item: #1 of 28 id: A24629 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: An account of severall things that passed between His Sacred Majesty and Richard Hubberthorne Quaker on the fourth of June 1660 After the delivery of George Fox his letter to the King. date: 1660 words: 2196 flesch: 75 summary: K. Are any of your friends gone to Rome ? R. H. R. H. Yes , what we doe affirm we can promise before the Lord , and take him to our witnesse in it ; but our so promising hath not been accepted ; but the ceremonie of an Oath they have stood for , without which all other things were accounted of none effect . keywords: r. h.; truth cache: A24629.xml plain text: A24629.txt item: #2 of 28 id: A44833 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: An answer to a book called A just defence and vindication of Gospel-ministers, and Gospel-ordinances put forth by J.G. In which he pretends an answer to E.B.'s Tryal of the ministers, and other things against the Quakers. ...Given forth from him who desires the edification and satisfaction of all in the things appertaining to the Kingdom of God, Rich. Hubberthorn date: 1660 words: 7423 flesch: 60 summary: He that would accomplish those things before named , to wit , subdue Malice and Envy , and Errors , and instruct the ignorant , and him that is out of the way , and strengthen the weak , he must be such a one as is led by the Spirit , and walks in the Light of Christ , which is so much hated and contemned by Priests and their Defenders ; that first those things may be subdued in themselves , and then Minister against them in others ; but none of those things can be done by that spirit which hath ruled in J. G. but that his latter Reasons , which he saith , moved him to Print , may be fulfilled ; that 〈…〉 That it may be seen , and come into many hands ; and that to thy own shame , when they read and consider thy unlearned Lodgick , wherein thou goest to prove , that it is not sufficient to bring us to Heaven to be freed from fin ; for thou saist , A Horse hath no sin ; and so by thy comparison a man without sin , is but as a Horse ; so that thou hast truly said , Thy work is without Eloquence or Humane Art : but seeing thou hast taken in hand to put things to publick view , in thy next prove , who those men are upon the Earth that are without sin , & are not sufficient for the Kingdom of Heaven ; and whether was it any thing that did separate man from God , but sin ? And was not Christ onely made manifest to take away sin ? And is not man perfectly Righteous , when his sin is taken away and made the Righteousness of God in him , Which takes it away , to wit , the Lamb of God , which all the Nations of them that are saved , must walk in his Light ? and it is those that hate the Light , and is against freedom from sin , that have no understanding of the Mysteries of God , which is like the Horse or Mule , whose mouth must be held with Bit and Bridle , and are like the Beast that perish ; but they that are freed from sin , are not so , neither is the Horse their Comparison ; but herein thou hast shamed thy self and thy Ministers , that they should be so ignorant , as neither to teach thee better Doctrine before thou didst write , nor correct thee when thou hadst written ; but to suffer such a thing to appear in this Nation , where Light is broken forth , that the state of freedom from sin , is no better than the state of a Horse ; but as the Scriptures saith , Your folly shall be made manifest unto all men ; which Scripture is daily fulfilling , and we are satisfied in it . This is another piece of confusion , and charging of God foolishly and falsly , to say that the Lord commands those things to be done , and those he commands to do them , in doing of which it is not good to them but sin ; Where hast thou learned ? or where dost thou read of such a doctrine , that wicked men are commanded of God , to do such things , which in doing is not good to them but sin ? keywords: answ; christ; god; hast; page; spirit; thee; things; thou; thy cache: A44833.xml plain text: A44833.txt item: #3 of 28 id: A44834 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: An answer to a declaration put forth by the general consent of the people called Anabaptists in and about the city of London which declaration doth rather seem a begging of pardon of the Caveliers then [sic] a vindication of that truth and cause once contended for : I seeing so much wickedness ... / from a true lover and owner of the people called Quakers ... Richard Hubberthorn. date: 1659 words: 10354 flesch: 28 summary: That is false , for they have more contradicted the common Priests of the Nation , as their books and sufferings will witness , although they have according to truth contradicted you , and also have more of your contradictions and confusions to declare concerning you , which is not yet published ; but what do you account their irregular practises ? is it because their yea is yea , and their nay is nay in all their communications ( and yours not so ? ) or is it because they cannot swear at all ? or is it because they cannot have any mans person in admiration because of advantage , or because they cannot respect the person of the rich , nor honour the person of the mighty ? is it because they do unto others as they would have others to do unto them , or because they speak the Truth every one to his neighbour without partialitie or hypocrisie ? or is it any thing relating to these things above named , if not , in your next mention in what , or else the wise in heart will judge you to speak onely from your imaginary conceit ? but what is your end in so secret smiting them ? do you think to excuse your selves by accusing them ? and who is it that doth charge you with countenancing the Quakers in their practises , either Regular or Irregular ? I know none that hath any ground so to charge you , but to men of understanding who can see beyond words , you rather appear to be begging a pardon of the Episcopal and Presbyter , and the wilde Boyes and Apprentices of London , by accusing the Quakers as hereafter will appear , and that fearfulness and unbelieving is entered into your hearts , and so your spirits is betrayed into a slavish fear , but if ever you be accepted or owned of God , you must own that for your strength which the Quakers live in , and if ever any Rule for God in this Nation , they must own that light , life and spirit which they are guided by , and then they will not despise , but have unitie with the Quakers . For whatever composers of any form of worship , may possibly err , it is derogating from God , and his Holy Word , and injurious to men to compel any to the Practise thereof . keywords: christ; city; god; lord; men; nation; people; persons; religion; selves; spirit cache: A44834.xml plain text: A44834.txt item: #4 of 28 id: A44835 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Antichristianism reproved, and the doctrine of Christ and his apostles justified against swearing in answer to John Tombe's six propositions for the lawfulness of swearing : all which propositions are both against Christ and his apostles doctrine, as is here proved according to the Scriptures ... / by Richard Hubberthorn. date: 1660 words: 9420 flesch: 64 summary: As to the fi●st , Rom. 19. where the Apostle saith , for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son , that without ceasing I make mention of you alwaies in my prayers ; is this a proof for men to swear and take oaths either for men or against men , hath not the man hear lost the understanding of a man ? thus to compare and call this the Apostles oath when he takes God to witness that he prayes for the Saints continually , and his saying in Rom 9. ● . By the same argument , may it as well be proved that the Christians and believers in Christ ; may be circumcised , offer innocence , burnt offerings and sacrifices , because for the use of it God gave some directions , and therefore it is lawfull , but as circumcision , innocence , burnt offerings and sacrifices of the Law is ended in Christ , so is the Oaths which was among the Jews in him ended also to the believers , and by him forbidden : for as it was said in old time thou shalt swear , and shalt perform thy oath to the Lord ; but Christ in the 5 of Mat. making mention of the Jews oath which God gave once directions for , yet saith he swere not at all ; here Christ puts an end not onely to frivolous and vain oaths , but to the true oaths which the Jews was once commanded of God to swear , for these oaths are they which Christs words hath relation to , for he came to end the Jews worships and oathes , who is the oath of God , Christ the truth and righteousness of God saith sweare not at all , which ends the Jews which was to swear in truth and righteousness . keywords: christ; god; jews; land; lord; oath; saith; sware; swear; swearing cache: A44835.xml plain text: A44835.txt item: #5 of 28 id: A44837 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The antipathy betwixt flesh and spirit in answer to several accusations against the people called Quakers / by Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1656 words: 4166 flesch: 52 summary: The distance between Flesh and Spirit , &c. THis is the word of the Lord to all people , as I am moved of the Lord to clear the scandals and false accusations cast upon the righteous seed ; and as the seed of God in all generations hath suffered reproaches from the world , so now the same seed , where it is brought forth , suffers by this generation of evil doers , and is afflicted and tormented , and shamefully accused now in England , whom you call Quakers : and you say we deny all the Ordinances of Christ ; and you say we do not honour the Magistrates ; nor are subject unto authority , but are disturbers and breakers of the peace , which is false . And by Repentance have forsaken sin , as it was discovered to us by the light of Christ , which he hath enlightned us withall , and so the mercies of God we have found according to his promise , and are sent of the Lord to preach Repentance to all people , who would have all men come to repentance , and to the acknowledgement of the truth , that they might be saved . keywords: christ; conscience; god; light; lord; thou cache: A44837.xml plain text: A44837.txt item: #6 of 28 id: A44838 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The Common-wealtsh's [sic] remembrancer for discovery of the disturbers of her peace with a loving reproof to such offendors and a caveat to others to beware of them / by a friend to peace with truth and true liberty, R.H. date: 1659 words: 13827 flesch: -11 summary: 1. Whether the said men are taught by , and come to you in the Wisdom , Will , Power and Authority of God , or of man ? 2. From whence , and by whose Ordination , Concurrence and Agreement ( in the late Kings reign ) were the then Altars ? and by whose Practice , Example , and Commands , the frequent bowings thereto , and at such distinct distances and differnt manners , with other the Inventions and Actions then and there performed with so great zeal for their new high places , Rails , Garments , and other Innovations ? And who were they that in those performances , and in visiting Crosses , Wells , and other places , in Preambulations , singing the Letany , &c. were adorned with Canonical Coats , Girdles , Surplices , Rockets , Tippits , Hoods , and the like , besides the great reverence said to be due to their persons , Office and Ministry , which ( their Followers ) were directed to manifest by distinct Bowings , standings up , and kneelings down before them , when , and as they pleased to teach , order , and command to be performed in their Meeting-Houses and elsewhere ? 