item: #1 of 24 id: A00958 author: Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637. title: The bloody brother A tragedy. By B.J.F. date: 1639.0 words: 21927 flesch: 92 summary: Till this houre never beauteous ; till thy life , Like a full sacrifice for all thy mis●●●efes , Flow'd fro 〈…〉 ri●ers , never righteous : Wine works the heart up , wakes the wi● , There is no cure gainst age but it . keywords: act; aub; aubrey; bald; baldwin; beseech; best; better; blessing; blood; body; books; boyes; brave; brother; bub; businesse; captaine; care; cause; cit; cold; common; conscience; coo; court; crowne; curse; cut; danger; day; dead; death; dish; doe; dost; doubt; drink; duke; dukedome; edith; eebo; english; enter; equall; ere; exeunt; exit; eyes; face; faire; faith; fall; farewell; fate; father; feare; fis; fit; force; free; friends; friendship; gentlemen; gis; gisbert; goe; gold; good; goodnesse; grace; gran; great; guard; ham; hamond; hand; hang'd; happy; hate; hath; head; heart; heaven; heed; highnesse; himselfe; hold; honest; honour; hope; houre; ill; joy; justice; know; lady; lat; late; latorche; leave; life; little; lives; look; lord; love; madam; makes; man; mans; mars; master; mat; meanes; mee; men; mercy; mother; murther; nature; new; noble; otto; owne; oxford; pant; pitty; place; pleasure; poore; power; prayers; prince; promise; ready; reason; rest; reward; right; rise; rol; rollo; roome; ruine; rule; rus; selfe; selves; servant; serve; set; shew; sir; sonne; sop; soph; sorrow; soule; speake; spirits; state; stay; sweet; sword; tcp; teares; text; thee; things; thinke; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tongue; true; trust; truth; turne; use; vertue; way; wine; wish; work; world; yeo; ● ● cache: A00958.xml plain text: A00958.txt item: #2 of 24 id: A00959 author: Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637. title: The Bloody Brother (Rollo, Duke of Normandy) date: 1640.0 words: 277045 flesch: -90 summary: pos=crd xml:id=A00959-015-b-2780>1. A Stoole set out . Enter Sophia , Otto , Matilda , Edith . Otto . You wonder ( Madam ) that for all the Gisb. . For such whose reason doe direct their thoughts Without selfe flattery , dare not hope it Baldwin , The fires of love which the dead Duke believed His equall care of both would have united , Ambition hath divided ; and there are Too many on both parts that know they cannot Or rise to wealth or honour , their maine ends , Vnlesse the tempest of the Princes fury Make troubled Seas , and those Seas yeeld fit Billowes To heave them up , and these are too well practis'd In their bad arts to give way to a calme , Which yeelding rest to good men proves their ruine . keywords: ">&c. acquit; > ann; > atturneys; > aud; > bloud; > body; > comet; > doctorall; > enter evanston; > fift; > fortunes; > heaven; > heere; > horoscope; > ile; > lator; > lord; > lyon; > martin; > odds; > omnes; > parricide; > powre; > prince; > rost; > scorpio; > seed; > service; > sighes; > soone; > sophia; > soule; > t'illuminate; > taile; > textual; > times totters; > toyling; > waite; > wrongs; a"/; a-0060">,,,,andit,of,soito,,istheyour,youbemore,that,allas,,,notto,theandshall,for,,and,iitthe,be,you,,notmyaub.for,,,and,of,toyou,theof,i,in,and,you,,,,a,aresir,ofyour,i,,as,that,,,and,fortoit,,my,that,with,him,youandnot,the,,,and,,,,; curator; e; eebo; father; fiske; fletcher; for'sislewereyour'ememgainst'taddeagaine&appearearm'darmesoughtibeleeveblestbloudbornebosomeboyesbrothersbusinessecaptainechancellourchiefecleereconcernesconfesseconfirm'dcounsellscountreycrossecrownedaiesdivelldyedoedoctourdrawnedukedomeev'neareseateenimiesentertaineintreatequallfairefearefeelefellowesfill'dfindefixtfoulefryergenerallglassegoodnessegratioushalfehang'dhappinessehastheheavensheerehighnessehimselfehonour'dhoureiniudgementkeepeknoweslaweslesselitlelookelooselov'dmansmaistermeemeanesme; reg="mischief">mischiefemounsieurmurthermy; reg="ne'er">nereôoffer'doownepainepasseperformepeecepittypleas'dpoorepractisepreserv'dprincesproofesquestion'drais'dredeemeroomeroyallruinescenaschoolemasterseeselfeseaventhseverallsheriffeshewsighessouldierssonnesonnessorrowessoulespeakestarrestarresstomacksuddainesutesuspitionsweetnesseswornetalketearesthenthy; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="turn">turnevntovainevillainevertuevoweswaitewalkewaiesweaknessewearewhatwherewhowomanswombeworkeyeeyeeldyour; rendition="#hi">,aubreybaldwincheaterscookedithexeuntgisbertgranpreeilatorchmarsmatildanorbretnormandyottorollorusseeservantsthevenus; selfea00959; type="contract1">tyou1.Max.

Noble Lord , it , in the eye of my iudgement . Mounsieur Gasper you are deere to me : fortuna non mutuat genus . But to the maine , if it may square with your Lordships liking , and his loue , I could desire that he were now instantly imployed to your noble Generall in the exchange of Ferneze for your selfe , it is the businesse that requires the tender hand of a friend .

