item: #1 of 107 id: A23663 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A discourse of the nature, ends, and difference of the two covenants evincing in special, that faith as justifying, is not opposed to works of evangelical obedience : with an appendix of the nature and difference of saving and ineffectual faith, and the date: 1673 words: 56267 flesch: 64 summary: Reader , THeology is the Doctrine of the Kingdom of God : A Kingdom is a State of Government : Government is by Laws : He therefore that will understand any thing in Divinity , must understand the Laws of God : And though there be many inferiour Particles , distinguished from the weighty things of the Law , which few do clearly understand , yet is it necessary that we know in general , what kind of Law , it is that we are under , and also that we know the most important parts : If we understand not the Law of Tything Mint and Cummin , we must not be ignorant of Iudgment , Mercy and Faith , Matth. 23. 23. But then it doth not in the least appear that St. Paul in denying Justification to be by the Law in the sense thus explained , doth also thereby deny works of sincere Obedience to God , to concur with Faith in Man's Justification in all respects . keywords: abraham; account; acts; adam; affections; apostles; assent; assistance; belief; believing; benefits; better; blessed; blood; cause; change; chap; children; christ; christians; circumcision; commandments; condition; confidence; consent; contrary; conversion; cor; covenant; day; dead; death; declaration; design; deut; difference; discourse; divine; doctrine; doth; doubtless; duty; earth; effect; end; eternal; evangelical; evil; eye; faith; far; father; fear; flesh; future; gal; general; gentiles; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; happiness; happy; hath; heart; heaven; heb; holiness; holy; hope; iames; iesus; iews; imputed; inheritance; ioh; joh; justification; justified; justifying; keeping; kind; known; law; laws; legal; life; like; living; long; lord; love; lusts; man; manner; mans; matter; meaning; men; mens; mercy; messias; mind; moral; moses; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; new covenant; new law; notion; obedience; old; opinion; opposed; opposition; order; pardon; paul; people; perfect; place; political; power; practical; present; promise; prophets; reason; reference; regeneration; remission; repentance; respect; reward; righteousness; sacrifice; sake; salvation; saving; saviour; scripture; second; seed; self; sense; set; shew; sin; sincere; sins; soul; special; spirit; spiritual; state; temporal; terms; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; touching; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; ver; virtue; way; worketh; works; world cache: A23663.xml plain text: A23663.txt item: #2 of 107 id: A26065 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Evangelium armatum, A specimen, or short collection of several doctrines and positions destructive to our government, both civil and ecclesiastical preached and vented by the known leaders and abetters of the pretended reformation such as Mr. Calamy, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Case, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Caryll, Mr. Marshall, and others, &c. date: 1663 words: 25822 flesch: 65 summary: Gentlemen , YOU have heard a worthy Gentleman of the House of Commons , it is desired by this grave and Reverend Assembly of Ministers , that three of the Ministers of this Assembly should likewise speak unto you concerning this great business , and notwithstanding my indisposition of body , being required by them , though that Gentleman of the House of Commons hath spoken so abundantly to the purpose , yet notwithstanding I am here come to speak something , the rather to declare my willingness to appear in this Cause , that is every way so just , and every way so honest , and so good , that I may truly say , as the Martyr did , that if I had as many lives , as I have hairs on my head , I would be willing to sacrifize all these lives in this Cause ; You know the story of Craesus , that though he never spake in his life , yet when he saw his Father ready to be killed , it untyed the strings of his tongue , and then he cryed out , that they would not kill his Father ; you are not ignorant that England and Ireland lye a dying , and though I never appeared in this place , yet I bless God that hath given me that health , this day , to speak something in this Cause , for the reviving of the dying condition of England , and Ireland ; It is such a Cause as is able to make a very Infant eloquenr , and a dumb man to speak that never spake in all his lise ; The matter I am desired to speak to , is , concerning the Contribution , to perswade you to be liberal towards the bringing in of the Scots , to help us in this our great necessity ; The truth is , it is a great shame that England should stand in need of another Nation , to help it to preserve its Religion and Liberties : That England , that hath been enriched with the Gospel of Peace , and the peace of the Gospel for so many years ; that England , that hath been blessed with so many rare Ministers of God , so many precious , and powerful servants , that have preached the Word of God in season and out of season ; that England , that hath professed the Gospel with so much power and purity ; that England should stand in need of the help of their Brethren of Scotland , for to preserve that Gospel that they have professed so many years ; I confess to me it seems a very strange Prodigie , and a strange wonder ; but it hath pleased Almighty God for the sins of England , for our great unthankfulness , and for our unthankfulness under these means , and for the great blood-guiltiness , and Idolatry , and Superstition of this Nation , it hath pleased God to suffer a gre●…t ●…art of th●… Kingdom to be blinded , especially those parts , where the Word os God hath not been preached in a powerful manner ; and there are many in th●… King●…om , that will not be perswaded , that there is an intention to bring in Pop●…ry , and to bring in Slavery ; Many of them ( I say ) think that though the Popish Army should prevail , and the plundering Army shoul●… 〈◊〉 , yet they think all would go well with Religion , and with their Liber●…es ; I say it hath pleas●…d God to ●…uffer abundance in the Kingdom , to be blinded with this opinion , out of a just judgement to punish us for our unthankfuln●…ss , and for our ingr●…titude ; and this is the reason that so many men stand Neuters , and that ●…o many are Malignants , and disaffected to this great Cause , in so much that I am concluded under this , that there i●…ittle probability to finish this Cause , without the coming in of the Scots , ( as you heard so worthily by that Member of the House of Commons ; ) printed by ●…hristopher Meredith by his own appointment ; directly contrary to St. Peter , who tells us , that the King is the Supreme , and not any one , or two Houses of Parl●…ament without him ; contrary to St. Paul , who ●…ells us , that whosoever ( severally , or conjunctly ) shall resist , much more that shall fight against this Highest Power , resist the ordinance of God , and shall receive damnation ; and contrary to our oath of Allegiance , wherein we acknowledge the King , to be the only Supreme Governour of this Nation . keywords: a26065; act; allegiance; answer; anti; arms; army; article; assembly; authority; babylon; baxter; better; blessing; blood; book; brethren; capacity; cause; children; christ; christian; church; churches; city; civil; coming; common; conscience; consent; contrary; court; covenant; day; desire; div; doctrines; doth; duty; eebo; enemies; engagement; england; english; faithful; far; fear; gentlemen; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; governour; great; greatest; ground; hand; happy; hath; hazard; hearts; help; high; hope; house; interest; israel; jesus; joshua; judgement; justice; king; kingdom; late; law; laws; leave; liberties; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; magistrate; majesty; man; marshal; matter; means; mighty; mind; ministers; money; nation; nature; notes; oath; objection; obligation; onely; oxford; pag; papists; parlament; party; peace; pearl; people; person; piety; poor; popery; power; preface; prelacy; present; prince; principles; private; promise; publick; ready; reason; rebellion; reformation; religion; right; ruine; saith; scotland; scots; self; selves; sense; sermon; service; sin; slavery; soveraign; speech; state; story; strength; subjects; taking; tcp; text; thanksgiving; thes; things; time; title; true; war; way; wealth; willing; work; world; years cache: A26065.xml plain text: A26065.txt item: #3 of 107 id: A26701 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The way to true happiness in a serious treatise / by Joseph Alleine. date: 1678 words: 71355 flesch: 85 summary: But I tell thee sensless and impenitent Sinner , thou that deniedst God thy Heart , and thou that deniedst them thy Conversion , which was the end of all their labours hast dealt much more cruelly with them , than they that denyed the Levites Bread. Poor Sinners ! I know that I am speaking all this to those that are dead in sin : but it is a death consisting with a natural life , which hath a capacity of spiritual life : Or else I would no more speak to you than to a stone . Who will take the Counsel of the Physitian that does not think himself sick ? The man of God may spare his pains of perswading thee to Conversion , whilst thou art confident thou art converted already . keywords: acts; affections; angels; answer; baptism; behold; beloved; best; better; birth; blessed; blind; blood; body; bones; book; breath; brethren; burden; burning; business; calls; canst; care; carnal; case; change; children; choice; christ; christians; church; close; comfort; coming; common; company; condition; confidence; conscience; content; contrary; conversion; convinced; cor; course; covenant; creation; creatures; cross; cry; damnation; damned; darkness; david; day; dead; death; delight; desire; destruction; deut; devils; die; difference; dir; divine; door; dost; dost thou; doth; dreadful; duties; duty; earnest; ears; earth; end; enemies; enemy; enter; eph; esay; escape; estate; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; eyes; ezek; face; faithful; fall; false; father; fear; fearful; feet; filthy; fire; flesh; fly; forsake; friend; gal; gen; ghost; glory; god; god doth; gods; gold; good; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greatest; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; high; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; ier; ignorance; image; infinite; iniquity; iob; iohn; israel; jesus; joy; judgment; justice; kingdom; kings; knowledge; labour; law; laws; leave; lie; lies; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; look; lord; lord god; loss; lost; love; luke; lusts; man; mark; master; mat; means; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; mind; ministers; miserable; misery; motives; mouth; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; o lord; offer; open; pains; pardon; pass; paul; peace; people; perish; persons; pet; phil; pity; pleasure; poor; portion; possible; power; praise; prayer; precious; present; pride; promises; prov; psal; purpose; quest; reader; reading; ready; reason; reasonable; religion; repent; repentance; resolved; rest; return; rev; righteousness; rom; rule; run; saints; saith; salvation; sam; satan; saviour; search; secret; self; selves; sense; servant; service; set; shew; short; sin; sinner; sins; soul; sound; spirit; strength; strong; sweet; swine; tcp; terms; text; thee; thes; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou maist; thoughts; thy; time; tit; tongue; torment; true; trust; truth; turn; unconverted; undone; unsanctified; use; vain; voice; wait; walk; way; ways; wicked; willing; wilt; wilt thou; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; wrath; wretched; yea; ● ● cache: A26701.xml plain text: A26701.txt item: #4 of 107 id: A26847 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A posing question, put by the wise man, viz. Solomon, to the wisest men concerning making a judgment of the temporal conditions : wherein you have the ignorance of man (in knowing, what is good, or evil, for man in this life) discovered, together, with the mistakes that flow from it : and the great question resolved, viz. whether the knowledg of, what is good for a man in this life, be so hid from man, that no man can attain it / preached at the weekly lecture at Upton ... by Benjamin Baxter ... date: 1662 words: 73584 flesch: 83 summary: WHEREIN YOU HAVE The Ignorance of Man ( in knowing , What is Good , or Evil , for man in this Life ) DISCOVERED ; Together , with the Mistakes that flow from it : 5. God turned it into a Blessing . Josephs brethren intended evil against him , but God turned it into good , Gen. 50. 20. And upon this account it is , that God hides the knowledg of what is good for a man in this life from man , that he may have a freedom and liberty of declaring his Wisdom and Power when he please , both in turning evill into good , and good into evill , contrary to mans apprehensions , hopes , and expectations . keywords: accompt; account; advantage; adversity; afflictions; agur; answer; apostle; apt; ask; bear; best; better; blessed; blessing; book; care; case; change; chap; children; choosers; christ; christians; close; comes; cometh; comfort; comfortable; concerning; conclude; condition; condition evil; condition good; consider; consideration; content; contentment; contrary; convenient; convenient good; counsel; covenant; creature; crosses; david; day; death; desire; directions; disease; dispensation; dispute; divine; doth; drink; duties; duty; dye; earth; eccles; end; enjoyment; estate; evil; expression; eye; face; fall; father; fire; fit; fruit; furnace; gain; general; giving; glory; god; godliness; godly man; gods; gold; good; good things; grace; gracious; great; great man; great things; greatest; ground; hand; happy; hath; hatred; having; health; heart; heaven; heb; help; high; higher; honour; house; hurt; ignorance; ignorant; instruction; isa; israel; jam; jer; job; judge; judgment; keeping; knowes; knowing; knowledg; known; land; lawful; laying; lieth; life; like; little; long; lord; love; low; lusts; making; man; man good; mans; mans condition; meaning; meat; men; mens; mercy; midst; miserable; miseries; mistaken; mountain; moving; nature; necessary; needs; ones; open; opinion; outward; outward condition; outward good; outward things; particular; patient; people; persons; physick; place; plough; poor; portion; poverty; power; prayer; praying; pride; profitable; promise; prophet; proposition; prosperity; prosperous condition; providence; psal; question; read; reason; rejoyce; relation; remember; respect; rich man; riches; right; rod; sad; saints; saith; satan; saviour; scripture; seeking; seeth; self; selves; sense; set; sheweth; silver; sin; sinful; sins; solomon; soul; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; subject; submission; suit; sweet; tcp; telleth; temporal; temptations; text; things; think; thou; thought; thy; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; use; vain; vanity; view; viewing; viz; vve; wait; waters; way; wayes; wheel; wicked; wind; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; work; world; worldly; worst cache: A26847.xml plain text: A26847.txt item: #5 of 107 id: A26853 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: An accompt of all the proceedings of the commissioners of both persvvasions appointed by His Sacred Majesty, according to letters patent, for the review of the Book of common prayer, &c. date: 1661 words: 68057 flesch: 61 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Church of England -- History. keywords: absolution; account; act; acts; actual; ages; alteration; altered; ancient; answer; antiquity; apostles; argument; authority; baptism; bee; benefit; beseech; best; better; bishop; body; book; bread; brethren; brother; calling; canon; cap; catechism; catholick; cause; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christian; church; churches; collects; command; commission; common; communion; conceive; concord; condition; confession; confirmation; congregation; conscience; consent; considerable; contrary; controversie; convenient; council; course; covenant; creed; cross; cure; custom; danger; day; dayes; death; decency; decent; declaration; desire; difference; discretion; divers; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; doubtful; duty; edification; end; ends; england; epistle; errour; evident; evil; example; exception; exercise; exhortation; experience; expressions; faith; faithful; fall; fast; fasting; father; fault; fear; finde; fit; following; forbear; force; forms; free; general; ghost; gift; glory; god; godfathers; gods; good; gospel; governours; grace; grant; great; greater; hands; hath; hearts; heathens; heaven; help; hist; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorance; ignorant; imposing; imposition; indifferent; infants; institution; intended; jesus; john; judge; judgement; king; kneeling; know; law; lawful; laws; leave; lent; letany; liberty; life; like; little; liturgie; lives; long; lord; lords prayer; love; lyturgy; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; marriage; matter; means; men; mention; mercy; mind; minister; ministry; morning; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; number; obedience; observation; observe; occasion; offence; offer; office; old; onely; open; opinion; order; orderly; ordinary; original; orthodox; papists; pardon; parents; particular; parts; pastors; paul; peace; penitent; people; persons; petitions; pious; places; poor; power; practice; prayer; praying; preaching; prescribed; present; pretence; pretended; priest; primitive; private; profess; profession; promise; proper; proved; psalms; publick; purpose; question; reading; ready; real; reason; reformation; regeneration; religion; remission; repentance; repl; rest; reverend; right; rubrick; rule; sacrament; said; salvation; satisfaction; saying; schism; scripture; scruple; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sentences; sermon; service; set; shew; short; sick; sign; signifie; sin; singing; sins; sober; souls; special; spirit; standing; state; subjects; sufficient; sunday; superiours; supper; supposed; sure; sureties; table; tcp; tender; text; thee; things; thought; time; translation; true; truth; uncharitable; undecent; unfit; unity; universal; unlawful; use; way; weak; wee; wine; words; work; world; worse; worship; years; ● ● cache: A26853.xml plain text: A26853.txt item: #6 of 107 id: A26854 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Richard Baxter his account to his dearly beloved, the inhabitants of Kidderminster, of the causes of his being forbidden by the Bishop of Worcester to preach within his diocess with the Bishop of Worcester's letter in answer thereunto : and some short animadversions upon the said bishops letter. date: 1662 words: 21252 flesch: 50 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. if they doe , why then do they deny it to so many that hunger and thirst after it , whensoever either by reason of Age , or Lameness , or sicknesse , or some other bodily infirmity they cannot come to Church for it ? especially when the Catholick Church in the Twelfth Canon of the first General Council commands it be given even to those that are Excommunicate , if they desire it when they are in Extremis , or going out of the world . keywords: accident; account; act; answer; assertion; authority; baxter; bishop; books; brethren; canons; cause; charge; charity; christ; church; churches; circumstance; civil; command; commander; commanding; common; communion; conscience; contrary; crime; diocess; dispute; doctrine; doth; duty; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; example; false; flock; forbidden; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; great; greater; hand; hath; hope; imposition; instances; judge; kidderminster; king; kneeling; lawful; laws; leave; letter; license; like; little; long; lord; making; matter; mean; men; ministers; necessary; needs; offence; opinion; order; pag; parliament; particular; pastor; peace; penalty; people; person; power; practise; proposition; publick; punishment; reason; rebellion; receiving; rest; right; sacrament; saith; sedition; self; set; sin; sinful; sir; soveraignty; state; subjects; tcp; text; thes; thing; time; true; truth; unity; unlawful; war; way; worcester; words; work; world; worship cache: A26854.xml plain text: A26854.txt item: #7 of 107 id: A26856 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Additions to the poetical fragments of Rich. Baxter written for himself and communicated to such as are more for serious verse than smooth. date: 1683 words: 13817 flesch: 79 summary: Sin could not change Necessity , nor that Disorder which God fixt above Mans reach ; But the Free Lord Free Agents also made , And there by Sin F●●●e-Will did make the breach . This Breach to Man was Punishment it self , For God before had order'd Nature so , That Poyson would cause Pain , & Wounds cause smart ; And Sin to Sinners Misery and Woe . keywords: baxter; best; better; birth; blessed; blood; body; books; case; change; christ; christians; church; common; communion; conscience; councils; daily; dark; dead; death; delight; devil; doth; dwell; early; earth; eebo; end; english; eyes; face; faith; false; fear; fire; flesh; fleshly; folly; food; fools; free; friends; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; greatest; hate; hath; head; heart; heav'n; hell; holy; home; hope; hurtful; image; king; kingdom; known; law; laws; life; light; long; lord; love; lust; madness; man; mans; men; mens; mind; mortal; nature; new; pain; parents; peace; perfect; pleasure; pope; power; praise; promis'd; proud; reason; religion; rest; rich; rule; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; self; sense; shame; shew; short; sin; sinners; sins; souls; spirit; strife; sun; sweet; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; trade; true; truth; universal; unseen; use; vain; vile; vvhich; vvho; way; weak; wealth; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; words; work; world; worldly cache: A26856.xml plain text: A26856.txt item: #8 of 107 id: A26859 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Richard Baxters answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation containing, I. some queries necessary for the understanding of his accusation, II. a reply to his letter which denyeth a solution, III. an answer to his printed sermon : humbly tendred, I. to himself, II. to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and the court of aldermen, III. to the readers of his accusation, the forum where we are accused. date: 1680 words: 48082 flesch: 70 summary: Nay what Church is there to be named , that doth not assume this power to it self , without the least suspition of Sacriledge ? 2. Whether Christian Magistrates may not justly restrain those Ministers from Preaching , who after the experience of former Troubles , do refuse to renounce those Principles which they judge do naturally tend to involve 〈◊〉 again in the like Troubles ? 3. To what purpose any such Authority is either in Church or State , if those who are legally silenced may go on to preach publickly in opposition to the established Laws ; only in supposition that they were wrongfully ejected ? keywords: accidents; account; accusation; act; acts; agreement; ans; answer; apostles; assemblies; assembly; authority; best; better; bishops; book; canons; case; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; charge; christian; christian church; christs; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; confess; conformists; congregation; consent; constitutive; contrary; councils; day; defence; definition; desire; difference; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; edification; empire; end; england; english; essential; experience; fact; faith; families; family; far; fault; fear; forbear; form; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; great; greater; guilty; half; hard; hath; head; hearers; hearing; help; history; hold; holy; house; humane; hurt; ignorant; iii; impossible; institution; interest; joyn; judge; judgment; king; kingdom; lawful; laws; lay; leave; life; like; little; liturgy; london; lords; love; magistrates; making; man; matter; mean; meetings; men; mens; mention; mind; ministers; ministry; mistake; national; national church; necessary; need; needful; new; non; nonconformists; notion; number; obedience; office; order; orthodox; papists; parish; parish church; parishes; parliament; particular; parts; pastoral; pastors; paul; peace; people; personal; persons; places; plea; power; preachers; preaching; preacht; present; primitive; princes; principles; protestants; publick; purpose; queries; question; readers; reason; reform; regent; religion; reproach; reverend; right; rule; sacrament; said; salvation; schism; schismaticks; scripture; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; separatists; serm; sermon; set; shew; silence; silencing; sin; sinful; small; sort; souls; species; state; stillingfleet; subjects; sure; tcp; teachers; terms; text; things; time; toleration; true; true church; truth; understanding; united; unity; universal; unlawful; use; usurpation; viz; way; wonder; word; work; worse; worship; yea; years; ● ● cache: A26859.xml plain text: A26859.txt item: #9 of 107 id: A26860 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it by Richard Baxter ; preparatory to a fuller treatise against such an universal soveraignty as contrary to reason, Christianity, the Protestant profession, and the Church of England, though the corrupters usurp that title. date: 1682 words: 67888 flesch: 66 summary: If God indeed be the Vniversal Soveraign Lawgiver , and the final Iudge ; if God be God , and man be man and not above him , to say that we must not obey him before man , and disobey man that commands what he forbids , or that we must not appeal from mans subordinate Law to his supreme Law , nor from mans judgment to his final judgment ; and to say , ( as he and Thorndike do ) that to do so , and practise accordingly , is inconsistent with all Government , are things that I had hoped my ears or eyes should never have seen or heard delivered by a sober Christian. But saith St. Paul , It is a small thing with me to be judged of man , or at mans day : I have one that judgeth me , even the Lord , ( to whom we will appeal whatever you say against it . ) keywords: absolute; account; act; ages; alexandria; ancient; answer; antioch; apostles; appeal; approbation; articles; assemblies; authority; baptism; baxter; better; bishops; body; books; bound; canons; capable; cases; catholick; cause; cease; certain; change; chap; charter; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; command; commanded; common; communion; compel; concord; conditions; confident; confusion; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; corporal; councils; covenant; damnation; damned; damning; days; dead; death; desire; difference; diocesan; diocesan church; diocess; discipline; dispute; dissent; divers; divine; doctrine; dodwell; donor; doth; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; election; empire; end; endeavour; england; english; episcopal; error; essence; essential; excommunicate; excommunications; experience; extent; external; faithful; false; far; fear; flock; force; france; french; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; governours; grant; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; guilty; hammond; hands; hard; hath; hearing; heaven; hell; hereticks; history; holy; hope; humane; humble; ignorance; ignorant; iii; infidels; institution; intention; interest; investiture; judg; judgment; keys; kind; king; kingdom; knowledg; known; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; love; magistrates; making; man; matter; means; meer; men; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; national; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; nonconformists; notice; notorious; number; oath; obedience; obligation; oblige; office; officers; old; opinion; ordainers; order; ordinary; ordination; owner; papists; pardon; parish; parishes; particular; particular church; parts; pastoral; pastors; patriarchs; paul; peace; people; person; personal; peter; piety; places; plain; plead; poor; pope; popery; possession; power; practice; preaching; prelates; presbyters; present; priests; princes; principles; profess; proof; proper; prophets; protestants; publick; qualifications; question; reader; reason; recipient; reformed; regular; religion; repentance; rest; right; rome; rule; rulers; sacraments; said; saith; salvation; satan; saying; schism; schismaticks; scripture; self; selves; sense; servants; set; silence; sin; sinful; single; sinners; sins; skill; sort; souls; species; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subject; succession; sufficient; superior; supper; supreme; sure; sword; tcp; teachers; teaching; terms; text; thing; thought; thousands; time; title; treatise; true; trust; truth; turn; uncapable; uninterrupted; universal; universal church; unlawful; use; visible; visible church; viz; want; way; wicked; willing; woman; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; yea; years; ● ● cache: A26860.xml plain text: A26860.txt item: #10 of 107 id: A26868 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: An appeal to the light, or, Richard Baxter's account of four accused passages of a sermon on Eph. I,3 published in hope either to procure the convincing instructions of the wise, or to humble and stop the erroneous resisters of the truth. date: 1674 words: 3561 flesch: 50 summary: But Christ did all this in the person of a Mediator ; and not as our Delegate , Servant or Agent ; nor full Representer of our persons ; that is , his person , and the person of each sinner were not the same indeed , or in Law-sense , nor did God so judge them : God did not so impute our sins to him , as to take the very sins themselves to be his own sins ; for then they would denominate him accordingly , and make him actually hateful to God as they do us , and his person would be corrupted by them : it is therefore ill language ( and strictly not true ) to say that Christ was not only an Ignorant , Infidel , Atheist , a Blasphemer , a Murderer , an Adulterer , a Lyer , but the greatest Sinner in the World , and the worst Person , as having the sins of all the World , or elect , made in themselves his very sins . keywords: appeal; baxter; books; characters; christ; christians; controversies; difference; early; eebo; encoding; english; erroneous; errors; god; grace; hath; images; law; light; love; man; online; oxford; pardon; partnership; person; phase; richard; righteousness; sermon; sin; sins; tcp; tei; text; truth; works; xml cache: A26868.xml plain text: A26868.txt item: #11 of 107 id: A26869 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The arrogancy of reason against divine revelations, repressed, or, Proud ignorance the cause of infidelity, and of mens quarrelling with the word of God date: 1655 words: 22055 flesch: 68 summary: I do therefore exhort al● that fear the Great Name of God , and love their own Souls , That they take special heed against this da●gerous sin : Think not the Proved-Sealed . And why might not ●●●●● posterity be easily m●le plyed , in all that time to such a number as might build and replenish ● City , keywords: able; angels; answer; arrogancy; arrogant; blinde; body; capable; cause; certain; change; christ; common; conceit; confident; contradictions; creation; creature; credit; darkness; day; difficulties; difficulty; disciples; divine; doctrine; doth; doubts; earth; easie; eden; end; ends; evidence; evil; eyes; fall; false; far; fit; foolish; frame; g ●; god; gods; good; great; greater; hath; humble; ignorance; ignorant; incredible; infidelity; infinite; jews; job; knowledge; law; learned; life; light; like; likely; little; long; lord; m ●; man; manner; mans; matter; men; mens; miracles; moon; n ●; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; nicodemus; o ●; object; onely; open; particular; perfect; plain; power; proud; question; reach; ready; reason; resolve; rest; revelation; saith; schollars; school; scripture; sea; self; set; sin; soul; spirit; sufficient; sun; teacher; teaching; text; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; unbelief; understanding; w ●; water; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wonder; word; works; yea; ● d; ● e; ● h; ● l; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A26869.xml plain text: A26869.txt item: #12 of 107 id: A26871 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Cain and Abel malignity that is, enmity to serious godliness, that is, to an holy and heavenly state of heart and life : lamented, described, detected, and unananswerably [sic] proved to be the devilish nature, and the militia of the devil against God and Christ and the church and kingdoms, and the surest sign of a state of damnation / by Richard Baxter, or, Gildas Salvianus ... date: 1689 words: 38285 flesch: 64 summary: But they have to do with men : Gods mark is where man cannot take it away ; And the foundation of God standeth sure . though I have met with many that had their mistakes and frailties , and troublesome differences in lesser things , and some Hypocrites intruded among them , yet I never knew any other sort of men comparable to them in Christian Knowledge , Faith , Obedience to God , Hatred of sin , Care of their duty to God and man , Sobriety , Temperance , Chastity , Truth , Heavenly desires , endeavours and hopes : And that they so far excelled the rest of my acquaintance , as made their grace amiable to me , and confirmed my belief of the Sacred Scripture : Yea more , if I had not had the happiness of knowing such a sort of men that in holiness , Justice and Love excelled the rest of my acquaintance , or at least credibly heard of such , I could not have believed in Christ , as a Saviour of men whom he made no better than Turks and Infidels ; Nor could I have believed a Heaven for men no better prepared for it . keywords: accusations; act; answer; apostles; authority; bad; best; better; bible; bishops; blood; body; book; cain; canons; catholick; cause; change; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; common; communion; concord; conscience; contrary; councils; covenant; cruelty; damnation; death; defence; desire; devil; difference; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; drunkards; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; end; enemies; england; english; enmity; excommunicate; faithful; false; families; father; fear; fire; flesh; fleshly; forreign; france; french; general; ghost; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; government; great; greater; guilty; hath; hatred; head; heart; heaven; hell; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; hurt; ignorant; image; indifferent; interest; jail; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; known; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; life; like; liturgy; live; long; lord; love; malice; malignant; malignity; man; mans; matter; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; nature; necessary; need; neighbours; new; oaths; obedience; obeying; odious; officers; papists; parliament; parts; paul; peace; people; perjury; persons; peter; piety; poor; pope; popery; power; practices; prelates; priests; princes; profess; protestants; publick; puritans; reason; rebellion; rebels; reformation; religion; religious; rest; richard; righteousness; ruine; rule; sacred; saints; saith; salvation; saviour; schism; scorn; scripture; second; self; selves; sence; servants; set; shew; sin; sinful; sins; sort; souldiers; souls; spain; spirit; state; subject; suffering; sure; tcp; text; things; thousands; time; true; trust; truth; turn; universal; unlawful; use; war; way; wicked; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; yea; years