item: #1 of 29 id: A01341 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Davids hainous sinne. Heartie repentance. Heavie punishment. By Thomas Fuller Master of Arts of Sidnye Colledge in Cambridge date: 1631.0 words: 9639 flesch: 73 summary: ●●ant is the cause , from which co●●●mpt proceeds : 〈◊〉 meanes were in the meane , and that 's the best . 52 Amongst the rest , that came the King to meete , Lam●-●egd Mephibosheth , but loyall hearted , Was one , that never washt his cloaths , or ●eete ( Except with teares ) since David first departed ▪ Feete , which by fall from nur●e● armes began To halt , with him a child ▪ so fast she ran , That he could never goe , when growne a man ▪ 53. keywords: a01341; againe; age; arts; bad; bee; behold; best; better; blood; body; books; breake; brother; cambridge; cause; characters; child; command; court; cruell; david; day; death; desire; doe; doth; dye; early; earth; eebo; encoding; end; english; exchange; eyes; face; fame; fast; fathers; fire; flesh; foes; friends; fuller; god; gods; goe; golden; good; grace; great; griefe; ground; growne; hainous; halfe; hands; happy; hath; head; heart; heavenly; heavie; hee; high; himselfe; home; images; infant; ioab; king; land; large; length; life; light; like; little; long; lord; love; lust; man; meate; men; minde; mount; muse; nature; ne're; nigh; online; owne; oxford; page; partnership; phase; place; prayers; prince; project; punishment; repentance; request; rest; seeme; set; sheepe; sinnes; slaine; sonne; sore; soule; soveraigne; speed; strong; subject; sun; sure; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; vpon; vriah; wanton; water; wine; words; xml; yea; ● e; ● o; ● ● cache: A01341.xml plain text: A01341.txt item: #2 of 29 id: A01344 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Ioseph's partie-colored coat containing, a comment on part of the 11. chapter of the 1. epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians : together with severall sermons, namely, [brace] 1. Growth in grace, 2. How farre examples may be followed, 3. An ill match well broken off, 4. Good from bad friends, 5. A glasse for gluttons, 6. How farre grace may be entayled, 7. A christning sermon, 8. Faction confuted / by T.F. date: 1640.0 words: 42781 flesch: 72 summary: For the Prophecie came not in old time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost . Secondly , the Regenerate , but guilty of some sinnes unrepented of , who eate unworthily till they have sued out a speciall pardon out of the Court of Heaven . Come wee now to the sinfulnesse of the sin : shall bee guilty of the body and blood of the Lord ; that is , they are offenders in the same forme with Iudas and the Iewes , guilty of shedding the blood , and wounding the body of Christ : For as those that deface the stamp , or abuse the Seale of a King , are entituled to be traytors , so the unworthy receivers of these elements , which personate & represent Christs body , are interpreted to sin against the body of Christ it selfe : Some Protestants have by Gods Providence escaped in their persons , and yet the papists to manifest their spite have burned their pictures at a stake ; Christs person is shot-free from any mans malice , out of the reach of your cruelty , sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven ; as for his Picture , it is with us in the Sacraments , and unworthy Receivers shew to the shaddow , what they would doe to the substance if it were in their power , they push as farre as their short hornes will give them leave . keywords: able; abraham; abuse; account; act; actions; affections; againe; age; alwayes; answ; answer; apollo; apostle; appeares; arguments; bad; beauty; bee; behold; beleeve; best; better; betwixt; blessing; blood; body; bread; breake; brethren; broken; brother; calling; cast; cause; cephas; charity; children; christ; christian; church; churches; comment; committed; common; communion; company; conceive; confesse; conscience; constant; corinthians; corruption; counsell; countrey; cruelty; cup; custome; dangerous; david; day; dead; death; desire; devill; disease; div; divisions; doct; doctrine; doe; dost; doth; double; drinke; drunkennesse; earth; eating; elisha; english; examples; excellent; eyes; fall; false; farre; father; fault; favour; feare; feasts; fire; fit; flesh; fold; force; forth; fountaine; foure; friends; generall; glory; gluttony; god; gods; goe; gold; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; growne; growth; guilty; hand; hard; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hee; heed; hell; heresies; heretikes; high; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; house; hungry; husband; ill; increase; institution; iohn; iordan; judgement; keepe; kind; king; know; knowledge; labour; law; learne; learning; leave; left; lesse; lest; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; looke; lord; love; manner; mans; marke; match; matter; meane; measure; meat; mee; memory; men; mens; ministers; mother; mouth; naaman; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; notes; notice; number; object; observe; occasion; old; onely; opinion; ordinance; outward; owne; papists; pardon; parents; particular; parts; passe; pastors; paul; people; perchance; persecution; person; perswasion; peter; piety; pious; place; plaine; play; pleasure; poore; power; practise; prayers; prayse; present; pride; priest; publike; punishment; quest; reason; receiving; religion; remembrance; repentance; respect; rest; returne; rich; roman; rule; sacrament; saint; saith; sam; saviour; scripture; second; selves; sense; sermons; servants; service; set; shee; shew; sicknesse; simplicity; sinne; sins; sort; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; strong; substance; supper; text; thee; thereunto; things; thinke; thomas; thou; thy; time; tongue; traditions; true; truth; turne; understanding; unworthy; verse; vertue; vse; want; water; way; weake; wee; whereof; wicked; wife; wil; wine; wise; words; worke; world; worthinesse; worthy; yea; yeares; yee cache: A01344.xml plain text: A01344.txt item: #3 of 29 id: A33775 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Daily devotions, or, The Christians morning and evening sacrifice digested into prayers and meditations, for every day in the week, and other occasions : with some short directions for a godly life / by John Colet ... date: 1684.0 words: 59586 flesch: 58 summary: Now therefore I bow the knees of my heart , beseeching thee for Grace : I have sinned , O Lord , I have sinned , and I acknowledge my wickedness , desiring thee by Prayer to forgive me : O Lord forgive me , & destroy me not with mine iniquities , neither do thou always remember mine evils to punish them , but save me that am unworthy , according to thy great mercies : And I most humbly beseech thee , O Lord , not to suffer my soul to perish , which Thou hast bought so dearly with thy most precious Blood , & make me poor in Spirit and low of Heart , submitting me wholly into thy hands : so as my desire and my delight may be always to thy will and pleasure , which is always good and godly : and grant my poor soul rest in thee ; for thou hast said , They shall never be confounded that put their trust in thee : which trust , good Lord , grant me never to forsake for any vain trust , temptation or tribulation that may happen to vex my soul ; but grant me thy holy Spirit to comfort and defend me from all things that should procure thy displeasure : Suffer me not , O Lord , to despair , or to think that thou dealest unjustly with me ; but say , Shall I receive Prosperity at the LORD's hands , and not be con●ent with adversity ? and always to think upon this , Happy are they whom thou ●ost punish ; for though thou makest a wound , Thou also givest a plaster ; though Thou smitest , thy hand maketh whole again : Mine iniquities are great , be thou merciful unto my wickedness ; O deliver me from thine anger , and press me not further than I shall be able to bear ; but now 〈◊〉 acknowledge that whatsoever trouble thou hast sent me , or wilt lay upon me , is either for the punishment of mine iniquities , or for the tryal of my Constancy ; I may with repentant David , find remission of my sins ; and with patient Job , release of mine adversity , and obtain such favour in thy sight , that I may so pass this life , that I may afterwards live with thee in thy eternal Glory : grant this O● most loving Father , for thy dear Son's sake Jesus Christ ; to whom with the holy Ghost , be all Honour and Glory , for ever and ever . keywords: affections; almighty; assured; beginning; behold; benefits; beseech; better; blessed; blood; body; calling; care; cause; charity; children; christ; christ thy; comfort; commandments; confess; confidence; conscience; continual; corruption; cross; cry; daily; darkness; day; days; dear; death; delight; desire; destruction; direct; displeasure; divine; dost; doth; duty; dwell; earth; end; enemies; enemy; eternal; eternal