Help in time of need from the God of help to the people of the (so called) Church of Scotland, especially the once more zealous and professing, who have so shamefully degenerated and declined from that which their fathers the primitive Protestants attained unto ... / writ by George Keith, prisoner for the truth in Aberdeen in the latter end of the year 1664. Keith, George, 1639?-1716. 1665 Approx. 200 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 43 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2003-07 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A47150 Wing K173 ESTC R36221 15619322 ocm 15619322 104192 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . 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TO THE People of the ( so called ) Church of Scotland , especially the once more zealous and professing , who have so shamefully degenerated and declined from that which their Fathers the Primitive Protestants attained unto ; yea , and from what they have but of late themselves , so zealously asserted and maintained to be the cause and work of God , which now they have generally shrunk from , the most part actively complying and concuring to the building up again and healing of old Babylon , that , even by themselves so called , and runing into the excess of ryot with the prophane world , ( like the Dog returning to the vomit , and the Sow to the puddle , after the being once washed ) others being lying by , and cowardly bowing under , and giving up themselves to a detestable neutralitie , which they in express termes vowed against to the most high God , not daring to bear a testimony by their sufferings ( plentiful occasion being given ) for that , they , when having power made others suffer , who would not concur with them ; and all of them ( almost ) joyning together , as a common enemy against the work and glorious appearance of God , brought and more abundantly bringing forth , among his people called in derision Quakers , by the Ismaels of this Generation , who mock at , and persecute the true Heirs of the promise , as ever it hath so been from the foundation of the World. Being certain particulars very weighty , and of great concernment for them to consider seriously , for their Souls good , directed unto them , by a true lover of their welfare and prosperity both temporal and eternal , a mourner over them in this time of their great calamity and distress , who hath oft poured forth his soul before God on their behalf , that they might be saved , one of their brethren according to the flesh , and a true Protestant & friend to the good Old Cause against Babylon in whatsoever appearance . Writ by George Keith Prisoner for the Truth in Aberdein in the latter end of the year 1664. Isa. 51 18 , 19 , 20.23 . There is none to guide her among all the Sons whom she hath brought f●rth , neith●r is there any that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up , &c. Ezek. 10 4. Wilt thou judge them , son of man , wilt thou judge them , &c. See the whole C●●p●e th●●ughout . Jer 5.10 . Go yee ●p upon her walls and destroy , but make not a full end , take awa● her Battlements , for they are not t●e Lords , &c. Jer. 6.15 Were they shamed when they had committed abomination ? &c. Revel . 19.6 , 7 , 8 Hallelujah , for the Lord God omnipotent re●gneth , &c The Contents or heads of the particulars are as followerh . 1. A Lamentation over , and an expostulation with the People of Scotland for their so gainstanding and opposing the appearance of God among the Lords people called in derision Quakers ; and for their foul defection and Apostacy from what the Primitive Protestants and reformers were , ( whose successors they boast themselves to be ) yea and from what they have been but of late dayes themselves . 2. A Demostration of the Apostacy and defection of the ( so called ) Church of Scotland , from what their Fathers , the Primitive Protestants , and Reformers were in Principles , to the number of 14. or 16. and in many practises also , wherein their Apostacy also and defection from what they have been themselves , but in late dayes in several particulars is hinted at , and there vile relapse into Popery ( out of which they were never cleanly extricate ) is discovered , and their treachery laid open in the matter of their Covenant which they cryed up as the glory of their Nation , and the concernment and interest of Iesus Christ , which now they have trampled under feet as the myre in the street , and think shame of it as if it had been a Whores brate . 3. True and righteous judgment from the God of judgment seperating the precious from the vile , concerning the late proceedings of the People of Scotland in the matter of their reformation from , and their covenanting against Prelacy , with the corruptions , and Popish superstitions accompanying it ; as also concerning their Church Constitution , Ministry , Worship and Government set up 〈◊〉 them after the pulling down of the former , and discr●ing it ▪ as A●tichristian , wherein lik●wise the Lords controversie w●th th●m in laying them by , and suffering this day to come over th●m is shewed in which their building is also laid in the dust , and its the will of the Lord , that it never be again rebuilt . 4. The blessed , long looked for day of God broke up among us the Lords people called Quakers , with a declaration of the Lords loving kindness to us , and what he hath done for our Souls in causing the light of his countenance to shine on us . And a brief description of our Church , Ministry , Word , Worship , order and Government . And a Proclamation of the foresaid day of the Lord to the People of Scotland in judgment and mercy . With a loving Exhortation unto them , and dear and tender counsel concerning what the Lord requires of them in order to a perfect , and thorow reformation which they have often assayed , but never as yet come at . Also a few words to such who expect the breaking up of the day of God , and yet deny it , broke up among us . Writ in the fear and love of the Lord , and in bowels of love and compassion , to the people of my native Country . A Word of Exhortation by way of Preface to the following Purposes , from a Lover of the true interest of those to whom they are directed . HOw is it , that yee do not yet discern this time ? how long will yee shut out the discoverers of it , and so provoke the Lord to shut you further out from beholding them ; O fear , fear to be found any more in that guiltiness , which ( if persisted in ) may make you to be shut out for ever : And let none so look on themselves as to suppose they are past this hazard , if so be they yet continue , neglecting , opposing , and persecuting , or approving of them who persecute the growing light of this day , as it s come , and coming forth with power and great glory . Truly Friends , think what ye will , this is the thing ( I say not the only ) but the maine and chief thing that 's in the quarrel betwixt God and you , your keeping up of Mens Traditions in place of the true institutions of Christ , while he now so comes forth to vindicate and restore them , your so adhearing to , and preferring of the oldness of the Letter to the newness of the Spirit , that had its glory , but not comparable to this which excels , think not that this case and state of things , as then it was in the Primitive dayes ended with those , that were then so zealous for , and loath to part with , the Law and outward Ministration thereof , in the Letter : Nay Friends , consider seriously of it in the fear of the Lord , lay by your passion and prejudice , for it concernes you near , consider of it in soberness , and yee shall truly find it your very case at this day , as then it was theirs , that same spirit for the outward , in opposition to the inward Ministration acting now as then , and heightned in its actings now , more then ever . O who● shall that be dead to you , or yee to it , wherein yee have been 〈◊〉 long held from beholding the Glory of the Lord , as it comes forth in the work of this day ? And how contrary to , and inconsistant with it , that work was , which ( by might and power ) yee were leading on , though yee had attained , what yee so proposed in the furthest , and highest extent of that uniformity , which yee so endeavoured to have imposed upon all ; are yee not yet sensible of your mistakes and snares in these matters , so as to be made willing to glorifie God , ( as some of you have , it may be ingeniously gratified men ) with a humble confession of your over-reachings ? and other guiltiness brought upon your selves , and the people of these Nations . Truly Friends , however this may relish with you , yet yee will find yee are called to it , even to own your shame , for so setting up your posts and thresholds by his , that so yee may come to have the true forme of the house and fashion thereof shewn unto you : Are yee not sensible , that as unwise Sons yee have stayed too , too long in the place of the breaking forth of Children ? do yee not yet perceive how that the Bridegroom is really departed , and the Children , the Children of the Bridechamber called to mourning ; So will it be before the enjoyments of Christ as the Bridegroom or first Husband be parted with , yet this must yee come to know , and condescend unto , that so yee may be marryed to another , even to him raised from the dead : Thy dead men shall live ( sayes the Prophet ) together with my dead body shall they arise : the Dead and the Living body consider , for there 's much in it , and very much that concerns you nearly to look to : for , as their mistake who crucified him , was their not discerning his living body , ( for if they had but so known him they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory ) so a mistake in the other persisted in , brings under no less hazard , then being given up to crucifie him over again , eating and drinking of the damnation spoken of ( 1 Cor. 11. ) is where this discerning of the Lords body is not rightly made , the dead and crucified body , from the living body , the living soul as its first , from the quickning Spirit , which follows after , the letter and out ward teachings so much cryed up , with all the fruits , and effects of the one , ( though a very blessed and comfortable enjoyment in its place and kind , yet being but that which made nothing perfect , it s now no less necessary to be parted with , then at that time it was , else the comforter as the blessed effect of the other cannot come , nor can he be supposed so to become , where his immediate teachings are so slighted and cryed out against . Many times hath it been in my heart thus to have spoken some few words unto you , ( as these ) who I dearly love in the Lord , and to whom I stand by many bonds obliged , if in any service I could be useful , but being somewhat sensible , what I had to do in my own particular case , and not altogether unacquainted with the deceipt of the busie enemy who in this day lies so near , ready to draw out the mind , to vent its own imaginations , and to speak of the things of God , without his warrant . I have hitherto withholden in expectation of a more fit opportunity , and a clearer warrant to go about it , which upon the perusal of these ensuing Papers was very clearly given to me : And indeed the subject spoken to , and the truths asserted in them , had been some years ago much on my heart , and seriously enquired after , and that this search and enquiry was of the Lord attended with a blessing to me , I can very clearly testifie ; and finding the same things for the most part so sweetly , and with such a spirit of meekness offered unto you ; I find it only my duty at present to be concuring in my Testimony , as agreeing fully with what in them is said , as most fit and necessary to be seriously minded by you . Dear Friends , it is high time for you to awake and consider what yee are doing , there is another thing to be brought forth in this day then yee have yet conceived of ▪ And your guiltiness for opposing it , is greater then yee are yet aware of , nor will your apparent zeal for God , and his ordinances , which hath with some of you hitherto layen very near your hearts ( this I do think it hath been and that yet it may be in a measure with some of you , where singleness of heart in any measure yet remains ) serve the turn , if yee so persist in the way of provocation . Consider if something of the same snare and tentation be not on you , as was on them who so zealously contended for Moses , and the Prophets , the same was their plea , and upon the same grounds did they go on , to the rejecting and crucifying of Christ , as yee ( some of you ignorantly and others more perversly ) are in the way to do at this day ; bear with my freedom , for truly I can say it , there is no bitterness nor passion at my heart , while thus I use it , but the deep sence of the dreadful hazard yee are runing , hath drawn it from me , that if so in the will of the Lord yee may return to your first love , and so imbrace the guide of your youth again ; the missing and departing from whom , hath alwayes been the cause of our Fathers the first Protestants their short comings and mistakes of the work of God , as well as of ours , that they were not in every thing come to own their true guide , though in some things they did it , and according to the simplicity that was in them , they were sweetly ordered by him , and accepted of him . And thus was it with them and so hath it been with many , who succeeded them ; and was it not so of late among us also ? yea , eminently so it was , both in Scotland , England , and Ireland ; mainly in this our great sin and guiltiness ( as the foundation of all our mistakes and failings ) it s aggravated exceedingly beyond and above what was theirs , that the discovery of this duty of waiting to find the immediate direction of our guide in every thing as absolutely necessary ( and at the very time when more fully and universally then ever formerly it was bestowed ) being more clearly come , and coming forth then to them in that day it was , yet now more then ever , ( which is dreadful to think of ) is it both disowned and persecuted even by them whom I well knew to have sometimes sweetly enjoyed the blessed effects of the spirits immediate teachings in themselves , and so to have been instrumental to the great advantage of others , such wonderful and astonishing effects does the deep and fiery tryals of this day bring forth , when every work of man is to be consumed , the Gold and precious stones ( not built on the true foundation ) as well as the Wood , Hay and stuble , that which is born of the flesh is but flesh , even that which is begotten , but through the knowledge of Christ after the flesh must be left behind , and parted with , else the Comforter cannot come that the fruitful field may become a wilderness , and the wilderness and solitary place a fruitful field ; that so the Lord alone may be exalted in this day , and all flesh lie low as grass before him : Let therefore the dread and terror of the Lord seize upon all , especially the professing people of this Generation , that they may no more transgress in this thing of despising or neglecting , the immediate teachings of his Spirit : This key of knowledge which the Lawyers have taken away , this little stone which must fill the whole earth , dreadful is the judgment that is to be met with by such ( whatever they be ) who shall be found any more refusing to receive Jesus Christ thus coming to his Kingdome in their hearts ▪ and what then shall become of such who shall be found rebelling against the true Light , so as to mock and persecute it ? Dear Friends , as yee love your peace and safety beware of this , for it borders too near upon that guiltiness that will not be forgiven : What needs you so to be afraid at the coming of Christ to his Kingdom , that so his will may be done in Earth as it is in Heaven ? hath it not been the matter of your Prayers many a day , and do yee well to be angry , when it s so gloriously coming to pass ? O! how ill does this become you , & how ill does he take it at your hands , were it not more becoming you ( with him who so long since wished for it , ) and rejoyced thereat ) to desire that all the Lords people were Prophets ? this would not have wronged , nor deminished any thing from his Ministry then , who was so eminent , nor will it now do from the true Ministers of Christ ; those who make but a trade of preaching , thereby to win their living , as other tradesmen do , it is no marvel to see them very angry at the approaching glory of this day , if every one is to have the Spirit , and be permitted to speak publickly , what shall become then of our Ministry , say they , and how shall we live ? And though there be some , yea , I conceive it may be granted , there be many among you , who upon this account do not own these men , nor this their plea for their pretended Ministry ; but it may be really , think in your hearts that if there were no other thing in it , yee could with Moses wish for , and rejoyce thereat , even that all the Lords people were Prophets , and that it is a Gospel Ministry , and maintenance that yee stand for , and no other , and this being an institution of Christ , which now you perceive so to be struck at by the Quakers , yee may not so part with it . But Friends consider seriously of this matter , and it will not be found so , either on your part , or on theirs , whom with the world in scorn yee call Quakers ; for we do really own both a Gospel Ministry , and a suitable maintenance according to the Scriptures , and yee do neither own the one , nor the other , but in words only ; for though yee seem to disown those men who seek after the Ministry , and the standing of it , mainly upon the account of their hyre ; yet consider it seriously if upon the matter yee do not the very same thing with them , and harden them in their guiltiness , and the people in their prejudice against us while yee so both by your profession and practice , justifie and imposed , and forced maintenance , which is so well known to be contrary to the Gospel , and condemned also by your Predecessors , and many others of the Martyrs and servants of God , among our selves , and elsewhere . And again consider , however yee pretend to be for a Gospel Ministry ; it is not so , no , yee are downright opposers , and persecuters of it ; and alass that I should have such cause so to speak it . Can yee produce any institution of Christ , for justifying such a Ministry , which other wayes ye cannot maintain , but as through a line of succession from the gre●● enemy of Christ , descended upon you , and for keeping up of which a door must be set open , even for the ungodly to enter ; for its plainly so affirmed by many of greatest note amongst you , that Grace belongs only to the well being , and not to the being of such a Ministry , and ministerial qualifications , as are by you required ; see Durhame on the Revelation concerning Ministerial qualifications page 199. and where it is thus , A door set open for an ungodly man to enter ( if he be furnished with gifts of humane Learning ) and closely shut upon another ; however he may be known to be eminently pious & well furnished with spiritual knowledge & gifts of the Holy Ghost , is this your Gospel Ministry ? and yet thus it is according to the acts and appointments of your supposed , most pure and incorrupt Assemblies that hath been of late ; so far are yee in this also become contrary to your Predecessors who both by their practice and profession affirmed that every faithful man and woman was a Priest , this is fully testified too , both by Knox his Chronicle , and Spotswood in his History of the ( so called ) Kirk of Scotland , second book , page 60. and 61. are yee not ashamed therefore any longer to own such a Ministry ? O Friends , come come down and lye in the dust , for greatly hath the Lord been thus provoked by you , and lamentable is the case of the people of these Nations , who are perishing in their sins , because of such a Ministry , such leaders of the people so causing them to err . And if it be here required what is that Ministry , and what are the qualifications thereof , which the Quakers require . To this I need say but little , the Author of the ensuing Papers having fully and faithfully spoken to it , and divers other particulars , whose Testimony if not made use of will one day bear witness against you , as well against the multitude of time servers ( who go along with every thing making no question for conscience sake ( as the Apostle speaks in another case ) as of others who are under some sort of suffering at present though in part , for a true Testimony , given in some particulars , yet even in this , no wayes answerable , nor suitable to what is required in this day , and all of you in your several interests and capacities , as yee stand related to the ( so called ) Kirk of Scotland , and pretended work of Reformation , are very much called , seriously to mind what is therein said unto you , and if in soberness yee well consider of it , the thing intended may very clearly appear , that hitherto yee have been labouring but in the fire , as to the producing any work of Reformation which God allowes of ; yea , and going rather backwards , from what was once attained to loosing , and plainly contradicting the true and honest principles of your worthy Predecessors , which one thing rightly considered may evidently demonstrate to you , that your work hath not been nor is of God. The presence of God having been very eminently with the Author of these Papers in his enquiry after these things , this his service may be very useful for you , and will be so found , and acknowledged by those , whose eyes shall be opened to behold , how the Lord comes forth in this day of his power to try every work of man , and by the foolish things of the World to confound the wise . And to what is there said as to that particular , annent the qualifications of a true Minister , I shall only add these few words , that which so was necessary from the beginning , that which we have heard and seen , and handled with our hands of the word of Life , even the power and presence of the Lord , in his people do we ( whom in scorn yee call Quakers ) declare unto you , as the only essential qualification of a true Minister of Christ. And if this be it yee are so affraid of , that through the increase of this , the spirit of Prophesie , the true Church and Ministers of Christ , shall suffer loss , your fear upon this account is groundless , for these must stand , and only in that way must they prosper , so as that the gates of Hell shall never prevail against them , but if your fear be for the fall of that supposed Church , which they the hirelings I mean , and yee so contend for both among your selves , and with others , which is truly Antichristian and no better , then undoubtedly your fear is coming upon you , and for preventing of it ( as yee may suppose ) it is no marvel that ye so fall in with them for the defence of Rome , and her Ministry , or else as some who have been , and yet are famous among you , have both spoke and written , that yee must not only lose your Church and ministry , but your Baptism , and the Bible , which the witness of God in your Consciences , cannot but tell you , how much yee did sometime detest and abhor so to say , or think untill of late through the growing light of this day , in these and in many other truths of the like nature , your skirts are so discovered , and your heels made bare , and your way so hedged up of the Lord that yee cannot escape , either to own Rome as your mother Church , and so to return to her again , or fully to part with and come out of her for ever , and thence not to bring with you a stone of hers , either for a foundation to Zion , or for a corner ; nay , she must not be healed any more ( which yee have been for a long time so endeavouring ) but destroyed for ever , Ier. 51.9.26 . and the time draws near , and yet thereby neither the Church , nor Ministers of Christ , nor the true Baptisme , nor the holy Scriptures of truth , nor any other of his true Ordinances shall thereby s●ffer loss , but great and glorious advantage to them who wait for it . And because there be some , with whom I have had sweet fellowship in the Lord , who its very like , would have expected some other thing from me , then such sharp and peremptory expressions , and conclusions against them , and the way of the ( so called ) Kirk of Scotland in which I was bred with them , and had my beginning in the way of Godliness ; I know very well , as things now stands with you , yee may think so , of what I have said , as also that it may be , yee would rather have expected some account of the grounds , moving me to , and the advantages that I either looked for , or have found by such a thing : Now to speak shortly a word to this , I trust for it , yea , I am not without hope in it , that the day is coming ( and frequently have I sought it of the Lord on your behalf ) when ye shall so come to see the truth of what I say , and the necessity that ( on your account ) was on me for it , as that ye shall willingly acknowledge , that it