4. Who were they that ( as the aforesaid services were increased ) flockt to London , Westminster , and Lambeth , to have their Wages also increased to ten Groats ▪ or at least eight Groats out of each pound of every mans Lands , Stock , and Labours , and a part of poor servants Wages , not then esteeming Tythes , G●ebe-Land , and other their Offerings , Incombs , and several plurallities , a competent or sufficient maintenance ; but they ( being over hasty therein , and the time not judged seasonable ) failed in that particular , and then what frequent Counsels and Consultations held those men in the several Count●es and corners of the Land ( under colour of Lectures , Em●er-Week-●asts , and otherwise ) to consider of , consult , and find out s●nse other way for Augmentation to their Authority and Maintenance ? 4. Who were they that began and continued such , and so many vexations Suits in Law with their Patrons , Parishioners , and others , wherewith the Courts at Westminster , the Great Assizes in Counties , and other Inferior Courts were even pestered ( as Records may manifest ) besides their frequent Suits and Summons before , and in the then Bishope Courts , sometimes for small Tythes , working upon some Popish Holy Days , ( though but in repairing a Fence to save Corn , and preserve peace amongst Neighbours ) for not g●ving them timely notice when Tythes were to be set forth to them ; for going from some of them to hear in other Parishes ; for Meetings ( by them called Conventicles ) or for not allowing Servants to join in the before mentioned sports and pastimes , and oft times obtaining Excommunications therefore , and speedily turning them into Writs , and thereby causing mens bodies to be attached and imprisoned , whereby many consciencious persons were ( in a manner necessitated to leave their dwellings , and this Land , to seek peaceable Habitations elsewhere , which divers of the said active persons made use of as an encouragement to their then design , some boasting thereof , and that they hoped to have another Authority before it were long , wherein their labours have not been lacking , neither at their then High Commission Court , nor other places , as hath notably appeared to all that have been willing to see it . Who served , assisted , and encouraged the late Bishops in making the Cannons , Liturgy , and Service-Book , ( little differing from the Mass-Book ) to be imposed upon Scotland , and preached against the Scots , ( when that Book was refused by them , endeavouring to make them , their Religion and practise seem odious , & their own ( new-invented ) Altar Worships , forms and bown● , acceptable services to God , thereby then obtaining a Declaration against the Scots , whereby ( with great zeal ) they proclaimed them Rebels ; and after that a Form of Prayer against them , which divers of the said men as zealously read and seemed to pray in their said Meeting-houses . keywords: army; authority; christ; divers; god; king; lord; man; men; parliament; peace; persons; sort; things; time; way cache: A44838.xml plain text: A44838.txt item: #7 of 28 id: A44839 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The difference of that call of God to the ministry which is by the power of his own gift and measure of life, revealed, and of that, which is received of man, and taught by man, as is manifest by these two severall calls, herein declared, with several principals relating to this second call, answered / by Richard Hubberthorn. date: 1659 words: 6300 flesch: 66 summary: But they which gather Scriptures together in their earthly wisdom , and from that which they have gathered , minister unto others ; this ministery doth not perfect the Saints , nor edifie the body of Christ , nor bring to the unity of the Faith ( but into strife and divisions ) not to the knowledge of the Son of God , but leads from his knowledge ; not unto a perfect man , but pleads against perfection ; not into the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ ; ( no ) not unto the measure of the least Saint , so that Ministery is to be ceased from , which proceeds not from the measure of the Fathers gift ; & that onely continued unto the end of the World which his gift calleth into , and carrieth on in ; So I , by the measure of his free Spirit , being called and made a Minister of it unto others ( ●ot of the Letter , but of the Spirit ) in which in all ages the true Ministery stood ; having not received it of man , neither was I taught it , but by the revelation and manifestation of the life of Christ in me . Which Spirit in me according to its measure is as true and as infallible as it was in them , which by it were made Apostles , Evangelists , Prophets and Teachers formerly , being the same in power , vertue and operation as it was , as able to reveal and make manifest , to teach , edifie and perfect as it was , and to beget people out of the World into the Covenant of Light and Life ; and all who are Ministers of Christ , for the gathering of his seed from the ends of the earth , into the Kingdom of his dear Son , must from the same Spirit witness their Call and separation to that work ; and all other calls , are false , and their ministery profits not , which doth not singly proceed from the measure of that gift : but all , who do abide in the measure of his gift , and from it minister , by it , they are manifest to be of God ; and in that Ministery they commend themselves unto every mans Conscience in the sight of God , and this is the calling and Ministery , in which as every one abide , they glorifie God . There he hath belyed the Ministers of the Gospel , for they could discern the elect from the world , as it is written , ye shall discern between him that serveth God , and him that serveth him not ; and Paul and Peter wrote to the elect ; so these teachers who know not the elect , and yet exhorts , all their hearers to believe , and lay hold on Christ , their preaching is in vain ; for if God have but intended a certain number to be saved , and the rest to be condemned , then they set their hearers a work in vain , and many to expect that which they are never like to have ; so these people are in a miserable state ; and note that these Priests though they take sums of mony , and tithes of their hearers in many parishes in this Nation , yet they know not who are elected among them according to this mans words . keywords: answ; christ; gift; god; man; spirit cache: A44839.xml plain text: A44839.txt item: #8 of 28 id: A44840 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The good old cause briefly demonstrated with advertisements to authority concerning it, to the end, all persons may see the cause of their bondage, and way of deliverance. date: 1659 words: 5988 flesch: 28 summary: But since men have invented forms of words in their own wills , they have departed from the light , and lost the substance and power of godliness , and become strangers to the life of God , through the ignorance in them , because of the blindness of their minds , the great things of his law seeming to them a strange thing ; The true light of Christ in the conscience , in the soul , that whereby ( being ascended up on high ) he draws all men unto him , is despised and evil spoken of by such as satisfie themselves with reports , and a sound of words without life ; As for instance , let every man consider seriously in that called Baptism , It hath been oft said and repeated , That therein you make a solemn Vow , Promise , and Profession , That you will forsake the Devil and all his works , the vain pomps and glory of the world , with all covetous desires of the same , and the carnal desires of the flesh , that you will not follow nor be led by them ; and that you will not be ashamed to confess the Faith of Christ crucified ; But manfully fight under his Banner against Sin , the World , and the Devil , and so continue Christs faithful Souldiers and Servants , to your lives end , dying unto sin , and living unto righteousness , daily mortifying all evil and corrupt affections , following the example of Christ , to be made like unto him , &c. and yet how most live in their lusts , pride , filth , and all manner of abominations , ( like the fool that said in his heart , There is no God ) using the true words of Christ , That unless a man be born again , he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God ; praying also , That God would grant that which by nature you cannot have , &c. When will you deal truly with God and your own souls , that your own and your Teachers hypocrisie may be ( by you ) clearly seen , and the great , Athiests of this age made manifest , that can , or dare so to handle holy things without feeling ? And lastly , take this for a Maxim , that wheresoever any earthly King , Prince , Monarch , Potentate , Power or Authority ( be he , or they never so wise , learned , or religious ) shall establish any Religion , ( so called ) Worship , or Discipline , or be extolled , stiled , deemed , esteemed , or taken to be Head of the Church , Defender of the Faith ; or shall take upon him , or them , to give Commands or Directions concerning the Worship and Service of God , ( according to his , or their best Wit , Skil and Cunning ) that is an Usurpation upon the Prerogative and Authority of Christ Jesus , the Head of his Body the Church , King of Saints , and the one Law-giver , able to save and to destroy ; and such Religion and Faith ( thereby acquired ) stands in the Wisdom and Authority of man , and not in the power of God , being Antichristian , deceitful , and vain , whereby the people become vicious and wickedly hypocritical , and that Religion and Church-Government ( with the Commands , Doctrines , and Opinions so established ) serve for Political ends , silenceth the Voice of Christ in peoples souls and consciences , and causeth them to become formal , frequent and unruly talkers of God , Christ , and the Saints conditions ; ( as they have read , or heard say ) contenders about words and questions , boasting themselves in things they never saw , &c. and is dangerous to civil Society and Government , the occasion of so great strife , contention , and bloodshed in all Nations and Ages of Antichrist , and no certain assurance of peace or safety can be there either to Magistrate or people ; but confusion of minds , and each in continual fear of other ; This hath caused so great distances between men , so much wicked State-policy on the one hand , and Treachery against men in Authority on the other hand , Distractions and heart-burning one against another , as also such deceit , that men ( for outward peace sake are even necessitated to teach their tongues to flatter , lye , and dissemble each with other ; and it opens a door unto any person that gets into