god; evening; everlasting; evil; eyes; face; faith; faithful; fall; far; father; favour; fear; feet; flesh; free; ghost; gifts; glorious; glory; god; godly; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gracious; gracious god; grant; great; guide; hands; happiness; hast; hath; health; heart; heavenly; help; high; holy; holy spirit; honour; hope; house; humble; increase; infinite; iniquity; jesus; jesus christ; joy; judge; judgment; kindness; kingdom; knowest; knowledge; law; life; lighten; lips; long; lord god; lord jesus; lord thy; love; loving; majesty; man; means; men; mercies; merciful; merciful god; mercy; merits; mind; miserable; misery; morning; mouth; nature; new; night; o dear; o father; o god; o holy; o jesus; o lord; offences; open; pardon; passion; patience; peace; perfect; pity; pleased; pleasure; poor; power; praise; prayer; precious; presence; present; promised; psalm; ready; reason; redeemer; rejoyce; remembrance; repentance; rest; righteousness; sacred; sacrifice; saints; sake; salvation; satan; saviour; self; servant; set; shadow; sick; sin; sinful; sinner; sins; sleep; son; sorrow; soul; speak; spirit; spiritual; strength; sweet; sweet lord; thanks; thanksgiving; thee; thee o; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou god; thou lord; thou o; thou wilt; thoughts; thy; thy god; thy goodness; thy holy; thy son; time; trouble; true; trust; truth; understanding; unto; unworthy; vain; vanity; voice; vouchsafe; walk; way; ways; weak; whatsoever; whereof; wickedness; wilt; wisdom; works; world; worthy; yea cache: A33775.xml plain text: A33775.txt item: #4 of 29 id: A40647 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: An alarum to the counties of England and Wales with the oath of abjuration for ever to be abjur'd, or the sad malady and sole remedy of England / by a lover of his native countrey. date: 1660.0 words: 2874 flesch: 68 summary: Indeed it is miraculous , that our Nation hath subsisted so long , and few there are that would believe that the whole Candle of our English wealth could last so long , as we have beheld it burning in the Socket , but now giving the last blaze , if God be not mercifull , and men discreet to prevent it . Our Land hath lately groaned under the most grievous Monopoly as ever was or can be , when a handfull of men have grasped to themselvs the representing of a whole ( not to say 3 ) keywords: a40647; abjur'd; abjuration; alarum; books; consciences; counties; countrey; early; england; english; estates; free; fuller; general; god; great; hath; having; malady; man; men; moderation; nation; native; oath; parliament; power; remedy; sad; sole; taxes; text; thomas; wales; wing; worke cache: A40647.xml plain text: A40647.txt item: #5 of 29 id: A40648 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Andronicus, or, The vnfortunate politician shewing sin stoutly punished, right surely rescued / by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1646.0 words: 22555 flesch: 72 summary: First , Maria Caesarissa , and her husband ( whether it was Conscience or Manners , not to part man and wife : ) And because Andronicus durst not , for feare of the People , bringe them to publick death , their Physitian was brib'd with Gold , which he conceived cordiall for himselfe ; And thereupon he did quickly purge out both theire Soules by Poyson , ( an unsuspected way , ) which robs men of their lives , and yet never bids them to stand . This being one base humour of Andronicus , ( unworthy Civility and Christianity ) to breake iests on men in miserie , just as they were to dye . keywords: actions; active; affections; age; alexius; andronicus; anna; army; bare; base; basilius; bee; best; better; bloud; body; book; bored; bow; caesarissa; case; character; childe; church; city; combination; command; comnenus; conceiving; condition; conscience; constantinople; court; credit; crowne; cruell; cruelty; cunning; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; doe; dom; doth; earth; effect; emperour; empire; empresse; enemies; english; evill; execution; eyes; face; farre; father; favour; feare; fire; fit; fortune; friends; fuller; fury; future; generall; god; goe; good; great; greater; greatnesse; grecian; halfe; hands; happinesse; hath; head; heart; heaven; hee; high; himselfe; history; home; honour; husband; innocence; intended; isaacius; judgement; justice; king; know; land; language; lapardas; late; lesse; life; like; lives; living; long; lords; love; low; mamalus; man; manuel; maria; marriage; matters; mee; men; mens; miserable; mother; names; nature; need; new; non; old; onely; open; oration; owne; passages; passion; past; patriark; people; persons; place; pleasure; poore; posterity; power; present; pride; prince; principall; private; protosebastus; quiet; read; reader; rest; revenge; right; roman; safety; second; service; set; severall; shee; shewing; short; sonne; souldiers; soule; speake; speech; speed; state; stephanus; string; subjects; successe; temper; temporall; text; thee; theodorus; things; thou; time; torment; treason; true; trypsycus; tyrant; violent; want; water; way; wealth; wee; wife; worke; world; xene; yeares; young; youth cache: A40648.xml plain text: A40648.txt item: #6 of 29 id: A40652 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: The best name on earth together with severall other sermons / lately preached at St. Brides and in other places by T. Fuller. date: 1659.0 words: 17960 flesch: 63 summary: I answer , The name of Iesus which signifies a Saviour , is not of so transitive a nature as the word Christ is , nor can it be so properly applyed to men , without some suspition of blasphemy , and confining thereupon ; Iesus importeth a Saviour , Christ importeth anointed ; now every servant of God cannot be termed a Saviour , but may properly be called a Christ , and an anointed . 3. Let us not busy our brains so much to know how Originall sinne came into us , as labour with our heart to know how it should be got out of us ; but the worst is , most men are sick of the Rickets in the soul , their heads swell to a vast proportion , puft up with the emptinesse of airy speculations , whilst their leggs and lower parts do wast and consume , their practicall parts do decay , none more lazy to serve God in their lives and conversations : and here the better to ballace both mine and your judgements aganinst all blasts and billowes of private opinions , hearken to the resolution of the Church of England , as she hath delivered her self in the article which is the ninth in number , and beareth the title of originall or birth-sin : originall sin standeth not in the following of Adam , as the Pelagians do vainly talk , but it is the fault and corruption of every man , which naturally is ingendred of the of-spring of Adam , whereby man is very far gone from originall righteousnesse , and is of his own nature inclined to evil , so that the flesh lusteth alwayes against the spirit ; therefore in every person born into the world it deserveth Gods wrath and damnation : and that this infection of nature doth remain , yea in them that are regenerate , whereby the lust of the flesh called in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which some do expound the wisdome , and some sensuality , some the affection , some the desires of the flesh , is not subject to the law of God ; and although there be no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized , yet the Apostle doth confesse that concupiscence and lust hath of it self the nature of sinne . keywords: account; acts; adam; answer; antioch; backward; bad; benefit; best; better; body; books; cause; children; christ; christians; church; citie; city; comes; common; condition; confesse; consent; consult; corruption; councel; cruelty; david; day; dead; death; disciples; discourse; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; egypt; english; false; father; fear; flesh; fuller; god; gods; good; great; greater; guilty; hath; heart; heaven; holy; house; husband; ierusalem; iesus; israel; judge; justice; land; law; levite; life; like; little; lives; london; lord; love; lust; man; mankind; men; mind; mother; murther; names; nature; old; onely; order; originall; papists; parents; parts; paul; people; person; places; power; present; private; protestants; punishment; question; reason; religion; return; right; righteousnesse; rome; saints; saith; saviour; scripture; second; secrets; self; selves; sentence; sermons; servants; set; severall; shame; shee; sinne; soul; spirit; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thy; time; trinity; true; truth; use; want; way; wee; whereof; wicked; wife; women; word; work; worst; wrath; yea cache: A40652.xml plain text: A40652.txt item: #7 of 29 id: A40653 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: The cause