item: #1 of 15 id: A20619 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: An anatomy of the vvorld Wherein, by occasion of the vntimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury the frailty and the decay of this whole world is represented. date: 1611 words: 6091 flesch: 76 summary: And yet we doe not that ; we are not men : There is not now that mankinde , which was then When as the Sunne , and man , did seeme to striue , ( ●●y●t tenants of the world ) who should suruiue . The worlds infirmities , since there is none Aliue to study this dissectione ; For there 's a kind of world remaining still , Though shee which did inanimate and fill The world , be gone , yet in this last long night , Her Ghost doth walke ; that is , a glimmering light , A faint weake loue of vertue and of good Refl●cts from her , on them which vnderstood Her worth ; And though she haue shut in all day , The twi-light of her memory doth stay ; Which , from the carcasse of the old world , free , Creates a new world ; and new creatures be Produc'd : The matter and the stuffe of this , Her vertue , and the forme our practise is . keywords: anatomy; bee; best; bodies; books; borne; characters; color; day; dead; death; decay; doe; doth; drury; early; earth; eebo; elements; elizabeth; encoding; end; english; euery; faire; fate; gaine; generall; giue; good; great; hath; haue; heauen; images; light; liue; long; loth; man; mankind; mans; men; nature; neuer; new; old; online; oxford; page; partnership; parts; phase; praise; prince; proportion; rich; selfe; shee; sicke; song; soule; starres; sunne; tcp; tei; text; thee; thing; thou; time; verse; vertue; vnto; way; world; worth; xml cache: A20619.xml plain text: A20619.txt item: #2 of 15 id: A20620 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: The first anniuersarie An anatomie of the vvorld. Wherein, by occasion of the vntimely death of Mistris Elizabeth Drury, the frailtie and the decay of this whole world is represented. date: 1612 words: 11010 flesch: 75 summary: This is the worlds condition now , and now She that should all parts to reunion bow , She that had all Magnetique force alone , To draw , and fasten sundred parts in one ; She whom wise nature had inuented then When she obseru'd that every sort of men Did in their voyage in this worlds Sea stray , And needed a new compasse fo their way ; Shee that was best , and first originall Of all faire copies ; and the generall Steward to Fate ; shee whose rich eyes , and brest : Guilt the West Indies , and perfum'd the East ; Whose hauing breath'd in this world , did bestow Spice on those Isles , and bad them still smell so , And that rich Indie which doth gold interre , Is but as single money , coyn'd from her : She to whom this world must it selfe refer , As Suburbs , or the Microcosme of her , Shee , shee is dead ; shee 's dead : when thou knowest this , Thou knowst how lame a cripple this world is . keywords: age; anatomy; angels; anniuersarie; beauty; bee; best; better; bodies; body; books; borne; casuall; characters; church; colour; course; creation; creatures; day; dead; death; decay; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; eies; elements; elizabeth; end; english; ere; essentiall; euen; euery; eyes; faire; fall; forgot; forme; gaine; gaue; generall; giue; god; gods; gold; good; great; growne; hast; hath; haue; head; heart; heauen; high; images; ioy; ioyes; knowest; lesse; life; light; lines; little; liue; long; loue; man; mans; men; nature; neuer; new; old; onely; owne; page; parts; place; poore; praise; prince; proportion; pure; rich; rise; said; second; selfe; selues; shee; sicke; song; soule; starres; state; sunne; tcp; teares; tei; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; true; verse; vertue; vnto; vpon; way; wee; wit; world; worse; worth; yea cache: A20620.xml plain text: A20620.txt item: #3 of 15 id: A20624 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Ignatius his conclaue or his inthronisation in a late election in hell: wherein many things are mingled by way of satyr; concerning the disposition of Iesuits, the creation of a new hell, the establishing of a church in the moone. There is also added an apology for Iesuites. All dedicated to the two aduersary angels, which are protectors of the Papall Consistory, and of the Colledge of Sorbon. Translated out of Latine. date: 1611 words: 19984 flesch: 63 summary: DO , you thinke to winne our Lucifer to your part , by allowing him the honour of being of the race of that starre ? who was not onely made before all the starres , but being glutted with the glory of shining there , transferred his dwelling and Colonies 〈◊〉 this Monarchy , and thereby 〈◊〉 our Order a noble example , to spy , to inuade , and to 〈◊〉 forraine kingdom● Can our Lucifer , or his 〈◊〉 haue any honour 〈◊〉 that starr● Lucifer , which is but Venus ? whose face how much wee scorne , appeares by this , that , for the m●st part we vse her auersly and preposterously . For though our Ribadenegra haue reckoned none of our Order , which hath written in Physicke , yet 〈◊〉 able and sufficient wee are in that faculty , I will bee tryed by that Pope , who hath giuen a priueledge to Iesuites to practise Phisicke , and to be present at Death-beds , a which is denyed to other Orders : for why should hee deny vs their bodies , whose soules he deliuers to vs ? and since he hath transferd vpon vs the power to practise Physick , he may instly be thought to haue transferd vpon vs the Art it selfe , by the same omnipotent Bul ; since hee which graunts the end , is by our Rules of law presumed to haue graunted all meanes necessary to that end . keywords: