item: #1 of 38 id: A31781 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Caines bloudy race known by their fruits, or, A true declaration of the innocent sufferings of the servants of the living God, by the magistrates, priests and people in the city of Westchester, who lives in a profession of God, Christ, and the Scriptures, as their forefathers did, who slew the prophets, persecuted Christ and the apostles, as is declared in the scriptures of truth, &c. date: 1657 words: 17356 flesch: 49 summary: FIrst , Under Edward Bradshaw , Mayor ; Richard Hubberthorne coming into Chester City about the 29th . of the 9. Month , 1653. where he and many more were met together to wait upon the Lord in a house in the same City ; then Thomas Holme spake as he was moved of the Lord , Edward Bradshaw then Mayor , being informed thereof , sent one of his servants , and commanded him to bring Tho. keywords: city; constable; day; edward; god; hath; house; law; lord; man; mayor; people; peter; priest; prison; sale cache: A31781.xml plain text: A31781.txt item: #2 of 38 id: A40227 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The papists strength, principles, and doctrines (which they are sworn to preach, from the Councel of Trent, by the Popes authority, and after confirmed by the last General Assembly at Rouen, 1571, all which they have sworn to perform) answered and confuted furthermore their principles and doctrines answered and confuted, as they were laid down in two or three severall papers, by R.W. papist, lately sent from Holland : also a challenge to the pope and all his adherents to choose out of all his dominions some cardinals, fryers, or Jesuits to try their bread and wine, after consecration (by watching on their side and on our side) to prove that if afterward they have consecrated it, whether the bread and wine doth not loose its taste and savour, and so not the body and blood of Christ : also a paper to all them that fast and afflict themselves who are in the will-worship and voluntary humility : also some quæries to all the papists upon earth to be answered in writing and sent to them, which all sects upon the earth call Quakers / by George Fox. date: 1658 words: 42763 flesch: 49 summary: And they that set up Images , Idols , since the dayes of the Apostles , and Pictures , and crosses , and holds them up by an outward power , and Magistrates , and compels others to bow down to them , is the worship of the beast , and not the worship of God , and this I declare , in the presence of the Lord God , and all the Magistrates that be in Gods fear , they will break down your Idols and Images , and cross●s and crucifixes , and masse-houses , Schooles and Colledges , which you make Priests and Ministers in , which they that know the Ministers made by the will of God will do this ; and the exposition of the Scriptures by your Church we cannot own , which is Apostatized from the true Church , which bid the Saints keep from Idols , which all that be of the true Church are so to do ; And your Church which is run into Idols , Pictures , and Likenesses , is run into error , and is not infallible , and so you are gone from the life which gave forth the Scriptures , which Peter was in , and so run into Idols , and must have Images and likenesses to put you in mind of Christ and the Saints , And you are gon from the Spirit & the holy Ghost which they was in , which over-saw the Churches , who watched for the Souls and had the rule over the Saints , so from this Church are you apostatized & its peace , which Church is the Pillar and ground of truth , the Divel is out of the Pillar and ground of truth , he abode not in it , and all schismes & heresies they cannot disturb the peace of this Church , here comes no sword-men here ▪ nor carnal weapons , nor inquisitions , fire nor fagget , stockes and prisons , nor Idols , all such are w●thout that deceives Nations , and tells them they are a Church , which slayes the S●ints , P●ophets and Martyrs , the same nature slew Christ and his A●ostles , and Abel with their carnall weapons , for all are one out of the life and power of God , striking at creatures , wrestling against flesh and bloud in stead of striking at the power that captivates the creatures , to the intent that creatures might come to the liberty of the sons of God , now you h●ving not continued in the Apos●l●s faith , mind and spirit , but Apostatized from them , you have all lost the guide and rule as they were in , both Protestants and your selves that be out of the life and faith that the Apostles was in that led them to give forth the Scriptures , so you have been the wolves in the Sheeps clothing , destroying one another about outward things and powers , but with the power of God , and life of God , by them that are in the wisdom of God are you all judged to be out of the Kingdom of peace , which is the Kingdom of Christ fighting with carnal weapons hailing to the Goals Inquisitions , whips , stocks , houses , of correction , faggots , fires , either Protestants or Papists are you here like the Kingdom of Christ his subjects , but like Pharisees , Jewes , and Cain , apostatized from the Apostles , lost the faith , lost the unity , lost the Spirit of God which the Saints was in , which led them to give forth the Scriptures , in which is the unity which is the bond of peace , into which all that is called Christendome must come before they be one , and all the names blotted out that is amongst them given to them in the apostacy , since the dayes of the Apostles , and all their prayers is abomination that be out of that unity ; and to you that is the word of the Lord , and the Quaeries thou hast not answered , and your prayers is denyed and your peace also , for you have not abided in that which the Apostles and the Saints was in , which did oversee the Churches , but you are turned strikers , which the Apostle saith they should not be so , And the Apostle saw the comming in of the man of sin , and Christ speaks of Anti-christ and the false Prophets coming in , with their signs and lying wonders , which if it were possible , would deceive the very Elect , which John saw was come and went forth from them , and bid the Saints keep themselves from Idols , for they were them that got up Idols which went forth from the Apostles , which Apostles bid the Saints keep to the anointing in them , and they need not that any man should teach them , but as the same anointing teacheth them which is truth and no lye , and even as it had taught them , so they should continue in the Father and in the Son , and they that went forth from the Apostles , went forth from this ; and in the Revelations it is declared that all the world went after them who had the lying signes , wonders and the miracles and deceived them that dwelt upon the earth , and that has been the worship of the beast , and this has been since the dayes of the Apostles , who said some should depart from the faith which is the shield , and so made war against the Saints which was in the faith and over-came them ; but now the Devill shall be taken , and with him the beast and the false Prophets , and cast alive into the lake of fire , and Babylon the great whore confounded , and the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory ; and the everlasting Gospel shall be preached to them that dwell upon the face of the earth , which is the power of God , and strike down all those that has got the words but not the power , and reach to the life and immortality , that that may come to light through the Gospel which is the power of God , and to you that is the word of God . 11. and so are not built upon the true foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and Christ Jesus , ) who being past feeling , who are gone after the vanities of your own minds like Gentiles into Idols , Ephes. 5.4 . who are the injurious Persons , as Paul was in his first estate , before conversion , when he persecuted , who never after conversion did persecute , for then he came into the life and substance of what he professed in words before , and so your fruits do shew your Church to be made up of injurious Persons , persecuting like Saul , not converted , and yet you he doting about Law and Gosple which you do not know what you affirm and speak of ; so your Church many of them through Philosophie , and rudements below are held up by the Commandments and doctrines of men , and feigned and voluntary humility which is your own , and usurped authority Jezabel-like , so hath forsaken the command of the Lord Jesus Christ and the true Church , who said keep from Idols , you have made Idols and Images that can neither hear , nor see , nor go , so your Church is to be confounded , which trusteth in Idols and Images , so not in the true Church of God , and your Church is made up of them that kill the Lord Jesus Christ , and kill the Prophets , and kills the Saints , and so fills up the wrath to the utmost which is to come upon you , and your Church is made up of such who for the love of money hath erred from the faith , and are covetous , and will sell Pardons for money ; your Church is made up of such who be given to blaspheme , and so hath lost the godliness in which the Saints increase ; but you have cankered the People with your images and pictures & idols of things below , so out of the sober state , in the malice , hatefull , out of the fruits of the true Church , but made up of such which Peter speakes of to be in Corahs , Cains , Balaams way ; so your fruits declares , and thus you are contrary to Christ and the Apostles , and true Church separated from them , and such as the Apostle declares against hath made up your Church . keywords: apostles; beast; body; bread; christ; church; dayes; doctrine; earth; faith; forth; god; hath; idols; images; life; lord; man; power; prophets; saints; scripture; set; spirit; things; thou; truth; world cache: A40227.xml plain text: A40227.txt item: #3 of 38 id: A44785 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Darknesse and ignorance Expelled by the light shining forth, and the appearance of the day. In answer to a book called, Innocents no saints. Published by one Edward Dodd, wherein he hath laboured to prove tythes lawfull, and tithing priests and hirelings to be the ministers of the word, and the masse-house the church; and calls idolatry civility, and heathenish complements courtesie, and hath perverted many Scriptures. His deceit laid open, his vindication made void, and his arguments confounded, and Truth laid open in all these particulars, for the sake of the upright in heart, who rejoyces in Truths prosperity. By one of the lambs followers, who makes warre against the heart of the dragon, and against the rear of the beast. F.H. date: 1659 words: 11396 flesch: 59 summary: And who was in the transgression on the Reader may easily judge by that which is fore-mentioned , and yet the Priest , and you of his Congregation would make people believe that you did not persecute ; the Priest did give order to pull down the Speaker , the Constable and Church-warden they acted , and secured your own Neighbours as prisoners , your own Congregation swearing against them the breach of peace , and getting them shut up into prison , and sentence given against them , and yet thou wouldst have this called equall proceedings ; but to that of God in all consciences , I leave to be Judge in this things . And thou concludes , Though they be glorified in heaven , yet are not equall with God . keywords: art; christ; god; hath; house; lord; man; ministers; priests; scripture; selfe; thee; thou; tythes; word cache: A44785.xml plain text: A44785.txt item: #4 of 38 id: A44788 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A general epistle to all who have believed in the light of the Lord Iesus and are called of God to follow the lamb through the great tribulation date: 1665 words: 3672 flesch: 30 summary: The zeal of the Lord and his truth , which so gloriously hath been manifest among you , above all the people and families of the earth in our generation , constrains me thus to write unto you , and to stir you up unto faithfulnesse in this day of trial , for now Satan desires to winnow you within , and to sift you without , therfore all watch and pray that your faith fail not , which now will be tryed , and your hope , & your love , and your zeal to the Lord and his truth , and whether you will confesse him before men , his way , worship , and Laws , and Statutes , which he hath revealed in your hearts , which fallen men opposes and contradicts , and sayers gainsay , and would not have him to rule , nor his servants to obey , so let it be manifest to all , you fear God rather then men , and love him , and obey him above the precepts of men which are against him ; and whether you love the things that are above , beyond the things that are earthly ; and whether you will own him , his cross , reproach , and suffering , or deny it , and have the liberty of the world which is bondage , and free from righteousnesse ; It 's no time of reserves , concealing , hovering or halting , for there is an utter discord betwixt Christ and Belial , and so much the more of Christ , his power and kingdom is brought forth , so much the more is the hatred , envy , and wrath of the Devil kindled , who hath deceived the Nations , and blinded their eyes , and in his subjects who oppose the Lamb of God , and tread underfoot the blood of the Covenant , so that to one or other each one belongs , and which is for each part will be seen , for there can be no concord or reconciliation , therefore all children of the day put on the armour of light , and have your feet shod now when we walk through thorny places , and be not fearful or doubtful , but of believing hearts stand not aloofe off , and idle when others are engaged in this spiritual War , pull not your necks out of the yoke when others draw , shelter not your selves , when you see others in jeopardy , love not the world when you see others have thrown it off ; be not intangled in cumbersom things , when you see others throw off all weights , turn not your backs in the day of the Lords controversie , but follow the Lamb ; this is the day of tribulation we have to follow him in our age , like as all the Martyrs and Prophets had in their age , whose garments were made white in the blood of the Lamb ; so all that continue and are not faint hearted , shall receive the Crown , the honour , the reward , and shall reign with Christ , who now suffers with him ; therefore all dear children of God , and followers of Christ Jesus , let the loyns of your minds be girded up , be now ready when the Lord calls , who is on my side , who will take part with me , who will own my reproach , who will engage with me , who will gather to my standard of salvation lifted up , and to my ensign of righteousnesse held forth in the world to redeem it , and who is ready and not abroad in the field , neither hath to go to the house top ; but that all may say in their hearts , here am I ready to do thy will , ready to obey thee , and follow thee , and to suffer for thee , for whoso draws back , the Lord hath no pleasure in such , he that will save his life shall lose it , and he that will save his liberty will lose it in the Spirit ; and he that will save his earthly possessions , and for the doing thereof will deny that which God hath perswaded him of that he ought to be faithful in , he will lose his inheritance in the heavenly ; In a word , who so fails in holding forth that testimony , that they know God requires , and is their duty to render unto him , will lose the testimony of his Spirit they have sometimes felt in themselves , and will decay , and their love will wear out ; Therefore whosoever are resigned and given up unto the Lord will be approved , and manifest to be on the Lords part , by obedience unto these things mentioned ; Friends , do you not believe it a duty , that every Christian ought to be exercised in , to meet together to wait upon him , to vvorship him , and to admonish , exhort , and strengthen one another to pray together in the holy Ghost , and one for another , and to edifie and comfort one another ; and do you not believe God dvvells not in Temples made vvith hands , neither hath any fellovvship vvith Idols , but is vvorshipped any vvhere , and in every place vvhere the Saints meet in his Name ; again , have you not been comforted , edified , and strengthened in meeting , and have you not found the presence of the Lord and his face , and have you not felt his great povver working in your hearts vvhen you vvere assembled together in his Name , working in you to the opening of your hearts , and quickning and enlivening you souls unto God , and Judgeing down the evill , and have you not ●elt his living mercies shed abroad in you and the springs of life opened , and the holy seed refreshed , and Gods witnesse reached in all , and many Convinced and Converted unto God in your assemblies , so that all have gone away comforted and refreshed , and resolved to continue in the grace of God , the Consideration of these things , dwelling in your hearts , and the sence of your owne present condition should stir you up , and provoke you unto stedfastnesse in the faith and practice you have received and walked in from the beginning of the manifestation of Gods love unto you , so that there should me thinks need little exhortation , Gods enemies is resolved to do wickedly , be you also so to doe your duty ; they seeke by any means to make any fall from their principles and stedfastnesse , doe you seeke to escape their snares , and to be kept cleare in your consciences before God ; Be valiant for the truth , sell it not , but all for it , th●● it may be your all , and then you shall see your lot is fallen in a good place , and your possession is pleasant , the Lord calls now to suffering , put now your necks in the yoake , beare one anothers burthen and so fulfill the law of Christ , and take heed you give not eare to that voice that speakes , save thy liberty , save thy estate , possesse thy own & provide for thy self & spare thy self , that is the voice of the enemy of your souls so keep over the world and its spirit , let no sl●ckn●sse appear , for that makes suffering long , and that gives ground to your adversaries , that they shall prevaile , & that weakens the hands of others , & strengthens not , this confirmes our enemies in their deceit , that we are but as other men and people , that have professed God in Summer and fair weather , but will make ship-wrack of all in a storm and in suffering , & any turning aside from the holy commandement of God openeth the mouths of Gods enemies . keywords: god; hearts; lord; love; tcp; text cache: A44788.xml plain text: A44788.txt item: #5 of 38 id: A44789 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A general epistle to the dispersed and persecuted flock of Christ Jesus in the dominion of England and all parts and regions where this shall come who have believed in Christ the Light of the World and now suffers for his names sake / [by] F.H. date: 1665 words: 6339 flesch: 20 summary: the like the Dreamers of this age in their mock-fasts and humiliations , they say , heresie is the cause , and because all does not conform , and are not willing to submit to the changable institutions of Men , though never so repugnant to the Law of God ; they tell the Magistrates , the Phanaticks and Quakers is the cause , and so they fast for strife , and to kindle debate , and to stir up Persecution ; and they seem to cleave so close to the Magistrates that will force and exact gain for them , and give them large pay , they will cry them up as the higher power , that all is to submit unto , in all things under pain of condemnation , and they will cry them up , and dance , and clap their hands , and rejoyce as Israel did about the Calfe , when they had forgotten God ; so the Lord is provoked more and more , and they think by rooting out his people is possible , will stay his Judgments ; it 's lamentable to see what blindness is over the hearts of the Seers of this Generation , w●o c●y peace , peace , and how People are given up to believe their lyes , and to hardness of heart , and never consider their own estate , neither the afflictions of Joseph is remembred . And as God out of his everlasting love hath redeemed and translated many from great darkness wherein they have been held in the time of unbelief , into his marvelous light , to walk in it and to bring forth the fruites of the day , of light , faith and righteousness to the praise and glory of his grace , who hath called them and translated them for that very end , to shew forth his power and glory in the Earth ; who have been quickned and raised by it out of the Grave that they might bear witness thereunto and testifie of it both in word and work against the World , and the God thereof , who now rules in the Children of Disobedience ; therefore is his wrath the more kindled and his fury grown great against them that are departed out of his Kingdome and will not yeild their hearts and necks to be subject any more unto his yoak , by whom they have been enslaved and held Captive , under many and divers lusts which the wrath of God is revealed against and to be revealed against , and because they are made free by the brightness of the glorious rising of the Sun of righteousness in his power and quickning life in their hearts which hath broken his yoak of bondage , and destroyed the Law of sin and death which sometimes had power over them : but now being made Conquerors of them , through the power of Christ : The old Dragon the Deceiver of the Nations who is out of the Truth labours by all meanes to bring them back again to under his yoak ; and his devices are not a few which are set on foot at this day to make all bow unto him , which the Children of light are not ignorant of who are and have been watchfull against the mysterious working of his power , within and also without in his Instruments , who have received great power from him to propagate his Kingdome that stands in wrath , evil doing and cruelty : And therefore all had need to watch and be circumspect that they that are escaped be not insnared and intangled again , least their bondage be greater and the yoak heavyer then before ; Therfore the Lord moveth often in my heart to exhort all unto watchfulness and diligence , and so much the more because the dayes are perilous and the times dangerous , and the temptations many on every hand ; so they that look out are in danger to be insnared , and let in the Enemy , and doubts and fear and unbelief enter and questioning in the hast ; Can God deliver , or will he deliver , or hath he any regard unto our afflictions , and because the time seemes long , and they cannot see to the end thereof their hearts failes , and their faith is in danger to be shaken and they loose their states , therefore it concerns every one to watch and pray that they enter not into temptations , neither be overcome with the wicked one , neither of the fadeing pleasure , profit and ease that the Children of this World do enjoy , which is but for a time ; and then is the begining of endless misery . keywords: christ; end; evil; god; hath; life; lord; men; power; world cache: A44789.xml plain text: A44789.txt item: #6 of 38 id: A44790 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The glory of the true church, discovered, as it was in its purity in the primitive time also, a manifestation how and when the apostacy came, and how long it hath continued in the Church of Rome, proved to be in it, because she differs in doctrin & practice from the Church of Christ in the Apostles dayes : published for this end, that people may be informed, and their understandings opened to discern of the times and seasons, and see the difference between the lambs wife and the mother of harlots / by one who desires that all may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved, and walk in the light of the Lord, Francis Howgill. date: 1661 words: 55246 flesch: 32 summary: And all these Temples , Bells , Hour-glasses , Pulpits , & Cushons , Altars , Tables , and Founts , which are things that pertain to them that locks they are come out of the Apostacy ; but the Spiritual minded sees over them , and beyond them , and before these things ; And also sees through the Spirit of Prophesie and time when they shall be no more adored , worshipped and honoured ; But God shall be feared in the hearts of the Sons of men , and glory shall be given to him , and he shall be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth as he was in the Primitive times , when the Beast and the false Prophet , and them that wrought Miracles before him , and all they that have cryed who is able to make war with the Beast , and have cryed worship him , All must be taken alive ; Remember that ( alive ) in their strength , and cast into the Lake , and the Mother of Harlors shall be made desolate , her Cup of Fornication thrown under foot ; The Kings of the Earth shall deny it , and to give their strength any longer to the Beast ; and then shall that be fulfilled , Rejoce ye Prophets and holy men of God , and ye that have suffered , for the hour of his Judgement is come , and as she hath served the Saints , so shall she be served , and rewarded double , and the day hastens , and the times and seasons we see and know as God hath made them manifest . But to come to the reformed Churches so called , and there is so many Officers and names , but few that do accord with the Apostles times either in name or nature ; As Metropolitan Bishops , Arch-bishops , Lord-bishops , we heard not of Lord Timothy , or Lord Titus Bishops , before mentioned ; but to come on to other Orders , Arch-deacons , Deans and Chapters , Prebends , and these must attend on some old superstitious Buildings called Cathedrals or Ministers , and there performs a service somewhat like the former , & these are injoyned their service like the Levites and Priests of old by turns and course , as once in a month or two it may be , and have a hundred or two hundred pounds in the year for the same , and hardly stir from thence till they die , except some greater advance offer it self ; also Commissaries , Procters , Parotters and these are subservient to the former : then Chancellors , Vice-chancellors , Doctors of Divinity , Batchelors , of Divinity , Doctors of Art , Masters of Art , Batchelors of Art , Graduates , under-graduates , and these belong to the former ; then Prelates , Parsons ; Vicars , Priests , Curates and Church wardens , all which titles and names , and Officers , if they be but compared with the Scripture , there will be hardly any parallel either concerning office , work , or Doctrine ; and notwithstanding all these orders and sorts who are fitted by humane learning or natural study , though divers years exercised therein , are not skilled in the word of righteousnesse , neither hath the tongue of the learned to administer a word in season to the weary , nor to turn the sinner from his sins ; and thus the form of things , titles and names are holden up , but who seeks after the power of God , or to be made able Ministers of the Spirit . keywords: apostacy; apostles; bishop; chap; christ; christians; church; churches; council; covenant; day; dayes; death; divers; doctrine; emperor; end; god; good; gospel; hath; heathen; holy; jews; law; life; lord; man; men; ministers; order; ordinances; outward; people; persecution; pope; power; priests; rome; saith; set; spirit; things; time; tythes; way; words; worship; year cache: A44790.xml plain text: A44790.txt item: #7 of 38 id: A44793 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The great case of the tythes and forced maitenance [sic] once more revived the true state thereof enquired into, before the law, under the law, among the Jews : likewise under the Gospel, the true ministers of Christ, their allowance shown : likewise in the corruption of time since Christ, how tythes have been introduced, wherein antiquity is searched, and the judgment of the fathers of the church in several ages produced, besides the Scripture it self examined : in all which is clearly proved, tythes and forced maintenance, are no Gospel maintenance : the Scriptures answered, divers arguments confuted, and objections answered, which are brought by the ministry of this late age : also the institution and division of parishes and their rise, all which are published for the benefit of all, who desire that Gospel order might be established again in all the churches of Christ / F.H. date: 1665 words: 33006 flesch: 50 summary: O all ye Magistrates and Potentates of the earth arise , and ●●and upon your own legs , and shake your selves and these things 〈◊〉 off you , and trouble not your selves with that which is too p●●derous and weighty for you to bear , which you are never able to made thorow , keep peace in your own dominions , and exec●te justice and judgement among all people without having respect to this or that particular judgement , for that 's the way and the only way to preserve the Nation and people in peace and qui●●nesse , and let Christs Kingdome alone , and his Church alone to him that is the head thereof , who gave his life for it , and hath a case of it , and let Christians alone as Christians , and as C●●ists subjects , to be governed by Christ , who is the King , Law●…r , and Judge of his people , who only hath right to rule in the hearts and Consciences of the sons of men , who doth teach , hath taught , and yet will teach his people , as is witnessed by the Prophet Isaiah . As concerning Laws and Canons for Tythes among the Sax●… , it is reported , that in the year 786 , in the time of Pope Adrian , when his power began to grow great , he sent two Legates with Letters into England , for R●formation , as it was call'd ; first to Off●-King of Merceland , and Alfewold King of Northumberland , who cell'd a Councel in the North , and Offis and Kenulph call'd a Coucel for the South , wherein they o●dained , That a tenth of the fruit of the earth should be paypayed as it was written in the Law of Moses ; and when this Councel had thus concluded by Alswold , the Legates and Embassadors took all the Decrees and Canons of the Councel and carryed to Offa , and he and his Bishops and Abbots did subscribe it with a Cross to it ; likewise Selden makes mention . keywords: age; apostles; c ●; christ; church; clergy; day; divers; doctrine; doth; god; gospel; hath; king; law; lord; maintenance; man; men; ministers; nation; o ●; pay; people; pope; power; priesthood; priests; right; s ●; saith; tenth; things; thou; time; tythes; year; ● d; ● e; ● y; ● ● cache: A44793.xml plain text: A44793.txt item: #8 of 38 id: A44794 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The heart of New-England hardned through wickednes in answer to a book, entituled the Heart of New-England rent, published by John Norton appointed thereunto by the General Court. The doctrine of the Quakers uindicated [sic], his ignorance manifested, and his lying doctrines brought to light and judged with the word of truth, and truth cleared from his aspersions and slanders. By him that waits to see the throne of righteousness exalted above all deceit. Francis Howgill. date: 1659 words: 16961 flesch: 4 summary: Besar , and Piscator , and others , that as concerning man endued onely with the light remaining since the fall , they conclude him to be darkness and unable to comprehend the light or to improve it to salvation , their judgements is more sound then thine , though thou would bring them to strengthen thee that the Son of God hath not enlightned every man , they confesse , the man in the fall is in darkness , and darkness is over him , and in that he is not able to comprehend the light which is in him , and as to the improvement of it , in the darkness man hath not power to improve it to salvation , but what doth this invalidate the light which is in darkness , the power of improving is in the light being turned to again and received ; and what if I say it is the light of Life in its self though thou deny it , I know what I speak ; for in him was life and is life , and that life is the light of men , and the light of the world , and so that light which every man is lighted with , is of the life and from the life , and so may truely be said to be the light of life in it self , though man in the transgression doth not feel it so as to him , but may truely say it is the light of condemnation , because he feels it so in the operation thereof , being in the transgression , it convicteth , reproveth , accuseth and condemneth for evil , and therefore it cannot be the light of life to him , till it be received closed with obeyed and followed , and then the back is turned upon the transgression , and man is come out of the darkness ; and therefore the Apostle spoke well and understandingly according to knowledge , that which was ordained for life wrought death in him , that was because the Law was against him , and he in the contrary nature to it , the ignorance of many wise men ( so accounted ) in this generation is such , that when they see or feel contrary effects , they judge there must needs be contrary subjects or objects because there are different effects ; for now the same light which shewes evil and accuses for it , and judges for it , there is one operation , and excuses him that loves it and obeyes it , here is another operation , that which convinceth the world of sin , of Righteousness & of Judgement , and that which consolates and gives peace to the believer is the self same spirit ; so here is not two spirits or two lights , so that he which kindles a fire in the Earth , and appears in flames of fire , and rendreth vengeance upon all them that obey not the Gospel which is the Power of God , here is one work or operation of Christ , the same bringeth Peace , Joy and gladness , and refreshment , and makes the springs of life to buble up in them that believe , here is another operation yet the same Christ ; these things I write to inform thee and all where this may come , that that is truely an appearance of Christ which sheweth sin and condemns it in any measure , and he alone is the Judge of the quick and the dead , and if all Judgement be committed to the Son , then to be Judged for lying for stealing , and for wronging any man , it is the work of Christ and the work of the Son . And how did the light miscarry thou blind-man , and when did the Reigning power of darkness manage it , seeing that there is no fellowship betwixt light and darkness , and the light which every man is lighted with hath born witness against darkness and the Reigning power of it , and though the judgment of man be corrupt , his miscarriage is because he hath not minded the light , and because he hath turned his back on it , and then sin entred , and then came to Reign in the power of darkness , and corrupted the heart , and this hath made man miscarry ; and though thou say that the light which lighteth every man is not compared with the light of the Image of God before the fall , and hath no proportion , I 'le tell thee a riddle go learn what it means , the light of the Image of God before the fall is the same in it self after the fall , and holds its proportion , and is no whit lessned or deminished in its purity in its self , although fallen man do not see it neither can behold it , because sin hath entred and death by sin , and that is it which obscureth the Image of God from man , and its light , yet the light shined in darkness , but thou concludes it is darkness , yea worse then grosse darkness , and thou brings a proof to prove it , ye were darkness , the Apostle doth not say that the light which shined in darkness was darkness or worse then grosse darknesse as thou ignorantly saith , but he said the Ephesians or the men of Ephesus were darkness , and not the light in them which shined in darkness , though the darkness comprehended it not ; but how now John Norton , what will the General Court of Boston say when they see thy confusion laid open , and the deceit made manifest to thine and their shame and ignorance , thou confest in the 16. page , that it would lead to know God and the worship of God , and Teach not to lie and steal , and so forth , and to discover some of Gods Attributes , as Eternity , omnipotency , and the like , here was some good in it in thy own account , but now it s become grosse darkness , in the 18. page and worse then grosse darkness , and so hath made as bad if not worse then any Principle that is in a Beast ; and it may truely be said of thee even in thy own phrase . — Quanta sub nocte Jacebat Nostra dies — But now thou comes to a further interpretation of 1 Job . keywords: christ; church; darkness; england; god; hath; life; light; man; new; power; saith; scripture; spirit; thou; truth; world cache: A44794.xml plain text: A44794.txt item: #9 of 38 id: A44795 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: An information, and also advice to the Armie on both parts, and this present Committee of Safety newly erected, and to the late Parliament and also to all people who seeks peace and righteousness, and are for the good old cause, so much talked on. This is presented by him who stands off, and from all self-interests and parties, and wisheth that the wisdom of God may guide you all, and division and destruction may cease. By Francis Howgil. date: 1659 words: 4391 flesch: 45 summary: ●●stead of taking off the heavie yoke thereof , the oppression whereof hath reached heaven , even to the Throne of God , and hee hath considered it , though you would not ; but in stead of removing of it , established it , for which he was wrath with you ; you have lost your Crown , and hee hath laid you by , as