cache: A26871.xml plain text: A26871.txt item: #13 of 107 id: A26872 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A call to the unconverted to turn and live and accept of mercy while mercy may be had as ever they would find mercy in the day of their extremity from the living God / by his unworthy servant, Richard Baxter ; to be read in families where any are unconverted. date: 1658 words: 55710 flesch: 77 summary: If the dreadfull God of Heaven be slighted , who then shall be regarded ? If the inestimable Love and blood of a Redeemer be made light of , what then shall be valued ? If Heaven have no desiderable Glory with them , and everlasting Ioys be nothing worth ; If they can jest at Hell , and dance about the bottomless pit , and play with the consuming fire , and that when God and man do warn them of it ; What shall we do for such souls as these ? And do you not easily perceive it to be true ? How come they else to be such importunate Tempters of men : which we feel , alas , by too much experience ? Or if this evidence be not palpable enough to convince the Infidel , How come they to make so many bargains with Conjurers and Witches , to draw them from God and Salvation , as they have done ? How come they to appear in terrible shapes to so many as they have done , and still upon designs that declare their own dejected base Condition , and their enmity to God and man , and their eager desire to engage men in a way of sin ? keywords: able; angels; answ; answer; beseech; best; better; blessed; blood; business; calls; care; careless; carnal; case; certain; change; children; christ; church; come; command; company; conscience; contrary; conversion; converted; course; creature; cry; daily; damnation; damned; day; dead; death; delay; delight; desire; destruction; devils; die; doct; dost; doth; dreadful; drink; earth; earthly; end; endless; enemies; enemy; eternal; everlasting; evil; eyes; face; father; fear; fire; flesh; fleshly; following; foolish; forbear; free; friends; ghost; glory; god; god doth; god hath; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hast; hath; hear; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; hold; holiness; holy; holy god; hope; hour; house; ignorant; image; judge; kingdom; know; labour; law; laws; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; lord; love; luke; man; matters; means; men; mercies; mercy; message; mind; ministers; miserable; misery; nature; need; neighbours; new; object; offer; open; pardon; past; people; perswade; pitty; place; pleasure; poor; power; promise; question; ready; reason; reasonable; redeemer; regard; repentance; resolve; rest; return; saints; saith; salvation; sanctified; satan; scripture; self; selves; service; set; sin; sinful; sinners; sins; sirs; souls; spirit; state; sun; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; ungodly; use; voice; waies; way; wicked; wicked man; wilful; willing; wills; wilt; wisdom; wise; wits; words; work; world; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A26872.xml plain text: A26872.txt item: #14 of 107 id: A26882 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Catholick communion doubly defended by Dr. Owens, vindicator, and Richard Baxter and the state of that communion opened, and the questions discussed, whether there be any displeasure at sin, or repentance for it in Heaven : with a parallel of the case of using a faulty translation of Scripture, and a faulty lyturgy. date: 1684 words: 24679 flesch: 70 summary: ] And I maintain that though man hath not put that in our power , God hath put it in our power to joyn in the good part of tolerable Publick Worship , without owning the faults ( or else we must joyn with none ; ) you deny not this , p. 27. but say that he meant it of mans giving us power ( which I never denyed . ) If this Union do render the far greater pollutions , the Idolatry , and Heresy of the Mass infectious to the whole Worship , who can prove that the pollutions of other Worship , when we are likewise commanded not to distinguish or divide , doth not in their kind and degree diffuse the taint alike . ] Ans. God is the Master of his Worship : I do what he bids me , tho man contradict it : If God bid me hear and believe the Scripture , and man say , hear also , and believe the Apocrypha , I will openly profess I obey God , and you , no further than you contradict not God : Rather than not hear the Scripture , I will hear also the Apocrypha , but not believe it to be Gods Word . keywords: act; acts; angels; anger; answer; apostles; arguments; author; bad; best; better; bishops; body; books; catholick; cause; change; christ; christian; church; churches; circumstances; command; common; communion; complacence; concord; conformists; contrary; dangerous; death; dislike; displeased; displeasure; displicence; divines; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; eebo; effects; england; english; errour; evil; false; faulty; forms; god; godly; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; grief; guilty; hath; hatred; heaven; holy; hope; hurt; iii; ill; joyn; judgment; known; law; lay; leave; like; little; long; lord; love; lyturgies; lyturgy; major; man; manner; matter; men; mens; mention; mind; ministers; mistakes; names; naming; national; nature; necessary; need; new; nonconformists; obedience; old; opinion; owens; pag; parish; parts; peace; people; persons; peter; possession; power; practice; prayer; profession; protestants; psal; publick; reader; reason; religion; repentance; rule; said; saints; saith; scripture; sect; self; selves; sense; sin; sinful; sins; sorrow; souls; spirit; state; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; translation; true; truth; unlawful; use; vindicator; wish; words; work; world; worse; worship; writing; years; zeal cache: A26882.xml plain text: A26882.txt item: #15 of 107 id: A26885 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Catholick vnity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion by Rich. Baxter. date: 1660 words: 63385 flesch: 72 summary: W● th●●ght i● re●●l●ss ; our h●arts w●r●●g●inst it , we pr●ferr●d 〈…〉 , an● pr●fits , and cre●it , 〈…〉 ●f the worl● b●f●re it an● 〈…〉 ●ustly do w● p●rish in ●ur 〈…〉 lie in yo●der ●urnin● 〈◊〉 ▪ and be separated as far as H●●l is ●●om H●●ven , fr●m th●se that we willfully ●epar●t●● f●om on ●arth . ] ●eloved hearers , I were not a Believer , if I did n●t foresee this d●e●d●ul day : and I were n●t a man , if I did not desire that you might escape this misery ; and therefore I could do no less then warn you , as you love your selves , and would not be separated from them for ever , that you would presently be United to the Godly , and live in the true Communion of the Saints , and withdraw your selves from the wayes of the ungodly , lest you be found among them , and perish with them . You may as well think else to Unite fire and water , or to build in the air , or to incorpo●●●● fire and Gun-powder ; or to reconcile men and serp●nts , and ma●ry the dog and the bear together Sirs , these ●hings are meer imposs●bilities . keywords: abundance; advantage; agreement; answer; b ●; baptism; bear; believers; best; better; blessed; body; book; break; brethren; business; c ●; catholick; cause; ceremonies; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; circumcision; comfort; common; communion; company; concord; conscience; contrary; controversies; course; covenant; cry; cure; daily; danger; day; days; dead; deal; death; desire; devil; differences; diligent; dispute; dividing; divisions; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; end; ends; enemies; england; enmity; errours; everlasting; f ●; face; faith; fall; false; families; far; father; fear; felicity; fire; fit; flesh; general; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; h ●; hand; happiness; happy; hate; hath; head; healing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; heresies; hereticks; hold; holiness; holy; holy life; holy unity; honour; hope; house; ignorant; indifferent; infidels; interest; joyn; judge; judgement; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; l ●; labour; law; laws; lay; leave; lesser; lie; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; m ●; ma ●; main; man; matter; means; meer; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; miserable; misery; motion; multitude; nature; nay; ne ●; necessary; needs; neighbours; new; o ●; open; opinions; order; ordinances; outward; papists; parishes; parts; paul; peace; people; perfect; persons; plain; points; poor; possible; power; practice; prayer; pride; principal; private; profession; professors; promise; proud; publick; quakers; reason; religion; reproach; rest; rom; rule; sacrament; saints; salvation; sanctification; sanctifying; save; scripture; sects; self; selves; servants; set; shame; shew; sin; sins; sirs; small; smaller; souls; spirit; state; sure; talk; tcp; tender; terms; text; th ●; things; thou; time; town; trouble; true; truth; turn; ungodliness; ungodly; ungodly men; united; unity; universal; unsanctified; use; w ●; way; wayes; weak; wi ●; wicked; willing; wisdom; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; wrath; yea; ● d; ● e; ● ll; ● n; ● nd; ● r; ● s; ● ss; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A26885.xml plain text: A26885.txt item: #16 of 107 id: A26887 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The certainty of Christianity without popery, or, Whether the Catholick-Protestant or the papist have the surer faith being an answer to one of the oft canted questions and challenges of the papists, sent to one who desired this : published to direct the unskilful, how to defend their faith against papists and infidels, but especially against the temptations of the Devil, that by saving their faith, they may save their holiness, their comfort and their souls / by Richard Baxter. date: 1672 words: 22589 flesch: 73 summary: Seing we have this Ministry , as we have received mercy we faint not : But have renounced the Hidden things of dishonesty , not walking in craftiness , nor handling the word of God deceitfully , But by manifestation of the truth , commending our selves to every mans Conscience in the sight of God. The solution of this is desired to be by fixed and solid principles , and not by tedious discourses ; for the Nature of the thing requires that there be a firm Principle setled among Men , for the final determining of matters of Fact. keywords: accidents; answer; apostles; authority; better; bible; body; books; bread; canonical; cause; certainty; chap; christianity; christians; christs; church; churches; common; confess; contrary; controversie; copies; council; creed; degree; determination; determined; determining; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; eebo; end; english; essentials; evidence; evident; experience; fact; faith; false; far; general; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hath; historical; history; holiness; holy; humane; infallible; infidels; inspiration; intellect; judge; king; knoweth; knowledge; lie; life; like; man; matter; media; medium; men; mens; mind; miracles; moral; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; objective; opinion; paper; papists; parts; perception; persons; plain; points; pope; power; pretended; priests; principle; proof; proper; question; reason; religion; rest; revelation; right; rome; said; salvation; science; scripture; self; sense; sensible; soul; spirit; substance; sure; tcp; terms; text; things; tradition; translations; true; truth; uncertain; unity; universal; viz; way; wine; words; world; yea cache: A26887.xml plain text: A26887.txt item: #17 of 107 id: A26895 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Christian religion expressed I, briefly in the ancient creeds, the Ten commandments, and the Lords prayer, and, II, more largely in a profession taken out of the Holy Scriptures, containing 1, the articles of the Christian belief, 2, our consent to the gospel covenant, 3, the sum of Christian duty, according to the primitive simplicity, purity, and practice, fitted to the right instruction of the ignorant, the promoting of holiness, and the charitable concord of all true believers ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1660 words: 19375 flesch: 67 summary: And in order to these blessed ends , we must beg such necessaries of our life , as the supportation of our natures for the work of God requireth : And the forgiveness of all our sins through Christ ( which yet we cannot expect to receive , if we from our hearts forgive not others : ) And a gratious preservation from temptations , or the power of them , and from Satan and sin the greatest evils : That so the holiness of our hearts and lives may shew that we are the loyal subjects of the Kingdom of our Lord , and that we acknowledge and magnifie his Soveraign power , and live as a people devoted to his glory . The Eucharist or Supper of the Lord is [ a holy Sacrament instituted by Christ , wherein bread and wine being first by consecration made Sacramentally or representatively the Body and Blood of Christ , they are used by breaking and pouring out , to represent and commemorate the sacrifice of Christs Body and Blood upon the Cross , once offered up to God for sin : and are given in the name of Christ unto the Church , to signifie and solemnize the renewal of his holy Covenant with them , and sealing it unto them , and the giving of himself to them to expiate their sins by his sacrifice , and sanctifie them further by his Spirit , and confirm their right to everlasting life : and they are received , eaten and drunk by the Church , to profess that they willingly receive Christ himself to the ends aforesaid , ( their Justification , Sanctification and Glorification ) and to signifie and solemnize the renewal of their Covenant with him , and their holy Communion with him , and with one another . keywords: acts; apostles; baptism; body; brethren; charge; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; common; communion; concord; consent; covenant; day; dead; death; discipline; doctrine; doth; duties; duty; earth; edification; end; ends; eph; everlasting; faith; father; flesh; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hath; heaven; heb; holiness; holy; holy ghost; honour; jesus; joh; john; kingdom; life; lord; love; luke; magistrates; man; mat; matter; members; men; mercy; ministers; necessary; necessity; office; order; parents; particular; pastors; peace; people; persons; pet; power; practice; prayer; profession; psal; publike; redemption; repentance; right; rom; sacrament; salvation; scriptures; self; selves; sense; sin; sins; son; souls; special; spirit; state; supper; text; things; thou; thy; tim; time; true; unity; universal; use; words; work; world; worship cache: A26895.xml plain text: A26895.txt item: #18 of 107 id: A26896 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Christians converse with God, or, The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God with some of the author's breathings after him / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1693 words: 37126 flesch: 67 summary: 4. Christ would permit his Disciples thus far to forsake him , because he would have no support from man , in his sufferings for man : This was part of his voluntary humiliation , to ●e deprived of all earthly comforts , and to be●r affliction even from those few , that b●t lately were his faithful servants : that men dealing like men , and sinners , while he was doing like God , and as a Saviour , no man might challenge to himself the honour of contributing to the Redemption of the world , so much as by encouraging the Redeemer . Who would not justifie them , if they can but prove , that God requireth them , and Religion o●ligeth th●m to forsake you f●r your faults ? There are few crimes in the world that by some are not fathered on God ( that most hateth them ) as thinking no name can so much honour them . keywords: able; acquaintance; affections; affliction; angels; answer; apt; author; backward; baxter; best; better; blessed; body; books; broken; business; carnal; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; common; communion; company; conscience; converse; creature; daily; david; day; dead; dearest; death; delight; desire; disciples; displeasure; distance; distress; doth; duty; dwell; earth; earthly; ease; eebo; employment; enemies; enemy; english; everlasting; evil; excellent; face; fail; faith; faithful; familiar; father; fear; felicity; fit; flesh; form; forsake; free; friendly; friends; friendship; glorified; glory; god; god doth; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; greatest; grief; groans; guilty; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; highest; holy; home; honour; hour; house; human; hurt; infirmities; interest; joy; judge; kingdom; knowledge; lament; leave; life; light; like; little; lives; long; look; lord; love; loving; malice; man; matter; means; men; mercies; mercy; mind; misery; nature; near; nearer; need; neglect; object; offended; oft; ones; particular; perfect; persons; place; pleasure; poor; praise; prayer; presence; present; psal; publick; ready; reason; rejoyce; religion; reproach; return; richard; saints; salvation; self; selves; servants; service; short; sin; sinful; sins; society; solitude; soul; special; spirit; state; strange; sufferings; sufficient; sure; sweet; tcp; temptations; text; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; true; truth; unfaithfulness; use; useful; vanity; voice; walk; want; way; weakness; wilderness; willing; wonder; wonderful; words; work; world; worldly; yea; ● ● cache: A26896.xml plain text: A26896.txt item: #19 of 107 id: A26897 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Church concord containing I. a disswasive from unnecessary division and separation, and the real concord of the moderate independents with the Presbyterians, instanced in ten seeming differences, II. by Richard Baxter. date: 1691 words: 49777 flesch: 61 summary: O what a Mercy is it to me , and the poor Flock that Christ hath committed to my Charge ; what a help to my Labours and to their Souls , that we have not Minister against Minister , nor Church against Ch 〈…〉 any separating Parties to ensnare men ; but that we Serve the Lord ●●● , to ●● Heart and Soul , one Mind and Mouth . And he never gave Power to the Children and Servants to Rule the Master of the Family ; nor to the People to rule the Pastor or Church , nor to the People to Rule the Iustices or Iudges , &c. God made Governours so early , as prevented the Peoples making them in the essential part of the office . keywords: a26897; abundance; account; acts; adult; agreement; answer; antichurches; apostles; assemblies; authority; baptism; baxter; believers; best; better; bishops; body; brethren; called; care; case; catholick; censure; certain; chap; charge; charity; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; church communion; church concord; church covenant; church government; church hath; church members; church power; churches; circumstances; civil; command; common; communion; concord; confusion; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; conversion; corruption; councils; course; covenant; credible; danger; days; degree; desire; difference; discipline; dissent; divers; divided; dividing; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; ecclesia; edification; elders; endeavour; ends; england; english; essential; evil; execution; exercise; experience; express; faith; faithful; false; family; far; fear; fit; flock; forbid; force; free; general; ghost; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; governours; grace; great; greater; guilty; hands; hath; heart; help; heresie; hereticks; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; hurt; ignorant; independents; interest; joyn; judge; judgment; keys; king; kingdom; known; land; large; lawful; laws; lay; left; lest; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; loveth; loving; magistrates; major; man; matter; mean; members; membership; men; mens; mercy; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; moderate; nature; necessary; necessity; need; needful; neighbour; neighbour churches; new; non; norton; notes; number; obedience; obey; occasion; office; officers; old; open; opinions; order; ordinances; ordinary; ordination; pag; papists; parishes; particular church; parties; parts; pastoral; pastors; paul; peace; peaceable; people; persons; piety; places; point; political church; power; practice; prayer; preaching; presbyterians; presbyters; presence; present; princes; principles; private; profession; proper; proved; publick; publick church; pure; question; reasons; reconciliation; reformation; reject; relation; religion; repentance; requireth; rest; right; rom; rule; rulers; sacraments; salvation; schism; scripture; second; self; selves; sentence; separate; separation; separatists; servants; set; sin; sinful; sort; souls; spirit; state; subjects; sufficient; sunt; supper; synods; tcp; teachers; terms; testimony; text; things; time; tolerable; true; true church; truth; uncapable; ungodly; unity; universal church; unlawful; use; vel; visible; visible church; vote; want; way; weak; willing; words; work; world; worship; wrong; yea; ● ● cache: A26897.xml plain text: A26897.txt item: #20 of 107 id: A26901 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The church told of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw's scandals and warned of the dangerous snares of Satan now laid for them in his love-killing principles with a farther proof that it is our common duty to keep up the interest of the Christian religion and Protestant cause in the parish churches, and not to imprison them by a confinement to tolerated meetings alone / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1672 words: 15296 flesch: 70 summary: For they that are such serve not the Lord Iesus Christ , but their own belly , and by good words and fair speeches , deceive the hearts of the simple . Act. 20. 30. Also of your own selves shall men arise , speaking perv●rse things , to draw away disciples after them . Nor yet had I such a contempt of them , or a desire to be bitterly censured and reviled , as to invite men to it ( as the Circumcellians importuned men to kill them . ) keywords: act; answer; bagshaw; best; better; bishops; book; cause; christ; christian; church; churches; common; communion; conformable; conformity; day; design; desire; difference; dividing; divinity; divisions; doth; duty; eebo; england; english; evil; false; farther; fear; fore; fourscore; god; gods; good; great; greater; guilty; hath; holy; ignorance; ignorant; image; interest; joyn; killing; king; law; lawful; like; little; love; man; matter; men; mens; minister; non; pag; papists; parish; people; power; prayer; present; principles; profess; protestant; publick; reader; reason; religion; repentance; said; saith; satan; sect; self; selves; sense; separatists; set; sin; sins; small; souls; spirit; tcp; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; untruths; way; words; work; world; worse; yea; years cache: A26901.xml plain text: A26901.txt item: #21 of 107 id: A26903 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Compassionate counsel to all young men especially I. London apprentices, II. students of divinity, physick, and law, III. the sons of magistrates and rich men / by Richard Baxter. date: 1681 words: 43828 flesch: 72 summary: For instance , 1. Some are so corrupted with the Love of sport , that gaming or Stage-plays , or one such foolery or another , becometh so pleasant to them , that they can understand or believe nothing that is said against it by God or man ; their diseased Phantasie hath so conquered reason , that they cannot restrain themselves ; but in their callings and in religious Exercises they are weary , and long to be at their sports , and must be gone ; neither God , nor Holiness , nor the Joys of Heaven are half so sweet to their thoughts as these are : And if a mans Sickness , Pain , or Distraction be a Calamity , the cure of which brings ease and joy ; How much more ease and joy may it bring , to be cured from all the grievous Maladies of reigning sin ? Sanctification will cure your minds of spiritual blindness and madness , that is , of damnable Ignorance , Unbelief , and Error : It will cure your affections of idolatrous , distracting , carnal Love ; of the itch of fleshly Desires or Lusts ; of the feaver of revengeful passions , and malignant hatred to goodness and good men ; and of self vexing envy and malice against others ; of the greedy worm of Covetousness , and the drunken desire of ambitious and imperious minds : It will cure your Wills of their fleshly servitude and biass , and of that mortal Backwardness to God and holy things , and that sluggish dulness and lothness to choose and do what you are convinced must be done : It will make good things easie and pleasant to you ; so that you will no more think you have need to beg mirth from the Devil , or steal it from sin , as if God , Grace and Glory had none for you : keywords: age; answer; appetite; apprentices; bad; baptism; best; better; blessed; blessing; body; books; capacity; care; carnal; case; certain; chap; children; choice; christ; christian; church; churches; clergy; comfort; common; companions; company; conscience; consent; contrary; controversies; converse; conversion; corrupted; counsel; country; covenant; cure; daily; damnation; danger; dangerous; day; dead; death; delight; desire; devil; difference; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; draw; dreadful; drink; duty; earth; end; enemies; english; enmity; errour; everlasting; example; experience; faith; faithful; false; families; far; father; fear; filthy; fire; fit; fleshly; folly; friends; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilt; hard; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; holiness; holy; holy god; honour; hope; hour; house; humble; hurt; idleness; ignorance; ignorant; iii; image; importance; interest; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; land; law; laws; learning; life; light; like; little; live; london; long; lord; love; lust; mad; malignant; man; mankind; mans; masters; matter; men; mens; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; mirth; miserable; misery; money; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neglect; obedience; oft; old; parents; pastors; peace; people; persons; physick; piety; places; pleasing; pleasure; poor; posterity; power; pride; proud; publick; reason; reformation; religion; repentance; reward; rich; rulers; run; sacred; sad; safe; saints; salvation; satan; saving; saviour; scripture; self; selves; sensuality; sermon; servants; service; set; shame; short; sin; sinful; sinners; sins; sober; souls; spirit; spiritual; state; study; talk; tcp; teachers; temptations; text; things; thoughts; time; true; trust; truth; understanding; undone; ungodly; use; vain; way; wealth; wicked; willing; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worthy; yea; years; young; youth cache: A26903.xml plain text: A26903.txt item: #22 of 107 id: A26909 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The dangerous schismatick clearly detected and fully confuted for the saving of a distracted nation from that which would destroy Christian love and unity : occasioned by a resolver of three cases about church-communion / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1683 words: 30906 flesch: 66 summary: At Wal●all in Sta●ford-shire , Mr. Lapthorne ( known to me in his lusty age ) who had been a Non-conformist , but thought it an honour to be converted by a King , and gloried that King James in conference changed him ; but being as rustick a thunderer as Father Latimer and more , he was wont to let fly without much fear ; one Mr. Martin in the Parish accounted the greatest enemy to Puritans , when he heard what he liked not , would goe out of Church ; one day ( in a path way where Mr. Lane had rode a little before ) pelting Crabs with a pole , the ground opened and swallowed him and his pole , that they could never be found ( being a Cole-mine long on fire : ) ever after that , when any one would goe out of Church at a blustering passage , Mr. Lapthorne would call to him , Remember Martin ; Quere , Whether all these were separating Schismaticks ? They unchurch and damn the Churches of Corinth , Gala●ia , La●dicca , Ephesus , Smyrna , &c. in the Apostles dayes : For the Scripture tells us of many guilty of Schism in all these , and yet the rest communicated with them ; for the Scripture speaks more of Schism in a Church , than of Schism or Separation from a Church , Rom. 16. 17. 1 Cor. keywords: accidents; acts; affirm; answer; apostles; arch; authority; baptism; bishop; body; book; canon; capable; care; case; catholick; catholick church; ceremonies; child; christ; christian; christian church; christianity; church; church communion; church government; church members; churches; cities; city; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; consent; contrary; councils; covenant; covenanting; damnation; damned; damning; dangerous; difference; diocesan; diocesan church; diocess; distinct; divers; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; edification; end; england; english; essential; excommunicate; false; far; foreign; form; france; general; god; gods; good; government; great; guilty; half; hath; hold; holy; hope; humane; ignorant; independent; ipso; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; keyes; king; kingdom; law; lawful; laws; lay; like; liturgy; london; lords; love; magistrates; man; mans; matter; members; men; mind; ministers; ministry; murderers; national; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; oath; obedience; office; order; orthodox; oxford; papists; parish; particular; particular church; parts; pastor; people; personal; persons; place; pope; power; prayers; preaching; presbyters; present; priest; princes; principles; promise; proof; proper; reader; reason; relation; religion; resolver; rest; right; rome; sacrament; said; saith; salvation; save; schism; schismaticks; scripture; self; separate; separation; single; single church; sober; soul; sound; specie; subjects; subordinate; sure; tcp; text; things; thô; time; true; true church; truth; universal; universal church; unlawful; use; want; way; wife; word; work; worship; yea; years; ● ● cache: A26909.xml plain text: A26909.txt item: #23 of 107 id: A26911 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The defence of the nonconformists plea for peace, or, An account of the matter of their nonconformity against Mr. J. Cheney's answer called The conforming nonconformist, and The nonconforming conformist : to which is added the second part in answer to Mr. Cheney's Five undertakings / by Richard Baxter. date: 1680 words: 50656 flesch: 72 summary: Whether a minister may put from the Sacrament those of his parish who be Christned People , and come to Church , and joyn in the publick worship , and tender themselves to receive , being under no sentence of Excommunication ? 4 Quest. 