item: #1 of 20 id: A00214 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Articles to be enquired of vvithin the diocesse of London In the third trienniall visitation of the Right Honourable, and Right Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Bishop of London, Lord High Treasurer of England. Holden in the yeare of our Lord God, 1640 date: 1640.0 words: 12280 flesch: 57 summary: bee● distributed on the poore of your Parish ▪ or otherwise bestowed upon pio●● uses ? doe you suf●er any to walke or stand idle or talk in the Church or in the Church-yard , or Church●porch , during that time , to the disturbance of the Minister and scandall of the congregation ? keywords: archdeacon; articles; authority; bee; bill; bishop; booke; canons; cause; chancellor; chappell; children; church; churches; churchwardens; common; communion; convenient; court; curate; cure; day; dayes; decent; diocesse; divine; doe; doth; doth hee; ecclesiasticall; end; england; english; forme; god; gods; hands; hath; hee; himselfe; holy; holydayes; houses; iudge; keepe; kings; law; lawes; lawfull; lecturer; licence; licensed; life; london; lord; man; manner; married; men; minister; morning; names; oath; office; officiall; orders; ordinary; owne; parish; parish church; parishioners; parson; parties; people; persons; place; prayer; preacher; present; publike; register; right; rites; rubr; sacraments; said; sermon; service; set; severall; sunday; sundayes; table; text; time; true; uicar; visitation; wardens; word; yeare; ● e; ● ● cache: A00214.xml plain text: A00214.txt item: #2 of 20 id: A03141 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A coale from the altar. Or An ansvver to a letter not long since written to the Vicar of Gr. against the placing of the Communion table at the east end of the chancell; and now of late dispersed abroad to the disturbance of the Church. First sent by a iudicious and learned divine for the satisfaction of his private friend; and by him commended to the presse, for the benefit of others date: 1636.0 words: 21014 flesch: 65 summary: For the next Caution , that those which use it , doe it to procure Devotion of the people , and not Derision ; it is more unseasonable : There being none , I thinke , who ever used it otherwise , then having testified their owne Humility and Devotion , to procure the like Devotion and Humility in other men : none , I dare boldly say , that did ever use it , to procure Deri●ion of their Parishione●● , no more then David when hee danced before the Arke , intended to make sport for jeering Michol . NOw as the Story of the change is not altogether true , so the reason there assigned , is both ●al●e and dangerous . keywords: act; acts; alleaged; altar; ancient; answer; arnobius; aswell; bee; bishop; body; booke; canon; cap; case; cathedrall; chancell; chappell; children; christ; christian; church; churches; close; commissioners; common; communion; communion table; congregation; countrey; decent; discourse; discretion; divine; doe; doth; doubt; east; ecclesiasticall; edition; edwards; eebo; eliz; end; england; english; epistoler; evening; fashion; forme; god; gods; good; great; hath; having; hee; holy; holy table; howsoever; injunctions; kind; king; law; letter; like; liturgie; long; lords; majestie; man; manner; matter; meane; meaning; middle; minister; monuments; morning; new; north; oblation; offence; old; onely; opinion; order; origen; owne; pag; parish; parliament; paul; people; phrase; place; placing; plaine; point; poore; practise; praise; prayer; priests; private; queenes; quire; reade; reason; regard; reigne; respect; reverence; ridley; right; rites; rubrick; sacrament; sacrifice; said; saith; satisfaction; second; selfe; service; set; stand; standing; steps; supper; table; table altar; tcp; text; thing; thinke; time; true; understanding; use; vicar; viz; wall; wardens; way; wee; whereof; window; wise; word; yeares; ● e; ● ● cache: A03141.xml plain text: A03141.txt item: #3 of 20 id: A10094 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: The doctrine of the Sabbath· Delivered in the Act at Oxon. anno, 1622. By Dr. Prideaux his Majesties professour for divinity in that Vniversity. And now translated into English for the benefit of the common people. date: 1634.0 words: 11708 flesch: 69 summary: For , for the first , that to keepe holy one day of seven , is not the morall part of the fourth Commandement , our Doctor hath delivered in the third Section , that not Tostatus onely , but even Aquinas , and with him all the Schoolemen , have agreed upon it . Nor was there any that opposed it in the Schooles of Rome , that I have met with , till Catharinus tooke up armes against Tostatus : affirming , but with ill successe , that the Commandement of the Sabbath was imposed on Adam in the first Cradle of the world ; there where the Lord is said to blesse the seventh day and sanctifie it . Fifthly , that in the celebration of it , there is no such cessation from the workes of labour required from us , as was exacted of the Iewes ; but that we lawfully may dresse Meat , proportionable unto every mans estate , and doe such other things as be no hinderance to the publike Service appointed for the day , Sect. 8. Sixtly , that on the Lords day all Recreations whatsoever are to be allowed , which honestly may refresh the spirits , and encrease mutuall love and neighbourhood amongst us ; and that the names whereby the Iewes did use to call their Festivals ( whereof the Sabbath was the chiefe ) were borrowed from an Hebrew word , which signifieth to dance , and to be merry , or make glad the countenance . keywords: acts; adde; ancient; anno; apostles; argument; authoritie; bee; calvin; cap; ceremoniall; change; christ; christian; church; commandement; common; conceive; creation; day; dayes; divine; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; duties; ecclesiasticall; eebo; english; eyther; fathers; fourth; generall; god; gods; good; gospel; great; greater; hath; hee; himselfe; holy; iewes; iewish; iewish sabbath; institution; iudaisme; keepe; keeping; labour; law; left; lords; lords day; mee; morall; moses; nature; new; observation; onely; opinion; ordinance; owne; paul; people; place; point; publike; relation; rest; sabbath; sabbath day; saint; sayth; scripture; second; sect; section; seeme; service; set; seventh; seventh day; sunday; tcp; testament; text; things; time; true; use; wee; weeke; workes; world; worship cache: A10094.xml plain text: A10094.txt item: #4 of 20 id: A43512 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the Most Reverend and renowned prelate, the L. Archbishop of Canterbury with a more perfect copy of his speech, and other passages on the scaffold, than hath beene hitherto imprinted. date: 1644.0 words: 11181 flesch: 62 summary: A BRIEFE RELATION OF THE DEATH AND sufferings of the most Reverend and Renowned Prelate , the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury , &c. IT is a preposterous kinde of writing to beginne the story of a great mans life , at the houre of his death ; a most strange way of setting forth a solemne Tragedie , to keepe the principall Actor in the tyring-house , till the Play be done , and then to bring him on the Stage onely to speake the Epilogue , and receive the Plaudites . It is long since they entertained such desperate purposes against the life and person of the Lord Arch-Bishop , threatning his death in scattered Libels , telling him that his life was sought for , that neither God nor man could endure so vile a Counsellour to live any longer . keywords: acts; answer; archbishop; bee; best; bishops; blocke; bloud; blow; briefe; canterbury; charge; christ; church; comfort; commons; copy; day; death; desire; doe; dye; earle; end; enemies; england; english; faction; farre; fundamentall; god; good; great; greatest; guilty; hands; hath; heart; himselfe; honour; house; innocent; king; kingdome; knowne; law; lawes; liberty; life; like; long; longer; lord; majesties; malice; man; mee; men; mercy; new; ordinance; owne; papers; parliament; particular; patience; people; peter; place; poore; power; prayers; prelate; publique; relation; religion; renowned; reverend; right; saint; scaffold; scots; sea; set; shame; soule; speech; subject; sufferings; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; treason; truth; way; words; world cache: A43512.xml plain text: A43512.txt item: #5 of 20 id: A43513 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A briefe relation of the remarkeable occurences in the northerne parts viz., the landing of the Queenes Maiestie in the Bay of Burlington, and the repulse given unto the rebels at the towne of Newark : both signified by severall letters on the same day, being Friday, March 3, 1642. date: None words: 4846 flesch: 56 summary: The rate of 21 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A43513 of text R20223 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing H1686). keywords: a43513; ammunition; bay; briefe; bullets; burlington; cannon; cavalrie; comming; day; end; english; forces; foure; god; good; governour; great; hath; heylyn; house; landing; long; maiestie; majesties; majesty; messenger; neare; newcastle; night; northerne; ordinance; papists; parliament; parts; person; queene; rebels; relation; remarkeable; repulse; safety; sea; ships; story; text; time; towne; viz; way; wing; workes cache: A43513.xml plain text: A43513.txt item: #6 of 20 id: A43543 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A letter from an officer in His Majesties army, to a gentleman in Glocester-shire upon occasion of certain quære's [sic] scattered about that countrey. date: 1643.0 words: 6841 flesch: 42 summary: Have you not by blood and Rapine , with the curses of all good men gotten the treasure of the Kingdome into your hands , and wasted it so that your wants are as notorious as your Crimes ? Lastly , are you not so iealous , so divided amongst your selves , that if your Army prevailed to morrow , you were as far from compassing your own ends , as when you began your desperate undertaking ; your principall Commanders being as far from their ends who conzened them into this Rebellion , as the prime Cavaliers in the Kings Army , excepting only their affection to the Kings Person . — There is the Miracle on your parts ; see now what God hath done for his Anointed ? Call back your memory to the 10. of Ianuary , look upon Him driven furiously from Whit-hall , with his Wife and Children , for feare of His life , whilest His owne Servants for their security durst not be neere him ; looke upon him at Hampton Court , scornfully accused of levying Warre against himselfe , and the Sheriffes and Constables appointed to disperse his Army ; Remember Him at Windsor without ordinary ; necessary support ; thinke of the 20th of Ianuary , when you would not vouchsafe to tell Him what you would have , requiring nothing but His submission to your Counsells : Remember Him at Yorke , and Beverly , after you had possessed your selves of all His Arms , Castles , Forts , Townes and ships , and seized upon all the Armes of the Kingdome , stopped His Rents , and incensed the people in all parts against Him ; Oh think upon Him at Nottingham when you would not vouchsafe to treat with Him , onely giving your great Generall power of receiving him to mercy , when you had reduced him to that condition , that He had neither Armes , Men , or Money , or knew as you thought where to have any , and this at a time when you had a want on flourishing Army of 10000 men within two dayes March of him to bring Him back to London , here is an Argument for a Miracle ; observe Him in a moment , as if Regiments fell from the Cloudes ▪ hasting his owne March to the place where he was expected without staying to be called upon at Shrewsbury , view Him at Edgehill , with a handfull of men ( and if they were more imagine how he got them ) finding out his formidable Army and dispersing them . Beleeve it no sober man looks upon you under any other Notion , then as men besieged by the desperate common Councell of London , and their Adherents , who awe and fright you to their wicked and damnable conclusions : Nay , the close Committee it selfe is a greater breach of the Priviledge of Parliament then the Kings comming to the House , and the taking the five Members from thence could have beene . keywords: act; armes; army; bin; books; breach; common; delinquents; desire; early; english; feare; gentleman; god; good; great; hands; hath; himselfe; honour; houses; iealousies; ill; king; kingdome; law; lawes; leave; letter; life; maiesty; man; miracle; necessary; occasion; officer; owne; papists; parliament; peace; people; persons; power; priviledge; protestation; publique; reason; rebellion; religion; security; selves; shire; sir; text; thing; understanding; want; way cache: A43543.xml plain text: A43543.txt item: #7 of 20 id: A43544 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A letter to a gentleman of Leicester-shire shewing, out of the publique writings which have passed betwixt His Majestie and his two Houses of Parliament : that all the overtures which have beene made for peace and accommodation have proceeded from His Majesty only and that the unsucessefulnesse of the late treatie is not to be imputed to His Majesty but to them alone. date: 1643.0 words: 13133 flesch: 60 summary: The difference in which last particulars stands thus between them ; The Houses craved , that the Lord Admirall should use his utmost endeavour to suppresse all forces , which should bee raised without His Mai●…sties Authority , and the cons●…nt of the Lords and Commons in Parliament : his Maiest●…e 〈◊〉 that the Lawes and Stat●…tes of the Kingdome , might 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what is , and what is not to be don●… m , refers the ex●… sing of 〈◊〉 Admirals power , to the suppr●…ssing of all forces which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 raised by any person whatso●…ver , against the Lawes and Statutes of the Kingdom . Which shews in my opinion , a remarkable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of his Majesties purposes , and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the others in their dealing with him . keywords: ammunition; answer; april; armes; authority; breach; businesse; castles; cessation; cinque; committee; commons; consent; contrary; d ●; desire; doe; doth; farre; fit; forces; forts; generall; good; gracious; great; hands; high; himselfe; hope; houses; ibid; jan; justice; kingdome; law; lawes; legall; letter; like; little; london; lord; maiestie; maj ●; majesties; majesty; man; march; message; nay; new; officers; onely; overtures; owne; papers; parliament; particulars; peace; people; person; petition; point; power; present; priviledges; propositions; purposes; reason; returne; right; sacred; said; severall; shewing; ships; statutes; subjects; text; thing; time; townes; treatie; treaty; utmost; way; writings cache: A43544.xml plain text: A43544.txt item: #8 of 20 id: A43545 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Observations on the historie of The reign of King Charles published by H.L. Esq., for illustration of the story, and rectifying some mistakes and errors in the course thereof. date: 1656.0 words: 57755 flesch: 49 summary: For , first the occasion of giving the Office of Lord Treasurer to the Bishop of London , was not to part a fray between the Archbishop and the Lord Cottington , who never came to such immoderate heats , as our Author speaks of ; but upon very good considerations and reasons of State : ●…or , whereas most of the Lord Treasurers of these latter times had rather served themselves by that Office than the King in it , and raising themselves to the Estates and Titles of Earles , but leaving the two Kings more incumbred with debts and wants than any of their Predecessors had been known to be ; it was thought fit to put the Staffe of that Offic●… into the hands of a Church-man , who having no Family to raise , no Wife and Chil●…ren to provide for , might better manag●… the Incomes of the Treasury to the Kings advantage than they had been formerly : and who more fit for that employment ( among all the Clergie ) than the B●…shop of London , a man of so well ▪ tempered a disposition as gave exceeding great content both to Prince and people ; and being a dear friend of the Archbishops , who had served the whole year as Commissioner in that Publick trust , was sure to be instructed by him in all particulars which concerned the managing thereof . 2. He was much governed at that time by Doctor Montague then B●…shop of Winchester , and Dean of his Majesties Chappell Royall , who having been a great stickler in these Predestinarian Controversies , when he lived in Cambridge , thought himselfe bound to beat down all opponents by the Kings Authority , which he could not overbear by the strength of Argument ; and finding the Kings will inclineable to his owne perswasions in these points , put him upon many harsh , and severe expressions against these poor men , especially in his Declaration against Vorstius , where he strikes most at them . keywords: accompt; act; acts; adde; advantage; affaires; affections; altar; alteration; anno; answer; antient; antiquity; archbishop; argument; armes; arminians; army; articles; assembly; assistance; augustine; author; author telleth; authority; b ●; bear; beginning; benefit; best; better; bill; bishop; blood; body; book; bristol; buckingham; businesse; calling; calvin; cambridge; canons; canterbury; cardinall; care; cause; ceremonies; chamber; charge; charles; chief; christ; christian; church; churches; city; clergie; clergy; close; coming; command; commission; commissioners; committed; commons; communion; conscience; consent; constant; contrary; controversies; convocation; coronation; councell; counties; countrey; course; court; covenanters; crown; d ●; danger; dangerous; day; dayes; death; declaration; defence; designe; desire; destruction; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doe; dort; doth; doubt; duke; duty; e ●; earle; edward; eebo; effect; elizabeth; end; ends; enemies; enemy; england; english; episcopacy; established; estates; evidence; eyes; faction; fall; false; farre; favour; fear; fi ●; finding; fit; fleet; fol; followeth; following; forces; form; france; free; french; friend; game; generall; gentleman; gloria; god; gods; good; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; hamilton; hand; hath; head; help; henry; hi ●; high; himselfe; historian; history; hold; hollanders; holy; home; honour; hope; house; ibid; ill; impeachment; insomuch; intelligence; intended; ireland; isle; james; john; joy; judges; jure; jurisdiction; justice; keeper; king; king charles; king james; kingdome; knighthood; knowing; known; lambeth; lands; late; latin; law; lawes; lay; learned; learning; leave; left; lesse; letters; liberty; life; like; lincolne; little; london; long; lord; love; m ●; majesties; majesty; making; man; manner; marquesse; marriage; masters; matter; meanes; members; ministers; money; montague; n ●; nation; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; neer; new; nobility; noble; november; o ●; oath; obedience; observations; occasion; office; old; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; orthodox; owne; oxford; p ●; papers; papists; parliament; particular; party; passage; passe; passing; patri; peers; people; persons; peter; petition; place; placing; pleased; points; poor; popery; popish; popular; pounds; power; pr ●; practise; prayer; prerogative; present; preservation; primitive; prince; principall; private; privie; prosecution; protestant; publick; purpose; pursuance; qu ●; queen; question; reader; reason; regard; reign; relation; religion; rest; returne; right; rigid; rome; royall; ruine; s ●; sacred; safety; said; saint; saith; satisfaction; saying; scotish; scotland; scots; sea; second; secret; secretary; service; set; severall; shew; ship; shops; sir; sitting; small; spaine; spaniard; speech; spirit; stand; standing; state; statute; strafford; strong; subj ●; subjects; subsidies; sufficient; supreme; sure; synod; t ●; table; tcp; telleth; tenets; termes; text; th ●; thing; thinke; thomas; thought; time; title; town; tract; treasurer; treaty; troubled; true; trust; truth; u ●; understanding; university; unlesse; unto; usage; vane; viz; vote; way; westminster; whereof; white; william; willing; wise; withall; witty; words; worke; world; writ; year cache: A43545.xml plain text: A43545.txt item: #9 of 20 id: A43547 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Parliaments power in lawes for religion, or, An ansvvere to that old and groundles [sic] calumny