Count . I , and it would be with more speed effected , If he would vndertake it . pos=n-ab xml:id=A04638-036-a-0930>Cha. Then no more my Gasper ? but Camillo , Take notice of your father , gentlemen : Stand not amazd ? here is a tablet , With that inscription ? found about his necke That night , and in Vicenza by my father , ( Who ann; > enter evanston; > gold; > iudge; > martin; > offensiue; > pageant; > sister; > solicite; > textual; > til; > vilaine; a"/; a-0010">pau.,,youhe,,,totheof,,,,,myain,,,is,yourto,,i,and,my,,,,,you,and,,i,,aswith,,,,,my,,,aithe,the,i,,,,my,,,,,nowbe,,whatto,andnot,,i; curator; dung; editor >; faith'sisles'bloudsbloudaboueadiewagainealterd&appearearmesibeenebeleeueblackebloudbornebosomebrainesbrauebreakecalscaprichiouscoatecoblercob; reg="coming">commingcomplementconfessecrownecupidsdeeredeerestdeliuerdyeddishonordoedoo'searesinougheuerfairefauoursfellowesfoolefourteenegenerallgiuegodsgriefeshalfeharkehauehehartheauenheerehimselfehonorablehonor'dhowerhumorindeedeitiaquesiestioyiudgementiuniperkeepekindeknaueknoweslearneleaueletlookelordshipslouemaddammaidemansmarymaistermeaneme; reg="milan">millainemockemounsieurmutuallmy; reg="naught">noughtnerenewesã´obiectoonelyownepassepittyplaineplaiespoorepretypriuateresoluereturndroomesadnessesauesayesscaenescorneseemeseruantseruiceshalshewsirrasleepesouldierssonnesoulespeakespakeswearesweetetanetalketasttearesth'thenthinkethy; reg="too">totooketrauellturnevndervntovponvrgevsvainevalientvillainevertuousweeweareweepewelworkeyearesyongyour; rendition="#hi">,aangeloballadinochristophercountfernezefiniofranciscogasperm.martinomaximilianonionpaulorachelsigniorsuchthevalentinevicenzawhich; selfea04638; type="contract1">tyou.Tigers head in Paules Church-yard .

THE QVEENES MASQVES . The first , of Blacknesse : personated at the Court , at White-Hall , on the Twelu'th night . 1605 .

THE honor , and splendor of these Spectacles was such in the performance , as could those houres haue lasted , this of mine , now , had beene a most vnprofitable worke : But ( when it is the fate , euen of the greatest , and most absolute births , to need , and borrow a life of posterity ) little had beene done to the study of magnificence in these , if presently with the rage of the people , who ( as a part of greatnesse ) are priuiledged by Custome , to deface their carkasses , the spirits had also perished . In dutie , therefore , to that Maiestie , who gaue them their authoritie , and grace ; and , no lesse then the most royall of predecessors , deserues eminent celebration for these solemnities : I adde this later hand , to redeeme them as well from ignorance , as enuie , two common euils , the one of Censure , the other of Obliuion .

a PLINIE , b SOLINVS , c PTOLOMAEE , and of late LEO d the African , remember vnto vs a riuer in Aethiopia , famous by the name of Niger ; of which the people were called Nigritae , now Negro's : & are the blackest nation of the world . This e riuer taketh spring out of a certain Lake , east-ward ; & after a long race , falleth into the westerne Ocean . Hence ( because it was her Maiesties will , to haue them Black-mores at first ) the inuention was deriued by me , & presented thus .

First , for the Scene , was drawne a Landtschape , consisting of small woods , and here and there a voide place filld with huntings ; which falling , an artificiall Sea was seene to shoote forth , as if it flowed to the land , raised with waues , which seemed to mooue , and in some places the billow to breake , as imitating that orderly disorder , which is common in nature . In front of this Sea were placed sixe f Tritons , in mouing , & sprightly actions , their vpper parts humane , saue that their haires were blew , as pertaking of the Sea-colour : their desinent parts , fishe , mounted aboue their heads , and all varied in disposition . From their backs were borne out certaine light pieces of Taffata , as if carried by the winde , and their Musique made out of wreathed shels . Behinde these , a paire of Sea-Maides , for song , were as conspicuously seated ; betweene which , two great Sea-horses ( as bigge as the life ) put forth themselues ; the one mounting aloft , & writhing his head from the other , which seemed to sinck forwards ; so intended for variation , & that the Figure behind , might come of better : g vpon their backs , OCEANVS & NIGER were aduanced .

OCEANVS , presented in a humane forme , the colour of his flesh , blew ; and shadowed with a robe of Sea-greene ; his head grey , & h horned ; as he is described by the Antients : his beard of the like mixt colour he was gyrlonded with Alga , or Sea-grasse ; and in his hand a Trident .

NIGER , in forme and colour of an Aethiope ; his haire , and rare beard curled , shadowed with a blew , and bright mantle : his front , neck , and wrists adorned with Pearle , and crowned , with an artificiall wreath of Cane , and Paper-rush .

These induced the Masquers , which were twelue Nymphs , Negro's ; and the daughters of NIGER ; attended by so many of the i OCEANIAE which were their Light-bearers .

The Masquers were placed in a great concaue shell , like mother of Pearle , curiously made to moue on those waters , and rise with the billow ; the top therof was stuck with a cheu'rō of lights , which , indented to the proportion of the shell , strooke a glorious beame vpon them , as they were seated , one aboue another : so that they were all seene , but in an extrauagant order .

On sides of the shell , did swim sixe huge Sea-monsters , varied in their shapes , and dispositions , bearing on their backs the twelue Torch bearers ; who were planted there in seuerall graces ; so as the backs of some were seene ; some in purfle , or side ; others in face ; & all hauing their lights burning out of Whelks , or Murex shels .

The attire of the Masquers was alike , in all , without difference : the colours , Azure , and Siluer ; but returned on the top with a scrole and antique dressing of Feathers , and Iewels interlaced with ropes of Pearle . And , for the front , eare , neck , and wrists , the ornament was of the most choise and orient Pearle ; best setting of from the black .

For the Light bearers , Sea-greene , moued about the skirts with gold and siluer their hayre loose , and flowing , gyrlanded with Sea-grasse , and that stuck with branches of Corall .

These thus presented , the Scene behind , seemed a vast Sea ( and vnited with this that flowed forth ) from the terminaton , or horizon of which ( being the leuell of the State , which was placed in the vpper end of the Hall ) was drawne , by the lines of Prospectiue , the whole worke shooting downewards , from the eye ; which decorum made it more conspicuous , and caught the eye a far of with a wandring beauty . To which was added an obscure and cloudy night-piece , that made the whole set of . So much for the bodily part . Which was of Maister YNIGO IONES his designe , and act .

By this , one of the Tritons , with the two Sea-Maides , began to sing to the others lowd Musique , their voyces being a tenor , and two trebles .

