item: #1 of 28 id: A01911 author: Chapman, George, 1559?-1634. title: Sir Giles Goosecap date: 1606.0 words: 298994 flesch: -121 summary: pos=n-ab xml:id=A01911-003-b-3610>Bul.

Yes that they did Sir , the best Gosecappes in England , comes out of London I assure you .


I but Sir these must come into it before they come out on al; > ann; > anteuenit; > audacitie; > bee; > bewtie; > bloud; > blowes; > brystle buttond; > candlesticke; > captain; > chamber; > chimney; > clarence; > come concealement; > consonant; > content; > conuerso; > cood; > cosen; > crowne; > cutt; > dukes; > efficit; > egges; > england; > enter estquae; > eugeâ; > evanston; > exeuut; > fights; > fire; > freshe; > friend; > friendship; > gall; > genus; > hart; > heauen; > hee; > hippolita; > honoribus; > house; > i'st; > ide; > ile; > illo; > keepes; > knight; > knowe; > knownâ; > ladie; > lady; > lambois; > lines; > lipps; > london; > lord; > loue; > luster; > m.; > madam; > man; > marrie; > martin; > mind; > mistris; > monckies; > moribus; > nay; > nel; > pardoning; > perceiue; > phisicke; > pray; > presence; > prodigall; > purpose; > rites; > sblood; > scaena; > sick; > sir; > slydd; > sortem; > stones; > supper; > t'will; > teeth; > textual; > theì; > thing; > thy; > tis; > triall; > tribunall; > vertueâ; > vnheard; > vppon; > vse; > vvell; > vvhen; > vvhich; > vvhy; > vvitty; > why wil; > winnifred; > woman; > world; > worthie; > yfath; a"/; a-0030; a-0050">,,of,,the,,,forand,,,isandof,,,the,,and,,,,,youi,,,,,to,,the,,i,lord,and,,of,,,,,the,,,,my,you,,; corr>,; eugenia; eugenia'sislealassbloodslyddaboueactvsaduiseagainealalwaies&an; reg="answer">answereanieassebeddbinbelieuebodiebornebreakecaptainechoycecleerecoodcountessecourtshippecosencrownedeerediuinedoedownedrieeateemphaticalleueneueryfairefattfauourfeelefelicitieflowefooleformefowleweatherfourefrauncefriendshippegiuegodsgoosecappehalfehaueheehartheauenheauieheeleshelpehirheerehonorhumoriyfaithindeedeiackiestioyiudgmentkeepekindekindenessekisseknowelacquayladieleauelesseletlippsliuelyliuerlookelordelordshippelouemarriemeanesmeetemensme; reg="mistress">mistrismoonemortallmouesmy; reg="ne'er">nereneedesneuernewesneeceononelyouerperceiueplainepoorepretiousprettieprouereaderequitallreuengesauesaiesschollerseeneselfeseruantshalsheeshoodshowesickesmockessoriesoulespeakesubtillsuiterssunneswearesweeteswornetalketearesthentheì; reg="these">theisthingesthinkethetherthothy; reg="together">togeatherto; reg="took">tooketorcheturnetwentievncklevndervpponvsvttervanitieverievertuevveweewearevvellvvhatvvhenvvherevvhichwhomevvhywilwillowewinnifredwittvvithwithallwittievvoodworkeworthiewouldeyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">clarencecutteugeniagyleshippolitaimomfordtales; selfe; sira01911; type="contract1">antvvhatwhat2 Incorporated ~ 10,000 textual changes made to the SHC corpus by Hannah Bredar, Kate Needham, and Lydia Zoells between April and July 2015 during visits, separately or together, to the Bodleian, Folger and Houghton Libraries as well as the Rare Book Libraries at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago

AL FOOLES A Comody , Presented at the Black Fryers , And lately before his Maiestie . Written by George Chapman .

AT LONDON , Printed for Thomas Thorpe . 1605 .

Actors . Gostanzo . Knights . ? But our poore doomes ( alas ) you know are nothing ; To your inspired censure , euer we Must needs submit , and there the mistery . Great are the giftes giuen to vnited heades , To gifts , attyre , to faire attyre , the stage Helps much , for if our other audience see You on the stage depart before we end , Our wits goe with you all , and we are fooles ; So Fortune gouernes in these stage euents , That merit beares least sway in most contents . Auriculas Asini quis non habet ? How we shall then appeare , we must referre To Magicke of your doomes , that neuer erre .
All Fooles .
Actus primi . Scaena prima . Enter Rynaldo , Fortunio , Valerio . aduice; > advantage ann; > brothers; > bull; > by byth; > case; > ceremony; > chamber; > change; > companie; > compassion; > complement; > corneliâ; > countrey; > cycatrice; > darioto; > degree; > discouer; > drinkes; > education; > enter evanston; > farmer; > father; > fooles; > force; > fortunio; > friend; > gate; > gentleman; > gostanzo; > greene; > haue; > heauen; > hee; > heere; > home; > house; > ile; > ioynd; > liue; > lord; > loued; > maisâ; > marke; > martin; > menelaus; > mother; > nay; > occâ; > peasant; > perceiue; > plott; > possession; > possibilitie; > poysned pray; > receypt; > reuin'd; > rout; > set; > sir; > sonne; > stincking; > such suspition; > textual; > th'impartiall; > theì; > tongue; > ualerio; > vnable; > vse; > wife; > words; > yeelded; a"/; a-0010">gost.,,not,him,to,,,,and,,,,,,,,mythe,you,,of,i,,that,,and,,forithe,his,,,,a,to,,,,,,and,mythe,,i,to,,,,,mytoa,and,,,of,,,,; corresp="a18400; courtier; dice; div xml; e102290; e117000; editor >; enter'sislewere; rvmsfooteaduiceaffairesagaineahlas&answerearmesassebackebearebeastesbinbeleeueblindeboordbookesbornebrainebrauebreakebrotherscalmechauncechiefechoycecittiecompanieconfessecounsellcourtyercrownesd'daylydauncingdealediuorcedoeeareseasieenioyentertaineequalleueneueryextreamefarrefauourfoolesfooteforbearefoorthfruitesfuriegiuegodsgreenegrosseguestesguldhalfehauehehartheauenheerehimselfehonour'dhornesindeedeit; reg="jealous">ielousioyneioyesiudgeiustkeepekindekindneskisseknowneknowesleauelesseletlyelookelouelou'dmansmarkemariagemaryedmarymaistermeemeanemeeteme; reg="mischief">mischiefemistressemy; reg="never">neuernewesnotarieooldeonelyouerownepawneperceiueperswadeplainepleasdpoorepriuateproueresolu'drynaldorunnesaydsaueseeneselfeseruesexesheesonnesonnessoulespeakestolnestormeswearesweeteswornet'talketearesthenthinkethriftiethy; reg="to">tootoldetownetoyesturnevndervnderstandvponvsvs'dvttervaineualeriovillaynevertueswarresweewearewhatwiueswisedomewishtwithallwiueswonneworkeyongyour; rendition="#hi">,claudiocorneliodariottogazettagostanzogratiananotarypockrinaldotheorbovalerioã; seg >; selfe; sight; sister; somea18400; type="contract1">heerety'Brag.