of the papists, nick-naming the religion of the Church of England, by the name of a parliamentary-religion sent to a friend who was troubled at it, and earnestly desired satisfaction in it. date: 1645.0 words: 15891 flesch: 50 summary: But this , although indeed it be the sicknesse and disease of the present times , and little to the honour of the Court of Parliament , can be no prejudice at all to the Cause of Religion , or to the way and meanes of the Reformation , amongst sober and discerning men : the Doctrine of the Church being setled , the Liturgie published and confirmed , the Canons authorized and executed , when no such humor was predominant , nor no such Power pretended to , by both or eyther of the Houses of the High Court of Parliament . And , to say truth , neither the King nor Clergy did account it necessary , but thought their owne authority sufficient to goe through with it , though certainly it was more necessary at that time then in any since , the power and reputation of the Clergy being under foot , the King scarce setled in the Supremacy so lately recognized unto him , and therfore the authority of the Parliament of more use than afterward , in times well ballanced and established . keywords: act; acts; archbishops; articles; assent; authority; best; bible; bishops; book; bookes; canons; canterbury; cap; care; christian; church; churches; clergy; common; confirmation; constitutions; convocation; court; daies; day; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; end; england; english; eyther; fol; following; formes; god; godly; good; great; ground; hands; hath; head; holy; houses; injunctions; king; kingdome; lawes; lawfully; like; little; majesty; making; matters; new; observed; old; order; papists; parliament; people; points; pope; power; prayer; prelates; present; publique; realm; reformation; reigne; religion; rome; royall; sacraments; said; scriptures; selfe; service; set; severall; statute; subjects; supremacy; supreme; text; thing; times; tongue; translation; true; use; way; word; worke; worship; yeare cache: A43547.xml plain text: A43547.txt item: #10 of 20 id: A43548 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: The rebells catechism composed in an easy and familiar way to let them see the heinousness of their offence, the weakness of their strongest subterfuges, and to recal them to their duties both to God and man. date: 1643.0 words: 12126 flesch: 70 summary: And finally witness the example of Mr. Williams o a Barrister of the Middle Temple , who was executed in King Iames his Reign for writing a defamatory Book , against the said King and his Posterity . St. Gregory of Tours understood this rightly , when he did thus address himself to a King of France , Si quis de nobis , &c. s If any of us ( O King ) do transgress the Laws , thou hast power to punish him ; but it thou goest beyond thy limits , who can punish thee ? We tell thee of thy faults as occasion serves , and when thou listest to give ear , thou dost hearken to us : Which if thou shouldest refuse to do , who shall judg thee for it , but he that calls himself by the name of Justice . keywords: act; acts; answ; answer; arms; authority; better; body; book; bracton; case; catechism; christians; civil; common; consent; contrary; court; david; death; defence; defensive; doth; earl; end; enemies; england; english; evil; familiar; force; god; good; government; great; hands; hath; heart; high; homilies; houses; ibid; inferiour; king; kingdom; laws; liberties; life; like; lord; magistrates; majesty; non; obedience; occasion; offence; parliament; party; paul; people; person; place; power; present; pretence; princes; private; publick; purpose; queen; quest; question; qui; realm; reason; rebellion; rebels; religion; resistance; roman; sam; saying; second; sovereign; subject; supreme; text; thou; thought; time; tongue; tyrant; violence; war; way; weakness; words cache: A43548.xml plain text: A43548.txt item: #11 of 20 id: A43550 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A second, but more perfect relation of the great victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton neare Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall, on thursday Ian. 19. ann. Dom. 1642. Together with his no lesse eminent successe at Saltash, the Sunday following being the 22th. date: None words: 1611 flesch: 77 summary: no A second, but more perfect relation of the great victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton, neare Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall, on thursday Heylyn, Peter 1643 1195 4 0 0 0 0 0 33 C The rate of 33 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. A second, but more perfect relation of the great victory obtained by Sir Ralph Hopton neare Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall, on thursday Ian. keywords: a43550; bodmin; books; cornwall; county; day; early; english; great; heylyn; hopton; men; neare; perfect; peter; ralph; relation; saltash; second; sir; text; thursday; towne; victory cache: A43550.xml plain text: A43550.txt item: #12 of 20 id: A43551 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A sermon preached in the collegiate church of St. Peter in Westminster, on Wednesday May 29th, 1661 being the anniversary of His Majesties most joyful restitution to the crown of England / by Peter Heylyn ... date: 1661.0 words: 14344 flesch: 65 summary: But what this kindness was , how great , how marvellous ; how David blessed the name of God for so great a mercy , and what we are to do upon the sense and apprehension of the like felicity ; we shall the better see , if you shall please to joyn with me in humble and hearty Prayer to Almighty God , &c. Our Father which art in Heaven , &c. 2. Victori Psalmus David . 3. The Text it self contains in it these two general Parts , God's Mercy , David's Thankfulness ; God's mercy unto David in that great deliverance , and David's thankfulness unto God for so great a Mercy . keywords: able; abner; affairs; arms; army; author; benedictus; best; better; blessed; books; care; chief; children; christian; church; churches; city; civitate; courage; court; crown; david; day; death; deliverance; dominus; doth; early; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; eyes; father; favour; fit; general; glory; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; hands; hath; hearts; heylyn; hierusalem; high; house; images; instruments; iosephus; israel; iudah; joyful; kindness; kindred; king; kingdom; lib; like; little; long; look; lord; man; marvellous; master; means; men; mercies; mercy; mighty; miracle; misericordia; munita; nation; nature; new; number; old; party; people; person; peter; piety; place; power; present; priests; prince; psalm; quality; realm; rest; restitution; royal; sacred; safety; saith; sam; saul; scripture; self; sermon; service; set; sons; spirit; streets; strength; strong; strong