitie; quantitie; reason; refrigeration; regard; remedies; renovation; reparable; reparation; rest; roots; roscide; rose; saffron; saint; salt; second; seed; seemes; seene; selfe; set; seventie; severall; shee; short; shortnesse; signe; simple; skin; sleepe; slow; small; soft; somewhat; soone; speak; spirit; state; stature; stomach; stones; strength; strong; subordinates; substance; sudden; summer; suppose; sweet; tcp; teeth; temperate; tender; text; things; thought; time; touching; trees; true; twentie; unlesse; use; vapours; vegetables; veines; vertue; vitall; warme; waste; water; watry; wax; way; wayes; wee; whatsoever; whereof; white; wholesome; wilde; wine; winter; woman; wombe; work; yeares; yeares old; young; young man; youth cache: A01454.xml plain text: A01454.txt item: #10 of 37 id: A01483 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The historie of the reigne of King Henry the Seuenth VVritten by the Right Hon: Francis Lo: Virulam, Viscount S. Alban. Whereunto is now added a very vsefull and necessary table. date: 1629.0 words: 76790 flesch: 61 summary: At which time INNOCENT the Eight was Pope of Rome ; FREDERICKE the Third , Emperour of Almaine ; and MAXIMILIAN his sonne newly chosen King of the Romans ; CHARLES the Eight , King of France ; FERDINANDO and ISABELLA , Kings of Spain ; and IAMES the Third , King of Scotland : with all which Kings and States , the King was at that time in good peace and amitie . Henry -- VII, -- King of England, 1457-1509. keywords: able; accident; act; action; acts; aduice; affaires; affection; againe; aide; aliue; ambassadors; ambassage; ambition; amitie; ancient; answer; appeare; arch; armes; armie; arragon; assured; authoritie; backe; base; battaile; bee; beene; beganne; beginning; behauiour; beneuolence; best; better; betweene; bishop; bloud; borne; breake; britaine; britons; brother; bruges; burgundie; businesse; calice; cardinall; care; case; castile; causes; certaine; chamber; chamberlaine; chancellor; charge; chiefe; children; christian; christian king; church; citie; clifford; close; coast; command; comming; commissioners; committed; common; conditions; confederates; confidence; conquest; consent; contrarie; cornish; coronation; councell; councellors; countenance; counterfeit; countrey; countrie; course; court; credit; crowne; danger; daughter; day; dayes; death; declaration; declare; designe; desire; diligence; discouerie; distance; distressed; diuers; doe; doth; doubt; dowager; duchesse; duchie; duke; earle; effect; eldest; elizabeth; empson; end; enemies; england; english; enterprise; enuie; euen; euery; example; excester; eyes; eyther; fall; false; fame; father; fauour; ferdinando; field; finding; fire; fit; fiue; flanders; flight; following; foot; forces; forraine; forth; forthwith; fortune; foure; france; francis; french king; fresh; friends; gaue; generall; gentlemen; giue; god; goe; good; gouernment; grace; great; great king; greater; greatnesse; ground; guard; halfe; hand; happie; hath; hatred; haue; hauing; head; heart; hee; heire; helpe; henrie; high; hill; himselfe; hold; holy; home; honour; honourable; hopes; house; howsoeuer; howsoeuer hee; hurt; husband; iames; ibid; ill; insomuch; instructions; iohn; iourney; ireland; isabella; italie; iudgement; iust; iustice; katherine; keepe; kent; kind; king; king charles; king edward; king euer; king ferdinando; king henries; king henry; king himselfe; king iames; king philip; king richard; king vpon; kingdome; kings owne; knights; knowledge; knowne; ladie; lady; lambert; lancaster; lands; late; late king; law; lawes; leaders; leaue; left; letters; libertie; life; like; lincolne; line; little; london; long; lord; lost; loue; lovel; maintaine; making; man; manner; margaret; marriage; matter; maximilian; meane; mee; memorie; men; mention; minde; money; morton; mother; naples; nations; naturall; nature; necessitie; neuerthelesse; neuerthelesse hee; new; newes; nobilitie; nobles; number; occasion; onely; open; opinion; order; orleance; ouer; owne; oxford; pardon; parliament; particular; partie; parts; peace; people; perkin; person; places; plantagenet; point; policie; poore; pope; possession; possible; pounds; power; poynings; prepared; presence; present; pretended; priest; prince; princely; principall; prior; prisoner; priuate; proceedings; proclamation; promise; purpose; putting; quarrell; queene; realme; reason; rebellion; rebels; recouer; regard; reigne; religious; reputation; respect; rest; returne; right; robert; rome; royall; safe; safetie; said; saint; sanctuarie; saue; scotland; scottish king; sea; seas; second; secret; seeing; seeme; seruants; serue; seruice; set; seuerall; shall; shee; shew; shewed; siege; simon; sir; sonne; sort; soueraigne; space; spaine; speake; speech; stanley; state; statute; strange; strength; strong; subiects; subsidie; successe; succours; suffolke; suit; sword; tcp; termes; text; themselues; things; thinke; thomas; thought; time; time hee; title; townes; trade; treasure; treatie; troubles; true; trust; truth; twentie; twentieth; tyrant; vertues; victorie; vnder; vnderstood; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; warre; warwicke; way; whereof; wife; william; willing; wise; wisedome; words; world; yeare; yorke; young; young king cache: A01483.xml plain text: A01483.txt item: #11 of 37 id: A01516 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane To the King. date: 1605.0 words: 83211 flesch: 39 summary: For it is an excellent obseruation which hath beene made vpon the answeres of our Sauiour Christ to many of the questions which were propounded to him , how that they are impertinent to the state of the question demanded , the reason whereof is , because not being like man , which knowes mans thoughts by his words , but knowing mans thoughts immediately , hee neuer answered their words , but their thoughts : much in the like manner it is with the Scriptures , which being written to the thoughts of men , and to the succession of all ages , with a foresight of all heresies , coatradictions , differing estates of the Church , yea , and particularly of the elect , are not to be interpreted only according to the latitude of the proper sense of the place , and respectiuely towardes that present occasion , whereupon the wordes were vttered ; or in precise congruitie or contexture with the wordes before or after , or in contemplation of the principall scope of the place , but haue in themselues not onely totally , or collectiuely , but distributiuely in clauses and wordes , infinite springs and streames of doctrine to water the Church in euerie part , and therefore as the literall sense is as it were the maine streame or Riuer : This correctiue spice , the mixture whereof maketh knowledge so soueraigne , is Charitie , which the Apostle imediately addeth to the former clause , for so he sayth , Knowledge bloweth vp , but Charitie buildeth vp ; not vnlike vnto that which hee deliuereth in another place : If I spake ( sayth hee ) with the tongues of men and Angels , and had not Charitie , it were but as a tinckling Cymball ; not but that it is an excellent thinge to speake with the tongues of Men and Angels , but because if it bee seuered from Charitie , and not referred to the good of Men and Mankind , it hath rather a sounding and vnworthie glorie , than a meriting and substantiall vertue . keywords: aboue; absolute; accident; account; action; actiue; acts; adde; admiration; aduancement; aduantage; aduise; affaires; affections; againe; age; agreeable; alexander; alreadie; ancient; angels; animi; antiquitie; antoninus; aphorismes; appearances; appeare; appetite; application; apt; argument; aristotle; armes; arte; artificiall; assertion; aswell; attaine; attribute; augustus; authoritie; authors; axiomes; bacon; base; beare; beasts; bee; beeing; beginne; beginning; beleefe; bene; best; better; betweene; bin; blessed; bodie; body; bookes; briefe; buildings; businesse; caesar; calleth; callisthenes; capable; capacitie; carriage; carrie; case; cato; causes; caution; censure; certaine; changes; characters; chiefely; children; choise; christian; church; cicero; circle; ciuile; cogitations; collection; colledges; commandement; commeth; common; compasse; compendious; conceits; conceiue; concerneth; concurrence; condition; confusion; consent; consequence; consideration; considereth; consisteth; constant; contemplation; contention; continuall; continuance; contract; contradiction; contrary; controuersies; conuersant; correct; corrupt; counsell; countenance; courses; creation; creatures; credite; cum; cure; curiositie; curious; custome; day; dayes; death; defect; deficiences; deficient; degenerate; degree; dei; delight; deliuerie; democritus; demosthenes; description; deserueth; designation; desire; determined; difference; differing; dignitie; diligence; diogenes; direction; discouer; discourse; diseases; disposition; disputations; distribution; diuers; diuersitie; diuine; diuinitie; diuinity; diuisions; doctrine; doe; doth; double; doubt; doubtfull; drawe; dreames; dutie; duty; early; earth; easie; education; eebo; effect; eius; election; eloquence; empire; emulation; end; ends; english; enquirie; entrance; equall; error; errours; estates; esteemed; estimation; euen; euents; euer; euerie; euill; exact; examination; example; exceede; excellencie; excellent; excesse; exercises; experience; experiments; exposition; expresse; expressing; extant; extreame; eye; eyes; fable; face; faculties; faith; fall; false; familiar; farre; father; fault; fayned; felicitie; felicity; fewe; field; fire; fit; fixed; followeth; foote; force; formes; forth; fortune; foundations; fountaines; fourme; frame; francis; free; friends; frō; fruite; fruitfull; furder; future; generall; giue; giueth; glasse; globe; glorie; glory; god; gods; goe; goeth; gold; good; goodnesse; gouernment; great; great