item: #1 of 40 id: A27405 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The cry of the oppressed from under their oppressions, ascending up to Him, who will rebuke the oppressor and devourer, and deliver the innocent some of the sufferings of the people of God, called Quakers, concerning tythes and oaths, &c. : by the branches which are a new springing forth of the remainder of the bitter root of Episcopacy, which yet remaineth unplucked up in the rigid presbytery ... date: 1656.0 words: 14194 flesch: 72 summary: Widow Slee and Richard Slee , For Tyth of the value of eleven shillings two pence , had taken away two Chaldrons , four pewter dishes , two pans , and a sack worth twenty eight shillings . For the value of eleven shillings six pence pretended to be due unto Leonard Esh , an Impropriator called , had Goods taken from him worth six pounds , which they 〈◊〉 to five pound , and restored nothing to the owner again . keywords: cow; goods; horse; iohn; john; law; men; pence; pewter; pound; priest; richard; shillings; thomas; tyth; tythes; use; value; william; worth cache: A27405.xml plain text: A27405.txt item: #2 of 40 id: A30526 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Good counsel and advice rejected by disobedient men and the dayes of Oliver Cromwells visitation passed over, and also of Richard Cromwel his son ... date: 1659.0 words: 26724 flesch: -75 summary: O let thy ear be opened unto the cryes of the oppressed in the prisons ; and let the cause of the innocent come before thee , and let thy heart be pierced at the consideration of these things which are come to pass in thy dayes , contrary to the expectation of many , and see if it be , not contrary to thy own promises sometimes vowed by thee ; let the light of Christ in thy own conscience answer , and some of the multitude of the grievous oppressions of which the Land is full , hath been laid at thy door and brought unto thee , but scarcely found an entrance upon thee ; and this aggravates the crime of thy transgression , in that thou knowest of these things ; & wonderful is it to consider , that even thou with whom the power of the Lord hath sometimes been , should now suffer that people with whom the power of the Lord is to be persecuted , and thy name to be a cloak for it ; how many in all parts of this Nation have been and are at this day grievous sufferers under cruel bondage concerning tythes , that great abomination and idol , and cause of heavy groanings ? the bodies of many just men violently surprized , and cast into Goals and prisons unjustly , and some illegally ; their cruelly suffering the loss of their liberties and the enjoyments of their families , and honest Assemblies ; and others have their goods spoiled and made havock upon , almost to the ruine of families by unreasonable men , through unjust Judgement and cruel dealings of some in Authority for so much unjustly , challenged by the Priest or impropriator , it may be ; they distress five times so much , to the great shame of the government of a Christian Nation ; as may appear in a Book called the cry of the oppressed ; and how many are ready even to faint under the hard oppression of maintaining hireling Teachers , and idol Temples ; many for that cause also being unjust sufferers in bodies and estates , by cruel imprisonment and spoiling of goods ; the very cry of this oppression reaches unto heaven against thee , who suffers it , and against the idol shepherds who are the ground of it , who makes a prey upon Gods heritage ; and the Lord God will be avenged upon them , and they and their staff shall utterly perish ; wo unto them , and to the idol worships of which the Land is full , which they uphold , which causes the hearts of the righteous to mourn , because of the seed of God which is in captivity under them ; again many are unjust and woful sufferers because they cannot swear on this or that occasion , though in all causes they speak the truth , and do obey Christs commands , even such are trodden upon by unjust fines charged upon them , and imposed oppressions ; the example of which never went before ; many parts of this Land is witness of this ; and this is by the corruptness of some that bear rule under thee , who rules not for God as they ought , but turns the sword of justice , and doth unjustly thereby , and grieves the Lord , and dishonours thee ; Again some suffer long and tedious imprisonments , and others cruel stripes and abuses , and danger of life many times from wicked men , for reproving sin and crying against the abomination of the times , which the Scriptures also testifie against , in streets or Temples , or other places ; some having been sent to prison , taken on the high way , and no evil charged against them , and others committed , being taken out of peaceable meetings , and whipped and sent to prison without transgression of any Law , just or unjust , wholly through the rage and envy of the Devil , and such who have perverted Judgement and Justice , and some in prisons have suffered superaboundantly from the hands of the cruel Gaolers , and their servants , by beatings and threatnings , and putting irons on them , and not suffering any of their friends to visit them with necessaries ; and some have died in the prisons , whose lives was not dear to them , whose blood will be reckoned on account against thee , one day ; and many more other wayes have suffered grievous things , as banishments out of Towns , and whipping and stocking , and grievous unjust abuses , and none of these for evil doing , but for good ; even because they cannot bow to the Devil , but are redeemed out of the world and therefore the world hates them , and some have suffered hard cruelties because they could not respect persons and bow with Hat , or knee ; and from these cruelties canst thou not altogether be excused in the sight of God ; being brought forth in thy name and under thy power ; consider friend , and be awakened to true Judgement , let the Lord search thy heart , and lay these things to mind , that thou may be an instrument to remove every burthen , and may at last fulfill the will of God , are they nothing to thee ; that such things should be brought forth under thee ? O , be awakened , be awakened , and now seek the Lords glory and not thine own , least thou perish before the Lord and men ; nay if men would give thee * honour and high Titles and princely thrones take it not , for that which would exalt and honour thee in the world , would betray thee to the world and cast thee down in the sight of the world , and this is Gods word to thee ; what ? shall the whole Nation be perjured men , and thou the cause of it ? and wilt thou transgresse by building again that which thou hast destroyed ? then shall the Lord and his light in every conscience bear witness against thee , let it not be , but deny thy self and thou wilt find the Lord honouring thee , give heed unto my words and understand my speech , be not exalted by man least man betray thee ; the Lord give thee an understanding in this and guide thee in his Councel , and the rather above all things , let thy heart be stirred up in thee for the Lord , for now is he setting up the dominion of his Son , which never shall have an end , and thy Dominion must bow under it , and all the Dominions of the earth , or else be confounded and broken to pieces , the glory of the Lord is revealing , and thine shall be vailed before it , and the glory of all flesh shall fall ; therefore strive not openly nor secretly against his way , for it shall prosper , there is no enchantment against us nor any formed weapon that can prosper ; knowest thou not that the King of Righteousnesse might command thousands of his Saints to avenge him of his adversaries , and to plead his cause against the rebellious ? all power is in his hand , yea and the authority and dominion shall be in the hands of his Saints , and every one that exalts himself against them shall be brought down , not by an outward sword or might of man , but by his out-stretched arm , and all crowns that are mortal shall be troden down , by him whose crown is immortal and never fades away ; therefore be wise and learned , this is thy day , as thou dealest or sufferest to be done with the Lords people , so to thee it shall be done in that day , when their Government shall outreach thine and be set a top of it , as thou hopes for mercy from the Lord , when his Kingdom conquers thee and thine ; Now deal favourably and relieve the oppressed ; boast not thy self though the Lord hath used thee in his hand , but know that when he will he can cast thee , a rod , out of his hand into the fire ; for in his hand thou art , if thou honour him he will honour thee , otherwise he can , yea , and will confound thee and break thee , and make thee weak as water before him ; his love , through my heart , breaths unto thee ; he would thy happinesse if thou wilfully contemn it not , by exalting thy self and seeking thine own glory , and hardening thy heart against the cry of the poor ; and this I was moved in the bowels of pitty to lay before thee , who am thy friend , not in flattery , but in an upright heart , who wisheth well unto thee in the Lord . Dear