was the greatest evidence of my dear and tender love in the Lord to you , which next to his glory led me to it , and that otherwise I should have been wanting of the expression of that true and sincere love which still I have unto you , as to the advantages I have found , which might be also offered , as the reasons whereby I was moved of the Lord , to make that so strange a change as yee account it , in owning these despised people called Quakers : I need say but little , if what is in this and the following Papers be well considered of , and I know it is my place to lie low in the fear of the Lord , and to speak but little as to advantages , or any progress that I have made ; and I acknowledge no man hath more matter so to do , yet in this case I may not be silent , but must in the fear of the Lord , give this my Testimony to the pretious people , and the truths of God asserted by them , that they do truely and really , both profess and practice the new and living way in which holiness ( by mortification and subduing a body of sin and death is attained , and have indeed come to the discovery of these things , even the life and power , which throughout the dark night of Apostacy hath lyen much hid , and hath been but very little felt , or known ; yet such is the goodness of God to that pretious people , count of them , and call them what yee will , the true power and life of holiness is more truly known to them , and eminently holden forth by them , then by any people else that have come forth since the Apostles dayes , and a greater measure do they yet wait for , and as they are faithful , it will be multiplied on them ; for the presence of the Lord is with them , and all their opposers must fall before them . Dear Friends consider then , how far yee have been mistaken concerning them , and with groundless jealousies carryed on with prejudice against them , as grosly erronious , blasphemers and the like ; Nay , nay , friends , it is not so , and upon search yee shall find it far otherwayes , let your informers who many of them sinfully take things on report without tryal , and others who for maintaining of your own interests have made lies their refuge , let such say what they will , they are , and will be found a blessed people , who as instruments in the Lords hands may be called the repairers of the breach , and the restorers of the paths to dwell in ; they own dearly , and rejoyce in the use of the holy Scriptures , and desire to live up to the practice of all the truths of God declared in them . Beware then what yee say or think of them , and that yee approve not in the least their persecuters . And if as yet yee cannot receive what they offer , yet beware to reject it , or to judge of it , because yee cannot as yet close with it ; the time may come when yee shall both see and receive it : If the work they are about be of God , ( as undoubtedly it is , then it must prosper ; beware therefore to be found any more in opposing of it , least yee also be found fighters against God. As for me , I am but a child , and as one of yesterday , yet through Grace , I am what I am ; and as I own that state wherein I was , when I walked with you , for truly I can say there was a measure of singleness and sincerity within me in it , and therefore I may not disown it , nor any , while they so continue there , if they be not wilfully opposing further discovery ; yet this I verily know , and can truly say , I then was , and now am called of the Lord to go further forgeting the things that are behind , to press forward for the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus , and this is that I aim at , and which thorough the help of my God , in this way so much by you so slighted and despised ; as I keep faithful to what I know of it , I have more hope of attaining then ever . Now that I may come to a close , I have but a few words more to say to such of those to whom these Papers are directed , who are gone beyond Sea , if at any time this shall come to their hands , which is to desire them in the fear of the Lord , to consider seriously what is therein said unto them in particular , and if without prejudice in soberness they wait for it , I am hopeful , it shall be said unto them , how came yee here ? and what do you here , seeking to uphold that which I am pulling down , and to bear down that which I am setting up ? this is not your work , return from whence yee came , and it shall be shewn unto you . Dear Friends , ( for so are yee to me ) whither yee will hear or forbear , yet know of a truth I speak not unto you without a warrant . Written in the 11 th Month in the year 1664. Alex. Iaffray . A Lamentation over , and an Expostulation with the People of Scotland , for their so gain-standing and opposing the appearance of God among the Lord's People , called in derision Quakers ; And for their foul Defection and Apostacy from what the primitive Protestants and Reformers were , ( whose successors they boast themselves to be ) yea and from what they have been but of late dayes themselves . OH , oh , people of Scotland ! great is my sorrow of heart for you ; and when I consider your state and condition , many times my soul mourns , and pangs take hold of me , as of a woman in travel , and I cannot cease , but take up a lamentation over you , if possibly any of you hereby may be reached and awakened out of the deep slumber of security , whereinto ye have fallen , to consider your wayes and turn unto the Lord , from whom ye have deeply revolted , and against whom ye are fighting in this day ; and his appearance ye are calluminating , blaspheming & opposing , as witnesseth too manifestly your savage and cruel dealings with the Lord's people , whom he hath framed for himself , and who do and shall shew forth his praise to the ends of the earth . Oh , oh , your cruel mockings , your hard speeches , your inhumane usage of them , one way and another , is noticed and marked before him ; yea , it is writ as with a pen of iron and a point of a Diamond , and the least grain weight of their sufferings by him is regarded , and he will be avenged of their enemies , and repay them double ; yea , great is the indignation and wrath of the Lord against you ; verily I have felt it , yea , I have seen it ( and many others with me ) burning like a very Sea of fire and brimstone , ready to break out upon you , as certainly it will do , and sweep you away to the bottomless pit , if ye do not prevent it by speedy and unfeigned repentance . Alas unthankful People , do ye so requite the Lord ? is this the fruit ye bring forth to him , after he gave you deliverance from your enemies , and peace and rest round about ? remember and call to mind the rock from whence ye were hewed out of , and the pit from whence ye were digged , and consider your poor , low and despicable condition , and your fore-fathers estate , in the day of your and their nativity , when the Lord first visited you in Egypt , the da●kness of Popery I mean , and gave unto your fathers a little Goshen , where they had light , when the Egyptians ( such as remained Papists ) were choaked with the thick darkness ; and after when the Lord called them forth out of Egypt , and they begun to remove , having a red Sea before them , Pharaoh ( Antichrist in the Pope ) and his complices behind , and mountains on every side , yet the Lord was with them , and did fight on their behalf , and they saw great wonders in Egypt and in the Wilderness , but with many of them God was not well pleased , for they tempted him exceedingly , whereby the Lord was provoked to swear against them , that such should not enter into his Rest : and Oh , how have ye their posterity , lusted in your hearts to return into Egypt , because of the onyons , and garlick , and flesh-pots thereof , and others of you would not go forwards at the command of the Lord , but ye would sit down in the Land which God never appointed for your rest , for it was but the wilderness , and ye made to your selves of it a resting and dwelling place , where ye thought to have planted Orchards and Vineyards , and to have eaten of the fruit thereof , whereby it came to pass , that ye loathed the Manna from Heaven , and the Lord became wroth , and ceased to rain of it any more down upon you ; and ye did eat of the fruit of your own doings , and your Vineyards which ye planted , brought ye forth abominable fruit , whereby your souls were distasted , and many of you became to be past feeling of God ; and the Manna from Heaven became such a mystery unto you , as it is at this day , that ye own such a thing delusion and blasphemy ; and the cloud by day , and the firy-piller by night , which the Lord gave to your fathers to lead them , have you turned your backs upon , and shut your eyes , that ye might not see , and the Lord was provoked to remove it from you , and it ceased to appear , and your foolish hearts were so darkened , that ye denyed altogether such a thing , and at this day ye call it a fancy , viz. the Revelation of God's Spirit . Oh , oh , how are ye degenerated into a strange Plant , who were a noble Vine , a right seed ! how have ye turned from that which was the rock that followed your fathers , was their stay , was their Manna , was their Leader and Guid , their Moses ? but have ye not said with them , who typically d●d represent your estate , As for this Moses , we know not what is become of him , let us take our jewels and ear-rings of gold , and make it into a god , that may go up before us into the Land ; and now after your long and sore travel in the Wilderness , wherein ye have abode many years , going backward and forwards , wandring up and down , having lost the sight of the cloud which pointed you the way , and forgotten that rock which followed and accompanied your fathers , out of which living waters flowed to their refreshment ( which rock was Christ ) and after many of your carkasses have fallen , because of unbelief , and more are yet to fall . It hath pleased the Lord to raise up to us , among your selves , that Prophet whereof Moses wrote , and his Word we have heard sounded forth ( which is near even in our hearts ) saying to us by the powerful breath of his Spirit , Arise , arise , this is not your rest , it is polluted , it will destroy you with a sore destruction ; and the voice was so powerful , that it hath quickned us , who were dead with you while we were living , and the firy-piller hath appeared to us , glory to God for his gift , and shineth forth with beams of glory ; and the Lord hath opened the windows of Heaven , and rained down on us the Manna from Heaven , which is the food of Angels , and not like the Manna which the Iews did eat and died , but that which feedeth us unto life everlasting ; and the rock , even the eternal rock and salvation of Gods people is revealed unto us , out of which springeth pure living water from the fountain of life ; and Ioshua , which is Jesus , is given us for a head to lead us into the Land of Promise , an entrance into which many witness at this day , and others are in the way , and have got a fore-taste of the Vine-grapes of the Land , and hath sounded forth a good report concerning the same , and many hath believed the report , and tryed the truth thereof , and found it to be true , even some of your selves , who were as you , whose eyes the Lord out of his infinite mercy hath opened , and they have found a place of repentance for all their hard speeches and enmity against the people of the Lord ( in the time of their ignorance ) and his work and appearance , and have become ashamed and confounded therefore ▪ and I know assuredly it shall be so with others , who for the present ( through the ignorance that is in them ) may be persecuting the Saints of God ; but alas , alas , how dangerous and deplorable is the condition of the most part of you , for the time , with whom our testimony can have no room , nor find place in you ; and the good Land , whereof we report , has no more credit with you , then if it were a cunningly devised Fable , even the Kingdom of God and of his Christ , in the Revelation of his eternal Light , Life , Power , and Spirit in our hearts , which fills us with joy unspeakable , and full of glory , and satisfies the desires of our souls ; so that we have true content in the injoyment of our God , and have all and abound , possessing him in whose favour is life , and at whose right hand are pleasures for ever more ; the streams thereof , your thick walled prisons , and bolted gates , within which ye shut us up , cannot hinder from flowing into our souls , and for the pretiousness and excellency of his dear and sweet love , which he hath caused , and does cause us to feel shed abroad in our hearts , are we made willing patiently and contentedly to go thorow all the reproach and opposition we can meet with from you , if possibly we be made instrumental to reach some of you , that thereby ye may be saved with us , and induced to walk in the Light of the Lord with us , which has appeared and shined forth in its glory , and ( as Solomon said ) Truly it is a sweet and a pleasant thing to behold the light . O how sweet is it , how pleasing , how refreshing , how healing , how comforting , how sure a Guide ; what assurance and satisfaction it gives to the soul , none knows but such as are come to perceive it in their own hearts : this , this was it discovered unto your fathers the many gross abominations and superstitions of Popery , so that they came to loath and abhor them ; this led them forth out of Egypt , this discovered unto them Babylon the mother of fornications , and the cup wherewith she had bewitched them ; so that they had no rest till they vomited up so much of the same as they perceived to be poysonous . And oh , had you their posterity kept chast to the leadings of the Lord by his Light , which was near unto you , as well as unto them , even the light of Christ , which enlightens every man that comes into the world , and shineth in darkness , though the darkness cannot comprehend it ; had you ( I say ) kept chast thereto , and given it the preheminence above all , how unspeakable had your happiness been at this day , and now is your misery the greater , that ye have adulterated there-from , and become so impudent and shameless as to deny it for a leader , or to give it the preheminence , for have ye not set the letter of the Scriptures above it , and made them unto your selves a golden Calf to be a Guide , Leader and Rule unto you , whereas if ye had given them the proper place , setting them under the Light and Spirit of Jesus Christ , from which they came , and to which they point , it being their own testimony , that they are not that light , but were given and sent forth to bear witness of the light , that all in the light ( not in them ) might believe : I say , had you given to them their proper place , they had been as jewels and ear-rings of gold unto you , and useful in their room , whereas , through your abuse of them , and setting their testimony above the inward and immediate testimony of Jesus , which is the spirit of Prophecie ( Rev. 19.10 ) they are become your snare , and a sealed book unto you , that ye cannot read nor understand their interpretation , because ye have gone from the key ( the Light and Spirit of Christ ) which would have opened them unto you , and now they are parables unto you , and dark sayings , though you call them plain ; but plain indeed a●e they , and easie to be understood by the children and Babes of Light ; and because ye have so gone a whoring from that which would have proved a soveraign remedy and antidote against the wayes and wiles of the Devil , and Babilons cup of fornications , therefore the light being a holy , pure and chast thing , hath been provoked much to withdraw , and 〈◊〉 have cause to be afraid , lest it eternally depart from you , and you be shut up in blackness of darkness , who hath so forsaken and undervalued your own mercy , and misprized the gift of God unto you , given you to profit withal , and which only can open your eyes , and give you the knowledge of the glory of God , which is life eternal ; and you being wandred from the light , which is the first principle and key to open up the oracles and mysteries of God's Kingdom ; you have come to read the Scriptures with a false eye , and have understood them , ( yea and used them ) as weapons to fight against the appearance of Christ in his people at this day , as the Iews did against the same Lord Jesus Christ in his appearance according to the flesh at Ierusalem , they disputed against him from the Scriptures , whereas they testified of him ; but the vail was upon their eyes , and they had lost the key ( which was the light and Spirit of Christ that gave them forth ) which their Teachers had taken from them , as your Teachers have done from you . Oh , let this be a Lamentation for ever , that of the rock that begot you , yee are become so unmindful and turn'd against that which was the very life , marrow and substance of your reformation , and you having lost the same , what remains but a dead carcass , or rather an image of a reformed Church , 〈…〉 with a wrong spirit , which is the life of the W●●re , Beast , and false Prophet , who are all for the Pit. And O● how have yee betrayed your own cause , and given it a way into the hand , of your enemies , as appears by your arguments yee make use of against us , the very self same the Papists took against your Fathers , did they not upbraid them with innovations , and the novelty of their Religion , being but of a few years and dayes standing ; did not they upbraid them with the fewness of their number ? did they not upbraid them with their ignorance , calling them idiots and unlearned , as indeed they were to Humane Learning many of them ; but they were taught of God , which was far better ; did they not nick-name them , calling them after such base and contemptible names , whereby to render them odious unto the people ? did they not raise up many false slanders and reports against them ? did they not persecute them with fire and faggot , imprisonment and spoyling of their Goods , which they took joyfully ; and did they not question them as the Iewes did Christ and his Disciples , and as yee do us concerning the authority who gave them a command to preach and reform ; and had your Fathers any recourse to make , but unto that which could well bear them thorough , as it does us to day , viz. the immediate call of Gods Spirit in their hearts ; and have yee not so used us , have yee not nick-named us , and raised many false reports concerning us , and greedily sucked in the fame of them from others who invented them : Oh how strange have we been and are to you at this day , have yee not refused us , the name of Christians , which yee will not scruple to give to drunkards , cursers , whoremongers , murderers , prophane and abominable persons among your selves , whom yee own as your Church members , have yee not called us worse then the very vilest of men , even then Turks or Pagans ; saying , we are unworthy to live , and have yee not given it forth that our design is to overthrow and root out of the world the Christ an Religion , and that we strike at the very foundamentals thereof : Oh that we should be so mistaken by you , if your Predecessors were live in the body , many of them we could ▪ willingly appeal unto and next under God , set them to judge betwixt you and us , in this matter , and we are sure they would not have so mistaken us , as yee have done ; for ( although they had not come to see things as they are at this day seen , and were far short of the knowledge God hath now given to his people , being as it were the morning dawning , or twy-light unto them ) so that they had not discovered the bottom of all Babilons treasures , nor got rid of the many inventions and traditions of men , yet a measure of truth many of them received from the Lord , and were gathered in a measure to walk in the Light , and life thereof , ( and had confidence in the Lord to seal their Testimony with their blood against the Man of sin ) and they being in a measure of truth themselves could not but have known us , for all the children of light , and who are begot of the living word of truth , which gives a discerning to know one another in the truth , and in the light and spirit , which first begot them , and this is the true rule of knowing one another , and who come hither can dearly own and haue uni●n with others as brethren , though differing from them in some things , if they can feel them in the living word and spirit of truth in which their life stands , and their fellowship and communion with God , and one with another ; and it 's not the many opinions agreed upon that is the bond of peace , but the unity of the spirit ; now yee having wandred from the Word of truth , and light and spirit of Christ , which gives and preserves in the discerning and feeling one another , as members of one body , yet retaining somewhat of the form of truth and some of their opinions , yee could not but mistake and oppose us , as your greatest enemies , and your fathers enemies also , in whose succession ye so much boast , though we be much nearer them then your selves , both in principles and practices ( excepting some things they had not got rid of some of Babylons wa●es and baggage , which they brought away with them , I mean some Popish opinions , cust●ms , and traditions which in that day passed for the matters of God , but now they are seen in the light , which hath broke up in a greater measure to have Antichrists superscription upon them , and Babylon the Whores superscription , which we coming to disce●n could not but give her what was hers ; now it hath been so alwaye ▪ that such who have got into the form of truth , and not into the power spirit and life thereof , hath most persecuted these who had come thereunto , witness the Professors among the Iews , with their Priests , Teachers , Doctors and Rabies , who were the greatest enemies to Christ and his Disciples . Oh how shall I bemone and bewail you people of Scotland , who have been and are in your own apprehensions exalted unto the Heavens , and looked upon your selves , and were so reputed by others , as the choicest Nation in the World for the purity of the Gospel , and Gospel Worship , and Ordinances : Oh how are yee fallen , and become a hissing and reproach to all round about you , and the enemy hath gotten this advantage over you , saying , ah so would we have it , this is the day we looked for , and it is come , is this the royal and magnificent City which gave her self forth to be the praise of the whole earth , and a dread and terrour to her enemies round about , let our eye look upon her , for she is become defiled , she is become as one of us ; how is the stately City fallen ! how is her glory defaced ! how is her bulwarks and walls broken down , who boasted in the strength of them , as if the gates of Hell could never have prevailed against her : Oh how have yee given occasion to the enemy to revile and reproach you , and the living truth of the living God , by and through you hath suffered also , and the name of God hath been exceedingly dishonoured , and blasphem'd , and many hath been tempted in their hearts by your miscarriage to think all Religion a mockery and delusion : And Oh how have yee quite lost and fallen from that simplicity and honesty that was in your forefathers , and in some of your selves also in the time of your infancy and poverty , but now yee are grown up , and become wise and rich , lacking nothing but having all ; Oh were not your thoughts of your Reformation such as nothing could have been added thereto , but as if the topstone had been put thereupon , and the frame and building had become intire ; but alass , alass , what shall I compare you to , but even to Laodicea , whose thoughts where such of her self , and yet she was poor and miserable , and naked , and wanted the eye salve , which is the light which yee also want , and you are become lukewarm , neither hot nor cold , and are near to be spewed out , as many of you are already ; Oh how is your Gold turned into brass , and your silver become dross , and your wine become water ; how are your Nazarites that were white as snow , and pure as wool become black as Charcoal ; how is your Glory turn'd into shame , your strength into weakness , your zeal into a cold neutrality , concerning the cause and work of God , but in so far as ye are persecuting his witnesses , only because they are more righteous then your selves , and there is scarce one to be found among you all to day , bearing a sutable testimony for God , according to your own very principles , and ye have not the hearts to suffer for that which ye formerly caused others to suffer for by you , who would not go along with you in that which ye called the cause of God , and the interest and concernment of Jesus Christ. Oh , how hath this day discovered you ! how are ye stripped , and your nakedness laid open ? how are ye become an hundred fold more vile then other Nations , who never had such a Profession of God and of his Truth , as you have made . Oh , oh , how are my bowels troubled for you ! 