item: #1 of 21 id: A37179 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Gondibert an heroick poem / written by Sir William D'Avenant. date: 1651 words: 79469 flesch: 79 summary: He is upbraided by some ( who perhaps are affected Antiquaries , and make priority of time the measure of excellence ) for gaining his renown by the imitation of Hom●r : Whilest others ( no less bold with that ancient Guide ) say , He hath so often led him into Heaven and Hell , till by conversation with Gods and Ghosts , he sometimes deprives us of those natural probabilities in Story , which are instructive to humane life : And others affirm ( if it be not irreverence to record their opinion ) That even in Wit , he seems deficient by many omissions ; as if he had design'd a penance of gravity to himself and to posterity : And by their observing that continued gravity , me thinks they look upon him , as on a Musitian composing of Anthems ; whose excellence consists more in the solemness , than in the fancy ; and upon the body of his Work , as on the body of a Giant , whose force hath more of strength , than quickness , and of patience than activity . I have been thus hardy to call him to account for the choice of his Argument , not meerly as it was Story , but because the actions he recorded were so eminent , and so near his time , that he could not assist Truth with such ornaments as Poets , for usefull pleasure , have allowed her , le●t the ●ained complection might render the true suspected . keywords: actions; afraid; age; ages; allow; allow'd; ambition; ancient; angels; anger; appear; argument; aribert; armies; arms; army; arnold; art; arts; astragon; attend; authority; bashfull; battel; bear; beasts; beautie; beauty; bergamo; best; better; bids; birtha; black; blame; blind; blood; blush; boast; bodies; body; bold; book; borgio; bow; breast; breath; brescia; bring; brought; brow; building; bus'ness; busie; call'd; calm; camps; canto; care; cast; cause; chace; change; characters; chearfull; chief; childhood; choice; cities; civil; closs; cold; command; common; conduct; conquer'd; conquest; conscience; continu'd; counsel; countrey; courage; course; court; crown; cruel; cry'd; cure; curious; custom; d'avenant; dangers; dargonet; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; deeds; deep; defence; delight; delightfull; design; design'd; desire; despair; diligence; dire; discretion; disdain; disease; distance; distant; distress; divided; divines; doctrine; dominion; dost; doth; doubt; draw; dress; drew; duke; durst; duty; dy'd; dying; early; earth; ease; education; effects; empire; endure; enemies; english; envie; equal; ere; esteem; ev'n; ev'ry; evil; example; excess; excuse; experience; express; extreams; eyes; face; faction; fain; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; familiar; far; fashion; fast; fatal; fate; father; favour; fear; feaver; fed; fields; fierce; fill'd; find; fire; fit; fled; flie; flow'rs; foes; force; fortune; forward; free; friends; froward; fun'ral; fury; gain; gain'd; gartha; gate; general; glass; glory; god; gods; gold; goltho; gondibert; good; government; grave; great; greater; greatness; grief; griev'd; ground; grow; guess; guide; half; hand; hard; harmless; haste; hath; head; heart; heav'n; height; hell; help; hermegild; heroick; hidden; hide; high; holy; home; honour; hope; hot; house; hubert; hugo; humane; hunters; hurgonil; hymen; ill; image; imitation; important; increase; innocence; inward; jealous; joy; joys; judgement; judges; justice; kind; kindness; king; know; knowledge; labour; ladies; language; late; laura; law; laws; lay; leaders; learn'd; learned; leave; lesser; liberty; lies; life; light; like; little; live; living; load; lombards; long; looks; lord; lose; loud; lov'd; love; lovers; low; lowly; lust; maids; main; making; man; manhood; mankind; manly; manners; marks; matter; mean; meet; memorie; men; merit; mighty; mind; mistake; modern; monarchs; mother; motion; mourn; mourning; muse; musick; nations; natural; nature; ne'r; near; necessary; need; needfull; new; noble; noise; nought; number; obedience; objects; observ'd; oft; old; onely; open; opinion; order; orgo; orna; oswald; outward; page; painfull; pains; palace; pale; paradine; parting; passion; past; patience; pay; peace; people; perfect; persons; perswade; philosophers; pitie; pleasant; pleasure; poem; poesie; poets; possess; pow'r; practis'd; practise; prais'd; praise; pray'r; precepts; precious; preface; prepare; presence; present; pride; priests; prince; private; progress; prosp'rous; proud; publick; quiet; race; rage; reach; reach'd; reader; ready; reason; religion; renown; renown'd; reply'd; respect; rest; retire; retreat; return; rev'rence; revenge; reverence; reward; rhodalind; rich; rise; rites; rivals; rivers; royal; rude; rudely; rules; run; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safe; save; scarce; schools; science; scorn; sea; seas; second; secret; seem'd; self; sex; shades; shape; shew; shew'd; shin'd; shine; short; shows; sickness; silence; sin; sing; single; sir; skill; slain; slaves; sleep; slow; small; songs; soon; sorrow; soul; spake; speech; spie; spirits; spiritual; spred; spring; spy'd; stand; states; stay; stone; storms; story; straight; strait; strange; strangers; streets; strength; strife; strong; subdue; subjects; success; sudden; sullen; summer; sun; sweet; swift; sword; tcp; tears; temp'rate; temple; text; thee; things; thinking; thither; thought; throne; thy; time; tongue; tow'rds; toyls; train; treasure; triumph; troops; trophies; true; trust; truth; turn'd; tybalt; ulfinore; uncertain; understood; universal; unknown; urg'd; us'd; usefull; utmost; vain; vainly; valiant; valour; value; vasco; vast; verona; verse; victors; view; virgil; virtue; virtuous; voice; vows; wait; walks; want; war; warm; wars; way; weak; weakness; wealth; wear; weep; weeping; wild; winds; wisdom; wise; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worship; worth; wounded; wounds; writers; yield; young; youth; ● t; ● ● cache: A37179.xml plain text: A37179.txt item: #2 of 21 id: A43971 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The art of rhetoric, with A discourse of the laws of England by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. date: 1681 words: 77587 flesch: 74 summary: Ph. Would you have every Man to every other Man alledge for Law his own particular Reason ? There is not amongst Men an Universal Reason agreed upon in any Nation , besides the Reason of him that hath the Soveraign Power ; yet though his Reason be but the Reason of one Man , yet it is set up to supply the place of that Universal Reason , which is expounded to us by our Saviour in the Gospel , and consequently our King is to us the Legislator both of Statute-Law , and of Common-Law . Ph. As for the Statutes they are always Law , and Reason also ; for they are made by the Assent of all the Kingdom , but Precedents are Judgments one contrary to another ; I mean divers Men , in divers Ages , upon the same case give divers Judgments . keywords: act; actions; acts; adversary; anger; answer; antient; appear; apt; argument; aristotle; art; authority; beginning; belief; bench; benefit; best; better; bishops; blood; body; book; bracton; burning; cap; capacity; cases; cause; certain; chancellor; chancery; change; chap; chief; children; christ; church; civil; coke; command; commission; common; common law; concern; conscience; contrary; council; court; crime; crown; custom; dammage; day; dead; death; defence; definition; deliberative; design; desire; difference; divers; divided; doctrine; doth; doubt; edw; effect; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; enthymemes; envy; equity; error; evil; example; fact; false; farther; fault; fear; felonies; felony; fine; follow; followeth; force; forraign; friends; garnishing; general; glory; god; good; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hard; hath; having; hearer; heir; help; hen; heresie; high; history; hitherto; hold; honour; honourable; hope; house; hurt; ignorant; injuries; injury; injustice; intention; joyned; judge; judgment; judicial; jurisdiction; justice; killing; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; lands; law; lawful; laws; lawyers; letters; liberty; life; like; likely; little; long; lord; love; making; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meaning; men; metaphor; mind; misfortune; money; murder; narration; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notice; number; oath; objection; offence; offender; office; old; ones; opinions; oration; orator; order; pardon; parliament; particular; parties; parts; past; patents; people; period; person; philosophy; place; pleas; pleasure; point; pope; possible; power; praise; precedent; present; principles; private; proceeding; process; profit; profitable; proof; proper; proposition; publick; punishment; purpose; queen; question; read; realm; reason; reasonable; received; remedy; rest; rhetorick; rich; riches; right; robbery; rome; rule; safety; said; saith; seal; second; sect; self; sentence; set; shew; similitude; sin; sins; sir; sir edw; small; sort; souldiers; sound; soveraign; speak; speaker; speaking; special; speech; spiritual; state; statute; statute law; strength; study; subjects; sufficient; tcp; tell; temporal; text; theft; things; thought; till; time; true; truth; vertue; victory; viz; want; war; way; wealth; whatsoever; whereof; wise; witnesses; words; world; writ; writing; years; youth cache: A43971.xml plain text: A43971.txt item: #3 of 21 id: A43975 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: A catalogue of the works of Mr. Hobbes date: 1675 words: 1225 flesch: 72 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; encoding; english; hobbes; images; lat; o lat; online; oxford; partnership; phase; tcp; tei; text; thomas; works; xml cache: A43975.xml plain text: A43975.txt item: #4 of 21 id: A43976 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, & religion of Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury written by himself, by way of letter to a learned person. date: 1680 words: 11485 flesch: 68 summary: Mr. Hobbes considered in his loyalty, religion, reputation and manners Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. Mr. Hobbes considered in his loyalty, religion, reputation and manners Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. keywords: account; argument; army; atheism; authority; best; better; book; characters; christian; church; civil; clergy; comedy; common; crime; discourse; doctrine; eebo; enemies; enemy; england; english; favour; folio; french; god; good; government; great; ground; hath; hobbes; ill; incorporeal; king; law; letters; leviathan; liberty; life; like; little; london; loyalty; majesties; majesty; malmsbury; man; manners; mean; money; natural; nature; new; obedience; occasion; octavo; oliver; original; parliament; party; people; person; power; present; principles; protection; quarto; reason; religion; reputation; right; safety; said; scripture; self; selves; sermon; set; sir; sovereign; subject; submission; tcp; text; thing; tho; thomas; time; title; treachery; treatise; true; twelves; unjust; use; war; way; words; work; world cache: A43976.xml plain text: A43976.txt item: #5 of 21 id: A43978 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: De corpore politico, or, The elements of law, moral and