item: #1 of 32 id: A47086 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A trumpet blown in Zion, or, An allarm in God's holy mountain containing an exposition of that metaphorical Scripture, Matth. III, 12 : lately delivered in two sermons ... / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1694 words: 33322 flesch: 66 summary: The mercy of God ( said he ) is exceeding large , and extends to all the Elect , but not to me , or any like me , who are sealed to Wrath : I tell you I deserve it , my own Conscience condemns me , what needeth any other Judge ; if Peter grieved , and repented , it was because Christ beheld him with a merciful Eye , and in that he was pardoned ; it was not because he wept , but because God was gracious to him ; but God respects not me , and therefore I am a Reprobate ; I feel no Comfort can enter into my Heart , there 's place only for Torments and Vexings of Spirit : I tell you , my Case is properly mine own , no Man was ever in the like plight , and therefore my Estate is fearful . This sort are soon corrupted from the Simplicity of the Gospel , by the Cunning Craftiness of Men , being ready to receive any strange Notion , or close in with a New Scheem of Religion , some turning to Judaism , and add Moses to Christ , or joyn to the Gospel their own Works ; they are commonly corrupt , either in Principles or Practices , or in both , making a stir about the Mint , Annis and Commin , i. e. about the smaller matters of Religion , as concerning Meats and Observation of Days , as if in such things lay the great stress of Christianity ; how many are there who like those false Teachers , and deluded People in the Primitive Times , plead for Justification some other way than by Faith only , and bring in their own inherent Holiness and sincere Obedience , and add that to the Merits of Christ , in point of Justification before God ; or exalt the Power and Will of the Creature , to the Eclipsing the Doctrine of Free-Grace . keywords: chaff; christ; church; damned; fan; fire; floor; god; gods; good; great; hath; hell; holy; jesus; lord; man; men; people; persons; sin; soul; spirit; thou; wheat; wrath cache: A47086.xml plain text: A47086.txt item: #2 of 32 id: A47095 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Zion in distress, or, The sad and lamentable complaint of Zion and her children wherein are demonstrated the causes of her miserable calamities, and her faith in God ... : also shewing the dreadful controversie God hath with the beast of Rome ... date: 1666 words: 13384 flesch: 82 summary: Alas , I shall be thin , before that I Be ready for that blessed Liberty : And some there are that seemingly do feed Amongst my Sheep , of whom I would be freed ; For though that they are called by my Name , Yet they do cause i● for to suffer shame : Some Truths of Christ indeed these do profess , But not his saving Grace and Life possess : I never brought them forth ; they are not mine : Do thou , O Hagar , own them ; for they 're thine : After the Flesh they 're born , and so do walk ; Though of the Spirit they do sometimes talk . Diligently and impartially to peruse them ; and do not censoriously judge , nor prejudicially condemne the plain and simple-hearted Author thereof : Neither doe thou slight them because of the lowness and meanness of the stile that they run in : But esteem them rather for the honesty of the matter , then for their Elegancy ; more for their Vertue , than for the Variety of Scholastick Expressions . keywords: children; cry; day; dear; dost; doth; god; hath; lord; love; o lord; sing; thee; things; thou; thy; time; zion cache: A47095.xml plain text: A47095.txt item: #3 of 32 id: A47361 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: An answer to Mr. Marlow's Appendix Wherein his arguments to prove that singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, was performed in the primitive church by a special or an extraordinary gift, and therefore not to be practised in these days, are examined, and clearly detected. Also some reflections on what he speaks on the word hymnos, hymnos: and on his undue quotations of divers learned men. By a learned hand. By B. Keach. date: 1691 words: 15035 flesch: 67 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is render'd by Scapula , Carmine celebro , praise in Verse , Hymnis decanto , I sing in Hymns : and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 celebratio quae fit hymnis ●el carmine , i. e. praising by Hymns or Verse ; ●ecantatio laudum , a singing of Praises , Greg. 24. is expresly render'd ; for though 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be render'd simply to Praise , yet it s most frequent use , when it respects God as its Object , is to praise by Hymns or Psalms , as the Apostle here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , sibi hymnos canam , I will sing Hymnes unto thee ; or , te hymnis celebrabo , I will praise thee with Hymns ; which was the principal way of setting forth God's Praise under the Old Testament . keywords: christ; church; gift; god; hymns; men; praise; singing; spirit; word cache: A47361.xml plain text: A47361.txt item: #4 of 32 id: A47362 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Antichrist stormed, or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome wherein all objections are fully answered : to which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age : together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention : also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials ... : likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should lie slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain : and a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very antient / by Benj. Keach ... ; to which is annext, a short treatise in two parts : 1. The calculation of Scripture numbers by Scripture only, without the help of humane history, 2. Upon the witnesses, giving light to the whole book. date: 1689 words: 69225 flesch: 61 summary: For since the ●ime that the pretended Protestant Plot was talk'd ●f , and as they said discovered , and several worthy Christians Executed , as the ever Renowned William Lord Russel , Sheriff