Friend , BE still , and in the Counsel of God stand , and that will give thee wisdom , that thou maist frustrate mens end , and calm mens spirits , and crumbel men under , and arise and stand up in the power of the Lord God , the Lambs authority , and fear not the face of man , but fear and dread the Lord God , then his presence and wisdom and counsel thou shalt have to throw down the rubbish , and quell all the bad spirits under thy dominion , and fear them about thee ; live in the Lords power and life , then to thee he will give wisdom , and the pure feeling thou wilt come into , whereby thy Soul will be refreshed , and it will be thy delight to do the Will of God , and thy meat and drink , as thou in the pure Eternal Power , Counsel , Will and Wisdom of God dwells , things all will be made plain before thee , and to thee from the Lord God , in what thou doest for the Lord God thou shalt have peace and the blessing , and in that so doing , all the sober true hearted people will be one with thee in travels , sorrows and pains , and then in that a blessing from the Lord will come upon thee , will abound to thee and cover thee , as thou lives and art kept in the power and dread of the Lord God of Heaven and earth , where Wisdom is not wanting , nor peace lacking , but peace enjoyed , and counsel and instruction from the Lord God given , and the helping arm and hand that stretcheth over all the Nations in the world , thou wilt feel it , and with that thou wilt come to break down all mens ends that they have to themselves , and the worships that men invent , and images they have set up , for the arm of the Lord helps the righteous , by his hand he carries the Lambs , which arm is turned against the wicked stretched over them , and the hand of the Lord is against them that do evil , in which hand the Soul is , and brings it into peace ; therefore live in the power of the Lord God , and feel his hand that is stretched out over the Nations , for a mighty work hath the Lord to do in other Nations , and their quakings and shakings is but entering . keywords: evil; friend; god; government; hath; lord; lord god; men; nations; people; power; thee; things; thou; thy; true; wisdom; world cache: A30526.xml plain text: A30526.txt item: #3 of 40 id: A31781 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Caines bloudy race known by their fruits, or, A true declaration of the innocent sufferings of the servants of the living God, by the magistrates, priests and people in the city of Westchester, who lives in a profession of God, Christ, and the Scriptures, as their forefathers did, who slew the prophets, persecuted Christ and the apostles, as is declared in the scriptures of truth, &c. date: 1657.0 words: 17356 flesch: 49 summary: FIrst , Under Edward Bradshaw , Mayor ; Richard Hubberthorne coming into Chester City about the 29th . of the 9. Month , 1653. where he and many more were met together to wait upon the Lord in a house in the same City ; then Thomas Holme spake as he was moved of the Lord , Edward Bradshaw then Mayor , being informed thereof , sent one of his servants , and commanded him to bring Tho. keywords: city; constable; day; edward; god; hath; house; law; lord; man; mayor; people; peter; priest; prison; sale cache: A31781.xml plain text: A31781.txt item: #4 of 40 id: A34463 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Copies of some few of the papers given into the House of Parliament in the time of James Naylers tryal there, which began the fifth of December, 1656 date: 1657.0 words: 4825 flesch: 75 summary: Is Christ in you ? Now where is this councel and chief Priests against him ? It is better to judge of things which you truly understand , pertaining to this life ( but that you cannot ) till you come to the Light that enlightens every man that comes into the world , and so leads into the Kingdom of God and Christ that is not of this world ; for there is a Kingdom of the world which is not become the Kingdom of Christ , which is in the transgression ; and there are the blasphemers in the transgression of the life which the Scriptures of truth is given forth from , which judges the truth blasphemy . Now wait in the Light that you may receive the wisdom of God which comes from Christ , by which all things was created , that with it you may come to use the creatures with the wisdom by which they were created to the Glory of God . keywords: blasphemy; christ; god; hath; things; truth; world cache: A34463.xml plain text: A34463.txt item: #5 of 40 id: A35006 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Babel's builders unmasking themselves as appears by the following paper from Barbadoes, (promoted by George for his party, and subscribed by eighty two of them.) With a letter of G.F.'s, G.W.'s, &c, in answer thereunto; and observations thereupon. Also, a false prophecy of that lying prophet, Solomon Eccles. Published for undeceiving the simple, and in abhorrence and detestation of the principle and practice contained in the said paper; they being of an evil tendency, and contrary to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles, or of any sincere-hearted Protestants, or true Christians this day. By T.C. date: 1681.0 words: 8394 flesch: 61 summary: But if any say we mistake you , you do not give up to the Meeting , but to the Spirit of God , &c. But W. Pen's Address , &c. and other Testimonies , I think answer that , viz. Indeed so it does : for there be many that believe in the Light , and measure of the Spirit , and its sufficiency , not one with G. F's &c. imposing Spirit , which he calls Universal , but against it ; altho the true Universal Spirit of Christ , and in all His , hath now , as formerly , unity with the least measure in any Member , tho for Conscience sake they may be of a differing apprehension in some things ; and therefore saith the Apostle , he became all to all , weak , or strong ; and said , bear one anothers Burdens , and bear one with another ; and therefore he condescended to baptize , and circumcise , to win over , and endeavoured the encrease of their Faith and Understandings ; not blind Conformity before Convincement , but said , If any be otherwise minded , God shall reveal , &c. keywords: christ; god; judgment; meetings; spirit; universal; womens cache: A35006.xml plain text: A35006.txt item: #6 of 40 id: A38972 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The examination and tryall of Margaret Fell and George Fox (at the severall assizes held at Lancaster the 14th and 16th days of the first moneth, 1663, and the 29th of the 6th moneth, 1664) for their obedience to Christs command who saith, swear not at all also something in answer to Bishop Lancelot Andrews sermon concerning swearing. date: 1664.0 words: 12675 flesch: 67 summary: In the Hebrew language it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But let your Communication be yea , yea , nay , nay , whatsoever is more then these cometh of evil ; in the Hebrew its 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And further proof , see how Jamse lived in the same Doctrine and practice , and held it forth to the 12 tribes which was the Jews , who had the oath of God , and was to swear in the time of the law ; see his general Epistle in the 5th Chap. and also speaking in the second Chapter of such as drove them before the Judgment-seat , but in the 5th Chapter this is his command above all things , My brethren swear not at all , neither by heaven nor by the earth , in the Greek its 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This you may call creatures or made things : But mark James goes further , and faith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 — nor by any other oath , but let your yea , be yea , and your nay , be nay , lest you fall into Condemnation , 9thly , And as for the oath of Supremacy & the other , it is to acknowledge the King of Eng. and Allegiance to him , which things hath been manifest and practised by us , but not by such as sware Allegiance to the Kings father , and swore the one way and the other way , and hast not thou and many of you taken the oath against him , and such as have sworn one while for him , and another while against him ; how are they in Allegiance to him that swears one way and another way ? and cannot there be in truth and faithfulness Allegiance to the King without swearing ? for now how should we stand in Allegiance to Christ if we did not obey his commands the King of Kings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for he commands us not to swear , but keep to yea and nay , and one of his great Embassadours to Nations that went with his Message to the twelve tribes saith , above all things my Brethren swear not at all , lest you fall into condemna●ion . keywords: christ; judge; king; law; oath; saith; thou; time cache: A38972.xml plain text: A38972.txt item: #7 of 40 id: A40113 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The ancient simplicity as it was once witnessed unto by George Fox. date: 1661.0 words: 1053 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 46834) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1441:89) keywords: eebo; tcp; text cache: A40113.xml