item: #1 of 7 id: A16315 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: Certaine devout prayers of Mr. Bolton upon solemne occasions. Published by E. B. by M. Boltons owne coppy date: 1638 words: 24216 flesch: 59 summary: And grant that wee may all with one minde , heart and soule , love , feare , reverence and glorifie thy great Name ; that so after a few daies , spent religiously in this vaine and wretched world , wee may live and raigne with thee everlastingly , in the glorious and endlesse pleasures of the life to come , Heare us , &c. Another Morning Prayer . And if at any time , as it is ordinary with Gods children , it shall please thee to exercise me with any crosse , disgrace , slander , discoūtenance , losse of goods , disease of body , terror of soule , or the like , I pray thee ever sweeten & sanctifie them unto mee by thy blessing : & grant that I may ever obediently with all peace of heart , & patience of spirit submit to thy will & wisedome therein ; being fully assured that to me , which am in Christ , the sting , curse and poyson of them is most certainely pulled out by the Passion of thy Son. And resting ever upon thy sweet & pretious promises , that thou having given me Christ Jesus , will never deny me any truly needfull and and comfortable thing , while the world stands . keywords: affections; angels; bee; beseech; best; blessed; blessings; blood; bodies; body; calling; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; comfortable; compassions; confusion; conscience; corruptions; creatures; daies; darknesse; day; deare; death; devotion; divine; doe; duties; earth; end; eternall; everlasting; excellent; eyes; face; faith; farre; father; favour; fearefull; feele; feeling; fire; free; glorious; glory; god; godly; good; good lord; good spirit; goodnesse; grace; gracious; great; ground; hand; happy; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hell; helpe; holy; holy spirit; honour; horrible; humble; hypocrisie; infinite; jesvs; joy; judgement; kingdome; knowledge; land; length; life; light; like; long; lord; lord jesvs; lord thou; love; loving; lusts; majesty; man; manner; meanes; mercies; mercifull; mercy; mighty; nature; nay; new; o lord; obedience; onely; owne; pardon; peace; people; plague; pleased; pleasures; poore; power; praise; prayer; presence; pretious; pride; providence; repentance; rest; returne; sacred; sake; salvation; sanctifie; satan; saving; selfe; selves; service; set; sincere; sincerity; sinfull; sinnefull; sinnes; sins; sonne; soules; spirit; spirituall; strength; tcp; tender; text; thanke; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; truth; understanding; use; vaine; visitation; want; way; wee; wicked; wisedome; worke; world; wrath; wretches; zeale cache: A16315.xml plain text: A16315.txt item: #2 of 7 id: A16316 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: A cordiall for Christians in the time of affliction. Or, A sermon preached at Kethering Lecture by Master Robert Bolton, Bachelour of Divinity, and sometimes fellow of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford. Published by I.S. date: 1640 words: 7280 flesch: 71 summary: Faith being the d worke of GOD , Obedience without Faith being the work of man . ] Those that are enemies to the Church and GODS children were they in the same troubles they see the Saints of GOD in , would indeed yell and howle and roare having no protection nor antidote against the sting and venome of their sorrowes and sufferings , and therefore they conceive , and thereupon out of their cruell and dung-hill dispositions insult , that Christians are paid home horribly and plagu'd in such cases , no knowing poore soules that the Saints have a soveraigne inward vertue , and vigour , I meane , patience ( to which themselves are meere strangers ) whereby they take off the edge , and extinguish the poyson of all afflictions , whether from GOD , man , or Satan , which would eate up the hearts , and drinke up the spirits , and double the sting in the wicked , whensoever they are sore vexed ; as if Mordecai a better man then Haman , doe not crouch to him , it will not onely vexe his heart , but cause him to loose all that sweet of his honour . keywords: affliction; againe; arme; blessed; bolton; cause; children; christians; church; comfort; contrary; cordiall; creatures; day; disgrace; distresse; divell; doe; doth; earth; enemies; english; estate; faith; faithfull; fall; god; gods; good; great; hand; hath; heart; heaven; himselfe; honour; ill; iob; joy; light; little; lord; man; men; outward; owne; patience; people; promises; psal; reason; rejoyce; robert; saints; satan; set; sin; spirituall; sufferings; text; thee; therfore; things; thou; thy; time; troubles; truth; wicked; word; worke cache: A16316.xml plain text: A16316.txt item: #3 of 7 id: A16317 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: A discourse about the state of true happinesse deliuered in certaine sermons in Oxford, and at Pauls Crosse: by Robert Bolton. date: 1611 words: 64067 flesch: 50 summary: The reasons why I spent the most of my meditations , and sticke so long in descrying and desciphering the state of formall hypocrisie ( for therein I haue trod a something vncouth and vnusuall path ) are these : First , I considered that in this full light of the Gospell , a great number of men appl●●d and content themselues with a superficiall glistering of a formall profession , outward conformitie to the Ministrie of the word , and some false flashes of an vnsound persuasion that they are in the ready and right way to heauen ; when as indeed it hath not inwardly illightned their vnderstandings with sauing knowledge , heated their affections with true zeale , subdued their sinfull thoughts , and noisome lusts with the power of grace , nor softned and sanctifi●d their hearts to yeeld a cheerfull , sincere , and vniuersall obedience thereunto : And so after a few miserable daies spent in a prosperous securitie , they fall into the iawes of hell before they mistrust any such matter ; and the pit of destruction shuts her mouth vpon them , before they know and acknowledge , their broken and bankrout state in spirituall things ; I therefore desire and endeauour to awake them out of their golden dreame of imaginarie future happines ; that with open eyes they may see their present spirituall pouerty , and so betimes preuent the anger to come . He cannot abide , that men discontented with the stra●tnesse of the gate of grace , and impatient of a strict course of godlinesse , should labor to find out , and follow another way to heauen , then that which is sanctified by his word , and which hath and must be troden by all those that will euer see the Lord. keywords: able; aboue; actions; adde; aduantage; affaires; affections; againe; ambition; angels; appeare; apprehension; assurance; base; bed; bee; best; better; betwixt; bin; birth; blessed; blessings; blood; body; breake; broken; calling; capable; care; cariage; case; causes; certaine; change; chap; child; children; christian; christianity; christs; church; circumstances; ciuill; close; cold; comfort; comfortable; common; compasse; conceit; conceiue; condition; confusion; conscience; conscionable; consideration; constancie; constant; contempt; contentments; conuersion; corruptions; counsell; course; creatures; crowne; cruell; cunning; custome; daies; daily; danger; darkenesse; dauid; day; dearest; death; deceiue; degrees; delight; desire; desperate; destruction; difference; discomfort; discourse; discretion; disgrace; diuels; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; duties; earth; earthly; eie; end; endlesse; ends; enioy; entire; esteeme; eternall; euen; euer; euerlasting; euill; excellencie; excellent; exercise; experience; extraordinarie; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fall; false; farre; fast; fauour; feare; fearefull; feeling; fierie; fire; flame; flesh; followes; foot; formall; formall hypocrite; forme; forwardnesse; fountaine; free; generall; giue; glorie; glorious; glory; god; god doth; god himselfe; godlinesse; godly; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; good