and cure of a vvounded conscience by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1647.0 words: 22430 flesch: 79 summary: Y●…s , to teach us to pitty and pray for those that have afflicted Consciences , not like the wicked , * who persecute those whom God hath smitten , and talke to the griefe of such whom he hath wounded . In all other afflictions , man encountreth only with man , and in the worst temptations , only with Sathan , but in a wounded Conscience , he enters the Lists immediately with God himselfe . keywords: affliction; againe; agony; alwayes; answers; behold; best; better; betwixt; body; bound; broken; canst; cause; children; christ; comfort; comfortable; comming; committed; committing; company; conceive; condition; confesse; conscience; consolation; conversion; counsell; cure; daily; dangerous; david; day; dayes; death; despaire; dialogue; difference; disease; doe; dost; doth; english; evill; eyes; faith; fall; father; favour; feare; feet; free; fuller; future; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; great; greater; griefe; guilty; hand; happy; hard; hath; heart; heaven; hell; himselfe; hitherto; hold; honour; humbled; issue; judgement; kings; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; malady; man; manner; mans; mat; meanes; men; mercy; mind; minister; mouth; nature; need; new; objections; order; owne; paine; pardon; party; patient; paul; people; perchance; person; phil; place; pleased; pleasure; possible; power; prayers; present; principall; proceed; promises; psal; reason; repentance; salvation; sathan; scripture; second; seeke; selfe; servants; set; sick; sight; sinnes; sins; sir; sonne; sorrow; soule; spirit; spirituall; stone; subject; temptation; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; tim; time; troubled; true; use; vowes; water; way; whereof; wicked; words; worke; world; wounded; wounded conscience; yea cache: A40653.xml plain text: A40653.txt item: #8 of 29 id: A40656 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A collection of sermons ... together with Notes upon Jonah / by Thomas Fuller. date: None words: 26900 flesch: 74 summary: 1. Come we now to confute those flammes , which the world , the flesh and the Devill , commonly suggest to men to deter them , or at the least to detaine them from giving their hearts to God. Thus men suspect that the giving of their hearts to God will marre their mirth , and destroy their delight for the time to come , whereas on the contrary , it is the onely way , for the continuance , increase , and improvement thereof . keywords: able; act; actions; age; answer; bad; bed; best; better; betwixt; blessed; blood; body; books; brother; carnall; case; centurion; charity; children; christ; christian; church; city; comfort; command; commission; common; company; contrary; cry; danger; david; day; dayes; dead; death; deed; desire; devil; disciples; doctrine; doe; doth; early; earth; eebo; english; eyes; face; farre; father; fault; favour; flesh; fuller; generall; gift; glory; god; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; grant; great; greater; guilty; hand; happinesse; hath; heart; heaven; high; himselfe; holy; hope; humility; iohn; israel; jewes; john; jonah; king; large; life; light; like; little; london; long; look; lord; luke; making; man; manner; mans; mariners; mark; master; mat; matters; men; mens; miracles; morning; moses; motion; nature; new; notes; objection; old; onely; order; originall; outward; owne; pardon; particular; party; past; paul; penitent; people; perchance; persons; peter; piety; place; pleased; point; power; prayers; preaching; presence; present; proper; prophet; proud; prov; psal; purpose; reasons; repentance; respect; rest; saint; saith; saviour; scripture; sea; second; selves; sermon; servants; service; set; ship; short; sinnes; sins; solomon; son; sorrow; soule; spirituall; stafford; subject; sufferings; sun; sure; sword; tcp; teares; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; true; use; ver; verse; want; water; way; wealth; weeping; whereof; wicked; wickednesse; winde; words; work; world; worth; yea; young; youth; youthfull cache: A40656.xml plain text: A40656.txt item: #9 of 29 id: A40658 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Two sermons the first, Comfort in calamitie, teaching to live well, the other, The grand assizes, minding to dye well / by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1654.0 words: 52725 flesch: 69 summary: 107 ▪ ●ere hungry and thirsty , their s●ul fainted in them : H● was clothed in purple and fine linnen , whilest the Godly wander up and down in sheep skins ; and well may they wear their skins without them , that carry their innocency within them ; and the reason thereof is , Because judgement begins at the house of the Lord , whilst the wicked have their portion in this world . henc● commeth it to p●sse , when they returne , it is justly questionable , whether their Clothes be disguised with more foolish fashions , or bodies disabled with more loathsome Diseases , or souls defiled with more notorious vices ; having learned Jealousie from the Italian , Pride from the Spaniard , Lasciviousness● from the ●rench , Drunkennesse from the D●tch ; and yet what need they go so farre to learn so bad a lesson , when ( God knows ) w● have too many Schooles , where it is taught here at home . keywords: able; abraham; account; actions; acts; adde; affliction; againe; age; aged; altar; alwayes; ancient; angry; answer; appeare; assizes; bad; barley; base; behold; best; bethlehem; better; betwixt; blessed; blessing; blood; boaz; body; bookes; bread; brethren; broken; brother; calamitie; calling; canaan; care; carefull; cast; cause; charitie; chickens; children; chilion; christ; christian; church; citie; comfort; command; comment; commeth; common; companie; condemne; condition; confesse; confute; conscience; constant; content; contrarie; corne; counsell; country; court; courtesies; creatures; credit; custome; d ●; danger; daughters; david; day; dayes; dead; death; deeds; defence; depart; desire; discourse; doctrine; doe; doth; double; doubt; dutie; dutifull; earth; eebo; elimelech; end; endeavours; enemies; english; estate; evill; example; exod; expresse; expression; eyes; faithfull; fall; false; family; famine; farre; father; favour; feare; field; fire; flesh; forth; foundations; free; friends; fuller; gen; generall; gleane; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; gold; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; gracious; grand; great; greater; greatest; hand; happie; hard; harvest; hath; having; hearts; heathen; heaven; helpe; high; himselfe; holy; home; honour; hope; house; husband; iacob; idolatrous; iewes; integritie; intent; iohn; ioseph; israel; journey; judgement; justice; keepe; kinde; kindnesse; kindred; king; know; knowledge; knowne; labour; land; language; law; lawfull; learne; leave; left; length; lesse; let; life; light; like; little; live; living; london; long; looke; lord; love; luke; m ●; maidens; man; manner; mans; marke; marriage; masters; math; matter; meane; meaning; measure; meat; men; mens; mention; mercie; moab; morning; moses; mother; mouth; names; naomi; naomies; nature; necessarie; need; neere; new; noble; notice; o ●; objection; observation; occasion; old; onely; ordinarie; orpah; outward; owne; pagans; papists; parents; particular; parts; past; paul; people; persons; peter; pietie; place; pleased; plenty; point; poore; possible; power; practice; pray; prayer; present; proceedings; promise; proportion; providence; psal; psalme; punishment; purgatorie; purpose; question; readie; reapers; reason; relation; religion; resolution; respect; rest; returne; reward; rich; righteous; rule; ruth; sad; saints; saith; salvation; sam; saviour; scripture; second; selves; sense; sermons; servants; set; sheaves; shew; shewed; short; silence; sinnes; small; solomon; sonne; soule; sound; speake; spirit; stand; stranger; strength; suffer; sure; taking; tarry; tcp; temple; text; th ●; thankfull; thee; thereunto; thine; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; thy; time; touch; true; trust; tryed; vers; vertues; vse; want; water; way; wealth; weight; whereof; whilest; white; wi ●; wicked; widows; wife; wings; wisdome; wise; witnesse; wives; women; words; worke; world; worthy; wrong; yea; yeares; young; ● e; ● h; ● n; ● t; ● ● cache: A40658.xml plain text: A40658.txt item: #10 of 29 id: A40659 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A comment on the eleven first verses of the fourth chapter of S. Matthew's Gospel concerning Christs temptations delivered in XII sermons at St. Clements, Eastcheap, London / by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1652.0 words: 28910 flesch: 75 summary: Seeing Satan must needs know already that Christ was the Son of God , why would he adventure on a labour in vaine , seeing it was impossible