Cornish , the Noble Earl 〈◊〉 Essex , Col. Sidney , and that godly Woman and Martyr Mrs. Ga●nt , &c. What a Flood of contempt , reproach , and what not , hath been ( as he ●●serves ) cast upon the whole of the true interest 〈◊〉 Christ in this Kingdom , with the barbarous slaughter of those worthy Christians and Witness●● in the West , together with that Storm of Persec●tion , which we have no ground to doubt was ●●●ried on by the Popish Enemy , and Emissaries of R●●● , together with the turning out of places of tru●● many good Protestants , and the taking away of Charters of Cities and Corporations , silencing worthy Ministers , &c. nay , striking at the root and whole constitution of the English Government , ●●thing being designed but the utter subversion of the Protestant Religion , things growing every day worse and worse , nothing appearing but the blackness of darkness , and that which was worst of all many of Gods witnesses seemed to be strangely despirited , whilest others truckl'd to the Enemi●● yoak , suffering Chapels to be erected for Popery and Cursed Mass Priests , and Jesuites ; and that to● in many of the chief of our Cities , nay , in famo●● London it self , and that in the very Heart of it . upon the discovery of the Popish 〈◊〉 when our hopes were raised by that great zeal 〈◊〉 our brave English Parliaments , against the Pa●● and Popish Religion , most thinking at that 〈◊〉 our morning light appeared to break forth , & the ●●●terness of death was over , but lo what a sudden ch●●● did we see ? how was our light turned into dark●● and our joy to sorrow and lamentation , and 〈◊〉 ●oy and triumph attended our Popish Enemies ? what ●ingings of Te deum at Rome , and in all Popish Countreys , and sending gifts one to another , for joy that these witnesses of Christ were overcome , and ●aid by the walls , and their testimony and spirits gone in this Kingdom , which was always a terror to the Popish Church , together with that wonderful success they had about the same time over the Protestants , & Turks in Hungary , that Kingdom being restored to her too ? these things made her doubtless to say ●n her Heart , I sit a Queen , &c. keywords: babylon; beast; blood; christ; christian; church; city; death; doth; earth; end; god; gods; hath; head; heathen; holy; kingdom; kings; man; men; mystery; mystery babylon; papal; people; plagues; pope; power; rev; rome; rome papal; saints; saith; seventh; state; temple; things; time; true; trumpet; vials; viz; whore; witnesses; woman; world; years; ● ● cache: A47362.xml plain text: A47362.txt item: #5 of 32 id: A47371 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: An appendix to the answer unto two Athenian Mercuries concerning pedo-baptism containing twenty seven syllogistical arguments proving infant-baptism a mere humane tradition : the gentlmen called the Athenian Society desiring in the last of the said Mercuries to have syllogism / by B. K. date: 1692 words: 6921 flesch: 71 summary: This being true , it follows , that if we should grant Infants of believing Gentiles , as such , were the Seed of Abraham ( which we deny ) yet unless God had commanded them to baptize their Children , they ought not to do it ; and if they do it without a Command or Authority from Christ , it will be found an Act of Will-Worship in them . For besides that Christ never gave any Precept to baptize them , nor ever himself nor his Apostles ( that appears ) did baptize any of them : All that either he or his Apostles said concerning it , requires such previous Dispositions of Baptism , of which Infants are not capable , viz. keywords: arg; baptism; christ; ergo; god; infants; saith; scripture cache: A47371.xml plain text: A47371.txt item: #6 of 32 id: A47381 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The articles of the faith of the Church of Christ, or, Congregation meeting at Horsley-down Benjamin Keach, pastor, as asserted this 10th of the 6th month, 1697. date: 1697 words: 8497 flesch: 81 summary: WE believe that Baptism is a Holy Ordinance of Christ , or a pure Gospel-Institution ; and to be unto the Party baptized , a sign of his Fellowship with Christ in his Death , Burial , and Resurrection , and of his being grafted into him , and of Remission of Sins , and of his giving himself up to God , through Jesus Christ , to walk in Newness of Life . That the Law God gave by Moses to Israel , was of the same nature of that given to Adam , being a second Ministration of it ; but not given for Life , but to make Sin exceeding sinful , and to shew how unable Man was in his fallen state to fulfil the Righteousness of God ; and so ( with the Ceremonial Law ) it was given in subservienty to the Gospel , as a Schoolmaster to bring Sinners to Christ. keywords: christ; church; cor; faith; god; holy; john; man; rom; sins; tho cache: A47381.xml plain text: A47381.txt item: #7 of 32 id: A47391 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism, and church-membership. Part I containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3. 10. : being the substance of two sermons lately preached, with some additions, wherein is shewed that God made a two-fold covenant with Abraham, and that circumcision appertained not to the covenant of grace, but to the legal and external covenant God made with Abraham's natural seed, as such : together with an answer to Mr. John Flavel's last grand arguments in his Vindiciarum Vindex, in his last reply to Mr. Philip Cary, also to Mr. Rothwell's Pædo-baptisms vindicatur, as to what seems most material / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1693 words: 20046 flesch: 60 summary: 3. There was also some other godly Men , in the Days of Abraham , to whom Circumcision of Right did not belong , as Melchisedec , Lot , Job , &c. Doubtless , had Circumcision been a Law or Precept of the Covenant of Grace , all these would God have required to have been Circumcised as well as the others ; but the Truth is , being in the Covenant of Grace , gave no Right at all to any , no not to the Male Children of Abraham , to Circumcision ; but only God's express and positive Command to him . How then was it reckoned when he was in circumcision , or in uncircumcision , not in circumcision , but in uncircumcision ? ver . 