3. Our question is of the Churches sense herein : And it is the same Church the made the Canons ; and still owneth them : Therefore in the Canon the Church expoundeth her sense , more obligingly than you , or any Bishop can expound it . keywords: able; account; act; ans; answer; apostles; arch; argument; arms; article; assembly; assent; atheists; authority; bad; baptism; bare; baxter; best; better; bishop; body; book; canon; case; certain; chancellor; chap; charge; cheney; chief; child; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; command; commission; common; communion; concord; confirmation; conforming; conformists; conscience; consent; consenteth; contents; contrary; conversion; covenant; covenanting; cross; day; days; defence; desire; diocesan; discipline; divine; doth; doubt; duty; end; endeavour; england; english; error; evil; excommunicate; exercise; experience; exposition; express; false; fathers; fear; flock; forbid; general; ghost; god; good; government; grace; great; hand; hath; hear; hold; holy; honest; house; humane; ignorant; ill; infants; infidels; judge; judgment; keys; king; kingdom; kneeling; law; laws; lay; leave; life; like; little; liturgy; london; long; lord; love; magistrate; makers; man; matter; mean; meaneth; meaning; meer; mens; mercy; mind; minister; ministry; multitudes; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notorious; oath; obedience; office; old; open; ordained; order; ordinary; ordination; pag; papists; parents; parish; parishes; parishioners; parliament; particular; parts; pastor; people; persons; places; power; practice; prayer; preaching; preface; prelacy; presbyters; present; pretence; priest; private; profess; profession; promise; proof; publick; question; reader; reasons; repentance; requireth; rest; right; rubrick; rules; sacrament; saith; salvation; save; saviour; saying; scripture; scruple; second; section; self; sense; service; set; shew; sign; signifie; silence; silencing; sin; sins; sort; souls; species; state; supper; tcp; text; thing; thought; time; title; true; truth; turn; uniformity; universal; unlawful; use; viz; vow; way; wicked; words; work; world; worse; worship; yea; years cache: A26911.xml plain text: A26911.txt item: #24 of 107 id: A26912 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians and are delivered in a book called The cure of church-divisions ... / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1671 words: 76649 flesch: 68 summary: And though I then was not , nor yet am of their mind my self , yet I would not shun Communion with the Reverend members of that Assembly ( Twisse , Gat●ker , Whittaker , and the rest ) if again they wer●●sers of the Liturgie among us . And therefore no men should be more willing to suppress Dividing Principles and Passions than the Independents , both because they are most charged with them , and with all our Sects and Confusio●● , and because they are not the least in danger of them . keywords: able; abundance; account; accusations; actions; adde; age; alas; ames; anabaptists; angry; answ; answer; apostles; appeal; arminians; assemblies; assembly; bad; baptisme; baxter; best; better; bishops; blame; body; book; brethren; brother; business; calling; carnal; cause; censure; ceremonies; certain; charge; charity; children; christianity; christians; christs; church; churches; comfort; command; common; communion; comparison; concord; conformable; conformists; congregational; conscience; consent; contradict; contrary; controversie; countenance; course; covenant; cromwell; cure; daies; danger; day; death; defence; degrees; design; desire; disciples; discipline; displeasure; dissent; dividers; dividing; divine; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; dull; duty; earth; easie; effects; england; english; episcopal; errors; evil; exc; exceptions; experience; expressions; extemporate; extreams; fact; faithful; false; family; far; father; faults; fear; fit; flesh; following; forbear; forbidden; foresaw; forms; free; general; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; gross; guilty; hands; hard; hateth; hath; head; hearing; heart; heed; help; history; holy; honest; honour; hope; house; humane; hurt; idolaters; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; ill; images; impartial; impositions; increase; independents; infidels; injudicious; injudiciousness; injury; instance; interest; intolerable; intreat; iohnson; joyn; judgement; justifie; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; late; lawful; lawfulness; laws; liberty; life; light; like; little; liturgie; lives; london; long; look; lord; love; lutherans; magistrates; major; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meer; meet; melancholy; members; men; mens; mention; mind; ministers; ministry; mistakes; multitudes; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neer; new; non; note; number; occasion; odious; office; old; open; opinion; order; ordinances; ordinary; outward; pag; papists; parish; parish churches; parliament; particular; parties; party; passions; pastors; patience; paul; peace; people; persecution; persecutors; persons; pharisees; places; plain; point; poor; possible; power; practice; prayer; preachers; preaching; presbyterians; present; pretence; pride; principles; private; professed; profession; professors; proof; prophane; protestants; proud; publick; quakers; quest; question; quod; reader; reading; reason; reformation; religion; religious; repentance; reproach; reputation; rest; rise; rom; rule; sacrament; sad; said; saith; salvation; satan; saying; scripture; second; secret; sects; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; separatists; sermons; service; set; sharp; sides; silence; silencing; sin; sinful; sins; small; sober; sort; souls; sound; spake; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; state; study; subject; sufferings; sure; synod; tcp; teaching; terms; text; theirs; things; thought; time; title; true; turn; uncharitable; understanding; unity; universal; unlawful; untruth; use; useth; visible; viz; want; war; way; weak; wicked; wisdom; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; worshipping; worthy; wrath; writings; yea; years; yee; zeal; ● ● cache: A26912.xml plain text: A26912.txt item: #25 of 107 id: A26914 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The difference between the power of magistrates and church-pastors and the Roman kingdom & magistracy under the name of a church & church-government usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by popish princes opened by Richard Baxter. date: 1671 words: 23039 flesch: 66 summary: Church and state -- Early works to 1800. It is the great end of Christs coming into the world to destroy the works of the Devil , and to purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works , and to save his people from their sins , and to vindicate the Holiness of God : And the world is so apt to judge of Christs doctrine by his followers , that the Holiness and Concord of Christians is one of Christs great appointed means , for his own and his Fathers glory in the world : That as Gods greatness shineth forth in the frame of nature , so might his Holiness in the Church : And the Enemies of Holiness and condemned by their Creed , when they profess to believe the Holy Catholick Church , and the Communion of Saints . keywords: acts; authority; baptism; better; bishops; body; books; carnal; cases; cause; charge; christ; christian; christianity; church; church communion; church government; church power; churches; civil; claim; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; conscience; consent; contrary; cor; corporal; councils; countreys; day; difference; discipline; divine; doctrine; dominions; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; emperours; end; enemies; english; episcopal; excommunication; execution; exercise; external; false; fit; flesh; force; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; great; greater; greatest; hands; hath; heresie; holiness; holy; honour; humane; interest; john; judgement; judges; judging; king; kingdom; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; let; life; like; lives; lords; love; magistracy; magistrates; man; matters; matth; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; moderate; nature; necessary; neighbour; office; officers; open; order; page; parents; particular; parts; pastoral; pastors; peace; people; persons; physicion; pope; popish; power; princes; profession; proper; propositions; protestant; publick; reason; religion; repentance; right; roman; rulers; sacraments; saith; secular; self; sense; set; sin; sober; souls; spiritual; state; subjects; sword; tcp; temporal; terms; text; things; think; time; title; true; truth; universal; use; usurpation; usurped; way; work; world; worthy; yea cache: A26914.xml plain text: A26914.txt item: #26 of 107 id: A26918 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The divine appointment of the Lords day proved as a separated day for holy worship, especially in the church assemblies, and consequently the cessation of the seventh day Sabbath : written for the satisfaction of some religious persons who are lately drawn into error or doubting in both these points / by Richard Baxter. date: 1671 words: 64938 flesch: 73 summary: 3. Because Converted Jews were no small part of the Eastern Churches : who could not easily be quite brought off from Jewish Customes ; And the rest were unwilling to offend them , being taught not to despise the weak that observed meats and days , Rom. 14. & 15. Gal. 2. 4. Because the Assemblies on the seventh day were taken as fit preparatories to the sanctifying of the Lords day , on which account the Church of England now appointeth them . saith [ Servants work five dayes , but on the Sabbath and Lords day , they keep holy day in the Church , for the Doctrine ( or Learning ) of Godliness ] The Text of Gal. 4. 10. is of the same sense with Col. 2. 16. against the Jews Sabbath , and therefore needeth no other defence . keywords: account; act; acts; adam; age; ages; ancient; answ; answer; apostles; apostolical; appointment; assemblies; authority; beginning; better; bodily; body; book; bound; bread; bringing; business; cap; case; ceremonial; certain; cessation; change; chap; christ; christians; church; churches; circumcision; col; coming; commanded; commandment; commands; commemoration; commission; common; consent; constant; continued; contrary; controversie; cor; council; countrey; covenant; creation; creator; custome; day sabbath; dayes; death; decalogue; deut; disciples; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; early; earth; easter; end; england; english; epistle; evidence; exercises; exod; experience; fact; fall; families; family; far; fast; father; fear; flesh; force; fourth; gal; general; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hereticks; heylin; historical; history; holiness; holy; holy day; holy ghost; holy worship; honour; hope; humane; idleness; iii; inspired; institution; jesus; jewish; jewish law; jews; john; judge; judgement; justin; keeping; knowledge; known; labour; law; laws; learned; lev; life; light; like; little; long; longer; lords day; love; luk; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meat; meer; meet; men; mens; mercy; mind; ministers; moral; morning; mosaical; moses; moses law; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; note; obj; obligation; observation; oft; old; orders; particular; parts; past; paul; people; perfect; perpetual; persons; places; plain; play; political; poor; positive; power; practice; praises; prayer; preaching; promise; proof; prop; proper; prophets; proposition; publick; question; reader; reason; redeemer; redemption; religion; religious; remembrance; respect; rest; resurrection; revelation; rom; sabbaths; sacrament; sacred; said; saith; sanctified; scripture; second; secret; seemeth; self; selves; sense; separated; servants; service; set; seventh day; shew; sin; singing; sins; sober; souls; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; sports; state; stone; subject; supper; tcp; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thought; thy; time; tradition; true; truth; uncertain; universal; unlawful; usage; use; vain; way; weariness; weary; week; week day; weekly; words; work; world; worldly; worship; writings; yea; years; young cache: A26918.xml plain text: A26918.txt item: #27 of 107 id: A26920 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The duty of heavenly meditation reviewed by Richard Baxter at the invitation of Mr. Giles Firmin's exceptions in his book entituled, The real Christian. date: 1671 words: 8646 flesch: 66 summary: [ But when I come to impose duties , as Meditation , &c. upon Christians to be performed by them in such a manner , and for such a time , and their soundness or unsoundness , seriousness or sleightness is determined according to their performance according to that manner which I set down , surely I had need bring clear Scripture proof . 4. I am glad that you are for keeping close to that rule of Truth and duty , and against making a Religion , or any part of it to our selves . keywords: ability; best; better; book; case; christians; church; day; doth; duties; duty; eebo; end; english; experience; families; glad; glory; god; good; grace; greater; hearts; heaven; heavenly; holy; law; life; light; like; long; love; meditation; men; method; nature; necessary; necessity; opportunity; order; persons; prayer; preaching; profitable; reader; religion; rest; salvation; scripture; self; set; short; sin; tcp; text; things; thoughts; time; true; use; weak; words; work; world; writings cache: A26920.xml plain text: A26920.txt item: #28 of 107 id: A26927 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Fair-warning, or, XXV reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury's letter to the King and all the bishops of Irelands protestation to the Parliament to the same purpose : with an answer to the Roman-Catholicks reasons for indulgence : also the excellent reasons of the Honourable House of Commons against indulgence, with historical observations thereupon. date: 1663 words: 13924 flesch: 60 summary: have you any care of precious Souls ? will you endure those men that will not suffer us to rest upon the foundation of God which standeth sure , and allure us to trust in the foundation of men that wil fail : wil you indulge men that delude your people to rely upon man that is a lye , and the son of man that may deceive ) will your God keep silence when he observes you looking on men making one another a God and yet keep silence : will you stand by and see God robbed of his honour , and vain man indeavouring to be as God , and use not that power God gave you to punish : hath he pulled down the usurpers of your throne ; and will you not keep under the usurpers of his attributes , hath he overturned them that would be Kings as well as you : and will you encourage them that would be infallible as well as he ? can you stand still and see so many perish and led away in that great Errour of the wicked : That man is Infallible : O suffer not that way which leadeth us to man , bottometh us upon man : and leaveth us short of God. keywords: act; answer; arch; authority; bishop; bread; catholique; christians; church; commons; conscience; contrary; danger; dangerous; day; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; england; english; estates; excellent; factions; faith; foundation; god; gods; good; government; great; greatest; hath; heaven; heresies; hold; holy; honourable; house; idolatry; indulgence; infallible; interest; judgement; kings; law; laws; liberty; life; little; lord; majesty; man; men; needs; ought; papists; parliament; peace; people; poor; popery; popes; power; practice; protestant; queen; reason; religion; resolved; right; roman; rome; rule; salvation; schisme; scripture; self; selves; set; severall; sin; sins; souls; subjects; sure; tcp; text; things; thou; time; toleration; true; truth; vain; way; wil; wine; works; world; worship cache: A26927.xml plain text: A26927.txt item: #29 of 107 id: A26929 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Richard Baxter's farewel sermon prepared to have been preached to his hearers at Kidderminster at his departure, but forbidden. date: 1683 words: 20911 flesch: 74 summary: — If ye be reproached for the name of Christ , happy are ye ; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you ▪ On their part he is evil spoken of , but on your part he is glorified : It is a shame to be dejected under a short and tolerable pain , which is so near to the eternal pleasure ; and to suffer as if we believed not the end , and so to sorrow as men that are without hope . For we know that we are of God , and the whole World is in maligno positus , set on wickedness , ( or as some think because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is put for the Devil in the foregoing Verse , and the Article here also used ) is as it were planted into the Devil , or put under the Devil to War against Christ and the holy Seed : And indeed Satan seemeth in this War against the Church , to have somewhat like success as he had against Christ himself : As Christ must be a Man of sorrows and scorn , and be crucified as a Blasphemer and a Traitour , before he rejoice the hearts of his Disciples by his resurrection , so the Church was a persecuted , scorned handful of Men , for the first three hundred years , and then it rose by Christian Emperours to some reputation , till Satan by another game overcame them by Judas his Successours ; that for [ what will you give me ] by Pride and Worldliness betrayed them into that deplorate state , in which they have continued these 900 Years at least : keywords: absence; baxter; best; blessed; body; books; cause; christ; christians; church; cometh; comfort; coming; communion; covenant; cross; darkness; day; death; departure; desire; disciples; doct; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; english; everlasting; evil; face; faith; false; farewel; father; fear; flesh; flock; forbidden; friends; fruit; glory; god; gods; goeth; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; holy; hope; house; joh; joy; joys; judge; judgment; kingdom; life; light; like; little; long; lord; loss; love; luk; man; matter; men; mercies; mercy; moment; need; pains; past; patience; peace; people; pet; pleasure; portion; power; praise; presence; present; promise; proud; psal; ready; reason; rejoyce; reproach; resurrection; return; richard; righteousness; saints; salvation; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; set; short; sin; sins; sorrows; soul; spirit; sufferings; sure; tcp; temptations; text; things; thou; time; troubled; true; unto; use; vain; way; wicked; words; work; world; years cache: A26929.xml plain text: A26929.txt item: #30 of 107 id: A26931 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Full and easie satisfaction which is the true and safe religion in a conference between D. a doubter, P. a papist, and R. a reformed Catholick Christian : in four parts ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1674 words: 59970 flesch: 71 summary: Yea , it is to be noted , that though Brutes have no Intellects , yet their Sense and Imagination herein wholly agreeth with the common perception of man : A Dog or a Mouse will eat the bread as common bread , and a Swine will drink the Wine as common Wine : and therefore have the same perception of it as of common bread and wine ; And so their senses must be all deceived as well as mans . But sober men will tell you that sense is in exercise in order of Nature at least before Reason or faith , and that we are Men and Animals before we are Christians : keywords: accidents; act; acts; alas; answer; antient; apostles; argument; articles; baptism; baptismal; belief; believeth; believing; better; bishop; blood; body; books; bread; broken; case; catholick; causes; certain; certainty; change; chap; chief; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; cometh; common; concord; conditions; conference; confessions; consecration; consent; contradiction; contrary; controversie; cor; council; covenant; creed; cross; cup; day; decalogue; denyeth; denying; devil; difference; disciples; dispute; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; drink; earth; empire; end; england; english; err; essence; essentials; eucharist; evidence; explicite; express; faith; false; fathers; flesh; form; free; general; ghost; glorified; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; hereticks; hold; holy; honour; hope; humane; humanity; ignorant; iii; image; immediate; implicite; impossible; infallible; infidels; integrals; intellect; interest; joh; judge; judgement; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; lay; learned; life; like; little; living; long; lord; love; lye; mad; man; mankind; mans; matter; mean; meaning; medium; meer; men; mens; mind; miracles; multitude; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; non; notions; number; object; objective; occasion; opinions; order; ordinary; original; papists; particular; parts; pastors; paul; people; perception; persons; plain; point; pope; popery; power; practice; prayer; present; pretended; priest; princes; principle; profess; proof; proper; prophet; protestants; protestants religion; proved; quantity; question; real; reason; religion; rest; revelation; right; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; safe; said; salvation; satisfaction; saying; schismaticks; scripture; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sensible; set; shew; sign; signifie; sin; smell; soul; sound; species; spirit; spiritual; state; subjects; substance; sufficient; sun; supernatural; sure; talk; taste; tcp; terms; text; thing; thou; time; tradition; transubstantiation; trent; true; true faith; true religion; trust; truth; turn; understanding; universal; unlearned; use; visible; viz; water; way; wicked; willing; wine; words; work; world; worship; writings; yea cache: A26931.xml plain text: A26931.txt item: #31 of 107 id: A26934 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The glorious kingdom of Christ, described and clearly vindicated against the bold asserters of a future calling and reign of the Jews, and 1000 years before the conflagration and the asserters of the 1000 years kingdom after the conflagration : opening the promise of the new heaven and earth and the everlastingness of Christ's kingdom against their debasing it, who confine it to 1000 years ... : answering Mr. Tho. Beverley ... in his twelve principles and catechisms, &c. / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1691 words: 30792 flesch: 74 summary: Whether it be true that Christ was eternally a Man , having an eternal Kingdom as Man ; but not as the Son of Man after the Millennium ? Whether out Union with God and Christ , Joh. 17. be that Then God shall be All in All as before the World began ? Till the Incarnation of Christ , the World was Governed by God , as the God of Mercy and Redemption ; by a Regiment of Grace ; which may be called the Kingdom of Christ , as Christ was the undertaker of future Redemption : And the World being all under a pardoning Law of Grace , that alloweth Repentance on hope of Mercy ; God dealt with none upon the meer terms of the Law of Perfection or Innocence ; which ceased cessante capacitate subditorum : Be innocent and live , or sin and die , is not the Law that any are judged by . keywords: 4to; adam; air; angels; answer; apostles; babylon; beginning; better; bodies; body; catholick; cause; change; chap; children; christ; christians; christs kingdom; church; churches; city; coming; common; conflagration; contrary; conversion; converted; creation; cursed; david; day; dead; death; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; dwell; earth; empire; end; enemies; england; english; eternal; eternity; fall; father; find; fire; flesh; fruition; general; gentiles; giving; glorified; glorious; glory; god; gods; gog; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; hath; heaven; heavenly; hold; holy; honour; humane; infidel; israel; jerusalem; jewish; jews; john; judea; judgment; kingdom; kings; land; law; life; like; long; longer; lord; love; magog; man; matter; men; millennium; millions; miracles; monarchy; moses; national; nations; nature; new; new earth; number; old; opinion; pagan; paradise; parts; paul; peculiarity; people; perfect; peter; place; plain; power; principle; promise; proof; redemption; reign; religion; rest; resurrection; rev; revelation; righteousness; roman; rome; saints; saith; scripture; second; seed; self; set; sin; son; soul; state; subject; sure; tcp; text; things; think; thousand; time; tribes; true; trumpet; uncertain; universal; visible; way; wicked; words; work; world; years cache: A26934.xml plain text: A26934.txt item: #32 of 107 id: A26935 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Gods goodness vindicated for the help of such (especially in melancholy) as are tempted to deny it, and think him cruel, because of the present and future misery of mankind, with respect to the doctrine of reprobation and damnation / by Richard Baxter ... ; published and prefaced by a friend at whose desire it was written, and to whom it was committed. date: 1671 words: 10945 flesch: 64 summary: If they that hold no Grace but what is universal , and left , as to the success , to the will of man , as the determining cause , do think that this is well consistent with the mercifulness of God ; surely they that hold as much universal Grace as the former ; and that indeed all have so much as bringeth and leaveth the success to mans will , and deny to no man any thing which the other give , do make God no less merciful tha● they , but more , if they moreover assert a special Decree and Grace of God , which with a chosen number shall antecedently Infallibly secure his Ends in their repentance , faith , perseverance and salvation ; Is this any detraction from , or diminution of , his universal Grace ? or rather a higher Demonstration of his Godness ? HOW much the Glory of God and the Salvation of men is concerned in the right understanding of his Goodness in all his wayes and counsels towards them , is evidently seen by all that have any true notion of the Divine excellency and mans felicity . keywords: act; angels; best; better; books; cause; certain; christ; covenant; creation; creatures; cruel; damnation; damned; decree; doth; doubt; earth; edition; eebo; end; english; evil; excellency; foreknoweth; free; glorious; glory; god; gods; gods goodness; goodness; grace; great; hath; heaven; hell; help; holiness; interest; king; law; like; little; lord; love; maketh; man; mankind; means; melancholy; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; miserable; misery; moral; natural; nature; persons; power; psal; quest; reason; reprobation; respect; salvation; self; sin; sinners; spirits; starrs; sun; sure; tcp; tempted; text; thing; thoughts; true; truth; wills; wisdom; wise; wonderful; works; world; yea cache: A26935.xml plain text: A26935.txt item: #33 of 107 id: A26936 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The grand question resolved, what we must do to be saved instructions for a holy life / by the late Reverend Divine, Mr. Richard Baxter ; recommended to the bookseller a few days before his death to be immediately printed for the good of souls. date: 1692 words: 17487 flesch: 83 summary: When Men are proudly Great , and Wise , and Good in their own Eyes ; and would dispose of themselves , and all their Concernments , and would rule themselves , and please themselves , according to the fleshly appetite and Fancy ; and therefore love most the Pleasures , and Profits , and Honours of the World , as the Provision to satisfie the desires of the Flesh ; and God shall be no ●urther Loved , Obeyed or Pleased , than the Love of Fleshly Pleasure will give leave ; nor shall have any thing but what the Flesh can spare . Though all are not Fornicators , nor Drunkards , no● Extortioners , nor Persecu●ors , nor live not in the same way of Sinning ; yet Selfishness , and Pride , and Sensuality , and the love of Worldly Things , Ignorance and Ungodliness are plainly become the common Corruption of the Nature of Man ; so that their Hearts are turned to the World from God , and filled with impiety , filthiness , and injustice ; and their Reason is but a Servant to their Senses ; and their m Mind , and Love and Life , is Carnal ; and this carnal Mind is Enmity to the Holiness of God , and cannot be subject to his Law. keywords: act; answ; apostles; body; business; carnal; cause; christ; christian; church; col; communion; consent; cor; covenant; daily; day; days; death; devil; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; end; endless; ephes; everlasting; faith; father; flesh; fleshly; gal; ghost; glory; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; happiness; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; holiness; holy; hope; image; jesus; john; joy; judge; kingdom; law; life; live; lord; love; luke; man; mat; matth; men; mercy; mind; misery; nature; neighbour; peace; pet; phil; pleasures; power; psal; quest; reason; reconciled; religion; rom; salvation; sanctifier; satan; saviour; self; selves; sin; sins; souls; spirit; state; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; understanding; ungodly; want; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; ● ● cache: A26936.xml plain text: A26936.txt item: #34 of 107 id: A26938 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: How far holinesse is the design of Christianity where the nature of holiness and morality is opened, and the doctrine of justification, imputation of sin and righteousness, &c. partly cleared, and vindicated from abuse : in certain propositions, returned to an unknown person, referring to Mr. Fowlers treatise on this subject / by Richard Baxter. date: 1671 words: 8015 flesch: 62 summary: As elsewhere I have often said , we must carefully distinguish between the Primitive or Primary and Natural part of Holiness ; which is GODLINESSE or our LOVE to God as such ; and the mediate remedying , subservient Part , which is Faith in Christ , or Christianity as such . The Wisdome , and Goodness of God are wonderfully glorified , in providing this incomprehensible way of our Redemption , that by it Justice and Holiness may be as fully glorified , the Truth of God vindicated , the Honour and Authority of the Law and Lawgiver preserved , and sin disgraced and confounded , by the Sacrifice , Merit and Intercession of Christ , as if all sinners themselves had been condemned . keywords: active; baxter; blessed; books; certain; characters; christ; christianity; common; creatures; design; distinct; doctrine; early; eebo; end; ends; english; est; faith; far; fowlers; free; glorified; glory; god; gods; good; great; hath; holiness; holy; image; imputation; justice; justification; life; love; man; means; men; morality; nature; non; obedience; object; pardon; person; qui; quod; redemption; relation; religion; richard; righteousness; ruler; sanctification; secondary; self; selves; sin; sins; spirit; subject; tcp; tei; text; things; treatise; true; unholy; use; virtue; word; works; writings cache: A26938.xml plain text: A26938.txt item: #35 of 107 id: A26939 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: How to do good to many, or, The publick good is the Christians life directions and motives to it, intended for an auditory of London citizens, and published for them, for want of leave to preach them / by Richard Baxter. date: 1682 words: 21130 flesch: 68 summary: It were as good have no Life , as not to use it : And why doth God make men good , but that they may do good , even in their duty to God , themselves , and one another ? 4. It is Gods great mercy to mankind that he will use us all in doing good to one another ; And it s a great part of his wise Government of the world , that in societies men should be tyed to it , by the sense of every particular mans necessity ; And it is a great honor to those that he maketh his Almoners , or Servants to convey his gifts to others ; God bids you give nothing but what is his , and no otherwise your own than as his Stewards . I. One , and the worst , is Malignity , which is an Enmity to Spiritual good : For who will promote that which he is against ? II. Another is unbelief of Gods Commands and Promises ; when men take not themselves to be his Subject and Stewards , nor can take his promise for good security for their reward . III. Another is the forementioned sin of Selfishness , which makes a mans self to be his chiefest love and care , and more to him than Christs interest , or the Church or Kingdom . keywords: account; authority; bad; best; better; bodies; body; books; care; cause; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; common good; conscience; country; day; death; desire; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; enemies; enemy; english; evil; faithful; fear; fire; flesh; glory; god; godliness; gods; good; good men; good works; goodness; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; heaven; help; holy; honest; honour; house; hurt; hypocrites; idleness; ignorant; image; interest; kingdom; labour; law; laws; life; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; love; lust; man; men; mens; ministers; ministry; motives; nations; nature; necessary; necessity; neighbours; obedience; order; pastors; people; perfection; piety; poor; power; publick; publick good; reas; religion; religious; reward; rich; rulers; salvation; satan; saving; self; selves; sense; servants; service; set; sin; small; son; sorts; souls; sound; spirit; state; study; tcp; text; thing; tho; thou; time; true; trust; truth; turn; ungodly; use; want; way; wealth; wicked; wills; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worship; yea; zealous cache: A26939.xml plain text: A26939.txt item: #36 of 107 id: A26941 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The invaluable price of an immortal soul shewing the vanity of most people in taking care for the body, but neglect their duty as to the preservation of their never-dying souls : with advice to secure sinners to examine themselves before it be too late, that when death shall come to separate their souls from their bodies, they may be in a condition to welcome death for that happy change which all prepared Christians will ever rejoyce in : very necessary for all people to read and consider who would willingly be accounted true Christians : with large admonition to prayer as a duty most incumbant upon all who desire to obtain everlasting life through Christ Jesus. date: 1681 words: 4662 flesch: 50 summary: Oh wretched state that Man knows not his own heart , but hath a Thousand times more sin in him unknown , then the greatest self-conceited person in the world can see perfection in himself : few there are that are not too strongly and too well opinionated of themselves , and some have high esteem of others , and will say , that such a one is a good natur'd Man , he hath no deceit in him , he would not wrong a VVorm : when alas , these Excellencies are nothing in comparison of that Ocean of Sin , deformed Corruption , which lurks in his heart , and cannot be rooted out but by that Heavenly Antidote which alone can expell the Poyson of sin out of our corrupted Hearts , carnal Men do not consider that their wilful minds are not nor cannot be subject to the Law of God , which is absolutely pure without spot or blemish , whilst the best of our actions , the supream of our thoughts , are vain , sinful and Rebellious . Sin is absolutely contrary to the will of God , therefore should it be absolutely detestable to the Heart of Man , sin would pull down what Gods holy Laws would set up , and Establish Gods prescribed Laws for the salvation of souls , and the Devil deviseth sins for the Destruction of souls , yet will not poor sinners see that impurity which in sin it is clearly contrary to the very Nature of God. keywords: body; books; care; characters; christians; condition; dead; death; devil; duty; early; eebo; english; everlasting; fear; god; gods; good; hath; heart; heaven; holy; immortal; invaluable; life; man; men; nature; neglect; people; poor; prayer; preservation; price; private; secure; sensible; shewing; sin; sinners; sins; souls; tcp; tei; text; thing; thou; true; vanity; works cache: A26941.xml plain text: A26941.txt item: #37 of 107 id: A26942 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment and advice of the Assembly of the Associated Ministers of VVorcester-shire held at Worcester, Aug. 6th 1658 concerning the endeavours of ecclesiasticall peace, and the waies and meanes of Christian unity, which Mr. John Durey doth present, sent unto him in the name, and by the appointment of the aforesaid Assembly / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1658 words: 4843 flesch: 62 summary: The great cause of our uncharitable censures and divisions , hath been our departing from the Antient simplicity of Faith , and also from the sufficiency of the holy Scriptures to be the Rule and Test of our Faith : And till we return to this Scripture sufficiency , and antient simplicity , there is no hope of the antient Christian Unity and Charity , while proud men must thrust their own Opinions into the Churches Creed , or un-Church all that hold not such Opinions ; our peace with them must be by calming them , and bringing them to themselves , and bearing as far as may be with their Infirmity , but not by doing as they do , in lacerating the Churches . [ Whether we are true Christians , and Churches of Christ , ] which nothing but lamentable darkness , or frowardness can cause Brethren to deny . keywords: 6th; advice; assembly; associated; baxter; brethren; brother; brotherly; cause; charity; christ; christian; christianity; churches; communion; confessions; deare; doth; english; faith; god; great; hath; holy; john; love; members; men; ministers; pastor; peace; point; present; profession; religion; richard; rule; scripture; shire; text; thing; true; truth; waies; worcester; words; work cache: A26942.xml plain text: A26942.txt item: #38 of 107 id: A26943 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Baxter's judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish-assemblies, as by law required, impartially stated and proposed date: 1684 words: 10903 flesch: 56 summary: If any Prince would turn his Kingdom , or a whole Province , Diocess or Country , into one onely Church , and thereby overthrow all the first Order of Churches , of Christs Institution , which are associated for personal present Communion , allowing them no Pastors , that have the power of the Keys , and all essential to their Office , though he should allow parochial Oratories or Chappels , which should be no true Churches , but parts of a Church , it were no Schism to gather Churches , within such a Church , against the Laws of such a Prince ; see Nonconformists first plea for peace . It has very much grieved the Author to see how many have been led from their Principles by some men , who though otherwise Dissenters , have since the late vigorous Execution of the paenal Laws , not only gone themselves to Church , but done their best to engage Others to do so too ; and to that end have observed the Rule of the Polititian , To press the Examples and Practices of some Eminent Men , as a good means to draw on the rest . keywords: answer; assemblies; assembly; baxter; bishop; christ; church; churches; communicating; communion; compleat; congregational; consent; constitution; destructive; diocesane; diocesane church; discipline; dissenters; doctrine; doth; eebo; england; english; episcopacy; essential; god; government; impossible; judgment; kneeling; late; law; lawful; laws; liturgy; minister; ministry; national; national church; necessary; nonconformists; office; old; order; parish; parish assemblies; parish church; parochial; particular; parts; pastor; peace; power; presbyters; present; principles; publick; reasons; sacrament; saith; schism; self; single; tcp; text; things; time; true; worship cache: A26943.xml plain text: A26943.txt item: #39 of 107 id: A26945 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity with a short reflection