conscience; goodnesse; gospell; grace; gratious; great; greater; greatest; greatnesse; grosse; ground; habit; hand; happie; happinesse; hath; hatred; haue; head; heart; heate; heauen; heauenly; heauie; hee; height; hell; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holy; honest; honestie; honours; hope; horrible; horrour; house; howsoeuer; humbled; humiliation; humilitie; hypocrite; iesus; immediate; immortality; incident; indignation; indirect; infamous; infinite; iniquitie; inward; inwardly; ioy; ioyes; israel; iudgements; iust; iustice; keepe; kind; kingdome; knowes; knowledge; labour; land; large; law; leaue; length; lie; life; light; like; little; liue; long; looke; lord; loue; luke; lying; maiestie; maine; malice; man; manner; mans; marke; matter; meanes; measure; meditation; mee; meere; men; mercies; mind; miserable; miserie; morall; motions; mouth; mysterie; naturall; nature; nay; necessarie; needs; new; noble; noise; notice; notorious; number; obedience; occasions; onely; open; opinion; opposition; ouer; outward; owne; owne heart; owne soule; papists; particular; parts; passage; passe; patience; peculiar; people; perfection; performance; perswaded; perswasion; pit; place; pleasures; point; policie; poore; portion; possest; power; practicall; practise; prayer; preferments; presence; present; pretious; pride; principles; priuie; profession; profit; promises; prophane; prophanenesse; prophets; proud; psalm; pure; purpose; rage; reach; reason; regeneration; religion; religious; repentance; reputation; resolute; resolution; respect; rest; returne; riches; righteousnesse; riuers; rooted; royall; run; sabbath; sacred; saints; saluation; sanctification; sanctified; satan; saue; sauing; sea; second; secret; securitie; sense; sensible; sensuall; seruants; seruice; set; shadow; shame; shew; shine; short; sinceritie; sinfull; sinne; sinners; sins; sith; sober; sorrow; soule; sound; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; state; strange; strength; strong; sun; supernaturall; sweet; taste; tcp; teares; temporall; tentations; terrors; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thorow; thoughts; thy; time; treasures; true; truth; turne; vanitie; vengeance; verie; vertue; vexations; vnderstanding; vniuersall; vnregenerate; vntill; vnto; vpon; vpon earth; vprightnesse; waight; walke; water; way; weake; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; wicked; wil; wisedome; words; worke; working; world; worldly; worth; worthie; wrath; wretched; yea; zeale; ● ● cache: A16317.xml plain text: A16317.txt item: #4 of 7 id: A16325 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: Helpes to humiliation date: 1630 words: 10258 flesch: 76 summary: Thou drawest wife and children , neighbors and all thou canst to hell , by thy ill example , &c : The creatures thou art mercilesse vnto , for thy sinne adds to their misery which they groane vnder ; and thou yet addest to their burden by thy siune . And wilt thou now pollute thy selfe againe , as it were to haue him kill'd afresh to wash away thy sinne ? Consider , the ancient Martyrs and Worthies chose rather to burne at a stake , than they would sinne ; and thou so easily bee drawne to it or rather run to it ? Anselme said , if the flames of hell were on the one side , and sinne on the other side , I would rather lye in those flames than sinne . keywords: act; angels; bee; better; blood; body; breake; canst; children; christ; christian; companions; conscience; creature; damnation; dauid; day; death; diuels; dye; earth; eebo; end; english; euery; eyes; father; fountaine; glory; god; gods; good; great; greater; guilty; hath; hatred; haue; heart; heathen; heauen; hell; helpe; himselfe; holy; horror; ill; iob; life; light; like; looke; lord; man; men; mercy; misery; naturall; nature; nay; neuer; notice; onely; owne; people; place; pleasure; point; pure; quic; reas; reason; repentance; sabbath; saith; selfe; set; sinne; sins; sorrow; soule; spirit; strong; tcp; teares; temporall; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; time; tongue; vnder; vnto; vpon; want; wayes; wee; wife; world; worse; wrath cache: A16325.xml plain text: A16325.txt item: #5 of 7 id: A16337 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: A short and priuate discourse betweene Mr. Bolton and one M.S. concerning vsury. Published by E.B. by Mr. Boltons owne coppy date: 1637 words: 20911 flesch: 78 summary: LOve ( saith the Wisest of men ) is as strong as death , the importuning whereof hath made me breake open those bars and once more awaken the spirit of M. Bolton , by exposing to publicke view these papers of his , written with his owne hand , for the convincing of the world of that profitable and