able; adde; againe; angels; apology; auncient; author; away; baronius; bee; beholden; beleeue; bene; better; bin; bishop; body; boniface; booke; businesse; canons; cap; cardinals; cause; certaine; chamber; characters; church; colledge; conclaue; confesse; content; copernicus; creation; dangerous; death; dedicated; deliuer; dignity; disposition; diuell; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; drawne; early; earth; eebo; elements; emperour; english; establishing; euen; euer; example; excuse; farre; fellow; fit; fol; forbeare; free; frō; gaue; giuen; god; good; great; greater; hath; haue; hauing; heauen; hee; hell; himselfe; honour; hope; iesuites; ignatius; ignorant; image; inough; kinde; king; kingdome; knowledge; late; lawfull; leaue; letters; liberty; life; little; long; lucifer; machiauel; mahomet; man; matter; meanes; men; miracles; moone; nature; nerius; new; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ouer; owne; page; papists; paracelsus; passe; paulus; people; perceiued; person; place; pope; power; practise; present; princes; principall; priuiledge; purpose; read; reason; religion; reserue; rest; right; romane; rome; rule; saints; sayd; scarce; second; seeme; sinnes; sorbon; soule; speake; state; tcp; tei; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thought; thrust; time; title; towardes; true; truth; vouchsafe; vpon; vse; way; wee; woemen; woman; world; worthy; yeares cache: A20624.xml plain text: A20624.txt item: #4 of 15 id: A20628 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Deaths duell, or, A consolation to the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body Deliuered in a sermon at White Hall, before the Kings Maiesty, in the beginning of Lent, 1630. By that late learned and reuerend diuine, Iohn Donne, Dr. in Diuinity, & Deane of S. Pauls, London. Being his last sermon, and called by his Maiesties houshold the doctors owne funerall sermon. date: 1632 words: 10181 flesch: 65 summary: Now , whom doth it not concerne to learn , both the danger , and benefit of death ? Death is euery mans enemy , and intends hurt to all ; though to many , hee be occasion of greatest goods . Vnto God the Lord belong the issues from death , for first the foundation of this building , that our God is the God of all saluations ) is laid in this ; That vnto this God the Lord belong the issues of death , that is , it is in his power to giue vs an issue and deliuerance , euen then when wee are brought to the iawes and teeth of death , and to the lippes of that whirlepoole , the graue . keywords: acceptation; age; art; bee; bene; blood; body; building; butteresses; case; christ; corruption; day; dead; death; decree; deliuerance; dissolution; diuine; doe; domini; donne; doth; dust; dye; earth; eebo; english; euen; euery; exitus; father; flesh; ghost; giue; god; good; graue; great; hast; hath; haue; hauing; hee; himselfe; holy; house; incineration; iob; issues; life; like; liue; lord; loue; man; mans; mat; men; morte; mortis; mother; nature; nay; neuer; ouer; owne; passe; saint; saluation; sayd; sayes; second; selues; sense; sermon; sinne; sister; soule; state; tcp; text; thee; thing; thou; time; true; vers; vnion; vnto; vpon; way; wee; wombe; words; world; worme; youth cache: A20628.xml plain text: A20628.txt item: #5 of 15 id: A20631 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes digested into I. Meditations vpon our humane condition, 2. Expostulations, and debatements with God, 3. Prayers, vpon the seuerall occasions, to Him / by Iohn Donne ... date: 1624 words: 53316 flesch: 65 summary: I know that the Son of righteous●nes , thy Son , refused no● nay affected solitariness● lonenesse , many , man● times ; but at all time● he was able to cōman● more then twelue legions 〈◊〉 Angels to his seruice ; an● when he did not so , 〈◊〉 was farre from being ●●lone ; for , I am not alon● saies he , but I , and the F●●ther that sent me . Inexplicable mistery ; I their Creator am in a close prison , in a sicke bed , any where , and any one of my Creatures , m● thoughts , is with t●● Sunne , and beyond t●● Sunne , ouertakes t●● Sunne , and ouergoes t●● Sunne in one pace , o● steppe , euery wher●● And then as the oth●● world produces Serpen● and Vipers , malignan● & venimous creature● and Wormes , and Cate●●pillars , that endeauo●● to deuoure that worl● which produces the● and Monsters compile● and complicated of d●●uers parents , & kinds , keywords: able; aboue; action; af ●; afraid; againe; alwaies; angels; ano ●; aske; assist; ayre; b ●; bed; bee; begin ●; beginning; bell; best; better; bin; blessed; blood; bo ●; bodies; bodily; body; books; bread; breath; bu ●; care; case; christ; church; co ●; com ●; comfort; con ●; condition; confession; conscience; consideration; cordiall; correction; counsell; creatures; cure; da ●; danger; dauid; day; dayes; dead; death; decla ●; degree; des ●; di ●; didst; die; dis ●; disease; doe; dost; doth; dust; ear ●; earth; ecclus; en ●; end; eternall; eue ●; euen; euerlasting; euery; euill; expostvlation; fa ●; face; fall; farre; farther; fe ●; fea ●; feare; fi ●; fig ●; fire; flesh; forme; frō; g ●; gen; giue; giuest; glo ●; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gra ●; gracious; gracious god; graue; great; greater; greatest; hand; happinesse; hast; hath; haue; hauing; hea ●; head; heale; health; heart; heauen; heauy; helpe; hi ●; himselfe; holy; home; hope; house; iesus; ill; image; infectious; infinite; instruments; iob; ioy; israel; king; knowes; l ●; land; law; lay; le ●; leaue; left; li ●; lie; life; light; little; liue; long; looke; loue; m ●; ma ●; mad ●; mak ●; making; man ●; mans; mat; meanes; measure; meditation; mee; men; mercie; mercy; minu ●; minute; miserable; misery; mo ●; moses; murmuring; names; naturall; nature; need; neere; neuer; new; o god; o lord; o ●; occasion; onely; originall; othe ●; ou ●; ouer; owne; p ●; pardon; particular; parts; pe ●; people; perchance; perfit; persons; phi ●; phisi ●; phisici ●; phisician; physicke; place; pleased; power; pr ●; practise; prayer; present; preserue; pro ●; prophet; propo ●; psa; pu ●; question; r ●; receiue; reg; relapse; respect; rest; resurrection; returne; rise; ruine; saies; saluation; sam; scarce; second; secret; selfe; selues; sense; serpent; seruant; shee; ship; sicke; sicknesse; sinne; sins; sleepe; soeuer; som ●; son; sonnes; soule; sound; speake; spirit; spirituall; spots; sta ●; stand; state; stay; steps; strength; sure; t ●; tcp; tentations; text; th ●; tha ●; thee; themselues; therefo ●; therfore; thē; thi ●; thine; things; tho ●; thou art; thou bee; thou canst; thou haue; thou o; thou thy; thou wouldest; thought; thy; thy sonne; time; triumpha ●; true; tyme; v ●; vapor; vnder; vnto; voice; vp ●; vpo ●; vpon; vpon mee; vse; w ●; wa ●; water; way; wee; wee haue; wh ●; whe ●; whic ●; wi ●; wil ●; wilt; wilt thou; wise; wor ●; worke; world; worst; wouldest; ● ase; ● ay; ● ch; ● d; ● der; ● dy; ● e; ● earefull; ● ed; ● ee; ● elf; ● et; ● f; ● ger; ● han; ● hat; ● hee; ● heir; ● hem; ● hese; ● hold; ● hou; ● hy; ● ies; ● ing; ● ion; ● ions; ● k; ● lfe; ● liction; ● ll; ● lone; ● lord; ● ly; ● ment; ● nay; ● nd; ● nemies; ● nes; ● ng; ● ning; ● nitie; ● ny; ● ome; ● ow; ● patient; ● portion; ● rance; ● ry; ● s; ● sician; ● st; ● tant; ● temporall; ● ter; ● ther; ● thou; ● tion; ● uer; ● ust; ● ut; ● y; ● ● cache: A20631.xml plain text: A20631.txt item: #6 of 15 id: A20644 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Iuuenilia or Certaine paradoxes and problemes, written by I. Donne date: 1633 words: 9267 flesch: 63 summary: Why is there more variety of Green then of other Colours ? IT is because it is the figure of Youth wher●n nature wuld provide as many green , as youth hath affections ; and so present a Sea-green for profuse masters in voyages ; a Grasse-green for sudden new men enobled f●om Gra●●ers ; and a Goose-greene for such Polititians as pretend to preserve the Capitol . Or ●lse Prophetically foreseeing an age , wherein they shall all hunt . so though they , by ●he mastery of some over-ruling chu●lish Husbands , are forced to his Byas , yet have they a motion of their owne , which their Husbands never know of . keywords: affections; art; bad; bee; best; better; bodies; body; books; certaine; change; characters; church; colour; common; course; cowards; death; discord; divinity; doe; donne; doth; dye; early; edition; eebo; end; english; evill; eyes; face; faire; fantastike; foole; fortune; gifts; god; good; great; guide; hath; hee; himselfe; images; inconstancy; increase; knowledge; laugh; laughing; lawes; life; light; like; long; love; man; men; minde; names; naturall; nature; new; old; onely; opinion; owne; paradoxes; parents; perchance; perfection; possible; problemes; quality; reason; rich; seeme; selfe; selves; shee; shew; soules; study; tcp; tei; text; things; thinke; thou; time; true; use; valiant; venus; vertue; vertuous; way; wee; wise; women; world; worst; yea; young; ● ● cache: A20644.xml plain text: A20644.txt item: #7 of 15 id: A20648 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: A sermon of commemoration of the Lady Da[n]uers late wife of Sr. Iohn Da[n]uers. Preach'd at Chilsey, where she was lately buried. By Iohn Donne D. of St. Pauls, Lond. 1. Iuly 1627. Together with other commemorations of her; by her sonne G. Herbert. date: 1627 words: 17431 flesch: 67 summary: ●iques or at best from an impr●bable example of the Nazarites . Let therefore ô Lord , the same hand , which is to receiue them then , preserue these soules till then ; Let that mouth , that breath'd them into vs , at first , breath alwaies vpon them , whilst they are in vs , and su●cke them into it selfe , when they depart from vs. Preserue our soules ô Lord , because they● belong to thee ; and preserue our bodies , because they belong to those soules . keywords: act; alwaies; apoc; apostle; arguments; assurance; augustine; baptisme; bed; bee; best; better; blessed; bloud; bodies; body; books; care; change; characters; cheerfull; cheerfulnesse; children; christ; christian; church; circumstances; commemoration; comming; company; consideration; content; couenant; cum; day; dayes; dāuers; dead; death; dei; desire; die; diuers; doe; dum; dust; dwell; early; earnest; earth; ecce; edition; eebo; elements; end; english; establish; euen; euerlasting; euery; euidence; example; expectation; eyes; face; faithfull; family; father; fire; fortune; foundations; future; gaue; ghost; giue; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; great; ground; halfe; hand; hath; haue; heauens; hee; herbert; himselfe; hold; holy; house; iesters; iesus; ignorant; images; infinite; interest; iob; iohn; ipse; iudgement; iustice; know; land; late; life; liuing; looke; lord; loue; man; mariage; married; mater; mee; mercy; minute; morall; naturall; nature; nay; nec; neuerthelesse; new; new earth; new heauens; night; non; number; onely; origen; owne; pauls; person; personall; place; possession; power; prayer; precious; present; promise; purpose; qui; religion; resurrection; reuersion; rich; righteousnesse; rule; sacrament; sad; saies; saint; sake; sauiour; scoffers; scornes; scornfull; scriptures; sea; second; seene; selfe; selues; sermon; shee; sinnes; soeuer; solùm; sonne; soule; speakes; spirit; spirituall; state; super; tcp; teares; tei; terrours; text; thee; thiefe; thine; things; thou; thy; tibi; time; true; verie; vers; vnder; vnto; vos; vpon; way; wee; wife; witnesse; words; world; worse; yeeres; ● s; ● ● cache: A20648.xml plain text: A20648.txt item: #8 of 15 id: A20650 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: A sermon, preached to the Kings Mtie. at Whitehall, 24 Febr. 1625. By Iohn Donne Deane of Saint Pauls, London. And now by his Maiestes [sic] commandment published date: 1626 words: 10635 flesch: 65 summary: For God may sell vs to punishments for sinne , that when the measure of our sinne is full , he shall emptie the measure of this Iudgements vpon vs , And God may sell vs to sinnes for punishments , God may make future sinnes , the punishments of former . God also Sell vs away , Cast vs away , To Punishments for sinnes , ( So hee did the Israelites , ) and then to sinnes for punishments , ( So hee did Dauid , and so hee did Ierusalem , ) and though hee come to a Diuorce , of Daughter and Mother , of our Soules in particular , and the Church it selfe in generall . keywords: adam; ambrose; backe; bed; bee; bill; booke; cain; case; children; christ; church; conscience; creditors; darkenesse; dauid; day; death; desperate; dimissa; diuorce; doe; donne; early; earth; ecce; eebo; english; esay; eternall; euery; execution; father; fault; future; giue; god; gods; good; great; hath; haue; heauen; hee; himselfe; holy; iewes; israel; iste; iudgement; libellus; light; lord; loue; man; mee; men; moses; mother; nay; neuer; onely; originall; owne; particular; place; poore; power; prophet; punishments; putting; quis; receiue; repentance; returne; saint; sale; sayes; seales; seeme; selfe; selues; sinne; soule; spirit; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thine; thou; thy; time; transgressions; true; vbi; venite; verse; vnder; vpon; way; wee; word cache: A20650.xml plain text: A20650.txt item: #9 of 15 id: A20655 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Three sermons vpon speciall occasions preached by Iohn Donne ... date: 1623 words: 29893 flesch: 61 summary: He suffered his greater works to be