upon a scandalous pamphlet intituled, A proposition for the safety and happiness of the king and kingdom : in a letter to a gentleman of the House of Commons. date: 1667 words: 3509 flesch: 72 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: argument; baxter; books; ceremonies; characters; church; commons; determination; early; eebo; english; form; god; governors; happiness; holy; house; humane; king; kingdom; lawful; liturgy; men; necessary; prayer; publick; safety; self; stinted; tcp; tei; text; things; unlawful; use; work; worship cache: A26945.xml plain text: A26945.txt item: #40 of 107 id: A26946 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment of non-conformists of the interest of reason in matters of religion in which it is proved against make-bates, that both conformists, and non-conformists, and all parties of true Protestants are herein really agreed, though unskilful speakers differ in words. date: 1676 words: 8473 flesch: 59 summary: So say all , but not by that alone : Reason must discern the Divinity of Scripture partly by the evident Impulses of Divinity which are in it , which are its proper Light ; and partly by extrinsick attestations , in the due use of the means which God hath appointed Reason to make use of , II. There are evident unimitable effects of the Christian Faith , which prove it to be of God ; even the Spirits sanctifying Work , on Man ; which may , by those that have it not , be partly discerned in the holy Lives of Believers ; especially in the Sanctity of the Church , that it should be holy , in Comparison of the unholy World , ( that is , all sound Believers which are the real spiritual living Church ; ) for , if one Letter might be made without Reason by chance , yet so cannot a Learned Book : And if an individual Christian might by chance be holier than Infidels , yet so could not all true Believers . keywords: articles; belief; cause; certain; characters; christ; christians; church; churches; command; common; conformists; contrary; difference; discerning; divine; doctrine; duties; eebo; english; evidence; faculty; faith; general; god; gods; gospel; great; greater; hath; holy; humane; ignorant; intellect; interest; knowledge; light; love; man; mans; matters; men; miracles; natural; nature; new; non; object; particular; parties; parts; pope; power; protestants; question; real; reason; religion; revelation; saving; scripture; self; sin; spirit; state; supernatural; tcp; text; things; true; truth; understanding; use; wisdome; word; work cache: A26946.xml plain text: A26946.txt item: #41 of 107 id: A26948 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Richard Baxter's last legacy in select admonitions and directions to all sober dissenters. date: 1697 words: 29621 flesch: 70 summary: Could I have believed him , that would have told me five years ago , that when the Scorners of Godliness were subdued , and the bitter Persecuters of Church were destroyed , that such should succeed them who suffered with us , and were our intimate Friends , which we took sweet councel , and went up together to the House of God , should draw their Swords against each other , and seek each others blood so fiercely ? To this I say , that Schism is a Sin antecedent to all Humane Constitutions , as being directly forbid in the Holy Gospel , and consequently will continue to be sinful , tho' all the Kings and Rulers of the Earth should indulge , and tolerate them ; for the Laws of Men cannot make void the Law of God , nor alter the nature of things , and justifie or make that to be good which the only Lawgiver of Christians hath condemned as unlawful ; and as it is said of Poligamy among the Jews , that the Law of Moses connived at it , for the hardness of their hearts , so it is for the hardness and uncharitableness of Mens Spirits , that Rulers are constrained for a time to tolerate and bear with many things that are Offensive and Prejudicial to the prosperity of their Government . keywords: answ; answer; apostles; assemblies; authority; bagshaw; baptism; baxter; best; better; bishops; body; book; brethren; case; ceremonies; certain; children; christ; christian; church; churches; circumstances; command; common; communion; concord; conformists; conscience; consent; contrary; covenant; cure; day; days; defence; direct; directory; disobedience; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; elders; end; england; english; episcopacy; faith; form; general; god; godly; good; gospel; government; great; greater; hath; holy; humane; interest; joyn; judge; judgment; lawful; lawfully; lawfulness; laws; lay; liberty; life; like; liturgy; long; lord; love; magistrate; making; man; matter; means; meetings; members; men; mind; ministers; ministry; necessary; necessity; new; non; obedience; office; officers; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; page; papists; parents; parish; particular; parties; party; pastors; peace; people; persons; power; prayer; preaching; preface; prejudice; pride; principles; private; professed; psalms; publick; reason; reformation; religion; religious; rest; rulers; salvation; schism; scripture; scruple; second; sect; self; selves; separate; separation; separatists; shew; sin; sinful; souls; spirit; tcp; text; things; time; true; truth; unity; unlawful; use; way; weak; words; work; world; worship; yea; years; zeal cache: A26948.xml plain text: A26948.txt item: #42 of 107 id: A26952 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel invitations manifested in a sermon preached at Lawrence-dury, in London, by Rich. Baxter. date: 1691 words: 15424 flesch: 71 summary: 6. Christ and Salvation are made light of by the World , because they are wholly enslaved to their sense , and taken up with lower things ; the matters of another World are out of sight , and so far from their senses , that they cannot regard them ; but present things are nearer them , in their eyes , and in their hands : There must be a living faith to prevail over sense , before Men can be so taken with things that are not seen , though they have the Word of God for their security , as to neglect and let go things that are still before their eyes . If you will not do this , but make light of the Word of God , you shall be judged as such as make light of Christ and Salvation , whatever you may sondly promise to your selves . keywords: better; blood; business; case; christ; christ hath; contempt; day; dead; desires; doth; easie; eebo; english; esteem; everlasting; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilty; hard; hath; hear; hearers; hearts; help; holy; john; judge; judgment; life; light; little; lord; love; man; matters; men; mind; ministers; misery; neglect; pleasure; poor; preachers; preaching; reason; rich; salvation; saviour; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sinners; sins; sirs; son; souls; spirit; tcp; terms; text; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; truth; use; value; willing; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worth cache: A26952.xml plain text: A26952.txt item: #43 of 107 id: A26953 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Memorables of the life of faith taken out of Mr. B's sermon preached before the King at Whitehall : published thus for the poor that want money and memory / by one desirous to promote the common salvation. date: 1690 words: 3818 flesch: 80 summary: Should I ever be drawn away by Temptations again as I have been ? Q. 7. Should I ever stick at sufferings when God calls for them from me ? Q. 8. Should I not highly value Christ , his Spirit , his Grace , his Promises , his Word , his Ordinances ? Q. 9. Should I ever be quiet under uncertainty of my Reconciliation unto God ? Q. 10. Should I not then be all for Peace , Quietness and Love , with all that love the Lord Jesus Christ , and are seeking invisible things ? 1. O live not too much on things visible ! Or , to make the things that will be , as if they were already in existence ; and the unseen things which God revealeth , as if our bodily eyes beheld them . keywords: believers; believeth; books; characters; christ; early; eebo; english; faith; glory; god; heaven; image; joh; life; lives; lord; love; man; men; nature; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; salvation; scripture; son; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; true; unseen; work cache: A26953.xml plain text: A26953.txt item: #44 of 107 id: A26957 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion by R.B. ; to which is added suitable meditations before, in, and after receiving ; with divine hymns in common tunes, fitted for publick congregations or private families. date: 1696 words: 35804 flesch: 77 summary: Open thou my heart , that I may yet more joyfully and thankfully accept them : Seeing God will glorifie his Love and mercy by such incomprehensible gifts as these , behold , Lord , a wretch that needeth all this mercy ! And seeing it is the offer of thy Grace and Covenant , my Soul doth gladly take thee for my God and Father , for my Saviour and my Sanctifier : And here I give my up self unto thee , as thy Created , Redeemed and ( I hope ) Why did he not send twelve Legions of Angels for his rescue ? Why doth he not send down fire from Heaven upon the heads of these his Sons enemies , and so consume them ? But stay my foolish heart , thou knowest not what spirit thou art of ; this debt was owing , and it must be paid ; God requires so much , and it must be given , or thou canst not be saved . keywords: angels; answ; answer; author; beloved; benefits; best; better; blessed; blood; body; books; bread; canst; cause; children; christ; christians; church; common; communion; conscience; consent; cor; covenant; creature; cross; crucified; daily; day; dead; dear; death; delight; desire; discourse; divine; dost; doth; doubt; duty; dying; earth; end; enemies; enemy; english; eternal; everlasting; exercise; eyes; face; faith; fall; family; father; fear; feast; find; fire; flames; flesh; friend; gift; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilty; hand; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; hold; holiness; holy; hope; hymn; iii; jesus; john; joy; judge; judgment; justice; king; known; law; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; love; man; mat; means; mercy; mind; minister; nature; need; obedience; object; offer; pardon; parts; past; perfect; place; pleasures; poor; power; praise; prayer; preparation; presence; present; private; quest; reason; receiver; receiving; redeemer; repentance; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; saints; saviour; seeing; self; selves; sense; set; shew; sin; sinful; sing; sinner; sins; son; sorrow; soul; spirit; stand; state; sufferings; supper; sweet; tcp; tears; text; thankfulness; thanksgiving; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thoughts; throne; thy; time; true; trust; unbelief; unbelieving; unworthy; use; voice; way; welcome; willing; wilt; wine; witness; words; work; world; worship; wrath; wretch; yea cache: A26957.xml plain text: A26957.txt item: #45 of 107 id: A26958 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A moral prognostication I. what shall befall the churches on Earth, till their concord, by the restitution of their primitive purity, simplicity, and charity, II. how that restitution is like to be made, (if ever) and what shall befall them thence-forth unto the end, in that golden-age of love / written by Richard Baxter ... date: 1680 words: 19573 flesch: 62 summary: A WORLDLY , Covetous , Proud , Domineering , Malignant , Lazy Clergy , will in most Christian Nations , be the great Plague of the World , and troublers of Princes , and Dividers of Churches ; who , for the Interest of their Grandure , and their Wills , will not give the Sober , and Peaceable , and Godly Ministers , or People , Leave to serve God quietly , and live in Peace . For when they observe that it is the same party of Men , who are thus Reproached , that are the strictest reprovers of their Lewdness , their Fornicatious , Tipling , Gaming , Luxuries , and Ungodliness : they will think that it 's no great matter , what such a defamed giddy sort of People say , and that really they are worse themselves . keywords: afflicters; age; bad; best; better; bishops; books; carnal; cause; charity; christian; christianity; church; churches; clergy; common; communion; concord; conformists; consent; contrary; covenant; divisions; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; ends; enemies; english; enmity; evil; faithful; favour; general; glory; god; godliness; godly; good; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; happy; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heretical; holy; honour; hypocrites; ignorance; ignorant; image; increase; interest; joyn; judge; judgment; judicious; kingdom; kings; knoweth; life; like; lives; long; lord; love; magistrate; man; matters; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; moderate; nature; necessary; new; non; office; opposition; order; particular; party; passionate; passions; pastors; peace; peaceable; people; persons; pope; power; prayer; preaching; pride; princes; principles; prognostication; proper; proud; religion; right; rule; rulers; run; sacramental; sectaries; self; set; sin; sober; sort; souls; sword; tcp; teachers; terms; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; united; unity; universal; use; way; wealth; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worship; yea; younger; zeal cache: A26958.xml plain text: A26958.txt item: #46 of 107 id: A26960 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: More reasons for the Christian religion and no reason against it, or, A second appendix to the Reasons of the Christian religion being I. an answer to a letter from an unknown person charging the Holy Scriptures with contradictions, II. some animadversions on a tractate De Veritate, written by ... Edward Herbert, Baron of Cherbury ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1672 words: 32941 flesch: 64 summary: First , We distinguish between Christs procurement of our pardon and salvation by his sacrifice and merit with God , and Christ as the object of mans faith , or as Believed in by man. It is as common a truth that all men are sinful and depraved even from the first ( however it came to pass ) that they are indisposed to the certain duties and ends , which their nature was formed for . That God is the universal Governour of man , by moral means ; That he is just and true , that God only can make known to us , what is pleasing to himself and what reward or punishment he will retribute , That mans darkness is so great , that he learneth all this from nature alone , with great imperfection , doubtfulness and dissatisfaction : That therefore a further supernatural Revelation , which is sure would be a great confirmation and satisfaction to mans minds . keywords: able; angels; answer; apostles; apprehension; attestation; attested; author; belief; believers; believing; best; better; body; books; cause; certain; certainty; children; christ; christian; christian religion; christianity; church; churches; clear; common; communes; conditions; contradiction; contrary; covenant; day; death; disciples; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; eebo; effect; end; ends; england; english; erre; error; evidence; evident; existent; faith; false; far; father; free; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; heaven; herbert; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hopes; humane; ignorant; image; incarnation; infallible; interest; jesus; jews; john; judge; justice; kingdome; knowing; knowledge; known; law; learned; left; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; luke; man; mankind; mans; mary; matter; matthew; men; mens; mercy; merit; method; mind; miracles; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; notitiae; number; objections; office; onely; order; pardon; parts; past; paul; perfect; person; peter; place; plain; power; present; principles; promise; proof; prophets; proved; question; reason; redemption; religion; repentance; rest; resurrection; revelation; sacred; sacrifice; salvation; satisfaction; satisfied; scripture; second; self; sense; sin; souls; spirit; sufficient; sure; tcp; terms; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; uncertain; understanding; use; verity; way; wisdome; wise; witness; women; wonder; words; work; world; yea; years cache: A26960.xml plain text: A26960.txt item: #47 of 107 id: A26962 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Naked popery, or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or, The Puritan convert to apostolical Christianity, written by W.H. opening their fundamental errour of unwritten tradition, and their unjust description of the Puritans, the prelatical Protestant, and the papist, and their differences, and better acquainting the ignorant of the same difference, especially what a Puritan and what a papist is / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1677 words: 62162 flesch: 67 summary: [ The certainty of Christianity without Popery , ] which I intreat you impartially to peruse , where I have also shewed the utter uncertainty that Popery would reduce our Christianity to ; that I will now only tell you , that after your talk of Tradition , and Church , and Fathers , and Grandfathers , if we had not much more testimony of Tradition for our Religion than you have for Popery , we should think our Faith were very lame . The most of your further dealing with the Prelatick Protestant , is to tell him that his Ritual Principles lead him to turn Papist , or else he cannot answer the Puritan : I take not my self any further fit to interpose herein , than to tell you , that in all things truly Indifferent , there is a just middle between any mistaken Scruplers that hold them sinful , and a Papist that maketh them a part of his Christianity or Religion , and will not be of the same Religion and Church with those that be not of his mind , nor will willingly suffer them to preach or live . keywords: able; abundance; added; advantage; aforesaid; ancient; answer; apostles; apostolical; articles; authority; bad; baptism; basil; bear; belief; believeth; best; better; bible; bishops; blood; body; books; canons; case; catholick; ceremonies; certain; chap; charge; chief; christ; christian; christian world; christianity; church; churches; civil; claim; clergie; clergy; common; communion; concord; confession; conformists; conscience; consent; constance; constantinople; contrary; controversies; council; countries; covenant; creed; cross; damned; day; days; death; decrees; description; devil; difference; divers; divine; doctors; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; election; emperours; empire; end; england; english; equal; essentials; excommunicate; faith; false; far; fathers; fit; flesh; france; free; general; general councils; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeks; gregory; hard; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hell; help; heresie; hereticks; history; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorant; iii; images; imperial; infallibility; infallible; infidels; instance; institution; interest; jesus; judge; judgment; key; kingdoms; kings; large; late; latine; law; laws; lay; learned; leave; life; like; little; long; lord; love; magistrates; major; man; matter; meer; memory; men; mens; mind; miracles; monarch; naked; nations; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; nice; non; number; oath; obedience; objective; office; oft; old; open; opinion; order; original; pag; papists; pardon; particular; parts; pastors; patriarch; paul; peace; people; perfect; persons; peter; piety; point; poor; pope; popery; power; prayer; preach; prelatick; present; pretended; pride; priests; primacy; princes; priviledges; profess; proof; protestants; publick; purgatory; puritan; puritanes; question; read; real; reason; relations; religion; religious; rest; right; righteousness; roman; rome; rule; sacrament; said; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; scripture; seat; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sentence; set; sin; sins; sort; soul; spirit; state; subjects; succession; supreme; sure; tcp; temporal; testimony; text; things; think; time; title; tradition; trent; true; true church; trust; truth; turn; unity; universal; universal church; unwritten; use; vulgar; way; wonder; words; work; world; worship; writers; yea; years cache: A26962.xml plain text: A26962.txt item: #48 of 107 id: A26963 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The nature and immortality of the soul proved in answer to one who professed perplexing doubtfulness / by Richard Baxter. date: 1682 words: 15826 flesch: 75 summary: And if those Waters were material , such were all things they d●d produce , among which was Man , of whom the Text asserts nothing more plain ; for it saith , God created man of the dust of the earth ; the most gross part and sedement of those Waters , after all things else were created . 2. And you must believe , that Christ was God and Man , and came to save man , before you believe that there is such a creature as man , or what he is , and whether he have a soul capable of salvation . keywords: acting; action; active; acts; adam; animal; ans; answer; beasts; better; bodies; body; books; capable; cause; certain; christ; church; clock; common; conceptions; contrary; dead; death; definition; difference; divers; doth; doubt; dust; earth; eebo; english; essential; evident; faculties; faculty; faith; far; fire; form; free; god; good; hath; hope; humane; immortality; individual; individuation; infinite; invisible; judg; knowledg; known; life; light; little; live; living; love; man; mans; material; matter; meer; men; misery; motion; natural; nature; necessary; new; objects; page; parts; power; principle; reason; rest; self; selves; sense; soul; speech; spirit; spiritual; substance; sun; tcp; text; things; tho; true; trust; truth; universal; virtue; vital; watch; water; way; words; work; world; yea cache: A26963.xml plain text: A26963.txt item: #49 of 107 id: A26964 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The nonconformists advocate, or, A farther account of their judgment in certain things in which they are misunderstood written principally in vindication of A letter from a minister to a person of quality, shewing some reasons for his nonconformity, modesty answering the exceptions of two violent opposers of the said reasons. date: 1680 words: 36944 flesch: 56 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. The nonconformists advocate, or, A farther account of their judgment in certain things in which they are misunderstood written principally in vindication of A letter from a minister to a person of quality, shewing some reasons for his nonconformity, modesty answering the exceptions of two violent opposers of the said reasons. keywords: account; actual; answer; apocrypha; assent; baptism; baptizing; better; blessings; blood; body; book; brother; burial; care; case; certain; chap; chapter; charge; children; christ; christian; church; clergy; common; communion; condition; conformity; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; covenant; cross; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; debtor; declaration; devil; discretion; dog; doth; duty; eebo; end; ends; england; english; errata; express; eyes; face; faith; fear; fish; flesh; free; general; god; godfathers; gods; good; goodness; gospel; governours; grace; great; greatest; ground; guilty; hands; hath; hearing; heart; high; holy; hope; infants; intended; interim; inward; judge; judgment; justifie; kind; law; leave; life; like; little; liturgy; liver; living; look; lord; lying; man; manner; matter; mean; meaning; meer; men; mercy; mind; minister; nature; necessary; non; notwithstanding; office; old; opinion; order; outward; parents; particular; parts; people; person; place; pleased; poor; power; practice; prayer; prescribed; present; private; promise; proper; publick; purpose; quality; question; reading; ready; real; reason; religion; remission; repentance; required; rest; return; right; rubrick; rule; sacrament; sacriledge; said; salvable; salvation; saviour; scripture; scruple; second; self; selves; sense; service; set; shew; sign; signing; sins; sir; smoak; solemn; soul; spirit; sufficient; sure; sureties; tcp; text; thing; thou; thoughts; time; title; tobit; tongue; true; truth; turn; understanding; undoubted; unfeigned; unto; use; utterly; viz; washing; water; way; wise; word; work; worthy; yea; young cache: A26964.xml plain text: A26964.txt item: #50 of 107 id: A26967 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Now or never the holy, serious, diligent believer justified, encouraged, excited and directed, and the opposers and neglecters convinced by the light of Scripture and reason / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1662 words: 47598 flesch: 68 summary: But doth he think that man is seriously a Christian that is not more zealous for God and Religion , and the souls of men , then for himself ? Have I nothing else to do with my time & labour , but plead cause of my own which God will so speedily and effectually plead ? Will it not be time enough to be justified at the Bar and day of God ? I am content that they carry it as they desire till then ( were it not more for their own and other mens sakes then mine ) — So that Laity and Clergy , learned and unlearned , all ages , sects , and degrees of men , women and children of all Christendom ( a most horrible and dreadfull thing to think ) have been at once drowned in abomi●able Idolatry , of all other vices most detested of God , and most damnable to man , and that by the space of eight hundred years . keywords: acts; affections; answer; bear; believers; best; better; blood; body; books; business; calling; canst; care; case; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; cold; comfort; common; consciences; controversie; conversion; cry; dare; day; dayes; dead; death; delay; delight; desire; diligence; diligent; doctrine; dost; doth; doubt; dull; duties; duty; earth; end; endless; enemies; enemy; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evil; excuse; faction; faith; faithful; father; fear; fire; flesh; fleshly; ghost; glory; god; godliness; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; hold; holiness; holy; holy life; honour; hope; houses; humane; hypocrisie; hypocrites; interest; joh; joy; judgement; justice; kingdom; labour; late; laws; lay; leave; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; longer; lord; love; luk; lusts; mad; making; malice; man; manner; matter; men; mens; mercy; mind; ministers; miserable; misery; mock; nature; near; necessary; necessity; needless; needs; new; non; obedience; obj; odious; open; opposers; opposition; order; papists; party; past; people; persons; piety; place; pleasures; poor; power; practice; prayer; praying; preachers; preaching; present; principles; profess; professed; prov; question; ready; reason; religion; repentance; reproach; return; reward; righteous; righteousness; rom; saints; salvation; sanctified; satan; scorn; scorners; scripture; self; selves; sensual; seriousness; servants; service; serving; shame; short; sin; sinners; sins; sirs; sloathful; sober; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strict; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; turn; understanding; ungodly; use; vain; want; way; wicked; wilt; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worth; zeal; zealous cache: A26967.xml plain text: A26967.txt item: #51 of 107 id: A26975 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Of national churches their description, institution, use, preservation, danger, maladies and cure, partly applied to England / written by Richard Baxter for promoting peace ... and for the fuller explication of the Treaty for Concord in 1660 and 1661, and of the Kings gracious declaration about ecclesiastical affairs ... and for further explication of his treatise of episcopacy ... date: 1691 words: 30583 flesch: 66 summary: And how oft do they tell us that Government ( Monarchical or Aristocratical ) are a meer Trust , and Rulers only the Peoples Trustees , without distinguishing what is of God in it , and what is of man , and what trust God committeth to them , and what men commit ? 2. And God hath gone before man , and hath instituted Government himself , by the Law of Nature and of Scripture , and hath not staid for man to do it ? How can man be the Fountain of that which God hath instituted before him ? He hath not left man to his own choice whether he will have Government or not ; but hath prevented him by the obligations of Necessity and Command . keywords: advantage; affairs; ans; answer; apostles; aristocracy; bad; better; bishops; body; books; canons; care; cases; cause; chap; chief; children; christian; christian kingdom; christs; church; church government; churches; civil; clergy; common; communion; concord; confederacy; conformity; consent; constantine; continued; councils; dangerous; difference; diocesans; disparity; distinct; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; eebo; elders; empire; end; enemies; england; english; enmity; episcopacy; essential; execution; extraordinary; fit; foreign; form; free; general; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; great; greater; hath; head; healing; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorance; ignorant; iii; institution; intended; interest; israel; jews; judea; judge; jurisdiction; keys; king; kingdom; large; lawful; laws; lay; like; long; lord; love; magistrates; man; mark; matter; meer; members; men; mens; ministers; ministry; moses; national church; nations; nature; necessary; new; nonconformists; number; obj; obligation; octavo; office; officers; oft; order; ordinary; papal; papists; parents; parish; parliament; particular; parts; pastoral; pastors; peace; people; persons; physicion; piety; policy; political; popery; power; preaching; pretence; priests; princes; profess; protestants; publick; quarto; question; reason; reformation; religion; religious; right; roman; rulers; said; satan; scripture; second; secular; self; set; sin; sinful; sins; sort; souls; soveraignty; spirit; state; subjects; superior; superiority; tcp; terms; text; things; tho; time; treatise; true; truth; unity; universal; universal church; use; want; way; wealth; wicked; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worship; years cache: A26975.xml plain text: A26975.txt item: #52 of 107 id: A26976 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Of the immortality of mans soul, and the nature of it and other spirits. Two discourses, one in a letter to an unknown doubter, the other in a reply to Dr. Henry Moore's Animadversions on a private letter to him, which he published in his second edition of Mr. Joseph Glanvil's Sadducismus triumphatus, or, History of apparitions by Richard Baxter. date: 1682 words: 39685 flesch: 69 summary: Of the immortality of mans soul, and the nature of it and other spirits. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 53:9b) Of the immortality of mans soul, and the nature of it and other spirits. keywords: accidents; acting; action; active; acts; adam; air; amplitude; angels; anima; animals; ans; answer; apparitions; atomes; attributes; baxter; beasts; better; bodies; body; books; candle; capable; cause; center; certain; certainty; christ; christian; church; clock; common; composition; compound; conceive; conceptions; conceptus; consistence; continued; contradiction; contrary; creation; creature; dead; death; definition; difference; dispositio; distinct; divers; divided; divine; divisible; doth; doubt; dust; earth; edition; eebo; effect; elements; end; english; essence; essential; est; evidence; evident; existence; experience; faculties; faculty; false; far; fathers; fire; form; formal; formalis; free; general; generation; glisson; god; good; gospel; great; hard; hath; heat; henry; history; hope; hot; humane; igneous; ignis; ignorance; ignorant; immortality; inadequate; indiscerpibility; indiscerpible; individual; individuation; indivisibility; infinite; intellection; intellectual; invisible; judge; kind; knowledg; known; life; light; like; little; live; living; love; making; man; mans; material; materiality; matter; meer; men; mens; mental; mind; miracles; misery; motion; motive; motus; mover; moving; mundi; names; natural; nature; necessary; needs; new; non; notice; notions; objects; old; operation; orb; page; parts; passive; past; penetrability; penetrable; perception; place; point; power; principle; proof; proper; proved; pure; purissima; purity; puzzle; quae; quality; quantity; question; quod; reader; real; reason; religion; rest; saith; satisfaction; second; sect; seeing; self; selves; sense; sensible; sensitive; separate; separation; signifie; simple; sir; soul; speak; species; spirit; spiritual; stone; subject; substance; substantia; substantiality; subtilty; sun; sure; tcp; text; things; tho; thoughts; true; trust; truth; understanding; union; universal; universe; vegetative; vel; virtus; vital; vitalis; viz; volition; want; watch; water; way; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; ● ● cache: A26976.xml plain text: A26976.txt item: #53 of 107 id: A26979 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: One sheet against the Quakers by Richard Baxter. date: 1657 words: 7114 flesch: 72 summary: The man that will stand safe , and look on the folly and misery of all these sects , with prudence to his own advantage , must be A sincere Catho●●ck Christian , saved from Infidelity and Impiety : Having one God , one Mediator between God and man , one holy Spirit ; being a member of that one Catholick Church , which is not confined to the sect of Papists , or the sect of Anabaptists , or any sect , but containeth all the true Christians in the world , though some parts of it be Reformed and pure , and others more deformed and corrupt : having one Catholick Rule , the Word of God ; and a Catholick Love to all Christians in the world , with a care and desire of their welfare , proportionable to their several degrees of loveliness , Being my self a member of this Catholick Church , and finding my self on the Rock which the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against , the security of my station encourageth me the more boldly to do my part in defending the cause of God , against the assaults of all these deluded ones ; and particularly the Quakers . And it is the more impious in that they entitle God to it , and think they do him service , by reviling his servants : yea , and abuse the phrases of Scriptures to it ; as if they might call such by any names which God hath called the worst of men by ; Even dogs , wolves , greedy dogs and hirelings , children of the Devil , and enemies of all righteousness , hypocrites , Devils , with abundance such . keywords: apostles; authority; baxter; better; catholick; cause; children; christ; christian; church; devil; doctrine; doth; followers; god; gospel; hath; holy; judge; light; like; lord; love; man; men; ministers; ministry; new; papists; people; perfection; pride; proud; quakers; reason; religion; richard; saints; saith; salvation; sect; self; servants; sin; spirit; text; things; thou; truth; turn; words; work; world; yea; years cache: A26979.xml plain text: A26979.txt item: #54 of 107 id: A26980 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: One sheet for the ministry against the malignants of all sorts by Richard Baxter. date: 1657 words: 7860 flesch: 79 summary: Have you forgotten what God hath done here against the Papal enemies of the Gospel and Ministry , in 88. and the Powder-plot , and many other times ? Have you already forgotten how the persecutots of a godly Ministry have sped within these sixteen years in England and Ireland ? And dare you now stand up in their room and make your selves the heirs of their sin , and punishment , and justifie them in all their Malignity ? What do you but justifie them , when you rave against , and revile the same sort of Ministers , and many of the same persons , whom the former Malignants persecuted ? and oppose the same sort of Ministers that the Papists burned ? And would not you do the like by them if you had power in your hands ? Can any wise man doubt of it , Whether Papists , and Quakers , and Drunkards , that now make it their work to make the Ministry odious , would not soon dispatch them if they could ? Blessed be the great Protector of the Church ; for were it not for him , our lives would soon be a prey to your cruelty . And as long as the Gospel and Ministry remains , salvation is offered them : the Voyce of mercy is calling after them , Repent and live . keywords: answ; baxter; better; body; christ; church; day; despiseth; doctrine; doth; drunkards; earth; enemies; english; experience; god; gods; good; gospel; hath; hell; honour; labour; land; light; little; lord; malignants; man; men; ministers; ministry; nations; officers; papists; paul; people; prophets; quakers; reproach; richard; rule; saints; scripture; self; selves; sin; souls; spirit; teachers; text; time; true; wicked; words; work; world; wretches cache: A26980.xml plain text: A26980.txt item: #55 of 107 id: A26982 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Richard Baxter's penitent confession and his necessary vindication in answer to a book called The second part of the mischiefs of separation, written by an unnamed author with a preface to Mr. Cantianus D. Minimis, in answer to his letter which extorted this publication. date: 1691 words: 50573 flesch: 70 summary: And that no King hath any Right to null any of these , or alter them in Essentials or Integrals ; but only to over rule them . 