item: #1 of 36 id: A35075 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Articles of peace, union, and confederation, concluded and agreed between His Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of the common-wealth of England, Scotland & Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging, and the Lords, the States General of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, old style, in the year of our Lord God, 1654 date: 1654.0 words: 5690 flesch: 49 summary: And likewise that no Rebel or declared Enemy of the States of the United Provinces shal be ●●●ved into any of the Castles , Towns , Ports , or other places privileged , or not privileged , which any person or persons of what degree or quality soever he or they be , have or shall have , hold or possess within the Common-wealth of England , or Dominions thereof , by any title whatsoever ; nor be suffered by any person or persons to be received thereinto or abide therein . Rix Doll●●● to such Persons as his said highness shall appoint , within six dayes after the arrival of the said Persons there , for the use of the Merchants , Masters and Owners , towards repairing their Ships , and fitting them for Sea . Which said sums shall bee accounted in part of paiment of such sum , as shall beé awarded by the said Arbitrators . keywords: bee; common; people; persons; said; ships; wealth cache: A35075.xml plain text: A35075.txt item: #2 of 36 id: A35092 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: A letter from the Right Honorable, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to the Honorable William Lenthall, Esq., speaker of the Parliament of England concerning the taking in and surrendring of Enistery, Carrick town and castle, Passage-fort, Bandon-bridge, Kingsale, and the fort there. date: 1649.0 words: 2368 flesch: 61 summary: Lord Lieutenant 1649 2159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ordered , That publique Thanks be given to Almighty God on the next Lords Day , in all the several Churches in and about the City of London , and within the late lines of Communication , and Bills of Mortality , for his great Mercies , in giving as these seasonable and great Victories in Ireland ; And that this Letter of the Lord Lieutenant General be then publiquely read in all the said several Churches in and about the said City , and within the lines of Communication and Bills of Mortality . keywords: fort; god; ireland; lord; text cache: A35092.xml plain text: A35092.txt item: #3 of 36 id: A35095 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Lieut. Generall Cromwells letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq., speaker of the House of Commons, of the surrender of Langford-House neer Salisbury with the articles of agreement concerning the same : together with a letter concerning a great victory obtained by Col. Rossiter against Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, neer Belvoyr Castle in Leicestershire : also another letter concerning the taking of two hundred horse ... date: 1645.0 words: 1479 flesch: 68 summary: Generall Cromwells letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq., speaker of the House of Commons, of the surrender of Langford-House neer Salisbury with the articles of agreement concerning the same : together with a letter concerning a great victory obtained by Col. Rossiter against Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, neer Belvoyr Castle in Leicestershire : also another letter concerning the taking of two hundred horse ... Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Generall Cromwells letter to the Honorable William Lenthall Esq., speaker of the House of Commons, of the surrender of Langford-House neer Salisbury with the articles of agreement concerning the same : together with a letter concerning a great victory obtained by Col. Rossiter against Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, neer Belvoyr Castle in Leicestershire : also another letter concerning the taking of two hundred horse ... Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. keywords: house; letter; prince; text cache: A35095.xml plain text: A35095.txt item: #4 of 36 id: A35101 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: At the counsell at White-Hall ordered by His Highness with the consent of his counsel, that the commissioners for the excise ... date: 1654.0 words: 546 flesch: 74 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A35101) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 105710) This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A35101 of text R37694 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C7124). keywords: counsell; text cache: A35101.xml plain text: A35101.txt item: #5 of 36 id: A35111 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Severall letters and passages between His Excellency, the Lord Generall Cromwell, and William Dundas, governour of Edinburgh Castle, and the ministers therein, since His Excellencies entrance into Edinburgh whereunto are annexed some quaeries that were then sent to the said governour and ministers. date: 1650.0 words: 4272 flesch: 48 summary: The Lord pitie you , surely we fear , because it hath been a mercifull and gracious deliverance to us : I beseech yo● in the Bowels of Christ , search after the minde of the Lord in it towards you , and we shall help you by our prayers , that you may finde it out ; for ye● ( if we know our hearts at all ) our Bowels do in Christ Jesus earn after the godly in Scotland . 