item: #1 of 181 id: 1016 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: On the Improvement of the Understanding date: None words: 16490 flesch: 59 summary: (2) Neither shall we wonder why we understand some things which in nowise fall within the scope of the imagination, while other things are in the imagination but wholly opposed to the understanding, or others, again, which agree therewith. [p] To be connected with other things is to be produced by them, or to produce them. keywords: attention; cause; certain; circle; clear; concerned; definition; different; distinct; doubt; end; essence; eternal; evident; existence; fact; false; fiction; fictitious; form; god; good; idea; imagination; instance; intellect; kind; knowledge; life; matter; means; memory; men; method; mind; mode; motion; nature; necessary; need; number; object; order; particular; perception; perfect; peter; possible; power; properties; reality; reasoning; rules; said; second; simple; soul; standard; subjective; things; thoughts; time; true; true idea; truth; understanding; way; words cache: 1016.txt plain text: 1016.txt item: #2 of 181 id: 10214 author: Taylor, Thomas title: Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato date: None words: 39288 flesch: 52 summary: Such things therefore as are first produced by the first good, in consequence of being connascent with it, do not recede from essential goodness, since they are immovable and unchanged, and are eternally established in the same blessedness. And this with great propriety; for all divine natures, and such things as possess the ability of imparting any thing primarily to others, necessarily begin this energy from themselves. keywords: account; ancients; animal; apparent; aristotle; ascent; beautiful; beauty; beings; best; better; bodies; body; book; calls; cause; certain; common; composition; conceptions; concerns; conjunction; connection; consequence; contrary; corporeal; deity; demonstration; design; desire; dialectic; dialogues; dianoetic; different; discourse; divine; divinity; doctrine; dogmas; earth; elements; end; energies; energy; essence; essential; eternal; evident; excellent; exempt; extended; eye; fables; fate; following; form; forth; fountain; general; generation; genius; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; highest; human; hypothesis; ideas; idiom; ignorance; ignorant; images; immediate; immortality; imparts; indigent; ineffable; infinite; instance; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; introduction; kind; knowledge; known; language; laws; life; light; like; longinus; luminous; manner; material; mathematical; matter; meaning; means; medium; men; middle; mind; mode; mortal; motion; motive; multitude; mundane; mystic; nature; necessary; notes; number; object; occult; opinion; order; parmenides; participation; particulars; parts; perfect; perfection; phaedo; phaedrus; philebus; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; platonic; possess; possible; posterior; power; present; principal; principle; prior; proceeding; proceeds; proclus; producing; profound; progeny; progression; proper; providence; pure; quality; rank; rational; reader; reasoning; reasons; republic; respect; rest; sake; science; scientific; second; secondary; self; sense; sensible; separate; series; short; similar; simple; sophista; soul; speak; style; subject; sublime; subordinate; subsistence; subsists; summit; sun; superior; theology; theory; things; timaeus; time; translation; true; truth; union; united; unities; universals; universe; unknown; venerable; view; viz; way; wholes; wisdom; works; world; writings cache: 10214.txt plain text: 10214.txt item: #3 of 181 id: 10378 author: Mill, John Stuart title: Autobiography date: None words: 75731 flesch: 45 summary: It was soon after the publication of _Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform_, that I became acquainted with Mr. Hare's admirable system of Personal Representation, which, in its present shape, was then for the first time published. The political circumstances of the time induced me, shortly after, to complete and publish a pamphlet (_Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform_), part of which had been written some years previously on the occasion of one of the abortive Reform Bills, and had at the time been approved and revised by her. keywords: abstract; account; accustomed; acquaintance; acquainted; action; active; activity; acts; advanced; affairs; age; analysis; answer; appearance; argument; articles; association; attack; attempt; attention; austin; author; authority; bad; beginning; belief; beneficial; benefit; bentham; benthamism; best; better; bill; body; book; bowring; british; business; candidate; capable; capacity; carlyle; case; causes; century; certain; change; chapter; character; charles; chief; chiefly; choice; church; circumstances; claim; classes; clear; coleridge; commencement; common; complete; composition; comte; conception; concerned; conditions; conduct; connected; consequences; considerable; consideration; constitution; contact; continued; contrary; conversation; conviction; correct; correspondence; country; course; creed; cultivation; culture; daily; daughter; day; debate; decided; defence; degree; democracy; democratic; desire; development; different; difficulties; direction; discussion; dissertations; distinction; doctrine; duty; early; economy; edinburgh; edition; editor; education; effect; eighteenth; election; elements; eminent; end; england; english; equal; essay; essential; evidence; evil; example; exercise; existence; experience; explanations; extent; extreme; fact; faculties; father; favour; favourable; feeling; force; foundation; france; freedom; french; frequent; friends; fundamental; future; general; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greek; grote; ground; habit; habitual; half; hands; happiness; high; higher; highest; history; hope; house; human; ideas; immediate; important; impression; improvement; india; individual; influence; institutions; instruction; intellectual; intention; intercourse; interest; ireland; irish; john; justice; knowledge; known; labour; large; later; latin; law; laws; lead; legislation; letters; liberal; liberty; life; like; likely; literary; little; logic; london; long; longer; lord; love; main; majority; making; mankind; manner; matter; maurice; means; measure; meeting; members; mental; mere; merit; method; mind; mode; modern; moment; money; months; moral; nation; national; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; notes; notice; number; objects; occasion; occupations; office; old; ones; open; opinions; opportunity; order; ordinary; organ; original; paper; parliament; parliamentary; particular; party; people; perfect; period; permanent; personal; persons; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; plato; pleasure; poems; poetry; point; political; politics; popular; portion; position; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; prejudice; present; press; previous; principal; principles; private; process; produce; progress; property; proportion; proposal; psychology; public; publication; purpose; qualities; question; radical; radicalism; reaction; read; reading; real; reason; reasoning; received; reform; regard; relation; religion; religious; remarkable; representative; reputation; respect; result; review; revolution; ricardo; right; roebuck; rules; saying; scheme; school; science; scientific; second; self; sense; sentiments; service; session; set; share; short; similar; sir; small; social; society; source; speaking; speculation; speech; speeches; spirit; standard; state; strength; strong; strongest; studies; study; subject; subsequent; success; sufficient; suffrage; superior; support; sympathy; system; task; taught; teaching; tendencies; tendency; terms; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; title; tone; treatise; true; truth; ultimate; universal; useful; usual; valuable; value; volume; war; way; westminster; wife; william; winter; women; wordsworth; work; working; world; worth; writers; writings; wrong; years; young; younger cache: 10378.txt plain text: 10378.txt item: #4 of 181 id: 10615 author: Locke, John title: An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 1 MDCXC, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books 1 and 2 date: None words: 150382 flesch: 59 summary: If nature took care to provide us any ideas, we might well expect they should be such as by our own faculties we cannot procure to ourselves; but we see, on the contrary, that since, by those ways whereby other ideas are brought into our minds, this is not, we have no such clear idea at all; and therefore signify nothing by the word SUBSTANCE but only an uncertain supposition of we know not what, i. e. of something whereof we have no idea, which we take to be the substratum, or support, of those ideas we do know. The mind receiving the ideas mentioned in the foregoing chapters from without, when it turns its view inward upon itself, and observes its own actions about those ideas it has, takes from thence other ideas, which are as capable to be the objects of its contemplation as any of those it received from foreign things. keywords: abstract ideas; account; actions; active; actual; addition; adequate; adequate ideas; agent; animal; answer; appearances; application; applied; apt; archetypes; argument; assent; attention; bare; beginning; beings; best; better; bodies; body; book; bulk; business; capable; cases; cause; certain; certainty; change; chapter; characters; children; choice; circumstances; clear; clear ideas; cohesion; cold; collection; collective ideas; colour; combinations; come; coming; common; comparing; complex ideas; conceive; concerned; conformable; conformity; confused; confused ideas; confusion; connexion; consciousness; consent; consider; consideration; considering; consist; constant; constitution; contemplation; continued; contrary; country; creature; custom; dark; day; days; degrees; delight; design; desire; determination; determined; difference; different ideas; difficulty; discourse; discovery; distance; distinct ideas; distinguished; division; doth; doubt; duration; easy; effect; end; endless; equal; essence; eternity; evident; evil; existence; existing; expansion; experience; express; extended; extension; extent; external; eyes; faculties; faculty; false; falsehood; fashion; fear; figure; fire; fit; follow; following; force; frame; free; freedom; furnished; future; general; general ideas; god; gold; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; having; hearing; heat; help; hold; hope; horse; hours; human; ideas; identity; ignorance; ignorant; ill; immaterial; impossible; impressions; imprinted; impulse; increase; infinite; innate; innate ideas; innate principles; inquiry; inseparable; instances; internal; judge; judgment; justice; knowing; knowledge; known; language; large; law; laws; left; length; liberty; life; like; line; little; lives; long; longer; look; lordship; makes; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; materials; matter; maxims; means; measure; memory; men; mention; millions; mind; minute; misery; mistake; mixed; modes; modifications; moment; moral; motion; moving; names; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negation; new; notice; notions; number; objects; obscure; observable; observation; observed; occasion; ones; operations; opinion; order; ordinary; organs; original; original ideas; pain; particles; particular; particular ideas; parts; pass; passions; passive; past; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; periods; person; personal; place; pleasure; positive ideas; power; practical; precise; present; primary; principles; produce; producing; proof; proper; properties; proportion; propositions; punishment; pure; purpose; putting; qualities; question; rational; reach; reader; ready; real; reason; received; reference; reflection; relation; relative; remote; removed; respect; rest; right; room; rule; satisfaction; scarce; secondary; self; sensation; senses; sensible; sensible ideas; separate; set; settled; sides; signification; simple ideas; sleep; small; socrates; solidity; sort; soul; sounds; space; speaking; species; spirit; state; stop; subject; substances; succession; sufficient; sun; supposed; supposition; sweet; talk; terms; texture; things; thinking; thoughts; time; touch; train; true; truth; uncertain; understanding; understood; uneasiness; union; united; universal; universe; unknown; use; v.g; variety; vice; view; virtue; visible; viz; void; volition; voluntary; want; water; way; ways; weight; whatsoever; whereof; white; whiteness; willing; wills; wise; wonder; words; world; wrong; years cache: 10615.txt plain text: 10615.txt item: #5 of 181 id: 10616 author: Locke, John title: An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2 MDCXC, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books 3 and 4 date: None words: 125242 flesch: 57 summary: That then which words are the marks of are the ideas of the speaker: nor can any one apply them as marks, immediately, to anything else but the ideas that he himself hath: for this would be to make them signs of his own conceptions, and yet apply them to other ideas; which would be to make them signs and not signs of his ideas at the same time; and so in effect to have no signification at all. Thus far the names and essences of mixed modes have nothing but what is common to them with other ideas: but if we take a little nearer survey of them, we shall find that they have something peculiar, which perhaps may deserve our attention. keywords: abstract ideas; abuse; actions; affirm; agreement; angles; animal; annexed; answer; application; archetypes; arguments; assent; assurance; authority; bare; beings; best; better; blind; bodies; body; boundaries; capable; case; causes; certain; certain ideas; certain knowledge; certainty; chapter; circle; clear; clear ideas; clearness; cogitative; collection; colour; common; communication; complex ideas; comprehensive; conceive; conformable; conformity; confused; connexion; consequence; consideration; constant; constitution; contrary; conversation; corporeal; country; creatures; definition; degrees; demonstration; depend; determine; different; different ideas; disagreement; discourse; discovery; disputes; distinct ideas; distinct species; distinction; distinguished; divine; doubt; doubtful; easy; equal; equality; error; essence; essential; established; eternal; evidence; evident; examination; existence; existing; experience; extension; extent; eyes; faculties; faculty; faith; falsehood; familiar; far; figure; finding; fixedness; follow; force; forms; foundation; frame; fusibility; general; general ideas; general knowledge; general names; genus; god; gold; good; great; greater; greatest; grounds; hand; hard; hath; help; horse; human; ideas; ideas men; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; imagine; immediate; imperfection; impossible; infinite; inquire; instance; intermediate ideas; internal; intervention; intuitive; intuitive knowledge; joined; judgment; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; language; lead; learned; learning; leave; left; liable; liberty; life; like; little; long; making; malleableness; man; mankind; manner; marks; material; mathematics; matter; maxims; meaning; means; measure; memory; men; mind; mistake; mixed; modes; moral ideas; motion; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nominal; notice; notions; number; objects; obscure; obscurity; observation; observed; obvious; occasion; ones; operations; opinions; ordinary; original; outward; pains; particles; particular; particular ideas; particular things; parts; past; patterns; peculiar; perception; perfect; philosophy; place; plain; pleasure; power; precise; precise ideas; present; primary; principles; probability; probable; proofs; properties; propositions; purpose; qualities; question; rational; reach; real; real essence; real knowledge; reality; reason; reasoning; received; relations; religion; remote; respect; rest; revelation; right; rules; scarce; schools; sciences; search; self; sensation; senses; sensible; sensible ideas; set; shape; signification; signs; simple ideas; soever; sort; soul; sounds; species; specific; specific ideas; speech; spirits; stand; state; subject; substances; sufficient; supposed; supposition; sure; syllogism; terms; testimony; things; thinking; thoughts; time; triangle; true; true knowledge; truth; uncertain; understanding; union; united; universal; unknown; use; v.g; vain; verbal; view; visible; viz; voluntary; want; water; way; ways; weight; whereof; white; words; workmanship; world; wrong; yellow cache: 10616.txt plain text: 10616.txt item: #6 of 181 id: 10661 author: Epictetus title: A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus with the Encheiridion date: None words: 62199 flesch: 82 summary: * * OF PROGRESS OR IMPROVEMENT.--He who is making progress, having learned from philosophers that desire means the desire of good things, and aversion means aversion from bad things; having learned too that happiness and tranquillity are not attainable by man otherwise than by not failing to obtain what he desires, and not falling into that which he would avoid; such a man takes from himself desire altogether and confers it, but he employs his aversion only on things which are dependent on his will. Is it possible, then, when a man sustains damage and does not obtain good things, that he can be happy? keywords: able; account; act; acts; advantage; affairs; afraid; angry; animal; answer; anxious; appearances; art; assent; attempt; attention; aversion; bad; beautiful; best; better; blame; body; books; brother; care; case; certain; certain things; character; children; common; concern; condition; confidence; conformable; contrary; country; cæsar; day; dead; death; desire; die; different; disposition; duty; endure; epictetus; evil; exercise; external; external things; fact; faculty; faithful; far; father; fault; fear; fever; fit; free; freedom; friends; gain; god; gods; good; good man; good things; great; great things; greater; greek; habit; hand; happy; harm; head; hindrance; hold; horse; independent; inquire; interest; kind; labor; life; like; little; long; longer; look; love; making; man; manner; matter; means; men; mind; modest; money; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; noble; occasion; opinions; order; pain; person; philosopher; place; pleasure; poor; possible; power; practice; present; prison; progress; proper; purpose; ready; reason; regard; respect; right; rome; rule; saying; slave; small; socrates; sorrow; soul; speak; speaking; state; subject; superior; talk; things; thoughts; time; tranquillity; trouble; true; truth; turn; tyrant; unhappy; use; useful; value; vexed; want; water; way; wife; wise; wish; wishes; words; work; world; worth; wretched; write; wrong; zeus cache: 10661.txt plain text: 10661.txt item: #7 of 181 id: 10714 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; The Art of Literature date: None words: 37805 flesch: 65 summary: There are many passages in my works which I have given to the public only after some hesitation, because of their paradoxical nature; and afterwards I have experienced a pleasant surprise in finding the same opinion recorded in the works of great men who lived long ago. Petrarch's house in Arqua; Tasso's supposed prison in Ferrara; Shakespeare's house in Stratford, with his chair; Goethe's house in Weimar, with its furniture; Kant's old hat; the autographs of great men; these things are gaped at with interest and awe by many who have never read their works. keywords: able; account; advance; aim; aims; alien; ancient; art; attempt; attention; author; authority; bad; beauty; beginning; best; better; body; books; capable; case; certain; chance; character; class; clear; common; condition; connection; contemporaries; contents; conversation; correct; country; course; critical; criticism; day; deal; deep; degree; different; difficult; direct; doubt; drama; dull; easy; effect; effort; end; envy; error; events; example; excellent; existence; expression; face; fact; false; fame; fate; feeling; fine; fit; following; footnote; forced; form; free; fresh; gain; general; generation; genius; goethe; good; great; great man; greater; greatest; half; hand; head; high; history; hold; honor; human; humanity; ideas; important; independent; individual; insight; instance; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; known; lack; language; large; latin; learning; lies; life; like; literary; literature; little; living; long; making; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; memory; men; mental; mere; merit; method; mind; modern; moment; money; natural; nature; nay; necessary; neglect; new; number; object; objective; old; ones; opinion; order; ordinary; original; page; paper; particular; peculiar; people; person; personal; philosopher; phrases; place; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; position; possess; possible; posterity; power; praise; preference; process; public; purpose; qualities; question; race; rare; rate; reader; reading; real; reason; recognition; regard; relation; remarks; reputation; respect; result; right; rule; sake; saying; says; schopenhauer; science; second; sense; sentence; service; short; sign; similar; simple; single; small; source; special; sphere; spirit; stands; state; study; style; subject; system; tedious; temper; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; translator; trouble; true; truth; turn; und; use; value; view; virtue; want; way; wide; words; work; world; worth; writer; writing; years