item: #1 of 34 id: A34544 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Self-imployment in secret ... left under the hand-writing of that learned & reverend divine, Mr. John Corbet ...; with a prefatory epistle of Mr. John Howe. date: 1681 words: 12328 flesch: 72 summary: I have an Inclination to seek Self , particularly in vain applause , and that in Religious services ; and herein I have been highly guilty , but I shame my self for it before God , and I am willing to be satisfied in the Praise , that comes from him alone ; and I trust through his Grace , that I can deny my self in matter of Reputation to do his Will. I labour to be unbottomed of Self , to dye to Self-advancement , to Self-gloriation , and to all selfish joys , and to live wholly in , and to God , and to have Self swallowed up in the Love of Him. keywords: christ; desire; god; good; grace; hath; heart; life; lord; love; self; soul; spirit; thee; thou cache: A34544.xml plain text: A34544.txt item: #2 of 34 id: A43183 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational date: 1691 words: 3651 flesch: 54 summary: That a visible Professor thus joined to a particular Church , ought to continue stedfastly with the said Church ; and not forsake the Ministry and Ordinances there dispensed , without an orderly seeking a recommendation unto another Church . Which ought to be given , when the case of the person apparently requires it . 4. It may sometimes come to pass , that a Church-Member , not otherwise Scandalous , may sinfully withdraw , and divide himself from the Communion of the Church to which he belongeth : In which case , when all due means for the reducing him , prove ineffectual , he having hereby cut himself off from that Churches Communion ; the Church may justly esteem and declare it self discharged of any further inspection over him . keywords: agreement; christ; church; churches; communion; tcp; text cache: A43183.xml plain text: A43183.txt item: #3 of 34 id: A43344 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse concerning meekness and quietness of spirit to which is added, A sermon on Acts 28. 22, shewing that the Christian religion is not a sect, and yet that it is every where spoken against / by Matthew Henry ... date: 1699 words: 67041 flesch: 71 summary: The Law of Meekness is , If thine Enemy hung●● , feed him , if he thirst 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Propina illi , not only give him drink , ( which is an Act of Charity ) but drink to him , in token of Friendship , and true Love , and Reconciliation , and in so doing thou shalt heap Coals of Fire upon his Head , not to consume him , but to melt and mollifie him , that he may be cast into a new mould ; and thus while the angry and revengeful Man , that will bear down all before him with a high hand is overcome of evil , the patient and forgiving overcome evil with good , Rom. 12. 20 , 21. and forasmuch as their ways please the Lord , he maketh even their Enemies to be at Peace with them , Pro. 16. 7. Nay , Meekness is a Victory over Satan the greatest Enemy of all : What Conquest can sound more great than that ? 2. He endeavours to bring them in love with the better Ornaments , those of the Mind , the Graces of the blessed Spirit , here called the hidden Man of the Heart , — 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . keywords: anger; bear; cause; children; christ; christian; david; day; doth; earth; enemies; evil; god; good; grace; hand; hath; heart; heaven; holy; honour; isa; law; lord; love; man; mat; meekness; men; passion; peace; people; provocation; psal; quiet; quietness; reason; religion; sect; self; selves; soul; spirit; things; tho; thou; thy; time; way; wisdom; world; ● ● cache: A43344.xml plain text: A43344.txt item: #4 of 34 id: A44665 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: An ansvver to Dr. Stillingfleet's Mischief of separation being a letter written out of the countrey to a person of quality in the city. Who took offence at the late sermon of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of S. Pauls; before the lord mayor. date: 1680 words: 18562 flesch: 57 summary: It is not how far Christians are bound to submit to a restraint of their Christian liberty ? Which I now inquire after , ( of those things in the Treatise it self ) but whether they do consult for the Churches Peace and Unity who suspend it upon such things ? How far either the example of our Saviour or his Apostles doth warrant such rigorous impositions ? We never read the Apostles making Laws but of things supposed necessary . Now ( to reduce things to the method which sutes the present case ) if this reverend Author do still judge [ that where sinful conditions of Communion are imposed there Non-communion is necessary ( and those things be sinful to us which our Consciences judge to be so , as he hath acknowledged . keywords: author; case; christian; church; communion; doctor; god; hath; judge; men; ministers; reason; religion; things; way cache: A44665.xml plain text: A44665.txt item: #5 of 34 id: A44670 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A calm and sober enquiry concerning the possibility of a Trinity in the Godhead in a letter to a person of worth : occasioned by the lately published considerations on the explications of the doctrine of the Trinity by Dr. Wallis, Dr. Sherlock, Dr. S--th, Dr. Cudworth, &c. ... date: 1694 words: 24433 flesch: 56 summary: It would be an over-officious and too meanly servile Religiousness to be aw'd by the Sophistry of presumptuous Scholastick Wits , into a Subscription to their confident determinations concerning the Being of God , that such and such things are necessary or impossible thereto , beyond what the plain undisguised reason of things , or his own express Word do evince . But our difficulty is greater to conceive what is commonly taught , that these , without real distinction , or with formal only ( as contradistinguished to the difference of thing from thing ) are in the abstract affirmable of God , that he is Power , Wisdom , Goodness . keywords: distinction; divine; father; god; godhead; hath; letter; man; nature; person; self; shall; son; thing; trinity; union; word cache: A44670.xml plain text: A44670.txt item: #6 of 34 id: A44671 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The carnality of religious contention in two sermons preach'd at the merchant's lecture in Broadstreet / by John Howe ... date: 1693 words: 24168 flesch: 62 summary: But when for the space of about three Hundred Years together it had enjoy'd the protection and benignity of Christian Emperors ; and was hereby become wanton , lost in carnality , not content with it self , and its own Native Comeliness , but affected to shine in a borrowed Lustre and Ornature , when ( as Harlots are wont ) it began to paint , to be fond of gay Attire , and devise things for Deckings to it self most alien from its Original State and Constitution ( and which afterwards became the matter of bloody Contentions , and Cruelties ) when it grew ambitious of secular pomp , splendor , grandeur , and power , then was it so far forsaken of God , and his Spirit , that within a very few Years after Boniface the third had obtained of the Emperor Phocas the Title of Universal Bishop , whereby Popish Tyranny and Superstition became more fully regnant in the Church , ( i. e. within less than twenty Years ) began the senseless Delusion of Mahometanism to spring up without the Church ; and assisted by the incredible accession of Force , and Arms , came at length to prevail against it ( now gradually sinking more and more into Vice and Ignorance ) unto that degree , that in process of time , what Christianity had gained from Paganism , it lost in a great Measure , unto Mahometanism ; so that in several parts of Christendom , where were reckon'd thirty Christians for one Pagan , there came to be thirty Mahometans for one Christian. When the Carriage and Conduct of an Affair that carries with it the appearance of serving the Truth , is impetuous , eager , precipitant ; when there is no good End in view of the present so modify'd Endeavour ; when enough is agreed already to serve the most important Ends , Vnity among Brethren , the Salvation of Souls , and yet things are further insisted on , unnecessary to either , yea , prejudscial to both , and upon which the weight and stress of either of these cannot be laid without sin ; it too plainly appears Vain-glory to ones self , or the slurring of a ( designed ) Adversary is the End ; and then the Principle is proportionable . keywords: apostle; carnality; christ; christian; church; faith; god; good; gospel; hath; law; life; love; man; men; religion; self; spirit; things; truth; world cache: A44671.xml plain text: A44671.txt item: #7 of 34 id: A44672 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The Case of the Protestant dissenters represented and argued date: 1689 words: 4526 flesch: 60 summary: THE Names of Mr. Hale of Eaton College , and of a later most renowned Bishop of the Church of England , who asserted this Principle [ That if things be impos'd under the notion of indifferent , which many think sinful , and a Schism follow thereupon , the Imposers are the Schismaticks . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: church; england; god; laws; tcp; text; thing; worship cache: A44672.xml plain text: A44672.txt item: #8 of 34 id: A44673 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse concerning the Redeemer's dominion over the invisible world, and the entrance thereinto by death some part whereof was preached on occasion of the death of John Hoghton Esq, eldest son of Sir Charles Hoghton of Hoghton-Tower in the county of Lancaster, Baronet / by John Howe ... date: 1699 words: 35944 flesch: 66 summary: Whence therefore , nothing is more obvious , than to conceive , that whosoever is adjoyned to them , ascending out of our Wo●ld , presently hath his Station assigned him , is made to know his post ▪ and how he is to be employed , in the se●vice and adoration of the Sovereign Lord of all , and in paying the most regular homage , to the Th●one of God and the Lamb. He praises the young Person , deceased , for his Comliness , Sobriety , Piety , dutifulness towards Parents , obligingness towards Friends , acknowledges that Sorrow in the case of losing such a Son , hath ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) a principle in Nature , and is of the things that are ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) not in our Power , or which we cannot help ; That to be destitute of it is neither possible , nor fit . keywords: case; christ; death; doth; earth; god; good; hades; hath; having; heaven; keys; life; lord; man; men; mind; nature; place; power; reason; redeemer; self; selves; state; things; think; thought; time; use; way; world cache: A44673.xml plain text: A44673.txt item: #9 of 34 id: A44674 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse of an unconverted man's enmity, against God Preached to a country congregation, by J.H. And publish'd by one who wrote it from his mouth. date: 1700 words: 10192 flesch: 79 summary: Men in their unconverted state are strangers to God. Men in their unconverted state , are not only strangers to God , but enemies against God , and that in their minds . keywords: enmity; god; love; man; men; mind; spirit; things; wicked; works; world cache: A44674.xml plain text: A44674.txt item: #10 of 34 id: A44675 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A discourse relating to the much-lamented death and solemn funeral of our incomparable and most gracious Queen Mary, of most blessed memory by John Howe. date: 1695 words: 14583 flesch: 63 summary: Let a Soul be supposed actually adjoined to that glorious Assembly , and Church above , that is yet unacquainted with God , strange , and disaffected to him , alienated from the divine Life , still carnally minded , loving most , and looking back with a lingring Eye towards this present World and State of things ; full of Pride , Haughtiness , and self-magnifying Thoughts ; of Envy , Wrath , Hatred , Contentiousness ; of Deceit , Guilefulness and Dissimulation , fill'd with ravenous Lusts , and inordinate , insatiable Desires after impossible Things : Such a Soul will only seem to have mistaken its Way , Place , State and Company , and can only be a sit Associate for Devils and infernal Spirits . To the general Assembly , and Church of the First-born , which are written in Heaven , and to God the Judg of all , and to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect . keywords: church; divine; god; hath; heaven; holy; knowledg; light; men; perfect; perfection; self; spirits; state; text; things cache: A44675.xml plain text: A44675.txt item: #11 of 34 id: A44677 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for that very reverend, and most laborious servant of Christ, in the work of the ministry, Mr. Matthew Mead who deceased Oct. 16, 1699 / by John Howe ... date: 1699 words: 13280 flesch: 73 summary: 2. That it is not within the compass of any created , no not of angelical power , to change the hearts of men , and turn them to God. Yet if God should put forth his own power , by such a Ministration : If Angels should appear in glorious aray among us , and speak to men with greater advantage , and more perswasive eloquence , than we can conceive ; and marvellous effects , by divine concurrence , should ensue ; Those great effects , among a sort of creatures led by sense , and who judge by the sight of the eye , would all be ascribed to the visibly glorious Instrument , not to the supreme Agent , who is invisible and out of sight ; even as in effects of another kind , the invisible Power and Godhead , that do all , are little regarded by stupid man , whose dull eye stays , and rests in the visible outside , and fixes his mind there too . keywords: christ; design; god; gospel; hath; lord; man; men; salvation; saving; souls; thy; time; work; world cache: A44677.xml plain text: A44677.txt item: #12 of 34 id: A44678 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for Mrs. Esther Sampson the late wife of Henry Sampson, Dr. of Physick, who died Nov. 24. 1689 / by John Howe ... date: 1690 words: 13151 flesch: 67 summary: That would have been to invert the order of things , to dethrone God , and deifie man , and had been , it self , a real sort of that Idolatry , which was one , among the many horrid evils , which he purposely came to redress , and give remedy to in this apostate degenerate World. He redeemed us to God by his blood , Rev. 5. 9. ) Or for the glory of God , as he summ'd it up , in the case of Lazarus , when he was told of his being sick , Jon. 11. 