item: #1 of 19 id: A09364 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. Taught and deliuered, by M. William Perkins in his Holy-day lectures, by himselfe revised before his death, and now published for the benefit of the Church. date: 1604 words: 48949 flesch: 76 summary: The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. The first part of The cases of conscience Wherein specially, three maine questions concerning man, simply considered in himselfe, are propounded and resolued, according to the word of God. keywords: able; abraham; actions; affection; afflictions; againe; answer; apostle; appeare; ariseth; assurance; assured; author; beeing; beginning; beleeue; benefit; best; better; bin; bodie; brother; case; certaine; chap; children; christ; christian; church; comfort; commandement; common; condition; confession; conformitie; conscience; consideration; content; cor; corruption; course; crosse; dauid; day; death; degrees; deliuerance; desire; direction; distresse; doctrine; doe; doth; dutie; effects; ende; estate; eternall; euen; euerlasting; euery; euill; example; experience; fact; fall; farre; father; fauour; feare; fearefull; fit; flesh; forth; foure; frō; fruit; generall; ghost; giue; god; god himselfe; gods; goe; good; goodnesse; gospel; grace; great; greater; griefe; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; himselfe; holy; hope; howe; humble; humiliation; iesus; iewes; ignorance; iii; indeauour; indeede; instrument; iob; iohn; ioy; iudgement; iust; keepe; kind; knowledge; knowne; labour; law; lesse; life; light; like; long; lord; loue; maine; malice; man; manner; mans; matter; meanes; measure; melancholie; men; mercie; minde; naturall; nature; neuer; new; nowe; number; obedience; offence; onely; ouer; outward; owne; pardon; particular; partie; patience; paul; performe; person; place; point; power; practise; present; principall; promise; prophet; propounded; psal; punishment; purpose; question; read; reason; receiued; regard; regenerate; remedie; repentance; resolued; resolution; respect; rest; rule; said; saith; saluation; sanctification; sauiour; scripture; second; seruants; set; shee; sinne; sins; sorrow; sort; soule; speciall; spirit; strange; strength; sundrie; tcp; temptation; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thoughts; time; touching; triall; troubled; true; truth; turne; vnder; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vpon god; vse; waies; want; way; whereof; whome; wicked; withall; word; worke; wrath; yea; yeares; ● ● cache: A09364.xml plain text: A09364.txt item: #2 of 19 id: A09377 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Christian oeconomie: or, A short survey of the right manner of erecting and ordering a familie according to the scriptures. First written in Latine by the author M. W. Perkins, and now set forth in the vulgar tongue, for more common vse and benefit, by Tho. Pickering Bachelar of Diuinitie. date: 1609 words: 35311 flesch: 78 summary: For if we looke into the Scriptures ; The writings of Moses , which in time goe beyond all the Histories and Records of men , doe euidently declare , it was the will of God , to sanctifie that first coniunction of Adam and Eue , as the roote wherein mans whole posteritie was virtually contained , and whence in the ages succeeding , both Church and Common-weale should spring and grow to their perfection . The second is the procreation of an holy seed , wherby the Church of God may be kept holy and chaste , and there may alwaies be a holy company of men , that may worship and serue God in the Church from age to age , Malach. keywords: abilitie; abraham; action; adulterie; affinitie; againe; ancient; answ; apostle; aunt; authoritie; bee; betrothed; better; betweene; blessing; blood; bodie; bond; brother; calling; care; case; certaine; chap; children; christ; christian; church; ciuill; commandement; common; condition; coniunction; conscience; consent; continencie; contract; cor; course; cousin; daughter; day; death; degrees; depart; deut; disease; distant; doe; doth; dutie; dwell; ephes; equall; error; espousals; estate; euen; euery; example; exod; expresse; familie; family; father; fault; feare; fit; flesh; folkes; force; free; gen; gift; giue; giueth; giuing; god; gods; good; grand; great; ground; hand; hath; haue; head; heere; himselfe; holy; honor; house; houshold; husband; iacob; iii; ioseph; isaak; iudgement; iust; kindred; king; knowledge; knowne; laban; land; law; lawes; lawfull; leuit; libertie; life; like; line; lord; loue; magistrate; man; manner; mariage; maried; marrie; master; matth; meanes; men; moses; mother; mutuall; nature; necessitie; obedience; obiect; order; ouer; owne; parents; partie; paul; persons; place; point; power; practise; prayer; present; priest; priuate; promise; prou; publike; purpose; question; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; returne; right; rule; said; saith; sam; sarah; scriptures; second; seed; seruant; serue; seruice; shame; shee; sister; societie; solemne; sonne; sort; speciall; step; subiection; sufficient; sundrie; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thine; things; thou; thy; time; touching; true; vers; vncle; vnder; vnlesse; vnto; vow; vpon; vse; way; whē; wife; wil; wiues; woman; word; yea; yeares; yeeld cache: A09377.xml plain text: A09377.txt item: #3 of 19 id: A09387 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Deaths knell: or, The sicke mans passing-bell summoning all sicke consciences to pr[e]pare themselues for the comming of the grea[t] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them: fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem. Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. The ninth edition. Written by W. Perkins. date: 1628 words: 5706 flesch: 58 summary: If ●hou wert now laid on thy departing Pillow , wearied with waiting , pinched with paine , drowned in dolour , oppressed with the heauy load of thy fore-past committed sinnes , wounded with the sting of a guilty crying conscience : if thou feltst the force of death cracking thy heart-strings asunder , ready to make the sad diuorce of thy soule and body : if thou layest panting for shortnesse of breath , sweating a fatall sweat , and tyred with strugling against deadly pangs ; O , how much then wouldst thou giue for a dayes contrition , an houres repentance , or a minutes amendment of life ? Then worlds would be worthlesse in comparison of a little time , which now by whole moneths and yeeres thou lauishly mis-spendest . wouldst thou not then thinke one life too little , to repent for so many iniquities , the least whereof is strong enough to hurle thee irrecouerably into these vnspeakable torments ? Betimes then deuote the residue of thy dayes , to make an atonement with Iehouah , the generall Iudge , and so endeuour to set free thy soule from such confusion , as by sinne thou art sure to fall into . keywords: bee; body; books; characters; christ; comfort; conscience; creation; day; dayes; death; desire; dye; early; earth; edition; eebo; encoding; end; enemies; english; eternall; euery; fall; feare; fit; friend; glorious; god; goe; good; grace; haue; heauen; heauenly; hell; iesus; images; knell; life; light; like; long; lord; man; mans; mercy; online; owne; oxford; paine; partnership; perkins; phase; prayers; reason; repentance; set; short; sicke; sinne; soule; tcp; tei; text; thee; themselues; thine; things; thou; thy; thée; time; vpon; wee; wilt; works; world; xml cache: A09387.xml plain text: A09387.txt item: #4 of 19 id: A09402 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A discourse of the damned art of witchcraft so farre forth as it is reuealed in the Scriptures, and manifest by true experience. Framed and deliuered by M. William Perkins, in his ordinarie course of preaching, and now published by Tho. Pickering Batchelour of Diuinitie, and minister of Finchingfield in Essex. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table; one of the order and heades of the treatise; another of the texts of Scripture explaned, or vindicated from the corrupt interpretation of the aduersarie. date: 1610 words: 52189 flesch: 70 summary: But yet it is not Scripture , neither did the Church euer hold and receiue it as C●●onicall : yea , the author himselfe ●●sinuateth so much in the beginning thereof : for in the preface he disableth himselfe to interpret hard things , and after a sort craues pardon for his weaknesse , which is not the manner of the men of God , that were pen-men of Scripture . al●●sque ; deli●t c. 9. keywords: able; aboue; action; againe; ages; ans; answer; apostles; appeare; appointment; arte; assistance; bad; bare; beeing; beginning; beleeue; better; betweene; blessing; blood; bodie; cast; casting; cause; certaine; chap; charme; children; christ; church; command; commeth; comming; common; compact; conceit; consent; contrarie; conuiction; corruption; couenant; counterfeit; countries; course; creation; creatures; crosse; cure; curing; daies; dan; daniel; day; dead; death; deuill; deut; diabolicall; difference; diuination; diuine; diuining; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; dreames; earth; effect; effecting; effectuall; egypt; ende; endor; euen; euents; euery; examination; example; exod; experience; extraordinarie; eye; fall; false; farre; feare; force; foretell; forth; framed; generall; gift; giue; glorie; god; god himselfe; gods; goe; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heathen; heauen; helpe; himselfe; holy; honour; howsoeuer; hurt; iewes; ignorant; iii; inchanters; inchantment; indeede; instruments; interpretation; iob; israel; iudgement; iudiciall; iust; kind; kingdome; knowledge; knowne; law; lawe; lawfull; league; lesse; life; light; like; liue; long; looke; lord; magistrate; making; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; meanes; measure; meere; men; mens; minde; miracles; moses; naturall; nature; neuer; new; obseruation; old; onely; open; operation; opinion; order; ordinance; ordinarie; ouer; outward; owne; particular; partie; parts; passe; paul; people; persons; place; plaine; point; power; practise; present; presumptions; proceede; promise; proofe; proper; prophets; punishment; purpose; question; reall; reason; receiued; regard; religion; rest; reuealed; rules; saints; saith; samuel; satan; sauiour; saul; scripture; second; secret; sect; seeme; sense; serpent; serue; set; shee; shew; shewed; signes; signifieth; sinne; skill; sorcerers; sorcerie; sort; soule; speake; speciall; spirit; starres; state; strange; strong; substance; successe; sufficient; sundrie; superstitious; tcp; testament; testimonie; text; themselues; thereof; thē; things; thinke; time; touching; true; truth; vertue; vnderstanding; vnknowne; vnlesse; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; vsed; vseth; vsing; vttered; warrant; water; way; whatsoeuer; whome; wicked; wise; witch; witchcraft; witches; woman; wonders; word; worke; working; yea; yeares; ● ● cache: A09402.xml plain text: A09402.txt item: #5 of 19 id: A09403 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Hepieíkeia: or, a treatise of Christian equitie and moderation. Deliuered publikely in lectures by M. W. Perkins, and now published by the consent of his assignes in Cambridge by a preacher of the word date: 1604 words: 20047 flesch: 60 summary: As this publike Equitie principally stands , in the moderation of the laws of men ; so it descends more specially euē to all the publike actions of a mans life : so that by the rule and direction of this Equitie , thus described , men may know how to guide themselues , in suing bondes , and taking forfeitures : and how men may with good conscience , carrie themselues in suretyships , in taking of fines , in letting of leases , and in all manner of mutuall bargains , betwixt man and man. A notable example hereof we haue in Salomon , of whome God saith to Dauid , If he sinne , I will chastise him with the rod of men : as if he shold haue said , I could in my iustice , for Salomons great sinnes , beate him with scorpions , and bring him to nothing , by my heauie hand , but I will consider , he is my child , and but a man : therefore will I lay vpon him no more , then the nature of man is able to beare . keywords: able; actions; againe; alwaies; apostle; beare; best; better; betwixt; brother; cases; cast; cause; children; christian; christian equitie; christian man; church; comfort; common; conscience; day; dealings; death; debt; deserue; doe; doth; dutie; earth; eebo; end; english; equall; equitie; euen; euery; euery