9. Grotius and common reason convinced me that where the summa potestas is in King and Senate , each part hath right to defend its own true Part therein : It can be no part in Soveraignty which is meerly at the Will and Mercy of the other part . keywords: able; account; accus; accusation; accuser; accuseth; act; actions; ans; answer; archbishop; armies; arms; army; author; authority; baxter; beginning; best; better; bishops; blame; blood; book; calling; canons; cantianus; cause; censure; chancellor; charge; charles; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; clergy; col; commission; common; communion; concord; confession; conformity; confutation; conscience; consent; constitution; continued; contrary; council; countrey; covenant; coventry; crime; cromwell; danger; day; days; death; declaration; defence; delinquents; desire; devils; divers; divisions; doth; doubt; duty; earl; end; enemies; england; english; episcopacy; evidence; evil; excellent; faction; false; father; faults; fear; field; fight; foreign; free; french; general; goals; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; gross; grotius; guilty; hand; hath; heart; heaven; heinous; hell; help; henry; history; holy; home; honour; hooker; hope; house; hurt; ignorance; ignorant; impossible; interest; irish; james; john; judge; judgment; judicature; jurisdiction; justice; justifie; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; labour; late; laud; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; legal; legislative; lies; life; like; little; liturgy; living; london; long; lord; love; lye; lying; malice; man; matter; means; meer; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; morley; nation; nature; near; necessary; new; nonconformists; oath; obedience; office; oft; old; order; ordinary; ordination; page; papists; pardon; parish; parliament; party; past; pay; peace; penitent; people; perjury; persecution; persecutors; person; piety; pious; popery; power; practice; prayer; preachers; preaching; preface; presbyterian; present; pretence; principles; prison; profess; proof; protestants; publick; rabble; reader; reasons; rebellion; religion; religious; repentance; report; reproach; rest; return; richard; safety; saith; saying; scarce; schism; scots; scripture; second; sectaries; sedition; self; separation; sermon; set; sin; sinful; sins; sir; soldiers; sort; souls; speak; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subjects; supream; taking; talk; tcp; terms; text; thing; thought; thousands; time; treatise; true; truth; unity; usher; vicar; viz; war; wars; way; william; worcester; words; work; world; worse; writings; years cache: A26982.xml plain text: A26982.txt item: #56 of 107 id: A26983 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A petition for peace with the reformation of the liturgy, as it was presented to the right reverend bishops, by the divines appointed by His Majesties commission to treat with them about the alteration of it. date: 1661 words: 46894 flesch: 84 summary: Most Reverend Fathers , and Reverend Brethren , THe special Providence of God , and His Majesties tender regard of the Peace and Consciences of His Subjects , and his desire of their concord in the things of God , hath put into our hands this opportunity of speaking to you as humble Petitioners , as well as Commissioners , on the behalf of these yet troubled and unhealed Churches , and of many thousand souls that are dear to Christ ; on whose behalf , wee are pressed in spirit in the sense of our duty , most earnestly to beseech you , as you tender the peace and prosperity of these Churches , the comfort of His Majesty in the union of his Subjects , and the peace of your souls in the great day of your accounts , that laying by all former and present exasperating and alienating differences , you will not now deny us your consent and assistance to those means that shall bee proved honest and cheap , and needful to those great , desirable ends , for which wee all profess to have our offices , and our lives . Should not the love of Christ command us to bee tender of those that are so tender of his honour , and to take heed what wee do to men for taking heed of sin , and being afraid to offend the Lord ; and should not the special love of Christians , and the common love of men , command us , to bee loath to drive men by penalties , upon that which they judge doth tend to their everlasting damnation , and which indeed doth tend to it , because they judge it so to do ; For hee that will do that which hee thinks to bee so great a sin as is before described , to please men , or to escape their punishment , no doubt deserveth the wrath of God , and should wee not bee loath to drive men upon sin and condemnation : though wee were sure that their own infirmity is the occasion . keywords: a26983; able; account; act; answer; baptism; bear; bee; beleeve; beleevers; beseech; better; blessed; blood; body; bread; brethren; bée; cause; childe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; col; come; common; communion; confess; congregation; consent; cor; covenant; cross; daies; day; death; desire; deut; discretion; div; doth; duty; earth; enemies; eph; ephes; everlasting; evil; faith; faithful; father; fear; flesh; form; gal; gen; ghost; glory; god; good; goodness; grace; gracious; great; hand; hast; hath; hearts; heaven; heb; hee; help; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; indifferent; iniquity; ioh; isa; jam; jesus; joh; john; joy; judgement; kingdome; kéep; law; laws; life; light; like; long; lord; love; luk; luke; majesties; mal; man; mat; matth; mee; members; men; mercies; merciful; mercy; minde; minister; mée; nature; necessary; new; notes; obedience; onely; pardon; parents; pastors; peace; penitent; people; persons; pet; phil; power; praise; prayer; presence; present; profession; psal; publick; redeemer; rejoyce; repentance; rest; rev; righteousness; rom; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; seeing; self; selves; sense; servants; set; shew; sin; sinners; sins; son; souls; spirit; stand; tcp; temptations; tender; text; thanksgiving; thee; thes; thine; things; thou; thy; thée; tim; time; true; truth; turn; ungodly; unity; vers; way; weak; wee; wilt; wisdome; works; world; worship; wrath; wée; yee cache: A26983.xml plain text: A26983.txt item: #57 of 107 id: A26986 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Pneumatou diakonia, or, Gospel-churches a standing ordinance of Jesus Christ to continue to his next personal glorious coming, plainly proved : objections particularly answer'd / by an unworthy servant ... R.B. date: 1682 words: 55344 flesch: 77 summary: And as the Woman was at first call'd of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Ish the Man , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isha Woman , because she was of him : So are the Churches of Christ call'd , 2. These are frequently , as is already proved , call'd the Bride , the Wife of Christ , said to be betrothed , espoused to him : He is call'd their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ish , Lord , Husband . keywords: a.d; able; account; act; angels; answ; antichrist; antichristian; apostasie; apostles; appertaining; appointment; argument; asia; authority; beast; believers; bishop; bloody; body; book; builder; building; call'd; chap; charge; children; christ; christians; church; churches; city; coming; commandments; continuance; continuation; continued; contrary; cor; covenant; day; dayes; dead; death; demonstrated; demonstration; devil; discovery; divine; doctrine; doth; dragon; duty; earth; end; eph; epistles; euseb; evident; faith; false; family; father; fellowship; foot; form; foundation; generation; gentiles; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; heb; holy; house; husband; iii; institutions; isa; jehovah; jer; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; kingdom; known; large; law; laws; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; matter; members; men; mind; ministration; months; moses; mouth; nature; new; object; office; officers; old; order; ordinances; pagan; particular; paul; people; period; persecution; personal; persons; pet; peter; place; power; practice; presence; present; priest; priestly; promises; prophesie; prophesying; prophet; prophetick; proved; pure; purity; purpose; reason; relation; remnant; respect; rev; rock; rome; rule; saints; satan; scripture; second; seed; self; set; shaken; sin; solemn; special; spirit; spiritual; state; statutes; stone; subjection; support; tabernacle; tcp; temple; testament; testimony; text; thee; thereunto; thes; things; thou; thy; time; touching; true; true churches; truth; unto; ver; vials; visible; vision; viz; war; way; wilderness; witnesses; woman; words; work; world; worship; worshippers; worshipping; years cache: A26986.xml plain text: A26986.txt item: #58 of 107 id: A26987 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Poetical fragments heart-imployment with God and it self : the concordant discord of a broken-healed heart ... / by Richard Baxter. date: 1681 words: 29214 flesch: 87 summary: Wilt thou tell Death and God , thou wilt not die ? And wilt thou the consuming fire defie ? But dost thou not desire that God would love thee ? And make thee just and lovely , and approve thee ? keywords: angels; bear; best; better; blessed; blind; blood; books; break; breast; breath; broken; canst; care; cause; change; christ; church; cold; common; conscience; consent; covenant; daies; daily; dark; day; dead; dear; dear god; death; delight; desire; didst; die; distress; door; dost; doth; doubt; dust; dwell; early; earth; eebo; end; endless; english; eternal; eternity; eyes; face; faith; fall; far; fear; feast; feed; fire; flesh; fleshly; foe; folly; food; free; friends; fruit; glorious; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; grief; groans; hand; happy; hate; hath; head; heart; heav'n; hell; help; high; higher; highest; holy; home; hope; house; image; jesus; joy; joyes; kingdom; knowledge; known; leave; lie; life; light; like; little; long; lord; lov'd; love; love doth; low; man; meet; men; mercy; mind; mirth; misery; nature; near; need; new; open; pain; passion; past; perfect; place; pleasant; pleasure; poor; power; praise; pray; precious; pride; proud; psalms; reason; rejoyce; relief; repent; rest; rise; rod; root; run; sad; saints; salvation; seed; self; sense; set; sickness; sin; sinful; sinner; sins; small; smart; sorrow; soul; sound; spark; spirit; spring; stand; strange; studies; sun; sweet; tcp; tears; tender; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thought; thy; time; tongue; treasure; true; truth; unseen; use; vain; want; wast; way; wilt; wilt thou; wisdom; wise; wit; woe; wonder; words; work; world; worst; wrath; yea; ● ● cache: A26987.xml plain text: A26987.txt item: #59 of 107 id: A26998 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Protestant religion truely stated and justified by the late Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter ; prepared for the press some time before his death ; whereunto is added, by way of preface, some account of the learned author, by Mr. Danel Williams and Mr. Matthew Sylvester. date: 1692 words: 41353 flesch: 72 summary: And I pray you tell us , whether that be Religion that is not Divine , and whether it be not our own understanding , that must distinguish between God and Man ? Did not Vulgar Folly fit slothful Fools for Hell , they would easily perceive that Popery engaging them to renounce their own understandings , maketh us all Voluntary Brutes , to gratify the ambition of Men , and puts down God from being our Governour , and Man from being a Voluntary Subject , and turns the Kingdom of Christ into the Kingdom of Beasts . ( And I hope , God and Man may be distinguished . ) keywords: account; act; actions; acts; angels; ans; answer; antichrist; apostles; author; baptism; baxter; best; better; bible; bishops; blood; body; books; bread; canons; catholicks; cause; charge; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; churches; clergy; commanded; common; communion; confess; confession; contrary; controversies; cor; council; covenant; creature; cross; damned; day; dead; death; deceiver; decree; decreeth; desire; devils; divine; doctrine; doth; drink; duty; earth; end; english; errour; evidence; evil; faith; false; far; fathers; flesh; forbid; fortieth; free; general; gift; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; hands; hath; head; heaven; hell; help; heresie; hereticks; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; humane; ignorant; images; infallible; john; judge; judgment; justice; justified; kingdom; kings; know; knowledge; law; laws; leave; liberty; life; light; like; little; lord; love; man; mans; marriage; mass; matter; mean; meaning; meer; men; merits; mind; ministers; moral; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needful; needs; new; obedience; office; order; ordination; page; papists; pardon; parents; parts; pastors; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; plain; point; pope; power; prayer; praying; prelates; pretended; priest; princes; profession; promise; proper; protestants; publick; punishment; purgatory; reader; reason; reformed; religion; rest; rome; rule; sacrament; sacrifice; saints; sake; salvation; saving; saviour; scripture; second; self; selves; sence; service; set; sin; sins; souls; spirit; state; subjects; sufficient; sure; tcp; teachers; text; thee; things; thirtieth; tho; thou; thought; thousands; time; tongue; tradition; true; trust; truth; turn; twentieth; understanding; universal; use; visible; way; wills; wine; word; works; worship; yea; years cache: A26998.xml plain text: A26998.txt item: #60 of 107 id: A27001 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Quakers catechism, or, The Quakers questioned, their questions answered, and both published for the sake of those of them that have not yet sinned unto death and of those ungrounded novices that are most in danger of their seduction / by R[i]chard Baxter. date: 1655 words: 20575 flesch: 60 summary: Because they do the Papists work , and maintain their cause , as far as yet they dare venture to bring it forth ; I could tell you of abundance of Popery that the Quakers and Behmenists maintain ; As that the Pope is not Antichrist ( which is at least to their advantage whether Popery or not ) and the disgracing and secret undermining the sufficiency of the Scripture , the decrying of the Ministry , the unchurching of our Churches , the slieghting of Justification by Imputed Righteousnesse , and drawing men to the admiration of their inherent righteousnesse , and of their works , the crying up the light within us , and the sufficiency of common revelation , the setting up the strength of mans free-will , the asserting the necessity of a Judge of Controversie above Scripture ( which they are content should be the Spirit of Revelations a while , till they can boldlier exchange that for the Pope ) the extolling of Monasticall Community and Virginity , and alienation from worldly emploiments , the doctrine of Perfection without sinne in this life , with many more of the like nature : All this the Papists have taught the Quakers . 1. Whether you mean it is sufficient to leave men without excuse , ( That we maintain as well as you ) or is every mans light sufficient to his salvation ? keywords: anabaptists; answer; apostles; baxter; better; body; bristol; children; christ; christian; church; churches; command; daies; darknesse; day; death; devil; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; end; english; eyes; faith; false; farre; fathers; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; head; heaven; holy; hope; ignorance; ignorant; infallible; informant; judge; knowledge; known; language; leave; life; light; like; little; lord; man; mans; master; men; mens; minde; ministers; ministry; need; new; non; order; papists; paul; people; perfect; place; points; poor; pope; pride; proud; quakers; queries; query; questions; reason; religion; richard; righteousnesse; roman; said; salvation; scripture; sect; self; selves; separatists; set; severall; shew; sin; sinne; soul; spirit; study; sufficient; sun; taking; teachers; tenths; text; things; thou; tim; time; true; truth; turn; tythes; use; way; wise; witnesse; word; work; worship; yea; years; young cache: A27001.xml plain text: A27001.txt item: #61 of 107 id: A27003 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The ready way of confuting Mr. Baxter a specimen of the present mode of controversie in England. date: 1682 words: 4019 flesch: 69 summary: The ready way of confuting Mr. Baxter a specimen of the present mode of controversie in England. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1395:31) The ready way of confuting Mr. Baxter a specimen of the present mode of controversie in England. keywords: allestry; baxter; blood; books; characters; cold; day; dead; early; eebo; england; english; forgiveness; general; great; hand; house; king; life; long; man; men; monk; oxford; parliament; party; presbyterians; present; report; richard; saith; sir; tcp; tei; text; thomas; time; true; truth; words; years cache: A27003.xml plain text: A27003.txt item: #62 of 107 id: A27007 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A reply to Mr. Tho. Beverley's answer to my reasons against his doctrine of the thousand years middle kingdom, and of the conversion of the Jews by Richard Baxter. date: 1691 words: 10355 flesch: 76 summary: I. That there is , besides all the Kingly State of Christ wherein we are agreed , a distinct Kingdom of Jesus Christ as the great Son of Man , to the highest Noon tide Glory of which God hath assigned a Thousand years : And when it hath utterly subdued all Enemies , it is to be delivered up to God , and the Father , and the Son , to be subject in that very sense . Are they not his Ministers ? What Creature shall be over Christ ? To say , There shall be no Kingdom , is to say , There shall be no God. keywords: alive; angels; ans; answer; arg; beginning; better; bodies; body; cause; cease; christ; church; city; creatures; dead; distinct; doth; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; face; father; fruition; glorious; glory; god; grace; great; heaven; humane; humanity; judgment; kingdom; lord; love; man; men; middle; nature; new; object; pag; power; proof; reign; resurrection; saints; saith; satan; scripture; self; sense; son; state; subject; tcp; text; tho; throne; time; use; wicked; words; work; world; years cache: A27007.xml plain text: A27007.txt item: #63 of 107 id: A27008 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Rich. Baxter's review of the state of Christian's infants whether they should be entered in covenant with God by baptism ... or whether Christ, the Saviour of the world, hath shut all mankind out of his visible kingdom ... 'till they come of age? : occasioned by the importunity of Mr. E. Hutchinson (and of Mr. Danvers and Mr. Tombes) who called him to this review in order to his retractation [sic] ... date: 1676 words: 23083 flesch: 62 summary: Davids saying , that All men are Lyars , and Pauls [ Let God be true , and every man a Lyar , ] were too much overlooked by me , till men themselves had told me what they are ; and warned me to cease from man , as vanity . If men will deny and scorn our Infant-Right in the Covenant of Grace , and in Christ , Pardon and Salvation ; and Visible Church-Relation , and will so far deny the Kingdom and Grace of Christ , as to maintain that he excludeth all mankind from any Visible Right , or Hope of Salvation till Adult , and hath given such Right no more to Christian 's Children than to Heathens ! And if they will make this Opinion the measure of their Communion , and will divide the Church , and Unchristen , or Unchurch all that are not as unthankful and injurious to Christ , and to the Holy Seed as themselves , it is not I that separate from these men , but they from me , and all sober Christians . keywords: acts; actual; adam; adult; age; anabaptists; answer; baptism; baptizing; better; books; cause; charge; children; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communion; condition; conformity; consent; contrary; covenant; danvers; dedication; devil; disciples; doth; doubt; duty; eebo; england; english; ergo; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heathens; heretical; holy; hope; infancy; infants; interest; jews; judge; justified; kingdom; law; laws; life; like; line; little; london; love; man; mankind; meer; members; membership; men; mercies; mercy; mind; ministers; naked; nations; nature; necessary; need; non; opinion; original; pardon; parents; parish; parts; peace; persecution; power; preaching; promise; proof; publick; quakers; read; reader; reason; repentance; review; right; saith; salvation; saved; saviour; scripture; seed; self; sin; sir; spirit; state; subjects; talk; tcp; text; things; think; thought; time; title; tombes; true; truth; visible; way; words; work; world; writing; yea; years cache: A27008.xml plain text: A27008.txt item: #64 of 107 id: A27012 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... date: 1681 words: 3476 flesch: 73 summary: Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 201:15) Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties shewing how every one ought to behave himself in a Christian behaviour, suitable to that relation in which God hath placed him : wherein is set forth the duty of parents (required of God) towards their children, likewise childrens duty to their parents, husbands to their wives, and wives to their husbands, masters to their servants, and servants duty to their masters ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. keywords: 2ly; 3ly; 5ly; 6ly; books; characters; children; christian; company; covenant; daily; duties; duty; early; eebo; english; family; god; good; hath; holy; husbands; life; lord; love; masters; mee; parents; servants; set; tcp; tei; text; things; use; ver; wives; works cache: A27012.xml plain text: A27012.txt item: #65 of 107 id: A27014 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Sacrilegious desertion of the holy ministery rebuked, and tolerated preaching of the gospel vindicated, against the reasonings of a confident questionist, in a book called Toleration not abused; with counsil to the nonconformists, and petition to the pious conformists / by one that is consecrated to the sacred ministry, and is resolved not to be a deserter of it ... date: 1672 words: 32016 flesch: 67 summary: 9. They think that a Parish , quatenus a Parish , is not a Church ; nor a Parishioner , as such a Church-member ; for Infidels , Papists , Hereticks , Schismaticks and Dissenters may be Parishioners . They greatly difference between London & such like populous Cities , & Country Parishes , because the burning of Churches , the greatness of Parishes , and the paucity of Ministers in London is such , that the tenth person in several Parishes cannot come to Church if they would . keywords: advantage; alas; ancient; answ; answer; assemblies; author; best; better; bin; bishops; book; brethren; case; censure; chap; charge; children; christ; christians; church; churches; common; communion; concord; conformable; conformists; congregations; consciences; consent; covenant; creed; day; declaration; desire; difference; discipline; distinct; dividing; divisions; doth; doubt; duty; england; episcopal; evil; exercise; fear; fit; forms; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; hard; hath; head; help; heresie; holy; honour; house; humble; hurt; ignorance; ignorant; independents; interest; joyn; judge; judgment; king; laws; liberty; life; like; little; live; london; long; love; man; matters; mean; meetings; men; mens; ministerial; ministers; ministry; necessary; necessity; need; needless; nonconformists; number; office; old; opinion; opportunity; papists; parish; parish church; parishes; party; pastors; peace; people; personal; persons; petition; places; poor; popery; possible; poverty; power; practice; prayer; preach; preaching; presbyterians; present; pride; principles; private; protestant; publick; question; reason; religion; repentance; rest; rulers; sacrament; said; saith; schism; sect; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; separatists; set; silence; sin; souls; sure; tcp; teachers; temples; terms; text; things; thought; time; tolerable; toleration; true; unlawful; use; way; weakness; wise; woe; words; work; world; worse; worship; years cache: A27014.xml plain text: A27014.txt item: #66 of 107 id: A27028 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Schism detected in both extreams, or, Two sorts of sinful separation the first part detecteth the schismatical principles of a resolver of three cases about church-communion, the second part confuteth the separation pleaded for in a book famed to be written by Mr. Raphson. date: 1684 words: 38013 flesch: 65 summary: But as a Moral means ( specially blest by him that instituted it ) to work on man as Man , by informing his Mind , perswading his Will and exciting his Affections , as Men are wrought on in other Cases ; ( which methinks those called Arminians should least deny , who are said to lay more of the Spirits operation on Moral suasion than their Adversaries ; yea and those that account it Fanaticism to expect any other gift of Prayer from the Spirit but what is given morally by use . ) And the contrary Doctrine feigneth God to Work even constantly by Miracle : And as the Papists make every Mass-Priest a Miracle Worker in Transubstantiation , so do they that make the bare saying over the Words and doing the outward Acts in the Sacrament , to save us ex opere operato , and the Pastoral teaching and oversight of an ignorant drunken Lad or Reader to be ( near ) as great a help to Salvation , as the Ministry of a wise skilful , Holy and exemplary Pastor , and the clear affectionate Preaching of Gods word : And that tell us ( as Mr. Dodwell ) how sufficient a man is to administer the Sacramental Covenant that understands what a Covenant is in matters of Common Conversation . XXXI . Church -- Catholicity. keywords: accidents; acts; add; affirm; answer; apostles; arch; authority; baptism; better; bishop; body; book; canon; capable; case; catholick; catholick church; ceremonies; child; choice; christ; christian church; christianity; christians; church; church communion; church government; church worship; churches; cities; city; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; consent; contrary; councils; covenant; covenanting; damnation; damning; day; difference; diocesan; diocesan church; diocess; distinct; divers; divine; doctor; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; edification; end; england; english; essential; excommunicate; false; far; foreign; form; france; general; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; guilty; half; hath; hold; holy; honour; hope; humane; idolaters; idolatry; ignorant; independent; instance; institution; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; king; kingdom; kneeling; law; lawful; laws; lay; like; liturgy; london; lord; love; magistrates; man; manner; mans; matter; meer; members; men; mens; ministers; ministry; national; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; oath; obedience; object; office; order; orthodox; oxford; papists; parish; particular; particular church; parts; pastors; paul; people; personal; persons; place; pope; power; prayer; preaching; presbyters; present; priests; princes; principles; promise; proof; proper; publick; reader; reason; relation; religion; resolver; rest; right; rome; sacrament; said; saith; salvation; save; schism; schismaticks; scripture; second; self; separate; separation; set; shew; sin; sinful; single; single church; sort; soul; sound; specie; subjects; subordinate; sure; tcp; text; things; think; thô; time; true; true church; truth; universal; universal church; unlawful; use; want; way; words; work; world; worse; worship; yea; years cache: A27028.xml plain text: A27028.txt item: #67 of 107 id: A27029 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The Scripture Gospel defended, and Christ, grace, and free justification vindicated against the libertines ... in two books : the first, a breviate of fifty controversies about justification ... : the second upon the sudden reviving of antinomianism ... and the re-printing of Dr. Crisp's sermons with additions ... / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1690 words: 70803 flesch: 69 summary: They co●s●que●tly teach men to d● nothing for t●eir Liv●s , H●alth , or any Corporal good ; to Pio● , ●r So● , or Lab●ur . They 〈◊〉 th●● to hold , that C●●●s● , Righteousness and Me●i● , i● to make our F●i●● and holy Obedien●e , 〈…〉 , is a P●●●sh D●ctrine against F●●● Grac● : keywords: acceptance; accidents; account; accusation; act; active; acts; actual; adam; adoption; adversaries; ans; answer; antecedent; antinomian; assent; b ●; baptism; belief; believers; believeth; believing; benefits; better; bible; blind; blood; body; bond; books; capable; cause; charge; christ; christ hath; christian; christianity; christs righteousness; church; churches; co ●; common; condition; confusion; confute; conscience; consent; cont; contradiction; contrary; controversies; covenant; credere; crispe; curse; damnation; day; dead; death; debt; denying; deserved; desire; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; donation; doth; doubt; duty; earth; effect; efficient; elect; end; ends; england; english; erroneous; errors; errour; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; evil; explication; f ●; faith; false; father; feign; formal; free; free grace; g ●; general; ghost; gift; giving; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greatest; gross; guilt; habits; habitual; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; heb; hell; hereticks; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hurt; ignorance; ignorant; image; impossible; imputation; imputed; imputing; individual; infidels; innocency; instance; instrument; intercession; j ●; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; ju ●; judge; judgment; justi ●; justice; justification; justified; justifying; kingdom; know; language; large; law; laws; legal; li ●; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; luk; m ●; making; man; mankind; material; matter; meaneth; meaning; means; mediator; meer; members; men; mercy; merit; meritorious; mind; moral; moses; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; o ●; ob ●; obedience; object; office; order; ortho; p ●; papists; pardon; pardoned; parts; passive; past; paul; pay; peculiar; perfect; perfection; performance; person; personal; phrase; physical; plain; plead; power; pr ●; prayer; promise; proof; proper; psal; punishment; qualification; question; reason; receiving; reception; reconcil; relation; repentance; rest; resurrection; rev; reward; ri ●; rig ●; righteous ●; righteousness; rule; sacrifice; said; salvation; sanctification; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; saying; scripture; second; sect; seed; self; selves; sense; sentence; set; si ●; signifieth; sin; sinner; sins; sort; soul; sound; speaketh; spirit; spiritual; sponsor; stead; subject; subordinate; suffering; sun; suppose; surety; t ●; talk; tcp; terms; texts; th ●; thee; theirs; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; title; true; trust; truth; turn; union; vain; viz; w ●; want; way; wicked; witness; word; works; yea; years; ● cation; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● ess; ● eth; ● ht; ● l; ● ly; ● n; ● nd; ● ness; ● ns; ● r; ● s; ● ss; ● st; ● teousness; ● u; ● ur; ● y; ● ● cache: A27029.xml plain text: A27029.txt item: #68 of 107 id: A27032 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A second admonition to Mr. Edward Bagshaw written to call him to repentance for many false doctrines, crimes, and specially fourscore palpable untruths in matter of fact ... : with a confutation of his reasons for separation ... / by Richard Baxter ... date: 1671 words: 50249 flesch: 71 summary: When as God hath neither tyed us to set forms , nor from them ; save only as unsuitableness to any particular persons may make one less edifying than the other : And both free prayers , and set forms , studied prayers , and sudden prayers , are all the work of man , ( as to mans part ) : and therefore they must needs be imperfect and faulty as man is : And yet in both we may pray by the Spirit , even with the holy and fervent desires which the Spirit exciteth in us : And the Spirit may ordinarily be a Spirit of supplication in us , and help our infirmities , in the one way and in the other : And therefore , though I will not equall them ( For I prefer some mens free praying before any forms , and I prefer the Common prayers before some mens free prayers ) We easily confess , that as Peace signifieth our freedom from persecution or sufferings , or from the reproach of men , the least holy truth is to be preferred before it , and more tenaciously held than it : But if by Peace , they mean the Unity and Concord of believers , or of the Church of God , they speak dangerously , and suppose a pernicious falshood , that Gods Truth , and such Peace or Concord , may at any time be separated : And it is no wiselier spoken , than if they had said , A mans eye-sight or health is to be preferred before the Union of his soul and body , or before the Concord of Head and Heart , or before the conjunction of his members . keywords: accusation; acts; admonition; age; alas; answer; appetite; army; authority; b. 