cache: 10714.txt plain text: 10714.txt item: #8 of 181 id: 10715 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; Counsels and Maxims date: None words: 46035 flesch: 64 summary: As manhood approaches, boredom disappears; and old men find the time too short when their days fly past them like arrows from a bow. It is only when he is seventy years old that he quite understands the first words of the Preacher; and this again explains why it is that old men are sometimes fretful and morose. keywords: able; absence; abstract; action; activity; advantage; advice; advisable; affairs; age; aim; aims; appearance; apt; attention; bad; beginning; best; better; body; boredom; brain; business; capacity; care; case; certain; chance; character; chief; childhood; circumstances; clear; close; common; company; complete; condition; conduct; consciousness; constant; contact; conversation; course; danger; day; days; deal; death; deep; degree; desire; die; different; difficult; direct; disagreeable; disposition; distance; doubt; early; easy; education; effect; efforts; element; end; energy; envy; essential; events; evil; existence; experience; extent; eyes; face; fact; false; fancy; fate; fear; feeling; folly; foolish; footnote; form; foundation; free; freedom; fresh; friend; friendship; future; general; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hatred; health; heart; higher; highest; hope; human; human life; ideas; illusion; imagination; immediate; important; impressions; impulse; increase; individual; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intercourse; interest; intolerable; joy; judgment; kind; knowledge; later; learning; left; length; lies; life; like; likely; little; long; longer; look; looking; loss; lost; love; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; maxim; means; measure; memory; men; mental; mere; mind; misfortune; moment; money; mood; moral; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; noble; non; notion; object; objective; old; old age; old man; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; outward; pain; particular; pass; past; pay; people; period; personal; persons; picture; place; plan; play; pleasure; point; politeness; position; positive; possible; power; practical; practice; present; process; proper; proportion; qualities; range; rate; real; reality; reason; reflection; regard; relation; remark; remote; respect; result; right; rule; saying; schopenhauer; seclusion; second; section; self; sense; set; short; similar; single; sleep; small; sociable; society; solitude; source; special; sphere; state; strength; subject; suffering; sufficient; superiority; surroundings; things; thought; time; tone; translator; trouble; true; truth; turn; use; value; vanity; view; vorstellung; vulgar; want; way; ways; welt; wille; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worldly; worth; writer; wrong; years; young; young man; youth cache: 10715.txt plain text: 10715.txt item: #9 of 181 id: 10731 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; the Art of Controversy date: None words: 30076 flesch: 68 summary: Vulgar people take a huge delight in the faults and follies of great men; and great men are equally annoyed at being thus reminded of their kinship with them. It is only extreme necessity that can compel such men not to betray their feelings, or even to stroke the defects as if they were beautiful additions. keywords: able; action; advantage; aim; animals; argument; aristotle; art; assertion; attack; authority; bad; beautiful; beauty; best; better; body; book; business; care; case; certain; character; circumstances; clear; common; complete; conception; concerned; conclusion; consciousness; contradiction; contrary; controversy; conversation; counter; course; day; degree; desires; dialectic; different; direct; dispute; distinction; dramatic; effect; end; eristic; events; example; existence; experience; eyes; fact; false; fashion; feeling; fine; footnote; form; free; general; genius; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; hand; happiness; high; hominem; honour; human; ideas; illusion; impression; individual; instance; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judgment; kind; knowledge; laws; life; like; limits; little; logic; long; love; man; matter; means; men; mere; method; mind; moment; natural; nature; nay; necessary; objective; objects; open; opinion; opponent; order; ordinary; original; pain; particular; people; perfect; person; personal; picture; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; practice; premisses; present; principle; proof; proper; proposition; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; real; reality; reason; regard; relation; respect; right; rule; said; saint; says; self; sense; sphere; statement; strange; subject; sufficient; system; thing; thought; time; trick; true; truth; use; value; vanity; vice; victory; view; violent; virtue; way; weakness; words; work; world; wrong cache: 10731.txt plain text: 10731.txt item: #10 of 181 id: 10732 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; Studies in Pessimism date: None words: 30668 flesch: 69 summary: Such men _think_ only just so much as is necessary to carry out their will for the moment. I am rather of opinion that the clergy should be challenged to explain what right they have to go into the pulpit, or take up their pens, and stamp as a crime an action which many men whom we hold in affection and honor have committed; and to refuse an honorable burial to those who relinquish this world voluntarily. keywords: able; abstract; actual; aim; ancient; animals; attention; bad; best; better; body; boredom; brute; burden; business; care; case; certain; character; chief; children; clear; close; cold; common; consciousness; constant; contempt; contrary; course; cracking; crime; day; death; degree; denial; desire; different; direct; distance; domain; early; education; effect; end; error; europe; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; extent; fact; fall; false; far; feeling; fine; follows; footnote; form; free; future; general; genuine; goal; good; great; greatest; hand; happy; head; heart; high; higher; honor; hope; human; ideas; imagination; important; individual; individuality; influence; instance; intellect; intellectual; kind; knowledge; language; later; law; lead; life; like; limits; little; lives; long; love; making; man; material; matter; means; memory; mere; method; mind; misery; moment; moral; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; negative; new; noise; notions; number; object; objective; observations; old; order; original; pain; particular; past; peculiar; people; person; phenomena; philalethes; philosophy; physical; place; play; pleasure; point; position; positive; possible; power; present; question; race; rate; reader; real; reality; reason; redemption; reflection; regard; respect; result; ridiculous; right; rule; satisfaction; schopenhauer; self; sense; set; sex; short; small; society; space; special; species; standpoint; state; subject; suffering; suicide; task; testament; things; thought; thrasymachos; time; translator; treatise; trouble; true; truth; use; value; view; want; way; whip; women; words; work; world; worse; wrong; years; youth cache: 10732.txt plain text: 10732.txt item: #11 of 181 id: 10739 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; On Human Nature date: None words: 32419 flesch: 64 summary: For always and everywhere and under all circumstances there is a conspiracy, or instinctive alliance, against such men on the part of all the stupid, the weak, and the commonplace; they look upon such men as their natural enemies, and they are firmly held together by a common fear of them. Among its various forms the one which is most in favour at present is the dignity of man. keywords: able; abstract; accordance; action; acts; advantage; aim; ancients; anger; animals; appearance; avarice; bad; basis; best; better; birth; body; business; cardinal; case; certain; chance; character; chief; circumstances; clear; common; complete; conception; concerned; condition; consciousness; consequences; constitution; contempt; contrary; courage; course; day; death; delight; desire; determined; difference; dignity; direct; disposition; doctrine; effect; egoism; end; english; envy; error; ethical; ethics; evil; example; excellence; exercise; existence; experience; external; fact; fail; father; favour; fear; feeling; following; footnote; force; form; foundation; freedom; fundamental; future; general; genius; german; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greek; hand; hatred; head; heart; high; hold; honour; hope; human; ideas; important; individual; influence; innate; instance; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; judgment; justice; kant; kind; king; knowledge; law; lies; life; like; little; living; long; look; love; lust; luxury; main; man; mankind; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mere; merely; mind; misery; moment; money; moral; morality; motive; napoleon; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; object; obvious; occasion; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; original; patience; people; person; philosophy; physical; pity; place; pleasure; point; position; possible; power; practical; present; principle; proceeds; product; property; public; purpose; qualities; question; race; reader; real; reason; reflection; regard; respect; rests; result; right; rule; second; self; sense; shape; significance; simple; single; slavery; small; sort; source; state; stupid; subject; sympathy; theoretical; things; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; use; vices; view; virtue; way; welfare; words; work; world; wrong cache: 10739.txt plain text: 10739.txt item: #12 of 181 id: 10741 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life date: None words: 38488 flesch: 61 summary: The same doom is awarded to a woman who breaks the marriage tie; for in so doing she is false to the terms upon which the man capitulated; and as her conduct is such as to frighten other men from making a similar surrender, it imperils the welfare of all her sisters. Lastly, if, as we saw above, civic honor is very scrupulous in the matter of _meum_ and _tuum_, paying great respect to obligations and a promise once made, the code we are here discussing displays, on the other hand, the noblest liberality. keywords: absolute; account; actions; activity; advantage; age; animal; appeal; art; attack; attention; bad; best; better; blessings; blow; boredom; capacity; capital; care; case; certain; chance; chapter; character; cheerful; chief; circumstances; civic; claims; classes; clear; code; common; concerned; consciousness; consequence; constant; conviction; country; course; day; days; deal; death; degree; desglands; desire; different; difficult; direct; doubt; duel; dull; effect; element; end; envy; essential; example; excellent; exercise; existence; experience; expression; external; eyes; fact; false; fame; fate; favor; feeling; fellowmen; female; follows; folly; fool; footnote; force; form; fortune; foundation; free; friends; general; genius; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; hand; happiest; happiness; happy; head; heart; higher; highest; honor; honorable; human; ideas; immediate; important; individuality; influence; inner; instance; insult; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judgment; kind; knightly; knightly honor; knowledge; known; labor; large; law; leaves; leisure; lies; life; like; little; live; long; look; loss; lot; making; man; mankind; marriage; matter; means; men; mental; mere; merit; mind; miserable; modern; moment; money; moral; narrow; nation; national; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; noble; objective; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; pain; particular; pay; peculiar; people; personal; personality; persons; philosophy; physical; piece; place; play; playing; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; position; possession; possible; posterity; poverty; power; present; pride; principle; produce; proper; property; purpose; qualities; quality; question; rank; ready; real; reason; regard; remains; remark; reputation; requires; respect; result; rich; right; rule; satisfaction; self; sense; service; shows; similar; small; social; society; sort; source; speak; special; sphere; spirits; state; strength; struggle; subject; suffering; superfluity; superstition; susceptibility; system; temperament; theory; thing; thought; time; trivial; true; truth; turn; undisturbed; universal; use; value; vanity; view; want; way; wealth; welfare; wisdom; wise; women; words; work; world; worth; youth cache: 10741.txt plain text: 10741.txt item: #13 of 181 id: 10833 author: Schopenhauer, Arthur title: The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; Religion, a Dialogue, Etc. date: None words: 29588 flesch: 63 summary: Other religions, Buddhism, for instance, have, it is true, historical appendages, the life, namely, of their founders: this, however, is not part and parcel of the dogma but is taken along with it. Of course it is quite a different matter if we consider the utility of religion as a prop of thrones; for where these are held by the grace of God, throne and altar are intimately associated; and every wise prince who loves his throne and his family will appear at the head of his people as an exemplar of true religion. keywords: absurd; account; acquaintance; age; aim; allegorical; allegory; analogous; ancients; animals; art; authority; bad; belief; better; books; brain; buddhism; capacity; case; century; certain; character; chief; childhood; christianity; church; claim; clergy; common; complete; consciousness; consequence; consolation; constant; constitution; conviction; correct; course; day; days; death; deception; degree; demopheles; difficult; doctrine; dogma; early; earth; education; effect; efficacy; element; end; error; essential; eternal; europe; evil; example; existence; experience; explanation; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; false; favor; feeling; force; form; foundation; fraud; free; fundamental; general; genius; genuine; god; gods; good; great; greater; habit; hand; happiness; head; higher; highest; history; home; humanity; idea; important; india; individual; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; jewish; justice; knowledge; known; large; later; learning; lies; life; like; literature; little; long; longer; look; lot; main; man; mankind; masses; matter; meaning; means; memory; mere; metaphysical; middle; mind; moral; morality; motion; multitude; mysteries; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; object; old; order; ordinary; original; pain; pantheism; people; period; persons; philalethes; philosophers; philosophy; physiognomy; place; pleasure; point; popular; position; possess; possible; power; practical; present; priests; principle; proper; proportion; public; pure; purpose; qualities; race; rate; reading; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; respect; rest; result; revelation; right; rule; saying; schopenhauer; science; sense; special; spirit; start; state; strength; suffering; support; system; things; thinking; thoughts; time; torment; true; truth; use; vengeance; view; virtue; want; wars; way; wisdom; wish; work; world; years cache: 10833.txt plain text: 10833.txt item: #14 of 181 id: 10846 author: Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William) title: Seekers after God date: None words: 86608 flesch: 66 summary: the Most Highest will not remember my sins: _such a man only feareth the eyes of man_, and knoweth not that the eyes of the Lord are ten thousand times brighter than the sun, beholding all the ways of men, and considering the most secret parts. Great men, it has been observed, have often the shortest biographies; their real life is in their books. keywords: a.d; able; absence; absolute; actions; acts; admirable; admiration; adopted; affection; age; agrippina; aim; allusion; ambition; ancient; anecdotes; anger; angry; anguish; annaeus; answer; antoninus; ask; attempt; attention; augustus; aurelius; author; bad; banishment; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; belief; best; better; birth; blessings; blood; blow; body; book; boy; boyhood; brief; bright; britannicus; brother; burrus; caesar; caius; calm; capable; care; career; cassius; cause; celebrated; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; child; children; christian; christianity; cicero; circumstances; city; claim; class; claudius; clear; close; commodus; common; conceal; conception; condition; conduct; conscience; consequence; consolation; conspicuous; conspiracy; constant; contempt; content; contrary; conversation; corsica; country; course; court; credit; crimes; cruelty; cynic; daily; dangerous; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; death; deed; deep; degradation; degraded; denial; desire; despair; despised; destiny; devoted; different; dignity; discourses; disease; disgrace; disgraceful; display; divine; doctrines; doubt; duties; duty; eager; early; earth; ease; easy; education; elder; eloquence; eloquent; eminence; eminent; emperor; empire; endure; enemy; enormous; entire; epaphroditus; epictetus; eternal; evidence; evil; exalted; example; exile; existence; expression; extent; eyes; face; fact; fall; false; fame; family; famous; far; fate; father; fault; favour; fear; feeble; feeling; feet; fire; flattery; following; food; footnote; form; fortitude; fortune; free; freedman; freedom; fresh; friends; fruit; future; gain; gallio; general; genius; genuine; germanicus; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; government; grace; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; guilty; habits; hadrian; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harm; hath; hatred; head; heart; heathen; heaven; help; helvia; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; house; human; humble; hurried; husband; ideal; iii; illustrious; immediate; imperial; important; indignation; inevitable; infamy; influence; innocence; innocent; inspired; instance; intellect; interest; interesting; involved; island; james; jews; judge; justice; kind; king; knowledge; lady; language; large; law; laws; leave; left; leisure; lessons; letters; life; light; like; likely; lips; literary; literature; little; lives; living; lofty; long; longer; look; lord; lost; love; luxury; man; manhood; mankind; manner; manual; marcus; marked; marriage; married; master; matters; meanest; means; meditations; mela; memorable; memory; men; mere; messalina; midst; mind; minded; miserable; misery; misfortune; modern; moment; moral; morality; mother; multitude; murder; narcissus; nations; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; nero; new; nobility; noble; noblest; number; occasion; occupied; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; pagan; painful; passage; passion; paul; people; perfect; period; person; personal; philosopher; philosophical; picture; piso; pity; place; plato; pleasure; poet; point; poison; political; poor; position; possessions; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; precepts; presence; present; prince; principles; private; probability; probable; profound; proof; public; pupil; pure; purple; purpose; question; rank; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; refuge; regard; reign; religion; remarkable; reputation; respect; return; rich; riches; rise; roman; rome; rufus; ruin; sacred; sake; saying; scene; school; sea; second; secret; seeing; self; senate; senators; seneca; sense; sentiments; set; share; short; shows; sign; silence; silent; simple; simplicity; single; sister; sketch; slavery; slaves; slightest; small; society; socrates; soldiers; son; sons; sorrow; soul; sound; speaking; spectacle; spirit; spite; splendid; splendour; spot; spread; state; stoic; stoicism; storm; strange; streets; strong; studies; study; style; subject; sufficient; suicide; sun; superstition; suspicion; sword; tacitus; talk; task; teachers; teaching; tender; terrible; terror; thee; things; thou; thought; throne; tiberius; time; title; tone; treatise; tribune; triumph; trouble; true; truth; tyranny; tyrant; unhappy; universe; unknown; useless; usual; utterances; vain; value; verus; vices; view; viii; virtue; voice; want; war; water; way; weak; wealth; wicked; wickedness; wife; wild; wisdom; wise; wish; women; words; work; world; worse; worth; wretched; writers; writings; wrong; years; young; youth; youthful cache: 10846.txt plain text: 10846.txt item: #15 of 181 id: 10970 author: Murray, D. L. (David Leslie) title: Pragmatism date: None words: 16467 flesch: 61 summary: 'Consciousness,' James insists, 'does not appear to itself chopped up in bits,' and 'we ought to say a feeling of _and_, a feeling of _if_, a feeling of _but_, and a feeling of _by_, quite as readily as we say a feeling of _blue_ or a feeling of _cold_. Moreover, to the 'real world which our choice has built out of the chaos of 'appearances' we may hypothetically add 'infernal' and 'heavenly' regions.