1. Whether the Lords Controverse be not both against the Ministers in Scotland and England , for wre●●…ing , straining , and improving the Covenant against the Godly and Saints in England , of the same Faith with then in every Fundamentall , even to bitter perfection , and so making that which in the main intention was Spirituall , to serve politicks and carnall ends , even in that part especially which was Spirituall , and did look to the glory of God , and the comfort of his people . keywords: christ; covenant; edinburgh; god; hath; lord; ministers cache: A35111.xml plain text: A35111.txt item: #6 of 36 id: A35112 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Severall letters from Scotland relating to the proceedings of the army there read in Parliament the sixth day of September, one thousand six hundred and fifty. date: 1650.0 words: 2313 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A35112 of text R29660 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing C7168). no Severall letters from Scotland relating to the proceedings of the army there read in Parliament the sixth day of September, one thousand six Cromwell, Oliver 1650 2116 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 B The rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: army; edenburgh; enemy; lord; text cache: A35112.xml plain text: A35112.txt item: #7 of 36 id: A37527 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: The demands of His Excellency Tho. Lord Fairfax and the Generall Councell of the Army, in prosecution of the late remonstrance to the two houses of Parliament as also against those persons who were the inviters of the late invasion from Scotland, the instigators and encouragers of the late insurrections in this kingdom : with Lieutenant Generall Cromwels letter to His Excellency concerning the executing of justice upon all offenders, and the setling of the kingdom upon a du[e], safe, and hopefull succession of Parliaments. date: 1648.0 words: 1829 flesch: 59 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A37527 of text R5115 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing D973). Lord Fairfax and the Generall Councell of the Army, in prosecution of the late remonstrance to the two houses of Parliament as also against those persons who were the inviters of the late invasion from Scotland, the instigators and encouragers of the late insurrections in this kingdom : with Lieutenant Generall Cromwels letter to His Excellency concerning the executing of justice upon all offenders, and the setling of the kingdom upon a du[e], safe, and hopefull succession of Parliaments. keywords: excellency; generall; kingdom; lord cache: A37527.xml plain text: A37527.txt item: #8 of 36 id: A40362 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Master Peters messuage from Sir Thomas Fairfax, delivered in both houses of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled: With the whole state of the west, and all the particulars about the disbanding of the princes and Sir Ralph Hoptons army. Together with His Majesties proclamation. Also the totall routing of Sir Jacob Ashley himselfe, and 1500 taken prisoners, their carriages and ammunition also taken by Colonell Morgan and Sir William Brereton. Commanded to be printed at the desire of divers members of Parliament, and published according to order. date: None words: 4276 flesch: 61 summary: Master Peters messuage from Sir Thomas Fairfax, delivered in both houses of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled: With the whole state of the west, and all the particulars about the disbanding of the princes and Sir Ralph Hoptons army. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 938:19 or 1934:3) Master Peters messuage from Sir Thomas Fairfax, delivered in both houses of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled: With the whole state of the west, and all the particulars about the disbanding of the princes and Sir Ralph Hoptons army. keywords: army; divers; enemies; fairfax; generall; master; parliament; peters; sir; text cache: A40362.xml plain text: A40362.txt item: #9 of 36 id: A40644 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Three letters, from the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Fairfax, Lieut. Gen. Crumwell and the committee residing in the army. Wherein all the particulars of the great victory obtained by our forces against His Majesties, is fully related, fought the 14 of Iune, 1645. With a list of the names of such colonels, captaines, lieutenants, ensignes, and other officers, both of horse and foot there taken prisoners. And the resolution of both Houses upon the same. Die Lunæ, 16 Iune, 1645. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these letters, with the list of the prisoners, be forthwith printed and published, with the order of both Houses concerning the same. Io. Brown. Cler. Parliament. date: 1645.0 words: 2713 flesch: 83 summary: With a list of the names of such colonels, captaines, lieutenants, ensignes, and other officers, both of horse and foot there taken prisoners. With a list of the names of such colonels, captaines, lieutenants, ensignes, and other officers, both of horse and foot there taken prisoners. keywords: col; fairfax; foot; lieut; officers; parliament; regiment; sir cache: A40644.xml plain text: A40644.txt item: #10 of 36 id: A56175 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: The hypocrites vnmasking, or, A cleare discovery of the grosse hypocrisy of the officers and agitators in the army concerning their pretended forwardnesse and reall syncere desires to relieve Ireland ... : by a letter of the agitators to Lieutenant Generall Crumwell, March 30, 1647 : and Colonell Robert Hammmond his unreasonable propositions to the Parliaments and some briefe observations concerning Sir Hardresse Waller, and the Lord Lisle, late governour of Ireland. date: 1647.0 words: 3552 flesch: 61 summary: 2002-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2002-05 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2002-06 Sara Gothard Sampled and proofread 2002-06 Sara Gothard Text and markup reviewed and edited 2002-07 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion THE HYPOCRITES VNMASKING ; OR A Cleare Discovery of the grosse Hypocrisy of the Officers and Agitators in the Army , concerning their pretended forwardnesse , and reall syncere desires to relieve Ireland , with the obstruction whereof they falsely charge some of the 11 impeached Members , ( who cordialy advanced it ) in the 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 13. , 11 , 12 , & 14. Articles of their mostfalse and scandalous Charge . Can this Irish Expedition be any thing else but a designe to ruine and 5 break this Army in peeces ? Certainly Reason tells us , it can be nothing else , otherwise why are not those who have been made Instruments in our countries deliverance , again thought 6 worthy to be imployed ? or why , are such [ who for their miscarriage have been cast out of the Army ] thought fit to be intrusted , and those Members of the Army incouraged and preferred to that service , when they are for the most part such , as ( had they considered their just demerrits ) might rather have expected an 7 ejection then imployment ? We are sensible , Yea , 8 farre more sensible of the bleeding condition of Ireland crying aloud for a brotherly assistance , then those forward undertakers in this present designe manifest them selves to bee , and shall willingly contribute the utmost of our abilities toward their releife , when we shall see this to be the onely thing sought after and endeavoured : keywords: agitators; army; forces; ireland; pay; service; text; time cache: A56175.xml plain text: A56175.txt item: #11 of 36 id: A74132 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Whereas it hath pleased the Parliament in and by their act bearing date the 14th of August 1649 ... date: 1651.0 words: 861 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74132 of text R211410 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.16[33]). [S.l. : 1651] Title from first lines of text. keywords: excise; text cache: A74132.xml plain text: A74132.txt item: #12 of 36 id: A74137 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord Protector. Whereas the enemies of the peace of this nation ... date: 1654.0 words: 1014 flesch: 63 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A74137 of text R231351 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[90]). [1654] Title from caption and opening line of text. keywords: lord; protector; text cache: A74137.xml plain text: A74137.txt item: #13 of 36 id: A80880 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: The conclusion of Lieuten: Generall Cromwells letter to the House of Commons, concerning the taking of Bristoll which was contained in the originall, (signed by himselfe) but omitted in the printed copy, which is authorized by the House of Commons, (though there was a whole page left blanke in that sheete): whereby the world may know, how both truth it selfe, and that worthy gentleman are wronged (as well as other men) either by the printer or some others. date: 1645.0 words: 895 flesch: 69 summary: In this edition, the first line of text ends: Spirit of. no The conclusion of Lieuten: Generall Cromwells letter to the House of Commons, concerning the taking of Bristoll: which was contained in the Cromwell, Oliver 1645 320 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 C The rate of 31 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: commons; house; text cache: A80880.xml plain text: A80880.txt item: #14 of 36 id: A80903 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A declaration of His Highnes with the advice of the Council, in order to the securing the peace of this Commonwealth. date: 1655.0 words: 1063 flesch: 67 summary: HIs Highness the Lord Protector , upon advice with His Council , finding it necessary for the Reasons and upon the Grounds expressed in His late Declaration , to use all good means to secure the Peace of the Nation , and prevent future troubles within the same , Hath thought fit to Publish and