wealthy sinne of Vsury ; wherein though he and others have bestowed much paines : Had this Author lived , it was his purpose to have made this little Tract of Vsury a compleate Treatise , by stating the Question , by distinguishing it from other contracts and bargaines that are common amongst men ( which though they equall that other contract by Vsury in point of gaine , yet doe not participate with it in point of Crime ) by handling the many cases of conscience touching the point of restitution , wherein I know hee was acquainted with many rare experimen●s . keywords: able; absolute; act; ambrose; answ; answer; argument; austin; bee; betweene; biting; bolton; booke; borrower; brother; buyer; cap; case; certaine; chap; charity; christ; church; common; compasse; conscience; contract; cost; covenant; covetousnesse; creditor; cruell; cruelty; day; death; default; delay; desire; deut; die; discourse; divines; doe; doth; eebo; english; est; evill; exod; ezek; fathers; forbidden; free; fruitfull; gaine; generall; god; gods; good; great; hath; hazard; heart; hee; himselfe; hinderance; hoc; holy; honest; house; humane; iewell; increase; iniquity; interest; jewes; justice; keepe; labour; land; law; lawfull; lender; lending; lib; life; like; little; loane; lord; losse; love; luke; man; mans; meane; meaning; men; money; morrall; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; negotiation; nesheck; new; non; object; onely; ordinary; orphanes; owne; pag; page; paiment; paines; partnership; pay; people; permission; place; plus; point; poore; pounds; practise; present; price; principall; profit; promise; providence; psal; purpose; quam; reason; recompence; respect; rich; rule; saint; saith; sale; scriptures; sed; selfe; seller; set; sinne; speake; state; statute; stocke; stranger; subject; sufficient; taking; tcp; text; thing; thou; time; trade; unjust; unlawfull; use; usurer; usurious; vsury; want; wares; way; wealth; widowes; words; worke; world; worth; yeares cache: A16337.xml plain text: A16337.txt item: #6 of 7 id: A29132 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: The last conflicts and death of Mr. Thomas Peacock, batchelour of divinity, and fellow of Brasen-nose Colledge in Oxford published by E.B. from the copy of that famous divine Mr Robert Bolton, late minister of Broughton in Northhampton-shire. date: 1646 words: 11088 flesch: 84 summary: Others there are , whe though they doe not wholly destroy the law , yet they cast it into a dead sleep , thinking it unlawfull in the children of God to be sorry , or to mourn for sinne , contrary to the Doctoine of the primitive Fathers , teaching this lesson , Semper doleat paeniten● ; & de dolore gaudeat ; Let the penitent person alwaies mourn , and rejoyce in that mourning ; agreeing with the rule of our Saviour , Blessed are they that mourn , for they shall be comforted . God in mercy will yeild you a comfortable rellish : Consider I pray you ; whereas man may object , The Lord is strong and terrible . keywords: afflictions; behold; body; bolton; burthen; calling; children; christ; christian; colledge; comfort; comming; conscience; copy; dead; death; desire; devil; dod; doe; doth; doubt; estate; face; farre; father; friends; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; grace; gracious; great; hand; heart; heaven; heavy; hope; life; like; long; lord; love; loveth; man; matter; means; mercy; minde; minister; miserable; nay; peacock; poor; prayer; present; read; robert; saith; salvation; satan; scholars; self; sense; sinne; small; soul; spirituall; text; things; thomas; thought; time; trouble; true; trust; way; words; yea cache: A29132.xml plain text: A29132.txt item: #7 of 7 id: A68954 author: Bolton, Robert, 1572-1631. title: A three-fold treatise containing the saints sure and perpetuall guide. Selfe-enriching examination. Soule-fatting fasting. Or, meditations, concerning the word, the sacrament of the Lords Supper, and fasting. By the labours of that late Reverend, and learned divine, Master Robert Bolton ... date: 1634 words: 72906 flesch: 72 summary: This Part , or Portion , which wee have now in hand , is the foureteenth ; and doth containe in it many worthy and gracious Lessons for our instruction and devotion in heavenly things , proposed unto us out of the