19 th . of the 10 th . Moneth 1664. George Keath . A Demonstration of the Apostacy and defection of the ( so called ) Church of Scotland , from what their Fathers , the Primitive Protestants , and Reformers were in Principles , to the number of 14. or 16. and in many practices also , wherein their Apostacy also and defection from what they have been themselves , but of late dayes in several particulars is hinted at , and there vile relapse into Popery ( out of which they were never cleanly extricate ) is discovered , and their treachery laid open in the matter of their Covenant which they cryed up as the glory of their Nation , and the concernment and interest of Iesus Christ , which now they have trampled under feet as the myre in the street , and think shame of it as if it had been awhores brat . IN love and compassion to your souls , if happily any of you may be convinced , and in the will and commandement of God , who hath laid it upon me , to shew unto you your abominations ; if thereby his Witness in your consciences may be reached , and ye brought to some sense of the evil of your wayes , that you may repent and find mercy of him ; and not out of any evil will ( the searcher of hearts knows ) I bear to any of you , I shall proceed to demonstrate the Apostacy of your Church and Nation ▪ Priests and People , from what the primitive Protestants and first Reformers were , whose successors ye boast your selves to be , that ye may cease your glorying in the flesh , and may know the Land of your nativity and descent , which is but from Hagar ; and though ye call your selves the children of Abraham , yet ye have not his faith , but your father is an Hittit , and your mother an Am●rit , which was the challenge of the Lord even against them who descended from Abraham , and were according to their profession the choicest people in world for Religion , but they were gone from Abraham's faith , and the Spirit and Principle which guided him , which was Christ the Light ; for Abraham saw his day and rejoyced in it ; for before Abraham was , he was ; and so are you generally gone from the spirit and life of your Fathers , which was the kernel , and have kept the husk and shell as the Iews did , who put Christ to death , as you have done , and are doing ; and I can instance to you some of your Fathers , who were honest and faithful servants to God in their day , who saw your Apostacy and defection coming ; namely , Iohn Knox , George Wishard and Iohn Welshe ( as appears by this mans Epistle with several other that 's extant this day ) who by the spirit of Prophecy foretold , that Christ should be again crucified in Scotland , as he hath been and is amongst you , as he was among & in us also , till it pleased the Lord to raise us up together with him ; and the Son of Righteousness hath arisen upon us , with healing under his wings , and we witness the Son of God come , and we have been made to look upon him , and mourn because of our piercing of him , and he hath comforted us after all our sorrows , and brought us to walk in the light of his countenance , and begotten us unto a living hope by his Resurrection from the dead , and such need no verbal demonstration of your Apostacy , seeing the same in the light , as it were engraven upon your foreheads in great letters , so that he who runneth may read , who have an eye or sense to perceive ; and that ye are so unsensible your selves , it argues a very great deadness , that hath overflown you : but because many cannot read in the Spirit your defection and Apostacy , as neither can ye your selves , therefore I shall make a visible demonstration of it unto you , which ye cannot shun , though ye would never so fain , ( for the witness shall arise in your consciences , which ye shall not be able to hold down , and justifie my declaration ) from drawing a parallel betwixt your fore-fathers principles and practices , and yours ; so will all who have the least measure of ingenuity and true understanding , see how ye have gone from them , and quite lost the true Protestant cause , for which the Lord first raised them up , and how ye have healed the wound of the beast , which your fathers gave it . Let all who have any measure of simplicity among you , and desires to know the perfect way of God , seriously consider , that for which the Lord raised up his witnesses in all ages against Antichrist , and mysterie Babylon , who still gave her self forth for the Spouse of Christ , but was indeed a Harlot , and deceived the Inhabitants of the earth by her mask , getting many of the outward forms and words of the Saints , the sheeps cloathing , but inwardly adulterated from the life and Spirit of Jesus Christ , the only foundation of the true Church ; and was not the ground of the Dragons , Whores , Beasts , false Prophets quarrel against the Martyrs and witnesses of Christ principally this ? that they held the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of Prophecie ( Rev. 19.10 . ) and bear witness against the Whore , who had the form retained without the power , yea denyed the power of godliness , denyed the teachings and leadings of the Spirit of Christ , and the Revelation of him in the hearts of the children of men ? ( this is the Antichrist who denies Christ the Son come thus in the revelation of himself in the heart ; for that coming of Christ in his bodily appearance at Ierusalem , Antichrist will not , does not deny it , being he knows it will never harm his Kingdom ; so to confess him come , providing Christ his Kingdom be not set up in the heart . ) now was there not such a dispensation in the earth , were there not a people in the Apostles dayes , who witnessed Christ come again in spirit , according to his promise ? who said , If any keep my commands , I and my Father will come and dwell with him , And again , I go away , but I will not leave you comfortless , I will come again unto you ( Iohn 17. ) And after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ , were they not indued with the Spirit from on high , and filled with the holy Ghost ? did they not live in the Spirit , walk after the Spirit ? did it not give the knowledge of the mysteries of God's Kingdom unto them ? did not the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation open the eyes of their understanding , to know the love of Christ , which passeth knowledge ? and while they kept here , did they not remain a pure chast Church unto Christ ? and while the eye was kept open and single by the revelation of the Spirit of Truth , could the Dragon , or Whore , or Antichrist prevail over them ? could the many traditions or inventions get place , as the Ordinances of Christ , had they kept to the evidence and demonstration of the Spirit of God ? Now was not the principal Defection and Apostacy from this , even the pure chast Light , Life and Spirit of Christ revealing God , and the things of this Kingdom unto them ? and when people wandred from this , there the inventions took place , and Babylons cup was drunk , for the vail came over , whereby the true discerning was lost , and a wrong eye opened , which could not but judge amiss of the things of God , and of his People , and wrest and abuse the Scriptures . Now ye who say , That there was indeed such a dispensation , but now it hath ceased , and is never any more to take footing in the ea●th , do ye not hereby demonstrate your selves to be of the whorish Church ? for hath not this been her plea all along this dark night of Apostacy , that the Revelation , Teachings , and leadings of the Spirit of Chirst is ceased ? therefore another Head was set up in the Church then Christ Jesus , and the Pope and his Council was made Judge to determine all controversies of Religion , and no man was to look at an infallible Judge , ( the spirit of Truth within him ) and are ye not become as bad , who openly affirm , that ye are not led by the infallible Spirit , and consequently not by the Spirit of God ; and your Church Confession of Faith saith , The former way of God's revealing himself by Prophecy and immediate Revelation , is ceased ; and God hath committed his counsel wholly into writing ( or to the Scriptures ) and nothing is to be added thereto by any new revelation of the Spirit . And oh , how fa● are ye in this point degenerated and apostatized from the primitive Protestants and Reformers , who not only affirmed , that there was immediate Revelations from God , and that the Spirit of Prophecie was not ceased , but witnessed the same in themselves , and foretold many things of consequence by the spirit of Prophecie , which came to pass : did not Iohn Knox , and George Wishard prophecie exceeding clearly ? of whom it was said , That from the day he entred upon his Ministry , t● his death , there never came a storm upon the Church , but he foresaw the end of it ; as may be seen in the Book of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland ; and many others did prophecie , as ye may read in Fox's Book of Martyrs : and was not this the main and only pillar of the Protestant cause against the Papists , who should be the Judge of Controversies , and the interpreter of Scriptures ? The Pope and his Council , with the Fathers , said , The Papists ; no said the Protestants , but the Spirit of God. And I read in the fore-cited Book of Martyrs , how when some who were burnt for their testimony to the Truth , in Queen Maries dayes , were called before the Popish Clergy , and Bishops who disputed with them ; and when the controversie arose concerning such points or Scriptures , the Popish party alleadged the determination of the Church ; but the Martyrs pleaded for the determination of the Spirit of God : and when it was queried , if such had the Spirit of God , and it was answered , Yea , ( and one brought that Scripture for his assertion , who is Antichrist , but he that denyeth that Christ is come in the flesh ) the people partly flouted thereat , and laughed them to scorn , as yee do us at this day , because we affirm that we have the Spirit of God , and that Christ is come , and his life made manifest in our mortal flesh as saith the Apostle Paul : And that which sounds very harsh in your ears at this day , and is mocked at by you , yea , accounted delusion and blasphemy , viz. Enthusiasm , or the Inspiration of God , and the motion of his Spirit ; was a thing usually known , professed , and possessed also by them , as may be read at large in the aforesaid books , and they said faith was the Inspiration of Gods Spirit , ( and so it is , and I deny that there is any true faith , but that which comes as really and immediately from the inspiration of the Spirit , as ever Paul , or Peter , or any of the Apostles and Prophets witnessed the same , whom yee your selves acknowledge to have been inspired , and were they now living yee would hiss at them as yee do at us ; calling them Inthusiasts : and Oh what a time are we fallen in , that the inspiration of the Spirit of God which is the very breath of life into the souls of the Lords people , should be scorned , and such as witness such a blessed and glorious dispensation , nick-named Fanaticks and mad men , even by them who have pretended so highly to be the reformed Church , and at such a time wherein the day of God is broke up in such clearness in the midst of them , yet they know it not . 2. Your fore-fathers the primitive Protestants and Reformers , who saw a little further into mysterie Babylon then others that went before them ; for the day brake up gradually , and there succeeded a people who saw over these , who compiled , or rather Englished the Service-book , and they disowned it , as they did also all other set forms of Prayer , and cryed them down as dead lifeless things , and they were for a worship in Spirit : thus is was , but even of very late dayes , in Queen Elizabeth and King Iames the sixth , and such were nick-named by their enemies Puritans ; and they affirmed that the Spirit of the Lord was only to teach them to pray and worship , and not any Book or Man whatsoever ; and were not set forms of Prayer cryed down also in Scotland , as lifeless barren things ( and the service-Book denyed ) and now have ye not again licked up that vomit , and through your Cities men set up ( mostly also scandalous in their conversations ) at such hours of the day or night to read a set form of Prayer ? and is there any material difference betwixt this and the Service-book ? And have not your brethren in England taken it up again ? and when it 's offered to you to read , will ye not also do the like ? there is no question of it , but most of you will , and worse also , when ye are put to the tryal ; and oh , what a mysterie is it to you , praying and singing in the Spirit ! are ye not become so impudent , as to mock this also , as I have oft witnessed my self , when your Church-members hath been so shameless as to cry in the very streets at us , when passing by , When came the Spirit last upon you , give us a Prayer from the Spirit ? And do ye not flatly deny praying and worshipping in Spirit , who deny Enthusiasm , which is to say , being interpreted ( for it 's a Greek word ) the inspiration of the Spirit of God , which is the only flame that kindles up holy 〈◊〉 in the soul after God ? and you who can prate and talk unto God without a Book in your Pulpits , and chief places of the Synagogues , and elsewhere ( in your own wills and times , and in the wills and times of others ) from a rhetorical strain , as if ye were complementing some great Prince , your prayers are as life ' ess and spiritless , as those said of the Mass-book ; and were ye come truly to the spirit of prayer , ye would know a bridle to your tongues ( without which your Religion is but vain ) and that the Spirit of God , which bloweth as well , when and where it listeth , is also as far from being limitted to set times as to set forms ; and we read not in the whole Scripture , that the Lord hath appointed any set times of prayer under the Gospel , to his people at all , whose great and most important work , is to wait the movings of the Spirit of Life from God at all times , whether to pray or give thanks , or to any other spiritual exercise ; and blessed are they who come hither , for they shall know that it is not in vain to wait upon the Lord ; for we have waited patiently upon him , and have witnessed , and do witness the pourings forth of the spirit of Prayer and praise , supplications and thanksgivings ( filling our hearts and souls night and day ) to the God of our life ; and true prayer is the gift of God , which cometh not at all in mans will or time , and therefore the season is to be waited for , which God hath kept in his own hand , and hath the key of the heart to open it when he pleaseth , and the key into the house of prayer , where is the throne of grace , without access to which , in the drawings of the Spirit-of life , man hath no acceptation with God , nor his service or worship ; all is but idolatry and abomination , only such who come to God , through the Mediator and Intercessor , Christ the Life , feeling the living drawings thereof in the particular , are accepted of him , and made joyful in the house of prayer ; and hath it not been the regret of some among you ( and may be yet when ye are in a sober mood ) that the spirit of prayer is much lost , and a dry complementing of God come in the room thereof ? 3. Were not your fore-fathers , the primitive Protestants and Reformers , a separated people ? did not they disown the Popish Assemblies , and their preaching and worship as idolatry , and forsake it ? and did not those called Puritans , both in England and Scotland , separate themselves from the other party , who stuck to the Service-book , and other superstitions ? and did not the sober people in Scotland , in the former times of Prelacy , separate from the Prelatical Assemblies and their Conformists ? did they not meet apart , and talked together of the work of God on their own hearts , and worshipped God in Spirit , and his blessing and presence was among them , while they kept cha●t to him , and mixed not with Idolaters ? Now , have ye not apostatized herein also , and mixed your selves in with the profane rabble of the world , as bad and worse then Papists , Turks , Pagans , which hath provoked the Lord to withdraw from among you , and ye can pray and sing , and communicate with such ? Is not this Babylon indeed , which is to say , Confusion ? and is not our separation from you also , as justifiable as the separation of your fathers from Papists , being we have found you to be of the same spirit , and mostly of the same principles and practices with them , and generally , as wicked , loose , scandalous , prophane and covetous , and abounding with all manner of iniquity as they ? and are not all such Idolaters ( is not thee ) vetous man an Idolater , whereas covetousness is idolatry , as saith the Scripture ? ) and are not all Idolaters to be denyed , as to any fellowship with them in worship ? and your fathers did not plead such dirty st●ff ( as you the Professors ) have learned now to do ( to shun the Cross ) for keeping the Popish and Prelatical party , their Assemblies & Service-book worship , alledging , That they sit in Moses chair , and therefore are to be heard , and we may like their good , and leave their evil . Such reasons prevailed not with your fathers ( nor ought they , for the Christians come not at all to the Scribes and Pharisees , who sit in Moses chair , but meet apart , unless to bear a testimony against them ; and bad men with all their good words , can never edifie a soul in faith or true knowledge , which is life eternal ; all they can do , is to edifie in the notion , and feed the wrong part and spirit , which delights in the notion of truth , and is satisfied in the notional knowledge , out of the life ; and the finest , truest words out of a bad mans mouth , can never reach the seed of God , either to the raising of it up , or refreshing it , but on the contrary , burdens and kills , as said the Apostle of the false Apostles , who had the letter , and were Ministers of it , out of the Spirit and Power ; and the letter ( sayes he ) kills , and so we have found it in our experience ; but these above-mentioned arguments have prevailed with you ; so that ye are herein also apostatized from them . 4. Your fore-fathers denyed the Church of Rome to be a true Church , and her Priests , and Teachers , and Bishops , and Popes to be the true Ministers of Christ , but called them Antichristian , and her the Whore of Babylon , and the Pope Antichrist ; from which testimony , you their posterity generally have shrunk , saying , that the Popish Roman Church is a true Church ( though corrupt ) which doctrine is generally maintained by you , and I have heard it asserted by those of no small profession , and it hath been preached in publick , and that their Ministers are true Ministers , though corrupt : And you say , if a Popish Priest should baptize a child , it holds good , and is a true Baptism ; and this ye are driven to maintain by the hairs of the head ( so to speak ) when ye are arraigned , both by the Papists on the one hand , and by us on the other , concerning the rise of your Ministry , and the call of your first Reformers to preach the Gospel ; for ye are drawn to a pittiful Dilemma , or Alternative , which is to confess , that either your first Protestant Reformers and Preachers were lawfully called by the Popish Priests and Bishops , to their Ministry , and consequently , that these Popish men were true Ministers of Christ , or else to grant they were called immediately of God ; and ye find it most safe to uphold your Kingdom , to yield to the former , though against the hair , rather then to confess the latter ; and a third shift cannot be invented , and ye should be constrained to give away the main pillar of your cause against us , and howgh your selves , & suffer the root upon which the National Ministry grows , to be struck at by your own consent ; for your main plea against our ministry and Ministers is , Who sent you ? have ye the call of the Church ? how can ye preach unless ye be called ? Our answer is , we are called of God , immediately by his Spirit , as was Isaiah , Amos , Paul , and many other servants of the Lord , who never had a call from man ; and all that men can do in this point , is to approve , consent to , have union with such as are called of God to the work of the Ministry , which we dearly own , and refuse not to be tryed by such as have a spirit of discerning , and the approbation of such is accepted by us . Now ye reply to us after this manner , Immediate calls are now ceased . 5. And this is another weighty point , wherein ye have apostatized from your fathers the primitive Protestants , whose answer was the self-same with ours to the Papists ( who asked them concerning their call to the Ministry ) that they were called and moved thereto by God ; and it was one of the points of Dittay against that faithful Martyr of Jesus Christ , George Wishard , one of your fathers , whom the Papists burnt for his testimony ) that he had taken up the Ministry in his own head , and at his own hand , and was not called to it ; which may be seen in the fore-cited Book , called the History of the reformation in Scotland , which Book ye generally own , and it shall be a witness against you ; and your fore-fathers were far from that poor shift you their posterity run your selves upon , that they were called of the popish Priests and Bishops ; for neither were the most part of them called by such , nor any other creature , and such as were called by them , disown'd their call , and denyed them to be the true Ministers , or their Church ( though corrupt ) a true Church , as ye now generally maintain : And in the by I would ask you one question ; if the popish Church be a true Church ( though corrupt ) as ye affirm , why have ye separated from it ? and how can ye justifie your separation there-from ? for it 's another principle of yours , That a Church holding the fundamentals ( which make it ( say ye ) a true Church ) though there be many corruptions therein , is not to be separated from . And this principle ye have taken up to justifie your compliance with Prelacy , and this late Church-model and frame , which ye formerly vomited up , and not only quit it ( and the poor Bishops could not be permitted to live among you , for after you pulled them out of their places , ye banisht them ) but vowed to God against the same . And now it stood somewhat against your stomacks to receive it among you again , and honour such men , as ye accounted unworthy of a foot of ground in the Nation , and excommunicated then , till ye fell upon this pill , whereby ye got it digested , viz. The Episcopal party is a true Church , and therefore we ought not to separate from them because of their corruptions ; and shuning one inconvenience , have ye not fallen upon another far greater , and quite given away your cause into the hands of the Papists ? for what can you answer them who query you , why ye separated from them , being a true Church , though corrupt , as ye call it ? and I believe , if Popery were urged upon you , even the blackest of it all ( and ye have too much of it else ) this pill of yours would help the most part of you to digest it also . 