paraleld , or to be counterfeit by Pharaohs Magicians , but in his least , in the making of Lice , hee brought them to confesse Digitum Dei , the finger of God ; and that was enough ; The arme of God , the hand of God needs not ; where he will worke , his finger is enough , It was not that imagination , that dreame of the Rabbins , that hindered the Magicians , who say , that the Deuill cannot make any Creature , lesse then a Barley corne ; As it is with men , they misconceiue it to be with the Deuill too ; harder to make a little clocke , a little picture , any thing in a little , then in a larger forme . That was no part of the reason in that case : but since man ordinarily esteemes it so , and ordinarily admires great workes in little forme , why will he not be content to glorifie God that way , in a faithfull confidence , that hee can and will doe great workes by weake meanes . Kings cannot alwayes goe in the sight of Men , and so they lose their thankes ; but they cannot goe out of the sight of God , and there they neuer lose their reward : keywords: acts; againe; alwayes; apostles; articles; assistance; augustine; bee; beginning; beloued; best; better; bishop; blessed; bloud; body; books; catechising; cause; certaine; chapter; children; christ; christian; church; churches; citie; clergie; commandement; congregation; conscience; consecration; countrey; creation; creatures; day; deborah; dedication; deuill; directions; disposition; doctrine; doe; donne; doth; doubt; earth; eebo; encaenia; end; enemies; english; equall; euen; euery; example; faith; father; fauour; feast; festiuall; fight; fundamentall; generall; ghost; giue; glorie; glory; god; god haue; god himselfe; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greatest; ground; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; heere; himselfe; holy; homilies; honour; house; ierusalem; iesus; iewes; ignorance; images; institution; interest; iohn; israel; iudaea; iudgement; iust; kingdome; kings; knowledge; land; late; law; leaue; life; like; little; london; long; looke; lord; loue; maiestie; man; manner; mat; matter; meanes; men; merchants; miracles; morall; moses; nations; naturall; nature; nay; neuer; new; non; notes; obedience; occasion; order; ordinance; ouer; owne; particular; parts; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; place; plantation; pleased; poore; power; practise; prayer; preachers; preaching; present; princes; profession; profit; publique; purpose; quench; quia; quid; reason; receiue; religion; religious; rest; sabboth; saint; salomons; samaria; sayes; sea; second; seed; seene; sermon; seruant; seruice; seuerall; shee; sisera; song; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; starres; stars; state; superstition; sure; tcp; temple; temporall; text; thee; themselues; things; thou; time; title; true; verse; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; vttermost; warre; way; wee; winter; witnesses; woman; words; worke; world; yeares; yee; zeale cache: A20655.xml plain text: A20655.txt item: #10 of 15 id: A25805 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: The ancient history of the Septuagint written in Greek by Aristeus near two thousand years ago ; being his voyage to Jerusalem, as ambassadour from Ptolomæus Philadelphus, unto Eleazar, then High Priest of the Jews, concerning the first translation of the Holy Bible by the seventy two interpreters with many other remarkable circumstances, no where else to be found ; first English'd from Greek, by the learned and reverend Dr. John Done ... now revised, and very much corrected from the original. date: 1685 words: 31515 flesch: 63 summary: For in the di●●charge of so weighty an Employme●● it is impossible you should have an● Leisure to fix your Imagination u●●on any thing but your Affairs , sin●● they will take up all your Tim● It is convenient therefore , that yo● be alwayes intent upon your Charg● and that you pray to God , to give ●ou Grace to omit nothing of what concerns your Employment . In which were signified to him the Deliverance o● the Iews from their Captivity● With the Letter , he ordained also to be made ready Cups , Vessels , an● a Table of pure Gold , with fifty Ta●lents of Gold , and seventy of Sil●ver , for Oblations there to be offered with many precious Jewels and stone● of very great value : Command●ing the Gold-smiths to finish thes● things with all speed , and the mone● in Talents for the Oblations to b● raised forthwith . keywords: actions; admirable; affairs; agreeable; ancient; andrea; answers; aristeus; art; bear; beasts; beauty; best; better; bible; body; books; brother; business; care; cause; certain; characters; charge; children; city; command; consideration; content; country; course; creation; crown; cups; custom; day; dayes; death; demetrius; design; desire; dignity; diligence; discourse; disposed; divine; doctors; dreams; earth; eebo; egypt; eleazar; end; english; equity; estate; esteem; excellent; eyes; fair; father; fiftieth; figure; force; form; fortieth; free; gift; glory; god; gold; good; goodness; government; grace; great; great king; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; hands; happy; hath; hebrew; height; hierusalem; high; histories; history; holy; honour; humane; iews; interpreters; jews; judge; justice; kind; king; king ptolomeus; kingdom; knowledge; known; language; law; laws; leave; letters; liberty; library; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; manner; master; means; men; mind; moses; multitude; nations; nature; near; necessary; number; o ●; occasion; opinion; order; original; parts; people; persons; phalerius; philadelphus; philocrates; piety; place; pleased; possible; power; precious; present; priest; princes; profit; profitable; proper; prosperity; ptolomeus; ptolomy; publick; question; reason; regard; request; resolution; rest; return; rich; riches; right; round; royal; rule; sacred; sacrifices; said; scriptures; search; self; selves; sense; set; shew; silver; soever; spirit; stones; subject; table; talents; tcp; temple; text; things; thirtieth; thoughts; time; town; translation; tribe; true; truth; twentieth; understand; understanding; variety; vertue; war; way; words; work; world; worthy; writings; wrought; years; ● ● cache: A25805.xml plain text: A25805.txt item: #11 of 15 id: A31143 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: The Harmony of the muses, or, The gentlemans and ladies choisest recreation full of various, pure and transcendent wit : containing severall excellent poems, some fancies of love, some of disdain, and all the subjects incident to the passionate affections either of men or women / heretofore written by those unimitable masters of learning and invention, Dr. Joh. Donn, Dr. Hen. King, Dr. W. Stroad [et al]. date: 1654 words: 21477 flesch: 67 summary: I Will enjoy thee now , my Caelia , come , And flye with me to Loves Elizium , The Giant Honor that keeps Cowards out , Is but a Masker , and the servile Rout Of baser subjects , onely bend in vain , To the vast I doll , whilst the Nobler strain Of valiant Lovers daily sayle between Thy huge Colossus legs , and pass unseen Unto the blissful shore , be bold and wise , And we shall enter ; the grim Switz denies Only tame fools a passage , who not know He is but form , and only frights in show ; The duller eyes which look from far draw neer , And thou shalt scorn what we were wont to fear ; We shall see how the stalking Pageant goes With borrowed legs , a heavy load to those That made and bear him , not ere we our thought , The seed of gods , but a weak model wrought By greedy men , that seek to inclose the Common , And within private arms impale free woman ; Come then , and mounted on the wings of Love , Wee 'l cut the fleeting ayre , and soar above The Monsters head , and in the Noblest seat Of those blest shades , quench and renew our heat : There shall the Ce●een of Love and innocense , Beauty and Nature banish all offence From our close twines , there I 'le behold Thy bared snow , and thy unbreaded Gold , There my unfranchis'd hand on every side , Shall o're thy naked polisht body slide , No curtaln there ( though ) of transparent Lawn , Before thy Virgin treasure shall be drawn , But the rich Mine to the inquiring eye Expos'd , shall ready still for Mintage lye , And we will coyn young Cupids , there a-bed Of Roses and fresh Mirtils shall be spread , Under the cooling shady Cypres Groves , Our pillow of the Down of Venus Doves , Whereon our panting limbs we 'l gently lay , In the faint respit of our active play , That so our slumbers may in dreams have leisure , To tell the nimble fancy of past pleasure , And so our souls that cannot be imbraste , Shall the embraces of our bodies taste ; Mean time the bubling stream shal court the shore , The enamour'd cherping wood-quire shall adore , In varied tunes the Deity of Love , Gentle blasts of Western winds shal move The trembling leavs , & through their close bowes breath Still Musick , whilst we restore our selves beneath , Their dancing shades , till a soft murmur sent From soules entranc't in amorous languishment , Rouse us , and shoot into our souls new fire , NOw that the winters gone , the earth hath lost Her snow-white robes , and now no more the frost , Candies the grass , or casts an icie cream , Upon the silver Lake or Chrystal stream , But the warm Sun thawes the benummed earth , And makes it tender , gives a second birth To the dead Swallow , wakes in hollow Tree The drowzie Cuckow , and the Humble Bee ; Now do a Quire of chirping Minstrels sing In triumph to the world , the youthful Spring , The valleys , hills , and woods in rich array , Welcome the coming of the long'd for May ; Now all things smile , only my Love doth lower , Nor hath the scalding noon-day-sun the power , To melt the Marble yet , which still doth hold Her heart congealed , and makes her pity cold ; The Oxe which lately did for shelter flye Into the stall , doth now securely lye In open field , and Love no more is made By the fire side , but in the cooler shade ; A●intas now doth by his Cl●r●● sleep , Under a Sycamore , and all things keep Time with the season , onely she doth carry Iune in her eyes , in her heart Ianuary . keywords: age; angels; arms; beauties; beauty; bed; bee; begin; best; birth; black; blood; bodies; body; books; breast; breath; bright; cause; change; cheek; choice; come; content; coy; cry; day; dayes; dead; dear; death; delight; desire; disdain; dost; doth; double; draw; dream; drink; earth; elegie; end; english; ere; eye; eyes; face; fair; faith; fall; fame; fancies; fancy; far; fault; fear; fire; foot; force; free; friends; fruit; gentle; gifts; glorious; glory; god; gold; good; grave; great; greater; ground; hair; hand; happy; harmony; hate; hath; head; heart; heaven; heed; hold; home; hope; hot; ill; joyes; kind; king; kiss; labour; ladies; lady; late; leave; life; like; lips; little; live; long; look; loose; lost; love; lovers; lye; man; mark; mean; men; mind; mistris; muses; nature; nay; needs; neer; new; night; nose; nought; o're; oft; old; onely; pain; past; place; play; pleasure; poor; praise; proud; pure; reason; red; rest; return; rich; rose; run; sea; self; set; shall; shew; short; sigh; sin; sit; skin; smooth; snow; soft; soul; sound; spring; stand; state; stay; strange; subject; sun; sweet; taste; tear; tell; text; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; treasure; tree; true; truth; us'd; use; vain; venus; vertue; view; want; way; white; wife; wind; wise; wit; women; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; young; youth; ● ● cache: A31143.xml plain text: A31143.txt item: #12 of 15 id: A36292 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Biathanatos a declaration of that paradoxe or thesis, that selfe-homicide is not so naturally sinne, that it may never be otherwise : wherein the nature and the extent of all those lawes, which seeme to be violated by this act, are diligently surveyed / written by Iohn Donne ... date: 1644 words: 65282 flesch: 78 summary: [ That there is a second bi●…th into Sinne in this world , and Job cursed his entrance into that . He sayes , because in the case of simony , many difficulties g●…ow , because not onely by cleare and common judgements , temporall reward may be taken for spirituall offices , by way of gift , stipend , wages , almes , sustenation , or fulfilling the law or custome of that place , but also by some . keywords: able; acceptation; act; actions; acts; actuall; advantage; adversaries; affected; age; alwaies; amalekite; ambrose; angels; anothers; answer; apostle; apparition; appeare; application; aquinas; argument; aristotle; athenians; augustine; authority; authors; baptisme; beasts; bee; beleeve; benefit; best; better; betweene; bishop; blessed; bloud; bodies; body; bondage; books; bull; buriall; burning; cajetan; calvin; canon; canon