to make him sin ? Now Satan must needs know that Christ was the Son of God , by what he had seen and heard ; He had heard Gabriels salutation to the Virgin Mary ( Luk. 1.35 . ) keywords: act; acts; advantage; angels; answ; answer; attendance; bad; best; better; betwixt; bodies; body; bread; calling; cast; cause; chapter; children; christ; christians; church; city; cometh; comfort; command; comment; commission; common; conceive; consent; contrary; cor; country; daily; danger; dangerous; david; day; days; death; devil; div; divine; doct; doth; earth; end; english; eye; eyes; face; fall; fasting; father; fear; feet; fire; flesh; food; foot; fourth; fuller; gen; general; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; head; heart; heaven; height; hell; high; holiness; holy; honour; hope; house; hunger; hungry; iacob; idolatry; ierusalem; iesus; ill; ioh; kinde; king; knowledge; law; leave; left; life; like; little; london; long; look; lord; love; luke; lye; making; manner; mans; mark; master; matth; matthew; mean; meat; men; miracle; moses; mountain; natural; nature; necessary; new; non; notes; object; old; onely; order; original; outward; papists; particular; paul; people; person; pinacle; place; poor; popish; posture; power; practice; prayer; preaching; precept; present; presumption; prince; principal; promises; protection; psal; quest; reason; religious; return; rev; roman; saint; saith; salvation; sam; satan; saviour; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; sermon; servants; shame; sight; sin; sins; son; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; stone; strength; success; temple; temporal; temptation; tempting; testament; text; thee; thereunto; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; truth; use; vanity; verse; water; ways; wealth; whereof; wicked; wife; wilderness; wine; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worship; worst; yea; ● ● cache: A40659.xml plain text: A40659.txt item: #11 of 29 id: A40662 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in bad times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, historicall applications, mixt contemplations / by Thomas Fuller. date: 1645.0 words: 15609 flesch: 83 summary: Lord , THe Apostle saith to the * Corinthians , God will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able . Lord , AT the first * Passeover , God kept touch with the Hebrews very Punctually : At the end of the four hundred and thirty yeers , in the self same day it came to passe , that all the Hosts of the Lord went out of the Land of Egypt . keywords: able; advantage; alwayes; apostle; applications; bad; badnesse; best; better; betwixt; blood; book; cause; child; children; christ; church; contemplations; daily; david; day; dayes; death; desire; devill; devotions; difference; doth; english; farre; father; fear; fire; friend; fuller; gen; god; gods; gold; good; goodnesse; grace; grant; great; ground; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; high; historicall; holy; home; hope; hour; impossible; iohn; king; left; lesse; life; like; little; long; lord; man; mans; mark; matth; measure; meditations; men; mercy; mind; mixt; morning; nature; new; notes; observations; old; onely; open; paper; pardon; passe; people; personall; pious; place; pleased; prayers; present; providence; psal; return; saint; saith; satan; saviour; scripture; second; self; set; shooes; sinnes; small; sonne; sorrow; soul; spirit; staffe; strength; sure; sword; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thoughts; thy; time; true; voice; way; whil'st; words; work; world; xiii; yea; yeers cache: A40662.xml plain text: A40662.txt item: #12 of 29 id: A40668 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Good thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations / by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1647.0 words: 19588 flesch: 79 summary: THere goes a Tradition of Ovid , that fa●ous Poet ( receiving ●ome countenance from ●is owne co session * ) ●hat when his Father was ●bout to beate him , for ●ollowing the plea●ant , ●ut profitles●e study of ●etrie , he u● correct●on promiss'd his Father , ●ever more to make a ●erse , and made a Verse , ●n his very Promise . The Publican standing , Iob * ●ting , Hezeki●h , lying on his bed , * Eli●h with his face between his l●ggs . keywords: acts; againe; age; alwayes; answer; bad; bare; barren; bed; bee; best; better; betwixt; body; brother; cause; charity; children; christ; christian; church; common; confession; conscience; consideration; constant; corruption; country; courage; course; crown; custome; dangerous; david; day; dayes; dayly; dead; death; desire; devotion; div; doe; doth; earth; effect; elder; end; england; english; exod; extemporary; eyes; fall; false; family; fan; father; fault; feare; fire; flesh; fruit; fuller; gen; generall; glory; god; gods; good; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hand; hast; hath; having; head; hearing; heart; heaven; heavenly; hee; higher; himselfe; hold; holy; home; hope; house; hurt; ill; instant; iob; john; judgement; justice; kind; king; land; large; late; lawfull; lesse; liberty; life; like; line; little; london; long; lord; love; making; man; manner; mans; marke; master; meanes; meditations; mee; men; mens; mercy; mother; nature; new; night; non; notes; observations; old; onely; ones; owne; papists; pardon; parents; party; paul; peace; people; perchance; personall; piety; places; pleased; poore; power; practice; prayers; precept; present; proper; protestants; psal; ready; reason; roman; sad; saint; sam; satan; saul; saviour; scripture; sea; seemes; selfe; sense; sensible; set; ship; short; sicknesse; sinne; sonnes; sorrow; soule; spirit; stand; strange; strong; text; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; tree; true; use; vaine; valour; verse; viii; vvhen; want; water; wee; wicked; word; worse; wound; xii; yea; yeares; young cache: A40668.xml plain text: A40668.txt item: #13 of 29 id: A40676 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Jacobs vow a sermon preached before His Majesty and the Prince His Highnesse at St. Maries in Oxford, the tenth of May 1644, being the day of publique fast / by Thomas Fuller. date: 1644.0 words: 7819 flesch: 72 summary: Then Iacob vowed a Vow , saying , If God will be with me , and will keepe mee in this way that I goe , and will give me bread to eat , and raiment to put on . When Iacob awoke out of his sleepe , and perceiued that the Lord was in that place , and he not aware of it , and that that place was no other , but the house of God , and gate of heauen , verse 17. he was stricken with feare and reuerence , as euery one ought to bee , that commeth within the gate of Gods house , and tooke the stone that lay vnder his head , and set it vp for a pillar , and powred oyle vpon the top of it , and called the name of that place Bethel , that is , the house of God . keywords: againe; bee; benefits; better; blessing; bread; certaine; children; church; dauid; day; doe; doth; duties; earth; english; euen; euery; father; food; fuller; giue; god; gods; good; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; honour; hood; house; iacob; keepe; land; law; life; like; liue; lord; maintenance; neuer; non; onely; owne; oxford; perpetuall; petition; pillar; place; poore; priest; pro; psal; raiment; returne; riches; roman; saint; saith; seruice; set; staffe; stone; tenth; text; things; thomas; time; tithes; true; vers; vnto; vnto god; vow; vpon; wee; words; world; worship cache: A40676.xml plain text: A40676.txt item: #14 of 29 id: A40678 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Mixt contemplations in better times by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1660.0 words: 21682 flesch: 76 summary: 5. That God saw , that the imaginations of the thoughts of man was only evil continually . So that in sending a generall Deluge over all , God was clearly just , and men justly miserable . keywords: account; active; age; ancient; anger; apostle; army; authority; bad; best; better; betwixt; bible; blessing; blood; blow; books; care; cast; cause; changes; charity; child; children; christ; church; city; civil; colour; comfort; common; commonwealth; condition; contemplations; content; continued; contrary; countrey; credit; david; day; dayes; death; divine; doth; early; earth; easie; england; english; estate; eyes; fall; false; fathers; fear; fire; fuller; future; gen; generall; god; gods; good; goodnesse; grant; great; greatest; hand; happy; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; high; holy; honour; hope; house; ignorance; ill; iob; iohn; ioseph; israel; king; lamb; late; left; life; like; little; london; long; lord; losses; love; maid; man; matters; mean; men; mens; mixt; moderate; moderation; monarchy; money; mother; mouth; multitude; names; nation; nature; new; non; numerous; occasion; old; opinions; order; parliament; parties; party; past; paul; peace; people; perfect; persons; piety; pleased; poor; power; prayer; present; pretended; pride; proportion; providence; psalm; publick; purpose; read; religion; rest; return; right; roman; sad; saith; sam; second; self; service; set; shire; short; sides; sins; small; solomon; souldiers; standard; strange; sure; tabernacle; taxes; tempest; temple; text; things; thomas; time; tongue; tree; true; truth; vessels; violence; viz; wages; wars; way; wealth; wise; word; work; worse; worth; yea; years