SONG . SOund , sound aloud The welcome of the orient Floud , Into the West ; Fayre , NIGER , k sonne to great OCEANVS , Now honord , thus , With all his beauteous race : 〈◊〉 though but black in face , Yet , are they bright , And full of life , and light . To proue that Beauty best , Which not the colour , but the feature Assures vnto the creature . OCEANVS . BE silent , now the Ceremonies done . And NIGER , say , how comes it , louely Sonne , That thou , the AETHIOPES Riuer , so farre East , Art seene to fall into th' extreamest West Of me , the King of flouds , OCEANVS , And , in mine Empires heart , salute me , thus ? My ceaselesse current , now amazed stands ! To see thy labor , through so many lands , l Mixe thy fresh billow , with my brackishe streame ; And , in thy sweetnesse , stretch thy diademe , To these farre distant , and vn-equall'd skies This squared Circle of coelestiall bodies : NIGER . Diuine OCEANVS , to earth , will still liue free ; And Hell it selfe must yeeld to industry . OCEANVS . BVt , what the end of thy Herculean labors , Extended to these calme , and blessed shores ? NIGER . TO do a kind , and carefull Fathers part , In satisfiyng euery pensiue heart Of these my Daughters , my most loued birth : Who though they were the k first form'd Dames of earth , And in whose sparckling , and refulgent eyes , The glorious Sunne did still delight to rise ; Though he ( the best Iudge , and most formall Cause Of all Dames beauties ) in their firme hewes , drawes Signes of his feruent'st Loue ; and thereby shewes That , in their black , the perfectst beauty growes ; Since the fix't colour of their ann; > evanston; > martin; > textual; > tritona; a"/; a-0070; a-0300; a-0410; a-0550; a-0630; a-0780; a-0860; a-0920; a-1060; a-1150; a-1420; a-1500; a-1930; a-2020; a-2160; aa; head; id="a04643; item xml; label xml; lang="unk; lemma="2; lemma="above; lemma="ancient; lemma="as; lemma="back; lemma="bear; lemma="before; lemma="blue; lemma="both; lemma="by; lemma="call; lemma="cupid; lemma="dance; lemma="do; lemma="earth; lemma="echo; lemma="fair; lemma="first; lemma="from; lemma="garland; lemma="great; lemma="hand; lemma="it; lemma="know; lemma="light; lemma="mix; lemma="most; lemma="motion; lemma="my; lemma="name; lemma="niger; lemma="other; lemma="our; lemma="pearl; lemma="present; lemma="queen; lemma="see; lemma="several; lemma="shall; lemma="silver; lemma="since; lemma="sun; lemma="think; lemma="those; lemma="thy; lemma="to; lemma="when; lemma="white; lemma="will; lemma="world; lemma="{non; lg xml; list xml; n="a; n="b; note; pc join="right; pc xml; place="margin; pos="acp; pos="av; pos="av_j; pos="cc; pos="crq; pos="d; pos="fw; pos="j_vn; pos="n1; pos="n1_vg; pos="n2_j; pos="ord; pos="pns; pos="po; pos="uh; pos="vmb; pos="vvn; pos="xx; pubplace >; quote xml; ref xml; reg="above">aboueagaine&blewcall'dhairehaueloueoceanvsriuerseeneseuerallsiluersunnethentheyrvntovponandbeautyofsongthewhich{non; roman}; seg xml; selfe. Incorporated ~ 10,000 textual changes made to the SHC corpus by Hannah Bredar, Kate Needham, and Lydia Zoells between April and July 2015 during visits, separately or together, to the Bodleian, Folger and Houghton Libraries as well as the Rare Book Libraries at Northwestern University and the University of Chicago



Personated in a Masque , at Court .

By the Queenes Maiesty And her Ladies .

At Shroue-tide .

1630 .

Vnius tellus ante coloris erat .

LONDON , Printed for Thomas Walkley .


THe King , and Queenes Maiesty , hauing giuen their command for the Inuention of a new argument , with the whole change of the Scene , wherein her Maiesty , with the like number of her Ladies , purposed a presentation to the King . It was agreed , it should be the celebration of some Rites , done to the Goddesse Chloris , who in a generall counsell of of the Gods , was proclaim'd Goddesse of the flowers , according to that of Ouid , in the Fasti .

Arbitrium tu Dea floris habe .

And was to bee stellified on Earth , by an absolut decree from Iupiter , who would haue the Earth to be adorn'd with starres , as well as the Heauen .

Vpon this hinge , the whole Inuention moou'd .

The ornament , which went about the Scene , was composed of Foliage , or leaues heightned with gold , and enterwouen with all sorts of flowers ; and naked children , playing , and climbing among the branches ; and in the midst , a great garland of flowers , in which was written , CHLORIDIA .

The Curtaine being drawne vp , the Scene is discouer'd , consisting of pleasant hills , planted with young trees , and all the lower bankes adorned with flowers . And from some hollow parts of those hills , Fountaynes come gliding downe , which , in the farre-of Land-shape , seem'd all to be conuerted to a riuer

The speech ended , the Postillion mounts his Curtall , and with his Lacqueys , danceth forth as hee came in .

2 Entry .

Cupid , Jealousy , Disdaine , Feare , and Dissimulation , dance together .

3 Entry .

The Queenes Dwarfe , richly apparrel'd , as a Prince of Hell , attended by 6 infernall Spirits ; He first danceth alone , and then the Spirits : all expressing their ioy , for Cupids comming among them .

4 Entry .

Here the Scene changeth , into a horrid storme . Out of which enters the Nymph Tempest , with foure Windes . they dance .

5 Entry .

Lightnings , 3 in number , their habits glistering , expressing that effect , in their motion .

6 Entry .

Thunder alone dancing the tunes to a noyse , mixed , and imitating thunder .

7 Entry .

Rayne , presented by 5 persons all swolne , and clouded ouer , their hayre flagging , as if they were wet , and in their hands , balls full of sweete water , which , as they dance , sprinkle all the roome .

8 and last Entry .

Seuen with rugged white heads , and beards , to expresse Snow , with flakes on their garments , mix'd with hayle . These hauing danced , returne into the stormy Scene , whence they came .