plain text: A40113.txt item: #8 of 40 id: A40139 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning daily sacrifices and offerings date: 1688.0 words: 1986 flesch: 65 summary: For Christ did once offer up himself , who is made , not after the Law of a carnal Commandment , but after the power of an endless Life , who is set down at the Right-hand of God , and so cannot be offered as an Offering and Sacrifice any more , who abolished the changeable Priest-hood , with all its Offerings and Sacrifices , by the Sacrifice and Offering of himself once for all . So you may see Christ hath given himself an Offering and Sacrifice for us to God , and the Saints now do not offer up Christ , who hath already offered up himself ( mark himself ) but they are to present their Bodies a Living Sacrifice , holy acceptable to God , which is their reasonable Service . keywords: christ; god; offering; sacrifice cache: A40139.xml plain text: A40139.txt item: #9 of 40 id: A40145 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning such as have forbidden preaching or teaching in the name of Jesus and such as are ashamed to confess Him before men, and call not on the name of the Lord, &c. date: 1684.0 words: 1897 flesch: 73 summary: And , Who Confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh , is a Deceiver and an Antichrist , and so not in the Spirit of God nor Christ , 2 John 1.7 . This was before His Persecutor , so must all the Followers of the Lamb Confess Him before Men to the Glory of God the Father , and not be ashamed of Christ their Life , Light and Salvation , Redeemer , Mediator , Prophet , Bishop , Shepherd , Leader , Counsellor , Way and Door to God , and the Author and Finisher of their Faith , and Heavenly Rock and Foundation , and the Captain of their Salvation , and not to be ashamed to meet in His Name , who hath all Power in Heaven and in Earth given to Him , lest He be ashamed of you before His Holy Angels , and His Father which is in Heaven : And therefore in His Light , Spirit , Grace , Truth and Faith , see and hold Christ your Head , who Bruiseth the Serpents Head , and Reconcileth you to God , in whom you and all Nations are Blessed , and have Rest and Peace , AMEN . keywords: christ; god; jesus; tcp; text cache: A40145.xml plain text: A40145.txt item: #10 of 40 id: A40150 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Concerning the upright and good conversation of the saints in Christ and in Heaven date: 1682.0 words: 1537 flesch: 62 summary: And the Apostle exhorted Timothy , and said , Be thou an Example of the Believers in Word , in Conversation , in Charity , in Spirit , in Faith , in Purity : which is a Good Corversation to be followed . And Peter in his General Epistle admonishes the Church to be as Obedient Children , not fashioning your selves according to the former Lusts in your Ignorance , but as he which hath called you is Holy , so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation [ Mark , all manner of Conversation ] forasmuch as ye know , that ye were not redeemed with Corruptible Things , a● Silver and Gold , from your Vain Conversation , received by Tradition from your Fathers , but with the Precious Blood of Christ , as of a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot , &c. And likewise ye Wives be subject to your own Husbands , that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives , while they behold your Chaste Conversation , coupled with Fear , &c. having a good Conscience , tha● whereas they speak Evil of you , as of Evil Doers , they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your Good Conversation in Christ . keywords: conversation; eebo; tcp; text cache: A40150.xml plain text: A40150.txt item: #11 of 40 id: A40161 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A distinction between the new covenant and the old and how that in the old covenant the Jews priests lips were to preserve the Jews peoples knowledge: but in the new and everlasting covenant Christ the high-priest, is the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, and he filleth the earth with the knowledge of the Lord God; and the earth being full of the knowledge of the Lord God, then there is no want of it in the eath. And Christ the high-priest, he doth not only fill the earth with knowledge of the Lord God, but covereth the earth with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters do the sea; so the earth shall not be seen. So then it may be seen, that the substance in the new covenant is far beyond the figure in the old covenant. Read, hear, see, perceive and understand, receive and possess. date: 1679.0 words: 2960 flesch: 71 summary: So it is Christ that fills the Earth with Knowledge , and that the Knowledge of the Lord shall cover the Earth , as the Waters do the Sea ; so that in this Knowledge , to know God and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent , is Eternal Life . So this High-Priest , Christ Jesus his Work is beyond the Jews High-Priests , whose Lips were to preserve the Jewish Nation 's Knowledge ; for Christ the Treasure of Wisdom and Knowledge fills the whole Earth with Knowledge ; and covers the Earth with the Knowledge of God , as the VVaters cover the Sea , in his Day of the New-Covenant . keywords: covenant; earth; knowledge; lord; new cache: A40161.xml plain text: A40161.txt item: #12 of 40 id: A40170 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: An epistle to all Christians, Jews, and Gentiles shewing how that God dwells not in their temples made with hands. date: 1682.0 words: 2194 flesch: 73 summary: And therefore these Persecutors that did resist the Holy-Ghost , which comes from the Father and the Son , were the Cryers up of the Outward Temple : they were not like to see God , as Steven did , who dwells not in Temples made with Hands ; and Heaven to be his Throne , & Earth his Footstool , who resisteth his Holy Spirit that proceeds from him , by which God is Seen and Known . And the Apostle Paul saith , God that made the World , and all Things therein , seeing that he is Lord of Heaven and Earth , dwelleth not in Temples made with Hands , neither is Worshipped with Mens hands , as though he needed any thing , seeing he giveth to all , Life , and Breath , and all things , and hath made of one Blood all Nations of Men , for to dwell on the Face of the Earth , &c. That they should seek the Lord , if happily they might feel after him , and find him , though he be not far from every one of us ; for in him we live , and move , and have our Being , & keywords: earth; god; heaven; temples cache: A40170.xml plain text: A40170.txt item: #13 of 40 id: A40172 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: An epistle to all planters and such who are transporting themselves into foreign plantations in America &c. date: 1682.0 words: 1246 flesch: 66 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A40172) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 44851) keywords: eebo; english; tcp; text cache: A40172.xml plain text: A40172.txt item: #14 of 40 id: A40188 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: For your whoredoms in the City of London, is the hand of the Lord stretched forth against thee, and the sword of the Lord God drawn to hew thee down ... date: 1660.0 words: 1174 flesch: 76 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A40188 of text R215499 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing F1823A). Ye chaffish mindes , the plagues of God is to confound you all . keywords: god; lord; text cache: A40188.xml plain text: A40188.txt item: #15 of 40 id: A40220 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Our covenant with God and with all men is peace and life and light and salvation date: 1660.0 words: 1603 flesch: 65 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A40220 of text R26718 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing F1871B). Title from first lines of text. keywords: god; nay; text; yea cache: A40220.xml plain text: A40220.txt item: #16 of 40 id: A40227 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, lately sent from Holland : also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents to choose out of all his dominions some cardinals, fryers, or Jesuits to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ : also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility : also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers / by George Fox. date: 1658.0 words: 42763 flesch: 49 summary: And they that set up Images , Idols , since the dayes of the Apostles , and Pictures , and crosses , and holds them up by an outward power , and Magistrates , and compels others to bow down to them , is the worship of the beast , and not the worship of God , and this I declare , in the presence of the Lord God , and all the Magistrates that be in Gods fear , they will break down your Idols and Images , and cross●s and crucifixes , and masse-houses , Schooles and Colledges , which you make Priests and Ministers in , which they that know the Ministers made by the will of God will do this ; and the exposition of the Scriptures by your Church we cannot own , which is Apostatized from the