man; euill; example; execution; extremitie; farre; forgiue; generall; giues; glorie; god; gods; goe; good; great; hand; hath; haue; heart; hell; himselfe; holy; houre; infirmities; iniustice; iudge; iustice; knowne; law; lawe; lawyers; lesse; life; little; liue; long; lord; loue; magistrate; malice; man; mans; meanes; men; mens; mercie; mercifull; mercy; mittigation; moderate; moderation; nature; nay; neighbour; neuer; obedience; oftentimes; onely; owne; peace; perfect; practise; priuate; publike; punishment; reason; religion; right; said; second; seeth; selues; shee; sinne; small; speake; tcp; text; thee; themselues; things; thinke; thou; time; true; vertue; vnder; vnto; vpon; want; whome; words; world; worse; yeares; yeild cache: A09403.xml plain text: A09403.txt item: #6 of 19 id: A09417 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A faithfull and plaine exposition vpon the 2. chapter of Zephaniah by that reuerend and iudicious diuine, M.W. Perkins. Containing a powerful exhortation to repentance: as also the manner hovve men in repentance are to search themselues. Published by a preacher of the vvord. With a preface prefixed, touching the publishing of M. Perkins his vvorks. And a catalogue of all such particulars thereof, as are to be expected. date: 1609 words: 22313 flesch: 57 summary: And if God did not thus moderate & restraine the natures of men , but suffer them to break out to the full : there would then bee no order , but all confusion in the worlde ; therefore , ( as especiallie for his Churches quietnes , so also for the preseruatiō of publike peace , and the vpholding of societie in the worlde , betweene man and man , ) the Lord holds a hand ouer euerie mans nature , and keepes euery one in a certaine compasse limited by the wisdome of his power , which restraining hand of his , if the Lord should take away , all societies and Common-wealthes , woulde bee turned vp-side downe , because euerie man by the vniuersall corruption of his Nature , would breake out into euery sinne : I ende this point with appealing to the testimonie of the consciences of all men , and especiallie of the best and holyest men , of whom I would aske this question : whether they finde not in their natures an inclination , euen to the fowlest sinnes in the worlde ; if shame , or feare , or else the grace of God restrained them not ? And certainly , ( good Sir : ) I iudge there coulde haue beene no matter , more fitte for that assembly , then an exhortation to repentance : for as the audience was great and generall , of all sorts , sexes , ages and callings of men , and assembled out of many corners of this kingdome , so is this doctrine generall for all : some doctrines are for parents , some for children , some for schollers , some for trades-men , some for men , some for women , but repentance is for all : without which , it may bee saide of all , and euery one of age , not one excepted : keywords: aboue; againe; alreadie; anie; aske; bee; beginning; beloued; best; better; blowne; bodie; body; cause; certainely; chaffe; christ; christian; church; come; common; confesse; conscience; corne; corruption; curse; damnation; day; death; decree; desire; doctrine; doe; doth; dutie; earth; eebo; england; english; estate; euen; euerie; euery; exhortation; face; faith; fanne; farre; fauour; fearefull; fiue; foorth; generall; ghost; giue; glorious; god; gods; goe; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; hand; hast; hath; haue; heart; heartes; heauen; hee; hell; high; himselfe; holie; holy; howe; iewes; ignorance; iudgements; iustice; knowe; knowledge; learne; leaue; life; light; like; little; liues; long; lord; lye; man; manner; mans; matter; meanes; mee; men; mercie; mercy; nation; nature; nay; neuer; onely; open; ouer; owne; peace; people; perkins; point; powerfull; practise; preaching; present; prophet; reason; religion; repentance; rule; saluation; sathan; search; searching; second; seeth; selues; sinnes; sins; soule; spare; speciall; sure; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thing; thinke; thou; thy; time; true; truth; vnder; vnlesse; vnto; vpon; wayes; wee; wheate; wicked; wil; winde; works; world; worst; worthy; woulde; wrath; yeares cache: A09417.xml plain text: A09417.txt item: #7 of 19 id: A09436 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A graine of musterd-seede or, the least measure of grace that is or can be effectuall to saluation. Corrected and amended by W. Perkins. date: 1611 words: 8996 flesch: 71 summary: THe wickednesse of mans nature , and the depth of hypocrisie is such , that a man may & can easily transforme himselfe into the counterfeit and resemblance of any grace of God. God could , if it so pleased him , preserue man without the ministry of man , but his pleasure is to fulfil his worke and will in the preseruation of our bodies , and saluation of our soules , by the imploiment of men in his seruice , euery one according to his vocation . keywords: aboue; bee; beginnings; beleeue; certaine; christ; christian; conclusion; conscience; conuersion; day; death; desire; doe; eebo; effectuall; endeauour; english; euery; faith; father; giue; god; gods; good; grace; graine; hath; haue; heart; heauen; holy; image; indeede; inward; kingdome; know; law; life; liuely; lord; loue; man; measure; men; motions; musterd; nature; onely; paul; perkins; practise; praier; psal; purpose; reason; repentance; saluation; seede; selfe; set; sinne; soule; spirit; tcp; text; thee; thing; thirst; thou; thy; time; true; vnto; vpon; want; weake; wee; word; worke cache: A09436.xml plain text: A09436.txt item: #8 of 19 id: A09439 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: How to liue, and that well in all estates and times, specially when helps and comforts faile. date: 1601 words: 13489 flesch: 81 summary: And if we want the blessing and successe we looke for , yet faith makes vs to renounce our owne desires , and in silence to quiet our hearts in the good pleasure of God. Now then comes faith , which is the substance of things hoped for , and makes vs lift our minds aboue the whole world , to apprehend the inuisible and vnspeakable things of God which he hath reuealed and promised vnto vs. These things I shewe more at large in this small treatise following ; read it at thy leisure , vse it for thy good , and see thou be a doer of them . keywords: action; againe; answer; beleeue; blessings; calling; care; certentie; children; christ; common; conscience; cor; death; doctrine; doe; doth; eebo; english; eternall; euery; faile; faith; false; feele; followes; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hath; haue; heart; heb; himselfe; holy; infants; ioh; ioy; iust; iustice; labours; law; life; liues; lord; lust; man; manner; meanes; men; mercie; minde; nature; obedience; onely; owne; parents; parts; paul; peace; point; promises; prophet; psal; reason; receiue; reconciliation; respect; rule; said; second; selues; sense; sinne; spirituall; subiection; successe; tcp; text; themselues; things; time; trust; truth; vnbeleefe; vnto; vpon; vse; way; word; workes; yea; yeares cache: A09439.xml plain text: A09439.txt item: #9 of 19 id: A09445 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Of the calling of the ministerie two treatises, discribing the duties and dignities of that calling. Delivered publickly in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge, by Maister Perkins. Taken then from his mouth, and now dilligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word with a preface prefixed touching the publishing of Maister Perkins his workes, & a catalogue of all such particulars thereof, as are to bee expected. date: 1605 words: 38969 flesch: 57 summary: Secondly , with diuine knowledge , as farre as it may by outward meanes bee taught from man to man : but besides these , hee that will speake this tongue aright , must 〈◊〉 inwardly learned , and taught by the spirit of God : the two first he must learne from men , but the third from God , a true Minister must be inwardly taught by the spirituall scholler , and the holy Ghost : Saint Iohn in Reuelation must take the booke , that is the Scripture , and eate it , and when he hath eaten it , then ( saith the Angell ) hee must goe preach to nations , tongues , people , and to Kings : which was done not that Saint Iohn had not eaten that booke , in the comming downe of the holy Ghost , the very end of whose comming was to teach them spiritually : but that in him Christ might teach his Church for euer , that no minister is fit to preach , to nations and to Kings , vntill they ●a●e eaten the booke of God : that is , till after and besides all the learning that man can teach them , they be also ●●ught by the spirit of God himselfe , and this teaching is it that makes a man a tr●● interpreter , and without this he cannot be , for 〈◊〉 can a man be Gods interpreter to his people ▪ vnlesse he kn●we the minde of God himselfe , and how can he knowe the minde of God , but by the teaching , of the spirit of God : Therefore though their place be great , & they be Gods vpon earth , yet must they withall acknowledge , that in iustifying a sinner , in interpretation , in declaring vnto man his righteousnes ; in binding & loosing , their power also is immediate from God , & aboue theirs , and they themselues , as they are men , must submit themselues to this powerfull word of the Ministers , to be taught by it , and to be reconciled by meanes of it , and highly must they receiue it , for though a man speake it , yet is it the word of God : this is to licke the dust of Christs feete , which the Porphet speaketh of : not as the Pope would haue it , to hold the stirrop , and lead the horse , and hold the water to the Pope , to kisse his toes , to hold their kingdoms of him , as tenants at will , or by curtesie , but reuerently to acknowledge the ordinance to be Gods , the function and duty to be high and excellent , to acknowledge the power of their keyes & censures ( being rightly applied ) their promises & their threatnings to be as from God , and to submit to them accordingly . keywords: able; aboue; acts; alas; angels; aske; authoritie; bee; best; better; betwixt; blessing; body; calling; care; carefull; cause; children; christ; christian; church; churches; coale; comfort; commission; common; confesse; conscience; consolation; contempt; corruption; dayes; declare; deliuer; desire; dignities; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtlesse; duties; earth; end; enemies; english; esay; euen; euery; euill; excellent; experience; extraordinary; eyes; faithfull; fall; farre; feare; fewe; fierie; fire; followeth; frō; function; generall; ghost; gifts; giue; glorie; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; god saith; godly; gods; gods presence; goe; good; good ministers; gospell; grace; great; ground; hands; hart; hath; haue; hearers; heauen; hee; heere; hell; helpe; high; himselfe; holinesse; holy; honour; instrument; interpreter; iob; iudgement; iustice; king; knowe; knowledge; labour; lawe; learne; learning; lesse; life; like; lippes; lips; little; liues; liuing; looke; lord; loue; maintenance; maister; man; manner; maruell; matter; meanes; mee; men; mercy; message; messenger; ministers; miserable; mouth; nature; nay; needes; neuer; new; number; office; old; onely; order; owne; pardon; people; perfect; perkins; persons; place; plaine; point; polluted; pollution; poore; popish; pound; power; practise; preacher; preaching; presence; present; principall; priuate; prophane; prophet; psal; reason; receiue; reconciliation; religion; repentance; rest; reuerence; righteousnesse; saint; saith; sayd; second; seeke; seruants; seruice; set; sight; sinnes; sins; small; soule; speake; spirit; spirituall; stand; state; sufficient; tcp; teaching; testament; text; thee; themselues; theyr; thē; thing; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; title; tongue; treatise; true; true minister; truth; vndone; vnlesse; vnto; vnto man; vpon; vse; want; way; wee; wicked; woe; word; wordes; worke; worthy; ● e; ● ● cache: A09445.xml plain text: A09445.txt item: #10 of 19 id: A09449 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The arte of prophecying, or, A treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching first written in Latine by Master William Perkins ; and now faithfully translated into English (for that it containeth many worthie things fit for the knowledge of men of all degrees) by Thomas Tuke. date: 1607 words: 29283 flesch: 86 summary: One whereof was this present discourse and platforme concerning the true vnderstanding and vsing of the Scriptures , written in his yonger yeeres : which I am bold to present and dedicate to your Worship in this plight you