Here , by the prouidence of Iuno , the tempest on an instant ceaseth : And the Scene is changed into a delicious place , figuring the bowre of Chloris . Where , in an arbour fayn'd of Gold-smiths worke , the ornament of which was borne vp with Termes of Satyres , beautify'd with Festones , garlands , and all sorts of fragrant flowers . Beyond all this , in the skie a farre of appear'd a Rainebow , In the most eminent place of the Bowre , sate the Goddesse Chloris , accompanied with fourteene Nymphs , their apparrell white , embroydered , with siluer , trim'd at the shoulders with great leaues of greene , embroydered with gold , falling one vnder the other . And of the same worke were their bases , their head-'tires of flowers , mix'd with siluer , and gold , with some sprigs of Aegrets among , and from the top of their dressing , a thinne vayle hanging downe .

All which beheld ,

The Nymphs , Riuers , and Fountaynes with the Spring , sung this reioycing Song .
Song . ,; quote xml; reg="air">ayrechorvscountessecurtallfovntaynesgoddessehaueheeheauennewesvndervpvponzephyrvs,chlorisfamespring; sic; sp xml; stage xml; target="a04644; tcp; textual; title; trailer xml; type="character_name">a04644; type="song; type="speech_count">1.

MY hope is not so nourish'd by example , as it will conclude , this dumbe peece should please you , by cause it hath pleas'd others before : but by trust , that when you haue read it , you will find it worthy to haue dis-pleas'd none . This makes , that I now number you , not only in the Names of fauour , but the Names of iustice , to what I write ; and doe , presently , call you to the exercise of that noblest , and manlyest vertue : as coueting rather to be freed in my fame , by the authoritie of a Iudge , then the credit of an Vndertaker . Reade therefore , I pray you , and censure . There is not a line , or syllable in it changed from the simplicitie of the first Copie . And , when you shall consider , through the certaine hatred of some , how much a mans innocency may bee indanger'd by an vncertaine accusation ; you will , I doubt not , so beginne to hate the iniquitie of such natures , as I shall loue the contumely done me , whose end was so honorable , as to be wip'd off by your sentence .

pos=n-ab xml:id=A04645-022-a-3140>Cle.

About it then presently , Tru-wit is gone before to confront the Coaches , and to acquaint you with so much , if he meet you . Ioyne with him , and is well . See , heere comes your Antagonist , but take you no notice , but be verie iouiall .


Are the Ladies come , Sir Iohn Daw , and your Mistris ? Sir Dauphine ! you are exceeding welcome , and honest Master Clerimont . Where my Cossen ? did you see no Collegiats , Gentlemen ?

iiii. ann; > b.; > contempts dauphine; > errand; > euer; > evanston; > feares; > hee; > horse; > martin; > master; > number; > shrouetuesday; > suspects; > textual; > trumpet; a"/; a-0010">daup.tru.,,beyou,ait,,will,,and,,,toand,,,youthe,,,,of,thehea,of,,toi,,,and,beofi,and,,,,,,,cle.or,theofit,,,youthat,andi,,,a,tru.,,daup.,ithe,and,ofsiryou,,,to,it,,,i,the,sir,,,anda,,you,a,the,,and,,,,,; cutbeard; editor >; epicoene; extent="2; f.'lliswas; quote xml; reg="'em">'hemslight'taboueagainealwayesanswereappearearm'dasham'daskebeebeenebeginnebeleeuebetweenebloudbrauelybreakebride; reg="business">businessecaptainechiefecitieciuillcolledgeconceiueconfessecounsellcosendayesdeseruediuinediuorcedoedooresdrawnedrinkedumbeearesinoughentertayneeuerfairefauoursfellowesfooleforforbeareforgiuegiueglouesgodsgrauegrauitiegroomehalfehauehauinghearehelpehimselfehetherhonorablehornehoureiyfaithiniurieinuiteiackiestiohniouialliudgeiudgementkeepekisseknaueknight; reg="known">knowneknowesladiesladieladishiplatinelaughtleaueleggelesseletlyelookelouemadamemarryedmauismeanesmeatemelancholiquemeeremistrismixemodestiemusiquemy; reg="news">newesnoyseôo'onelyour; reg="own">ownepasseperformeperswadeperrukeplainepleas'dpoorepoulderprayseprincesseprincipallpriuateprodigieproouepubliquequarrellreadereceiueraigneresolu'dreturneroomerunnesauesayesseemesseeneseruantseuerallsheesignessiluersinnesleepesoonespeakestudiesubiecttalketermesthenthemseluesthinkethetherto; reg="took">tooketowelltowneturn'dvmhvnclevndervnlessevpvponvsevtterlyverievexevertuevoycewalkesweeweekewhatwherewhomewindoreworkeyeereyouyour; rendition="#hi">,affinitasamorousclerimontcutberddauphinedawepicoeneerrorfrenchhaughtyiimpedimentummatrimoniummoroseotterscenesyntagmatomtru; rendition="#hi">trustywitmrs.; selfea04645; type="contract1">heewee1.GREX. Cordatus . MITIS .
ASPER his Character .

HE is of an ingenious and free spirit , eager and constant in reproofe , without feare controuling the worlds abuses ; One whome no seruile hope of Gaine , or frostie apprehension of Daunger , can make to be a Parasite , either to Time , Place , or Opinion .


A Man well parted , a sufficient Scholler , and travail'd ; who ( wanting that place in the worlds account , which he thinkes his merit capable of ) fals into such an envious Apoplexie , with which his iudgement is so dazeled and distasted , that he growes violently impatient of any opposite happinesse in another .


A Vaine-glorious Knight , ouer-Englishing his trauels , and wholly consecrated to Singularitie ; the very Iacobs staffe of Complement : a Sir that hath liu'd to see the revolution of Time in most of his apparell . Of presence good ynough , but so palpably affected to his owne praise , that ( for want of flatterers ) he commends himself to the floutage of his own Familie . He deales vpon returns , and strange performances , resoluing ( in despight of publicke derision ) to sticke to his own particular fashion , phrase , and gesture .


A Publick scurrulous , and prophane Iester ; that ( more swift than Circe ) with absurd Simile's will transforme any person into Deformitie . A good Feast-hound or Banket-beagell , that will sent you out a supper some three mile off , and sweare to his Patrons ( God dam me ) he came in Oars when he was but wasted ouer in a Sculler . A slaue that hath an extraordinarie gift in pleasing his Pallat , and will swill vp more Sacke at a sitting , than would make all the Guard a Posset . His Religion is railing , and his discourse Ribaldrie . They stand highest in his respect , whom he studies most to reproch .


