item: #1 of 34 id: A30118 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The acceptable sacrifice, or, The excellency of a broken heart shewing the nature, signs and proper effects of a contrite spirit / being the last works of that eminent preacher and faithful minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Bunyan of Bedford ; with a preface ... by a eminent minister of the Gospel in London. date: 1689 words: 36366 flesch: 82 summary: Many workings of Heart , as this Psalm sheweth , this poor man had , so soon as Conviction did fall upon his Spirit ; one while he cries for Mercy , then he confesses his heinous Offences , then he bewails the depravity of his Nature ; sometimes he cries out , to be Washed and Sanctified , and then again , he is affraid that God will cast him away from his Presence , and take his Holy Spirit utterly from him : And thus he goes on till he comes to the Text , and there he stayeth his mind , finding in himself that Heart and Spirit which God did not dislike : The Sacrifices of God , says he , are a broken Spirit ; as if he should say , I thank God I have that ▪ A Broken and a Contrite Heart , saith he , O God thou wilt not despise . The demonstration of this is plain , for that Heart , God will not despise it ; A Broken and a Contrite Heart , O God thou wilt not despise . keywords: broken; christ; contrite; doth; god; good; heart; hearted; heaven; lord; man; men; psal; saith; self; sin; soul; spirit; thee; thing; thou; word; yea cache: A30118.xml plain text: A30118.txt item: #2 of 34 id: A30121 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The advocateship of Jesus Christ clearly explained, and largely improved, for the benefit of all believers by John Bunyan ... date: 1688 words: 56845 flesch: 77 summary: 4. God alloweth us to ride in the Bosom of Christ to the Grave , and from thence in the Bosom of Angels to Heaven , because our own Legs are not able to carry us th●ther , Isa. 40.11 . But if thy Foot slippeth ; if it slippeth g●eatly , then know thou , 't will not be long ●efore a Bill be in Heaven preferred against thee by the Accuser of the Brethren ; wherefore then thou must have Recourse to Christ as Advocate to plead before God , thy Judge , against the Devil , thine Adversary , for thee . keywords: advocate; cause; children; christ; come; doth; enemy; faith; father; god; good; grace; hath; heaven; jesus christ; judge; law; lord; man; men; office; people; plead; priest; satan; sin; sins; thee; things; thou; thy; yea; ● ● cache: A30121.xml plain text: A30121.txt item: #3 of 34 id: A30125 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A book for boys and girls, or, Country rhimes for children by J.B. date: 1686 words: 16978 flesch: 94 summary: Hear thou the Word of God , that will thee tell Without Repentance Thieves must go to Hell. In Act or Thought see thou no Murder do . keywords: art; boys; candle; comparison; day; doth; fly; god; good; grace; let; life; light; man; men; nature; sin; soul; spider; thee; things; thou; thy; way; yea cache: A30125.xml plain text: A30125.txt item: #4 of 34 id: A30127 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A case of conscience resolved viz. whether, where a church of Christ is situate, it is the duty of the women of that congregation, ordinarily, and by appointment, to separate themselves from their brethren, and so to assemble together to perform some parts of divine worship, as prayer, &c. without their men? : And the arguments made use of for that practice examined / by John Bunyan. date: 1683 words: 16335 flesch: 77 summary: First he begins with this question , Whether Women fearing God may Meet to pray together , and whether it be Lawfull for them so to do ? which done , he fals to a Wonderment , saying , It seems very strange to me , that any who profess the Fear of God , can make any question touching the Lawfulness thereof : The rule for praying being so General to all , and there being so many Instances for the Practice thereof , upon several occasions in the Word of God , for their incouragement therein . First , saith he , If Women may prayse God together for Mercies received for the Church of God , or for themselves : Then they may pray together : the Proof whereof is plain , Exod. keywords: answer; assemblies; brethren; chap; christ; church; god; man; meetings; prayer; women; word; worship cache: A30127.xml plain text: A30127.txt item: #5 of 34 id: A30128 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Christian behaviour, or, The fruits of true Christianity shewing the ground from whence they flow in their godlike order in the duty of relations, as husbands, wives, parents, children, masters, servants &c. : with a word of direction to all backsliders / by John Bunyan. date: 1663 words: 28751 flesch: 78 summary: ●t against all them set thou the Word 〈◊〉 God , the Promise of Grace , the blood of Christ , and the Examples of God's Goodness to the great Back●●ders , that are for thy encouragement ●corded in the Scriptures of Truth ; ●d remember , that turning to God ●er back-sliding , is the greatest piece 〈◊〉 service thou canst do for him , and 〈◊〉 greatest honour thou canst bring to 〈◊〉 Blood of Christ ; and know further , that God , to shew his willing re●ception of so unworthy a creature , saith There shall be joy in Heaven at thy Co●●version to him again , Luke 15. 7 , 10. Fifthly , Consider , that believing● that which will keep in thy view 〈◊〉 things of Heaven , and Glory ; and that ●t which the Devil wil be discouraged , sin weakned , and thy heart quickned and sweetned , Heb. 11. 27. Jam. 4. 7. 