item: #1 of 73 id: A30899 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Quakerism confirmed, or, A vindication of the chief doctrines and principles of the people called Qvakers from the arguments and objections of the students of divinity (so called) of Aberdeen in their book entituled Quakerism convassed [sic] by Robert Barclay and George Keith. date: 1676 words: 42621 flesch: 49 summary: For the book of Nature or the meer natures of things being considered can not teach men what is supernaturall , and so it can not teach men that in all their actings they are to have a supernaturall end , nor can it teach them , that they are to love , feare , serve and worship God , from a supernaturall principle of Gods grace , which are the greatest duties required of man , and if it can not teach men , and convince them of their greatest duties , it followeth , that it can not convince them of the great sins , that are contrarie unto those duties . Seing this seed and spiriuall nature of Christ is one , and the same , both in him , and in us , it is most unreasonable to argue , that there are as many Christs as men , as it is unreasonable to argue , that becaus the soul of man is in all his members , that therefore , as many members as many souls . keywords: account; act; adversaries; affirm; alledge; alledging; alwayes; answer; apostles; argument; baptism; becaus; better; betwixt; body; book; bread; cause; charity; chief; christ; christians; church; clear; command; common; confesse; consequence; contrary; day; dayes; declaration; deny; dispensation; disposed; dispute; distinction; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; duties; duty; end; english; evidence; evil; example; faith; fall; false; flesh; follow; folly; generall; ghost; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hands; hath; hereticks; hold; holy; immediat; influence; inspiration; instance; inward; john; judge; law; lawfull; lesse; life; light; like; living; long; lord; love; lye; magistrats; man; manifest; manifestation; manner; matter; matth; mean; meer; men; mens; mind; ministers; ministry; miracles; motion; naturall; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; objective; objects; observed; offer; ordination; outward; owne; pag; particular; paul; people; performance; permission; place; positive; power; pray; prayer; preachers; preaching; present; principle; proofe; prophets; protestants; quakerism; question; reader; reall; reason; religion; respect; retortion; revelation; rule; saying; scripture; second; section; seed; seing; self; sense; sin; sins; soul; spake; speak; spirit; spirituall; students; substance; sufferings; sufficient; supernaturall; tcp; teachers; teaching; testimony; text; things; think; time; true; truth; unlawfull; unlesse; visible; want; water; way; weak; wee; wel; wheras; wicked; wine; wit; words; work; world; yea cache: A30899.xml plain text: A30899.txt item: #2 of 73 id: A45134 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A letter to George Keith concerning the salvability of the heathen together with a testimony to the same doctrine, as long held and not newly taken up, out of several former books of him that writ it / by J.H. date: 1700 words: 14965 flesch: 58 summary: Now if upon this , it pleased God to choose any one of them , as he did Abraham , when he was an Idolater , in Ur of the Caldees , and by his Spirit gave him an inward and effectual Call , by stirring him up to lay hold on God , and his Covenant , in a desire and endeavour to walk up to his Light within , or Knowledge he hath attained , with Sincerity of Heart and Life , which is performing the Condition of the Covenant of Grace , according to the Dispensation he is under ; although such a Man does not know upon what account Sin is expiated , God reconciled , and the Sinner saved ; yet is it certain , that this Man's Sins are pardoned , God reconciled to him , and his Soul in a State of Salvation , as well as the Christians , who hath the Explicit Knowledge of Christ's Death and Resurrection ; and that is , upon the same account as his , even through the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant ; to wit , through the Covenant of Grace , preached and purchased for us by his Blood , the Death , Satisfaction , Mediation , Redemption of Christ Jesus ; so that if any held , or are willing to hold , a Salvability for the Heathen , and yet deny their Salvaon by Covenant , but by an uncovenanted Miraculous Mercy , they do but trip in plain Ground ; upholding a Doctrine that is Good and Generous , but without its Foundation : For there is no Way , nor ever was , but one Way ( which is this , by the Covenant of Grace , procured for us by Christ ) of Salvation to any Mortal under Heaven . When the Scripture therefore does speak of the Gentiles , that they were , in respect to the Jews , without God in the World , without the Covenant , Aliens to the Commonwealth of Israel , without Hope , ( the hope of Israel ) without Christ , Strangers to the Covenant of Promise : We are to understand all this in regard to the Church State of the Jews ( which no Nation but the Jews were in ) as appears by all the Texts before-cited . keywords: abraham; account; adam; administration; advantage; apostle; articles; bishop; book; christ; christian; church; come; condition; cornelius; covenant; death; dispensation; doctrine; earth; faith; fallen; gentile; god; good; gospel; government; grace; hath; heart; heathen; holy; interpretation; jesus; jews; justified; knowledge; law; life; light; man; mankind; mercy; nature; people; promise; prophets; reason; redemption; regard; religion; required; revelation; righteousness; rule; salvation; sense; sins; spirit; state; tcp; text; things; true; universal; way; works; world cache: A45134.xml plain text: A45134.txt item: #3 of 73 id: A47117 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Mr. George Keith's account of a national church, and the clergy, &c. humbly presented to the Bishop of London : with some queries concerning the Sacrament. date: 1700 words: 2726 flesch: 66 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: account; body; books; bread; characters; christ; church; clergy; cup; early; eebo; english; george; god; hath; keith; knowledge; london; lord; men; national; people; power; priest; sacrament; spiritual; supper; tcp; teachers; tei; text; true cache: A47117.xml plain text: A47117.txt item: #4 of 73 id: A47118 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An account of the great divisions, amongst the Quakers, in Pensilvania, &c. as appears by their own book, here following, printed 1692, and lately came from thence, intituled, viz. The plea of the innocent, against the false judgment of the guilty : being a vindication of George Keith, and his friends, who are joined with him in this present testimony, from the false judgment, calumnies, false informations and defamations of Samuel Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, an others, joyned with them, being in number twenty eight : directed, by way of epistle, to faithful friends of truth, in Pensilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occasion requireth. date: 1692 words: 12548 flesch: 46 summary: And at another of these Meetings Samuel Jenings having rudely & uncivilly stopt G. K. in his Testimony , when he was recommending to them , seriously to consider , whether it was not their Duty to preach Christ outwardly more than they did , said , If thou preached Christ without less , others might preach him more ; whereof divers present took great notice , and was very offensive to them , as well as to G. K. and did signifie that S. Jenings was too much a Preacher at his own will , as well as prejudiced against G. K. that because he would not seem to follow G. K. he and others would not preach what G. K. preached , tho' true . And for calling them Ranters who deny Faith in Christ without , as necessary to Salvation , and only profess Faith in Christ the Light within them , as we can prove divers of them do , G. K. hath for his Example G. F. whom he hath heard call such Ranters , who say , They believe only in Christ the Light in them , & not in the Man Christ without them ; also he hath the Example of G. Whitehead , who saith to Jeff. keywords: betwixt; blame; blasphemy; body; book; brethren; cause; christ; christ jesus; cook; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; faith; faithful; false; friends; g. k.; g. w.; george; god; good; great; guilty; hath; heaven; ignorance; ignorant; jenings; jesus; john; judge; judgment; keith; late; life; light; like; lloyd; lord; man; man christ; matter; meeting; monthly; names; necessary; occasion; order; paper; pensilvania; present; resurrection; said; salvation; saying; scripture; spirit; stockdale; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; things; tho; time; true; truth; viz; way; witnesses; words; yearly cache: A47118.xml plain text: A47118.txt item: #5 of 73 id: A47120 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An advertisement of an intended meeting to be held by George Keith and his friends, at their usual meeting-place, in Turners-Hall, in Philpot-Lane, the 29th. day of this instant and present month called April, 1697. to begin about the 9th. hour. To which meeting William Penn, Thomas Ellwood, George Whitehead, John Penington, and these of the second days weekly meeting at Lombard-street, are justly desired to be present, to hear themselves recharged and proved guilty of these vile and gross errors and heresies, wherewith they have been formerly charged by George Keith, and proved guilty off [sic], at a meeting held at Turners-Hall, on the 11th, of the month called June, 1696. ... date: 1697 words: 1883 flesch: 62 summary: To which meeting William Penn, Thomas Ellwood, George Whitehead, John Penington, and these of the second days weekly meeting at Lombard-street, are justly desired to be present, to hear themselves recharged and proved guilty of these vile and gross errors and heresies, wherewith they have been formerly charged by George Keith, and proved guilty off [sic], at a meeting held at Turners-Hall, on the 11th, of the month called June, 1696. To which meeting William Penn, Thomas Ellwood, George Whitehead, John Penington, and these of the second days weekly meeting at Lombard-street, are justly desired to be present, to hear themselves recharged and proved guilty of these vile and gross errors and heresies, wherewith they have been formerly charged by George Keith, and proved guilty off [sic], at a meeting held at Turners-Hall, on the 11th, of the month called June, 1696. keywords: -early; books; characters; eebo; ellwood; english; errors; george; george keith; gross; guilty; hall; keith; meeting; month; online; place; present; tcp; tei; text; thomas; turners; whitehead; works cache: A47120.xml plain text: A47120.txt item: #6 of 73 id: A47121 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The anti-Christs and Sadduces detected among a sort of Quakers, or, Caleb Pusie of Pensilvania and John Pennington, with his brethren of the second days meeting at London called Quakers, proved antichrists and Sadduces out of a said book lately published by them called A modest account of the principal differences in point of doctrine betwixt George Keith and those of the people called Quakers in Pensilvania &c. : being an answer to the said book ... : with some few remarks on John Pennington's late book entitled The people called Quakers cleared &c. and Geo. Whitehead his postscript ...: and a postscript ... / by George Keith. date: 1696 words: 28812 flesch: 55 summary: Neither is the Saints greatest inward Righteousness or Holiness wrought in them by the Spirit of God , an Atonement or Propitiation for their sins , but Christ alone , who Dyed for us , the just for the unjust . — For whereas thou not only affirms that Salvation and Justification hath a necessary respect to Christ his taking on him the form of a Servant , or Man in the outward , and humbling himself therein , even to the outward Death , ( which we also grant , God having so ordered it to be ) &c. keywords: account; adam; adversaries; answer; assertion; baptism; betwixt; blood; body; books; caleb; case; charge; christ; christian; church; coming; common; contradiction; contrary; day; days; dead; death; distinction; divers; doctrine; doth; earth; england; english; errors; express; faith; fall; false; flesh; forgery; friends; general; gentiles; george; god; good; gospel; grace; great; gross; guilty; hath; hold; holy; ignorance; ignorant; implicit; incorruptible; inward; jesus; john; judge; keith; knowledge; known; late; law; life; light; like; little; london; man; manifest; manner; meeting; men; mind; ministers; mortal; necessary; need; new; note; outward; pag; page; paul; pennington; pensilvania; people; persons; place; plain; power; preached; present; principles; printed; pusie; quakers; question; real; religion; resurrection; revolutions; said; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; second; seed; self; sense; sin; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; text; thing; time; tree; true; truth; use; vile; visible; viz; water; way; whitehead; words; work; years cache: A47121.xml plain text: A47121.txt item: #7 of 73 id: A47123 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An appeal from the twenty eight judges to the spirit of truth & true judgment in all faithful Friends, called Quakers, that meet at this Yearly Meeting at Burlington, the 7 month, 1692 date: 1692 words: 4008 flesch: 52 summary: But if there remain that Nobility in you , and sence of your Christian-Liberty and Freedom , where-withall Christ hath made you Free , as we hope there doth , ye will not suffer your selves to be so imposed upon , nor to be thus Ass-rid by them , as to take things by a ba●e implicit Faith from them , but every one of you to see with your own spirituall Eyes , and hear with your Spiritual Ear● of Gods opening , and to bring these weighty things of Difference to the true Touch-stone , the Spirit of Truth and true Judgment in your selves , which ye have ; as well as t●ey , and which many of you are better taught by and acquainted with than they ; even as formerly it was , that many of the 〈◊〉 say beyond the Priests and Teachers , in the dayes of the ●●●hets and of Christ in the Flesh , and the Apo●les ; all of late , many Thousands of the People have seen beyond the Priest and Teachers , and have been made able by the Spirit of Truth to judge them for their great Ignorance and Error . is according to Christian Doctrine , That the Light is sufficient without any thing else , thereby excluding the Man Christ Jesus without u● , and his Death & Sufferings , Resurrection , Ascention , Mediation & Intercession for us in Heaven , from having any part or share in our Salvation ; and thereby making him only a Titular , but no real Saviour , as one zealous for that side , lately called the Difference betwixt them and us concerning Christ . keywords: appeal; body; books; bradford; burlington; christ; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; faith; faithful; friends; george; government; guilty; heaven; jesus; judge; judgment; keith; light; man; meeting; ministry; month; paper; persons; quakers; said; society; spirit; tcp; text; things; true; truth; yearly cache: A47123.xml plain text: A47123.txt item: #8 of 73 id: A47124 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The arguments of the Quakers, more particularly, of George Whitehead, William Penn, Robert Barclay, John Gratton, George Fox, Humphry Norton, and my own arguments against baptism and the Supper, examined and refuted also, some clear proofs from Scripture, shewing that they are institutions of Christ under the Gospel : with an appendix containing some observations upon some passages in a book of W. Penn called A caveat against Popery, and on some passages of a book of John Pennington, caled The fig leaf covering discovered / by George Keith. date: 1698 words: 54983 flesch: 52 summary: I answer in part it is so , but not in full , or in the whole ; for he that not only Prayeth to God in the Name of Christ , and confesseth him in Words , but also sheweth his Obedience and Subjection to all the Commands of Christ , the least as well as the greatest , whereof the outward Baptism , and the Supper are some , is the most Accomplished Christian , and beareth the most compleat Badge of Christianianity . Therefore as in the Jewish Church , God had appointed , that whoever did not obey the Mosaical Precepts , were to be excluded the Congregation , and debarred from the external Privileges that they had as a Church , even so Christ has appointed , that whosoever professing him in Words , deny him in Works , and walk disorderly and offensively , as well as who err concerning the Faith , so as not to hold the Head , that they ought to be rejected and disowned ; in token whereof , they are to be debarred from the external Signs of the Saints Communion with God and Christ , and one with another . keywords: acts; answer; answered; apostles; argued; arguing; argument; baptisme; baptizing; believers; believing; betwixt; blessings; blood; bodies; body; book; bread; brethren; broken; cause; christ; christ jesus; christians; church; churches; come; coming; command; common; communion; consequence; contrary; cor; corinthians; covenant; cup; days; dead; death; disciples; divers; divine; doctrin; doth; drink; eating; effect; end; error; everlasting; external; faith; faithful; false; father; flesh; follow; food; force; fox; general; george; ghost; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greek; hath; hearts; heaven; hold; holy; immediate; institutions; inward; jesus; jews; john; know; law; life; light; like; little; living; lord; lost; love; man christ; manner; matth; means; meetings; men; ministry; mistake; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; object; occasion; outward; outward baptisme; outward body; outward supper; outward things; oyl; page; passages; paul; penn; people; persons; place; plain; power; practice; prayer; preaching; present; promised; proper; proved; quakers; r.b; reader; real; reason; relation; religion; remembrance; remission; respect; resurrection; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; second; sect; seed; self; sense; shadows; signification; signifie; signs; sin; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; substance; sufferings; supper; suppose; table; teachers; teaching; testament; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; use; virtue; visible; viz; water; way; whereof; whitehead; wine; wit; words; work; world; worship; writ; yea cache: A47124.xml plain text: A47124.txt item: #9 of 73 id: A47125 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The arraignment of worldly philosophy, or, The false wisdom its being a great hinderance to the Christian faith, and a great enemy to the true divine wisdom / by George Keith. date: 1694 words: 14441 flesch: 27 summary: And seeing it was not any thing of Truth , or true knowledg that Paul did caution men against in them called Gentile Philosophers , whether they had it by vertue of that common divine illumination given to all mankind , or by the use of their true Reason , as men in subordination to that more excellent principle , jointly working together , both which are the good gifts of God , and are not to be disregarded , but duly esteemed and valued in their several places ; the one , to wit , the divine illumination , as the Master or Mistress ; the other as the Servant or Handmaid , to wit , the true Reason or reasonable understanding of man : but it was chiefly or rather indeed only their gross Errors that did oppose and impugn the true Christian Faith and Doctrine that these called Philosophers did hold and which made them so great Enemies to the Christian Faith , tha● they neither did receive it themselves , while they retain'd these Errors , nor suffered their Hearers and Followers , that believed them , to receive it ; therefore it was that Paul did so warmly and earnestly warn them to whom he wrote this Epistle , against that called Philosophy that was then among the Gentiles , with whom they conversed , and that he saith beware ; the Greek Word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ; that is , see , as if he had said , take nothing upon trust from men , neither believe what they say upon their bare credit and authority ; but see with the Eyes of your understandings , that God hath anointed and opened with his heavenly and divine Eye-salve ; and with these Eyes compare things with thing ; and by so doing ye will find that the Gentiles Philosophy teacheth many things contrary to the true Faith of Christ , and their wisdom is for the most part contrary to the wisdom which Christ teacheth . It is not to be understood , that the Apostle did reject , or condemn the true exercise , use and improvement of mens rational faculties , either in the invention , or cultivation of such useful Arts and Sciences as were really useful for the life of man , as the skill of Husbandry , Navigation , Arithmetick , or the knowledg of Numbers , and use of them , in Accounting , Geometry , Astronomy , and other the like useful Arts , which were for most part the result and improvement of Mans Nature , Reason and Understanding , as a Man , however it may be allowed , that in some cases and things God did teach some men these or the like things by a divine illumination , working upon their rational understandings , as men : For tho there is nothing that is supernatural in all these Arts and Sciences commonly taught in Schools , or which surpasseth the common capacity of mens reason to understand them , yet the invention , or first discovery of them might have had a more immediately divine original ; as when Christ opened the natural eyes of the blind to see , their seeing was natural , after their eyes were open'd ; but the opening of them was supernatural and miraculous . keywords: absurd; ancient; apostle; bare; bodies; body; books; calleth; change; christ; christian; contrary; creation; creatures; day; divine; divine philosophy; divine wisdom; doctrine; doth; earth; eebo; english; error; eyes; faith; false; father; flesh; gentiles; god; godhead; good; grace; great; gross; hath; high; holy; human; hurtful; illumination; jesus; knowledg; late; life; light; like; man; manner; measure; men; mens; mind; natural; nature; opinions; parts; paul; philosophers; philosophy; place; principles; profess; quality; real; reason; resurrection; saints; scripture; seeing; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; substance; taught; tcp; teacheth; text; things; tho; time; true; true divine; truth; understanding; use; vain; visible; viz; wisdom; words; world; worldly; worldly philosophy cache: A47125.xml plain text: A47125.txt item: #10 of 73 id: A47127 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The benefit, advantage and glory of silent meetings both as it was found at the beginning, or first breaking forth of this clear manifestation of truth, and continues so to be found by all the faithful and upright in heart at this day / writ for the stirring up and encouraging of those more especially who are lately convinced unto the love of them, and diligent improving them unto those ends and uses for which they serve by George Keith. date: 1687 words: 10218 flesch: -13 summary: For indeed in beginners , or those who are but lately turned unto the Light and Life of Truth , it hath much to Work through in them , and they have many Steps of inward Tryals and Exercise to Pass through in the Light and Life of Truth , before they attain unto that Soundness and Clearness in their own Conditions , whereby they can safely and Purely Administer the Word and Words of Life unto others without mixture ; for First a Man must be in a good Measure gathered into the Life and Spirit of Truth , so as to be well rooted and fastened in it , in his own particular , before he be in such a fit Condition as to Minister unto others , with safety and advantage , and the Word of Life must first have some free passage in a Mans Heart , Mind and Spirit , before it can have a free passage in the Mouth , and it must have got some good Measure of Command and Dominion over the Heart , and the Thoughts and Affections thereof , otherwise it cannot so conveniently , and readily have the command of the Mouth ▪ so as to order and direct it , that the Mouth steadily and soundly , only as the Instrument of the Word and