item: #1 of 12 id: A50116 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The declaration of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston, and the countrey adjacent, April 18th, 1689 date: 1689 words: 3497 flesch: 52 summary: Moreover , we have understood , ( though the Governour has taken all imaginable care to keep us all ignorant thereof ) that the Almighty God hath been pleased to prosper the noble undertaking of the Prince of Orange , to preserve the three Kingdoms from the horrible brinks of Popery and Slavery , and to bring to a Condign punishment those worst of men , by whom English Liberties have been destroy'd ; in compliance with which Glorious Action , we ought surely to follow the Patterns which the Nobility , Gentry and Commonalty in several parts of the Kingdom have set before us , tho●gh they therein have chiefly proposed to prevent what we already endure . § XII . Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 93605) keywords: 18th; adjacent; april; books; boston; characters; commission; cotton; council; countrey; creation; cry; declaration; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; general; gentlemen; god; governour; great; hath; images; inhabitants; king; lands; man; mather; men; merchants; new; online; oxford; partnership; people; persons; phase; selves; tcp; tei; text; things; time; work; xml cache: A50116.xml plain text: A50116.txt item: #2 of 12 id: A50139 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Memorable providences relating to witchcrafts and possessions a faithful account of many wonderful and surprising things that have befallen several bewitched and possesed person in New-England, particularly a narrative of the marvellous trouble and releef experienced by a pious family in Boston, very lately and sadly molested with evil spirits : whereunto is added a discourse delivered unto a congregation in Boston on the occasion of that illustrious providence : as also a discourse delivered unto the same congregation on the occasion of an horrible self-murder committed in the town : with an appendix in vindication of a chapter in a late book of remarkable providences from the calumnies of a Quaker at Pen-silvania / written by Cotton Mather ... and recommended by the ministers of Boston and Charleston. date: 1689 words: 40691 flesch: 76 summary: The Discourses were suited unto a popular Auditory ; but things that are not accurate may be profitable , if the Blessing of God accompany them . They complain to God against us , that we do not fear Him , that we do not love Him , that we do not seek Him , as we ought to do : they represent our faults before the Lord , as things that make us unfit for any Mercy at His hands . keywords: account; act; adversaries; adversary; affliction; agonies; air; alwaies; angels; angry; anon; answer; apostle; author; bed; bible; blow; body; book; boston; boy; break; calling; cause; chains; children; christ; churches; circumstances; company; concerned; condition; confession; congregation; countrey; court; covenant; cruel; cry; daemons; day; dead; death; deliverance; desire; devil; discourse; dismal; diverse; earth; eebo; end; england; english; extraordinary; eyes; faith; fall; family; father; fear; feet; fire; fits; floor; fly; force; friends; general; glover; god; godly; good; grace; great; ground; guilty; hand; hard; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; hellish; help; high; history; holy; home; honest; hope; horrible; horrid; house; hurt; ill; images; increase; instruments; invisible; israel; jesus; king; labour; language; late; law; leave; life; like; lions; little; long; look; lord; love; lyes; malice; man; manner; meeting; memorable; men; mercy; mind; ministers; mouth; murder; narrative; near; neck; need; neighbours; new; night; occasion; old; ones; open; opinion; ordinary; pains; parents; pen; people; persons; pious; place; pleased; poor; possession; power; prayer; present; prince; proper; providences; psal; quakers; reader; ready; reason; rebellion; remarkable; rest; roaring; room; said; satan; sayes; second; sect; self; selves; service; shape; shee; sin; sins; small; sore; sort; soul; spirits; spiritual; standers; strange; strong; sure; tcp; tell; temptations; terrible; text; thee; thine; things; tho; thou; thought; thro; thy; time; torment; tortures; town; trouble; true; truth; unto; voice; watch; way; weeks; wicked; wickedness; willing; witchcraft; witches; withal; witness; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worse; worthy; years; young cache: A50139.xml plain text: A50139.txt item: #3 of 12 id: A50142 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Military duties recommended to an artillery company; at their election of officers, in Charls-town, 13. d. 7. m. 1686. By Cotton Mather, pastor of a church in Boston. date: 1687 words: 18799 flesch: 73 summary: And that Prince of Transilvania who read ●…ver the Bible Seven & twenty Times , wi●… condemn us if our Eyes are seldom placed o●… this Heavenly Sword. You 〈◊〉 ●…he Lord of Hosts against you ; and while y●… have , all the Hosts of the Lord are up in A●… against you too . keywords: able; account; adversary; almighty; almighty god; apostle; armed; armour; arms; army; artillery; author; best; better; bible; blessed; body; books; boston; bow; captain; cause; certain; characters; children; christ; christian; chron; church; common; company; cotton; countrey; cry; david; day; dayes; death; discipline; discourse; doth; duties; early; ears; earth; eebo; end; enemies; enemy; english; eternal; everlasting; evil; expert; eyes; faithful; fearful; field; fight; fighting; fingers; fire; fit; flesh; friend; general; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hands; hath; head; heart; heaven; hell; high; hold; holy; host; house; israel; jesus; jesus christ; kind; king; land; life; like; little; lives; long; look; lord; lord jesus; lust; man; mather; men; mercies; mighty; military; military discipline; near; new; o ●; old; page; peace; people; persons; philistines; praises; prayers; psal; ready; reply; saith; sam; self; selves; set; sin; sinner; sins; skill; souldiers; souls; special; spirit; spiritual; stand; strength; strong; sufficient; sword; t ●; tcp; teacher; teaching; tei; tempted; text; th ●; thanks; thee; thing; thou; thoughts; thousands; time; title; town; treasures; tree; truths; unto; use; valour; verse; victory; wall; war; warfare; warr; warring; way; weapons; words; work; world; worst; worthy; wrath; yea cache: A50142.xml plain text: A50142.txt item: #4 of 12 id: A50154 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: A poem dedicated to the memory of the Reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes, the late pastor to Christ's flock and præsident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge ... date: 1682 words: 4752 flesch: 85 summary: All said , Our Oakes the Double Power has Of Boanerges , and of Barnabas : Hee is a Christian Nestor ! A poem dedicated to the memory of the Reverend and excellent Mr. Urian Oakes, the late pastor to Christ's flock and præsident of Harvard Colledge in Cambridge ... Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. 1682 Approx. keywords: bee; books; cambridge; characters; christ; colledge; cotton; david; day; dead; dear; death; early; eebo; encoding; england; english; eyes; feet; friends; god; good; grace; great; grief; harvard; heaven; hee; images; late; lett; life; like; lord; loss; man; mather; mee; memory; men; mitchel; nature; new; oakes; online; oxford; partnership; pastor; pen; people; phase; poem; poet; reader; reverend; sad; saints; sorrow; soul; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thee; thou; thought; time; vrian; wee; work; worthy; xml cache: A50154.xml plain text: A50154.txt item: #5 of 12 id: A50157 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Right thoughts in sad hours representing the comforts and the duties of good men under all their afflictions; and particularly, that one, the untimely death of children: in a sermon delivered at Charls-town, New England; under a fresh experience of that calamity. date: 1689 words: 13079 flesch: 76 summary: It is by Affliction that we are brought to see the Soveraignty of God , and to lie before him as Clay in the Hand of the Potter ; to see the Righteousness of God , and to own that he punisheth us far less than our iniquities deserve ; to see the Holiness of God , and to Reverence him as one that is of purer Eyes than to behold Evil ; to see the Power of God , and to think , that nothing is too hard for the Lord ; to see the Goodness of God , and to find him a rewarder of them that diligently seek him ; in a word , a little more Affliction will bring thee to say , Lord , I know thy Name , and I will put my Trust in thee . 