law; cap; case; cassianus; casuists; catholique; causes; certaine; chapter; charitie; charity; children; christ; christian; chrysostome; church; circumstances; civill; clement; commandement; common; conclusions; concurrence; condition; confesse; confession; conscience; consequence; consideration; content; contrary; councell; custome; cyprian; d ●; damnation; danger; david; day; de ●; dead; death; declaration; decree; deduced; defence; definition; degrees; dei; depart; desertion; desire; despaire; destruction; devotion; devout; dignity; direct; discourse; disease; dispence; distinction; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; donatists; donatus; donne; doth; doubt; drawne; dye; dying; ease; eebo; effect; emperors; emperour; end; ends; enemy; english; enormous; epist; equall; escape; est; esteemed; eternall; eusebius; evident; evill; examples; exceptions; excuse; executions; exercise; exposing; expresse; extent; extreame; fact; fall; false; fame; farre; farther; fasting; fasts; fathers; fault; feare; fire; flesh; forbid; force; foundation; france; generall; ghost; giving; glory; god; gods; goe; good; gratian; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; haire; hand; hate; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; hee; heresie; hierome; high; himselfe; history; holy; homicide; honour; hope; house; humane; husbands; idem; idolatry; iewes; ignatius; ignorance; iii; iiii; images; impenitence; imputed; inclination; injustice; innocent; inordinate; inspiration; interpretation; iob; ioh; iohn; iudas; job; john; josephus; judgement; judges; juris; jurisdiction; justice; keeper; killing; kind; king; kingdome; knowledge; l. 1; l. 2; l. 3; labour; large; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; leave; leg; lesse; lib; liberty; life; light; like; likely; little; lives; long; lord; love; lyra; magistrate; malum; man; manner; mans; martyrdome; martyrs; matter; meanes; mee; men; mercy; mis; morall; mors; moses; mother; mutilation; nations; naturall; naturall law; nature; navar; necessary; necessitie; neighbour; nerius; new; notes; number; obligation; occasion; offer; office; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; originall; owne; pardon; particular; party; paul; paulinus; people; perchance; perfection; person; perswasion; peter; phil; phrase; place; plato; pleasure; poenae; point; popes; possessed; possible; power; poyson; practise; prayer; precept; prejudice; present; preservation; priests; princes; private; priviledge; probable; profit; proper; proposition; publique; punishment; purgation; purpose; question; ratio; reach; read; reason; rectified; reg; religion; repentance; resolution; respects; rest; returne; romane; rule; safe; saint; saith; salvation; samson; saul; saviour; sayes; sayr; scarce; scripture; second; secret; sect; seeme; selves; sense; sensitive; servant; set; severe; shame; sicknesse; sinne; small; soever; sort; sotus; soule; speake; speciall; species; spirituall; spoken; state; step; strength; subject; supra; sword; tcp; teg; temples; temporall; tertullian; testimony; text; thing; thinke; thomas; thou; time; tit; title; tolets; true; truth; tyrant; understanding; use; vertue; violence; vita; water; way; weake; wee; wife; wine; wish; woman; words; work; world; worse; yea; yeares cache: A36292.xml plain text: A36292.txt item: #13 of 15 id: A36298 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Letters to severall persons of honour written by John Donne ... ; published by John Donne, Dr. of the civill law. date: 1651 words: 54964 flesch: 63 summary: If those reasons which moved you to bid me write be not constant in you still , or if you meant not that I should write verses ; or if these verses be too bad , or too good , over or under her understanding , and not fit ; I pray receive them , as a companion and supplement of this Letter to you ; and as such a token as I use to send , which use , because I wish rather they should serve ( except you wish otherwise ) I send no other ; but after I have told you , that here at a Christning at Peckam , you are remembred by divers of ours , and I commanded to tell you so , I kisse your hands , and so seal to you my pure love , which I would not refuse to do by any labour or danger . And then because whensoever I tell you how I doe , by a Letter , before that Letter comes to you , I shall be otherwise , then when it left me . keywords: acceptable; account; act; adde; advantage; affectionate; affections; afraid; answer; argument; assurance; authors; bedford; bee; beleeve; best; blessed; bodies; body; bold; book; businesse; capable; care; cast; certain; chamber; change; children; chr; christian; church; churches; chuse; civill; comfort; commandment; comming; company; confesse; conscience; consideration; content; copy; countesse; course; court; daies; danger; day; days; dead; death; debts; degree; desire; devotion; diligence; discourse; disposition; divers; doe; donne; doth; doubt; early; england; english; equall; example; excuse; exercise; expresse; expressing; fain; faith; fall; family; farre; farther; fashion; fault; favour; fear; fire; fit; forbear; fortune; friend; friendship; generall; george; glad; god; gods; going; good; goodere; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; half; hands; haste; hath; having; health; heart; heaven; hold; home; honest; honour; honourable; honourable sir; honoured; hope; hour; house; humble; ill; importune; importunity; impressions; intreat; j. donne; jes; john; kinde; king; kisse; knight; knight sir; knowledge; ladiship; lady; late; law; lay; leave; lesse; letter; life; light; like; likely; little; live; london; long; longer; lord; lordship; lost; loth; love; man; matter; means; meditations; mee; memory; men; mention; merit; messenger; micham; money; morning; morrow; naturall; nature; near; nearer; necessity; need; new; news; noble; number; occasion; offer; office; onely; open; opinion; ordinary; pacquet; paper; pardon; particular; parts; pauls; perchance; persons; petition; physick; place; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; prayers; presence; present; princes; prison; promise; purpose; reason; recompense; religion; reputation; respect; rest; return; rich; robert; room; sadnesse; saviour; scarce; second; self; selves; sermon; servant; servant