Spirit of God , may only express or declare the living Words of God , otherwise as where the Heart is not under the command of the Life as aforesaid ) the Mouth will reel and stagger in its expressions , and be apter to speak the Words of the Wisdom and Spirit of Man then of God ; now as the Words of the Spirit of God and Christ are in the Mouth Spirit and Life ; so the Words of or from the Spirit of Man , though even gathered from the Scriptures , are instead of Spirit , but Letters ; and instead of Life , but Death ; the one is Spirit and Life , the other but Letter and Death , which Profits not , but hurts ; yea even the Mixture , ( as where it is partly Letter , and partly Spirit ) as much as possible , is to be shunned and forborn , especially , in this so Clear and Glorious manifestation of Truth , which calleth out of all Mixtures , both in Words and Works unto Purity , soundness and simplicity in all , and now doth more pressingly require it , then in the Times of Ignorance and Darkness that are past . Yea not only doth Life convey it self , and its pure influence , through the Voice and Sight , but even through the taking one another by the Hand , where it is done in pure and undefiled Love , and by the laying on of Hands also , as was witnessed in the Primitive Times , so that those who were indued with a large measure of the Life and Spirit of God , whilthey laid Hands on them who Believed , Vertue went forth from that force and strength of Life in them , an● reached unto these on whome Hands were laid , whereby they came to feel the Life to be raised in their own particulars , and the Power of the Holy Ghost to fall or break forth upon them , as even so it is witnessed at this Day , in and among the Children of Truth , through the form●r formality of laying on of Hands , that is in the false Church , which hath only the empty and bare imitation is not regarded . keywords: advantage; aforesaid; benefit; body; christ; clear; condition; darkness; day; dead; death; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; friends; glory; god; good; great; hath; heart; holy; large; letter; life; light; living; lord; man; manifestation; measure; meetings; mind; ministration; mouth; particular; people; place; power; pure; religion; seed; silence; silent; sound; spirit; strength; tcp; text; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; vertue; way; wisdom; words; work; worship; yea cache: A47127.xml plain text: A47127.txt item: #11 of 73 id: A47128 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Bristol Quakerism exposed shewing the fallacy, perversion, ignorance, and error of Benjamin Cool, the Quakers chief preacher at Bristol, and of his followers and abettors there, discovered in his and their late book falsely called Sophistry detected, or, An answer to George Keith's Synopsis : wherein also both his deisme and inconsistency with himself and his brethren, with respect to the peculiar principles of Christianity, are plainly demonstrated / by George Keith. date: 1700 words: 14585 flesch: 48 summary: Is not the Word Spiritual , and Christ called the Word ? Again , p. 168. Them that never heard the Scripture Outwardly , the Light that every Man hath that cometh into the World , being turned to it , with that they will see Christ ; with that they will know Scripture ; with that they will be led out of all Delusion , come into Covenant with God ; with which they will come to Worship God in the Spirit , and Serve him . But possibly he will say , Must not Christ , or the Spirit , or God himself , who is within all Men , be preferred to the Scriptures ? keywords: answer; argument; b. cool; body; book; brethren; charge; christ; christianity; christians; common; cool; copy; death; deisme; discourse; doctrines; doth; extraordinary; faith; false; flesh; general; general rule; george; god; great; guilty; hath; heathens; holy; illumination; inward; juggle; knowledge; life; light; like; man; mankind; means; men; necessary; original; outward; page; peculiar; pen; penn; perfect; perfection; person; practise; precepts; primary; primary rule; proper; quakers; reader; religion; respect; revelation; rule; said; salvation; scriptures; secondary; soul; spirit; synopsis; tcp; text; thing; tho; true; truth; viz; w. pen; wit; word; work cache: A47128.xml plain text: A47128.txt item: #12 of 73 id: A47129 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The causeless ground of surmises, jealousies and unjust offences removed, in a full clearing of faithful Friends, and a sober vindication of my innocency, and the Friends concerned with me in relation to the late religious differences and breaches among some of the people called Quakers in America. date: 1694 words: 8233 flesch: 16 summary: I have granted that some of my late Books might have been an improper and accidental cause of Hurt and Grief to Friends , and of strengthening Adversaries , but unless it can be proved that they are the proper and direct Cause of such Effects , which hath not been proved , it doth not follow , that they are to be blamed ; for as they might have been the improper and accidental Cause of Grief to some , so as can well be proved , they have been of great service to many , yea to Hundreds of Friends , which they have acknowledge : and have signified their great satisfaction and joy , that God had raised me up , and some others with me , to appear in a zealous , plain and clear testimony to those great Truths of Christianity , plainly asserted in my late Books , and in opposition to those vile and gross Errours boldly asserted by some , that went under the same outward denomination : ( But we do well know it is not the General Sense of Friends to blame us ) for we are well perswaded , that no Divine Sense ever will or can contradict , or condemn what plain Scripture Precepts and Testimonies do justify , as in the present Case we have , as also the Example of our ancient Friends , who have Printed against lesser Errours in others , who differed from them , and have also Separated from them , though thereby Papists have been gratified , and Gloried over all Protestant Professions in general , and have strengthened themselves thereby , as much as any have against us by our late Printed Books , and have said , Lo how Hereticks and Schismaticks , since they have left the Mother Church of Rome , have gone into endless Separations , and expose one another , and contend against one another , seeking to destroy one another by their endless Contentions , and thereby concluding , that neither their Printing against others Errours , nor the Separation of one from another , or from the Church of Rome , is of God , or is acted in the Wisdom and Consel of God , as some do so Argue against us . keywords: america; answer; body; books; brethren; charge; christian; church; clearing; concerned; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; errours; exercise; faith; faithful; faithful friends; friends; general; god; grace; great; gross; guilty; hath; innocency; late; life; love; man; matters; meetings; men; necessary; new; particular; peace; pensilvania; people; persons; plain; principles; profession; publick; quakers; said; scripture; separation; sincere; spirit; tcp; terms; testimony; text; true; truth; unity; way; words cache: A47129.xml plain text: A47129.txt item: #13 of 73 id: A47130 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A Christian catechisme, for the instruction of youth, and others to whom it may be useful in the grounds of Christian religion, and practice of Christian piety wherein the twelve articles of the Christian creed, and the Godhead and manhood natures of Christ and his prophetical, priestly, and kingly office are briefly explained : and the true Christian doctrin, concerning Christ his being a sufficient saviour, as he is both God and man : and with respect to both the absolute necessity, and excellent consistencie of his outward coming in the flesh, and his inward coming, and spiritual appearance in our hearts, through faith in him, and love and obedience to him, in order to our eternal salvation, declared and demonstrated by testimonies of Holy Scripture : and the divine excellency of the light within, in distinction from humane reason, asserted and vindicated : and the question concerning its sufficiency to salvation, truly stated and resolved : where also many other Gospel doctrins, and practical Christian truths and duties are held forth / by George Keith. date: 1698 words: 32523 flesch: 74 summary: Q. Why is Christ called the word ? A. Because as the Word or Speech of a Man makes known his Mind and Will to the Hearers , and is the Interpreter of his Mind ; so Christ the Essential and Eternal Word , makes known the Mind and Will of God to Angels and Men , and is the Interpreter of his Mind , and Counsel unto them , Which as he did from the beginning , by his . Q. HOW did Christ perform the Office of a Priest ? A. In his Offering up Himself , by his Death , a Sacrifice of a sweet smell unto God for our Sins , and by his continual Mediation and Intercession for us in Heaven , Eph. 5. 2. Heb. 9. 26. Heb. 7. 25. Q. keywords: a. nay; a. yea; abraham; acts; angels; baptism; blood; bodily; body; cause; christ; christ god; christ jesus; christian; church; coming; cor; covenant; creation; day; dead; death; distinct; divine; doctrin; doth; earth; eph; error; eternal; faith; faithful; father; figure; fire; flesh; forgiveness; free; gen; ghost; gifts; glory; god; godhead; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; head; hearts; heaven; heb; help; high; holy; inward; jesus; jews; john; justice; justification; kingly; knowledge; law; life; light; lord; love; man; manhood; manner; matth; means; men; mind; mystery; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; obedience; office; old; order; outward; paul; persons; peter; place; power; practice; prayer; priest; prophets; psal; q. doth; reason; receive; remission; repentance; respect; resurrection; righteousness; rom; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saving; scripture; sect; seed; self; signifieth; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; sufficient; supper; tcp; testament; text; things; thou; thy; time; tree; true; unto; use; water; way; word; works cache: A47130.xml plain text: A47130.txt item: #14 of 73 id: A47131 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Christian Quaker: or, George Keith's eyes opened Good news from Pensilvania. Containing a testimony against that false and absurd opinion which some hold, viz. that all true believers and saints, immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness. And also, that the wicked, immediately after death, are raised up to receive all the punishment they are to expect. Together with a scriptural account of the resurrection of the dead, day of judgment, and Christ's last coming and appearance without us. Also, where, and what those Heavens are into which the man Christ is gone, and entred into. By George Keith. date: 1693 words: 6464 flesch: 65 summary: And that very first Promise that God gave to Mankind after the Fall , did relate to this Victory over Death , That the Seed of the Woman ( which is Christ Jesus ) should bruise the Head of the Serpent : for tho the Head of the Serpent was inwardly bruised , as in respect of the inward Redemption , Salvation and Deliverance of the Souls of all the Faithful in all Ages of the World , both before and after Christ came in the Flesh ; yet until they attain unto the Resurrection of the Body , the Head of the Serpent is not in all respects bruised , because the last Enemy that is to be destroyed is Death , who is not fully destroyed until the Bodies of the Saints be raised from Death : for by Adam's Fall , Death both of Soul and Body came upon him and his Posterity , ( as is at large demonstrated in another Treatise of G. K's ) and by Christ's Death and Resurrection , to all who sincerely believe in him and obey him , that twofold Death is removed , the Death of the Soul , thrô Faith in him , and that inward quickning , and being raised with him , who is the Resurrection and the Life , now in the mortal State , but the Death of the Body at the Resurrection of the Dead , [ see this twofold Resurrection , the one of the Soul , the other of the Body , expresly mentioned , John 5. 25 , 28. I answer ; As it was that in part , so it was not only that , but all that Felicity and Happiness that should come unto them by the Coming of Christ in the Flesh , and his Death and Resurrection , to wit , the perfect Victory over Death , which is not fully obtained until the Mortal put on Immortality , and the Corruptible put on Incorruption , as it is written , So when this Corruptible shall put on Incorruption , and this Mortal shall have put on Immortality , then shall be brought to pass the Saying that is written , Death is swallowed up in Victory : keywords: bodies; body; christ; christian; clear; coming; corruptible; day; dead; death; doth; eebo; english; eyes; faith; flesh; george; god; good; great; hath; heaven; holy; jesus; judgment; keith; lord; man; mortal; new; note; paul; place; resurrection; saints; scripture; sleep; souls; tcp; text; time; true; viz; wit; world cache: A47131.xml plain text: A47131.txt item: #15 of 73 id: A47132 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: George Keith's Complaint against the Quakers: or, An answer to the Quakers complaint against George Keith humbly presented to the clergy of the Church of England. date: 1700 words: 4344 flesch: 53 summary: Quakers -- England -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800. altho' we Practice it , and get Money by it , but do it by a bare Imitation , and a meer pretended Call , which is great Presumption , yea , Superstition ; altho' we call it Christ's Ordinance , and say , It 's Commanded by Christ ; yet he hath given us no Command ; but we set up the Commandments of Men in the Room of God's Commands , like the Pharisees , as they shew in their late Sheet , entituled , The Christianity of the People called Quakers asserted by ( me ) George Keith ; and in their Book , called The Creed-Forgers detected , they shew , that I said , Tertullian was against Infant Baptism , and that we cannot ( as true it is ) give any Evidence in Church-History , that Christ commanded those Words to be used , which we use in Baptism ; and Zuinglius is against us in this Case ; and that 1 Cor. 11.23 , 24. proves no Institution of the Lord's Supper at all ; and that we , Learned Brethren , own ( as you know we do ) and acknowledge , that there is no absolute necessity of using that called the Supper , so as that none can be Saved , but such that partake of it : keywords: articles; baptism; books; brethren; characters; christ; christian; church; clergy; complaint; contrary; doctrines; early; eebo; england; english; errors; express; faith; george; god; holy; keith; late; lord; men; ministers; outward; quakers; scripture; self; sheet; supper; tcp; terms; text; thing; true; use; works; years cache: A47132.xml plain text: A47132.txt item: #16 of 73 id: A47133 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The deism of William Penn and his brethren destructive to the Christian religion, exposed and plainly laid open in the examination and refutation of his late reprinted book called, A discourse of the general rule of faith and practise and judge of controversie, wherein he contendeth that the Holy Scriptures are not the rule of faith and life, but that the light in the conscience of every man is that rule / by George Keith. date: 1699 words: 37086 flesch: 48 summary: Here observe for all his professed kindness to the Scriptures , he will not allow all the parts of Scripture , but only some parts of it , to be so much as a subordinate , secondary and declaratory Rule : though even the Ceremonial Precepts , he has as great reason to believe them to be the Words of God , and consequently a Rule of Faith , though not of Practise ( as touching the external Types ) as truly as any other parts of Scripture . That the common Illumination of the Divine Word , was to the Patriarchs , Abraham , Noah , &c. a Law , or Rule of Justice is granted ; but that it was to them a Law , or Rule of Faith , whereby they believed in the promised Messiah , is denied , for that was a special Revelation , that was the Law or Rule of that Faith , and not the common Illumination , though both common and special , were and are from the same Divine Word ; yet this hinders not their Distinction ; as all the Creatures of God have one Creator and Author of their Being ; yet this hinders not , but that the Creatures are widely distinct one from another . keywords: ages; answer; apostles; arguing; argument; assent; authority; best; book; brethren; case; certain; christ; christian; christian faith; christianity; church; common; conscience; consequence; controversie; conviction; creature; death; definition; deism; deists; dictates; discoveries; divine; doctrine; doth; english; error; eternal; evidence; extraordinary; faith; faithful; false; fundamental; general rule; god; good; grace; great; hath; hearts; high; holy; holy scriptures; holy spirit; illumination; inspiration; instrument; internal; inward; jesus; jews; john; judge; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; light; like; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; medium; men; method; mind; moral; nature; necessary; need; new; object; original; outward; page; particular; parts; peculiar; people; perfect; perfect rule; places; plain; practise; precepts; primary rule; principal; principles; prophets; proposition; quakers; question; reason; religion; remission; respect; revelation; rom; rule; salvation; saviour; saying; scriptures; secondary rule; section; seeing; self; sense; sins; special; spirit; spiritual; state; sufficient; tcp; testament; testimony; text; things; think; time; true; true rule; truth; understanding; use; viz; w.p; way; wit; words; work; world; writing; yea cache: A47133.xml plain text: A47133.txt item: #17 of 73 id: A47134 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A discovery of the mystery of iniquity & hypocrisie acting and ruling in Hugh Derborough date: 1692 words: 5403 flesch: 53 summary: 5thly , Whereas he accuseth me 〈◊〉 ; The Light within is not sufficient without some-what else , 〈◊〉 knowing in his Conscience , as well as his Associates , that by that something else I understand not humane Leârning nor the Letter of the Scripture , 〈…〉 but the Man Christ Jesus without us , in 〈◊〉 all fullness of Grace , Truth , Light and Life dwelleth , and 〈◊〉 Death and Sufferings , Resurrection , Ascention & Mediation ; all which are something else than the measure of Grace and Light in us : In this Accusation H. D. falleth in with J. Delavall , and my Answer to the one will serve sufficiently to the other . 〈◊〉 not sufficient to perfect 〈◊〉 ; Which is his gross abuse , but not my Assertion ; for I never so said , but either in his Ignorance of Hypocrisie he doth not distinguish betwixt the several Measures and Ministrations of the Light within ; for this I have said and still say , 1st : No measure of Light can save any man , either to begin or finish his Salvation , without the Man Christ Jesus , and his Death and Sufferings , and Resurrection , and Intercession for us in Heaven , without us : 2dly , The Light is sufficient in the first and succeeding Measures of it , both to begin and finish the Work of mens Salvation , but yet not the first Ministration or Operation of it ; and though the Ministrations be divers , yet keywords: books; christ; death; derborough; eebo; english; faith; false; falsly; friends; god; good; grace; great; hath; hugh; hypocrisie; hypocrites; jenings; jesus; knowledge; letter; light; like; little; lord; man; man christ; meeting; mystery; occasion; paper; salvation; saying; spirit; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; text; tho; thou; time; truth; words; work cache: A47134.xml plain text: A47134.txt item: #18 of 73 id: A47136 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Divine immediate revelation and inspiration, continued in the true church second part. In two treatises: the first being an answer to Jo. W. Bajer Doctor and Professor of Divinity, so called, at Jena in Germany, published first in Latine, and now in English. The second being an answer to George Hicks, stiled Doctor of Divinity, his sermon preached at Oxford, 1681. and printed with the title of, The spirit of enthusiasm exorcised; where this pretended exorcist is detected. Together, with some testimonies of truth, collected out of diverse ancient writers and fathers, so called. By G.K. date: 1685 words: 54105 flesch: 48 summary: That he doth acknowledge and plead for the indwelling , and inbeing of the Holy Spirit , to be altogether necessary to Christians it is well , but that he doth absolutely deny the Immediate Operation and Revelation of the indwelling Spirit of God , he doth badly ; for although that this inward teacher and Master doth frequently teach his Disciples , by means of the Scripture , shall he therefore teach them nothing by word of mouth , or his own living voice Immediately ? shall he not expound open to them what they read in the Scriptures , with his living voice ? or shall he sit and remain in them always , as one dumb ( which God forbid that we should so imagine ) speaking or saying nothing , nay not so much , as one small sentence , but what is in express words contained in the Scripture , and borrowed from them ? surely such an assertion is too rash , and without all ground from Scripture , and is most unworthy of God immortal , our most excellent Master and Pastor , yea our Bridegroom and Husband , to fain any such things of him , which no Mortal or Earthly School-Master would do to his Disciples , and if he did so , all would judge him a Fool , and unfit for such an affair ; if ( to wit , ) he should say nothing unto them , but what is contained in the Book , which they became in so many words , and which he takes out of the Book , and should speak nothing to them Immediately by word of mouth . And moreover by reading and hearing these most sweet and excellent Testimonies of Scripture , our outward man is piously and holily employed , the holy Spirit concurring , and when the words pass or extend into outward good works and deeds , then not only the tongue and ears , but the hands and feet , and whole body is duely and fitly exercised in the service of God. keywords: adversary; ages; answer; apology; apostles; assistance; augustin; author; bernard; betwixt; body; book; calleth; cap; cause; certain; chap; children; christ; christians; church; clear; cometh; common; contemplation; continued; contrary; controversie; days; desire; distinction; divine; divine inspiration; divine revelation; divine spirit; divine things; doctrine; doth; earth; end; england; english; enthusiasm; evil; excellent; exercise; extraordinary; eyes; face; faithful; false; fathers; flesh; follow; formal; general; gentiles; ghost; gifts; giveth; glory; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; hath; hearing; heart; holy scripture; holy spirit; hope; illumination; immediate; immediate revelation; influence; inspiration; inspired; intuitive; inward; iohn; jews; judge; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; law; letter; lib; life; light; like; little; living; lord; love; man; manifest; manner; master; means; measure; men; mind; ministry; miraculous; moses; mouth; moving; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; noble; object; objective; observe; old; operation; order; outward; pag; paragraph; particular; parts; paul; people; perfect; persons; place; power; prayer; praying; preached; preachers; preaching; present; primary; primitive; principal; principle; profitable; prophesie; prophets; psalm; pure; quakers; question; reader; reading; reason; religion; respect; rest; revelation; rule; said; saints; saith; salvation; saving; schools; scripture; second; seeing; seemeth; self; senses; sermon; signs; silence; silent; socrates; sort; soul; sound; speaking; spirit; spiritual; state; sun; supernatural; sweet; taught; tcp; teachers; teaching; term; testament; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; things; think; thou; thoughts; thy; time; title; tongues; treatise; true; truth; understanding; use; vertue; visible; vision; viz; want; water; way; wisdom; wit; witness; words; work; working; world; writ; writing; yea cache: A47136.xml plain text: A47136.txt item: #19 of 73 id: A47139 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems (judged by some learned men, impracticable) concerning angular sections, beginning with the geometrical trisection of any right lined angle, by plain geometry of right lines and arches of circles, with rule and compass only, with out all conick sections, and cubick æquations. Whether the following praxis, and apparent demonstration thereof doth not only make it practicable, but easie to the understanding of a tiro, who but understands a little in true geometrical learning. Which layeth a foundation of a plain method how to sect any angle into any other number of parts required, even as 4. 