true Church , which bid the Saints keep from Idols , which all that be of the true Church are so to do ; And your Church which is run into Idols , Pictures , and Likenesses , is run into error , and is not infallible , and so you are gone from the life which gave forth the Scriptures , which Peter was in , and so run into Idols , and must have Images and likenesses to put you in mind of Christ and the Saints , And you are gon from the Spirit & the holy Ghost which they was in , which over-saw the Churches , who watched for the Souls and had the rule over the Saints , so from this Church are you apostatized & its peace , which Church is the Pillar and ground of truth , the Divel is out of the Pillar and ground of truth , he abode not in it , and all schismes & heresies they cannot disturb the peace of this Church , here comes no sword-men here ▪ nor carnal weapons , nor inquisitions , fire nor fagget , stockes and prisons , nor Idols , all such are w●thout that deceives Nations , and tells them they are a Church , which slayes the S●ints , P●ophets and Martyrs , the same nature slew Christ and his A●ostles , and Abel with their carnall weapons , for all are one out of the life and power of God , striking at creatures , wrestling against flesh and bloud in stead of striking at the power that captivates the creatures , to the intent that creatures might come to the liberty of the sons of God , now you h●ving not continued in the Apos●l●s faith , mind and spirit , but Apostatized from them , you have all lost the guide and rule as they were in , both Protestants and your selves that be out of the life and faith that the Apostles was in that led them to give forth the Scriptures , so you have been the wolves in the Sheeps clothing , destroying one another about outward things and powers , but with the power of God , and life of God , by them that are in the wisdom of God are you all judged to be out of the Kingdom of peace , which is the Kingdom of Christ fighting with carnal weapons hailing to the Goals Inquisitions , whips , stocks , houses , of correction , faggots , fires , either Protestants or Papists are you here like the Kingdom of Christ his subjects , but like Pharisees , Jewes , and Cain , apostatized from the Apostles , lost the faith , lost the unity , lost the Spirit of God which the Saints was in , which led them to give forth the Scriptures , in which is the unity which is the bond of peace , into which all that is called Christendome must come before they be one , and all the names blotted out that is amongst them given to them in the apostacy , since the dayes of the Apostles , and all their prayers is abomination that be out of that unity ; and to you that is the word of the Lord , and the Quaeries thou hast not answered , and your prayers is denyed and your peace also , for you have not abided in that which the Apostles and the Saints was in , which did oversee the Churches , but you are turned strikers , which the Apostle saith they should not be so , And the Apostle saw the comming in of the man of sin , and Christ speaks of Anti-christ and the false Prophets coming in , with their signs and lying wonders , which if it were possible , would deceive the very Elect , which John saw was come and went forth from them , and bid the Saints keep themselves from Idols , for they were them that got up Idols which went forth from the Apostles , which Apostles bid the Saints keep to the anointing in them , and they need not that any man should teach them , but as the same anointing teacheth them which is truth and no lye , and even as it had taught them , so they should continue in the Father and in the Son , and they that went forth from the Apostles , went forth from this ; and in the Revelations it is declared that all the world went after them who had the lying signes , wonders and the miracles and deceived them that dwelt upon the earth , and that has been the worship of the beast , and this has been since the dayes of the Apostles , who said some should depart from the faith which is the shield , and so made war against the Saints which was in the faith and over-came them ; but now the Devill shall be taken , and with him the beast and the false Prophets , and cast alive into the lake of fire , and Babylon the great whore confounded , and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory ; and the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the face of the earth , which is the power of God , and strike down all those that has got the words but not the power , and reach to the life and immortality , that that may come to light through the Gospel which is the power of God , and to you that is the word of God . 11. and so are not built upon the true foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and Christ Jesus , ) who being past feeling , who are gone after the vanities of your own minds like Gentiles into Idols , Ephes. 5.4 . who are the injurious Persons , as Paul was in his first estate , before conversion , when he persecuted , who never after conversion did persecute , for then he came into the life and substance of what he professed in words before , and so your fruits do shew your Church to be made up of injurious Persons , persecuting like Saul , not converted , and yet you he doting about Law and Gosple which you do not know what you affirm and speak of ; so your Church many of them through Philosophie , and rudements below are held up by the Commandments and doctrines of men , and feigned and voluntary humility which is your own , and usurped authority Jezabel-like , so hath forsaken the command of the Lord Jesus Christ and the true Church , who said keep from Idols , you have made Idols and Images that can neither hear , nor see , nor go , so your Church is to be confounded , which trusteth in Idols and Images , so not in the true Church of God , and your Church is made up of them that kill the Lord Jesus Christ , and kill the Prophets , and kills the Saints , and so fills up the wrath to the utmost which is to come upon you , and your Church is made up of such who for the love of money hath erred from the faith , and are covetous , and will sell Pardons for money ; your Church is made up of such who be given to blaspheme , and so hath lost the godliness in which the Saints increase ; but you have cankered the People with your images and pictures & idols of things below , so out of the sober state , in the malice , hatefull , out of the fruits of the true Church , but made up of such which Peter speakes of to be in Corahs , Cains , Balaams way ; so your fruits declares , and thus you are contrary to Christ and the Apostles , and true Church separated from them , and such as the Apostle declares against hath made up your Church . keywords: apostles; beast; body; bread; christ; church; dayes; doctrine; earth; faith; forth; god; hath; idols; images; life; lord; man; power; prophets; saints; scripture; set; spirit; things; thou; truth; world cache: A40227.xml plain text: A40227.txt item: #17 of 40 id: A40237 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Queries concerning tythes to the priests and bishops date: 1663.0 words: 1556 flesch: 66 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). I. WAs not Tythes to be paid to the Levites which had no Lot amongst the rest of the Tribes ? And was not the decayed Widows , and Fatherless , and Strangers , which had no Lot , to have part with the Levites in their Lot ? and so eat , and drink , and praise the Lord together , the Tythes being the Lords . II. keywords: eebo; tcp; text; tythes cache: A40237.xml plain text: A40237.txt item: #18 of 40 id: A40250 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Several papers some of them given forth by George Fox; others by Jame [sic] Nayler, minister of the eternal word of God, raised up after the long night of apostacy to direct the world, to wait for the revelation of Jesus Christ, and to turn their minds to the true light, that they may be reconciled to God; of the world is not worthy, and therefore doth hate, persecute, and whom inprison them, under the name of Quaker[s]. Gathered together and published by A. P. that the truth may be spread abroad, and deceit be discovered. Wherein the plain, honest, and sober conversation of the saints in fear and trembling, is justified, against the idle bablings of formal professors ... and of all sorts of persons, under pretence of civility. Also the priests of England, with their imaginary doctrines and worships discovered to be the grand enemies of Jesus Christ; and the true worship of God in spirit and truth made manifest. ... With a word to the people of England ... date: 1654.0 words: 16991 flesch: 71 summary: Several papers some of them given forth by George Fox; others by Jame [sic] Nayler, minister of the eternal word of God, raised up after the long night of apostacy to direct the world, to wait for the revelation of Jesus Christ, and to turn their minds to the true light, that they may be reconciled to God; of the world is not worthy, and therefore doth hate, persecute, and whom inprison them, under the name of Quaker[s]. Also the priests of England, with their imaginary doctrines and worships