6. And your fathers , the primitive Protestants , denyed that a wicked man could be a true Minister of the Gospel ; as may be read at large in Fox's Book of Martyrs ; No man living in mortal sin could be a Minister of the Gospel , was their common assertion ; and it was one of the points of Dittay against Iohn Husse , for which he was burned , because he affirmed a wicked man no Minister ; and have ye not shamefully shrunk from them herein , who maintain it , that grace is not absolutely necessary for the being of a Minister , and that wicked men may be Ministers , and ye would prove it from Iudas being an Apostle : Now Iudas fell from his Ministry ( as saith the Scripture ) in selling his Master Christ , which generally your Ministers have done ; and have they not thereby fallen from their Ministry , supposing , but not granting , they had once been true Ministers ? and is it not exceeding ignorance , and stupidity to affirm , that a wicked man , who knows not Christ , nor the things of his Kingdom ( as saith the Apostle , the natural man understands not the things of God ) can be a preacher of Christ and his Kingdom ? is it not as great a riddle , as who would say , a blind man can give a true description of light , or colours , or Pilot a Ship , shew the right way to a passenger ? yea , and much more ; how can they preach unless they believe ? We believe , therefore have we spoken , saith Paul. 7. Your fathers , the primitive Protestants and Reformers , affirmed , That any good man might be , yea , was a Priest and Minister ; which also was the assertion particularly of George Wishard , and it was one point of his Dittay , and I read it in the History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland , a petition put up to the Queen by the first Reformers ; That when in the ( so called ) Parish - Kirk ; obscure places of Scripture were read , any qualified man might have liberty to speak and open the Scripture for the edification of the people ; and it was appointed so to be afterwards , as is evident by the Books of Policy and Discipline , framed and presented to the Council , Anno 1560. which thing by you is called disorder and confusion ; and it was an usual practice among them , without distinction of Clergy-man or Layely , when they met together , to speak of the things of God , and of his work on their hearts , every one according to his gift ; and these who spake were not distinguished from these who heard , by the name of Master , and stepping up into a Pulpit , and by getting the hands of so many laid upon them , or by a black Gown , or Canonical coat : And Iohn Husse , an eminent Instrument of the Reformation , and Preacher in Germany , did wear a gray coat , which he gave to his friend some dayes before his death , as Fox's Book of Martyrs relates . And ye that are so much against Women-preachers , some of you may remember upon a day when ye met together apart , men and women , and spoke of the operation of God on your hearts , without the distinction of Sex , and women allowed dearly , to exhort , pray or speak , of God's dealings with their souls ; and now ye would bring Paul's words against womens speaking in the Church , or rather against Christ the man his speaking in them , being ignorant what women Paul meant , when he wrote , that he permitted not the women to speak in the Church : now are not two or three , or half a dozen of men and women fearing God , gathered in his Name ? a true Church ; or are not two or three godly women met together , a Church , though a man be not among them ? and may they not exhort one another , and pray and give thanks together ? and is not that speaking in the Church ? and the Scripture speaks of a Church in one family ; and if a woman ( or rather the man Christ speaking in the woman ) may speak in the audience of six or twelve , why not in the audience of six or twelve hundred ? and the woman having experience of God's work on her heart , and who hath felt the love of God shed abroad in her soul , is she not fitter to speak of those things then a hundred men , who are ignorant thereof . So foolish are ye become in your reasonings ; and there are many living yet in the Nation , who remember of women who have spoke so feelingly , so lively , and experimentally of the Lord's work upon their hearts , that many eminent Preachers and Ministers , so accounted , have thought shame to open their mouth in their presence . 8. Your Fathers , the primitive Protestants and Reformers , made not Latine , Greek and Hebrew , and Aristotle's Logick and Philosophy , with other humane Learning , and the passing of so many years course at the Colledge , and that you call School-divinity , the qualifications of a Minister of Christ ; many , yea the most of them , never was at Colledge , nor had the opportunity of any to go unto , unless to a Popish ; nor had they any of these Languages or curious Arts , but were honest , plain , simple men , such as ye now call Rusticks and Tradesmen , many of them , and yet they passed among your Fathers for Ministers : but if these men were alive now , ye would cry , Away with them non-sensical fellows ? what can they say , they are not learned ? should ignorant men preach ? should Wives , Shoo-makers , Plow-men , Herds-men , be Ministers of Christ ? should they incroach upon our sacred Function ? should not they hold them with their Callings ? So say ye against many of us , who are not Book-learned , and are Tradesmen ; and this same was the very plea of the Papists against your fore-fathers , being Ministers . See how ye have borrowed their weapons , whereby they fought against them , whose successors ye boast your selves to be ; but as these Popish arguments were too weak against them , so are they against us : for our answer to you is , though we be not taught with humane Learning , nor have the Languages many of us , wherein the Scriptures were writ , yet we are taught of God , and that is better ; we have been with Jesus , and have been made eye-witnesses of his Majesty ; and yee are worse then the Iews who crucified Christ ; for when they admired , that Peter being an unlearned man did preach , yet this caused their admiration to cease , they took notice that he had been with Jesus , as we have been ; and some of us can truly say ( whereof I am one ) we have learned more in one hours company with Jesus , then we did in seven years from the Gamaliels and Rabbies among you , at whose feet we have so long sitten ; and we are come to the Spirit of God , that gave forth the Scriptures , and gives us their meaning and sence , though we have not the Languages , and which all the Languages of the world cannot afford to us ; and though many of us know not to preach in the excellency of mans wisdom ( and some of us who could , yet have renounced it ) and dare not use such a way , lest the Cross of Christ should be of none effect , yet we can speak , and have spoken , in the evidence and demonstration of the Spirit , the words which the holy Ghost teacheth us ; and he hath made us able Ministers of the new Testament , not of the letter which kills , but of the Spirit , which gives life ; and God hath blessed our Ministry , so that many unto whom we have ministred , have been quickned and brought into the fellowship of the Gospel with us ; and such a Ministry had Paul , which he learned not of man , and yet had Book-learning enough ; and such a Ministry God hath raised up in this day , which is the free gift of God , to which I bear my testimony , and a part of which I have received ▪ and now is that Promise fulfilled , and fulfilling in many hundreds , I will make a new Covenant with them , and they shall be all taught of me , from the least to the greatest , and I will write my Law in their hearts , ( in a Language which is neither Hebrew nor Greek , but such as he that is born of the Spirit can only understand ) and I will put my fear in their inward parts . And now our hearts are come to delight in the fear of God , which teacheth us the hidden mysterious wisdom , which none of the Princes or Rabbies of this world knows ; and by the Word and Law of God writ in our hearts , we are made wiser then our Teachers ; and when this dispensation shall fill the earth , as it is doing , what shall then become of the Scribe ? what shall become of the Senator ? what shall become of the Doctor , and Rabby , and Disputer of this World , who spoke to us in a Language , that neither they themselves nor we could understand ? but now saith the Lord , as Isa. 33.19 . Thou shalt not see a fierce people , a people of deep speech , that thou cannot perceive ; of a stammering tongue , that thou canst not understand . Glory to God , the pure Language is known , which was before Babylon was , wherein the many Languages came in , and the tongues of the sons of men were confounded , so that they could not know nor understand one another . And now ye who talk of the tryal of the Ministry , have ye not lost the touch-stone of tryal , which was among the primitive Christians , and was lost , but is found again among us , even the spirit of discerning , whereby we feel the true Minister in the power , and discern him from the false ; so that his fairest , yea soundest words that he hath stoln from the Saints , cannot deceive us ; and this was Paul's rule to try them who boasted to be the true Ministers , and were not ; I will know , said he , not the words of them that are puffed up , but the power ; here was a deeper search then into the best of words , into the power , what power they spoke from ; if from the Dragons power , and the ravening Wolves power within them ( which may stand with the finest words , which a●e the sheeps cloathing , wherewith that power decks it self to deceive , and so to devour the ignorant ) or if from the Lamb's power , the power and Spirit of Christ , and from grace in the heart . Oh , is not that a parable unto you ? we cannot judge the heart , say ye , nor know the spirit within man , which manifests you to be strangers unto the anointing whereby spirits can be tryed , and to the spiritual man which judgeth all things ; and though sometimes ye would give it forth to the people , that ye are not against the teachings of God's Spirit ( to you the Teachers I speak ) yet ye plainly deny it , both in word and practice ; and ye have no other means to uphold your selves , whereby to purchase your Hires , and your Dignities and Honour , which comes from below , but to keep poor people in ignorance , from the teachings of God ; therefore ye cry out so much against the Light , calling it delusion , and bididng people beware of it ; for if any people were come to the Light in their particulars , they would turn their back upon you , and deny you your Hires ▪ and then your Kitchins would not smoak so as now , nor would ye be so gorgious and sumptuous in your gaudy Apparel , nor your Wives either , which is a shame for to see , and the grief of many sober people , to think upon your pride and vanity , the cry whereof hath come up before God to his throne , and ye may read your doom , Isa. 3.24 , 25 , 26. and were it not that ye deny the teachings of God's Spirit , why pass ye so many years course at Schools to learn from men , what ye may say to the People ? and why buy ye so many books , and have your book-dayes ; and take no imployment but your books , except when some few hours in the first day of the week ye talk to people what ye have gathered and collected together out of old Authors , or then what some of you , which are better Artists , have moulded together by the forge of your own imaginations , and natural understandings , or when ye were ( and that very sparingly too ) some little time , in that you call your Catechizing and Visitations of Families ; and the bad fruit of all this , shews its much lost labour ; and ye could be better imployed in holding a Plow , or digging in a field , or any other honest occupation , then to be deluding poor people , whom ye are ever learning , and yet ye are never able to bring them to the knowledge of the Truth ; and the gross palpable ignorance of your Parishioners all abroad the Nation , with their wicked lives , shews they are evil master-stead , and that ye are not taught of God your selves , else your teachings would have better effect ; and why will ye not suffer such who are not book-learned , nor passed their course at your Colledges to learn the trade of it , to preach the Gospel ? were ye for the teachings of God's Spirit , would ye limit him to use only bookish Clergy-men for the Ministry , when the Spirit of the Lord instructs a man , though he could not read a letter ? is he not well learned ? is he not an able Minister , who hath his ability given him of God , though man hath not taught him , and yet ye cannot ? away with this ; and why persecute ye such who are taught of God ? and ye dare not say , but their practice answers their profession , and that they are better taught then your disciples are , though they come not at you to learn ; and what means the form and manner of your Sermons , when ye will take a sentence of Scripture , or common head , as it is called , and branch it out , as Aristotle's or Ronius Logick hath taught you ? and it is one main piece of tryal to young-men , coming forth to the Ministry , to make a Logical Analysis ( as it is called ) upon such a piece of Scripture as is allotted unto him ; and he is counted a brave Preacher , who can handle his Text in such a Scholastick method , and an honest plain man who is not acquainted with your School-method , nor topical places ( such as Aristotle an Heathen hath taught you , out of which , as so many 〈◊〉 ye gather together your points of Doctrine , Observations , Reasons , Motives , Means , Uses , Applications , Amplifications ) I say an honest , simple , plain man , who is not acquainted with such trifles , but can speak feelingly of the work of God on his heart , should he come and speak among people , ye will laugh him to scorn , and say of him , he hath neither rhime nor reason , he speaks confusedly and non-sense , he hath no method , he is not worth the hearing ; and yet by such foolishness of preaching , many hundreds at this day are converted unto God ; for the power of God hath accompanied such poor foolish mens Ministry ; and the Lord hath made them true Pastors , to feed the people with knowledge and understanding , and they have been instrumental to bring people to Jesus Christ , the great Bishop and Shepherd of their souls , whereas ye have nothing to feed the people with but wind and airy notions , and at best , words of truth ye have stoln out of the Scripture , which spoke out of a mans mouth , not declaring in , nor the power of God accompanying the words , are but a killing letter ; and let any sober spiritual minded man , in the least measure , judge if such things above-mentioned , which are made the qualifications of a Minister , and usually practised by them , smells of mans wisdom , or of the evidence and demonstration of the Spirit , or if any of the Apostles or Prophets used such things , who were taught of God. 9. Your fathers , the primitive Protestants were against Tythes , and that Ministers should have temporal possessions ( as an Hire for their preaching ) so said Iohn Wicklife ; and they had not their hundreds and thousands allorted to maintain them , far less would they force people against their wills to give them maintenance , and poynd them , or put them to horn , and imprison them , as ye will do . And your fathers did bear a notable testimony against the greediness and covetousness of the then Priests , as we do against you , for which ye so hate us , and stir up the Magistrate against us , as the Priests did against your fathers , and they could not suffer any man to reprove them for their covetousness : And I read of a poor man , in the History of the Reformation in Scotland , who but through his sleep , said , The Devil take the Priests , for they are a greedy pack , and the poor man was pursued for his life , and made to burn his Bill ; and though we were silent , would not the stones rise up and witness against your covetuousness ? and do not the poorest idiots in the Land see it ? and is it not a Proverb among the people , the Kirk is greedy ? Oh , what a dishonour have ye brought upon the Name and Truth of Christ ! And were it not for a livelihood , and worldly honour and respect , would so many betake them to such a work ? and does not your gain from your quarter , which you so punctually exact , ( and they that will not put into your mouths , ye prepare war against them ) and your removing from one Parish to another , where ye can have a fatter stipend , manifestly prove , ye are moved thereto , rather from a principle of covetousness , then from any desire of doing good to the souls of the people ? and how came many of you to be Teachers ? was it not the design of your Fathers and Relations , who saw it a ready way for them to put you in a livelihood , and sent you to Schools to learn the Calling ; as ever the Shoo-maker , or other Tradesmen past his Apprentiship , and then becomes free to use the Trade ? the thing is well known , and I speak it with regret ; and have not many of your selves sometime a day intreated the Lord , that he would send a purge , and put away out of his house such buyers and sellers ? and now the Lord is come to make the purge , and who of you can abide the day of his coming ? the purge goes so deep , its like to scourge you all out at doors , and e're yee be put out , yee will rather hold in who are in , and seek to uphold one another , but yee shall all fall together . And whereas yee plead , that he who preaches the Gospel , should live of the Gospel ; so say I , but I certainly know , if the Magistrate would but take away his force whereby he compells the people to put into your mouths , and if your selves would forbear your cursing , & excommunicating them , ( all which is rigid law and far from Gospel ) your Gospel could never maintaine you , and many of you would be let starve . 10. Your Fathers the Primitive Protestants professed themselves against Traditions , and all whatsoever that had not a warrant in the word of God , in the matter of his worship ; Iohn Knox said that every thing though not contrary , yet if besides the word of God in his worship , was to be denyed , and yet this day has discovered several things , which they kept , to have been but the traditions and inventions of men , but they knew not so much , and professed themselves against all traditions whatsoever , and what was not warranted of God ; and now have yee not shrunk from them herein , and taken up many things , they did cast from them as traditions ; and you say , the light of Nature or humane reason and prudence , may supply what is wanting in Scripture , to teach men at least some Circumstances in the worship of God , for order and decency , which is the Doctrine of your Church confession of Faith : Oh have yee not thus shouldered Christ off his Throne , if he by his spirit is to direct men as to the substance of Worship , will he be wanting in the lesser to teach the Circumstances also , and the order and decency ; does not all true order and decency , come from the Lords Spirit , who is the God of Order ? and is this to do in Faith , to follow the direction of the light of Nature , which is stark blind in the things of God , and humane reason and prudence cannot step one right step herein ? and have not hundreds of the Popish supperstitions crept in , under this mask of order and decency ? and is not this the Prelates plea at this day , for his service book and Organs , and Surplice , and Altars , and sign of the Cross ; lo , how have yee given away your cause in this also . 11. And your Fathers the Primitive Protestants , were against all observations of dayes , and called them supperstitious who observed them ; and your Ministers preaches up the observation of such days ( namely that called Christs Birth-day ) which within these three or four years they preached down , which breeds no small admiration to poor people , as if they had changed their God ; but I know well generally they have kept to their God all along very constantly , among all their changes , being such ( the Apostle mentions ) generally , whose God is their belly , and this master they have served , and do serve very faithfully , making every change answer its design . And though yee lay such stress upon the observation of the first day of the week for a Sabbath , yet one of your Fathers ( Calvin ) denyed the observation of that or any other day , since the coming of Christ , to be commanded of God , ( and so many hundreds of Protestants ) and is it not a great abomination , which may make the very Sun to blush , whose day yee call it , to profess to keep a day holy unto God , wherein yee ought not to think your own thoughts , nor speak your own words , nor take your own pleasures , and yet spend it so as yee do in gluttony and drunkenness , sporting , & gaming , buying and selling , worldly communication , quarreling and fighting , and will not the Minister , who in the Pulpit hath been telling you , yee should not speak your own words in that day ; but so soon as he comes forth falls as fresh to the worldly discourse , as any other ; which I have oft observed to the grief of my heart as many others have done . 12. And your Fathers the Primitive Protestants , were against Prelates , and Lording Bishops : It 's true in Queen Maries dayes in England , there were some Bishops , who did bear a measure of testimony against Popery , according to the knowledge of that day , and sealed it with their blood , and the Lord had regard unto them according to their faithfulness , to what they saw ; but such who came after saw further into mystery Babylon , and it was discovered unto them by the light , and they discerned Prelacy to be a limb of Antichrist , and so called it , and but of late dayes , it was covenanted to God against ; Again , and again , and did yee not your selves vow to God against the same : So that herein ye have not only apostatized from your Fathers , but from what yee were of late your selves . Oh what is become of all your zeal now , for that Covenant , which yee accounted the glory of your Nation ; have not many of you trampled it under foot , as a dunghill , ( which once was a Crown unto you ) and yee think shame of it , as it had been a whores brat ; and you who were very forward in causing others , to suffer for their not concurring with you , have not the confidence to suffer for it your selves . Oh were there a willingness in you to bear your testimony by sufferings , ( which hath been as weighty and useful a testimony as any ) as yee have formerly done by actings , yee would not want a fair opportunity for the same , did yee keep but faithful to the same very principles yee own'd , in disowning the worship and constitution of the ( so called ) Church now set up , which yee vowed against ; and did yee stick to your liberty , yee ought to have met together to worship God , according to your knowledge , ye would not want I say a fair opportunity to give a notable testimony by suffering for your cause ( in disowning such men ye covenanted against ) it's little worth if it be not worth the suffering for , were it not the loss not only of means and liberty outward , but of life it self if put to it ; and who would have believed it within these few years , that such an occasion coming , as now hath come , it being enacted by Law , that all who should be found meeting together to worship God any where else , but in the Prelatical assemblies and their Conformists , and such who joyne issue with them , should be put in Prisons throughout the whole Land ; I say who would have believed that the Prisons should have been so empty , would it not rather have been concluded , that such a time coming , the Prisons would not have contained the thousand part of them , and yet they are all empty for them , and I know not amongst all the thousands of you ( Ministers or people ) that vowed to God against that filthy thing set up in the Land , any of you all bearing a suitable testimony by sufferings according to your own very Principles , or have yee not all fled , before pursued , or if some began to set their faces to the battle , yet they could not stand the brunt of it , but shamefully yielded and shrunk from their testimony by sufferings , and now the Lord hath raised up a people ( even whom yee call in derision Quakers ) who fear the living God , and tremble at his Word , but fear not what man can do unto them , among your selves , but not of your selves , who hath received courage from the Lord , to bear their testimony by sufferings , and yet though they had power , could not find in their hearts , nor durst they to cause their persecutors to suffer , or lift up Sword or spear , or any carnal weapon in their own defence , against them ; but we can pray for them that persecute us , and bless them who despitefully use us ? And what is the occasion that the people called Quakers suffer imprisonment , and the spoyling of their Goods , but the very self same ; yee have to undergo the like sufferings , were yee faithful but to your own Principles ; the cause I say is common to you with us ▪ viz. our testimony against that which is now set up in the Land , and both yee and many of us also vowed to the most high God , while we were among you , we should never own such a thing , and we have kept to our vow , and yee have shrunk therefrom . Now say yee generally , we have not seen a clear call to sufferings as yet , and we should not run upon them without a clear warrant and call , we are not put to it to take any contrary oath to the former , and there is not any promise or oath required of us , to the owning of that we covenanted against , only it s laid on us to hear them , and pay their stipends , and we may do all this without owning them , and they shall never have the approbation of our hearts , and when an opportunity serves , that we may shake off this yoak , we shall be found ready to give them a heel-chop , and say some of the ( so called ) Ministers , why may we not preach under the Bishops , and sit in Synods with them , and concur in the ordering Church affairs with them , and give obedience to their lawful commands ; and yet this cannot be called an owning of them , and we conceive it 's no breach of our Covenant , and the things required of us , are not so weighty as that they should make us quit our calling , the preaching of the Gospel , what would become of our poor flocks , if we should not give some kind of submission , or condescendency unto them , we could not be permitted to preach , and some of us have got the favour , that no oath or ingagement is required of us ; they who have given ( as the most have done ) let them see to it , we are free . Ans. As for your alledging that yee see not a clear and manifest call to sufferings , it is no wonder so long as your minds are abroad , wandered from the just and righteous principle of God , his witness in your Consciences , which can only let you see the call , but now yee not