10. What need was there for St. Paul to argue thus against Circumcision , if it were , as our Brethren say , a Gospel Law , Precept , or Covenant ; and remarkable 't is , that the Apostle puts , ( in this Chapter ) the Law and Circumcision together , as being of one stamp , or of the same nature , and excludes them both from the free Promise of God made to Abraham , which I have shew'd was the Pure Gospel , or New Covenant : keywords: abraham; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; covenant god; god; gospel; gospel covenant; grace; law; promise; root; seed cache: A47391.xml plain text: A47391.txt item: #8 of 32 id: A47399 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: [The ax laid to the root, or, One blow more at the foundation of infant baptism and church-membership containing an exposition of that metaphorical text of Holy Scripture, Mat. 3, 10]. date: 1693 words: 30326 flesch: 64 summary: There appears in those Texts he cites no such thing that he affirm● but he takes a Liberty to say any thing so far as I can see : no doubt , ●●● Iohn took great Care to baptize only such who were True Penitents ; sin●● he required so severely Fruits meet for Repentance , of such that came to ●●● Baptism ; tho' no doubt , he might be mistaken in some of them , as P●●● was in Simon , Act. 8. ●●ndon , Printed for the Author , and are to be s●●●●y Iohn Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey ●●●● ERRATA . keywords: abraham; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; faith; god; gospel; grace; holy; infants; iohn; law; people; seed; works; ● ● cache: A47399.xml plain text: A47399.txt item: #9 of 32 id: A47401 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The banquetting-house, or, A feast of fat things a divine poem, opening many sacred Scripture mysteries ... / written by Benjamin Keach, author of War with the Devil. date: 1692 words: 62883 flesch: 85 summary: The Prayers of Saints like a Perfume Come up to God above ; being offer'd , Lord , by thee , Whose Incense he doth love . The Second Part. 1 There is no way to God most high , But only Lord by thee ; No other Name whereby we sav'd , O Lord , can ever be . keywords: art; christ; come; day; didst; die; dost; doth; earth; fire; glory; god; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; holy; hymn; king; know; life; like; love; man; men; o lord; praise; saints; shall; sing; souls; spirit; thee; things; thou; thou dost; thy; way; wilt; word cache: A47401.xml plain text: A47401.txt item: #10 of 32 id: A47407 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The breach repaired in God's worship, or, Singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, proved to be an holy ordinance of Jesus Christ with an answer to all objections : as also, an examination of Mr. Isaac Marlow's two papers, one called, A discourse against singing, &c., the other, An appendix : wherein his arguments and cavils are detected and refuted / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1691 words: 69189 flesch: 70 summary: ●●ken from its being a part of Natural Religion , p. 41. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Psalmis & Hymnis , in Psalms and Hymns , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , & Canticis spiritalibus , and in spiritual Songs , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , cantantes & psallentes , singing and psalming in your Hearts to the Lord. keywords: christ; church; churches; doth; duty; forth; god; gospel; hath; heart; holy; hymns; law; lord; manner; men; new; ordinance; practice; praises; prayer; psalms; saith; shall; singing; songs; spirit; sung; testament; voice; word; worship; ● ● cache: A47407.xml plain text: A47407.txt item: #11 of 32 id: A47437 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Christ alone the way to Heaven, or, Jacob's ladder improved containing four sermons lately preach'd on Genesis XXVIII, XII : wherein the doctrine of free-grace is display'd through Jesus Christ : also discovering the nature, office, and ministration of the holy angels : to which is added one sermon on Rom. 8, 1 : with some short reflections on Mr. Samuel Clark's new book intituled Scripture justification / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1698 words: 41506 flesch: 76 summary: What is Man , that thou art mindful of him ? that thou shouldst magnif●● him , and set thy heart upon him ? Sirs , it was the love of God the Father , I say that t●is way was prepared , it sprang or proceeded from the greatness of his love ; God so loved the W●rld ; if it had not been the product of the Father's Lo●e , it w●●l● not be to the praise of 〈◊〉 Grace ; the love of the F●ther in this case , in Moving , was as great as the 〈◊〉 in Consenting . Some obs●rve , t●at were it not for the good Angels , the Devils would even tear the very Bodies of the Saints into pieces : such is their ma●ice and rage against them . keywords: angels; christ; dreams; earth; faith; father; glory; god; hath; heaven; holy; jesus christ; ladder; law; life; lord; love; man; men; nature; o ●; person; righteousness; things; tho; thy; way; ● e; ● t; ● ● cache: A47437.xml plain text: A47437.txt item: #12 of 32 id: A47448 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A counter-antidote, to purge out the malignant effects of a late counterfeit, prepared by Mr. Gyles Shute ... being an answer to his vindication of his pretended Antidote to prevent the prevalency of Anabaptism, shewing that Mr. Hercules Collins's reply to the said author remains unanswered : wherein the baptism of believers is evinced to be God's ordinance, and the baptized congregations proved true churches of Jesus Christ : with a further detection of the error of pedo-baptism : to which is added, An answer to Mr. Shute's reply to Mr. Collins's half-sheet / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1694 words: 49848 flesch: 68 summary: The Text says positively , secret Things belong unto God , not unto us That is , such secret things which God hath not made known to his dearest Children ; for we deny not but some things that were kept secret , are now revealed , and some things also that are made