4. This sickness is not unto death ( i. e. it was not to terminate in a continuing death ) but for the Glory of God , that the Son of man might be Glorifi'd , the same account which this Evangelist gives of all these his great works , and why they were recorded , that we might believe that Jesus was the Christ , the Son of God. &c. chap. keywords: abraham; case; compassion; day; death; god; kind; lord; men; release; sabbath; self; things; way; world cache: A44678.xml plain text: A44678.txt item: #13 of 34 id: A44679 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon for that faithful and laborious servant of Christ Mr. Richard Fairclough (who deceased July 4, 1682 in the sixty first year of his age) by John Howe. date: 1682 words: 12469 flesch: 65 summary: 'T is the same thing with being Gods workmanship , ( Ephes. 2.10 . ) created unto good works ; and with that readines to every good work , ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , ) If any of their own private Inclination , would have the necessary work of their Lord hindered , and take Pleasure in the exclusion of industrious Labourers , for their conscientious disuse of things , by their own Confession , not necessary . keywords: god; good; hath; joy; life; lord; love; man; self; servant; service; text; thing; thou; time; work cache: A44679.xml plain text: A44679.txt item: #14 of 34 id: A44680 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon on the death of that pious gentlewoman Mrs. Judith Hamond Late wife of the Reverend Mr. George Hamond, minister of the Gospel in London. By John Howe, minister of the same Gospel. date: 1696 words: 10442 flesch: 70 summary: Death I mean , as it was so heavily incumbent upon the Minds and Spirits of Good Men themselves , and was their most intolerable burden ; extorting from them such groans as that Rom. 7. 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death . Upon the whole , I cannot , indeed , conceive , that since Death is often taken , and that most reasonably , in so great a latitude , as to admit of comprehending this sense ; and since , in these latter verses , the Apostle is speaking of a final deliverance from it , as the special priviledge of such as are in union with Christ , not of what is common to all men , but that victory over death in this respect , as it imports aversion from God , or indisposition towards him , must be within his meaning , and that he was far from confining it to bodily death only , or from intending , in reference to the Soul , the meer natural immortality of that alone . keywords: christ; death; god; hath; life; reference; saying; self; state; thing; victory; world cache: A44680.xml plain text: A44680.txt item: #15 of 34 id: A44681 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A funeral sermon on the decease of that worthy gentlewoman Mrs. Margaret Baxter, who died the 28th of June, 1681 by John Howe. date: 1681 words: 14554 flesch: 71 summary: for this cause , as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often signifies causality , ( not in this House , for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 will not agree ) we groan earnestly , desiring to be clothed upon with our House which is from Heaven , i. e. of Heaven , or sutable to Heaven , ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 denotes here , as often , the Matter whereof a thing is formed and made ) a Body made up of an heavenly material ; Or , ( which is all one ) an earthly Body refined and transformed into such a One. We see the Apostle speaks by way of comparison , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , we are willing rather . keywords: body; case; death; god; hath; life; lord; man; nature; self; soul; state; thing; world cache: A44681.xml plain text: A44681.txt item: #16 of 34 id: A44682 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A letter written out of the countrey to a person of quality in the city who took offence at the late sermon of Dr. Stillingfleet, Dean of S. Pauls, before the Lord Mayor date: 1680 words: 18475 flesch: 57 summary: It is not how far Christians are bound to submit to a restraint of their Christian liberty ? Which I now inquire after , ( of those things in the Treatise it self ) but whether they do consult for the Churches Peace and Unity who suspend it upon such things ? How far either the example of our Saviour or his Apostles doth warrant such rigorous impositions ? We never read the Apostles making Laws but of things supposed necessary . Now ( to reduce things to the method which sutes the present case ) if this reverend Author do still judge [ that where sinful conditions of Communion are imposed there Non-communion is necessary ( and those things be sinful to us which our Consciences judge to be so , as he hath acknowledged . keywords: author; case; christian; church; communion; doctor; duty; god; hath; judge; men; ministers; reason; religion; things; way