A Neat , spruce , affecting Courtier , one that weares clothes well , and in Fashion ; practiseth by his glasse how to salute ; speakes good Remnants ( notwithstanding the Base-violl and Tabacco : ) sweares tersely , and with varietie , cares not what Ladies fauor he belies , or great mans familiaritie : a good propertie to perfume the boot of a Coach . Hee will borrow another mans Horse to praise , and backs him as his own . Or for a need on foot can post himselfe into credite with his Merchant , only with the Gingle of his spurre , and the Ierke of his Wand .


A Good doting Citizen , who ( it is thought ) might be of the Common Counsell for his wealth : a fellow sincerely besotted on his owne wife , and so rapt with a conceit of her perfections , that hee simply holds himselfe vnworthie of her . And in that hood-winkt Asp. VVhat ? are you readie there ? Mitis sit downe ; And my Cordatus . Sound hoe , and begin : I leave you two as Censors to sit here , Obserue what I present , and liberally Speake your opinions , vpon euery Scene , As it shall passe the view of these Spectators , Nay now , y' , his hat pul'd here , Cries meaw , and nods , then shakes his empty head , VVill shew more seuerall motions in his face Than the new London , Rome , or Nineueh , And ( now and then ) breakes a drie bisket jest , VVhich that it may more easily be chew'd , He steeps in his owne laughter . &c. age; > ann; > carlo; > deliroâ; > durius; > enter entertaine; > ere; > euening; > evanston; > extasie; > fed; > gentleman; > great; > heark; > hir'd; > ladie; > martin; > nay; > o; > puntaâ; > refresh replie; > ribaldrie; > saue; > signior; > simile; > sir; > suit; > textual; > thinke; > vvhy; > vvorld; > wife; > world; > yesterday; a"/; a-0010">fast.sog.allmit.,heretobethis,and,i,sir,of,hisgood,inwithathe,youis,carl.that,say,of,sotohe,withhimthisyou,,thattheinoit,for,but,amyandis,ias,,andtheit,that,nottoyour,with,when,butatofme,you,aforheinmorethegentleman,foryour,of,what,toa,andshallor,,you,,,yourthe,not,behistogoodand,ait,forhownoyou,in,thissir,ofiasmewhichwillwerethatheandwith:good,itof,as,sir,orbuttohismy,,youthemei,thistohis,myyou,,but,howsirwith,inof,aittheasand,ihimherthat,of,imy,youa,sog.,that,inso,,theand,,,you; corresp="#1; curator; editor >; eebo; eyed; fallace; fastidious; fungoso; george; goe; graphic; haue'le'siswere; quam; quod; quote xml; reading; reg="'em">'hems'bloodsblouds'lids'light'taboueadmir'daduentureaffirmeagainealter'daltogitheralwaies&angellanoneanswereapparellappeareapprouearmesarriueaskeayeibackebarnesben'forebeleeuebelou'dbeneuolencebetweeneblestbloudbodiebosomebountifullbountiebreakebriskebuffonbusinessecapacitiecarelessecarriecaualierchang'dcheekecheefechoisecittiecleereclokeclownecoalescocatricecomediecommingcommaundcompaniecompassecomplementconceiuecontainecontrariecountessecountreycracktcrauecreditecrossecrownesdamn'ddauncedaiesdealedecipher'ddeliuerdesir'ddespairedeuisedeuilldiscernediuersdiuinedoedogsdoestdrinkee'neeareseasieemptieenamour'dinoughynoughentertaineintreatenuieesteemeeueneueryexpresseeiesfacultiefairefalsfannefarderfifteenefollowesfolliefooleformefortiefourefroì; reg="furnished">furnishtfuriegenerallgentilitiegentlemansgiueglasseglouesgodsgrac'tgreenegreefegroomehalfehang'dhappinessehappieha'shasthauehauingheeheareheauenhelpeheraldshimselfehonestiehornehowhumorhusbandsyfaithingenuitie'sisilandit; reg="jest">jeastiesteriesugingleiohniudgementiusticekeepekindnessekisseknowneknowesladieladishiplaweslearneleauelesseletliuesliuinglothlookelouelou'dmadamemaintainemansmarkemarymassemaistermeanesmelanchollymemoriemerciemeereme; reg="mistress">mistressemitermixemounsieurmusickemusitiansmy; reg="natural">naturallnecessitiene'reneuernewesneecenotarieobiectsobseruationobserueoonelyopportunitieorengeordinarieouerownepainespastpaulespawnepearleperemptoriephisickepimpeplagu'dpleas'dpolliciepooreporkepossessepoxepretiousprettiepr'y; reg="private">priuatprofesseprosperitieprowdpublickepuntilio'spurpos'dqualitiequickerainerascallreadiereceiuereprooferesoluereturn'dreuelsreuerenceribbandrobberieroomerunnesattinsatisfiesauesau'dsauiolinasaiesscenascarseschollerscorneseemesseenesenceseruantserueseru'dseuerallshalsheeshoe; reg="silver">siluersimile'ssinkesirrasixesleepesmoakesomwhatsonnesoulespeakespightspurrespurressteruesteelestickestirrestoupestrainestraungestriuestudiestuffesuccessesuddainesutesummesweareta'netailetaylortalketasttauernetearmesthankesthatthemseluesthinkethredbarethy; reg="tobacco">tabaccotombeto; reg="tonight">to; reg="took">tooketowardtownetrauail'dtrauelltrieturkesturnetwentithtwentievnclevndervnderstandvndonevnlessevntovpvponvprightvsevtter'dvtterlyvainevarietieventerverievillaineviollvertuevertuousvvalkewalkevvasvvaterwaiesvveweewearevvellvvhatwhatwhatsoeuervvhenvvherevvhichwhiffewhomevvhyvvifewilvvithwithallwiuesworkeworthievvouldyond'youyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">; seg xml; selfe; signiora04648; type="contract1">heevvhatyou1. IOHPHIEL . Nay , For that I doe commend you : you must be poore With al your wealth , & learning . Whē you ha' made Your glasses , gardens in the depth of winter , Where you will walke inuisible to Mankinde , Talkt with all birds & beasts in their owne language , When you haue penetrated hills like ayre , Diu'd to the bottome of the Sea , like lead , And riss' againe like corke , walk't in the fire An were a Salamander , pass'd through all The winding orbes , like an Intelligence , Vp to the Empyreum , when you haue made The World your gallery , can dispatch a busines In some three minuts , with the Antipodes , And in fiue more , negotiate the Globe ouer ; You must be poore still . MERE-FOOLE . By my place , I know it . IOPHIEL . Where would you wish to be now ? or what to see ? Without the fortunate purse to beare your charges , Or wishing hat ? I will but touch your temples , The corners of your eyes , and tinct the tip , The very tip o' your nose , with this Collyrium And you shall see i' the aire all the Ideas , Spirits , and Atomes , Flies , that buz about This way , and that way , and are rather admirable , Then any way intelligible . MERE-FOOLE . O , come , tinct me , Tinct me : I long , saue this great belly , I long . But shall I onely see ? IOHPHIEL . See , and commaund As they were all your vallets , or your foot-boyes : But first you must declare , ( your Greatnes must , For that is now your stile ) what you would see , Or whom . MERE-FOOLE . Is that my stile ? My Greatnes , then , Would see King Zoroastres . MERE-FOOLE . I had rather see a Brathman , Or a Gymnosophist yet . IOHPHIEL . You shall see him , Sir . Is worth them both . And with him Domine Skelton , The worshipfull Poet Laureat to K. Harry And Tytire tu of those times . Aduance quick Scogan , And quicker Skelton , shew your craftie heads , Before this Heyre of arts , this Lord of learning , This Master of all knowledge in reuersion . Enter SKOGAN , and SKELTON in like habits , as they liu'd . SCOGAN . Seemeth wee are call'd of a morall intent If the words , that are spoken , as well now be ment . keywords: 007; 012; > ann; > evanston; > martin; > riss; > textual; a"/; a-0020; a-0120">,,,; crosse; crosse; foole'tis; quote xml; ref xml; reg="'ll; reg="'t; reg="air">aire&ibinchorvsdoeeueryhaueliuemeemeaneportvnvsprotevsrimeseeneshewthinkevntovp,masquersproteusscoganskeltonsr.a04652; type="contract1">t..