Nor that my honest Count .

Count .

VVhy then thus it shal be , wee AEgipts royall bed . Irus . I hope your maiestie will pardon mee , If Conscience make me vtter what I thinke , Of that hye loue affayres twixt him and you . acanthes; > ann; > arabia; > attemptes; > banishment; > battaile; > beauteous bebritius; > bee; > beholding; > burgomaâ; > burning; > burâ; > church; > cleanthes; > corrucus; > deuill; > dryed; > dye; > eccho; > enter evanston; > farewell; > fauour; > freend; > graces; > groue; > hart; > haue; > hayle; > homer; > house; > husband; > iewell; > ile; > indeede; > isis; > king; > leaue light; > liue; > lord; > loue; > martin; > mary; > meane; > mee; > monarke; > nay; > neyther; > nyght; > occasion; > offer; > plaines; > prince; > questo; > se; > shorte; > soules; > sweeting; > textual; > thinges; > tis; > tresurie; > tunes; > uuith; > vew; > voutchsafe; > vowâ; > vvell; > vvhich; > vvhy; > vvith; > waite; > weele; > wicked; > wife; > woman; > wordes; a"/; a-0080; a-0140; a-0290; a-0320; a-0400; a-0560; a-0620">,,,,,i,,,,,in,,,,,,,; corr>,; for'sisle; reg="'ll; reg="'t; reg="again">agayneal&armesassebattailebeautiousbeautiebeenebeggerbeeingblackeblestblindeburgomaisterchusecountessecrownedeuilldoedrinkeaegypteueneueryfayrefaythfauourfearefindeformefouregirlegiuegodsgownegratiousgrauehandeshaplessehappiehauehartheauensheerehonorhumorhusbandesindeedeioykeepekingeskisseknauesknowneknoweslearneleauelookelordeslouelouelymaiestiemaistermeemeanemeetemightiemynemistrismy; reg="never">neuernyghtnimphoholdeonelyour; reg="over">ouerparentespittiepoorequeeneseruantesseruiceshalsoonesoulesunnesweetetalkethenthingesthinkethumbestymetoturnetwentievntovponvsvsurerveluetvertuevvevvellvvhatvvhenvvherevvhichvvhywilvvithwitnessewoordworkeworldeyeeld,alexandriaantistenesbebritiuscleanthescountdoricleselimineenterirusleonmenippusrhesussamathis; selfe; soldiers; sp xml; stage xml; target="a18402; tcp; text xml; thea18402; type="contract1">twee1.Buss. None can be alwaies one : our griefes and ioies Hold seuerall scepters in vs , and haue times For their predominance : which griefe now , in them Doth claime , as proper to his diademe : And grief a naturall sicknesse of the bloud , That time to part , asks as his comming had ; Onely sleight fooles grieu'd , suddenly are glad ; A man may say t' a dead man , be reuiu'd , As well as to one sorrowfull , be not grieu'd . And therefore ( Princely mistresse ) in all warres Against these base foes that insult on weaknesse , And still fight hous'd , behinde the shield of Nature , Of tyrannous law , treachery , or beastly need , Your seruant cannot helpe ; authority heere Goes with corruption ; something like some States , That back woorst men : valure to them must creepe That ( to themselues left ) would feare him asleepe . Contries sight , to waft and guide them in : So when we wander furthest through the waues Of Glassie Glorie and the Gulfes of State , Topt with all Titles , spreading all our reaches , As if each priuate Arme would sphere the world ; Wee must to vertue for her guide resort , Or wee shall shipwracke in our safest Port . Procumbit . Monsieur with two Pages . There is no second place in Numerous State That holds more than a Cypher : In a King All places are contain'd . His words and lookes Are like the flashes and the bolts of Ioue , His deedes inimitable , like the Sea That shuts still as it opes , and leaues no tracts , Nor prints of President for poore mens facts : There but a Thred betwixt me and a Croune ; I would not wish it cut , vnlesse by nature ; Yet to prepare mee for that likely Fortune , D'Ambois to this greene Retreat ; A man of spirit beyond the reach of feare , Who ( discontent with his neglected worth ) Neglects the light , and loues obscure Abodes ; But he is yoong and haughtie , apt to take Fire at aduancement , to beare state and flourish ; In his Rise therefore shall my bounties shine : None lothes the world so much , nor loues to scoffe it , But gold and grace will make him surfet of it . What , D'Ambois ? keywords: 007; 025; > ann; > condition; > descending; > evanston; > hector; > martin; > son; > t'haue; > textual; a"/; a-0060">,,of,to,andthe,,,,inno,,in,andtothat,,thea,,;;,aand,my,,of,,ofand,,i,the,a,all,theof,,,in,,and,,,,,,as,andato:innot,to,my,,thatthe,with,,,,,; corresp="a18403; curator; div xml; e121550; e125330; editor >; george; hannah; henry; id="a18403; idno; item xml; join="left">'sisle; ref xml; reg="'gainst">gainstsfooteaboueaduis'dagaine&armesarriu'daskeibackebearesbeenebeleeueblindebloudbornebountiebrauebreakecarriecleerecommingcountessecrounesdarkenessedeedesdiuelldiscouerydoedooresdowneduchesseearleemptieencounterdentrailesenuieequallesteemeeternalleueneueryeiesfairefalsfearefeelefindefliefoolesforbeareforgiueformefoorthfoulefrailtiefriergiueglassegloriegoddessegreatnessegrossehauehawlkeheauenhelpeheereheereafterhimselfehonorhonour'dhourehumanehusbandsindeedeinform'dit; reg="just">iustiusticekeepekingskingdomeknowneknowesladielawrelllaieslearneleauelesseletlifesliu'dliuesliuinglothlookelouemeemeanemensme; reg="mistress">mistressemixtmoonemurthermurtherersmy; reg="natural">naturallne'reneuerã´obiectobseru'dodsoonelypassepeeceplaineplucktpoorepriuiledgeproouequarrellrais'dresoluerooteroyallsaiesscenaseemeseruantserueshewskieslaineslauesleepesouldiersoonesoulespeakestoodestraitstuckesubiectsunnesuppliesuruiueswearetalketh'thatthemseluesthinketurn'dturnesvndervpvponvrg'dvsevttervertuevertuouswarreweewhatwilfullwindeswiueswomansworkeworthiewreakeyoongyour; rendition="#hi">.; selfea18403; type="contract1">heerety'2.,,,youandthat,,i,,,,the,,with,and,a,tois,buti,,of,your,my,,,,to,,iand,the,,of,,,,,; b"/; b-0010">enter,,,,thewith,to,,and,i,,my,of,ato,,,,my,you,to,ofand,,the,ia,,,and,,,tothe,,,,,; curator; editor >; fond; gazer; george; governor; hamlet; holdfast; i'sisleyour; quote xml; reg="&c; reg="'d; reg="'em">'hemsfoote'taboueabroadeagaineayreahlasalan&angellappearearmesoughtayebeebeenebehindebeleeueblessebloudboatebodiebornebrauebreakefastbusiecaptainechildecittycleanecloakecolonellcommingcommoditiecompanieconfirmecounsailecountriecoozencrownescryecuckoldsdeputiedoedosdoresdrestdrunkeeeneeateeytherindureinoughentreateeueneueryfallesfarrefarewelfauourfiggesflat; reg="fly">flyefooleforbeareforgiuefoorthfourefranckfreedomefriendegiuegodsgownegroomehahalfeharkehauehauingheareheauenhimselfehumilitiehumorsi'yfaithindeedeindustrieit; reg="just">iustiusticekeepekindekindnesseknightsknow'stknowneknoweslackeladieladyesladishiplawelearn'dleaueleggeslyeslinnenlitlelookelouemadamemaidemaintainemariagemarymaistermeanesmeetemensmerciemistrismodestiemy; reg="natural">naturallnereneuernewesnoweo'oldeonelyouerpetronellpeecepittiepleas'dpooreprentisepretieproiectquickesiluerraysonsreceiuereturnerunnerunnessailesauesayesscenascornesecuritieseeneseldomeseruantserueshalsheeshippeshouteshowesiluersynsindefiesyndefiesirhaskinnesleepesonnespeakespakestayeswearesweetetalketauernethenthankesthemseluesthinkethothriuethy; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="tonight">to; reg="took">tooketouch; reg="town">townetruelyvndervntovpvponvsevsurervsurousveluetvertuewaiteweeweareweepevvhatwhatwhatsoeuerwheì; reg="whipped">whiptwhomewiueswilwindewithallwiuesvvoolfewoolfewomansworkeworshipfullvvouldyearesyongyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">andbrambleeastwardfrancisgossipgouldinghungermadamnowseagullsirthattouchstonevirginiawilliamwynneyyou; selfea18407; type="contract1">ty'1.Bass. Y 'aue had a verie good deliuerance , Ladie : How I did take her at her labour there , I vse to gird these Ladies so sometimes . Enter Lasso , with Syluan and a Nymph , a man Bugge , and a woman .