city; subjects; tcp; text; thankfulness; things; throne; time; tribe; troubles; true; war; way; word; work cache: A43551.xml plain text: A43551.txt item: #13 of 20 id: A43552 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A short view of the life and reign of King Charles (the second monarch of Great Britain) from his birth to his burial. date: 1658.0 words: 26977 flesch: 49 summary: A short view of the life and reign of King Charles (the second monarch of Great Britain) from his birth to his burial. A short view of the life and reign of King Charles (the second monarch of Great Britain) from his birth to his burial. keywords: able; act; advice; ammunition; answer; april; archbishop; arms; army; beginning; best; better; betwixt; birth; bishop; body; book; bristol; brother; businesse; canterbury; castle; cause; charge; charles; chief; church; city; collonel; coming; command; commissioners; commons; condition; council; countrey; course; court; crown; danger; daughter; day; death; defence; duke; earl; end; enemy; england; english; essex; faction; fairfax; father; favour; fit; following; foot; forces; france; french; generall; good; government; great; greater; greatest; hands; having; head; henry; high; holland; home; honour; hopes; horse; houses; ireland; james; january; john; journey; july; june; king; king charles; king james; kingdome; lady; late; left; lesse; letters; life; like; little; london; long; lord; majesties; majesty; manner; march; marquesse; master; mean; members; money; mother; nation; necessity; neer; news; non; north; november; occasion; october; old; onely; open; order; oxford; parliament; party; passing; past; pay; peers; people; person; place; point; power; present; prince; principall; prisoner; publick; queen; reason; reign; religion; rest; return; right; roman; royall; rupert; said; scotland; scots; second; servants; service; set; severall; ships; short; sir; sixteenth; sixth; small; son; spain; spirit; stand; state; strong; subjects; sunday; taking; text; thing; thomas; time; title; town; treaty; viz; war; way; whereof; wife; words; work; year; york; young cache: A43552.xml plain text: A43552.txt item: #14 of 20 id: A43556 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A view of the proceedings of the Western-counties for the pacification of their present troubles as also of the plots and purpose to disturbe the same. date: None words: 3744 flesch: 48 summary: And it pleased him who maketh two to be of one minde in an house , so to incline the hearts both of the greater and the better part of those severall Counties , as first to hearken to a trnce , and on the expiration of that Truce ( which was expired the seventh of this present March ) to yeeld to a Cessation for twenty daies , that so the Treaty might advance with the more apparent hopes of an happy issue . Which being mutually agreed on for the common good , their next care was to choose Commissioners for each side , men of integrity and honour , on whom they might conferre a concluding power to bind all parties ; and unto whose determinations they might with safety and assurance submit themselves . This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A43556 of text R216768 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing H1743A). keywords: a43556; articles; books; commissioners; common; cornwall; counties; county; devon; dorset; early; england; english; gentlemen; god; good; great; hands; heylyn; houses; lawes; letters; like; march; pacification; parliament; peace; persons; peter; plots; power; present; proceedings; protestation; purpose; said; text; treaty; troubles; view; warre; western; whatsoever; wing cache: A43556.xml plain text: A43556.txt item: #15 of 20 id: A43559 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: The way and manner of the Reformation of the Church of England declared and justified against the clamors and objections of the opposite parties / by Peter Heylyn ... date: 1657.0 words: 40162 flesch: 46 summary: And though in most of their proceeding● toward Reformation , the Ki●gs advised with such Bishops as they had about them , or could ass●mble without any great trouble or inconvenience , to advise wit●all ; yet was there no nec●ssity , that all or the greatest part● of the Bishops should be drawn together for that purpose , no more then it was anciently in the Primitive Times for the godly Emperors to c●ll together the most part of the Bishops in the Roman Empire , for the ●st●blishing of the matters which com●erned the Church , or for the godly Kings of Iudah to call together the greatest part of the Priests and Levites , before they acted any thing in the Reformation of those corruptions and abuses which were cr●pt in amongst them . Which being so ; and then with●●l considering as we ought to do , that there was nothing a●tered here in the state of R●ligion , till either the whole Clergy in their 〈…〉 the B●shops and most eminent Church-men had resolved upon it ; our Religion is no more to be called a Regal then a Parliament-Gospel . for cutting off of many superstitious and supe●fluous Holy dayes , and the reducing them into the number in which they now st●nd ( save that St G●orge's day , and Ma●y Magdalens day , and all the Festivals of the blessed Virgin had their place amongst them ) according to which Can●n , there went out a M●nitory from the A●chbp of Ca●terbury , to all the Suffrag●ns of hi● P●ovince , 〈…〉 , which is still extant on Record . keywords: act; acts; advice; affairs; ages; agreeable; al ●; ancient; answer; apostle; appear; arch; archbishop; articles; assent; au ●; authority; b ●; beginning; benefit; best; better; bible; bishops; body; book; businesse; c ●; calling; canons; canterbury; cap; care; case; ceremonies; certain; charge; chief; christian; chu ●; church; churches; city; civil; cl ●; clergy; co ●; comm ●; command; common; con ●; concerned; confirmation; confirming; cons ●; consent; constitutions; contrary; conv ●; convocation; councel; course; court; crown; dangerous; day; days; declare; design; determined; di ●; discourse; divine; doctrine; doth; ecclesiastical; edward; effect; ejection; eliz; emperors; empire; end; england; english; epistle; ex ●; extant; f ●; faith; false; fathers; fi ●; fit; following; formes; france; g ●; general; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hath; head; help; henry; heresie; heylyn; hi ●; high; holy; honour; houses; injunctions; iohn; judgement; jurisdiction; king; kingdome; kings authority; known; la ●; language; latine; law; lawfully; lay; learned; leave; left; lesse; letters; life; like; little; liturgie; london; long; look; lord; m ●; ma ●; majesties; majesty; making; manner; matters; mean; members; ministers; names; national; nations; necessary; new; ni ●; non ●; number; o ●; objections; observed; occasion; office; old; onely; order; ordinances; ought; p ●; pa ●; papists; parliament; particular; parties; parts; patriarch; penalties; people; peter; piety; pl ●; place; pleased; point; pop ●; pope; power; pr ●; practise; prayer; prelates; present; priests; primitive; princes; private; proclamation; proper; protestant; province; provincial; publick; q ●; queen; r ●; read; realm; reason; reference; reformation; regal; regard; reign; religion; respect; rest; rights; roman; rome; royal; rule; sacraments; said; scriptures; second; sect; self; service; set; setting; sh ●; sister; small; sort; spain; spiritual; state; statute; su ●; subjects; submission; sum; supe ●; supream; supremacy; supreme; synodical; temporal; testament; text; th ●; thereunto; thi ●; thing; ti ●; tim ●; time; title; tongue; translation; true; truth; u ●; un ●; unlesse; usage; use; viz; vulgar; w ●; way; western; wher ●; whereof; wi ●; word; work; worship; writ; year; yeeld; ● ch; ● d; ● don; ● e; ● ed; ● een; ● ent; ● ers; ● es; ● ies; ● imes; ● ing; ● ion; ● ions; ● ither; ● l; ● ly; ● men; ● ment; ● n; ● nd; ● ng; ● ns; ● pe; ● s; ● sse; ● st; ● t; ● ut; ● x; ● y; ● ● cache: A43559.xml plain text: A43559.txt item: #16 of 20 id: A45536 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Prossō kai opissō a sermon eqvally pointing forvvard & backward, as it was deliver'd in the Vniversity Church of Saint Maries in Cambridge / by P.H., B. of Divinity, and sometime fellow of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge, in his forenoone course before that universitie, upon the 22 day of November, in the yeare 1640, being the beginning of this present parliament. date: 1647.0 words: 12169 flesch: 51 summary: Well , whatsoever motives or occasions others may lay hold of for resisting of the power I know not , I am sure these Rebels here could find but little in the persons or behaviours of their Governours , to gather themselves thus rebelliously together against them , for 't was : 2. Contra Mosen mitissimum hominem & Aaronem sanctum Domini , Against Moses a mercifull man ( said the sonne of Syrach ) who found favour in the sight of all flesh , and was dilectus Deo & Hominibus , beloved both of God and man , and whose memoriall was blessed in all generations against Moses , a Prince who delivered them out of the AEgyptian bondage , brought them through the Red-Sea upon dry land , in and out before them to defend them from their Enemies , held the ballances of justice from morning to evening , and weighed to every one his right and due , smore the stony Rocks , so that waters gushed out to quench their thirst ; procur'd Manna from Heaven for them and Quailes too , not for any necessitie but to serve their Lust , and then against Aaron a holy man like unto him , whom God chose out of all men living to offer sacrifices to the Lord , Incense and a sweet savour for a memoriall to make reconciliation for his people to appease Gods wrath and divert his punishments due to their offences ; and what could they desire more , and yet for all this , they are gather'd together against Moses and Aaron , where we may observe the restles and unquiet commotion of some mens ambition , who though under their gracious and pious Princes they enjoy the blessednesse of Peace and sweetnesse of plenty . Religion , that sacred bond tying God and man together , is made an instrument by Rebellion to undoe all Humane Societies , and the fairest vertue in mans soule is made a Maske to hide the deformities of the foulest Sin . keywords: aaron; aaronem; abiram; actions; aime; almighty; almighty god; ambition; ambitious; assemblies; assembly; beginning; cambridge; carriage; cause; chiefe; church; common; congregation; contra; course; dathan; day; divine; doe; domini; doth; ends; english; famous; favour; fire; forme; function; gather'd; god; gods; good; goodnesse; government; great; grievances; ground; head; hee; himselfe; holy; honour; inferiour; israel; king; korah; land; law; lawfull; levi; levite; like; limitations; little; lord; men; mens; moses; nature; needs; non; numb; office; ordinance; owne; par; parliament; particular; parts; people; peter; place; power; present; pride; priest; priestly; princes; publique; reasons; rebellion; rebels; religion; renowne; roman; ruben; saint; sayes; sermon; service; set; severall; shew; sinne; soveraigne; specious; state; strong; supreme; sword; text; thing; thou; time; title; tribe; true; unlawfull; vers; vertue; way; whosoever; words; world cache: A45536.xml plain text: A45536.txt item: #17 of 20 id: A68174 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: A briefe and moderate answer, to the seditious and scandalous challenges of Henry Burton, late of Friday-Streete in the two sermons, by him preached on the fifth of November. 1636. and in the apologie prefixt before them. By Peter Heylyn. date: 1637.0 words: 56852 flesch: 64 summary: Of these , the first related unto the Articles of Religion , in this Church established , wherein His Majestie hath commanded that in those curious and unhappy differences , which were then on foote , no man should put his owne sense or Comment to be the meaning of the Article , but take it in the literall and Grammaticall sense : shutting up those disputes in Gods promises , as they be generally set forth to us in holy Scriptures ; and the generall meaning of the Articles according to them . The derivation of Episcopall discent from the Church of Rome , no prejudice vnto the Hierarchy , or Church , as H. B. makes it . keywords: a68174; absolute; act; actions; addresse; adversaries; affected; againe; altar; alteration; answer; antichrist; antient; apologie; apostles; appeale; arch; archbishop; argument; articles; authority; bee; best; better; betweene; bishops; bold; booke; bowing; brethren; brother; burton; calling; calvin; canon; cap; care; cases; cast; cause; censure; ceremonies; certaine; chamber; chappell; charge; chiefe; children; christ; christian; church; churches; civill; clamours; clergie; close; command; commission; commissioners; common; communion; complaine; conceive; concerne; conscience; contempt; contrary; copy; counsell; course; court; crime; crowne; cry; custome; dangerous; day; dayes; declaration; discipline; disobedience; divines; doctor; doctrine; doe; doth; ecclesiasticall; edward; effect; eliz; elizabeth; end; england; english; episcopall; evill; excellent; exercise; faction; factious; faine; faith; faithfull; fall; false; farre; fast; fasting; fathers; fault; feare; fit; forme; forreine; free; friend; generall; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospell; government; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hands; hath; heads; hee; henry; high; himselfe; hitherto; holy; honour; hope; howsoever; idolatry; iesus; image; innovations; instance; ipswich; iustice; james; judges; jurisdiction; kinde; king; kingdome; labour; language; law; lawes; lawfull; lay; learned; leave; lecturers; lesse; lest; letters; libell; liberties; life; like; limited; little; london; long; lord; majesties; majesty; malice; man; manner; mans; masse; matter; meane; men; ministers; mother; nature; necessary; needes; new; newes; notes; number; oath; obedience; occasion; odious; office; old; onely; open; opinion; order; ordinary; owne; oxford; pag; pamphlets; papists; parliament; particular; parties; party; pasquill; patents; paul; people; persecution; persons; peter; petition; pietie; place; pleade; pleased; point; poore; pope; popery; power; practise; prayer; preaching; prelates; present; presse; priests; princes; principall; private; proceedings; prohibition; promise; publicke; pulpit; punishment; puritan; purpose; queene; question; quod; reade; reading; realme; reason; rebellion; reformation; regard; religion; resolved; rest; restrained; reverence; right; rites; rome; royall; rule; sabbath; sacred; said; saint; sake; sayd; saying; scandall; scandalous; scriptures; seale; second; sect; sedition; seditious; seemes; selfe; sermon; service; set; setting; severall; shew; sir; solemne; somewhat; sonnes; sort; soveraigne; speake; speciall; speech; spirit; spirituall; sports; standing; state; statute; stile; strange; subjects; succession; superstition; supremacie; sure; table; taking; tcp; tell; text; thing; thinke; thought; throne; time; title; true; truth; turne; unlimited; use; viz; way; wee; whereof; withall; witnesse; word; worship; worth; writ; young cache: A68174.xml plain text: A68174.txt item: #18 of 20 id: A86287 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Extraneus vapulans: or The observator rescued from the violent but vaine assaults of Hamon L'Estrange, Esq. and the back-blows of Dr. Bernard, an Irish-deane. By a well willer to the author of the Observations on the history of the reign of King Charles. date: 1656.0 words: 73112 flesch: 56 summary: For finding him to be stiffly principled in the Puritane Tenets , a Semi Presbyterian at the least , in the forme of Gouernment , a Non con●ormist in matter of Ceremony , & a rigid Sabbatarian in the point of Doctrine , as ill a looking a Fellow as he makes me , I could easily see , that my known Contrariety in Opinion , had raised this Storme : it being the humour of too many of the Stoicall Sect , neither to treat their Opposites , with that Civility which belongs to them , as men , nor with that Charity and meeknesse which becomes them as Christians . The Strangenesse of the Present , and the more than ordinary disrespect in the Superscription , put me upon a sudden perusall of it ; which having done ( and indeed before it was half done ) I was both sorry and ashamed , to see so much of the Coat , and so little of the Gentleman in it ▪ intituling me unto the Observations in your Superscripti●n , and 〈…〉 from it in your Pamphlet ▪ ( where you call it a groundless suspition , by me professedly disavowed ) fol. 25. you make your self an Adversary of you know not whom , & then proceed in handling him you care not how . keywords: 2ly; able; accompt; act; actions; advantage; advised; affairs; affections; agreeable; altar; anno; answer; answered; answereth; antient; apostles; archbishop; argument; arminian; arminianism; articles; assembly; augustine; author; author doth; author telleth; authority; baro; battel; beginning; bernard; best; better; bishop; body; bold; book; bound; buckingham; businesse; calling; calvin; canon; care; catholick; cause; censure; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; certificate; champion; chapter; charge; charles; chief; choice; christian; church; churches; clear; clergy; close; coming; commandement; commission; committee; common; communion; company; concerned; concerns; conclusion; confesse; confession; confidence; conscience; consideration; content; contrary; convocation; copies; copy; coronation; cosmography; councel; counsell; counties; court; craft; credible; credit; creed; crime; cringing; crown; daies; day; dead; deal; death; declaration; defence; design; desire; difference; discourse; distinction; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doe; dort; doth; doubt; duke; earl; edition; edward; eebo; end; england; english; episcopacy; ergo; error; esteem; eternity; evidence; expression; eye; fain; false; falsifying; fame; father; fault; fear; fellow; finding; fit; fol; followeth; following; fourth; france; free; friend; general; gentleman; giving; gloria; god; gods; good; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; guilty; half; hall; hand; hard; hath; head; hear; help; heylyn; high; historian; history; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; house; ibid; ignorance; ill; import; impulsive; information; informed; intention; ireland; irregularity; james; jewes; jewish; john; journals; judgement; jurisdiction; justification; keeping; king; king charles; king james; kingdome; knighthood; knights; knowledge; known; lands; language; late; laud; law; lawfull; laws; lay; learned; leave; lesse; liberty; life; like; lincoln; little; liturgie; liturgy; logick; london; long; look; lord; lords day; lordship; love; main; majesties; majesty; man; manifest; manner; matter; meaning; means; measure; meeting; members; memory; men; mind; ministers; mistake; moral; mountague; mouth; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; noted; notice; number; oath; observations; observator; occasion; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; oxford; page; pains; pamphleter; papers; papists; parliament; particular; parties; party; passage; passe; patience; patri; paul; peers; people; person; peter; piece; place; plain; pleased; point; poor; popery; power; practice; prayer; preacher; preaching; precept; preface; prelates; presbyters; present; primate; prince; principal; proceedings; professed; professorship; project; proof; proper; proposition; protestant; protestation; proved; proxie; prynne; publick; publique; publishing; purpose; quarrel; queen; question; quid; quorum; reader; ready; reason; received; reference; regard; reign; relation; religion; religious; rendred; reply; rest; reverend; right; rites; rostock; rule; sabbath; sacred; said; saith; satisfaction; satisfied; saturday; saying; scandal; scorn; scotish; scotland; scots; scripture; second; self; sense; sermon; service; set; seventh; severall; sharp; sheets; shew; sir; small; solemn; sorry; spain; spaniard; speaking; spirit; stand; standing; state; statute; strange; strict; style; subject; sunday; super; superannuating; sure; sword; synod; taking; tale; tcp; telleth; tels; temper; tenets; testimony; text; thing; thought; time; title; town; trouble; true; truth; turn; unpublished; vel; viz; want; warrant; way; weak; week; westminster; whatsoever; wise; witness; words; work; world; worse; worship; worth; writ; writings; years; yeeld; zeal; ● ● cache: A86287.xml plain text: A86287.txt item: #19 of 20 id: A86302 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: Respondet Petrus: or, The answer of Peter