1 Pet. keywords: children; christ; doth; faith; god; good; grace; hath; heart; husband; life; lord; love; man; men; parents; self; servants; sin; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; way; word; works; ● ● cache: A30128.xml plain text: A30128.txt item: #6 of 34 id: A30130 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Come & welcome to Jesus Christ, or, A plain and profitable discourse upon the sixth of John, 37 vers shewing the cause, truth and manner of the coming of a sinner to Jesus Christ, with his happy reception and blessed entertainment / written by J. Bunyan. date: 1678 words: 62582 flesch: 84 summary: Answer , Where doth Christ Jesus require such a Qualification , of those that are coming to him for Life ? come thou for Life , and trouble not thy head with such Objections against thy Self , and let God and Christ alone to Glorify themselves in the Salvation of such a worm as thou art . Hence I conclude , First , That coming to Jesus Christ aright , is an effect of their being ( of God ) given to Christ before . keywords: cast; chap; come; coming; father; god; good; grace; hath; heart; jesus christ; joh; life; lord; man; men; power; promise; saith; save; sinner; son; soul; text; thee; things; thou; thy; way; word; yea cache: A30130.xml plain text: A30130.txt item: #7 of 34 id: A30136 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A confession of my faith and a reason of my practice, or, With who, and who not, I can hold church-fellowship, or the communion of saints date: 1672 words: 23857 flesch: 78 summary: Indeed my principles are such , as lead me to a denial to communicate in the the things of the Kingdom of Christ , with ungodly and open prophane ; neither can I in , or by the superstitious inventions of this World , consent that my Soul should be governed , in any of my approaches to God , because commanded to the contrary , and commended for so refusing . Yea doubtless , and I count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord , for whom I have suffered the loss of all things , and do count them but dung that I may win Christ ' and be found in him , not haveing my own righteousness , which is of the Law , but that which is through the faith of Christ , the righteousness which is of God by faith . keywords: believe; chap; christ; church; communion; cor; faith; god; hath; holy; jesus; law; lord; love; man; men; saints; things; word cache: A30136.xml plain text: A30136.txt item: #8 of 34 id: A30137 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A defence of the doctrine of justification, by faith in Jesus Christ: shewing, true Gospel-holiness flows from thence. Or, Mr. Fowler's pretended design of Christianity, proved to be nothing more then to trample under foot the blood of the Son of God and the idolizing of man's own righteousness. As also, how while he pretends to be a minister of the Church of England, he overthroweth the wholesom doctrine contained in the 10th. 11th. and 13th. of the Thirty Nine Articles of the same, and that he falleth in with the Quaker, and Romanist, against them. By John Bunyan. date: 1673 words: 55591 flesch: 68 summary: And hence the Apostle , when he would shew us a man alive , or made a new man indeed ; as he talketh of the holy Ghost and faith , so he tells us such● are dead to the Law , to the Law , as a Law of works ; to the Law as to principles of nature , Wherefore my brethen you are also become dead to the Law ( the moral Law , and the ceremonial Law ) by the body of Christ , that you should be married to another ( another then the Law ) even to him , who is raised from the dead , that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Rom. 7. 4. Ye are become dead to the Law : dead to the Law ! 1. That the First Principles of Morrals , those First Written in Mens hearts , are the Essentials , the Indispensible , and Fundamental Points ●r Doctrines of the Gospel , Pag. 8 , 281 , 282. 2. That these First Principles , are to be followed , Principally , as they are made known to us , by the Dictates of Humane Nature ; and that this obedience , is the first , and best sort of obedience , we Christians can perform , Pag. 8 , 9 , 10. 3. That there is such a thing as a foundness of Soul , and the purity of Humane Nature in the World , Pag. 6. 4. That the Law , in the first Principles of it , is far beyond , and more obliging on the hearts of Christians , then is , That of coming to God by Christ , Pag. 7 , 8 , 9 , 10. 5. That the Precept of coming to God by Christ , &c. is in its own Nature , a thing indifferent , and absolutely considered neither good nor evil , Pag. 7 , 8 , 9. 6. That Christ's great Errand , in coming into the World , was to put us again in Possession of the Holiness we had lost , P. 12. 7. That John the Baptist , the Angel that was sent to Zecharias , and Mary , Preached this Doctrine ; and so also did Malachy the Prophet , Pag. 13. 