1 I pray my Lord , must not I weare this haire ?

Is but a Broome : and O Dan Titan bright , Most clearkly calld the Scauenger of night , What art thou , but a verie broome of gold ? For all this world not to be cride nor sold ; Philosophy , that passion sweepes from thought , Is the soules Broome , and by all braue wits sought , Now if Philosophers but Broomemen are , Each Broomeman then is a Philosopher . And so we come ( gracing your gratious Graces ) To sweepe Cares cobwebs from your cleanly faces . abusde; > actus; > alphonso; > ann; > antidote; > arm'd; > arrow; > backe; > bassioâ; > beard; > beautie; > beene; > benevenius; > bobbadilla; > bosome; > braine; > bringst; > brow; > case; > claime; > commaund; > commission; > correction; > dame; > day; > deare; > death; > denie; > dischargde; > drunâ; > duke; > earth; > easde; > eate; > else enter euen; > evanston; > farewell; > father; > faâ; > fie; > fitter; > forc'd; > friend; > friendship; > furie; > gaue; > gentleman; > genu; > girls; > glaunce; > goddeâ; > gods greatnes; > griefes; > guest; > guides; > head; > headlong; > hee; > heere; > heretofore; > hir; > huntsman; > husband; > iewell; > ile; > imbrace; > indeede; > innocent; > insolencie; > intellectuall; > itterations iuory; > iuyce; > keepe; > knees; > ladie; > law; > laysie; > letters; > life; > lord; > lordship; > loue; > lâ; > madam; > man; > marke; > martin; > matter; > mazde; > meander; > medice; > meet; > meeting; > meg; > mistris; > moou; > mortall; > mum; > neece; > nicetie; > nicke; > odde; > ointment; > or plaid; > play; > pogio; > poison; > praisâ; > prince; > prodigies; > quieâ; > rebuke; > remaines; > resist; > rings; > robes; > running; > saie; > schoolmaistere; > selling; > sing; > sir; > sister; > slabby; > slendrest; > sorrell; > soule; > speake; > spirits; > state; > stuâ; > swannes; > swims; > sworde; > textual; > th'intent; > thee; > theres; > thinke; > title; > torment; > turnes; > varietie; > vast; > vince; > vncle; > vnworthie; > vnworthie vp; > vsher; > wel; > whâ; > will'd; > words; > write; > y; > y'aue; > yfaith; > yong; > â; a"/; a-0010">bass.the,,,,my,lord,i,ofyournot,and,,theyour,of,butyou,,for,i,stro.,noti,,,and,,to,,,and,,i,,,,,but,i,isyour,,andyou,,,,,i,to,,you,thisthebe,,myis,andyour,,lordto,,amyyour,of,i,andyoume,,,,,,and,,is,; corr>,; eies; enter'sislewerewould; revmswoundsaboueactvsagaine&answerearmesasseibackebeautiebeenebeleeueboarebornebosomebrainebrauebroomebusinessecaptiuecertaineclearecommingconfessecounsailecristallcurtolldearedeseruedeuisedissoluediuinedoedownedreamedrinkedutchesseeeneearleeateimbraceindureeuereiesfairefanciefauourfooleforbeareformegiuegodsgoddessegrossehazhauehauingheauenheedeheeleshelpeheerehighnessehimselfeifaithyfaithindeedeit; reg="jerkin">ierkinioyesiudgeiudgementiulioiusticekeepekindnessekisseknowesladielassoslawesleaueleggelesselimbeliuinglookelouemadamemansmarkemeemeanemeetememoriemercieme; reg="mind">mindemistrismusickemy; reg="needs">needesnewesneecenuptiallsoonelypainespickepittyplainepleasdepoorepretiousprettieprowdraisdereaderesoluereuealeroomerulderunnesauesaiesseemesseenesenceseruantseruiceseuenthshalshewsignesolemnesonnesoulespeakespeciallspightspakesternestirrestraitstrookestuffesubiectswearesweeteswornet'talkethenthinkethreauesto; reg="together">togithertoungtooketraineturnevnclevnlearndvntovponvsvsdevshervaineverievertuevertuouswearewelwiddowwildeworkeworthieyearesyeeldyongyour; rendition="#hi">,bassiolofungushyblamargaretmedicepogiostrozzavince; selfe; sira18413; type="contract1">heeretvpony'1Aemi. is strange to see the impiety of parents , Both priuiledgd by custome , and profest , The holy institution of heauen ; Ordeyning marriage for proportiond minds , For our chiefe humane comforts ; and t' encrease The loued images of God in men : Is now peruerted to th' increase of wealth ; We must bring riches forth , and like the Cuckoe Hatch others egges ; Ioyne house to house , in choices Fit timber-logs and stones , not men and women : ( Enter Aurelio . ) Ay me , here one I must shunne , woude embrace . Exit . Inno.

That true indeede , but yet I thought I try you . ( Enter Lodouico . ) They dance .