Authority ( by means of the Teachers of such a Religion ) to put the people into discontents against others , and exalt himself to rule alone by his own will in a tyrannical way over them , or to set the people ( one party against another ) to shed each others blood by Wars about such Religion or Religions , when that may serve to usher in some like design , upon which account of design ( for the most part ) is the impressing of men for forreign Wars . Hearken unto us , that God may hearken unto you when you shall most need his help ; and trust the Lord Jesus Christ with his own work in our souls and consciences ; for they that dare take the charge of other mens souls upon them , neither know their own souls , nor yet their duties to God or man ; it 's out of your Sphere , beyond your reach , a work which neither God nor man hath committed to your Trusts ; not found in all your Records ( of the most Antichristian Idolatrous Ages ) onely you have several Constitutions and corrupted forms concerning Church-Governments , Worship and Discipline , which , ( in the long and dark night of Apostacy ) have been ushered in by Popish Prelates and Priests , and so craftily twisted and interwoven together with , rooted in , and depending upon the Civil Authority , and the Civil Authority in , with , and upon them , that many wise men think it a kind of Sacriledge , or rather madness to sever them each from other , and that the doing thereof may break both , and drive all into confusion ; and be sure that sort of men ( most concerned therein ) will not fail to tell you so , and withall tell you , that you are to maintain a Gospel-Ministry ; that otherwise the people will become heathens ; that they are the men to be so maintained ; that you must defend them from being reproved in the presence of their hearers , whatsoever they say there ; and much more of that kind , if you hearken to them , and have but such a faith ( as stands in their Wisdom ) to believe them , while it is evident to the children of light , and other unbyassed men , That hereby was the rise , and this the root and foundation of all Antichristian Tyranny ; and that when man by his Wisdom and Authority meddles , ( in like manner ) he onely builds Babel higher and higher , until it fall about his ears as ( hath been seen ; ) The depths of Satans pollicies , and deceits herein , are such as few men are yet aware of , but run on , and are punished ; onely the children of light see him in his transformings and likenesses , though adorn'd with never so curious a dress . keywords: authority; cause; christ; god; hath; lord; man; men; people cache: A44840.xml plain text: A44840.txt item: #9 of 28 id: A44841 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The Quakers house built upon the rock Christ Wherein neither their doctrines, principles, nor practices can be confounded, not disproved; being neither damnable, nor pernitious. As Samuel Hammond hath falsly affirmed in his book called, The Quakers house built upon the sand: or, a discovery of the damnablenes of their pernitious doctrins, in his answer to G.W. which to prove, he lays down seven grounds of delusion, and five arguments of damnable doctrine. But in this answer his seven grounds is proved false in themselves, ...; and his five arguments is proved to be his own false positions, ... as first, he lays down false positions, and then proves them false; and then boasts, as if he had proved our doctrines or principles false: the truth of which is herein clearly made manifest, and wherein he falsly accuseth us, he is justly guilty himselfe. Also the ten fundamentall principles or doctrines of the hireling priest-hood, ... By a servant to the Church of Christ, ... Richard Hubberthorne. ... date: 1659 words: 18252 flesch: 67 summary: 22. ) and this is our test●mony concerning our reconc●li●●ion by Christ alone , not by any thing else , whereby all our accuse●s may be put to silence from their boasting against us , without a ground . And as for the young men and women of which thou saith is come to terrous , and shakings , and convictions , then they are come further then ever thou came ; for they that are sensible of convictions , terrours , and shakings , wrought by the Spirit of God , they may be thy Teachers , which hath but the words of them , and art ignorant of the power by which they were wrought , and therefore thou brings forth such words of darknesse as thou hast expressed , as that thoso that follow the light of an awakened Conscience , and sit downe under that , and are under terrours , and shakings ; that these are ●nllod a sleep by Satan . keywords: christ; doe; god; hath; light; lord; man; people; saith; spirit; thou; thy; truth; words cache: A44841.xml plain text: A44841.txt item: #10 of 28 id: A44842 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The real cause of the nations bondage and slavery here demonstrated and the way of their freedome from their sore and hard bondage asserted presented unto the Parliament ... / from one that hath seen the corruption ... Richard Hubberthorn. date: 1659 words: 3596 flesch: 34 summary: And secondly , if we 〈◊〉 injoy our liberty as Christians ; then we are not to be force● 〈◊〉 a law to maintain the Anti-christian ministers , nor to be fo●… to swear contrary to Christs command ; and also that act , 〈◊〉 Law , is to be abolished , which is to persecute any for trave●… on the first day of the week , yea , when many of that day 〈◊〉 but travelled to the worship of God , hath been imprisoned , some their horses taken from them , & never yet had them ag●… and this is contrary to the Christians liberty , for the Chr●●●●ans , and the disciples of Christ , in the primative time , tra●…led upon that day , and Christ himself travelled upon that 〈◊〉 as you may read in Luke 24. 15. where two of the Disciples ●…veled from Jerusalem to a village called Emaus , ( and 〈◊〉 being risen from the dead travelled with them ) which was 〈◊〉 Jerusalem about 60 furlongs , and that same day they trave●… back again from Emaus to Jerusalem , verse 33. which in 〈◊〉 is about 15 miles , and if they had travelled other 15 miles 〈◊〉 it was but the Christians liberty , and no law to the contr●●● so let that be repealed , which binds and limits us from 〈◊〉 the Christians liberty , and from walking as they walked . And let not any magistrate be incouraged by you to ●…ny cruelty or persecution , from his will , upon any for the ●…ercise of their consciences in the fear of God , in obedie●… to his will ; for the day of your tryal is come , and the 〈◊〉 which will make all things manifest , and every work of 〈◊〉 sort it is . THere hath been a time when the prudent hath kept silence , but now Wisdom hath opened her mouth , and will be justified of all her Children , for the Lord is reviving the Spirit that hath been imprisoned , and taking the yoak from off the disciples necks , and is going on in the Name of his power , to make his creature a free creature , & his people a free people , and the Nation that serves him , & obeys his Law , a free Nation ; and the thundrings of his power is gone forth , and his Light is risen to discover and destroy that which hath deceived the Nations , and to give a discerning unto all , of their freedom from their bondage , and in what it stands ; and that is to be cast out which gendreth to the bondage of Soul , Spirit or Conscience , in any exercise of worship , or obedience unto God , which springs from the measure of his own life , which must not be hindered , nor quenched by any Law , Power or Pretence whatsoever . keywords: bondage; god; hath; law; nation cache: A44842.xml plain text: A44842.txt item: #11 of 28 id: A44843 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The record of sufferings for tythes in England the sufferers are, The seed of God, or, The assembly of his first-born, or, The first fruits unto God in England, in this age, who are called to be faithful, and have been found faithful, therefore have we suffered willingly the spoiling of our goods, for to us the truth is more precious then our estates, lives, or outward liberties, and thererfore hath the Lord accounted us first worthy to suffer for his name sake, and to be as lights in this deceitful generation : those which our suffering is a testimony against, is that priesthood which is light and treacherous, which in all ages the Lord raised up faithful witnesses against : ... : and in these dayes we may say, that they are worse then any troop of robbers, or any that preached for hire that ever went before them, as will appear in this book following, by their devouring vvidovvs houses spoiling mens goods, and destroying mens persons / given forth from those whom the Lord regards, who do tremble at his word, for which cause we are in scorn called Quakers ... date: 1658 words: 20403 flesch: 70 summary: Robert Asplan for the like pretended dues to the same priest , to the value of eleven shillings six pence , had taken from him one Cow worth thirty shillings . at the Exchequer , where he appeared , and there was nothing charged against him , although he waited several dayes . From Iohn Dundo of Hollowtrow in the same County , for seventeen shillings ten pence demanded for tythes , was taken from him one pound seventeen shillings ten pence , by Order of Iohn Hippesley and Richard Ioanes , two of those in Commission to do justice in the same County . keywords: corn; court; cow; day; god; goods; hath; henry; iohn; john; man; parish; pence; pounds; priest; prison; richard; robert; shillings; shillings tythes; steeplehouse; thomas; tythes; value; william; worth cache: A44843.xml plain text: A44843.txt item: #12 of 28 id: A44844 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: A reply to a book set forth by one of the blind guides of England who is a priest at Barwick Hall in Lancashire, who writes his name R. Sherlock, Batcheler of Divinity, but he is proved to be a diviner and deceiver of the people which book is in answer to some queres set forth to him by them whom he calls Quakers ... / Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1654 words: 13829 flesch: 68 summary: REader , This is the word of the Lord to thee , take heed unto the light Christ hath inlightened thee wi●hall , to guide thy mind into the fear of God , to the light of Christ in thy conscience I speak , which if thou hearken unto it , it will lead thee out of pride , and lus● , and envie , and will bring condemnation upon that nature thou hast lived and acted in , that is out of the feare of God , and hearkning ●o this light in thy conscience , it will di●ect thy mind to God , and draw thy min● and affections out of earthly things , and the pollutions of the world , by which thou art defiled ; thy mind and conscience is defiled by lust and uncleannesse , lusting after earthly things , and the flesh is defiled by that mind that wallowes in the earth : Now minding this light in thy conscience Christ hath inlightened thee withall , thy understanding will come to be inlightened , to see the deceipts and the blind guides which have led thee from this light in thy conscience which should exercise it , and lead thee to go to fear him , and to be taught of him , and will lead thee from the teachings of man which keeps thee in thy