vse; greater; greatest; greatnesse; grecians; grosse; ground; groweth; habite; handle; handleth; handling; hands; happie; harmonie; hath; haue; haue bin; hauing; head; health; heart; heate; heathen; heauen; hee; height; helpe; higher; highest; himselfe; historie; history; hoc; hold; holdeth; holy; honour; hope; howe; howsoeuer; humane; humors; humour; ignorance; ignorant; ill; illumination; image; imagination; imitation; immediate; imposture; impression; incident; indeede; induction; inferiour; infinite; influence; information; inquisition; instance; intellectuall; inuented; inuention; inward; iron; iudgement; iupiter; iust; iustice; kalender; keepe; kind; kindes; king; knowing; knowledge; knowledge haue; knowne; laborious; labour; laboured; languages; large; later; latitude; lawes; lawyers; learned; learning; leaue; lectures; left; letters; libertie; life; light; like; little; liuing; logicke; long; loue; louers; magicke; magnitude; maiestie; maiesty; maister; making; man; manie; manifest; manner; mans; mans nature; materiall; mathematiques; matter; meane; meaning; measure; medicine; mee; meerely; meete; memorie; men; men haue; mens; metaphisicke; methode; mē; middle; minde; minister; miracles; misteries; mixt; mixture; mooue; morall; moste; mother; motions; mought; multitude; names; narrations; naturall; nature; natvral; nay; nec; necessitie; neede; neerer; neque; neuerthelesse; new; newe; neyther; nil; noble; noe; non; note; noteth; nowe; number; obiect; obscure; obseruations; obserue; obtaine; occasion; offer; office; omnia; onely; open; opening; operation; opinion; oracle; orations; orator; order; ordinarie; originall; ouer; outward; owne; parables; particular; parts; passages; passe; passeth; passions; patient; penne; people; perfection; periode; perpetuall; persons; perturbations; philosophers; philosophie; phisicall; phisitians; place; plaine; plant; plato; play; pleased; pleasure; poesie; poets; point; policie; politique; popular; positiue; possibilitie; possible; power; practise; precept; preiudice; present; preserue; pretendeth; price; primitiue; princes; principall; principles; priuate; priuatenesse; proceede; proceeding; profession; professors; proficience; proofes; proper; proportion; propositions; propound; proprietie; prouidence; publique; purpose; quae; quam; quantitie; question; qui; quod; raigne; rationall; reade; reading; reall; reason; receiued; receiueth; reduction; referre; regard; relation; religion; remedie; remote; report; reputation; requireth; rerum; resolution; respect; respectiue; rest; returne; reuealed; reuerence; rhetoricke; rich; romane; rome; rootes; rule; sacred; saide; saint; sake; salomon; saue; sauiour; sawe; sayd; sayth; scholler; schoole; sciences; scriptures; search; second; secret; seeke; seemeth; selfe; sence; seneca; sensible; seruants; seruice; set; sette; seuerall; seuere; shal; sharpe; shew; shippe; shoulde; silence; similitude; simple; siue; small; smaller; society; socrates; solide; somewhat; sonne; sort; soueraigne; soule; sound; speake; speaketh; speciall; speculation; speech; speeches; spirit; spring; starres; state; stay; stile; strange; strength; studies; subiect; substance; subtile; succession; sufficient; summe; sunt; super; superficiall; superstitious; sylla; tacitus; tanquam; tcp; tearme; text; themselues; theologie; therfore; theyr; thē; things; thinke; thought; times; times haue; tongues; totall; touching; towardes; tradition; trauaile; true; truth; turne; twoo; vaine; vanitie; variable; varietie; variety; vast; veneration; verie; verses; vertue; vertuous; vice; view; virgill; vnder; vnderstanding; vniuersalitie; vniuersall; vniuersities; vnlike; vnto; vpon; vse; vulgar; waies; want; way; weake; weakenesse; wee; wee haue; wel; whatsoeuer; wheras; whereof; whereunto; wherewith; wherin; wil; wisedome; wisest; wish; wit; wits; wonder; wordes; worke; worketh; world; worthy; woulde; writers; writing; xenophon; yea; young; youth cache: A01516.xml plain text: A01516.txt item: #12 of 37 id: A01612 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The translation of certaine psalmes into English verse by the Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. date: 1625.0 words: 3605 flesch: 77 summary: For thou , O God , art a consuming Fire , Fraile Man , how can he stand before thy face ? Remember thou , ô Lord , the cruell cry Of Edoms Children , which did ring and sound , Inciting the Chaldaeans Cruelty , Downe with it , downe with it , euen vnto the ground . keywords: againe; alban; beasts; books; characters; daies; day; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; encoding; english; eye; face; fall; francis; god; good; hand; hath; head; holy; images; king; life; lord; man; men; neuer; online; oxford; partnership; phase; praise; psalme; right; riuers; seas; set; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; thy; time; translation; vnto; voice; wicked; works; xml; yeeld cache: A01612.xml plain text: A01612.txt item: #13 of 37 id: A10377 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done. date: 1618.0 words: 11714 flesch: 27 summary: A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done. 1618 Approx. A declaration of the demeanor and cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, aswell in his voyage, as in, and sithence his returne and of the true motiues and inducements which occasioned His Maiestie to proceed in doing iustice vpon him, as hath bene done. keywords: aduenturers; againe; america; aswell; barque; bee; better; case; comming; commission; companie; company; declaration; diuers; doe; dominions; eebo; england; english; enterprise; escape; euery; french; giue; god; goe; gold; good; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; hee; heires; himselfe; house; inhabited; iourney; iustice; king; law; lewis; like; little; london; maiestie; mannowrie; mannowry; master; meanes; mee; men; merchandizes; neuer; new; onely; owne; parts; people; persons; presents; proceedings; purpose; quoth; raleigh; returne; said; sayd; sayd sir; sea; set; ships; sicke; siluer; sir; sir lewis; sir w.; sir walter; soone; spaine; spaniards; stucley; subiects; successours; sufficient; tcp; text; things; thomé; time; true; vnder; vnto; voyage; vpon; vse; w. raleigh; walter raleigh; wares; way; wee; whatsoeuer; words; worke; world cache: A10377.xml plain text: A10377.txt item: #14 of 37 id: A28043 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Cases of treason written by Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ... date: 1641.0 words: 8106 flesch: 73 summary: 4. To the fourth , They bee men ( as it is now used ) of inferiour , yea , of base condition , which is a meere abuse or degenerating from the first institution ; for the pety Constables in Townes ought to be of the better sort of resiants in the said Towne , save that they ought not to bee aged , or sickly , but men of able bodies in respect of the keeping watch and toyle of their place , neither ought they to be in any mans livery : Where a man doth maliciously and feloniously burne any mans house , it is felony . keywords: authority; bacon; bee; cases; chap; commission; common; constable; county; court; currant; death; doe; doth; english; enquire; fact; felony; francis; goods; hath; hee; high; ibid; intent; judgement; jurisdiction; justices; kings; knight; lands; law; lawes; life; lord; man; man doth; matters; misprision; money; oath; office; pag; parliament; party; peace; people; person; petie; petie treason; pleasure; power; premunire; prerogative; proceedings; proclamation; punishment; realme; said; second; sessions; shire; speciall; statutes; subjects; text; things; time; treason; triall; use; warre cache: A28043.xml plain text: A28043.txt item: #15 of 37 id: A28050 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Bibliotheca Baconia, or, A collection of choice English books all in folio, curiously bound, gilt, and lettered on the back, consisting of various subjects but chiefly history, formerly belonging to Mr. Francis Bacon, lately deceased, will be exposed to sale ... on Wednesday next being the 19th of May, 1686 ... date: 1686.0 words: 3219 flesch: 33 summary: 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2001-08 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2001-09 TCP Staff (Michigan) Sampled and proofread 2001-09 TCP Staff (Michigan) Text and markup reviewed and edited 2001-11 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion Bibliotheca Baconica : OR , A COLLECTION OF CHOICE English BOOKS , All in FOLIO , Curiously Bound , Gilt , and Lettered on the Back , Consisting of various Subjects , but chiefly HISTORY ; Formerly belonging to Mr. Francis Bacon , lately deceased : Will be Exposed to Sale , by way of Auction , on Wednesday next , being the 19 th of May , 1686. the 6th , and Q. M. by Sir F. Bacon , and F. Godwin 1676 82 History of the Massacres in France , under