&c. ann; > attendant; > aurelio; > breake; > come conuaid; > dealing; > denie; > else enter evanston; > friend; > funerals; > gentleman; > gramercy; > hath; > labour; > lake; > leaue; > leonoro; > lodwicke; > lyonell; > martin; > matrimony; > nay; > nowâ; > shee; > sir; > slaue; > smoakie; > snayle; > spirit; > sute; > textual; > thee; > thrall; > vncole; > walles; > wench; a"/; a-0010">lod.,?andthat,him,her,ofbe,will,,,you,for,,,asand,i,the,to,,,you,what,to,,,,hei,beita,yourthe,and,you,a,,theof,ang.i,man,youat,,the,isa,,,of,a,good,,in,andto,,you,,i,not,in,,hisyou,,,theand,sir,mythe,,youa,and,i; corr>,cole; house'sislewerebirlady; quote xml; ref xml; reg="'em; reg="'ll; reg="'re; reg="'rt; reg="'sblood">s'bloodsbloods'futsfuts'lightsownds'taboueaccesseagainealwaiesantient&anoneanswereapparellasseauoidebackebaudbeddebeenebeleeuebosomebreakebusinessecalscaptainecitiecloakecom'stcommingcounsailecosencozencuzecrownescriedayesdeniedeuicedeuilldiuersdoedreamedrinkeearesenuiouseueneueryfainefarrefauourfindefoolefore; reg="frank">frankegenerallgiouenellegiueglassegodsgodgossauehairehalfehappinessehaueheeheareheauenheedehelpehimselfehourehumoryfaithindeedeiustkeepekindnessekisseknaueknow'stknowneknoweslearneleaueleggelesselyelieftenantlikenesselothlodouicolodowickelookelou'stlouelouingmaidemaintainemansmarkemaistmeanemeeteme; reg="methought">me; reg="mistress">mistrismonethmy; reg="native">natiueneuernewesno; reg="observance">obseruanceonouerownepainespastpeecepittypooreprepretheeproueprouidedquarrellreceiueresoluerimeroomesauesayesschollerseeneseruantseruicesheesnaylesome; reg="son">sonnesoulespeakespakestomackesuteswearesweepeswornetothertaylortalketauernetermestarrassethenthemseluesthinkethy; reg="today">to; reg="took">tooketownetrieturnetwelue; reg="uncle">vnclevndervnlessevpvponvsevshervainevillainewaggewalkewaieswearewenchesvvhatwhatwherewithallwonneworkewoudeyeeyeeldyouyongyour; rendition="#hi">,aemiliaangeloclarissimocutbeardfrancischinagasparoinnocentioleonorolorenzolucretiaquintquintilianotemperancetheagines; selfe; source; sp xml; stage xml; target="a18415; tcp; temperance; text xml; thinksa18415; type="contract1">aththatvpony'3&c. ann; > celebration; > evanston; > jones; > martin; > memory; > siluer; > simil; > textual; a"/; a-0020; a-0170; a-0390; a-0400; a-0650; a-0810; a-1000; a-1140; a-1330; author >; b"/; b-0090; b-0230; b-0300; b-0470; b-0550; b-0610; b-0760; b-0820; b-0980; b-1020; b-1100; b-1690; body xml; chorus; closer xml; corresp="a18416; div xml; editor >; floatingtext xml; head; id="a18416; item xml; lemma="after; lemma="all; lemma="as; lemma="attire; lemma="before; lemma="both; lemma="by; lemma="can; lemma="dance; lemma="etc; lemma="fair; lemma="feather; lemma="first; lemma="from; lemma="give; lemma="goddess; lemma="golden; lemma="great; lemma="head; lemma="in; lemma="light; lemma="make; lemma="most; lemma="my; lemma="noble; lemma="now; lemma="on; lemma="other; lemma="our; lemma="set; lemma="she; lemma="silver; lemma="sun; lemma="those; lemma="thy; lemma="time; lemma="two; lemma="up; lemma="white; lemma="will; lemma="world; lemma="worthy; lg xml; list xml; pc join="right; pc xml; pos="acp; pos="av; pos="av_j; pos="cc; pos="crq; pos="d; pos="fw; pos="j_vn; pos="n1; pos="n2_j; pos="ord; pos="pns; pos="po; pos="uh; pos="vmb; pos="vvn; pos="xx; pubplace >; quote xml; ref xml; reg="beams">beameseueryfairegoddessegoldehaueheauenhonorloueneuernuptiallsiluersunnevpvirginevertueandplutus; sp xml; stage xml; target="a18416; temple; title; trailer xml; type="contract2; unit="sentence">.kinglem.,to,,andinotthis,,you,,,whati,,to,,you,,,and,,,,,,and,i,of,,to,,,your,,ithat,,,,,,,,you,,,not,,and,,,; corr>,'sisle; queen; ref xml; reg="'ll; reg="'sblood">sbloodaboueagaineal&an; reg="ass">assebeautiebeenebeleeuebetweeneblackebloudbusinescardescommingcompanieconstanciecountessecosencreamecrownesdeuicediuelldiuinedoedutieecchoelsimbraceindureintreateueneueryfairefoolegiuegodsgreenehalfehaueheeheareheauenhimselfehonorhonorablehumoryfaithindeedeiaquesiealousiewelsioykeepekisseknaueknownelaberueleladieladishiplatinelawfullleauelookelordelouelouelymaidemansmanermarkemarymaistermeaneme; reg="mind">mindemistrismonseurmy; reg="ne'er">nereneedesneuerno; reg="now">noweobserueooldeordinarieouerouerthrowneownepoysonpooreposiepretypretheepriuateproofeproueprouerbepuritanepuritiequeeneroomesauesayesseenesenceseruiceshalsheesignessirrasonnesoulespeakespiritesswearesweetetalketelthentheì; reg="think">thinketo; reg="told">toldetriallturnevntovponvsvsedvaineveronesveriewalkewearewhomewilwithallwitteswiuesworkewouldeyeeldyongyour; rendition="#hi">,beshablanuelcataliancolinetdowsecerflorilailabeshalemotmartia; selfe; source; sp xml; stage xml; steele; target="a18419; tcp; text xml; thathumerous; type="character_name">a18419; type="contract1">twhat.Cler. Well Sir , were A good Knights place . Many a proud dubb'd Gallant Seekes out a poore Knights liuing from such Emrods . Or what vse else should I designe thee to ? Perhaps you answere me , to be my Pander . youthfull widow Neuer so weeping , wringing of her hands , For her lost