6. 8. 10; or uneven, as 5. 7. 9. 11. &c. As also to divide a circle into any number even, or uneven of equal parts. All which have great uses in the improvement of the mathematical sciences, some of which are here specified. Proposed and submitted to the impartial tryal and examination of the right reason of such artises, to whose hands it may come. By G.K. date: 1697 words: 5856 flesch: 67 summary: An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems (judged by some learned men, impracticable) concerning angular sections, beginning with the geometrical trisection of any right lined angle, by plain geometry of right lines and arches of circles, with rule and compass only, with out all conick sections, and cubick æquations. An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems (judged by some learned men, impracticable) concerning angular sections, beginning with the geometrical trisection of any right lined angle, by plain geometry of right lines and arches of circles, with rule and compass only, with out all conick sections, and cubick æquations. keywords: angle; apparent; arch; arches; betwixt; circle; conick; cord; degrees; demonstration; doth; eebo; elem; english; equal; extent; figure; geometrical; geometry; like; line; mathematical; measure; method; new; number; oai; parallel; parts; plain; point; praxis; problems; radius; right; second; sections; sides; straight; tcp; text; triangle; trisection; true; uneven cache: A47139.xml plain text: A47139.txt item: #20 of 73 id: A47140 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An exact narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall, the 11th of the month called June, 1696 together with the disputes and speeches there, between G. Keith and other Quakers, differing from him in some religious principles / the whole published and revised by Goerge Keith ; with an appendix containing some new passages to prove his opponents guilty of gross errors and self-contradictions. date: 1696 words: 43471 flesch: 72 summary: But so it is that I offer to prove , that G. Whitehead , and W. Penn by approving of G. Whiteheads Books , has denyed Christ both to be God and Man. And first I offer to prove that G. Whitehead in a Book of his has denyed Christ to be God , and W. Penn has owned this Book : keywords: account; adversaries; answer; apostate; appeal; appearance; argument; baptists; blame; blood; bodily; body; books; burnet; carnal; cause; censure; charge; christ; christ god; christianity; christians; church; clear; coming; concerned; confession; conscience; contradiction; contrary; day; death; desire; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; eccles; ellwood; england; english; errors; excuse; faith; faldo; false; father; flesh; forth; fox; friends; fundamental; g. k.; g. keith; g. w.; g. whitehead; george; glory; god; goldney; good; great; greater; gross; guilty; hall; hand; hath; heaven; holy; hope; human; inward; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; john; judge; judgment; justification; late; law; leave; letter; life; light; like; little; logick; london; lord; man; man christ; material; matter; meeting; men; month; mystery; narrative; nation; nature; necessary; need; new; note; notice; object; occasion; offering; opinion; outward; pag; page; paper; particular; party; passage; penn; pensilvania; people; persons; philosophy; place; plain; power; present; principles; printed; proofs; publick; quaker; reason; religion; resurrection; righteousness; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scripture; second; seed; self; sense; shed; sin; sincere; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; substance; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; thing; tho; thomas; thou; time; true; truth; type; unsound; vain; vile; viz; w. penn; want; way; whithead; william; words; work; world; writ; yearly; years cache: A47140.xml plain text: A47140.txt item: #21 of 73 id: A47141 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: An exhortation & caution to Friends concerning buying or keeping of Negroes date: 1693 words: 2578 flesch: 60 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 95821) keywords: bondage; books; characters; christ; christian; cruel; early; eebo; english; friends; gospel; keeping; liberty; lord; men; mercy; negroes; online; oppression; oxford; partnership; phase; set; slavery; slaves; stollen; tcp; tei; text; time; true cache: A47141.xml plain text: A47141.txt item: #22 of 73 id: A47142 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: George Keith's explications of divers passages contained in his former books as also his free and open retractations of sundry other passages contained in the same, which may at present suffice for a reply to the late, as well as former books of Tho. Elwood, and John Penington, published against me, in respect of the most material things. date: 1697 words: 26026 flesch: 49 summary: But I do constantly assert , ( as I have formerly asserted ) that the inward sensible Communications and Enjoyments of God and Christ , that the Saints have frequent Experience of , are not only beyond all Demonstration of words , but are oft received without all present use of words , in a deep inward silence of the Soul. II. And I call the Light of Christ , shining in the hearts of the Faithful , The Principal thing that giveth the true Knowledge of God , which if Mens minds were come to , and begot into it , their Reading [ in the Scriptures ] and other Exercises in the leadings of this , would be useful and serviceable in their place . keywords: acts; adversaries; answer; apostles; baptism; believers; betwixt; birth; blood; body; books; cause; christ; christ jesus; christians; clear; coming; correct; creature; day; death; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; end; english; errors; eternal; express; faith; faithful; flesh; free; general; gentiles; god; good; gospel; grace; great; guilty; hath; head; hearts; heaven; holy; hope; immediate; inward; jerusalem; jesus; john; judge; judgment; knowledge; late; law; life; light; like; living; lord; lost; love; man; man christ; manner; means; men; ministry; money; nature; necessary; need; new; note; outward; pag; page; particular; passages; people; places; plain; power; present; principle; printed; proper; quakers; reader; religion; respect; resurrection; revelation; said; saints; salvation; scripture; second; seed; self; sense; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; things; tho; time; true; truth; union; virtue; viz; way; words; work; world cache: A47142.xml plain text: A47142.txt item: #23 of 73 id: A47144 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A Farther account of the great divisions among the Quakers in Pensilvania, &c. as appears by another of their books lately come over from thence, intituled, Some reasons and causes of the late separation, that hath come to pass at Philadelphia, betwixt us, called by some of the seperate meeting, and others that meet apart from us : more particularly opened, to vindicate and clear us and our testimony in that repsect, viz. : that the seperation lieth at their door, and they, and not we, are justly chargeable with it : with an apology for the present publication of these things. date: 1693 words: 11020 flesch: 26 summary: And at the said Meeting , being the 26th of the 12th Month , T — having said in the Meeting , ( in Answer to a Question put to him by G.K. ) That he had not learned that Lesson , whether the Body of Christ that was nailed to the Cross , crucified , buried , rose and ascended , &c. was the Godhead , or somewhat that Christ took of the Virgin. But whereas some from this would infer , as if G. K. denied any positive Power of Judgment to a true Church , or Meeting of true Christians , met together in the Name of Christ , where he is present in the midst of them . keywords: account; away; believe; body; books; brethren; cause; charge; christ; christian; church; consent; contrary; day; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; errors; faith; faithful; friends; g. k.; god; good; great; guilty; hath; holy; ignorance; jesus; john; judgment; late; light; lord; man; matter; meeting; ministry; monthly; monthly meeting; nature; necessary; paper; people; philadelphia; power; present; principles; publick; quakers; quarterly; quarterly meeting; reason; said; separation; seperate; society; sound; spirit; tcp; testimony; text; things; thomas; time; true; truth; words; work; world cache: A47144.xml plain text: A47144.txt item: #24 of 73 id: A47145 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: George Keith's Fourth narrative of his proceedings at Turners-hall divided into three parts : detecting the Quakers gross errors, vile heresies, and antichristian principles, oppugning the fundamentals of Christianity, by clear and evident proofs (in above two hundred and fifty quotations) faithfully taken out of their books, and read at three several meetings, the 11th, the 18th, and 23d of Jan., 1699 before a great auditory of judicious persons, ministers, and others, more particularly discovering the fallacious and sophistical defences of George Whitehead, Joseph Wyeth, and seven Quakers of Colchester, in their late books on all the several heads contained in the printed advertisement : to which is prefix'd, the attestation of five ministers of the Church of England, to the truth of the said quotations, and a postcript [sic] / by George Keith. date: 1700 words: 78891 flesch: 61 summary: Now observe , whereas G. F. brings C. Wade , crying against Equality with the Father , we see by the Quotation given , what Equality with the Father C. VVade cries against , to wit , not the Equality of Christ , the only begotten of God , with the Father , for that he expresly affirms by saying , That Christ , God's only begotten Son , is the Creator of all things ; but the Equality that C. Wade cryed against , was the Equality of G. Fox , and Creature adopted Sons with the Father , and for his so saying , G. Fox makes him to have contradicted the Apostle , and also the Assembly of Divines at Westminster , and judged both himself and them . Note , Here we see the Force of G. VV's Argument against Christ the Word , being God , Co-creator with the Father , is , that it would infer the Father and the Son to be Co-workers , and consequently two Gods. keywords: 4to; account; act; acts; adam; allegory; answer; apostles; argument; atonement; authority; away; baptism; beginning; begotten; believers; betwixt; birth; blessed; blood; bodies; body; books; brethren; call'd; carnal; cast; cause; charge; child; children; christ; christianity; christians; church; colchester; coming; common; contrary; controversie; creature; crucified; day; dead; death; defence; devil; discerning; discovery; distinction; divine; divinity; doctrine; doth; earth; earthly; effect; end; england; equal; equality; errors; eternal; eternity; everlasting; evident; example; excuse; fallacy; false; father; figure; flesh; following; foundation; fox; g. f.; g. fox; g. m.; g. vv; g. w.; george; ghost; glory; god; godhead; good; gospel; great; greater; gross; hand; hath; hearts; heaven; heavenly; hold; holy; hope; humane; humanity; ignorant; image; infallibility; infallible; infinite; inward; jerusalem; jesus christ; john; jos; judge; judgment; justification; justified; know; lamb; late; law; letter; life; light; like; little; london; lord; m. p.; man; man christ; manifestation; manner; mary; material; means; measure; meer; meeting; men; merit; meritorious; ministers; mistery; narrative; natural; nature; necessary; new; note; object; offering; old; opponent; opposition; outward; pag; page; paper; passage; paul; penn; people; perfection; person; place; plain; power; preaching; present; pretended; principles; proofs; prophets; proved; quakers; question; quotations; read; real; reason; reasonable; redemption; remission; respect; resurrection; righteousness; rom; rule; sacrifice; said; saints; saith; saith g.; salvation; saying; scripture; second; seed; seed christ; self; sense; shed; sin; sinful; sinless; sins; snake; son; soul; speaking; spirit; spiritual; state; stature; subject; substance; sufferings; supper; switch; teachers; terms; thee; thing; thou; time; true; true christ; truth; value; vile; virgin; viz; w. p.; wade; way; whitehead; wicked; wisdom; witness; woman; word; works; worship; writ; wyeth; yea; year cache: A47145.xml plain text: A47145.txt item: #25 of 73 id: A47146 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The fundamental truths of Christianity briefly hinted at by way of question and answer : to which is added a treatise of prayer in the same method / by George Keith. date: 1688 words: 32066 flesch: 47 summary: And seeing the substance of Prayer consists in the Souls desire after God , so as to be joined and united unto him , and be refreshed with his Love and Divine Influences of his Life ; and to partake more abundantly of his Spirit ; and to taste and feed upon his living Word , which is the same to the Soul that Bread and Meat , and Drink , o● any most comfortable thing is unto the Body ; and that the Souls desire after those Heavenly and Divine Enjoyments , is enlarged in and by true Prayer : this , as it were , both gives and encreases the Souls appetite after God , and prepares the Soul for the enjoyment of him , by raising it on high , above all worldly things and the desires thereof ; and accordingly Damascen and Augustine did well describe Prayer to be the ascent or lifting up of the mind unto God. For seeing the substance of Prayer consisteth in the Souls desire after God , and that desire may be in the Soul without words , so much as conceived ; even as a natural desire after Meat or Drink , may be in us without words , therefore there is a Praver that may be in the Heart or Spirit of Man , without words , so much as inwardly conceived ; the which Prayer is oft times the most effectual and permanent , for it may remain continually in the Soul , without any intermission , as it doth in every good man ; by which Prayer he doth pray continually , or without ceasing , as the Scripture requireth ; for the Souls desire after God , may remain a constant and perpetual thing , by which it continually prefleth after God , as the stone continually inclineth to the center ; or as the Needle of the Compass , that is well touched with the Load-stone , and hath drunk in , or received the magnetical virtue thereof , continually pointeth Northward ; and if it be at any time diverted by any violent motion , it ceaseth not until it hath arrived at its former station : And thus it is with the soul that is effectually touched with Gods living Arm and Power , that its desire is continually after him ; and that desire causeth in it a continual motion towards him , and to his holy and blessed will to know and perform it . keywords: affections; alwaies; answer; apostles; assistance; bare; betwixt; body; book; bring; case; children; christ; christians; church; contrary; day; desire; discourse; divine; doth; earth; end; example; excite; exercise; express; extemporary; faculties; faith; faithful; false; father; forms; fruitful; general; gift; god; good; good words; grace; great; ground; hath; hearers; hearing; heart; heavenly; help; holy spirit; immediate; inspiration; inward; kind; law; liberty; life; light; like; limit; little; living; long; lord; love; man; manner; matter; means; measure; meditation; memory; men; mind; moses; mouth; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; number; old; order; outward; passive; people; place; powers; prayer; praying; preaching; present; principle; private; prophets; publick; read; reading; real; reason; respect; revelation; said; scripture; scripture words; seeing; self; sense; servants; service; set; short; soul; speech; spirit; spiritual; spring; tcp; temporal; tempore; text; things; thoughts; thy; time; true; true prayer; truth; understanding; unto; use; uttered; vertue; want; way; wisdom; words; work; worldly; worship; yea cache: A47146.xml plain text: A47146.txt item: #26 of 73 id: A47147 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A further discovery of the spirit of falshood & persecution in Sam. Jennings, and his party that joyned with him in Pensilvania, and some abettors that cloak and defend him here in England in answer to his scandalous book, called, The state of the case. date: 1694 words: 31889 flesch: 54 summary: He falsly accuseth my printed Treatise , called , The Plea of the Lu●●cent , and so doth his Party ( see his book , page 20. ) to be a furious condemntion against them . ●●ccording to his Observation . keywords: affirm; america; answer; appeal; argument; assertion; betwixt; blood; book; breach; case; charge; christ; christian; church; clear; common; complaint; conscience; contrary; credit; day; death; deceit; defence; divers; doth; england; english; error; evidence; faith; faithful; false; falshood; falsly; friends; general; god; good; government; great; gross; guilty; hard; hath; holy; honest; house; ignorant; impartial; injustice; innocent; jennings; john; judge; judgment; knoweth; knowledge; known; law; letter; liberty; life; light; like; little; lloid; london; long; lord; love; magistracy; magistrates; man; mankind; matter; means; meeting; monthly; necessary; need; new; notice; occasion; offence; order; outward; page; paper; particular; party; pensilvania; people; persecution; persons; perversion; philadelphia; place; power; present; pride; principle; print; printing; prison; proceedings; profession; proof; publick; quakers; question; reader; reason; reviling; s. j.; said; sake; salvation; sam; saying; scandalous; scripture; separation; shame; shew; sins; spirit; suffering; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; thing; tho; thomas; time; true; truth; tryal; vile; viz; way; witness; words; work; world; writ; yearly; yearly meeting; ● ● cache: A47147.xml plain text: A47147.txt item: #27 of 73 id: A47148 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A general epistle to Friends by way of caution to take heed to the light, that they may be preserved from that lazy, idle spirit that veils the life. date: 1671 words: 3678 flesch: 45 summary: And you know Friends , tha● when words are uttered frōm the Life and spirit of God , then they refresh the Seed and Birth of God in all , both hearers and speakers ; but when words are uttered from a contrary Life and Spirit , yea , though true and good words , they deaden and burt the Seed of God , but they stir up and refresh the bad seed , the seed of the evil-doers , that is for judgement ; and many times the effects of those idle and frivolous discourses , which Men and Women beget one another into , by answering one another , is that the light , aery , frothy , vain , wanton spirit that wearieth of the Cross , and is not subject to it , is railed up and strengthened in them , but that which is tender , meek , sober , and breathes for righteousness , is choaked , burthened , and deadned . So let all concerned take warning , and let the watchful be encourrged to be more watchful still , that ye may grow up as trees of righ●eonsness , leaving all the badness and unsavouryness in the world behind you , and treading it under foot , that a good savour in all things you may be to the glory of God , and let all your words be savoury and seasoned with salt , even when you speak of natural things , and go about your business and occasions , in your Families , Fields and Market-places , and keep out of all unnecessary words as may be , which the wisdom of Tru●h will teach you , if you you apply to it , it will teach you to number your words as well as your dayes , and it will teach you to bring both your words in number , measure and in weight , and so you shall be kept from running out into either lightness or excess in your words , And all Friends , sh●w forth the true and living Image of the noble Life and Spirit of Christ Jesus in all your conversation , and put away all that is ignoble , nasty and unsuitable to Truth , which becomes not saints ; all the worlds ignoble and unvirtuous sayings , words and proverbs reject and forget them , let your speech be like unto the Saints , and not the World , even in the meanest things when you are together ; in your eating , drinking and meeting together and parting asunder from one another , and naming one another , or calling upon one another in all these things , the world hath his corrupt wayes and customs , which savour not of a noble and virtuous spirit , as the corrupting of men and womens Names , as with respect of persons , for Iohn to say Ionie , for Iames to Iamie , and the like ; which has not a good Savour , but savours of that corrupting Spirit which spoiles and corrupts all things . keywords: antichrist; books; characters; christ; contrary; corrupt; cross; dear; early; eebo; english; evil; friends; general; god; good; hypocritical; idle; image; jesus; lazy; life; light; lord; men; mind; power; savour; seed; spirit; tcp; tei; text; things; true; truth; wayes; words; work; world cache: A47148.xml plain text: A47148.txt item: #28 of 73 id: A47149 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Gross error and hypocrisie detected in George Whitehead and some of his brethern as doth appear from the disingenuous and hypocritical answer he and some others have given to some queries sent to the last Yearly Meeting of the people call'd Quakers, in the third month, 1695, by comparing the said answer with the printed books of the said George Whitehead, William Pemn, and John Whitehead, leading men in the said Meeting, wherein the great inconistency and contradiction of their present late answer to the express words and sentiments of their printed books is discovered : with a further account of their vile and pernicious errours / by George Keith. date: 1695 words: 14691 flesch: 58 summary: And not only this ▪ But that you construe likewise those Scriptures which testifie of our Lord Jesus Christ , in this Allegorical manner , to mean no more than what you call the Light within ; and that this Christ , or Light , is Born , and Crucified , Died , is Buried , Rises again , Ascends , and is Glorify'd within you , that it sheds its Blood within you , and thereby quenches the Wrath of God in you , as your Sacrifice or Propitiation ; and that Christ has now no other Blood or Body , than what he has within his Saint , or others than he had with his Father before the World began . Christ's Blood that was shed without the Gates of Jerusalem , together with the whole Sacrifice of Himself both of Soul and Body , was a true Propitiation and Atonement for Man's Reconciliation and Peace with God , for Remission of Sins , through a living Faith , and true Repentance ( in his Name ) given and wronght by his Spirit and Word of Power in Mens Hearts , whose sincere Obedience to Christ , and walking in his Light being required of them , in order to experience Christ , the Author of their Eternal Salvation , and to wash them from their Sins in his own Blood ; for without this true Faith , Repentance and Obedience to Christ Jesus , Men lose and forfeit the great Benefit of Christ's Sufferings , and deprive themselves of that Eternal Redemption and Salvation which he hath thereby obtained for Us , tho' he dy'd for all Men , tasted Death for every Man , and gave himself a Ransom for all , to be testify'd of in due Time , being a true Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World. keywords: answer; blood; bodies; body; book; burnet; call'd; christ; christian; clouds; coming; contrary; day; dead; doctrine; doth; earth; english; errors; faith; false; flesh; george; george whitehead; god; great; gross; hath; heaven; holy; inward; jerusalem; jesus; jesus