practice and Christian carriage of this holy Prophet , and Man of God , David , a perfect patterne of all true zeale and pietie . And no marvell though the true Christian find most sound and unconceivable delight in the Word of God , the Doctrine of Heaven : For by it , he is borne anew , and made heire of Heaven : by the Light of it , he sees his Name written in the Booke of Life , never to be raced out by man , or Devill ; all the sweet and gracious promises of salvation and comfort revealed in it , are sure his owne : keywords: able; actions; advantage; affaires; affections; againe; alreadie; ancient; angels; answ; appeares; attention; austin; backe; beautie; bee; benefit; best; birth; blessed; blessings; bloud; bloudie; bodies; body; booke; borne; breake; burthen; businesse; calling; calls; care; carefull; carnall; carriage; cast; cause; certaine; change; chiefe; children; christ; christian; christianitie; chrysostome; church; citie; col; comfort; comfortable; commandements; companie; conceit; confusion; conscience; conscionable; consideration; contempt; conversion; cor; corruptions; course; covenant; creatures; crosses; crowne; curses; custome; damnation; damned; dangerous; darkenesse; david; day; dayly; dead; death; delight; desire; despaire; desperate; destruction; deut; devils; diligent; disgrace; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; drinke; dust; dutie; eares; earth; earthly; encrease; end; endlesse; enemies; enjoy; eph; eternall; everlasting; evill; examination; example; excellent; exercise; extraordinarie; eyes; face; faithfull; fall; false; farre; fathers; fearefull; feet; fire; flesh; follow; food; foot; fore; forsake; fourthly; free; friends; fruits; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; godly; gods; gods word; goe; gold; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; gracious; great; greater; greatest; ground; guide; hand; happinesse; hast; hath; head; hearers; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavie; heb; hee; heed; hell; high; highest; himselfe; hold; holinesse; holy; holy word; hom; home; honest; honour; hope; horrible; horror; house; humane; humble; humilitie; ier; iesus; ignorance; ignorant; immortalitie; immortall; impression; infinite; iniquitie; inward; iob; ioh; iohn; isa; israel; joy; joyes; judgement; keepe; kingdome; kings; knowes; knowledge; knowne; labours; law; layd; learne; learning; leave; length; lest; let; letter; lib; life; light; like; little; lively; lives; living; long; lord; losse; love; luke; lust; lye; majestie; malice; man; manner; mans; marke; math; matter; meanes; meaning; measure; meat; meditate; meditation; men; mens; mercie; mightie; minde; ministerie; miserable; miseries; morning; moses; motives; mouth; mysterie; naturall; nature; nay; necessarie; needs; neglect; new; non; notwithstanding; obedience; object; occasions; onely; open; order; outward; owne; pag; papists; particular; parts; passe; paths; paul; people; perfect; persecution; pet; pharaoh; place; plagues; pleasures; point; policie; portion; power; powerfull; practice; pray; prayer; preacher; preaching; precious; preparation; prepared; presence; present; pride; principall; profession; profit; prophane; prophanenesse; prophets; proud; prov; providence; psal; psalme; publike; pure; purpose; rage; reade; reading; reason; receive; reformation; religion; repentance; reprobate; respect; rest; reverence; rich; righteousnesse; rom; root; royall; sabbath; sacred; saints; saith; salvation; sam; sanctification; sanctified; sathan; saving; saviour; scriptures; sea; search; second; secret; seed; selves; sense; sensuall; sermon; servants; service; set; shed; shew; simile; sincere; sinceritie; sinfull; sinne; slanders; soone; sort; soule; sound; speake; speciall; spirituall; spring; state; stay; step; stirre; strange; strength; strong; sufferings; sunt; sweet; sweetnesse; taste; tcp; temptations; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongues; treasure; true; truth; turne; understanding; unprofitable; vaine; vanities; varietie; vengeance; vers; voice; walke; want; water; way; wayes; wealth; wee; weight; whatsoever; wicked; wisedome; wit; word; worke; working; worldly; worlds; worship; worthy; wrath; wretched; yea; yee; yesterday; zeale cache: A68954.xml plain text: A68954.txt