Lord , still the Philosopher laught : Now whether hee suppos'd all these presentments , Were onely maskeries , and wore false faces : Or else were simply vaine , I take no care , But still hee laught , how graue soere they were . Guise . And might right well ( my Clermont ) and for this Vertuous digression , wee vvill thanke the scoffes Of vicious Monsieur . But now for the maine point Of your late resolution for reuenge Of your slaine friend . keywords: /list; 007; 025; 039; > ann; > baligny; > bounded; > consort; > demetrius; > england; > eoscrâ; > evanston; > exit; > feeles; > giuen; > gouernment; > hauing; > himselfe; > houre; > imagin'd; > king; > lawes; > lord; > low; > madame; > maillard; > man; > martin; > meate; > noblesse; > obseruance; > phalerius; > philosopher; > quicke; > quo; > showts; > sir; > strickt; > swindge; > textual; > th'all; > tis; > wee; > whereof; a"/; a-0010">and,to,,,with,,,in,,of,,,,and,,,thatand,,,,,,,,,in,of,cler.of,a,,,and,,yourthe,,,,the,,,,,,and,,,,a,you,,tothe,,,so,toand; corr>,'sislewere; r.sdeathaboueaccesseaduantageagaineaymesayreapprouearm'darmesautenticallibattailesbearebeenebeleeueblackeblindebloudblownebornebosomebountiebrauebreakebrotherscapitallcaptainescardinallcharg'dchiefeclearecoatescountessecrownecurbedecaiddeedesdeseruesdesignediuinedoedoresearleeytherendlesseentertaineenuieequallesteem'deueneueryfailefarrefauourfearefullfeetefixtflyesflyefollowesfooteforbeareformesfoulefreedomegenerallgiuegodsgoodnessegouernmentgreatnessehauehauingheeheauenhighnessehimselfehourehowsoeuerhumaneitalieit; reg="join">ioyneioyiudgementiustiusticeiustlykeepekingskingdomeknowneknoweslackieslaughtlaweslearn'dleauelesselyelyonsliuesliuinglookelouemadamemainemansmarquessemeanesmeateme; reg="mighty">mightiemindemiseriemistressemou'dmurthermy; reg="natural">naturallnoughtneedeneuernewesotheoonelyout; reg="own">ownepastpennanceperformepoliciepooreprais'dpreuentpriuatepubliqueranckeraignereuengeroyallruinesatisfiesauesayesseekeseemesseruantseruiceshadowessheeslaineslauessouldierssoonesoulespeakespightstirrestratagemesubiectsodainesuitesunnesustainesweareswindgeswornetearesth'thenthankesthemseluesthinkethy; reg="took">tooketragedietreacherietroopestruelyturnevpvponvsevs'dvainevillainesvertuevertuousweewaightievvhatwhatvvhichvvillwindevvithwiuesworkewreakeyeeldyouy'haueyour; reg="zeal">zeale,renel; seg xml; selfea18421; type="contract1">ty'.he,so,thetoisnot,if,at,youaall,i,ofand,thatof,ithismyyou,withandto,inthe,,butnotheas,ait,,sotheasmyofyou,initnotihim,,allhistome,and,was,,ain,,beof,your,forwiththeandtoyoui,but,it,,,and,pro.allyou,,thati,,inbothof,the,tois,itandahe,,,youthe,tomyawill,astheybenot,isthatand,offor,butiif,tofor,aswill,andayou,,,inthemay,thisi,that,notthe,andis,ofbut,itthisiyou,to,cloake; bag; corr>10l'sislewere; reading; reg="'em">um'taboueaccomptagainealiuealalleagealwayes&an; reg="answer">answereanieappearearmesaskeasleepeauthoritieibackebeebeenebeggerbeleeuebelliebetweenebrainesbreakebusinessecalscarefullcariecertainechang'dcharitiecheerechusechristscleareclockecommingcommoditiecompaniecomplaineconcernesconfessecontrariecornecounsellcountriecosencrauecrossecudgillcustomedaintiedaiesdealedeliuerdivelldyetdisprouediversedoedooresdoestdrinkedriuedrunkennessedutieeasieeateeggeselsentreateerrour&eueneueryevillfailefarrefeelefellowesfindefolkesfoolefortiefourefrendgardnergiuegodshahalfehang'dhappiehauehauingheareheauenhelpeheereafterhimselfeholy; reg="holidays">holydaieshonestiehoureshundrethhungrieinneit; reg="jack">iackeiudasiudgeiudg'diudgementiustkeepekindnesknaueknoweladielawfulllearneleauelesseleastlibertielyelinnenlitleliuesliuinglogickelookelouemaintainemansmarkemariedmarymarvailemaistmeanemeetemerrieme; reg="miss">missemistrismockemoniemy; reg="necessity">necessitieneckeneedeneuernewesno; reg="observe">obserueonelyour; reg="over">ouerownepassepaiepenieperformeperswadepeecepitieplaineplainelypooreprepretieproueraggesreadiereceiuereckningreferreremouereturneroomeruinesatisfiesaterdaysauescenaschollerscriuenerscurviesealesecuritieseeneseldomesencesserueseverallsheesheetesshoodshewedsickesegnieursixesouldierssoonespeakespeciallstirrestomackestudiestuffesubiectsuitesummesuretieswearesullebubtothertalketearetearmestestimoniethenthemseluesthinkethriuethy; reg="tobacco">tobacchotooketowardtownetricketurnestwentievndervnderstandvndertakevndonevntillvntovpvponvpwardvsevtterveriewalkewarresweeweekewhatwhatsoeuerwilwishewithallwitnesworkeworldsworthieyeareyeeldyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">andantoniocreatureexitgranatohortanoinsatiatolastlevitiamuretonoverindoofparvagraciopestiferopohssibproberiorusticosecurussimplosusannathewas100l; selfe; sic>100â; simplo; sorts; source; sp xml; sperato; stage xml; sucha18423; type="contract1">heeretwee. Incorporated ~ 10,000 textual changes made to the SHC corpus by Hannah Bredar, Kate Needham, and Lydia Zoells between April and July 2015 during visits, separately or together, to the Bodleian, Folger and Houghton Libraries as well as the Rare Book Libraries at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago

CAESAR AND POMPEY : A Roman Tragedy , declaring their Warres .

Out of whose euents is euicted this Proposition .

Only a iust man is a freeman .


LONDON pos=d-x xml:id=A18425-016-b-0870>no fit distinction in maine battaile , That you will please still to prolong the stroke Of absolute decision to these iarres , Considering you shall strike it with a man Of much skill and experience , and one That will his Conquest sell at infinite rate , If that must end your difference ; but I doubt There will come humble offer on his part , Of honor'd peace to you , for whose sweet name So cryed out to you in our late-met Senate , Lost no fit offer of that wished treaty . Take pity on your Countreys blood as much As possible may stand without the danger Of hindering her iustice on her foes , Which all the gods to your full wish dispose . &c. ann; > approaches; > beare; > brainsick; > earth; > evanston; > foes; > goe; > ile; > immortality; > martin; > passing; > porcius; > textual; a"/; a-0010">thatandthe,,to,,,,,,,,,,,of,formyand,,theand,,,,,to,to,of,,thein,thattoall,and,,,,,andin,,,,the,,a,not,,,and,in,,theof,,,:; fron; gab; george; id="a18425; idno; item xml; join="left">'seuentisle'gainstselfe; lydia; marcus; n="1; n="2; n="3; n="4; omnes; page; pc join="right; pc xml; pos="acp; pos="av; pos="av_j; pos="cc; pos="crq; pos="d; pos="fw; pos="j_vn; pos="n1; pos="n1_j; pos="n1_vg; pos="ord; pos="pns; pos="po; pos="uh; pos="vmb; pos="vvi; pos="xx; publicationstmt; publisher; pubplace >; reg="'ll; reg="'t; reg="above">aboueagaineayrealiue&arm'darmesaskeibattailebeeneblestbreakecampecertainechiefeciuillcleareconceiueconsulscoolecounsailecountreyscrownedeuilldiuinedoedrawnedreadfulldriuenendlesseentredentringeuentseuerfailefalnefalsfearefearefullfirmeflyesforc'tfreedomegenerallgiuegoodnessegreatnessehaueheheauenhelpehimselfehonorhourehumanejisit; reg="join">ioyneioyiustiusticekeepekindeknaueknowneknoweslearn'dleauelesseletlifesliuesliuinglookelouemaistmeanesmensmou'dmy; reg="natural">naturallneedfullnewesoonelyownepainespasseperformepoysonpooreproueprou'dpubliquerascallreuerendromaneromessaueseemesseeneselfesentinellseruantsserueseru'dshewslaineslauessleepesoeuersouldierssonnesoulespeakespightstayessternesweareth'thenthemseluesthinkethorowthy; reg="toils">toylestooketouchtturnevndervpvponvproarevsevticavtmostvainevillanyvoweswarrewarreswhatwherewildewitnesseyearesyongyour; rendition="#hi">,anthonybrutuscaesarcorneliademetriusenterilent.pompeyromestatiliusthessalyvibiuswith; selfea18425; type="contract1">t1.&c. ann; > evanston; > martin; > textual; a"/; a-0060; a-0110">,of,,theto,in,,i,it,,,theof,,,,to,,and,,,,,,,iyour,,of,and,to,,,that,,,,,,the,,,,thei; eudora; hiarbus; hood'sislewereslight'tabhorreaboueaccesseagainealreadiealwaies&an; reg="answer">answereapprochasseauthoritieibarrebeebeenebeleeueblanquetsbloudbodieboldnessebornebosomebreakebrothersbusinessecaptainechastitiecitieclearecomediecommingconstanciecorsecounsailecountessecountriecosencuriositiedaiesdeitiedespairedeuilldiscouerdoedownedrammedrawesdrinkedutieeareseateenioyentertaineeuereiesfairefamiliefanciefauourfliefoolefourefrailtiegiueglassegodsgoddessegouernourgriefehandeshappinessehasthauehauingheareherseheauenheedehimselfehonourshonour'dhorneshowsoeuerhusbandsinindeedeyronit; reg="janthe">iantheiealousiewelliourneyiudgeiudgementiunoiustiusticekeepeknowneknowesladieladishipleauelesseliuesliuinglookeloueloialtiemadamemarriemaskemeanesmensmeereme; reg="mind">mindemistrismurthermy; reg="naught">noughtneedesnewesnuptiallobiectoour; reg="panderess">pandresseperformepooreproiectproueprou'dresolu'droomerunnesafetiesauesaiesselfesentinellseruicesexesheesheetessinnesirrhasleepesouldiersoonesoulespartanespeakespeedestarresstaidstirrestolnestoopestoriestilesodainesuitesuitersyluanstasttearestennanttermethenthingesthinkethy; reg="tomb">tombetooketrialltrieturnevndervndonevnlessevpvponvsevshervaineviceroiesvillainevertuevertuousvowesweakewhatsoeuerwhowiddowwiueswindewithallwitnessewiueswomansworkeworthieyeeyongyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">arsaceconfidencecupidcynthialaodicelycuslysanderpenelopetharsaliovenus; selfea18426; type="contract1">antvpony'1.Luc. I was wishing for you sir , Your judgement of these Diamonds . Bo. But of our tongues , and in the names of these Abused gentlemen , and my selfe I spit Defiance , stand further off , and be attentive , Weepe or doe worse , repentance wet thy linnen , And leave no veine for the Doctor . keywords: /list; 007; 017; 025; 033; > ann; > beavis; > conceale; > evanston; > fashions; > god; > martin; > shirley; > textual; > wade; > you'le; a"/; a-0010">ro.,,andyou,itomy,your,a,,,,my,ayouof,,to,,,inot,,andand,,i,,you,tonot,,my,,of,,and,; b"/; b-0010">the,toyoui,me,or,,my,yourin,,a,,,the,,and,,iyou,be,,toa,,i,,the,and,of,luc.,yourof,aher,,i; corr>,; george; hannah; head; honoria; house; id="a18427; idno; item