discovered to be the grand enemies of Jesus Christ; and the true worship of God in spirit and truth made manifest. ... keywords: christ; cor; god; hath; jesus; light; lord; man; saints; saith; sin; spirit; thee; things; thou; witness; world cache: A40250.xml plain text: A40250.txt item: #19 of 40 id: A40254 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Some queries to all the teachers and professors of Christianity to answer date: 1666.0 words: 1260 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: christians; eebo; tcp; text cache: A40254.xml plain text: A40254.txt item: #20 of 40 id: A40255 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Something concerning silent meetings date: 1657.0 words: 671 flesch: 69 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A40255 of text R26721 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing F1909A). COncerning Silent Meetings , the intent of all Speaking is to bring into the Life , and to walk in , and to possess the same , and to live and enjoy it , and to feel God's presence , and that is in the Silence , not in the wandring whirling tempest part of Man or Woman ; for there is the flock lying down at Noon-day , and feeding of the Bread of Life , and drinking at the Springs of Life when they do not speak words ; for words declaring is to bring people to it , and confessing God's goodness and love , as they are moved by the Eternal God and his Spirit , and so all the ravenous spirits that are from the witness of God in themselves , cannot be still , cannot be silent , it is a burthen to them ; so cannot keep at home in their own Houses , but are the Hunters before the Lord like Nimrod the first builder of Babel ; for God confounded them , for they went out of the stillness and quietness , and like unto the Jews that went from the Law of God , then they gadded abroad , and changed their wayes , and so did not see their salvation ; then were they like unto the Apostate Christians , who inwardly ravened from the Spirit , of God ; so is gone from the silence , and stilness , and from waiting upon God to have their strength renewed , and so are dropt into Sects , and heaps among one another , and so has the words of Christ and the Apostles , but inwardly ravened from the still life , in which is the fellowship atteined to in the still life , in the Spirit of God , in the Power of God which is the Gospel , in which is the fellowship when there is no words spoken . keywords: god; text cache: A40255.xml plain text: A40255.txt item: #21 of 40 id: A40262 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The spirit of envy, lying, and persecution made manifest for the sake of the simple hearted, that they may not be deceived by it : being an answer to a scandalous paper of John Harwoods, who in words professeth God, but in his works doth deny Him, as may appear by what is herein written / G.F. date: 1663.0 words: 8459 flesch: 42 summary: JOHN HARWOOD , first , thou sayest The truth of God among friends thou never didst d●sown . didst thou own the truth of God amongst Friends when thou acted thy uncleanness ? Thy word is never , I never disowned , sayst thou , but in the fear of the pure God , I declare it ; wast thou in the fear of God , when thou runs into uncleanness ? keywords: friends; god; hast; hath; lyes; power; self; spirit; thee; thou; truth cache: A40262.xml plain text: A40262.txt item: #22 of 40 id: A40297 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: To the flock of Christ every where to be read in their assemblies. date: 1681.0 words: 1752 flesch: 69 summary: For he that hath the Son of God , he hath Life ; and therefore keep in the Life in Christ : So that in this holy seed you all may be the Children of the Kingdom of God that stands in Righteousness and Power , and Joy in the Holy Ghost ; I say , in the Righteousness of Christ before unrighteousness was ; and in the Power of God , before the power of Satan and Dragon Was ; and in the peace of God , that passes all the Vnderstanding of the World , and was before the God of the World was ; and in the Holy Ghost , which was before the unclean Ghost got into Man and Woman . keywords: christ; god; tcp; world cache: A40297.xml plain text: A40297.txt item: #23 of 40 id: A40301 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: To the people of Uxbridge date: 1659.0 words: 1914 flesch: 65 summary: O I am weary of mine adversaries saith the Lord , I am weary of your abominations , ye have loaded the just , and pressed it as a Cart with sheaves , your hearts are gross and fat ; with your tongues , you have talked of God , but your hearts has been farre off , after your own ends : your younger children , boyes and people are full of lightness , wildeness , folly , and vanity , and envie , and mocking , scorn and derision , ( which is not a good savour in your streets ) stubborness , and untowardness , and profaneness , and wildeness , more like Esau's and Ishmaels stock , then Isaack's and Jacob's ; your old men are not sober , nor solid , nor grave , and so they are not good patterns to the younger : so ye are all more like Heathens then Christians , empty of the good , full of the forgetfulness of God , and out of his fear , as though there was no God , as though ye had never heard talk of God , nor Scripture , nor Christ ; But this saying is fulfilled , The Teachers have not profited the people at all , Jer. 23. And people , that which may be known of God is made manifest within you , which God hath shewed unto you , that when you do the thing which is not convenient , not righteous , but worthy of death , by that of God in you ye can tell ; and while your minds is reprobate from that , ye are all strangers from the life of God , and the covenant of Promise . keywords: god; light; people; text cache: A40301.xml plain text: A40301.txt item: #24 of 40 id: A40302 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: To the Pope and all his magistrates and the Protests here they and all Christendom may see the moderation of the heathen emperours to the Christians in the 650 years before there was a Pope, signified by their letters following in the behalf of the Christians liberty which will rise up in judgment against the Popes and their emperours and his magistrates and most of the Protestants, as here you may see in the reading of their declarations and the straitnesse of the orders of those called Christians now, and the largeness of the heathens then, as concerning liberty in the spirit to worship God : and also here you may see the heathen were more moderate to the Christians then the Christians, so called, are to one another : taken out of the ten persecutions. date: 1661.0 words: 6325 flesch: 30 summary: THe thing it self which in the sure and most firm Law of Nature is contained , doth give unto all men ( even as God hath ordained the same ) sufficient perseverance and understanding , both of such things as man ought to foresee , as also what things presently he ought to meditate , neither is there any thing therein to be doubted , of such which have their minds directed to the scope or work of perfect understanding ; so that the perfect comprehending of sound reason , and the perseverance thereof , be compared with the Knowledge of God , being the True and Perfect Virtue ; whereof let no wise man be troubled , although be sees divers men of divers dispositions ; for Wisdom which springeth of Virtue , cannot abide or acquaint her self with fond Idiots , unlesse that ( on the other side ) the malice of perverse litherness prolong her daies , and cause the same Idiocy to survive ; wherefore assuredly the Crown and Price of Virtue lyeth open unto all men , and the most Mighty God ordereth the judgement of the same : I undoubtedly ( as manifestly as possible is ) will endeavour my self to testifie and confess unto you , all the hope which is in me ; I think verily that the Emperours which before this time have lately been , even for their Tiranny had the Empire taken from them , and my Father onely exercising and used all meekness and lenity in his affairs , calling upon God the Father with great devotion and humility , hath been exalted to the same , and all the rest as men wanting their wits , and in comparison as savige Beasts , rather did give themselves to like cruelty , then unto any lenity and gentleness towards their Subjects , in which Tiranny every one for his time being nosuled , utterly subverted the True and Unfallible Doctrine , and so great malice was there kindled in their Breasts , that when all things were in peaceable tranquality , they made and raised most cruel and bloody intestine or civil Warrs ; it is credibly informed us , that in those dayes Apollo gave Answers , but not by any mans Mouth , but out of a certain Cave and dark place , ( saying ) that he was much disquietted by those that were the just men and livers upon the Earth , so that he could or would not for them declare a truth of such things as others demanded , and hereby it came to passe that such false divinations were given from the golden Tables in Apollo's Temple , and in this thing did his Prophetical Priest complain of , when he took up again the hair of his head