cache: A40678.xml plain text: A40678.txt item: #15 of 29 id: A40679 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A panegyrick to His Majesty on his happy return by Tho. Fuller ... date: 1660.0 words: 2444 flesch: 81 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A40679 of text R6482 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing F2452). Fuller B.D. Fuller, Thomas 1660 2413 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 B The rate of 4 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: a40679; best; books; charles; commons; doth; early; england; english; f2452; foes; french; fuller; god; gods; good; great; happy; heart; home; honour; images; john; land; london; long; majesty; mind; online; panegyrick; patience; r6482; return; school; self; tcp; temple; text; tho; thomas; wing; words cache: A40679.xml plain text: A40679.txt item: #16 of 29 id: A40680 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Perfection and peace delivered in a sermon / by Tho. Fuller. date: 1653.0 words: 6066 flesch: 76 summary: The Cause thereof it proceedeth from a double defect in men : 1 Want of Faith to trust in God . 2. The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the children of men ▪ to see if there were any that did understand and seek after God . keywords: betwixt; christ; conscience; cross; daily; david; day; dayes; dead; death; description; desire; earth; end; enemies; english; eyes; fuller; god; gods; good; goodness; grace; happiness; heaven; high; iob; king; life; like; living; long; look; lord; man; mark; men; nature; new; non; peace; peaceable; perfect; perfection; practice; psal; roman; scripture; sermon; servant; souls; sute; text; thee; tho; time; translation; vpright; wicked; words; world; yea cache: A40680.xml plain text: A40680.txt item: #17 of 29 id: A40683 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon of assurance Foureteene yeares agoe preached in Cambridge, since in other places. Now by the importunity of friends exposed to publike view. By Thomas Fuller B.D. late lecturer in Lombard Street. date: 1647.0 words: 9024 flesch: 65 summary: Cu●…iosity may well be resembled to the Thiefe in the Candle , which makes men to spend much pretious ti●…e in needlesse disputes , the conclusions whereof are both uncertaine and unprofitable . But let us not credit many unlikely-hoods concerning Angels , which the boldnesse of Schoolmen have obtruded upon us , but rather labour in Gods due time , to goe to heaven , there with our owne happy e●…perience to confute them . keywords: assurance; assured; bee; best; better; calling; certainty; christian; comfort; conclusion; condition; confesse; conscience; contrary; david; dayly; discourse; doe; doth; election; english; faith; favour; feare; fire; friends; fuller; glory; god; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; grace; great; hands; happinesse; happy; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; importunity; joy; life; like; little; long; man; manner; mans; matters; mee; men; mens; mercy; minor; night; non; owne; particular; perchance; piety; places; poyson; predestination; present; presumption; profession; repentance; roman; salvation; selfe; sermon; servants; sing; sinne; soule; spirit; spirituall; sure; text; thee; thing; thomas; thou; thy; time; true; truth; way; wee; workes; world; yeares cache: A40683.xml plain text: A40683.txt item: #18 of 29 id: A40685 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon of contentment by T.F. date: 1648.0 words: 4283 flesch: 74 summary: Now as Peter in another case , whether it be right to hearken unto man more then unto God , judge yee . Godlinesse is great gain , saith God himselfe , by the mouth of the Apostle . keywords: a40685; apostle; books; bride; contentment; divine; doe; early; english; gain; godlinesse; gods; gold; good; grace; great; great gain; john; labour; life; little; losse; man; measure; non; opinion; particular; paul; payment; perils; person; piety; place; portion; present; profit; religion; reward; roman; saint; salvation; sermon; service; text; things; tim; true; wee; words; world; yea; yee cache: A40685.xml plain text: A40685.txt item: #19 of 29 id: A40686 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon of reformation preached at the Church of the Savoy, last fast day, July 27, 1643 / by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1643.0 words: 6432 flesch: 69 summary: To conclude , let us all provide for that perfect Reformation in the world to come ; when Christ shall present the Church his Spouse to God his Father , Without spot , comming from mans corruption , or wrincle , caused by times continuance . God neither mistakes , nor confounds the good Deeds , or Rewards of men ; but set the due praises on the true persons ; the person that doth well shall be praised : the Prince shall not be commended for the good Deeds of the people , not the people commended for the good Deeds of the Prince ; indeed Gods threatens the common people of Israel , Leviticus 26.23 . keywords: a40686; bad; bee; better; books; calling; ceremonies; christ; christian; church; comming; day; discretion; doctrine; doth; early; england; english; faith; fast; fuller; gods; gold; good; gospel; great; greatest; hath; heaven; himselfe; honour; hope; house; idolatry; jewes; july; kingdome; law; life; light; like; little; lord; manner; men; mercy; new; non; old; papists; people; perfect; places; power; refined; reformation; reformers; reforming; roman; saint; savoy; scripture; selfe; sermon; sinne; supreme; tares; text; things; thomas; time; true; whilest; word; yea cache: A40686.xml plain text: A40686.txt item: #20 of 29 id: A40687 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon preached at St. Clemens Danes at the funeral of Mr. George Heycock by Thomas Fuller ... date: 1657.0 words: 6436 flesch: 67 summary: God hath forgotten it , why should man remember it ? God hath cast it behind his back , why should we cast it in the teeth of Davids memory ; let us never mention it to his disgrace , but for our own direction ; Partly to teach us not to trust in our selves , lest we fall into sin ; partly to comfort us , that after sin committed , pardon is obtainable on our unfeigned repentance . Men opprobriously taint and term people by the obliquity of one irregular act , which with uncharitable tongues is enough to ecclipse yea extinguish the credit of all other graces in him ; but God doth Denominate and Epithite persons from the rectitude of the general habit of their lives ; yea by him such shall be reputed , accepted , received to serve our generation . keywords: a40687; age; bad; betwixt; body; brethren; brother; corpse; corruption; daies; david; day; desire; die; doth; dutifull; earth; english; fathers; friend; fuller; funeral; generation; george; god; gods; good; grave; hath; heart; heycock; husband; king; left; life; like; lord; man; men; old; parts; paul; people; persons; place; said; saint; saith; sam; scripture; self; selves; sermon; set; son; soul; sweet; taste; text; thee; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; wicked; wives; words; world; years cache: A40687.xml plain text: A40687.txt item: #21 of 29 id: A40688 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A sermon preached at the Collegiat [sic] Church of S. Peter in Westminster, on the 27 of March, being the day of His Majesties inauguration by Thomas Fuller. date: 1643.0 words: 6947 flesch: 68 summary: IT is as naturall for malicious men to backbite , as for dogs to bite , or serpents to sting ; see this in Ziba , who rais'd a false report on his master Mephibosheth , and accused him to David ( when he departed from Jerusalem ) of no lesse then high Treason , as if in Davids absence he affected the Kingdom for himself : Well was Ziba studied in the Art of slandering , to charge home , and draw his arrow to the head ; for in haynous accusations , when the wound is cured , the very scarre will kill , and though the innocence of the party accused may chance to cleare the main debt , yet the arrerages of the suspition will be enough to undoe him : But I wonder not at Ziba's accusing Mephibosheth , I wonder at Davids believing Ziba , at the first information , of a single witnes , and him a servant against his master , without further proof , as hearing both parties , to proceed to censure and fine