[B] Both are transformations of 'the given' by the will, but, like the postulate of causal series, experience _may_ confirm them. keywords: absolute; absolute truth; account; actual; analysis; assertion; assumptions; beliefs; better; certain; certainty; chapter; claim; clear; common; connected; connection; consequences; context; correspondence; course; data; demands; different; distinction; doctrine; dogmatism; doubt; effect; error; events; existence; experience; fact; false; feeling; flux; formal; fresh; general; given; good; human; hume; ideas; important; inference; intellectualism; intuitions; james; judgment; kant; knowing; knowledge; laws; life; logic; logical; long; maker; meaning; means; method; mind; mortal; necessary; necessity; new; objects; opinions; order; particular; philosophy; postulate; practical; pragmatism; premisses; principles; problem; procedure; process; psychology; purpose; question; reality; relation; religious; rest; right; scepticism; schiller; science; scientific; selection; self; sensations; sense; succession; syllogism; system; test; testing; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; use; value; verbal; view; way; words; work; world; worth cache: 10970.txt plain text: 10970.txt item: #16 of 181 id: 11224 author: Mill, John Stuart title: Utilitarianism date: None words: 27761 flesch: 45 summary: Other persons, again, hold the directly contrary opinion, that any law, judged to be bad, may blamelessly be disobeyed, even though it be not judged to be unjust, but only inexpedient; while others would confine the licence of disobedience to the case of unjust laws: but again, some say, that all laws which are inexpedient are unjust; since every law imposes some restriction on the natural liberty of mankind, which restriction is an injustice, unless legitimated by tending to their good. There are other cases in which impartiality means, being solely influenced by desert; as with those who, in the capacity of judges, preceptors, or parents, administer reward and punishment as such. keywords: account; action; agent; bad; beings; better; binding; capable; case; chapter; character; claim; common; conception; condition; conduct; conscience; consequences; considerations; contrary; creatures; degree; desirable; desire; different; direct; distinction; doctrine; duty; education; end; ends; equal; ethical; ethics; evil; existence; expediency; external; fact; faculties; feeling; fellow; force; form; general; general happiness; god; good; greater; greatest; ground; happiness; higher; hold; human; hurt; idea; important; individual; influence; injustice; intensity; interest; justice; large; law; laws; life; like; long; love; mankind; manner; maxims; meaning; means; mental; mere; mind; moral; moralists; morality; motive; natural; nature; necessary; need; notion; object; obligation; opinion; origin; pain; particular; people; person; personal; physical; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; preference; present; principle; produce; proof; proportion; punishment; purpose; quality; question; rational; real; reason; regard; right; rule; sake; sanction; science; self; sense; sentiment; social; society; sources; standard; state; subject; sufficient; superior; sympathy; term; theory; things; thought; true; ultimate; unjust; use; useful; utilitarian; utilitarianism; utility; virtue; virtuous; way; world; wrong cache: 11224.txt plain text: 11224.txt item: #17 of 181 id: 1177 author: Xenophon title: The Memorabilia date: None words: 70980 flesch: 82 summary: (24) And once more, habits of indolence, along with the fleeting pleasures of the moment, are incapable, as gymnastic trainers say, of setting up (25) a good habit of body, or of implanting in the soul any knowledge worthy of account; whereas by painstaking endeavour in the pursuit of high and noble deeds, as good men tell us, through endurance we shall in the end attain the goal. Immortal, thou art cast forth from the company of gods, and by good men art dishonoured: that sweetest sound of all, the voice of praise, has never thrilled thine ears; and the fairest of all fair visions is hidden from thine eyes that have never beheld one bounteous deed wrought by thine own hand. keywords: ability; able; account; accuser; action; advantage; advice; affairs; age; alc; alcibiades; ambition; answer; antiphon; antisthenes; apol; archedemus; argument; aristippus; aristot; art; athenians; athens; attention; aught; aware; bad; base; battle; beautiful; beauty; beings; belief; benefit; best; better; blessings; body; brother; business; capable; care; case; cavalry; certain; chaer; chance; character; charicles; charm; children; cic; citizens; city; clear; cobet; cold; command; common; companions; condition; conduct; contrary; control; conversation; courage; course; creatures; cri; critias; crito; critobulus; day; days; dealing; death; deed; definition; desire; different; diog; discussion; disposed; distinction; divine; doubt; draw; duty; ears; earth; easy; eating; econ; effect; endeavour; enemies; enemy; escape; euth; euthydemus; evil; existence; eyes; face; fact; fail; fall; father; feet; fellow; fire; foll; following; food; form; fortune; free; freedom; friends; friendship; gain; general; glaucon; gods; good; good man; gorg; great; greater; greatest; habit; half; hand; happiness; hard; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; heracles; hermogenes; hesiod; high; hipp; hippias; hold; honour; hope; house; human; hunger; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; incapable; instance; joel; judgment; justice; kai; kindly; kindness; knowledge; known; kuhner; laert; lamp; land; language; large; law; lawful; laws; lead; learning; lies; life; like; lips; lit; little; living; loc; long; look; love; makes; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; men; mere; method; mind; moment; money; mother; natural; nature; nay; need; newman; nic; noble; note; number; obedience; obey; object; occasion; office; opinion; opposite; order; pains; parents; particular; passage; passim; passion; path; people; pericles; person; place; plain; plat; play; pleasure; plut; point; pol; politics; poor; possession; possible; power; praise; pray; present; prime; private; property; proportion; pros; public; purpose; pursuit; question; reading; ready; reason; reference; regard; rep; respect; rest; return; right; righteous; road; rule; sake; secret; self; sense; sentence; service; set; similar; single; skill; slavery; slaves; small; soc; society; socrates; sort; soul; sound; speech; spirit; stand; state; statement; strength; strong; study; style; sun; sure; symp; tell; theod; things; thirst; thought; time; toil; training; true; truth; turn; unjust; upright; useful; victory; view; viii; violence; virtue; want; war; way; wealth; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; word; work; worse; worth; wrong; xen; xii; young; youth cache: 1177.txt plain text: 1177.txt item: #18 of 181 id: 11984 author: James, William title: A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy date: None words: 75947 flesch: 60 summary: He says indeed that absolute mind in itself, and absolute mind in its hetereity or otherness, under the distinction which it sets up of itself from itself, have as their real _prius_ absolute mind in synthesis; and, this being absolute mind's true nature, its dialectic character must show itself in such concrete forms as Goethe's and Wordsworth's poetry, as well as in religious forms. Let God but have the least infinitesimal _other_ of any kind beside him, and empiricism and rationalism might strike hands in a lasting treaty of peace. keywords: able; absolute; absolute mind; absolute reality; absolutism; abstract; absurd; account; achilles; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; admit; advance; agents; alternative; altho; analogy; answer; appearance; argument; assumption; attempt; attitude; authority; bad; bare; beings; belief; bergson; best; better; bird; body; book; bradley; brain; calls; case; cat; categories; centre; certain; change; character; claim; clear; collective; combination; coming; common; complete; compounding; conception; concepts; conceptual; conclusions; concrete; conditions; conjunctions; conjunctive; connexion; consciousness; consists; constitution; content; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; contrast; course; creation; criticism; critics; curious; cut; day; death; definite; definition; detail; dialectic; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; direction; discussion; distinct; divine; doctrine; drops; dualistic; duty; earth; easy; effect; effort; elements; empirical; empiricism; end; english; enormous; environment; escape; essential; evil; example; excludes; exist; existence; experience; external; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; far; fashion; features; fechner; feeling; felt; field; final; finite; flux; footnote; foreignness; form; forth; free; function; future; general; german; god; going; good; great; greater; green; habit; half; hand; having; heart; hegel; hegelian; held; help; higher; history; hold; hope; human; hume; hypothesis; idealism; idealists; ideas; identical; identity; imagination; immediate; implicated; impression; inclusive; independent; individual; infinite; influence; inner; insight; instance; intellectualism; interest; intimacy; intimate; irrational; kant; kind; knower; knowing; knowledge; knows; larger; later; leave; lecture; left; letters; life; like; line; little; living; logic; logical; long; longer; look; lotze; making; man; manyness; material; matter; mctaggart; meaning; means; meet; members; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; moment; monism; monistic; moral; movement; names; natural; nature; necessity; need; negation; new; non; note; notion; number; objections; objective; objects; obvious; oneness; ones; open; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; outside; oxford; page; pantheism; pantheistic; partial; particular; parts; passing; path; peculiar; perfect; perfection; personal; persons; phenomenal; philosophers; philosophy; physical; picture; place; pluralism; pluralistic; point; position; possession; possibility; possible; post; power; practical; presence; present; previous; principle; probable; problem; process; professor; proves; psychological; psychology; pulses; pure; purpose; quality; question; quâ; radical; rationalistic; rationality; reality; reason; reasoning; recent; related; relations; relative; religion; religious; remains; respect; results; return; right; royce; said; saying; scheme; science; scientific; second; self; selves; sensations; sense; sensible; sentence; separate; series; set; shape; shows; simple; single; situation; small; solution; sort; soul; sound; space; span; spiritual; spite; stand; states; static; stop; stream; style; subject; substance; succession; sugar; superhuman; superior; supposed; sure; surface; synthesis; system; talk; technical; tendency; terms; theism; theology; theoretic; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; tortoise; total; touch; treating; treatment; trouble; true; truth; turn; type; understanding; unintelligible; union; unity; universal; universe; use; value; verbal; vicious; view; vision; vital; vol; way; ways; wholes; wider; wise; wish; witness; words; work; working; world; writings; years cache: 11984.txt plain text: 11984.txt item: #19 of 181 id: 12002 author: Grote, George title: Review of the Work of Mr John Stuart Mill Entitled, 'Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy.' date: None words: 18583 flesch: 50 summary: It presents in direct antithesis two most conspicuous representatives of the modern speculative mind of England--Sir W. Hamilton and Mr John Stuart Mill. Sir W. Hamilton has exercised powerful influence over the stream of thought during the present generation. keywords: absolute; abstraction; account; acquired; actual; association; attention; attributes; author; authority; belief; best; book; brown; case; chapters; character; concrete; consciousness; cousin; degree; different; direct; distinction; distinguished; doctrine; evidence; examination; experience; express; extension; fact; footnote; formal; free; general; god; goodness; great; greater; half; history; human; important; induction; infinite; instructive; intellectual; introspective; john; judgment; knowledge; language; laws; lectures; liberty; life; like; little; logic; manner; mansel; marked; matter; meaning; means; mental; merits; metaphysics; method; mind; mode; mr mansel; mr mill; names; natural; necessary; necessity; negative; new; non; number; object; opinion; original; particular; parts; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; point; predicate; present; primary; problem; process; proof; proper; propositions; psychological; purpose; question; real; reason; reasoning; regard; relation; relative; relativity; remarkable; science; scientific; second; self; sensation; sense; sir w.; sir william; special; study; subject; syllogism; system; terms; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; unknowable; valuable; value; view; volume; w. hamilton; way; whately; william; words; work; world; writers; writings cache: 12002.txt plain text: 12002.txt item: #20 of 181 id: 12699 author: None title: The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher Containing his Complete Masterpiece and Family Physician; his Experienced Midwife, his Book of Problems and his Remarks on Physiognomy date: None words: 109007 flesch: 70 summary: Barrenness makes women look young, because they are free from those pains and sorrows which other women are accustomed to. Yet they have not the full perfection of health which other women enjoy, because they are not rightly purged of the menstruous blood and superfluous seed, which are the principal cause of most uterine diseases. keywords: able; accident; account; act; action; agaric; almonds; aloes; aniseed; arms; arteries; bad; barrenness; bearing; beasts; bed; beginning; begotten; belly; berries; best; betony; better; big; birth; black; bladder; bleeding; blood; bodies; body; boil; bold; bones; bowels; brain; break; breast; breath; broken; broth; bruised; burden; business; buttocks; calamint; camomiles; care; careful; cases; cast; cause; causeth; certain; change; chapter; chief; child; children; choler; choleric; cinnamon; clear; close; cloth; cold; coldness; colour; common; complexion; conceive; conception; constitution; contrary; copulation; corrupt; courses; creatures; cure; cut; danger; dangerous; day; days; dead; death; deceitful; decoction; degrees; delivery; desire; diet; different; difficult; digestion; directions; disease; disposition; distemper; dog; doth; double; downwards; drachm; draw; drawing; drink; dropsy; dry; dull; ears; easy; effect; eggs; eighth; electuary; end; envious; evil; excrements; expel; external; extraordinary; eyes; face; faculty; fall; false; fat; fear; feet; female; feverfew; figure; fine; fingers; fire; fit; flesh; flow; flowers; flowing; flux; following; food; force; form; fourth; fruit; generation; glass; god; good; grains; great; greater; green; gross; hair; half; hand; handful; hard; hath; head; heat; heavy; help; hinder; hippocrates; hips; hold; honey; hot; hours; house; humidity; humours; hurt; ill; illustration; imagination; inclined; increase; infant; inflammation; instrument; internal; inward; judgment; juice; kind; labour; large; lean; learned; leaves; left; legs; life; ligaments; like; lilies; line; linseed; little; living; loins; long; longer; love; lozenges; lungs; lying; making; male; mallows; manner; mastic; matrix; matter; means; meat; melancholy; membranes; men; menses; mercury; middle; midwife; midwives; milk; mind; mixed; moisture; mole; month; monthly; moon; morning; mother; motion; mugwort; myrrh; natural; nature; navel; near; necessary; neck; need; nerves; new; nose; nourishment; nutmeg; nutriment; occasion; oil; ointment; open; operation; operator; opinion; order; orifice; ounce; outward; pains; paps; parents; particular; parts; passage; patient; penis; pennyroyal; people; perfect; person; phlegm; phlegmatic; physicians; physiognomy; piece; pills; place; plantain; plaster; pleasure; pores; possible; posture; powder; pregnant; prepared; present; principal; privities; proceeds; proper; proud; purge; purpose; quality; quantity; quinces; raised; ready; reason; received; red; remedies; remedy; respect; rest; rhubarb; right; roots; roses; round; rules; run; saffron; said; salt; scruple; seat; second; secret; sect; section; seed; seeing; seventh; sex; sharp; short; shoulders; sickness; signs; skin; sleep; small; smooth; soft; soul; spirits; spleen; stomach; stones; straight; strength; strong; subject; substance; subtle; sudden; sufficient; sugar; sun; suppression; sweet; syrup; taste; teeth; terms; testicles; thick; thighs; things; time; tongue; true; turn; twins; understanding; unnatural; upper; urine; vain; vapours; veins; venus; vessels; violence; violent; violets; virgins; virtue; viz; voice; want; warm; water; wax; way; ways; weak; weakness; whereof; white; wind; wine; wise; withal; woman; womb; work; world; young cache: 12699.txt plain text: 12699.txt item: #21 of 181 id: 12956 author: Dasgupta, Surendranath title: A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume 1 date: None words: 215740 flesch: 62 summary: _Pramâ@nasamuccaya_ and _Nyâyapraves'a_ of Di@nnâga (500 A.D.), _Pramâ@nayârttika kârikâ_ and _ In the illusion this is silver as when we mistake the conch-shell for the silver, it is the _cit,_ consciousness or reality as underlying the object represented to us by this or _idam_ that is the basis (_adhi@s@thâna_) of the illusion of silver. keywords: @rg; a.d; abhâva; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; accepted; accordance; account; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; ad@r@s@ta; addition; advanced; affirmation; agent; agreement; aha@mkâra; air; ajñâna; altogether; analogy; analysis; ancient; anger; animal; answer; anta@hkara@na; antecedent; antipathy; anumâna; apparent; appearance; apprehension; argument; arrangement; arthakriyâkâritva; arthâpatti; article; as'vagho@sa; aspect; associated; association; assume; assumption; atomic; atoms; attachment; attempt; attention; attitude; attribute; authority; available; avidyâ; avijjâ; b.c; b@rh; b@rhadâra@nyaka; bad; basis; beginning; beginningless; beings; belief; bengal; best; better; bhava; bhik@su; bhâ@sya; bhûtâdi; birth; black; blind; bliss; blue; bodies; bodily; body; bondage; book; brahman; breath; brief; bring; bringing; brâhma@nas; buddhagho@sa; buddhi; buddhist; candrakîrtti; capacity; caraka; career; cases; categories; category; causal; causation; cause; cease; century; certain; cessation; change; chapter; characteristics; characters; chinese; chândogya; cit; citta; class; classes; clay; clear; close; cloth; cognition; cognitive; collected; collocation; colour; combination; combined; coming; commentaries; commentary; commentator; common; compare; complete; compound; comprehension; concentration; concept; concerned; conch; conclusion; concomitance; conditions; conduct; conglomeration; connected; connection; consciousness; constant; constituting; construction; contact; content; continued; contradicted; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; control; correct; corresponding; course; cow; craving; creation; creator; creed; criticisms; current; cycle; data; date; day; days; death; decay; deeds; deep; defects; definite; definition; degree; denote; desire; destruction; details; determinate; determined; determining; deussen; devadatta; developed; development; devoid; dharma; dharmakîrtti; dhyâna; di@nnâga; dialectic; differences; different; difficult; direct; direction; disciple; discussions; dissolution; distinction; distinguished; diverse; diversity; do@sa; doctrine; doubt; dravya; dream; dualistic; duties; e.g.; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; edition; effect; efficiency; effort; elaborate; elements; emancipation; emphasis; ends; energy; enjoyment; enlightenment; enquiry; entities; entity; enumeration; equilibrium; erroneous; error; essence; essential; etc; eternality; european; events; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; example; existence; existent; existing; exists; experience; explanation; expression; external; extinction; extreme; eye; eyes; fact; factors; faith; faithful; fallacy; false; favour; fear; features; feeling; field; final; fire; fit; fixed; followers; following; food; footnote; footnote