men who would not accomplish his end , and let his people go free : and let me tell you , It was rashly and proudly done of you , after so many valiant Officers , who had waded through a sea of troubles , though I shall not say , but they sought themselves too much , which I hope God will give them to see : And after they had subdued the Insurrection in Cheshir● , and had considered what might best conduce , for the welfare of the Army , and for the Nations good and safety , and to present it to you , desiring your Concurrence therein ; and though they did send among their quarters for Subscriptions , they knowing before hand except it carried some bulk , or at least seemed a matter of concernment , y●u would take less notice of it , that you should in your heat , and passion , being filled with Jealousies , Vote out these Officers at their return from performing the faithful service to you and the Nation , it was an unworthy gratification ; and to put in others less capable , onely to exalt your own power , and rather to draw back to bonda●e , then going forward to perfect the business a foresaid ; Stand not puzling about business not worth mentioning , no● st●●ving who shall be greatest , but remove the present Opp●●ss●●n● , and that which is the cause thereof , and set no 〈◊〉 nor unrighteous men in place of authority ; satisfie the Nations with Deeds , Words will not ; with things , and not with Names that will not ; and it is not a King , a Parliament , a Protector , a Councel , or Senate we look at , will do the thing : Neither people be ye wedded and glewed to Names ; he that purposeth righteousness and equity in his heart , and walks after it , is that which God will bless and prosper ; for when Kings , Parliaments , and Councels are gone from the power of God , they are for the thraldom of a Nation , and not for its liberty ; but this I forewarn you , Whatever you do , meddle not in the things of God , or about Religion , let that alone , and you will more readily serve the necessity which the present affairs calls for , and the common , civil , and equal liberty of all men . keywords: end; god; good; men; nation; people cache: A44795.xml plain text: A44795.txt item: #10 of 38 id: A44796 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The invisible things of God brought to light by the revelation of the eternal spirit who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning : wherein is declared the felicity of all things in the beginning and the sad estate of all things after the transgression ... / by Francis Howgill. date: 1659 words: 45030 flesch: 8 summary: The will was good in it self , as it stood and went out in the lifes motion , but moving or acting contrary to the motion of the life , was not good ; for that was out of Gods order , and appointment , for nothing in man or without man , of all that God had made , was to stir or act without commandments ; now the Son was not honoured by mans faling , but both the Father and the Son was dishonoured , and now the Son or power was not revealed by the fall , but vailed as from men , so the fogy mists of darknesse is scattered , and the blind doctrines of the World layd waste . The work of the Lord declared , which was in the beginning , when the word was with God , and was the Fathers delight , and man made in the Image of God , and lived in the Lambs Power , and he was mans life , and this was before the transgression of these declared , as God hath manifested them by his Spirit . keywords: beast; christ; day; dead; death; earth; faith; father; forth; glory; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; life; light; lord; man; men; power; seed; sin; spirit; things; truth; works; world; worship cache: A44796.xml plain text: A44796.txt item: #11 of 38 id: A44798 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The measvring rod of the Lord stretched forth over all nations and the line of true judgment laid to the rulers thereof wherein all governours and rulers, potentates and powers are measured, and all governments and lawes weighed in the true weight : wherein they all may see how far they are degenerated from the law of righteousness, and the rules of wisdome, which was in the beginning, before tyranny, and persecution, and rebellion had shewed it selfe : also shewing the end that will come upon all those rulers and governments, rulers and lawes that have been made in the apostacy, which is to all overthrown ... : also an advertisement to all the rulers upon the earth ... : published for the information of all the rulers upon earth ... / by one who waits to see the kingdoms of the world to become the kingdomes of the Lord ... Francis Howgil. date: 1658 words: 12309 flesch: -17 summary: Because they have asked Counsell and not at the Lord , and taken advice and not at the holy One , therefore violence is set up as an Ensign , and wickedness runneth down as a river , and cruelty and opression as a mighty stream , the whole Earth is full of folly and madness , and all the people thereof are degenerate and grown out of the Image of God into a monstrous and strange nature , the prophets are all fooles , the diviners thereof are mad , and they being degenerate themselves from the life of God , have not turned the people from their iniquitie , but hath led them into further blindness , darkness , ignorance , and deceit , and hath made the Word of truth of none effect through their traditions , & hath taught for doctrine the precepts of men , & the traditions of them who are out of the Faith , and out of the life , and out of the power of God , and the Counsellors they have established wickedness by a law , they themselves being stranged from the life of God , therefore violence is broken forth into the earth as a flood , and now all Kings , Rulers , Potentates of the Earth who have given their power to the Whore , who sitts upon many waters , and the waters are kindreds , and tongues , and people , and Nations , yea all Nations have been drunk with the cup of her Fornication , and being all gone forth from the life , in which the Prophets and the holy men of God lived in , and were established in ; the Nations are become as waters , reeling to and fro , hither and thither , unsetled , unstable , there the Whore hath her seate , and all having drunk of her cup of Iniquity and Fornication , even of mystery-Babylons cup , and are inflamed therewith ; and so reeles to , and fro , as the waters , and are as the waves of the Sea unstable , by her who hath made all Nations drunk , and by them who have been made drunk with her , even all Nations , kindreds , tongues , and people , have the Prophets been slain , and the witnesses slain , and none to bury them , not in mystery-Babylon , who is drunk with the blood of the Saints , and they that have drunk of her cup of Fornication , even all the Kings , Nobles , Potentates of the earth , they have acted the like , and have slain the appearance of God , where ever it hath been brought forth , and the red Dragon hath stood ready to devour the heir , which is borne of mystery-Ierusalem which is the Mother of all who are borne from above , who are heires of the promise of Eternall life , and the powers of the earth hath joyned their power to the Dragon , who cast out floods of venome after the Child , which is brought forth by the woman , which is clothed whith the sun : and now the powers of the earth taketh part with the Dragon , and their authority and dominion that they exercise is by his power which arises out of the bottomless pit ; and shall goe into perdition , and he hath deceived the Nations long , and all hath exercised their power against him who is the heire of the promise , the first-born of every Creature , who is higher than the highest , and greater than the greatest , and have changed his lawes , and made them void , and hath set up the law of sinne and death , & hath established unrighteous Lawes by the power of darkness , in which all Nations hath been involved in , since the Dragon hath power , and whosoever would not obey those Lawes and customs , and constitutions , the Dragon hath had power , and all that have joyned to him for a time , to kill , to imprison , to destroy , and they who have been exalted have had thought to weary cut the Saints of the most high , and to root out the memoriall of the just , that he and all his adherents , might reign for ever , in the Kingdome of unrighteousness , and in the dominion of darkness , which is the Devills dwelling place , and residence for ever , who is at enmity against God , and the Children of light , which worship God in spirit and truth , in life and righteousness . 9. shall worship him , whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life , shin from the foundation of the World , this Beast receiving his power and authority from the Dragon hath prevailed ; he rose out of the Sea , the Waters upon which the whore sits , and the waters are kindreds , tongues and people , and the Beast arose out of the Sea also , that the whole World wondred after and worshipped , and John that saw this coming 14 or 15 hundred years agoe ; so that in a few ages after the Apostles all was worn out , the life lost , the Dragon had power , the Beast had power , and all wondred after him , and the Whore had made all Nations drunk with her Fornication ; and then she came to sit upon many Waters , Kindred , Tongues and People , hears the Waters , hears the Sea out of which the Beast rose , who received his power from the Dragon , and this is he who upon his head had the names of Blasphemy , and all kindreds , tongues , and Nations whose names were not written in the Lambs book , they who honoured the Beast , and worshipped the Beast , and said who is able to make war with him , admired his power , and submitted unto him ; and he hath had power , and hath prevailed against the saints , did overcome them , and the Dragon hath made war with the Seed which keep the Commandements of God , and the testimony of Iesus , all this was seen many Ages agoe , and what worke the Dragon hath made in the Nations and in the Earth , where he hath had dominion and prevailed , and what a raging the roaring Lyon hath kept in the Earth is evident , seeking to destroy them in whom the seed remained , and to destroy them in whom the power of God was , or the least measure , and so the false , Prophets , deceivers , Antichrists , which wenout then , which the Apostle saw , they cried up that power which was from the life of God , and hath cryed it up for the higher power , and said all ought to be subject to it , and said who is able to make war with the Beast , for the false Apostles and Deceivers and Antichrists went from the Grace of God , and from the light , and from the power of God , into the World and into that Nature , which all kindreds , and tongues , and people walked in , and into the power that acts the Children of disobedience , and joyned with that power upon which the Whore sits : and they taught Nations and People to admire this power , and to admire the Beast because of his Heads and Horns , and Crowns and Names ; and hath wrought miracles before the Beast ; and this power which the Beast had received from the Dragon , this power admires the false Prophet , and the false Prophet the Beast ; so that none could buy nor sell , nay nor live , but that had his marke or the number of his name , and so all hath been in utter darknesse , and the deeds of darknesse hath spread themselves over the Earth ; For the Whore who is adulderated from God ; and the Dragon , and the Beast , and the false Prophet , all have acted from that power , which is below the truth , and below the life , which power is at enmity against the truth and the life and against the light ; and this power overspread all Nations , and the Sun being set , the night came over all , and the shadow of death over all Nations , and a veil and a covering hath been spread over all : and so out of the midst of thick darkness all hath acted this long and darke night of ignorance in the Apostacy , wherein the Dragon hath had power , and the Beast , and that power hath been admired and set up , which hath transgressed the life , so that any who have been zealous for the truth , and have kept the testimony of Jesus , and the spirit of prophesie ; the false prophets in all Nations , who are from the testimony of Jesus , have called to the Beast to slay and to kill and to destroy the seed of the woman , which is cloathed with the Sun , and so the Beast exercising his power which is from below , have killed and destroyed them who were subject to the higher power . keywords: beast; earth; forth; god; hath; law; life; lord; man; nations; people; power; rulers; world cache: A44798.xml plain text: A44798.txt item: #12 of 38 id: A44799 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The mouth of the pit stopped and the smoke that hath arisen out of it scattered by the breath of truth in answer to a lying story called Hell broken loose, or, The history of the Quakers, published by Thomas Underhill, a seller of the whores merchandize otherwise called a book-seller : his lyes returned upon him, his accusations answered and his envie decleared and truth cleared from all his reproaches / by one that waits to see death and hell cast into the lake of fire, with the beast and false-prophet, Francis Howgil. date: 1659 words: 10335 flesch: 14 summary: thou Thomas Underhill shalt be convinced of thy ungodly deeds , and of thy hard speeches and false accusations , and reproachful calumniations and slanders , and of many false things which thou hast charged against a people whom Christ hath Redeemed by his most precious blood , which thou shalt be judged for in that day , when terror shal fill thy heart & wrath come upon thee from whence thou shalt not be able to flie , though thou may cal to the hard Rocks and to the high Hills which are in the transgression , whose hands thou wouldst now strengthen against the Just , and blind their eyes , that so they might receive thy false suggestions and instigations , and so would perswade them to stretch out their hands against them which is to be preserved and cherished , who are dear unto the Lord as the Apple of his eye , but the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the World , who is arisen and arising in his power and might to make War in Righteousnesse against the beast and his power , the Mother of Harlots , and her golden Cup of fornication , against Antichrist & his men of War , against the Dragon and his Army , and he is travelling in the greatness of his strength , who shall subdue the Nations to himself , and break all the ungodly that stands is his way as a Potters vessel , and behold a numberlesse number hath taken part with him who rides on in the power and strength of his might , the least of which thou shalt not be able to stand before , but shalt vanish as smoke , and be consumed as stubble before the fire , which shall burn up all the ungodly , and melt them all away that hate the Lord , then shalt thou call to the Rocks and to the Hills , from whence thou now looks for Salvation , that thou might be preserved in safety still in Babylon where is thy habitation , and in the Region of the shadow of death which thou hast taken up for thy dwelling place ) and that they might suppress that which thou calls Heresie and Blaspemy which hath invaded thy kingdom already , and put out thy light , and is staining that which thou glories in , and is bringing contempt upon thy mothers Merchandize , of which thy shop is filled with books of curious Arts , and made up in the Imaginations of men of corrupt minds , many of which is good for nothing but for the fire , which hath bewitched people from the simplicity of the Gospel , and hath darkned peoples understandings , and brought a mist and a cloud over peoples hearts , so that the Son of Righteousness could not be seen to arise in the hearts of people ; and now thou ( with the rest of Babylons Merchants ) which have long traffickt with their sorceries , art angry because thou hast had a share in her Merchandize , and hath gotten gain by selling of such traffick , which is as unsavoury salt , good for nothing but to be troden under foot of men , thou cryes like Demetrius for his shrines , great is the goddess Diana , and thou with others who have got a gain and trade by the aforesaid inchantments of the Harlot and her Merchants , thou cryes , The Church the Church , the Ministry the Ministry , and Religion , the National Ministry , which when the matter is enquired into , what the Church is , it is found to be no other then the Mother of Harlots who hath sitten upon the waters this many hundred years , and the Ministry is no other but them that are in Balaams way , and such whose hearts are exercised with covetous practices , and such as the Prophets and Apostles declared against , who sought for their gain from their Quarter , and who taught those things they ought not for filthy lucre ; And for Religion , it is nothing but a profession in words at best without the life , or else some old traditions , humane inventions , and innovated customs , which hath been brought in since the Apostacy ; but I say , because of thy gainful craft , thou art now busied as thou hath been diverse years , not onely against the Quakers , but against others who have separated from your hypocritical worships and deceitful formalities , and for this end thou hast bended thy tongue to tell lyes , and thy ear is open to mischief , that thou might get any thing to accuse the truth withal , and to set up and promote thy long trading with deceit , what , hath not the Hills and the Mountains , Parliaments , Protectors formerly gratified thee , that thou art so covetous and greedy of persecution and blood-shed ? So I have answered thy lying History by which thou would inchant peoples minds , and have discovered thy deceit , and thy poison which thou hast put in that thou calls an Antidote , that so the simple may not be deceived with thy lies and cheats , neither the innocent betrayed ; only I shall return a few of thy lies upon thy own head , which thou hath forged up against the Quakers out of thy corrupt heart , and out of the lying stories of the Priests , with whom thou art in league ; but he that sits in Heaven laughs you to scorn , and all whose eyes the Lord hath opened , will have thy lying History in derision and lothe thy enmity , and testifie against thy spirit as not to be of God ; And because thou hast said in thy advertisment to the Reader , that thou hath not knowingly wronged the Quakers in the least , I say thou hath either knowing or ignorantly wronged them , and both thou must repent before thou find mercy ; and because thou tells the Reader thou will make good every thing thou hast charged against them to any who require it , I do require thee to make these ensuing things good . keywords: art; christ; god; hath; lord; man; power; quakers; saith; thee; things; thou; truth; words cache: A44799.xml plain text: A44799.txt item: #13 of 38 id: A44800 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Mistery Babylon the mother of harlots discovered her rise, and when, with many of her sorceries, with her merchants of divers orders, and ranks, and merchandize of divers sorts this many hundred years, also her last merchants, with their delicate merchandise discovered : in answer to a book tituled The directory for the publick worship of God through England, Scotland, and Ireland, which now is the chief traffick her last reformed merchants trades with, in all these nations / published by F.H. date: 1659 words: 16114 flesch: 26 summary: And in the 36 Page your Direction is to the Merchant , not to rest in general Doctrine , but come to particular application , whi●h is a work of gre●t diffi●ul●y to himself , requiring prudence and moderation , and to the natural corrupt man it will be very unpleasant . yet you may spread your sayles , and see what such an argument as this will do , but if they will not be content with this ( as it may be they will not in Englan● , ●●otland , and Ireland , Holland , and some other parts , who are more quick-sighted than some other places where we merchandi●e ▪ if we cannot stand it out against them , that none can pray to God a right , but he that is come to the Spirit , and knows by the signification of it what to ask , then let us grant them the thing , if we cannot help it , if Common-prayer , forms of Prayer will not go off as they use to do amongst our Customers , then let us agree to them , ( but let that be the last shift ) that without Faith , or the Spirit it is impossible to be accepted or heard of God ; yet before this be granted , let us strive as much as in us lyes by forcible arguments from the Scripture ( if so be that they will not allow the authority of antient Fathers , nor of our ●annon-books ) how that there is a plat-form laid down in Scripture , and the general heads of true prayer is laid down in an Orthodox method in Scriptures , that is to say , Confession , Petition , Intercession , Supplication , with giving of thanks , and if this will not stave them off from speaking so much of Prayer by the Spirit , and with understanding ( for it will be a grievous thing if we let this ordinance fall , of set-form of Prayer , which our Mother Mystery-Babylon hath allowed so many years , and ratified and confirmed in several great Councels as Niece , and Latterar , and divers others ) and if nothing will serve them but prayer by the same Spirit as was in the primative times ( before we lose them quite ) let us grant it them in words , that Prayer by the Spirit it is only acceptable . And reverend Brethren , let us all agree not to be idle , but diligent , read the Scriptures , and pack them up together , a deal of exhortations , reprehensions , admonitions , and prophecies , and read some old Authors , as Ireneus , Ambro● , Cyprea● , Ierom , Baz●l , Austin , Orige● , Damizin , and it s not amiss if we take in Luther and Calvi● , Memno , Beza ; and some other late modern Writers ; And so by much reading & meditation our affections will be whetted up and Quickned , and those words which we read often will lodge in our memory , so that we shall be able to pray half an hour ex temp●re , or an hour and an half upon a Fast-day ( for that 's the best traffi●ue that goes of such dayes as those ) without tautologies , or reiterations , and so though we pray several times , and in several places , as before Kings , or Councels , or a Synod , or Classis , Merchants of our own order , yet by this means we shall be fitted for all places and times , to sute the business which we are about , and if any question the thing , let us say , we pray by the Spirit as it gives us utterance ; but now this is the last and best of our merchandi●e , which is as gold & silver , & precious stone , & pearl ; if this will not go off , as upon the account of the spirit , or spiritual worship , or a spiritual ordinance , then there is little hope of driving any more trade , or getting any more sale , with these men , then let us cry to the Magistrates , they are new-fangled & giddy-headed , and delights in Novelties , and are erroneous schismaticks , and hereticks , and are factious and seditious , which if they be let alone , & not be timely checked & reproved , they will overthrow us merchants call'd ( by our selves Ministers ) and not only us but also both Church & Common-wealth . keywords: answ; christ; church; day; god; hath; holy; life; man; merchandize; merchants; mother; nations; people; prayer; scripture; spirit; traffique; worship cache: A44800.xml plain text: A44800.txt item: #14 of 38 id: A44801 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Oaths no gospel ordinance but prohibited by Christ being in answer to A. Smallwood, D.D. to his book lately published, being a sermon preached at Carlile, 1664, wherein he hath laboured to prove swearing lawful among Christians, his reasons and arguments are weighed and answered, and the Doctrines of Christ vindicated against the conceptions and interpretations of men, who would make it void / by a sufferer for Christ and his doctrine, F.H. date: 1666 words: 41261 flesch: 15 summary: Though I do not argue that Christ abolished the Ceremonial and Judicial Laws once commanded , nor abrogated them : yet Bishop Gauden doth , who attain'd , if not to a degree of knowledge and learning , yet to a degree of promotion above A. S. in his Book which he wrote for the information of the Quakers about swearing , he saith in his own words , Christ came to fulfill the Moral Law , however he came in a way of fulfilling to abrogate the Ceremonial , yea and the Politick Lawes too , belonging to the Jewes policy in Church and State ; and herein is the Bishop and the Doctor at odds , the Bishop said , he abrogated the Ceremonial Law , and Judicial Law too , belonging to the Iewes Policy and State : But Doctor Smallwood says , he denies his Assertion ; for says he , We were never under the Judicial Law , and what was never imposed need not be abolished : So then what remains for me to say but this , If Swearing was any part of the Iudicial Law , or did belong to their Political Estate , as it is the judgment of many , but it is evident that swearing was used by the witness before Iudges in Israel in those days to try out their matters according to commandment given of God , as is evident from 19. Deut. Twelfth and last Argument , The consent of the Christian world ; the practice of Emperours , Kings , Princes , Councils , Bishops , and people of all sorts , confirme this truth that Christ notwithstanding these words , ( Swear not at all ) had never forbidden swearing as altogether unlawful ; 'T is true , some of the Fathers in their Homilies , & to the People inveighed much against swearing , as though it had been altogether unlawful , but it was only against Customary Oaths ; Chrysostome in his Homily to the People of Antioch preached so much against Swearing that the People was offended , he told them he would never leave that Sermon till they would leave that prophane custome of Swearing ; but the Fathers were less cautelous , but with great vehemency enveigh'd against common swearing in ordinary discourse ; but not at all intending to take away necessary Oaths ; but Origen in his first Book against Colsus , God is witness of my Conscience ; and Athanatius yet vehemently declaimed against prophane swearing , yet in his Apology to the Emperour Constantius , he sware again and again , the Lord is witness , and his Christ is witness : All which clearly shews they did not disallow the voluntary taking an oath , much less in Judical proceedings , and the Reformed Churches , and the Church of England , and the whole Catholick Church in all times and places approved this Doctrine , that all swearing is not unlawful ; so that it follows that the Church in all Ages was so ignorant as not to understand Christs meaning , or so wicked as to teach and practise quite contrary , or else Christ never meant to forbid all kind of swearing , ( to assert the former ) were to profess all that went before either dunces or devils . keywords: a. s.; christ; christians; creatures; doctrine; doth; end; evil; god; good; gospel; hath; heaven; law; lord; man; men; oaths; saith; swearing; things; thou; time; truth; vain; words; yea cache: A44801.xml plain text: A44801.txt item: #15 of 38 id: A44802 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: One of Antichrists voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated. In answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod and Samuell Smith (of the county of Salop) in their lyes, folly, and wickedness, and hath added more of his own, with divers of his false doctrines, lyes and slanders, &c. brought to light, and reproved: As that the law of the spirit of life, is imperfect, and not fit to be a Christian rule, and also, humane nature may be taken for the regenerate part of man, and the soul, &c. And likewise calls idolatry, civillity, and heathernish complements courtesie. His vindication made voyd, and his weapons broken, and he taken captive, and left with E.D. and S.S. among the slime pits of Siddim near Sodom, with his Ignis fatuus. / By F.H., a witnesse to the perfect law, of the spirit of life. date: 1660 words: 16154 flesch: 36 summary: Tithes , Flattering Titles , and vain Customs , and Popish practices , Pride , Persecution , and lying ; all those things he pleads for , and hath used many vain arguments and false interpretations of Scripture , so that the two former , it may truly be said they have done wickedly , but this R. I. exceeds them all , who is so stout hearted against the truth and power of God , that whatsoever he can invent in his corrupt heart against it , and gathers up the rest of the Priests lies that they have vomited up before , and cast in the face of truth , and tenders them as good proof , and some Scriptures perverted with Aesop's Fables , and Ovid , and Diogenes stories , and upon such materials he hath framed his book ( called Ignus Fatuus ) which he hath writ in vindication of E. D. his book called A pair of Spectacles for a dark-sighted Quaker , and S. S. Malice striped and whipt , three Pamphlets whole Title will discover what the substance of their matter is , and whose work they drive on , so that I need not say much , some of them vindicating persecution , and incouraging the rude behaviour of the people , another mocking at innocency and scorneth them who trembles at the word of the Lord ; and last of all , R. I. who hath made a Fortresse for both the other , and hath cast up a heap of confused darknesse to guard his brethren , he mocks at the light within , and calls it Ignis Fatuus ; and the law which is light which God hath promised to write in his peoples hearts , this he calls an imperfect thing , and therefore to be ruled , and not fit to be a rule of the Saints , as may be seen in the 55 page of his book , and so ha●h spoken contrary to the Spirit and Scripture of truth , Prov : 6. and the law of the Lord which is the law that endureth for ever , this saith R. I. is imperfect and the letter or law without written is perfect , and is a standard , as R. I. saith , for all controversies , then if it be so perfect and so fit to decide all controversies , why doth R. I. borrow his proofs and raise his arguments from Aesop's Fables , Ovids stories , Plato and Diogenes discourses , and to omit Seneca , because R. I. saith , Ambrose hath reckoned him in the Bead-row of Saints , it may be wich Saint Dominick , and Saint Patricke , Saint Francis and some others of the Popes Canonizing ; but however , I shall set many of his envious and frivolous and impertinent arguments passe , as things of no validity or worth , being they have been answered over and over by mony hands , & all the fortresses & strong holds thrown down , so that to any judicious man they will appear , to be but rubbish , however R. I. would be gathering together the rubbish again , and would make it appear as goodly a fabrick as he can , when indeed there is nothing in it all ; so thou may see Reader , in R. I. his vindication of this mouldey cankered ware of Babylon which he would hold up , his own folly , ignorance , and error made manifest in the ensuing discourse of his doctrines , and most of his principles thou may view and see which I have taken up and answered , and his confusion and blindnesse thou may see , and also view the Spirit that acts this man , and how this man is like to convince any who hath not power over his tongue , but lets it run to utter forth the deceit that proceeds out of his own corrupt heart , thinking thereby to blind peoples eyes that they should not see , how ignorant and light , vain , and treacherous , these Priests are , who would monopolize all into their own hand ; nay though God command and move by his Spirit , yet this must not speak nor declare the mind of God , except these Priests will allow of it , ( in whom the welfare of all people lyes , if thou wilt beleeve R. I. in the 11 page of his book , yet if these count it disorderly for any to speak as he hath received of the Lord , from his Spirit ) it must go for such , and be accounted such , as disorderly . These and many more things you differ in , both in matter and manner , which largely hath been declared by other pens , and so in this I shall be briefe ; neither had the Ministers of the Gospel their maintenance by force ; neither had they Easter Reckonings , Midsummer dues , Mortuaries , money for Churching of women , Marriages , nor for the burials of the dead , nor money for Funerall Sermons , neither did they preach over the dead : all these and abundance more of such like invented things , was never practised nor found amongst the Churches before the Apostacy ; which things considered may cause R. I. to blush , that ever he durst be so impudent as to say , they differ not , neither in whole , nor in part , in matter nor in manner , from the primitive Churches ; and untill such time as R. I and his Brethren contenders can clear themselves of these things , let them not think any whose eyes God hath opened can receive them for a Church of Christ ; nay most of the parish Ministers holds up those practises which the Papists did deny , as money for Marriages and burialls , baptisme , the Sacrament , or the ground in which the dead were buried , this was reprehended and condemned by the Councell of Trent , in the height of all Popery , 1547. keywords: christ; doth; god; hath; law; lord; man; ministers; r. i.; rule; saith; saith r.; scriptures; spirit; thou; truth; word cache: A44802.xml plain text: A44802.txt item: #16 of 38 id: A44803 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: One warning more unto England before she gives up the ghost and be buried in the pit of darkness to awaken the inhabitants thereof out of their deep sleep, to see themselves what misery is coming upon them through their degeneration and horrible ingratitude, that the people therein may be let without excuse in the day of the Lord / by him that pities thee in this languishing state, F.H. date: 1660 words: 7000 flesch: 16 summary: Are you not yet weary ? Have you obtained any thing by looking after men but breach upon breach , and one vexation after another , the line of Confusion being stretched out over all , and stones of emptiness brought forth , which is never like to do good , or to be a good Foundation to build upon ; for Salvation must be brought to a Nation by a People that is saved by the Lord , who hath the eternal God for their Rock and Refuge , who hath the Lord for their God and King ; for they know how to Rule in Righteousness , who have denied themselves , and all self-Interests : Take but a view of your Leaders , and see in what they have denied themselves , or their own Interest ; and that Person or Man can never be for the general Good of all People , neither for the Common Freedom of the Nation who seeks himself ; and they that know not the Judgment of the Lord against evil in themselves , is never like to Judge Righteously among the People , but will turn it backward , and let Equity fall in the Streets , and the Poor and the Needy suffer , and will let the yoak of Bondage lie upon their Necks whom God hath made Free , and count the Proud happy , and they that work wickedness they will set them up : Oh nay , you are defrauded , you are cheated , you are robbed and spoiled of that which the Lord God did intend you by treacherous and false-hearted men , whose words hath been smoother then Oyl , and their hearts full of rottenness , and through fair pretences of Liberty and Freedom , and Sanctity and Holiness , People have been led up and down like Horses , and tossed up and down like a Tenis-ball . Or was it a Form of Religion which might be set up by this or that Party , that tender People did seek after , so as to be bound to this or keywords: god; hath; lord; men; nation; people; text; thee; thou; years cache: A44803.xml plain text: A44803.txt item: #17 of 38 id: A44804 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The popish inquisition newly erected in New-England whereby their church is manifested to be a daughter of mysterie Babylon which did drink the blood of the saints, who bears the express image of her mother, demonstrated by her fruit : also their rulers to be in the beasts power upon whom the whore rideth, manifested by their wicked compulsary laws against the lamb and his followers, and their cruel and bloody practises against the dear servants of the Lord, who have deeply suffered by this hypocritical generation : some of their miserable sufferings for the testimony of Jesus, declared as follows and some of their unjust and vvicked laws set down ... / published by a lover of mercy and truth, and an enemy to envy and cruelty, Francis Howgill. date: 1659 words: 30068 flesch: 48 summary: The Narrative of the Sufferings is some of them from men of their own Nation , the rest is the Sufferers own Narration , under their own hands , the substance of which I extracted in short for the Read●rs sake , but much more hath been exercised upon the servants of the Lord in that Nation , and to repeate all their wicked invented Laws and Enterprises , would make a Volume i● self , some of which Laws thou hast in this Discourse , as many as came to my hand ; and in those which are manifest , thou ma●st j●dge from what root the rest did spring , which is all judged , and to be judged with the life of God , root and branch ; but in the long suffe●ing of God , ( if there thou dwell ) I bid thee farewel , F. H. The Popish Inquisition newly erected in New-England ; Whereby their Church is manifest to be a Daughter of Mystery Babylon , which doth drink the blood of the Saints , who bears