8. That Christ by saving us from Sin , is meant , not first , his saving us from the punishment , but from the Filth , and from the punishment , as a Consequence of that , keywords: blood; christ; faith; god; good; gospel; hath; holiness; holy; humane; jesus christ; law; life; lord; man; men; nature; pag; principles; righteousness; self; sin; spirit; things; works cache: A30137.xml plain text: A30137.txt item: #9 of 34 id: A30138 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Differences in judgment about vvater-baptism, no bar to communion, or, To communicate with saints, as saints, proved lawful in answer to a book written by the Baptists, and published by Mr. T.P. and Mr. W.K. entituled, Some serious reflections on that part of Mr. Bunyan's confession of faith, touching church-communion with unbaptized believers : wherein, their objections and arguments are answered, and the doctrine of communion still asserted and vindicated : here is also Mr. Henry's Jesse's judgment in the case, fully declaring the doctrine I have asserted / by John Bunyan. date: 1673 words: 32219 flesch: 71 summary: Sir , Know you not yet , that a difference is to be put betwixt those Rules that discover the Essentials of Holiness , and those that in themselves are not such ; and that that of Faith and the Moral Law is the one , and Baptism , &c. the other ? Is not Love to God , abhorrence of Idols , to forbear Blaspheming , to honour our Parents , to do no Murther , to forbear Theft , not to bear False witness , nor Covet , &c. are not ( I say ) these the Precepts of the Lord Jesus , because delivered by Moses ? Or , are these such as may better be broken , than for want of light to forbear Baptism with Water ? Or , doth a man while he liveth in the neglect of these , and in the mean time bustle about those you call Gospel-Commands , most honour Christ , or best fit himself for Fellowship with the Saints ? What if I did ? ( as I did not but you grant it ; And now I will ask you , ●nd pray deal fairly in your Answer , May man be a visible Saint without light therein ; May he have a good Conscience without light therein ? And seeing that Baptism is none of the worship that Christ Instituted in his Church for them to practise as a Church , must he be kept dark about all other things concerning the Worship of God in his Church , until he receive light therein ? keywords: answ; argument; baptism; christ; church; communion; doctrine; faith; fellowship; god; hath; light; lord; man; pag; saints; spirit; things; water cache: A30138.xml plain text: A30138.txt item: #10 of 34 id: A30139 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A discourse of the building, nature, excellency, and government of the house of God With counsels and directions to the inhabitants thereof. By John Bunyan of Bedford. date: 1688 words: 13100 flesch: 88 summary: ●hen men are catcht in immoralities , ●ature will start , the Conscience will arise ●o Judgment ; and if impudence doth recoil , ●et guilt and self-condemnings will imbroyl ●he wretch concern'd , in such unquietness ●r shame , as will induce him to confess ●is fault , and pardon crave of God and Man , ●uch men with ease therefore we Conquer can . 9. We must also in these our dealings shew ●e put a difference 'twixt those sins that do ●ash with the Light of Nature , and what we ●erceive against the Faith of Christ to be ; ●hose against Nature , Nature will detect ; ●hose against Faith , Faith from them must direct ●he Judgment , Conscience , Vnderstanding too , ●r there will be no cure , what ere you do . keywords: art; chap; doth; faith; god; good; grace; house; john; love; luke; man; mat; men; place; sin; thee; thou; work; yea; ● ● cache: A30139.xml plain text: A30139.txt item: #11 of 34 id: A30143 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Grace abounding to the chief of sinners, or, A brief and faithful relation of the exceeding mercy of God in Christ, to his poor servant John Bvnyan wherein is particularly shewed, the manner of his conversion, his fight and trouble for sin, his dreadful temptations, also how he despaired of Gods mercy, and how the Lord at length thorow [sic] Christ did deliver him from all the guilt and terrour that lay upon him : whereunto is added, a brief relation of his call to the work of the ministry, of his temptations therein, as also what he hath met with in prison : all which was written by his own hand there, and now published for the support of the the weak and tempted people of God. date: 1666 words: 35673 flesch: 64 summary: 19. I had no sooner thus conceived in my mind , but suddenly this conclusion was fastned on my spirit , ( for the former hint did set my sins again before my face ) That I had been a great and grievous Sinner , and that it was now too too late for me to look after Hea●●n , for Christ would not forgive me , nor pardon my transgressions . Wherefore , thought I , the point being thus , I am for going on , and venturing my eternal state with Christ , whether I have comfort here or no ; if God doth not come in , thought I , I will leap off the Ladder even blindfold into ●ternitie , sin● or swim , come heaven , come hell ; Lord Jesus , if thou wilt catch me , do ; I vvill venture for thy Name . keywords: christ; day; god; good; grace; hath; heart; heaven; jesus; life; lord; love; man; mercy; mind; scripture; self; sin; soul; spirit; things; think; thought; time; way; word; work; yea; ● ● cache: A30143.xml plain text: A30143.txt item: #12 of 34 id: A30150 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The greatness of the soul and unspeakableness of the loss thereof with the causes of the losing it : first preached at Pinners-Hall, and now enlarged and published for good / by John Bunyan. date: 1691 words: 49801 flesch: 78 summary: Yea , let him now count up all , and all manner of curses and torments that 〈◊〉 reasonable and an immortal Soul is , or can be made capable of , and able to suffer under , and when he ha● done , he shall come infinitely short of this great A●●thema , this master curse which God has reserved amo●gst his Treasuries , and intends to bring out in that day of battle and war , which he purposeth to make upon damned Souls in that day . Thus will all the Powers , Sences and P●●●ons of the Soul of him that has lost himself , 