known to the godly , are kept secret from the wicked ; hence 't is , said the Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him , and he will shew them his Covenant , Psal. 2● . the Old House and Old legal Right of Church-membership is overturned and r●oted out for ever ? And say I , if the Covenant for incoveannting of the fleshly Seed , as such , is abolished , and no new Law is given forth for the bringing in again professing Parents and their Carnal Seed , as such , what is it this Man contends for , yet what a mighty stir he makes about that in Rom. 11. keywords: abraham; answer; baptism; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; covenant god; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; infants; law; man; page; promise; seed; viz; water; ● ● cache: A47448.xml plain text: A47448.txt item: #13 of 32 id: A47454 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The counterfeit Christian, or, The danger of hypocrisy opened in two sermons : containing an exposition of that parabolical speech of our Blessed Saviour, Matth. XII, 43, 44, 45 ... / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1691 words: 25791 flesch: 64 summary: I find one of the Ancients , who writing on this dark Expression , speaketh thus : So long as he dwelleth not in me , he is said to seek Rest he is grieved and vexed , &c. 1. Dry Places are commonly clean Places , or Places where there is no Dirt or Mire : and Satan , that unclean Spirit , is like a Swine , i. e. he delights in filthy and mirery Places , which may signify his assaulting the Saints , or seeking to get into sanctified Hearts , or Hearts renewed by the special Grace of God , and throughly purged by the Blood of Christ , in whom that filthy sink of Sin and Polution is not only dryed up , but the Heart is changed and made new , and so no more a House or Habitation for this unclean Spirit , but is become the Temple of the Holy Ghost , or a Habitation for God through the Spirit . In this very respect the Jews erred to their eternal Overthrow ; they thought they had Power , and were able to keep the Law to such a Degree , that they were accepted as righteous Persons in God's Sight by it ; and though they might not be puffed up with Pride ( as some of late amongst us are and have been ) as to think they were without Sin , yet did not doubt but wherein they came short or were guilty , God , as a pure Act of his Mercy , would forgive them , not seeing a Necessity of Christ and of his Righteousness . keywords: christ; devil; faith; god; good; grace; hath; hearts; life; man; men; power; religion; righteousness; satan; sin; spirit; state; unclean cache: A47454.xml plain text: A47454.txt item: #14 of 32 id: A47473 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Distressed Sion relieved, or, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness wherein are discovered the grand causes of the churches trouble and misery under the late dismal dispensation : with a compleat history of, and lamentation for those renowned worthies that fell in England by popish rage and cruelty, from the year 1680 to 1688 ... / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1689 words: 39672 flesch: 73 summary: Yet thou base him perfidiously forsook , And to thy ●elf another Husband took , And with a graceless Impudence art led , By thy lewd train , to an Adul●●ous Bed ; Thou hast dethron'd him , and thy VVhorish face , Sets up a monstrous Traytor in his place , To whom thou hast blasphemous Titles given , Exa●ting him above the God of Heaven ; Thou hast not only plaid th' Adulteress , But plain Idolatry thou dost profess ; Of T●●●son , Murder Theft , abhorred things , Of burning Cities , poysoning of Kings , Of ●●dermining States , and furthermore , Of Spoiling Trade and making Kingdoms Poor , Of horrid Plots of causeless bloudy VVars , And of contriving cruel Massacres , Thou guilty art ; Thy bloudy rage has hurld , Millions of Innocen's out of the World , Prodigious numbers have in divers Lands Been sacrific●d by thy bloud-thirsty hands ; Insatiate Butcheries that know no end , Thou stab'dst men when thou pity didst pretend ; In times of Peace thy horrid rage has shed Bloud without Measure , thou hast murthered ; ( Perfidious wretch ) thy nearest Neighbours when They thought themselves the most secure of men , Well what 's done there — Alas the Town is taken , I doubt that all our Saints have us forsaken : Some were there slain , and other● put to flight ; The Teagues are kill'd ; The Scots refuse to fight , Nay which is worse , The King this night is gone , Ah now my heart fails quite ! keywords: blood; bring; cause; children; church; come; cry; day; dear; death; didst; dismal; doth; earth; england; eyes; fall; fear; glory; god; gods; good; great; grief; hand; hath; heart; king; land; laws; lord; love; man; men; poor; power; rome; sad; sion; soul; tears; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vile; whore; ● ● cache: A47473.xml plain text: A47473.txt item: #15 of 32 id: A47480 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: An elegy on the death of that most laborious and painful minister of the gospel, Mr. John Norcot who fell asleep in the Lord the 24th day of this instant March, 1675/6. date: 1676 words: 1864 flesch: 78 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A47480) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 59966) Beloved John is gone , dear Norcot's dead ; That Man of God , who hath so often fed Our precious Souls with Manna from above : Whose powerful preaching did ingage our love To Jesus Christ . keywords: eebo; english; god; tcp; text cache: A47480.xml plain text: A47480.txt item: #16 of 32 id: A47489 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The everlasting covenant, a sweet cordial for a drooping soul, or, The excellent nature of the covenant of grace opened in a sermon preached January the 29th, at the funeral of Mr. Henry Forty, late pastor of a Church of Christ, at Abingdon, in the county of Berks, who departed this life Jan. 25th 1692/3 and was interr'd at Southwark ... : to which is added, An elegy on the death of the said minister / by Benjamine Keach ... date: 1693 words: 28904 flesch: 59 summary: If this Covenant be not the Covenant of Grace , where shall we find it ; God's actual taking us into Covenant , 't is but that we might drink of this Fountain , or rather , that we might have actual Interest in this Covenant , and whatsoever Christ did in time ; or when the fulness of time was come , it was but to put into Execution this Covenant , and to ratifie and visibly confirm this blessed Covenant , that God had made with us in him , before the World began . 