cache: A44682.xml plain text: A44682.txt item: #17 of 34 id: A44683 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The living temple, or, A designed improvement of that notion that a good man is the temple of God by John Howe ... date: 1675 words: 77196 flesch: 60 summary: Storms and Whirlwinds , Flames and Thunderbolts ; things not so apt immediately to work upon their understanding as their fear , and that will astonish that they may convince : That the great God make himself known by the Judgments which he executes . That any indeed should commence Religious , and persist with blind Zeal in this or that discriminating Profession without ever considering why they should do so ; is unmanly and absurd : especially when a gross ignorance of the true reasons and grounds of Religion shall be shadowed over with a pretended awe and scrupulousness to enquire about things so sacred . keywords: account; body; cause; creatures; deity; design; doth; effect; existence; frame; god; good; hath; humane; infinite; man; matter; men; minds; nature; notion; perfection; power; present; purpose; reason; religion; self; selves; sense; sort; soul; state; temple; thing; thought; time; unto; way; whatsoever; whereof; wisdom; world; yea cache: A44683.xml plain text: A44683.txt item: #18 of 34 id: A44684 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Of charity in reference to other mens sins by John Howe ... date: 1681 words: 12296 flesch: 72 summary: Of charity in reference to other mens sins by John Howe ... Howe, John, 1630-1705. 1681 Approx. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 535:14) Of charity in reference to other mens sins by John Howe ... Howe, John, 1630-1705. keywords: charity; christian; divine; doth; god; good; hath; love; man; men; self; sins; things cache: A44684.xml plain text: A44684.txt item: #19 of 34 id: A44685 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Of thoughtfulnes for the morrow with an appendix concerning the immoderate desire of fore-knowing things to come / by John Howe ... date: 1681 words: 4623 flesch: 71 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( Neither our present duty or peace ; nor our future safety or felicity can be provided for as they ought , till our minds be more abstracted from time , and taken up about the unseen , eternal World. keywords: day; future; god; morrow; tcp; text; things; time cache: A44685.xml plain text: A44685.txt item: #20 of 34 id: A44686 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A post-script to the late letter of the reconcileableness of God's prescience, &c. by John Howe ... date: 1677 words: 7256 flesch: 61 summary: But he doth also by these powers thus habilitated for action , love wickednes , and hate God. Yea and tho there be never so many instances of merciful surprisals , preventive of all our own consideration and care , Yet those are still to be accounted the Ordinary Methods which are so de jure , which would actually be so , if Men did their duty , and which God hath obliged us to observe and attend unto as such . 8. That in reference to all other actions which are not sinful , tho there be not a sinful disinclination to them , yet because there may be a sluggishnes , and ineptitude to some purposes God intends to serve by them , This influence is also alwaies determinative thereunto ; whensoever to the immense Wisdom of God shall seem meet , and conducing to his own great and holy ends . keywords: actions; concourse; god; good; hath; influence; letter; men; tcp; text cache: A44686.xml plain text: A44686.txt item: #21 of 34 id: A44687 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The reconcileableness of God's prescience of the sins of men with the wisdom and sincerity of his counsels, exhortations, and whatsoever other means he uses to prevent them / in a letter to the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq. date: 1677 words: 21967 flesch: 62 summary: It is fit the mention of this be prefac't with an obvious remark ; That the misapprehension of the state of things between God and Man doth , in great part , owe it self , to our aptnes to compare unduly , the Divine Government with that of Secular Rulers ; and our expectation to find them in all things agreeing with each other . For tho , when God urges and incites men , by exhortations , promises , and threats , to the doing of their own part ( which it is most agreeable to his holy gracious Nature to do ) he foresee , many will not be moved thereby ; but persist in wilful neglect , and rebellions till they perish : He , at the same time , sees that they might do otherwise , and that , if they would comply with his methods , things would otherwise issue with them . keywords: actions; course; doth; end; god; government; hath; man; matter; men; nature; power; sect; self; things; tho; way; wisdom cache: A44687.xml plain text: A44687.txt item: #22 of 34 id: A44688 