ref; force; forest; form; forming; fourth; free; fruits; functions; fundamental; future; gau@dapâda; gavaya; general; genus; gives; goal; god; gods; gold; good; great; greatest; gross; ground; group; growth; gu@naratna; gu@nas; half; hand; happening; happiness; head; hearing; heat; heaven; help; hetu; hidden; higher; highest; hill; hindu; hira@nyagarbha; history; hold; holding; house; human; hymns; i.e.; i.i; ibid; ideas; identical; identity; ignorance; iii; illumination; illusion; illusory; image; imaginary; imagination; immediate; impact; important; impositions; impressions; indefinable; independent; indian; indispensable; individual; inference; infinite; influence; inherent; injunctions; injury; inner; inseparable; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interesting; interpretation; introduction; invariable; invisible; involved; jacobi; jainism; jains; jayanta; jhâna; judgment; jug; jâti; jîva; k@siti; ka@nâda; kapila; karma; kathâvatthu; kau@tilya; khandhas; kinds; knower; knowing; knowledge; known; kumârila; kâla; kâra@na; kârikâ; language; large; latent; later; law; lead; leaves; left; li@nga; liberation; life; like; limitations; limited; literature; little; living; logic; logical; long; longer; lord; lost; luminous; macdonell; magical; mahat; mahâbhâ@sya; mahâvîra; mahâyâna; main; manas; manifestation; manifested; manifold; manner; mass; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; meditation; memory; mental; mention; mere; merit; metaphysics; method; middle; milk; mind; mis'ra; misery; modern; modes; modifications; mok@sa; moment; momentariness; moral; movement; mukti; mutual; mâyâ; mîmâ@msâ; naiyâyikas; names; natural; nature; naya; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; new; nikâya; nirvikalpa; nirvâ@na; non; notice; notion; number; nyâya; nyâyakandalî; nyâyamañjarî; nâgârjuna; nâmarûpa; object; objection; objective; observed; occurs; old; ones; operation; opinion; opponent; opposite; order; ordinary; organs; original; origination; orthodox; outside; pain; painful; parimâ@na; particles; particular; parts; passages; passions; past; patañjali; peculiar; people; perceiver; perceiving; perception; perceptual; performance; performed; perfuming; period; permanent; person; pervasive; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; physical; piece; place; plants; pleasurable; pleasure; point; pointed; portion; position; positive; possessing; possible; potency; potential; power; prabhâkara; practical; practice; prajâpati; prak@rti; pralaya; pramâ@na; pras'astapâda; pratyak@sa; pratîtyasamutpâda; preceded; premisses; preponderance; presence; present; presumption; previous; principle; probable; problems; proceeds; process; processes; produce; production; professor; proof; proper; propositions; prâmâ@nya; psychological; pudgala; pure; purity; purport; purpose; puru@sa; pâli; pâtañjala; qualities; quality; question; r.v.x; rajas; rational; ratnakîrtti; reality; realization; reals; reason; rebirth; ref; reference; refers; reflection; regard; related; relation; relative; religious; remains; remembered; removal; removed; rest; result; return; right; right knowledge; rise; rival; root; rose; rûpa; s'a@nkara; s'abda; s'vetâs'vatara; s'ûnyavâda; sa@mskâra; sa@myutta; sa@nkhâra; sacrifice; sacrificial; sage; salvation; samavâya; sameness; samâdhi; sanskrit; sarvâstivâdins; sattva; sautrântika; savikalpa; saññâ; scholars; school; sciences; scriptures; seal; second; section; seed; seeing; self; sensations; sense; sense knowledge; sentences; separate; series; set; shell; shows; silent; silver; similar; similarity; simple; single; size; skandhas; sky; sleep; sm@rti; small; smoke; snake; sorrow; sort; soul; sound; source; space; speak; special; species; specific; speculations; speech; spite; stages; state; statement; steady; strength; stress; strong; study; stuff; subject; substance; subtle; succession; suchness; suffering; suffers; sufficient; suitable; sukha; sun; support; suppose; supposition; supreme; suttas; svata@h; systematic; systems; sâ@mkhya; sâdhya; sâmânya; sîla; sûtras; t@r@s@nâ; taking; tamas; tanmâtras; taste; tathatâ; teacher; teachings; technical; tejas; tendencies; tendency; terms; testimony; texts; thatness; theistic; theory; theravâda; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; touch; transcendent; transformations; translation; transmigration; treatises; treatment; tree; true; true knowledge; truth; turn; type; tâtparya@tîkâ; udyotakara; ultimate; unchangeable; underlying; understanding; union; unity; universal; universe; unknown; unreal; unspeakable; upamâna; upani@sads; upaskâra; upâdâna; v@rtti; vai@s@nava; vaibhâ@sika; vais'e@sika; validity; value; vasubandhu; vedanâ; vedas; vedic; vedânta; veil; verses; vicious; view; viii; vijñâna; vijñânavâda; virtue; vis'e@sa; visible; vision; visual; visuddhimagga; vital; viz; vyâpti; vyâsabhâ@sya; vâcaspati; vâsanâ; vâtsyâyana; vâyu; want; way; ways; white; willing; wind; wisdom; wise; womb; wood; words; work; world; worldly; worship; writer; writing; wrong; years; yoga; yogavârttika; yogin; âkâs'a; âlayavijñâna; âra@nyakas; âtman; îs'vara; îs'varak@r@s@na cache: 12956.txt plain text: 12956.txt item: #22 of 181 id: 1347 author: Le Roy, Edouard title: A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson date: None words: 46878 flesch: 57 summary: To imagine that the religious and moral problem is bound to be regarded by Mr Bergson as arising when it is too late for revision, as admitting proposition and solution only as functions of a previous theoretical philosophy beyond which we should not go; that in his eyes the solution of this problem will be deduced from principles already laid down without any call for the introduction of new facts or new points of view, without any need to begin from a new intuition; that his view precludes all considerations of strictly spiritual life, of inner and profound action, regarding things in relation to God and in an eternal perspective: such a view would be illegitimate and unreasonable, first of all, because Mr Bergson has said nothing of the kind, and secondly, because it is contrary to all his tendencies. After the problem of consciousness Mr Bergson was bound to approach that of evolution, for psychological liberty is only truly conceivable if it begins in some measure with the first pulsation of corporal life. keywords: absolute; action; activity; actual; admit; analysis; appearance; art; aspect; attempt; attention; attitude; aware; beginning; bergson; better; birth; bodies; body; brain; capable; case; certain; change; characteristics; claim; clear; common; complete; conceive; conception; concepts; conceptual; conclusion; concrete; consciousness; consists; construction; contact; continuity; contrary; course; creation; creative; creative evolution; critical; criticism; current; data; degree; demands; depths; desire; determined; development; dialectic; different; direction; distinct; doctrine; doubt; doubtless; dream; duration; dynamic; easy; effect; effort; ego; elements; end; essay; essence; essential; evolution; example; existence; experience; external; eyes; fact; familiar; far; feeling; forms; frames; free; french; function; fundamental; future; general; genesis; genuine; grasp; group; habits; hand; history; homogeneous; human; ideas; images; immediacy; immediate; impulse; inert; infinite; initial; inner; instinct; intelligence; internal; introduction; intuition; kant; kind; knowledge; language; law; liberty; life; light; like; lines; little; living; long; man; manner; marks; material; matter; mean; meaning; mechanical; mechanism; memory; mental; metaphysics; method; mind; moment; moral; movement; mr bergson; multiplicity; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; new philosophy; number; numerical; object; old; open; order; ordinary; original; outside; page; passing; past; path; perception; phases; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; planes; play; point; position; positive; possible; practical; precise; preface; present; previous; primitive; principle; problem; proceeding; profound; progress; psychological; psychology; pure; qualitative; quality; question; reach; ready; reality; reason; recollection; reflection; reform; regard; relation; relative; remains; research; rest; result; return; rhythm; round; scheme; science; scientific; second; sense; series; short; simple; society; solution; soul; source; space; spiritual; state; static; stream; study; subject; sufficient; symbols; sympathy; synthetic; system; taking; task; tendencies; tendency; terms; theory; thesis; things; thought; time; today; true; truth; understanding; unity; universal; use; useful; value; view; vital; way; wealth; word; work cache: 1347.txt plain text: 1347.txt item: #23 of 181 id: 13726 author: Plato title: Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates date: None words: 52363 flesch: 75 summary: for that I have purposely during my life not remained quiet, but neglecting what most men seek after, money-making, domestic concerns, military command, popular oratory, and, moreover, all the magistracies, conspiracies, and cabals that are met with in the city, thinking that I was in reality too upright a man to be safe if I took part in such things, I therefore did not apply myself to those pursuits, by attending to which I should have been of no service either to you or to myself; but in order to confer the greatest benefit on each of you privately, as I affirm, I thereupon applied myself to that object, endeavoring to persuade every one of you not to take any care of his own affairs before he had taken care of himself in what way he may become the best and wisest, nor of the affairs of the city before he took care of the city itself; and that he should attend to other things in the same manner. Far otherwise: I have been convicted through want indeed, yet not of arguments, but of audacity and impudence, and of the inclination to say such things to you as would have been most agreeable for you to hear, had I lamented and bewailed and done and said many other things unworthy of me, as I affirm, but such as you are accustomed to hear from others. keywords: able; abstract; account; accusers; act; afraid; air; answer; argument; arrive; athenians; beautiful; best; better; body; care; case; causes; cebes; certain; children; city; clear; cold; consider; contraries; contrary; country; crito; danger; day; dead; death; degree; deity; depart; desire; different; divine; earth; endeavor; equal; equality; escape; evil; exist; fear; following; form; friends; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; hades; harmony; hearing; heat; hope; human; idea; immortal; invisible; judges; jupiter; justice; kind; know; knowledge; laws; leave; length; life; like; little; living; long; longer; lyre; magnitude; making; man; manner; means; melitus; men; mind; multitude; nature; necessary; necessity; number; occasion; odd; opinion; order; parts; person; philosophy; phædo; place; plato; pleasures; poison; possible; present; pure; purpose; question; reality; reason; reasoning; respect; rest; return; right; saying; sec; senses; short; similar; simmias; socrates; soul; speaking; state; subject; sufficient; things; thought; time; trial; true; truth; use; virtue; visible; water; way; willing; wisdom; wise; wish; youth cache: 13726.txt plain text: 13726.txt item: #24 of 181 id: 14328 author: Boethius title: The Consolation of Philosophy date: None words: 43378 flesch: 76 summary: But if they are not able to fulfil their promises, and, moreover, lack many good things, is not the happiness men seek in them clearly discovered to be a false show? Yet, while other things are content with their own, ye who in your intellect are God-like seek from the lowest of things adornment for a nature of supreme excellence, and perceive not how great a wrong ye do your Maker. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; age; aim; answer; bad; beauty; beginning; bent; better; blessings; bodily; body; boethius; book; bounds; care; cast; cause; cease; certain; chance; character; clear; close; cold; common; conclusion; condition; course; creatures; crime; day; death; deem; deep; delight; desire; didst; different; dignity; divine; dost; dost thou; doth; doubt; earth; efficacy; end; error; escape; essence; eternal; eternity; events; evil; excellence; existence; eyes; face; fact; faculty; fain; fair; fall; false; fame; far; fate; father; fear; felicity; find; fixed; footnotes; force; foreknowledge; form; fortune; free; freedom; friends; future; gaze; gifts; glory; god; gold; good; good fortune; good things; goodness; great; grief; hand; happiness; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; high; highest; highest good; hold; home; honours; hope; human; ignorance; iii; ill; imagination; independence; infinite; jowett; joy; judge; judgment; justice; king; knowledge; law; left; lest; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; lost; lot; love; lust; man; manifest; manner; marvel; matter; mayst; means; men; mind; misery; moment; money; mortal; movement; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; needs; new; object; occurrence; opinion; order; parts; path; perfect; philosophy; place; plain; plato; pleasure; point; poor; possession; possible; power; prayer; precious; present; prize; proper; providence; public; punishment; race; rank; reason; renown; rest; reverence; reward; riches; righteous; sake; seek; self; senate; sense; set; sickness; simplicity; single; song; sort; soul; source; space; spirit; splendour; stars; state; storm; strange; strength; strong; sun; supreme; supreme good; sweetness; swift; tears; thee; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou wilt; thought; thy; time; tis; true; true good; truth; turn; unity; universal; universe; vice; vii; virtue; vision; vol; want; way; ways; wealth; wert; wicked; wickedness; wide; wild; wilt; winds; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worthy; wretched; wrong cache: 14328.txt plain text: 14328.txt item: #25 of 181 id: 14357 author: Jones, Abel J. (Abel John) title: Rudolph Eucken : a philosophy of life date: None words: 26789 flesch: 61 summary: Maeterlinck, 44 Man, natural and spiritual, 53, 54 ---- transcending the material, 46 Mediation, 74 Mediator, Christ as, 74 Methods of Eucken, 14, 15 Mind, limits of, 52 Miracle, 77 Mysticism, 75 Naturalism and freedom, 26 ---- as a solution of the problem of life, 22-26 ---- its own disproof, 25 Natural life, relation to spiritual life, 52-54 ---- ---- Some never get further, and dispense with the question of human life and thought as mere aspects or manifestations of the material world. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; activity; ages; aim; aspects; attempt; attention; basis; belief; case; certain; chapter; character; christianity; church; clear; community; complete; conception; concerned; conclusion; conditions; course; criticism; culture; day; deeper; definite; development; discussion; divine; doctrine; doubt; emphasis; endeavour; environment; eternal; eucken; evil; existence; experience; explanation; extent; fact; faith; fight; final; form; freedom; fundamental; general; god; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; help; higher; higher life; higher world; highest; historical; history; human; human life; humanity; idealism; ideas; impressions; independent; individual; individualism; intellect; intellectual; interest; invisible; knowledge; law; laws; life; little; long; low; m.a; main; making; man; mankind; material; material world; matter; meaning; means; mediation; mere; mind; miracle; movement; natural; natural life; natural world; naturalism; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; new life; order; past; personalities; personality; philosophers; philosophy; place; point; position; possibility; possible; power; presence; present; problem; prof; profound; progress; purpose; question; reality; reasoning; redemption; regard; relation; religion; result; satisfactory; science; search; self; sense; socialism; society; solution; soul; special; spiritual life; spiritual world; stage; standard; study; subjective; superficial; system; theories; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; universal; universal spiritual; universe; value; view; way; wonder; work; world cache: 14357.txt plain text: 14357.txt item: #26 of 181 id: 14636 author: Unamuno, Miguel de title: Tragic Sense Of Life date: None words: 120964 flesch: 63 summary: And what but that is the meaning of that comic conception of _eternal recurrence_ which issued from the tragic soul of poor Nietzsche, hungering for concrete and temporal immortality? To believe in a living and personal God, in an eternal and universal consciousness that knows and loves us, is to believe that the Universe exists _for_ man. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; absurd; abyss; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; advocacy; ages; angel; anguish; animal; annihilation; answer; anthropomorphic; anti; apocatastasis; apostle; application; arguments; aristotle; attempt; attitude; author; authority; avail; aware; basis; basque; beatific; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believe; believing; best; better; birth; bishop; blood; bodies; body; bone; book; bread; brother; business; cain; calderón; calling; capable; catholic; catholicism; cause; cells; central; centuries; century; certain; change; chap; chapter; character; charity; child; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; civilization; claim; clear; cloister; close; collective; comedy; common; compassion; complete; concept; conception; concerned; conclusion; concrete; condition; conduct; confidence; conflict; conscience; consciousness; consequences; consolation; contemplation; content; continuity; contradiction; contrary; converted; converting; cor; country; course; creation; creative; critical; criticism; cross; cry; culture; curiosity; dante; day; days; dead; death; deep; definition; degree; delight; demands; depths; descartes; desire; despair; destiny; different; difficulty; direct; discovery; disease; distinct; distinction; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; dogma; don; doubt; dream; duty; earth; east; economic; economy; effect; effort; element; embrace; end; endeavour; ends; energy; english; enjoyment; equivalent; essay; essence; essential; esthetic; eternal; eternal life; eternalization; eternity; ethic; ethical; europe; evil; example; existence; existing; exists; experience; explanation; expression; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; fame; famous; fate; father; faust; fear; feeling; fellow; figure; finality; finds; flesh; footnotes; force; form; formula; foundation; free; fruit; fruitful; function; future; gaze; general; glory; god; gods; goethe; good; goodness; gospel; grade; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; guarantee; guilt; hand; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; heaven; hegel; helen; hell; hellenic; help; higher; historical; history; holy; hope; human; human consciousness; human god; human reason; human soul; humanity; hume; hunger; idea; identical; iii; illusion; image; imagination; immediate; immortality; impulse; individual; individual consciousness; individuality; infinite; inhuman; inner; inspiration; instance; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; intimate; inward; irreplaceable; israel; james; jesus; jews; justice; justification; kant; kierkegaard; kind; kingdom; know; knowing; knowledge; lack; language; later; latin; law; lead; leave; left; letters; liberty; lies; life; light; like; limitation; limits; literature; little; live; living; logical; logical god; longer; longing; lord; love; luther; madness; main; making; man; man kant; mankind; manner; mark; masculine; material; matter; meaning; means; medieval; memory; men; mere; metaphysical; method; middle; midst; miguel; mind; misery; modern; moment; monotheism; moral; morality; mother; motives; movement; moves; mystery; mystical; mysticism; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbours; new; non; nothingness; notion; novel; number; obermann; objective; occupation; old; open; opinion; opposed; opposite; optimism; order; organism; origin; original; outside; pagan; paganism; paradise; particular; pascal; passes; passion; passionate; past; patience; paul; pedantry; people; perfect; permanent; perpetuation; persistence; personal; personal consciousness; personal god; personality; personalization; persons; pessimism; phenomenon; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; phrase; physical; pity; place; plato; play; pleasure; poem; poetry; point; poor; popular; portuguese; position; positive; possible; power; practical; present; preservation; pride; primitive; principle; problem; process; product; professor; profound; progress; proof; proposition; protestant; protestantism; public; pure; purpose; question; quixote; race; rate; rational; rational god; rationalism; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; redemption; reformation; regard; religion; religious; renaissance; reply; representation; resignation; respect; rest; resurrection; return; revelation; ridicule; ridiculous; ritschl; river; root; sacrament; sacrifice; saint; sake; salvation; sancho; satisfied; save; saying; scepticism; science; scientific; second; secret; seeing; self; sense; sensible; sentence; series; service; set; shadow; short; silence; simple; sin; sincerity; single; sleep; social; society; solidarity; solution; sorrow; soul; source; space; spain; spaniard; spanish; species; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spite; springs; starting; state; strength; strong; struggle; study; subject; substance; substantial; suffering; suffers; sum; support; supposition; supreme; survival; system; talk; temporal; tendency; teresa; term; terrible; thanks; thee; theological; theology; theoretical; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thirst; thought; thy; time; total; touch; tradition; tragedy; tragic; transcendental; tree; triumph; true; trust; truth; turn; type; ultimate; unable; unamuno; uncertainty; understanding; unhappy; union; unique; united; unity; universal; universe; vain; validity; value; vanity; vast; vida; view; vii; virtue; vision; vital; voice; want; way; ways; weak; wherefore; whosoever; wisdom; wish; wishes; woman; words; wordsworth; work; world; writing; yearning; years; zeus