Henry 2 , Francis 2 , Charles 9 , &c. 1598 83 History of the Catholick Church , from the Year 600 , to 1600 , by Alex. Petrie 1662 84 History of the World , or , an account of time , by Dionisius Petavius 1659 85 History of the Wonderful things of Nature , by Iohnstonus 1657 86 History of the Lives , Marriages , and Issues , times of Birth , &c. of the K. of Portugal 1662 87 History of Florence , by N. Machiavel , with his discourse of Polity 1595 88 History of the late Wars in Denmark , by Sir Roger Manley 1683 89 History of Great Britain , by Will. keywords: 1675; bacon; bible; bishop; books; britain; characters; choice; christian; church; collection; commentary; compleat; cuts; doctor; dutchess; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; english books; exposition; france; francis; general; gilt; great; history; images; iohn; king; michigan; new; newcastles; online; oxford; partnership; phase; psalms; sale; sermons; sir; tcp; tei; testament; text; treatise; view; volumes; wars; works; world; xml cache: A28050.xml plain text: A28050.txt item: #16 of 37 id: A28061 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Certain miscellany works of the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban published by VVilliam Ravvley ... date: 1670.0 words: 26883 flesch: 64 summary: There are therefore three just Grounds of War with Spain : One Plaint , Two upon Defence . Thus much for the first Ground of War with Spain , being in the Nature of a Plaint , for the Recovery of the Palatinate ; Omitting here that which might be the Seed of a larger Discourse , and is verified by a number of Examples ; That whatsoever is gained by an Abusive Treaty , ought to be restored in Integrum . keywords: account; action; ancient; argument; army; battel; best; better; blood; body; books; brave; business; cause; certain; characters; charles; choice; christendom; christian; city; civil; clear; confederates; contrary; counsel; countreys; countries; courage; court; crown; customs; day; days; death; defensive; design; difference; divers; dominions; don; doth; doubt; duke; eebo; effect; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; enterprise; eupolis; europe; examples; excellent; experience; eyes; fall; fear; fit; fleet; foot; forces; fortune; france; francis; french; gamaliel; general; germany; glory; god; good; government; great; greater; greatness; ground; hand; hath; head; henry; holy; honour; hurt; ill; image; indies; invasion; ireland; italy; judgment; justice; kind; king; kingdom; land; language; late; lawful; laws; league; leave; like; little; long; lord; lordships; loss; low; main; majesty; man; manner; mans; martius; matter; memorable; men; monarchy; nation; natural; nature; navy; near; new; noble; number; offensive; onely; open; opinion; order; palatinate; parma; particular; parts; passage; people; persons; place; point; pollio; pope; possible; power; present; princes; principal; quarrel; question; reason; rebels; recovery; reign; religion; respect; rest; revenge; right; romans; rome; saint; saith; sea; seas; second; secret; self; service; set; shew; ships; sir; small; society; sort; souldiers; space; spain; spaniards; spanish; speech; state; strength; strong; subject; tcp; text; things; thought; time; town; treasure; treaty; true; truth; turn; unjust; valtoline; victory; war; wars; way; ways; west; whereof; words; work; world; worthy; year; zebedaeus cache: A28061.xml plain text: A28061.txt item: #17 of 37 id: A28070 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A charge given by the most eminent and learned Sr. Francis Bacon, Kt., late Lord Chancellor of England, at a sessions holden for the verge, in the reign of the late King James declaring the latitude of the jurisdiction thereof, and the offences therein inquireable, as well by the common-law, as by several statutes herein particularly mentioned. date: 1662.0 words: 5513 flesch: 60 summary: The wicked man shall not abide in my house ; as taking knowledge that it was impossible for Kings to Banish Wickednesse , by the extending of all their power and care , over all their Land or Empire ; yet at least they ought to undertake to God for their House . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: bacon; better; books; breach; capital; characters; charge; church; common; concern; court; doth; early; eebo; english; enquire; estate; felony; force; francis; god; good; hath; high; house; jurisdiction; justice; kingdome; kings; late; law; life; man; men; oath; offences; office; oxford; peace; people; person; present; principal; recusants; respect; safety; second; service; statutes; subject; supremacy; taking; tcp; tei; text; things; time; touch; treason; verge cache: A28070.xml plain text: A28070.txt item: #18 of 37 id: A28082 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A collection of apophthegms, new and old by Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulum, Viscount St. Alban. date: 1674.0 words: 21731 flesch: 77 summary: Two Scholars and a Countrey man ●●avelling upon the Road , one night ●●dged all in one Inn , and supt together , where the Scholars thought to have pu● trick upon the Country man , which 〈◊〉 thus ; The Schola●s appointed for Su●per two Pigeons , and a Fat Capo● which being ready , was brought up , a● they having set down , the one Scho●● took up one Pigeon , the other Scho●● took the other Pigeon , thinking there that the Country man should have 〈◊〉 still until that they were ready for t●● carving of the Capon , which he perce●●ving , took the Capon , and laid it on 〈◊〉 Trencher , and thus said , Daintily co●trived , every one a bird . C●●sar after silence made , said ; I for my part ye Romans , this Title did actually speak them to be dismissed : which voice they had no sooner heard , but they mutinied again ; and would not suffer him to go on with his Speech , until he had called them by the Name of his Souldiers , and so , with that one word he appeased the Sedition . 177. keywords: alexander; answer; apophthegms; archbishop; aristippus; athenians; augustus; bacon; bed; best; better; bill; bishop; book; business; c ●; caesar; captain; cardinal; cause; ch ●; cha ●; chamber; characters; church; cicero; collection; coming; commons; company; counsel; crown; day; dead; death; desire; diogenes; divers; ear; early; edward; eebo; elizabeth; emperour; enemy; english; essex; f ●; father; fellow; fo ●; france; francis; french; friend; gentleman; god; good; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; half; hath; heads; henry; hi ●; high; house; husband; ill; images; iulius; keeper; king; known; lacedemonians; lady; law; lay; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lordship; m ●; madam; majesty; man; manner; master; meaning; means; men; mo ●; money; nature; need; new; nicholas; o ●; occasion; old; oxford; p ●; parliament; patient; pe ●; people; philip; philosopher; physician; place; plato; pleasure; pompey; pope; power; pr ●; present; privy; queen; question; reason; rest; romans; rome; saint; saith; sea; seal; seaman; security; self; servant; shew; shewed; sir; small; son; spake; speech; stand; state; suit; sun; t ●; tcp; tei; text; th ●; tha ●; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; unto; vespasian; victory; war; water; way; whe ●; whereof; wi ●; wife; wise; wit; words; work; world; writ; young; ● ay; ● ber; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● es; ● et; ● g; ● hat; ● ld; ● n; ● ood; ● ot; ● ow; ● r; ● rt; ● s; ● se; ● ter; ● w; ● y; ● ● cache: A28082.xml plain text: A28082.txt item: #19 of 37 id: A28085 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A confession of faith penned by an orthodox man of the reformed religion ; dedicated to some eminent persons now assembled in Parliament. date: 1641.0 words: 3150 flesch: 47 summary: That God created man in his owne Image , in a reasonable soule , in innocencie , in free-will and soveraigntie : That he gave him a Law and Commandment which was in his power to keepe , but he kept it not : That man made a totall defection from God , presuming to imagine that the Commandements and prohibitions of God , were not the rules of good and evill , but that good and evill had their owne principles and beginnings ; and lusted after the knowledge of those supposed beginnings , to the end to depend no more upon Gods will revealed , but upon himself and his own light as a God , then which there could not be a sin more opposite to the whole Law of God : That yet neverthelesse this great sin was not originally moved by the malice of man , but was insinuated by the suggestion and instigation of the Divell , who was the first defective creature , and fell of malice and not by temptation from another . That upon the fall of man , death and vanitie entred by the Justice of God , and the Image of God in man was defaced , and heaven and earth which were made for mans use , were subdued to corruption by his fall : That Jesus the Lord became in the flesh a sacrificer and sacrifice for sinne , a satisfaction to the Justice of God , a meritor of glory and the Kingdome , a patterne of all righteousnesse , a Preacher of the Word which himselfe was , a finisher of the Ceremonies , a Corner stone to remove the separation between Jew and Gentile , an Intercessor for the Church , a Lord of nature in his miracles , a Conqueror of death and the power of darknesse in