2. I would know whether in the Covenant of Grace God is said to enter into Covenant with Man , simply considered as in himself ; or whether 't is not with Christ , and so in him with us ; if Christ be the Surety of the Covenant of Grace , then God doth not take Christ distinct from us into Covenant with himself : and certainly , our credit was so lost and gone with God , that he would not trust us , with any Covenant-Transaction any more without a Surety , they continued not in my Covenant , and I regarded them not saith the Lord , Heb. 8.9 . keywords: christ; covenant; death; faith; father; glory; god; grace; hath; holy; jesus christ; law; life; man; redemption; righteousness; sin; son; spirit; surety cache: A47489.xml plain text: A47489.txt item: #17 of 32 id: A47500 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A feast of fat things full of marrow containing several Scripture songs taken out of the Old and New Testaments, with others composed by t[he author] : together [with o]ne hundred of divine hymns, being the first century. date: 1696 words: 34305 flesch: 89 summary: 5 Come Law of God , what hast thou now of us for to demand ? Thy Curses all did meet in Christ ; who in ●ur stead did stand : 6 Tho' such d● Sin thou canst not Curse , thy 〈…〉 ●id ly U● 〈…〉 Lord , 〈…〉 he , 〈…〉 die ? 7 Come Justice , where is now thy Cha●ge ▪ Wh●● hast ●ou now to show ? When that the Wicked mocks me still It grieves me sore enough , Yet God m●st 〈◊〉 me safely keeps For all that they can puff . 45. keywords: art; christ; come; day; doth; earth; glory; god; grace; great; high; holy; hosannah; hymn; king; lord; love; mind; o lord; page; praise; price; psalm; rejoyce; saints; salvation; sing; sinners; thee; thou; thy; ● ● cache: A47500.xml plain text: A47500.txt item: #18 of 32 id: A47509 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The glorious lover a divine poem upon the adorable mystery of sinners redemption / by B.K., author of War with the Devil. date: 1679 words: 64118 flesch: 82 summary: When Sacred Love runs thus with greatest force , What pity is 't ought should disturb its course ? How can the Soul refuse to entertain A Lover , which for her with shame was slain ? But stop again , my Muse , thou must give o're , The Prince is come , lo he is at her door . away , 't is pity thou hast bin Spared so long , when guilty of such Sin. Soul , thou must see to bring him in subjection , With every evil lust , and vile affection . keywords: alas; bear; beauty; christ; come; day; dear; death; dost; doth; e're; earth; evil; eye; eyes; face; glory; god; good; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; jesus; king; life; light; lord; love; man; men; mind; nay; prince; self; sin; soul; stand; state; sweet; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; way; wilt; world; ● t; ● ● cache: A47509.xml plain text: A47509.txt item: #19 of 32 id: A47522 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The glory of a true church, and its discipline display'd wherein a true gospel-church is described : together with the power of the keys, and who are to be let in, and who to be shut out / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1697 words: 13541 flesch: 78 summary: Many Reverend Divines of th● Congregational way , have written most excellently ( it is true ) upon th●● Subject , I mean on Church-Discipline ; but the Books are so voluminou● that the Poorer Sort can't purchas● them , and many others have not Tim● or Learning enough to improve them to their Profit ; and our Brethren th● Baptists have not written ( as I ca● gather ) on this Subject by it self● Therefore I have been earnestly desired by our Members , and also by on● of our Pastors , to write a small and plain Tract concerning the Rules 〈◊〉 the Discipline of a Gospel-Church that all Men may not only know our Faith , but see our Order in this cas● also . Yet n● doubt , the Church may Suspend him from his Communion , & exercisin● of his Office presently , upon hi● being fully Convicted . keywords: act; brother; christ; church; communion; cor; discipline; god; gospel; lord; members; pastor; person; tim; ● ● cache: A47522.xml plain text: A47522.txt item: #20 of 32 id: A47528 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: God acknowledged, or, The true interest of the nation and all that fear God opened in a sermon preached December the 11th, 1695 : being the day appointed by the king for publick prayer and humiliation / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1696 words: 19163 flesch: 69 summary: 2. To Acknowledge God , is not only to Acknowledge his Being , his Holy Essence , or Deity ; but also that he is the Absolute Soveraign of the whole World , and Sole Governour of all things in Heaven and Earth : I know the Lord is great , and that our Lord is above all Gods. But , 3. To Acknowledge God , Is to Own and Acknowledge that all things come to pass by his All-wise Providence : keywords: acknowledge; christ; counsel; glory; god; good; hath; lord; man; men; people; power; things; thou; thy; trust; way; wisdom cache: A47528.xml plain text: A47528.txt item: #21 of 32 id: A47535 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. Keach ... date: 1689 words: 58221 flesch: 65 summary: Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : Gold refin'd, or, Baptism in its primitive purity proving baptism in water an holy institution of Jesus Christ ... : wherein it is clearly evinced that baptism ... is immersion, or dipping the whole body, &c : also that believers are only the true subjects (and not infants) of that holy sacrament : likewise Mr. Smythies arguments for infant-baptism in his late book entitled, The non-communicant ... fully answered / by Benj. keywords: baptism; baptizing; believers; children; christ; church; commission; covenant; disciples; god; gospel; hath; holy; infants; jesus; jesus christ; john; lord; man; men; new; ordinance; saith; spirit; thing; water; word cache: A47535.xml plain text: A47535.txt item: #22 of 32 id: A47585 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Laying on of hands upon baptized believers, as such, proved an ordinance of Christ in answer to Mr. Danvers's former book intituled, A treatise of laying on of hands : with a brief answer to a late book called, A treatise concerning laying on of hands, written by a nameless author / by B.K. ... date: 1698 words: 33834 flesch: 63 summary: I readily grant what he says about the several sorts of Laying on of hands , and the use and end of them , but must needs except against what he speaks concerning the third sort : he affirms that Hands were laid upon Persons for conferring the extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit ; and mentions two Scriptures for proof , viz. But then he says , It must be such a Laying on of hands as is somewhere taught or practised ; but such a Laying on of hands upon all baptized Believers , we find no where taught or practised : Jesus Christ had no hands laid upon him by John Baptist , after he baptized him ; neither did he give one word of it in his Commission upon his Ascension ; neither do we read that the Church of the Hebrews practised any such thing ; for there is no mention that the 120 had Hands laid on them , nor the 3000 in Acts 2. or 5000 in Acts 4. after their Baptism , before they broke Bread ; neither do we find the least of it in any other Churches in the New Testament ; neither in Samaria by Philip , nor Corinth , Philippi , Colossia , Thessalonica , Rome , the Churches of Galatia , the Churches in Asia , Smyrna , Thyatira , Pergamos , Sardis , Philadelphia , no nor in Ephesus , It is true Paul laid his hands upon twelve of their number upon another occasion , as Peter and John did in Samaria , &c. Answ . keywords: acts; apostles; baptism; believers; christ; church; gifts; god; hands; heb; holy; holy spirit; laying; lord; ordinance; practice; saith; spirit; tho; viz; word cache: A47585.xml plain text: A47585.txt item: #23 of 32 id: A47599 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The marrow of true justification, or, Justification without works containing the substance of two sermons lately preached on Rom. 4:5 ... : wherein the nature of justification is opened, as it hath been formerly asserted by all sound Protestants, and the present prevailing errors against the said doctrine detected / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1692 words: 24097 flesch: 60 summary: 2. The second sort I shall mention are the Socinians , who deny the Deity of the Son of God ; and from hence deny also the Satisfaction of Christ , because the latter depends upon the former : It was from the dignity and excellency of Christ's Person , he being God as well as Man , that his Sacrifice ●ad such infinite value and worth in it , that by one single payment ( as I may 〈◊〉 say ) he made such a full compensation to the Law and Justice of God : But ●●ey erring in those two grand Points of Christian Religion , run into the ●hird , and deny the imputation of Christ's Personal righteousness to us in ●ustification . 3. 8 , 9. Yea doubtness , and I account all things but loss for the Excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord , for whom I have suffered the loss of all things , and do count them but dung that I may win Christ , and be found in him , not having my own Righteousness which is of the Law , ●ne that 〈◊〉 is through the Faith of Christ the Righteousness which is of God by Faith. keywords: christ; doctrine; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; jesus; justification; law; life; man; men; obedience; perfect; righteousness; sin; works cache: A47599.xml plain text: A47599.txt item: #24 of 32 id: A47601 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A medium betwixt two extremes wherein it is proved that the whole first Adam was condemned and the whole second Adam justified : being a sermon lately preached on Rom. 8:1 and now published to prevent the further controversy (in one main point) about justification : to which are added reflections on some passages in Mr. Clark's new book called Scripture-Justification / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1698 words: 15939 flesch: 67 summary: Moreover , by Christ's coming to keep the Law in our Nature , God hath magnified the Law , and made it honourable ; and hereby we do not make void the Law through Faith , but establish the Law , in that the Son of God , in Man's Nature , yielded perfect Obedience thereto , and died for our breach of it , whose Obedience is ours by imputation to our Justification at his Bar. yet afterwards when he believed and received by Faith the free promise of God , in the Seed of the Woman , he came into a Justified State : Adam no doubt was an Elect Person , the promise of Christ being directly made to him ( who was also a Figure of him that was to come . ) keywords: adam; christ; condemnation; faith; god; jesus; jesus christ; justification; law; obedience; righteousness; sin; works cache: A47601.xml plain text: A47601.txt item: #25 of 32 id: A47602 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Pedo-baptism disproved being an answer to two printed papers (put forth by some gentlemen called the Athenian Society, who pretend to answer all questions sent to them of what nature soever) called the Athenian Mercury, one put forth November 14, the other November 28, 1691 : in which papers they pretend to answer eight queries about the lawfulness of infant-baptism : likewise divers queries sent to them about the true subjects of baptism, &c. date: 1691 words: 22753 flesch: 66 summary: The ●d . was that of Noah's Ark. S●e 〈…〉 K●a●e●bull : The Ark of Noah and Baptism , saith he , were both a Type and Figure of the Resurrection , no● the Sign of the washing away of Sin , though so taken metonymically , but a particular ●●gnal of the Resurrection of Christ ▪ of this Baptism is a lively and emphatical Figure , as also was the Ark of Noah , out of which he returned as from a Sepulchre , to a new 〈◊〉 3. Metaphorical Baptism is that of the Spirit and of Affliction : the first signifies not a sprinkling of the Spirit , but the great Effusion of the Spirit , like that at Pentecost , Acts 1. 