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The Redeemer's tears wept over lost souls a treatise on Luke XIX, 41, 42 : with an appendix wherein somewhat is occasionally discoursed concerning the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, and how God is said to will the salvation of them that perish / by J.H. date: 1684 words: 39097 flesch: 63 summary: If especially , he is grown into a dislike of such preaching , if serious godlines , and what tends to it are become distastfull to him , if discourses of God , and Christ , of death and judgment , and of an holy life , are reckon'd superfluous and needles , are unsavoury and disrelisht ; if he have learned to put disgraceful names upon things of this import , and the persons that most value them , and live accordingly . Now for such as with whom things are already brought to that comfortable conclusion , I only say to them , 1. Rejoyce and blesse God that so it is . keywords: case; christ; day; divine; doth; fear; god; good; gospel; grace; hath; life; light; lord; men; peace; self; sin; spirit; state; thee; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A44688.xml plain text: A44688.txt item: #23 of 34 id: A44689 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The right use of that argument in prayer from the name of God on behalf of a people that profess it by John Howe. date: 1682 words: 17847 flesch: 68 summary: And hereupon , because he was so entirely devoted to the honour , and service of Gods great name ( father glorifie thy name summ'd up his desires ) therefore God highly exalted him , and gave him a name above every name , That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow , &c. verse 9. 10. Though that be spoken of God but allusively , and after the manner of men , who by slow degrees , and by much deliberation arrive to the ( very imperfect ) knowledge of things , which at one view he perfectly beholds from all Eternity . keywords: argument; case; design; end; glory; god; hath; lord; nature; people; prayer; self; selves; things; thou; thy; use cache: A44689.xml plain text: A44689.txt item: #24 of 34 id: A44690 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A sermon directing what we are to do, after strict enquiry whether or no we truly love God preached April 29, 1688. date: 1696 words: 5854 flesch: 70 summary: I am a Lover of God , or I have the love of God in me , though I can't tell that ever I put forth one act of love towards him in all my Life ; I have the love of God in me , though I never knew what it meant to do good to any for his sake , against the express words of Scripture : How dwelleth the love of God in such a man ? I have the Love of God in me , though I have constantly indulged my self in that which he maketh an inconsistent love : Love not the World , nor the things which are in the World. For know , that the loving God , or not loving him , does more distinguish a Saint from a Devil , than wearing a Body , or not wearing it , can do : A Devil ▪ if he did love God were a Saint A Man that doth not love God , he is no other , though he wear a Body , than an incarnate Devil : It 's the want of love to God that makes the Devil a Devil , makes him what he is . keywords: case; god; judgment; love; self; soul; thee; thou; thy cache: A44690.xml plain text: A44690.txt item: #25 of 34 id: A44691 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Self-dedication discoursed in the anniversary thanksgiving of a person of honour for a great deliverance. By J.H. date: 1682 words: 17077 flesch: 75 summary: For a Morticinum , any thing dead of it self , the Israelites were not to eat themselves , because they were an holy People ( though they might give it to a stranger ) much more had it been detestable , as a sacrifice to God. 'T is remote from me to intend the pressing of a Covenant , that contains any disputable , or doubtfull matters ; or any other than the substance of our baptismal Covenant it self ; consisting of the known essentials of our Christianity ; all summ'd up in taking God in Christ for our God , and resigning our selves to him to be inviolably his . keywords: christ; day; god; hath; holy; life; lord; love; man; mercies; present; sacrifice; self; selves; sense; text; thing; time cache: A44691.xml plain text: A44691.txt item: #26 of 34 id: A44693 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A sermon on the much lamented death of that reverend and worthy Servant of Christ Mr. Richard Adams, M.A. sometime fellow of Brazen-Nose Colledge in Oxford, afterwards, minister of St. Mildred Breadstreet, London, more lately, pastor of a congregation in SOuthwark, who deceased Febr. 7th, 1697/8 preached, February the 20th, 1698 / by John Howe. date: 1698 words: 8936 flesch: 68 summary: Christ was not at this time in his State of Humiliation ; he was not now in the form of a Servant ; he was not now going to Die , and Sacrifice himself upon an ignominious Cross , as it was mention'd he had done , in the next Chapter , Who being in the form of God , thought it not Robbery to be equal with God ; he made himself of no Reputation , and took upon him the form of a Servant , and was obedient to Death . If we are Children , then Heirs , Heirs of God , and Joint-Heirs with Christ ; that if we suffer with him , we might be also glorified together . keywords: christ; desire; glory; god; good; object; spirit; state; things; world cache: A44693.xml plain text: A44693.txt item: #27 of 34 id: A44695 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A sermon preach'd on the late day of thanksgiving, Decemb. 