his resurrection ; and that he fulfilled the whole Councell of God , performed all his sacred offices and annointing on earth , accomplished the whole worke of redemption and restitution of mans nature to an estate superiour to the Angels , ( whereas the state of man by creation was inferiour ) and reconciled and established all things according to the eternall will of the Father . keywords: christ; church; confession; councell; creation; creatures; earth; end; english; eternall; faith; fall; flesh; ghost; god; gods; good; heaven; himselfe; holy; law; man; mediatour; nature; neverthelesse; persons; spirit; tcp; text; things; time; worke; world cache: A28085.xml plain text: A28085.txt item: #20 of 37 id: A28244 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon, one of Her Majesties learned counsell at law, upon the statute of uses being his double reading to the honourable society of Grayes Inne ... date: 1642.0 words: 19769 flesch: 44 summary: because of the deliberation and Ceremony in the confession of it , and therefore in 8. Reginae it is solemnly agreed , that in the Queenes Case a false consideration if it bee of Record , will hurt the Patent , but want of consideration doth never hurt it , and yet they say that a Case is but a nimble and light thing , and now contrariwise it seemeth to bee weightier then any thing else , for you cannot weigh it up to raise it , neither by deed , nor deed inrolled without the weight of consideration , but you shall never find a reason of this , to the Worlds end , but in the Law , but it is a reason of Chancery , and it is this : That no Court of Conscience will enforce Omnium gratuitum , though the intent appeare never so clearely where it is not executed , or sufficiently passed by Law , but if mony had beene paid , and so a person dampnified , or that it was for the establishment of his House , then it is a good matter in the Chancery : so againe I would see in the Lawes , a Case where a man shall take by a Conveyance , bee it by Deed , Livery , or Word that is not party to the grant , I doe not say that the delivery must be to him that takes by the Deed , for a Deed may be delivered to one man to the use of another ; neither doe I say that he must be party to the delivery of the Deed , for he in the remainder may take though hee be not party , but he must be party to the words of the grant ; here againe the Case of the use goeth single , and the reason is , because a conveyance in use is nothing but a publication of the trust , and therefore so as the party trusted bee declared , it is materiall to whom the publication bee so much for the raysing of uses . But come now to the Case of use , and there it is otherwise , as it is in 14. H. 8. and 28. H. 8. and diverse other Bookes , which prove that if the Feoffee sell the Land for good consideration to one that hath notice , the Purchaser shall stand seized to the antient use , and the reason is because the Chancery looketh further then the Common Law , to the corrupt Conscience of him that will deale in the Land , knowing it in equity to bee anothers , and therefore if there were Radix Amaritudinis , the consideration purgeth it not , but it is at the perill of him that giveth it , so that consideration , or no consideration is an issue at the Common Law , but notice on notice is an issue in the Chancery , and so much for the preserving of uses . keywords: action; antient; bee; bin; body; booke; cap; case; certaine; cesty; cesty que; chancery; clause; common law; conceipt; conscience; consideration; contrary; conveyance; course; deed; disseisin; doe; doth; doubt; estate; execution; feme; feoffee; feoffment; fine; forme; generall; good; grant; great; hath; hee; heires; henry; hold; inheritance; intent; issue; justice; king; land; law; lawes; life; like; limitation; limited; lord; man; materiall; matter; nature; new; note; notice; opinion; owne; parliament; particular; party; persons; possession; preamble; profits; provisoes; que use; question; reading; reason; regard; remainder; remedy; rent; richard; right; saith; saving; second; selfe; simple; sonne; speciall; stand; statute; statute law; stranger; tayle; tenancy; tenant; text; things; time; title; trust; use; uses; voyd; vse; way; whereof; wife; words; yeares cache: A28244.xml plain text: A28244.txt item: #21 of 37 id: A28255 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A letter of advice written by Sr. Francis Bacon to the Duke of Buckingham, when he became favourite to King James date: 1661.0 words: 6242 flesch: 59 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 445:18) A letter of advice written by Sr. Francis Bacon to the Duke of Buckingham, when he became favourite to King James Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. keywords: advice; affaires; bacon; best; books; buckingham; care; characters; choice; church; councel; court; early; eebo; english; favourite; fit; forreign; francis; general; god; good; great; hands; happy; hath; honour; judgment; king; kingdome; known; land; law; laws; man; matter; men; nature; new; online; opinion; particular; people; persons; phase; place; prince; private; religion; self; service; set; sorts; state; tcp; tei; text; things; thoughts; time; trade; true; war; way; wise; work cache: A28255.xml plain text: A28255.txt item: #22 of 37 id: A28284 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The natural and experimental history of winds &c. written in Latine by the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; translated into English by R.G., gent. date: 1671.0 words: 63931 flesch: 74 summary: Winds which are called Tropei , that is to say , Retorted , namely , such as when they have blown a little way , suddenly turn again , such winds I say blow from the Sea towards the shoar : but retorted winds , and whirlwinds are most commonly in gulfs of Seas . They speak as if wind were somewhat else , or a thing several from moved air ; and as if exhalations did generate and make up the whole body of the winds ; and as if the matter of winds were only a dry and hot exhalation ; and as if the beginning of the motion of winds were but only a casting down and percussion by the cold of the middle Region , all fantastical and arbitrary opinions : keywords: abundance; accidental; air; ancients; anno; aphorism; appears; archbishop; article; attendant; beams; beginning; bellows; better; bishop; blow; blowing; bodies; body; bounds; breath; broad; broken; burning; calm; cardinal; care; cause; causeth; certain; certain winds; chancellor; chancellorship; chief; circles; claus; clear; close; clouds; coition; cold; coming; common; compression; congregation; connexion; constant; contract; contrariwise; contrary; contrary winds; countries; countrys; creatures; cross; custody; dark; days; death; deep; degrees; desire; difference; dilatation; diligent; direct; direction; distance; divers; dorso; doth; double; dry; earth; east; east wind; eliz; engender; engendred; england; english; enquire; equal; europe; example; exhalations; expansive; experiments; external; extream; fair; fall; feathers; feeling; fifth; fire; fitting; flame; flying; foot; fore; form; fourth; francis; free; free winds; frequent; gather; general; general winds; generation; glass; god; gold; good; great; great seal; great winds; greater; ground; gun; half; hand; hath; heat; heated; heaven; henry; herbs; hidden; high; higher; hills; history; hold; hollow; hot; hours; humane; ibid; impulsion; inclosed; increase; indirect; industry; inquisition; instance; iron; jan; john; keeper; kind; king; knight; land winds; large; lesser; let; life; light; like; little; living; load; local; london; long; longer; lord; lower; main; making; manifest; manner; mast; matter; means; meer; men; mercury; metals; middle; mixed; mizon; moist; moon; morning; motion; mountains; moved; natural; nature; near; necessity; negative; new; north; northern; notable; nurseries; observation; office; onely; ones; open; operations; opinion; order; original; particular; parts; pass; pat; peradventure; peru; philosophy; place; plain; planets; powder; presage; present; primary; proceeds; prognosticks; proper; pure; quantity; question; questionless; quick; rain; reason; received; region; regis; reparation; rest; restrained; richard; rise; rising; robert; rolls; room; sails; salt; sea; sea winds; seal; second; self; sense; set; setting; sharp; shew; ship; shoars; sides; silver; simple; sir; small; snow; soft; solid; sound; south; south wind; spaces; spirit; spread; spring; stars; stone; storms; strong; stronger; subject; substance; subterraneal; subtile; sulphur; summer; sun; swell; swelling; table; tangible; tcp; tempests; text; thick; things; thomas; thorow; thought; thrust; time; tops; touching; trees; trial; tropicks; true; turn; twentieth; understanding; undulation; unequal; unto; upper; upward; useful; vacuity; vapours; vehement; vertue; vessel; violence; violent; warm; water; waves; way; ways; weak; weather; weight; west; west wind; wheeling; winchester; wind blow; winds; wine; winter; wood; words; work; world; year; yield cache: A28284.xml plain text: A28284.txt item: #23 of 37 id: A28291 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: New Atlantis a work unfinished / written by the Right Honourable Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban. date: 1658.0 words: 16584 flesch: 71 summary: F●r as for Men , although they had Buildings in many places , higher than the Depth of the Water ; Y●● that Inundation , though it were shallow , had a long Continuance ; whereby they of the Vale , that were not drowned , perished for want of Food , and other things necessary . And it came to pass , that the next day about Evening , we saw within a Kenning before us , towards the North , as it were thicker Clouds , which did put us in some hope of Land : Knowing how that part of the South-Sea was utterly unknown : And might have ●slands or Continents , that hitherto were not come to light . keywords: answer; artificial; atlantis; bensalem; better; birds; blessing; blew; boat; bodies; body; books; cedar; certain; chair; chambers; chariot; city; colour; commeth; company; countries; country; creatures; crosse; daies; day; deep; divers; divine; drinks; earth; end; english; europe; excellent; experiments; fair; family; farre; father; feast; fellows; fine; forth; francis; friends; fruit; god; gold; good; grapes; great; greater; half; hand; happy; hath; heats; heaven; herald; high; hour; house; humanity; instruments; inventour; island; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; land; large; laws; leave; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; making; man; manner; mariage; means; men; motions; mought; nations; natural; nature; new; number; order; pace; parts; past; people; persons; pillar; places; rare; relation; rest; return; room; said; salomons; sea; secret; self; selves; set; ship; sick; silver; small; sounds; state; stay; strangers; strength; tell; text; thee; things; thought; time; tirsan; trees; true; unknown; variety; velvet; vvater; vve; vvhen; vvorks; water; wise; works; world; years; ● e; ● ● cache: A28291.xml plain text: A28291.txt item: #24 of 37 id: A28309 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The novum organum of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans epitomiz'd, for a clearer understanding of his natural history / translated and taken out of the Latine by M.D. date: 1676.0 words: 19642 flesch: 57 summary: A Syllogisme consists of Propositions , Propositions of Words , Words interpret Notions , therefore if Notions , the basis of Things be confus'd , and rashly abstracted from things , nothing will be firm that is built upon them , therefore our only assurance is in a right induction . 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , after a serious perusal , I did scarce know what was to be set aside ; for all the things things therein contained , are so material and seasonable , that I have wondred , that our English Curiosi have not had the desire to study and understand the directions that are 〈◊〉 given 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their mistaken 〈◊〉 . keywords: abstracted; age; ages; air; animals; apprehensions; axioms; beams; better; bodies; body; books; burning; cause; certain; cold; common; concrete; contrary; degree; desire; doth; earth; eebo; english; errors; evident; example; excellent; experience; experiments; false; fancy; feeling; fire; flame; form; general; generation; glass; gold; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; heat; helps; history; hope; hot; humane; humane understanding; idola; induction; inquisition; instances; interpretation; invention; judgement; kind; known; laws; learning; lesser; light; like; little; logick; manner; matter; means; medial; men; metals; method; mind; mistakes; motion; names; natural; nature; new; noble; notions; novum; number; onely; operations; opinions; order; ordinary; organum; parts; pass; perfect; perticulars; philosophers; philosophy; power; principles; proceeding; proceeds; proper; purpose; reason; rest; rule; sciences; second; secret; self; sense; simple; small; solid; sort; species; spirits; stars; stone; strength; strong; substance; sufficient; sun; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; unto; use; useful; vulgar; water; way; ways; weight; wit; wits; words; work; world cache: A28309.xml plain text: A28309.txt item: #25 of 37 id: A28357 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Ordinances made by the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon ... being then Lord Chancellor for the better and more regular administration of iustice in the Chancery, to be daily observed saving the prerogative of this court. date: 1642.0 words: 6641 flesch: 60 summary: Where a Lease hath beene debated upon hearing of both parties and Opinion hath beene delivered by the Court , and neverthelesse the cause referred to Treaty , the Registers are no● to omit the Opinion of the Court , in drawing of the Order of Reference , except the Court doth specially declar● that it bee entred without any Opinion either way ; in which case nevertheles●e the Registers are out of their short note , to draw up some more full remembrance of that that passed in Court , to informe the Court i● the cause come backe and cannot be agreed . No Reference upon a Demurrer , or question touching the jurisdiction of the Court , shall bee made to the Masters of the Chancery : but such Demurrers shall bee heard and ruled in Court , or by the Lord Chancello● himselfe . keywords: affidavit; answer; appeare; bee; bill; bin; case; causes; chancellor; chancery; commission; common; contempt; costs; court; decree; defendant; depositions; english; examination; generall; good; hath; hearing; hee; injunction; land; law; like; lord; lordship; matter; motion; neverthelesse; new; oath; onely; opinion; order; parties; party; petition; plaintiffe; possession; processe; record; reference; registers; review; set; speciall; stay; suites; text; time; witnesses; words; writs; ● ● cache: A28357.xml plain text: A28357.txt item: #26 of 37 id: A28366 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A preparatory to the history natural & experimental written originally in Latine, by the Right Honourable Francis, Lord Verulam, Lord High Chancellour of England ; and now faithfully rendred into English, by a well-wisher to his Lordships writings. date: 1670.0 words: 6653 flesch: 60 summary: Amongst those parts of History which we have spoken of , the History of Arts is of most use ; because it demonstrates things in Motion , and leads more directly to Practice . The manner of propounding things in the Nat. History . keywords: arts; author; bodies; books; business; certain; characters; credit; early; earth; eebo; elements; end; english; experiments; francis; general; generations; great; greater; history; hitherto; intention; kind; light; like; little; lordships; man; manner; matter; mind; natural; natural history; nature; new; opinions; order; philosophy; place; preparatory; reader; respect; sciences; sea; second; self; set; small; sort; species; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; understanding; use; way; work; writings cache: A28366.xml plain text: A28366.txt item: #27 of 37 id: A28370 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The remaines of the Right Honorable Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount of St. Albanes, sometimes Lord Chancellour of England being essayes and severall letters to severall great personages, and other pieces of various and high concernment not heretofore published : a table whereof for the readers more ease is adjoyned. date: 1648.0 words: 37049 flesch: 57 summary: And therefore , most high and mighty King , my most deare and dread Soveraign Lord , since now the corner stone is laid of the mightiest Monarch in Europe ; and that God above , who is noted to have a mighty hand in bridling the Flouds and Fluctuations of the Seas , and of Peoples hearts , hath by the miraculous and universall consent ( the more strange , because it proceedeth from such diversity of causes ) in your coming , in giving a sign and token what he intendeth in the continuance , I think there is no Subject of your Majesties who leaveth this Isla●● , and is not hollow and unworthy , whose heart is not set on fire , n●… only to bring you Peace-offerings , to make you propitious ; but to sacrifice himselfe a burnt offering to your Majesties service : Tuidem fer opem qui spem dedisti , for I am sure it was not possible for a man living to have received from any other more significant , & comfortable words of hope , your Lordship being pleased to tell me during the course of my last service that you would raise me , & that when you were resolved to raise a man you were more carefull of him then himself , & that what you had done for me in my marriage , was a benefit to me but of●…●…nse to your Lordship ; & therefore I might assure my self you would not leave me there with many like speeches , which I know well my duty , then to take any other hold of , then the hold of a thankfull remembrance , & I know & all the world knoweth that your Lo●dship is no de●…er of holy-water , but noble , & reall , & on my part I am on a sure ground , that I have committed n●thing that may deserve any alteration ; and if I cannot observe you as I would , y●ur Lordship will impute it to my want of experience , which I shall gather better when I am once setled ; and therefore , my hope is your Lordship wi●… finish a good work , and consider that ●ime groweth precious , and tha I am now vergentibus annis : and although I know your for une is not to need an hundred such as I am . keywords: able; account; action; advantage; advice; affection; alwayes; answer; argument; assured; attourney; bacon; beleeves; best; body; books; brother; businesse; care; cause; chancellour; charge; charity; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; commission; common; conceit; condition; conscience; continue; councell; country; course; court; creation; creatures; cure; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; discourse; discretion; disposition; doe; doth; doubt; draw; duty; earl; earth; effect; employment; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; entrance; errour; essex; eternall; evill; excellent; expectation; experience; fall; father; favour; fear; fit; flesh; fortune; francis; free; friends; generall; gift; glad; glory; god; gods; good; good lordship; goodnesse; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; hope; hospitals; house; humble; intention; ireland; irish; jesus; judge; judgment; justice; kind; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; labour; late; law; lawes; learning; left; lesse; letter; liberty; life; like; little; long; lordship; love; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; matter; means; men; mercy; merit; mind; nature; necessity; need; neverthelesse; new; number; obedience; occasion; offer; opinion; pag; pardon; particular; parts; past; people; perfection; person; place; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; possible; power; practise; prerogative; present; prince; principall; private; promise; publick; purpose; queen; ready; reason; regard; religion; reputation; respect; rest; right; royall; rule; saith; sake; salisbury; satisfaction; second; secretary; seed; seemeth; self; sending; servants; serve; service; set; shew; singular; sinne; sir; small; sollicitour; sort; soule; soveraign; speciall; speech; spirit; state; strength; subject; subordinate; sure; text; thee; things; thought; time; treasurer; true; truth; turn; understanding; use; vain; vertue; want; war; way; wealth; wee; whatsoever; whereof; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wrong; years; yeeld; ● ● cache: A28370.xml plain text: A28370.txt item: #28 of 37 id: A28503 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury with the severall arraignments and speeches of those that were executed thereupon : also, all the passages concerning the divorce between Robert, late Earle of Essex, and the Lady Frances Howard : with King James's and other large speeches / collected out of the papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... date: 1651.0 words: 30330 flesch: 61 summary: A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury with the severall arraignments and speeches of those that were executed thereupon : also, all the passages concerning the divorce between Robert, late Earle of Essex, and the Lady Frances Howard : with King James's and other large speeches / collected out of the papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 80:7, 2158:14) A true and historical relation of the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury with the severall arraignments and speeches of those that were executed thereupon : also, all the passages concerning the divorce between Robert, late Earle of Essex, and the Lady Frances Howard : with King James's and other large speeches / collected out of the papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. keywords: able; answer; apothecary; arraignment; attorney; bar; best; blood; body; business; cause; certain; chamber; charge; chief; children; christ; church; clear; close; committed; confesseth; confession; conscience; cook; copulation; councel; countess; country; course; court; day; dayes; dead; death; devil; divers; doctor; doth; dye; earle; effect; elvis; england; essex; evidence; examination; example; fact; fanshaw; father; fault; favour; fear; flesh; following; forman; frances; free; friends; god; gods; good; great; guilty; hanc; hand; hath; heart; high; hold; hope; house; iames; ill; imprisonment; indictment; jellies; judgement; jury; justice; keeper; king; know; lady; late; law; leave; left; letter; lieutenant; life; like; little; london; long; lord; lord chief; lord steward; love; majesties; majesty; maleficium; malice; man; manner; marriage; married; matter; means; mercy; monson; mrs; murther; nature; night; non; northampton; nullity; octob; onely; open; overburies; overbury; peers; persons; place; plot; point; powder; poyson; poysoning; present; prisoner; proceedings; purpose; question; reason; reward; robert; rochester; said; saith; saying; scripture; second; self; sentence; servant; shewed; sick; sir tho; sir thomas; somerset; spake; speech; speeches; state; steward; tarts; text; thing; thou; time; tower; true; truth; turner; vveston; water; way; weston; whereof; white; wife; witnesses; woman; words; world; years cache: A28503.xml plain text: A28503.txt item: #29 of 37 id: A28513 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: True peace, or, A moderate discourse to compose the unsettled consciences and greatest differences in ecclesiastical affaires written long since by the no less famous then learned Sir Francis Bacon ... date: 1662.0 words: 9453 flesch: 55 summary: Indeed bitter and earnest writing is not hastily to be condemned : for men cannot contend coldly and without affection about things they hold deare and pretious . As the former sort of men have lesse reason to make themselves musicke in our cord : so I have good hope that nothing shall displease our selves which shall bee sincerely and modestly propounded for the appeasing of these dissentions . keywords: authority; bacon; bee; better; bishops; books; calling; causes; certaine; characters; christ; church; churches; civill; consideration; contempt; controversies; counsell; day; dei; discourse; doe; doth; doubt; early; eebo; england; english; farre; fathers; forme; francis; generall; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; hand; hath; hee; holy; images; indifferent; judgement; kinde; knowledge; lawfull; learned; light; like; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; meet; men; mens; names; nature; non; occasion; onely; online; opinion; owne; particular; parts; peace; people; perill; persons; phase; point; policie; preaching; pretended; quam; question; qui; quod; ready; reason; religion; rest; said; saint; saith; saying; second; seeke; selfe; sort; speake; sunt; tcp; tei; text; things; thought; time; true; truth; want; way; wee; wisedome; word; yea; zeale cache: A28513.xml plain text: A28513.txt item: #30 of 37 id: A28517 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... date: 1670.0 words: 20976 flesch: 58 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( For that , ( Mr. Speaker ) you must impute it , of necessity , to some special accident of time and place , that draweth them thither . keywords: act; ages; alien; alteration; ancient; answer; ante; articles; authority; bacon; benefit; best; better; bodies; body; britain; case; certain; chancellor; common; consideration; contrary; convenient; council; countrey; crown; customs; degree; difference; difficulty; divers; divided; doth; doubt; draw; earth; eebo; effect; end; enemy; england; english; example; excellent; experience; external; form; forraign; france; francis; general; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; hand; happy; hath; hold; honour; inconvenience; internal; ireland; judgement; jus; justice; kind; kingdom; kings; language; late; laws; light; like; little; long; lord; majesties; majesty; man; manner; matter; mean; mind; names; nation; naturalization; naturalized; nature; new; non; objection; officers; opinion; parliament; particular; parts; people; perfect; person; place; point; policy; post; press; principal; private; priviledges; proper; proportion; provinces; quantity; question; realm; reason; regard; respect; rest; rich; romans; rome; royal; scotland; scots; second; self; selves; separation; service; set; sir; sit; small; soveraignty; spain; speaker; special; speech; state; stile; subjects; tcp; text; things; time; touching; true; union; united; use; war; water; way; work; world; worthy; years cache: A28517.xml plain text: A28517.txt item: #31 of 37 id: A33253 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Gesta Grayorum, or, The history of the high and mighty prince, Henry Prince of Purpoole ... who reigned and died, A.D. 1594 : together with a masque, as it was presented (by His Highness's command) for the entertainment of Q. Elizabeth, who, with the nobels of both courts, was present thereat. date: 1688.0 words: 25470 flesch: 56 summary: Wherefore , first of all , m●st Ver●uous Prince , assure your s●lf of an inward Peace , that the Storms without do not d●●turb any of your Repair●rs of State within ; therein use and pra●tise all honourable Divers●ons ; that done , visit all the parts of your S●ate , and let the Balm d●st●l every where from your Sovereign Hands to the medicining of any part that complaineth , beginning with your Seat of State , take order that the Fault of your Greatne●s do not reb●und upon your s●lf ; have care that your Intelligence , which is the Light of your State , do not go out or burn dim or obscu●e ; advan●e Men of Vertue , and not of Mercenary Minds ; repress all Factio● , be it either malign or violent . For he that shall set before him your Magnanimity and