the express image of her Mother , demonstrated by her fruits , &c. THE Devil who was a Lyar and a Murderer from the beginning , who abode not in the truth , who spoke of himself , ( and not from the Commandment of God , or the motion of Truth ) who is curst from the presence of the Lord for ever , who hath alwayes made war ( since he went out of the truth ) against God and all the children of Truth , and he is that seed who has made war with the heir of all things , and against the Woman in all generations , which brought forth the Heir , the Man-child ; and since he hath usurped Authority , to wit , the Serpent ; all the Earth hath been filled with violence where he hath born rule ; God did not appoint him to be Lord , nor to be a Law-giver over man , nor over any of Gods Workmanship ; but he was to be ruled over by man , who was made in the Image of God ; but when he came to usurp Authority of himself , contrary to the command of God , he became curst ; & man also , who became subject unto his usurped Authority , which he should have ruled over by the higher Power in which he was made , and had power and authority over all the contrary ; but being gone from the power , and ioyned to him who moved without the power , they both became Enemies to the power , and so came to be cursed by the God of Power for ever , and then became at enmity to the povver of the endless life , and fed upon dust , and that which is corruptible , vvhich shall have an end . Ye blind and ignorant , have you not read the Scripture , He that respects persons , commits sin , and he that hath mens persons in admiration , will transgress for a Morsel of Bread ? And ye never learned this of Elihu , this laudable Custom , ( as you call it ) he said , I know not to give flattering titles to man , for in so doing my Maker would take me away , but envy hath eaten out all knowledge out of your hearts . And is this your Church-Order , to take away mens Beasts , Kettles , Pots , Sheep , and Peuter ? Or is this your Order , to fine men five shillings every day they come not to your Synagogue , or because men cannot break the command of Christ , and swear among a company of cruel , covetous , blood-thirsty men , to fine them five pounds ? keywords: blood; boston; christ; church; court; day; death; england; god; governor; hath; house; john; law; lord; magistrates; man; men; new; people; prison; quakers; thou; time; vvas; work cache: A44804.xml plain text: A44804.txt item: #18 of 38 id: A44805 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The rock of ages exalted above Rome's imagined rock on which her church is builded she proved not to be the onely Church of Christ, her corrupt doctrines reproved not to be apostolick, but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the apostles dayes : also divers arguments answered which may convince the papists that they are not the true church wherein a book is also answered called A catechism against all sectaries, newly published by C.M. in the year 1661 / by Francis Howgil. date: 1662 words: 23577 flesch: 40 summary: The Rock of Ages exalted above Rome's imagined Rock on which her Church is builded , &c. GReat hath been the Havock and Spoile that the Beast which John saw rise out of the waters , made against them , in destroying them who received not his Mark in their foreheads ; and the cry hath been long , Who is able to make war with the Beast ? and great hath the suffering been ( these many ages ) of the Children of Light , and still is of the Members of the true Church of Christ , which is in God , which hath proceeded from her , who sate as a Queen upon the Waters , which are Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People , which hath been the seat of Mysterie Babylon , the Mother of Harlots , who hath held out her golden Cup of Fornication , ful of Abomination , false Doctrine and Error which the Nations have drunk of , and the Kings of the Earth have been made drunk with , and all have been in instability , and have reeled and staggered up and down in the dark , in the night of ignorance , and have wildered in the Mysts o● Error , and lost the true Foundation , and are gone from the Rock upon which the true Church is builded , which is neither Peter nor his Successor , but Christ the true Foundation , which abideth sure ; and all that believ in him , and have their minds staid upon him , know settlement and establishment in that which the Gates of Hell prevails not against . Upon him which was revealed unto Peter by the Father , the Son of God , which was the Rock which the Fathers eat of , and drank of , Christ the Rock of ages ; and another Foundation can none lay ( said the Apostle ) then that which is laid already , Christ the Rock and Corner-stone , and not Peter ; for Christ is unchangeable , and abideth for ever , and so was not Peter , though Peter and the rest of the Apostles received power from Christ ; yet in the 22. and 23. verses of the same Chapter , he was gone out of the savour and discerning , and Christ said unto him , Get thee behind me Satan , for thou savourest not the things of God ; and what though it could be proved that Peter was at Rome , a Pastor , an Elder , or a Biship , who fed the Flock , and did feed the Flock , and so might be reckon'd as an Elder , and worthy of Honor in respect of his labour and diligence in the work of Christ ; is the Promise so entailed to Rome or to any place , that the next that succeeds in that place must needs receive the same honor , when he doth not the same work , which is worthy of honor , neither is in the same power ; but this I am sure of , though the Church of Rome lay claim unto Peters Bishoprick , as they say , yet they have not done his work . keywords: apostles; author; christ; church; contrary; doctrine; faith; god; hath; life; nations; people; pope; power; rome; saints; spirit; things; way; world cache: A44805.xml plain text: A44805.txt item: #19 of 38 id: A44806 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Some of the misteries of Gods kingdome declared, as they have been revealed by the spirit through faith for the information of all such who have erred for lack of knowledge in their judgements, and have perished for lack of understanding ... : also for the confirmation of such who are made partakers of the like precious faith / by one who is made partaker of the riches of his grace, and of the salvation which is in Christ Jesus revealed through the spirit, called Francis Howgill. date: 1658 words: 19193 flesch: 18 summary: purity it self , which mixeth not , neither joineth to any thing but that which is of its own nature ; it s an immeasurable pure substance , its life issued forth , an active living power , and is everlasting , alters not , changes not , keeps its holiness , its purity for ever , it is unsearchable , unfathomable , undeclarable ; words are all too short , too narrow , to declare its excellency and glory , but onely as it makes it self out to them that believe , and opens it self , and sheds it self abroad in them that wait upon it ; it is revealed in its own purity , manifest in its own power , and received in its own light , felt in its own vertue , the living father of life himself is manifest by it , and appears in his power , majesty and excellency through it , to man and to the sons of men , to the righteous and unrighteous , to godly and ungodly , to the upright , and to the deceitful , to the children of darkness , and to the children of light , that which searcheth the heart of man , and sees through all things , and maketh manifest all things , even the hidden things of God , and the secret works of darkness , and reproveth for all evil , all iniquity ; that is the pure act of the spirit , which convinceth every man , and as the creature comes to join to it , it arises and shines forth more clearly , and maketh Now as every one is turned to the measure of Gods holy spirit , and keeps his mind into it , he comes to feel and to see its reproof , and so as the mind is kept still into it , it arises in its pu●ity , and shines forth in the heart in more brightness , still checking man for disobedience , still judging , and as it is listened unto , it appears in strength , and layes every mans heart open , and lets him see how full of unrighteousness he is , how full of imaginations he is , how his heart is full of vain and idle thoughts , and how lust aboundeth in the heart ; this makes his trouble to increase , and his sorrow to multiply , and this is alwayes present , none can run from it , but it follows him , and shall pursue every one to the pit who obey it not , and kindle his torment ; and whatsoever the mind may run into , to take pleasure for a moment , and the heart be exercised in , yet this measure of Gods spirit is alwayes present to condemn it , and judge a man for it , so the strokes of the Almighty is still heavy upon his back , being still in the disobedience of the spirit ; it never bears witness unto any man in that state , but God through it still sounds the alarum of war and terror in his heart , so that fear compasseth him about on every side , and though for a moment , the cry may not be heard , and through disobedience it may seem as dead as unto him , yet if ever the mind be but still , and a man sober and calm , and ever mind what he is doing , it appears again , and though a man may take up something , and perform something which is called religious , and pray in words , and read , and talk of the Scriptures , and may take up some carnal outward Ordinance , and there content himself for a time , yet still the witness of Gods holy Spirit , for that , shews him his hypocrisie , and that he seeks a cover to shelter himself under , that he may live in disobedience , and be at ease in the flesh , but all in vain , for there is no peace within , but the measure of Gods spirit still shews him he serves sin , and follows his own will , and in this will brings forth a worship , and this is will worship ; nay , if a man should practice all those things which others who were in the life performed , and were accepted ; yet this will not satisfie , God hath no pleasure in this , no more then if one slew a man , or blessed an Idol , or kissed Baal , all is abomination to the Lord ; and though a man may sin so far against the light of Christ in his own conscience , that the light be to him as though there were no such thing , yet all this will not do , for the Lord will thunder from his holy place , though thou have stopped thy ear as to him , and closed thy eyes , yet he will make thee hear and see , and will cause his terror to strike into thy heart , so that dread shall compass thee about as a wall , and thou shall be afraid for that which thou shalt see and hear ; and though the spirit strives long , yet being still disobeyed , the long-suffering of God comes to an end concerning him that hath been unfaithful , and then his wrath is kindled as fire , which shall burn to the lowest Hell , into which all the rebellious and stiff-necked shall be cast and have their portion for ever among all the children of darkness ; therefore all who have been convinced long , and still are by Gods holy spirit , of the way of truth , and yet have not submited to the leading of the Spirit ; think on this ( for its the Lords truth which I declare unto you ) or else eternal misery will be your end . keywords: christ; day; glory; god; gods; grace; hath; heart; life; light; lord; man; men; power; spirit; things cache: A44806.xml plain text: A44806.txt item: #20 of 38 id: A44809 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: To the camp of the Lord in England date: 1655 words: 8443 flesch: 44 summary: O beloved ones , who are the children of my eternall father , who have eaten at his Table , and drunken of the new wine in the Kingdome of God , who are nourished & dandled upon the lap of everlasting love , who suck at the breasts of everlasting consolation : your beauty is comely I am ravished I am filled , Iam filled with love to you all , I am sick of love : your beauty hath ravished my heart : come sit down my dear Lambs together in the fold where no wolf can come , and let us rejoyce together , and sound forth his praise who hath washed us and cleansed us and covered us , and made us worthy to enter into the fold the Bride-chamber , to eat with him of the bread of life for ever , at the eternal Table of life ; the Bridegroom is come friends , of him I know you rejoyce greatly because of his voice . Let sorrow and mourning , fly away , and be ye comforted ye that have mourned , and be ye refreshed ye that have been weary ; for God hath opened the everlasting fountain , and the streams runs pleasantly , which refresheth the City of our God . keywords: brethren; glory; god; hath; life; light; lord; love; nations; power; world cache: A44809.xml plain text: A44809.txt item: #21 of 38 id: A44810 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The true rule, judge, and guide of the true church of God discovered, and borne testimony unto what it is, and wherein it consisteth in opposition to the pretended Catholick Church of Rome her rule, foundation, guide, and judge, being returned in answer to Captain Robert Everrand his book, titled An epistle to all the nonconformists ... / by ... Francis Howgil. date: 1665 words: 31194 flesch: -45 summary: And whatsoever people or Church ( though they claim infallibility ) that teaches a contrary Doctrine unto this ; we have good reason to suspect it , to be that hasty driving and overdriving spirit that would force a faith , where God hath not given it ; ( not to be the infallible spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ ) of which the Church of Rome hath given a vehement cause of suspition , by their cruelty and tortors they have exercised towards them , who could not receive their Principles and own their Judgment in all things : But R. E. the Lay-Gentleman blinded thy eye , when he made thee call into question the truth of Scripture , and that it proceeded from the infallible Testimony of Gods spirit , and if thou had a certain feeling of the same in thy self , and in thy own Conscience to let this go and make this void as an insufficient ground to receive Christianity upon , & to lean to a prop without thee , and to be judged by men , who have been as fallible and changable in their Judgments as the Moon ; which have assumed the name of Catholick Church , whose Testimony thy Instructer I perceive told thee , ought to be received , concerning what as is pretended to be revealed or not revealed by God , yet all must be obliged to stand to their Judgment though never so repugnant to the Doctrine of Christ , and practice of the Church of Christ in the first Primitive times , truly so called ; yet it is granted that the Church of Christ are the dispersed Members through the World , though not of it , agreeing in one faith , being in the power of God , and being led and guided by the Holy Ghost , their Judgments ought to be received , which cannot ( as lead by the Spirit ) fail , in giving true Judgment in matters of faith , which pertains to Salvation , but as men they may fail , and as erring from the spirit they may fail ; and infallibility is not intailed to the persons of any men , but as they continue in the grace of God , and walk in the spirit , and bring forth the fruits thereof , nor to any place or City , but as they continue in Covenant with God ; for the promise of God was to Jerusalem , and Mount Zion , and to many other places and people in divers Cities , where the glory of God once appeared , but now through their Apostacy and unbelief , and disobedience they are desolate , as to the presence and power of God , and their Sun is set , and they are covered as with the shadow of a Cloud ; but this true Church whereof I have spoken , was seen to fly into the Wilderness for time , times and a half , and that since the Apostles days , and then was she not so visible and universal as she had been before ; and the man child was caught up unto God ; now if thou reckon the Roman Church to be this true Church ; shew the time , times , and half a time , wherein she fled into the Wilderness ; and how long she hath been there , and when was the time of her return , and if ever she was there , how that will hang together with your assertion , that she hath been visible , and so universal this fiften hundred years ; and if this could be proved that Rome hath been so , whether doth it not rather demonstrate her to be the Whore that sat upon the many waters ? which waters are Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People , and what Church ? instance if thou can , doth lay claim to the Nations , Kindreds , Tongues and People to be yours , and to rule over so many Kings of the Earth , as you lay claim to be universally of your faith , and of your Church , which gives us a shrewd character to believe , that indeed you are mystery Babylon ; besides the blood of the Saints that have been shed under the name of Hereticks , by this visible Catholick Church among the Nations this twelve 100. years , doth give clear evidence that it can be reckoned or imputed unto none but you . But an old Plea comes to my mind , which some of the members of the Church of Rome hath alledged to me in the days of my youth , when I was conversant with them , and among them , in a friendly , neighbourly , and sober discourse , of things of this nature before mentioned ; it was said unto me , the Roman Catholick Church is that Church whereby Christianity hath been conveyed to all Nations , and the great Oraccles thereof delivered unto us , and the Scriptures also came from us , by which you know the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God , and the knowledg thereof came unto all , and all her Children ought to be subject unto her , as the true mother that brought them all forth , and if any went astray either into Heresie , or Schisme , which might not only hurt themselves , but also others ; ought not the Mother in natural love to her Children to correct them , and ought not they to bear her correction , and submit unto it ; and hath not she power to correct her Children when they go astray ? unto which is answered , Christianity that which is truly such , and them whom God will own to be Christians was dispersed through the Nations by the power of God ; and we say , that the Church of Rome hath begotten Christendom into that mould and frame into which they are now cast , more by force and awe then any sound Doctrine ; and as for the Scriptures coming from her , that we deny ; We know they came from the Apostles , and from the Primitive Christians , according to the will of God , and have been preserved to this day , though through many polluted hands they have come ; and we know how much your rage was kindled , that ever it should be Translated into the English Tongue , and many felt the effect