These represented the foure a Humors , & foure Affections , all gloriously attired , distinguisht only , by their severall Ensignes , and Colours ; And , dauncing out on the Stage , in their returne , at the end of their Daunce , drew all their swordes , offered to encompasse the Altar , and disturbe the Ceremonies . at which HYMEN troubled , spake ,

HYMEN . SAve , save the Virgins ; Keepe your hallow'd Lights Vntouch'd : And with their flame defend our Rites . The foure vntempred Humors are broke out : And , with their wild Affections , goe about To ravish all Religion . If there be A Power , like REASON , left in that huge Bodie , Or little World of Man , from whence these came , Looke forth , and with thy bright and a numerous flame , and , on the two sides eight Ladies , attired richly , and alike in the most celestiall colours , who represented her Powers , as she is the d Governesse of Marriage , and made the second Masque . All which , vpon the discoverie , REASON made narration of .

REASON . ANd see , where IVNO , whose great Name Is VNIO , in the aeneid; > alterius; > angell; > ann; > aurea; > autem; > bowre; > bride; > capel; > commemorat; > doth; > duceret; > erat; > evanston; > force; > fortes; > friend; > gall; > genialis; > house; > husband; > insulting; > iugalia; > iugi; > iussisse; > iusâ; > ivno; > ivnonis; > lo mart; > martin; > matris; > mutuis; > noxas; > nuptiale; > ordinem; > particular; > passim; > pennati; > pesset; > phosphorus; > premit; > pronuba; > quae; > quatiunt; > qui; > quod; > quoddam; > sacrifice; > sayes; > sir; > stat; > teneram; > terris; > textual; > thalamis; > tristes; > valure; > vel; > venvs; > virg; > vltrius; > vnder; > vniversis; > vvas; > vvhich; a"/; a-0540; a-0690; a-0780; a-0810; a-1190; a-1400; a-1550; a-1660; anchored="true; b"/; b">a; quote xml; ref xml; reg="air">ayre&doe&ivnotrvthvnionvpvponvvasvverevvhichvvithandinthe{non; roman}; seg xml; sic >; sp xml; target="a04654; text xml; type="contract2; type="unclear; unit="sentence">.; quote xml; ref xml; reg="euphemus">evphemvslouequeenevpon,andbeautycallipolisthea04655; type="speech_count">2.; corresp="a04656; curator; div xml; e100360; e100800; e100980; e102380; e102910; e103060; editor >; epigraph xml; head; id="a04656; idno; item xml; join="left">'sle'hem&chorvsdoeeuerygrownehauelookeslouemusiqueportvnvsprotevsvpvpon,albionmasquersneptuneproteus; seg xml; source; sp xml; stage xml; target="a04656; tcp; text; text xml; textual; title; trailer xml; type="character_name">a04656; type="contract2; type="unclear; unit="sentence">.& alcaick; > alwayes; > ann; > ants; > beare; > beaufort; > bellè; > body; > borrowing; > boyes; > brow; > chambermaids; > charta; > disputatiue; > drift; > eene euery; > evanston; > follow; > fortune; > friend; > gentleman; > goe; > gowne; > house; > i'the instrument; > iordan; > iouiall; > keepe; > lady; > laetitia; > lautè; > lodging; > lyre; > maintayne; > martin; > mystery; > noble o'the; > or parcel; > person; > philosophicall; > piece; > pitifull; > plague; > plato; > praeclusus; > prudence; > queasie; > quid; > scale; > serenity; > shift sir; > slinke; > smoak; > spare stone; > tel; > textual; > th'house; > thou; > trot; > vp; > vvhat; > yonger; a"/; a-0010">actithe,,,a,,and,,of,tonot,within,myto,the,and,,,or,in,i,a,,,,of,inthe,,andtowithhe,,,ayou,him,andbescene,hostthe,all,ofis,,tothat,a,by,sir,here,yourmy,to,and,i,of,it,histhe,,,,inot,a,,toand,the,,,,,,,; editor >; fareislethewasyour; p|n1; p|n2; p|po; quote xml; reg=; reg="'d; reg="'em">'hem'taboueaduanceagaineal&anoneanothersapparrellarmesaskebackebaudbeaufortsbeenebeleeuebelou'dblestborneboyesbrainebrauebreakebusiecal'dchamber; reg="charm">charmechare; reg="cheer">chearechiefeciuillcloakecloathescomplementconfessecouncellcossencossecrownedeintydayesdeldeseruedesignediscouerydoedreamedressedrestdrinkedriueeareseggesenamour'denioyneinougheuclideeueryexpressefairephant'siefeelefidlersfindefliefooleforgiueformefrankegenerallgiueglassegoodnessegreeneguesseghestshahalfehappinessehauehauingheehearehelpehimselfehonorhourehumorsi'iniuryinneit; reg="jealous">iealousiordaniouiallioyiudgeiudgementiugiustiusticekeepekingskisseknowneknowesladiesladyesladishiplatinelawesleauelesseletlookelooking; reg="love">louelou'dmadamemainemarkemathematiquesmeanemelancholiqueme; reg="mistress">mistressemy; reg