consulting herewith , but misregarding it , and looking out to see your warrant or call in the Scriptures , yee may look long enough upon them , e're yee can see your call ; therefore , the Light of Christ , in your Consciences being gone from , the deceitful heart will draw , the letter of the Scriptures to its own inclinations , and promp you to put such a gloss upon it , as may keep you from the cross ; and while ye abide in this state , should ye be tryed further , & put to these things , yee think for the time , yee could not condescend to , and yee should have a clear call then to suffer , yet the deceitful heart would furnish you with a second shift , and a third , till yee should never see a call to any thing at all ; and is it not with many of you so ? is not your call grown dark & unclear to you in many things , which before the cross came , was clear enough to you . Now whereas yee say ye are not put to it , to make any contrary oath or promise , and so yee think yee have not broken your Covenant . I ask , is not a real practical breach of it , aswell , a breach ( if not more ) as a verbal ? yee have broken it in your practice , forasmuch as yee have in the least bowed , or yielded to them , which as yee mind Gods witness in all your Consciences , it will shew you : Now , admiting , or giving , but not granting , that your hearing them , and paying them their stipends , were not an owning them , yet I query you , is it a disowning them ? can yee be said to disown them ? while yee so uphold them , and come at them , I am sure , if yee be not exceedingly blinded yee cannot call , your hearing them , and paying them their stipends and revenues , a disowning them ? well then , yee neither own them , nor disown them ; and is not this the detestable neutrality yee in express termes covenanted to God against , I appeal to the witness of God in all your Consciences ; if it be not so , in the like manner I answer to you called Ministers , is your Preaching under them , and sitting in Synods with them , and coming in the ordering of Church affairs together , and your obeying their commands a disowning them ? Nay , yee cannot say it , except yee bewray your exceeding folly ; well then , ye neither own them nor disown them , and is not this the detestable neutrality yee vowed against ? and if perhaps some of you have not given any oath or promise to these men ( and it is rare if it be so ) yet your practice is as real a breach as an hundred oaths and promises ; and whereas yee say , obedience may be given to their lawf●l commands , I answer , such as are not lawfully constitute Rulers , but Usurpers , ( as many of you affirm ) no command proceeding from them is lawful as such , though never so lawful upon the matter ; for there are a great many Circumstances required ( more then the matter of the thing commanded to make it lawful ) one maine is , that the imposer of the command , have a just and lawful authority , and power from God thereto , for there is no power but from him , the powers that be are ordained of God , Romans 13. And as for your alledging these things , are not so weighty , required of you , as that yee should be put from your preaching ; I answer , admitting yee were true Preachers , or Ministers ( for I argue according to your own principles ) yet e're the least circumstance yee should yield unto 〈◊〉 , which is sinful and forbidden of God , yee were to give up the service of your Ministry were it never so useful , for that yee are not to ballance your Ministry with the smalness of the things upon the matter , on the one hand , and the service yee can do on the other , but to look alwayes to the command of God , and the honour of his name , and truth which is weighty enough to down-weigh all other considerations , though never so weighty . 13. And your Fathers the Primitive Protestants affirmed , that when any thing contrary to sound Doctrine was set up , and brought in , the Ministers who stand upon the watch tower , should not keep silence , but testifie against such a thing , and forewarn the people to be aware thereof ! and they judged silence to be a sinful connivence witness the Protestations made several times against such things , and but of late dayes , the Protestation made at the Cross of Edenburgh on the 22. day of the Month called September in the year 1638. wherein they largely shew , backing what they spoke , with pertinent Scriptures to that purpose , that they ought not to be silent : Likewise it was a principle among them , ( the first Reformers ) that they should not forbear to preach , though all the powers on earth should forbid them , whatever punishment could be inflicted upon them therefore , and it was their practice also , for they put their lives in hazard , and many of them lost their lives , bearing their testimony , and they accounted the winning of souls of people , of more worth then the saving their bodily lives ; and as yee may read in the History of the Reformation in Scotland , to such who queried , why was not obedience given to the Magistrates command ? it was answered its better to obey God then man , as Peter answered the Rulers of the Iews . Now such of you of the National Ministry who stuck to take the Canonical oath or to make an active complyance , with the Bishops , as the rest of you have done , yet have yee not shamefully shrunk he ein , yee who could open your mouths wide , against these things , now set up , before they were brought in among you , when there was no hazard of speaking , and talk boldly against the Bishops and their corruptions , and spend a good part of the hour glass on such a purpose ; but now are yee not shrunk dumb with a panick fear , that hath overtaken you , and yee have quit ▪ your Ministry at the command of man , far unlike the good Shepherd that flees not when the Wolf comes , but stands up to defend the flock from the Wolf , and laies down his life for the sheep , but the hireling flies , because he is an hireling , as yee have done ; and have yee not rather obeyed man then God ? if ever the Lord called you to your Ministry , had man power to have taken it from you ? is it not too man●fest a proof that your call and power to preach was but of men , who as they gave it you , can take it from you , as they have done ; and yet poor men ye think ye are suffering for a testimony of a good conscience ; but alass , it 's a thred-bare testimony , so to speak , and as it stands the Lord will not take it off your hands ; for have yee not chosen a lesser suffering to shun a greater ? your stipends are taken from you , but is that enough to make you leave off feeding the flock ? ( I speak according to your own principles ) regard yee no more their souls , nor your bodily maintenance ? or is there any other put in your Pulpits , is that enough either ? can yee not preach elsewhere then in a Pulpit ? may yee not preach in a field , or from house to house , as did Paul and many others , yea , your Fathers did so ; or do the people refuse to hear you , then yee have but badly learned them , & they are not taught so much love as to stick to their Pastor when the wolf comes ; but should yee not preach to them whither they will hear or forbear as Ezekiel did , and was commanded of the Lord so to do ; or have they commanded some of you to go over Seas ? should yee have obeyed that unjust command ? or if they had taken you away by violence , what hinders but yee may return to the flock , were not the fear of man over you ? I know nothing ( in the will of God ) but prisonment or death , or some such outward violence , could hinder a true Pastor from the Flock ; or hath the ( so called ) Church commanded you silence , but if their sentence be unjust , as yee think it is , should yee have obeyed it ? and yee have but a poor plea when yee say , it 's for peace sake yee so do ; for the peace which is in hazard for the testimony of the truth is but false , and so not worth the keeping , but that it was not the peace sake of your Church , or any reverence to their authority ( though this be your main defence ) but the fear of man , that hath prevailed with you to quit your charge , manifestly appears by your practice but a very few years ago , when you called Church men ; could either 〈◊〉 the Magistrate , or when he winked at you , then yee were busie with your Protestations , and yee became divided into two parties or factions called Protestators , and publick resolutione●s ; and your brethren charged you , who either protested , or adhered to the Protestation , with breaking the peace of the Church , and disobedience to its Authority ; and in that day yee could roundly answer them , that yee were to be more careful for the preservation of the truth , then of a peace that could not stand therewith , and their authority yee were not to regard , they abusing it ; and when Oliver Cromwel wincked at you both , I well remember your carriage , and was an eye-witness of much of it , with many hundreds , how many Protestations were made in your Synods , south and north , and when the one party or faction would depose , such a man or men from the ( so called ) Ministerial function , the other party would bid him or them preach , and maintain , uphold and defend him ; and now the Churches authority not being backed with the Magistrates sword ye could break through it as Cobweb , and some of you , whom your Parishes would not receive , yet yee urged your selves upon them , whither they would hear or forbear . All this and much more is fresh in the memory of thousands , and this day hath abundantly discovered you : And oh that yee could take shame and confusion of face to your selves , and read the language of the Lords work in this day , which would be answered with his witness in your Consciences ; saying with these , ( Ier. 8.14 . ) let us be silent , for the Lord hath put us to silence , for a more excellent Ministry ; the Lord hath brought forth in this day , even that of his own spirit , whereto yee have been and are great strangers , and yee have need to learn the first principle of the Oracles of God , which is the light of Christ shining in the dark heart , although yee have been so long teachers of others , and the Christ whom yee have preached so many years , yee have him yet to learn , and if ever yee receive a part of the true Ministry , yee must come to know him revealed within you , which for the time is a parable to you , and yee call it delusion . And now oh yee people of Scotland know that the Lord in his great mercy to your souls hath brought this day over your Teachers , to let you see they were but broken ●●sterns ; and their fair profession and many good words , whereby they made merchandize of you , hath much opposed and withstood the appearance of Jesus Christ , and that which letted is much removed out of the way now , and the Lord is come to teach his people himself , and to gather them into his unchangable truth , which is not subject to the windings and turnings of your teachers , and the pure fountain of the water of life , hath been opened unto us , and we drunk thereof to our unspeakable refreshment and satisfaction , and we cannot any more come at your pudled waters . 14. And your fathers , the Primitive Protestants , acknowledge no head in the Church but Christ Jesus ; and they maintained the power and authority of the Church to be altogether independent from , and not subordinate to the Magistrates power ; and Iohn Welshe and others of his brethren bore a testimony to this in his day ; for which , together with their testimony against Prelacy , they were imprisoned at Blaknes , as appears by a letter of his , with several that 's extant at this day ; and now how far have ye shrunk from this testimony of your predecessor , judge ye your selves , who call him in your Church-prayers , supream Judge in all cases , and over all causes , Civil and Ecclesiastical . There is also two other weighty particulars , which is well known to have been maintained by many primitive Protestants , both denyed by you , viz. That Christians ought neither to swear , nor fight with any carnal weapon ; both which were asserted by those called the Lollards of Kyle , as ye may read in the book of the Reformation of the Church in Scotland ; but the setter forth of the aforesaid book , hath added to their words , to the first Article , which is ( according to their assertion , as it was found in the Records of Glasgow ) That in no case it is lawful to swear , he hath added , to wit , Idely , rashly , or in vain ; and to the other , That Christians should not fight for the Faith , is added , if not driven thereto by necessity ; which two additions manifestly appears to be put to , by the publisher of the book , and that they are not these mens words , for that they are printed in another character ; and he alleadges their enemies to have depraved them , for he sayes , These Articles , together with several others , were found in their Records ; but his alleadgance is not so fair , being he had no sufficient ground therefore ▪ and the Articles are true and sound without his additions ; and it 's a perfect contradiction , which neither the Lollards of Kyle , or any rational man could affirm , to say , we must not swear at all , or in no case it is lawful to swear , which is universal and exclusive , and then to put a limitation thereto , but in such cases , viz. idely , rashly , and in vain ; I say , these two propositions , It is lawful in no case to swear , It is lawful in some case to swear , are a perfect contradiction , and no rational man can affirm both , for either the one or the other must be false ; and so the Lollards saying in no case it is lawful to swear , it is clear that they were not only against swearing , idely , rashly , or in vain ( which neither their adversaries denyed , so that it needed not be a point of Dittay against them ) but against swearing in any case , or at all . So by these 14. or 16. Articles , let all in whom there is any measure of ingenuity , or simplicity , try your present Church constitution , and with the Light wherewith Christ hath enlightned you , examine , and ye will find , that though ye call your selves the reformed Church , ye are far from the first Reformers ; and that the whole Protestant Church in Europe , hath much degenerated from the primitive Christians and Protestants , both in principles and practices , and is become quite another thing , retaining the name like an old rotten Ship , that hath been so often clamped and clouted , that all the former timbers are worn out , and others put in their place , yet keeping the name , and somewhat of the form and shape ; and ye have sailed long up and down in this old rotten Ship , which is just upon the splitting , and suffering shipwrack ; and it were happy for you , if ye would swim forth out of her for your lives ; and the greatest loss of all , is of the Spirit and Life of your first Reformers , as appears by your fruits and conversations at this day . Is not that fidelity , honesty and simplicity , much lost , and quite decayed , that some yet living remember was in the Land , and treachery , falshood , guile , and deceit come in the room thereof ; and one brother cannot trust another , and love is waxen cold , and much selfishness crept in , and the profession or Religion made a meer cloak of maliciousness , and that temperance and sobriety in words , diet and apparel , that was among many is quite gone , and wantonness , gluttony , and drunkenness , whoredom , cursing , and swearing , and prophaning of the name of God , and fearful oaths come in stead thereof , and tyranny and oppression , more then among savages , and yet people given to such wickedness , are accounted your Church-members , and partake of all the Church-priviledges with you ; and when any such die , the cry goes through your streets , there is a faithful brother departed , &c. or when any of them hath a child to be sprinkled , the Priest will cause him to rehearse the Articles of his Faith ( and he hath no more faith , nor so much as the devil , for the true faith purifies the heart , and lodges in a good conscience . ) Oh horrid abomination ! and is not the zeal among Professors quite withered , and deadness , laziness , stupidity , security , neutrality , carelessness and sottishness , generally overgrown them , and all manner of iniquity abounds ? POSTSCRIPT . ANd now ye who accuse us ( in derision called Quakers by you ) as Apostates , and that we have denyed our fore-fathers Faith , try your selves , and parallel your fathers principles and practices with your own , and also with ours , and ye shall find ye are degenerated from them exceedingly , as we were while with you ; but through the grace of God are we recovered , and brought to witness the Spirit and Life of the primitive Protestants and Christians , and in all 16. above-mentioned Articles we agree with them , and ye disagree with them ; and ye cannot instance to us one particular , wherein we dissent from them , warranted from the very letter of Scripture ; for these things wherein we have forsaken them , we have discovered by the Light , which hath opened the Scriptures to us , to have been but the inventions of men , and Babylons more subtile cup of fornications , which because that the day was not so broken up among them , as among us now , they did not discern ; but now the Light hath shined forth in such clearness , that we have seen to the bottom of all Babylons treasures ; and were they living in this day , they would concur with us , in disowning these things , and I am satisfied in it , they have been accepted of the Lord , according to their faithfulness ; but supposing ye were not shrunk from any of their principles , it 's in vain for you to think , that God will take that off your hands , he received from them , winking at their weaknesses in the day of ignorance ; for that which makes a people acceptable with God , is their faithfulness to the dispensation of knowledge in their day , and their answering his requirings therein , and following him whithersoever he leads , of which ye are very short , and this is your condemnation . Written in the 10th . Month , from the Tolbouth of Aberdeen . G. K. True and righteous Iudgement from the God of judgement , separating the precious from the vile , concerning the late proceedings of the people of Scotland in the matter of their Reformation from , and their covenanting against Prelacy , with the corruptions and popish Superstitions accompanying it ; as also concerning their Church constitution , Ministry , Worship and Government , set up by them , after the pulling down of the former , and discrying it , as Antichristian , wherein likewise the Lords controversie with them in laying them by , and suffering this day to come over them , is shewed in which their building is also laid in the dust , and its the will of the Lord , that it never be again rebuilt . GIve ear unto me , O ye people of Scotland , of what quality or degree whatsoever , and I will shew you the true and righteous judgement of God ( from whom I have received it , and by whom I am moved to declare it unto you , for your good ) concerning your late proceedings in the matter of your reformation from , and your covenanting against Prelacy , and the corruptions and popish Superstitions accompanying it , and other particulars above-mentioned . A zeal there was in many of you ( Rulers , Teachers , and People ) in that day for the Lord , and his name and truth , which he did tenderly regard , and it was marked before him , though the most of you all along minded more your selves , and how to compass your selfish , covetous , and ambitious designs then his honour ; and ye made the name of truth and Religion a meer clock to cover and mask your hypocrisie with , yet a true simplicity and uprightness of heart was among others of you , and ye did well in disowning and departing from such men , who gave themselves forth to be the Lord's Ministers and servants , but they ran , and he sent them not , and their covetousness and ambition , and seeking how to please men for their own ends , and not his honour , nor any true zeal for him , set them on such a work , to Lord it over the people , which he had forbidden , and it is abomination to him , together with the many things accompanying them , which they gave forth for his ordinances , good order , decency and comliness in the Church , but were the meer inventions of men , and Babylons golden Cup of Fornications ; and that ye vomitted up , and refused any more to drink of this cup , or to admit of such things as his Ordinances , or belonging to his worship , or as if he allowed it ( whereby your iniquity is exceedingly agravated before God , and his indignation and jealosie burns as fire against you for your returning thereto ) and because of the iniquity of such men , their pride , pomp , covetousness , tirany and ambition his wrath kindled against them , and he poured contempt , and desolation upon them , for the cry of their wickedness , together with the Prayers and ●upplications which came from many in that day ( because of them ) ascended up into his Throne in the time of their great affliction of Spirit to see his Truth , and Name so much dishonoured , and the Lord heard and regarded , and delivered them from that , which was their trouble and grief of heart , and he removed that out of the way , which was a great let unto his work , and glorious appearance in the Land , and after the removal thereof , the Lord put a fair oppertunity in your hands to have been blessed instruments in his work , whereby had ye improved it , ye should have been at this day a glory in the Earth , a Praise , a Renowne , and a Blessing , and your memory should have endured ; as a sweet savor unto all succeeding Generations . But he had many things against you , whereby he was provoked to lay you by also , so that ye should not be honoured ( nor ever shall be in the state ye are in , and way of your proceedings ) as instruments in his glorious work , which he hath purposed to bring ( and is bringing ) forth in the earth even a work of wonders and admiration , whereby he will make to himself a name everlasting therein , and give matter to all the simple-hearted of thanksgiving , and praise for ever and ever ; and this work he is bringing forth this day in the midst of you , and yee are so far from joyning issue with him therein , that ye are all opposing it , but it shall go on , and prosper , over the heads and bellyes of all gainsayers on the face of the whole Earth , and if yee repent not and give way unto his determination , he will bring this word to passe against you ; Behold ye dispisers , wonder and Perish . And now hear the righteous judgment of God concerning these things he hath to charge you with , and have been snares unto you , and matter of provocation unto him against you , for , although a true and tender Zeal ( in a measure ) there was in many of your hearts in that day for the Lord , and his Name and Truth ; yet much of a fiery , headstrong , furious false Zeal , not according to knowledge , and which was not begot of the Lords Spirit , nor kindled at his Alter , did company the same , and much prevailled over that which was pure , and tender , and of his begetting , and yet he regarded this , and because of it he loved and pittyed you , and suffered you long , till he could bear no longer , for ye were become as those , yea , and worse , whom he spued out before you , against whom his controversie was : and you went forwards in the counsels of of your own hearts , and advised with flesh and blood , and not with the Lords spirit , what yee should do , and yee relyed upon the arme of flesh , and thought to have reformed the Land with your carnal weapons , and power , and force , and might , not considering his determination which he spoke by the word of his mouth , to his Prophet of old , not by might nor by power , but by my Spirit saith the Lord. And yee dealt cruelly and roughly with such as had not freedom , nor clearness to go on with you , in the manner and way of your proceedings , and so yee became guilty of the same iniquity , yee cryed unto him against in those men , who dealt cruelly and tyranically with your selves , and yee constrained many hundreds of poor people in the Land to vow unto God and make a Covenant with you , who knew not what they were doing , no , nor knew him at all ; and because yee mixed your selves in , with a company of ignorant , vile , prophane and abominable persons , without all fear of God , and drew them along to concur with you , thereby thinking to make your selves stronge and mighty by reason of number and unformity , therefore was the Lord provoked against you , for he regarded none of these things ; the vows of the wicked are an abomination to him with all their services , and he accepteth no uniformity , but that which is of his spirit , which knits the members of the body together , and admits nothing unto union with the body , but that which is of his begeting , and but two or three fearing the Lord joyning together in a perpetual Covenant , to stand up witnesses for his name and truth , are dearly regarded by him , but many thousands associating together