1; b. p.; bagshaw; better; bishop; body; book; brethren; brother; browne; calumny; cause; charge; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; commanded; common; communion; conformists; conscience; consent; contrary; copies; corruption; crime; cromwell; cure; danger; day; design; difference; diocesane; discipline; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; e. b.; earth; end; england; english; epistle; error; essential; evil; example; exercise; fact; false; falshood; far; fear; fifth; flesh; followers; free; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; guilty; hand; hath; heart; holy; honour; hope; ignorance; ignorant; implyed; imposition; joyn; judge; judgement; king; kingdom; labour; law; laws; leave; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mans; matter; meant; members; men; mens; mind; ministers; monarchy; nature; necessary; new; non; notorious; number; odious; office; old; open; opinion; order; original; parish; parliament; particular; parts; pastors; peace; people; perfect; pernicious; persecution; person; point; power; prayer; present; pride; principles; proof; proud; proved; publick; question; r. b.; reader; readings; reason; reformation; reign; religion; repentance; reproach; rest; right; rule; said; saith; scandal; scorn; scripture; second; sect; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; servants; set; shew; shewed; sin; sinful; sinners; sins; sir; sober; souls; spake; spirit; state; subject; sufferings; sure; tcp; temporal; text; thing; thought; time; true; true church; truth; understanding; unlawful; untruth; use; visible; way; weak; wise; words; work; world; worse; worship; worthy; writings; years cache: A27032.xml plain text: A27032.txt item: #69 of 107 id: A27034 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A second sheet for the ministry iustifying our calling against Quakers, seekers, and papists and all that deny us to be the ministers of Christ by Richard Baxter. date: 1657 words: 9838 flesch: 75 summary: But besides these , there is a second sort of true Ministers , whose Office is not to receive from God any new Doctrine , Law , or Message ; but to proclaim the Laws already delivered , and teach men the doctrine already revealed , and to Oversee and govern the Churches of Christ according to his Laws , and to go before the people in the worship of God : The Prophets and Apostles did both these ; both Reveal the doctrine which they received from Christ , and teach and guide the Church by it when they had done : but the latter sort of Ministers do but ▪ the later sort of the work . And Christ himself sends the cleansed to the Priest , and commandeth them to hear the Pharises that sat in Moses Chair , though they were no Prophets : so that besides the Prophets that had their message immediately from God , there were Priests that were called the Ministers of the Lord , Joel . keywords: acts; apostles; argument; bishop; body; calling; children; christ; church; churches; city; consent; doctrine; doth; end; eph; faith; faithful; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hath; heb; holy; law; laws; lord; magistrates; man; mark; men; ministers; ministry; miracles; necessary; new; office; ordinary; ordination; papists; pastors; people; power; presbyters; priests; prophets; proposition; quakers; qualifications; rom; rule; seekers; self; sort; text; tim; tit; true; word; work; worship cache: A27034.xml plain text: A27034.txt item: #70 of 107 id: A27036 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Select arguments and reasons against popery by R. Baxter. date: 1675 words: 2870 flesch: 59 summary: 8. They dreadfully injure the holy Scriptures ; as if Jesus Christ , and the Prophets and Apostles in those sacred Records had not skill or will to speak intelligibly , and plainly to deliver to us the Doctrines necessary to Salvation , but they make their voluminous counsels more intelligible and sufficient as if they had done it better , And whereas Men must only discern God● Laws , and judge causes by the Law , they make themselves Judge● of the Law it self ; by which they must one day be judged . To conclude this Paper , there is yet one Argument behind ●●quisite against Popery , for it's professors plead not as other p●●ties , only by the Tongue , but by exciting Princes and States ●gainst us , and disputing with the Faggot , or Ha●chet in th●●● hands , and therefore if we have not Arguments that will con 〈…〉 a Navy , an Army , or a Powder-plot , we may still happen to 〈◊〉 worsted by them . keywords: apostles; arg; arguments; baxter; body; books; bread; characters; christ; christian; church; counsels; doctrine; early; eebo; english; faith; general; god; head; infallible; man; papists; pope; popery; power; reas; reasons; rule; salvation; tcp; tei; text; true; universal; way; world cache: A27036.xml plain text: A27036.txt item: #71 of 107 id: A27037 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: R. Baxter's sence of the subscribed articles of religion date: 1689 words: 3377 flesch: 66 summary: Art. 13. Works done before the Grace of Christ and the Inspiration of the Spirit , are not pleasant to God ; forasmuch as they spring not of Faith in Jesus Christ : neither do they make man meet to receive Grace , or as the Schools say , deserve Grace of Congruity , yea rather they have the nature of sin . Tho' he that doth righteousness is righteous , and the Scripture throughout and frequently mentioneth an inherent personal Righteousness necessary to Salvation , yet this is no Universal Righteousness , nor such as will justifie us according to the Law of Innocency or Works ; but is meerly subordinate to the Merit and Efficacy of the Sacrifice and Righteousness of Christ , which only meriteth for us as a Price , out Faith being only the requisite ( yet given ) moral qualification for the reception of the free gift of Pardon , Justification and Adoption , and hath not the least part of the Office or Honour of Christ ; yet are Christ's words true , That by mens words they shall be justified or condemned : And all men shall be judged according to their works : And James truly saith , that by works a men is justified , and not by faith only : Not by works of perfection or of Moses Law , nor any that as a price or commutation do make the reward to be of Debt , and not of Grace ; but by a practical Faith or Christianity : such Acts as Faith keywords: art; articles; baxter; blood; body; bones; books; characters; christ; church; civil; common; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; expos; faith; flesh; general; god; good; grace; hath; images; jews; laws; man; men; nature; necessary; online; oxford; partnership; phase; religion; righteousness; salvation; scripture; sence; sin; tcp; tei; text; things; true; works; xml cache: A27037.xml plain text: A27037.txt item: #72 of 107 id: A27038 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A sermon of iudgement preached at Pauls before the Honourable Lord Maior and aldermen of the city of London, Dec. 17, 1654 and now enlarged / Rich. Baxter. date: 1655 words: 43774 flesch: 75 summary: 1. Christ suffered for man in the Nature of man ; but not in your person , nor you in him : It was not you that provided the price , but God himself ; Christ was not mans Delegate in satisfying , and therefore received not his Instructions from us , nor did it on our terms , but his own . The knowledge and consideration of the terrible Judgement of God , should move us to perswade , and men to be perswaded to careful preparation . keywords: able; account; accusation; accuser; act; angels; answ; answer; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; business; care; cause; certain; christ; common; condemnation; condition; conscience; consideration; creator; creatures; daily; danger; day; dead; death; depart; devil; didst; direction; doth; dye; earth; end; everlasting; evidence; excuse; execution; express; eyes; face; faith; faithful; false; far; father; fear; final; fire; flesh; free; general; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; happiness; hard; hath; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; holy; hope; hour; ignorant; impenitent; jesus; john; judgement; justification; justifie; kingdom; know; knowledge; labour; law; let; life; light; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; love; man; mat; matter; means; mercy; mind; minister; misery; nature; necessary; need; neer; obedience; open; pardon; particular; pleasure; poor; power; prepared; presence; promise; punishment; purpose; ready; reason; redeemer; remedy; remember; repentance; rest; righteous; righteousness; rom; rule; saints; salvation; satan; scripture; seeing; self; selves; sentence; service; set; sin; sinners; sins; sirs; soul; spirit; stand; state; sufficient; sure; terms; text; thee; things; think; thou; thoughts; time; torment; true; truth; turn; ungodly; vain; way; wicked; willing; witness; words; work; world; worldly; wrong; yea; years cache: A27038.xml plain text: A27038.txt item: #73 of 107 id: A27042 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A sermon of repentance preached before the honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament at Westminster, at their late solemn fast for the setling of these nations, April 30, 1660 / by Richard Baxter. date: 1660 words: 13993 flesch: 65 summary: For pride of apparel , it was wont to be taken for a childish or a womanish kind of vice , below a man ; but it s now observed among the gallants , that ( except in spots ) the notes of vanity are more legibly written on the hair and dress of a multitude of effeminate males , then on the females ; proclaiming to the world that pride , which one would think even pride it self should have concealed ; and calling by these signs to the beholders to observe the emptyness of their minds , and how void they are of that inward worth , which is the honour of a Christian , and of a man : It being a marvel to see a man of Learning , gravity , wisdom , and the fear of God , appear in such an antick dress . Their captivity was but the fruit of their voluntary captivity to sin ; and their grief of heart , was but the fruit of their hardness of heart ; and their sharpest sufferings , of their foul pollutions ; and therefore God promiseth a methodicall cure ; even to take away their old and stony heart , and cleanse them from their filthiness , and so to ease them by the removing of the cause . keywords: abominations; baxter; better; cause; christ; church; commons; conscience; daily; day; death; delight; doth; earth; end; england; english; enquire; eternal; everlasting; evil; eyes; face; faith; fear; flesh; gentlemen; glory; god; gods; great; greatest; hath; heart; heaven; hell; holiness; holy; honour; honourable; hour; house; iniquities; interest; joy; land; late; laws; life; little; lives; loath; loathing; long; lord; love; man; matters; men; mercy; ministers; misdoings; misery; nation; nature; need; new; parliament; peace; penitent; people; pleasures; poor; power; pride; reason; religion; remembring; repentance; richard; sake; salvation; scorn; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; set; sin; sins; solemn; souls; spirit; sure; text; things; thoughts; time; true; ungodly; wayes; woe; work; world cache: A27042.xml plain text: A27042.txt item: #74 of 107 id: A27044 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful minister of Christ, Mr. John Corbet with his true and exemplary character / by Richard Baxter. date: 1680 words: 14463 flesch: 76 summary: And to begin to know our selves , our souls , and how Man differs from a Beast , is the first part of recovering knowledge , leading up towards the knowledge of God , which is the highest . It awakeneth the Soul to serious expectations of Eternity , and keepeth us as within the sight or hearing of another World , and tells us to the quick that we must make ready to Die , and to be judged , and that we have much more to do with God than with man , and for Heaven than Earth ; It taketh down Pride , and all excessive respects to humane approbation , and keeping us still in the sight of the Grave , doth tell us what mans body is , Mors solae fatetur , Quantula sunt hominum Corpuscula , Juv. keywords: angels; best; better; bodily; body; books; christ; christians; church; cross; danger; death; desire; divine; doth; earth; ease; eebo; end; english; evil; exalted; faith; faithful; fear; fit; flesh; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; hath; head; health; heart; heavenly; holiness; holy; hope; hurt; inconveniencies; interest; joy; know; knowledge; life; light; like; little; live; long; lord; love; lust; man; matter; means; measure; meet; men; ministry; nature; observ; pain; paradise; paul; peace; power; prayer; preaching; pride; revelations; satan; self; selves; sin; sinful; souls; spirits; state; strength; sufferings; sufficient; sun; tcp; teachers; text; things; think; thorn; thoughts; thrice; time; true; unutterable; use; vse; vve; weakness; words; work; world; worldly; yea cache: A27044.xml plain text: A27044.txt item: #75 of 107 id: A27046 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A third defence of the cause of peace proving 1. the need of our concord, 2. the impossibility of it, on the terms of the present impositions against the accusations and storms of, viz., Mr. John Hinckley, a nameless impleader, a nameless reflector, or Speculum, &c., Mr. John Cheny's second accusation, Mr. Roger L'Strange, justice, &c., the Dialogue between the Pope and a fanatic, J. Varney's phanatic Prophesie / by Richard Baxter. date: 1681 words: 82914 flesch: 71 summary: Ask the People of Kederminster , whether in that time they received any good by the Gospel : Know you not , that when some such did but preach to them at the rates you now talk , it so alienated their minds from Prelacy and Conformity , who before were not so averse thereto , as that they have put it past my power to reconcile them so far to them as I am reconciled my self ; and were not my interest very great in them , and their Preacher very honest , I should not get them to come to Church : Such good the Spirit of Envy and Faction doth in the World , while it pretendeth to heal the hurt that others do . I profess to you resolvedly , that if I must needs judge that Church or Party to have the soundest Principles and Discipline , who have the best lives ; I should far and very far prefer the Presbyterians , Independents , and much more the Conciliators , before the Prelatists , and yet not extenuate any of their Faults . keywords: abundance; account; accusation; accusers; acquaintance; advantage; adversaries; age; alteration; answ; answer; apostles; archbishops; arguments; armies; arms; army; assembly; assent; assertion; atheism; atheists; authority; bad; baptism; baxter; believe; best; better; bilson; bishop; body; book; brethren; calling; calumny; canons; capable; cartwright; case; catholick; ceremonies; certain; chancellors; chap; charge; charity; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; church government; churches; chuse; cities; city; clergy; command; commission; common; communion; concord; confident; conformable; conformists; conscience; consent; consenters; contrary; controversie; corporation; council; covenant; cry; day; days; dead; dealing; definition; desire; differ; different; diocess; discipline; dispute; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; dwell; earl; earth; elders; election; end; endeavour; ends; england; english; episcopal; equal; ergo; errour; essential; evidence; evil; excuse; exercise; experience; express; fact; faithful; false; family; fathers; fear; flock; force; formal; forms; general; geneva; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grant; great; greater; greatest; gross; guilty; hand; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hedge; help; hereticks; heylin; high; higher; history; hold; holy; honest; honour; hooker; hope; house; humane; hundreds; ignorance; ignorant; ill; impl; impositions; independents; infidels; institution; interest; john; judge; judgment; justifie; keys; king; kingdom; knoweth; knowledge; known; late; lawful; laws; lay; learned; leave; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; living; logick; london; long; lord; love; magistrate; maintain; maintenance; major; man; mans; matter; mean; meer; meet; members; men; mens; mention; method; mind; ministers; ministry; multitude; mutual; names; nature; necessary; need; needful; new; non; nonconformists; notice; notorious; number; oath; obedience; obligation; obliged; occasion; office; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; pag; page; papists; parents; parish; parliament; particular church; parties; parts; pastor; peace; people; perjury; personal; persons; petition; physician; places; plain; plea; political; poor; pope; popery; possible; posterity; power; practice; prayer; preachers; preaching; prelacy; prelatists; presbyterians; presbytery; present; pretence; priest; principles; print; private; profess; profession; promise; proof; proper; protestants; proveth; publick; putares; question; read; reader; reason; reformation; regiment; related; relation; religion; repentance; reproach; rest; richard; right; ruine; rule; rulers; sacrament; said; saith; salvation; saying; schism; school; scots; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; separate; set; shew; signifie; silenced; silencing; sin; sir; sober; societies; society; sort; souldiers; souls; special; species; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; strive; subjects; subordinate; supper; supremacy; sure; swear; swearing; sword; taking; talk; tcp; teaching; terms; text; theirs; thing; thomas; thought; time; trade; transient; troop; true; true church; trust; truth; turn; understanding; universal church; universities; university; unlawful; untruths; use; usurpers; vel; visible; viz; vow; want; war; wars; way; willing; wish; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; worthy; writers; writings; yea; years; ● ● cache: A27046.xml plain text: A27046.txt item: #76 of 107 id: A27047 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Three treatises tending to awaken secure sinners by Richard Baxter. date: 1656 words: 78212 flesch: 71 summary: Should there by any among you that cherish a secret Root of Infidelity , after such pretences to the purest Christianity , and are zealous of Christ lest he should over-top them , and do set up an interest inconsistent with his soveraignty , & thereupon grow jealous of the liberties & power of his Ministers , and of the unity and strength of his Church ; and think it their best policy to keep under his Ministers , by hindering them from the exercise of their office , and to foment divisions , and hinder our union , that they may have parties ready to serve their ends : I would not be in the Case of such men , when God ariseth to judge them , for all the Crowns and Kingdoms on earth ! And so you may see that Christ is now the Owner , and by right the Governor of the whole world , on the Title of redemption , as God before was , and still is on the Title of Creation . keywords: able; absolute; account; accusation; accuser; act; actions; afraid; angels; answ; answer; aud; authority; bad; barr; baxter; believing; beloved; benefits; best; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; brethren; business; canst; care; careless; carnal; cause; certain; children; christ; christ hath; christianity; christians; church; command; common; condemnation; condition; conscience; consideration; contrary; cor; course; covenant; creation; creator; creature; cry; daily; damnation; danger; darkness; day; dead; death; delight; depart; desire; devil; devoted; didst; direction; disciple; doctrine; dominion; dost; doth; dust; duty; dye; earth; elect; end; enemies; england; english; enquire; enter; escape; everlasting; evidence; excuse; execution; express; eyes; face; fain; faith; faithful; fall; false; far; father; fear; feet; felicity; final; fire; flesh; fleshly; folly; free; friends; gain; general; glorifie; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; happiness; hard; hath; hearers; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hour; ignorant; impenitent; interest; iudge; jesus; john; judgement; judges; justice; justification; justifie; kingdom; kings; kiss; knowledge; known; labour; late; law; laws; leave; left; let; life; like; little; live; living; london; long; lord; loss; lost; love; luke; lusts; man; mat; matter; means; men; mercy; mind; ministers; misery; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neer; neglect; neglected; new; obedience; open; order; pardon; particular; past; peace; people; person; perswade; places; pleasure; point; poor; power; preaching; prepared; presence; present; prevail; price; promise; proper; propriety; psal; punishment; purpose; question; ready; reason; redeemer; redemption; religion; remedy; remember; repentance; resignation; rich; right; righteous; righteousness; rom; rule; sad; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; scripture; second; secret; secure; seeing; self; selves; sense; sentence; sermon; servants; service; set; shall; sin; sincere; sinners; sins; sirs; soul; sound; soveraignty; special; spirit; stand; state; strength; study; subjection; sufficient; sure; tcp; terms; text; thee; things; think; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; torment; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; ungodly; vain; voice; want; way; wicked; willing; wilt; wisdom; wise; witness; witnesses; words; work; world; worldly; wrath; wrong; yea; years; ● ● cache: A27047.xml plain text: A27047.txt item: #77 of 107 id: A27048 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A treatise of death, the last enemy to be destroyed shewing wherein its enmity consisteth and how it is destroyed : part of it was preached at the funerals [sic] of Elizabeth, the late wife of Mr. Joseph Baker ... / by Rich. Baxter ; with some few passages of the life of the said Mrs. Baker observed. date: 1660 words: 45535 flesch: 68 summary: THE Introduction , p. 1 What is meant by [ an Enemy , ] and how death is an Enemy to Nature , p. 6 , 7 How Death is an Enemy to Grace , and to our salvation : discovered in ten particulars , p. 15 How Christ conquereth this Enemy , p. 35 Four Antidotes given us against the Enmity of Death , at our Conversion , p. 39. DEATH is the occasion of this dayes meeting : and Death must be the Subject of our present meditations . keywords: able; adam; affections; afraid; age; appearing; baker; believers; best; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; bondage; books; brethren; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; coming; common; communion; company; conquered; conquest; conscience; conversion; cor; course; cross; daily; darkness; day; dead; dear; death; degree; desire; destruction; difficulty; direct; direction; divisions; dost; doth; doubt; dreadfull; dust; duty; earth; end; endless; enemies; enemy; enemy death; english; enmity; everlasting; evil; exceeding; experience; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fathers; fear; felicity; fire; flesh; fore; friends; gain; ghost; glorified; glorious; glory; god; godliness; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; hadst; hand; happiness; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; house; image; interest; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; joyes; joyfull; judgement; justice; kingdom; labour; late; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord; love; man; matter; means; meet; members; men; mercies; mercy; mind; ministers; misery; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; obedience; passages; patience; peace; people; perfect; pet; phil; poor; power; praise; precious; presence; present; pride; promise; ready; redeemer; rejoyce; religion; rest; resurrection; rev; rich; said; saints; salvation; second; sect; self; selves; separated; set; shew; short; sin; sins; sorrows; soul; spirit; state; strength; sufferings; sure; tcp; temptations; terms; terrible; terrors; text; thee; thes; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; unbelief; ungodly; unwilling; use; vain; victory; vse; walk; waters; way; wayes; wife; willing; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; years; ● ● cache: A27048.xml plain text: A27048.txt item: #78 of 107 id: A27055 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A true believer's choice and pleasure Instanced in the exemplary life of Mrs Mary Coxe, the late wife of Doctor Thomas Coxe. Preached for her funeral by Richard Baxter. date: 1680 words: 13736 flesch: 71 summary: But it is not like the powerless word of man , but the Holy Spirit of the Father and the Son undertaketh to accompany it , and as the Arm of God to set it home , and make it effectual to its proper ends : We have not only heard this word , but felt it : God spake not like man when he said , Let there be light , Gen. 1. keywords: belief; believers; best; better; blessed; children; choice; christ; comfort; constant; covenant; coxe; david; death; deceased; delight; desire; doth; eebo; end; english; everlasting; exemplary; experience; faith; faithful; fears; flesh; food; friend; funeral; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; great; greater; hath; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heritage; holiness; holy; hope; inheritance; joy; law; laws; life; like; little; lord; loss; love; man; men; mercy; mind; nature; need; peace; persons; pleasure; power; promises; reason; rejoycing; security; self; sin; sinful; souls; speak; spirit; sweet; tcp; testimonies; text; things; time; true; trust; truth; use; vain; want; wisdom; word; work; worldly cache: A27055.xml plain text: A27055.txt item: #79 of 107 id: A27059 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Two disputations of original sin I. of original sin as from Adam, II. of original sin as from our neerer parents : written long ago for a more private use, and now published (with a preface) upon the invitation of Dr. T. Tullie / by Richard Baxter. date: 1675 words: 54057 flesch: 72 summary: Sin may make a man sick , or lame , or blind , or mad , and yet these be no sins , but the effects of sins . As to the first ; I say , 1. It is not sound ; because it makes God the most proper immediate , ( if not the only true ) efficient cause of sin , and of the sinning sin , which is the worst of sins : Also , because there is no word of God that saith any such thing . keywords: account; acts; actual sin; adam; adult; adversaries; answ; answer; antecedent; apostle; arg; argument; author; baptism; benefits; better; birth; blood; body; books; bruits; cain; capable; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; church; churches; common; condemnation; condition; conscience; consent; consequence; contrary; controversy; corrupted; corruption; covenant; creation; creature; cum; david; dead; death; degree; dei; denieth; deprived; desert; deserved; deserveth; desire; deus; deut; difference; disposed; disposition; distinct; divines; doctrine; doth; earth; edition; eebo; effect; end; ends; english; enim; enmity; esse; eternal; etiam; everlasting; evil; existent; exod; experience; ezek; faithful; fall; false; fathers; fault; felicity; filios; flesh; following; force; free; fruit; general; generation; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; god doth; godly; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; ground; guilt; habit; happiness; hath; heaven; heed; hell; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; hope; humane; ignorant; image; immediate; imputation; imputed; inclination; individual; infants; inflict; inherent; iniquity; injustice; innocency; innocent; interest; ita; jer; jesus; jews; judge; judgment; justice; justification; justified; kingdom; large; later; law; laws; learned; leave; liable; life; like; little; loins; long; lord; loss; love; major; malum; man; mankind; mans; matter; matth; mean; meaning; meer; members; mens; mercy; merit; mind; minor; misery; moral; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; neerer; neerer parents; neerest; new; noah; non; note; obj; obligation; obliged; omnes; opinion; order; original sin; papists; pardon; pardoned; parentibus; parents; parents sins; parentum; participation; particular; parts; past; patrum; peccata; peccatum; penalty; people; perfect; person; personal; place; plain; poena; positive; posterity; power; pravity; privation; progenitors; promise; proof; prop; propagated; propagation; proper; proved; punishment; quae; quam; question; quia; quod; quoque; rational; reason; reatus; rector; redeemer; relation; remedy; remission; reputative; right; righteousness; rom; root; rule; said; saith; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; sect; sed; seed; self; selves; sense; sensitive; sentence; shew; signifieth; sin; sin doth; sinful; sinners; sins; societies; society; sort; soul; special; spirit; spring; state; suam; subject; suffering; sufficient; sunt; supernatural; supposed; supposition; tamen; tantum; tcp; teachers; temporal; terms; text; thing; thou; thoughts; thy; time; treatise; true; truth; understanding; universal; vel; ver; virtue; viz; voluntary; way; wicked; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wrath; yea; years cache: A27059.xml plain text: A27059.txt item: #80 of 107 id: A27060 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Two papers of proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England humbly presented to His Majesty by the Reverend ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion. date: 1661 words: 9555 flesch: 47 summary: Church of England -- Discipline. Two papers of proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England humbly presented to His Majesty by the Reverend ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion. keywords: act; ancient; appeals; bishops; brethren; cause; ceremonies; christ; church; churches; common; communion; consciences; covenant; declaration; differences; discipline; divine; ecclesiastical; eebo; england; english; episcopacy; exercise; faith; form; general; god; gods; government; gracious; great; happy; hath; healing; heart; holy; humane; institution; judgment; kneeling; law; leave; liberty; long; lord; majesties; majesty; matters; ministers; moderation; nature; necessary; obedience; office; officers; order; ordination; parishes; particular; pastors; peace; people; persons; power; practice; prayer; primitive; profession; reason; reverend; rule; scandalous; souls; synod; tcp; tender; text; things; time; true; universal; use; word; work; worship cache: A27060.xml plain text: A27060.txt item: #81 of 107 id: A27061 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Two treatises the first of death, on I Cor. 15:26, the second of judgment on 2 Cor. 5:10, 11 / by Rich. Baxter. date: 1672 words: 43788 flesch: 71 summary: Use 3. To teach us that man hath now a need of Grace for difficulties , which were not before him in his state of innocency , p. 47 Use 4. To inform us of the Reasons of the sufferings and death of Christ , p. 50. Use 5. To rectifie the mistakes of some true Believers , that think they have no saving Grace , because the fears of Death deterr them from desiring to be with Christ , p. 53. Use 6. To teach us to study and magnifie our Redeemers conquering Grace , that overcometh Death , and makes it our advantage p. 62. Use 7. To direct us how to prepare for Death , and overcome the enmity , and fear of it ▪ p. 71 Direct . DEATH is the occasion of this days meeting : and Death may be the Subject of our present Meditations . keywords: able; adam; affections; afraid; age; believers; best; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; brethren; carnal; cause; children; christ; christians; church; comfort; coming; communion; company; conquered; conquest; conscience; conversion; course; cross; daily; darkness; day; dead; dear; death; desire; destruction; difficulty; direct; direction; dost; doth; doubt; dust; duty; dye; earth; enemies; enemy; english; enmity; eternal; everlasting; evil; exceeding; experience; eyes; face; faith; faithful; fathers; fear; felicity; fire; flesh; friends; gain; ghost; glorified; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; hadst; hand; happiness; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; holiness; holy; home; honour; hope; interest; jesus; john; joy; joyes; joyful; justice; kingdom; labour; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; lord; love; man; matter; means; meet; members; men; mercies; mercy; mind; ministers; misery; natural; nature; near; need; new; obedience; past; peace; people; perfect; phil; poor; power; precious; presence; present; pride; promise; psal; ready; redeemer; rejoyce; rest; resurrection; said; saints; salvation; second; self; selves; separated; set; shew; short; sin; sins; sorrows; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; sufferings; sure; tcp; temptations; terrible; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; true; turn; unbelief; unwilling; use; vain; victory; way; wayes; willing; wisdom; words; work; world; yea; years cache: A27061.xml plain text: A27061.txt item: #82 of 107 id: A27062 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Two treatises tending to awaken secure sinners viz., 1. The terror of the day of judgment, from 2 Cor. 5. 10, 2. The danger of slighting Christ and his Gospel, from Matth. 22. 