Valour , supported by the Youth and Disposition of your Body ; your ●lourishing Court , like the Horse of Troy , full of brave Commanders and Leaders ; your populous and Man-rife Provinces , over●lowing with Warlike People ; your Co●fers , like the Indian Mines , when that they are first opened ; your Store-houses are as Sea-walls , like to Vulcan's Cave ; your Navy like to an huge floating City ; the Devotion of your Subjects to your Crown and Person , their good Agreement amongst themselves , their Wealth and Provision ; and then your Strength and unrevocable Confederation with the noble and honourable Personages , and the Fame and Reputation without of so rare a Concurrence , whereof all the former Regards do grow : How can he think any Exercise worthy of your Means , but that of Conquest ? keywords: account; actions; aforesaid; ambassador; amity; ancient; answer; arch; arms; baron; bernardia; better; betwixt; bloomsbury; body; books; brave; bridge; buildings; captain; case; causes; certain; chamber; charge; chief; choice; clerkenwell; collar; command; common; company; condition; conquests; contrary; convenient; coronation; council; country; couples; court; credit; crown; customs; day; december; delight; devices; dignity; divers; dominions; doth; duke; duty; eebo; emperor; end; english; entertainment; errors; esquire; excellency; excellent prince; expectation; eyes; fame; fire; fit; followeth; foot; force; fortune; francis; friend; gallant; general; gentlemen; giles; glorious; good; government; gracious; grand; grayorum; grays; great; greater; greatness; guard; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; helmet; henry; highness; history; holborn; hold; holdeth; honour; honourable; hope; house; inn; inner; iron; islington; item; justice; kentish; kind; king; knighthood; knights; known; ladies; lands; large; laws; league; leave; length; letters; life; like; little; long; lord; love; loving; majesty; man; manner; marquis; master; matters; means; memory; men; mighty; millions; mind; musick; names; nature; necessary; new; noble; number; o ●; occasion; officers; order; paddington; page; parts; pass; passing; pensioners; people; performance; person; personages; place; pleased; pleasure; power; praise; presence; present; prince; private; privy; proceedings; promise; proteus; provinces; provision; publick; purpoole; purpose; ready; reason; regard; resort; rest; revels; rich; right; rock; royal; russia; sacred; said; sea; self; selves; service; set; shew; ship; sir; small; sollicitor; sort; sound; sovereign; special; speech; speeches; sports; stapulia; star; state; statute; sterling; strangers; strength; subjects; sun; tartars; tcp; templaria; temple; tenures; text; things; thomas; time; tottenham; town; treasure; true; trumpets; unto; variety; vertue; vertuous; wars; way; whatsoever; whereof; william; words; work; world; worthy; yearly; years; ● y; ● ● cache: A33253.xml plain text: A33253.txt item: #32 of 37 id: A44196 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, of the nature of true religion, the causes of its corruption, and the churches calamity by mens additions and violences with the desired cure : in three discourses / written by himself at several times ... ; humbly dedicated to the honourable judges and learned lawyers ... by the faithful publisher, Richard Baxter ; to which is annexed the judgment of Sir Francis Bacon ... and somewhat of Dr. Isaack Barrows on the same subject. date: 1684.0 words: 21693 flesch: 50 summary: The Case is this : When he was gone from us in great Weakness to the Place of his Death , in my last Letter to him , I told him how much good the Lord Bacon's Book called Considerations of Matters Ecclesiastical had done , with many that too justly suspect Clergy Contenders of Partiality ; and that the Honour and Just Esteem that God had given him with all sorts of Men he owed to the Service of him that gave it : And therefore knowing the doleful Case of this Land , as div vided and striving about Religion , I intreated him that he would Write his Judgment briefly and freely of the Cause and Cure : The rather because his Contemplations were so acceptable to many . But Religion is so appropriate to the Humane Nature , that there are scarce any sort of Men , but have some Religion : Nor do the most subtle or sagacious Bruits afford any signs thereof , as communicated to their Natures . keywords: actions; additions; ages; almighty; animosity; apostles; authority; bacon; best; better; bishops; books; cause; ceremonies; certain; characters; charity; christian religion; christianity; christians; church; churches; civil; clergy; common; concerned; confidence; conscience; contest; cry; cure; decent; discipline; discourses; discrimination; dissenters; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; ends; england; english; episcopal; excellent; exercise; expressions; external; faith; fervour; fit; form; gain; general; glorious; god; good; goodness; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; hale; hand; hath; heart; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; images; instances; interest; jesus; judge; judgment; justice; keyes; kind; kings; knowledge; late; lay; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; matters; men; mens; mind; ministers; mistakes; modes; moment; natural; nature; necessary; new; non; obedience; odious; office; opinions; order; pag; papists; parties; party; passions; peace; people; personal; persons; phrases; places; plain; points; politick; power; practices; precepts; principle; professors; proper; publisher; purpose; reason; religion; ridiculous; righteousness; rule; salvation; scripture; self; severity; sincere; sir; small; sober; sort; soul; spirit; state; subject; superstructions; supremacy; tcp; text; things; thought; times; true; true religion; truth; use; value; way; weak; wealth; weight; wise; works; world; writing; zeal cache: A44196.xml plain text: A44196.txt item: #33 of 37 id: A49980 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The temple of vvisdom for the little world in two parts. The first philosophically divine, treating of the being of all beeings, and whence everything hath its origins as heaven, hell, angels, men and devils, earth, stars and elements. And particularly of all mysteries concerning the soul, and of Adam before and after the fall. Also, a treatise of the four complexions, and the causes of spiritual sadness, &c. To which is added, a postscript to all students in arts and sciences. Second part, morally divine, containing abuses stript and whipt, by Geo. Wither, with his description of fair virtue. Secondly. A collection of divine poems from ... Essayes and religious meditations of Sir Francis Bacon, Knight. Collected, published and intended for a general good. By D.L. date: 1688.0 words: 71093 flesch: 68 summary: 7. In the Darkness he is an ang●…●…ealous God , in the fire Spirit a consuming ●…ire , and 〈◊〉 the Light ●…he is a merciful loving ●…od , and in the Power of the Light he is , especially above all other Pro●…rties called God , and yet But this is the great Iniquity of this ●…Vorld , that the evil over powereth the good , that 〈◊〉 Anger is stronger then the Love , and this by re●…n of the Sin of the Devils and Men , who have dist●…bed Nature by the false Desire , that it mightily and effectually worketh in the wrath as a Poyson in the Body . 9 VVe see very clearly , that there is nothing in this VVorld so evil , but it hath a good in it ; the good hath its rise originally out of the heavenly Property , or light VVorld , and the evil hath its Property , out of the dark VVorld , for both VVorlds are in each other as one . keywords: ability; abiss; able; adam; affection; air; alwayes; ang ●; angelical; angels; anger; angry; anguish; ar ●; ariseth; arts; astrology; b ●; bad; bear; beastial; beasts; beauty; beeing; beginning; best; better; birth; bitterness; blind; bliss; blood; bodies; body; books; bu ●; burning; business; c ●; captive; care; cause; centre; certain; ch ●; change; charity; children; christ; christian; church; clear; co ●; cold; come; cometh; committed; common; complexion; con ●; condition; constellations; content; contrary; counsel; creation; creature; cross; crown; cunning; custom; d ●; da ●; darkness; day; de ●; dead; dear; death; deep; delight; des ●; desire; desiring; devil; di ●; difference; dis ●; dispair; divine; dominion; door; dost; doth; draw; dwelleth; dye; dying; e ●; earth; earthly; elements; end; english; enmity; entreth; envy; essence; essentiality; eter ●; eternal; eternity; eve; extinguished; eye; eyes; f ●; fair; fall; false; father; favour; fear; fiat; fierce; fiery; figure; fire; fl ●; flesh; fold; force; form; forth; fortunes; foul; fountain; francis; free; friends; fruit; g ●; general; generation; ghost; glass; glory; god; gods; goeth; gold; good; goodness; grace; great; great god; greater; greatest; ground; grow; ha ●; half; hands; hate; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; hi ●; high; highest; hold; holy; honest; honour; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; humility; ill; image; imagination; impression; inward; jesus; joy; joys; judge; judgment; k ●; kind; kingdom; knowledge; l ●; labour; law; le ●; lead; leave; let; li ●; lieth; life; light; like; limit; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; love; lucifer; lust; m ●; ma ●; majesty; man; manifest; manifestation; manner; matrix; matter; means; measure; meditations; meekness; meer; melancholy; members; men; mercury; mercy; middle; mind; mis; moses; mother; motion; mu ●; naked; natural; nature; ne'er; near; need; neighbour; new; noble; o ●; oft; onl ●; open; opinion; original; ou ●; outward; outward man; outward spirit; p ●; pa ●; pain; paradise; parents; passion; pearl; people; perfect; perfection; perish; person; pi ●; place; planets; pleasure; poor; possession; power; powerful; poyson; pr ●; present; pride; prince; principle; proceedeth; properties; property; proud; pure; purpose; q ●; qualities; quality; reader; reason; reign; rejoyce; religion; respect; rest; revenge; riches; root; rule; s ●; sa ●; sadness; said; saith; sciences; scripture; second; secret; seed; self; serpent; servant; set; seventh; shew; short; si ●; signifieth; similitude; sin; sins; small; solomon; sophia; sorrow; soul; sound; source; sp ●; speech; spir ●; spirit; spiritual; st ●; standeth; stars; state; stones; strange; strength; strife; strong; su ●; substance; substantiality; sulpher; sun; sweet; sword; t ●; tcp; temptation; text; th ●; tha ●; thee; thine; things; tho ●; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tin ●; tincture; touch; tree; trinity; tru ●; true; trust; truth; turba; understanding; unto; vain; vanity; virgin; virtue; viz; voice; vvater; vve; vvill; vvoman; vvorld; w ●; wa ●; water; way; weak; wealth; wh ●; whe ●; whereof; wherewith; whic ●; wi ●; wicked; wife; willing; wilt; wisdom; wise; wit ●; woman; wonders; working; works; world; worthy; wra ●; wrath; wrathful; y ●; yea; years; young; youth cache: A49980.xml plain text: A49980.txt item: #34 of 37 id: A69292 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: A record of some worthy proceedings in the honourable, wise, and faithfull Howse of Commons in the late Parliament date: 1611.0 words: 12435 flesch: 53 summary: And which when the same shal be well effected , will ( as I think ) make both King , and subjects more happy , then ever they were . That the proclamation shal be a warrant to any officer , or subject to seise starch , and to dispose , or destroy any stuffe &c. and restreineth all men not licenced to make starch . keywords: act; ancient; appeare; bill; cause; church; commons; consent; contract; counties; courts; cōmission; cōmissioners; cōmon; desire; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; effect; england; english; evill; excellent; execution; eyther; faithfull; force; freedome; generall; god; good; government; gracious; great; greater; grievances; hath; haue; highnes; honourable; house; humble; impositions; intended; iurisdiction; kingdome; kings; land; late; lawes; letters; libertie; like; long; maiestie; majesties; majesty; man; matters; meanes; ministers; nature; new; non; occasion; offence; onely; parliament; particulars; patents; peace; people; persons; places; pleased; point; power; present; princely; proceedings; proclamation; publication; punishment; realme; reason; record; right; royall; said; sayd; session; set; severall; sort; soveraigne; speach; spirituall; statute; subjects; tcp; temporall; text; time; true; vnto; vpon; wealth; wee; wil; wines; wise; worthy; writes cache: A69292.xml plain text: A69292.txt item: #35 of 37 id: A69585 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: An essay of a king with an explanation what manner of persons those should be that are to execute the power or ordinance of the kings prerogative / written by the Right Honorable Francis, Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. date: 1642.0 words: 2460 flesch: 64 summary: Kings and rulers -- Duties. 2007-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2007-03 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2007-04 Emma (Leeson) Huber Sampled and proofread 2007-04 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion AN ESSAY OF A KING , WITH An explanation what manner of persons those should be that are to execute the power or ordinance of the KINGS Prerogative . keywords: books; discretion; doth; early; english; essay; explanation; francis; god; hath; hee; himselfe; judge; justice; king; law; lord; love; manner; ordinance; people; persons; power; prerogative; private; rule; subject; subordinate; text cache: A69585.xml plain text: A69585.txt item: #36 of 37 id: A71317 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then his Majesties Sollicitor Generall, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. Concerning the post-nati naturalization of the Scotch in England union of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland. Published by the authors copy, and licensed by authority. date: 1641.0 words: 17040 flesch: 61 summary: So of reward , Priviledge or benefit wee need seeke no other instance ; then the instance in question , for I will put you a case that no man shall deny , where the Law of England doth worke and conferre the benefit of Naturalization upon a birth neither within the Dominions of the Kingdome , nor King of England . The second proofe which I will use , is , that the Naturall body of the King hath an operation and influence into his body politique , aswell as his body politique hath upon his body Naturall , And therefore that although his body politique of King of England , and his body politique of King of Scotland be soverall and distinct : keywords: act; acts; alien; allegeance; ancient; answer; appeare; argument; armes; authority; bacon; bee; benefit; betweene; birth; body; booke; borne; case; children; common; common law; conquest; contrary; crowne; death; degree; descent; difference; distinction; doe; doth; doubt; enemy; england; english; favour; feare; fol; forme; forraine; foure; fourth; france; francis; free; gascoyne; generall; god; good; great; ground; hath; hee; hold; king; kingdome; lands; law; law doth; lawes; life; like; line; long; lord; lordships; majesties; man; manner; matter; monarchies; nati; naturalization; naturalized; naturall; nature; natus; nay; new; normandy; obedience; onely; operation; opinion; parents; parliament; parts; people; person; place; point; politique; post; power; present; presidents; priviledge; proofe; provinces; question; realme; reason; regis; respect; right; rule; said; saith; scotland; second; selfe; set; severall; sir; soveraigne; speake; state; statute; subjection; subjects; text; th'other; things; time; title; true; truth; union; use; warre; way; whereof; words; world cache: A71317.xml plain text: A71317.txt item: #37 of 37 id: A76741 author: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626. title: The felicity of Queen Elizabeth: and her times, with other things; by the Right Honorable Francis Ld Bacon Viscount St Alban. date: 1651.0 words: 21062 flesch: 38 summary: And also whilst he is a Protestant , no forraign Prince will take part with him against your Majesty : and of himself he is not able to do much harm , the better part of his nobles being for your Majesty ; and if in time he should grow to be a Papist , your Majesty shall always have a strong party at his own doors , in his own Kingdom , to restrain his malice ; who since they depend upon your Majesty , they are in all Policy never to be abandoned ; for by this resolution the Romans anciently , and the Spaniards presently , have most of all prevailed : and on the contrary , the Macedonians in times past , & the French men in our age , have lost all their forraign friends , because of their aptness to neglect them who depended upō them ; but if your Majesty could by any means possible devise to bring in again the Hamiltons , he should then be beaten with his own weapons , and should have more cause to look to his own succession then to be too busie abroad . EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( keywords: action; affairs; age; alban; ancient; answer; atque; author; authority; bacon; best; better; blood; books; business; care; cause; certain; chamber; charge; church; common; confidence; conscience; consideration; councel; countenance; countries; course; court; credit; crown; daies; danger; day; death; desire; discontent; discourse; divers; doth; doubt; duty; earl; eebo; effect; elizabeth; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; essex; examples; excellent; factious; faith; fall; fame; far; favour; fear; felicity; fit; forraign; fortune; france; francis; friend; glory; god; good; government; great; greater; greatness; hands; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; hic; highness; honest; honorable; honour; hope; ill; ireland; king; kingdom; known; late; law; letters; liberty; life; like; little; living; long; lord; lordship; love; low; madam; majesties; majesty; man; manner; matter; means; memory; men; minde; nature; new; noble; non; number; oath; occasion; old; onely; opinion; page; papists; people; persons; place; pleased; point; pope; possible; power; present; prince; private; proceeding; publick; purpose; queen; question; raign; rare; reason; regard; religion; remembrance; resolution; respect; rest; right; satisfaction; self; service; set; sort; soveraign; spain; speech; speeches; state; strength; subjects; sufficient; sure; tcp; text; things; thought; time; true; trust; truth; vertue; viscount; war; way; whereof; wil; words; work; world; writing; yea; years cache: A76741.xml plain text: A76741.txt