see ; partly because it is a Thesaurus and store-house of excellent precepts , ( as Domitius Piso saith that bookes should bee such ) hauing in it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , sufficient furniture to further perfection in that sacred science : and partly to demonstrate my gratitude , and deuoted affection to you , who haue alwaies bin a constant patrone ( etiam minitante Fortuna ) to my neerest and dearest friends . Christ is termed the propitiatorie ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) or the couer of the Arke of the Couenant . keywords: abraham; act; aegypt; againe; alwaies; apostles; appeareth; application; bee; beleeue; bodie; booke; bread; cause; certaine; chap; christ; chron; church; circumstances; common; condition; conscience; contrarie; cor; court; daies; dauid; day; death; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; eebo; english; epistle; esay; euen; euery; euill; example; exod; eyes; faith; faithfull; father; feare; fit; forth; foundation; foure; gen; generall; gentiles; ghost; giuen; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; hebrew; hee; helpe; himselfe; historie; holy; humane; ierem; iesus; iewes; iohn; isa; isai; israel; iudah; iudgement; iust; king; kingdome; knowledge; law; lib; life; like; liue; lord; loue; luk; luke; man; manner; mans; mark; matter; matth; matthew; meaning; mee; memorie; men; minister; moreouer; moses; mouth; naturall; nature; new; number; old; onely; order; ouer; owne; parts; paul; people; perfect; person; peter; place; power; preaching; present; prophecie; prophets; propounded; prou; psal; reason; reconciliation; repentance; respect; rest; right; rom; rule; sacred; sake; saluation; sam; saying; scripture; second; seede; sense; sentence; set; shall; shew; signe; signifieth; sinnes; sonne; sorrow; soule; speaketh; speech; spirit; tcp; teaching; testament; text; thee; thine; things; thou; thy; time; true; trueth; verse; vnder; vnderstanding; vnderstood; vnlesse; vnto; voyce; vpon; vse; way; wee; whatsoeuer; wicked; wisedome; wit; word; works; worship; yeeres cache: A09449.xml plain text: A09449.txt item: #11 of 19 id: A09450 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The reformation of couetousnesse Written vpon the 6. chapter of Mathew, from the 19. verse to the ende of the said chapter. By William Perkins. date: 1603 words: 34237 flesch: 80 summary: But man is fallen from the order set in his creation , euen in these temporall things , whether we regard the getting or the keeping , or the dispending of them : men are grown to a distrustfull care , against the will and prouidence of God. Therefore it remaineth , that GOD reuealing himselfe in Christ , or God incarnate , or Christ , God and man , is the treasure of the Church . keywords: able; aboue; adde; answere; apparell; bee; better; blessings; blinde; body; calling; care; carefull; cause; children; christ; church; comfort; commaundement; common; conscience; content; couetousnesse; creation; creature; day; death; discerne; distrustfull; diuers; doctrine; doo; doth; drinke; dutie; earthly; ende; eternall; euen; euerie; euery; euill; example; excellent; eye; eyes; faith; farre; father; feare; gift; giue; glory; god; gods; goe; good; grace; great; griefe; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heauenly; hee; heere; himselfe; iudgement; keepe; kingdome; knowe; knowledge; labour; learne; lesse; life; light; like; lillies; little; liue; long; looke; lord; loue; maisters; mammon; man; mans; marke; meanes; meaning; meate; men; minde; naturall; nature; nay; necessarie; neuer; obedience; onely; order; ought; owne; paul; place; plaine; point; poore; practise; principall; prouidence; psal; reason; receiue; regard; rest; riches; righteousnesse; saluation; second; seeke; selues; sense; seruants; serue; set; single; sinne; soule; spirituall; state; stature; subiect; successe; tcp; temporall; text; thee; themselues; theyr; thē; thine; things; thou; thy; time; treasure; true; trust; verse; viz; vnderstanding; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; wealth; wee; whatsoeuer; whē; wicked; wil; wisedome; word; worke; worldly; yea cache: A09450.xml plain text: A09450.txt item: #12 of 19 id: A09461 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A salve for a sicke man. or, A treatise containing the nature, differences, and kindes of death as also the right manner of dying well. And it may serue for spirituall instruction to 1. Mariners when they goe to sea. 2. Souldiers when they goe to battell. 3. Women when they trauell of child. date: 1611 words: 28974 flesch: 73 summary: Death at the first brought forth sinne , but death in the righteous by meanes of Christs death , abolisheth sinne , because it is the accomplishment of mortification . Death in the law is a curse and the downe-fall to the pit of destruction : in the Gospel it is the entrance into heauen : the lawsets forth death as death , the Gospel sets forth death as no death , but as a sleepe onely : because it speakes of death as it is altered & changed by the death of Christ ; by the vertue whereof death is properly no death to the seruants of God. keywords: able; againe; appeares; bee; beeing; best; better; bin; birth; blessed; blessing; bodie; body; borne; care; cast; cause; children; christ; church; comfort; common; confession; conscience; course; crosse; daies; dauid; day; dead; death; degree; desire; die; doe; doth; duties; duty; earth; end; ende; estate; eternall; euen; euery; euill; example; excellent; fall; father; feare; flesh; followes; forth; ghost; giue; god; godly; gods; goe; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; health; heart; heauen; hee; hell; himselfe; holy; house; iesus; indeede; ioyned; iudgement; kingdome; knowledge; law; life; like; liue; liuing; long; lord; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; mā; meanes; meditation; men; mercie; minde; nature; neuer; obedience; onely; order; owne; pangs; pardon; partie; paul; people; physicke; place; point; power; practise; praier; preparation; present; promise; prophet; psal; reason; receiue; regard; remaine; repentance; respect; rest; right; righteous; rise; rule; saith; salomon; saluation; saying; sea; second; selues; seruants; set; sicke; sicknes; sicknesse; sinnes; sins; soule; speciall; spirit; strength; sudden