5 / by Richard Baxter. date: 1696 words: 57000 flesch: 75 summary: I intreat this of thee on the behalf of thy Soul , and as th● und●●●st thy everlasting Peace with God , that 〈◊〉 wouldest afford these Matters thy deepest Consideràtion . If God will be the Judg , then none can expect ●y any Shifts or Indirect Means to escape at that Day . keywords: able; account; accusation; accuser; angels; answ; answer; bear; benefits; better; blessed; blood; bodies; body; business; care; careless; cause; certain; children; christ; christ hath; common; condemnation; condition; confess; conscience; consideration; cor; creator; creatures; cry; daily; danger; day; dead; death; depart; devils; didst; direction; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; easy; end; enquire; escape; everlasting; evidence; evil; excuse; express; eyes; face; faith; false; far; father; fear; final; fire; flesh; fleshly; free; general; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; guilty; hand; happiness; hard; hath; hearers; heart; heaven; heb; hell; help; holiness; holy; hope; hour; ignorant; impenitent; jesus; john; judgment; justification; kingdom; knowledg; known; labour; law; let; lie; life; light; like; little; lives; long; lord; love; luke; man; mat; matter; means; men; mercy; methinks; mind; ministers; miserable; misery; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; obedience; open; pardon; particular; past; persons; pleasure; poor; power; preparation; prepared; presence; promise; punishment; purpose; question; ready; reason; redeemer; remedy; remember; repentance; rest; return; righteous; righteousness; rom; sad; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; scripture; second; seeing; self; selves; sense; sentence; service; set; sin; sinners; sins; sirs; souls; spirit; stand; state; sufficient; sure; tcp; terms; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; torment; true; truth; turn; understand; ungodly; vain; value; want; way; wicked; willing; witness; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; wrath; wrong; yea; years; ● o; ● ● cache: A27062.xml plain text: A27062.txt item: #83 of 107 id: A27063 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Universal concord the sufficient terms proposed for the use of those that have liberty to use them, and as the authors profession of his own religion, in contentious, dividing age / by Richard Baxter. date: 1660 words: 2706 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A27063 of text R6627 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B1444). Imperfect: text is lacking on film. keywords: a27063; baxter; christian; churches; communion; concord; distinct; english; faith; general; god; liberty; men; necessary; pag; particular; profession; religion; richard; sufficient; terms; text; things; thou; true; universal; use; words cache: A27063.xml plain text: A27063.txt item: #84 of 107 id: A27065 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue (as against religion, rulers, or dissenters) described, in several sermons, preached at the Abby in Westminster, before many members of the Honourable House of Commons, 1660 ; and The fools prosperity, the occasion of his destruction : a sermon preached at Covent-Garden / by Richard Baxter. date: 1660 words: 53307 flesch: 68 summary: But when we go further and find what rich preparations God hath made , and what means he hath used , and what abundant helps he offereth and affordeth to bring men to this blessed state of life , it forceth us to admire that any enemy can be so strong , as to frustrate so many , and such excellent means . Whether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be fetcht as far as from Orpheus the Thracian , as Erasmus and many others imagine , is of no great moment to our understanding of the text , it being evident that it is the worshipping of God , that is here meant by [ Religion ] ; and it is men addicted to his worship , that are called Religious . keywords: afraid; alas; answer; authority; bad; bear; believe; believers; best; better; body; brethren; business; canst; care; carnal; case; ceremonies; change; charity; christ; christianity; christians; church; comfort; common; communion; company; conscience; content; contrary; conversion; cor; covenant; cry; cure; daily; danger; day; dayes; dead; death; deceit; deceiver; deceiving; delight; desire; destruction; diligent; doctrine; dost; doth; drunkard; duties; duty; dwell; earth; easie; end; enemies; enemy; engaged; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; eye; eyes; face; faith; faithful; fall; fear; fire; flames; flesh; fleshly; fools; formal; friends; glory; god; godliness; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hand; hard; hast; hath; heart; hearted; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; help; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; hurt; hypocrite; image; inward; isa; jam; job; joy; judgement; justice; kind; kingdom; known; law; leave; lest; life; lifeless; light; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; loveth; luke; malice; malicious; man; matter; matth; means; men; mercies; mercy; mind; mirth; miserable; misery; mock; nature; necessary; needs; obedience; occasion; open; opinion; order; ordinances; outward; parts; people; persons; perswade; pet; phil; piety; place; pleasures; poor; portion; power; practice; prayer; preaching; pride; profess; profession; promise; prophane; prosperity; prov; psal; quest; quiet; ready; reason; religion; religious; repentance; reproach; rest; reward; rich; riches; righteous; rom; said; saints; salvation; sanctification; satan; saving; scripture; secret; self; selves; sense; sensual; sermon; servants; service; set; shew; sin; sincere; sincerity; sinners; sins; sort; soul; speeches; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thou art; thought; thy; time; tongue; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; unbridled; ungodly; upright; use; vain; vain religion; vanity; walk; way; wicked; willing; wilt; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worship; wrath; yea; zeal; ● ● cache: A27065.xml plain text: A27065.txt item: #85 of 107 id: A27066 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Baxter's vindication of the Church of England in her rites and ceremonies, discipline, and church-orders as faithfully taken out of his own writings, without either false citation, or fraudulent alteration : to which is prefixed his epistle to the non-conformists, being a just and true abstract of his book entituled, A defence of the principles of love. date: 1682 words: 9419 flesch: 65 summary: Pet. 1.2 , 1. &c. Have you more or plainer Texts of Scripture against the Common-prayer than these are against Slandering , &c. Now suppose one should say that a People of such sin as this , should not be communicated with , what answer will you give to this , which will not confute your own objections against communion with many Parish-Churches in this Land. God hates every disorder in extemporate Prayer , and yet he more hates that censoriousness and curiosity which would draw men to forsake the substantials of Worship or Christian love and communion on that pretence . 1. God set it up long after Moses's Ceremonial Law , by David , Solomon , &c. 2. It is not meerly an instituted Ceremony , but a natural help to the Minds alacrity ; and 't is a duty , and not a sin to use the helps of Nature and lawful Art : As it is lawful ( says he ) to use Spectacles in reading the Bible , so it is to use Musick ( speaking of Church-Musick ) to exhilarate the Soul. 3. Jesus Christ joined with the Jews that used it . keywords: baptism; baxter; better; bishop; book; cases; ceremonies; christian; church; churches; common; communion; conformists; conscience; defence; directory; divisions; doth; ecclesiastical; eebo; england; english; false; general; god; good; government; hath; lawful; liturgy; long; love; man; men; ministers; nature; new; non; obedience; officers; old; onely; page; papists; parish; particular; parties; peace; people; prayer; principles; proof; reasons; religion; rest; rule; sacrament; scripture; self; separate; separation; sin; spirit; tcp; text; thing; time; true; use; viz; work; worship; yea cache: A27066.xml plain text: A27066.txt item: #86 of 107 id: A27068 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Whether parish congregations be true Christian churches and the capable consenting incumbents, be truly their pastors, or bishops over their flocks ... : written by Richard Baxter as an explication of some passages in his former writings, especially his Treatise of episcopacy, misunderstood and misapplied by some, and answering the strongest objections of some of them, especially a book called, Mr. Baxters judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish assemblies, as by law required, and another called, A theological dialogue, or, Catholick communion once more defended, upon mens necessitating importunity / by Richard Baxter. date: 1684 words: 38713 flesch: 65 summary: The Reformation finding th●ngs in this case , determined none of the disputes , de nomine , Whether Parish Rectors shall be called ●pis●op●s Gregis , or Pastors , or Rectors , or I●cumb●nts ; but use these names promiscuously . 2005-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2006-01 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-03 John Latta Sampled and proofread 2006-03 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion WHET●ER Parish C●●gregations BE TRUE Christian Churches , ●●d the Capable Consenting Incumbents , be truly their Pastors , or Bishops over their Flocks . keywords: act; acts; ans; answer; apostles; arch; assemblies; authority; bad; baptism; baxter; best; better; bindeth; bishops; blame; body; book; bps; calling; canons; capable; care; case; charge; chief; christ; christian; church; church government; churches; circumstances; clergy; cogent; command; commanded; common; communicants; communion; concord; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; covenant; day; days; diocesan; diocess; discipline; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; elders; endeavour; england; english; episcopacy; error; essence; essential; example; excommunicate; exercise; faldo; false; faults; fear; fit; flock; general; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; great; greater; guilty; half; hammond; hath; heb; honour; humane; ill; incumbents; institution; john; joyn; judgment; jurisdiction; keys; king; kingdom; law; laws; lay; like; liturgy; london; long; lords; love; magistrates; maketh; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meer; men; mens; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; mistake; national; necessary; need; new; nonconformists; obedience; obj; office; officers; old; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; page; papists; parish; parish churches; parishes; parochial; particular; parts; pastoral; pastors; peace; people; persons; popery; power; practice; prayer; preaching; prelacy; presbyterians; presbyters; present; priests; private; profess; promise; proper; protestants; publick; question; r ●; reader; ready; reason; religion; rest; richard; right; rule; rulers; ruling; sacrament; said; saith; save; scripture; self; selves; sense; separate; separatists; set; shall; sin; single; sins; sort; souls; species; subject; subjection; subordinate; suffering; tcp; text; thing; tho; thought; time; true; true churches; truth; universal; unlawful; use; watch; way; word; work; worship; writings; yea; years; ● e; ● n; ● rs; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A27068.xml plain text: A27068.txt item: #87 of 107 id: A27939 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Richard Baxter's paraphrase on the Psalms of David in metre with other hymns / left fitted for the press by his own hand. date: 1692 words: 65307 flesch: 87 summary: 6 And though ten thousand foes Were round about me laid , ( While God is for me , and my help ) Why should I be afraid . 7 Arise and save me , Lord , My God the Cheek-bone strake Of all my foes ; and wicked mens Devouring teeth did break . 3 God will cut off all flattering lips , [ And ] the [ proud ] tongue that speaketh thus , 4 Our word shall stand ; our tongue is ours , What Lord is [ Ruler ] over us ? 5 For the oppression of the poor , And needy's sighs , I 'le [ now a - ] rise , And them in safety set , saith God , From those that them [ with scorn ] despise . keywords: abide; age; almighty; angels; anger; answer; arrows; attend; bear; bless; blessed; blood; bones; bow; break; bring; broken; cast; cause; chearful; children; chosen; christ; church; city; comfort; command; covenant; cruel; cry; daily; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; declare; deep; defence; defend; delight; deliver; desart; desire; despise; didst; distress; dost; doth; dreadful; dust; dwell; dwelling; early; earth; egypt; end; enemies; evil; express; eyes; face; faithful; faithfulness; fall; false; father; fear; feet; find; fire; firm; flesh; flock; floods; foes; food; forsake; free; fruit; glad; glorious; glorious lord; glory; god; god doth; good; goodness; grace; gracious; grass; great; great god; grief; guide; hand; hast; hate; hath; head; heart; heathen; heav'n; help; heritage; high; highest; hills; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; hosts; house; humble; hurt; hurtful; hymns; ill; increase; iniquity; israel; jacob; joy; joyful; judge; judgments; justice; kindness; king; known; land; law; laws; life; light; like; lips; long; look; lord; lord doth; lord god; lord thy; love; loving; low; magnifie; majesty; man; memory; men; mens; mercies; mercy; metre; mighty; mind; mischief; morning; mortal; mountains; mouth; nations; near; noise; o god; o lord; o thou; old; open; pain; pass; people; perfect; perish; pity; place; pleasant; pleased; plenteous; poor; power; praise; pray; prayer; presence; princes; proclaim; proud; psalm; pure; rage; redeem; refuge; rejoyce; reproach; rest; return; reward; righteous; righteousness; rise; rock; round; rule; sacred; sacrifice; saints; salvation; save; saving; saviour; scorn; sea; secret; seed; self; send; servant; set; shall; shame; shew; shield; silent; sinful; sing; singing; sins; sion; sleep; song; sons; sore; soul; spake; spirit; spring; stand; state; statutes; stay; strength; strong; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; tell; tender; testimonies; text; thankful; thanks; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou lord; thou wilt; thought; throne; thy; thy god; thy mercies; thy word; time; tongue; triumph; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; turn'd; ungodly; upright; vain; vanity; voice; wait; walk; war; waters; way; ways; wealth; wicked; wicked men; wickedness; wilt; wonders; wondrous; word; works; worship; wrath; wrong; yea cache: A27939.xml plain text: A27939.txt item: #88 of 107 id: A29382 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The humble petition of many thousands, gentlemen, free-holders, and others, of the county of Worcester to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, in behalf of the able, faithful, godly ministry of this nation / delivered by Colonel Jeff Bridges, and M. Thomas Foly, December 22, 1652 ; with the Parliaments answers thereunto. date: 1652 words: 3071 flesch: 45 summary: Secondly , that you will be pleased to this end , to take special care of their competent maintenance , that we may not have an ignorant Ministry , while they are forced to be labouring for food and raiment , while they should be in their studies , or watching over their flocks ; and that through disability or unpreparedness , they disgrace not the work of Christ , nor make it and their office contemptible , thereby rejoycing the enemy , and hindring the saving of souls ; specially seeing it is expected that they credit their Doctrine with works of Charity : And seeing that a dependant and beggarly Ministry will lose so much of their Authority with the souls that most need them , and themselves will be laid open to the sore temptation of Man-pleasing ; besides the probability of the suffering of their children , when they are dead : And if the Ministers of this Age be never so resolved to continue their work through all necessities , yet in the next Age the Church is like to be destitute and desolate , because men will set their sons to other studies and imployments : We therefore humbly crave , that this Honorable Assembly will not take down the present Maintenance by Tythes ( though we have ●s much reason to be sensible of those inconveniences that it is charged with , as others ) or at least , not till they , instead of it , establish as sure , and full , and fit a Maintenance . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A29382 of text R15906 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing B4477). keywords: able; behalf; bridges; christ; church; common; county; england; english; faithful; free; gentlemen; godly; gospel; hath; holders; humble; jesus; lord; maintenance; ministers; ministrie; ministry; nation; parliament; petition; pleased; souls; text; thomas; wealth; worcester; work; world cache: A29382.xml plain text: A29382.txt item: #89 of 107 id: A29932 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Dwelling with God, the interest and duty of believers in opposition to the complemental, heartless, and reserved religion of the hypocrite / opened in eight sermons by John Bryan ... date: 1670 words: 75574 flesch: 86 summary: So he that by faith in Christ , which works by Love , makes God unto himself all that to him , which in all estates may give him comfort , and satisfaction , his King , Lord , Husband , Father , Sheapherd , Son , Shield , Comfortress , Hiding-place , Habitation and Portion : You that have as yet no such portion in God , arise and be doing . If God be ours , how shall not all these things be ours ? They whose House the Lord is , have all these , and infinitely more to please and delight their inward Senses , yea their outward also . keywords: able; abundance; actions; acts; affections; angels; answ; answer; apostle; assurance; behold; best; better; blessed; blessings; blood; bodies; body; book; bread; brethren; broken; calling; care; cast; cause; children; choice; christ; christian; church; churches; col; comfort; comfortable; commandments; common; communion; condition; confidence; conscience; contrary; conversion; cor; covenant; creatures; darkness; david; day; days; dead; death; degree; delight; desire; deut; divine; doctrine; door; doth; draw; drink; duties; duty; dwell; dwelling; dye; earth; earthly; eccl; elect; end; enemies; english; eph; esay; eternal; everlasting; evil; example; exod; eyes; ezek; fair; faith; faithful; fall; false; far; father; fear; fellow; fire; flesh; food; form; forth; free; fruit; fulness; gen; general; ghost; giving; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; gold; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; habitation; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; heed; hell; help; high; hold; holiness; holy; hope; house; houshold; increase; interest; inward; israel; jam; jer; jesus; job; joh; john; joy; joyn; judgment; king; kingdome; knowledge; known; labour; land; law; life; lift; light; like; little; lively; long; look; lord; lord god; love; luk; making; man; manner; mark; mat; matter; means; meat; meet; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; moral; moses; mouth; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; obedience; obj; occasion; ones; open; order; ordinances; outward; particular; paul; people; perfect; persons; pet; phil; place; poor; possession; poverty; power; practice; praise; prayer; precious; presence; present; pro; profession; promises; psal; publick; pure; purpose; question; ready; reason; rejoyce; religion; religious; required; rest; resting; return; rev; rich; riches; righteousness; rom; saints; salvation; sam; saviour; saying; scripture; second; secret; seek; self; selves; sense; separate; separation; sermon; servants; service; set; shew; silver; sin; sinners; sins; sleep; sorts; soul; special; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; strength; strong; substance; sufficient; sun; sure; sweet; tcp; text; thanks; thee; theirs; thes; thine; things; thou; thought; thy; thy god; time; trouble; true; truth; turn; unity; viz; voice; walk; want; watch; water; way; ways; weak; whatsoever; wherewith; wicked; willing; wind; wine; wisdome; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; yea; years cache: A29932.xml plain text: A29932.txt item: #90 of 107 id: A35057 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment of M. Cartwright and M. Baxter concerning separation and the ceremonies date: 1673 words: 7674 flesch: 68 summary: And if any man say , that it is of the substance of a , Church-Minister , to be able to teach ; and therefore that he is no Minister , that hath not that ability : It may be answered , that it is of the substance of a good and lawful Minister of God , but not simply of a Minister ; whereunto it is sufficient to have the Churches calling : They which have performed unto them the special Covenant which the Lord hath made with his Churches , by pouring his Spirit upon them , and his word in their mouths , are the Churches of God. keywords: able; answer; assemblies; assembly; body; cartwright; ceremonies; christ; church; churches; city; commanded; day; discipline; doth; dumb; eebo; england; english; faith; form; god; gods; good; great; hath; head; holy; humane; judgment; lawful; liturgy; lord; magistrate; man; ministery; necessary; onely; parts; people; reason; rest; saviour; self; set; spirit; stinted; tcp; text; things; time; unlawful; use; whereof; work; worship; yea cache: A35057.xml plain text: A35057.txt item: #91 of 107 id: A42198 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: One come from the dead, to awaken drunkards and whoremongers being a sober and severe testimony against the sins and the sinners, in an exact description of the nature and danger of these two soul-destroying evils : together with proper and sovereign remedies / by Richard Garbut ... ; with epistles to the reader, by Mr. R. Baxter, and Mr. William Jenkins. date: 1675 words: 45288 flesch: 65 summary: Does not the Scripture make him to be in any thing as bad , ( ●…y worse too ) that takes pleasure in others that d●…e a sin , than him th●…t do●…s the 〈◊〉 himself ? They do n●…t onely do such 〈◊〉 , b●…t take pleasure in them th●…t do th●…m . We use to say of a Drunkard in drink , that he is well bit ; and it is true indeed , he is Serpent-bit , he is b●…t with that biting that bites wealth out of his Purse , for the Drunkard and the Glut●…on shall come to poverty , Proverbs 23. 21. Which bites Health out of his body , for who within a while have commonly less Health , than they that still are drinking Healths ? Which bites Wit and naturall Parts out of the Head ; For Wine is a mocker , and whoever is deceived thereby sh●…ll not be wise , Prov. 20. 1. Which bites Grace and Gods Spirit out of the heart ; Be not drunk with Wine but be filled with the Spirit , Eph. 5. 18. To be filled with the Spirit of wine and with the Holy Spirit are made opposites , & such as cannot stand together ; he is therefore bit indeed , Serpent-bit in this manner as you have heard ; and therefore what holdest thou in thy hand , thou Drunkard , what holdest thou in thy hand ? Is not the Glass often-times thou drinkest in born up with a couple , and sometimes with a cluster of Snakes or Serpents ? Let the Serpent on the out-side put thee in mind of the Serpent within ; the Serpents without are toothless Serpents , and cannot bite ; but the Serpent within is a toothed , and a venom-toothed Serpent , bites , and bites deadly , deriving poyson to the state of thy Wealth , to the state of thy Health , to the s●…ate of thy Naturals , impairing Wit and Endowments Natural ; and to the state most of all of thy supernat●…rals , leaving thy heart as empty of grace as thou the Cup of Liquor , or at most but some very snusss in it . keywords: abimelech; account; act; adul ●; adulterers; adultery; ag ●; ale; ap ●; apostle; apt; author; aye; b ●; begot; belial; belly; beloved; best; better; bites; blind; blood; bodies; body; books; bread; c ●; carnal; cause; ch ●; children; chri ●; christ; church; co ●; com ●; committed; common; company; conscience; consideration; contrary; conv ●; cor; cr ●; creatures; cry; cup; d ●; danger; daughter; david; day; days; dead; death; delights; devil; di ●; difference; dis ●; dishonour; divine; doth; doubt; dr ●; dri ●; drinking; dru ●; drunk ●; drunkard; drunkenn ●; drunkenness; duties; duty; eebo; end; english; eph; ev ●; example; excellent; excess; eyes; fall; far; fath ●; father; fe ●; filthiness; fir ●; fire; fl ●; flesh; foot; fornication; fornicators; fruit; g ●; gen; general; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; gre ●; great; great sin; gross; ground; half; hand; hard; harlots; hath; hav ●; head; heart; heaven; heed; hell; hims ●; ho ●; hold; holy; hope; house; husband; ill; image; impure; increase; j ●; job; john; ju ●; judge; judgment; kind; king; kingdom; kn ●; know; l ●; law; li ●; life; like; liquor; little; live; living; long; look; lord; love; lu ●; luke; lusts; m ●; ma ●; man; manner; mans; marriage; marvel; matter; meer; meet; members; men; mens; mind; morrow; morti ●; mother; mouth; n ●; nature; new; non; nose; o ●; old; onely; ones; ordinary; oss ●; oth ●; outward; p ●; parents; paul; people; person; pet; picture; pl ●; place; plain; pleasure; po ●; poor; power; pr ●; preaching; present; pride; pro ●; proper; property; prov; psal; qu ●; r ●; reader; reason; regard; religion; remedy; respect; richard; right; righteousness; ring; riot; rom; rule; s ●; sa ●; saint; sayes; scripture; second; seed; self; selves; sensu ●; sensual; sensuality; serpent; set; sets; severe; sh ●; shews; si ●; sin; single; sinners; sins; sl ●; sober; somewhat; sons; sor; sort; sots; soul; sp ●; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; st ●; stand; state; strange; strong; su ●; sun; t ●; table; tak ●; tcp; temple; text; th ●; thee; ther ●; thi ●; things; thirdly; tho ●; thos ●; thou; thought; time; true; turn; un ●; uncle ●; uncleanness; understanding; universal; use; v ●; vice; vomit; w ●; wa ●; walk; way; wh ●; whi ●; whoredom; whoremongers; wi ●; wickedness; wife; wine; wise; woman; words; work; world; worldling; worse; wrong; young cache: A42198.xml plain text: A42198.txt item: #92 of 107 id: A43841 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Fasciculus literarium, or, Letters on several occasions I. Betwixt Mr. Baxter, and the author of the Perswasive to conformity, wherein many things are discussed, which are repeated in Mr. Baxters late plea for the nonconformists, II. A letter to an Oxford friend, concerning the indulgence Anno 1671/2, III. A letter from a minister in a country to a minister in London, IV. An epistle written in Latin to the Triers before the Kings most happy restauration / by John Hinckley ... date: 1680 words: 79912 flesch: 69 summary: 3. whereas there are among you Envying , Strife , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , sidings , or making of Parties , and factions , are ye not Carnal ? will nothing satisfie some supercilions Humorists , but that the whole frame of our Church and Religion must be taken asunder , Ravell'd , and Cancell'd , to please them ? I had not mention'd them in my Book , or asserted any thing about Excommunication ; but 't is your manner to draw any 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into your discourse . keywords: abbot; able; absolute; account; acquaintance; act; actions; acts; adhuc; advantage; advice; affairs; afterward; age; ages; aim; alas; alium; alive; allegiance; alteration; amiss; ancient; anno; answer; antiquity; aphorisms; apostles; arch; arguments; arminianism; arms; army; articles; assembly; austin; author; authority; baxter; beautiful; beginning; behalf; best; better; betwixt; bilson; birds; bishop; blessed; blood; body; book; breath; brethren; burges; business; calling; calvin; canons; cap; care; cause; censures; centuries; ceremonies; chancellors; characters; charge; charity; check; chief; children; chorus; christ; christian; church; churches; city; civil; clear; clergy; close; cold; command; commission; common; communion; company; complain; condition; confessions; conformists; congregation; conscience; consent; contradiction; contrary; controversie; copies; counsel; country; covenant; credit; crimes; cry; cry'd; cui; cum; curate; cùm; dangerous; david; day; days; dead; deal; dealing; death; declaration; declare; defence; dei; deliberate; design; desire; devoted; difference; diocesan; diocess; discipline; discourse; dislike; dispute; dissenters; divine; divinity; divisions; doctrine; dominion; doors; doth; doubt; dum; dust; duty; earl; earth; easie; ecclesiae; ecclesiastical; edition; eebo; effect; ejus; endeavour; enemies; england; english; eorum; episcopal; episcopal men; epistle; ergo; errors; esse; est; etiam; excommunication; excuse; exercise; experience; eyes; face; fact; faithful; fall; false; family; fathers; fault; favour; fear; field; fifth; fire; fit; flock; fond; foot; forbear; force; forreign; forth; forward; foundation; free; french; friend; fruit; gates; general; geneva; glad; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; governours; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; head; hear; hearts; heaven; hebrew; heed; hell; help; heylin; hic; higher; highest; hinckley; history; hoc; hold; holy; home; homilies; honest; honour; hooker; hope; horns; horses; hot; house; humble; hypothesis; igitur; ignatius; ignorance; ignorant; image; imperfect; importunity; imprisonment; increase; indulgence; ingenuity; innocent; innovations; instar; insufficiency; interest; ipsa; ipse; ipsi; ipso; israel; james; jerusalem; jewel; jews; john; joyn; juda; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; justice; justifie; keys; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labours; lands; language; large; late; latin; laud; lawful; laws; lay; learned; learning; leave; leisure; letters; levite; liberty; license; lie; life; like; limited; lines; little; liturgy; living; logick; london; long; look; loose; lord; loss; love; loyalty; magistrates; maintenance; major; man; manner; master; matters; mean; meer; meetings; members; men; mens; mention; midst; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; model; modest; monarchy; moses; mother; motion; mount; mouth; multitude; nam; natural; nature; nauseate; nay; near; necessary; need; neighbours; neque; new; nisi; non; nos; notes; notice; number; oath; obedience; occasion; office; old; olim; open; opinion; order; ordination; original; oxford; pag; pains; papers; papists; parish; parishes; parliament; particular; parties; party; pass; passage; past; paul; peace; people; person; perswasive; petition; philanax; pieces; piety; places; plain; pleasing; policy; political; poor; popery; popular; posterity; power; practise; prayers; preach; preachers; preaching; prelates; prelatists; presbyterians; presbyters; present; press; pretence; prey; priests; primitive; prince; principles; print; printing; private; proof; proper; protestants; providence; publick; pulpit; puritans; purpose; quae; quanquam; quarrel; quasi; question; qui; quibus; quid; quis; quod; quos; quàm; rank; ready; reasons; rebellion; reformed; regiment; rejoyce; religion; religious; repentance; report; reproach; request; respect; rest; retract; return; right; roman; rome; royal; ruine; sacrament; sacred; sad; saith; salvation; satisfied; savoy; saw; saying; scandal; scarce; schism; school; scorn; scotland; scots; scottish; scripture; second; sectaries; sed; self; selves; sense; sermons; servant; service; set; sheets; shire; shreds; sic; sicut; sides; silence; silencing; sin; sine; sinful; sir; skill; small; sober; societies; soever; sort; souls; sound; sovereign; spake; spirit; spiritual; spiritus; state; stead; stick; stone; strange; strength; strong; sua; subjection; subjects; sum; sunt; suos; supremacy; sure; surrogates; swearing; sword; syriack; taking; talk; tam; tamen; tcp; teachers; temple; tender; terms; text; thanks; theological; things; thorow; thought; thousands; throne; time; title; toleration; tongue; tot; touch; traduce; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; turn'd; tyranny; understanding; united; unity; universities; university; unlawful; usque; vel; vertue; vestra; vobis; vos; vsher; wall; want; war; warrant; wars; wast; waters; way; ways; weak; whil'st; wife; willing; wind; wise; women; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; writing; years; young; zion cache: A43841.xml plain text: A43841.txt item: #93 of 107 id: A44196 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment of the late Lord Chief Justice Sir Matthew Hale, of the nature of true religion, the causes of its corruption, and the churches calamity by mens additions and violences with the desired cure : in three discourses / written by himself at several times ... ; humbly dedicated to the honourable judges and learned lawyers ... by the faithful publisher, Richard Baxter ; to which is annexed the judgment of Sir Francis Bacon ... and somewhat of Dr. Isaack Barrows on the same subject. date: 1684 words: 21693 flesch: 50 summary: The Case is this : When he was gone from us in great Weakness to the Place of his Death , in my last Letter to him , I told him how much good the Lord Bacon's Book called Considerations of Matters Ecclesiastical had done , with many that too justly suspect Clergy Contenders of Partiality ; and that the Honour and Just Esteem that God had given him with all sorts of Men he owed to the Service of him that gave it : And therefore knowing the doleful Case of this Land , as div vided and striving about Religion , I intreated him that he would Write his Judgment briefly and freely of the Cause and Cure : The rather because his Contemplations were so acceptable to many . But Religion is so appropriate to the Humane Nature , that there are scarce any sort of Men , but have some Religion : Nor do the most subtle or sagacious Bruits afford any signs thereof , as communicated to their Natures . keywords: actions; additions; ages; almighty; animosity; apostles; authority; bacon; best; better; bishops; books; cause; ceremonies; certain; characters; charity; christian religion; christianity; christians; church; churches; civil; clergy; common; concerned; confidence; conscience; contest; cry; cure; decent; discipline; discourses; discrimination; dissenters; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; duty; ecclesiastical; eebo; effect; ends; england; english; episcopal; excellent; exercise; expressions; external; faith; fervour; fit; form; gain; general; glorious; god; good; goodness; gospel; government; great; greater; greatest; hale; hand; hath; heart; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; humane; images; instances; interest; jesus; judge; judgment; justice; keyes; kind; kings; knowledge; late; lay; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; matters; men; mens; mind; ministers; mistakes; modes; moment; natural; nature; necessary; new; non; obedience; odious; office; opinions; order; pag; papists; parties; party; passions; peace; people; personal; persons; phrases; places; plain; points; politick; power; practices; precepts; principle; professors; proper; publisher; purpose; reason; religion; ridiculous; righteousness; rule; salvation; scripture; self; severity; sincere; sir; small; sober; sort; soul; spirit; state; subject; superstructions; supremacy; tcp; text; things; thought; times; true; true religion; truth; use; value; way; weak; wealth; weight; wise; works; world; writing; zeal cache: A44196.xml plain text: A44196.txt item: #94 of 107 id: A46661 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Invisibles, realities, demonstrated in the holy life and triumphant death of Mr. John Janeway, Fellow of King's Collegde in Cambridge. By James Janeway, Minister of the Gospel date: 1674 words: 38277 flesch: 71 summary: He was to this end a chearful embracer and diligent improver of spiritual opportunities , exact in his Christian watch , much wrestling , ( and very prevalent ) with God in prayer , and with himself in his solitudes , striving to disentangle his heart from what might diveri his holy ambition , and to raise it to the highest activity and capacity for glorifying and enjoying God in Christ , for the excellency of the knowledge of whom he accounted all inferiour attainments but loss . But all this while it is to be feared , that he understood little of the worth of Christ , and his own soul ; he studied indeed the heavens , and knew the motion of the Sun , Moon , and Stars , but that was his highest ; he thought yet but little of God , which made all these things , he pried but little into the motions of his own heart ; he did not as yet much busie himself , in the serious observation of the wandring of his spirit ; the Creature had not yet led him to the Creator ; but he was still too ready to take up with meer speculation ; but God , who from all eternity , had chosen him to be one of those , who should shine as the Sun in the Firmament for ever in glory ; did when he was about eighteen years old , shine in upon his soul with power ; and did convince him what a poor thing it was to know so much of the heavens and , never come there . keywords: able; account; acquaintance; act; affections; age; angels; beauty; best; better; blessed; blessing; body; books; brethren; brother; business; care; cause; chap; children; christ; christians; church; clear; colledge; comfort; command; communion; compassion; condition; conscience; constant; converse; conversion; day; dead; dear; death; delight; desire; devil; discourse; divine; doth; duty; dying; earnest; earth; effectual; english; eternal; eternity; everlasting; excellency; experience; eyes; face; faith; family; far; father; fear; fellow; frame; free; frequent; friend; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; grief; hand; hast; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; high; higher; highest; hold; holiness; holy; hope; hour; house; humility; infinite; injoyment; interest; james; janeway; jesus; john; joy; joys; judgment; kind; kings; known; labour; language; leave; letters; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord; love; lovely; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; measure; meditation; members; men; mercy; mind; minister; mother; narrative; natural; nature; nay; old; ones; particular; peace; people; pity; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; praise; prayer; praying; precious; ready; real; reason; relations; religion; rest; rich; righteousness; sad; saints; salvation; scarce; scripture; secret; self; selves; sense; sermons; set; short; sick; sickness; sin; small; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; studies; study; subject; sure; sweet; sweetness; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; triumphant; trouble; true; truth; vvas; vve; vvhich; vvill; vvith; want; weak; wisdom; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worth; yea; years; young cache: A46661.xml plain text: A46661.txt item: #95 of 107 id: A51737 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A letter from a friend in Shropshire to his country-man Mr. Richard Baxter at his meeting-house in London date: 1681 words: 1872 flesch: 53 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 96217) A letter from a friend in Shropshire to his country-man Mr. Richard Baxter at his meeting-house in London J. M. 1681 Approx. keywords: baxter; books; characters; country; early; eebo; encoding; english; estate; good; house; images; london; man; meeting; online; oxford; partnership; phase; richard; tcp; tei; text; time; woman; work; xml cache: A51737.xml plain text: A51737.txt item: #96 of 107 id: A52204 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The middle way of predetermination asserted. Between the Dominicans and Jesuites, Calvinists and Arminians, or, A scriptural enquiry into the influence and causation of God in and unto humane actions; expecially such as are sinfull. date: 1679 words: 23588 flesch: 58 summary: All that can be desired is , that the soul hath such a freedom of Will , and dominion ov●r its ●wn acts , as that , in what ever it willeth , it acteth as a vital and rational agent , in respect of its proper nature , and internal principle of operation , with such a natural indifferency , in sensu diviso , before it acteth , ( for quicquid est , quando est necessariò est ) as whereby Reason proposing to the Elective Faculty diverse Objects , that have no natural Connexion with the Will , in determin●ng its self to eit●er , it followeth the dictate of its own judgement of D●scretion , void of all nat●ral Necess●●y , such as when the Fire burneth ; or of Coaction , as when a man is hal●d or carried without or against his own choice ; neither is led by a blind instinct , as the Beast ; nor acted like a meer M●chine or E●gine , that ordere●h not its own motion , nor knows its use , or tendency . Yet such is the order and Dir●ction of God's Providence , such his dominion therein , in every in●●ance of that kind , that his d●term●nate counsell may be affirmed to reach the most wicked actions , in a sense , Act. 4.28 . keywords: account; act; acteth; actions; active; acts; actual; adam; affections; aforesaid; agent; arg; author; capable; causation; cause; causeth; change; christ; church; circumstances; contrary; conversion; creation; creature; decree; design; determined; determining; divine; dominion; doth; eebo; effect; efficient; end; english; enquiry; entity; eph; eternity; event; evil; execution; exercise; existence; faculties; faculty; fall; form; free; freedom; future; gen; general; god; gods; good; government; grace; h ●; habit; hand; hath; heart; help; holiness; humane; image; impossible; inclination; influence; instance; isa; jam; jer; job; joh; judge; judgment; law; learned; liberty; life; light; like; lord; love; luk; man; manner; mans; mat; matter; men; mind; moral; motion; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; non; o ●; object; omission; operation; order; original; particular; pet; physical; pleasure; possibility; power; prayer; precurse; predetermination; predetermineth; principle; privation; propension; proper; providence; psal; question; rational; reach; reason; religion; respect; righteousness; rom; rule; s ●; saith; scripture; second; self; sense; sin; sinful; sinner; soul; specification; specifying; spirit; subject; tcp; text; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; turn; understanding; unto; virtue; way; wicked; wickedness; willing; working; world; yea; ● d; ● e; ● l; ● n; ● ng; ● ss; ● t; ● ● cache: A52204.xml plain text: A52204.txt item: #97 of 107 id: A55108 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: A plea for the late accurate and excellent Mr. Baxter and those that speak of the sufferings of Christ as he does. In answer to Mr. Lobb's insinuated charge of Socinianism against 'em, in his late appeal to the Bishop of Worcester, and Dr. Edwards. With a preface directed to persons of all persuasions, to call 'em from frivolous and over-eager contentions about words, on all sides. date: 1699 words: 33208 flesch: 64 summary: Once more , 1 Sam. 6. 