4 , 5. Shall be baptized , &c. on which Words Casaubon speaks thus : See Dr. D●V●il on Acts. actual Repentance , 〈…〉 and the Answer of a good Consci 〈…〉 ▪ doth not thereby exclude all those 〈…〉 not capable of those Qualifications ? 〈◊〉 ; Whether it doth not reflect up●● the Care , Wisdom , and Faithfulness of Jesus Christ , who as a Son over his own House , exceeded the Care and Faithfulness of Moses , to affirm , Infants ought to be Baptized , and yet it cannot be found in all the Ne● 〈◊〉 an it be 〈…〉 should be a Gospe●● recept , nay , a 〈◊〉 , and yet Christ speak nothing of it ? or could it be in the Commission , and yet the Apostlet never to mention it , but contrariwise , require Faith●●● all they admitted to Baptism ? Paul says , He declared the whole Counsel of God , and said nothing of it in any of his Epistles , nor any where else . keywords: answer; baptism; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; doth; ergo; faith; god; gospel; infants; men; new; right; scripture; word; ● ● cache: A47602.xml plain text: A47602.txt item: #26 of 32 id: A47605 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The rector rectified and corrected, or, Infant-baptism unlawful being a sober answer to a late pamphlet entituled An argumentative and practical discourse of infant-baptism, published by Mr. William Burkit, rector of Mildin in Suffolk : wherein all his arguments for pedo-baptism are refuted and the necessity of immersion, i.e. dipping, is evidenced, and the people falsly called Anabaptists are cleared from those unjust reproaches and calumnies cast upon them : together with a reply to the Athenian gazette added to their 5th volume about infant-baptism : with some remarks upon Mr. John Flavel's last book in answer to Mr. Philip Cary / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1692 words: 73118 flesch: 68 summary: Infant baptism. saith , the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is to dip , as if it were to dye Colour ; and any Dyer will tell you , if there is any small bit of Cloth not dipped , it is not dyed . keywords: abraham; answer; argument; baptism; baptizing; believers; children; christ; church; circumcision; covenant; dipping; doth; faith; god; gospel; grace; hath; holy; infants; john; law; lord; man; new; parents; right; scripture; seed; sin; sprinkling; thing; viz; water; word; ● ● cache: A47605.xml plain text: A47605.txt item: #27 of 32 id: A47606 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A short confession of faith containing the substance of all the fundamental articles in the larger confession put forth by the elders of the Baptist churches, owning personal election and final perserverance. date: 1697 words: 8901 flesch: 82 summary: WE believe that Baptism is a Holy Ordinance of Christ , or a pure Gospel-Institution ; and to be unto the Party baptized , a sign of his Fellowship with Christ in his Death , Burial , and Resurrection , and of his being grafted into him , and of Remission of Sins , and of his giving himself up to God , through Jesus Christ , to walk in Newness of Life . That the Law God gave by Moses to Israel , was of the same nature of that given to Adam , being a second Ministration of it ; but not given for Life , but to make Sin exceeding sinful , and to shew how unable Man was in his fallen state to fulfil the Righteousness of God ; and so ( with the Ceremonial Law ) it was given in subserviency to the Gospel , as a Schoolmaster to bring Sinners to Christ . keywords: christ; cor; faith; god; holy; john; rom; sins cache: A47606.xml plain text: A47606.txt item: #28 of 32 id: A47607 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Sion in distress, or, The groans of the Protestant Chruch [sic] date: 1681 words: 28845 flesch: 78 summary: ●ods Methods were to chasten , not destroy ●●ose Sinning Souls in whom he once took joy ) ● give thy Sinking Church a true discerning ●hat thou dost mean by this prodigious Warning ; To be thy Portion , Lord , thou didst me chuse , And thou my Portion art : I 'll ●●'re refuse So rich a Grace : thou art my Heritage , Thou art a God of Love from Age to Age , And therefore evermore I 'll dwell with thee , For thou alone , my Hiding-place shalt be . keywords: babylon; beast; blood; cause; children; church; day; earth; fall; glory; god; gods; gospel; grace; great; grief; hath; head; heart; holy; light; lord; love; makes; man; mark; men; poor; pope; power; rome; saints; sin; sion; soul; thee; things; thou; thy; time; vile; whore; world; ● ● cache: A47607.xml plain text: A47607.txt item: #29 of 32 id: A47611 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Spiritual melody, containing near three hundred sacred hymns. By Benjamin Keach, author of Trhopolgia, pastor of the Church of Christ meeting on Horsly-down, Southwark date: 1691 words: 63324 flesch: 87 summary: 3 Unless 't is so , a Surety's found , We must in Prison lye ; And bear thy dreadful wrath , O God , Unto eternity . 4 Christ therefore , Lord , thou didst find out , No Friend had we to bring ; All good therefore which we receive , Doth from thy bowels spring . 2 Thou dost him clearly represent Unto our very sight , Whose express Image , Lord , thou art Most glorious and bright . 3 Such whom the Father never saw , To them thou dost him show ; All his perfections are in thee , What further would we know ? 4 Thou dost , Lord , represent to us God , whom we cannot see ; He dwells in light inaccessible , Which can't approached be . keywords: art; christ; come; day; didst; dost; doth; earth; fire; glory; god; good; grace; hast; hath; heart; holy; hymn; know; life; like; lord christ; love; man; men; o lord; praise; saints; shall; sing; souls; spirit; thee; things; thou; thou dost; thy; way; word cache: A47611.xml plain text: A47611.txt item: #30 of 32 id: A47612 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: Spiritual songs being the marrow of Scripture in songs of praise to Almighty God from the Old and New Testament : with a hundred divine hymns on several occasions as now practised in several congregations in and about London : with a table of contents / by Benjamin Keach, author of the war with the devil. date: 1700 words: 20257 flesch: 83 summary: 3 Wise-men behold the Star , Which was their stedfast Guide , Until it pointed forth the Babe : Let God be Glorify'd ! 