cache: 14636.txt plain text: 14636.txt item: #27 of 181 id: 14657 author: Bentwich, Norman title: Philo-Judæus of Alexandria date: None words: 68239 flesch: 64 summary: [Footnote 237: Quoted by Suidas, _s.v._ Philo.] But to Philo Judaism was something more comprehensive. keywords: abraham; account; action; activity; age; ages; agreement; agrippa; alexander; alexandria; allegorical; allegories; allegory; ancient; angels; anti; apion; aristotle; ascetic; aspect; attacks; attempt; attitude; attributes; authority; b.c.e; babylon; beautiful; belief; ben; best; bible; biblical; blessed; body; book; cabbalah; cause; centre; centuries; century; certain; chapter; cherubim; chief; children; christian; christianity; church; city; clear; code; commentary; common; community; comp; complete; conception; conduct; contemplation; continuous; creation; creative; creator; culture; customs; day; days; death; deeper; deity; desire; development; devoted; die; different; direct; distinguished; divine; doctrine; dogma; early; earth; effect; egypt; egyptian; emperor; empire; end; environment; essence; eternal; ethical; ethics; eusebius; evil; example; excellence; exegesis; exodus; exposition; expression; fact; faith; false; fancy; fathers; fear; feeling; festivals; following; footnote; force; foreign; form; fourth; free; fuga; function; gaius; general; generation; genesis; genius; gentile; gift; giving; god; godhead; good; goodness; government; governor; great; greater; greatest; greek; greek culture; greek ideas; greek philosophy; greek world; guide; haggadah; halakah; hand; harmony; heaven; hebraic; hebraism; hebrew; hellenic; hellenism; hellenistic; high; higher; highest; historical; history; holy; home; honor; hope; human; humanity; idealism; ideas; iii; image; imagination; impersonal; importance; incorporeal; independent; individual; influence; inner; inspiration; inspired; intellectual; interpretation; interpreter; isaac; israel; jacob; jerusalem; jesus; jewish; jewish community; jewish culture; jewish god; jewish law; jewish life; jewish philosophy; jewish religion; jewish thought; jewish tradition; jews; josephus; joy; judaism; judæa; judæus; justice; kingdom; knowledge; l.a; land; language; large; later; law; laws; legal; lesson; letter; life; light; like; link; literal; literary; literature; little; lives; lofty; logos; long; longer; lord; love; maimonides; main; making; man; mankind; manner; marked; master; material; meaning; means; men; message; metaphysics; method; middle; midrash; migr; mind; mingling; mission; missionary; model; modern; monotheism; moral; mosaic; moses; movement; mundi; mystic; mystical; mysticism; names; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; neo; new; noble; notion; number; object; observance; old; onias; opinion; opposed; order; original; outlook; outside; pagan; palestine; palestinian; particular; parts; passages; patriarchs; paul; people; perfect; period; philo; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; piety; pious; place; plato; platonic; platonism; poetical; point; political; popular; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; priest; principle; progress; proper; prophets; ptolemy; public; punishment; pure; purpose; quod; rabba; rabbinic; rabbis; race; real; reason; record; regard; reign; relation; religion; religious; remarkable; rest; righteousness; roman; rome; rule; saadia; sabbath; sacred; sanhedrin; scholars; schools; scriptures; second; sects; self; semites; semitic; sense; separate; septuagint; service; set; single; social; somn; soul; special; speculation; speech; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spread; standard; standpoint; state; stoic; strange; striking; study; subject; support; supreme; symbol; system; talmud; teachers; teaching; temple; text; theology; theory; things; thought; thy; time; torah; tradition; translation; treatise; treatment; true; true god; truth; type; typical; understanding; union; universal; universe; use; value; version; view; virtue; vision; way; wisdom; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writers; writings; years cache: 14657.txt plain text: 14657.txt item: #28 of 181 id: 15000 author: Santayana, George title: The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress date: None words: 320433 flesch: 51 summary: While in the shock of life man was always coming upon the accidental, in the quiet of reflection he could not but recast everything in ideal moulds and retain nothing but eternal natures and intelligible relations. Finally things are acted upon by other men, but thoughts are hidden from them by divine miracle. keywords: absence; absent; absolute; absorbed; absorbing; absorption; abstract; abstraction; absurd; accident; accompanies; account; achievement; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; adequate; adjustment; admirable; advance; advantage; adventitious; affairs; affection; affinities; affinity; agent; aims; alien; allegiance; altogether; ambiguous; ambition; analogy; analysis; ancient; angels; animal; animal life; answer; antecedents; appeal; appearance; appears; applicability; applicable; application; appreciation; apprehension; approach; appropriate; arbitrary; architecture; argument; aristocracy; aristocratic; aristotle; army; arrangement; arrest; art; articulate; articulation; artificial; artist; artistic; arts; ascetic; aspect; aspirations; assertion; association; assumed; assumption; assurance; atoms; attachment; attainable; attempt; attention; attitude; attribute; augustine; authority; automatic; autonomous; avail; aversion; awakened; aware; background; bad; balance; barbarian; barbarism; barbarous; basis; battle; beauties; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; beneath; beneficent; benefit; berkeley; best; betray; better; bias; birth; blessed; blind; blood; boast; bodies; bodily; body; bonds; book; bosom; brain; break; breath; breeds; brief; brute; building; burden; business; calculation; calling; calls; capacity; care; career; case; casual; catch; categories; category; catholic; causes; celestial; centre; cerebral; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charity; charm; chief; children; choice; christianity; christians; church; circle; circumstances; civilisation; civilised; claim; classes; classic; clear; clearness; closer; cogency; cognitive; collapse; colour; combined; comes; common; communion; community; comparison; complementary; complete; complex; complexity; comprehension; comradeship; conceivable; conceived; conceiving; conception; concepts; concerned; concerns; concrete; concretions; conditions; conduct; confidence; conflict; conformity; confused; confusion; congenial; congruity; congruous; conquest; conscience; consciousness; consequence; consideration; consist; consistent; conspicuous; constancy; constant; constituted; constitution; construction; contact; contagion; contemplation; context; continual; continued; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; control; conventional; conviction; core; correct; corresponding; corruption; cosmic; cosmos; counterpart; country; courage; course; creation; creative; creator; creature; criterion; critical; criticism; critics; cross; crude; cruel; cry; culture; cumulative; curiosity; curious; current; custom; daily; danger; dangerous; dante; dark; darwin; data; datum; day; days; dead; death; decay; decorative; deeper; deepest; defeat; definite; definition; degree; deity; delightful; deliverance; demands; democracy; democratic; democritus; dependence; depths; descartes; description; desirable; desire; despair; destiny; detail; determinate; determined; developed; development; devotion; dialectic; different; differs; difficulty; diffused; dignity; direction; discipline; discourse; discoverable; discovered; discrimination; discursive; disease; disembodied; disguise; disposition; dissolution; distance; distinction; distinguished; distribution; diversity; divine; divinity; divorce; doctrine; dogma; dogmatic; domestic; dominion; double; doubtless; dramatic; dream; dull; dumb; duties; duty; dynamic; earlier; early; earth; earthly; easy; echo; economy; ecstasy; education; effect; efficacious; efficacy; effort; elaborate; elementary; elements; eloquence; embodiment; embody; eminence; emotion; emotional; empire; empirical; end; endeavour; endless; endowment; enemies; energies; energy; enlarged; enlightened; enlightenment; entelechy; enthusiasm; entire; entities; environment; episodes; equal; equilibrium; error; escape; essence; essential; established; estimation; eternity; ethics; events; eventual; evidence; evil; evolution; exact; example; excellence; execution; exercise; exhausted; existence; existent; exists; expectation; experience; experiment; explanation; explicit; expresses; expression; extended; extension; extent; external; external world; extinction; extreme; eyes; fable; fabulous; face; fact; factors; faculties; faculty; failure; faith; faithful; fall; fallacy; fallen; false; fame; familiar; family; fanatical; fanaticism; fancies; fanciful; fancy; fantastic; far; fashion; fatal; fate; father; favourable; fear; fed; feeble; feeling; fellow; felt; fertile; fiction; fidelity; field; figure; filled; final; finding; fine; fire; fixed; fleeting; flight; flourish; flow; flower; flux; flying; focus; following; follows; folly; food; foolish; footnote; forces; foreign; forgotten; form; formal; fortunate; fortunes; forward; foundation; free; freedom; fresh; friendship; fruitful; fruits; fulfilment; function; fundamental; furnished; future; future life; gain; general; generation; genius; genuine; gesture; gift; glorious; glory; goal; god; gods; good; good life; goodness; gospel; government; grammar; gratuitous; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greece; greek; groping; ground; group; growth; guide; habits; habitual; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmonies; harmony; having; head; heart; heaven; hebraic; hebraism; hebrew; hegel; hell; help; heraclitus; hereditary; heroic; hidden; higher; highest; hint; historical; history; hitherto; hobbes; hold; home; honest; honour; hope; horror; hostile; human; human art; human body; human experience; human happiness; human ideal; human interests; human life; human mind; human nature; human progress; human reason; human thought; humanity; hume; hunger; hypostasis; hypothesis; hypothetical; ideal; ideal expression; ideal form; ideal function; ideal immortality; ideal interests; ideal knowledge; ideal life; ideal object; ideal science; ideal sense; ideal society; ideal things; ideal world; idealism; ideality; ideation; identical; identity; idle; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illusion; illustration; image; imaginary; imagination; imagined; imagining; imitation; immediacy; immediate; immense; immortality; imperfect; implications; important; impotence; impressions; improvement; impulse; imputed; incapable; incidental; incipient; incompatible; increase; independent; indifference; indirect; indispensable; individual; industrial; industry; inertia; inevitable; inexplicable; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; information; ingenuous; inherent; initial; injury; injustice; inner; inner life; innocent; insight; insignificant; inspiration; inspired; instance; instant; instinct; instinctive; institutions; instrumental; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intensity; intent; intention; interesting; interests; intermittent; internal; interpretation; intolerable; intrinsic; intuition; investigation; invisible; involved; inward; irrelevant; irresponsible; isolation; israel; issue; jehovah; jewish; jews; joy; joys; judge; judgment; justice; justification; justified; kant; key; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; known; labour; lack; landscape; language; lapse; large; later; law; laws; lead; learning; leave; left; legitimate; lends; level; liberal; liberal life; liberty; lies; life; like; likely; limited; limits; literary; literature; little; live; living; local; logical; long; longer; looks; lord; lose; loss; lost; love; loyalty; machinery; madness; magic; magical; making; man; manifest; mankind; manner; march; mark; marked; marriage; mass; material; material life; material things; material world; materialism; mathematical; matter; maxims; maximum; meaning; means; meantime; measure; mechanical; mechanism; medium; meet; melancholy; members; memories; memory; men; mental; mere; merit; metaphors; metaphysical; method; midst; military; mind; miracle; miraculous; miscellaneous; misfortune; misleading; mixture; model; modern; modified; moment; momentary; momentous; momentum; moral; moral experience; moral ideal; moral life; moral philosophy; moral science; moral world; moralist; morality; mother; motions; motives; movement; moves; moving; music; musical; mutual; mysteries; mystery; mystical; mysticism; mystics; myth; mythical; mythology; names; narrow; nations; native; natural; natural basis; natural conditions; natural existence; natural forces; natural history; natural ideal; natural life; natural man; natural objects; natural order; natural religion; natural science; natural world; naturalist; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; necessities; necessity; need; needful; neglect; new; new ideal; noble; nominal; non; notable; notion; novel; nucleus; number; numerous; nutrition; obedience; objects; obscure; observation; observer; obvious; occasion; occupation; offers; office; old; open; operation; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; opposed; opposite; optimism; oracular; order; ordinary; organic; organisation; organism; organs; oriental; origin; original; ornament; outer; outward; pagan; paganism; pages; pain; painful; painting; pantheism; paradise; paradox; parent; parental; partial; particular; party; passage; passing; passion; passionate; passive; past; pathetic; pathos; patience; patriarchal; patriotism; people; perception; perfect; performance; period; permanent; perpetual; persistent; personal; personality; persons; perspective; pertinent; pervasive; perverse; phase; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physical world; physics; physiological; picture; piety; pious; place; plastic; plasticity; plato; platonic; platonism; play; pleasure; poetic; poetical; poetry; poets; point; policy; political; politics; poor; popular; position; positive; possess; possesses; possession; possibilities; possibility; possible; possible experience; post; potential; potentialities; potentiality; power; powerful; practical; practical life; practice; prayer; precepts; precious; precise; pregnant; prejudices; premonition; prepared; prerational; presence; present; preserved; pressure; presumption; primary; primitive; primordial; principle; prior; private; privilege; problem; processes; products; profit; profound; progress; proof; proper; prophecy; prophetic; prophets; propitious; proportion; proportionate; propositions; prosaic; prose; prosperity; protestantism; proved; providence; psychic; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; pursuit; qualities; quality; quantity; quarter; question; quick; race; radical; range; rare; rational; rational art; rational life; rationality; reach; reaches; reaction; read; reading; real life; realisation; realities; reality; realm; reason; reasonable; receive; recognisable; recognition; recurrence; redemption; reference; refined; reflection; refuge; regard; regimen; region; relations; relative; relevance; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remembered; remote; rendering; renunciation; repetition; report; representative; represented; reproduction; republic; requisite; resources; respect; response; result; retrospective; return; revealed; revelation; revert; rewards; rhetoric; rhythm; rich; ridiculous; right; rise; rival; roman; romance; romantic; room; rooted; roots; rudimentary; rule; runs; rôle; sacred; sacrifice; sad; saint; sake; salvation; sanction; satisfaction; satisfied; satisfy; savage; save; saying; scale; scepticism; school; science; scientific; scope; sculpture; seat; second; secondary; secret; secure; seed; seeing; self; selfishness; sensation; sense; sensibility; sensible; sensitive; sensuous; sentience; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; setting; sexual; share; shift; shifting; shows; sidenote; significance; signification; signs; similar; similarity; simple; simplicity; sincere; sincerity; single; singular; situation; skeleton; sky; slaves; small; social; social life; society; socrates; socratic; soil; sophistry; sorrow; sort; soul; sound; source; space; spatial; speak; speaking; special; species; specific; speculative; speech; sphere; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spiritual life; spirituality; spite; spontaneity; spontaneous; springs; stability; stable; stages; standard; stands; stars; starting; state; status; steady; step; stimulus; stoics; strain; strange; strength; stress; strong; structure; study; stuff; style; subject; subjective; sublime; subsist; subsisting; substance; substantial; substitute; success; successful; successive; suffering; suffers; suffices; sufficient; suggested; suggestions; sun; superficial; superior; supernatural; superstition; supply; support; supposed; supreme; surface; surrender; survey; surviving; suspended; sustained; symbolic; symbols; sympathetic; sympathy; synthesis; synthetic; system; systematic; task; taste; temper; temporal; tendencies; tendency; tenderness; tentative; terms; terrible; tertiary; test; texture; theme; theology; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thought; time; tone; total; touch; tradition; tragic; training; transcendental; transformations; transitive; treatment; triumph; trivial; trouble; true; trust; trustworthy; truth; turn; turning; type; typical; tyranny; ulterior; ultimate; unaccountable; unanimity; unchanged; unconscious; underlying; understanding; union; unity; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; unmeaning; unreal; unstable; useful; useless; usual; utility; utter; vain; validity; value; vanity; variations; varied; variety; vehicle; verbal; verification; victory; view; violence; violent; virgin; virtue; visible; vision; visionary; vistas; vital; vitality; vivid; vocation; voice; volume; voluntary; vulgar; want; war; warrant; way; ways; weak; weakness; wealth; weight; welcome; welfare; wide; willing; wills; wisdom; wise; wish; witness; women; wonder; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worldliness; worldly; worse; worship; worth; wrong; years; yields; young; youth; zeal; æsthetic cache: 15000.txt plain text: 15000.txt item: #29 of 181 id: 15098 author: Morley, John title: Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol. 1 of 2) date: None words: 99174 flesch: 67 summary: Of Diderot and his circle, such knowledge cannot be taken for granted, and I have therefore thought it best to occupy a considerable space, which I hope that those who do me the honour to read these pages will not find excessive, with what is little more than transcript or analysis. The social significance and the positive quality of much of their writing is more easily missed, and this side of their work it has been one of my principal objects, alike in the case of Voltaire, of Rousseau, and of Diderot, to bring into the prominence that it deserves in the history of opinion. keywords: abbé; absolute; account; action; active; admirable; advantages; affectation; aim; answer; argument; aristotle; arms; article; arts; associated; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; author; authority; bacon; bad; base; bayle; beauty; beginning; beings; best; better; birth; blind; body; book; booksellers; bread; breton; brilliant; broken; brother; business; busy; capable; care; case; catholic; catholicism; centre; centuries; century; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chief; children; christian; church; circle; circumstance; civil; claim; classic; clear; close; collection; comedy; common; company; complete; composition; conception; conclusion; condillac; conditions; condorcet; conduct; conscience; consciousness; consequences; considerable; constant; contempt; content; conversation; conviction; copy; corr; cost; country; couple; courage; course; court; creature; creed; cries; critical; criticism; critics; cry; cuckoo; curious; d'alembert; dangerous; daughter; day; days; dead; deaf; deal; death; decisive; deep; definite; degree; des; descartes; desire; details; development; dialogue; dictionary; diderot; different; difficulty; direct; direction; discourse; discussion; dispute; distinct; doctrine; domestic; doubt; dozen; dramatic; dumb; duties; earlier; early; earth; easy; ecclesiastical; edition; education; effect; effective; eighteenth; elaborate; elements; eloquence; encyclopædia; encyclopædists; end; enemies; energetic; energy; england; english; enterprise; enthusiasm; equal; escape; essay; esteem; eternal; europe; evidence; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; experiment; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; false; family; famous; fancy; far; fashion; father; favour; fear; feeling; figure; fine; fire; firm; fixed; following; footnote; force; form; france; frederick; free; freedom; french; fresh; friends; friendship; fruit; function; future; general; generation; generous; geneva; genius; genre; german; gesture; gifts; globe; glory; god; goethe; good; goodness; government; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; grimm; grounds; group; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; hell; help; high; historic; history; holbach; home; honest; honour; hope; hours; house; human; humour; husband; ideas; ignorance; illustration; imagination; immense; important; independent; individual; industry; infinite; influence; ingenious; instance; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; intention; interest; interesting; jansenists; jesuits; judge; judgment; justice; key; kind; knowledge; known; labour; ladies; language; large; later; law; laws; leave; leibnitz; length; les; lessing; letters; lewis; liberty; library; life; like; likely; limits; lines; lips; list; literary; literature; little; living; livres; locke; london; long; longer; look; loss; louis; love; luxury; madame; mademoiselle; making; man; manners; manuscript; marked; marks; marmontel; marriage; mass; material; matter; maxims; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; mere; merit; metaphysics; method; middle; midst; mind; minister; misery; mistaken; modern; moment; money; monstrous; montesquieu; months; moral; morality; morning; morrow; mother; motive; movement; multitude; music; names; nation; national; natural; nature; necessary; need; nephew; new; newton; notions; number; object; objections; observations; occasion; odious; oeuv; office; official; old; old man; open; operation; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organisation; original; pages; pains; papers; paradox; paris; particular; party; passage; passing; passion; patient; people; perfection; person; personal; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; picture; piece; pity; place; plain; plato; play; player; pleasure; poet; point; police; political; poor; popular; positive; possession; possible; pounds; power; powerful; practical; practice; prades; prejudices; preliminary; present; pretensions; previous; priest; principle; printing; privilege; process; prodigious; profound; progress; proper; property; propositions; public; purpose; qualities; quality; quarrel; quarter; question; race; rameau; rare; rationalistic; reaction; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; reference; reflection; relations; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; reproduction; respect; result; return; revolution; rich; ridiculous; right; room; round; rousseau; royal; rules; saint; sake; satire; saunderson; saying; scene; scepticism; scheme; school; science; scientific; search; second; secret; self; sense; sensibility; sensible; sentiment; series; set; sets; shaftesbury; shakespeare; share; short; shows; significance; simple; single; singular; small; social; society; socrates; solid; sorry; soul; source; space; speak; special; speculation; speech; sphere; spinosa; spirit; spiritual; spite; stage; statue; step; strength; striking; strong; structure; study; style; subject; sublime; substance; substitute; success; succession; superstition; sure; sympathetic; sympathy; system; table; talents; talk; task; taste; temperament; terence; terms; testimony; text; theological; theology; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; throws; time; tis; tolerance; touch; touching; town; trade; tragedy; translation; trouble; true; truth; turgot; turn; turning; type; understanding; undertaking; union; universal; universe; useful; usual; value; vast; vein; view; vigorous; vii; violent; virtue; vision; visit; vivid; voice; voland; voltaire; volumes; walk; want; watch; way; wife; willing; wish; women; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; wrong; xiv; xix; xviii; years; young; youth cache: 15098.txt plain text: 15098.txt item: #30 of 181 id: 15268 author: None title: John Stuart Mill; His Life and Works Twelve Sketches by Herbert Spencer, Henry Fawcett, Frederic Harrison, and Other Distinguished Authors date: None words: 24601 flesch: 53 summary: Mr. Mill and his family, we there read, lived with Mr. Bentham for half of four years at Ford Abbey,--that is, between 1814 and 1817,--and they passed small portions of previous summers with him at Barrow Green. The pecuniary benefit which Mr. Mill derived from his intimacy with Bentham consisted in this,--that he and his family lived with him as his guests, while he was in the country, periods amounting in all to about two years and a half. keywords: abstract; action; actual; age; application; argument; author; avignon; bentham; best; bill; books; botanical; boy; career; century; certain; change; character; chief; class; clear; coleridge; company; complete; comte; condition; conduct; contributions; country; course; day; death; degree; department; devoted; differences; different; doctrine; doubt; early; east; economic; economy; education; england; essay; evidence; examination; example; experience; facts; famous; father; feeling; force; form; friends; future; general; generation; generous; good; government; great; greatest; grote; half; henry; herbert; higher; history; honor; house; human; importance; impossible; india; influence; intellectual; interest; intimate; ireland; james; james mill; john; kind; knowledge; known; land; law; left; liberty; life; like; likely; little; locke; logic; london; long; love; main; man; manner; master; means; memory; men; mere; mill; mind; months; moral; mountain; natural; nature; necessary; new; noble; number; occasion; office; opinions; original; originality; parliament; particular; personal; persons; philosophical; philosophy; place; poetry; point; political; political economy; politics; position; powerful; powers; practical; present; previous; principles; progress; proof; property; public; question; radicals; reason; reasoning; recognition; reform; regarded; relation; religious; remarkable; result; review; ricardo; school; science; scientific; sense; short; sir; society; spencer; standard; state; stuart; studies; study; subject; success; sympathy; system; task; theory; thing; thinker; thought; time; true; truth; universities; utilitarianism; value; views; volumes; way; ways; westminster; william; women; work; world; worth; writings; years cache: 15268.txt plain text: 15268.txt item: #31 of 181 id: 1572 author: Plato title: Timaeus date: None words: 73125 flesch: 58 summary: The liquid kind is composed of the small and unequal particles of water; and moves itself and is moved by other bodies owing to the want of uniformity and the shape of its particles; whereas the fusile kind, being formed of large and uniform particles, is more stable than the other, and is heavy and compact by reason of its uniformity. Of the particles coming from other bodies which fall upon the sight, some are smaller and some are larger, and some are equal to the parts of the sight itself. keywords: able; account; acid; affections; air; akin; ancient; animal; aristotle; atlantis; attraction; bad; beginning; belly; best; better; bile; black; blood; bodies; body; bone; breath; bright; causes; centre; certain; chaos; children; circle; citizens; city; class; cold; colour; common; conception; courses; creation; creator; critias; cut; day; degree; dialogues; different; difficulty; direction; discourse; diseases; disorders; diverse; divided; divine; doctrine; double; early; earth; education; egypt; egyptian; elements; end; entire; equal; equilateral; essence; eternal; evil; example; existence; explanation; expression; eye; eyes; facts; fairest; famous; fashioned; father; figures; fire; fixed; flesh; following; food; form; fourth; framed; free; future; general; generation; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; half; hand; harmony; head; hearing; heat; heaven; heavenly; heavy; help; higher; human; ideas; image; immortal; incapable; infinite; influence; inner; intelligence; intelligible; intermediate; internal; intervals; invisible; island; kindred; kinds; knowledge; language; larger; laws; left; lesser; life; light; like; liquid; little; liver; living; longer; makes; man; mankind; manner; marrow; mass; matter; mean; meaning; medicine; meet; mind; modern; moisture; moon; mortal; motion; mouth; movement; music; narrative; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; number; objects; old; opinion; opposite; order; original; outer; pain; particles; parts; pass; passage; pattern; perfect; person; phaedrus; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; phlegm; physical; physics; place; planets; plato; pleasure; point; pores; portions; possible; power; present; principle; prior; probability; probable; process; proportion; pure; pythagorean; question; race; rational; real; reason; received; regular; relation; remaining; remains; remark; republic; respiration; rest; return; revolution; revolving; round; salt; science; second; seed; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sides; similar; sinews; single; skin; small; smaller; smooth; socrates; solid; solon; sort; soul; source; space; sphere; spirit; stars; state; story; stream; subject; substance; sun; surface; tale; tendency; theory; things; thought; timaeus; time; tongue; tradition; triangles; true; truth; unequal; union; universe; vacuum; veins; view; visible; war; water; way; white; words; work; world; years; yesterday cache: 1572.txt plain text: 1572.txt item: #32 of 181 id: 1579 author: Plato title: Lysis date: None words: 12557 flesch: 82 summary: But the bad are not friends, for they are not even like themselves, and still less are they like one another. Hence the casuistical or other questions which arise out of the relations of friends have not often been considered seriously in modern times. keywords: answer; argument; bad; beloved; body; boys; case; congenial; course; ctesippus; dear; desire; enemy; evil; father; friend; friendship; good; great; hated; health; hippothales; knowledge; like; love; lysis; man; manner; mean; medicine; menexenus; mind; mother; nature; object; old; person; presence; question; reason; return; right; sake; saying; socrates; son; sort; sure; things; time; true; truth; unlike; use; value; want; way; white; wisdom; wise; words; wrong cache: 1579.txt plain text: 1579.txt item: #33 of 181 id: 1580 author: Plato title: Charmides date: None words: 21869 flesch: 67 summary: And if we could find something which is at once greater than itself, and greater than other great things, but not greater than those things in comparison of which the others are greater, then that thing would have the property of being greater and also less than itself? You come asking in what wisdom or temperance differs from the other sciences, and then you try to discover some respect in which they are alike; but they are not, for all the other sciences are of something else, and not of themselves; wisdom alone is a science of other sciences, and of itself. keywords: able; ancient; answer; argument; aristotle; art; author; balliol; beautiful; beauty; best; better; body; business; cases; certain; character; charmides; class; college; common; critias; cure; definition; dialogues; different; difficulty; edition; effect; element; english; evil; fellow; form; friend; general; good; great; greater; greek; grote; hand; happy; head; health; ideas; introductions; jackson; kind; knowledge; language; later; laws; life; like; likely; making; man; matter; meaning; medicine; mind; modern; modesty; nature; new; noble; notion; object; opinion; order; original; parmenides; philebus; philosophy; physician; place; plato; platonic; point; professor; question; quietness; reader; relation; republic; right; science; second; self; sense; sentence; similar; socrates; sophist; sort; soul; spirit; state; style; subject; temperance; theory; things; thought; time; translation; true; truth; use; vision; want; way; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; writings cache: 1580.txt plain text: 1580.txt item: #34 of 181 id: 1584 author: Plato title: Laches date: None words: 12295 flesch: 77 summary: For my opinion is, that if the professor of this art be a coward, he will be likely to become rash, and his character will be only more notorious; or if he be brave, and fail ever so little, other men will be on the watch, and he will be greatly traduced; for there is a jealousy of such pretenders; and unless a man be pre-eminent in valour, he cannot help being ridiculous, if he says that he has this sort of skill. There is no difficulty in seeing that the knowledge and practice of other military arts will be honourable and valuable to a man; and this lesson may be the beginning of them. keywords: actions; armour; art; ask; best; better; children; courage; courageous; education; endurance; evil; father; fear; fighting; friend; future; general; good; great; hope; knowledge; laches; like; lysimachus; man; matter; melesias; men; mode; nature; nicias; noble; old; opinion; past; present; quality; question; reason; saying; socrates; sons; soothsayer; sort; teachers; terrible; things; time; true; virtue; war; way; willing; wisdom; words; young cache: 1584.txt plain text: 1584.txt item: #35 of 181 id: 15877 author: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome title: Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus date: None words: 76380 flesch: 74 summary: Achilles tells Priam (Iliad, 24, 527) that Zeus has two casks, one filled with good things, and the other with bad, and that he gives to men out of each according to his pleasure; and so we must be content, for we cannot alter the will of Zeus. [from other things], nothing worthy of blame, nothing which seeks a hiding-place. keywords: a.d; able; act; acting; action; activity; acts; afraid; air; anger; angry; animal; answer; antoninus; apology; asia; atoms; augustus; aurelius; bad; beautiful; beginning; beings; believe; best; better; blame; bodies; body; book; breath; care; cassius; cause; certain; change; character; child; children; christians; cic; circumstances; common; community; compare; complete; conceive; condition; conformable; constitution; content; contrary; corrupt; course; daemon; day; dead; death; degree; deity; depart; desire; destiny; didst; die; different; difficult; disposition; dissolution; divine; divinity; doctrine; dost; dost thou; duty; earth; effect; elements; emperor; empire; end; endure; epictetus; error; ethic; eusebius; evidence; evil; example; existence; exists; experience; expression; external; eyes; fact; faculty; fall; false; fame; father; fault; fear; feeling; fine; fire; fixed; flesh; following; form; free; freedom; friends; future; gataker; general; gods; good; good man; good things; government; governor; governs; great; greek; hadrian; hand; happiness; harm; hast; health; help; honor; human; human things; ignorance; impressions; infinite; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judgment; justice; justinus; kind; knowledge; labor; language; law; legion; life; like; little; lives; living; logos; longer; look; love; making; man; mankind; manner; marcus; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; moral; mother; movement; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; note; notion; object; occasion; old; opinion; order; original; pain; parts; passage; passion; past; peculiar; people; perceive; perfect; philosophers; philosophy; pius; place; plato; pleasure; political; poor; portion; possible; power; practical; praise; present; principles; proper; providence; purpose; rational; ready; real; reason; reference; relation; religion; reputation; requires; rescript; respect; rest; return; right; roman; rome; rules; ruling; rusticus; satisfied; saying; says; second; section; seed; self; seneca; sense; separated; sequence; series; short; simple; small; social; society; socrates; soul; space; speaks; state; stoic; sub; substance; sufficient; superior; teachers; terms; text; thee; things; think; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou wilt; thoughts; thy; time; trajan; tranquillity; translation; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; universal; universal nature; universe; use; useful; uses; value; verus; vexed; vii; viii; virtue; want; war; way; wilt; wish; word; work; worse; worth; writers; wrong; xii; years; young; zeus cache: 15877.txt plain text: 15877.txt item: #36 of 181 id: 1591 author: Plato title: Protagoras date: None words: 28115 flesch: 71 summary: There yet remains one difficulty which has been raised by you about the sons of good men. What is the reason why good men teach their sons the knowledge which is gained from teachers, and make them wise in that, but do nothing towards improving them in the virtues which distinguish themselves? keywords: able; alcibiades; answer; argument; art; assent; bad; best; better; callias; capable; case; character; common; companion; company; confident; conversation; courageous; day; dialogue; different; difficulty; discussion; doubt; evil; example; face; flute; folly; friend; good; good man; great; greater; greek; hand; hard; help; hippias; hippocrates; holiness; honourable; house; human; ignorance; ignorant; justice; knowledge; lacedaemonians; life; like; long; love; man; mankind; manner; meaning; means; men; mind; mistaken; money; names; nature; opinion; opposite; order; pain; painful; parts; philosophy; physician; pittacus; plato; pleasant; pleasure; poem; poets; point; political; praise; private; prodicus; profession; protagoras; question; ready; reason; rest; right; saying; simonides; socrates; sons; sophist; sort; soul; speech; state; strength; teachers; temperance; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; view; virtue; want; way; wisdom; wise; wish; words; world; young cache: 1591.txt plain text: 1591.txt item: #37 of 181 id: 1598 author: Plato title: Euthydemus date: None words: 21080 flesch: 77 summary: And should we be happy by reason of the presence of good things, if they profited us not, or if they profited us? Well, Cleinias, but if you have the use as well as the possession of good things, is that sufficient to confer happiness? keywords: able; ancient; animals; answer; argument; art; better; brother; business; certain; class; cleinias; conclusion; contradiction; crito; ctesippus; desire; dialogue; different; dionysodorus; disciples; euthydemus; evil; fallacies; father; fortune; general; gold; good; good things; great; happiness; happy; heracles; hope; kingly; knowledge; language; learn; learning; letters; life; like; logic; makes; making; man; manner; master; mean; meaning; men; mind; money; nature; new; opinion; person; philosophy; plato; point; possession; power; present; quality; question; rest; right; saying; science; sense; silent; socrates; sophists; sort; speaking; speeches; strangers; study; subject; teachers; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; virtue; vision; way; wisdom; wise; words; young; youth cache: 1598.txt plain text: 1598.txt item: #38 of 181 id: 1600 author: Plato title: Symposium date: None words: 32810 flesch: 66 summary: The value which he attributes to such loves as motives to virtue and philosophy is at variance with modern and Christian notions, but is in accordance with Hellenic sentiment. Pausanias is very earnest in the defence of such loves; and he speaks of them as generally approved among Hellenes and disapproved by barbarians. keywords: actions; affection; agathon; age; alcibiades; animals; answer; aphrodite; apollodorus; aristodemus; aristophanes; art; ashamed; attendant; banquet; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beloved; best; better; birth; body; cause; certain; character; children; common; company; compare; conversation; custom; day; days; desire; different; diotima; discourse; dishonour; divine; drink; drinking; earth; elements; eryximachus; eternal; everlasting; evil; existence; fair; fairest; father; feet; flute; form; friend; friendship; future; general; god love; gods; good; great; greatest; greek; half; hands; happiness; harmony; head; heavenly; hiccough; highest; homer; honour; honourable; human; ignorance; immortality; knowledge; laugh; left; life; like; long; love; lovers; making; male; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; medicine; men; mind; mortal; mother; music; nature; new; noble; old; open; order; original; parents; pausanias; person; phaedrus; philosophy; physician; place; plato; poetry; poets; possession; power; praise; present; principle; question; ready; reason; right; round; sacrifices; sake; sense; similar; socrates; sort; soul; speech; speeches; state; symposium; tale; things; thought; time; true; true love; truth; turn; union; virtue; want; way; wisdom; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; yesterday; young; youth; zeus cache: 1600.txt plain text: 1600.txt item: #39 of 181 id: 1616 author: Plato title: Cratylus date: None words: 53085 flesch: 67 summary: But he does not see that 'habit and repute,' and their relation to other words, are always exercising an influence over them. We may learn something also from the falterings