〈◊〉 of his own power to dispose for his advantage ; and will be only in the Hand and under the Management of the revenging Justice of God. keywords: body; cast; christ; death; doth; fire; god; good; hath; heaven; hell; judgment; life; lord; loss; man; men; place; saith; self; sin; soul; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; world; wrath; yea; ● e; ● nd; ● o; ● s; ● ● cache: A30150.xml plain text: A30150.txt item: #13 of 34 id: A30152 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The holy citie, or, The new-Jerusalem wherein its goodly light walls, gates, angels, and the manner of their standing, are expounded : also, her length and breadth, together with the golden measuring-reed, explained, and the glory of all unfolded : as also, the numerousness of its inhabitants, and what the tree and water of life are, by which they are sustained / by John Bunyan ... date: 1669 words: 66889 flesch: 72 summary: Glorious things are spoken of thee , O City of God. Now the reason why she lost the title of City , at her going into Captivity , is , Because then she lost her situation and strength ; she followed others then Christ , wherefore he suffered her Enemies to scale her Walls , to break down her Battlements ; he suffered , as you see here , the great Red Dragon , and Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns , to get into her Vineyard , who made most fearful work both with her and all her Friends : her Gates also was now either broken down , or shut up , so that none could according to her Laws and Statutes enter into her ; her Charter also , even the Bible it self , was most grosly abused and corrupted , yea , sometimes burned and destroyed almost utterly : wherefore the Spirit of God doth take away from her the title of City , and leaveth her to be termed a wandring Woman , as aforesaid : The Court that is without the Temple ( saith the Angel ) leave out , and measure it not , for it is given to the Gentiles ; and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months , Rev. 11. keywords: christ; church; city; day; doctrine; doth; gates; glory; god; grace; hath; heaven; holy; isa; jerusalem; life; light; lord; new; people; place; saith; temple; thee; things; thy; time; tree; wall; way; world cache: A30152.xml plain text: A30152.txt item: #14 of 34 id: A30153 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A holy life, the beauty of Christianity, or, An exhortation to Christians to be holy by John Bunyan. date: 1684 words: 43034 flesch: 80 summary: WHen I write of Justification before God , from the dreadful curse of the Law ; then I must speak of nothing but Grace , Christ , the Promise and Faith : but when I speak of our Justification before Men , then I must joyn to these , good Works . But do you think it is because of the first ? no ; the word of our God shall stand ( in its strength ) for ever : the Faith of such therefore is not right , they have for Shields of Gold , made themselves Shields of Brass : or instead of the Primitive Faith , which was of the operation of God , they have got to themselves a Faith that stands by the power , and in the Wisdom of Man. keywords: christ; day; depart; doth; faith; god; good; grace; hath; heart; holy; house; iniquity; life; lord; love; man; men; profession; professors; self; shall; sin; soul; thee; things; thou; word; yea cache: A30153.xml plain text: A30153.txt item: #15 of 34 id: A30158 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also, or, A discourse touching prayer, from I Cor. 14.15 wherein is briefly discovered 1. What prayer is, 2. What it is to pray with the spirit, 3. What it is to pray with the spirit and with the understanding also / by John Bunyan. date: 1663 words: 20414 flesch: 79 summary: Seventhly , It must be a praying with the Spirit if it be accepted ; because , there is nothing but the Spirit can lift up the soul or heart to God in Prayer . Prayer is a sincere , sensible , affectionate pouring out of the heart or soul to God through Christ , in the strength and assistance of the holy Spirit , for such things as God hath promised , or , according to the Word , for the good of the Church , with submission , in Faith , to the Will of God. keywords: christ; god; hath; heart; lord; man; men; prayer; psal; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; understanding cache: A30158.xml plain text: A30158.txt item: #16 of 34 id: A30160 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The Jerusalem-sinner saved, or, Good news for the vilest of men being a help for despairing souls, shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners / by John Bunyan. date: 1689 words: 39349 flesch: 79 summary: p. 79 No ground for the Impenitent at Judgment , for an excuse from the greatnesse of their sins , why they came not to Jesus Christ , p. 78 Instances to convince them how it will go with th●m then , for neglecting the grace of God now , p. 79 , 80 APPLICATION . The Conclusion , p. 146 An answer to those Grand Objections that lie in the way of them that would believe : For the Comfort of those that fear th●y have sinned against the Holy Ghost . keywords: christ; day; despair; god; gospel; grace; heart; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; life; lord; love; man; men; mercy; place; saith; satan; self; sinners; sins; text; thee; thou; thy; unto; way; world; yea cache: A30160.xml plain text: A30160.txt item: #17 of 34 id: A30164 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The life and death of Mr. Badman presented to the world in a familiar dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive / by John Bunyan ... date: 1680 words: 76915 flesch: 84 summary: Man only is most subject to wink at , and allow of these unlawful mixtures of men and women ; Because man only is a sinful Beast , a sinful Bird , therefore he , above all , will take upon him by rebellious actions to answer , or rather to oppose and violate the Law of his God and Creator ; nor shall these , or other Interogatories , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Or , A Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ , God and Man. keywords: atten; badman; children; conscience; day; death; doth; evil; father; god; godly; good; hand; hath; heart; hell; house; judgment; life; lord; man; master; men; poor; pride; repentance; self; sin; sins; soul; thee; things; thou; thy; time; way; wicked; wickedness; wife; wise; world; yea; young; ● ● cache: A30164.xml plain text: A30164.txt item: #18 of 34 id: A30167 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Light for them that sit in darkness, or, A discourse of Jesus Christ, and that he undertook to accomplish by himself the eternal redemption of sinners also, that the Lord Jesus addressed himself to this work, with undeniable demonstrations that he performed the same : objections to the contrary answered / by John Bunyan. date: 1675 words: 46797 flesch: 80 summary: Now the Children could not destroy him , because he had already cast them into sin ; defiled their Nature , and laid them under the Wrath of God , Therefore Christ puts himself among the Children , and into the Nature of the Children ; that he might , by means of his Dying in their Flesh , destroy the Devil ; that is , take away Sin , his Work , that he might destroy the Works of the Devil ; for sin is the great Engine of Hell , by which he overthroweth all that perish : God gave the Law , that compleat Righteousness should by that be found upon men , but because sin was got into man's Flesh , therefore this Righteousness , by us , could not be compleated : Now comes Christ the Lord into the World , clothes himself with the Children's Flesh , addresseth himself to the Work of their Redemption , is made under the Law ; and going through every part of the Law without Sin , he becometh the End of the Law for Justifying Righteousness to every one that believeth , Rom. 10. 4. For he obeyed not the Law for himself , he needed no obedience thereto : 'T was we that needed obedience , 't was we that wanted to answer the Law , we wanted it but could not obtain it , because then the Law was weak through the Flesh ; therefore God sent his own Son , and he did our duty for us , even to become the End of the Law to every one that believeth : In this therefore Christ laboured for us , he was made under the Law to redeem . keywords: blood; christ; death; flesh; god; hath; heaven; holy; jesus christ; law; lord; man; men; peace; redemption; righteousness; saviour; sin; sinners; sins; son; thou; world cache: A30167.xml plain text: A30167.txt item: #19 of 34 id: A30168 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: One thing is needful, or, Serious meditations upon the four last things, death, judgment [brace] and [brace] heaven, hell unto which is added Ebal and Gerizzim, or, The blessing and the curse : with prison meditations and a catalogue of all this author's books / by John Bunyan. date: 1683 words: 17241 flesch: 87 summary: This worm now needs must in them live , For sin will still be there , And guilt , for God will not forgive , Nor Christ their burden bear . Thou often didst me tidings bring , How God did me dislike , Because I took delight in Sin , But I thy News did slight . keywords: christ; death; doth; face; fear; god; grace; hath; heart; hell; life; lord; man; men; sin; thee; things; thou; thy; yea cache: A30168.xml plain text: A30168.txt item: #20 of 34 id: A30170 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come delivered under the similitude of a dream, wherein is discovered the manner of his setting out, his dangerous journey, and safe arrival at the desired countrey / by John Bunyan. date: 1678 words: 52208 flesch: 87 summary: Chr. He told me 〈◊〉 , That 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resolved to go on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; but all of a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one 〈◊〉 , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 . Hope . For his neck is clothed with Thund●…r , he w●…l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 afraid as the 〈◊〉 , the glory o●… his Nosrils is 〈◊〉 , he paweth in the Valley , 〈◊〉 in his strength , and goeth ou●… to m●…et the armed men . keywords: away; christian; city; come; countrey; day; death; dream; fair; faith; gate; god; going; good; hand; hath; heart; hill; hopef; house; know; life; lord; man; men; mind; pilgrims; place; self; t ●; talk; thee; things; thou; thought; time; way; world cache: A30170.xml plain text: A30170.txt item: #21 of 34 id: A30197 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Questions about the nature and perpetunity of the seventh-day Sabbath and proof that the first day of the week is the true Christian-sabbath / by John Bunyan. date: 1685 words: 24654 flesch: 77 summary: True , it was Gods Sabbath before : for on the first Seventh day we read , that God rested thereon , and sanctified it . And now by our new Law-giver , the Son of God , he being Lord also of the Sabbath-day , we have a time prefixed , as the Law of Nature requireth , a new day , by him who is the Lord of it ; I say , appointed , wherein we may worship , not in the oldness of that Letter written and