3 , 4. If ye send away the Ark of the God of Israel , send it not empty , but in any wise return Him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ( not Sin but ) a Sin-offering — then said they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Yet in the very next Verse the Sense of the Word is chang'd , and that very Kid which is offer'd , is call'd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 — So verse 29. keywords: account; accuser; acts; adds; allow'd; answer; apostle; appear; aware; baxter; better; betwixt; bishop; blood; call'd; cap; cause; certain; chap; charge; christ; christ shou'd; christ suffer'd; christianity; common; consent; consequence; consider'd; consideration; cou'd; death; design; differing; discourse; distinguish; divine; doctrine; ends; english; est; eternal; evil; faith; father; fit; general; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; grotius; hand; heb; hold; holiness; holy; honour; iii; import; instance; intimate; judgment; justice; kind; law; like; little; lord; man; matter; mean; mediation; mediator; meer; mention'd; meritorious; nature; nay; necessary; needs; non; nostra; notion; obedience; oblig'd; obligation; obnoxious; occasion; offering; order; original; pardon; passages; payment; peccata; penalty; person; personating; phrases; place; plain; point; possible; power; principle; proper; punishment; purpose; quae; reason; reference; remission; representative; representing; requir'd; respect; reverend; right; righteous; righteousness; rom; sacrifice; sanction; satisfaction; scripture; sect; sed; self; selves; sense; sentence; set; shou'd; sin; sinners; sins; socinians; soul; spirit; sponsion; state; stead; strict; suffer'd; sufferings; surety; tcp; terms; text; thing; thou; thought; threatned; threatning; time; true; truth; undertaking; us'd; vertue; viz; way; whereof; worcester; words; world; wou'd; yea cache: A55108.xml plain text: A55108.txt item: #98 of 107 id: A64984 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The death of ministers improved. Or, an exhortation to the inhabitants of Horsley on Glocester-shire, and others, on the much lamented death of that reverend and faithful minister of the Gospel, Mr. Henry Stubbs By Tho. Vincent, John Turner, Rob. Perrott, M. Pemberton. To which is added a sermon upon that occasion, by Richard Baxter. date: 1678 words: 23099 flesch: 65 summary: Havin● received the truth , hold it fast , prize it abo●● Silver and Gold , as being far more preciou● yea above life it self , and let all go rather tha● let any truth go ; let truths be rooted in you● hearts , imbrace them with love and delight otherwise you may be imposed upon with e●rours by some cunning impostors , and be tosse● to and fro with divers winds of Doctrine● by the flight of men and cunning craftiness 〈◊〉 such as lie in wait to deceive ; always suspec● them as dangerously erroneous , who endeavou● to bring the Ministry of Christ's appointme●● into contempt , and perswade you to a neglec● thereof , which you have reason above othe● ●ighly to esteem and keep close unto , having ●●d so eminent and faithful a Minister amongst ●ou . Beloved Friends , ALthough you , whose Habitation is so remote , are unknown by face unto us , as we whose work and Ministry is in London , are unto you ; yet because of the great Love which Mr. Henry Stubbs your most worthy and laborious Pastor , and our most dear Friend and Reverend Brother ) ●id bear towards you , whilst he had the oversight of you ; we are willing to give some Testimony of our great respects to the party deceased , whose memory will always be pre●ious to us , by shewing our respects to you in sending you some lines to further your im●rovement of this sad Providence which hath ●aken away your Minister ; looking upon our ●elves as under a particular Obligation to pay ●ur mite , by endeavouring to promote the spiritual benefit of Mr. Stubbs's hearers in the Countrey , after he hath taken such indefatigable pains for the advantage and Soul-welfare of our Hearers in the City . keywords: act; baxter; best; better; body; calls; care; children; christ; christian; church; city; comfort; consciences; counsel; country; course; day; days; dead; dear; death; deceased; difficulty; doctrine; doth; duty; earth; eebo; end; enemies; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; face; faithful; father; fear; finishing; flesh; fleshly; friends; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; grown; hands; happy; hath; heart; heaven; hell; henry; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; image; joy; joyful; judgment; king; known; labours; leave; left; life; like; little; london; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; man; men; mens; mind; minister; ministry; near; need; office; old; order; pastor; paul; persons; pity; place; power; prayer; preaching; present; reason; religion; repent; repentance; reward; righteousness; salvation; saviour; self; selves; sermon; servants; set; sin; sinners; sins; souls; spake; spirit; spiritual; strength; stubbs; success; sufferings; tcp; text; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; turn; unconverted; watch; way; ways; wicked; words; work; world; worldly; worse; years; young; ● nd; ● ● cache: A64984.xml plain text: A64984.txt item: #99 of 107 id: A65610 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The redemption of time, or, A sermon containing very good remedies for them that have mis-spent their time shewing how they should redeem it comfortably / by William Whately ... ; now published for general good by Richard Baxter. date: 1673 words: 24193 flesch: 62 summary: Christians are not of their mind , because it is a mercy even under pain to have time of preparation for another world , and because we may serve God in Patience and Heavenly desires and Hope , when we cannot serve him by an active life : But Christians and Heathens will proclaim those persons , to be the shame of Nature , who wilfully make thems●lves unprofitable , and live in their hea●●h a● if they were d●s●bled by sickness ; and are condemned by their se●suality to a prison , or a grave : Suppose then both Ladies and Gentlewomen of the same rank : The one riseth as early as is consistent with her health ; with thoughts of thankfulness and love , her heart a●so awaketh , and rise●h up to him that night and day preserveth her : she quickly dispatcheth the dressing of her body , as intending no more but serviceable warm●h , and modest decency : and then she betaketh her self to her closet , where she poureth out her soul in confession , supplication , thanksgiving and praise to God , her Creator , Redeemer and Sanctifier : And as one that delighteth in the Law of the Lord , she reverently openeth the sacred Scriptures , and readeth over some part of it , with some approved Commenta●y at hand , in which she may see the sense of that , which of her self she could not understand : What is plain , she taketh in , digesteth ▪ and layeth up for practice : keywords: account; affairs; answer; apostle; bed; better; body; books; business; calling; cards; care; christ; christians; common; company; conscience; counsel; course; daily; day; days; deal; death; dice; doth; duties; duty; early; earth; eebo; end; english; evil; exercises; eyes; fault; fit; flesh; foolish; general; gentry; god; gods; good; grace; great; hand; hath; health; heart; heaven; help; holy; honest; hours; idle; idleness; labour; lawful; leave; leisure; life; like; little; little time; lives; long; lord; lose; loss; love; man; manner; matter; means; men; mercy; mind; nature; need; needful; neglect; new; night; number; occasion; old; ones; open; opportunities; opportunity; ordinary; outward; pains; place; play; playes; pleasures; poor; power; prayer; precious; present; quest; ready; reason; recreation; redeem; redeeming; religion; religious; repentance; rest; rich; rule; salvation; saying; scarce; self; selves; sensual; servants; service; set; shew; sickness; sin; sins; sleep; sort; soul; space; speaking; special; sports; strength; sure; taking; talk; tcp; text; thee; thief; things; thou; thoughts; time; true; use; vain; want; waste; way; whilest; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worth; yea; ● d; ● h; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A65610.xml plain text: A65610.txt item: #100 of 107 id: A65821 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Mr. Thomas Wadsworth's Last warning to secure sinners being his two last sermons concerning the certainty and dreadfulness of the future misery of all impenitent ungodly sinners : to which is prefixed an epistle of Mr. Richard Baxter's. date: 1677 words: 24082 flesch: 75 summary: To acquaint men with this ▪ is our Ministerial Office ; we are charged to set before them the great Salvation which Christ hath procured , and importunately to beseech them to mind it , believe it , and accept it , that it may be theirs for ever : we believe God , and therefore we speak to men as he hath commanded us : We intreat them in his Name , to turn from sinful enmity and folly , and to be reconciled to God , and be wise for their Salvation : We tell them but what Gods word sent from heaven , telleth us and them , That holiness is the love of God and goodness , and the hatred of sin ; that the pure in heart are blessed , for they shall see God. 58.1 , 2. and yet we cannot get them to regard and feel ; God saith , Awake thou that sleepest , and Christ shall give thee light ; and yet we cannot get them to awake , nor hear us like men that have the use of reason , and love themselves . keywords: abraham; alive; angels; apostle; ark; art; bodies; body; books; care; children; christ; church; coming; covenant; damn; day; days; dead; death; deep; disobedience; earth; england; english; evil; fall; father; fire; flesh; flood; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hast; hath; hearts; heaven; hell; holiness; holy; house; israel; jesus; judgment; justice; kingdom; life; light; like; little; lives; london; long; lord; love; lusts; man; means; men; mercy; mind; ministers; moses; nature; noah; old; old world; pardon; people; persons; place; poor; preaching; prison; prisoners; prophets; reason; repent; repentance; rest; righteous; saints; saith; saith god; salvation; scripture; secure; self; selves; sermons; set; short; sinners; sins; soul; spirit; state; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thousands; time; tribes; true; voice; warning; water; wicked; wilt; words; work; world; wrath; years cache: A65821.xml plain text: A65821.txt item: #101 of 107 id: A69535 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The grand debate between the most reverend bishops and the Presbyterian divines appointed by His Sacred Majesty as commissioners for the review and alteration of the Book of common prayer, &c. : being an exact account of their whole proceedings : the most perfect copy. date: 1661 words: 67375 flesch: 60 summary: then you ever yet produced for forcing others from Ministry and Church into sin and Hell , if they will not obey you against their consciences , and all for that which you never pretended to shew a command of God for , and others shew you , as they think , Scripture and Councils , and customes against . In the conclusion therefore , we humbly beseech you , that as Antiquity and the custom of the Churches in the first ages , is that which is most commonly , and confidently pleaded against us , that your mistake of Antiquity may not be to our Cost , or paid so dear for , as the loss of our Freedom , for the serving of God in the work of the Ministery to which we are called ; we beseech you let us not be silenced or cast out of the Ministery or Church , for not using the Liturgy , Cross , Surplice , kneeling at the Sacrament , till ye have either shewed the world that the practice or Canons of the Catholick Church hav● led you the way as doing it , or requiring it to be done . keywords: absolution; abundance; account; act; acts; actual; adde; ages; alteration; altered; ancient; answer; antiquity; apostles; arch; argument; authority; baptism; benefit; beseech; best; better; bishop; body; book; bread; brethren; brother; calling; canon; cap; catechism; catholick; cause; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; charity; children; christ; christians; church; churches; collects; command; commission; commissioners; common; common prayer; communion; concord; condition; confession; confirmation; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; convenient; council; course; covenant; covenanting; creed; cross; cure; custom; danger; david; day; dayes; death; decency; decent; declaration; desire; difference; discretion; distinction; divers; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; doubtful; duty; edification; end; ends; england; epistle; evident; evil; example; exc; exceptions; exercise; experience; expressions; faith; fall; fast; fasting; father; fault; fear; fit; flesh; following; forbear; force; forms; free; general; ghost; gift; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; hands; hath; hearts; heaven; help; holy; honour; hope; humane; ignorance; ignorant; imposing; imposition; indifferent; infants; institution; intended; jesus; john; judge; judgment; king; kneeling; known; lawful; laws; leave; lent; let; liberty; life; like; little; liturgie; liturgy; lives; long; lord; lords prayer; love; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; mans; marriage; matter; mean; men; mens; mention; mercy; mind; minister; ministry; morning; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; number; obedience; observation; occasion; offence; offer; office; old; open; opinion; order; orderly; ordinary; original; orthodox; papers; papists; pardon; parents; particular; parts; pastors; paul; peace; penitent; people; perfect; persons; petitions; phrase; pious; places; poor; power; practice; prayer; praying; preaching; prescribed; present; pretence; pretended; priest; primitive; private; profession; promise; proper; proved; psalms; publick; purpose; question; reading; ready; real; reason; reformation; regeneration; religion; remission; repentance; reply; rest; reverend; right; rub; rubr; rubrick; rule; sacrament; said; salvation; saying; scripture; scruple; second; sect; self; selves; sense; sentences; sermon; service; set; shew; short; sick; sign; sin; singing; sins; sober; souls; special; spirit; standing; state; subjects; sufficient; sunday; supper; supposed; sure; surplice; table; tcp; tender; text; thee; things; thou; time; translation; true; truth; uncharitable; undecent; unfit; unity; universal; unlawful; use; vve; way; weak; willing; wine; woman; words; work; world; worse; worship; years cache: A69535.xml plain text: A69535.txt item: #102 of 107 id: A69536 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The judgment of non-conformists about the difference between grace and morality date: 1676 words: 34826 flesch: 59 summary: Lastly , Some , yet more unaptly , confine the sense to the Duties of our common Conversation towards man , as distinct from Holiness or our Duty to God : And so they distinguish a meer moral honest man , from a godly or religious man. 2. This Love to God and Man before described is true Holiness ; that is , The Soul's separation and devotedness to God. keywords: able; accident; act; action; acts; apostles; authority; best; better; bishop; body; bonum; books; cause; change; charity; chief; children; christ; christians; church; churches; circumstances; civil; clergy; command; common; communion; concord; conformists; consent; contrary; covenant; danger; day; determination; difference; doctrine; doth; duty; edification; efficient; end; english; evil; excommunicate; faith; false; far; father; fear; general; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; government; governours; grace; great; greater; guilty; hath; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hour; humane; hurt; ill; indifferent; instances; interest; jesus; judge; judging; judgment; justice; justifie; keys; king; kingdom; known; lawful; laws; lay; lest; liberty; life; like; little; lord; love; magistrates; makers; malum; man; mankind; matter; means; meer; men; mind; ministers; ministry; moral; morality; murder; natural; nature; necessary; need; needful; neighbour; non; obedience; object; obligation; occasion; office; officers; order; parents; parts; pastors; people; persecution; persons; place; pope; power; practice; prayer; preaching; present; pretense; prince; principles; profess; prop; proper; publick; question; reason; relation; religion; repentance; right; rulers; sake; salvation; scandal; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; separate; servants; set; sin; sinful; souls; spirit; subjects; sword; tcp; terms; text; thing; time; translation; true; truth; turn; unity; universal; unlawful; use; vitious; viz; way; willing; wisdom; words; work; world; worship; yea cache: A69536.xml plain text: A69536.txt item: #103 of 107 id: A69538 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The last work of a believer his passing prayer recommending his departing spirit to Christ to be received by Him / prepared for the funerals of Mary the widow first of Francis Charlton Esq. and after of Thomas Hanmer, Esq., and partly preached at St. Mary Magdalens Church in Milk-Street, London, and now, at the desire of her daughter, reprinted by Richard Baxter. date: 1682 words: 26931 flesch: 68 summary: How noble a Nature is that which is capable of knowing not only all things in the World ( in its measure ) but God himself , and the things of the world that is to come ; and capable of loving and enjoying God , and of seeking and serving him in order to that Enjoyment ! Christ thought not basely ▪ of a Soul , that redeemed Souls at such a price , when he made his soul an offering for sin , Isa . He liveth not by Faith ( though he may be a hanger on that keepeth up some profession for fear of being damned ) who chooseth not rather to suffer affliction with the people of God , than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season , and esteemeth not the very reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of the world , as having respect to the recompence of reward , Heb. 11. 25. 26. keywords: acts; angels; art; away; better; blessed; blood; body; care; cast; cause; change; children; christ; christian; church; confidence; covenant; cross; cry; day; dead; death; depart; desire; doct; door; doth; duty; dying; earth; eebo; english; entertainment; eph; everlasting; example; faith; father; fear; felicity; flesh; friends; glory; god; good; grace; great; greater; hands; hast; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; heb; hell; holy; honour; hope; hour; image; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; kingdom; labour; left; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; loveth; luke; man; matter; matth; members; men; mercy; mind; nature; near; necessary; need; new; open; parents; passing; past; place; pleasure; poor; power; prayer; presence; promise; ready; reason; receiving; saints; salvation; satan; saviour; self; selves; sense; set; sin; sinful; sinner; sleep; son; soul; spirit; state; stephen; suffering; tcp; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; time; true; trust; ungodly; use; vain; way; wilt; words; work; world cache: A69538.xml plain text: A69538.txt item: #104 of 107 id: A76157 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Confirmation and restauration the necessary means of reformation, and reconciliation; for the healing of the corruptions and divisions of the churches: submissively, but earnestly tendered to the consideration of the soveraigne powers, magistrates, ministers, and people, that they may awake, and be up and doing in the execution of so much, as appeareth to be necessary as they are true to Christ, his Church and Gospel, and to their own and others souls, and to the peace and wellfare of the nations; and as they will answer the neglect to Christ, at their peril. / By Richard Baxter, an unworthy minister of Christ, that longeth to see the healing of the churches. date: 1658 words: 86425 flesch: 67 summary: If coming to Church , and sitting there be somewhat a probable argument , that men do implicitly believe , as that Church believes ; yet , it 's a very dark proof , that they understand what the Church believes : especially when experience hath acquainted us with the Contray of many of them . They all confess , that we must mend our lives , and serve God : but they know not that God is Eternal , or that Christ is God , or that he is man , but say , he is a Spirit ; some say neither God nor man ; some say God and not man ; some say man and not God : abundance say , He was man on earth , but now He is not : Abundance know not what He came to do in the world : nor that there is any satifaction made for sinne , but what we must make our selves ; and they tell me , they trust to nothing for Pardon and Salvation , but Gods Mercy , and their good serving him ( which is only saying every night and morning in bed , or as they undress them , the Lords Prayer ▪ and the Creed for a Prayer , and comming to Church . ) keywords: absolution; abundance; acts; actual; adde; administer; administrations; admission; admitting; adult; adult church; againe; age; anabaptists; ancient; ancient church; answ; answer; antecedent; apostates; apostles; approbation; approve; arguments; assemblies; authority; baptism; baptismal; baptize; belief; believers; believeth; believing; belongeth; benefits; best; better; birth; bishops; blessing; blood; body; book; breaking; brethren; canons; capable; capacity; care; case; catechism; catechumens; ceremony; certain; charge; charity; children; christ; christian; christian church; christianity; church; church communion; church priviledges; churches; coming; command; commissioners; common; communion; condition; confess; confession; confirmation; confirming; congregation; conscience; consent; consequent; consider; continued; contrary; controversie; convenient; converted; cor; course; covenant; covenanting; credible; credit; cum; daies; daily; danger; day; death; degree; denying; designe; desire; devil; difference; direct; disciples; discipline; disputation; divines; divisions; doctrine; doth; doubt; duty; earth; easy; eminent; ends; enemies; enemy; england; english; episcopal; epist; essentials; everlasting; evidence; evident; excellent; excommunication; execution; exercise; expectants; experience; express; extraordinary; eye; faith; faithfull; false; far; farre; father; feare; fit; fitness; flesh; flock; follow; force; free; fuller; general; ghost; gift; giving; glory; god; godliness; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; guilty; hands; hate; hath; hatred; healing; heart; heathens; heaven; heb; heed; hell; help; heresie; hold; holiness; holy; honour; hope; ignorance; ignorant; imposition; increase; infancy; infant; infant church; infidelity; infidels; instruction; interest; investiture; jesus; jews; joyne; judge; judging; judgment; jure; key; kind; kingdom; knowledg; known; labour; large; law; lawfull; laws; laying; leave; left; liberty; life; like; little; lives; long; loose; lords; love; magistrates; major; making; man; manner; matter; means; measure; meer; meet; members; membership; men; mercy; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; miracles; moderate; multitudes; names; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neer; negative; neglect; new; non; notorious; number; obedience; object; objections; obligation; obscure; occasion; office; officers; open; opinion; order; ordinances; ordinary; ordination; outward; pag; papists; pardon; parents; parish; parishes; particular; particular church; parts; pastours; paul; peace; people; persecution; personal; personal profession; persons; perswade; places; plain; point; power; practice; praises; prayer; preaching; prepared; presbyters; present; presumption; pretence; princes; principles; private; priviledges; professed; profession; professours; profit; promise; proof; prop; proper; publike; publique; quae; qualifications; question; qui; read; reader; reason; receiving; reformation; reformed; relation; religion; repentance; reproach; reputation; requireth; rest; right; rule; rulers; sacraments; said; saints; salvation; satisfied; saved; saving; scandalous; scripture; second; seed; self; selves; sentence; servants; set; shew; signifie; sinne; society; solemn; sort; souls; special; spirit; state; subject; sufficient; supper; sure; tcp; teaching; terms; text; thing; thought; thy; time; title; toleration; tollerable; transition; trouble; true; true church; trust; truth; tryal; turn; uncapable; understanding; unfit; ungodly; unity; universal church; use; vaine; visible church; vote; want; water; way; wicked; wickedness; willing; work; world; worse; worship; wrong; yea; years; yield cache: A76157.xml plain text: A76157.txt item: #105 of 107 id: A76168 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Englands warning-piece. To all sleepy secure sinners, Or, The true Christians subjection to Christ as their King and Saviour. Plainly and powerfully setting forth to the heart and conscience, of all careless secure sinners, their great folly and madness in refusing to submit to Jesus Christ as he is tendered in the Gospel. : With many cogent arguments and reasons to perswade all persons to come into Christ for salvation, now in the day of their visitation, before the fire of his wrath be kindled upon them, and the gates of Heaven be shut against them, and they perish for ever. : With some rules and directions how we may attain true happiness. / Gathered from the painful labours of Mr. Richard Baxter, being the substance of a sermon ; Lycensed and entred according to order. date: 1678 words: 5823 flesch: 67 summary: have you not loathed this busie , diligent serving of him , and hated them that carefully seek him , more than the vilest Drunkard or Blasphemer , have not his word Service and Sabboth been a burden to you , crying away with these precise Preachers , they shall not controle us , this precise Scripture shall be no Law to us , and consequently this Christ shall not rule over us , you may go on as far as Pharo if you will , but if you be not losers in the latter end God hath not spoken by me 1 Kings Sirs I am loath to leave you till the bargain be made , what say you , are you willing that Christ shall be your Soveraign ? his word your Law , his worship your Recreations , his merits your Refuge , his glory your end , and himself the delight of your souls , the Lord Jesus waiteth for your answer , thou wilt very shortly wait on him for thy doom ; as ever thou wouldst have him speak life to thy soul , do thou resolve upon the way of Life , remember that thou art almost at Death and Judgement , if thou didst but see what others suffer for neglecting of him that now offereth thee his grace , what wouldst thou do , when it comes to that , then thou wilt cry , away with the world , away Pleasures , nothing can comfort me but Christ , why then will not you be of the same mind now . First , Subjection to Christ is , the acknowledging of his absolute Soveraignty both as he is God , Creatour , and as a Redeemer over all the world , and particularly our selves , and a hearty consent to this his Soveraignty , especially that he be our Lord , and his Laws our Rule , and a delivering our selves to be governed accordingly . keywords: baxter; blessed; books; chap; christ; christians; covenant; day; death; dost; doth; eebo; english; eternal; fire; god; gospel; great; heart; heaven; jesus; judge; kindled; king; kiss; law; life; lord; love; man; power; salvation; saviour; secure; sinners; son; soul; spirit; subjection; tcp; text; thee; thou; thy; title; true; ver; verse; warning; way; world; wrath cache: A76168.xml plain text: A76168.txt item: #106 of 107 id: A76181 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: The humble petition of many thousands, gentlemen, free-holders, and others, of the county of Worcester, to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. In behalf of the able, faithful, godly ministry of this nation. Delivered by Colonel Jeff Bridges, and Mr. Thomas Foly, December 22. 1652. VVith the Parliaments answer thereunto. date: 1652 words: 3089 flesch: 49 summary: Secondly , that you will be pleased to this end , to take special care of their competent maintenance , that we may not have an ignorant Ministry , while they are forced to be labouring for food and raiment , while they should be in their studies , or watching over their flocks ; and that through disability or unpreparedness , they disgrace not the work of Christ , nor make it and their office contemptible , thereby rejoycing the enemy , and hindring the saving of souls ; specially seeing it is expected that they credit their Doctrine with works of Charity : And seeing that a dependant and beggarly Ministry will lose so much of their Authority with the souls that most need them , and themselves will be laid open to the sore temptation of Man-pleasing ; besides the probability of the suffering of their children , when they are dead : And if the Ministers of this Age be never so resolved to continue their work through all necessities , yet in the next Age the Church is like to be destitute and desolate , because men will set their sons to other studies and imployments : We therefore humbly crave , that this Honorable Assembly will not take down the present Maintenance by Tythes ( though we have as much reason to be sensible of those inconveniences that it is charged with , as others ) or at least , not till they , instead of it , establish as sure , and full , and fit a Maintenance . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A76181 of text R15906 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E684_13). keywords: able; behalf; bridges; christ; church; common; county; england; faithful; free; gentlemen; godly; gospel; hath; holders; humble; jesus; lord; maintenance; ministers; ministrie; ministry; nation; parliament; petition; pleased; souls; text; thomas; thomason; wealth; worcester; work; world cache: A76181.xml plain text: A76181.txt item: #107 of 107 id: A76214 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: Short instructions for the sick: Especially who by contagion, or otherwise, are deprived of the presence of a faithfull pastor. / By Richard Baxter. date: 1665 words: 3042 flesch: 79 summary: If this had been indeed thy life , God would have been thy Portion , thy Father , and thy Defence , and thou mightst have liv'd and dy'd in peace and comfort , and then have liv'd with God for ever . Must God give thee all thy powers for Himself , and wilt thou turn them from him , to the service of the flesh , and that when thou hadst vowed the contrary in thy Baptism ? How wilt thou answer for such treacherous ungodliness ? II. keywords: baxter; books; case; characters; christ; early; eebo; endless; english; flesh; glory; god; grace; heart; holy; life; love; online; presence; richard; salvation; sick; sin; sinful; soul; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; time; work; world cache: A76214.xml plain text: A76214.txt