Declare , and by and with the Consent of His Council , doth Publish , Order and Declare , That no person or persons whatsoever in England or Wales , whose Estates have been Sequestred for Delinquency , or who were actually in Armes for the late King against the then Parlament , or for Charles Stuart his Son , or have adhered to , abetted , or assisted the Forces raised against the said Parliament , do , from and after the first day of December 1655. buy , use , or keep in his or their house , or houses , or elsewhere , any Arms offensive or defensive , upon payn that every person and persons so offending shall forfeit and lose such Arms , and be otherwise proceeded against according to the Orders of His Highness and the Council , for securing the peace of the Commonwealth . keywords: council; protector; text cache: A80903.xml plain text: A80903.txt item: #15 of 36 id: A80904 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector, inviting persons to send over all sorts of necessary provisions to Mardike. date: 1658.0 words: 787 flesch: 67 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80904 of text R211077 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.21[4]). Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) keywords: lord; protector; text cache: A80904.xml plain text: A80904.txt item: #16 of 36 id: A80910 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord Protector. A declaration of his Highness, setting apart Tuesday the 23. of this present May for a publique day of thanksgiving, for the peace concluded between this Commonwealth, and that of the United Provinces, and for the late seasonable rain. date: 1654.0 words: 1357 flesch: 72 summary: Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. keywords: lord; protector; text cache: A80910.xml plain text: A80910.txt item: #17 of 36 id: A80917 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: A declaration of Oliver Cromwell, captain general of all the forces of this Common-Wealth. date: 1653.0 words: 687 flesch: 62 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80917 of text R211354 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[6]). EarlyPrint Project Evanston,IL, Notre Dame, IN, St. Louis, MO 2017 A80917 Wing C7085A Thomason 669.f.17[6] ESTC R211354 99870084 99870084 163256 keywords: cromwell; oliver; text cache: A80917.xml plain text: A80917.txt item: #18 of 36 id: A80921 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Instructions to be observed touching the collection appointed by the declaration of His Highness and the Council hereunto annexed inviting the people of England and Wales to a day of solemn fasting and humiliation. date: 1655.0 words: 1003 flesch: 56 summary: I. THat the Ministers and Church-wardens of the respective Cities , Towns , Parishes , and other Congregations , as well within the privileged places , as without , by themselves , or with such others whose hearts the Lord shall ingage in so charitable and pious a work , do the next Lords day after the publication of this Declaration , go from House to House within such City , Town or Parish , and ask and receive what each House-keeper and others will freely give , and in the presence of the party giving , set down his or her name , with the sum by him or her given , fairly written in a Schedule to be by them annexed to this Declaration , and the total sum thereof to endorse upon the said Declaration , subscribed by the said Minister , Church-wardens , and others , who shall assist in the said Collection ; That all the moneys so collected , together with the said Schedule , and Declaration so indorsed , be returned and paid by the said Minister and Church-wardens , within four daies then next following , unto the Maior , or other Head Officer of such City or Town , or to the next Justice of the Peace to the Parish where such collection shall be made , who is hereby impowred and required to receive the same , and to give his acquittance to such person so paying the same , and within twenty daies after , or sooner , if it may be , to return the sum and sums so received , unto Christopher Pack , the present Lord Maior of the City of London , and Sir Thomas Vyner Knight Alderman of the said City , or either of them , who are hereby appointed Treasurers for receiving the whole sum which shall be gathered upon this Collection , whose acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge fur such sum so paid in . (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A80921) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 163415) keywords: england; text; wales cache: A80921.xml plain text: A80921.txt item: #19 of 36 id: A80968 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: A proclamation by His Highness and the Parliament. Whereas the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the Parliament of England, Scotland and Ireland, taking into their consideration, the duty incumbent upon them, to provide for the future peace and settlement of the government of these nations, ... date: 1657.0 words: 863 flesch: 63 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80968 of text R24799 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[60]). Title from caption and first lines of