="naught">noughtneuernewesnoyseo'oatesobiectoddeo'thonelyhostlerouerownepleas'dpoorepouertypractisepriuateprouepubliquequarter; reg="queen">queenereceiu'dreceiuesraigneroyallsauesayesschoolescorneseeneselfeseruantseru'dseruiceshewsignesleepesonnesonnessoulesou'raignesoueraignespeakespightstayressteelestinkestuffesubiectsuteswearetaylortalkethenthemseluesthinketo; reg="took">tooketowneturnetyranvndervnderstandingvndonevnionvntovpvpo'thevponvrgevsevainevertuevertuouswaitewayesweakewhatwhovvhyvvithyeareyeeldyouyongyour; rendition="#hi">,barnabebeaufortburstscolonelcuerpoferretflyframpulglorioushosthuffleiladylaetitiapeckpinnaciaprotectionprudencespanishstuffetertiathomastrundlea04658; type="contract1">ha'youWhat ere some vainer youth may terme disgrace , The gaine of honest paines is neuer base : From trades from artes , from valor honor springs , These three are founts of gentry , yea of Kings . Enter Girtred , Mildrid , Bettrice , and Poldauy a Taylor , Poldauy with a faire gowne , Scotch Varthing all , and French fall in his armes , girted in a French head attire , & Cittizens gowne ; Mildred sowing , & Bettrice leading a Monkey after her . Pet. Thankes my deare Gossip . I must now impart To your approued loue , a louing secret : As one on whome my life doth more relie In friendly trust , then any man aliue . Nor shall you be the chosen Secretarie Of my affections , for affection onely ; For I protest , ( if God blesse my returne , ) To make you Partner , in my actions gaine As deepely , as if you had ventur'd with me Halfe my expences . Know then , honest Gossip , I haue inioyed with such diuine contentment , A Gentle womans Bedde , whome you well knowe , That I shall nere enioy this tedious Voiage , Nor liue the lest part of the time it asketh , Without her presence ; So I thirst and hunger keywords: 007; 025; > ann; > bien; > cap; > castle; > dropping; > evanston; > expence; > forgi; > hand; > home; > huntsman; > ladie; > madam; > marston; > martin; > morall; > paritane; > pickle; > singing; > sir; > textual; > vovs; > vvay; > wer; a"/; a-0020; a-0070">,,,youandthat,,i,,,,the,,with,and,a,tois,buti,,of,your,my,,,,to,,iand,the,,of,,,,,; b"/; b-0010">enter,,,,thewith,to,,and,i,,my,of,ato,,,,my,you,to,ofand,,the,ia,,,and,,,tothe,,,,,; curator; editor >; fond; gazer; george; governor; hamlet; holdfast; i'sisleyour; quote xml; reg="&c; reg="'d; reg="'em">'hemsfoote'taboueabroadeagaineayreahlasalan&angellappearearmesoughtayebeebeenebehindebeleeueblessebloudboatebodiebornebrauebreakefastbusiecaptainechildecittycleanecloakecolonellcommingcommoditiecompanieconfirmecounsailecountriecoozencrownescryecuckoldsdeputiedoedosdoresdrestdrunkeeeneeateeytherindureinoughentreateeueneueryfallesfarrefarewelfauourfiggesflat; reg="fly">flyefooleforbeareforgiuefoorthfourefranckfreedomefriendegiuegodsgownegroomehahalfeharkehauehauingheareheauenhimselfehumilitiehumorsi'yfaithindeedeindustrieit; reg="just">iustiusticekeepekindekindnesseknightsknow'stknowneknoweslackeladieladyesladishiplawelearn'dleaueleggeslyeslinnenlitlelookelouemadamemaidemaintainemariagemarymaistermeanesmeetemensmerciemistrismodestiemy; reg="natural">naturallnereneuernewesnoweo'oldeonelyouerpetronellpeecepittiepleas'dpooreprentisepretieproiectquickesiluerraysonsreceiuereturnerunnerunnessailesauesayesscenascornesecuritieseeneseldomeseruantserueshalsheeshippeshouteshowesiluersynsindefiesyndefiesirhaskinnesleepesonnespeakespakestayeswearesweetetalketauernethenthankesthemseluesthinkethothriuethy; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="tonight">to; reg="took">tooketouch; reg="town">townetruelyvndervntovpvponvsevsurervsurousveluetvertuewaiteweeweareweepevvhatwhatwhatsoeuerwheì; reg="whipped">whiptwhomewiueswilwindewithallwiuesvvoolfewoolfewomansworkeworshipfullvvouldyearesyongyour; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">andbrambleeastwardfrancisgossipgouldinghungermadamnowseagullsirthattouchstonevirginiawilliamwynneyyou; selfea18407; type="contract1">ty'1.PVG. The lesse divell . The vice . A Squire of Norfolk . His wife . The Projector . His Champion . A young Gallant . His friend . A Broaker . The Projectors man . A Gold-smith . His sonne . A Lawyer , and Iustice . His wife . The Lady Projectresse . Her Woman . Her Gentleman usher . A Smith , the Constable . Keeper of Newgate .

The Sceane , LONDON .