2, 1697 by John Howe ... ; to which is prefixed Dr. Bates's congratulatory speech to the King, Novemb. 22, 1697, in the name of the dissenting ministers in and about London. date: 1698 words: 12648 flesch: 64 summary: 2. WHAT Things are requisite to make this a Real , and a Compleat Blessing , Capable of being Appropriated unto GOD's own peculiar People . Which seems also to be Intended here , The LORD will Bless His People with Peace . This does much to the making a peaceful State of Things , a Blessed State ; it takss away much of the Occasion of further Controversie between GOD and such a People . keywords: blessing; christian; communion; god; good; lord; love; man; men; peace; people; self; spirit; things; war; world cache: A44695.xml plain text: A44695.txt item: #28 of 34 id: A44696 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A sermon preach'd Febr. 14, 1698, and now publish'd, at the request of the Societies for reformation of manners in London and Westminster by John Howe ... date: 1698 words: 10401 flesch: 67 summary: 4. SOMEWHAT positive is manifestly carried in the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , to subject or subordinate my self to him , under this very notion , as the Minister of God for good . IT was most apparently a thing worthy of God , when he Peopled this World with such a sort of Creatures as Man , to provide for the maintaining of common Order among them , who without Government were but a Turba , a Colluvies , as a noted Heathen speaks on a different account , a Rout of Men. keywords: conscience; design; god; good; government; hath; magistrate; man; men; minister; power; text; world cache: A44696.xml plain text: A44696.txt item: #29 of 34 id: A44698 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: Two sermons preached at Thurlow in Suffolk on those words, Rom. 6.13 "Yield your selves to God" / by J.H. ... date: 1688 words: 14633 flesch: 72 summary: But 't is only the purged and sanctified soul ( which is also a self-devoted one ) that shall be the Vessel unto honour , being made meet for the Master's use , and prepared to every good work , v. 21. Persons and things acquire a sacredness by being devoted to God. Persons especially , that can and do devote themselves , are highly ennobled by it ; he hereupon ( besides their relative holiness ) really more and more sanctifies and frames them for his own more immediate service and communion . For it is not reasonable to think you have no more to mind in this matter , than only what is contained in the bare abstract nature of such an act ; but looking upon your case in its circumstances , and considering the state of things between God and you , it greatly concerns you to see to it , that the matter be suitably carried to this state of your case . keywords: day; god; good; hath; life; lord; man; self; selves; thee; thing; yielding cache: A44698.xml plain text: A44698.txt item: #30 of 34 id: A44699 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The vanity of this mortal life, or, Of man, considered only in his present mortal state by J. Howe ... date: 1673 words: 29833 flesch: 53 summary: 1. It administers the ground of just rebuke , that since if we terminate our thoughts and designs upon things , only on this side the grave , it would seem we were wholly made in vain , we do yet so generally employ our cares and endeavours about such things , and even the vilest and most de●p●●●ble of these : And so live , not to our own dishonour only , but to the reproach of our Maker , as if he made us for no more worthy Ends. And let us but impartially debate the matter with our selves : Can we , in sober reason , think we were made only for such Ends as the most only pursue ? Glad , or desirous to see it ingross power , and grasp the sum of things , not from any sense of duties towards God's Vicegerents ; not from love of Justice , or study of publike advantage ; but that the happier lo● may befall or remain to themselves : These men are absorpt , and swallowed up of the spirit of this World , contemper'd only to this sublunary Region , concorporate with the earth , so as to partake in all its pangs and paroxisms , and tremul●us motions . keywords: case; creatures; design; end; god; good; hath; life; little; man; matter; men; mind; nature; power; present; reason; self; selves; sense; state; things; thoughts; time; vain; world; ● ● cache: A44699.xml plain text: A44699.txt item: #31 of 34 id: A44701 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A view of that part of the late considerations addrest to H.H. about the Trinity which concerns the sober enquiry, on that subject : in a letter to the former friend. date: 1695 words: 17229 flesch: 68 summary: For tho it will require more time than I now intend to bestow , to give a distinct account of every Passage throughout that Discourse of his , yet his Expression of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must not be so taken , as if it were to be torn away from its coherence , and from it self . When therefore he says the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , the being unbegotten , begotten , and having proceeded , are not Names of the Essence , but ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) Modes of Subsistence ; he must mean they are not immediately Names of the Essence , but mediately they cannot but be so . keywords: body; distinct; divine; doth; enquirer; father; god; hath; infinite; man; self; son; thing; union; united cache: A44701.xml plain text: A44701.txt item: #32 of 34 id: A48160 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A letter to a friend concerning a postscript to the Defense of Dr. Sherlock's notion of the Trinity in unity, relating to the Calm and sober enquiry upon the same subject date: 1694 words: 10823 flesch: 64 summary: If by different Natures he means ( as he seems ) of a different kind , who thought of such a difference ? But I trow , things that differ in number , do as truly differ ( however essentially cohaering ) It is notorious the Dean hath asserted , so positively , three infinite Minds or Spirits , that the benign interpretation wherewith this Defender would salve the matter , ( A new Vocabulary being to be made for him on purpose , and the Reason of things quite alter'd ) will to any man of sense seem rather ludicrous , than sufficient , without express retractation . keywords: dean; defender; enquirer; god; hath; man; nature; son; thing; union cache: A48160.xml plain text: A48160.txt item: #33 of 34 id: A57346 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: The cursed family; or, A short tract, shewing the pernicious influence of wicked prayer-less houses, upon this church and kingdom Humbly tender'd by way of subserviency to His Majesties Royal Proclamations, and Acts of Parliament, for preventing and punishing immorality and prophaness. By THomas Risley Master of Arts, and sometime fellow of Pembrook-Colledge in Oxford. With a prefatory epistle by the reverend Mr. John Howe. date: 1700 words: 19857 flesch: 72 summary: O what a sad thing is it to see strong sins in feeble Age , Sins in the Meridian when Life is Setting ? What a deplorable thing is it , That Gospel-time ( the most precious time in the World ) should have ever have suffered so Great a Loss by thee , and , Thou so great a Punishment : When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angles , in flameing fire takeing Vengeance on them that know not God , and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ , who shall he punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord , and from the glory of his power , 2 Thes. The wages of sin is Death , but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord , i. e. Of sin Indefinitely taken , any sort of sin , every sin , unrepented of . Quest. keywords: children; christian; church; curse; day; eternity; families; family; god; gods; good; hath; houses; life; lord; man; men; parents; persons; punishment; religion; sin; sins; things; thou; thy; time; world cache: A57346.xml plain text: A57346.txt item: #34 of 34 id: A70719 author: Howe, John, 1630-1705. title: A plain discourse about rash and sinful anger as a help for such as are willing to be relieved against so sad and too generally prevailing a distemper even amongst professors of religion : being the substance of some sermons preached at Manchester in Lancashire / by Henry Newcome ... date: 1693 words: 23737 flesch: 77 summary: God doth not fail to afflict to make men see , and repent of this sin , and to seek Peace with God and Men : Who hath wo ? who hath sorrow ? who hath contentions ? who hath babling ? who hath wounds without cause ? The abounding saving Knowledge of God in Christ , revealed in the Gospel , and made effectual by the Spirit , shall thus new mould and transform Men into the Image of God , and make them conformable unto Christ , who was meek , and lowly in heart , and was love incarnate . keywords: anger; cause; day; god; good; hath; heart; love; man; men; passion; peace; prov; religion; rule; self; sin; soul; spirit; thee; thing; thou; time; wrath cache: A70719.xml plain text: A70719.txt