2. The Lord Humbled them , that what was in their Hearts might be known : God will have us to see our own Follies and be Ashamed . keywords: affliction; ancient; bad; benjamin; best; better; blessed; books; calamity; cause; characters; children; christ; christian; comforts; counsel; cross; cut; dark; david; day; days; dead; death; dispensations; early; eebo; end; english; evil; experience; eyes; faith; father; fit; flesh; general; glorious; glory; god; good; great; hand; hard; hath; heart; heaven; heavenly; high; hours; iacob; iesus; iniquities; iob; ioseph; israel; knowledge; land; life; light; like; little; living; lord; loss; lost; man; men; mercy; mind; mother; new; old; people; prayer; psal; reason; redeemer; sad; saviour; self; selves; sense; set; simeon; sin; soul; spiritual; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thoughts; thy; time; trouble; undone; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; world cache: A50157.xml plain text: A50157.txt item: #6 of 12 id: A50162 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Small offers towards the service of the tabernacle in the wilderness four discourses accommodated unto the designs of practical godliness : preached partly at Boston, partly at Charleston / by Cotton Mather ; published by a gentleman lately restored from threatening sickness as a humble essay to serve the interest of religion, in gratitude unto God for his recovery. date: 1689 words: 34633 flesch: 85 summary: God will not save you , if you do not serve Him. You that now grind for the Phili●●ines of Hell every day , must one day be requited with only Coals and Wounds , for all your fatal Dr●dgeries ; and though you then roar , Lord , pitty me ! Master , Thou ●e●chest the way of God in Truth . keywords: able; account; afflictions; almighty god; alwaies; answer; apostle; behold; best; better; bible; blessed; blessed god; blessing; boston; brethren; cause; charge; cheef; children; christ; christians; chron; company; counsil; covenant; cry; daily; david; day; dead; death; desire; devil; duties; duty; dying; earth; eccles; eebo; end; english; eternal; excuse; eyes; face; faithful; families; family; father; fear; fire; fold; fourth; gain; glory; god; gold; golden; good; good man; grace; great; great god; hand; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; help; holy; holy god; honour; hope; house; householder; iii; instruction; interest; iob; ioshua; isa; israel; iudgment; jesus; king; know; law; leave; life; like; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; lord jesus; love; man; manner; master; matth; men; mercy; metal; mind; morning; mother; natural; near; new; o lord; obedience; ones; opportunities; pass; peace; people; perfect; person; poor; praise; praising; pray'd; prayer; prayerless; precious; present; prophet; prosperity; prov; psal; psalmist; pure; question; reason; religion; repent; right; rule; saies; saith; salvation; scriptures; second; secret; sect; self; selves; servant; service; serving; set; sickness; silver; small; solomon; son; souls; special; spirit; state; study; sure; tcp; text; thee; things; thou; thoughts; thro; thy; thy god; time; trials; true; truth; unto; voice; walk; want; way; wicked; wisdom; wise; withal; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; yea; years; young; ● ● cache: A50162.xml plain text: A50162.txt item: #7 of 12 id: A50163 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Souldiers counselled and comforted a discourse delivered unto some part of the forces engaged in the just war of New-England against the northern & eastern Indians, Sept. 1, 1689 / by Cotton Mather ... date: 1689 words: 12273 flesch: 75 summary: The Lord has Hornets to buz and sting Terrors into those whom we may be too much terrified withal . And Gratify not any Corruption upon such a score ; for God will Reward your Fidelity : Said he in Matth. 19.27 . But the Reasons that produc'd my Labour in Preaching , which were , my Desire to save the Souls , and mend the Lives , and promote the Edification of those , for whom my Hearts Desire and Prayer to God , is , That they may be Happy ; and my Ambition to Encounter and Abolish what I can , the Unchristian Temper of those who take advantage from the other Difficulties and Entanglements of the Country , to refuse doing their part in carrying on the Indian War ; the same Reasons have procur'd my Consent to Printing of this Little Sermon . keywords: armies; arms; army; bear; best; blessed; books; camp; cause; characters; children; christ; command; concerned; condition; cotton; country; courage; danger; day; dead; death; discourse; early; eebo; enemies; england; english; expedition; fight; forces; general; god; gods; good; great; hands; happy; hearts; heaven; holy; hope; iesus; images; indians; know; law; life; little; lives; long; lord; love; man; mather; memories; memory; men; mind; new; old; people; place; prayers; present; psal; psalmist; ready; remembrance; says; self; selves; sermon; servant; service; set; souldiers; souls; strong; sword; tcp; tei; text; thereunto; things; thou; thy; time; truths; turn; unto; valiant; war; way; ways; words; work; world