sins , and draw : thee from this light in thy conscience , which convinceth thee of sin , and lets thee see sin and evill , and all ungodlinesse , and will bring thee to deny it , and lead thee to repentance , and so thou wilt come to know Jesus Christ , which gives repe●tance and remission of sins , and then thou wilt deny Priest Sherlock , and all that generation of Priests , who saith in the 32. page of his book , that Christ was a person ●ot capable of faith and repentance . Here le● all who are in the light see if it be not natural , then and if thou be not him that study a difinition of thy ovvne braine , and instead of the blessing the curse of God comes upon it , for how many is there that was Preists as you are , that now cries against you , which is come out of your generation , and sees the curse of God upon all your practices . keywords: apostles; art; christ; god; hast; light; rep; scripture; spirit; thee; thou; thou art; thy cache: A44844.xml plain text: A44844.txt item: #13 of 28 id: A44846 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R.H. published to prevent the mistakes and errors in a copy lately printed contrary to the knowledge or intention of the party concerned ... therefore it was thought convenient for the removing of errors and mistakes to be reprinted in a more true form and order for the satisfaction of others [by] R. H. date: 1660 words: 2418 flesch: 78 summary: But many have denyed it , both in words & w●itings , and opposed us in it ▪ and above an h●ndred Books are put forth in opposition unto this Principle . This we do beleive , ●hat according as it is writen in the Scripture , that Christ at his last Supper took bread and brake it , and g●ve to his Disciples ; and also took the Cup and blessed it , and said unto them , and as often as ye do this ( that is , as often as they brake bread ) you shew forth the Lo●ds death till he come ; and this we believe they did , and they eat their bread in singlenesse of Heart from house to house : and Christ did come again un●o them according to his promise , after which they said , we being many are one bread , for we are all partakers of this own bread . keywords: king; truth cache: A44846.xml plain text: A44846.txt item: #14 of 28 id: A44847 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Supplementum sublatum Iohn Tombes, his Supplement, or Second book about swearing disproved and made void and his abusing the Scripture plainly manifested : against which the truth of Christ's words is vindicated and maintained / in a few words briefly returned to him from Richard Hubberthorne and Samuel Fisher. date: 1661 words: 3481 flesch: 61 summary: No , not necessarily ; for whether with or without an accusative case , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 soundeth out no more then some strong asseveration of a thing , as with verily , truly , indeed , or such like ; and differs little more from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greek ( with is yea in English ) then the English yea , and yea verily do differ from each other ; witness the Latine adverb nae , with ae dipthong , derived ( as is to be seen in the Latine Dictionaries ) of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greek , with eta or long e , which is englished no otherwise then by truly , verily , in very deed , or such like ; and the very Accidence it self makes it a particle of affirming only , and not of swearing . 2 Tim. 4. 1. are alike charges , and that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used 1 Tim. 6. 13. is only to command , or enjoyn , and doth not include an oath , or swearing ; and that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used 2 Tim. 4. 1. signifies no more then I witness before God ; so that as it was told thee before , it is most evident , that Paul at that distance wherein he was from them when he wrote to the Thessalonians and Timothy , either did not charge them to take an Oath , or if he did , they did not take it , nor swear to him ; unless we shall suppose they swore to some other that stood present as Paul's proxy , by word of mouth to exact it of them ; which absurdity is more fit to be exploded then supposed . keywords: christ; god; oath; swearing; tcp; tombes cache: A44847.xml plain text: A44847.txt item: #15 of 28 id: A44848 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Truth cleared, and the deceit made manifest or, An answer to a printed paper wherein are certaine untruths and false aspersions, cast upon a people, called Quakers, by some members of the church of Wrexham in Wales. With some questions answered: with other false accusations cast upon us, by one whose name is subscribed in print, Mr. Vavasor Powel, who is one of the chief priests of Wales, being in the generation of the scribes and pharisees. Let him that reads understand and he shall see it so. And likewise an answer to other slanders and false reports upon the same people, whom reproachfully they call Quakers, but we rather chuse to suffer reproaches, slanders, and false reports with the people of God, then to deny the power of God made manifest in us. By his servant who seeks the freedoms of Israels children, after the spirit, whom the world calls. Rich. Hubberthorn. date: 1654 words: 6047 flesch: 70 summary: If thou canst read me , thou maist , who art without , who hast shut out thy selfe from Christ , and knowst him not ▪ but art disputing about the body of Christ , as the devill did about the body of Moses , Jude 9. And this Jesus we witnesse , who is the Son of God , who suffered upon the Mount Calvery , and was tempted of the cheife Priests , and the same Christ suffers now by the chiefe Priests , and is tempted as he was by such ( as thou ) who have the chiefest place in the Assembly , stand praying in the Synagogues , is called of men Master , and there thou art among them whom Christ cryed woe against . Thou tempter , who art in the same generation , who said , we do adjure thee by the living God to tell us whether thou be the Christ , the Son of God , who art an enemy to Christ , and to all who confesse Christ come in the flesh ; for we witness the Son of God is come , and hath given us an understanding to know him who is true , but thou who knowest not Christ , there is no answer of God to thee , who art an unbeliever , but thy portion is with hypocrits and unbelievers , turned out from the presence of God into the lake of fire . keywords: art; christ; god; people; rep; thee; thou; thy; truth cache: A44848.xml plain text: A44848.txt item: #16 of 28 id: A48373 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Liberty of conscience asserted and several reasons rendred why no outward force nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith and religion with several sayings collected from the speeches and writings of King James and King Charles the First / John Crook, Samuel Fisher, Francis Howgill, Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1661 words: 3023 flesch: 65 summary: Because , Force is contrary to the End for which it is pretended to be used ( viz. ) the preservation and safety of the Wheat , which End is not answered by Persecution , because the Wheat is in danger to be plucked up thereby , as Christ saith . 9. Because , to force , is inconsistent with the Belief of the Jews Conversion ( and other false worshippers ) which is prayed for by the Publick Teachers , and cannot be attained , if Persecution for Conscience be prosecuted . 10. Because , they that impose upon mens Consciences , exercise Dominion over mens Faith , which the Apostles denyed , saying , they had not Dominion over any mens Faith. 11. Because , Imposition upon mens Consciences necessitates them to sin , in yeelding a Conformity contrary to their own faith : for whatsoever is not of a mans own faith , is sin . 12. Now I say unto you , Refrain from these men , and let them alone : for if this Counsel , or this Work , be of men , it will come to nought : keywords: conscience; faith; god; mens; religion; tcp; text cache: A48373.xml plain text: A48373.txt item: #17 of 28 id: A52677 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: An account from the children of light (to them that askes) in several particulars why we have been kept from joyning to, or worshipping in those formes at law, and formes of worships, that have been imposed upon us against our consciences, in these late years, for denying whereof, we have so deeply suffered, with our lives, liberties, and estates. : Also what we owne as to those things, and can be obedient to for conscience sake, according to truth, and the practise of the church of Christ, and the Scriptures. date: 1660 words: 16203 flesch: 46 summary: THere is no kingdome nor people can truely be said to be the Lords and his Christs , but as they come to be guided and governed by the Law of his Spirit in their Consciences , which Spirit and anoynting all must wait for , even from the King that sits on high , to the least place of government in any people , That with it all may know Judgement , and to doe Justice , which is of God , and not of men , That he may be known , to be the anoynting of Kings , and to Judge among the Judges , whose right it is of old , and God hath given it to him by an everlasting generation , even after the power and order of an endlesse life , That in him and in his seed may nations and kingdoms be blessed with peace , even through and in his Righteous government ; for God the Father accepts neither persons , lawes , nor governments , how prudently soever they be made , if they be not in him , and from him , and for him ; because for him , was made all soules that move , not onely in earth , but in heaven also ; All signes , and seasons , types and shadows , worship and sabbath was made for him the son of man , And no flesh breathing , nor Spirits neither , men or Angels hath any true power or right , but as they receive it in him , and so use it to him , and for him , over any of these things visible or invisible , to rule , force , or order , no not over his own body , but by usurpation ; and for the time that he , or they , shall hold that power , and not in him , as aforesaid , they shall be under the curse of God , not established in peace and righteousnesse , but in tyranny and oppression ; with force , or with flattery , must such rule in their day , untill their measure of time , and sin , be fulfilled , In which the vengeance of the Almighty shall remove them far away , onely their names shall remain as a curse to those that come after . And this is the Cause why we have chused rather to suffer under every power that yet hath risen , then to joyne in with them , because we have not heard the voyce of the holy one in the midst of them , neither hath his Spirit in them been the strength of their Counsells , but they have sought to make flesh their arme , and to strengthen their kingdome with flattery and deceit , and not with truth , and they have sought to make themselves dreadfull by violence , and to rule with cruelty , and not with the sword of God , which is Judgement and Justice ; and have sought honour from men , and not from the Lord , and their Covering hath been vaine glory , and not the Spirit of God ; So with the light of Christ we saw