politick with discourses upon severall heads, as of [brace] the law of nature, oathes and covenants, several kinds of government : with the changes and revolutions of them / by Tho. Hobbs of Malmsbury. date: 1652 words: 42999 flesch: 67 summary: Why therefore may not men that foresee the Benefit of Concord , continually maintain the same without compulsion , as well as they ? To which I answer , That amongst other living Creatures , there is no Question of Precedence in their owne Species , nor strife about Honour , or acknowledgement of one anothers wisdome , as there is amongst Men , from whence arise Envie and Hatred of one towards another , and from thence Sedition and War . And the difficulty is this ; We have amongst us the Word of God for the Rule of our Actions : Now if wee shall subiect our selves to men also , obliging our selves to do such Actions , as shall be by them commanded , when the Commands of God and Man shall differ , we are to obey God , rather then man ; And consequently , the Covenant of general Obedience to man is unlaw●ull . keywords: able; absolute; actions; almighty; apostles; appeareth; aristocracy; assembly; authority; benefit; body; breach; case; certain; chap; chapter; children; christ; christian; church; civil; command; common; common wealth; conscience; consent; consisteth; contrary; controversie; counsel; covenant; danger; day; death; defence; democracy; divided; divine; doe; dominion; doth; effect; elders; end; endeavour; equality; estate; example; faith; father; fear; followeth; forasmuch; force; free; future; general; giveth; god; good; government; great; greater; hath; heaven; himselfe; holy; honour; hope; humane; impossible; iniury; iniustice; jesus; joh; judge; judgement; justice; king; kingdome; law; laws; liberty; life; like; little; long; lord; lot; magistrates; making; man; manifest; manner; mans; master; men; mind; monarchy; moses; mother; multitude; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; non; number; obedience; obliged; opinion; owne; particular; passions; paul; peace; people; persons; places; pleasure; points; politick; power; present; pretence; private; proceedeth; publick; punishment; question; reason; rebellion; religion; remaineth; required; rest; right; roman; rule; said; salvation; saviour; sayd; scripture; sect; security; sedition; seemeth; self; servant; set; shewed; sorts; soveraign; soveraign power; strength; subiect; subiection; subordinate; succession; sufficient; sum; supposed; sword; text; thereto; thereunto; things; thou; time; title; true; trust; uniust; use; vain; virtue; want; war; way; wealth; whereof; wit; words; world cache: A43978.xml plain text: A43978.txt item: #6 of 21 id: A43981 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: De mirabilibus pecci being the wonders of the peak in Darby-shire, commonly called the Devil's Arse of Peak : in English and Latine / the Latine written by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury ; the English by a person of quality. date: 1678 words: 11966 flesch: 72 summary: Quod licet , immani defixum pondere saxum , Vi multa eruimus , prona & tellure volutum Sistimus ad sacrum limen . Fertur ad hoc Antrum venisse Lecestrius heros , Dudleius , notus Comes is regnantis Elizae , Ille inopem quendam parvo ( sic eredimus ) keywords: a43981; account; advertisement; air; altera; alto; ante; antrum; appear; arch; arse; atque; author; available; bath; beams; bear; bed; bodies; books; bright; brink; buxton; care; cause; cave; caverna; chance; channel; characters; chatsworth; christ; clear; cold; common; compleat; constant; corpora; country; court; creation; crook; croud; cum; darby; dark; darksome; data; day; death; deep; derwin; devil; devonshire; discourse; doth; dum; e're; early; earth; edition; eebo; elements; encoding; end; england; english; entrance; equal; equis; ere; ergo; est; excellent; fair; fam'd; famous; fear; feet; fierce; fire; fit; flouds; flux; fly; fol; fons; font; foot; force; forreign; french; gain; garden; gates; gente; good; great; greater; greek; ground; grown; guide; hand; hard; hast; hath; head; heat; heavens; hell; hic; hid; hidden; high; hill; hinc; hobbes; hobs; hole; hollow; horrid; horse; hot; hours; huc; igne; illa; ille; images; inde; ingens; inter; intus; ire; iterum; jam; jamque; keying; known; lapides; lapis; large; latine; leaden; left; length; lies; light; little; london; long; lord; lympha; main; malmsbury; mam; man; markup; marmore; may'st; mediis; men; midst; mines; mirab; mirabilibus; miracula; mons; montis; mountain; mounts; mouth; mox; musa; nam; narrow; native; nature; nec; new; nobis; noble; nomine; non; nos; notes; nulla; nunc; oct; old; omnia; online; ore; original; oxford; paces; page; pallace; pars; partnership; peak; pecci; pedes; person; petty; phase; place; pleasant; poem; point; pole; poli; pool; post; power; present; price; project; proquest; quae; quality; quam; quar; qui; quick; quod; repeat; rest; rich; rise; river; rock; roof; rope; rough; rupes; said; saxis; saxum; scarce; sea; sed; self; sets; shades; shine; short; sibi; sic; sir; sive; sleep; slow; small; souls; sound; source; space; spring; stand; stars; stay; stone; streams; strive; stroaks; sua; sub; sun; sunt; super; sweat; swift; t'other; tacite; tall; tamen; tandem; tantum; tcp; tei; tellure; tellus; temple; terrae; text; thick; things; thomas; thou; tibi; tides; time; title; tor; torn; trembling; true; tum; turn'd; twelves; ubi; umbra; unda; undis; use; vain; vast; veins; vents; verum; vestigia; view; vix; walls; want; waters; way; wealth; wearied; weight; wet; wild; william; womb; wonder; works; xml cache: A43981.xml plain text: A43981.txt item: #7 of 21 id: A43983 