that others had contemptuously cast down ? In all these things it shall be your part to employ your diligence in the behalf of the foresaid company of Christians , wherby this our commandment may speedily be accomplished , and also in this case by our clemency the common and publick peace may be preserved ; for undoubtedly by this means , as before we have said , the good will and favour of God towards us ( whereof in many cases we have had good experience ) shall alwayes continue with us ; And to the intent that this our Constitution may be notified to all men , it shall be requisite that the copy of these our Letters be set up in all places , that men may read and know the same , least any should be ignorant thereof . keywords: christians; god; man; men; pope; religion; tcp; text; things; years cache: A40302.xml plain text: A40302.txt item: #25 of 40 id: A40322 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. date: 1682.0 words: 1937 flesch: 66 summary: A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2126:20) A way to prevent the indignation and judgments of God from coming on a kingdom, nation or family commended to the consciences of all concerned. keywords: god; good; tcp; text; wine cache: A40322.xml plain text: A40322.txt item: #26 of 40 id: A47196 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A vision concerning the mischievous seperation [sic] among Friends in Old England date: 1692.0 words: 1908 flesch: 68 summary: So as I was at Prayer , the Lord answered me , That this Spirit of J. S. J. W. and their Company , were raised up for the Tryal of Friends , their standing to God ; for it was High , and Friends were Low , in the Power and Spiri● of God , and wet with Dew and sate in the Valley , and will rise when their Height will fall ; and therefore Friends are to stand to God. Dear Friends and Brethren ; IN the Lord Jesus Christ , in whom you have all Peace and Life ; and in him there is no Division , nor Schism , nor Rent , nor Strife , nor Seperation ; for Christ is not divided , and there can be no Seperation in the Light , Grace , Faith and holy Ghost , but Unity , and Fellowship , and Communion ; for the Devil was the first that went out of the Truth , and seperated fro● it , and tempted Man and Woman to disobey God , and to go from the Truth into a false Liberty , and to that which God forbad . keywords: friends; god; tcp; text cache: A47196.xml plain text: A47196.txt item: #27 of 40 id: A54059 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Some principles of the elect people of God in scorn called Quakers date: 1671.0 words: 49245 flesch: 63 summary: And such act out of his Life in the Reprobation , out of his Power and Wisdom , and out of the Election , Christ , the Seed , the second Birth , who was before the Carnal Birth was , and remains when he will be gone , unto which the Love of God is for ever , and unto whom is the Promise , which goeth over the outward Birth , and destroyes the Devil and his works , who went from Truth , and led man from God , by which the Curse , Wrath and Woe came upon Man , which Christ the Seed , brings the Blessing , and gives man to see the blessed state of all things , how they were in the beginning , and how they were blessed in the beginning ; and through Christ , Man comes up into the power , which is his Throne , where there 's Blessing and no Curse at all . Man was perfect without sin before the Fall , or else he could not have been the Image of God ; for God is pure and perfect , and he made man after his own Image pure and perfect without sin , but when he sinned he defaced his Image , and lost his pure estate , and was drove out of Paradice , and became the Image of the Devil , for sin is the Image of the Devil , and here all sin is in the Fall , and who are in the Fall are in the Devils kingdome , which is impure and impefect , and unclean ; but God promised the seed of the woman shall bruise the Serpents head , Gen. 3.15 . and Christ the seed said , he was come to preach deliverance to the captive , and to heal the broken hearted , and to seek that which was lost , and to bring again that which was driven away , and this was his work ▪ to redeem to man that which man had lost . keywords: apostles; christ; church; death; father; flesh; god; hath; heart; holy; law; life; light; lord; man; men; people; power; prophets; saith; scriptures; seed; sin; spirit; state; things; time; truth; way; witness; word cache: A54059.xml plain text: A54059.txt item: #28 of 40 id: A54195 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The preface, being a summary account of the divers dispensations of God to men from the beginning of the world to that of our present age, by the ministry and testimony of his faithful servant George Fox, as an introduction to the ensuing journal. date: 1694.0 words: 25055 flesch: 54 summary: What gratified the Lust of the Flesh , the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life which are not of the Father , but of the World ; and from thence Sprang in that Night of Darkness and Apostacy , which hath been over People , through their Degeneration from the Light and Spirit of God , these and many other vain Customs ; which are seen by the Heavenly day of Christ which dawns in the Soul , to be , either wrong in their Original , or , by Time and Abuse , Hurtful in their Practice . They felt the Divine Motions , and were frequently drawn forth , especially to visit the Publick Assemblies , to reprove , inform and exhort them , sometimes in Markets , Fairs , Streets , and by the High-way-side , calling People to Repentance , and to turn to the Lord with their Hearts as well as their Mouths ; directing them to the Light of Christ within them , to see and examine and consider their ways by , and to eschew the Evil and do the Good and Acceptable Will of God. keywords: christ; church; day; god; good; life; light; lord; love; man; men; ministry; people; power; spirit; testimony; things; thou; time; truth; way; work; world cache: A54195.xml plain text: A54195.txt item: #29 of 40 id: A60091 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A Short relation concerning the life and death of that man of God, and faithful minister of Jesus Christ, William Simpson, who laid down his body in the island of Barbadoes the eight day of the twelfth month, M DC LXX date: 1671.0 words: 5689 flesch: 58 summary: THE glorious day of God everlasting is dawned , and the light of his excellency hath shined by the glory of his heavenly virtue , through the thick clouds of darkness , which hath long been as a Vail over the hearts of the people of the Nations ; during which time the world was as a Wilderness that was untilled , and brought forth Thistles , Thorns and Briars , in stead of Corn , Wine and Oyl ; but since it hath been the good pleasure of the Lord of the whole earth , to manifest the glory of his Spirit of burning by the operation of Life , which appeareth through the Light to burn up the Briars and Thorns , and to sow his good Seed . A SHORT Relation , &c. MErciful hath the Lord been to us of this Island , beyond expression , in sending his faithful Servants amongst us time after time , early , yea , and now of late , preaching deliverance to us who were Captives , and under the region and shadow of Death , turning us from darkness to the light , and from Satans power to the power of God ; being as lights set on a Hill , publishing the acceptable year of the Lord , to the penitent , and the day of vengeance of our God on the rebellious , both within and without ; which is now fulfilled and fulfilling in this day of his power , wherin his people are a willing people , let his will be what pleaseth him ▪ here on Earth as it is in Heaven ; though there be them that do murmur at it as in the dayes of old , saying to the Lord , DEpart from us , we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes : still imagining that the Lord delays his coming , according to his promise , which is , without sin unto Salvation ; and are still pleading for the Devils work , which is sin ; although that is it which separateth from the Lord , and hindereth the will of the Lord to be done on Earth ( or whilst they are in this world ) which is , that they should be sanctified ; but let such know , that after this Life , his Will will be justly done on them whether they will or no , though now they may resist the Holy Ghost , as their Fathers did of old ; and they which are not obedient to his call and voice ( which his sheep do hear and follow ) whilst here , denying him before men , he also will deny them before his Father , and the holy Angels . keywords: day; god; hath; life; lord; man; simpson; william cache: A60091.xml plain text: A60091.txt item: #30 of 40 id: A60564 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: The Quaker disarm'd, or, A true relation of a late publick dispute held at Cambridge by three eminent Quakers against one scholar of Cambridge ; with a letter in defence of the ministry and against lay-preachers ; also several quæries proposed to the Quakers to be answered if they can. date: 1659.0 words: 11947 flesch: 81 summary: S. If Christ was man , and the H. Ghost was in the form of a