their foundation , and their building , and that they could not stand long in Gods sight , and that all that joyned to them must fall with them , and that the woes that are written of such must certainly overtake them And this is the Cause , and no other thing why we have hitherto borne our testimony against them all , even because they would not joyne to the Lord , nor heare his voyce in their day , but the more he called after them by the mouth of his servants , the more they were ●ardned , and the more provoked him to their own confusion ; so it hath not been prejudice to any mans person that hath kept us at a distance from them or their commands , for we can truely say we have waited without prejudice , if by any meanes we could but have seene any of them seeking the kingdome of God , that therein they might have been established , yea we have the witnesse of truth in us to this day , how glad our soules have been before the Lord , when we have but felt the least tendernesse in any of them , arising ●rom the Spirit of Jesus , or the least confession from his light in them . keywords: christ; conscience; god; hath; law; light; lord; man; men; owne; people; scriptures; spirit; things; truth; worship cache: A52677.xml plain text: A52677.txt item: #18 of 28 id: A54470 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Persecvtion inconsistant with Christianity, humane society, and the honor of princes from the testimonies of themselves, and approved authors, and martyrs, herein impartially collected : whereunto is added certain solid reasons why no outward force, nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith, &c. / by those faithfull witnesses who died under suffering for the testimony of Jesus, viz: Richard Hubberthorn, Samuel Fisher, Francis Howgill. date: 1670 words: 9623 flesch: 58 summary: And because the passion and uncharitableness of the times have produced several Opinions in Religion , by which men are engaged in Parties and Animosities against each other ; which when they shall hereafter unite in a freedom of Conversation , will be composed , or better understood . pag. 192. Haywardus said , That the best Writers of that time did agree in one opinion , and with Tertulliano , Lactantio , Cassidoro , and Iosephus , &c. That People must inform men to imbrace Religion with Reason , and not compel them by violence . keywords: christ; consciences; faith; force; god; king; liberty; man; matters; men; mens; opinions; pag; peace; people; persons; religion cache: A54470.xml plain text: A54470.txt item: #19 of 28 id: A70289 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: A short answer to a book called The fanatick history published with the approbation of divers orthodox divines (so called) and dedicated to the king by Richard Blome (against the Quakers) : which being examined and tried, is found to be a packet of old lies, many of which was seven years since presented to the Little Parliament, and since to other parliaments and protectors, which by us was answered and confuted in the year 1653 many other lies and false reports is gathered up since by them, which herein is answered and disproved : and herein also is a short relation of the twelve changes of governments which have bin in this nation in those eight years, under all of which we have suffered and been persecuted for that truth, which we yet stand witnesses for, against all its opposers / Richard Hubberthorne ; James Nayler. date: 1660 words: 12274 flesch: 49 summary: Again , whereas several is accused ●s for going naked ; Nakedness is a sit sign for you who are covered with Lie● and Unright●ousness , and as the Prophet Isai●h was called of the Lord to be a● a sign to the Aegyptians and Ethiopians , first in Sackcloath , and then naked and bare foot , and to walk so for three years as a sign and wonder amongst them , Isaiah 20.2 , 3. which things would have been a Subject for those pretended Orthodox Divines to have published Books from , and so to have accused him to be mad , or a Phanatick , or bewitched , as they do accuse some now , which do it in obedience to the Lord , and as signs unto them ; And those that do thus accuse from the ground of enmity , they must be as much uncovered from that Veil of Darkness that is over their , Hearts , before ever they see God , as ever any Quaker wa● naked or uncovered outwardly ; and when that comes to passe , the Scorner will leave his scorning , and the wicked man his way , and turn to the Lord , and will leave reproaching of the Quakers . Answer , this Charge is altogether false , and not a word of Truth in it , as we who live in North-wales , and have been constant at them meetings do testifie , John ap Iohn , Roger ap Iohn ; and as for William Spencer , that is false also , that any humming or hissing was heard by him , or that any Quaker did lay his H●ad on his Shoulders , or Blow towards his Mouth , as the F●ther of Lyes hath said in the Phanatick History ▪ Page 109. keywords: answer; book; christ; day; god; hath; light; lord; man; people; power; spirit; things; thou; truth; work cache: A70289.xml plain text: A70289.txt item: #20 of 28 id: A75767 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Davids enemies discovered. VVho of him make songs, but without the Spirit and without understanding, as the drunkard did which he declares of in Psal. 69.12. Or, a true discovery of that custome and forme which the priests of this generation would make an ordinance of, to blind the eyes of the simple, as this priest Clapham: in his 6 arguments, which is here answered, / by us who suffer for the truth, whose names according to the flesh are [brace] Christopher Atkinson. George Whitehead. Also a brief reply unto Frederick Woodall's three principles and resolves; and with replies to his answers, to several queries propounded to him, that to the simple the truth may be cleared, from one who for the captivated seeds sake suffers now in outward bonds in Norwitch Castle, whose name in the flesh is Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1655 words: 8963 flesch: 68 summary: Here thou would make God and Christ two images , and so utters forth one lye after another , and denies the Scripture , which saith he , is the express Image of the Father , and thou sayest the first Image is naturall , the second is spirituall , and here let all behold thy blasphemy who would make the Image of God naturall , and the Image of Christ spirituall , and calls them two Images : stop thy mouth , and be ashamed for ever , for being a Teacher , who seeks to resolve people of such things as to deny God and Christ , and make them two Images , the one naturall , and the other spirituall , and saith , something of the image of God is found in man after the fall ▪ but nothing of the Image of Christ ▪ O blinde guide , that ever England should be deceived by such , but the Lord is now making you manifest , and in the light thou art comprehended , and thy subtlety is seen ▪ and thou art now met withall , who hath long blinded the eyes of poor people with thy fained words and subtle pretences , but here thou art discovered to be an enemy to that which in word thou professes , and so thy words will cover thee no longer , for the life hath found thee out ▪ and by it thy spirit is tryed to be the spirit of errour , and voice to be the voice a stranger . Where did thou ever read of a naturall light which did witnesse unto God in that which is holy , and that which did witness unto God , where dost thou prove that ever the same witness which did witness God in holiness did ever witness against the spirit of God , read thy confesion , and let thy mouth be stopped , who speakes of a naturall light , and of a naturall holiness , which neither of them is mentioned in the scripture , nor from any of the ministers of Christ , therefore from them all art thou shut out , who art in a naturall darkness . keywords: answer; art; christ; god; light; naturall; spirit; thee; thou cache: A75767.xml plain text: A75767.txt item: #21 of 28 id: A84830 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Truth's defence against the refined subtilty of the serpent held forth in divers answers to severall queries made by men (called ministers) in the North. Given forth by the light and power of God appearing in George Fox and Richard Hubberthorn date: 1653 words: 50810 flesch: 55 summary: No Prayers can we send to thee , but for thy destruction , thou man of sin , and Enemy of Christ ; whereas thou dost accuse us of erring , not knowing the Scriptures , here thou hast taken Christs words not knowing him nor the Scripture , and wrests them all along , as thou hast discovered it , so thou makest thy self a Lyar and a Thief , taking Christs words and accusing others with them who live in the life of them , for Christ spoke that Scripture as touching the Resurrection , which thou wouldst have turned into a Poynt , therefore to thee that Scripture belongs , that thou errest not knowing them , nor the power of God , Matth. 22. 29. as thou hast made it plainly appear : And thou bringest another Scripture as concerning Philip , thou sayst he took a Text to treat upon , and here I charge thee to add to his words , Philip did shew forth Christ which was the substance , he finding him riding in his Chariot ; and thou Beast dost wrest this Scripture and pervert it , and so takest a place of Scripture and rais●st Doctrines , Poynts and Uses , as thou callest them , and what thou conceivest and imaginest of it , and so sellest it for money , and so makest an hours talk of it , and art in one of these Text a moneth , or more , and speakest thine own inventions of it . Whereas thou goest about to maintain the singing of Davids Psalms in a Meeter , and that the Apostles did so , and went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter , which David sayth , The dead cannot prayse the Lord ; here I charge thee in the presence of the Almighty God to be a perverter of Scriptures and of the Apostles words , and Davids words ; and dost bring in a consequence to bring them into the same carnal invencion that thou art in , and wouldst make them like thy self : and thou bringest a Scripture Matth. 28. 