cache: A50163.xml plain text: A50163.txt item: #8 of 12 id: A50164 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Speedy repentance urged a sermon preached at Boston, December 29, 1689 : in the hearing and at the request of one Hugh Stone, [a mis]erable man [under a just sen]tence of [death] for a [tragical and] hor[rible murder : together with some account concerning the character, carriage, and execution of that unhappy malefactor : to which are added certain memorable providences relating to some other murders, & some great instances of repentance which have been seen amonst us / by Cotton Mather.] date: 1690 words: 19723 flesch: 76 summary: In the Hearing , and at the Request of One Hugh Stone , 〈◊〉 ●●●erable Man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●●tence of 〈◊〉 for a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hor●●●●● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 COnscientia mea meruit Damnationem , & paenitentia mea non sufficit ad Satisfactionem : Sed 〈◊〉 est quod mis●ricordi● 〈◊〉 super at 〈…〉 THE Introduction . Whether or no our Good Neighbours will acknowledge our Government , which we Esteem to be not at all De●potio● but wholly Ministerial , and would rejoice 〈◊〉 we could therein , with more universal Edi●●●cation enjoy the Assistence of those that mig●● Rule well , though they Labour 〈◊〉 Word and D●ctrine ; yet I am sure 〈◊〉 ought with a very sollicitous Fidelity to 〈…〉 our Stewardship , in that 〈…〉 which conc●rns the Feeding of the Houshold . keywords: answer; apostle; arms; better; blessed; blood; books; broken; burden; certain; characters; children; christ; concerned; conclusion; condition; confession; course; cry; day; dead; death; dust; eebo; end; english; eternal; eternity; execution; faith; father; fire; free; glorious; god; gods; good; grace; great; great god; greater; guilty; hands; hast; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; holy; hope; house; hugh; iniquity; iudgment; iustification; jesus; kingdom; late; law; let; life; like; little; living; long; lord; lord god; lord jesus; love; malefactor; man; men; mercy; min; morning; murderer; new; o lord; o ●; old; original; pardon; pardoned; people; place; poor; prayer; pride; psal; psalmist; repentance; request; rest; right; righteousness; saviour; saying; season; secret; self; selves; sensible; sermon; set; sick; sin; sinner; sins; sleep; soul; spirit; stone; sure; t ●; tcp; terms; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; time; transgression; true; use; way; wayes; wicked; wickedness; wife; words; work; world; years; ● ● cache: A50164.xml plain text: A50164.txt item: #9 of 12 id: A50172 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The way to prosperity a sermon / preached to the honourable convention of the governour, council, and representatives of the Massachuset-Colony in New-England on May 23, 1690 by Cotton Mather. date: 1690 words: 11613 flesch: 74 summary: We find them in the Sacred Book of Chronicles , which Chronicles are not the Civil Records , in other parts of the Bible refer'd unto ; but an Inspired History of things that concerned the Line of Christ and the Church of God for five hundred more than Three Thousand years . 6. The Lord is on my side , I will not fear ; what can man do unto me ? We may then defie , even the Gates of Hell it self , for , Cur metuat hominem homo in sinu Dei positus ? and tho' abroad at this day , The earth is removing , and the Waters roar , and are troubled , and the mountains are shaking , splitting , tumbling , with the swelling thereof ; Tho' the great and the terrible God be at this Day , coming out of His place , to make all Europe a stage of blood and fire , and make the Nations everywhere drink deep of the Cup that shall make them giddy with all manner of Confusion & Astonishment ; Yet WE shall be helped right early , for God is in the midst of us . keywords: address; america; asa; benjamin; best; blessed; books; calamities; cause; characters; charter; children; christ; church; city; colony; convention; cotton; council; countrey; covenant; david; day; dayes; early; eebo; encoding; enemies; england; english; evil; fathers; general; god; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; gracious; great; greatest; heaven; holy; honourable; house; ierusalem; images; indians; israel; jer; jesus; judah; late; law; little; lord; majesties; man; manner; mather; nation; new; old; online; oxford; partnership; peace; people; phase; poor; presence; present; prosperity; providence; representatives; return; said; saith; selves; sermon; set; sin; sins; spirit; tcp; tei; text; things; tho; thou; thy; time; way; words; work; world; worthy; xml; years cache: A50172.xml plain text: A50172.txt item: #10 of 12 id: A50176 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The wonderful works of God commemorated praises bespoke for the God of heaven in a thanksgiving sermon delivered on Decemb. 