text. keywords: england; parliament; text cache: A80968.xml plain text: A80968.txt item: #20 of 36 id: A80969 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation commanding a speedy and due execution of the lavvs made against the abominable sins of drunkenness, profane swearing and cursing, adultery, fornication, and other acts of uncleannesse; for observing the assize of bread, ale, and fewel; and touching weights, and measures; for setting the poor on work, and providing for the impotent and aged poor, and punishing rogues and vagabonds, taking accounts of church-wardens and overseers of the poor; and against disturbing of publick preachers, and profanation of the Lords day. date: 1655.0 words: 1376 flesch: 55 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80969 of text R211573 (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A80969) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172008) keywords: execution; laws; text cache: A80969.xml plain text: A80969.txt item: #21 of 36 id: A80970 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation commanding all papists and all other persons, who have been of the late Kings party or his sons, to depart out of the cities of London and Westminster, and late lines of communication, on or before Munday the 8. of March, one thousand six hundred fifty seven. date: None words: 1453 flesch: 55 summary: And for the better discovery of all Papists , and ill affected persons which now are , or during the time aforesaid , shall resort unto the said Cities of London and Westminster , or Places within the late Lines of Communication , His Highness , by , and with the advice of His said Privy Council , doth Charge and Require all and every Housholder and Housholders , within the said Cities and Places aforesaid , on or before the Tenth day of March now next coming , to deliver in writing under their Hands unto the Alderman of the Ward , if such Housholder live within the City of London , or to the next Iustice of the Peace , a perfect List of the Names of all persons now lodging within the House of such Housholder , together with their Additions ; and if they are Papists , to mention the same in such List , and so from time to time within Four and twenty hours after the receiving of any person to Lodge in his or their House and Houses , to deliver in the Names of such person and persons in manner aforesaid , to such Alderman or next Iustice of the Peace : And the Aldermen of the respective Wards within the said City of London , and the Iustices of Peace within the said City of Westminster , and places within the late Lines of Communication , are Required to take care that Lists be accordingly sent in unto them from all and every Housholder aforesaid , and to make enquiry of the truth of such Lists : This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80970 of text R212149 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[72]). keywords: cities; london; text; westminster cache: A80970.xml plain text: A80970.txt item: #22 of 36 id: A80973 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation commanding all papists, and all other persons, who have been of the late king's party or his sons, to repair unto their places of abode, and not to remove above five miles from the same. date: 1658.0 words: 649 flesch: 71 summary: Contains seal, header, and first five lines of text only. 327 F The rate of 327 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the F category of texts with 100 or more defects per 10,000 words. keywords: protector; text cache: A80973.xml plain text: A80973.txt item: #23 of 36 id: A80989 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation of assistance to the merchant adventurers of England, for the better carrying on of their trade, and for punishing of offenders against the same. date: 1658.0 words: 1284 flesch: 52 summary: A proclamation of assistance to the merchant adventurers of England, for the better carrying on of their trade, and for pu England and Wales. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80989 of text R211091 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.21[8]). keywords: england; protector; text; trade cache: A80989.xml plain text: A80989.txt item: #24 of 36 id: A80994 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation of the peace made betwixt this Common-wealth and Portugal. date: None words: 793 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80994 of text R211885 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[46]). Lord Protector (1653-1658 : O. Cromwell) keywords: protector; text; wealth cache: A80994.xml plain text: A80994.txt item: #25 of 36 id: A80995 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord Protector. A proclamation of the peace made between this Common-wealth, and that of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. date: 1654.0 words: 921 flesch: 70 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A80995 of text R211933 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[87]). The rate of 21 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: lord; protector; text cache: A80995.xml plain text: A80995.txt item: #26 of 36 id: A80998 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By His Highness a proclamation prohibiting horse races for six moneths. date: None words: 871 flesch: 64 summary: By His Highness a proclamation prohibiting horse races for six moneths. By His Highness a proclamation prohibiting horse races for six moneths. England and Wales. keywords: highness; horse; text cache: A80998.xml plain text: A80998.txt item: #27 of 36 id: A81000 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Protector. A proclamation of His Highness, prohibiting horse-races in England and Wales for eight moneths. date: 1658.0 words: 1024 flesch: 66 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81000 of text R211072 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.21[1]). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 163496) keywords: highness; horse; text cache: A81000.xml plain text: A81000.txt item: #28 of 36 id: A81001 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By His Highness a proclamation prohibiting the disturbing of ministers and other Christians in their assemblies and meetings. date: None words: 1265 flesch: 53 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81001 of text R212249 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.19[68]). Lord Protector 1655 868 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 C The rate of 12 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: god; highness; meetings; text cache: A81001.xml plain text: A81001.txt item: #29 of 36 id: A81011 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: His Highness speech to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber at their dissolution, upon Monday the 22d. of Ianuary 1654. Published to prevent mistakes, and false copies. date: 1654.0 words: 9519 flesch: 45 summary: Religion ; as a People that have been like other Nations , sometimes up , and sometimes down , in our honour in the world , but yet never so low , but we might measure with other Nations ; and a People that have had a stamp upon them from God , God having ( as it were ) summed all Our former Glory and Honour , in things that are Glory to Nations in an 〈…〉 we knew one another at home , and are well known abroad . When you were entered upon this GOVERNMENT , raveling into it ( you know I took no notice what you were doing ) if you had gone upon that 〈…〉 visions for the good of the People of these Nations , for the Settling of such matters in things of Religion as would have upheld and given Countenance to a Godly Ministery , and yet would have given a just libertie to Godly men of different Judgements , men of the same Faith with them that you call the Orthodox Ministery in England , as it is well known the Independents are , and many under the Form of Ba●tism , who are sound in the Faith , onely may perhaps be different in Judgement in some lesser matters , yet as true Christians , both looking at Salvation , onely by faith in the bloud of Christ , men profe●●●ng the fear of God , having recourse to the Name of God , as to a strong Tower ; I say you might have had Opportunity to have settled Peace and Quietness amongst all professing Godliness , and might have been instrumental , if not to have healed the breaches , yet to have kept the Godly of all Judgements from running one upon another , and by keeping them from being over-run by a Common Enemie , rendered them and these Nations , both secure , happy , and well satisfied . keywords: god; good; government; hath; man; men; nation; parliament; people; things; time cache: A81011.xml plain text: A81011.txt item: #30 of 36 id: A81014 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: The summe of the charge given in by Lieutenant Generall Crumwel, against the Earle of Manchester. date: 1646.0 words: 840 flesch: 71 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81014 of text R210545 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.10[67]). The rate of 21 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: charge; manchester; text cache: A81014.xml plain text: A81014.txt item: #31 of 36 id: A81015 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: The transactions of several matters between Lieut: Gen: Cromwel and the Scots, for surrendring the towns of Bervvick, Carlisle, and all other garisons belonging to the kingdom of England. Together with the reason of Lieut: Gen: Cromwels entring the Kingdom of Scotland to assist the marquis of Argyle. Die Jovis, 28 Septembr. 1648. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that the extracts of the letters of the committee at Derby-house to Lieut: General Cromwel, and the whole dispatch from Lieut: General Cromwel now reported, and the votes thereupon, be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. date: None words: 5163 flesch: 49 summary: SIR , BEing come thus near , I thought fit to Demand the Town of Berwick to be delivered into my hands , to the use of the Parliament and Kingdom of England , to whom of right it belongeth : I need not use any arguments to convince you of the justice hereof ; the witness that God hath born against your Army in their Invasion of this Kingdom , which desired to sit in Peace by you , doth at once manifest his dislike of injury done to a Nation that meant you no harm , but hath been