Mephibosheth with the losse of his lands , was a piece of unjust justice , wherein David cannot be excused , much lesse defended . keywords: a40688; answer; bee; books; children; church; collegiat; common; david; day; dead; doe; doth; early; english; false; farre; forasmuch; fuller; god; good; grant; great; happinesse; hath; hee; henry; himselfe; home; house; inauguration; innocence; israel; jerusalem; joy; king; know; land; lesse; lord; majesties; man; march; master; matters; men; mephibosheth; onely; owne; passion; peace; perchance; peter; present; princes; return; sermon; servants; set; soveraigne; subjects; text; thing; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; victory; wee; westminster; words; yea; ziba cache: A40688.xml plain text: A40688.txt item: #22 of 29 id: A40691 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Triana, or, A threefold romanza of Mariana. Paduana. Sabina date: 1655.0 words: 21439 flesch: 40 summary: Fidelio's presence is better then any Cordiall , Mariana recovereth her spirits , is apprehensive of the motion , promiseth to observe time and place , they are thrifty in their language , speak much in little lavish , no minuts in complements : but are perfectly instructed in each others designes . And as I was walking in a Corner between the Conduit and the Hall , I happened into an old Roome which led me into a Vault lighted onely with one squint-eyed Window , going somewhat further therein , my heart began to faile me with the fresh remembrance of those Tales of Bug-bears wherewith my Nurse had affrighted my infancy from ponds and places of danger ; however taking heart I resolved to discover the issue of that winding Vault . keywords: abbesse; abbot; able; accident; adventure; affected; affections; age; alwaies; ardalio; author; barcellona; bee; behold; best; better; blind; body; bondi; cast; cause; city; command; company; condition; considerable; constant; country; court; covent; credit; daies; daily; dalmatia; danger; daughter; day; dead; death; desire; discourse; distance; don; duke; durio; endeavours; english; entertainment; estate; eyes; face; facundo; farre; father; fault; favour; fear; feliciano; fidelio; foresaid; francisco; friend; friers; gate; generall; gervatio; good; great; greater; greatest; grief; ground; halfe; hand; happinesse; hard; hath; heart; hee; herb; himselfe; honour; house; husband; iago; imployment; insuls; intelligence; italy; king; known; land; language; large; leave; lesse; let; life; like; little; long; lord; love; making; man; mariana; matter; measure; memory; men; millescent; money; morning; motion; mounsier; nature; nicholayo; night; nun; old; onely; order; owne; paduana; pardon; particulars; people; persons; place; pleased; pleasure; poor; possible; posterity; power; presence; present; privy; proportion; recovery; reputation; request; rest; return; rich; room; sabina; sad; saint; saith; selfe; servant; set; severall; shame; shee; short; sick; sicknesse; small; soul; speed; spirit; strange; suspicion; tedious; text; thereunto; things; time; tongue; triana; true; truth; vejeto; venice; vertue; visitor; want; way; wealth; whereof; wife; wonder; words; work; years cache: A40691.xml plain text: A40691.txt item: #23 of 29 id: A62264 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Ornitho-logie, or, The speech of birds also, The speech of flovvers, partly moral, partly mystical / by T. Fuller ... date: 1662.0 words: 16186 flesch: 44 summary: But if so be that you are af●ected with the destruction of flowers and herbs , know the pleasure and contentment therein must be far greater to root out those which are fairly flourishing in their prime , whereof pl●ty are in this Garden afforded , and if it please you to follow our directions , we will make you Master of a Passe , which without any difficulty shall convey you into the Garden , for though the same on all sides almost is either walled or paled about , yet in one place it is fenced with a Hedge only , wherein , through the neglect of the Gardiner , ( whose care it ought to be to secure the same ) there is a hole left in such capacity ; as will yeeld you an easie entrance thereinto : There may you glut your selfe , and satiate your soule with variety of Flowers and herb● , so that an Epicure might have cause to complain of the plenty thereof . Next stood forth the Parrot , insisting largely on it's own● commendation , among the res● of his dexterous faculty , in imitating the speech of Man wherein he exceeded all othe● creatures in the world . keywords: advantage; affections; age; anger; answer; base; bee; best; better; bill; birds; boar; body; books; cage; case; characters; child; colours; common; company; condition; confesse; constant; creation; creatures; day; desire; discourse; doth; durst; eagle; early; eebo; egges; english; experience; expresse; eyes; farre; flowers; following; folly; forraign; free; fuller; garden; generall; good; great; greater; greatnesse; grecian; green; ground; grove; hand; happinesse; happy; hath; hawk; heat; hee; herbs; himselfe; hope; house; kind; language; large; leave; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; little; living; long; longer; love; man; meane; meeting; men; mind; mother; nature; necessity; notice; old; open; ostrich; owne; parrot; passe; people; philosophers; phoenix; place; pleased; poets; present; prim; publique; quality; reason; red; rest; return; rose; safety; sage; saith; selfe; set; severall; sir; sister; small; society; soveraign; speech; spirit; starre; stone; strange; strength; sun; sure; sweetnesse; tcp; tei; text; thee; thereunto; thing; time; tongue; toolip; true; truth; turtle; tyranny; variety; vertue; violet; want; way; wealth; white; words; work; world; worth; yea; young; ● ● cache: A62264.xml plain text: A62264.txt item: #24 of 29 id: A70084 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Truth maintained, or, Positions delivered in a sermon at the Savoy since traduced for dangerous, now asserted for sovnd and safe / by Thomas Fvller. date: 1643.0 words: 37263 flesch: 68 summary: That no extraordinary excitations, incitations, or inspirations are bestowed from God, on men in these days -- VII. V Of the progresse , and praise of passive obedience . VI That no extraordinary Excitations , Incitations , or Inspirations are bestowed from God , on men in these dayes . keywords: actions; advantage; age; alwayes; answer; apostles; appeare; articles; authority; bad; bee; best; better; betwixt; bodin; body; book; bucer; businesse; calling; cast; cause; ceremonies; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clergy; comfort; command; comming; common; conclude; condition; confident; confute; conscience; consent; constant; contrary; country; dangerous; dayes; death; degree; desire; discretion; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; duty; earth; elders; elizabeth; endeavours; england; english; errors; essentiall; examination; examiner; expression; extraordinary; eyes; ezra; fall; false; farre; fathers; faults; feare; fire; fuller; generall; giving; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; gold; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greatest; ground; guilty; hands; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hee; high; higher; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; hope; idolatry; ill; imperfect; impossibility; incitations; innovations; instance; jewes; judah; judgement; king; kingdome; knowledge; labour; late; law; lawes; lawfull; layty; learning; leave; left; lesse; life; light; like; likely; little; long; longer; lord; love; luther; majesties; making; manner; master; matters; meane; mee; men; mens; mercy; ministers; moderate; moderation; moses; nature; necessary; needs; new; non; notice; obedience; offence; old; onely; open; opinion; outward; owne; pagans; papists; paragraffe; parliament; particular; parts; passage; passive; paul; people; perchance; perfect; perfect reformation; perfection; persons; peter; piety; place; pleased; point; policy; popery; positions; power; practice; preaching; prelacy; present; prince; private; prophane; prophets; protestant; publike; publique; qualification; reader; ready; received; reformation; reforme; reformers; reforming; religion; removing; respect; returne; revelations; reverend; roman; royall; safe; safety; saint; saith; sake; saltmarsh; salvation; scarce; scripture; secret; selfe; selves; sermon; service; set; shadow; shee; sinnes; sir; soules; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; subject; sunne; superstition; supreame; supreame power; sure; text; things; thinke; thomas; thou; time; treatise; true; truth; understood; want; way; wee; wise; wonder; word; worke; worthy; yea; zeale cache: A70084.xml plain text: A70084.txt item: #25 of 29 id: A85013 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A fast sermon preached on innocents day by Thomas