death; tcp; text; thee; themselues; thē; thine; things; thou; thy; time; true; truth; vertue; vnder; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; way; wee; whē; whome; wicked; wil; word cache: A09461.xml plain text: A09461.txt item: #13 of 19 id: A09462 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. date: 1604 words: 46114 flesch: 80 summary: The want of the knowledge of the Gospell and the word of God , is the ●ery cause that sin so abounds in al places : for ●he word of God should be vnto vs as Sauls ●eare which he vsed to set at his beds head , 〈◊〉 that if any enemy set vpō vs on the sodain , ●ur weapō might be euer at hand in readines ●hat we might answer the Diuel in his instruments if he tempt vs to any sin whatsoeu●● that as here Christ said , It is written ; so 〈◊〉 must say , I may not lie , sweare , commit ad●●tery , &c. for it is written . &c. Seeing Christ by his own practise , teache● vs that the word of God written , beleeue● vnderstood , & truly applied , is the most al● and all-sufficient weapon to resist the diue● how ought this to stirre vp all men to serio●● studie of the word of God ? How should moue euery man as he loueth his soule , to ●● bor for a sound knowledge & vnderstanding of the holy Scripture , seeing this is the b● weapon to foile the diuell ? In him is our helpe , from him is our comfort , by him is our victorie , and for him is our trouble . a In thee haue I trusted , saith a king : b who euer was confounded that trusted in the Lord , said a friend ? and as El●anah was to c Hannah in stead of many sons , so God is to his in stead of many comforters . keywords: able; aboue; afflictions; againe; alleage; alleaging; angels; answer; apostles; assault; away; baptisme; behold; beleeue; bene; better; blessed; blessing; bodie; bread; calling; care; cast; cause; certaine; children; christ; christian; church; citie; ciuill; combat; come; comfort; common; cor; course; creatures; crosse; dauid; dayes; death; decree; desire; despaire; diuell; diuine; doctr; doctrine; doth; doubt; downe; earth; end; estate; euen; euery; euill; excellent; eyes; faith; fall; false; fast; fasted; father; feare; flesh; fortie; gen; ghost; giue; glorious; god; godly; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; heb; heed; high; himselfe; hold; holy; honorable; honour; hope; ierusalem; iesus; iesus christ; inward; iob; iohn; ioy; israel; iudge; keepe; king; kingdome; labours; lawfull; learne; leaue; lidia; life; like; liue; long; looke; lord; lord god; loue; luke; maister; malice; man; manifest; mans; marke; mat; matter; meanes; members; men; mens; mercie; mind; moses; moue; mouth; nature; nay; neuer; new; obedience; occasion; onely; open; ordinarie; ouer; ouercome; outward; papists; patience; paul; people; person; pet; place; pleasure; point; poore; power; practise; prayer; preparation; present; preserue; prince; promise; prophets; protection; proue; prouidence; psal; purpose; question; reade; reason; receiue; religion; repentance; right; rome; saints; saluation; sam; satan; sauior; sauiour christ; scriptures; second; seeke; sense; seruice; set; sets; shew; shewes; sinne; soone; soules; speake; speciall; spirit; stones; sufficient; tcp; temple; temptations; tempter; tempting; text; thee; themselues; thē; things; thinke; thou; thy; thy god; time; troubles; true; true god; truth; turne; vers; vile; vnlesse; vnto; voice; vpon; vse; want; water; way; weake; wicked; wildernesse; word; worke; worship; yea; yeeld; ● ● cache: A09462.xml plain text: A09462.txt item: #14 of 19 id: A09463 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The combat betvveene Christ and the Diuell displayed: or A commentarie vpon the temptations of Christ: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins date: 1606 words: 52032 flesch: 78 summary: If any aske , how Christ could be led by the spirit , seeing hee sends the spirit : Answ. These two may well stand together : for Christ must be considered two wayes ; first as man in the forme of a seruant ; secondly , as God , euen the sonne of God , yea God himselfe : Now as Christ was man , he was subiect to Gods prouidēce , and so was led and guided by the Holy ghost : but as he is God , he is not subiect to prouidēce , but is the author therof , and is not himselfe led or sent , but together with the father sendeth the spirit . But. S. Luke sayth plainly , that Iesus increased in wisdome , and stature , and in fauour with God and men , Luk. 2. 52. Againe , Christ was like vnto man in all things , sinne only excepted , and therefore did increase in grace as man doth in gifts from time to time . keywords: able; aboue; absolute; aduantage; afflictions; againe; angels; answer; apostles; appeare; assault; assurance; baptisme; beasts; bee; beleeue; better; betweene; blessing; bodies; body; bread; c. 1; c. 2; calling; cast; cause; childe; children; christ; christ iesus; christian; church; circumstance; city; ciuill; combate; come; comfort; command; common; conflict; conscience; cor; course; creature; crosse; daies; danger; dangerous; dauid; day; death; defence; desert; desire; despaire; diuell; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; drift; drinke; duties; earth; encounter; end; endeuour; enemies; estate; euen; euery; euill; example; experience; faith; fall; farre; fast; father; feare; flesh; foorth; fortie; gen; ghost; gifts; giue; giuing; glory; god; god doth; god himselfe; gods; gods church; gods word; good; grace; great; greatest; ground; hand; hath; haue; hauing; head; heart; heauen; hee; heere; heereby; heerein; helpe; high; himselfe; holy; honour; howsoeuer; hunger; ierusalem; iesus; iewes; inward; iob; ioh; iohn; ioy; issue; iudge; iust; keepe; king; kingdomes; knowledge; labour; law; lawfull; learne; leaue; left; let; life; like; little; liue; long; looke; lord; loue; luk; luke; malice; man; maner; mans; mat; meanes; meaning; members; men; mercy; mind; ministery; moses; motion; mouth; naturall; nature; needs; neuer; new; nights; obedience; obserue; occasion; onely; ordinary; ouer; ouerthrow; outward; owne; papists; patience; paul; people; persons; pet; pinnacle; place; pleasure; point; power; practise; pray; preparation; present; prince; promise; prophets; protection; prouidence; psal; reason; regard; religion; respect; right; rome; saints; sam; satan; sauiour; sauiour