christ; john; judge; late; life; light; like; man; meeting; men; note; object; outward; page; penn; people; personal; place; plain; proper; publick; quakers; queries; resurrection; rom; sacrifice; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scripture; sentiments; sincere; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; substance; suffer'd; tcp; terrestrial; text; thing; time; true; truth; type; vile; viz; whitehead; william; words; work; world; yearly cache: A47149.xml plain text: A47149.txt item: #29 of 73 id: A47150 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Help in time of need from the God of help to the people of the (so called) Church of Scotland, especially the once more zealous and professing, who have so shamefully degenerated and declined from that which their fathers the primitive Protestants attained unto ... / writ by George Keith, prisoner for the truth in Aberdeen in the latter end of the year 1664. date: 1665 words: 37833 flesch: -16 summary: Kirk of Scotland in which I was bred with them , and had my beginning in the way of Godliness ; I know very well , as things now stands with you , yee may think so , of what I have said , as also that it may be , yee would rather have expected some account of the grounds , moving me to , and the advantages that I either looked for , or have found by such a thing : Now to speak shortly a word to this , I trust for it , yea , I am not without hope in it , that the day is coming ( and frequently have I sought it of the Lord on your behalf ) when ye shall so come to see the truth of what I say , and the necessity that ( on your account ) was on me for it , as that ye shall willingly acknowledge , that it was the greatest evidence of my dear and tender love in the Lord to you , which next to his glory led me to it , and that otherwise I should have been wanting of the expression of that true and sincere love which still I have unto you , as to the advantages I have found , which might be also offered , as the reasons whereby I was moved of the Lord , to make that so strange a change as yee account it , in owning these despised people called Quakers : I need say but little , if what is in this and the following Papers be well considered of , and I know it is my place to lie low in the fear of the Lord , and to speak but little as to advantages , or any progress that I have made ; and I acknowledge no man hath more matter so to do , yet in this case I may not be silent , but must in the fear of the Lord , give this my Testimony to the pretious people , and the truths of God asserted by them , that they do truely and really , both profess and practice the new and living way in which holiness ( by mortification and subduing a body of sin and death is attained , and have indeed come to the discovery of these things , even the life and power , which throughout the dark night of Apostacy hath lyen much hid , and hath been but very little felt , or known ; yet such is the goodness of God to that pretious people , count of them , and call them what yee will , the true power and life of holiness is more truly known to them , and eminently holden forth by them , then by any people else that have come forth since the Apostles dayes , and a greater measure do they yet wait for , and as they are faithful , it will be multiplied on them ; for the presence of the Lord is with them , and all their opposers must fall before them . Oh how are yee fallen , and become a hissing and reproach to all round about you , and the enemy hath gotten this advantage over you , saying , ah so would we have it , this is the day we looked for , and it is come , is this the royal and magnificent City which gave her self forth to be the praise of the whole earth , and a dread and terrour to her enemies round about , let our eye look upon her , for she is become defiled , she is become as one of us ; how is the stately City fallen ! how is her glory defaced ! how is her bulwarks and walls broken down , who boasted in the strength of them , as if the gates of Hell could never have prevailed against her : Oh how have yee given occasion to the enemy to revile and reproach you , and the living truth of the living God , by and through you hath suffered also , and the name of God hath been exceedingly dishonoured , and blasphem'd , and many hath been tempted in their hearts by your miscarriage to think all Religion a mockery and delusion : And Oh how have yee quite lost and fallen from that simplicity and honesty that was in your forefathers , and in some of your selves also in the time of your infancy and poverty , but now yee are grown up , and become wise and rich , lacking nothing but having all ; Oh were not your thoughts of your Reformation such as nothing could have been added thereto , but as if the topstone had been put thereupon , and the frame and building had become intire ; but alass , alass , what shall I compare you to , but even to Laodicea , whose thoughts where such of her self , and yet she was poor and miserable , and naked , and wanted the eye salve , which is the light which yee also want , and you are become lukewarm , neither hot nor cold , and are near to be spewed out , as many of you are already ; Oh how is your Gold turned into brass , and your silver become dross , and your wine become water ; how are your Nazarites that were white as snow , and pure as wool become black as Charcoal ; how is your Glory turn'd into shame , your strength into weakness , your zeal into a cold neutrality , concerning the cause and work of God , but in so far as ye are persecuting his witnesses , only because they are more righteous then your selves , and there is scarce one to be found among you all to day , bearing a sutable testimony for God , according to your own very principles , and ye have not the hearts to suffer for that which ye formerly caused others to suffer for by you , who would not go along with you in that which ye called the cause of God , and the interest and concernment of Jesus Christ. keywords: able; answer; antichrist; apostacy; appearance; authority; babylon; bear; bishops; blessed; body; book; building; called; carnal; cause; chast; children; christ; church; coming; consciences; covenant; cross; cry; cup; darkness; day; dayes; dead; dear; desire; earth; enemies; eternal; evil; eye; faith; fall; false; fathers; fear; fellowship; flesh; fore; foundation; friends; george; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; great; hands; hath; head; hearts; heaven; hold; holy; house; humane; immediate; iohn; jesus; judge; judgment; kingdom; knowledge; known; late; learning; let; letter; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lord god; love; man; manner; mans; matter; measure; men; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; nation; need; new; old; open; order; papists; particulars; paul; people; perfect; place; poor; popish; power; practice; praise; prayer; priests; primitive; principles; promise; protestants; pure; quakers; reformation; reformers; religion; revelation; righteous; righteousness; rock; saints; scotland; scriptures; seed; self; selves; service; set; souls; spirit; spiritual; stand; stone; sufferings; sweet; tcp; teachers; teachings; tender; testimony; text; thee; thereto; things; thou; throne; time; true; truth; vain; water; way; whatsoever; whereof; wine; wisdom; witness; word; work; worship; writ; yea; years; yee; zeal cache: A47150.xml plain text: A47150.txt item: #30 of 73 id: A47151 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The heresie and hatred which was falsly charged upon the innocent justly returned upon the guilty giving some brief and impartial account of the most material passages of a late dispute in writing that hath passed at Philadelphia betwixt John Delavall and George Keith : with some intermixt remarks and observations on the whole. date: 1693 words: 10121 flesch: 49 summary: but this Assertion excludes wholly the Person of Christ , both the body , and Fullness of Light , Grace and Truth that dwelleth in him , and his Death and Sufferings , &c. all which are somwhat else , i. e some-what other , or beside , or more , than the measure of Light in us , tho' Christ within and without is still but one Christ . That the Light within is not sufficient without something else ; that something else being the Man Christ Jesus , and his Obedience , Death and Sufferings , Resurrection , Ascention and Mediation for us in Heaven , doth no wise infer the Light its being not sufficient ; and for J. D. to think it doth so infer , proceedeth from either his great Weakness or Inadvertency , not considering the Signification of such or the like enunciative Propositions , giving divers full Examples , and particularly he that saith , Man is not sufficient without the Grace of God , to work out his Salvation , doth not deny man to be sufficient or able to do it , with and by the help of Gods Grace ; and therefore , he who saith , the Grace of Christ or Light within is not sufficient to save us without the Man Christ , doth not deny the Grace and Light of Christ is sufficient , together with him . keywords: answer; betwixt; books; christ; christ jesus; common; contradictory; death; delavall; dispute; doctrine; doth; english; faith; friends; fullness; fundamental; george; god; gospel; grace; guilty; hath; hatred; heresie; hold; inseperable; j. d.; jesus; john; keith; light; man; man christ; measure; meeting; object; pag; paper; particular; present; publick; quakers; reason; said; salvation; saying; scripture; second; state; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; thing; tho; true; viz; way; words cache: A47151.xml plain text: A47151.txt item: #31 of 73 id: A47152 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Immediate revelation, or, Jesus Christ the eternall Son of God revealed in man and revealing the knowledge of God and the things of his kingdom immediately : or, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of promise, the spirit of prophecy poured forth and inspiring man and induing him with power from on high ... not ceased, but remaining a standing and perpetual ordinance in the Church of Christ and being of indispensible necessity as to the whole body in general ... / writ by George Keith, prisoner of the truth in the Tolbooth of Aberdein, the 29th of the third moneth, 1665. date: 1668 words: 60749 flesch: 36 summary: And now as I have demonstrated , how that by the Revelation of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in Man , he only can know God and the things of his Kingdom , and the Scriptures with their interpretation : so I am to show , that hereby can man only know himself , and the state he stands in before God , whether Justified , or Condemned ; without this , he can have no true , nor infallible assurance of Gods love and favour : That there is such a thing attainable to every Believer , and necessary for him to know , as to his comfortable walking with God , the Scriptures manifestly declare , and it 's generally acknowledged , it 's to become to , and sought after , and therefore , I shall not insist on the proveing of it being granted , only the way how it is attained ; that is it I plead for , That it is only by the Immediate Revelation of the Spirit of Christ , Justifying the man in his heart ; He is near that Iustifyeth , saith the Prophet , so near that he is in him , and justifieth him in his conscience , and without this , man can never have true assurance , till God justifieth him ; mans justification , or words only spoke without , can do nothing ) so that a real object , or objects , are immediately by the Lord set before the mind of man , which he seeth and perceiveth , when they are presented , and when not , as my outward eye seeth when it is light , or dark , or what is presented in the light , and when it is presented , and when it is taken away out of my sight , that which is given from Gods spirit unto mans mind , upon the part of the subject , by way of any help or assistance to enable it to know , and understand the things of God , as they are presented under , in or by , or through the scriptures , the Schoolmen call it medium incognitum assentiendi , an unknown midst of knowing or assenting , it helps me to know , but I know not it self , in it self , it is not the very object ( say they ) of my knowledge , and if it be not the very immediate object of my knowledge , it is not known , but a hid unknown thing , and so according to them , the help of Gods spirit , his influence , his concurrence , & coeoperation , his motion , and praemotion , his lightnings and quicknings , and breathings , and all his other communications and working , and works in mans mind , are things wholy sealed , hid , shut up , vailed from , and unknown to the mind in whom they are , it hath no immediate feeling or perception of them , or immediate knowledge of them more then a tree that grows in the field , and is influenced with the light and warmth of the Sun , and watered with the rain and dew from heaven , but the tree , having only the light of vegetation , but not the life of sensation knows not , what influenceth , or watereth it , sees not that glorious heavens that so bountifully powreth down its influences on it , nor hath it any sensible taste or relish of the water that falls on it , & wch it drinks in , for its nourishment , and so knows not ( to speak properly ) when it is watered , and when not , when the Sun goes down , and when it rises . keywords: able; affirm; aforesaid; answer; apostles; appearance; argument; assurance; beauty; begetting; beginning; begot; believer; best; betwixt; birth; blessed; blind; body; book; calls; capable; carnal; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; church; city; clear; cometh; comfort; coming; contrary; cor; covenant; creation; darkness; day; dayes; dead; death; desire; discerning; dispensation; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; earthly; end; ephes; eternal; evil; experience; eye; face; faith; fall; false; father; fear; feeling; fellowship; felt; flesh; form; foundation; fountain; fruits; general; ghost; gift; giveth; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; great; ground; hand; hath; hearing; heart; heavenly; hid; hold; holy; holy spirit; house; iews; image; immediate; impossible; infallible; inspiration; inspired; inward; iohn; isa; jesus; jesus christ; joy; judgement; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; letter; life; light; like; little; living; lord; lost; love; man; manifest; manifestation; manner; mans; measure; men; mercy; midst; mind; ministers; ministration; ministry; moses; mouth; natural; nature; necessary; new; object; objective; old; open; outward; parte; particular; past; paul; peace; people; perfect; plain; points; poor; power; principle; priviledge; promise; prophecy; prophets; prov; pure; read; reason; report; rest; revealing; revelation; righteousness; rom; rule; saints; salvation; scripture; seed; seeing; self; sences; sensible; set; short; sin; son; soul; sound; speaking; spirit; spiritual; spoke; state; stone; substance; substantial; sufficient; sun; supernatural; sweet; taste; tcp; teachers; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tree; true; truth; turn; understanding; unto; use; vail; ver; vertue; vessel; voice; water; way; wine; wisdom; witness; word; works; worship; wrath; writ; yea cache: A47152.xml plain text: A47152.txt item: #32 of 73 id: A47155 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A just vindication of my earnest expostulation, added to my book, called The Antichrists and Sadduces detected, &c. directed to the pious and learned, in the Church of England, and among the dissenters, against the trifling exceptions of Edward Pennington, which he calls Some observations, etc. date: 1696 words: 4978 flesch: 58 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Early English books online. keywords: answer; authority; bishops; books; characters; charge; christ; christian; church; civil; clear; dissenters; divers; early; edward; eebo; england; english; errors; expostulation; false; god; great; hard; head; images; judge; like; man; meetings; men; opinion; papists; pious; professions; publick; quakers; tcp; tei; text; time; true; vile; viz; work; worse cache: A47155.xml plain text: A47155.txt item: #33 of 73 id: A47156 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The light of truth triumphing over darkness and ignorance, error and envy manifested in Robert Gordoun's late pretended testimony to the true Saviour : wherein every one whose eye is open may see his seat, and who have salt in themselves may favour his words, work and spirit and discern his deceitful dealing by smitting the innocent in secret, yet not with that subtilty which is able to cover in this day wherein light is manifesting the works of darkness : so, the Devil was here deficient but envy slays the foolish man : given forth in the 2 moneth 1670 / by George Keith, & G. White-head. date: 1670 words: 19474 flesch: 50 summary: Al●h●ugh in the day● of Isaiah ▪ Ch●ist was not 〈◊〉 come in our flesh , y●t the prop●●● spe●ks ●f ●t , as a 〈◊〉 al●eady done it being so i● the purpose of God and so why 〈…〉 said that 〈◊〉 speak● of being reconcil'd after this manner , it being so in the purpose of God , to reconcile them , fully unto him , not as they remain in enmity to him , but turned from it and so become friends and love●s of him , and we do willingly acknowledge , the full and perfect Redemption , was in Christ , while we were enemies , yet we did not receive it , while we continued enemies , but now since we believed , and were turned to him ▪ in our hearts , we have received it , as said the Apostle , by whom we have now received the attonement , or reconciliation , so mark the word [ 〈◊〉 ] we have now received the reconciliation , now since we believed , and were turned to him in our hearts , but not before . R●deemer is still one and not divided , there ●re not two Christs , one without , 〈◊〉 of the Virgi● Mary , and another within , formed within , but it is one and the same Lord Iesus Christ ▪ who in the fulness of time , took upon him , the form of ● servant , and was found in the true form of a Man born of the Virgin Mary , who was also in the beginning with God , and was the Gift of the Fathers love unto man , from the begi●ning , to be in them , and unto them Light and Life to enlighten ●nd quicken them unto God. keywords: adam; answer; apostle; art; believe; blood; body; book; christ; coming; confusion; conscience; contradiction; contrary; covenant; crucified; darkness; day; death; divine; doctrine; doth; end; enmity; evidence; faith; flesh; form; god; good; hast; hath; head; heart; holy; inward; jesus; jesus christ; justification; law; life; light; lord; love; man; man christ; manifest; measure; men; moses; mystery; nature; new; obedience; observation; old; onely; operation; outward; pag; page; people; perfect; place; power; principle; quakers; r. g.; reason; reconciliation; redeemer; redemption; respect; righteousness; salvation; saviour; scripture; seed; self; serpents; set; sin; sins; son; soul; spirit; spiritual; sufferings; tcp; testimony; text; th ●; thee; things; thou; thy; time; true; true christ; true light; truth; u ●; unto; viz; way; wit; words; work; world; wrath; wrought; yea; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● h; ● ion; ● l; ● n; ● o; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A47156.xml plain text: A47156.txt item: #34 of 73 id: A47158 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations Wherein they may see, who are true Protestants, and who are degenerated and gone from the testimony and doctrine of the antient Protestants. And hereby it is made to appear, that the people, called in derision Quakers, are true (yea the truest) Protestants, because their testimony agreeth with the testimony of the antient Protestants in the most weighty things wherein the Lord called them forth in that day. Particularly, with the testimony and doctrine of William Tindal, who is called a worthy martyr, and principal teacher of the Church of England;faithfully collected out of his works. By George Keith. date: 1674 words: 6240 flesch: 65 summary: And with Jonas let them that wait on Vanities , and seek God here and there , and in every Temple , save in their hearts : go and seek thou the Testament of God in thy heatt ; sor in thy heart is the word of the Law , and in thine heart is the word of Faith in the promises of Mercy in Jesus Christ ; so that if thou confess with a repenting heart , and knowledge ; and surely believe that Jesus is Lord over all sin , So now with an Historical Faith , I may believe that the Scripture is Gods , by the teaching of them , and so I should have done , though they had told me that Robinhood had been the Scripture of God , which Faith is but an Opinion , and therefore abideth ever fruitless , and falleth away , if a more glorious reason be made unto me , or if the Preacher live contrary . keywords: answer; antient; books; chap; christ; concerning; day; derision; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; faith; favour; feeling; fire; george; god; gods; good; grace; hath; heart; inward; law; life; lord; man; martyr; men; nay; outward; people; protestants; quakers; righteous; scripture; spirit; tcp; testimony; text; things; thou; tindal; true; truth; william; word; works; yea cache: A47158.xml plain text: A47158.txt item: #35 of 73 id: A47159 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: More divisions amongst the Quakers as appears by the following books of their own writing, viz. I. The Christian faith of New-England Quakers condemn'd by a meeting of Pensilvanian Quakers. II. The false judgment of a yearly meeting of Quakers in Maryland, condemn'd by George Keith, Thomas Budd, &c. all Quakers : to which is added, A discovery of this mystery of iniquity / by George Keith. date: 1693 words: 11739 flesch: 48 summary: This is falsly charged upon us , as many other things in his Papers ; for though we believe and say , that some things declared in Scripture , we should have known , if they had not been writ , as that there is a God , the Creator and Lord of Heaven and Earth , that requireth us and all men , by his Law and Light in us ▪ to live soberly and righteously , and to fear , love and worship him , and divers other general things , of great use and service to men , according to Paul's Doctrine ; For the invisible things of God , even his eternal Power and Godhead are clearly seen , being understood by the things that are made , so that they are without excuse ; for what is to be known of God is manifest in them ; yet the peculiar Doctrines and Mysteries of the Christian Faith , as that Christ should be born of a Virgin , die for our sins , and rise again , and that he is both God and Man , and many other the like peculiar Mysteries of the Christian Faith , we do acknowledge , and have always acknowledged , That the Doctrine of the holy Scriptures , as outwardly preached to us by holy Men , or as read by us in the holy Scriptures , or having outwardly heard these things , have been instrumental , by and together with the immediate working of the Spirit of God , to beget in us the Knowledge and Faith of them , and we desire to bless God for the benefit of the holy Scriptures given us , being able to make us wise unto Salvation , through Faith in Christ Jesus ; but that we prefer the Spirit to the Letter , we are not ashamed to own before all men , and that God and Christ and the Spirit , whom they testifie of , are above the Scriptures , and greater than they , we do freely acknowledge ; for all outward Testimonies , Means , Instruments and Helps , such as the holy Scriptures , and all outward Preaching , and Men , and Books , are but Servants to God and Christ , but God and Christ are Lord , and Master , and King over all , to whom be Glory and Honour forever and ever . And as to the final state of all honest and conscientious Gentiles , who have not had Christ outwardly preached unto them either by the Ministry of Men or the holy Scriptures , it sufficeth us to believe that God is not wanting to them , and it is one God , who is the God both of Christians and Gentiles , and who shall justifie the Circumcision by Faith , and the Uncircumcision through Faith , Rom. 3.30 . and it is no greater , nor other difficulty to understand how honest and conscientious Gentiles can be saved by Christ Jesus of Nazareth , than how Infants , and deaf and dumb Persons , so born , can be saved , which our Adversaries generally acknowledge , and therefore they can have no advantage against us in that respect . keywords: account; body; books; brethren; christ; christ jesus; christians; day; dead; death; doctrine; doth; eebo; england; english; faith; faithful; false; falsly; friends; g.k; george; god; grace; great; hath; heaven; holy; hypocrites; jesus; john; judge; judgment; keith; knowledge; letter; light; like; london; lord; man; man christ; maryland; meeting; month; mystery; necessary; outward; paper; people; principle; quakers; resurrection; said; salvation; saying; scripture; sence; sins; spirit; sufferings; sufficient; tcp; text; things; thomas; time; true; true faith; truth; viz; words; work; world; yearly cache: A47159.xml plain text: A47159.txt item: #36 of 73 id: A47160 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day / by George Keith. date: 1700 words: 7174 flesch: 70 summary: A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day / by George Keith. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1288:3) A narrative of the proceedings of George Keith at Coopers-Hall in the city of Bristol, the 14th day of August 1700, in detecting the errors of Benjamin Cool, and his brethren the Quakers at Bristol which were read before a great auditory of ministers and other citizens and inhabitants : and divers other memorable passages between him and the Quakers at Bristol, particularly a dialogue at Coopers-Hall between a Quaker cobler and G. Keith, and another dialogue between some Quakers and G. Keith at B. Cool's house in Bristol : together with some of the chiefest Quotations out of the books of B. Cool and W. Penn, read at the same place, the same day / by George Keith. keywords: b. cool; bedford; books; brethren; bristol; christ; christian; church; city; cool; coopers; dispute; england; error; faith; false; g. keith; general; george; god; great; hall; harford; hath; house; keith; life; light; man; meeting; men; page; penn; perfect; quakers; quotations; rule; said; scripture; sins; sophistry; tcp; text; thou; true cache: A47160.xml plain text: A47160.txt item: #37 of 73 id: A47161 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: New England's spirit of persecution transmitted to Pennsilvania, and the pretended Quaker found persecuting the true Christian-Quaker in the tryal of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, at the sessions held at Philadelphia the nineth, tenth and twelfth days of December, 1692 : giving an account of the most arbitrary procedure of that court. date: 1693 words: 18118 flesch: 59 summary: Jening● as a Magistrate , Peter Boss greatly pressed to have his said Letter read , which after some time was done , th● with great Impatience . Has J. S. ever been dealt 〈◊〉 or his many Enormo●s palpable gross Miscarriages chargeable upon him , his Greatness and Pride so Insolent and Lo●ty , none dared to touch him ? and for his abuses to a poor VVorm , who w●it to him for Justice and Satisfaction , could have no answer of said Letter ; and being discontented to ●ear him preach to an A●ditory , knowing his Life to be Vnsavoury , and an Vnjust Judge . keywords: account; act; advantage; answer; appeal; arthur; attorney; bench; books; boss; bradford; budd; care; case; christ; christian; church; clark; comb; contrary; cook; copy; country; court; day; eebo; england; english; evidence; fit; fox; frame; g. k.; george; god; good; government; governour; grand; great; guilty; hands; hath; high; imperious; impudent; james; jenings; john; judge; judgment; jury; justice; keith; king; law; laws; letter; like; lisence; little; lloyd; magistrate; man; manner; matter; meeting; men; month; new; note; ordinary; paper; people; persons; peter; philadelphia; place; poor; pound; power; present; presentment; private; proceedings; province; publick; quakers; rascal; read; said; sam; samuell; saying; seditious; sessions; set; slocum; spirit; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; thy; time; true; tryal; viz; white; william; words; work; ● ● cache: A47161.xml plain text: A47161.txt item: #38 of 73 id: A47162 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The plea of the innocent against the false judgment of the guilty being a vindication of George Keith and his friends, who are joyned with him in this present testimony, from the false judgment, calumnies, false informations and defamations of Samuell Jenings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, and others joyned with them, being in number twenty eight : directed by way of epistle to faithful friends of truth in Pennsilvania, East and West-Jersey, and else-where, as occasion requireth. date: 1692 words: 12670 flesch: 37 summary: And for the Hard Words they alledge he used to call some of them , as Fools , Ignorant Heathens , Inf●els , Silly So●ls , Lyars , Hereticks , Rotten Ranters , Muggl●tonians , &c. G. K. saith , and that in the uprightness of heart , that he never gave such Names to any of them , but to such as he can prove did deserve them ; and for which he can appeal to all impartial men that profess , Christianity , whether they to whom he gave such Names , did not deserve them ; as when one of them said to him in his own house , in the hearing of some present , That seeing to preach Faith in Christ without , did give Offence to his Brethren , and was like to make a Division among Friends , it was best to let it alone , as Paul said concerning eating of Flesh , i● it did offend his weak Brother ; this W. Gabitas said to him , whereupon G. K. said , ( as he solemnly declareth , and as some do witness ) In this they have dealt most unfairly , and uniustly with him , in that they have given no account of the Occasion of that called by them the Tedious Exercise & Vexatious Perplexity , &c. which because they have not given , we see fit to do the Truth and all Friends of it , to whose hands this may come , that Justice , as to give you a true Information of the Cause and Occasion of the late Difference that hath happened betwixt divers of them , that hath signed their Epistle , and these the chiefest among them , and G. K. which was this , vizx . About fifteen Moneths ago , William Stockdale , an Antient Preacher , having accused G. K. of pre●ching Two Christs , because he preached Faith in Christ within , and Faith in Christ withou● ; the which G. K. hearing , after he had private●y dealt with him , laid his Compl●in first before about twelve of the friends of the Ministr● met at the House of R●bert Ewer , who having done nothing in the said Meeting to ●●ing W. Stockdale to due Conviction or Condemnat●● for his said Error , but keywords: blame; blasphemy; body; book; brethren; cause; christ; christ jesus; clear; cook; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; england; english; epistle; faith; faithful; false; false judgment; friends; g. k.; g. w.; george; god; good; great; gross; guilty; hath; hearing; heaven; high; house; hypocrisie; ignorance; ignorant; jenings; jesus; john; judge; judgment; keith; known; late; life; light; like; lloyd; lord; love; man; man christ; matter; meeting; monthly; names; necessary; occasion; offence; order; paper; pennsilvania; present; resurrection; said; salvation; saying; scripture; sence; simcock; spirit; stockdale; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; thing; tho; thomas; time; true; truth; viz; way; william; witnesses; words; worthy; yearly; ● e; ● ● cache: A47162.xml plain text: A47162.txt item: #39 of 73 id: A47164 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. / by George Keith. date: 1691 words: 64155 flesch: 54 summary: 1. IT hath been a common thing among both Presbyterian and Independent Teachers , in Old and New-England , to accuse the honest People , called in derision Quakers , of being guilty of Blasphemy against God and Christ , and the holy Ghost , for no other cause , but that they express their Faith of the great Mystery of the Father , the Son , and the holy Ghost , in Scripture words , and have not freedom to use the words of Man's wisdom , and that come only from the Spirit of Man , and have not proceeded from the Spirit of God , whereby to express and declare their Faith of so great and glorious Mystery : And by means of this so great Accusation , and others as false and injurious , they prevailed with the Magistrates of New-England , to cause to be put to Death three dear and precious Men-Servants of the Lord , and one dear and precious Maid-Servant of the Lord , beside many other cruel Sufferings inflicted upon others , for which great Cruelty and Barbarity , the Hand of the Lord hath been manifestly stretched out against them , in manifest Judgments and Plagues , that divers among them have since acknowledged . while in the mean time , under colour and pretence of feeding the Souls of the People , ye famish and starve , yea , poyson and kill them with your false Doctrin , as I have , through God's assistance sufficiently made appear , and I hope yet more to make appear , as I have occasion given unto me . 6. And Christ Jesus , the living , elect , precious Corner-stone , the sure Foundation is laid in Zion , and that Zion is not only the heavenly Zion above , but the Church and People of God on Earth ; and Christ Jesus is one both in Heaven without us , and also within us , even the Man Christ Jesus , the same that took hold of the Seed of Abraham , and is the Son of Abraham and David , according unto that Seed , and he is exalted in heavenly Glory in that same Seed and Nature , in the whole and intire and perfect Nature of Man , in Soul and Body , having put off nothing that he had upon Earth ; but these Weaknesses and Infirmities which he did take on him for our sake , even Jesus of Nazareth , he who was crucified for our Sins , and rose again for our Justification , who was dead , and is alive , and lives for evermore ; and he who by true Faith is joyned to the Spirit of Christ , by the same he is joyned both to Christ in him , and also to Christ in Heaven , and also to all the Saints in Heaven , and the innumerable company of Angels , and Spirits of just men made perfect , and also unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; and both God and Christ are not only in remote places , and Heavens without us , but also in us , and in all his Saints , as he hath said , Jer. 23.23 , 24. keywords: abraham; adam; answer; apostles; assurance; baptism; beginning; believers; best; betwixt; blessed; blind; blood; body; book; boston; bread; cap; cause; chap; charge; children; christ; christian; church; churches; clear; common; confession; contrary; cor; counsel; covenant; david; day; days; dead; death; declared; degree; disciples; dispensation; divers; divine; doctrin; doth; drink; earth; election; end; england; english; ephes; esau; evil; express; faith; faithful; false; father; figure; flesh; fore; foundation; free; fruit; general; gentiles; ghost; gifts; glory; god; god doth; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; ground; hath; head; hearing; hearts; heaven; heavenly; heb; hold; holiness; holy; holy spirit; honest; house; illumination; image; immediate; increase; independent; infallible; infants; inspiration; inward; israel; jacob; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; judge; judgment; justification; justified; knowledge; known; law; letter; life; light; like; little; living; lord; love; man; manifest; manner; means; measure; members; men; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; moses; mystery; natural; nature; necessary; new; obedience; object; old; open; ordinary; outward; parts; paul; people; perfect; perfection; persons; place; pleased; posterity; power; preachers; preaching; presbyterian; present; principle; profess; profession; proper; prophets; psal; publick; pure; quakers; real; religion; repent; respect; rest; resurrection; revelation; righteousness; rom; rule; sabbath; said; saints; salvation; saying; scripture; second; sect; seed; seeing; self; sense; servants; set; signifie; sin; sins; son; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; sufficient; sun; supper; taste; teachers; teaching; testament; testimony; text; things; thou; time; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; verse; virtue; visible; voice; water; way; wisdom; wise; wit; words; work; world; writ; yea cache: A47164.xml plain text: A47164.txt item: #40 of 73 id: A47166 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Quakerism no popery, or, A particular answere to that part of Iohn Menzeis, professor of divinity in Aberdeen, (as he is called) his book, intituled Roma mendax Wherein the people called Quakers are concerned, whom he doth accuse as holding many popish doctrins, and as if Quakerism, (so he nick-names our religion,) were but popery-disguised. In which treatise his alleadged grounds for this his assertion, are impartialy and fairly examined and confuted: and also his accusation of popery against us, justly retorted upon himself, and his bretheren. By George Keith. date: 1675 words: 32593 flesch: 57 summary: The Papists deny that the Spirit of GOD inwardly dictating or revealing the truth , is the principall rule of Faith to , and in every believer , and so doth I. M. and his brethren , wherein they manifestly agree with Papists against ●s the people called in de●ision Quakers . And indeed that most famous primitive Protestants did not only acknowledge Inward supernaturall operations of the spirit of GOD in the hearts of Believers , but did also hold , that there was an Inward word spoke by the Spirit into their hearts , which was evident and sufficient in it self to beget Faith , and be a law and rule to Believers , I shall prove ou● of manifest Testimonies of Luther , Zuinglius , OEcolampadius , and Melanchton . keywords: aberdeen; account; act; affirm; agreement; alleadged; ane; antichristian; apocryphall; apostle; augustin; authority; believers; bellarmin; best; betwixt; books; brethren; cap; certain; charge; children; christ; christian; church; clear; common; compleat; confess; consent; contrary; conversion; day; desire; disguised; distinction; divine; doctors; doctrin; doe; doth; efficacy; english; enthusiasm; epistle; equall; evidence; excellent; faith; famous; farr; fathers; free; george; ghost; god; god doth; gods; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; hade; hand; hath; heart; help; hold; holy; i. m.; iesus; immediat; indwelling; instance; inward; iohn; iustification; judge; justified; knowledge; known; law; letter; lib; life; light; living; lord; love; luther; m. doth; man; manifest; mans; matter; measure; men; mendax; menzies; merit; mind; ministry; nature; nay; necessary; new; number; obedience; objective; ordination; outward; pag; page; papists; particular; peculiar; people; perfection; place; popery; popish; popish doctrin; power; preachers; presbyterian; present; principle; proper; protestants; quakerism; quakers; reader; reall; reason; reformation; religion; respect; revelation; reward; righteousness; romanists; rome; rule; said; saints; sayeth; scripture; second; sect; seeing; self; sense; sin; sinless; sins; soul; speaketh; spirit; spirituall; state; sufficient; tcp; teaching; temple; testimony; text; thief; thing; thou; thy; time; touching; treatise; true; truth; use; way; wisdom; wit; witness; women; word; works; yea; ● ● cache: A47166.xml plain text: A47166.txt item: #41 of 73 id: A47167 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A refutation of three opposers of truth by plain evidence of the holy Scripture, viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the Supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order of salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. II. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his fathers nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New England. By George Keith. date: 1690 words: 26102 flesch: 39 summary: And when he told the Pharisees , who looked that the Kingdom of God should come with Observations , as to say , lo here , or lo there , he said , for behold the Kingdom of God is within you , Luke 17.21 . and surely , where the Kingdom of God is , there are God and Christ● So that the plain letter of the Scripture is against thy most absurd and Anti-christian Doctrine , That the Christ in the hearts of men , yea , even of the Saints , as thou wouldst have it ( for thou makest no distinction ) is a false Christ ; for the plain tendency of this thy Work of Darkness is to make People believe , that Christ is not a Light within the Saints , because , as thou alledgest , the Light within was not crucified for us , but Iesus Christ of Nazareth . But if thou say , thou believest that Christ is both God and Man , and that he was from the beginning , to wit , that Word by whom all things were made , then , why dost thou deny that Christ , as he is that Word , is in the Saints ? for though Christ only suffered in the flesh , and as Man upon the Tree of the Cross , yet he who suffered , was not meer Man , but God and Man , and yet still one Christ. keywords: ages; answer; apostles; authority; baptism; baptists; bare; beginning; believers; book; brethren; call'd; case; charge; children; christ; christians; church; clear; cotton; covenant; crew; day; death; degree; devil; dispensation; distinction; divine; doctrine; dost; doth; eating; end; england; english; fall; false; false christ; figures; flesh; foundation; gentiles; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hast; hath; hearts; holy; honest; hope; iesus; iesus christ; inward; iohn; john; knowledge; late; law; letter; life; light; like; little; living; lord; man; manner; mather; meer; men; ministers; moses; new; old; open; outward; pardon; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; plain; possession; power; precept; present; proved; pure; quakers; real; religion; repentance; revelation; said; saints; saith; salvation; sathan; saying; sayst; scripture; secret; self; sins; society; spirit; spiritual; state; supper; tcp; temple; testimony; text; thee; thing; thou; thy; time; true; truth; use; vain; water; water baptism; way; wise; wit; words; work; world; yea cache: A47167.xml plain text: A47167.txt item: #42 of 73 id: A47170 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A rod for Trepidantium Malleus, or A letter to Sam. Reconcileable date: 1700 words: 4156 flesch: 65 summary: And now , Sir , having considered your Case , I find Distraction the best excuse I can make to my self and others , for these enormous excursions of your nonintellectuals ; which makes me a little commiserate your Case , and heartily advise you in your very next interval , to read Dr. Echard's Letter to the Author of Hieragonisticon , and use his Prescriptions ; they exactly hit your Case ; pray don't neglect it , delays being dangerous : He says you must avoid all hot things , as Coffee and Tobacco ( and I believe not without reason , for they are apt to dry up the Brain , and when things are too dry they will crack ) but above all you must avoid writing Books , till you find the Distemper pretty well asswag'd , and then too but moderately , for fear of a Relapse . Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: author; books; cause; characters; early; eebo; encoding; english; epistle; fool; friendly; gentleman; gift; good; head; images; keith; letter; little; man; men; new; online; oxford; page; partnership; pen; phase; reason; reconcileable; rod; sam; self; sir; tcp; tei; text; thing; thought; trepidantium; way; works; world; xml; years cache: A47170.xml plain text: A47170.txt item: #43 of 73 id: A47171 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A salutation of dear and tender love to the seed of God arising in Aberdeen in two epistles : directed unto friends of truth in that place whom the Lord hath called ... to bear their testimony for his glorious truth (against an evil, adulterous, and persecuting generation) ... / writ by George Keith. date: 1665 words: 4865 flesch: 43 summary: And therefore dear F●iends , be faithful to the Lord God in your testimony for his truth in every particular , according to the knowledge thereof , which ye have received from God , for thereby ye shall both save yourselve a●d others , having the eye of your souls continually fixed upon the Lo●d to see whither he will farther lead you , being res●lved ( and re●●gned up to him ) even to follow whethersoever he leads , though it may be much in the cross to flesh and blood ; for this I testifie unto you , that its such , and such only , who are of that spirit ( whereof honest Ioshua and Caleb were ) to follow the Lord fully even in all things to the least circumstance of his requirings , who shall get an entrance into the blessed Land of promise , whereinto many can set to their seal , and witness it , that they have entred ( among whom I am one ) even into that good Land that floweth with milk and honey , yea with streams of joy , peace , and consolation from the presence of the Lord , and from the glory of his power , and this you shall all come to witness in your selves in the Lords good time , as you keep faithful to him , and grow up more and more in a resignation to his will in all things , sparing nothing , against which the Lords controversie and indignation is , but giving up all to a hope that 's contrary to his will , that it may be burnt up , and slain by the judgment of the Lord , and you delivered therefrom , for this is only that which stands in the way , and lets your entrance into Gods Kingdom , even somewhat more or less , that is contrary to the holy and pure nature of God , and against his will cleaved unto , and lived in , which till ye be rid of ; the flaming sword will turn every way against you , so that ye cannot get into the Paradice of God , though ye should never so earnestly desire it . Oh this will be a mountain on the seed , yea , the being but found in whatsoever , ye do not know your app●obation , justification of God in the manifestation ; will lie upon the seed , as a talent of lead , therefore come into obedience in all things , come into forbearance , come into the cleanly well ordered conversation , come into a final , total d●c●sion of all particula●s betwixt God & your souls , & I can assure you his Salvation is neer to such , & his righteousness , and the Kingdom which comes with power and great glory is at hand , even at hand to be revealed unto them . keywords: aberdeen; blessed; books; characters; christ; day; dear; early; earth; eebo; english; evil; faithful; flesh; friends; george; glorious; glory; god; good; hath; heart; joy; keith; kingdom; land; light; living; lord; love; peace; power; righteousness; salvation; seed; tcp; tei; testimony; text; things; time; trust; truth; way; work; yea cache: A47171.xml plain text: A47171.txt item: #44 of 73 id: A47172 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A seasonable information and caveat against a scandalous book of Thomas Elwood, called An epistle to Friends, &c. by George Keith. date: 1694 words: 21633 flesch: 51 summary: Have we warned Friends so much to beware lest any spoil them through Philosophy and vain Deceit , and impose upon them by the wisdom of words ; and hath it come to this issue at last , That a Book shall come out authorized or allowed either by the Second Days Meeting at London , or at least by a leading or prevailing party of them ; and without all Gospel-Order or Church-Discipline used towards me , or the least intimation to me , from any Meeting , that I am disowned as a Member of their Society , and also contrary to the mind and declared sense of some of their chief Members , and divers of the Ministry in and about London , not owning it . For my saying in my Introduction , to my Treatise , The causeless Ground , &c. I tenderly intreat and desire that none apply or construe any words contained in these following Lines , as intended by me in way of Reflection , Blame , or Charge against either the body of Friends in general , or any particular Meeting , or Meeting of Friends in particular , or against any singular faithful Friend , or Friends whatsoever ; For my Intention was singly to clear Truth and faithful Friends in the first Place , and next my Innocency and Christian Testimony ; and this I did still judge , might well be done without Reflection or casting blame upon any faithful Friends , or any Meeting of faithful Friends ; if any blame occasionally and indirectly fall upon any , it was not my Intention , to blame the faithful ; and if the unfaithful be occasionally blamed , let them see to it , to amend what is blame-worthy in them . keywords: account; accusations; alledgeth; america; answer; appearance; blame; body; books; cause; charge; christ; christian; church; confession; conscience; contrary; death; divers; doctrine; door; doth; elwood; epistle; errors; evil; excuse; fact; faith; faithful; false; falshood; forgery; friends; general; god; good; great; gross; ground; guilty; hath; hurt; impartial; inward; judge; judgment; liberal; light; like; london; lord; man; matter; meeting; mens; monthly; necessary; order; outward; page; paper; pensilvania; people; persons; perversion; philadelphia; place; present; print; printing; profession; proper; publick; quakers; resurrection; said; salvation; saying; scandalous; self; sense; separate; separation; sincere; spirit; tcp; terms; testimony; text; things; thomas; time; true; truth; unity; unsound; vile; viz; way; words; work; yearly; yearly meeting cache: A47172.xml plain text: A47172.txt item: #45 of 73 id: A47174 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A serious appeal to all the more sober, impartial & judicious people in New-England to whose hands this may come ... together with a vindication of our Christian faith ... / by George Keith. date: 1692 words: 32918 flesch: 37 summary: I 〈…〉 therefore with , and in behalf of my Friends and Brethren of 〈…〉 Faith and Perswasion with me , in all parts of the World , 〈◊〉 this Solemn Appeal to you , the more Sober , impartial and Judi●●●●● People in Boston , and else-where in New-England , to whose 〈◊〉 this may come , Whether Cotton Mather is not extreamly Un●●●●●itable , and possessed with a Spirit of Prejudice and envious Zeal , 〈…〉 R. Baxters phrase ) against the Quakers in general , and me in ●●●●●cular , as guilty of manifold Heresies , Blasphemies , and strong 〈◊〉 , to the rendering us No Christians , in the lowest degree or 〈◊〉 ( while , I suppose , he hath som Charity to some in the Church of 〈◊〉 , called Papists , and to Lutherans , 〈…〉 2● Assertion , he doth no less prevaricate , and 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 , ●or I did grant in both my former book● , 〈…〉 Ex●●a●rdinary and O●●●nary Revelations and 〈…〉 our Lord , and that we did not say , t●at 〈…〉 had t●e●e Extraordinary , but the Ordinary , that were common to them with all Saints ; the which ordinary are nevertheless true divine Inspirations and Revelations . keywords: actions; alledgeth; answer; antient; apostles; argument; assertion; augustine; baptism; baxter; believe; believers; best; better; betwixt; blood; body; book; brethren; c.m; call'd; calvin; cap; carnal; catechism; cause; century; charge; charity; christ; christian; church; clear; common; condition; confession; contradict; contradiction; contrary; cotton; day; dayes; dead; death; decree; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; eebo; england; english; errors; evidence; evil; experience; extreamly; faith; faithful; false; far; flesh; foundation; friends; fundamental; general; ghost; god; godhead; gods; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; gross; guilty; hand; hath; hearts; heavenly; hold; holy; holy spirit; ignorance; ignorant; immediate; impartial; infants; instrumental; inward; jesus; john; judge; judgment; judicious; justification; knowledge; known; law; learning; let; life; light; like; little; living; lord; lye; man; manifest; manner; mather; means; measure; members; men; mind; ministers; names; natural; nature; new; note; o ●; obedience; object; operations; origine; outward; pag; papists; particular; paul; people; persons; perversion; piety; place; power; prayer; presbyterian; principle; proper; protestants; prove; quakerism; quakers; question; reason; religion; repentance; respect; revelation; rom; said; saints; salvation; sathan; saying; scandalous; scripture; seed; self; sence; sensible; showeth; sin; sincere; sins; sober; soul; sound; spirit; spiritual; state; t ●; tcp; terms; testimony; text; th ●; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; visible; viz; water; way; weak; wise; wit; witness; word; work; working; writers; yea; years; zuinglius; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● er; ● g; ● h; ● s; ● ● cache: A47174.xml plain text: A47174.txt item: #46 of 73 id: A47175 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A serious call to the Quakers inviting them to return to Christianity date: 1700 words: 5395 flesch: 76 summary: OUR giving forth Papers , or Printed Books is from the immediate Eternal Spirit of God to the shewing forth the filthy Practices of the Worlds Teachers , &c. And thou and you , all that Speak and Write , and not from God Immediatly , and Infallibly as the Apostles did , and Prophets , and Christ , but only have gotten the Words , you are all under the Curse in another Spirit ravened from the Spirit that was in the Apostles . Concerning Christ and his Blood , &c. THat the outward Person that suffered was properly the Son of God , we utterly deny Your imagined God beyond the Stars , and your carnal Christ , is utterly denied . keywords: apostles; blood; body; books; carnal; christ; christianity; church; coming; day; devils; doctrine; eebo; english; eternal; flesh; fox; george; god; great; hath; heaven; holy; letter; life; light; lord; man; men; mist; natural; penn; people; quakers; resurrection; scripture; son; spirit; spiritual; tcp; text; thing; thou; truth; viz; w. p.; works; world cache: A47175.xml plain text: A47175.txt item: #47 of 73 id: A47176 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A serious dialogue betwixt a church-man and a Quaker date: 1699 words: 6000 flesch: 71 summary: Your Creed , that ye commonly call the Apostles Creed , hath three distinct Articles in it ; one concerning your Belief in God the Father ; a second concerning your Belief in Christ , the only begotten Son , conceived by the Holy Ghost , and born of the Virgin Mary , that suffered under Pontius Pilate , was crucified , dead and buried ; and a third concerning your Belief in the Holy Ghost ; By which it is plain to me , and I think ye will not deny it , that your Creed holds forth a distinction of Father , Son , and Holy Ghost , as three distinct Persons , distinguished by certain incommunicable Properties , as ye commonly call them ; otherwise , why make ye three Articles concerning them , but that ye believe them to be three distinct Persons ? Ye tell us , God forgives you your Sins , upon the account of Christ's having paid the Debt of your Sins , and having satisfied the Justice of God for them ; but we have no such Belief ; for W. Pen hath taught us , that a Debt cannot be both paid and freely forgiven ; and this he saith , doth totally exclude Satisfaction . keywords: ancient; articles; belief; body; books; brethren; challenge; christ; christian; church; creed; dialogue; doctrine; eebo; english; faith; father; friends; god; great; hath; heaven; holy; late; light; man; mary; men; necessary; new; object; price; quaker; salvation; sins; son; tcp; teacheth; text; things; w. p.; yea cache: A47176.xml plain text: A47176.txt item: #48 of 73 id: A47177 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A sermon preached at the meeting of Protestant dissenters called Quakers in Turners-Hall, London, on the 16th of the second month, 1696 : being the publick day of thanksgiving for the deliverance of the King and Kingdom : to which is added a testimony ... to King William the III from the aforesaid people ... / by George Keith. date: 1696 words: 9958 flesch: 71 summary: God is the Living and True God ; they that have an Inward Sense and Experience of his Mighty Power that hath quickened them , and made them alive , they alone can praise him in an acceptable manner . Yet still God hath had a number that would not Worship the Beast , and they were Sealed with the Seal of God ; yet the greatest number Worshipped him , whose Names are not written in the Book of Life , of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World , whose Cry in those days was , Who is like the Beast ? Who is able to make war with the Beast ? I hope none of us here are of that mind to slight and undervalue what God hath already done , to make way and room for what is now brought to pass , and will be more and more brought to pass and accomplished , the great Work of God , in raising up Men with a Noble and Undaunted Courage , and great Resolution , with their Lives in their Hands ; for many have laid down their Lives to give a faithful Testimony of the Truth , and have sealed it with their Blood above One hundred and thirty Years ago : The Work of God is to be owned , the Arm of God was made bare , and his Mighty Hand made known therein : keywords: apostle; beast; blessed; blood; cause; christ; christian; david; day; death; deliverance; earth; eebo; enemies; english; flesh; god; gods; good; government; great; hands; hath; hearts; high; holy; iniquity; jesus; king; kingdom; law; life; light; living; lord; man; men; mercies; mercy; people; power; praise; psal; psalmist; rock; saith; salvation; saul; saying; scripture; sense; sin; song; soul; spirit; spiritual; tcp; testimony; text; thanksgiving; thee; things; thou; true; water; way; wicked; woman; words; work; world; years cache: A47177.xml plain text: A47177.txt item: #49 of 73 id: A47178 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Helen's, London, May the 19th, 1700 by George Keith. date: 1700 words: 9177 flesch: 56 summary: Now it was necessary that what Christ Did and Suffered for us , should be done in Love , as accordingly it was done , in the highest Love , both to God , and also to us . The great design of the Scriptures , both of the Old and New Testament , is to set forth the great Love of God to Men , in giving his Son for their Salvation ; and also the great Love of Christ , who gave himself for the same : The way and manner how it is accomplished , how this Love is the Love of the whole Trinity , and how each Person is concerned in the work of our Salvation , jointly and severally ; and of the Duty that Men owe to God , for that great Love , and to Christ , considered not as God only , but as God Incarnate , i. e. as both God and Man , having two Natures , as above mentioned , but one Person , one intire Jesus Christ our Saviour . keywords: body; books; christ; church; dead; death; divine; doth; eebo; end; enemies; english; faith; faithful; father; fold; george; god; gods; gospel; grace; great; greater; greek; hath; hearts; high; holy; influence; inward; jesus; keith; knowledge; known; life; like; london; love; luke; man; manner; means; men; nature; new; old; preach'd; principle; salvation; saviour; scriptures; sermon; son; soul; spirit; tcp; text; things; tho; true; wherewith; word; work cache: A47178.xml plain text: A47178.txt item: #50 of 73 id: A47179 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A short Christian catechisme for the instruction of children in the grounds and practice of Christian religion being (for the most part) an abridgment of a larger, formerly printed, where many questions and answers that were in the larger, are omitted, and others shortened, to fit the capacity of children, and some new questions, with their answers inserted, on several heads, which were not in the larger / by George Keith. date: 1698 words: 8740 flesch: 82 summary: Q. What doth the Scripture further teach us concerning God ? A. Q. Of what service are the promises contained in the Scripture to the faithful ? A. Of exceeding great use and service , for by them through the operation of the Spirit , true Believers are made partakers of the Divine nature , and have a lively hope begot in them , that what God hath promised , he will faithfully perform , both in this life , and in the life to come , 1 Tim. 4.8 . keywords: a. nay; a. yea; acts; baptisme; believers; body; children; christ; christian; cor; covenant; dead; death; doth; eph; faith; faithful; father; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heaven; heb; holy; isaiah; jesus; john; larger; law; life; light; lord; love; man; matth; men; nature; nay; new; power; psal; rom; salvation; scriptures; sect; sins; son; spirit; tcp; text; things; true; use; word; works; yea cache: A47179.xml plain text: A47179.txt item: #51 of 73 id: A47180 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Some of the many fallacies of William Penn detected in a paper called Gospel truths signed by him and three more at Dublin, the 4th of the 3d month, 1698, and in his late book called A defence of Gospel truths, against the exceptions of the B. of Cork's testimony concerning that paper : with some remarks on W.P., his unfair and unjust treatment of him : to which is added a synopsis or short view of W. Penn's deism, collected out of his book called A defense of the general rule of faith, &c. / by George Keith. date: 1699 words: 24762 flesch: 48 summary: BUT this manner of receiving Light by means of the written word preached or read , which is the Rule of Faith , appointed and given us of God for that end and purpose , W. P. doth not acknowledge , but will needs have it , that we receive all our Light from the inward Principle , which sometimes he calls Christ , at other times the Light of Christ , otherwhile , as in page 49. a Manifestation in the Soul of Man of Christ , the word God , the Light of the World , &c. without all Instrumentality of either the Holy Scriptures , or Ministry of Men : he affirmeth , That Christ offers himself in his Children , in the nature of a mediating Sacrifice to appease the Wrath of God. keywords: birth; bishop; body; books; brethren; christ; christ god; christian; christianity; church; common; conscience; death; deism; discourse; discoveries; divine; doctrine; doth; essence; external; extraordinary; faculty; faith; fallacious; fallacy; father; flesh; foundation; fundamental; general; ghost; god; gospel; great; guilt; hath; heaven; hell; historical; holy; illumination; inward; jesus; jesus christ; john; justification; justified; knowledge; life; light; man; manifestation; mankind; means; men; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; ordinary; outward; page; paper; penn; people; persons; preaching; propitiation; quakers; regeneration; religion; remission; respect; resurrection; revelation; righteousness; rule; salvation; satisfaction; scripture; section; sense; sin; sins; son; soul; special; spirit; spiritual; sufficient; tcp; testimony; text; things; trinity; true; truths; viz; w. p.; way; wit; word; word god; work; yea cache: A47180.xml plain text: A47180.txt item: #52 of 73 id: A47183 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A supplement to a late treatise, called An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems concerning angular sections, resolving what was there problematically proposed; and with some rectification made in the former essay, showing an easie method truly geometrical, without any conick section, or cubick æquation, to sect any angle or arch of a circle into 3. 5. 7. or any other uneven number of equal parts. By G. K. date: 1697 words: 3194 flesch: 62 summary: The way of drawing the said Curve is this : Let a short cross-Rule be set at right Angles with another longer Rule , and let the length of the cross Rule be at pleasure 2 or 3 Inches , or more , as 6 or 7 , as ye have a mind to make the length of the Cord of each part of the Section of your Angle , which as in the following Figure let be 3 Inches , and let the just half of the cross-Rule be on the left side of the long Rule , and let a small Brass or Steel-Pin be fixed on the right end of the said cross Rule , that as the Rule is moved , may make an Impression on the Paper , as the point of the Compass doth in drawing a Circle . in order to draw the curve Line with one draught of the Hand , set the left end of the cross-Rule , on the point B , and from B let it run or slide along the line BA , and as it runs along the said Line , let the left side of the long Rule still run through the Center , or vertical point A , which is most easily done ; and let it run or slide along from B towards A , until the other end of the cross-Rule reach at least to the line AC , or further as one pleaseth , and the Brass Pin on the other end of the cross Rule shall describe the regular curve FIG Having thus drawn the curve Line , at the distance of one half of the cross Rule draw the straight Line DE paralel to AC . keywords: angle; arch; center; circle; conick; cross; cross rule; curve; degr; eebo; end; english; equal; essay; geometrical; geometry; great; leagues; left; line; long; method; new; parts; point; right; rule; sections; straight; tcp; text; true; use cache: A47183.xml plain text: A47183.txt item: #53 of 73 id: A47184 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A testimony against that false & absurd opinion which some hold viz. that all true believers and saints immediately after the bodily death attain to all the resurrection they expect, and enter into the fullest enjoyment of happiness : and also that the wicked, immediately after death, are raised up to receive all the punishment they are to expect : together with a Scriptural account of the resurrection of the dead, Day of Judgment, and Christ's last coming and appearance without us : also, where, and what those heavens are into which the man Christ is gone, and entered into / by George Keith. date: 1692 words: 6209 flesch: 55 summary: I Answer ; As it was that in part , so it was not only that , but all that Felicity and Happiness that should come unto them by the Coming of Christ in the Flesh , and his Death and Resurrection , to wit , the perfect Victory over Death , which is not fully obtained until the Mortal put on Immortality , and the Corruptible put on Incorruption , as it is written , So when this Corruptible shall put on Incorruption , and this Mortal shall have put on Immortality , then shall be brought to pass the Saying that is written , Death is swallowed up in Victory , O Death ! where is thy Sting ! O Grave ! where is thy Victory , &c. And that very first Promise that God gave to Mankind after the Fall , did relate to this Victory over Death , That the Seed of the Woman , ( which is Christ Jesus ) should bruse the Head of the Serpent ; for though the Head of the Serpent was inwardly bruised , as in respect of the inward Redemption , Salvation and Deliverance of the Souls of all the Faithful in all Ages of the World , both before and after Christ came in the Flesh , yet until they attain unto the Resurrection of the Body , the Head of the Serpent is not , in all respects , bruised , because the last Enemy , that is to be destroyed , is Death , who is not fully destroyed until the Bodies of the Saints be raised from Death ; for by Adams Fall , Death , both of Soul and Body came upon him , and his Posterity , ( as is at large demonstrated in another Treatise of G. K's ; ) and by Christ's Death and Resurrection , to all who sincerely believe in him , and obey him , that twofold Death is removed , the Death of the Soul , through Faith in him , and that inward quickening , and being raised with him , who is the Resurrection and the Life , now in the Morta state ; but the Death of the Body at the Resurrection of the Dead , [ see this Twofold Resurrection , the one of the Soul the other of the body , expresly mentioned John 5. 25 , 28. ] And who say , That the faithful immediately after Death , receive the Resurrection of the Body , and all that fullness of Glory and Happiness that they are to expect forever : As it doth tend to overthrow a principal Article of the Christian Faith , touching the Resurrection of the Dead , so it tendeth to overthrow that other great and principal Article of the Christian Faith , touching the Great Day of Judgment that is to be in the end of the World , called in Scripture , Note , 4 thly , That the Belief of Christ's being in Heaven now in his glorified Nature of Man , both of Soul & Body , hath such a necessary connexion with the Belief of his Coming and Appearance without us to judge the Quick and the Dead , that these two stand or fall together , and every one that believeth the first , cannot but believe the latter ; for it were strange to think , that Christ hath , and forever shall have the glorified Nature of Man in Heaven , and that the Saints should not see him at the Day of Judgment . keywords: angels; bodies; bodily; body; christ; clear; coming; corruptible; day; dead; death; doth; dye; eebo; english; faith; flesh; god; great; hath; heaven; holy; jesus; judgment; lord; man; mortal; new; note; paul; place; resurrection; saints; scripture; sleep; souls; tcp; text; time; true; viz; wit; words; world cache: A47184.xml plain text: A47184.txt item: #54 of 73 id: A47186 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness / by George Keith. date: 1679 words: 26016 flesch: 51 summary: The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness / by George Keith. The true Christ owned as he is, true God and perfect man containing an answer to a late pamphlet having this title The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus &c. writ by a nameless author : which pamphlet containeth many gross lies and wilful perversions beside some other great mistakes occasioned by the author his ignorance and blindness / by George Keith. keywords: adam; air; angels; animad; answer; author; beginning; betwixt; birth; blood; body; book; calleth; center; christ; christ jesus; clear; communication; contradiction; contrary; creation; creature; distinct; divine; doctrine; doth; earth; earthly; emanation; english; equal; essence; essential; excellent; false; father; figurative; flesh; follow; forth; fulness; ghost; god; godhead; gods; greater; gross; hands; hath; having; heavenly; heavenly man; heb; heresie; holy; hood; humane; imaginary; john; keith; knowledge; life; light; like; living; man; man christ; manhood; manner; measure; mediator; men; names; natural; nature; omnipresence; outward; pamphlet; partake; paul; perfect; perfection; places; present; principles; properties; quakers; reader; real; reason; respect; said; saints; saith; scripture; second; self; sense; signifie; son; soul; speech; spirit; spiritual; substance; tabernacle; tcp; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; time; true; true christ; truth; understanding; union; united; unto; vertue; virgin; way; wisdome; words; world cache: A47186.xml plain text: A47186.txt item: #55 of 73 id: A47188 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The true copy of a paper given in to the yearly meeting of the people called Quakers at their meeting-place in Grace-Church-street, Lonon, 15 day of the 3d. month 1695. By George Keith, which was read by him in the said meeting, by their allowance. With a brief narrative of the most material passages of discourse betwixt George White-head, Charles Marshal, and George Keith, the said day, and the day following, betwixt George White-head, William Penn, and Francis Canfield on the one side, and George Keith on the other; ... Together with a short list of some of the vile and gross errors of George Whitehead, John Whitehead, William Penn, their chief ministers, and now having the greatest sway among them (being of the same sort and nature with the gross errors charged on some in Pensilvania) most apparently opposite to the fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion ... And a proposition to VVilliam Penn, to prove his charge, that G.K. is an apostate. date: 1695 words: 16806 flesch: 46 summary: But this is a sound Assertion , and to contradict it is folly and presumption , for God hath not Blood , strictly considered , being a pure Spirit ; but the Blood of Christ is worthily called the Blood of God , because Christ is not only Man , but God also : And like to this is that place , 1 John 3. 