j.; service; short; sicknesse; sir; sir h.; sir robert; sir tho; small; sorry; soul; speake; state; stay; strength; strong; subject; sure; tcp; testimony; text; thankfull; thankfulnesse; thing; thought; time; title; town; trouble; true; truth; tuesday; understanding; verse; vertue; want; way; ways; week; whilest; willing; wish; wishes; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writing; year; yesterday cache: A36298.xml plain text: A36298.txt item: #14 of 15 id: A36301 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Paradoxes, problemes, essayes, characters written by Dr. Donne, dean of Pauls ; to which is added a book of epigrams ; written in Latin by the same author ; translated into English by J. Maine D.D. ; as also, Ignatius his Conclave, a satyr, translated out of the originall copy written in Latin by the same author, found lately amongst his own papers. date: 1652 words: 35241 flesch: 63 summary: And Nature saw this faculty to be so necessary in man , that she hath been content that by more causes we should be importuned to laugh , than to the exercise of any other power ; for things in themselves utterly contrary , beget this effect ; for we laugh both at witty and absurd things : At both which sorts I have seen men laugh so long , and so earnestly , that at last they have wept that they could laugh no more . HE hath a Soule drownd in a lump of Flesh , or is a piece of Earth that Prometheus put not half his proportion of Fire into , a thing that hath neither edge of desire , nor feeling of affection in it , The most dangerous creature for confirming an Atheist , who would straight swear , his soul were nothing but the bare temperature of his body : He sleeps as he goes , and his thoughts seldom reach an inch further then his eyes ; The most part of the faculties of his soul lye Fallow , or are like the restive Jades that no spur can drive forwards towards the pursuite of any worthy design ; one of the most unprofitable of all Gods creatures , being as he is , a thing put clean besides his right use , made fitt for the cart & the flail , and by mischance Entangled amongst books and papers , a man cannot tel possible what he is now good for , save to move up and down and fill room , or to serv as Animatum Instrumentum for others to work withal in base Imployments , or to be a foyl for better witts , or to serve ( as They say monsters do ) to set out the variety of nature , and Ornament of the Universe , He is meer nothing of himself , neither eates , nor drinkes , nor goes , nor spits but by imitation , for al which , he hath set forms & fashions , which he never varies , but sticks to , with the like plodding constancy that a milhors follows his trace , both the muses and the graces are his hard Mistrisses , though he daily Invocate them , though he sacrifize Hecatombs , they stil look a squint , you shall note him oft ( besides his dull eye and louting head , and a certain clammie benum'd pace ) by a fair displai'd beard , a Nightcap and a gown , whose very wrincles proclaim him the true genius of formality , but of al others , his discours and compositions best speak him , both of them are much of one stuf & fashion , he speaks just what his books or last company said unto him without varying one whit & very seldom understands himself , you may know by his discourse where he was last , for what he read or heard yesterday he now dischargeth his memory or notebook of , not his understanding , for it never came there ; what he hath he flings abroad at al adventurs without accomodating it to time , place persons or occasions , he commonly loseth himself in his tale , and flutters up and down windles without recovery , and whatsoever next presents it self , his heavie conceit seizeth upon and goeth along with , however Heterogeneal to his matter in hand , his jests are either old flead proverbs , or lean-starv'd - Apophthegm's , or poor verball quips outworn by Servingmen , Tapsters and Milkmaids , even laid aside by Bassaders , He assents to all men that bring any shadow of reason , and you may make him when he speaks most Dogmatically , even with one breath , to averr pure contradictions , His Compositions differ only terminorum positione from Dreams , Nothing but rude heaps of Immaterial-inchoherent drossie-rubbish-stuffe , promiscuously thrust up together , enough to Infuse dullness and Barrenness of Conceit into him that is so Prodigall of his eares as to give the hearing , enough to make a mans memory Ake with suffering such dirtie stuffe cast into it , as unwellcome to any true conceit , as Sluttish Morsells or Wallowish Potions to a Nice-Stomack which whiles he empties himselfe of , it sticks in his Teeth nor can he be Delivered without Sweate and Sighes , and Humms , and Coughs enough to shake his Grandams teeth out of her head ; Hee l spitt , and scratch , and yawn , and stamp , and turn like sick men from one elbow to another , and Deserve as much pitty during this torture as men in Fits of Tertian Feavors or selfe lashing Penitentiaries ; in a word , Rip him quite asunder , and examin every shred of him , you shall finde him to be just nothing , but the subject of Nothing , the object of contempt , yet such as he is you must take him , for there is no hope he should ever become better . keywords: able; account; affections; age; ancient; angels; army; author; barren; benefit; best; better; bin; bishop; blood; boast; bodies; body; boniface; books; breath; business; canons; cap; cardinals; care; cause; certain; chamber; change; characters; christian; church; civil; clothes; colour; common; conceit; conclave; confess; content; contrary; copernicus; courage; course; court; cowards; creation; cut; daily; danger; dangerous; day; death; deep; defence; desire; devil; diana; dignity; discord; disease; divers; divinity; doctrin; doe; donne; dost; doth; doubt; durst; early; earth; eebo; elements; emperour; end; english; envy; epigrams; error; esse; example; excuse; eyes; face; fair; fall; fantastick; fathers; favour; fear; fellow; fields; fire; fit; flesh; fol; fool; force; fortune; france; free; general; gifts; glory; god; gold; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; green; ground; grow; guide; hand; hath; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; hold; honour; hope; idle; iesuits; ignatius; ignorant; ill; image; inconstancy; increase; innovation; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; latin; laugh; laughing; lawfull; laws; lay; leave; liberty; life; light; like; little; long; lords; love; lucifer; lust; machiavel; man; marriage; matter; means; memory; men; minde; miracles; moon; motion; names; naturall; nature; nearer; necessity; need; nerius; new; noble; nose; number; office; oft; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; paracelsus; paradoxes; parents; particular; parts; patience; pauls; people; perchance; perfection; persons; philip; physick; place; pleasure; point; poor; pope; possible; power; praise; present; pride; princes; priviledge; proportion; purpose; quality; reason; religion; reserve; respect; rest; rich; roman; rome; room; rules; saw; scarce; sea; second; secret; self; selves; send; set; shadow; shew; sins; sleep; small; sort; soul; soules; spirit; stars; state; strength; study; subject; sun; sword; tcp; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thrust; thy; time; title; true; truth; turn; understanding; unto; use; utter; valiant; valour; venus; vertue; vice; virginity; vouchsafe; vvhy; war; water; way; wealth; whore; wife; wilt; wise; wit; womb; women; wonder; wood; work; world; worthy; yea; years; young cache: A36301.xml plain text: A36301.txt item: #15 of 15 id: A69225 author: Donne, John, 1572-1631. title: Poems, by J.D. VVith elegies on the authors death date: 1633 words: 76668 flesch: 74 summary: MAn is the World , and death th' Ocean , To which God gives the lower parts of man. MAn is a lumpe , where all beasts kneaded bee , Wisdome makes him an Arke where all agree ; The foole , in whom these beasts do live at jarre , Is sport to others , and a Theater , Nor scapes hee so , but is himselfe their prey ; All which was man in him , is eate away , And now his beasts on one another feed , keywords: actions; adde; affections; againe; age; ages; alas; ambition; anatomie; angels; anger; appeare; armes; art; ashes; aske; authors; ayre; backe; bad; balme; barre; beames; beasts; beauties; beauty; bed; bedford; bee; beene; beginne; begot; beleeve; best; bestow; better; bird; birth; black; blew; blinde; blood; bodies; body; bold; bones; bookes; borne; braine; bread; breake; breath; bride; bright; broke; brow; busie; businesse; call'd; canst; care; center; chang'd; change; children; christ; christall; church; chuse; circle; cities; civill; clay; cleare; clothes; clouds; cold; colour; command; comming; common; company; confesse; conscience; content; controule; corruption; countesse; countries; country; courage; course; court; creation; creatures; crosse; daily; dare; darknesse; daughter; day; dayes; dead; death; debt; decay; deeds; degree; delight; depart; desir'd; desire; destiny; devill; devotion; didst; die; discretion; disease; divers; divine; divinity; divorce; doe; donne; dost; doth; double; doubt; drawes; dreame; drinke; drop; dull; dust; dwell; dye; early; earth; ease; eebo; elegie; elements; embrace; end; enemie; english; envy; epitaph; equall; ere; example; excuse; expresse; extasie; extreme; eyes; face; faint; faire; faith; fall; false; fame; far; fashion; fast; fate; father; faults; feare; fed; feed; feele; feet; fires; firmament; fish; fishes; fit; flea; flesh; flies; flow; flower; foes; food; foole; foot; forbeare; forc'd; force; forgot; fortune; free; friends; friendship; fruits; funerall; future; generall; ghost; glad; glasse; glorious; glory; god; gods; goe; gold; golden; good; goodnesse; grave; great; greater; greatest; griefe; ground; grow; growes; growne; growth; haires; halfe; hand; hard; harsh; hast; hate; hath; having; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; hot; houres; house; ignorance; iii; ill; image; immortall; impart; infinite; influence; iron; issue; joy; joyes; joyne; judge; judgement; keepe; kill; kingdome; kings; kisse; knowes; knowledge; knowne; ladies; lady; lame; land; language; languish; large; late; laugh; law; lawes; lay; learne; learning; leave; left; lesse; lest; letters; liberall; liberty; lie; life; light; like; lines; little; live; london; long; longer; looke; lord; lost; loth; lov'd; lov'st; love; love mee; lovers; loving; low; lust; lye; lyes; madame; maid; maist; making; man; mankinde; mans; marble; marke; matter; meanes; measure; meat; mee; memory; men; mens; mercy; merit; minde; miracle; misery; mistresse; morning; morrow; mother; motion; muse; names; naturall; nature; ne'r; need; neere; net; new; newes; noble; non; notes; o'r; oathes; office; oft; old; onely; open; outward; owne; paines; pale; paper; paradise; pardon; parts; passe; past; pay; peece; people; perchance; perfection; perish; physicke; picture; pitty; plac'd; place; play; playes; pleasure; point; poore; possesse; power; poyson; praise; pray; prayer; presence; present; prey; priest; prince; prison; progresse; prophane; prophets; proportion; proud; pure; purest; purpose; quality; rage; reach; reade; reason; red; refin'd; religion; remove; repaire; repent; rest; returne; reverence; reverend; rich; rise; roome; root; rose; rude; runne; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safe; saints; scant; scape; scarce; scorne; sea; seas; second; seeme; selfe; selves; sense; serve; set; severall; shame; shee; shew; shine; ships; short; should'st; showes; sicknesse; sigh; sighes; silence; sinn'd; sinne; sion; sir; sit; skin; slaine; sleepe; small; soe; soft; song; sonnes; soone; soule; sound; spare; speake; speechlesse; spheare; spies; spirit; spirituall; spring; stand; starres; state; stay; stile; stones; store; stormes; strange; streets; strength; strings; strive; strong; study; stuffe; subject; subtile; sun; sweare; sweet; sword; talke; tast; tcp; teares; temple; tender; text; thankes; thee; things; thinke; thinking; thou; thou art; thou dost; thou wast; thought; throwne; thy; time; title; tombe; tongue; touch; travaile; treasure; tree; triumph; true; trust; truth; turn'd; turne; type; unto; us'd; use; vaine; valentine; vast; vent; verse; vertue; vertuous; vice; vii; viii; virgin; walls; want; warme; wast; watch; water; way; weake; wee; west; whil'st; white; wife; wilt; winter; wise; wit; wits; woe; woman; wonder; words; worke; world; wormes; worst; worth; wrath; wretch; writ; wrong; yea; yesterday; yong; youth; zeale cache: A69225.xml plain text: A69225.txt