20. that the Apostles went into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms to sing in a Meeter ; there is not a word in the Scripture that Christ sent his Apostles into the world to give them Davids Psalms to sing in Meeter , here thou accusest Christ , and wouldst make him like thy self , and wouldst make the Apostles like thy self ; here again I charge thee to be a wrester and a perverter of the Scriptures : thou speakest of Paul and Silas singing , and them thou dost bring to confirm thy going into the world to give to the world Davids Psalms in a Meeter ; here thou hast shewed forth thy blindness , sottishness , and ignorance ; Paul and Silas when they sung prayses to God they were in Prison , which condicion thou never knewest ▪ and another Scripture thou bringest concerning Christ and his Disciples , when they did sing an Hymn , which thou art ignorant of , but art in the Generacion of the Pharises and Priests that ●ought to put him to death , who hath gotten the form of his words , therefore as Amos sayth , The songs of the Temple shall be turned into houling , Amos 8. thy songs and all your songs : another Scripture thou bringest in the Ephesians and Colossians , to maintain thy beastly end , of going into the world , who are ignorant , and live in darkness , and giving them Davids Psalms in a Meeter contrary to all the Scripture , and the practise of all the Saints , and wouldst compare the Church who are gathered out of the world , the Saints , to be like the world , and thy beastly worship , who sung with the spirit , and with understanding , and with grace , making melody to the Lord in their hearts , 1 Cor. keywords: answ; apostles; christ; forth; god; hast; hath; iohn; light; lord; man; minde; people; query; scripture; scripture thou; self; spirit; thee; thou; thou art; thou dost; thou enemy; thou sayst; thy; truth; witness; world cache: A84830.xml plain text: A84830.txt item: #22 of 28 id: A86663 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The cause of stumbling removed from all that will receive the truth; and from before the eyes of the wise men of London: in a treatise shewing the difference between the spirit of a man which is the candle of the Lord, and the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world. Also shewing ... there is not diversity of lights and spirits, by which they are ministred ... Herein also is a false hosanna, and a false testimony reproved ... the name of him which hath so long travell'd to bring forth wind and confusion, is one known in the city of London by the name of Iohn Iackson ... that so ... understanding and knowledge of the truth may be increased, in those that follow on to know the Lord. Given forth from the Lords servant, Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1657 words: 20718 flesch: 38 summary: Now all people is to know that there was a ministration different from the administration of the Gospel , the new Covenant a different administration from the old ; but there is no necessity that it be ministred from another spirit , nor from another Lord , nor from another Light ; therefore to say , that because the Covenants or Admini●●ration● are diverse one from another , that therefore it must not be the same spirit , but the one by the spirit of man , the other the spirit of God , and that the light● is to be diverse the one from the other , this is a false Testimony ; TO THE READER MEN of low degree are vanity , and men of high degree are a lye ; and the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things . keywords: christ; doth; forth; god; hath; light; lord; man; men; people; saith; spirit; testimony; things; truth; world cache: A86663.xml plain text: A86663.txt item: #23 of 28 id: A86665 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The immediate call to the ministry of the Gospel, witnessed by the spirit: vvith a true declaration of the persecution and suffering of Richard Hubberthorne, James Parnell, Ann Blayling, by Will. Pickering, who is Mayor of Cambridge. Also an answer to divers letters and mittimusses, against the said prisoners, answered; by them who are sufferers for the truth, and for the testimony of Jesus, Richard Hubberthorn, James Parnell. date: 1654 words: 8795 flesch: 46 summary: Here thou art a false accuser , and a lier , for this she did not say , but thou that pleadest for sin livest in sin , and art in the fall under the curse , upholding the devils kingdome , which is sin , and so art no Minister of Christ , who comes to destroy sin , but a Minister of the devil , who comes to uphold sin , and he , who was a Minister of Christ witnessed , that he that is born of God sinnes not , neither can be sin , because his seed remaineth in him , 1 John 3. 9 and all the Ministers of Christ witnesse the same ; and thou , who art a Minister of the devill , pleads against the Ministers of Christ , because thou art a drunkard , and live in sin , and so must have the wages of sin , which is destruction , and all who lives in this generation , pleading for sin , for he that cannot witnesse cleansing here , shall never be cleansed , for as the tree falls so it lies ; and thou that calls this damnable doctrine , art in the damnable estate of the devill , blaspheming the truth of God , and denies Christ come in the flesh , and so art Antichrist , and who have the image of God are like one another , and who are not like , they have the image of the devill , and so are in the state of condemnation . Reply That is false , but thou that pleadest against perfection in this life , wast never in this life which is perfect , nor art no Minister of Christ , but of the devill , who pleads for imperfection ; whereas Christ said , Be ye perfect , even as your heavenly Father is perfect , Luke 5. 48. and the Minister of Christ witnessed and said , as he is so are we in this present evill world , and he that hath this hope purifieth himself , even as he is pure , 1 John 2. 3. and here thou art found in the kingdom of the devill , which stands in imperfection , and all who witnesse with thee ; for the Kingdome of God is pure , and nothing that is impure can come therein . keywords: art; christ; god; hath; law; lord; thou; town; truth; witnesse cache: A86665.xml plain text: A86665.txt item: #24 of 28 id: A86667 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The rebukes of a reviler fallen upon his own head, in an answer to a book put forth by one Iohn Stelham, called a minister at Terlin in Essex. Wherein is shewed unto all spiritual men, that he himself is justly proved to be a contradictor of the scriptures, while he falsly accuses others thereof, that are clear, and the saying is fulfilled upon him, he is fallen into the pit, which he digged for others, for even that way which he calls heresie, do we worship the God of our fathers. By R.H. date: 1657 words: 32059 flesch: 2 summary: And in the end , he desires his Reader to receive in Love , what in his Book is found agreeable to the Spirit of God in Scripture truth , agreed ; so let it be , and therefore many things in his Book , which is not given forth by the Spirit of God , nor according to the Scripture truth , which the honest Reader may find upon a serious reading and search , with the Spirit of God , and according to the Scripture is to be judged and condemned , and not received ; what shall the honest Reader receive this for truth , That the Light of Christ Jesus is A Preverse Principle , and that Christ blessed Infants Baptism , with very many such like things of the like nature proceeding from the same spirit , which is proved not to be of God ▪ but of the Devil , for every tree is known by its fruit , and every spirit by its works , and words : many other things more devilish , if more devilish can be ; he charges us withal in a most unreasonable manner , that our Religion is the Fort of Babel , and that Jesuitical Plots and Designes are carried on by some of us ; and Quakerism is built upon the fourfold pillar of Papistry , with such like ; the very transcribing of his words shewes his wicked spirit by his unsavory words ; which things we do deny in the presence of the Lord , and are clear in his sight from these divilish accusations ▪ though I. S. play the Devils part , in this Epistle as well as in his whole Book : and is an accuser of the brethren , and is to be cast out and judged , with the life of God , and to give testimony against his lyes and slanders is sufficient Answer , and the next time he enterprises the like Work , we demand of him witness of his words , what these Jesuitical Flots and Designes are , we do carry on ; Which slander is so divelish could he prove what he saith ▪ his words would take away our lives ; but to raise the unclean spirits against us , though the Nations is truly supposed the purpose of his words , and not being content with what he himself can believe us in , his work reaches to raise the rage of whole Nations to execute their fury as well as his own upon us , and so his words gives ground to all the wicked that doth believe h●m ( for none else can ) to persecute the people , and way of the Lord , under the false account of being Plotters , and of having ill Designes , which things we stand witness against , and seeks the peace of all men , though he have bent his tongue for Lyes , and brazen'd his face to utter them without fear or shame , to suggest evil into mens minds that they may harm the upright , but it is known by his words what lodgeth in the heart of such a person , who thus openly and impudently doth slander just men to the taking away of life ▪ if any were so divilish to witness lyes and slanders , as he is in forging of them , and declaring of them , and that to the Protector and his Council too ; but from these things we being clear , are the more ready to bear his Lyes with Patience , and doth not pray for fire to devour him , though he be our enemy and the Lords ; but rather wishes his returning from his ungodliness , than a destruction upon him in his ungodliness ; and whereas the substance of his matter invented in his mind and brought forth into view , is a going about to prove that in twenty two particulars mentioned by him , we do contradict the Scriptures , but his ground is false from whence his whole work proceeds , for not in any particular of what is mentioned do we contradict the Scriptures , though his whole work be founded upon this thing , of our contradiction to Scripture , and while we be approved in the sight of the Lord , we reckon his s●●nders to be rather a testimony to us , that we are of God , than a discouraging of us in the wayes of God : and we do not allow that I. S. be our Interpreter , and the Expositor upon our words : for then no question but he will judge out of his prejudicial mind , false Judgement , and pervert the innocent words into contradiction of Scripture , and of our selves , but to the single mind and witness of God in every man we appeal for judgment , and doth in the sight of God commend our selves to every mans Conscience , and begs not belief of any , but knows all that be in the light of the Son of God witnesseth to us , and feels our Doctrine to be the Doctrine of Godliness , reaching to the witness of God in every one whereby we are a good savour to God in all , and though I. S. judge our doctrine to be Scripture contradictions , yet his judgement is but out of his old lying heart , which can bring forth no better than it self even false judgement , and lying words , which out of it hath plentifully abounded , in his false Rebukes ; therefore let the Reader first search into the ground from whence his work and judgement doth spring , and try if an old Lying heart , and sinful wretch ( as he confesses he is ) can bring forth good fruit ; no , we matter not what his judgement of us be , when as we know the heart is corrupt from whence it doth spring , not in the light of the spirit of God , do we in any one particular insisted upon , by him Contradict the Scriptures , though by his dark minde so he wickedly judgeth of us , even as the Pharisees , his forefathers , did judge of Christ to be a Blasphemer and a Contradictor of Moses , and the Prophets , who did fulfil them , and put them to an end , and not destroy them , nor contradict them not in the sight of his Father , though to their corrupt judgement ; and Christ tells