16. And it is a great undervaluing of Christ's Sufferings and Death and Blood , that because by wicked hands men put him to Death , that therefore his Death , Sufferings and Blood was not Meritorious , for though the violent Death of the Martyrs was not Meritorious for Remission of our sins , yet it was precious in the sight of God , and had great acceptance with God ; and at this rate of G. W's carnal Reasoning ( I am sure the Light of Christ in him never taught him so to reason ; but a dark carnal Spirit , more like a scossing Celsus , who wrote slightingly of Christ against the Christians ) not only all the Martyrs sufferings , but all Friends sufferings , and his own sufferings also ( who I heard was once Whipt for his Profession ) was of no value , being Inflicted by Wicked Men. keywords: advice; answer; blood; body; books; cause; charge; christ; church; clear; day; death; divers; doctrine; errors; faithful; flesh; friends; fulness; fundamental; generation; george; god; grace; great; greater; gross; guilty; hath; heaven; holy; hope; inward; jesus; john; judgment; justice; keith; life; light; man; man christ; manifestation; matter; meeting; men; mistery; outward; paper; penn; people; persons; place; plain; present; publick; quakers; real; said; saints; saith; scripture; seed; self; sense; shed; sin; sound; spirit; spiritual; sufferings; tcp; testimony; text; thing; thou; time; true; truth; unity; vile; viz; whitehead; william; words; work; yearly; yearly meeting cache: A47188.xml plain text: A47188.txt item: #56 of 73 id: A47189 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A true relation of a conference had betwixt G. Keith and T. Upsher, at Colchester the 6th of the fifth month, 1699 the truth of which is attested by three witnesses who took it from their mouths in short-hand and afterwards by joint consent writ it out at length : the question stated at the said conference was whether Thomas Upsher's preaching in the forenoon that faith in Christ, as he was born of the Virgin Mary, and dyed for our sins, &c. was absolutely necessary to salvation, ..., and in the afternoon his preaching that the light within ... is sufficient to salvation is a contradiction : and a brief account of the uncivil and illegal treatment used by some principal Quakers at Colchester and Bristol toward G Keith ... : and a postscript, containing some notes and observations on the assertions of T. Upsher and his brethren, detecting their self-contradictions : and a certificate from Parson Shelton of Colchester, to the truth of the case in debate ... and to the truth of the conference / by George Keith. date: 1699 words: 11714 flesch: 62 summary: A true relation of a conference had betwixt G. Keith and T. Upsher, at Colchester the 6th of the fifth month, 1699 the truth of which is attested by three witnesses who took it from their mouths in short-hand and afterwards by joint consent writ it out at length : the question stated at the said conference was whether Thomas Upsher's preaching in the forenoon that faith in Christ, as he was born of the Virgin Mary, and dyed for our sins, &c. was absolutely necessary to salvation, ..., and in the afternoon his preaching that the light within ... is sufficient to salvation is a contradiction : and a brief account of the uncivil and illegal treatment used by some principal Quakers at Colchester and Bristol toward G Keith ... : and a postscript, containing some notes and observations on the assertions of T. Upsher and his brethren, detecting their self-contradictions : and a certificate from Parson Shelton of Colchester, to the truth of the case in debate ... and to the truth of the conference / by George Keith. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 539:14) A true relation of a conference had betwixt G. Keith and T. Upsher, at Colchester the 6th of the fifth month, 1699 the truth of which is attested by three witnesses who took it from their mouths in short-hand and afterwards by joint consent writ it out at length : the question stated at the said conference was whether Thomas Upsher's preaching in the forenoon that faith in Christ, as he was born of the Virgin Mary, and dyed for our sins, &c. was absolutely necessary to salvation, ..., and in the afternoon his preaching that the light within ... is sufficient to salvation is a contradiction : and a brief account of the uncivil and illegal treatment used by some principal Quakers at Colchester and Bristol toward G Keith ... : and a postscript, containing some notes and observations on the assertions of T. Upsher and his brethren, detecting their self-contradictions : and a certificate from Parson Shelton of Colchester, to the truth of the case in debate ... and to the truth of the conference / by George Keith. keywords: account; afternoon; blood; books; brethren; case; christ; christians; colchester; conference; contradiction; day; debate; doctrine; doth; faith; forenoon; friends; g. k.; g. keith; god; grace; great; hath; heathens; john; july; keith; light; manifestation; means; meeting; men; necessary; outward; penn; people; places; quakers; said; salvation; scripture; shelton; sufficient; t. u.; t. vpsher; tcp; text; thee; thou; time; true; truth; vpsher; witness; world cache: A47189.xml plain text: A47189.txt item: #57 of 73 id: A47190 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Truth and innocency defended against calumny and defamation in a late report spread abroad concerning the revolution of humane souls : with a futher clearing of the truth by a plain explication of my sence, &c. / by George Keith. date: 1692 words: 9633 flesch: 25 summary: But yet we ought not universally to confine this Faith of Christ ( as without us or within us ) to the narrow bounds of outward Preaching it , either by the Prophets in their Day , or to the Evangelists and Apostles in their Day , or to the hearing or reading of the holy Scriptures , or to the outward Ministry of Angels o● Men , well knowing and believing , That as God gave it to our first Parents without all Ministry of Men , and as he gave it to Abraham , to Job , & to the three Wise Men , that came from the East , to worship Jesus in Bethlehem , so he hath given it to many others , and can or may give it to as many as he pleaseth without all outward Ministry ; yet I say , in Gods ordinary way he is pleased to give it by the Ministry of Preaching , and for this cause he revealed it to the holy Prophets and Apostles , that by their Ministry and Writings , it might be made known to all Nations , for the Obedience of Faith , Rom. 16.26 . And to declare my Mind with all plainness , As I can find no Faith in Christ in all the Scripture , but what hath always a respect to Christ as that great Offering and Sacrifice for sin without us , as well as to his inward and spiritual Presence and Appearance in us , according to measure , teaching us and enabling us , to apply to us the benefit of his Death and Sufferings , Resurrection and Ascention , and M●●●●tion for the Remission of our sins , and our Eternal Salvation , as the ●●●ness of all Grace and Truth dwelt and still dwelleth in the M●● Christ Jesus without us , and of whose Fullness we daily more and more partake , who believe in him , and in God the Father through him , and who pray to God in his Name , and Worship and Obey him , so I can own no other Faith but this , to be the true Christian Faith , that hath for its Object the Man Christ Jesus , our alone Mediator without us , in whom the Fullness dwe●eth , as well as the ●●●ature ●f him inwardly revealed in us ; and without this Faith in God the Father , and in the Man Christ Jesus without us , and in the Fullness that is in him , as the greatest and most principal Object of our Faith , I can own none to be true Christians , or Believers in Christ Jesus , who are the Children of God by the Free-woman , Jerusalem from above , let their Pretentions be ever so great to Christ , as the Light in them . keywords: author; book; cap; christ; christianity; christians; death; divine; doctrine; doth; eebo; english; eternal; express; faith; faithful; flesh; gentilism; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hath; holy; hope; inward; jesus; justification; knowledge; law; life; light; man; matter; men; mens; ministry; necessary; necessity; outward; people; perfect; pious; preaching; profitable; resurrection; revolutions; said; salvation; scripture; sence; sins; souls; spirit; spiritual; tcp; text; thing; time; true; truth; woman; work; world; ● ● cache: A47190.xml plain text: A47190.txt item: #58 of 73 id: A47191 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Truths defence, or, The pretended examination by John Alexander of Leith of the principles of those (called Quakers) falsly termed by him Jesuitico-Quakerism, re-examined and confuted : together with some animadversions on the dedication of his book to Sir Robert Clayton, then Mayor of London / by G.K. date: 1682 words: 56501 flesch: 50 summary: in respect of his Manhood , My Father is greater than I ; and it is clear that the aforesaid place , Heb. 1. 2 , 3. is to be understood of Christ , not simply as God , but as man , who certainly as man is the most bright and glorious Image of God , and above all Angels or Men , or whatever can be named besides the Godhead it self . Again , the efficacy of Gods Grace dependeth not on mans will , seeing the will of man doth not influence or excite the Grace of God to make it operate ; but on the contrary , it is the Grace of God that doth influence or excite the heart and will of man , without which it cannot do any thing towards mans Salvation ; and therefore the Grace of God is never subordinate to the will of man , as I. A. doth falsly inferr . keywords: a. doth; a. hath; a. saith; absolute; absurd; abuse; acknowledge; acts; adam; affirm; alledgeth; answer; apostles; argument; baptism; bare; believers; best; betwixt; blood; body; book; bread; brethren; brittain; case; chap; charge; christ; christ hath; christian; church; clear; commandment; common; condition; consequences; contrary; conversion; covenant; day; death; degree; deny; devil; dictate; direction; disciples; dispensation; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doth i.; drink; drinking; earth; eating; english; episcopal; examination; express; external; faith; false; father; flesh; follow; form; foundation; fourth; friends; ghost; god; god doth; gods; good; gospel; grace; grammar; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek; gross; guilty; hath; head; hearts; help; holy; hope; i. a.; ignorant; immediate; infallible; inward; iohn; judge; justification; justified; kind; know; law; letter; life; light; like; little; logick; long; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; measure; meer; men; mention; mind; minister; mouth; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notice; old; order; ordinary; outward; particular; paul; people; perfect; persons; peter; philosophy; place; plead; power; prayer; present; pretended; principal; principles; proof; proper; prophets; protestants; quakerism; quakers; queries; query; question; reader; real; reason; repentance; required; respect; revelation; righteousness; rom; rule; sabbath; said; saints; salvation; saying; school; scotland; scripture; second; seeing; seemeth; self; sense; set; signification; signifie; sin; singing; sins; small; sober; souls; speak; spirit; spiritual; state; substance; sufficient; survey; tcp; teaching; testament; testimony; text; thing; time; true; truth; understanding; use; visitation; viz; vocal; voice; want; water; way; whereof; wicked; wise; wit; witness; word; work; worship; write; writing; years; ● ● cache: A47191.xml plain text: A47191.txt item: #59 of 73 id: A47193 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The universall free grace of the Gospell asserted, or, The light of the glorious Gospell of Jesus Christ, shining forth universally, and enlightning every man that coms [sic] into the world, and therby giving unto every man, a day of visitation wherin it is possible for him to be saved, which is glad tydings unto all people, being witnessed and testifyed unto, by us the people called in derision Quakers : and in opposition to all denyers of it, of one sort and another proved by many infallible arguments, in the evidence and demonstration of the spirit of truth, according to Scripture testimonies and sound reason : with the objections of any seeming weight against it, answered it, answered / by George Keith. date: 1671 words: 65538 flesch: 62 summary: But now , through the fall , it is true , this Heavenly and Divine image of God in man , is staine , yet the Lord is more to be felt , and found in this slaine image of himselfe in man , becaus of the breathings of his life therein , then in all images that men can grave , or in any of the visible Creatures , yea this is the Tabernacle of David , that is fallen downe , which the Lord cometh to raise up in every man , and will certainly raise it up in every one , for a Temple for himselfe to manifest , his eternall love and mercy in , unto them , who beleeve , but his eternall wrath and displeasure in them , who remaine in unbeleef : and so , in regard of this near relation , which every man hath unto God , that hee is his off-spring , through his image , which is in him , though it doth not live in every one , ( even as a dead Child , is the offspring of his Father , though hee bear not his living image , ) thus the Apostle doth preach God near unto the Athenians , even so near that they might feel after him , and find him , to wit , in his owne image in them , which though crucified and slaine in them , yet , as is said , there is more of God to be knowne and felt , even therein , then in Temples made with mans bands , gold and solver , graven by art and mans device , or in any visible creature , so that it is great ignorance , in them who affirm , that the Apostle is here onely holding forth , that knowledge of God , which the Athenians might gather simply from the creatures without them ; for of these creatures , it cannot be said , they are the offspring of God , but of men , it is said , they are his offspring . He that created the spirit ( for so the Hebrew word also signifies , and so the Septuagint renders it ) the spirit of man , the same upholdeth it to this day , dwelleth within it , in his owne divine seed , and principle ; and in it , it is that Man lives , and moves ; and hath his being ; This is he who sheweth unto Man , unto Man indefinitly , that is to Mankind , to every Man , his thought , what it is , what his heart , soule , mind , & spirit runs out after , and the Lord God of Hosts , saith the Prophet is his Name . keywords: ability; adam; adversaries; againe; alexander; answ; answer; apostle; appearance; argument; bear; becaus; beleeve; beleeving; birth; blessed; body; cause; children; christ; church; clear; cometh; coming; condemnation; consequence; contrary; conversion; corrupt; creatures; crucified; darknes; day; dead; death; disobedience; divers; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; effect; elect; end; enlightning; eternall; evangelicall; evident; evill; excellent; excuse; eye; face; faith; fall; false; father; field; fire; flesh; follow; foundation; free; fruit; generall; gentiles; gift; giveth; glad; glory; god; god hath; gods; good; gospell; grace; grant; great; greek; ground; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hee; hid; himselfe; hold; holding; holy; house; iesus; iewes; ignorance; illumination; image; immediate; invisible; inward; iohn; judge; justified; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; large; law; left; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; lord god; love; man; manifest; manifestation; mankind; manner; mans; matter; measure; meer; men; mens; mercy; mind; ministers; ministry; moses; mouth; nations; naturall; nature; near; obedience; object; objection; occasion; onely; operation; opposition; order; outward; owne; particular; paul; people; place; plaine; possible; power; preach; preaching; principle; proper; proposition; pure; purpose; reason; relation; reprobate; riches; righteousnes; rom; saints; salvation; saving; scripture; second; seed; seene; seing; self; sence; servant; shewed; sin; sins; soule; speak; speciall; spirit; spirituall; spring; state; sufficient; tcp; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; themselvs; therefor; thereunto; therfore; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; transgression; true; truth; turn; tydings; unbeleef; unbeleevers; unconverted; understanding; universall; unto; verse; vertue; visitation; viz; voice; way; wee; wheras; wherby; wherin; wicked; wisdome; witness; words; work; world; wrath; yea; yee cache: A47193.xml plain text: A47193.txt item: #60 of 73 id: A47194 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: George Keith's vindication from the forgeries and abuses of T. Hick & W. Kiffin with the rest of his confederate brethren of the Barbican-Meeting held London the 28th of the 6th month, 1674. date: 1674 words: 6679 flesch: 57 summary: Secondly , saith T. H. The Sense I put upon the Word Lost , is no other then what W. P. allows , Lost , saith he , as taken by T. H. is meant of Man's lost Condition , and as there used by G. K. is understood of God and Christ , whom Man had lost , Reas. There remaineth another Citation out of my Book of Immediate Revelation , made use of by T. H. not in his Dialogues , but in The Quakers Appeal Answered : But surely he could not have faln upon a Place in all my Book that doth more manifestly clear me , and demonstrate T. H. to be a vile Forger , in alledging on me , that I say , Christ came to seek and save a Lost God , a Lost Christ : For none of all these words cited by him , speak any thing of Christ his seeking and saving a Lost God ; but , That God sent his Son into the World , to seek and save the Work of his own Hands , that of the pure Creation in man , which though shut up in Death , yet it remained , and perished not , as to its being . keywords: abuse; book; charge; christ; clear; doth; eebo; english; forgeries; forgery; friends; george; god; hath; heart; hicks; inspiration; jesus; jesus christ; keith; lost; lost christ; lost god; man; meeting; men; pag; reader; saith; scripture; seed; self; soul; spirit; spiritual; t. h.; tcp; text; thing; true; words; work cache: A47194.xml plain text: A47194.txt item: #61 of 73 id: A47196 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A vision concerning the mischievous seperation [sic] among Friends in Old England date: 1692 words: 1908 flesch: 68 summary: So as I was at Prayer , the Lord answered me , That this Spirit of J. S. J. W. and their Company , were raised up for the Tryal of Friends , their standing to God ; for it was High , and Friends were Low , in the Power and Spiri● of God , and wet with Dew and sate in the Valley , and will rise when their Height will fall ; and therefore Friends are to stand to God. Dear Friends and Brethren ; IN the Lord Jesus Christ , in whom you have all Peace and Life ; and in him there is no Division , nor Schism , nor Rent , nor Strife , nor Seperation ; for Christ is not divided , and there can be no Seperation in the Light , Grace , Faith and holy Ghost , but Unity , and Fellowship , and Communion ; for the Devil was the first that went out of the Truth , and seperated fro● it , and tempted Man and Woman to disobey God , and to go from the Truth into a false Liberty , and to that which God forbad . keywords: books; characters; christ; early; eebo; english; free; friends; george; god; hath; life; lord; love; online; patience; pure; seperation; spirit; tcp; tei; text; things; truth; word cache: A47196.xml plain text: A47196.txt item: #62 of 73 id: A47197 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The way cast up, and the stumbling-blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward containing an answere to a postcript, printed at the end of Sam Rutherford's letters, third edition, by a nameless author, indeed not without cause, considering the many lyes and falshoods therein, against the people, called Quakers, which are here disproved, and refuted / by George Keith ... date: 1677 words: 59780 flesch: 62 summary: For Earth●● and Heavenly are not so differing , but that re●aining one in Substance : they may be changed ●e into another , so that as one and the same 〈◊〉 Soul may by the operation of the Mighty Power of God , be changed , so as to be made heavenly and pure ; even so one and the same Earthly body may by the same Power be made Heavenly , and thus in different respects they are one and the same , and yet not the same : one in Substance , and not one , but another , in the manner of being . And though she pretend to be more for a sp●ritual way of preaching , and worship , then eithe● Papists , or these , called the Episcopal ; yet reall● upon the matter , she is not one jot more for th● same , then they are ; but doth fully aggre wit● them , in those principls , that in their very natur●● oppose all spirituall preaching and praying . keywords: aberdeen; abraham; account; acknowledg; adam; ages; angels; anoynted; answer; anti; apostles; appearance; author; bare; becaus; beginning; best; bishops; blasphemy; blessed; blind; blood; body; book; brethren; bruce; calleth; calls; calvin; cause; center; certain; children; christ hath; christ jesus; christians; church; clear; cometh; common; communion; confession; contrary; converse; cor; covenant; creation; creaturs; dark; darkness; david; day; days; death; desire; devil; distinct; divers; divine; doctrin; doe; doth; drink; earth; emanation; england; english; eph; episcopal; epistles; everlasting; excellent; experience; expressions; externall; eyes; face; faith; faithfull; fall; false; false christ; farr; father; feeling; flesh; follow; forme; forth; free; friends; ghost; glorious; glory; god; godhead; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; grosse; ground; guilty; hand; hath; head; hearts; heavenly; heavenly man; heb; help; high; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; ierusalem; iesus; iewes; immediat; incarnate; independents; influence; ingrafted; inward; iohn; john; judgment; king; known; leave; letter; life; light; like; little; living; long; lord; lord god; love; luther; lyes; man christ; manhood; manifest; manner; mary; matter; means; measure; mediator; meer; members; men; mind; ministers; ministry; mother; mouth; mystery; nation; national; nature; nay; need; new; notice; object; occasion; onely; operation; outward; owne; pag; papists; particular; parts; paul; people; perfect; persecution; person; place; popery; popish; postscript; power; pray; prayers; preach; preachers; preaching; precious; presbyterian; presbyterian church; presbytery; presence; present; priest; principles; profession; professors; proper; prophecy; prophets; protestants; pure; quakerism; quakers; question; read; reader; real; reason; reformation; regard; respect; revelation; robert; rome; root; saints; salvation; saviour; saying; scotland; scripture; second; section; seed; seing; self; sense; sensible; separation; set; silent; sin; sins; small; sober; son; sort; soul; soules; sound; spake; spirit; spirituall; spring; stand; substance; suffering; tcp; teachers; teachings; telleth; testimony; text; thee; themselvs; therefor; things; think; thou; thoughts; thousands; thy; time; true christ; true church; true man; truth; understanding; united; unsound; virgin; want; way; weight; wel; whereof; wit; witness; witnesses; woman; wonderfull; word; work; worship; wrot; yea; years; zion; ● christ; ● d; ● e; ● man; ● n; ● o; ● y; ● ● cache: A47197.xml plain text: A47197.txt item: #63 of 73 id: A47199 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The way to the city of God described, or, A plain declaration how any man may, within the day of visitation given him of God, pass out of the unrighteous into the righteous state as also how he may go forward in the way of holiness and righteousness, and so be fitted for the kingdom of God, and the beholding and enjoying thereof : wherein divers things, which occur to them, that enter into this way with respect to their inward trials, temptations, and difficulties are pointed at, and directions intimated, how to carry themselves therein ... / written by George Keith in the year 1669 ... : whereunto is added the way to discern the convictions, motions, &c of the spirit of God, and divine principle in us, from those of a man's own natural reason, &c. date: 1678 words: 56575 flesch: 50 summary: But this proceedeth from a great mistake in them , for that they do not judge aright of the divers manifestations and workings of God in the Souls of Men , according to their different states and conditions , for though the Presence of God be one , yet it hath its manifestations , after different manners , in the unholy and unclean , and in the holy and clean souls , as is somewhat above declared , for in the holy , he revealeth himself immediately , in great love , peace , joy , meekness , sweetness , and beauty , and suffereth the Soul to approach so near unto him ▪ as even to join in an union with him ; after a ma●ner unconceiveable to unholy Souls . And so , in relation to Men , this I say , that the Sufferings of Christ , and his Obedience , Life and Righteousness , both inwardly and