christ; scripture; second; seeke; sense; seruant; seruice; set; shew; shewed; sinne; soule; speake; speciall; spirit; spirituall; stand; stones; strange; sure; tcp; teacheth; temple; temptations; tempter; tempting; text; thee; themselues; thereto; things; thinke; thou; thy; thy god; time; title; triall; troubles; true; truth; turne; vers; vision; vnder; vnderstand; vnlesse; vnto; vnto christ; vnto god; voice; vpon; vse; want; water; way; wee; whereof; wherewith; wicked; wildernesse; wit; woe; word; worke; worship; wrath; yea; yeeld cache: A09463.xml plain text: A09463.txt item: #15 of 19 id: A09465 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: A treatise of mans imaginations Shewing his naturall euill thoughts: His want of good thoughts: The way to reforme them. Framed and preached by M. Wil. Perkins. date: 1607 words: 30512 flesch: 74 summary: Secondly , here consider the impulsiue cause that moued God to curse the earth by a flood : it was not in the earth , but in men : I wil henceforth curse the earth no more for man , that is , for mans sinnes . There is a strange desire , not of earthly but of spirituall powers : after the possession of mans heart : God saith , b , my sonne giue me thy heart ; and to him indeed the right belongs : Yet thorough mans transgressiō Satan hath got such hold therof , that vnlesse it be by diuine power hee will not be kept out ; & though we heare not Satans voice , yet his c dealing bewraies his meaning , that aboue all things in man he desires the heart . keywords: aboue; actions; affections; affliction; againe; answer; atheisme; bee; beleeue; best; better; bodie; body; cause; chap; children; christ; church; commandement; commeth; common; conceiue; conscience; consent; consideration; corrupt; creatures; curse; damnable; danger; dauid; day; death; distrust; doctrine; doe; doth; dutie; earth; estate; eternall; euen; euery; euery man; euill; euill thoughts; examination; fall; farre; father; fauour; feare; foolishnes; free; fruit; giue; god; god himselfe; gods; good; good thoughts; gospell; grace; great; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; hee; hell; hereof; himselfe; hold; holy; howe; idoll; iewes; imaginations; indeede; infinite; iob; iudgements; iustice; keepe; knoweth; knowledge; lawe; life; like; little; liues; long; looke; lord; loue; luk; man; manner; mans; mans heart; meanes; meaning; men; mens; mercie; minde; minister; miserie; naturall; naturall heart; naturall man; nature; neighbour; neuer; nowe; obedience; obserue; occasion; old; onely; outward; owne; pag; pardon; particular; paul; people; peter; place; plaine; point; power; practise; pray; prayer; presence; present; pride; prophet; proud; psal; purpose; reason; regard; religion; repentance; respect; righteous; rom; saith; salomon; saluation; saying; scripture; second; sect; selues; sinne; soone; soule; speciall; spirituall; tcp; temporall; text; thee; themselues; therfore; things; thinke; thinketh; thinking; thought; thoughtes; thy; time; true; true god; truth; vaine; vile; vnderstand; vnto; vnto god; vpon; vse; waies; want; way; wee; whome; wicked; wil; word; worke; worlde; worship; wrath; yea; youth cache: A09465.xml plain text: A09465.txt item: #16 of 19 id: A09472 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The true gaine more in worth then all the goods in the world. date: 1601 words: 25883 flesch: 79 summary: For if men be mystically vnited to Christ , and by this vnion receiue the spirit of Christ , and by the spirit doe good workes , and consequently merit eternal life , they are thē becom partners with Christ , and are receiued into fellowship with him in the worke of mans redemption : whereas he in the Act of our reconciliation with God , admits neither deputie nor partner . The first propounded in the 3. v. is this ; True circumcision is to worship God in spirit , to reioyce in Christ , and not to put any confidence in the flesh . keywords: adam; afflictions; beeing; beleeue; beleeue christ; benefits; better; blood; bodie; cause; christ; christ god; christ saith; church; confidence; conformitie; conuersion; cor; creation; death; desire; doctrine; doe; doth; earth; effect; els; ende; estate; eternall; euen; excellencie; excellent; faith; father; feare; fellowship; flesh; gaine; gaine christ; gifts; giuen; glorie; god; godhead; gods; good; gospel; grace; hand; hath; haue; heart; heauen; heb; himselfe; holy; imputed; indeede; ioh; iudgement; iustice; iustification; iustified; knowledge; law; lawe; learne; life; like; liue; lord; losse; loue; man; manhood; manner; mans; matter; meanes; meaning; meere; men; mercie; merit; nature; neuer; nowe; obedience; onely; owne; patience; paul; paul saith; perfect; person; place; point; power; present; principall; promise; reason; receiue; respect; resurrection; righteousnes; rom; said; saluation; sauiour; second; selues; set; sinnes; sonne; spirit; spirituall; sufferings; tcp; teacheth; text; thē; things; thou; time; true; vertue; vnited; vnto; vpon; vse; waies; way; whome; wisdome; words; workes; world; yea cache: A09472.xml plain text: A09472.txt item: #17 of 19 id: A54381 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: An abridgement of the whole body of divinity extracted from the learned works of that ever-famous and reverend divine, Mr. William Perkins / by Tho. Nicols. date: 1654 words: 33692 flesch: 86 summary: 1. It causeth Man to excuse sin , or cloak it , as when a Man by his outward service of God doth excuse his inward impiety ; Mark . The fifth difference of sin of Commission is , Sinning upon knowledge , and out of self malice against God . keywords: act; actions; actual; affections; affirmative; angels; bargaining; bodies; body; calling; cause; children; christ; christian; church; commandment; conscience; covenant; creatures; day; dealing; death; decree; degrees; desire; deut; doth; earth; effects; elect; election; end; eph; eternal; evil; execution; exod; ezek; faith; faithfull; fall; father; fear; flesh; forbidden; free; gal; genes; ghost; glorie; glory; god; god