them that they erred not knowing the Scriptures , nor the power of God , who had old lying hearts , & were sinful wretches , even such as John Stelham hath confessed himself to be , and therefore his words and judgment , and theirs is like to be all of one nature ▪ judging truth to be error , and the way of God to be Heresie and Blasphemy , this the Pharisees did of old , and even thus doth John Stelham and his Companions do at this day ; but why should any be troubled hereat , seeing herein Christs words are fulfilled upon us , who said , they shall speak all manner of evil falsly against you for my names sake ; and so hath this man done with his light scornful spirit , and fulfilled Christs words , who because he hath not known the Father , nor the Son , hath spoken evil falsly against them that follow Christ , and this were sufficient answer to his whole Book ; yet let us see what follows , and let the Reader try with all moderation , that he may be edified , and may know the true spirit from the false , and the doctrine of the Gospel from lying visions ; and may cleave to the truth , and escape the error , and let none believe hastily , things uttered without knowledge , out of I. S. deceitful heart . And for E. B. to say , That he came not to them with en●icing words , neither what he had gathered from the Scripture without him , But to declare the Word of the Lord , and not to speak his own conceivings and imaginations ( this is true and no contradiction in it , though I. S. say these cannot both be true , to say , That he neither came with what he had gathered from Scripture , nor his own imaginations ▪ for the Apostles of Christ did not preach what they had gathered from Scripture , neither their own imaginations , but preached the Word and Gospel of God which they had received from God , and not gathered from Scripture , nor in their own imaginations ; and because he saith , both these negatives cannot be true , then it is concluded , that himself preaches either what he hath gathered from Scripture , or his own imaginations , and let him chuse to say whether he will ; and in the next , he will be proved a false Prophet , and that E ▪ B. compiled a Book out of Scripture , Collections , is false , for having the same Spirit which gave forth the Scripture , which brings the Scripture to remembrance , is not compiling a Book out of Scriptures ; and I. S. is found a false accuser , and E. B. neither a self Contradictor , no● self curser , and these are true words to this generation ▪ and owned with the Spirit of God , though I. S. in his scornful spirit abuse them ▪ he that hath the Word of the Lord , from the mouth of the Lord , to declare , he is reviled ▪ and mocked . keywords: christ; contradiction; doth; false; god; hath; heart; i. s.; light; lord; man; men; people; saith; scripture; spirit; things; truth; unto; words cache: A86667.xml plain text: A86667.txt item: #25 of 28 id: A86669 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: Something against swearing and concerning the oath of allegiance and supremacy date: 1660 words: 1326 flesch: 65 summary: The rate of 20 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the C category of texts with between 10 and 35 defects per 10,000 words. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A86669) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 163861) keywords: king; oath; text cache: A86669.xml plain text: A86669.txt item: #26 of 28 id: A86670 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: The testimony of the everlasting gospel witnessed through sufferings. date: 1654 words: 3631 flesch: 42 summary: The cause of my coming I did declare before one of your Justices called , and was examined before him ; I told him it was to see a friend in the Castle , who was Prisoner there , and after I had been there with him was moved to go where their Minister of the Law , called , was sitting in a house neer the Castle , who said little unto me , because it was undenyable that a spoke , who own Justice , and reasoned with the people in the same room of the things of God , and so came and was passing out of the City a quarter of a mile , the Word of the Lord came to me , Thou must go back again , and witnesse forth my Name in their Market among the people , and at his command I was obedient , and went and declared forth that was given me to speak amongst them , which made the people astonished , and many did follow me as you call them , rude , in running to hear the Truth declared forth in the Market , as the Apostle of Christ , who reasoned in the Markets dayly , and went from City to City , preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom , and were persecuted from city to city , this is called disturbance now as it was then , and what peace did I break , going on declaring forth the Truth , which none could object against that heard it , and by your Officers called , as he said , he might know the ground why I spoke so , and shewed him I was commanded of the Lord , and being brought by him before one justice called , was examined , and could not find me by his Law a transgressor , and bade him carry me to the Maior , and he did so , and he did examine me upon the grounds of my faith , and of my outward means , where it was , and what quantity it was , and being not ashamed , declared my self at full to him of both , as it will further appear by an examination before the Rulers of this City , and so by the Maior , as aforesaid , am here in their bonds and imprisonments doth abide me in obedience to the commands of the same that Paul was guided , and so by the same generation of Rulers as was in those dayes am I here a sufferer , and to die , if I be called to it , for a testimony of a good conscience , and in the Market I cleared my conscience in witnessing forth the Truth , Christ Jesus the Light of the world , who hath enlightened every one that comes into the world , and cald people to repentance , and said the mighty day of the Lord was coming , let all flesh dread and fear before him , and bade them take heed to the Light of Christ in them , which shewed sin and evill in them , loving it theere was their teacher ; hating it there was their condemnation ; this was the Word of the Lord sent by me , which was no peace to earthly hearts and minds , but a sword , as Christ saith , and this was disturbance of the peace of the City of Norwich called , by the Rulers , who now am in their bonds for this declaring , let all judge what peace it is they live in , when the Word of the Lord disturbs them : And here let the Rulers of Norwich be witnesses against themselves , that they are of that generation that put our Lord Jesus Christ to death , by a law in their own wills , contrary to the will of God : and what would they have said of Christ , who had no habitation in the earth , no not so much as to lay his head , if they had been in his dayes ; by this Law he might have been persecuted and imprisoned , and him they doe persecute and imprison , in so much as they doe it unto the least of his , they doe it unto him , as it is made manifest ; and if they had been in the times of the Apostles , whose words they doe professe , would they not have persecuted them by this law , who said they had no certain dwelling place , 1 Cor. 4. 11. and the world was not worthy of them , and such doe they persecute now as are redeemed from the world , and by it suffer continually . keywords: christ; god; law; lord; norwich; text cache: A86670.xml plain text: A86670.txt item: #27 of 28 id: A86671 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: A true separation between the power of the spirit, and the imitation of Antichrist. The difference between the pretious and the vile, between the saints and professors, between the power and the form, between the wise virgins who are so indeed, and them who have gotten the name, but want the power. date: 1654 words: 4725 flesch: 12 summary: Therefore I say unto you who through your vain Imaginations , separate between man and woman , and say that there should be no begetting nor bringing forth after the flesh , and so looks without being turned from the light into the Imaginations , and evill thoughts Judgeth , to you , I say , have you not read that he which made both Man and Woman at the beginning , made them male and female , and they were no more twain but one flesh , what therefore God hath joyned together let no man put a sunder : now to the light of Christ in all your Consciences , I speak , which lightshines in darknes but the darknes comprehends it not , but all who do love the light to be taught and guided by it will lead you out of your Comprehensions and out of your own wills from which your Imitations are formed , and will let you see that you are out of the Virgin estate for your Lamps are not trimed , neither are you obedient to the light in your Conscience which leads unto Christ and gives enterance to the bridegroom , but you whose light is gone out and have not been obedient to it , which hath shined within you and you are they who are slumbering and dreaming in your Notions , thoughts and Imaginations , you filthy dreamers who hath defiled the flesh , and the night is upon you and now is the Cry in the night , he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear , for now is the bridegroom coming , and they who wait in the light do hear the voice of Christ , and they come to witness his presence and do enter into the bride chamber , but you , whose minds is turned from the light you are shut out as the foolish Virgins though you would be owned by them who walk in the light , but can have no fellowship with you who hate the light and walk in darkness , for light hath no fellowship with darkness , and here you are shut out from the children of light and from Virgins , for Virgins are chast and sober minded , but you who have the name but not the power you are rude and wild and live in lightnes , and wantones , and folly which the saints was redeemed from , and so you are without in the world among the dogs and swine wallowing in the mire minding earthly things , and are enemies to the Crosse of Christ and live without the fear of God . Therefore to you I say , turn your minds within , to the light of Christ , to wait in it , that you may know the things fulfilled within you : for the comming of Christ is within , and that which convinceth of sin is within , the light of Christ , in the conscience , and this being hearkned unto and obeyed , it gives power against sin , and this power we witness made manifest within us , and this power we have received from Christ which doth convince the world of sin , and by this power the gainsayers are convinced , and this is the same power as ever was , and the same Christ as ever was ; and the same eternal words of God we do witness which was in the beginning , which word is Christ ; and we do speak it forth in his own power , as we have received it ; and this word of power we have , which makes the Devils to tremble , and makes the Heathens to rage , and by it marveilous works are wrought ; for now do the blind see , the deaf hear , and the lame walk ; and they who many years have walked in darkness and trouble of mind , and terrour of conscience , and under many