all along desirous to keep Amity and brotherly affection and agreement with you : That which I am to Demand of you , is , the Restitution of the Garisons of Berwick and Carlisle into my hands , to the use of the Parliament and Kingdom of England : keywords: army; berwick; england; forces; kingdom; lieut; parliament; scotland cache: A81015.xml plain text: A81015.txt item: #32 of 36 id: A81017 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: His Highnesse the Lord Protector's two speeches to the Parliament in the Painted Chamber the one on Monday the 4. of September; the other on Tuesday the 12. of September, 1654. Taken by one who stood very near him, and published to prevent mistakes. date: 1654.0 words: 13132 flesch: 65 summary: Truely , I may ( I hope humbly before God , and modestly before you ) say somewhat on the behalf of the Government : That is , ( not to discourse of the particular heads of it , ) to acquaint you a little with the effects of it : and that not for oftentation sake , but to the end that I may deal at this time faithfully with you , by acquainting you with the state of things ; and what proceedings have been upon this Government ; that so you may know the state of our affairs . I was arbitrary in Power , having the Armies in the three Nations under my command : and truly not very ill beloved by them ; nor very ill beloved then by the people , by the good people ; and I believe I should have been more beloved if they had known the truth , as things were before God , and in themselves ; and before divers of these Gentlemen whom I but now mentioned unto you . keywords: god; good; government; hath; hope; liberty; men; nation; parliament; peace; people; power; self; things cache: A81017.xml plain text: A81017.txt item: #33 of 36 id: A81018 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: By the Lord protector. Whereas by the thirtieth article of the peace ... date: 1654.0 words: 841 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A81018 of text R211944 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[91]). [1654] Title from caption and opening line of text. keywords: lord; protector; text cache: A81018.xml plain text: A81018.txt item: #34 of 36 id: A81020 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: Whereas it hath pleased the Parliament in and by their Act bearing date the 14th of August 1649. concerning the excise, to appoint the generall of their forces for the time being, to order and enjoyne all collonels ... date: 1651.0 words: 929 flesch: 68 summary: concerning the Excise , to appoint the Generall of their Forces for the time being , to Order and enjoyne all Collonels , Captaines , Officers & Souldiers under his Command , upon application made to them , or 〈…〉 of them , speedily to suppresse all Tumults , Ryots , and unlawfull Assem●●●●s which shall be attempted or acted , in opposition against the Commis●●●●ers of Excise , their Sub-Commissioners , Collectors , or Officers , in exe●●●●on of the Ordinances and Acts of Parliament for the Excise ; and to ap●●●hend all such ryotous and tumultuous persons , that they may be proceed●● against according to Law . And whereas it is in the said Act further de●●●ed , That no Commander , Officer , or Souldier , shall seize upon , forcea●●● take , or detayne any the Receipts of the Excise , or protect any person ●●●m payment thereof , or encourage any person not to pay the same . keywords: excise; text cache: A81020.xml plain text: A81020.txt item: #35 of 36 id: A83291 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for Thursday next to be a day of thanksgiving within the lines of communication. And throughout the whole kingdome the 27. of this instant Iune, for the great victory. Obtained against the Kings forces, nere Knasby in Northampton-shire the fourteenth of this instant Iune. And ordered to be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. Together with two exact relations of the said victory the one from Livtenant Generall Cromwell to the Speaker of the house of Commons. The other from a gallant gentleman of publique imployment in that service, who relates all the particulars of the whole day, & what persons on both sides were taken, wounded, and kil'd. date: None words: 2750 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A83291 of text R200108 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason E288_26). Together with two exact relations of the said victory the one from Livtenant Generall Cromwell to the Speaker of the house of Commons. keywords: commons; day; generall; horse; iune; parliament; text cache: A83291.xml plain text: A83291.txt item: #36 of 36 id: A95012 author: Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. title: A true copy of divers intercepted letters sent from the committee at Derby-house, to Lieut. Gen: Cromwell. Published to requite their stopping of the packets this week from France, and from the North. date: 1648.0 words: 1281 flesch: 79 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A95012 of text R210894 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.12[58]). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 162851) keywords: committee; house; june; text cache: A95012.xml plain text: A95012.txt