Heylyn D.D. to so much of Dr. Bernard's book entituled, The judgement of the late Primate of Ireland, &c. as he is made a party to by the said Lord Primate in the point of the Sabbath, and by the said doctor in some others. To which is added an appendix in answer to certain passages in Mr Sandersons History of the life and reign of K· Charles, relating to the Lord Primate, the articles of Ireland, and the Earl of Strafford, in which the respondent is concerned. date: 1658.0 words: 55928 flesch: 54 summary: Thirdly , we find in Gregory Nyssen , that some of the people who had neglected to observe the Saturday , were reproved by him on the Sunday , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; &c. With what face , saith the Father , wilt thou look upon the Lords day , which hast dishonoured the Sabbath ? Qui solem & diem ejus nobis exprobratis , agnoscite vicinitatem ; non longè à Saturno & Sabbatis vestris sumus ▪ Where first it is to be observed , that Tertullian speaks not this of the ancient Gentiles , but applies himself to those onely of the times he lived in ; and therefore no fit Author either to prove the Proposition , That the Heathens did attribute some holiness to the seventh day ; and gave it a peculiar honour above the other days of the week , unless he mean it of the Heathens , amongst whom he lived ; much less to justifie the perpetual Tradition of the seventh day , which the L Primate will not have to be derived unto them from the Common-wealth of Israel , but the Sons of Noah . keywords: a86302; absolution; account; act; acts; adam; adde; affirm; alwayes; ancient; anno; answer; antichrist; apostles; arch; argument; articles; authority; authors; beginning; bernard; best; better; bishop; blessed; body; book; bound; bread; business; calvin; calvinian; canon; cap; case; ceremonies; certain; certain day; charge; christ; christian; church; churches; civil; coming; commandment; common; communion; concerned; confession; conscience; consecration; consent; contrary; convocation; council; course; credit; custome; day; day labour; dayes; deacons; dead; death; declared; descent; die; diem; dies; difference; distinction; divine; doctor; doctor bernard; doctrine; doth; doubt; effect; elizabeth; empire; end; england; english; epistle; exercises; fall; fathers; feast; festivals; fit; form; fourth; fruits; general; genesis; gentiles; ghost; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grave; great; greater; greek; gregory; ground; hands; harvest; hath; heathen; heavenly; hell; heylyn; himselfe; historian; history; holy; holy day; homilies; homily; honour; house; ignatius; ignorant; institution; intent; ireland; james; jesus; jewes; jewish; judgement; juris; keeping; kind; king; known; labour; lambeth; large; later; latine; law; lawful; laws; learned; learning; leave; let; liberty; life; like; little; liturgy; london; long; lord primate; lords day; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; ministers; month; moral; morrow; moses; nations; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; new; nisan; notes; notice; number; observation; occasion; old; omnes; onely; opinion; order; ordinary; ordination; original; parliament; particular; party; passage; passover; pentecost; people; person; place; plain; poets; point; positive; power; practice; prayer; preachers; presbyters; presence; present; priest; primate hath; primates; primitive; private; proof; proposition; protestant; publick; purpose; queen; question; quod; reason; recreations; reference; reign; religion; religious; required; respect; rest; restraints; resurrection; right; romans; rome; rule; ryvet; sabbatarians; sabbath day; sabbaths; sabbati; sabbatum; sacrament; said; saint; saith; samaritans; sanctifying; satisfaction; saturday; saviour; saying; school; scripture; second; second day; sect; section; self; selves; sense; sermon; service; set; setting; seventh day; seventh sabbath; sins; sixteenth; solemn; souls; spiritual; standing; state; subject; sufficient; sunday; tcp; telleth; tertullian; text; thing; time; tostatus; touching; tract; true; truth; twisse; use; verse; viz; way; week; weekly; whereof; words; work; world; worship; writers; writings; year cache: A86302.xml plain text: A86302.txt item: #20 of 20 id: A86306 author: Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. title: The undeceiving of the people in the point of tithes: wherein is shewed, I. That never any clergy in the Church of God hath been, or is maintained with lesse charge to the subject, then the established clergy of the Church of England. II. That there is no subject in the realme of England, who giveth any thing of his own, towards the maintenance of his parish-minister, but his Easter-offering. III. That the change of tithes into stipends, will bring greater trouble to the clergy, then is yet considered; and far lesse profit to the countrey, then is now pretended. / By Ph. Treleinie Gent. date: None words: 13244 flesch: 57 summary: For whereas the whole controversie turneth on these three hinges : first , that the maintenance allowed the Clergy is too great for their calling , especially considering the small number of them : secondly , that it is made up out of the tenth part of each mans estate ; and thirdly , that the changing of this way by the payment of Tithes into that of Stipends , would be more gratefull to the Countrey , and more ease to the Clergy : I shall accordingly reduce this small discourse unto these three heads . Or if we will suppose with one of my pamphlets , and let it be supposed this once for our better proceeding , that he who officiates in a parish where tithes are paid in kind without any substractions , hath the fift part of every landed mans estate , that is to say , four pounds in every 20 l. per annum : the Purchaser or Tenant , be he which he will , may positively build on this in his better thoughts , that if four pounds in twenty were not paid to the Minister , the Tenant must pay to his Landlord , and the Purchaser must buy it at the same rates , as he did the rest of the land . keywords: bee; benefit; better; book; bushels; case; certain; charge; charter; children; church; churches; clergy; common; corn; countrey; county; crown; designe; doe; doth; easter; england; english; established; estates; free; fruits; gentry; god; good; great; greater; hand; hath; having; hee; hold; hope; houses; ill; increase; kingdome; kings; lands; late; law; lesse; levites; life; like; lords; maintenance; man; mans; matter; men; minister; money; number; offerings; old; parish; parliament; parts; payment; people; place; point; poor; power; present; pretended; priests; profit; publick; realm; reason; rent; residue; rest; right; saith; self; set; severall; short; small; stipends; subject; tenant; tenth; text; thing; thought; time; tithes; title; tribes; trouble; true; trustees; way; yearly; years cache: A86306.xml plain text: A86306.txt