of it to the loss of their Lives , as I hope many in England doth well consider : But suppose a true Mother have many Children , and suppose some do swerve and go astray from her precepts , and under pretence of correcting of them she shut them up in Goals , and nasty holes , and afflict them with sundry kind of torments , and at last of all kill them and destroy them ; what Judgment will be given by reasonable Men of such a Mother , but this , that she is become unnatural and cruel , and hard hearted , and degenerated from the nature of a loving and tender Mother , and deserves not to have or ever to have had any Children ; and such a kind of Mother hath your Church been , to all that have dissented from her ; that I may say of her as the Prophet Jeremiah said , ( especially in these latter ages ) the Sea Monsters and Dragons of the Wilderness draw out their breasts to feed their young ones , but the daughter of my people is become cruel . keywords: apostles; christ; church; doctrine; doth; faith; god; guide; hath; holy; judge; man; men; power; r. e.; rule; spirit; thee; things; thou; truth; words; world cache: A44810.xml plain text: A44810.txt item: #22 of 38 id: A44811 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Truth lifting up its head above slander in an answer to Thomas Jackson, late priest of Stoke in Sussex, his lying paper which he left in the north of England / by Francis Howgill ; whereunto is added something by way of letter from another hand to the said T.J. shewing the reasons why it is meet to publish the same at this time ... ; likewise a brief rehearsal of some remarkable passages out of E.B. his book called Satan's design defeated. date: 1663 words: 9972 flesch: 66 summary: Further , thou saist , That I denyed Imputed Righteousness , which thou sayest , is a Popish Doctrine ; thou must reckon that to them , and not to me ; for I told thee then , and now again , Whatsoever was Imputed or reckoned to them that did believe , I owned ; but for thee and the rest of you Parish-Teachers , Imputing or reckoning that unto your flock who are unconverted , which God reckoneth not nor imputes to them , is delusion and deceit . Doest thou look that any have their conversation in Heaven , whilst they are here ? is it not written , No unclean thing enters into the Kingdom of God ? And stands not this as an Article of your Faith , That none is to expect cleansing from all sin here ? keywords: christ; god; hath; light; lord; people; saith; sin; thee; thou; thy; truth cache: A44811.xml plain text: A44811.txt item: #23 of 38 id: A44812 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A visitation of love, peace, and good will from the spirit of the Lord sent unto the whole flock of God, now in this their day of tryal and hour of temptation, for the refreshing, strengthening, comforting and building of them up in their most precious holy faith, that they may be encouraged to hold fast the profession thereof through all tryals and sufferings, unto the end, that the crown immortal they may come to receive : being two epistles, the one from F.H. and the other from A.P. date: 1664 words: 5966 flesch: 24 summary: DEar and well beloved friends you whom God in mercy and tender love hath visited with the day-spring from on high opening your understandings : and letting you see the deceits of the subtile serpent , and the empty dead formes and inventions of men , which have been set up in the night of darkness and Apostacy , which have been over people of all sorts in that part of the world called Christendom , since the days of the Apostles of Christ and not onely so , but by the vertue of the same light shining in your hearts , he hath revealed and manifested the great and deep things concerning his kingdom , and the beauty and glorious excellency of his house , and of those things pertaining unto life and peace , the sight whereof hath kindled and inflamed the hearts of many with holy desires after the full enjoyment of that glory , life , and peace , which in the light is set before them , and true breathings and strong cryes hath passed through many to him , who hath power to dispose of this kingdom , crying Lord what shall we do that we may be heires of thy kingdom , and the Lord hath hearkned and heard the cryes of such as have drawn near unto him in nakedness and humility of heart , and by his light hath shewed them those things which are evil , which they ought to refrain ; and also those things which are pure and good , which they ought to imbrace , and as many as in the light have received him to them he hath given power , not only to resist the evil in all its appearances , but also to embrace and obey the good in its appearing within . A Visitation of Love , Peace , and Good-will from the Spirit of the Lord ; Sent unto the whole Flock of God , now in this their day of Tryal , and hour of Temptation , &c. DEar Friends and Brethren , who have been called to believe by the Holy Calling of the Lord unto Sanctification and Holiness , that ye might inherit the Promises of God , and and that your souls might live in the land of the living , and partake of his goodness ; that you might admire him , and praise his name for ever : And seeing the Lord out of his rich Love and Mercy hath visited you , who sometime sate in the Region of the shadow of death , and were cast out of his presence in the time of Unbelief , seeing he hath caused his Miraculous Light to shine upon you , in his gracious Visitation of you ; and hath given you to believe in his name , prise his love unto you : and let not his gracious Benefits slip out of your mindes , least your hearts be filled with other things that will corrupt your hearts , and make you an unmeet habitation for the Lord to dwell in and among . keywords: day; god; hath; life; light; lord; love; power; things cache: A44812.xml plain text: A44812.txt item: #24 of 38 id: A48373 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Liberty of conscience asserted and several reasons rendred why no outward force nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith and religion with several sayings collected from the speeches and writings of King James and King Charles the First / John Crook, Samuel Fisher, Francis Howgill, Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1661 words: 3023 flesch: 65 summary: Because , Force is contrary to the End for which it is pretended to be used ( viz. ) the preservation and safety of the Wheat , which End is not answered by Persecution , because the Wheat is in danger to be plucked up thereby , as Christ saith . 9. Because , to force , is inconsistent with the Belief of the Jews Conversion ( and other false worshippers ) which is prayed for by the Publick Teachers , and cannot be attained , if Persecution for Conscience be prosecuted . 10. Because , they that impose upon mens Consciences , exercise Dominion over mens Faith , which the Apostles denyed , saying , they had not Dominion over any mens Faith. 11. Because , Imposition upon mens Consciences necessitates them to sin , in yeelding a Conformity contrary to their own faith : for whatsoever is not of a mans own faith , is sin . 12. Now I say unto you , Refrain from these men , and let them alone : for if this Counsel , or this Work , be of men , it will come to nought : keywords: conscience; faith; god; mens; religion; tcp; text cache: A48373.xml plain text: A48373.txt item: #25 of 38 id: A54470 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Persecvtion inconsistant with Christianity, humane society, and the honor of princes from the testimonies of themselves, and approved authors, and martyrs, herein impartially collected : whereunto is added certain solid reasons why no outward force, nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith, &c. / by those faithfull witnesses who died under suffering for the testimony of Jesus, viz: Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisher, Francis Howgill. date: 1670 words: 9623 flesch: 58 summary: And because the passion and uncharitableness of the times have produced several Opinions in Religion , by which men are engaged in Parties and Animosities against each other ; which when they shall hereafter unite in a freedom of Conversation , will be composed , or better understood . pag. 192. Haywardus said , That the best Writers of that time did agree in one opinion , and with Tertulliano , Lactantio , Cassidoro , and Iosephus , &c. That People must inform men to imbrace Religion with Reason , and not compel them by violence . keywords: christ; consciences; faith; force; god; king; liberty; man; matters; men; mens; opinions; pag; peace; people; persons; religion cache: A54470.xml plain text: A54470.txt item: #26 of 38 id: A62696 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: To all dear Friends & brethren in the everlasting truth & covenant of the Almighty Jehovah, blessed for evermore date: 1662 words: 4630 flesch: 46 summary: WE the Prisoners of the Lord , and for the Testimony of Christ Jesus , do bear in our remembrance with dearest Salutations of perfect love , all our suffering Brethren every where , and also the whole Flock of our Fathers tender Love , whom he hath elected and chosen in his own secret Counsel before the world began ; Dearly and well beloved , our very Souls this day , are deeply affected with the Cause of God , and our persons at this time are engaged in these Bonds , for the Testimony of the same ; and truly , in Soul , Body , and Spirit , are we offered up to the perpetual loss of all , that the Name of the Lord , and his saving Truth , may be testified unto , in faithfulness unto all the world ; and in the Lord our hearts are resolved in the confidence of his Spirit , to suffer the greatest of Afflictions and Persecutions , rather than forfeit or loose , one grain of this so blessed a Testimony now trusted with us , and for whic● , we now suffer these Bonds : And unto faithfulness herein , We find that the Lord our God , daily increaseth our strength and boldness , our patience and long suffering , and doubleth his Spirit of Power and Wisdom upon us , that we may never faint in Trial ; and we labour to be armed in our inward man , with whatsoever may uphold us , and defend us in this day of our Afflic●ions ; even that our faith and patience , our holiness and meekness , our long suffering , and love to enemies ; and all Heavenly Vertues may be compleated in us , and possessed of us , till our God take Vengeance upon the wrath of our Adversaries , and deliver his ( now ) poor despised and oppressed people ; for these Vertues are the armour with which we delight to be cloathed ; these are our weapons with which we chuse to be defended , and this must be our final Vic●ory , when the faith and patience , the meekness and long suffering , and heavenly Vertues of Christ Jesus in us , have exceeded in measure , and superabounded in effect , all the unbelief and impatiency , the enmity and ungodliness , in all that hate us ; Love shall overcome wrath and envy ; Patience shall subdue rigorous Persecutors , and hatefull workers ; the very God that dwells with us , shall condemn and confound the wicked one , with all his might , and power , and malice , and Persecution , cruel Imposition on tender Consciences , and Oppression and Injustice shall be no more : Dearly Beloved alwaye● h●ve a special regard unto your standing as to God-ward , and what increa●e of Life , Love , Peace and Comfort , ye daily receive in your spiritual ; man knowing , that by the inward vertue of the Fathers presence , the Peace and Joy of God in your inward man dayly receive● from him , by that must you stand in strength and dominion against all enemies within and without . keywords: day; god; life; lord; love; tcp; testimony; truth cache: A62696.xml plain text: A62696.txt item: #27 of 38 id: A64451 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the word of God, in the city of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662 / [by] F.H. date: 1662 words: 11115 flesch: 44 summary: And now thou art freed from the ●empt●tions of him who had the power of death , and art freed from thy outward Enemies , who hated thee because of the Life that dwelt in thee , and remaineth at the right hand of God , where there is joy and pleasure for evermore in the everlasting Light , which thou hast often testified unto , according to the Word of Prop●esie in thy heart , which was given unto ●hee by the Holy Ghost , and art at rest in the perfection thereof , in the beauty of Holiness ; yet thy Life and thy Spirit I feel as present , and have unity with it , and in it , beyond all created and visible thing● , which are subje●t to ●utation and change ; and thy Life shall enter into other● , to testifie unto the same truth , which is from everlasting to everl●sting ; for God hath raised , and will raise up children unto Abraham , of them that have been as dead stones , whose Po●er is Almighty , great in his people in the midst of their Enemies . He was inclinable from his youth upwards , to Religion , and the best way , always minding the best things , and the best and nearest way of Worship to the Scriptures of Truth , and always did accompany the best men , who walked in godliness and honesty , insomuch I have often admired his discreet carriage , and his great understanding of the things of God : He was never known to be addicte● to any vic● or malignity , or bad behaviour , neither followed any evil course of life from his childhood , but feared the Lord , and walked uprightly according to the light and knowledge received in all things . keywords: day; god; hath; heart; life; lord; love; man; power; spirit; testimony; thee; things; thou; truth cache: A64451.xml plain text: A64451.txt item: #28 of 38 id: A70287 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A copy of a paper sent to John Otway, Justice of the Peace, concerning swearing date: 1666 words: 3941 flesch: 56 summary: First of all , There was a time when there was no Oaths , When Man was made in the Image of God , which consists in Righteousness and true Holiness , Equity , long suffering , Patience , Goodness , Mercy and Truth , wherein man was in a capacity to believe in God , and men to believe one another : this was in the beginning after the Heavens and the Earth was made , and all things that are therein ; Then there were no Oaths , neither needed any , for Truth lived and man in it , and that spoke ; and a certainer Testimony there could not be , nor a greater : and this was before Sin and Unbelief entred . 2. Whosoever comes to witness a restoration again into the same Image by Christ , the second Adam , as all that are born of God and are true Christians indeed do come to , there will be nothing but Truth speaking and ruling in the heart , and in the words : and Oaths ends . keywords: christ; god; law; oaths; swearing; tcp; truth cache: A70287.xml plain text: A70287.txt item: #29 of 38 id: A77938 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Ansvvers to severall queries put forth to the despised people called Quakers, by Philip Bennett, who cals himself a minister of Christ, but is found a deceiver; answered by them to whom they were directed. Also, ansvvers to severall other subtil queries put forth by one Iohn Reeve, who lives in the City of London, who cals himself the last messenger and witnesse unto the true God, but is found a false witnesse, and a lyar, and a perverter of the right way of God. / Answered by Edward Burrough, and Francis Howgill, who are witnesses unto the truth against this subtil serpent-like generation. date: 1654 words: 13008 flesch: 28 summary: thy self the last Messenger , and witnesse unto the true God , yet I say unto thee , verily the Lord hath a Witness which was before thee , which hath been slain in the streets of the great City , which the Lord will bring forth after thee , which will bear true witnesse of the true God , & against thee , and thou who hast been alive , shall be judged by him which hath laid slain , & he will eternally condemn thy testimony and message ; Friend in the light of Christ , which hath lightened every one that comes into the world , thou art comprehended , and seen , thy beginning , thy time , and thy end , and with it thy testimony and Message is denyed , for thy testimony is such , and if thou swear the Lord lives , thou swore falsly , and further , thou sayes , by inspiration of the holy Spirit thou was moved to present this Epistle : I answer , the language of the holy Spirit is like it self , pure and spirituall , but thy language is carnall and sensuall , and so is thy spirit ; the Saints which spake by the inspiration and moving of the Spirit , cursed not that which God had blessed , as thou dost , neither did they say the Elect was defiled as thou dost , neither did they speak of God as a carnall substance , as thou dost , but said that God was a Spirit , and here be thou a witnesse against thy self , that thou speaks not by the inspiration and moving of the holy Spirit , but speaks thy imaginations , and lies in the Name of the Lord ; and whereas thou sayest in this confused age , there hath appeared variety of Spirits pretending to be sent by the everlasting God , yet they are at war with all their power to overthrow one another , that their own opinions may bear rule ; I answer , Among the many pretenders thou speaks of , thou art one ; and it is true , you are at war with all your power endeavouring to overthrow one another , that your own opinions may bear rule , and though there be among you variety of opinions , yet by one Spirit you act , for the kingdome of the Devil is but one , and yet divided , and it is at war with it self , and therefore it cannot stand , and you cannot overthrow one another , but one is appearing to overthrow you all , and all your opinions , for all you pretenders are made manifest by your fruits , and thereby men may try you , for nothing is to be gathered from you but opinions and ayery imaginations , some of you speaking of a God , and Christ afarre off , to believe in , others of you speaking of a God and of a Christ within , and afarre off to believe in , thus you feed people by your own imaginations , and some of you pretends Revelation , others of you denying Revelation , and thus you strive to set up your own opinion , but you live all in one nature , and are of one generation , and he that walks in the light sees you all , and comprehends you all , and judges all your opinions , and are redeemed out of all your vain im●dgination into the life of God , acting and speaking as the Spirit acts and speaks , and seeks to exalt Christ , and him to bear rule , that all opinions may be by him thrown down , and that by him people may be brought out of a confused age , into the land of r●st , and peace , and righteousnesse to serve the true Spiritual God , in the Spirit , and by the Spirit of his own Son ; and further , thou sayes , some there are takes upon them to speak of a God , and of a Christ in the invisible heavens , above the starres ; but are uncapable to demonstrate how Christ by his spirituall Word lives in mens hearts , and how he reigneth visibly in glory with his Elect Angels : I answer , there are not some but many , which lives in , and speaks forth their own imaginations , upon God and Christ , and one of them thou art , thy spirit is tryed , God who is a Spirit , dwels in the Spirit of his Son , even in the high and holy place , and with him also who is of a contrite Spirit , and trembleth at his Word ; but this by thy vulterous eye is not seen , neither can any demonstrate how Christ dwels in the heart ▪ but he who witnesseth it through death , and where he reigns his glory is with him , and his Elect Angels , this I witnesse , but to thy carnall eye it is invisible , and by thy carnall wisdome he can never be known , Christ and his spirituall word is not to be divided , though thy sensuall spirit would divide them , but by the flaming sword thou that speaks art divided from both , and shalt know neither but to thy condemnation ; and further thou sayest , others there are which speaks of an eternall Spirit , or Christ onely in the consciences of men , as if there were no Creator ●● Christ at all visibly reigning upon his Throne of immortall glory ; I answer , They who talke of an eternal Spirit , or Christ in the conscience by hear say , o●●● other mens words , without ( as thou dost ) and doth not in life and power witnesse it , from the Father within , made manifest , such are denyed by them who witnesse the eternall Spirit dwelling with the contrite heart , which Spirit is the Creator which dwels also in the high and holy place , and reigns upon his Throne for ever , and who do in power witnesse this , sees and judges all y●ur carnall imaginations , and conceptions of the living God in your carnall minds , where he dwels shall no unclean thing enter , but is without to be troden in the wine-presse of his wrath for ever and ever , and by him shall thy carnall conceptions be consumed , even by the breath of his mouth , for he is eternall , and his Throne is eternall , and by the carnall eye shall never be seen ; and further thou sayest , there are , who through unbelief that ever any living creature had a beginning , they affirm there is no God or Christ at all , but perishing nature , of this sort are innumerable , witnesse the lives and conversations of people every where ; I answer , All who do witnesse the eternall Spirit made manifest , to rule and guide all such , doth deny and declare aagainst , for nothing was without beginning but the eternall Word , which was the beginning of all things , and which will be the end of all things , even the destruction of the wicked , and the salvation of them that believe , who are born of the immortall seed , and redeemed out of the perishing nature into the image of God , and such do set to seal there is a God , who will reward every one according to his works , and beares witnesse against them , who in their lives and conversations denies God , as all do who do not witnesse the eternall Spirit of Christ ruling in the consciences , but talkes of a God in imagination at a distance , and such are innumerable , and saith in their heart , there is no God , and such are the fools the Scripture speaks of , and whereas thou beseeches to consider of these ensuing particulars ; I answer , They are considered , and by them thy ignorance is made manifest , and thy folly disclosed , and thy blasphemy , who cals thy self the last witnesse . Ans. Here again , thou hast made thy sha●e and thy ignorance manifest and knows not so much as the Letter of he Scripture , Paul in Apostle of Jesus Ch●ist , notby the will of man , and Minister of the everlasting God , he witnessed the Son of God revealed in him , and he ●●i● , kn●w ye 〈…〉 Christ ●s in you , or else you are rep●●●ates , and ●h●i●t is no● divided , and he tha● is joyned to the Lord is ●●e Spirit , and 〈◊〉 my Father are one , ●●d w●●●e Christ dwells the Father dwells , and if thou have ●● e●● to hear ●hou may h●●● , and if the ●●●e Spirit be not in you that raised Christ 〈…〉 he ●●●d , you are 〈…〉 , and he that declared these things speak of a spi●i●ua●l Christ , and an invi 〈…〉 God , and who ●●all ascend up to heaven , the word is nigh , in thy mo●t●● and 〈◊〉 heart , and this is the same Christ that suffered without the ga●e at Jerusalem , and keywords: art; christ; elect; god; hath; light; spirit; thee; thou; thou art; thy; witnesse cache: A77938.xml plain text: A77938.txt item: #30 of 38 id: A77966 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: Truth defended. Or, Certain accusations answered, cast upon us who are called Quakers; by the teachers of the world, and the people of this generation. With a cleare discovery, who are the false prophets, and when they came in. And who they are that deny Christ, and that preach another gospel. And who deny the scriptures, churches, ministers, and magistrates, whereby the magistrates and people of this nation may see they justifie that which the scripture condemns, and condemne that which the holy men of God justified. / By a servant of the Lord, whose name in the flesh is, Edward Burrough. date: 1654 words: 8961 flesch: 51 summary: True Preaching we owne , and doe witnesse it , which is the Crosse of Christ , and in the power of God , and it is foolishnesse to the World , and its wisedome now , as ever it was ; and we deny all speaking of imaginations from Scripture ▪ which is in the wisedome of the World , and which stands in the will of man , limitted to a set time , or day ▪ or place . And selfe-righteousnesse we have denyed , and have seen it in the same light which Isayah did to be as filthy raggs ; and we declare against it ▪ and against them which live in it ; for selfe must not be saved ▪ it is accursed from God , it is wholly unrighteous ( and makes the best of actions so ) and is ▪ and must be cast out from God Christ Jesus made manifest and revealed in us , is our righteousnesse , and selfe is judged and condemned by him who is made unto us righteousnesse ; nei●her doe we teach people to labour in their owne strength to obtaine life ▪ but doe direct people to the light of Christ within them , which walking in ▪ will be strength to them to leade them to life , the light which is of Christ , to which we direct all to waite in to be taught by ; it will leade out of selfe-righteousnesse , and from under the power of selfe , to witnesse the power of God , to leade , and to act , and to witnesse Christ Jesus revealed the righteousnesse of God And the Church which is in God , which is the body of Christ whereof Christ is head , we witnesse ▪ and are members of it , gathered and joyned by the Eternall spirit , and not by tradition in the wisedome of man . keywords: christ; god; man; men; people; prophets; spirit; teachers; world cache: A77966.xml plain text: A77966.txt item: #31 of 38 id: A77974 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: We the servants and faithfull witnesses of the most high God ... date: 1655 words: 1166 flesch: 61 summary: 2008-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2008-07 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2008-08 John Pas Sampled and proofread 2008-08 John Pas Text and markup reviewed and edited 2008-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion WE the Servants and faithfull Witnesses of the most high God , called and Chosen of him , and Redeemed out of Nations , Kindreds , Tongues , and People ; who are Ministers of the word of Life and Reconciliation ; and Messengers of glad tidings , and salvation unto Captive and weary Soules ; ( our glorying is only in the Lord , and not in our selves ) who are by the world in scorn called Quakers ; who are at this present in outward Bonds for the testimony of Jesus Christ : in Dublin ; and who have been in the labour and Travell of the Gospell of God this six moneths and upward , in the Nation of Jreland according to the will of God ordained here unto ; and moved and Commanded by his Eternal Spirit , into this his worke for the seeds sake which is not of this World , to the gathering of it into the fold of everlasting Peace ; & to the clearing of the Lord from the Blood of his Enemies , that they may be lest without excuse , by his powerfull word given unto Us and uttered by Us , ( and herein we are a good savour to God both in them that perish , & in them that beleeve ) and for this cause have we denied our dearest and nearest Relations ; and loves not our lives unto Death , that our testimony we may finish , which is Committed to Us of the Lord , and because of this are we Labourers under many burthens , & Travellers in many afflictions , and sufferings , and are abundantly reproached , and our Lords truth of which we bear witnes , greatly Infamed by many Slandering and Backbiting Tongues ; espetially by the Thachers and Professed Ministers in the eares of their People and Hearers ; slandering Us with being Jesuits , and Deceivers , and Seducers , and Heriticks , and Blasphemers , and Witches and such like : and we of those false accusations being clear , and our Lords truth ( the testimony which we hold ) wholy Innocent ; and are wiling to be tried and proved , & made manifest to the Inhabitants of this City & Nation , in the sight of God ; this therefore are we moved to give forth ; & hereby in the Name of our Liveing eternal God ; of Heaven , and Earth ( whom we serve , & worship in that way which is called Herisie ) doe send it abroad , as a Challenge to all you Teachers , and pretended Ministers , of what sort & form so-ever , and to all you People whom it may really Conscerne ; and especially to all you , in the City of Dublin , & places else where in Jreland to whom this may come . That you meet Us , in the City of Dublin , at some publique place at a convenient time appointed by you ; at which place & time , if the Lord permit , ( by the permission of the Counsel of Jreland whose Prisoners we are ) we shall you meet then , and there to have a faier and sober dispute , in the presence of all people , who may desire to be Informed or satisfied concerning Us , and You , in these things whereof you can accuse Us , and also of those things , by way of sober Questions , which we have to propound to You , not for any end to our selves , nor to set up a Kingdome of our own , God is our witnes , but that the way of our God may be made manifest , and all deceit , and error Discovered , and all People may be informed the way to Salvation , and as you are true to your God and will answer for him ; and are willing to be made manifest in your way of Worship , and Doctrin , and Ministry , You are not to neglect ; but here-in to answer our Desires , and the Desires of many hundreds ; that you and we may be made manifest in the sight of God , to all mens Consciences , who are in truth and who are in error : That shame and Condemnation may come upon the guilty , & Truth may be exalted over all Deceit . keywords: dublin; god; text cache: A77974.xml plain text: A77974.txt item: #32 of 38 id: A86648 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The common salvation contended for, and the faith which was once delivered to the saints· Or, An answer to a book called a plain answer to eighteen queries of Iohn Whitehead, put forth by William Kays, who calls himself minister of the Gospel at Stokesly; wherein he hath perverted the faith once delivered to the saints, and pleads for those things which the Scripture declares against, and so he is made manifest, not to be a minister of the everlasting Gospel, but preachesanother [sic] Gospel. The queries laid down, and the substance of his answer, with a reply to his answer. / By one who is a friend to all, who wait for the appearance of Iesus Christ without sin to salvation, known to the world by the name. Francis Howgill. date: 1655 words: 10097 flesch: 32 summary: FIrst , as to the Title of thy Book , thy plain answer as thou calst it ; thou art plainly made manifest to be among the false Prophets , and the Scribes and Pharises , and the false Brethren , which the Lord sent his true Prophets to bear witness against , and which Christ cryed wo against , and the Apostles exhorted them who were in the faith , to turn away from : and art one that is gone out into the world , separated from the light , from the life , from the practice of all the holy men of God , who spoke forth the Scripture , as they were moved by the holy Ghost ; had they declared against all these things that thou art pleading for , like Demetrius , and yet thou wilt tell of the Scripture being thy rule , thy rule shall try thee , and thou shalt be laid to it ▪ and it will condemn thee , and the life of all the Saints , and the practice of them who dwelt in the light , will bear witness against thee : thy hidden mysteries which thou speakst , are seen by the invisible eye of God , and thy deceit , and thy adding to the Scriptures , and thy perverting of Christs words and thy imaginations upon their words , who dwelt in the light , and one day thou shalt witness the Lord who is just , will plead with thee for it , when by thy serpents wisdom , which is in the curse , and in the disobedience , and thou pleadst expresly against Christs own words , and holdst up the types which was in the first Covenant , and yet wilt not act according to the first Covenant , and so art one that denyes Christ the substance , the everlasting Covenant the oath of God ; and yet calls thy self a Minister of the Gospel , thy Gospel he and all that knows his voice will deny thee , and it who teaches for doctrine , the traditions of men , and sets up an image of many mixtures , that all may fall down and worship , which thou hast built and set up in thy sensual carnal wisdom , and would have all to worship the image of the beast , that sits upon many wa●ers ; but the Lord i● risen to cut it down , and stamp upon it , and grind it to dust , and the whirlwind of the Lord shall blow it away , and thou and all who hath worshipped the Beast shall be broken by him who is set for the rise and fall of many in Israel , and all those things that thou hast set up in thy carnal mind , and calls them the Ordinances of God ; shall become as the broth of abominable things , and as the slaying of a man , and all who worship their own imaginations , both the circumcised , and the uncircumcised will the Lord cut off together , for the Lord is arisen to plead with all the enemies of Zion , and his sword shall be fatted with the blood of the slain ; for prophaness is gone forth from the Teachers of this Nation , who abide not in the doctrine of Christ to the ends and costs thereof , and the Lord is grieved , and the earth shall disclose her blood , and the slain shall no longer be covered , but the deceiver of the Nations shall be cast forth , and great shall be the lamentation of the Merchants of Babylon and Iesabel that hath slain Prophets , now is suffered to prophesie , and many are deceived by her witchcrafts , but she shall be cast into a bed of sorrow , and she shall be dashed in pieces ; and the dogs shall lick her blood , for behold he is risen who is King of Kings , and he makes war in righteousness , and his name is called the Word of God ; and out of his mouth proceeds fire that shall consume the men of the earth , and all who have not the Image of the Father written in their foreheads . Here thou hast made thy self manifest unto all that thou hast no measure of the spirit , neither great nor small , not of the same spirit which was in the Saints , for the spirit which the Saints had , was the spirit of Christ , which is the spirit of truth , and infallible , and led them into all truth , and this Spirit thou blasphemer calls a Popish tenent , and so accuses Christ and the Saints : Was it one spirit which dwelt in the Saints , and another spirit that Christ had ? and here thou speakst contrary to the Scripture , as many as are the Sons of God , are led by the Spirit of God , and they that have not the Spirit of Christ , are none of his ; and all who walked in the spirit , and were led by the spirit , were led out of pollution , and the lust of the flesh , and out of error , and out of all deceit ; and they had received the anointing , which was truth , and no lie , and it guided them into all truth : and here thou wouldst divide the Spirit of Christ from the Saints ; and here thy spirit is made manifest not to be that spirit which was in the Saints , and which was in Christ ; but thy spirit is fallible , that saith , that infallible spirit disgraces the Ministery ; such a Minister thou art , that a fallible spirit , and a spirit of error is thy glory : and therefore I say that spirit is not distinct from the Saints , which was in Christ , but one ; there is one spirit by which all the Ministers of Christ were guided , and they were Ministers of the Spirit which was infallible , and true , and eternal , and bore witness of him who was true and eternal ; and thou calst this a Popish tenent , art raised out , and judged by the Scripture not to have the same , and so art no Minister , nor witness of the infallible eternal spirit , but speaks in thy own name : And thou art accusing Iohn , that he did wander , ( as Iohn did in the Revelation thou saith ) and so would make Iohn a wandering star like thy self , which Iude speaks of , who art fallen into the earth out of the firmament , and so would bring reproach upon him , who witnessed the Spirit , and was in the spirit , and dwelt in it ; but thy shame is made manifest , and now the eternal spirit is witnessed , which is infallible , and they will receive thy doctrine no longer , for it is not wholsome , but contrary to the Scripture . II. Query . keywords: answer; art; christ; god; light; saith; scripture; spirit; thee; thou cache: A86648.xml plain text: A86648.txt item: #33 of 38 id: A86649 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The fiery darts of the divel quenched; or, Something in answer to a book called, a second beacon fired, presented to the Lord Protector, and the Parliament, and subscribed by Luke Fawne, John Rothwel, Samuel Gellibrand, Thomas Underhill, Joshua Kirton, Nathaniel Web. Wherin, their lies and slanders are made manifest against the innocent, and those books which have been published by them they call Quakers, owned and vindicated, and all the rest which is in that book disowned, and their deceite laid open; how they have perverted the truth and our words in those books which they cry out of as blasphemy, that the truth may not suffer under the reproach of the heathen. / By one who is a witnesse for the truth against Gog and Magog, called after the flesh, Francis Howgil. Also something in answer to a booke called a voice from the Word of the Lord, by one John Griffith, against us, whom the world calls Quakers, wherein his false accusations is denied, and he proved to be a slanderer, and the truth cleared from his scandals. By one who is a witnesse against the deceits of the world, called Edward Burrough. date: 1654 words: 12513 flesch: 20 summary: Faith was before the Scripture was , and therfore the Scripture is not the ground of it , but a declaration of it , and no other faith we owne but the faith which Abel had , and which Moses had , which was when no Scripture was written , and that we own to be the rule of our conversation , which they walked by , the immediate spirit of God which was before the Scripture was written ; and all you who professe the Scripture to be your rule , your own rule shal testifie against you when the eternal God judges you , and they vvho vvitness that to bee their rule which gave forth the Scripture , walkes up in the life of the Scripture more then you all ; and you are proved to be but the Jew outward , who bosts of the Ordinances from the letter , but persecutes them by slanders and false reproaches , who witnesse the substance ; and your praise is only of men , and not of God ; and the same woe which thou pronounces upon us wil fall upon thy owne head for this thy grievous slander , that we neglect the law , and teach men so to do ; and whereas thou brings many Scriptures , and saith thus saith the Lord , I answer , the Scriptures we owne , and by that spirit which speaks them forth , wee witnesse them to be true , and they are ours ; and though you say they are the savour of death to us that perish , yet thou art found a lier , for wee are saved out of the perishing state , and death is destroyed through death , and thou hast diminished ( through faith ) from that Scripture 2 Tim. 3. 