outwardly , hath a very blessed influence upon Men , both to remove the Wrath , and also to remove Sin the cause of it , and to bring in everlasting Righteousness , to cover the Soul with , by a real participation of it , over and beyond all imaginary reckonings and imputation of man , ( though the imputation of God unto man , ●we own . ) keywords: account; actions; active; acts; affections; aforesaid; alwaies; answer; appearance; beginning; betwixt; birth; blessed; blood; body; books; brief; bring; canst; capacity; cause; certain; chap; christ; christian; clear; clearness; coming; conceive; continuance; contrary; conversion; converting; convinced; creation; darkness; day; dead; death; die; divers; divine; divine life; divine light; divine power; divine principle; divine seed; dost; doth; earth; effects; end; enemy; english; entrance; evil; example; excellent; exercises; experience; faith; fall; false; father; feeling; fire; flesh; follow; forbearance; foundation; fruit; george; glory; god; godliness; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; ground; growth; habit; hand; hath; head; heart; heavenly; help; hold; holiness; holy; holy life; holy seed; holy spirit; humane; image; influence; inward; iohn; jesus; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; knowledg; known; let; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; lord; love; man; manifestation; manner; matter; mayst; measure; meer; members; men; mercy; mind; mortification; motions; natural; natural life; nature; nay; near; necessary; needful; new; occasion; operation; operative; order; outward; partaker; particular; passiveness; people; perfect; perfection; perform; place; plain; poor; possible; power; presence; present; price; principle; pure; quakers; read; real; reason; receptive; regeneration; relation; repentance; righteousness; root; saints; salvation; satan; scripture; second; seed; self; sense; sensible; service; set; shewing; short; silence; sin; sinful; sins; small; soul; spirit; spiritual; spiritual life; spring; state; steps; stone; strength; strong; substance; sufferings; supernatural; tcp; tender; testimony; text; thee; thereunto; things; thou; thou art; thoughts; thy; time; tree; trials; true; true divine; true god; truth; turn; turning; unclean; understanding; unholy; union; unto; use; vertue; visitation; viz; way; weakness; wilt; words; work; worketh; working; world; wrath; yea; year; ● ● cache: A47199.xml plain text: A47199.txt item: #64 of 73 id: A47200 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The woman-preacher of Samaria a better preacher, and more sufficiently qualified to preach than any of the men-preachers of the man-made-ministry in these three nations / by George Keith. date: 1674 words: 11005 flesch: 50 summary: He who telleth a man or woman all that ever they have done , must be Christ : but this man has told all that ever I have done , therefore this is the Christ , or is not this the Christ ? And also before this time , the Lord made use of women , to witness , speak , or declare , and that unto the eleven Apostles , that Christ was risen from the dead , Luke 24.9 , 10. And was not this Convention a Church ? keywords: apostles; bernard; better; case; children; christ; church; city; command; day; design; doth; eebo; english; faith; fathers; flesh; god; godly; good; great; hath; heard; hearing; hire; immediate; life; light; like; little; lord; men; ministry; money; nations; natural; nay; onely; outward; paul; people; permission; piety; place; preacher; preaching; revelation; samaria; scripture; self; shutteth; sins; sort; speak; spirit; stipend; tcp; text; things; time; true; university; way; wicked; wit; woman; words; work; yea cache: A47200.xml plain text: A47200.txt item: #65 of 73 id: A47778 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A true and faithful accompt of the most material passages of a dispute betwixt some students of divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene and the people called Quakers held in Aberdene ... before some hundreds of witnesses upon the fourteenth day of the second month called April, 1675 : there being opponents John Lesly, Alexander Shirreff, Paul Gellie and defendants upon the Quakers part Robert Barclay and George Keith ... / published for preventing misreports by Alexander Skein ... [et. al.] ; to which is added Robert Barclay's offer to the preachers of Aberdene, renewed and re inforced. date: 1675 words: 17374 flesch: 60 summary: This is an abuse , I speak not of my Seed , or the Seed of man , but of the Seed of God in men . Seeing no man knoweth the Father but the Son , and he to whom the Son revealeth him , Mat. 11. 27. and seeing the revelation of the Son is in , and by the Spirit ; therefore the Testimony of the Spirit is that alone by which the true knowledge of God hath been , is , and can be only revealed , who as by the moving of his own Spirit converted the Chaos of this world , into that wonderful order wherein it was in the beginning , and created man a living Soul to rule and govern it , so by the revelation of the same Spirit , he hath made manifest himself all along unto the Sons of men , both Patriarchs , Prophets and Apostles , which revelations of God by the Spirit , whether by outward voices and appea●ances , dreams or inward objective manifestations in the heart , was of old the formal object of their faith , and remaineth yet so to be , since the object of the Saints faith is the same in all Ages , though set forth under divers administrations : moreover these divine inward revelations , which we make absolutely necessary for the building up true faith ; neither do nor can ever contradict the outward Testimony of the Scriptures , or right and sound reason ; yet from hence it will not follow that the divine revelations are to be subjected to the examination , either of the outward Testimony of the Scriptures , or of the natural reason of man , as to a more noble , or cetain rule and touchstone ; for this divine revelation and inward illumination is that which is evident and clear of it self , forcing by its own evidence and clearness the well-disposed understanding to assent , irresistably moving the same thereunto , even as the common Principles of natural Truths , move and incline the mind to a natural assent . keywords: aberdene; alexander; answer; argument; baptism; barclay; betwixt; case; christ; command; day; debate; dispute; divers; divine; divinity; doth; duties; end; english; evidence; faith; fear; g. k.; ghost; god; good; greater; ground; hath; hearts; holy; hope; illumination; immediate; influences; inspiration; inward; iohn; knowledge; life; light; lord; man; manifestation; masters; matter; men; necessary; object; objective; offer; outward; particular; paul; people; permission; persons; place; praeses; principal; principle; proposition; quakers; r. b.; read; reason; revelation; robert; rule; scriptures; second; seed; self; selves; shir; speak; spirit; students; substantial; sufficient; tcp; terms; testimony; text; theses; things; thou; time; true; truth; water; wit; words; world; worship; young cache: A47778.xml plain text: A47778.txt item: #66 of 73 id: A51023 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Mr. George Keiths reasons for renouncing Quakerism, and entering into communion with the Church of England with other remarkable occurrences that will be acceptable to all orthodox Christians, of every persuasion. date: 1700 words: 12396 flesch: 44 summary: Now , to confute their Allegation , and to prove it all of a Piece with the rest of their Suggestions , I am obliged to acquaint the Reader , That as an Evidence of my owning the Ch. of England to be a Branch of the True Catholick Church of Christ , I did with great Inward Peace and Satisfaction , I bless God , Receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper , by the Ministry of Dr. Bedford , at his Church in Buttolph-Lane , London , with others of that Congregation , the first Lords Day in the Month of February , 1699 , and since again , at the same place , by the same Person , the first Lords Day in March , 1699 ; and to let the Quakers know , that my Example has influenced others , the same day Robert Bridgman , and Margaret Everard , and some other of my Friends , which formerly were Quakers , and in great Repute among that People , whom God in Mercy has lately enlightened to see their former Error , and Renounce it , did receive the Lord's Supper in Huntington , and have declared , That they received it with great inward Peace and Satisfaction . They reckon me their Enemy , because I tell them the Truth , and labour to Rescue them out of the Snares of Satan : But since God has been pleas'd to prosper this Work in my Hand , both in America and England , none of their malicious Insinuations shall be able to stop my Progress in this Duty , to contend earnestly for the Faith of Christ which was once delivered to the Saints , and which the Quakers labour to Destroy . keywords: answer; baptism; blasphemy; blessed; blood; body; books; call'd; carnal; cause; certain; characters; charge; christ; christian; christianity; church; coming; communion; day; dear; death; delusions; divine; doctrine; eebo; england; english; errors; faith; false; father; figure; flesh; fox; george; god; good; great; greater; guilty; heaven; holy; inward; jerusalem; jesus; john; judgment; letter; life; light; like; london; long; lord; man; men; mercy; nar; necessary; new; orthodox; outward; paul; penn; people; person; place; power; principles; quakerism; quakers; reason; religion; resurrection; rule; salvation; satisfaction; scriptures; self; sense; sins; society; spirit; supper; tcp; teachers; text; thee; things; thou; true; truth; use; way; whitehead; william; word; work cache: A51023.xml plain text: A51023.txt item: #67 of 73 id: A56906 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Quakers creed containing twelve articles of their antichristian doctrine, for which many have denyed them. Publish'd by some, who have joyned with Mr. George Keith, in the City of London, and did formerly meet with him at Turners-Hall, and in divers parts of the country, as Huntington, Reading, Bedford, and Colchester. date: 1700 words: 5809 flesch: 73 summary: 5. Their Equality with God 6. The Death and Sufferings of Christ . Note Reader , Here is Justification by the Active and Passive Obedience of Christ , as the meritorious and fundamental Cause thereof , before God , plainly Denyed , for that was and is wholly without us . keywords: antichristian; baptism; blood; body; books; christ; christians; dead; deare; death; devils; doctrine; eebo; english; errors; faith; false; fox; george; god; great; holy; jesus; john; justification; keith; letter; life; light; lord; man; men; ministers; original; oxford; page; pen; people; persons; power; quakers; reader; rule; said; scriptures; sect; son; spirit; tcp; text; thee; thou; true; truth; viz; whitehead; william; woe; word; works cache: A56906.xml plain text: A56906.txt item: #68 of 73 id: A63218 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd, and William Bradford, Quakers for several great misdemeanors (as was pretended by their adversaries) before a court of Quakers at the sessions held at Philadelphia in Pensylvania, the ninth, tenth, and twelfth days of December, 1692 : giving also an account of the most arbitrary procedure of that court. date: 1693 words: 17794 flesch: 60 summary: Thou pitiful Whip-jack , I despise thee ; and yet we find not that John Skeen had him presented or prosecuted at Court for this more than ordinary abusive and scurrilous Expression , short of common Humanity ; and yet this is he who now can say , He will bear no affront , thereby showing how unlike he is to a true Christian , and even to many as well Heathen as Christian Magistrates , who have born with Patience great Affronts and Reflections from Persons far inferior to them . Fitzwater openly in a Monthly Meeting accused G. Keith , That he denied the sufficiency of the Light ; which G. K. denied , but T. F. said , he would prove it at the next Monthly Meeting ; which being come , G. K. called on T. Fitzwater to prove his Charge , which he endeavoured to do , and brought W. Stockdale for his Evidence , but to no purpose , only W. Stockdale again renewed his Charge against G. K. in the open Meeting , to the admiration of many , to see his great Ignorance and Impudence ; but seeing that T. F. was not like to prove his Charge against G. K. Thomas Lloyd , and some few others withdrew , yet the generality of the Meeting stayed , and after some time it growing dark , John Jennet , ( a great stickler against G. K. ) desired that the Meeting might be adjourned till the next day , which was unanimously agreed unto , and also by Tho. Fitzwater ; the next day all Parties appeared , and great and long Contention there was most part of that day betwixt George Keith and Tho. Lloyd , Arthur Cook , &c. G. K. affirming and arguing for the Necessity of the Faith of Christ crucified , &c. the others denying , and arguing , That the Light within was sufficient without the Man Christ Jesus , &c. but finding that the stream went against them , T. Lloyd , A. Cook , and some others withdrew , and the Meeting ( consisting of at least Sixty Monthly-Meeting Members ) proceeded and gave Judgment against T. Fitzwater and W. Stockdale , the substance of which was , That they should forbear preaching and praying in Meetings till they had condemned their Ignorance and Unbelief , &c. but at the next Quarterly Meeting , a Party withstood the said Judgments , and said , That the Persons being Ministers , none but them of the Ministry were fit to judge ; which many thought relisht too much of Popery ; yet notwithstanding many showed their dislike thereto , Tho , Lloyd , Arthur Cook , Sam. Jenings , &c. denied the said Meeting and Judgment ; and then it was that T. Lloyd's Party changed their time and place of meeting against and contrary to the declared mind of their then Brethren , who gave their Reasons why they consented not to the changing the Time and Place of Meeting ; but prevailed nothing with them , for the next first Day George Keith and Party met at the usual time and place , and Tho. Lloyd and Party went to the Meeting-house at the Centre , which made the first Seperation . keywords: account; answer; appeal; arthur; attorney; bench; books; boss; bradford; budd; care; case; christ; christian; church; clerk; comb; contrary; cook; copy; country; court; day; england; english; evidence; g. k.; george; god; good; government; governour; great; guilty; hands; hath; high; imperious; impudent; james; jenings; john; judge; judgment; jury; justice; keith; king; known; law; laws; letter; license; like; lloyd; magistrate; man; manner; matter; meeting; men; month; note; ordinary; paper; people; persons; peter; philadelphia; place; power; present; presentment; province; quakers; rascal; said; sam; samuel; saying; seditious; sessions; set; slocum; spirit; tcp; text; thee; things; thomas; thou; time; trial; true; viz; white; william; words; work cache: A63218.xml plain text: A63218.txt item: #69 of 73 id: A63382 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A true and faithful accompt of the most material passages of a dispute betwixt some students of divinity (so called) of the University of Aberdene, and the people called Quakers held in Aberdene in Scotland, In Alexander Harper his close (or yard) before some hundreds of witnesses, upon the fourteenth day of the second month called April, 1675. There being opponents John Lesly. Alexander Shirreff. Paul Gellie. Mast. of Art. And defendants upon the Quakers part. Robert Barclay and George Keith. Præses for moderating the meeting, chosen by them, Andrew Thomsone advocate: and by the Quakers. Alexander Skein, sometime a magistrate of the City. Published for preventing misreports, by Alexander Skein, John Skein, Alexander Harper, Thomas Merser, and John Cowie. To which is added, Robert Barclay's offer to the preachers of Aberdene, renewed and re-inforced. date: 1675 words: 13709 flesch: 64 summary: If ye say men may be deceived by a seducing Spirit , What then ? will it therefore follow that the Spirit of God will deceive any , or that men ought not to be guided by it , more than because many men have been and are deceived by a misunderstanding and wrong use of the Scripture , that therefore the Scripture doth deceive people , or ought not to be the Rule ? If it be said divers men pretending to the Spirit contradict one another , doth not the same recur as to the Scriptures ? What greater contradictions can there be than there is betwixt certain Churches both acknowledging the Scriptures to be the Rule ? Hast thou forgotten ( John ) how thou and thy Elder Brother Andr. Cant , who both affirmed the Scripture to be the only certain Rule , & yet oftentimes before the same Auditory in the same Pulpit did from the very same ver . of Scripture , Ps 93.5 . Now what evidence can ye give from the Scriptures , which we cannot give ? yea , and greater from the Spirit , that Hereticks cannot justly lay claim to . Stud. keywords: aberdene; alexander; answer; argument; baptism; betwixt; christ; command; day; debate; dispute; divers; divinity; doth; english; evidence; faith; g. k.; god; greater; hath; holy; hope; influences; inspiration; inward; john; man; manifestation; masters; matter; men; object; objective; offer; outward; particular; paul; people; permission; praeses; principle; proposition; quakers; r. b.; read; revelation; rule; scriptures; second; seed; self; selves; shir; skein; speak; spirit; students; substantial; sufficient; tcp; terms; testimony; text; theses; thing; thou; time; true; water; words; young cache: A63382.xml plain text: A63382.txt item: #70 of 73 id: A67845 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A snake in the grass, caught and crusht, or, A third and last epistle to a now furious deacon in the Church of England, the Reverend Mr. George Keith with some remarks on my former epistles to him, especially that against plunging in baptism / by Trepidantium Malleus. date: 1700 words: 6520 flesch: 73 summary: Church of Eegland , their Sins ▪ I never doubted , but among you , on the one Hand , and the Anabaptists on the other , are found some as God like men as are in the World ; and pray , you may be in the Number , I hate the least thought of doubting any Mans Integrity or State , for his Opinion in these Matters . 2. Because I think I have done it already : I find but little you have said about the Liturgy , Ceremonies , and Episcopacy , but what I have Answer'd in my Apology ▪ in my Letters to Mr. Lasly , and Friendly Epistle to you . keywords: answer; baptism; baxter; best; bishop; book; call'd; ceremonies; characters; christ; church; churches; deacon; dissenters; early; eebo; england; english; episcopacy; epistle; george; god; good; great; hall; hath; heaven; keith; king; law; lawful; london; lord; malleus; man; matters; men; need; new; poor; pray; prayer; proper; quakers; reverend; right; schism; self; sermon; set; sir; spirit; talk; tcp; tei; text; tho; time; water; word; work cache: A67845.xml plain text: A67845.txt item: #71 of 73 id: A70194 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: The Quakers creed concerning the man Christ Jesus transcribed verbatim out of a treatise entituled, The way cast up, lately written by George Keith, a Quaker, with animadversions upon it. date: 1678 words: 9396 flesch: 72 summary: And therefore let all the Scriptures be searched , and it shall not be found that Christ became Man , and took to himself the Soul of Man at his conception in the Womb of the Virgin , but only that he took Flesh , and was the son of Mary , David , and Abraham according to the Flesh ; but according to his Heavenly nature , even as man he was the Son of God. And therefore bad Flesh and Blood , to wit , Heavenly and Spiritual , even from the beginning , on which the Saints in all ages did feed : And seeing Christ had flesh and blood from the beginning , he was Man from the beginning . keywords: adam; angels; animad; author; beginning; blood; body; center; christ; contrary; creation; creature; distinct; divine; earth; eebo; english; flesh; george; god; godhead; hath; heavenly; holy; humane; jesus; keith; life; light; like; man; man christ; manhood; men; nature; nischma; outward; pag; parts; present; quakers; query; real; saints; saith; scripture; self; son; soul; spirit; substance; tcp; text; things; time; virgin; womb; word cache: A70194.xml plain text: A70194.txt item: #72 of 73 id: A70390 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: A sermon preach'd at Turners-Hall, the 5th of May, 1700 by George Keith ; in which he gave an account of his joyning in communion with the Church of England ; with some additions and enlargements made by himself. date: 1700 words: 14977 flesch: 50 summary: It proceeds from great Ignorance and Errour in many , that they will not allow any real distinction betwixt the common Illumination given to all Mankind , and the special Illumination given to Believers in the crucified Jesus : Some will allow a distinction in degree , but not in kind or specie ; but , I say , they differ in kind or specie , ( though both come from one and the same Fountain , the Father of Lights , from whom all good Gifts flow , both natural , and spiritual , and supernatural ) because they discover differing Objects , i. e. differing Truths , by way of Object , that differ from these few Truths discovered by the common Illumination , specifically or in kind ; for whatever Truth or Truths the common Illumination discovers to Heathens of the Being , and Power , and Providence of God , as Creator , and the Duty of Mankind to him as such , the holy Scriptures without , and the special Illumination of the holy Spirit within , discovers far other and greater Mysteries of Truth , in the inestimable Love of God by the Redemption of the World through Jesus Christ , and the Duty that we owe to God and Christ thereby , in the Belief of his Word and Promises , the Obedience to his Commands , and especially all and every of them given under the New Testament , as that of Baptism and the Supper , Obedience and Subjection to Christ's Government and Discipline he has established in his Church , and to all whom he has set up to have the Rule over us , in his House and Church . The Law writ in the hearts of the Heathen World , teaching the moral Duties of Temperance , Justice , and general Piety towards God as Creator , is , I grant , without the means or help of Scripture , and antecedent to it ; but so is not the Law or Laws of God writ in the hearts of Believers ; whether Jews or Gentiles , who believe in the crucified Jesus , peculiar to the Christian Dispensation , as Obedience to the Faith of the Gospel , and to the positive Ordinances and Institutions of Christ , of Baptism and the Supper , and others aforesaid ; these Laws are not writ in our hearts without Scripture , nor antecedent to Scripture , but posterior to Scripture , and by means of Scripture . keywords: advantage; answer; apostles; baptism; bishops; blood; body; books; cause; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; common; communion; conscience; cross; day; deacons; dissenters; distinction; divers; doctrine; doth; eebo; end; england; english; evil; faith; faithful; forms; god; good; gospel; government; grace; great; greater; ground; hath; heart; holy; hope; illumination; jesus; john; keith; knowledge; law; laws; light; like; little; living; lord; man; manner; means; men; mind; mouth; necessary; need; new; obedience; officers; order; outward; people; power; prayer; presbyters; present; publick; quakers; reason; rom; rule; said; salvation; scripture; set; sign; sin; sins; spirit; superiority; supper; tcp; teachers; testament; text; things; time; true; way; word; worship; writ; yea cache: A70390.xml plain text: A70390.txt item: #73 of 73 id: A93936 author: Keith, George, 1639?-1716. title: Reasons why those of the people called Quakers, challenged by George Keith, to meet him at Turner's Hall the eleventh of this month called June, 1696. refuse their appearance at his peremptory summons. date: 1696 words: 1577 flesch: 65 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 172373) keywords: books; characters; early; eebo; english; george; hall; image; keith; london; month; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; quakers; reasons; story; summons; tcp; tei; text; turner cache: A93936.xml plain text: A93936.txt