xml; james; join="left">'sislewere'emabus'daccesseagenappeareaskebeatebeenebeleevebetweeneblackebrassebreakebusinessechusecivillcoronellcomplementconcerneconfessecosindesignedesir'ddevilldoedowneengag'dentertainefairefindefoolesfootefootemanfrankefriskegudginhahalfehansomeharkeheehearehelpehimselfeindeedeiackejewelljustifiekeepekickekill'dkissekistknowesladishiplearneleggeleggesleasurelesselippeslookelordshipsmadamemallicemeanemeetemistressemounsieurmonethsmoonemusickemy; reg="ne'er">nerenewesnobilitieohonelyphisickepeecespittypleas'dpoorepoxepretheeprofestqueenerailerainebowrecompencerevellsreveng'drunnesatyresecuritieseeneseverallshannotsheesinnesoulespeakestainesuiteswearesweetetothertalkethenthinkethy; reg="took">tooketownetravelltricketurnevponveinevisitewaitewarreswearewitnessewodyeeyour; rendition="#hi">,ambrosebostockecupidenglishenterfrancefreshwatergravesendlamountlondonlucinamarmadukemoyscutillasolomontraversvenice; selfea18427; type="contract1">tyou,,,to,my,,and,,,,,,,toof,,,should,,,,ofto,,,your,,,,as,,,tothe,my,,and,,and,,,,,,,,abilqualit'scaropia'smura's; editor >; entrance; ere'le'siswerewouldiyou'tagenbeautiebetrai'dbrotherscalcouzenscrueltiedo'simploymentinforceintreateiesfarwelfulfuriegloriegoodnessegreatnessehasthonoriinhumaneit; reg="judgement">judgmentladielesseletloath'dlov'dmajestiemeerme; reg="myself">my; reg="never">ne'reo'o'repeoplespitieprincesravish'dresolv'drob'droialruinesafetiescenasceptersetledshalshewsouldierssoveraignspeediestilsweetnessetaneterm'dthenthou'vertuesvoiagewewilyeildedyouyour; rendition="#hi">,abilqualitabrahenalmanzorandcaropiamesithesmurapersiansimanthestarifaa31672; type="contract1">heey'., On my behaviour set so fair a gloss , That men shall take me for a Convertite ; But some may think , I should forget my part , And have been over rash in renting it , To put them out of doubt I study sure , I make a backward repetition , In being jealous of my Counsel keepers , This is the poyson that kils sudainly , So didst thou unto Iulius Lentulus , And blood with blood must be requited thus . Now am I safe , and no man knows my Counsels , Churfurst of Mentz , if now thou play thy part , Erning thy gold with cunning workmanship , Upon the Bemish Emp. Since you do come so roundly to the purpose , is time for me to speak , the Maid is mine , Giv'n freely by her Father unto me , And to the end these broyls may have an end , I give the aeneas; > allarm; > alphonso; > ambition; > angel; > ann; > apothecaries; > appeaz'd; > arme; > between bishop; > biss; > brieffe; > chamber; > coffers; > craving; > crosses; > darauff; > dave; > dich; > die; > dinck; > dow; > dread; > duke; > dutch; > earth; > einiges; > emperour; > empress; > ere; > evanston; > father; > flaffne; > furie; > graves; > haben; > hair; > hang; > harr; > hedswick; > holiness; > hundert; > ich; > ihn; > ihr; > iuncker; > karle; > king; > looks; > lord; > lorenzo; > love; > mad; > madam; > majestie; > majesty; > man; > marquess; > martin; > meeting; > mein; > mich; > mistrust; > murther; > nach; > nay; > nephew; > nimmermehr; > o; > perswade; > pray; > prince; > prolong; > prosâ; > rain'd; > redlich; > revenge; > richard; > romanorum; > sain; > scholar; > service; > slaughter; > smell; > solche; > sparckle; > speak; > spoyl; > sun; > sweating; > tears; > textual; > thee; > thr; > thuen; > thuâ; > tush; > upsie; > voice; > wat; > wills; > wine; > wisdomandoralphonsus,heof,inhis,,theto,,,i,my,,imy,,,,thisand,,thethatnothisbut,betoof,tomythatand,yourthe,not,,i,himwith,thou,me,,,,but,,theof,,i,and,amy,to,in,ai,but,will,and,,ofthetoit,,the,i,,and,be,to,my,himaof,,methy,that,to,thei,and,,richard's; corr>,; edouart; edward'l'sis'tlarumamaz'dan; reg="apparel">apparrelarch; reg="armed">arm'dbattailbinbloudbowrsbrieffebroylsbrunschweigecall'dcosinderdamn'ddevilldyedo'sdoom'dedouartemperourenglandsenglischintreate'refarewelforresterfortunesgiv'nhang'dheav'nhieriaierickjoyndjoyesiuliusiunckeriungfrawkill'dkilskistkitchinleasureletmajestiemarryedme; reg="mine">mynemurtherermy; reg="night">nichtoour; reg="palatine">pallatinepierc'dpittypleas'dpoysonpottsprincespretheereceiv'dreveng'dsatisfiesav'dsaxonieshewsouldierssuddainsudainlytanethattherewithallthorowlythy; reg="today">to; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="tonight">to; reg="too">totraytortryaltryumphtyrannieuncklevnduntilluponvsvillanousvillaniewhatwollwithallyowyour; rendition="#hi">,alexanderalphonsusbohemiabrandenburgcaesarchurfurstcollencornwalldeedwardempressexitgermanyhedewickisabellalorenzomentzofpalsgraverichardsaxonthewalesa31675; type="contract1">i'we1.Countes case The King would aske the body of his Neece To giue it Funerall fitting her high blood , Which ( as your selfe requires and reason wills ) I leaue to be enforst and amplyfied With all the Ornaments of Arte and Nature Which flowes I see in your sharp intellect DOL: Ahlas you cannot see in this short time Bur there be , some not far hence that haue seene And heard me too ere now : I could haue wisht Your highnes presence in a priuat Conuenticle At what time the high point of state was handled ? PHIL:

What was the point ?

DOL: It was my happ to make a number there My selfe ( as euery other Gentleman ) Beeing interested in that graue affayre Where I deliner'd my opinion : how well ? DOL: What was the matter pray The matter , Sir . Was of an antient subiect , and yet newly Cald into question ; And t' was this in breefe We sate as I remember all in rowe , All sorts of men together , A Squier and a Carpenter , a Lawier and a Sawier . A Marchant and a Broker , a Iustice and a peasant and so forth without all difference PHIL:

But what was the matter ?

DOL. Faith a stale argument though newly handled And I am fearefull I shall shame my selfe The subiect is so thred bare PHIL:

y point I pray ,

DOL: Then thus it is : the question of estate ( Or the state of the question ) was in briefe whether in an Aristocrasie Or in a Democriticall estate Tobacco might be brought to lawfull vse But had you heard the excellent speches there Touching this part : MVG: RHO:

Pray thee to the point

pos=n-ab xml:id=A69093-024-a-0250>D'ol.

Verie well said : when all is done , the Court is the onely Schoole of good education ; especially for Pages and Waighting women ; Paris , or Padua , or the famous Schoole of England called Winchester , famous ( I meane ) for the Goose , Where Schollers weare Petticoates so long , till their Penn and Inckhorns knocke against their knees : All these I say , are but Belfries to the Bodie or Schoole of the Court : Hee that would haue his Sonne proceed Doctor in three dayes , let him sende him thither ; there the Porge to fashion all the parts of them : There they shall learne the true vse of their good Partes indeed .

ambassador ann; > asse; > ayre; > banisht; > bin; > broker; > brother; > brother busines; > challenge; > choos'd; > cullour; > day; > disguisde; > driues; > enforcement; > et; > evanston; > excellence; > fedd; > geneva; > good hart; > heauen; > heu; > ieronime; > ile; > indeede; > ith; > ladie; > martin; > nature; > nay; > owne; > pisseth; > plant; > readie; > s'foote; > shell; > shoppe; > sort; > taffeta; > textual; > thinke; > times; > treason trust; > tush; > wind; > wityfaith y; a"/; a-0070">,,of,i,the,,andto,,,,,the,my,and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and,to,the,,and,,,; corr>:; figure xml; fripper; george; hannah; haue'sislewere; reg=; reg="'em; reg="'ll; reg="'slight">s'lightaboueactvsagaineahlasan&anieassebeautiebeenebeleeuebornebrainebreakebusinessecertainecompaniecountessecountreycosincrownesd'oliuedayesdearedeseruediscouerdoedoestdownedrawnedutchesseearleearesentertaineevryeuerfarrefooleforbearefoorthgarlickgiuegodsgrauegreatneshalfehappiehauehauinghartheauenheerehighneshimselfehonorhonorablehumoryfaithindeedeit; reg="jealousy">iealousieiudgementiustiusticekeepekindekindnesseknaueknowneladieleauelesseletlookelouelou'dmaddammansmarymeemeanesmistrismournemy; reg="news">newesobiectoonelyperhappespettiepeecepooreprophaneremedierhoderiquesattensayesseeneselfeseruantseruiceshalsheesyrsleepesoulespeakestarressubiectsunnesweetet'talkethenthinketabaccotrauaileturndvndervnderstandvnlessevpvponvsevaineuandomeverievertueweewhatwhatsoeuerwhovvhywilfullwilwishtwithallwittswomansworkeyearesyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">brokerimonsieurmugeronvandome; seg xml; selfe; sp xml; stage xml; stc; target="a69093; tcp; text xml; thea69093; type="contract1">attwee1