engraven in Stones , but according to , and most agreeing with , his new and holy Testament . keywords: christ; church; churches; day; god; holy; law; lord; ministration; nature; rest; sabbath; sabbath day; time; week; worship cache: A30197.xml plain text: A30197.txt item: #22 of 34 id: A30198 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Reprobation asserted, or, The doctrine of eternal election & reprobation promiscuously handled in eleven chapters wherein the most material objections made by the opposers of this doctrine are fully answered, several doubts removed, and sundry cases of conscience resolved / by John Bunyan. date: 1674 words: 22838 flesch: 73 summary: 3. Observe again , That whether the Vessel be to honour or to dishonour , yet the Potter makes it good , sound , and fit for service ; his fore-determining to make this a Vessel to dishonour , hath no perswasion at all with him to break or mar the Pot : Which very thing doth well resemble the state of man as under the Act of eternal Reprobation , for God made man upright , Eccles. 7.29 . V. Of the Unchangableness of Eternal Reprobation ? MAny Opinions have passed through the hearts of the Sons of men concerning Reprobation ; most of them endeavouring so to hold it forth , as therewith they might , if not heal their Conscience slightly , yet maintain their own Opinion , in their Judgement , of other things ; still wringing , now the Word this way , and anon again that , for their purpose : also framing within their Soul such an imagination of God and his acts in Eternity , as would suit with such Opinions , and so present all to the world . keywords: act; christ; doth; elect; election; god; good; gospel; grace; hath; man; mercy; reprobate; reprobation; sin; world cache: A30198.xml plain text: A30198.txt item: #23 of 34 id: A30200 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The resurrection of the dead and eternall judgement, or, The truth of the resurrection of the bodies both of good and bad at the last day asserted and proved by Gods word : also, the manner and order of their coming forth of their graves, as also, with what bodies they do arise : together with a discourse of the last judgement, and the finall conclusion of the whole world / by John Bunyan. date: 1665 words: 46519 flesch: 77 summary: Man in his Creation , was made in the Image of God , Gen. 1. 26. but man , by reason of his yielding to the tempter , hath made himself the very figure and Image of the Devil . Man by Creation , had all the faculties of his Soul at liberty to study God , his Creator , and his glorious Attributes and Being ; but man by sin , hath so bound up his own senses and reason , and hath given way for blindness and ignorance of God , so to reign in his Soul , that now he is Captivated , and held bound in alienation and estrangedness , both from God , and all things truly spiritually good ; Because , saith he , That when they knew God , they glorified him not as God , but became vain in their imaginations , and their foolish he arts were darkened . keywords: body; book; christ; day; dead; death; doth; fire; glory; god; good; hath; judgement; life; lord; man; men; nature; resurrection; saints; saith; shall; sin; soul; thee; things; thou; thy; world cache: A30200.xml plain text: A30200.txt item: #24 of 34 id: A30201 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Scriptural poems being several portions of Scripture digested into English verse / by John Bunyan. date: 1700 words: 23491 flesch: 77 summary: Dost thou Do well , said God , to be so angry now ? Oh , God forbid that we should be so naught ; Behold , thou know'st we brought the Money back The which we found bound up in each Man's Sack , Which shews that we had no design to cheat ; How then should we now steal your Masters Plate ? keywords: brethren; brother; chap; day; doth; evil; father; god; good; hand; hast; hath; joseph; king; know; land; lord; man; men; pharaoh; sampson; thee; thou; thy; time cache: A30201.xml plain text: A30201.txt item: #25 of 34 id: A30202 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Seasonable counsel, or, Advice to sufferers by John Bunyan. date: 1684 words: 49584 flesch: 81 summary: That Sufferers are subject to this , may appear by the stir , and bustle that at such a time they make to lock all up safe that the hand of man can reach , while they are cold , chill , remiss , and too indifferent about the committing of their soul to God to keep it . Wherefore for a conclusion , as we are to receive with meekness the engrafted word of God : so also we are with patience to bear what God by man shall lay upon us . keywords: cause; christ; christian; creator; doth; evil; god; gods; good; hand; keeping; life; lord; man; men; people; righteousness; sake; self; sin; soul; spirit; suffering; thee; things; thou; thy; truth; way; world; yea cache: A30202.xml plain text: A30202.txt item: #26 of 34 id: A30203 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Sighs from hell, or, The groans of a damned soul discovering from the 16th of Luke the lamentable state of the damned : and may fitly serve as a warning-word to sinners, both old and young, by faith in Jesus Christ, to avoid the same place of torment : with a discovery of the usefulness of the Scriptures as our safe conduct for avoiding the torments of hell / by John Bunyan. date: 1666 words: 54622 flesch: 76 summary: Which is this , That God would shew thee , that as thou being man , hast sinned against God ; so Christ being God Man , hath ●●ought thee again , and with his most pretious bloud set thee free from the bondage thou