The Prologue . THe DIVELL is an ASSE . That is , to day , The name of what you are met for , a new Play , Yet Grandee's , would you were not come to grace Our matter , with allowing us no place . Though you presume SATAN a subtill thing , And may have heard he worne in a thumb-ring ; Doe not on these presumptions , force us act , In compasse of a cheese-trencher . This tract Will ne're admit our vice , because of yours . Anone , who , worse then you , the fault endures That your selves make ? when you will thrust and spurne , And knocke us o' the elbowes and bid , turne ; As if , when we had spoke , we must be gone , Or , till we speake , must all runne in , to one ; Like the young adders , at the old ones mouth ? Would we could stand due North ; or had no South , If that offend : or were Muscovy glasse , That you might looke our Scenes through as they passe . We know not how to affect you . If you come To see new Plaies , pray you affoord us roome , And shew this , but the same face you have done Your deare delight the Divell of Edmunton . Or , if , for want of roome , it must mis-carry , will be but Iustice , that your censure tarry , Till you give some . And when six times you ha' seen , If this Play doe not like , the Divell is in .
Wit. You shall be your owne witnesse , I not labour To tempt you past your faith . keywords: 003; 007; 010; 025; ambler; > ambler america; > ann; > blemish by child; > evanston; > exchequer; > for fraud; > gentlenesse; > ingine; > iniquity; > interpret; > land; > man; > martin; > misconstruction; > monie; > pause preserves; > project; > sirâ; > speake; > spirit; > study; > takings; > taks; > termes; > textual; > they upo; > wife; > wittipol; > you'll; a"/; a-0030">iof,,fit.not,,to,,heayou,,,the,no,aofto,,,thewith,andin,,,,,myheyoui,shall,the,,and,,to,of,,,and,,,but,iti,in,you,,for,to,,,,,fit.,to,,,,,fit.theorher,you,,i,,innot,sirmust,,,,,,,,fora,the,iand,yourbut,the,he,,that,himto,and,iyou,,a,ofand,,,him,mysir,to,i,aofyou,,thebe,,,thefit.sir,thatwilland,mer.,,you,,,,a,,you,,taile; bush; corr>,meere; craft; eebo; eitherside; evereverill'ld'lldoneismadewasyourdrown'd; land; p|n1; p|n2; p|po; quote xml; reading; ref xml; reg="&c; reg="'at; reg="'d; reg="'em">'hems'lids'light'tabus'dagaine&appearesassebackebaudybeenebeginnebeleevebrainebreakebus'nessebusinessecall'dcertainecheapechiefecloakecloathescommingconfessecouncellcounsellcoozendamn'ddarknessedaiesdealedependancede; reg="devil">divelldoedottreldrawnedressedrestdroun'ddutchesseeareseateeighteeneimbraceimployengag'dingineinjoyinoughentertaineever; reg="eyes">eiesfairefalnefear'dfindefollowesfooleforkesformefouregarlickegentlemansglassegold; reg="goodness">goodnessegreatnessegrowneha'halfehang'dha'sheareharkenhelpehimselfehusbandsii'havei'thiusticekeepekingskingdomekisseknowneknowesladishiplaughtleapelearneleasurelesseletlookeloosemadamemainemarkemeemeanesmeasur'dmeetemensmeeremere; reg="milk">milkemistressemonethmuscatellmy; reg="named">nam'dne'rnew; reg="news">newesã´o'o'thonelyownepainespattentpearlepit; reg="pity">pittyplaineplaiespooreprocessequarrellreceiv'dresolv'dreturneroomerunnesatisfiesaiesscorneseal'dsealesseemesseeneseverallshewsignesopesolemnesonnesordidespainespeakestirrestreightsubtiltysuiteswearetanetailetail; reg="talk">talketermesthenthinkethisthredto; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="took">tooketooth; reg="toward">to'ardtownetrainestravell'dturn'dturnestibornevntoventerview'dvertuewaitewalkewaiesweewearesweekewhatwherewhowi'withwithallwitnesseworkeworshipfullyeereyeeldyouyo'haveyour; reg="{non; rendition="#hi; rendition="#hi">amblerconstablecourtcuckoldeither; rendition="#hi">englandentersescuderofeoffmentfitz; rendition="#hi">francefucusguilt; rendition="#hi">hehusbandladymastermere; rendition="#hi">officeoutplutarchusprojectorpublicationrobinsonspanishsquirethewhisperswithwittipol{non; roman}; seg xml; selfea46228; type="contract1">ha'yo'4.ofthe,i,ifas,myyou,beto,,,phil.nayme,allneverwhenfra.,that,,,takethei,ame,toyou,sirandof,not,,lathe,a,,,,and,ric.youto,myisir,and,,yousir,,ithe,a,have,your,; availability; b"/; b-0060">to,him,,,andthatiyouric.,ofmar.ame,,in,bran.,mythesir,fra.youyour,nothatsoiman,allme,of,thehim,andisforbe,,asmuchime,,,,havesuchaofthe,,notheandmust,himyouand,nowyou,aric.the,your,whyhere,trustnevermy,i,a,; eebo; epheader; estc; facs="1; fletcher; fryers; genre; id="a46230; idno; institutions; item xml; j1015; john; johnson; join="left">'sislewerewould'life'em'troth; reading; reg=; reg="">i'tabus'dagenaymalwaies&an; reg="ask">askebaylbaudbeggerbeleeve'twixtblestbycarefullcharitiecleercloathscomediecommingcommon; reg="confessed">confestcounsellcurteouscurtesiecross'ddaiesdeceiv'ddevilldoeev'nelsfaithfullfyfollowforfor; reg="gone">gonghesshahhang'dhasthehelptherehonestiehospitallhowiy'faithit; reg="journey">journylesseletlibertielyelothlook'dlov'dmansmarktmaryme; reg="methought">me; reg="mistress">mistrismy; reg="ne'er">ne'rneernev'rno; reg="o">ohopportunitieordaindpassepittypleas'dpretheerascallrob'drobdscornefullseavensheshewssirhasisterssouldierspoildstriptsutesuitersuterssuspition'tasthatthou'thy; reg="tomorrow">to; reg="trial">tryalluponus'dvertuevow'dweewhatwiddowwilfullwithwithallwomansworshipsy'haveyour; rendition="#hi">,andattiliofranciscojusticemartinooldphilipparicardosilviotheviolettaa46230; type="contract1">theryou.