infirmities , who have spent their time and money upon Physitians and Parish Priests , and have not been healed or cured , are now restored and healed freely , without money and without price ; and the Lepers are cured , and the Leprosie is taken away , and the poor receive the Gospel ▪ and this we witness to be fulfilled in us , and in the world where this Gospel is , and where it hath been preached ; and this is the everlasting Gospel which is now preached , which we are witnesses of , and Ministers of according to our measure ; and this Gospel is not the Letter , for many poor souls who have been many years in trouble , and found no peace nor satisfaction , have had the Letter and it hath administred no comfort unto them though they have applyed the promises to that which was wounded yet they have not been eased , but are still in trouble til Jesus Christs glad tidings did appear , who is the Gospel , and the glad tidings ; and they who witness him come and made manifest , they do witness a freedome and deliverance out of this condition , which they could not doe while their minds was without , looking for a Christ without , and for a power without ; and to find life from the Letter without , and this we witness to be but a dead Letter , and did give us no life at all , but we were kept in darkness and blindness while we called the Letter the light , and the Letter the word , and the letter the rule , but now the true light hath appeared , which lets us see that Christ is the light which lighteth every one that cometh into the world ; and in this light we see that God is the word and not the Letter , for the word was in the beginning , but the letter was not in the beginning , and in this light we see that the Letter without us is not the rule , but the spirit which gave it forth , and this spirit is within which is our rule , and brings us to walk according to the Letter which was spoken forth from the Spirit , which was their guide & rule which spake it forth , for the prophesie came not in old time by the will of man , but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost ; and the same speaks now in Sons and Daughters as they are moved , and do witnesse the Scriptures to be fulfilled in us , and Christ to be in us which you look for without you , and this power which doth convince of sin within , and the word is within in the heart ; by which word we are sanctified and made clean , and we do witness the Virgin state , and are Virgins , and do follow the Lamb , and are redeemed from the earth ; but you we deny to be Virgins , and whose minds are without , turned from the light of Christ which is within , and shines in the conscience , which should exercise your conscience , but your minds being without in the earth is defiled with the earth , and your experiences are defiled being adulterate from the Lord , and are no saints nor Virgins . keywords: christ; god; light; lord; minds; power cache: A86671.xml plain text: A86671.txt item: #28 of 28 id: A86672 author: Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. title: A true testimony of obedience to the heavenly call, for which I suffer the loss of all things, that I may be found in obedience to him who hath called me. date: 1654 words: 3002 flesch: 36 summary: A Servant of the Lord , and a Prisoner for the Testimony of Jesus , whom he hath called by his grace to deny the world , and am made partaker of his sufferings , being in outward bonds ( by the deceit ) in West-Chester , and of his free-will hath given me not only to beleeve , but to suffer for his Name sake , who hath called me out of my own Country , and from my fathers house , and to go in obedience to his Command whithersoever he shall call me : while I was young I girded my self , and went whither I would , and then I yielded obedience to my own will and to the will of man , and was a man-pleaser , but the Will of God I knew not , neither was obedient to his Commands ; but when the Lord was pleased to reveal his Son in me , and make known his Will unto me , to enlighten me with his true Light which hath enlightened every one that cometh into the world , and by it let me see my self to be a strrnger to him , and knew him not , though I was grown mighty in the Egyptians wisdom , and was in love with the world , and in the favour of men , and in a profession and words of mans wisdom exceeded others , being in a form of godliness , but was ignorant of his Power and his Word ; but when his Power was made manifest , and his Word spoken within me , which Word was in my heart , and was as a fire or a hammer , and this Word being made manifest within me , and my Conscience being awakened by the light of God , which did convince me of sin , and did testifie against all my words and actions , and that just Judgments of God were revealed from Heaven against that nature I lived in , and the Trumpet of the Lord was sounded within me , and the Earth did tremble , and the vials of the wrath of the Almighty was poured down upon me , and the powers of the Earth were terribly shaken , the foundation of wisdom and earthly knowledg was shaken , and the Judgments of God were upon the outward man till my flesh was wasted off my bones , and the bones smote one against another , and I knew the Lord to be terrible , and his Word powerful , in burning up and hammering down the lustful nature I lived in , in pleasure and wantonness , in pride and fulness , which the Word of the Lord was declared against , and this Word I witness spoken from the Lords own Power within me , which made my flesh and bones to tremble exceedingly , and did cause pain in all my loyns , and paleness of face , my comliness was turned into corruption , and my joy into lamentation , and I was brought to the bed of sorrows , where I cryed out in the bitterness of my spirit , and I had no ease nor rest , day nor night , for the hearing of the ear which I did hear , and the sight of mine eyes which I did see ; I heard the sound of the Trumpet , the Alarum of War within me , terrors , wo , misery and destruction was upon me , in my trouble I cryed in the evening would God it were morning , and in the morning would God it were evening ; and the terrors of the Almighty being upon me , my Acquaintance and familiars stood afar off me , for they knew not the power of the Lord , nor the Judgments of my God , which I do witness to be revealed and made manifest in me ; and the Lord raised up in me a love to his Word , by which all the powers of the Earth did tremble , and the Earth it self was shaken by it , and by this Word was I called to go and declare it , as I had received it from the Lord ; to those who lived in the same heathenish nature , without the knowledge of God , and to declare the Judgments of God against sin and ungodliness , as they were made manifest in me : and by this Word was I called to forsake father and mother , lands and living to go in obedience to the Lord , who commanded me not to take thought what I should eat , or what I should drink , or wherewith I should be cloathed ; but cast my care upon him , and this I witness the Lords care , and those whom the Lord calls into his Work and who labor in his Vineyard need not to complain to the wold for want , and for yeilding obedience to the Lord and his Commands , and not giving obedience to the corrupt will of man : who commands me contrary to what the Lord hath commanded : do I suffer under the persecution of those who are set in the place of Rulers , and Magistrates professing themselves to be Ministers of the Law of England and to act Justice according to that Law , and do bear the names of Major Justices of peace , and Magistrates , and say they act according to the Law of the Nation and present Goverment , but they are seen to be in the generation of those who were ever persecutors of the righteous Seed , where ever it is brought forth : and the Servants of the Lord in all ages were ever persecuted by that generation , professing to be Ministers of Justice ; but that which is acted is cruelty persecution and Injustice , and the Righteous suffer , which the Law was not for ; but for the Lawless and disobedient , and was added because of transgression : The Righteous Law of God was made to be afflicted upon Transgressors and breakers of the Law ; but the unrighteous Law of men is afflicted upon the Righteous who walk blameless , and are proved no Transgressors : but in Obedience to the Lord , do witness a good conversation towards God and towards men , our consciences bearing us witness in the sight of God , and those who are Rulers of the City and rulers of the sinogogue under which I suffer imprisonment , Say , this is their law that if I will go home into my own country and to my fathers house , and stay there , and depart this City , I may be free upon this accompt , else I shall remain in prison , and this is contrary to the command of the Lord , for he hath commanded me out of my own country and from my fathers house , but my own country , dwelling and fathers house , the world knows not , that which I am called from they know the natural man knows that which is natural , and this is contrary to the law of the nation , for the law of the nation doth not confine any to stay at one place , nor to be kept from any one city , being proved no transgressor , nor breaker of the law , but I seek a countrey and a City whose builder and maker is God , and truly if I had been mindfull of the country I came forth ▪ and did love the pleasures , delights and flesh pots of Egyp● which I am called from I might have had opportunitie to have returned thither but in obedience to the Lord I had rather suffer affliction with the people of God , then enjoy the pleasures of Egypt , and you who say I have no lawfull calling , I doe witnesse the same Word of God the true prophets of the Lord was commanded by to declare against all sin and ungodlinesse , by the same Word doe I declare against it where I am commanded of the Lord and am called out of the same calling that they were , into the same work of the Lord which they were , and so I do witnesse the testimony of my bretheren the prophets that went before me , who hath left an example in record of suffering affliction and of patience , and we count them happie which endure . Amos was commanded not to prophecy any more in the Kings Chappel , Amos 7. 13. and the Apostles were imprisoned , beaten , scourged and persecuted from City to City , and straitly commanded to speak no more in that Name ; and for declaring this Word of the Lord did all the Prophets , Apostles , and holy men of God suffer ; and the Word of the Lord is the same now , and the Persecutors the same ; and those who are sent of the Lord now , and called out of their own Country , as they were then , to declare his Word against your sin and ungodliness which you live in , Magistrates , Priests and people , you call them wanderers and vagrant persons , who have no lawful Calling : What would you say by him who said , The Foxes have holes , and the birds of the ayre have nests , but the Son of man hath no where to lay his head , Luke 9. 58. and the Jews sayd , This fellow we know not from whence he is , Ioh. 9. 29. keywords: god; lord; obedience; text; word cache: A86672.xml plain text: A86672.txt