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Decameron physiologicum, or, Ten dialogues of natural philosophy by Thomas Hobbes ... ; to which is added The proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant, by the same author. date: 1678 words: 32550 flesch: 76 summary: But I grant , that in a space filled every where with Body , though never so Fluid , if you give Motion to any part thereof , that Motion will by resistance of the parts moved , grow less and less , and at last cease ; but if you suppose the space utterly void , and nothing in it , then whatsoever is once moved shall go on eternally : Or else that which you have granted is not true , viz. For Bodies that are but Contiguous , with any little force are parted ; but by this compounded Motion ( because every point of the body makes an equal Line in equal time , and every Line crosses all the rest ) one part cannot be separated from another , without disturbing the Motion of all the other parts at once . keywords: a. a.; aequinoctial; air; angle; annual; annual motion; arc; arch; author; bason; bodies; body; cap; cause; centre; certain; circle; cold; common; compounded; contrary; copernicus; creatures; deg; degree; diameter; difference; distance; doubt; downward; draw; earth; east; ecliptick; effect; endeavour; equal; evident; experience; experiment; fall; fancy; figure; fire; fluid; force; glass; globe; god; gravity; great; greater; half; hard; hardness; hath; heat; heavie; heavy; horizontal; hot; ice; impossible; iron; light; like; line; little; living; loadstone; london; long; magnet; magnetical; man; manifest; mean; men; min; moon; motion; movent; natural; nature; needle; north; onely; opinion; parallel; parts; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; point; poles; question; quicksilver; reason; refraction; resistance; rise; saith; sea; self; set; shall; sides; soft; south; sphere; spherical; stars; straight; stream; substance; sun; suns; superficies; suppose; tcp; text; thing; time; touch; transparent; true; turn; vacuum; variation; vertue; vessel; water; way; weight; west; whereof; wind; wonder; wood; work; world; year cache: A43983.xml plain text: A43983.txt item: #8 of 21 id: A43990 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: An historical narration concerning heresie and the punishment thereof by Thomas Hobbes. date: 1680 words: 6762 flesch: 57 summary: By these words , God has no parts , thus explained , together with the part of the Creed which was at that time agreed on , many of those Heresies which were antecedent to that first General Council , were condemned ; as that of Menes , who appeared about thirty years before the Reign of Constantine , by the first Article , I believe in one God ; though in other words it seems to me to remain still in the Doctrine of the Church of Rome , which so ascribeth a Liberty of the Will to Men , as that their Will and Purpose to commit sin , should not proceed from the Cause of all things , God ; but originally from themselves , or from the Devil . Constantine himself , at the passing of this Creed , took notice of it for a hard word ; but yet approved of it , saying , That in a divine Mystery it was fit to use divina & arcana Verba ; that is , divine words , and hidden from humane understanding ; calling that word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 divine , not because it was in the divine Scripture , ( for it is not there ) but because it was to him Arcanum , that is , not sufficiently understood . keywords: act; aristotle; begotten; bishops; body; cause; christ; christian; church; commission; constantine; council; creed; doctrine; eebo; english; faith; father; general; ghost; god; great; greek; heresie; heretick; holy; john; king; law; laws; man; men; opinion; parliament; parts; persons; philosophers; power; punishment; real; reason; reign; religion; roman; said; second; son; substance; tcp; text; things; thomas; time; use; words; year cache: A43990.xml plain text: A43990.txt item: #9 of 21 id: A43991 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The history of the civil wars of England from the year 1640-1660 / by T.H. date: 1679 words: 73315 flesch: 54 summary: King , they thought was but a Title of the highest honour , which Gentlemen , Knight , Baron , Earl , Luke were but steps to ascend to with the help of Riches , and had no Rule of Equity , but Precedents and Custom , and he was thought wisest and fittest to be chosen for a Parliament , who was most averse to the granting of Subsidies , or other publick Payments . B. After the Pacification broken what succeeded next ? A. The King sent Duke Hamilton with Commission and Instructions into Scotland to call a Parliament there , ( but all was to no purpose ) and to use all the means he could otherwise , but the Scots were resolved to raise an Army , and to enter into England , to deliver ( as they pretended ) their grievances to his Majesty in a Petition because the King ( they said ) being in the hands of evil Councellors , they could not otherwise obtain their right ; but the truth is , they were otherwise animated to it by the Democratical , and Presbyterian English , with a promise of Reward , and hope of Plunder : some have said that Duke Hamilton also did rather encourage them to , than deterr them from the Expedition ; as hoping by h● disorder of the two Kingdoms to bring to pass that which he had formerly been accused to endeavour to make himself King of Scotland ; but I take this to have been a very uncharitable Censure upon so little ground to judge so hardly of a man , that afterwards lost his life in seeking to procure the liberty of the King his Master . keywords: a. king; able; absolute; act; actions; acts; advantage; ambition; answer; antient; april; aristotle; arms; army; articles; assembly; authority; battel; beginning; best; better; bill; bishops; blake; body; books; business; case; causes; certain; charge; charles; chief; christ; christian; church; city; civil; clergy; command; commission; commissioners; committee; commons; commonwealth; condition; conscience; consent; contrary; council; councillors; counties; country; court; cromwel; danger; day; days; death; declar'd; declarations; defence; design; divers; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; duke; durst; dutch; duty; earl; effect; end; enemies; england; english; equity; essex; fairfax; faith; farther; favour; fear; fit; following; foot; forces; form; free; friends; general; gentlemen; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greek; grievances; hands; hath; having; head; help; henry; heresie; high; home; honour; hope; house; ignorant; intended; ireland; irish; january; john; judge; judgment; july; justice; kind; king; king henry; king james; kingdom; knowledge; known; lambert; late king; law; lawful; laws; learning; leave; levying; liberty; lieutenant; life; like; likely; little; london; long; long parliament; lords; love; majesties; majesty; major; making; man; manner; march; marching; masters; matter; mean; meaning; members; militia; mind; ministers; monarchy; money; monk; nation; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; newcastle; north; notice; number; obedience; occasion; officers; old; oliver; opinion; order; ordinance; oxford; papists; parliament; particular; party; pass; pay; peace; people; persons; petition; philosophy; places; pleased; points; pope; power; preachers; preaching; presbyterians; present; present parliament; pretended; priests; prince; principles; prisoners; private; privy; proceedings; propositions; protector; publick; purpose; queen; question; ready; rebellion; reign; religion; rest; return; right; roman; rome; royalists; rump; safety; said; salvation; scotch; scotland; scots; scripture; sea; second; sedition; seditious; self; sentence; sermons; service; set; ship; sides; sir; sitting; souldiers; soveraign; state; strafford; strange; strength; subjects; sufficient; supreme; sure; tcp; text; thing; thither; thomas; thought; time; title; town; treason; treaty; true; trust; universities; vertue; victory; vote; want; war; wars; way; wealth; westminster; whatsoever; whereof; wit; work; world; year; york cache: A43991.xml plain text: A43991.txt item: #10 of 21 id: A43995 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Humane nature, or, The fundamental elements of policy being a discovery of the faculties, acts, and passions of the soul of man from their original causes, according to such philosophical principles as are not commonly known or asserted / by Tho. Hobbs. date: 1684 words: 23031 flesch: 57 summary: 1. HAving spoken of the Powers and Acts of the Mind , both cognitive and motive , considered in every Man by himself , without Relation to other● ; it will fall fitly into this Chapter , to speak of the Effects of the same Power one upon another ; which Effects are also the Signs , by which one taketh notice what another conceiveth and intendeth . For the understanding of what I mean by the Power Cognitive , we must remember and acknowledge that there be in our Minds continually certain Images or Conceptions of the Things without us , insomuch that if a Man could be alive , and all the rest of the World annihilated , he should nevertheless retain the Image thereof ; and all those Things which he had before seen or perceived in it ; every one by his own Experience knowing , that the Absence or Destruction of things once imagined doth not cause the Absence or Destruction of the Imagination it self ; This Imagery and Representations of the Qualities of the Thing without , is that we call our Conception , Imagination , Ideas , Notice or Knowledg of them ; and the Faculty or Power by which we are capable of such Knowledge , is that I here call Cognitive Power , or Conceptive , the Power of Knowing or Conceiving . CHAP. II. keywords: actions; air; appellation; appetite; beginning; bodies; body; brain; cause; chap; chapter; charity; colour; cometh; commonly; conceive; conception; conclusion; conjecture; consequent; consisteth; contrary; defect; delight; desire; difference; discourse; divers; doth; doubt; dreams; effect; end; errour; evidence; evident; evil; example; expectation; experience; eye; faculties; faith; false; fear; fire; followeth; future; glory; god; good; great; greater; grief; hath; heart; honour; honourable; hope; image; imagination; internal; joy; kind; knowledge; like; little; love; man; manner; meaning; means; men; mind; motion; motive; names; natural; nature; needs; new; non; notice; object; opinion; parts; passion; past; person; pity; place; pleasure; power; present; principles; proceedeth; proceeding; proposition; qualities; ratiocination; reason; remembrance; rest; roman; science; second; sect; seeth; self; selves; sense; sensual; signs; sorts; sound; speech; spirit; subject; sudden; text; thing; thought; time; true; trust; truth; universal; vain; way; whatsoever; whereof; wills; words; world cache: A43995.xml plain text: A43995.txt item: #11 of 21 id: A43996 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The last sayings, or, Dying legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury who departed this life on Thursday, Decemb. 