wast fallen into by thy sins ; and that not upon condition , that thou wilt do thus and thus , this and the other good work ; but rather , that thou being first justified freely by meer grace , through the bloud of Jesus , shouldest also receive thy strength from him who hath bought thee , to walk before him in all well pleasing , being inabled thereto by vertue of his Spirit , which hath revealed to thy soul , that thou art delivered already from wrath to come , by the obedience , not of thee , but of another man , ( viz. ) Jesus Christ. But that thou mightest be sure to escape these dangerous looks on the right hand , and on the left , see that thy faith be such , as spoken of in S●●●pture , and that thou be not satisfied without th●t ▪ which is a faith wrought by the mighty operation of God , revealing Christ to , and in thee , as having wholly freed thee from thy sins by his most pretious bloud . keywords: believe; christ; day; doth; god; good; gospel; hath; heaven; hell; jesus; law; life; lord; man; men; saints; saith; scriptures; sins; soul; thee; things; thou; time; words; world; ● ● cache: A30203.xml plain text: A30203.txt item: #27 of 34 id: A30206 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd, or, Gospel-light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem, to let us more easily into the glory of New-Testament-truths by John Bunyan. date: 1688 words: 48792 flesch: 87 summary: Yea Paul , tho' a Son , yet counted himself not a Son but a Servant , purely as he was a Minister : A Servant of God , a Servant of Christ , a Servant of the Church , and your Servant for Jesus sake , Tit. 1. Rom. 1.1 . Let none but Christ be the High Priest and Sacrifice for your Souls to God ; and none but that Doctrine which is Apostolical be to you as the Mouth of Christ for Instruction to prepare you , and to prepare materials for this Temple of God , and to Build them upon this Foundation . keywords: altar; ark; chap; christ; church; cor; glory; god; gold; gospel; grace; heaven; holy; house; jesus; lord; man; men; mercy; place; psal; saith; set; shew; temple; things; type; work; world; worship; yea cache: A30206.xml plain text: A30206.txt item: #28 of 34 id: A30208 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: Some gospel-truths opened according to the Scriptures, or, The divine and humane nature of Christ Jesus, his coming into the world, his righteousness, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second comming to judgment, plainly demonstrated and proved and also answers to severall questions, with profitable directions to stand fast in the doctrine of Jesus the son of Mary, against those blustring storms of the Devils temptations, which do at this day, like so many scorpions, break loose from the bottomless pit, to bite and torment those that have not tasted the vertue of Jesus by the revelation of the spirit of God / published for the good of Gods chosen ones by that unworthy servant of Christ John Bunnyan ... date: 1656 words: 48347 flesch: 78 summary: Now Mary was one of the same house also , and for this con●ider , Jesus came from the loynes of David ; see Ma● . Some gospel-truths opened according to the Scriptures, or, The divine and humane nature of Christ Jesus, his coming into the world, his righteousness, death, resurrection, ascension, intercession, and second comming to judgment, plainly demonstrated and proved and also answers to severall questions, with profitable directions to stand fast in the doctrine of Jesus the son of Mary, against those blustring storms of the Devils temptations, which do at this day, like so many scorpions, break loose from the bottomless pit, to bite and torment those that have not tasted the vertue of Jesus by the revelation of the spirit of God / published for the good of Gods chosen ones by that unworthy servant of Christ John Bunnyan ... Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1656 Approx. keywords: body; christ; doth; flesh; god; hath; heaven; heb; jesus; jesus christ; law; lord; man; man christ; mary; saith; shall; sins; son; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; world; ● ● cache: A30208.xml plain text: A30208.txt item: #29 of 34 id: A30209 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The strait gate, or, Great difficulty of going to Heaven plainly proving by the Scriptures that not only the rude and profane, but many great professors will come short of that Kingdom / by John Bunyan. date: 1676 words: 28156 flesch: 78 summary: Str●igh● is the gate and narr●w is the way t●●t leadeth un●o life , and few there 〈◊〉 th● finde it ; M●● . The text calls for ▪ sharpness , so do the times , ye● , the faithful discharge of my duty towards thee , hath put me upon it . keywords: christ; day; enter; faith; gate; god; grace; hath; heaven; kingdom; lord; man; men; professors; saved; sin; strive; thee; things; thou; thy; words; world; ● ● cache: A30209.xml plain text: A30209.txt item: #30 of 34 id: A30211 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A treatise of the fear of God shewing what it is, and how distinguished from that what is not so : also whence it comes, who has it, what are the effects, and what the priviledges of those that have it in their hearts / by John Bunyan. date: 1679 words: 57689 flesch: 79 summary: Men that have not this fear of God in them , will not , cannot deny themselves , ( of love to God , and the good of the weak , who are subject to stumble at indifferent things ) but where this grace of fear is , there follows Selfdenial ; there men are tender of offending ; and count , that it far better becoms