out of his fear he regards not at all . And forasmuch as by your vowing and covenanting , yee proceeded to put a stop and limit to the Lords spirit in any further discovery of his name and truth , his wrath waxed exceeding hot against you , and he loathed both you and your Covenant , and suffered it , as it is at this day , to be trampled under foot , and permitted your enemies , which were buried in the very dust , and their memory almost perished , to rise up against you , ( to wit the Prelats ) and bring you in greater slavery and subjection then ever , ( and now they are doing their work , and when it is done they most return to the place whence they came , and the time is near ) and many other circumstances in your proceedings , the Lord never own'd , nor shall own , in which as yee mind his witness in all your Consciences , it shall instruct you , and also show unto you the hypocritical , treacherous , deceitful , ambitious , forward spirit , that moved in you , and set you on work many times , whereby his Spirit was grieved , and that of his begetting over topped , and oppressed . And above all the great controversie of the Lord with and against you , was and is , that yee got up above the cross of Christ and turned from it ( the cross which is the power of God ) which would have kept your feet in a straight , even , stedy course , so that yee should not have declined out of the right path , either to the right or left hand , and it would have proved a righteous ballance unto you , whereby ye might have weighed every motion that arose in your hearts , and thereby known what was of the Lords spirit , and what was of your selves , and of the suggesti●● of the Devil , which laid his snares before you , and catched you in them ; and for that ye kept not chast to his Light in your Consciences , nor to the leadings of his spirit , this was it that which discovered to you the Popish and Prelatical abominations , and begat a loathing in you against them so that yee could have no rest till yee came to forsake them ; and had yee kept chast to this , it would have carried you on all along in his work , and steered your course from first to last in the streight , even righteous path of judgment : Oh ye did run well who did hinder you ? but yeare become so foolish , who began in the spirit to end in the flesh ; and now when yee got up upon the walls and bulwarks of your enemies building , and leveled it to the ground , when yee had rooted out Prelacy , and the many corruptions and superstitions accompanying the same , and digged down a good part of Babylons upsetting , then yee betook your selves to build , and yee thought it should have been a a house for God , and it was but another Babylon , for yee had gone from the true foundation , the light , life , power and spirit of Christ in your particulars , and yee gathered hay and stuble , and cast upon it , and suffered the earth in you to come over , and ye hid the talent the Lord had given you , therein , even the noble and precious and blessed gift of his Light , and the manifestation of his Spirit ( given to every man to profit withal as saith the Apostle ) which would have been a sure foundation unto you , and would have taught you in the infallible wisdom , how to have reared up the building and frame , even to the setting of the least stone or pining thereof , and it would have cemented and knit every part together , and given it a comely proportion , and all its due and proper dimensions , in height , bredth and length , and made every stone living , and it should have been a glorious building indeed , a spiritual house to offer up a spiritual service , and sacrifice to God continually ; and though the winds had blown , and the rains descended , and the floods had come , and assaulted it , yet it should have stood , which it hath not , but hath fallen , and the fall of it is great , and it hath filled you with amazement , confusion and astonishment , and darkness hath so overtaken you , and the vail is grown so thick over your hearts , that you see not as yet , cannot see your own folly , and that your building was but on the sand , and the work of your own imagination , out of the wisdom of God , and this I am moved of the Lord to declare unto you that it hath been so , and though your frame was somewhat more spacious and taking , to the eye of man , ( being somewhat in appearance , nearer the letter of the Scriptures ) then that other cast down by you , yet it was as far from being the Temple or House of God , being not of his Spirit ; for this ye had gone from in your own particulars , and at length became so impudent as to deny such a thing could be expected , to wit , the leadings of the infallible Spirit of Christ , to teach you , and guide you infallibly in your proceedings ; and ye set the letter of the Scriptures above it , and in it's room , together with your own imaginations , for ye being gone from the Spirit of Truth , the eye which read the Scriptures aright , came to be put out , and the false eye opened , which read them backward ; and the Scriptures were perverted by you to a wrong sence or meaning , and ye drew them to the square and rule of your opinions , which the erring mind , through Satans suggestion had begot in you ; and now ye fathered your opinions upon the Scripture , and they were but the brats of your own imagination . And oh , what were the materials of your building ? were they living stones polished and smoothed by the power of God ? or rather , were they not the most rude , profane rabble and multitude of the world , the same whereof the Prelatical and popish frame was composed of ? and who were the builders ? were they men taught of God standing in his wisdom ? was your Ministry a spiritual Ministry ? were they able Ministers of the new Testament , not of the letter , but of the Spirit ( such as the Scriptures speak of ? ) were they called from heaven by the Revelation of Christ ? or rather , was not your Ministry even such as the former , of mens making , which stood in man's wisdom , and taught of men , as among the very Papists ? yea , it was even so . Oh , how little hath the teaching of God's Spirit been regarded ! were they not accounted able Ministers who could talk upon the letter , and give many good and fine words to the people , and speak the Saints experiences recorded in Scripture , which generally they never knew themselves , or if any knew somewhat of that nature ( as some did ) it was not principally regarded ; and men were let pass for Ministers who were gifted with humane learning , and gifts under which the best induments of knowledge or utterance , which come not immediately from the Revelation of the infallible Spirit of Truth , may be comprehended ; and after ye had quit the Service-book , and that way of worship in set forms , and denyed them as dead life-less things , your humane learning and abilities ( together with the customary way ye had inured your selves to ) prompted you to talk and utter many words before God , which yet was as far from spiritual worship as the other ; and if at any time somewhat of the Lord's Spirit moved and breathed among you , as it did , for the Lord much pittied for his seeds sake , yet it was much suffocated and choaked , by your running forth after the imaginations of your own hearts , ye not knowing the Cross which stayes the mind , and gives a check to the forward proposterous spirit , which is rejected of the Lord with all its services ; and because your minding more the words and form , and visible things , then the living power , whereby the Lord was provoked more and more to withdraw from among you , and leave your house desolate , as at this day it is . And your Presbyterian form of Church-discipline , Order and Government , it was nothing upon the matter better then the Episcopal , there being no material difference ( in the sight of God , to render it more acceptable to him ) be●wixt the one and the other , neither of you knowing Christ the head in you , teaching you by the Revelation of his Spirit , to determine of things coming before you , ( so that ye could not say with that Synod , Act. 15.28 . It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to us ) but ye went on in the same manner with them of determining of particulars in mans wisdom ; and by plurality of voices or consents , which is but a very fallible way , and hath done more evil then ever it did good , and it is all one before the Lord , whether one or a few should determine particulars , as it is among the Bishops ; or whether many by an equality should do it , as among the Presbyterians , you being both out of God's wisdom , and asking counsel and not out of his mouth ; and ye called Presbyterian Ministers did step into many things ye 〈…〉 the Bishops out of , or things much what alike , and of the same nature : ye denyed their Lordships , and took to your selves selves Masterships , ( both being equally forbidden by Christ ) ye would not suffer them to Lord it over you , but ye would Lord it over the People ; yea , and did , as tyrannically as ever the Bishops had done ; and ye were offended at the Surplices , and the Canonical Coats and Belts of their Clergy , and yet ye were equally superstitious and vain in your black cloaths and Gowns , with Pasments and Ribbons upon them , and other superfluity of naughtiness ; and ye were angry at their Revenues being so great , and yet ye stept in also to many of them ( and some of you had as much by the year as some of them ) and into their pride , covetousness , lightness , vanity , ambition , carelessness , concerning the work of Jesus Christ , and the salvation of poor people , whereof ye took up the charge , and many other iniquities they were found in , for which the Lord was provoked against them , ye have taken as it were a succession of , and ye thought the Lord should have winked at you , and indeed he bo●e much with you , and had respect unto that poor , honest , tender , simple , zealous thing that was once among you in a day , but he could no longer forbear , for the cry of your sins was great , and his oppressed seed in your hearts , as a Cart pressed with sheaves under your wickedness , cryed likewise against you and he heard and brought desolation upon you also , and laid all your stately building in the dust ; and now great is the lamentation and sorrow of your hearts , because of the fall of your building , and ye are crying in the anguish of your souls for a day again , wherein ye may have an opportunity to repair the breaches , and build up the old ruinous heaps ; and ye are saying in your hearts , the tyles are fallen , but we will build with hewn stones ; the Sycomers are cut down , but we will build with Cedars , and make the frame more able and firm then before to stand out the storm . But I say unto you , in the name and authority of the living God ( should ye attempt such a thing till ye come to his Light , and the leadings of the infallible Spirit of Truth in your particulars ) it shall not prosper , it shall be as with them who attempted the rebuilding the walls of Ierico , and have no better success , and ye shall but labour as in the very fire , and weary your selves for very vanity : I have determined , saith the Lord God Almighty , to race all to the foundation which is not of my building , to pluck up root and branch ; and all which is not of my planting , I have said to my Messengers and servants , go ye up upon her walls , break down her battlements & bull-works , for they are not mine , & level all to the ground , and let them not be built for ever and ever , Amen , saith my soul. And it is God's rich mercy , love , and compassion , that he hath brought this day over you ( could ye but open your eyes to see it , and some shall see ) that ye may suffer loss in these things which have been and are a loss and snare unto you . The 10 th . Month 1664. from the Tolbouth of Aberdein . George Keith . The word of commandement from the Lord ( which filled me with heavenly joy and comfort ) came unto me the 30. day of the 10 th . Month ( called December ) saying , Shew unto the people of Scotland my true and righteous judgement , concerning the particulars above-mentioned : And now , however these be received by you , I have peace in my God. The blessed long looked for day of God , broke up amongst us the Lords people called Quakers , with a declaration of the Lords loving kindness to us , and what he hath done for our Souls in causing the light of his countenance to shine on us . And a brief description of our Church , Ministry , Word , Worship , order and Government . And a Proclamation of the foresaid day of the Lord to the People of Scotland in judgment and mercy . With a loving Exhortation unto them , and dear and tender counsel concerning what the Lord requires of them in order to a perfect , and thorow reformation which they have often assayed , but never as yet come at . Also a few words to such who expect the breaking up of the day of God , and yet deny it , broke up among us . Written in the fear and will of the Lord , and in bowels of love and compassion to the people of my native Country . THe day of God is the Revelation of his living and eternal arm in and among the children of men , to put an end to transgression , and recover lost man , to the blessed , holy , pure , innocent state , wherein he was created by God , who breathed in him the breath of life , and he became a living soul ; it 's the setting up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ , the eternal King of righteousness , in the hearts of the Sons and Daughters of Adam , and the pulling down the Kingdom of Satan , who hath ruled over the sons of men , as God , and swayed his Scepter as an absolute Monarch in the earth . It 's the arising of the Son of righteousness with healing under his wings , in the shinings forth of his pure Light , for the dispelling the the thick Egiptian darkness that hath long covered the earth , and brought upon the Inhabitants a sad , sore , and dismal night , wherein the blessed , sweet , and amiable countenance of God hath been eclipsed , and vailed from men , whereby they could not live to God , for that life is in the light , which by the power and prevalency of darkness hath been much shut up ; so that it hath not shined forth in its glorious brightness upon mankind : It 's the pouring forth of the Spirit of the Lord upon all flesh , and the breathing of life upon the dead bones , that they may stand up and live , with flesh and sinews , in strength , beauty , and comeliness of proportion . It 's the manifestation and discovery of that great and glorious mystery , hid from ages and generations , Christ within , the hope of glory ; Jesus Christ in his powerful , spiritual , glorious , heavenly appearance in his Saints , triumphing victoriously over death and hell , and all the powers of darkness , giving to his Saints to sit down with him upon his throne , and making them partakers of that glory he had with the Father before the world began . It 's the bringing of many from the East , and from the West , and from the North , and from the South , to sit down with Abraham , Isaac , and Iacob , in the Kingdom of God ; and the gathering of his elect seed from the four winds of the earth , which hath been long scattered , and pended up in the holes and caves thereof , lying in death , bondage , and captivity . The day of God is the redemption of his beloved seed , and raising it up out of the grave , to live in the blessed and glorious presence of its God : It 's the marriage day of the Spouse with the Lamb , and the bringing of her into the Chamber of Presence , and the Banquetting-house , where she is entertained with the sweet fellowship and communion of the noble plant of renown , the beloved of her souls and under his shadow she sitteth down with great delight , and his fruit is pleasant to her taste , where she gets access to him in the bed of love , and sees his sweet , comely , soul-ravishing countenance , and hears the sweet melodious voice , which pierceth the heart with darts of love , so that she is constrained to cry , Stay me with apples , comfort me with flagons , for I am sick of love ; turn away thy face from me , for it hath ravished me , being filled with the glory of his Majesty , that the sight of it is scarce tollerable in the house of clay , which often trembles at the Revelation of the weight of glory . The day of the Lord is the tabernacling and habitation of himself with men ( the Immanuel , God in us ) bringing them up out of all visible and corruptible perishing things , into fellowship with him and his Son , through the eternal Spirit . It 's the dispensation of the new Covenant taking place in the earth , the tenour whereof is , I will put my Law in their inward parts , and write it in their hearts , and will be their God , and they shall be my People , and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour , saying , know the Lord , for they shall all know me , from the least of them unto che greatest , saith the Lord , for I will forgive their iniquity , and remember their sin no more , Jer. 31. And again I will sprinkle clean water upon you , and yee shall be clean from all your filthiness , and from all your Idols will I cleanse you , a new heart also will I give you , and a new spirit will I put within you , and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh , and I will give you an heart of flesh , and I will put my spirit within you , and cause you to walk in my statutes , and yee shall keep my Iudgements , and do them ; and yee shall dwell in the Land , that I gave to your Fathers , and yee shall be my People , and I will be your God , Ezek. 36. It 's the coming down of the new Ierusalem from above , out of Heaven upon the Earth , cloathed with the Garments of Salvation , the Lambs Glory ( which is her Light , so that She needeth not Sun , nor Moon , nor Candle ) and the pure white linnen , which is the Righteousness of the Saints ; It 's the causing the old Heavens and the old Earth to pass away , and the Elements to melt with fervent heat , and the drying up of the Sea , and the making all old things to vanish , and the creating the new Heavens , and the new Earth , wherein dwelleth Righteousness , and the making all things new . It 's the relieving the Creation of God which hath long travelled under the bondage of Corruption : It 's the coming forth of the Woman cloathed with the Sun , and a Crown of twelve Starrs upon her head , and the Moon under her feet , out of the Wilderness ; And her getting victory and Dominion with her seed ( which hold the testimony of Jesus the spirit of Prophecy , Rev. 19.10 . the great quarel of the adversary against her , Rev. 12. ) over the Dragon , Beast and false Prophet . It 's the discovery , fall , and utter overthrow of mystery Babylon , the mother of Fornications , who hath bewitched the whole earth with the Golden Cup , her Merchants hath handed forth into them who dwell thereupon ; whereby they have adulterated , and gone a whoring from God , and the pure holy life of Jesus Christ , and the chast leadings of his spirit , and the true spiritual glory hath been lost from among them , who drunk of the cup of her sorceries , and a false imaginary glory set up in its room , which is the Image of the Beast , over which the Saints get victory ; which false glory stands in some of the words and formes of truth patched together , with the inventions of men , by the cunning and art of the whorish spirit , which is very taking and specious to the eye of man , whereby it comes to pass that this whorish woman hath been taken for the spouse of Christ , and her Merchants for his Ministers . The day of God is the pulling up by the roots every plant which is not of the Lords planting , and the fire of the fierce wrath and indignation of God passing thorough the bryars and thorns for the consuming of them , and the plowing up the fallow ground , and preparing and digging , and dunging of it , whereby it may become good and fruitful , that the pure and tender plant and seed of truth sown therein may grow up , and become a tree filled with the fruits of righteousness and holiness : this seed hath long lyen ( as it were ) barren in the earth , which hath been as a Wilderness , and brought forth the Vines of Sodom , and Grapes of Gomorah , but now the Lord hath looked upon the earth , and pittied it ( for the seeds sake ) and hath sent forth and is sending his servants to till and dress it , that it may be for the Lord and master of it , a garden of pleasure , and now the truth which hath been long holden down , in and under unrighteousness is arising , and shall arise throughout the whole earth , in victory and dominion over all . And we the Lords People called in derision Quakers , and mocked and persecuted by the World ( as all the Children of God before us have been ) because we are not of them , and they know us not , do witness this day of God come and broke up among us in pure perfect brightness , to the fulfilling all these things aforesaid ( every one in their measure ) and yet more abundantly to be fulfilled , and his Kingdom revealed with power and great glory in our hearts , and the Lord hath brought back our Captivity , as the streams of the south , whereat we are as those that dream for joy ; and we who sat by the Rivers of Babylon hanging our harps upon the Willow Trees are now returned to Zion , having our hearts and our mouths filled with the Songs thereof , and our Harps harping the sweet Praises of our God , in the Land of our Nativity . And the Lord hath redeemed us out of Kindreds , Nations , Tongues , and People , to be a peculiar people unto himself , a choice Generation , a royal Priesthood , and holy Nation zealous of good works , to shew forth the Praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous Light , which hath shined forth in beams of Glory , through the darkness in us , to the dispelling and swallowing up thereof , by its brightness , and the Light is very dear , and precious unto us , and we cannot deny it ; notwithstanding , all the opposition we meet with , from a wicked perverse World , shut up in darkness ; and because they in the state they are in , cannot comprehend it , therefore they mock , persecute , and blasphem both it , and the vessels thereof , and they would have us to disown the Light , and cease to bear our testimony unto it , because they hate the Light themselves , being it reproves their evil deeds , and makes manifest the hidden things of dishonesty , which they are loath should be known ; therefore they would have the Light quenched , stopt and buried , least their wickedness be seen , hence it is that people of all Professions , ranks , orders , qualities , and degrees , Rulers , Teachers , Priests , and People , Scribes , Lawyers , Doctors , and Disputers of this World , have and do oppose the Light , and such who testifie of it , least their pride , pomp , ambition , lust , tyranny , deceit , covetousness , and other evil deeds , which are rife among them , should be made manifest , and men of all callings hate the Light ; for deceit , treachery , unrighteousness , hath seated and spread it self over all and taken a dominion in the Earth , and is loath to quit it ; and therefore , it puts into the hearts of all its subjects , to oppose the Light , which if it get footing in the earth , will put a period to its raign , and finish transgression , and bring in everlasting Righteousness : And the Devil sets men upon the opposing the Light , least it bind him , and cast him out of his place , and spoile his house , and break his Kingdom , dashing it as a potters vessel into pieces ; and the Whore mystery Babylon , the mother of Fornications hates the Light , and puts into the hearts of the Kings and powers of the earth , to make war with the Lamb , the Light and the Children of it ; for that is it which discovers the cup of her Fornications and sorceries unto men , and makes manifest her whorish mire whereby she may be discerned , and when she is known the same Kings and Princes and great ones on the earth , who upheld her , shall come to loath and hate her , and burn her flesh with fire ; and now glory to the Lord who hath shewed us Light , and placed it in our hearts , and hath raised and is raising it up , over all opposition whatsoever in us , and by this Light we have discovered the Whore , the Antichrist , the Beast , the Dragon the subtle Serpent , the false Prophet , with all their subtle workings , and deceivableness of unrighteousness ; we have seen the Land of graven Images , and the wilderness where there is no way ; we have so long walked in ; hungry , and thirsty , and our souls fainting in us , and our tongue failing with thirst ; and the light hath given us an out-gate , & shewed us an entrance into the way of life , and path of righteousness & holiness , which the Vultures eye can never reach ; & this path at the beginning appeared to us very strait , & narrow & difficult for passage , so that many times sore doubtings and fears arise in us , lest we should never get thereinto , and many temptations have we indured from the suggestions of the great enemy of our salvation ; saying to us , it is