Dove , then they were both seen . between 12 , and 1. a clock came this following Summons to T. S. from W. Friend , T. S. keywords: book; christ; dispute; god; hath; hereticks; man; people; persons; quakers cache: A60564.xml plain text: A60564.txt item: #31 of 40 id: A64451 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the word of God, in the city of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662 / [by] F.H. date: 1662.0 words: 11115 flesch: 44 summary: And now thou art freed from the ●empt●tions of him who had the power of death , and art freed from thy outward Enemies , who hated thee because of the Life that dwelt in thee , and remaineth at the right hand of God , where there is joy and pleasure for evermore in the everlasting Light , which thou hast often testified unto , according to the Word of Prop●esie in thy heart , which was given unto ●hee by the Holy Ghost , and art at rest in the perfection thereof , in the beauty of Holiness ; yet thy Life and thy Spirit I feel as present , and have unity with it , and in it , beyond all created and visible thing● , which are subje●t to ●utation and change ; and thy Life shall enter into other● , to testifie unto the same truth , which is from everlasting to everl●sting ; for God hath raised , and will raise up children unto Abraham , of them that have been as dead stones , whose Po●er is Almighty , great in his people in the midst of their Enemies . He was inclinable from his youth upwards , to Religion , and the best way , always minding the best things , and the best and nearest way of Worship to the Scriptures of Truth , and always did accompany the best men , who walked in godliness and honesty , insomuch I have often admired his discreet carriage , and his great understanding of the things of God : He was never known to be addicte● to any vic● or malignity , or bad behaviour , neither followed any evil course of life from his childhood , but feared the Lord , and walked uprightly according to the light and knowledge received in all things . keywords: day; god; hath; heart; life; lord; love; man; power; spirit; testimony; thee; things; thou; truth cache: A64451.xml plain text: A64451.txt item: #32 of 40 id: A70039 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Apokrypta apokalypta velata quædam revelata : some certain, hidden, or vailed spiritual verities revealed : upon occasion of various very prying and critical queries concerning God, the devil, and man, as to his body, soul, and spirit, Heaven, Hell, Judgement &c : propounded to George Fox, John Perrot, Samuel Fisher : and after that (with a complaint for want of, and stricter urgency for an answer) re-propounded to Edward Burroughs : by two persons, choosing to notifie themselves to us no other way then by these two unwonted (if not self-assumed) titles, viz. Livinus Theodorus, and Sabina Neriah : which truths (as there inspired by the spirit of God) are here expired in love to the souls of men / from ... Samuel Fisher. date: 1661.0 words: 12731 flesch: 53 summary: As to the spirit of man , which is the best , highest , and most noble of the three aforesaid , which concurs to the constituting of man in his primitive perfection , it is That breath of life , which God breathed into his soul after he had formed him ( as to his body ) of the dust of the earth , whereby he came to be a living soul ; a soul that did partake of something of God's own life ; whereby it did live in his sight ; this is that living Principle of the Divine Nature , which man did before his degeneration , and shall again after his regeneration , partake of ; in respect of which , he was , and shall be again ( as he takes heed to come into Union with it , and thereby to recover to his first estate ) called the Son of God , as Adam was before he fell ; and in respect of which he is said ( principally ) to be made after God's own Image , and to be the very Image and glory of God ; this is that incorruptible , immortal seed of God , which whoever comes to witness himself brought forth into the likeness of , is said to be born of God , to be of God , to be the child of God , that doth righteousness , and sinneth not , which who so doth is of the Devil : This is that breath of Gods own immediate breathing into man , that spark of life from him , who is the eternal Word , which was with God , and was God , in whom was the life , and his life was the light of men , which shineth in the darkness , in the dark places of their earthly hearts , who by the Fall are gone out from it into the lust , but the dark soul comprehends it not : This is that heavenly part , or spirit of man infused into him from above , which lusteth against the corrupt flesh , and against that evil spirit that hath entred into him , that lusteth to envy : This is that which mounts upward , and strengthens such souls as stay by it to mount upward with wings as Eagles , towards him from whom it comes , while the earthly part both tends and draws the soul downward , so that in respect of that spirit of man it may be most truly said of God in his first making of Man , Os homini sublime dedit , coelumque videre . And as for the Great Day , and the Judgement thereof , It is the Light of the Lord , ( for the Light he called Day , and the Darkness he called Night ) and the Judgement that the said Light layeth to the Line , and to the Plummet , in every Creature that hates and rebels against the Light , which ministers condemnation on the Transgressor , and reveals from God nothing but Vengeance , Tribulation , Wrath , and Anguish , Perplexity and Disappointment , Wo , Cursing , and vexation of spirit on every evil spirit , and on every soul of man that is found in evil doing ; the Eternal Judgement of which day of the Lord , is over all the Oaks of Bashan , and Cedars of Lebanon , and pleasant Pictures , and fenced Towers , and high Walls , and all mans glory and pomp , which Hell now opens her mouth wide to receive & over every one , and every thing that is high and lifted up ; and there can be no declining the Judgement of it so , but that ( to versifie to you back again in your own way of Latine Rime , wherein ye conclude your Queries , and keywords: answer; body; glory; god; hath; life; light; lord; man; men; query; self; soul; spirit; things; truth cache: A70039.xml plain text: A70039.txt item: #33 of 40 id: A84791 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: How Gods people are not to take the names of the heathen gods in their mouths, nor follow their customs nor learn their waies, &c. date: 1687.0 words: 2120 flesch: 73 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172623) keywords: gods; heathen; names; tcp; text cache: A84791.xml plain text: A84791.txt item: #34 of 40 id: A84803 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A paper to Friends, and others, against the pomps of the world, followed and used by many tradesmen in their vocations, contrary unto many of their suerties [sic] promises and vows. date: None words: 1851 flesch: 72 summary: FRIENDS , stand in the Eternal Power of God , Witnesses for the Eternal God against the Devil and his Works , and the World , and the Lusts , and Pomps , and Vanities of the World , which World the Devil is God of . But such Tradesmen that stand as witnesses in the Power and Truth of God , against such Pomps , Lusts and Vanities of the World , cannot fulfill the peoples minds , in them : And therefore they are offended at them . keywords: god; pomps; world cache: A84803.xml plain text: A84803.txt item: #35 of 40 id: A84811 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A short epistle to Friends to keep in the power of God in their peaceable habitations over the troubles of the world. date: 1678.0 words: 2541 flesch: 61 summary: And therefore all feel the Hand that hath brought you out of spiritual Egypt where Christ hath been crucified , to Christ , and in his new Covenant of Light and Life , as the Jews were brought out of Egypt in the old Covenant , which Christ hath abolished , and makes all things new ; so that all may be grounded on him who was the Foundation of all the holy Prophets and Apostles , and of all the holy men of God to this day . And this Stone which becomes a great Mountain , and sets up a Kingdom which shall never have an end , Is not this the Kingdom of Christ , which Christ saith , Except a man be born again he can neither see the Kingdom of God nor enter into it ? keywords: christ; god; power; tcp; text cache: A84811.xml plain text: A84811.txt item: #36 of 40 id: A84812 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Something by way of query to the bishops courts, which we the people of God, called Quakers, never yet received an answer to. date: 1671.0 words: 1931 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A84812) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172626) keywords: eebo; god; sheep; tcp; text cache: A84812.xml plain text: A84812.txt item: #37 of 40 id: A84814 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Surely the magistrates of Nottingham are blinde ... date: 1659.0 words: 1202 flesch: 66 summary: Have you not lost your understanding ? are you not blind that cannot distinguish writings , weh is Scriptures , from Christ , & God , but put them in their place ? Surely you are far off from spiritual things , while you do not understand natural things , have you not read that John saith in the beginning was the Word , and was writings in the beginning ? you want the Word to give you an understanding to know a fulfiller , and that which is to be fulfilled ; a fulfiller is the Word , and that which is to be fulfilled is the words and outward types and figures and changeable things : So who is in the Word , he is in the unchangable which was in the beginning , in whom the Scriptures end , Christ , and the just mens spirits both ; so the Word is called the word of Reconciliation , but he doth not call the Scriptures so , but the scriptures are called a declaration , and in many places called words , which are to be fulfilled and cannot be broken , and this is the cause that all Christendom is on heaps about scriptures , they wanting the Word that doth fulfill them , to reconcile unto them , and unto God , and unto them that gave them forth ; So are not the babes born again by the immortal Seed , the Word of God ; but you remain in the mortal , where the jars and strifes are about words , the things of God not being known by natural men . 