Fuller, B.D. Minister of the Savoy. date: 1642.0 words: 8852 flesch: 70 summary: So this one day will be a comfort to the consciences of godly minded men , that they may appeale to the God of heaven , how they have prayed heartily for peace , have petitioned humbly for Peace , have been contented to pay deerly for peace , and to their powers have endevoured to refraine themselves from sinnes , the breakers of peace ; and therefore they trust that Christian English Protestant blood , which shall be shed , which hath beene and hereafter may be shed in these wofull warres , shall never be visited on their score or laid to their charge . If any object that peace also hath her mischiefes which attend thereupon ; for it brings plenty , and plenty brings pride , and pride brings plagues upon it : peace makes men pampered , and with Jessurun to kick against God . War indeed brings cleannesse of teeth , whilest peace brings fulnesse of bread , which is as bad and worse , making men presumptuously to rebell against God . keywords: abraham; army; bad; beasts; bee; best; better; betwixt; blessed; blessing; blood; body; brethren; cause; christian; church; city; civill; complaine; cruelty; day; doe; doth; earth; end; england; english; eyes; fast; fuller; generall; god; gods; good; great; hands; hath; heart; heaven; hitherto; house; innocents; joseph; kingdome; kings; land; london; long; lord; makers; man; men; miseries; nation; onely; owne; peace; people; perchance; prayer; priests; private; protestants; repentance; saints; saith; sam; selfe; sermon; set; sides; silence; sinnes; state; sword; text; things; thomas; thomason; thou; thy; time; true; truth; unto; warre; water; wee; wicked; wilde; words; worke; yea cache: A85013.xml plain text: A85013.txt item: #26 of 29 id: A85018 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A happy handfull, or Green hopes in the blade; in order to a harvest, of the several shires, humbly petitioning, or heartily declaring for peace. date: 1660.0 words: 23896 flesch: 49 summary: 2. That the said Parliament may safely , freely meet at Westminster on the third Monday in January next , to consult of , vote , and settle the Peace , Government of our distracted Churches and Nations , without the interruption , disturbance , force or dissolution of any Commanders , Officers or Souldiers of the Army , or other tumultuous persons whatsoever , under pain of being declared , prosecuted , executed as Traitors and Enemies to the Publique . Oppression , Injustice , and Tyranny reigneth ; division , discord , and distimulation fomented and fostered ; Trade and industry discouraged , our Land rent into Parties and Factions , and the common Band of Unity Cancell'd , our fundamental Laws supplanted , High Courts of Justice introduced , the blood of War sh●d in times of Peace ; Arbitrary and illegal imprisonments , Patents , Monopolies , Excise , and other payments brought upon us , and continued contrary to Magna Charta , and the Petition of Right ; no form or face of Government of English Constitution amongst us ; the Name and Athority of the People in Parliament usurped and abused , and the stamp thereof put upon strange and prodigious Actions , vexing and oppressing the People with dayly Changes and Alterations in government , as the Interest of some few ambitious Grandees alter and change , or get advantages one of another , and all under the Name of a Common-wealth , when as the Nature is not practised or intended at all , it being utterly inconsistent with their very temper and interest ; they are wrapt up and compounded of nothing but guilt-blood , and Tyranny ; and equal and common Justice ( the essence of a Common-wealth ) are utterly repugnant thereto ; and whatsoever they can do must be planted and maintained by Sword and violence against the very Heart and Sence of the Nation ; and they know not where or how to centre an Oligarchy , or something they would have to be Masters of the People , and perpetuate their power and Tyranny , and therefore would amaze and confound us with their New Debares of a Coordinate Power , or Senate for Life , such as our English , Laws and Liberties know not of , and of pernicious consequence to this Nation ; so that from these men that thus handle the Stern at Westminster , there is no expectation of any just settlement of Peace , or Freedom from Oppression ; especially considering the Apostacy , Hypocracy , Deceipt , and perjury of those men , their manifold solemn Engagements , Oaths , Vows , Protestations , Appeals unto Heaven ; Promises , Remonstrances , Declarations , all by them broken again and again , never keeping Faith , Truce , or Oath , being unbounded , unlimited , certain to nothing , not to be held either by the Law of God or Man , of Conscience or Reason ; And from such Persons in Government , Good Lord deliver us , and all the good People of England ; and that all this is true of them , your Consciences ( Noble Citizens , and all other the Free-People of England ) can witness , there is no tongue , no pen is able to vindicate them in this point ; it is known of all , owned by all , and can be denied by none ; how then can any honest or just man shed any blood in their Quarrel , or lend them assistance ? surely that blood will be required at their hands , and we doubt not but you will be carefull what you do . And therefore from those Considerations and just provocations , that we have taken up Arms in pursuance of , and Inquisition after our Government , Laws , and Liberties , that every English-man may be protected and secured in his Religion , Liberty , and Property ; and though it may be suggested , that we intend to introduce Prosecution for Conscience into the Land again , we do hereby ( in the presence of Almighty God ) protest and Declare against all Coercive power in matters of Religion , and that to the utmost of our strength ( through Gods assistance ) we will endeavour , to the hazzard of our Blood and Fortunes , the Freedom and Protection of all vertuous and religious People , by what Name soever differenced from us , equal with our selves : and that no forreign , or other Authority , save only the Civil be exercised in England : That the Practise of the Law be reformed ; all corrupt Statutes repealed ; Annual Elections of all Officers and Magistrates , with the constant Succession of Parliaments restored ; our fundamental Laws cleared and asserted ; and whatever is contrary there to be abolished : That no Trials be admitted in England for Life , Limb , Liberty or Estate , but by the good old way of Juries ; and that they be restored to their original power and purity : That all Extrajudicial and Illegal proceedings by High-Courts of Justice , or otherwise , with all Illegal and Arbitrary Committees , be strictly provided against : that the Excise , and all other Payments and Taxes , ( such as our Ancestors never knew of ) together with all Monopolies and Patents destructive to Trade and the Common good of the Nation be also abolished ; And , that our Parliaments and Magistrates be secured from all Force and Violence ; and utterly cleared from all boundlesse Prerogative , and unlimited Priviledge : That the Right of the Poor in the Commons of England , all Donations for Charitable Uses , and all Lands formerly belonging to the People , be restor'd again : And that Mercy and Justice be truly established amongst us . keywords: act; address; almighty; arms; army; assistance; authority; bar; baronet; best; birth; blessing; blood; brethren; burgesses; cap; cause; church; citizens; city; civil; col; common; conceive; concurrence; condition; consciences; consent; considerable; contrary; councel; counties; countrey; county; court; day; december; declaration; desire; divers; doe; earl; edward; elections; end; endeavour; ends; enemies; engagement; england; english; equal; esq; estates; excellency; express; fairfax; fear; fit; force; fortunes; free; free parliament; freedom; friends; fundamental; future; general; gentlemen; gentry; george; god; gods; good; government; great; grievances; hands; happy; hath; having; hearts; henry; high; holders; home; honorable; honour; hope; house; humble; inhabitants; interest; interruption; ireland; john; joyn; justice; king; knight; late; lawfull; laws; letter; liberties; liberty; like; lives; london; long; lord; lordship; man; mayor; means; members; mercy; ministers; ministry; miseries; monck; names; nation; native; new; oath; obliged; officers; onely; order; parliament; particular; party; pay; peace; people; persons; petition; places; pleased; posterity; power; present; previous; private; priviledges; protestant; publick; purpose; pursuance; ready; religion; representatives; rest; richard; right; robert; ruine; sad; safety; said; satisfaction; secluded; self; selves; sense; sensible; servants; settlement; sir; sitting; speaker; speedy; spirits; state; support; taxes; text; things; thomas; thoughts; time; trade; true; trust; undoubted; vacant; violence; vote; war; way; westminster; william; work; world; worthy; years cache: A85018.xml plain text: A85018.txt item: #27 of 29 id: A85020 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: The infants advocate of circumcision on Jewish and baptisme on Christian children. By Thomas Fuller, B.D. date: 1653.0 words: 45009 flesch: 68 summary: Men may fit cloaths , but God doth fit Crosses for our backs : no Cross will please him for thee to take up , but thy Cross , only that which his providence hath made thee the proprietarie thereof . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: a85020; abraham; account; actions; acts; adam; advantage; adversaries; advocate; age; ages; ancient; answ; answer; apostle; argument; bad; baptism; baptizing; behold; believing; benefit; best; better; betwixt; blessing; bloud; body; books; brethren; capable; cast; cause; chap; chapter; charity; childe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; circumcision; comfortable; coming; command; common; conceive; condition; confesse; conscience; consequences; contrary; corruption; covenant; cross; custome; daily; damnable; dangerous; david; day; dayes; dead; death; degree; desire; difference; disciples; dissenting; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; eebo; effect; eighth; end; endeavour; english; equal; erroneous; errours; essentials; estate; exod; expression; eyes; faith; fall; family; father; fire; flesh; fuller; gen; general; god; godly; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; grand; great; hand; happiness; hath; having; hearts; heaven; heb; hereof; high; holinesse; holy; hope; house; husband; infants; infants baptism; isaac; israel; jacob; jesus; jewish; jews; job; john; judgment; king; knowledge; language; law; left; lesse; life; like; little; living; long; look; lord; love; luke; making; males; man; manner; mans; mark; matter; mean; meaning; measure; meer; members; men; mens; mercy; moses; mother; nation; natural; nature; necessary; needs; new; notes; notice; object; objection; old; onely; ones; opinions; original; ought; outward; pagan; pain; parents; particular; parts; paul; peace; peaceable; pelagius; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pious; places; pleased; point; practice; precept; present; pride; primitive; probable; profane; promise; proof; proportion; proselytes; providence; psal; purpose; question; reason; religion; religious; remain; rest; revelation; right; sacrament; said; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; seed; self; selves; sence; servants; service; set; shame; short; sin; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; strength; subject; supper; sure; synagogue; tcp; teach; temple; temporal; testament; text; thee; thereunto; things; thou; thy; time; title; true; truth; universal; verse; visible; vpright; water; way; whilest; wicked; wife; wil; women; wonder; word; works; worse; yea; years cache: A85020.xml plain text: A85020.txt item: #28 of 29 id: A85035 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: A triple reconciler stating the controversies whether ministers have an exclusive power of communicants from the Sacrament. Any persons unordained may lawfully preach. The Lords prayer ought not to be used by all Christians. By Thomas Fuller, B.D. date: 1654.0 words: 26598 flesch: 66 summary: Not to dissemble in the sight of God and man . Men ought to finde out a When , wherein they are to pour forth their hearts in prayer unto God . keywords: able; account; acts; age; ages; ancient; answ; answer; apostle; authority; bad; barnabas; best; better; betwixt; blessing; body; calling; cause; children; christ; christians; chron; church; comfort; command; commission; common; communicants; communion; condition; congregation; consequence; constant; converting; david; day; dayly; days; desire; devotions; disciples; disease; doctrine; doth; doubt; end; england; english; examination; exception; far; father; fear; fuller; general; gifts; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; high; holy; house; humble; ignorance; intended; israel; jesus; jews; john; know; knowledge; law; lawfull; lay; leave; lepers; leprosie; life; like; long; lords; luke; manner; mark; master; matth; mean; men; mens; ministerial; ministers; moses; nature; necessarie; new; non; notice; notorious; number; object; occasion; office; old; onely; opinion; ought; particular; parts; paul; people; persons; petition; place; pleased; poor; power; practice; prayer; praying; preacher; preaching; present; priest; primitive; private; profession; prophets; prov; publick; question; reason; received; receiving; reconciler; rest; right; roman; rulers; sacrament; saith; sam; saviour; saying; scripture; second; self; servants; set; shew; sin; sins; soul; spirit; subject; success; sufficient; synagogues; temple; testament; text; thee; thereunto; things; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; unclean; use; verse; vocation; way; whereof; wise; word; work; worst; worthy; yea; years; young cache: A85035.xml plain text: A85035.txt item: #29 of 29 id: A85036 author: Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. title: Truth maintained, or Positions delivered in a sermon at the Savoy: since traduced for dangerous: now asserted for sound and safe. By Thomas Fuller, B.D. late of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. The particulars are these. I That the doctrine of the impossibility of a churches perfection, in this world, being wel understood, begets not lazinesse but the more industry in wise reformers. II That the Church of England cannot justly be taxed with superstitious innovations. III How farre private Christians, ministers, and subordinate magistrates, are to concurre to the advancing of a publique reformation. IIII What parts therein are only to be acted by the Supreme power. V Of the progresse, and praise of passive obedience. VI That no extraordinary excitations, incitations, or inspirations are bestowed from God, on men in these dayes. VII That it is utterly unlawfull to give any just offence to the papist, or to any men whatsoever. VIII What advantage the Fathers had of us, in learning and religion, and what we have of them. IX That no new light, or new essentiall truths, are, or can be revealed in this age. X That the doctrine of the Churches imperfection, may safely be preached, and cannot honestly be concealed. With severall letters, to cleare the occasion of this book. date: 1643.0 words: 31763 flesch: 69 summary: But insult not on any mans sufferings , Organs I dare say , are not so offensive in Churches as the making of Musick on men in misery . VI That no extraordinary excitations, incitations, or inspirations are bestowed from God, on men in these dayes. keywords: actions; advantage; age; alwayes; amendment; answer; apostles; appeare; articles; authority; bad; bee; best; better; betwixt; body; book; businesse; calling; cases; cause; ceremonies; christ; christian; church; churches; clergy; comfort; common; conclude; confident; confute; conscience; consent; constant; contrary; country; dangerous; dayes; death; degree; desire; divine; divinity; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; elders; endeavours; england; english; errors; essentiall; examination; examiner; expression; extraordinary; eyes; ezra; false; farre; fathers; faults; feare; fit; fuller; generall; giving; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; gospell; great; guilty; hands; happinesse; hath; heaven; heavenly; hee; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honour; hope; ill; impossibility; incitations; industry; innovations; inspirations; instance; judah; judgement; keepe; king; kingdome; knowledge; labour; late; law; lawfull; layty; learning; leave; left; lesse; life; light; like; little; loath; long; lord; love; magistrates; majesties; making; manner; master; matters; meane; mee; men; mens; ministers; moderate; moderation; moses; necessary; new; non; notice; obedience; offence; old; onely; opinion; outward; owne; papists; paragraffe; parish; parliament; particular; parts; passage; passive; people; perfection; persons; peter; piety; place; pleased; point; policy; popery; positions; power; practise; praise; preaching; prelacy; present; private; prophets; protestant; publike; publique; qualification; reader; ready; received; reformation; reforme; reformers; reforming; religion; respect; returne; revelations; reverend; roman; safety; saint; saith; saltmarsh; salvation; savoy; scarce; scripture; secret; selfe; selves; sermon; service; set; sinnes; sir; speake; spirit; spirituall; state; subject; sunne; superstitious; supreame; supreame power; sure; text; things; thinke; thomas; times; treatise; true; truth; understood; vaine; want; way; wee; wise; wonder; word; worke; worthy; yea; ● ● cache: A85036.xml plain text: A85036.txt