4, 1679. date: 1680 words: 3426 flesch: 66 summary: As a Man that is born blind , hearing men talk of warming themselves by the Fire , and being brought to warm himself by the same , may easily conceive there is somewhat there which men call fire , and is the cause of the heat he feels , but can have no Idea of it in his Mind , such as they have that see it : So also by the visible things of this World , and their admirable order , a man may conceive there is a cause of them which men call God , and yet not have an Idea or Image of him in his Mind . Opinion of Ghosts , Ignorance of second Causes , Devotion towards what men fear , and taking of things Casual for Prognosticks , consisteth the natural Seed of Religion ; which by reason of the different Fancies , Passions and Judgements of several men , hath grown up into Ceremonies so different , that those which are used by one man , are for the most part ridiculous to another . keywords: books; cause; characters; clergy; credit; decemb; doctrine; early; eebo; encoding; english; evil; fear; god; gods; good; hobbes; hope; images; impossible; king; law; laws; life; man; mankind; men; mind; nature; online; opinion; oxford; partnership; phase; power; princes; reason; religion; tcp; tei; text; thing; thomas; thursday; world; xml cache: A43996.xml plain text: A43996.txt item: #12 of 21 id: A44004 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury written by himself in a Latine poem, and now translated into English. date: 1680 words: 3967 flesch: 77 summary: Six years i' th' Greek and Latin Tongue I spent , And at Fourteen I was to Oxford sent ; And there of Magd'len-Hall admitted , I My self to Logick first did then apply , And sedulously I my Tutor heard , Who Gravely Read , althou ' he had no Beard . Therefore more pleasant studies I then sought , Which I was formerly , tho' not well Taught . keywords: book; characters; clear; corpore; cou'd; day; e'r; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; good; great; hobbes; images; italy; justice; king; latin; life; london; lord; malmesbury; man; matter; men; motion; nature; new; noble; online; oxford; paris; partnership; phase; print; sense; small; studies; tcp; tei; text; things; thomas; time; tongue; true; war; way; works; xml; years cache: A44004.xml plain text: A44004.txt item: #13 of 21 id: A44005 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Memorable sayings of Mr. Hobbes in his books and at the table date: 1680 words: 2341 flesch: 67 summary: [ in English thus ] A wise mans satisfaction , is to have a Treasure of hope with the Gods , or else not to fear them at all . Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 49833) keywords: available; books; cause; characters; creation; doctrine; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; fear; god; hobbes; hope; image; man; mankind; memorable; men; mind; online; original; oxford; partnership; phase; power; princes; project; reason; sayings; table; tcp; tei; text; thomas; transcribed; work; xml cache: A44005.xml plain text: A44005.txt item: #14 of 21 id: A44006 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Of libertie and necessitie a treatise, wherein all controversie concerning predestination, election, free-will, grace, merits, reprobation, &c. is fully decided and cleared, in answer to a treatise written by the Bishop of London-derry, on the same subject / by Thomas Hobs. date: 1654 words: 14365 flesch: 54 summary: Men are not therefore put to death , or punished for that their theft proceedeth from election , but because it was noxious and contrary to mens preservation , and the punishment conducing to the preservation of the rest , in as much as to punish those that do voluntary hurt , and none else , frameth and maketh mens wills such as men would have them . Now when I say the action was necessary , I do not say it was done against the will of the doer , but with his will , and necessarily , because mans will , that is every volition or act of the will and purpose of man had a sufficient , and therefore a necessary cause , and consequently every voluntary action was necessitated . keywords: action; agent; almighty; answer; argument; beasts; better; bishop; books; cause; certain; compulsion; conceive; consequence; deliberation; determined; distinction; doth; effect; election; evil; example; fear; forbear; free; god; gods; good; great; hath; law; libertie; liberty; like; lordship; man; manner; means; men; nature; necessary; necessitated; necessitation; necessity; onely; opinion; place; power; praise; prayer; punishment; question; rain; reason; religion; right; saies; saith; scripture; self; sence; sin; spontaneous; subject; sufficient; text; thing; thomas; thou; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; understanding; unjust; vain; voluntary; way; whatsoever; words; work; world cache: A44006.xml plain text: A44006.txt item: #15 of 21 id: A44011 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury ; with an apology for himself and his writings. date: 1682 words: 20057 flesch: 77 summary: B. Because as it descends , and is already in motion , it receiveth a new impression from the same cause , which is the Air , whereof as part mounteth , part also must descend , supposing as we have done the plenitude of the world . B. Suppose there be Vacuum in that Air into which the Marble you pull off is to succeed , shall there be no Vacuum in the Air that was round about the two Marbles when they touched ? Why cannot that Vacuum come into the place between ? Air cannot succeed in an instant , because a body ; and consequently cannot be moved through the least space in an instant . keywords: action; aequinoctial; air; angle; bent; bodies; body; bow; bullet; cause; center; circle; clouds; cube; cylinder; degrees; difficulty; double; earth; effect; endeavour; english; equal; fall; fire; force; geometry; glass; great; greater; gun; hard; hardness; hath; heat; hot; ice; internal; iron; light; like; line; little; load; makes; man; moon; motion; natural; nature; needs; number; oblique; parts; perpendicular; place; point; poles; problems; quick; reason; reflection; resistance; root; sea; self; set; ship; sides; silver; small; soever; south; space; square; stone; stream; sun; superficies; swiftness; tcp; text; thing; time; touch; true; vacuum; wall; water; way; weight; whereof; wind; wood; world cache: A44011.xml plain text: A44011.txt item: #16 of 21 id: A44014 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques one of geometry the other of astronomy, in the chaires set up by the noble and learned Sir Henry Savile in the University of Oxford. date: 1656 words: 52644 flesch: 64 summary: And yet you woul● have 〈◊〉 Books o● yours ●o 〈◊〉 an A●g●●en● , and to be an Ind●x o● the Philosophy and Geomet●y 〈◊〉 ●e ●ound in the 〈◊〉 . I know well enough the Auth●●s names ; and am sorry that N S has lent his name to be abused to so ill a p●●pos● . keywords: able; absurd; absurdity; accelerated; aggregate; altitude; alwayes; angle; answer; appear; arch; arches; argument; arithmetica; article; axis; base; beginning; better; bodies; body; book; breadth; cause; center; chapter; circle; circumference; civill; clavius; common; composition; conceit; concourse; construction; contact; contingence; contrary; corpus; crooked; crooked line; cut; defect; definition; demonstrable; demonstration; determined; diameter; difference; distance; divers; divide; divinity; doctrine; doth; double; double proportion; duplicate; easie; egregious; eighth; element; elenchus; end; english; equality; equall; error; euclide; evident; example; excess; false; fault; fifth; figure; finding; fit; following; fourteenth; fourth; g ●; generall; generation; geometricall; geometricians; geometry; good; greater; greatest; half; hath; henry; heterogeneous; homogeneous; ignorance; impetus; inclination; infinitely; infinitorum; judgement; kind; knowledge; l ●; language; latine; learning; leave; length; lesson; leviathan; like; line; line equall; little; long; m ●; magnitude; making; man; manner; mathematiques; mean; meaning; measure; men; mersennus; method; mistake; motion; naturall; nature; necessary; need; new; nineth; non; number; o ●; object; objections; onely; opinion; oxford; p ●; pag; parabola; parabolicall; parallel; parallelogram; parts; pass; philosophy; place; plain; point; power; principles; probleme; professors; proof; proportion; proportionall; propositions; publique; purpose; quadrature; quantities; quantity; question; quotient; radius; reader; reason; rectilineall; religion; respect; rest; right; run; savile; science; second; seeing; seek; self; selves; semicircle; sense; set; seventh; severall; sir; sixth; solid; sphere; spirall; squares; straight; straight line; subject; sum; superficies; swiftness; symboles; t ●; tangent; tcp; terms; text; thing; thirteenth; thought; time; touch; triangle; triple; triplicate; true; truth; understanding; understood; uniform; universities; university; vertex; want; way; whereof; wit; wonder; words; writing; ● e; ● n; ● s; ● y; ● ● cache: A44014.xml plain text: A44014.txt item: #17 of 21 id: A44015 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Stigmai ageōmetrias, agroichias, antipoliteas, amatheias, or, Markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks, and barbarismes of John Wallis professor of geometry and doctor of divinity by Thomas Hobbes. date: 1657 words: 22407 flesch: 65 summary: You take e●ceptions at that I say , that Eucilde has but one word for double and duplicate ; which neverthelesse was said very truely , and that word is sometimes {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} and sometimes {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ▪ And you think you come of handsomly with asking me whether {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} and {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} be one word . Nor are you now of the minde you were , that a point is not quantity unconsidered ; but that in an infinite series it may be safely neglected . Di●ferre ( {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ) differing , exceeding , is not quantity , but relation . keywords: absurd; addition; adducere; adducis; adduco; adducta; adeoque; aequalium; answer; aristophanes; arithmetica; autem; authority; authors; beginning; beleeve; better; body; book; brand; cap; cause; certain; christ; church; civil; come; common; conclusion; confesse; contrary; crescentium; critick; cum; derivation; discipline; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doth; doubt; elenchus; empusa; end; english; equal; equalls; equation; eustathius; example; excesse; excessus; false; fit; fraction; geometry; gods; good; gospel; grammar; greater; greatest; greek; habet; hath; hobbes; hopping; hot; ill; illa; infinitorum; ipsi non; iron; judgement; junius; justifie; juxta; kinde; know; language; latine; lesse; like; little; long; lord; lowermost; ludus; malleum; manifest; manner; mark; maximae; meaning; men; minister; need; new; non; non gradiuntur; non mo; non potest; number; numerorum; onely; order; page; passage; pede; place; play; pleased; point; politicks; post; power; professor; proportion; proportionalium; propositions; publick; puncto; quam; quantitatum; quantities; quantity; quod; ratio; ratione; reader; reading; rest; right; roman; roman religion; row; saith; saying; scholiast; school; second; sed; self; sense; seriem; set; signification; signifie; sir; sive; soveraign; square; stephen; subquadruple; subtriple; subtriple proportion; sum; supra; sure; tanquam; tearms; termes; terminorum; text; things; think; thomas; time; true; truth; unitas; unite; universities; unlesse; uppermost; use; wallis; want; way; wealth; whereof; words; writing; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A44015.xml plain text: A44015.txt item: #18 of 21 id: A44017 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis together with considerations on Dr. Wallis his Answer to them / by Tho. Hobbes. date: 1671 words: 3909 flesch: 70 summary: Square root -- Early works to 1800. Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis together with considerations on Dr. Wallis his Answer to them / by Tho. Hobbes. keywords: answer; arc; beginning; eebo; english; equal; greater; greatest; hobbes; infinite; line; number; parts; proportion; radius; root; row; royal; sayes; self; society; souldiers; square; streight; tcp; text; wallis cache: A44017.xml plain text: A44017.txt item: #19 of 21 id: A49423 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: A letter about liberty and necessity written to the Duke of Newcastle / by Thomas Hobbes. With observations upon it by a learned Prelate of the Church of England lately deceased. date: 1676 words: 13189 flesch: 64 summary: Observations upon a letter of Mr. T. Hobbs to the Duke of Newcastle. Observations upon a letter of Mr. T. Hobbs to the Duke of Newcastle (p. 23-104) Reproduction of original in the Trinty College Library, Cambridge University. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. keywords: actions; agent; appetite; argument; books; cause; consequence; contingent; decree; definition; deliberation; doth; duke; eebo; effect; english; eternity; evil; example; fear; free; future; god; good; hath; hobbs; hope; instance; letter; liberty; like; london; man; meaning; men; mind; natural; nature; necessary; necessitate; necessity; needful; new; newcastle; nonsense; nunc; observations; octavo; onely; opinion; particular; point; present; price; proposition; quarto; question; rain; reason; reflection; resolv'd; self; sence; spontaneous; sufficient; tcp; text; thing; thinking; thomas; time; true; truth; twelves; voluntary; water; way; words; work cache: A49423.xml plain text: A49423.txt item: #20 of 21 id: A61163 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The plague of Athens, which hapned in the second year of the Peloponnesian Warre first described in Greek by Thucydides, then in Latin by Lucretius / now attempted in English, by Tho. Sprat. date: 1665 words: 8401 flesch: 73 summary: For that which a man before would dissemble , and not acknowledge to be done for voluptuousness , he durst now do freely , seeing before his Eyes such quick revolution , of the rich dying , and men worth nothing inheriting their Estates ; insomuch as they justified a speedy fruition of their Goods , even for their pleasure , as Men that thought they held their Lives but by the day . But I have much reason to fear the just indignation of that excellent Person , ( the present Ornament and Honour of our Nation ) whose way of writing I imitate : for he may think himself as much injured by my following him , as were the Heavens by that bold mans counterfeiting the sacred and unimitable noise of Thunder by the sound of Brass and Horses hoofs . keywords: air; alas; angry; athens; beasts; blood; bodies; body; books; breath; brome; characters; common; dead; death; devour; disease; doth; dreadful; dying; early; earth; eebo; english; eyes; fate; fear; field; find; fire; general; gods; great; greece; greek; head; heat; heavens; honour; images; kind; lands; late; latin; laws; life; like; lives; long; man; men; mighty; mortal; nature; new; open; oxford; pain; peloponnesian; people; place; plague; poems; power; poyson; prey; rage; run; sacred; second; seen; self; sick; sir; sprat; strait; streets; strength; strong; sun; sure; sword; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thucydides; time; troops; unhappy; use; vain; walls; war; work; world; year cache: A61163.xml plain text: A61163.txt item: #21 of 21 id: A61164 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: The plague of Athens which hapned in the second year of the Peloponnesian Warr / first described in Greek by Thucydides, then in Latin by Lucretius, now attempted in English by Tho. Sprat. date: 1667 words: 8600 flesch: 75 summary: For that which a man before would dissemble , and not acknowledge to be done for voluptuousness , he durst now do freely , seeing before his Eyes such quick revolution , of the rich dying , and men worth nothing inheriting their Estates ; insomuch as they justified a speedy fruition of their Goods , even for their pleasure , as Men that thought they held their Lives but by the day . They had not been many dayes in Attica , when the Plague first began amongst the Athenians , said also to have seized formerly on divers other parts , as about Lemnos , and elsewhere ; but so great a Plague , and Mortality of Men , was never remembred to have hapned in any place before . keywords: air; alas; angry; art; athens; beasts; blood; bodies; body; bold; books; breath; brome; characters; city; common; countrey; dead; death; devour; disease; doth; dreadful; dying; early; earth; eebo; english; eyes; fear; field; fire; flames; general; gods; great; greece; greek; head; heat; heavens; henry; honour; images; kind; lands; late; latin; laws; life; like; lives; long; lucretius; man; men; mighty; nature; new; online; open; oxford; pain; partnership; people; phase; place; plague; poems; power; prey; rage; run; sacred; second; seen; self; sick; sir; sprat; store; strait; streets; strength; strong; sun; sure; sword; tcp; tei; text; thee; things; thou; thucydides; time; troops; unhappy; use; vain; vvhen; work; world; year cache: A61164.xml plain text: A61164.txt