15. false prophet like againe , and so art both an adder and a diminisher , and thou maist read thy portion in Rev. 22. 18 , 19. and whereas thou saiest , know this thou perverter of the right way of God , thou shalt bee judged by the word of Christ spoke . O thou lier and false accuser , the Lord who takes our part against thee will plead with thee , and render upon thy head according to thy deedes ; prove what thou speaks that we are fleshly minded and spiritually proud , or else let thy mouth be stopped and shame cover thee for ever ; sorceries and witchcraft and drawing from the simplicity of the Gospel wee doe deny ; but the plaine single truth wee doe declare , by which the eye of the blind is opened in many to see your deceits who call your selves Churches and Preachers of the Gospel ; which is not the Gospel that the Apostles preached but an adding your own Imaginations upon their words , who witnessed the Gospel , and it shal stand for thy own condition , thou art in the sorcery and witchraft ; who draws people to observe an outward visible thing , from the light of Christ within them ; which leades to the simplicity of the Gospel , which is inward and not outward ; and thou art in thy fleshly and corrupt thoughts , crying up the Ordinances and Oracles , of God , which are but carnal and beggerly rudiments of the world , which passeth away ; and here thou art seen and made manifest in the light of Christ , to be a hypocrite , who false accuses others of that which thou art guilty of thy selfe ; the same Gospel as ever was , doe we declare ; and not another , which wee received not from man , neither was taught it by man : and as the Oracles of God it shall stand for ever for a witnesse against thee , and all the world who doth not believe , for even the Father beares witnesse of us , and therefore our witnesse is true ; and the righteous God will plead with thee thou lyar and false accuser , and here be a witnesse against thy selfe that the Lord moved thee not , but the Divil , acting in thy owne imaginations , and in the vanity of thy one minde , and in thy one fleshly and corrupt thoughts ; and whereas thou sayest to us thou directs thy speech from the Lord , thus saith the Lord to thee O Quaker , thou art fleshly minded . keywords: answer; art; christ; god; hath; light; lord; scripture; thee; thou; truth; wee; witnesse; words cache: A86649.xml plain text: A86649.txt item: #34 of 38 id: A86650 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The inheritance of Jacob discovered. After his return out of Ægypt: and the leading of the Lord to the land of promise, declared, and some information of the way thither. Or a word of exhortation to all professors in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all the world where this shall come, wherein the common salvation is declared, in which the saints believed; and deceit discovered and made manifest. Published in love to all the honest hearted in the nations, in love and bowels of compassion to your soules. Also a few words of exhortation to the rulers of England, and Ireland. / By a servant of Jesus Christ who delighteth in his masters worke. Francis Howgill. date: 1656 words: 16417 flesch: 12 summary: And I sought death in that day , and could not find it , it fled from me , and I sought to cover my selfe any way , or with any thing , but nothing could , for the indignation of the Lord was upon the Beast and the false Prophet ; and Babylon came into remembrance in that day , the mother of harlots , and the Sea dryed up , and all the Merchants that had traded with her stood asar off , for the cup of fury was poured forth , and Cain was seen , and Judas that had betrayed the Lord of life : and I would have run any way to have hid my selfe , but nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth , and sorrow , and terror , and I roared out for the disquietnesse of my heart , and the kingdome was full of darknesse , I knew not the right hand from the left , I became a perfect fool , and knew nothing , and as a man distracted ; all was overturned , and I suffered losse of all : in all that ever I did , I saw it was in the accursed nature , and then somthing in me cryed , Just and true is his judgment , my mouth was stopped , I durst not make mention of his name , I knew not God , and as I bore the indignation of the Lord , somthing rejoyced , the Serpents head began to be bruised , and the Witnesses which were slain , were raised , and stopped Heave● that it rained not in the dayes of their Prophesie , and a great samine there was ; and the Sun was darkned , and the Moon turned into blood , and the Stars did fall , and all the grasse of the earth withered , and every green tree , and all the springs were dryed up , and a great and a noysome smell , and a plague fell upon the earth , and the waters became as the blood of a dead man , and the Heavens passed away with a noyse , and the Elements melted , and the earth was scorched with the flame which proceeded from the Throne of God , and the Judgement Seat of Christ was seen , and an account was to be given , and then Esau was cursed , and Cain , and Judas , and Ishmael , and all the Cananites , and the Egyptians , went to the left hand , and as the Judgement was pronounced , something cryed , Just art thou oh Lord in all thy judgements ; and as I did give up all to the Judgement , the captive came forth out of prison and rejoyced , and my heart was filled with joy , and I came to see whom I had pierced , and my heart was broken , and the blood of the Prophets I saw slaine , and a great lamentation ; and then I saw the Crosse of Christ , and stood in it , and the enmity slaine upon it , and the new man was made , and so peace came to be made , and so eternall life was brought in through death and judgement , and then the perfect gift I received which was given from God , and the holy Law of God was revealed unto me , and was written in my heart , and his feare and his word which did kill now makes alive ; and so it pleased the Father to reveal his son in me through death , and so I came to witnesse cleansing by his blood which is eternall , Glory unto him for ever , and am a Minister of that word of eternall life which endures for ever , Glory unto his name for ever , and have rest and peace in doing the will of God , and am entred into the true rest , and lie down in the fold with the lambs of God , where the Sons rejoyce together , and the Saints keep holy-day , Glory unto him for ever . And this is making manifest to you also , who wait upon him , who is given for a Covenant of light , and peace , and life , and all that receive this gift , shall come to hear glad tidings , peace on earth , and good will to you , as you turn to the light , and this shall be preached in you , by him who is the annointed of God , and the messenger of the Covenant , and is sent to preach to the spirits in prison , and to open the blind eyes , and to set open the prison door , that the Prisoner may come forth , out of the mire and clay , to follow and wait upon him who is the Rock of this age , and all ages , in which all the fathers believed , and were justified , and did eat and drink of this Rock , and this Rock was and is Christ Jesus , the light of the world , and hath enlightned every one that comes into the world , with his true light . keywords: christ; faith; glory; god; hath; life; light; lord; peace; power; righteousnesse; sin; things; way; witnesse; world cache: A86650.xml plain text: A86650.txt item: #35 of 38 id: A86651 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A lamentation for the scattered tribes, who are exiled into captivity, and are now mingled among the heathen, and are joyned to the oppressor, and refuses to return. Presented unto all the separated congregations, under what name or form soever, in love to the lost. Shewing, the difference betwixt them that were separated by the word of faith, and them who have separated themselves, in imitation from the letter: ... / By a servant of truth, and a friend to righteousness, who suffers with the seed, which is held in oppression, waiting and labouring for its return; called Francis Howgill. date: 1656 words: 14871 flesch: 12 summary: Verily I say unto you all , whose minds are not turned to the light of Christ , which will let you see , notwithstanding all your righteousness and fulness , which you judge you have attained to there is one thing you lack yet ▪ you that hath keeped all the commands in the letter , which few of you have done , you must sell all , and give to the poore : and yet before you witness a disciple of Christ , you must take up the cross of Christ which you all stumble at , and it is foolishness to you , as it was to your generation , who were in your nature who sought to be justified by the works without them ; and even you are the same ▪ looks that God accepts you , because you have conformed to the outward part of the Law , or Scripture : and if that will not do , then you looke to be Justified by the righteousness of one you have heard of without you : and even then , when you your selves are found sinners , and so would make Christ a Minister of sin . NOw concerning faith , it is begotten in the heart of man , by preaching of the eternal Word ; which word is nigh , in the mouth , and in the heart ; and all that comes to hearken to the word which is pure , and receive it , and believe in it , comes to see faith revealed , by which they draw near unto God ; and this is begotten by the word of faith , which is the word of Christ ; which word is spirit and life to all that receive it ; and by it is the mountains removed , and sin overcome ▪ and victory witnessed over sin , keywords: christ; faith; god; hath; hope; light; lord; power; righteousness; sin; spirit; things; world cache: A86651.xml plain text: A86651.txt item: #36 of 38 id: A86652 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: This is onely to goe amongst friends. date: 1656 words: 8581 flesch: 47 summary: O beloved ones , who are the children of my eternall father , who have eaten at his Table , and drunken of the new wine in the Kingdome of God , who are nourished and dandled upon the lap of everlasting love , who suck at the breasts of everlasting consolation : your beauty is comely , I am ravished , I am filled , I am filled with love to you all , I am sick of love : your beauty hath ravished my heart : come sit down my dear ▪ Lambs together in the fold where no Wolf can come , and let us rejoyce together , and sound forth his praise who hath washed us and cleansed us and covered us , and made us worthy to enter into the fold the Bride-chamber , to eat with him of the bread of life for ever , at the eternall Table of life : the Bridegroom is come friends , of him I know you rejoyce greatly , because of his voyce . Let sorrow and mourning fly away , and be ye comforted ye that have mourned , and be ye refreshed ye that have been weary ; for God hath opened the everlasting fountain , and the streams runs pleasantly , which refresheth the City of our God . keywords: eternall; glory; god; hath; life; light; lord; love; power; world; yee cache: A86652.xml plain text: A86652.txt item: #37 of 38 id: A86654 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: The visitation of the rebellious nation of Ireland. And a warning from the Lord proclaimed, to all the inhabitants thereof, to make their peace with him before hislong [sic] suffering come to an end. With a lamentation over its unfruitfulnes and rebellion after so many visitations. And an exhortation to all the honest hearted, to meet the Lord by repentance, while the patience of the Lord continues. Or the sealing of the Lords testimony unto all sorts of people in that land, by his servants, after their several months sore labours, and travells, and sufferings therein, who loved not their lives for the seeds sake. Also some particular papers, written in that nation, to severall sorts of people. I. A warning, to the heads, and rulers, and people of Dublin. ... VII. An invitation to all the poor desolate souldiers, to repent, and make their peace with the Lord, and their duty shewed them, what the Lord requires of them. By them who are sufferers, for the seeds sake; waiting for the building of distressed Sion: F.H. E.B. date: 1656 words: 15693 flesch: 27 summary: Therefore awake , awake , ye carelesse and unbelieving , and fear and tremble ye children of disobedience , who hates the light , and loves your evill deeds , and upholds your false Prophets , whom God never sent , and will not own the Lord to be your teacher , the light in your conscience is your condemnation , for this is the condemnation of the world , that light is come , and men hates it . Oh your abominations is loathsome to all the children of light , professing God in words , but in your lives and works denies him ; oh that thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belongs to thy peace , a crooked generation you are , the yoke must be laid upon your necks , will neither plague , famin , nor sword bring thee into subjection unto the Lord , will neither mercy nor judgement take place in your hearts ; keywords: christ; consciences; day; god; hath; law; light; lord; nation; people; righteousnesse; selves; thee; thou; way cache: A86654.xml plain text: A86654.txt item: #38 of 38 id: A86655 author: Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. title: A woe against the magistrates, priests, and people of Kendall in the county of Westmerland, pronounced from the Lord by one of his prophets. Which may warn all the persecuting cities and towns in the north, and every where, to repent and fear the Lord, lest the decree go forth against them. Also the stumbling-block removed from weak mindes, who are offended at the strange signs and wonders acted by the servants of the Lord, scornfully called Quakers in the northern parts of this nation. date: 1654 words: 3408 flesch: 42 summary: Arm your selves , O ye Mountains and gather your selves on he●ps O ye Isles , the glittering the Sword of the Lord is drawn , and a fire is before him , and all ye will be found as stubble , and you are all to be slain heaps upon heaps , and are all to go down with all the uncircumcised Rulers and people into the Pit ; the Lord the mighty Jehovah is revealing himself from heaven in flames of fire to render vengeance upon all the workers Iniquity ; for you have slain the heir of the Vineyard , you are killing his Prophets , and imprisoning his Saints ; to you all Professors , Rulers , and Priests , which say you are Jews , and are not , but are the Synagogue of Satan ; I speak in plainess of Speech unto you all who live in all the abominations of the heathen , and yet say you love Christ , do not you call the Master of the house now Belzebub , do not ye mock , and set your mouths awry ye sons of the Adultress , and of Sodom , at the light of Christ which enlighteneth every one that comes into the world , which light did lead all Saints into purity , and up to God , and this you call Natural , and them who witness redemption by the Son , you call blasphemers ; Christ which you profess and yet know not , was accounted by your generation a blasphemer , and all the Apostles and Saints were persecuted by your generation as evil doers , as despisers of Government , as disturbers of the peace , as leaders of the people into iniquity , as the off-scouring of all things , as sheep for the slaughter , and were al of them put to death and in prison by that generation which professed God , and said they had his ordinances , yet slew them who professed him and kept his statutes ; for if ye be not wilfully blind , are ye not doing the same now ; mocking , haling , imprisoning , bringing before Magistrates them that witness Jesus Christ in them , and becaus they bear witness against all sin ; Did ever any of the Saints of God persecute , imprison , or hale before Magistrates , and falsly acuse any ? Did ever the saints complain to Authority to guard them ? Hear ye whited tombs , ye painted sepulchres , what Gospel is this ye profess ? what God is this ye serv that must be defended with clubs , swords , Rulers , and carnal weapons ; the Saints who had the everlasting Gospel , said , their weapons were not carnal but spiritual , and yet they were mighty through God to beat down strong holds , even principalities and powers , thrones and dominions ; but your Gospell and Ministry can do nothing without a sword ; All people see where you are , & what you are doing , you run headlong to ruine ; those who were despised by that generation of Pharisees & Professors which you are in , were a burthensom stone , upon which all that opposed did break themselves ; so this generation whom ye set at nought , ye shal be made to bow and throw down your Crowns before them , and before the Lamb who is our Leader & guider , Glory unto him for evermore ; its hard for you to kick against the pricks , for we witness the two edged Sword of the Lord shall bathe it self in the blood of his Enemies , and shal be made fat with slaughter . keywords: god; lord; people; prophets; text cache: A86655.xml plain text: A86655.txt