in vain to attempt an entrance , but now blessed be the God of our salvation , an entrance , yea , an abundant entrance is ministred to us thereinto , and the path is becoming more and more easie and spacious , and delectable , the way of pleasantness , and the path of peace is opened , and opening , wherein the wayfaring man ( though a fool ) cannot erre or stray ; and the Light hath brought us to Iacob's Well , where we have found an eternal never fading spring of living water streaming forth into our souls and hearts , to our unspeakable joy , comfort , and satisfaction ; and it hath brought us into Bethel , the house of God , the house of prayer ; and we have been made joyful therein , according to the Lord's promise ; and in this house and Temple of God , we have seen the glory of the Lord , and had Isaiah's Vision , beholding him sitting upon a throne , high and lifted up , and his train filling the Temple ; and we have heard the voice , Holy , holy , holy , Lord God of Hosts , the whole earth is full of his glory ; and we have been made to cry , woe is us , for we are undone , because of uncleanness , and fear and trembling hath taken hold of us , so that the posts of the door lyes moved and shaken , at the voice of him that cryed ; and the Angel hath flown unto us , having a live coal in his hand , taken in the tongs from off the Altar , and therewith hath touched our lips , saying unto us , your iniquity is taken away , and your sin purged ; and in his Temple we have talked of the glory of the Lord , and of his loving kindness one unto another ; and we have blessed and praised the Name of the Lord , for his mercy and goodness to the children of men ; and we have eat and drunk in the house of our God , in the mountain of his holiness have we been entertained with the feast of fat things , full of marrow , of wines on the lees well refined ; and we have seen the King in his beauty , and bread hath been given to us , and our water made sure , and it faileth not , which we drink every one out of our own Cestern ; and the glorious Lord hath become unto us a place of broad Rivers ; and we have been brought to the Shepherds tents , and seen where he feedeth the flock , and causeth it to rest at noon ; and we have loved the Pasture dearly , and intreated the Shepherd that he would make us partake with the flock , and lead us to the green field and Paradice of his pleasure , and to the streams of that river which is full of water , and floweth richly forth , to the continual gladning of the City of God ; and we have desired it of him with the earnest of our souls , that we might see the good of his chosen , and be remembred with the favour he bears to his people , and gladned with the joy of his Nation , that we might have whereby to glory with his inheritance ; and the Lord hath heard and granted the breathings of our souls ; we asked life of him , and he hath given it us , and put a crown of pure gold upon our heads , even a crown of righteousness , and eternal life ; and he hath put a new song of praise to him who lives for ever and ever , in our mouths , which none can sing , no nor understand , but such as are redeemed from off the earth ; and Palms of Victory in our hands are given to us , and Harps wherewith to harp , and make melody to the God of our life , who hath created us anew in Jesus Christ , unto good works ; and Censers full of incense , which are the prayers of the Saints ; and the Lord hath not suffered , does not suffer us , to want any good thing , he openeth his hands plentifully , and filleth us with his blessing , and giveth us to drink of the River of his pleasure , and the wine which groweth in our fathers Kingdom ; and how great is his goodness ! how great is his beauty ! for Corn hath made the young-men glad , and new wine the Maids , as it is written , and the mountains have dropped down the wine , and the Fatts and Wine-presses have overflowed , and the Heavens have opened , and poured down everlasting righteousness , and rained the showers of blessing upon the tender herbs of the Lords planting in the earth ; and loe the Winter is past , the rain is over and gone , and the Spring is come , wherein the birds do sweetly sing , and the voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land ; and the Fig-tree putteth forth its blossoms , and green figs and others are come , and coming to perfection and maturity ; and the Vines with the grapes , give a good and pleasant smell ; and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits , new and old , laid up for our beloved . And the fruit of the Tree of Life , which beareth twelve manner of fruits , and yieldeth it every month , hath been manifested unto us , the leaves whereof are for the healing of the Nations . And we have seen the Bride , the Lamb's Wife adorned , and trimmed for the approach of her Husband , and the new Ierusalem descending from above , the Holy City coming down from God out of heaven , having the glory of her God , and her light is like unto a stone most precious , like a Jasper , clear as Cristal ; and we have seen the frame and proportion of this City , with the walls and gates of it ( within which our feet have stood ) whose builder and maker is God , and there is nothing of mans work in it , but all purely of him , and we have seen to its foundation , the Light , the Life , the Power , the Wisdom of God , revealed in the hearts of the Sons and Daughters of men , the chief corner , the foundation stone , which the builders among all the Sects and Professions of the whole earth have rejected , in this night of darkness , whereby instead of building a house or City for God , they have reared up a Babylon , which must fall , and is a falling , and shall sink as a mill-stone into the bottom of the Sea , and never rise again , Amen , Hallelujah , glory to the Lamb , whose work it is . And now the Lord hath made us Citizens of this City , and stones of this building , even living stones , polished by the power of God , and glewed and knit together by the same power and Spirit of Life , where is the pure perfect unity , and in the unity , the fellowship and communion with God , and his dear Son Jesus Christ , and one with another is witnessed ; and the builders are wise builders , standing in the wisdom and power of God , whereby they are taught to lay every stone , and how to polish and square it , and they are but tools and instruments in the hand of God , for the work is his alone , and the Ministry is spiritual , and so are the Ministers ; men taught by God , having experience of the saving work of his right hand on their hearts , who speak because they believe , and are indued with power from on high , and filled with the holy Ghost , whereby they are made able Ministers of the new Testament , having received gifts by the ascending of Christ on high , ( even for the rebellious , that he may dwell among them ) for the work of the Ministry , to the perfecting of the Saints , and edifying of the body ; and such Minister from the Light and from the Life , and from the power and Spirit , and Word of God , whereby those to whom they Minister , may come into the fellowship of the mystery with themselves , and be made partakers with them of the Unction , or anointing from the holy one , which may be with them for ever , and a teacher unto them of all things , good , necessary , and expedient for them to know , even to bring them unto the Spirit of truth , which may lead them into all truth , and instruct them , in the will , councel , and commandement of God , at all times whatever it be , and to espouse them unto Jesus Christ the great King and Lawgiver in and to his People , the great high Priest , from whose mouth the Law is to be received , the great Prophet by whom God speaketh now to his People , wherof Moses writes , who is the head in all things , and who so will not hear that Prophet , shall be put to death ; and this Prophet Jesus Christ is nigh unto us , yea , more nigh then all the men or books upon the face of the earth ; he is both our Maker and our Husband , ( the anointed of the Lord the breath of our nostrils ) so that our fellowship and communion with him is most intimate , and immediate , and nothing else does satisfie our souls but the immediate imbraces of his dear and sweet love , the seeing of his Countenance which is comely , and the hearing of his voice , which is pleasant , and powerful , and glorious , and full of Majesty ; and the Bride rejoyceth greatly because of the voice of the Bridegroom himself , and now we need not say who will go down into the grave , and bring up Christ to us , or who will ascend to Heaven to bring him down to us , or who will go over the Seas , and bring us tidings of him from Ierusalem , where he suffered in the flesh , him ( whose name is the Word of God , Rev. 19. ) we of a truth witness nigh us even in our hearts ; so that we need not either ascend or descend , or go forth , the word of life , the word of power , the word of faith which Paul preached , and Moses before him , and all the true Ministers , and pointed people to this , which was able to save them , as they turned their minds thereto , and gave up to be taught and led thereby . And this the Ministers and Servants of the Lord among the People called Quakers do preach ( without money or price being the free gift of God ) and many have believed , and received it , not as the Word of Men , but as it is indeed the Word of God , and found it ( after diligent attendance , turning their minds inward thereto ) to spring up in themselves , and to be living and powerful , and sharp as a two edged Sword , to the dividing of soul and spirit , and discerning every thought and intention of the heart , and though one evil , and unbelieving Generation , will not give credit thereto , no nor yet those of the National Ministry , who give themselves forth for the Ministers of Christ ( but are found lyars ) they call it a fancy , and delusion , and turn People from it , ( which is the only Rock that can save them ) yet we know it to be the Word of God , and we have tasted the Heavenly sweetness of it , yea and our very hands have handled that Word of Life , and we have hid it in our hearts as an only Treasure , and we do daily , and hourly , witness the pretiousness and worth thereof , for it is the food of our souls , the food of Angels , the living bread , which came down from Heaven , to give life unto the World , the Manna incorruptible , which feedeth us unto life everlasting ; and when we are an hungred , it refresheth us , and satisfieth our souls with good things , it 's milk to the babes , and flesh to the strong , it 's health to our navil , and marrow to our bones , it 's the bread which strengthneth mans heart , and the wine which maketh it glad , and oyle which maketh his face to shine , and when we thirst , living water springeth forth from this word of life in our hearts , and ministreth drink unto us , out of the living fountain , and we witness the promise fulfilled , he that believeth in me ( Christ the Word ) out of his belly shall flow a well spring of liveing water ; and when we are weak , and our hands hang down , and our knees wax feeble , the Word maketh us strong , and lifteth us up as an Eagles wings , so that we run and are not weary , and walk and are not faint , and when we are heavy through sorrow , the Word springeth forth in streams of pure joy and consolation , from the presence of the Lord , which causeth us to forget all our former troubles , and we are comforted in our God , in all our straits and difficulties , and when temptations from the Devil and his Instruments assault us , and the powers of darkness environe and surround us , as if they would swallow us up , the Word sendeth forth sweet and comfortable beams of Light , and openeth the eye-lids of the morning upon us , and breaketh through the thick Egiptian darkness , as a fiery flaming sword , and divideth asunder , and giveth us victory and deliverance : And when we are hated of the World , the Word saith , peace in us , and causeth it to flow into our souls , like the waves of the Sea , and when Sathan transformes himself ( with his Messengers ) into an Angel of Light , that he may deceive us , coming up out of the deep with Samuels Mantle , the Word of truth , which searcheth into all the depths of Satan , and to the bottom of the mystery of iniquity discovereth to us the foulers snare , and the voice of the inchanter , so that our souls escape as a bird out of the net ; and the Word defends us by night and by day , so that we need not fear the terror by night , nor the arrow that flyeth by day , nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness , being girded with the sword of the Spirit , which is the Word of God ; and the Word is a light to our feet , and a Lanthorn to our pathes , the V●im and the Thummim by which the Lord answers us , and giveth us counsel in all things pertaining either to the temporal or eternal life , and herein we meditate day and night , and by it are we made wiser then our Teachers , and it 's sweeter to us then the honey and the honey comb , and more precious then thousands of gold or silver ; and in the Word our fellowship stands with God , and one to another , whereby we know , and enjoy , and have communion one with another in the invisible , heavenly life , and though at a distance as to the bodily appearance , yet nigh to , and present one with another in Spirit , and partakers together , as members of one body in sufferings and afflictions , in joy and consolations , which as sufferings abound , do abound also . And now , though the Scriptures declare of this word , yet they are not that Word , more then a Map or description of Rome or London , is Rome or London ; or the image of Cesar is Cesar ( or bread and wine is the body and blood of Christ ) which rude draught , shadow , description , and representation of such things , and the like , may and do borrow the names of the things by them signified or represented ; and thus the Scriptures may borrow the name of the Word of God , and may sometimes be so called , as the words or Prophecy of Isaiah is called by himself his Vision , and the words of Iohn is called his Revelation , whereas they but signified these things ; and it 's my testimony , with thousands , we have found another Word then the Scriptures ( which is not repugnant to them , but teacheth the same things , and bears a like testimony with them , in a more excellent way , so that they have a sweet harmony and concord together , yet differing as much from them as bread , wine , corn , oyle , water , light , fire , differing from a verbal description or likeness of those things : And this is no dishonour to the Scriptures , but a putting them in their proper place , as a declaration of the eternal life , which though pointed at by them , yet is not to be found in them , as the Jewish people foolishly thought , ( and as Professors think at this day ) for which Christ checked them , because they would not come to him to get life , of whom the Scriptures testified , That it was in him , not in them , Ioh. 5. And thus much concerning our Ministery , and the object thereof , or thing which is ministred and preached , to wit , Christ the living and eternal Word , nigh , and in the hear : and our Worship and Sacrifice we offer up unto God in this Building , House , Temple , City or Church of God ; is spiritual prayer , and praise spiritual , even from the pourings forth of the Spirit of Life from God , praying and singing , ( and making melody in our hearts , and with our mouths and lips also , as the Lord opens them ) with the spirit and understanding in all things , making our requests known unto God , and giving thanks alwayes for all things , through Jesus Christ our life , at whose Name our knees are bowed down , and our head uncovered , and the glory is over all , and the Lord hath turned to us the pure language , and the pure lip , and given us to the throne of glory an abundant access , and hath accepted our prayers , and savoured a good savour in them , and hath largely answered the desires of our souls , blessed be his Name ; and we witness him a God who heareth prayer , even to the least desire or breathing of the upright heart , and he is worthy to be waited for , who hath come to us in an acceptable time , and prepared our hearts to seek , and his ear to hear , and given us strength and ability to wrestle and prevail with him to the break of day , and we have not let him go till he hath blessed us , and called our name Israel . And as the Ministry and Worship of the Church or house of God among us is spiritual , so is the Order , Discipline and Government among us ; and we witness the Lord present with us in our Assemblies , and the head Christ in us , ( whether few or many ) passing sound , righteous , and infallible judgement concerning the particulars that come before us ; and we take not that blind , fallible way of the many Sects and Professions in the world , to determine controversies by , viz. Plurality of Votes , but we look up to the Lord , and call upon him to decide the matter , and pass righteous judgement , and he doth it , and each in the measure of the Word of Truth , which they have received , doth perceive the mind of the Lord therein , and believeth it , their faith standing in the wisdom and power of God , revealing the thing in and to each particular , and we are manifest in one anothers consciences , and as Epistles written and read in one anothers hearts ; and we are of one mind , and one spirit and life ; and here is sweet unity , concord , harmony , and agreement , not like Babylon ; and where the Lord goeth not before us , and openeth not the particular , or particulars unto us , we stand still and forbear , till we receive his mind , who never is nor will be wanting to us , in whatsoever exigence . And now the power we have is from God alone , and his Son Jesus Christ , and he bears the government on his shoulders , and takes us up into the Throne with himself , according to his promise and maketh us a free people , Kings and Priests to our God , and our power is free and unlimited , as to any mans determination upon the face of the whole earth ; and we own no head in our Church , but Christ Jesus ; nor can we submit our consciences to any man , or yield to the precepts and commandements of men ( out of the will and power of God ) in a jot , though to the loss of our very lives ; and especially , no man or men is to impose on us the least circumstance , in the matter of the worship of the living God , and the exercise of our consciences therein ; but what man or men set up in place of authority , calls us to what is equitable and righteous betwixt us and our neighbour , we are free , and holds our selves bound to give all due obedience for conscience sake thereto ; and the Magistrate , who hath his power and authority from God , we dearly own and honour , and the obedience he requires of us , will be answered with the Witness and Word of God in our consciences , which if we should disobey , condemnation from the Lord should fall upon us . And when that which is sinful and unrighteous is urged upon us , then God's witness does arise in our conscience , and forbids us to yield thereto , but to suffer patiently what may be inflicted upon us , for our not bowing under the same , and not at all to resist with any carnal weapon , or outward violence , but to commit our cause to him , who judgeth righteously , and hath said , Vengeance is mine , and I will repay it ; and so we have sweet peace and content in our sufferings , for our consciences are kept free , and we are redeemed to God , and bought with a price , therefore we cannot be the servants of men , and we seek not any worldly power or force to maintain our Church , it needeth it not ( for the gates of hell cannot prevail against the same ) nor to propagate our Religion , for it will never do it , and we are to force no mans conscience , nor to lay any punishment upon them , or put any to sufferings , because of their not concurring with us , for we matter no uniformity , but that which is of the Lord's Spirit , perswading the hearts of people to be one with us in principle and practice , and to stand up with us , living witnesses for the name and truth of the living God , which he is revealing ; and we assuredly know all the weapons that are formed either against the truth or the witnesses of it , shall not prosper , and the Lord shall make to himself a glorious name in the earth ; and we the people of the Lord , whom he hath formed for himself , shall shew forth his praise , and the Lord will make it manifest , that we are his , and that he hath raised us up , and put his Spirit in us , and that he dwells in and among us , to all the Kindreds and Nations of the Earth , and they who will not see , shall see , and be ashamed , and confounded for their envy at the people whom God hath blessed , and will bless for ever and ever , and no deceit nor violence shall prevail against them . And therefore now O ye people of Scotland know ye that the day of God is broke up among us , the people of the Lord called by you in derision Quakers , but who indeed tremble at the Word of his power , when it is sounded forth from the Throne of Majesty ; yea , and the mighty , dreadful , terrible God of strength , power , and Majesty , Victory , and Dominion hath determined to shake the Heavens , and the Earth , and all the powers thereof , to the utter confusion and fall of whatsoever standeth up in opposition against the seting up of his eternal Kingdom of Righteousness in the hearts of the Children of Men , and the little stone cut out of the Mountain without hands , shall grow and fill the earth , and become a Mountain ; and it shall dash to pieces the Image of Clay and Iron , Brass , Silver , and Gold , and the Land of graven Images shall be smitten , and all the Gods of the Heathen famished , and all the Idols shall be broken , and cast into the holes of the rock , and Dagon shall not be able to stand before the Ark ; nor Babylon , before the spouse of Christ which is coming forth to face all their enemies , fair as the Sun , and terrible as an Army with banners ; yea , cloathed with the Sun , and the Moon under her feet . And the Lord is making a work in this day , which shall make all ears to tingle , and every heart to faint and fail that will not bow at the arm of his power stretched forth : The day of the Lord is come , and he is preparing himself to battle as a strong man , as one awakned of out sleep , ( who hath long suffered the reign and Kingdom of darkness ) and as one that cryeth out in the dread of his strength by reason of Wine ; and he is making bare his arme , and covering himself with zeal as with a cloak , now will I arise , now will I lift up my self , saith the Lord , and who is able to stand up , and make war with him ? whereof prepare to meet thy God O Scotland in the way of his judgments , and repent , repent , repent of your iniquities , from the highest to the lowest , for the controversie of the dreadful God of power , the zealous angry God who will not acquit the guilty , is against the one and the other of you , without respect of persons , because of your abominations , whereby his pure holy Spirit hath been grieved , and provoked against you , Oh Scotland , Scotland , the cry of thine iniquities , hath come up before God into his throne , and he is weary with forbearing , to execute the fierceness of his wrath upon you , though ye be not weary with sining , but are drawing iniquity , as with Cart-ropes , and filling up the measure even to the brime ; Wherefore a Cup of trembling , trembling , saith the Lord God , shall be put into thy hands , if thou speedily repent not , & thou shall drink & shall not escape , and it shall be more tollerable for Sodom and Gomorab in the day of judgment , then for you ; forasmuch as you have sinned against more Light , and have had more warnings from the Lord , one way , and another , and he hath borne with you long , and strived much with you by his Spirit to reclaim you , and would have healed you , but ye will not be healed , and oh how have your hearts turned back as a deceitful bow , and shrunk from that measure of simplicity , tenderness and zeal for the Lord , that was once among you , and because yee took up a profession of God above all the Nations of the Earth , and have so treacherously backslidden therefrom in the day of tryal , therefore is your sin exceedingly aggravated before the Lord , and he will punish you above all the Nations of the earth , if ye break not off from your sins by speedy and unfeigned repentance . And now ye who mock at the quakings and tremblings of the people of God , who feel the load of wrath ready to break out upon you , and sink you down to the bottome of Hell , and would faine stand in the gapes , and hold off the wrath , and are in great travel , because of the dreadful day they see coming upon you , and many times are crying unto God for mercy unto you , when ye are adding drunkness to thirst , and persecuting them , and saying , tush , tush , no evil shall befall us , where is the promise of his coming ? ye shall be made