doth; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; hath; heart; heaven; heb; holiness; holy; image; isai; jam; jer; joh; john; judgement; justice; kings; knowledge; law; lawfull; levit; life; like; lord; love; luke; magick; man; manner; mark; matth; means; members; minde; motions; nature; negative; neighbour; new; non; oath; obedience; occasions; outward; pag; parents; parts; perfect; persons; pet; phil; power; praise; prayer; predestination; presence; profession; prov; psal; punishment; purpose; remedies; repentance; reprobation; rest; rev; righteousness; rom; roman; rule; sabbath; sacraments; salvation; sam; sanctification; second; self; selves; sign; sin; sins; soul; spirit; spiritual; stars; state; text; thes; things; thou; thy; tim; time; true; truth; unjust; unlawfull; unto; use; word; works; worship; yea cache: A54381.xml plain text: A54381.txt item: #18 of 19 id: A54391 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: The whole duty of man, containing a practical table of the Ten commandments wherein the sins forbidden, and the duties commanded, or implied are clearly discovered / by famous Mr. Will. Perkins. date: 1674 words: 3018 flesch: 61 summary: The Affirmative part of this Commandment , is , to cease from sin , from the works of our ordinary callings , and also to perform those spiritual duties , which God requires : Where in Preparation to the Sanctification of this day , ( as Christ and the practice of the old Law were wont ) the Assemblies must be frequented , God's word and his creatures meditated ; Works of charity , the needy relieved , the sick visited , the faln admonished , differences reconciled . 1. That we must acknowledge God. keywords: affirmative; books; characters; commandment; creation; creatures; day; duties; early; eebo; encoding; english; evil; god; good; holy; image; lord; love; negative; neighbour; online; oxford; partnership; perkins; phase; seventh; sin; table; tcp; tei; text; thou; thy; truth; use; william; word; works; worship; xml cache: A54391.xml plain text: A54391.txt item: #19 of 19 id: A73023 author: Perkins, William, 1558-1602. title: M. Perkins, his Exhortation to repentance, out of Zephaniah preached in 2. sermons in Sturbridge Faire. Together with two treatises of the duties and dignitie of the ministrie: deliuered publiquely in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge. With a preface præfixed touching the publishing of all such workes of his as are to be expected: with a catalogue of all the perticulers [sic] of them, diligently perused and published, by a preacher of the word. date: 1605 words: 62242 flesch: 64 summary: And if God did not thus moderate & restraine the natures of men , but suffer them to breake out to the full : there would then be no order , but all confusion in the world : therefore , ( as especially for his Churches quietnesse , so also for the preseruatiō of publike peace , and the vpholding of societie in the world betweene man and man ) the Lord holdes a hand ouer euery mans nature , and keepes euery one in a certaine compasse limitted by the wisdom of his power , which restraining hand of his , if the Lord should take away : all societies and common wealths would be turned vpside downe , because euery man by the vniuersall corruption of his nature , would breake out into euery sinne : I ende this point with appealing to the testimonie of the consciences of all men , and especially of the best and holiest men , of whom I would aske this question , whether they find not in their natures an inclination , euen to the foulest sinnes in the world ; if shame , or feare , or else the grace of God restrained them not ? A common sinne euery where , and yet so great a sinne , that where it raignes , in that Country , congregation , family , man or woman , there is noe feare of God , nor any true grace in them : for the keeping of the saboath , is the maintaining , increasing , and publishing of religion . keywords: able; aboue; againe; alas; alwayes; angels; aske; authoritie; bee; bee gods; beginning; behold; beloued; bene; best; better; betwixt; blessed; blessing; blow; body; calling; care; carefull; cause; certaine; chaffe; charge; children; christ; christian; church; churches; coale; comes; comfort; commission; common; complaine; confesse; conscience; consolation; contempt; corne; corruption; courses; cry; curse; damnation; daunger; day; dayes; death; declare; decree; deliuer; desire; dignities; diuell; doctrine; doe; doth; doubtlesse; duties; duty; earth; embassadors; end; enemies; england; english; ergo; esay; euen; euery; euery man; euill; excellent; exhortation; experience; extraordinary; eyes; face; faithfull; fall; fanne; farre; father; fauour; feare; fearefull; fewe; fierie; fire; fit; followeth; forgiuenesse; fourth; frō; function; generall; ghost; gifts; giue; glorious; glory; god; god himselfe; god saith; godly; gods; gods church; gods presence; gods word; goe; good; good ministers; gospell; grace; great; greater; greatest; hand; hard; hast; hath; haue; hearers; heart; heauen; hee; heere; hell; helpe; hereof; high; himselfe; holinesse; holy; holy man; honour; hope; humane; humbled; iesus; iewes; ignorance; ignorant; instrument; interpreter; iob; iudgement; iustice; keepe; king; knowe; knowledge; labour; lawe; learne; learning; leaue; life; light; like; lippes; lips; little; liues; liuing; long; looke; lord; loue; lye; maiestie; maister; man; manner; mans; marke; matter; meanes; meaning; mee; men; mens; mercie; mercy; message; ministers; miserable; moses; mouth; nation; nature; nay; needes; neuer; new; number; obserue; office; olde; onely; open; order; ouer; outward; owne; papists; pardon; particular; paul; people; perkins; persons; place; plaine; point; polluted; pollution; poore; popish; power; powerfull; practise; preaching; presence; present; princes; principall; priuate; pronounce; prophane; prophet; psal; question; reason; receiue; religion; repentance; rest; reuerence; righteousnesse; sacraments; saint; saith; saluation; search; searching; second; seeke; seeth; seruants; seruice; set; shal; sinnes; sins; small; sort; soule; speake; speciall; spirit; stand; state; strange; sufficient; sure; tcp; teaching; testament; text; thee; themselues; therfore; thē; thing; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; treatise; true; true minister; truth; try; turne; vaine; vnder; vndone; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vpon; vse; waies; want; way; wee; wheate; wicked; wil; winde; woe; word; wordes; worke; worlde; worst; worthy; wrath; wrong; yea; yeares; zeale cache: A73023.xml plain text: A73023.txt