19, 1689 : containing reflections upon the excellent things done by the great God ... : to which is added A sermon preached unto a convention of the Massachuset-colony in New-England ... / by Cotton Mather. date: 1690 words: 29339 flesch: 70 summary: May these Earth●●akes produce better effects on us than those Lima in this our New-World America , 〈◊〉 upon the people there a little while ago . It was a no less wonder●●● than undoubted Thing which happened France a few months ago , when , upon 〈◊〉 Dissolution of the French Congregations , a● a particular Interdict upon the Singing 〈◊〉 Psalms thro' the Kingdom , there were tho●●sands of persons , in hundreds of places , scores of Times , that plainly heard 〈◊〉 Singing of Psalms after the manner of 〈◊〉 French Assemblies with a most Ravishi●● Melody , by Invisible Singers in the Air ; thing so notorious that the very Psalms we often Distinctly as well as Audibly enough ●ung , to let the Hearers know what Psalms ●hey were ; such as the Fifth , the Forty Se●ond , the Hundred and Thirty Eighth particu●arly ; and even the Parliament of Pau made 〈◊〉 Decree that men should not go abroad to ●ear this unaccountable Singing under a for●eiture of Two Thousand Crowns ▪ upon which ●he Reflection of the incomparable Iurieu is ▪ This is a Reproach that the Providence of God ●akes unto us ; because you have not dared , n●r ●een willing any more to Sing His Praises and keywords: address; almighty god; america; angels; answer; apostle; behold; best; better; blessed; blood; books; boston; brethren; cause; characters; children; christ; church; churches; circumstances; city; colony; coming; common; concerned; condition; convention; cotton; council; countrey; covenant; creation; david; day; dayes; deliverance; desires; divine; e ●; early; earth; eebo; end; enemies; england; english; eternal god; europe; evil; exalted; excellent; excellent things; exercise; eyes; faithful; fathers; fear; fire; france; french; gave; general; generation; glorious; glory; god; good; gospel; government; governour; grace; gracious; great; great god; greatest; half; hand; happy; hath; heads; hear; hearts; heaven; hell; high; holy; hope; house; hundreds; ierusalem; ill; indians; interest; isa; israel; jesus; king; language; late; law; leave; liberty; like; line; lips; little; lives; long; look; lord; lord god; lord jesus; majesties; man; manner; massachuset; mather; men; mercies; mercy; midst; ministers; ministry; miserable; mouth; nation; neighbours; new; noble; number; o lord; o ●; occasion; order; original; page; particular; parts; pass; peace; people; persecution; persons; poor; power; praises; praising; prayers; presence; present; prince; prodigies; prosperity; protestant; providence; psal; psalmist; psalms; ready; religion; representatives; return; revolutions; said; saith; saviour; saying; second; self; selves; sermon; servant; set; sight; singing; sins; songs; sort; soul; speak; spirit; stars; sun; sure; tcp; tei; terrible; testament; text; th ●; thanksgiving; thee; thereunto; things; tho; thou; thoughts; thousands; throne; thy; thy god; time; true; truth; unhappy; unprofitable; vast; war; way; wicked; wild; wonderful; works; world; worship; worthy; years; ● ed; ● n; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A50176.xml plain text: A50176.txt item: #11 of 12 id: A50177 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The wonders of the invisible world observations as well historical as theological upon the nature, the number and the operations of the devils : accompany'd with I. Some accounts of the greievous [sic] molestations by daemons and witchcrafts ... and the trials of some eminent malefactors ... II. Some councils directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil spirits ... III. Some conjectures upon the great events likely to befall the world in general and New England in particular ... IV. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swedeland ... V. The devil discovered, in a brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of the wicked one / by Cotton Mather. date: 1693 words: 38287 flesch: 65 summary: Proposition I. That there is a Devil , is a Thing Doubted by none but such as are under the Influence of the Devil . When they came to the Name of Satan , or Devil , they would clap their Fingers on the Book , crying out , This bites , but it makes me speak right well ! keywords: account; afflicted; ages; air; altho; america; amy; angels; apparition; bewitched; blessed; blood; bodies; body; book; brother; business; cause; certain; children; christ; christian; church; churches; circumstances; coming; confession; conjecture; conscience; considerable; conviction; country; court; covenant; creatures; crime; cry'd; crying; cullender; daemons; darkness; daughter; day; days; death; deponent; descent; destroying; devil; diabolical; discourse; divel; dragon; duny; durent; dying; earth; eebo; eminent; end; endeavours; enemies; england; english; evidence; examination; extraordinary; fall; fallen; fear; fellow; fiery; fire; fitts; french; general; generation; glorious; god; gods; good; gospel; governour; great; great wrath; guilty; half; hand; hard; hath; head; hearts; heaven; hell; hellish; help; high; hitherto; hold; holy; home; hope; horrible; horrid; house; humane; hurt; iii; ill; innocent; instruments; invisible; israel; jesus; kingdom; late; law; laws; learned; leave; life; like; likely; little; lives; long; look; lord; love; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; matter; mean; meetings; men; methods; midst; mighty; mischief; molestations; nation; nature; needs; neighbourhood; neighbours; new; number; occasion; old; ones; particular; party; people; persons; pins; pitty; place; plagues; poor; power; prayers; present; prince; promise; province; purpose; reason; reformation; rest; right; rose; satan; sea; second; self; selves; sensible; service; set; shake; short; sinners; sins; sorts; souls; spectral; spectres; spirits; spiritual; sufferers; sufficient; sun; sure; tcp; terrible; testify'd; testimonies; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thro; thy; time; torment; touch; town; trial; trouble; true; truth; usual; vast; venture; way; whereof; wherewith; wicked; wilderness; wish; witchcraft; witches; witnesses; woes; woful; woman; wonders; words; work; world; worthy; wrath; wretches; years cache: A50177.xml plain text: A50177.txt item: #12 of 12 id: A51412 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: The spirit of man, or, Some meditations (by way of essay) on the sense of that scripture, 1 Thes. 1:23 ... by Charles Morton ... date: 1692 words: 23052 flesch: 74 summary: The Spi●●● should fail before me , and the Souls which● have made ; Spirit and Souls may be take● as put Exeg●tically ; yet , if you conside● what follow , ( in that Zach. 12. AS we have all manner of Demonstrations , to assure us , of what E●●hu asserted when he said , There is a Spirit in man ; so we have the Eternal Spirit of God Himself , by the Pen of His Inspired Solomon , Recommending this Blessed Oracle of Wisdom unto us , A man of Understanding is of an Excellent Spirit . keywords: active; activity; acts; affections; anger; angry; answer; apostle; apt; away; bad; best; better; blameless; blessed; body; brave; brave spirit; business; case; character; chearful; chief; christ; church; circumstances; cold; coming; common; contrary; cor; corrupt; countenance; courage; david; day; death; discourse; divers; doth; duty; early; eebo; effect; english; evil; evil spirit; excellent; excellent spirit; express; faculties; faculty; faith; fall; fear; fire; fit; flesh; follow; general; genius; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; great; habits; hand; hath; head; heart; high; holy; hot; hotter; hotter spirit; humane; humble; iealousie; iesus; ill; inclinations; inclined; instance; interpretation; inward; iob; iohn; isa; judgment; king; knowledge; life; like; little; lord; love; man; manner; mans; matter; mean; meaning; meditations; men; mens; mind; moderate; moral; moses; natural; natural spirit; nature; new; noble; notion; occasion; order; outward; particular; parts; passions; paul; peace; peculiar; people; persons; poor; powers; prayer; present; pride; proper; prov; prudence; reason; refreshed; renders; respect; rule; sad; sam; sanctification; sanctified; scripture; self; selves; sense; service; set; sin; soul; special; spi ●; spirit; spirited; strength; tcp; temper; temperament; text; thee; things; tho; thou; thought; thy; time; true; truth; understanding; unsanctifyed; use; view; way; ways; weak; wisdom; wise; word; word spirit; work; yea; zeal; ● d; ● s; ● ● cache: A51412.xml plain text: A51412.txt