their profession to be of a Self denying , condesending conversation , and temper , them to stand sturdily to their own liberty in things inexpedient who even is offended thereat . Men must have a mighty change of heart and life , or else they are strangers to this fear of God , alas how ignorant are the most of this ? yea , and some are not afraid to say they are not changed nor desire so to be : can these fear God ? can these be possessed with this grace of fear ? keywords: christ; doth; father; fear; god; godly; good; grace; hath; heart; holy; life; lord; lord god; man; men; people; psal; saith; saith god; sin; soul; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy; thy god; way; word; yea cache: A30211.xml plain text: A30211.txt item: #31 of 34 id: A30212 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A true and impartial narrative of some illegal and arbitrary proceedings by certain justices of the peace and others, against several innocent and peaceable nonconformists in and near the town of Bedford, upon pretence of putting in execution the late Act against conventicles together with a brief account of the late sudden and strange death of the Grand Informer, and one of the most violent malicious prosecutors against these poor people. date: 1670 words: 6944 flesch: 41 summary: The next day , being Lords-Day , Fines were doubled upon the Meeters , before the first could be levied ; for they assembling again at the same House , according to their custom ; Battison with the two Apparitors , by another Warrant from Mr. Foster , entred the Meeting-place about nine of the clock in the morning : but the Mèeters refusing to depart before their Exercise was ended ( unless forced ) Battison sends word of it to Mr. Foster , who returns a verbal Order , that Battison should charge certain Gentlemen of the Town ( whose names he had sent by the messenger ) to assist him ; which Battison accordingly did , going to their Houses to call them , though there were near a hundred common people spectators in the streets , and none of them then charged to assist , and also Trained-Band Souldiers ready in Town for this service , partly at the charge of these Gentlemen whom Battison had so warned to assist , and who were so warned ( as is supposed ) upon design , to have them incur the penalties of five pounds for their refusing . Mr. Foster having done his Work at the Pipemakers , proceeds in the Parish to one Robert Browns a Gardener , distreyning all his Houshold Goods , for a Fine supposed to be three pounds : making haste to the chiefest place they aimed at , for their turn , they passed into Peters Parish , to the House of Mris. keywords: battison; foster; goods; house; john; justices; officers; people; pounds; shillings; text cache: A30212.xml plain text: A30212.txt item: #32 of 34 id: A30213 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The water of life, or, A discourse shewing the richness and glory of the grace and spirit of the gospel, as set forth in Scripture by this term, The water of life by John Bunyan. date: 1688 words: 21464 flesch: 86 summary: 1. And he shewed me a pure River of Water of Life , clear as Crystal , proceeding out of the Throne of God , and of the Lamb. He shews him also the Head , or Well-Spring from whence this River of water of Life proceeds , and that is , The Throne of God , and of the Lamb. keywords: christ; glory; god; good; grace; lamb; life; man; men; river; soul; spirit; things; thou; throne; thy; water; world cache: A30213.xml plain text: A30213.txt item: #33 of 34 id: A30214 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: The work of Jesus Christ as an advocate clearly explained and largely improved for the benefit of all believers ... / by John Bunyan, author of The pilgrims progress. date: 1688 words: 56185 flesch: 78 summary: not , saith he , from a Being of Sin : For should we say so , we should deceive our selves , and should prove that we have no truth of God in us ; but by cleansing , I mean a being delivered from all sin , so , as that none at all shall have the dominion over you , to bring you down to Hell ; for that for the sake of the Blood of Christ , all trespasses are forgiven you . But shall the Will of Heaven stoop to the Will of Hell ? Or the Will of Christ to the Will of Satan ? Or the Will of Righteousness to the Will of Sin ? Shall Satan , who is God's Enemy , and whose Charge wherewith he chargeth us for Sin , and which is grounded not upon Love to Righteousness , but upon Malice against God's Designs of Mercy against the Blood of Christ , and the Salvation of his People : I say , shall this Enemy and this charge prevail with God against the well-grounded Plea of Christ , and against the Salvation of God's Elect ! and so keep us out of Heaven ? keywords: advocate; cause; children; christ; come; doth; enemy; father; god; good; hath; heaven; jesus christ; law; lord; man; office; page; people; plead; priest; satan; sin; sins; thee; things; thou; thy; yea; ● ● cache: A30214.xml plain text: A30214.txt item: #34 of 34 id: B01830 author: Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. title: A caution to stir up to watch against sin. By J. Bunyan. date: 1684 words: 2021 flesch: 79 summary: Though SIN at first its rage dissemble may , 'T will soon upon thee as a Lyon Prey ; 'T will roar , 't will rend , 't will tear , 't will kill out-right , Its living Death will gnaw thee day and night : 'T will hide its sting , 't will change its Native hue , Vile 't will not , but a Beauty seem to you . keywords: door; sin; tcp; text cache: B01830.xml plain text: B01830.txt