4 Heaven and Earth rejoyce O Lord ! and shall not I ? All Glory to God and the Lamb : Or , A Hymn of Thanksgiving for the great Salvation of Christ . 1 NOw let us sing our Saviour's Praise , and spread his Glory forth ; His Honour wholly let us raise that shines through all the Earth : 2 Who would not fear and praise thy Name thou great and glorious One , The World shall worship Thee , to whom thy grace and goodness's shown . 3 All Glory , Pow'r , and Honour , Thou art worthy to receive , For all things , Lord by the were made , and by thy pleasure live . keywords: art; christ; come; doth; glory; god; grace; great; hymn; lord; love; o lord; praise; saints; sing; thee; thou; thy cache: A47612.xml plain text: A47612.txt item: #31 of 32 id: A47613 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: A summons to the grave, or, The necessity of a timely preparation for death demonstrated in a sermon preached at the funeral of that most eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Mr. John Norcot who departed this life March 24, 1675/6 / by Benjamin Keach. date: 1676 words: 17666 flesch: 79 summary: Thirdly , the Scripture shews , that at death the body goes one way , and the spirit goes another , namely , to God that gave it : we may judge also of the nature of the spirit or soul of man , if we consider how nothing but God himself can satisfie it , lives upon divine and immortal food , and therefore sure must be of like nature : what does shew more clearly that our bodies are earthly , or made of earth , as the consideration of their being fed , and sustained from the earth , so say I on the contrary hand in respect of the soul ; 't is sed with spiritual and immortal food , ergo such is its nature ; but not to trouble you with things of this kinde further , Reader , let it be thy Chief care to prepare for thy eternal state , for be sure it will be but a little while , and thou wilt find either to thy everlasting joy and comfort , or else to thy everlasting wo and sorrow : the truth of this doctrine of the Souls ; Immortality , and the effects thereof ; And that this broken Sermon may prove , through Gods blessing , someways for thy Souls advantage and profit , is the sincere desire of Thy Affectionate and Cordial Friend and Servant in the Lord Jesus B. K. An ELEGY on the Death of that most Laborious and Painful Minister of the Gospel Mr. JOHN NORCOT , who fell asleep in the Lord the 24th of this instant March 1675-76 . When you read of soul as that which rejoyceth in God , delights in God , longs and thirsts after God , lives and feeds upon God and Christ , and united to and hath communion with God , cloathed and adorned with the holy Spirit ; it alwayes holds forth the glorious spirit or soul of man : let me onely direct you to one or two Scriptures upon this account , Luke 1. 46. keywords: body; christ; day; death; doth; god; good; grave; hath; heart; jesus; lord; man; men; sin; soul; spirit; thee; thou; time cache: A47613.xml plain text: A47613.txt item: #32 of 32 id: A47614 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The travels of true godliness, from the beginning of the world to this present day in an apt and pleasant allegory ... / by B.K., author of War with the Devil, and Sion in distress. date: 1684 words: 49562 flesch: 67 summary: But secondly , Godliness , as to his inward and more hidden parts and power , is a holy conformity to these sacred and divine principles which natural men may understand Religion by ; but True Godliness consists in the light of supernatural truths and life of Grace , God manifesting himself in the light of those glorious principles , and working the life of supernatural grace in the soul by the Holy Ghost , it consists in the saving and experimental knowledg of God and Jesus Christ , in having all the evil qualities of the Soul removed , and heavenly habits infused in their room , or in a gracious conformity , disposition and affections of the heart to God , cleaving to all truths made known to us , to find the powerful influences of the Gospel and Spirit of Christ upon us , whereby our Souls are brought into the Image and likeness of his death and resurrection ; this is True Godliness , 't is not a bare living up to the natural principles of morality , nor a simple knowledg of the letter of the word , or an historical , notional , or dogmatical knowledg of the sacred Gospel , and the precepts thereof , but in a faithful living up to the supernatural principles of Grace and the Gospel , discharging our duties with as much readiness and faithfulness towards God as towards man , so that our conscience may be kept void of offence towards both . by fathering that upon God which is none of his ; do not the Papists call those superstitious and vain Ceremonies , us'd in their Church , by the name of God's Worship , and what is this less than the putting a lye upon him ; besides it reflects upon the wisdom of God ; to attempt to change or alter any thing of the form of Godliness , as if he did not know best how , and in what way , or after what manner he himself would be worshipped : But must be beholding to man for his help , wisdom and rare contrivances , touching many things that are by the Papists called decent and necessary ; also doth it not reflect upon the care and faithfulness of God , insomuch , that he should not himself take care to lay down in his blessed word many things , which are very necessary to be added to the form of Godliness , which man's care and wisdom is fain to supply . keywords: cause; christ; come; conscience; consideration; day; door; doth; enemies; friend; godliness; good; hath; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; house; life; lord; love; man; men; nay; place; poor; religion; riches; self; sin; sir; soul; thee; things; thou; time; town; way; world cache: A47614.xml plain text: A47614.txt