to tremble , and your loyns to shake , and the joynts of your knees with Belshazar ( reading the hand writing against you ) to smite one against another , and paleness shall come up upon your faces , and pangs as of a woman in travel take hold of you , and the Lord will roar out of Zion , against you , and tear in pieces as a Lyon , and who will then be able to deliver you out of his hand ? and that comfort and peace will be far from you , which we the Lords people do witness , after all our fears and tremblings ; for the cup we have drunk at his hands is sweetly tempered with mercy and judgment , and in measure he debateth with us , and stayeth his rough wind in the day of his East ; and our hearts , which once trembled for fear , and dread , and sorrow , are now made to rejoyce with trembling , at the powerful and glorious appearance of him in our souls , so that we have been made to sing unto him that song , we will praise thee O Lord ; for though thou wast angry with us , thy anger is turned away , and we are comforted . And yet now , O Scotland , the Lord hath bowels of tender pitty and compassion towards thee , which many times I have felt , and do feel , with many others , and he is much put to it ( so to speak ) concerning thee , what to do with thee , and his mercy and judgement are at a kind of holy contest and wrestling about thee ; How shall I give thee up ? how shall I deliver thee , O people of Scotland ? how shall I make thee as Admah , and set thee as Zeboim , my heart is turned within me , my repentings are kindled together ; which word hath often sounded through me , towards thy Inhabitants , O Scotland , from the Lord , who yet remembers the kindness of thy youth , and the love of thy espousals in former dayes , and the tenderness , and simplicity , and uprightness of heart that was among many of you then , with a pure zeal for his Name : And oh , what meltings and breathings of soul was after the living God! and nothing could satisfie but his living presence , which also no doubt hath been in a measure by some enjoyed ; but oh , how have ye forsaken your first love , and turned down-right enemies against that which was once your very life , and is the life of those ye are persecuting at this day , and blaspheming , to wit , the revelation of the Light , Life , Power , Love , and Spirit of God in our souls , which filleth us with heavenly comfort , joy unspeakable and full of Glory . Oh , how have ye forsaken the fountain of living waters , and digged to your selves broken Cesterns , that can hold no water ! Return , O back-sliding Scotland , for this I do declare unto thee , in the name of the Lord ; he hath yet thoughts of loving kindness unto thee , and a seed there is in thee , which is very dear and precious unto him , and he cannot forget it , more then the tender-hearted mother the fruit of her womb ; and though she should forget , yet the Lord will not forget thee ; for thou art set as a seal upon his heart , and writ upon the palms of his hands , O thou beloved seed , and he will give redemption unto thee , and raise thee up out of the holes and caves of the earth , where thou hast lain so long buried as in the grave , and the Lord hath raised , and is raising up his seed in some already , who are a kind of first fruits unto him ; and he hath brought us to walk in the light of his countenance , and rent the vails , and given us to behold his lovely amiable face with joy , and made us an entrance into the blessed Land of Promise ; and we have eat abundantly of the good of the Land , and the finest of the wheat , and honey out of the Rock hath been given unto us , and we have drunk of the wine , and tasted the Vine-grapes thereof , and the Land is a good Land ; and though there be Giants , and the sons of Amaleck in the way , yet it is conquerable , and we cannot but report well of it ; and God hath blessed our testimony , and shall bless it to hundreds and thousands , who yet are not able to hear us , nor will they , because of the anguish of soul , under the hard yoak of Pharoah in the Land of Egypt , and house of bondage ; but God will break , and is breaking , the yoak of oppression from off the neck of his seed , and will give it victory and dominion over all . And now blessed are they , who know and hearken unto the joyfull sound of the everlasting Gospel , which publisheth peace , and bringeth good tydings of salvation , and proclaimeth the acceptable year of the Lord , and the day of vengeance of our God , to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Sion , to give them beauty for ashes , the oyle of joy for mourning , the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness , that they might be called trees of righteousness , the planting of the Lord , that he might be glorified . And now , O Scotland , prize the day of thy visitation , and know the things that belong to thy peace , before they be hid from thine eyes , and the day of grace sett upon thee , and put away thy abominations out of the fight of the holy pure God , which are matter of provocation unto him against thee . And whereas thou hast often assayed a Reformation unto the Lord , but it hath never come to be perfect and thorow ; and ye have been so far from going forward , that ye have shrunk back , and turned again with the dog to the vomit , wherefore now at last return to the Lord , with whom there is yet mercy , and plenteous redemption , and reform thoroughly unto him , who will not receive halfes off your hands . And now I will shew you councel from the Lord ( which I do declare in bowels of dear , and tender love unto you ) what ye shall do in order to a cleanly , perfect , and through Reformation : Above all mind the Light of Christ in your Consciences , and heed it diligently in its motion and shinings forth thorough the darkness , and as ye give obedience to it , in what it reveals unto you for duty , and shun what it discovers to be evil , it will more and more arise and shine forth in pure transparent brightness , from one degree of glory to another , and lay hold upon the darkness to the dispelling of it , and swallowing it up wholly , in the womb of its brightness ; and the Light will shew you the foundation on which ye shall build , Jesus Christ , the Wisdom and Power of God , and the Word of eternal Life , the chief corner stone , from which the Light comes , and it leads to him , and will bring you into acquaintance with him , and the leadings , and teachings of his Holy Spirit , to which yee shall do well to keep Chast , else the Serpent by his subtlety will again ensnare you , and Mystery Babylon will bewitch you with the cup of her Fornications : And oh your not keeping chast to the Lord hath often marred the work in your hands , and if ye come not in the future to keep closely and chastly to him , ye shall never prosper in any of your attempts , and all shall be but lost labour . And take up the cross to every thought , desire , imagination , motion , and affection , of your own hearts , and this will steer your course aright , and guide your feet in every step , and stay , and ballance your minds , and hold down every thing which would arise out of the wrong ground , and the pure Light will shine forth in your minds , ( thus stayed under the cross ) with glorious beams of brightness , and sweetly manifest unto you , all whatsoever the Lord requires of you , and as ye must not be forward in running on without the leadings of Christ the head in you , so be not backward nor slow in following after him , nor sit down by the way , saying in your selves , thus far will we go and no further ; Oh this hath also been a snare unto you : and mind the pure , holy , living power , more then the form , and wherever the power and Spirit of life doth not move , or appear in the forme , disown it , and stand against it , and whatever form or appearance the living power leads into , or moves in , be for it , and own it , and as ye come , to live and walk in Gods fear , it will beget more and more a discerning in you , to know and feel the power , and distinguish manifestly the dead , dry , and life-less form and appearance from the living ; and be willing to be searched as with Candles , thoroughly , and hide nothing which the Lord requires to be given up , nor keep up any thing whatsoever , that his controversie and indignation is against , and rid you of all your Idols of silver , and gold , all the wares and pleasant things of Babylon , and the Jewels and ear-rings , ye have of the Egiptians , to wit the many Inventions , that hath crept in , in the night of Apostacy , to the ensnaring and bewitching of your people , and father nothing upon the Scriptures , nor upon God , but that which is purely of him , and revealed unto you from the Spirit of truth opening and interpreting the Scriptures unto you , which holy men of God did write from the Inspiration of his Spirit , and can only be understood in and from a measure of the same , and put not the name of the Ordinances of Jesus Christ upon Babylons brats , which whoso taketh them and dasheth to pieces against the stones , blessed shall they be : And away with all the Wisdom of this World , which God is a confounding , and all consultings and reasonings with flesh and blood , and judging or determining of things , but in the wisdom and councel of God , in the Revelation of the Spirit of truth in each particular , let that be your rule in all things , and ye shall walk surely , and put away this dead , life-less , ignorant , prophane , scandalous Ministry , own no Ministery , but such who is taught of God , & speaks because he believes and ministers from the power and spirit of life , and away with makeing any humane gifts or indowments of Learning ( which is but flesh , and must die and wither ) the qualifications of a Minister , and do not limit the Spirit of the Lord , in chusing or refusing any for the work of the Ministry , they are well fitted whom he enables , though foolish and contemptible to the carnal eye ; and by these foolish , weak and despicable things , the Lord hath brought , and is bringing great things to pass ; and away with your dead life-less worship , praying and singing , which comes not from the breathings and movings of the spirit of life from God ; and away with your mungrel Church , patch'd up of the prophance rable of the World , let such who fear God , separate and come out from among them , and disown them for fellow members of the body whereof Christ is the head , and have no communion with them in their worship which is Idolatry , and away with your sprinklings of Infants , it s but of Babylon ; with many other things , the Light of Christ ( as ye heed it ) will discover unto you , which in the night of darkness hath passed for Gods ordinance , but the day hath discovered them to have the Beasts mark , and superscription ; and away with setting Bread and Wine before a prophane wicked multiude ( who hath nothing but the bare name of a Christian ) telling them its the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ , it 's abomination to God , and away with the carnal , false licentious , unbounded liberty ye take to your selves in words , diet , apparel , and worldly conversation ; mind the cross diligently , and it will teach you the golden path of Mediocrity ( or Moderation ) in all things , and away with all respecting of persons , and the honour which comes not from God , whose service is only to feed the lust of the eye , the lust of the flesh , and the pride of life , and be willing and desirous to see the glory of the pride of all flesh stained , and the Lord alone exalted , honoured , and glorified in and among the Children of men : And away with all Uniformity , which is not of the Lords Spirit ; and away with all force , and constraint in the matter of Conscience and Religion ; and away with all carnal weapons , either to defend or propagate the truth ; away with your Lording and mastering , and monopolizing ministry , who would limit the Spirit of the Lord , and make a monopoly of the gifts of God , away with your distinctions of Clergy and Laicks , and superstitious Habits and attires , for discriminating them , and away with your set and alloted hires , and maintenance for a Ministry , and forcing of people to pay them , which hath been a great snare unto many ( and hath lyen nigh all ) who from a principle of covetousness ( seeing thereby means of a livelihood ) hath intruded themselves into the ministerial Function , and given poor people to believe they were called of God thereto , whereas generally ( it is a thing well known ) they get into Parishes by worldly means , they setting their friends and relations on work , to sollicite and move the Patrons of the Parishes , or such most concerned therein , to give them entrance ; and when the thing is granted , then he called the Minister , steps up into a Pulpit , and sayes thus to the people , Beloved , by the providence of God I am called to be your Pastor , and a watch-man over you , as one who must give an account for your souls in the day of judgement ; and the Lord knows , it 's not any other principle , but a vehement desire ( thorough love to your souls ) to teach and instruct you in the knowledge of God , and to edifie you in the Faith , that hath moved me to come among you . and I have received a talent , and I must improve it , and the ability God hath given me to instruct you , together with the great desire I have to use it for your edification , I take for a sufficient call from God ; and I have also the Patrons , and the most considerable in the Parish their call . Whereas they make it manifestly appear , that covetousness hath set them thereon , for how soon any of their brethren dies , so that another Parish becomes vacant , which hath a greater stipend or maintenance , they fall upon their first trade , of solliciting for an entrance thereto , and they stick not to quit the charge of their first Flock , and to give their Wife ( to wit , the Kirk , which they say they are married to ) a Bill of divorce , though oft-times there be no occasion on her part ; and it 's not the Patrons or people who hath called them , but they first called them ; and when the people refuses to pay them their allotted hire , they pursue them with horning and poinding , which shews them to be far from the affection of husbands to their wives or parents to their children , or Pastors to the Flock , all which they pretend to be ; and were they good Pastors , their Flock would afford them milk and wool , not of constraint , but willingly , so that they needed not , either squeeze the pap to the causing it bleed , or tear the fleece off before the time of casting it , to the pulling the skin in pieces many times ; and the ability they talk of , is not of God , but of men , and it 's not God's free gift , for it hath cost them both much money and time at Schools to purchase it ; and were it the talent of the Lord , it would prove more effectual to the bettering of the people , which it does not ; for at ten , twenty , thirty , forty years end and upwards , they are as bad as at the first coming among them , and in many places much worse ; and the vehement desire to do the people good , they tell of , is but a suggestion of their deceitful hearts , for they are not come to the Light and Word of Truth , whereby to discern the true , upright , genuine desire , from the false and hypocritical : and this thing hath proved also a great share unto the people , who hath heaped up to themselves Teachers after their own hearts lusts , who might speak false peace unto them ; and that whereon there is so much stress laid , to wit , the calling of the people , or Patrons , is not of God , but of Babylon ; for in the state they are in , they will be loth ever to call a good man unto them ( supposing he could be found ) but such who will wink at their faults , and run with them thereinto ; and when at any time they let a reproof fall , it stinks out of their mouths , being guilty of the same things themselves ; and away with the education of youth at Universities and Colledges of Philosophy , so called ; I may say of them , which Luther stuck not to call them in his day , That they are the stews of Antichrist ; for out of them comes this ignorant , profane , scandalous Ministry , wherein they learn to talk of things they understand not , and to prate in mans wisdom , which is carnal , earthly , and devillish : And the Philosophy , so called , which is taught them , is but meer deceit and pedantry , which even I came to see , when among them ; and many of themselves see it , and confess it to be but vanity ; and none can teach either the knowledge of God , or of the creation , but such who come to be indued with a measure of the wisdom of God , which made the creation in number , weight , and measure , according to it 's pure holy Law , and neither God nor the work of his hands can be truly known , but in the light , which makes all manifest , which the Doctors and disputers of this world , are strangers unto , and it's follishness to them ; and many among themselves have attempted the reformation of their so called Philosophy , and squeezed their brains to find out a new one , but all in vain , it shall never be found out , till they come to the Cross of Christ , and under his cross , denying their own wisdom ) become the disciples of Christ , and learn of him ( in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge ) the true Science of the creation ( as well as the of the Creator ) for the world was made by him , and he can best teach it , and in him manifest in man , the invisible things of God , from the creation of the world , are clearly seen , being understood by the things that are made , which carry upon them indeed the characters of infinite wisdom , goodness , and power , but are a sealed book , no less then the Scriptures , to such who are not come to the teachings of him , who made them , and can only give an eye to read them with a true understanding , and to advantage . And this I testifie , who have had a tryal and experience , both of the one and the other , the wisdom of man ( wherein I laboured much and long , and profited above many of my nighbours ) and the wisdom of God in which now I see , and for which I truly account that other loss and dung , even for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ , the Wisdom which was vvith the Father before the World began , and I certainly know the humane Wisdom or learning is one of the main Bulwarks of Antichrist against the Revelation , and setting up the Kingdom of Christ in the Earth , and because this is arising , and shall rise , down must the other go , and all who seek to uphold it shall fall therewith . And away with the many Doctrins and opinions yee have drunken from your teachers , who have abused the Scriptures , and you both , giving you to believe they were grounded on Scripture , and are nothing but their own imaginations , which the erring mind through Sathans suggestions , hath begot both in them and you , and rid your selves of all whatsoever , yee have taken upon trust , and what yee have not seen and learned , in the openings and manifestation of the Word and Spirit of truth in each particular , and make the revelation of the Spirit of truth in all things the rule and analogy of your faith , believing nothing less or more , then what is revealed to you therefrom ; and where that opens not , keep wholy back from passing any determination for or against : And away with that manner of interpreting Scripture and searching truth by drawing and knitting consequences , by the fallible erring mind , and natural understanding , keep close in all things to the judgment , and determination of the Spirit of God , and where that leads you ( as it did lead Christ to infer upon the Saduces the Resurrection from the dead , from that Scripture , I am the God of Abraham , and God is not the God of the dead but of the Living , ) to draw a consequence or frame an argument , do it , else forbear : And away with determining of things ( as yee have hitherto done ) by Plurality of Votes , it 's not the way of God , and will never further the Lords work or truth , their votes or consents not being in the unity of the Spirit of truth : And away with thinking general Assemblies , Counsils or Parliaments , in the state they stand in , will do you any good , in order to a perfect , and through Reformation , they will certainly marre it , but never help it forward , being out of Gods wisdom , and its foolishness unto them . And your looking too much to these things in former times hath been a great snare unto you . And thus now I have showed you good advice and councel concerning your becoming a perfect , and thoroughly reformed people , and the witness of God in all your Consciences ( as yee heed it ) will not fail to answer me to the truth , and expedience of these things I have laid before you : And principally every one mind the through reformation and change of your own hearts and lifes , by turning in your minds , to the Light of Christ in all your consciences , which must do the work , else it never will be done ; and as the reformati● of particulars grows , so will the same do in the general . And now what I have declared unto you ( and the manifestation of the Spirit of truth will shew you much more , even the perfect patern of the house of God in the Mount ) concerning these things which are necessary and expedient , in order to a thorough , cleanly and perfect reformation , we the people of the Lord called Quakers , have fallen upon them , being taught and directed thereto , by the wisdom of God , ( which buildeth the house , else the building is in vain ) and we have found and do find the blessed usefulness of them , as ye shall also find , if ye be followers of us , as we are of Christ : And now ye who say , or shall say , Tush , all this is but vanity , and folly , we will not daine to take councel from you , we are wiser then your selves , we will not learn at you , and yee but boast of things yee know not , and we expect a glorious comfortable breaking up of the day of God , in order to a more perfect and thorough reformation , then as yet hath been among us , but it shall never come to us through your airth , we can never expect good of you , for yee are but a pack of poor silly deluded brainsick fools , therefore get yee from us , we will none of your councel , the day shall never dawn upon us , if it rise not in another airth then yee tell us of . To such I say , Oh yee foolish , and unwise , how like are yee to the former generations , ( who ever were enemies to the wisdom of God , through their carnal , earthly , and devilish wisdom ) and to the Iewes of old , who despised the son of God , and crucified him the Lord of Glory , whom at that very time they were expecting to come , the promised Messiah , and when he came , they mistook him , and received him not , because of his weak , lowly , contemptible appearance to the carnal eye , but such who had the eye of Faith , saw the glory of the only begotten of God upon him , thorough the vaile which covered him from the sight of others , and he disappointed them in all their carnal expectations , and they are yet looking for him , and have looked these sixteen hundred years , but have never seen him , nor shall see him in the way they look for him ; as neither shall yee , and your judgment shall be one with theirs ; you being shut forth into utter darkness , and plagued with hardness of heart , if yee do not speedily repent . And now whether ye will hear or forbear , this I do declare unto you , in the name and power , and authority of the living God , the day of the Lord is of a truth broken up among us , and ye shall look till your eyes fail you , and rote within your eye-holes , e're ever yee see another day or appearance of Jesus Christ to your comfort , then what we the people of the Lord called Quakers , do witness come , and yet more abundantly coming , and if yee will not hear , my soul shall mourn for you in secret places , and weep before the Lord on your behalf . And yee who in the perverseness , and obstinacy of your hearts gain-stand , and oppose with all your might and power , the appearance of Jesus Christ in this day , and yet are calling for the day of the Lord ; To what purpose do yee call for it ? ( that I may use the Prophets words in the like case ) Wo unto you that desire the day of the Lord , to what end is it for you ? the day of the Lord is darkness , and not light , as if a man did flee from a Lyon , and a Bear met him , or went unto the house and leaned his hand on the wall , and a Serpent bit him ; shall not the day of Lord be darkness , and not light ? even very dark and no brightness in it . Writ about the beginning of the 11 Month in the year 1664. THE END . ERRATA . IN Page 5. line 38. for and read an . p. 16. l. 39. f. live r. alive . p. 17. l. 39. f. these r. those . p. 20. l. 30. r. in the world . p. 22. l. 37. f. this r. his . p. 30. l. 4. f. La●ely r. Layety . p. 44. l. 35. f. ease r. case . p. 60. l. 8. r. did arise . p. 63. l. 38. f. one r. an . p. 64. l. 21. f. an r. one . p. 66. l. 4. f. hear r. heart . p. 68. l. 29. f. their r. her .