2007-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2007-09 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2007-10 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread 2007-10 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion SUrely the Magistrates of Nottingham are blinde as though they had never read Scriptures , have they cast a man into prison for saying The Scriptures wer● not the Living Word ? keywords: god; scriptures; word cache: A84814.xml plain text: A84814.txt item: #38 of 40 id: A84830 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Truth's defence against the refined subtilty of the serpent held forth in divers answers to severall queries made by men (called ministers) in the North. Given forth by the light and power of God appearing in George Fox and Richard Hubberthorn date: 1653.0 words: 50810 flesch: 55 summary: No Prayers can we send to thee , but for thy destruction , thou man of sin , and Enemy of Christ ; whereas thou dost accuse us of erring , not knowing the Scriptures , here thou hast taken Christs words not knowing him nor the Scripture , and wrests them all along , as thou hast discovered it , so thou makest thy self a Lyar and a Thief , taking Christs words and accusing others with them who live in the life of them , for Christ spoke that Scripture as touching the Resurrection , which thou wouldst have turned into a Poynt , therefore to thee that Scripture belongs , that thou errest not knowing them , nor the power of God , Matth. 22. 29. as thou hast made it plainly appear : And thou bringest another Scripture as concerning Philip , thou sayst he took a Text to treat upon , and here I charge thee to add to his words , Philip did shew forth Christ which was the substance , he finding him riding in his Chariot ; and thou Beast dost wrest this Scripture and pervert it , and so takest a place of Scripture and rais●st Doctrines , Poynts and Uses , as thou callest them , and what thou conceivest and imaginest of it , and so sellest it for money , and so makest an hours talk of it , and art in one of these Text a moneth , or more , and speakest thine own inventions of it . Whereas thou goest about to maintain the singing of Davids Psalms in a Meeter , and that the Apostles did so , and went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter , which David sayth , The dead cannot prayse the Lord ; here I charge thee in the presence of the Almighty God to be a perverter of Scriptures and of the Apostles words , and Davids words ; and dost bring in a consequence to bring them into the same carnal invencion that thou art in , and wouldst make them like thy self : and thou bringest a Scripture Matth. 28. 20. that the Apostles went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter ; there is not a word in the Scripture that Christ sent his Apostles into the world to give them Davids Psalms to sing in Meeter , here thou accusest Christ , and wouldst make him like thy self , and wouldst make the Apostles like thy self ; here again I charge thee to be a wrester and a perverter of the Scriptures : thou speakest of Paul and Silas singing , and them thou dost bring to confirm thy going into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms in a Meeter ; here thou hast shewed forth thy blindness , sottishness , and ignorance ; Paul and Silas when they sung prayses to God they were in Prison , which condicion thou never knewest ▪ and another Scripture thou bringest concerning Christ and his Disciples , when they did sing an Hymn , which thou art ignorant of , but art in the Generacion of the Pharises and Priests that ●ought to put him to death , who hath gotten the form of his words , therefore as Amos sayth , The songs of the Temple shall be turned into houling , Amos 8. thy songs and all your songs : another Scripture thou bringest in the Ephesians and Colossians , to maintain thy beastly end , of going into the world , who are ignorant , and live in darkness , and giving them Davids Psalms in a Meeter contrary to all the Scripture , and the practise of all the Saints , and wouldst compare the Church who are gathered out of the world , the Saints , to be like the world , and thy beastly worship , who sung with the spirit , and with understanding , and with grace , making melody to the Lord in their hearts , 1 Cor. keywords: answ; apostles; christ; forth; god; hast; hath; iohn; light; lord; man; minde; people; query; scripture; scripture thou; self; spirit; thee; thou; thou art; thou dost; thou enemy; thou sayst; thy; truth; witness; world cache: A84830.xml plain text: A84830.txt item: #39 of 40 id: A84836 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: A vvarning to all in this proud city called London to call them to repentance least the wrath of the Lord break out against them; this is the day of your visitation if you will own it. date: 1654.0 words: 1080 flesch: 72 summary: VVO unto thee O London , ( so called by name ) who hast made a profession of Christ ; but hast cleared thy self from Christ , who lives in the affections of lusts , for who are Christs have Crucified the flesh , with the affections and lusts ; your pride stinks before the Lord , your glory and renown must wither : plagues , wo and misery , and vengeance from God , is coming upon you all , you proud and lofty ones , who have been the Adversaries of God , your profession stinks before the Lord , pride and hardheartedness abounds , cruelty and oppression grows & abounds in your Streets , and such are you that would know meanings to the Scriptures , and cries for meanings , meanings , and which lives in your conceivings , which must be scattered from the Lord God , and from the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , for you have here cleared your selves from the life which was in them which gave forth the Scriptures , for the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , hews down pride and oppression , and envious ones , and lusts hardheartedness , which thy streets are ful of : And O London thou art full of Inventions , and full of Images and Image-makers , Pictures , glassed hoods , vails , and round atire like the Moon ; let the Life which gave forth the Scriptures search thee , and Judg thee , and bring thee under Conedmnation , for these things art thou guilty of , O how doth all excess abound , and pride and lusts , and filthiness , which stinks before the Lord God , and the smell of it is come up amongst his children , Plagues , plagues , plagues , is to be poured upon thee ; how beautiful art thou in thy colours , and in thy changeable suits of Apparrel , and thy dainty dishes , Dives like , who was turned into Hell ; the Life which gave forth the Scriptures , shall Judg thee Eternally , and the Life it lyes upon thee Judging thee : Over all the heads of the wicked , heads of the oppressors , heads of the proud , the Devil is King ; wo is pronounced from the Life of God upon thee , who hath drawn out his Sword , to hew thee to peices , and to thresh thee ; to scatter you all as chaff with the wind , to burn you as stubble with the fire , The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it ; this is the portion of all the wicked . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84836 of text R211903 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.17[82]). keywords: lord; text; thee cache: A84836.xml plain text: A84836.txt item: #40 of 40 id: A91777 author: Fox, George, 1624-1691. title: Hidden things brought to light, or, The discord of the grand Quakers among themselves discovered in some letters, papers and passages written to and from George Fox, James Nayler, and John Perrott : wherein may be seen the cause and ground of their differences and falling out and what manner of spirit moved and acted each of them. date: 1678.0 words: 1307 flesch: 78 summary: l. 35. f. boiled r. bolted , p. 13. l. 10. r. name ; p. 17. keywords: tcp cache: A91777.xml plain text: A91777.txt