of old age, the searching for words, and the confusion of them with one another, the forgetfulness of proper names (more commonly than of other words because they are more isolated), aphasia, and the like. keywords: abstract; accent; action; aei; ages; air; alpha; altered; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; apo; arete; argument; astyanax; athene; aware; bad; barbarians; beauty; beginning; best; better; body; case; causes; certain; change; character; colour; common; compare; conscious; convention; correctness; course; cratylus; custom; day; deal; degrees; delta; derivation; desire; dialectician; dialogue; differences; different; difficulty; disguised; doctrine; earth; element; english; enquiry; epsilon; essence; eta; etymologies; euphony; euthyphro; example; existence; explanation; expression; fact; false; falsehood; father; fear; figure; fitness; flux; foreign; form; formation; friend; general; giver; giving; gods; good; grammar; great; greater; greatest; greek; growth; half; hand; heracleitus; hermes; hermogenes; hesiod; higher; history; homer; horse; human; ideas; image; imitation; imperfect; impossible; individual; influence; instinct; instrument; intelligible; iota; justice; kakia; kind; king; knowledge; language; later; laws; legislator; length; letters; life; like; likely; literature; little; long; longer; look; making; man; manner; matter; meaning; means; men; mere; mind; modern; moment; motion; names; natural; nature; need; new; notions; nouns; number; objects; old; omicron; opinion; opposite; order; organs; origin; original; parts; perfect; person; phaedrus; philology; philosophers; philosophy; picture; place; plato; poetry; poets; point; poor; power; present; previous; primary; primitive; principle; process; progress; proper; proposition; prose; protagoras; purpose; quasi; question; race; real; reason; relation; remark; rest; result; rho; right; rules; running; saying; science; sense; sentence; shuttle; similar; single; skilled; socrates; son; sophist; sort; soul; sound; speaker; speech; state; stream; study; subject; sun; sure; syllables; teacher; term; theory; things; thought; time; tongue; tou; true; true names; truth; understanding; use; uses; verbs; view; vocal; vowels; want; way; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; writers; writing; wrong; zeus cache: 1616.txt plain text: 1616.txt item: #40 of 181 id: 16306 author: Whyte, Alexander title: Jacob Behmen: An Appreciation date: None words: 12077 flesch: 71 summary: But if you are a true student and a good man; if you are an open-minded and a humble- minded man; if you are prepared to sit at any man's feet who will engage to lead you a single step out of your ignorance and your evil; if you open Behmen with a predisposition to believe in him, and with the expectation and the determination to get good out of him,--then, in the measure of all that; in the measure of your capacity of mind and your hospitality of heart; in the measure of your humility, seriousness, patience, teachableness, hunger for truth, hunger for righteousness,--in that measure you will find Jacob Behmen to be what MAURICE tells us he found him to be, 'a generative thinker.' At the same time let all intending students of Jacob Behmen take warning that they will have to learn an absolutely new and an unheard-of language if they would speak with Behmen and have Behmen speak with them. keywords: aurora; author; behmen; best; better; bishop; book; bunyan; chap; christ; creatures; day; deep; deepest; depth; divine; doctrine; english; essence; eternal; evil; eyes; father; form; german; god; goerlitz; good; great; heart; heaven; hell; holy; human; jacob; jacob behmen; john; knowledge; language; law; life; light; like; little; long; love; man; manner; master; melancholy; mind; minister; nature; near; new; open; order; original; pen; philosophy; power; prayer; principles; questions; reader; reason; repentance; richter; sin; son; soul; spirit; strength; student; study; supersensual; thee; theological; theology; things; thou; throw; thy; time; treatise; true; truth; understanding; universe; walter; walton; way; william; work; world; writing cache: 16306.txt plain text: 16306.txt item: #41 of 181 id: 1636 author: Plato title: Phaedrus date: None words: 38382 flesch: 68 summary: Such is the life of the gods; but of other souls, that which follows God best and is likest to him lifts the head of the charioteer into the outer world, and is carried round in the revolution, troubled indeed by the steeds, and with difficulty beholding true being; while another only rises and falls, and sees, and again fails to see by reason of the unruliness of the steeds. If you say that the lover is more to be esteemed, because his love is thought to be greater; for he is willing to say and do what is hateful to other men, in order to please his beloved;--that, if true, is only a proof that he will prefer any future love to his present, and will injure his old love at the pleasure of the new. keywords: able; afraid; age; ages; ancient; animal; answer; arguments; art; author; bad; beauty; beginning; beholds; beloved; best; better; body; case; certain; character; charioteer; class; company; compare; composition; conception; conversation; country; day; days; dear; desire; dialectic; dialogue; different; difficulty; discourse; divine; earnest; earth; element; error; evil; example; existence; eyes; face; fair; fall; feeling; figure; following; form; friend; friendship; future; genius; god; gods; good; grasshoppers; great; greater; greatest; greek; head; heaven; help; higher; holy; honour; horse; hour; human; ideas; ignorant; image; immortal; inspiration; inspired; interest; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; language; law; laws; left; length; life; like; likely; literary; literature; little; lives; living; long; love; lovers; lysias; madness; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; meaning; men; mind; modern; muses; names; natural; nature; new; noble; non; notion; old; opinion; orator; order; parts; passion; past; person; phaedrus; philosophy; place; plato; platonic; pleasure; poetry; point; power; prayer; present; principles; probability; question; rational; read; real; reason; recollection; republic; rest; return; rhetoric; rhetoricians; right; round; rules; saw; saying; second; self; sense; similar; socrates; sort; soul; speaker; speaking; speech; speeches; state; steeds; study; subject; superior; symposium; tale; temperance; things; thought; time; tree; true; truth; use; view; vision; want; way; ways; winged; wings; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; writer; writing; years; young; youth; zeus cache: 1636.txt plain text: 1636.txt item: #42 of 181 id: 1642 author: Plato title: Euthyphro date: None words: 9242 flesch: 78 summary: In other words, says Socrates, piety is 'a science of asking and giving'--asking what we want and giving what they want; in short, a mode of doing business between gods and men. He brings a wonderful accusation against me, which at first hearing excites surprise: he says that I am a poet or maker of gods, and that I invent new gods and deny the existence of old ones; this is the ground of his indictment. keywords: act; action; art; attention; better; dear; definition; differences; euthyphro; father; fear; friend; gods; good; great; holiness; holy; impiety; impious; justice; like; man; meletus; men; murder; murderer; nature; piety; pious; question; reason; religion; reverence; socrates; sort; state; things; time; true; truth; way; words cache: 1642.txt plain text: 1642.txt item: #43 of 181 id: 1643 author: Plato title: Meno date: None words: 22294 flesch: 76 summary: Meno is very ready to admit that justice is virtue: 'Would you say virtue or a virtue, for there are other virtues, such as courage, temperance, and the like; just as round is a figure, and black and white are colours, and yet there are other figures and other colours. Quite right; and that is just what I am saying about virtue--that there are other virtues as well as justice. SOCRATES: What are they? keywords: action; ancient; answer; anytus; athenian; better; boy; cause; certain; colour; common; compare; conception; definition; desire; dialogue; different; difficulty; divine; doctrine; double; enquiry; equal; evil; existence; experience; facts; feet; figure; form; friend; general; god; good; gorgias; great; guide; higher; human; ideas; justice; knowledge; life; like; line; man; manner; mean; meaning; meno; mind; modern; nature; new; notion; old; opinion; order; phaedo; phaedrus; philosophy; place; plato; power; previous; profitable; protagoras; question; reason; relation; republic; right; round; saying; science; sense; single; socrates; sophists; sort; soul; space; spinoza; square; state; statesmen; teachers; teaching; temperance; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; useful; virtue; way; wisdom; woman; words; world cache: 1643.txt plain text: 1643.txt item: #44 of 181 id: 1658 author: Plato title: Phaedo date: None words: 43005 flesch: 70 summary: Besides, the philosopher has notions of good and evil unlike those of other men. This is the reason why he abstains from fleshly lusts, and not because he fears loss or disgrace, which is the motive of other men. keywords: absolute; admit; afraid; air; animals; answer; approach; argument; beauty; beginning; belief; best; better; birth; bodily; body; care; cause; cebes; certain; cold; company; compare; conception; course; crito; day; dead; death; desire; dialogue; die; different; difficulty; divine; doctrine; dying; earth; echecrates; elements; equality; essence; eternal; evil; example; existence; experience; eye; eyes; fear; feeling; fire; form; friends; future; general; generation; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatness; harmony; heat; heaven; higher; hope; human; ideas; immortality; imperishable; invisible; justice; knowledge; lake; language; leave; life; like; likely; living; long; love; lyre; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; men; mind; moment; natural; nature; new; notion; number; objection; odd; opinion; opposed; opposites; order; pain; perfect; perish; person; phaedo; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; pleasures; point; power; present; previous; principle; prison; process; progress; proof; pure; question; ready; real; reason; recollection; relation; release; remain; republic; return; right; river; round; saying; sea; seen; sense; simmias; small; smallness; socrates; sort; soul; speak; state; subject; tartarus; things; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; view; virtue; want; water; way; wisdom; wise; words; world; years cache: 1658.txt plain text: 1658.txt item: #45 of 181 id: 16712 author: Santayana, George title: Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy: Five Essays date: None words: 24159 flesch: 51 summary: These forces are called the passions; or when the dramatic units distinguished are longish strands rather than striking episodes, they are called temperament, character, or will; or perhaps, weaving all these strands and episodes together again into one moral fabric, we call them simply human nature. Is human nature, then, resident in each individual soul? keywords: absolute; action; actual; aesthetic; analysis; animal; arbitrary; beginning; benda; better; bodies; body; bradley; british; case; causes; century; certain; change; character; circumstances; clear; common; condition; consciousness; contrary; day; death; descartes; different; direction; divine; doctrine; dramatic; dreams; energy; english; essence; events; evil; existence; existent; experience; external; fact; false; familiar; feelings; felt; forces; form; free; fresh; freud; general; god; good; great; greater; half; hand; history; home; human; human nature; idealism; ideas; illusion; image; imagination; individual; infinite; instance; intellectual; intelligence; interests; interpretation; intrinsic; intuition; knowledge; language; life; light; literary; literature; little; living; locke; long; longer; love; material; material world; mathematical; matter; measure; mechanism; memory; mental; mere; method; mind; modern; moment; moral; morality; movement; natural; nature; near; need; new; non; note; notion; objects; occasion; old; open; opinion; order; organic; organism; origin; original; page; pain; particular; parts; passion; past; people; perceptions; perfect; personal; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physics; place; pleasure; point; political; position; possible; power; present; presuppositions; principle; private; psychological; psychology; pure; qualities; question; reality; reason; relations; religion; religious; respect; return; romantic; satisfied; save; science; scientific; self; sensations; sense; sentiment; social; society; sort; soul; space; specific; spirit; spiritual; spontaneous; studies; study; subject; subjective; substance; sympathy; system; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; today; true; truth; turn; ultimate; universe; view; virtue; way; words; world; years cache: 16712.txt plain text: 16712.txt item: #46 of 181 id: 1672 author: Plato title: Gorgias date: None words: 59620 flesch: 74 summary: Yes. SOCRATES: And do you call the fools and cowards good men? Yes, Callicles, they were good men, if, as you said at first, true virtue consists only in the satisfaction of our own desires and those of others; but if not, and if, as we were afterwards compelled to acknowledge, the satisfaction of some desires makes us better, and of others, worse, and we ought to gratify the one and not the other, and there is an art in distinguishing them,--can you tell me of any of these statesmen who did distinguish them? CALLICLES: keywords: actions; answer; archelaus; argument; arithmetic; art; arts; ask; assembly; athenian; bad; beauty; belief; best; better; body; brave; business; callicles; case; certain; chaerephon; character; children; citizens; city; class; company; compare; concerned; conclusion; condition; consequences; cookery; courts; day; dead; death; defence; desire; dialogue; different; discourse; disease; disgraceful; duty; earnest; ears; earth; education; effect; evil; example; experience; false; feeling; figures; flattery; form; friend; future; general; god; gods; good; good man; gorgias; great; greater; greatest; gymnastic; half; hand; happiness; happy; having; health; heaven; help; higher; highest; honourable; house; human; ideal; ignorant; improvement; incurable; inferior; injustice; interest; judge; judgment; knowledge; language; law; laws; life; like; likely; little; lives; long; longer; love; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; meaning; medicine; men; mere; mind; miserable; modern; moment; money; moral; myth; natural; nature; nay; new; noble; notion; old; opinion; opposite; order; pain; painful; pass; people; pericles; person; persuasion; phaedo; philosophy; physician; place; plato; playing; pleasant; pleasure; poetry; point; politics; polus; possible; power; present; principle; private; punishment; question; ready; real; reason; regard; replies; reply; republic; rest; rhetoric; rhetorician; ridiculous; right; rule; sake; saying; second; seeing; self; sense; similar; slave; socrates; sophistry; sort; soul; speaking; speech; spirit; state; statesman; stronger; suffering; superior; tale; teacher; temperate; themistocles; things; thought; time; true; truth; tyrant; unable; unjust; use; view; virtue; want; way; willing; wise; wish; words; world; worse; wrong cache: 1672.txt plain text: 1672.txt item: #47 of 181 id: 1673 author: Plato (spurious and doubtful works) title: Lesser Hippias date: None words: 9440 flesch: 67 summary: SOCRATES: You see, Hippias, as I have already told you, how pertinacious I am in asking questions of wise men. (Compare Gorgias; Republic.) SOCRATES: Excellent Hippias, I do not do so intentionally (if I did, it would show me to be a wise man and a master of wiles, as you would argue), but unintentionally, and therefore you must pardon me; for, as you say, he who is unintentionally dishonest should be pardoned. keywords: able; achilles; alcibiades; answer; argument; aristotle; art; bad; best; better; calculation; character; compare; dialogues; earlier; eudicus; evidence; evil; excellence; false; falsehood; funeral; genuineness; good; great; greater; hippias; homer; justice; later; lesser hippias; man; men; mind; odysseus; opinion; oration; plato; platonic; power; protagoras; question; republic; socrates; soul; spirit; spurious; tell; things; true; truth; wily; wisdom; wise; works; worse; writings; wrong cache: 1673.txt plain text: 1673.txt item: #48 of 181 id: 1682 author: Plato title: Menexenus date: None words: 10174 flesch: 61 summary: He who has present to his mind that conflict will know what manner of men they were who received the onset of the barbarians at Marathon, and chastened the pride of the whole of Asia, and by the victory which they gained over the barbarians first taught other men that the power of the Persians was not invincible, but that hosts of men and the multitude of riches alike yield to valour. For government is the nurture of man, and the government of good men is good, and of bad men bad. keywords: able; age; alcibiades; ancestors; aristotle; aspasia; athenians; barbarians; brave; care; character; children; city; common; country; day; dead; dialogues; evidence; excellence; fathers; form; friends; funeral; genuineness; gods; good; government; great; hellas; hellenes; hippias; king; lacedaemonians; land; later; life; like; living; man; manner; marathon; menexenus; mention; noble; oration; parents; phaedrus; place; plato; platonic; power; praise; reputation; sea; second; ships; socrates; speech; spurious; state; thucydides; time; valour; war; woman; words; work; writings cache: 1682.txt plain text: 1682.txt item: #49 of 181 id: 16831 author: Ibn Tufayl, Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik title: The Improvement of Human Reason Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan date: None words: 46075 flesch: 67 summary: But what I mean by the Ideas of the _Contemplative_ is, what is attain'd by the Study of Metaphysicks, of which kind is that which _Avenpace_ understood; and in the apprehension of these things, this condition is necessarily requir'd, _viz_. From whence he concluded, that the Spirit which actuated any Species was one and the same; only distributed among so many Hearts, as there were Individuals in that Species, so that if it were possible for all that Spirit, which is so divided among so many Hearts, to be Collected into one Receptacle, it would be all the same thing, just as if any one Liquor should be pour'd out into several Dishes and afterwards put all together again in one Vessel; this Liquor would still be the _same_, as well when it was divided, as when it was altogether, only in respect of that division it may be said in some sort to be Multiplied. keywords: account; actions; agent; air; alcoran; animals; appear'd; apprehend; arabick; asâl; attain'd; attributes; author; avicenna; beasts; beauty; best; bodies; body; book; capable; care; cause; certain; christ; cold; common; condition; consider'd; contain'd; contemplation; continu'd; contrary; corporeal; corporeity; corruption; creatures; day; death; degree; design; desire; different; discourse; divided; divine; doubt; ears; earth; ebn; end; essence; excellent; existent; express; extension; external; eyes; faculties; faculty; father; figure; fire; footnote; form; free; generation; glass; god; good; great; greater; greatest; hai; hand; happen'd; happiness; heart; heavenly; hegira; help; holy; hot; image; imagination; infinite; instance; island; kind; knowledge; law; learn'd; learning; leave; left; length; life; light; like; little; living; long; look; lord; mahometans; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; men; mention'd; mind; mother; motions; multiplicity; natural; nature; near; necessary; needs; notion; object; observ'd; old; opinion; order; particular; parts; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; person; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; plants; pleas'd; pleasure; possible; power; present; properties; prophets; qualities; reader; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; roe; round; salvation; search; second; sect; self; sense; sensible; sort; species; sphere; spirit; state; substance; sufficient; sun; superadded; suppose; things; tho; thought; time; tis; true; truth; understanding; union; us'd; use; utmost; vision; viz; water; way; ways; wild; words; world; year; yokdhan cache: 16831.txt plain text: 16831.txt item: #50 of 181 id: 16833 author: Mill, John Stuart title: Auguste Comte and Positivism date: None words: 53016 flesch: 45 summary: These mental dispositions in M. Comte account for his not having found or sought a logical criterion of proof; but they are scarcely consistent with his inveterate hostility to the hypothesis of the luminiferous ether, which certainly gratifies our predilection for order and harmony, not to say our besoin d'idéalite, in no ordinary degree. M. Comte examines and criticises, for the most part justly, some of the principal efforts which have been made by individual thinkers for this purpose. keywords: absolute; abstract; abstractions; account; action; activity; advanced; age; analysis; animal; ascendancy; astronomy; attempt; authority; aware; basis; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; biology; bodies; body; capable; case; causes; certain; change; character; chemical; chemistry; chief; circumstances; civilization; class; classes; classification; clergy; collective; common; complete; complex; comprehensive; conception; conclusions; concrete; conditions; conduct; connected; connexion; consequences; consideration; consistent; constitution; contrary; control; countries; course; criticism; cultivation; day; degree; depend; details; determined; development; different; difficulty; direct; direction; discipline; divided; divine; doctrine; duty; earlier; early; earth; education; effect; elementary; eminent; empirical; end; ends; england; english; entire; entities; equal; errors; essential; established; etre; evidence; evolution; example; exception; exercise; existence; experience; explanation; extreme; facts; faculties; family; feelings; final; force; form; foundation; france; free; functions; fundamental; future; general; generalizations; geometry; god; gods; good; government; grand; gravitation; great; greater; hands; happiness; high; highest; historical; history; human; human nature; humanity; hypothesis; idea; important; improvement; indispensable; individual; inductive; industry; influence; inquiry; instance; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; interests; invariable; judgment; knowledge; known; labour; large; later; laws; liberty; life; like; likely; little; living; long; m. comte; m. littré; main; mankind; manner; marriage; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; memory; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; mistake; mode; modern; monotheism; moral; morality; movement; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; notion; number; object; observation; observed; obvious; office; old; ones; operation; opinion; order; original; particular; parts; past; people; perfection; period; personal; persons; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physics; physiology; place; point; political; politics; polytheism; position; positive; positivism; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; present; priest; prime; principal; principle; private; process; progress; proof; propensities; proper; proportion; public; purposes; question; race; real; reason; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; results; rich; right; rule; sacerdotal; scale; school; science; scientific; second; self; sense; sentiments; series; set; similar; single; small; social; social science; society; sociology; special; species; speculations; speculative; spencer; spiritual; stages; standard; state; step; strength; studies; study; subject; subjective; substances; succession; sufficient; system; systematization; temporal; tendencies; tendency; terms; theological; theoretic; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thought; time; transition; treatise; true; truths; ultimate; unity; universal; universe; use; useful; value; view; wants; way; women; words; work; world; worth; writings; wrong; years cache: 16833.txt plain text: 16833.txt item: #51 of 181 id: 16835 author: Jones, W. Tudor (William Tudor) title: An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy date: None words: 57942 flesch: 64 summary: _ life. All this does not mean that the individual is to slacken his interests or to lose his affection for the material aspects of life; but it does mean that the things which appertain to life have different values, and that it is of the utmost importance to judge them all from the highest conceivable standpoint--the standpoint of spiritual life. keywords: able; absolute; account; acknowledgment; activity; appearance; art; aspect; attempt; attention; aware; beginning; bergson; best; body; books; centre; century; certain; certainty; changes; chapter; characteristic; christian religion; christianity; church; civilisation; close; complete; conception; concepts; conclusion; conditions; consciousness; content; conviction; cosmic; course; creation; culture; danger; day; deeper; deeper life; deepest; degree; demands; depth; development; die; different; difficult; direction; divine; edition; effort; elements; ends; energy; environment; essence; essential; eternal; eternal life; eucken; events; evident; evolution; existence; experience; external world; face; fact; failure; form; forward; foundation; founder; fundamental; future; gain; goal; god; godhead; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; half; hand; help; higher; highest; historical; history; human life; human nature; humanity; idealism; ideals; important; impressions; individual; individual life; infinite; influence; inheritance; inner; intellectual; interpretation; inward; inwardness; kant; kernel; kind; knowing; knowledge; larger; later; level; life higher; light; little; long; love; main; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; mental; mental life; mere; metaphysic; midst; mind; modern; moment; morality; movement; nations; natural; natural life; natural world; naturalism; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; new kind; new life; new reality; new spiritual; new world; norms; number; object; old; order; ordinary life; past; path; personal; personalities; personality; phenomena; philosophy; physical world; place; point; possession; possibility; possible; potencies; potency; power; presence; present; problems; process; professor; progress; proof; psychology; qualities; question; race; realisation; realities; reality; realm; regard; region; relation; religion; religious; remains; results; said; scale; science; secondary; self; sense; sensuous; shows; significance; similar; situation; small; social; society; soul; source; space; spiritual content; spiritual experience; spiritual ideals; spiritual life; spiritual nature; spiritual norms; spiritual nucleus; spiritual potencies; spiritual substance; spiritual world; stage; standard; standpoint; step; struggle; subject; subsistence; subsistent life; substance; synthesis; systems; teaching; theology; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; turn; und; union; universal; universe; upward; value; view; vision; volume; way; ways; work; world; years cache: 16835.txt plain text: 16835.txt item: #52 of 181 id: 1687 author: Plato title: Parmenides date: None words: 36230 flesch: 75 summary: But tell me, is your meaning that things become like by partaking of likeness, great by partaking of greatness, just and beautiful by partaking of justice and beauty, and so of other ideas?' Yet the fact of their being parts furnishes the others with a limit towards other parts and towards the whole; they are finite and also infinite: finite through participation in the one, infinite in their own nature. keywords: absolute; abstract; affected; age; answer; argument; beginning; case; certain; change; compare; conception; consequences; contact; contradiction; course; dialectic; dialogue; different; difficulty; doctrine; eleatic; end; equal; equality; existence; form; god; good; greater; greatness; human; hypothesis; ideas; impossible; inasmuch; individuals; infinite; kind; knowledge; like; likeness; longer; manner; mean; meaning; measures; mere; method; middle; mind; modern; motion; nature; number; objects; older; opinion; opposite; parmenides; partake; partaking; participation; parts; philosophy; place; plato; platonic; point; present; process; pythodorus; question; relation; relative; rest; right; round; saying; second; similar; smallness; socrates; sort; state; substance; terms; things; thought; time; touch; true; truth; unity; unlike; view; virtue; way; words; world; younger; zeno cache: 1687.txt plain text: 1687.txt item: #53 of 181 id: 1735 author: Plato title: Sophist date: None words: 45691 flesch: 75 summary: Yes. STRANGER: Take music in general and painting and marionette playing and many other things, which are purchased in one city, and carried away and sold in another--wares of the soul which are hawked about either for the sake of instruction or amusement;--may not he who takes them about and sells them be quite as truly called a merchant as he who sells meats and drinks? THEAETETUS: To be sure he may. STRANGER: The same may be said of other things; seeing that the nature of the other has a real existence, the parts of this nature must equally be supposed to exist. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; abstractions; acquisitive; angler; animals; answer; argument; aristotle; art; attempt; attribute; bad; beautiful; beginning; better; body; case; certain; class; classes; common; communion; conception; contradiction; course; creation; definition; degree; dialogues; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; discourse; dispute; divine; division; doctrine; earth; education; effect; eleatic stranger; enquiry; essence; example; exchange; existence; experience; expression; false; falsehood; form; friend; general; genius; god; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; half; hegel; hegelian; help; higher; history; human; hunting; ideas; ignorance; image; imitation; infinite; instruction; kinds; knowledge; known; language; life; light; like; likeness; line; little; logic; long; look; maker; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; meaning; men; mere; method; mind; motion; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; negation; negative; new; number; object; old; opinion; opposite; opposition; order; parmenides; parts; person; phantastic; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; point; positive; possible; power; present; principle; proposition; purification; question; real; reason; reflection; regard; relation; reply; republic; rest; saying; says; science; second; sense; sentence; single; socrates; sophist; sort; soul; speech; spirit; statesman; stranger; subject; sure; system; term; theaetetus; theodorus; things; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; understood; unity; universal; use; view; virtue; want; water; way; words; work; world; young; youth cache: 1735.txt plain text: 1735.txt item: #54 of 181 id: 1744 author: Plato title: Philebus date: None words: 45601 flesch: 73 summary: In the Republic the pleasures of knowledge are affirmed to be superior to other pleasures, because the philosopher so estimates them; and he alone has had experience of both kinds. Am I not right in saying that they have a deeper want and greater pleasure in the satisfaction of their want? PROTARCHUS: keywords: able; abstract; actions; answer; argument; aristotle; arts; bad; beauty; best; better; bodily; body; cases; cause; certain; character; chief; class; classes; common; conception; consciousness; course; dear protarchus; degree; desire; dialectic; dialogues; difference; difficulty; discussion; distinction; divided; divine; doctrine; elements; end; enquiry; envy; essence; eternal; ethics; evil; exact; example; existence; experience; false; feeling; figure; fire; follow; form; fourth; friend; future; general; generation; god; gods; good; gorgias; great; greater; greatest; happiness; harmony; health; higher; highest; hope; human; ideas; ignorance; impure; individual; infinite; justice; kinds; knowledge; language; later; law; life; like; limit; little; lives; long; longer; love; man; mankind; manner; mean; meaning; measure; memory; mental; mind; mingle; mixed; mixture; modern; moral; morality; music; natural; nature; necessary; new; notion; number; old; opinion; opposite; order; pain; perfect; person; phaedrus; philebus; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; pleased; pleasure; point; power; practice; present; principle; protarchus; pure; quality; quantity; question; real; reason; relation; religion; republic; ridiculous; right; rule; sake; saying; scale; sciences; second; self; sense; similar; socrates; sort; soul; speaking; sphere; state; sufficient; symmetry; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; union; unity; universal; universe; utility; view; virtue; want; way; wisdom; words; world; wrong cache: 1744.txt plain text: 1744.txt item: #55 of 181 id: 17490 author: Xenophon title: The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates date: None words: 56288 flesch: 65 summary: For this reason, parents, though they be well enough assured of the good natural disposition of their children, fail not to forbid them the conversation of the vicious, because it is the ruin of worthy dispositions, whereas the conversation of good men is a continual meditation of virtue. Ought not they, then, who labour to gain the friendship of good men, or to overcome their enemies, or to render themselves capable of governing their families, and of serving their country, ought not these, I say, joyfully to undertake the trouble, and to rest content, conscious of the inward approbation of their own minds, and the regard and esteem of the virtuous? keywords: account; actions; advantage; advice; affairs; alcibiades; animals; answer; aristippus; aristodemus; arms; army; art; athenians; athens; bad; beautiful; beauty; best; better; blame; body; brother; business; capable; care; cause; certain; chapter; character; children; citizens; city; command; company; condition; conduct; continued; contrary; conversation; country; critias; critobulus; day; dear; death; deity; delight; design; desire; despise; different; difficult; discourse; doubt; drink; duty; easy; endeavour; enemies; euthydemus; excellent; exercise; eyes; family; far; fear; fit; following; folly; force; fortune; free; friends; friendship; gain; general; glaucon; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; hands; happiness; happy; having; health; hippias; honest; honour; house; ignorant; ill; imagine; impossible; injustice; judge; justice; knowing; knowledge; known; labour; lamprocles; laws; life; like; little; lives; long; longer; look; love; man; manner; masters; matter; means; men; merit; mind; money; mother; nature; nay; necessary; need; neglect; notice; number; obliged; occasion; office; old; opinion; order; parts; people; pericles; persons; place; pleased; pleasure; power; practice; praise; present; private; proper; purpose; question; reason; regard; republic; reputation; rest; rich; ruin; service; short; slave; socrates; sorts; soul; state; strength; study; subject; temperance; things; thought; time; trouble; true; unjust; use; useful; value; violence; virtue; virtuous; want; war; way; wicked; wisdom; words; work; world; worth; xenophon; young; youth cache: 17490.txt plain text: 17490.txt item: #56 of 181 id: 17522 author: Bain, Alexander title: Practical Essays date: None words: 85930 flesch: 61 summary: Many other great works have assumed a like form; such are Malthus on Population, Grove's Correlation of Physical Forces, Darwin's Origin of Species. Still, it indicates an important point for discussion in the art of study, in which great men have gone to opposite extremes--I mean in reference to the amount of attention to be given to previous writers, in taking up new ground. keywords: able; absence; absolute; abstract; account; acquisition; action; actual; adequate; advantage; ages; aim; alternative; altogether; analysis; ancient; answer; apparent; application; argument; aristotle; art; articles; arts; assembly; attainment; attempt; attention; authority; authors; bad; basis; bearing; beginning; belief; benevolence; best; better; bible; biology; bodies; body; book; botany; branches; business; candidate; case; centuries; century; certain; change; character; chemistry; chief; choice; christian; church; churches; circumstances; civil; classical; classics; classification; clear; clergy; close; college; commissioners; committee; common; competitive; complete; composition; concerned; condition; conduct; confession; connection; consequences; considerable; consideration; consistory; constituted; constitution; contradiction; contrast; controversy; conversation; copying; country; course; creed; criticism; culture; curriculum; day; debate; decision; defects; degree; demand; demosthenes; department; derivative; desultory; details; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; direct; discipline; discussion; distinct; distinction; division; doctrine; doubt; early; easy; ecclesiastical; economy; education; effect; elements; emotional; emotions; end; ends; energy; england; english; enjoyment; entire; equal; errors; essay; essential; established; ethical; ethics; evangelical; events; evil; examination; example; exercise; existence; existing; experience; explanation; expression; extension; extent; extreme; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; fall; fallacy; familiar; farther; favour; feelings; field; final; following; footnote; force; foreign; form; foundation; france; free; freedom; french; fundamental; future; general; genius; geology; german; giving; god; good; government; grammar; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; half; hand; happiness; head; health; help; heresy; high; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; holy; house; human; ideal; illustration; imagination; important; improvement; independent; individual; influence; information; instance; institutions; instruction; intellectual; intelligible; intensity; interest; judgment; justice; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; labour; language; large; late; latin; law; laws; left; length; liberty; life; light; like; likely; literature; little; locke; logic; long; lord; love; macaulay; main; making; man; mankind; manner; marks; mass; material; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; measure; melville; members; memory; men; mental; mere; merits; metaphysical; method; methodical; middle; mill; milton; mind; mineralogy; ministers; modern; modes; moment; moral; motives; movement; mutual; mysterious; mystery; narrow; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; numerous; object; objections; observation; obvious; old; open; operation; opinions; oratorical; oratory; order; ordinary; original; pain; paper; particular; party; pass; passing; peculiar; people; perfect; period; persons; phenomena; philosophy; physical; physics; physiology; place; plan; plato; pleasure; poetry; point; political; politics; portion; position; possible; power; practical; practice; preparation; present; previous; primary; principal; principle; printing; problem; procedure; process; professional; professor; progress; proper; proportion; proposal; psychological; psychology; public; pupil; pure; purpose; pursuit; putting; quality; question; reading; real; reasons; received; reference; reformed; regards; region; relativity; religion; religious; remark; report; resolution; results; review; rhetoric; rome; rule; said; scheme; school; sciences; scientific; scope; scotland; second; secondary; selection; self; sense; service; set; share; short; simple; single; sir; situation; small; social; societies; society; sociology; socrates; space; speakers; speaking; special; speeches; sphere; state; statement; strain; strength; strong; student; studies; study; style; subject; subscription; sufficient; supply; supposed; synod; system; systematic; task; taste; teacher; teaching; temperament; tendency; terms; tests; text; theological; theology; theory; things; thinking; thorough; thought; thucydides; time; total; treatises; treatment; true; truth; turn; understanding; union; universities; university; use; useful; uses; usual; valuable; value; vast; view; virtue; voluntary; want; way; ways; weight; wide; wish; words; work; working; world; writers; years; young; zoology cache: 17522.txt plain text: 17522.txt item: #57 of 181 id: 17556 author: Patrick, Mary Mills title: Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism date: None words: 48275 flesch: 67 summary: Even the Sceptical formulae, such as Nothing more,[7] or I decide nothing,[8] or All is false, include themselves with other things. Children are fond of balls and hoops, while those in their prime prefer other things, and the aged still others.[5] keywords: absolute; academic; academy; account; aenesidemus; aetiology; agrippa; aim; alexandria; animals; applicable; arcesilaus; argument; assent; ataraxia; author; beginning; belief; body; book; brochard; cause; certain; change; chapter; character; cicero; cit; claims; common; compare; condition; connection; contradictory; contrary; criterion; customs; development; differences; different; diog; diogenes; doctrine; dogmatic; doubt; eighth; empirical; empiricus; epochê; equal; evidence; evident; evil; example; existence; explanation; expression; external; eyes; fabricius; fact; false; far; feelings; fifth; followers; following; follows; formulae; fourth; galen; general; good; great; greek; haas; hand; health; heraclitus; history; hoi; human; hyp; hypotyposes; ideas; iii; illustrations; infinitum; influence; instance; intellectual; irrational; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; life; like; logical; long; man; manner; math; matter; meaning; means; medical; mental; mind; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; objects; ones; opinion; opposition; order; organs; origin; pappenheim; path; perception; peri; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physician; place; plato; positive; possibility; possible; predicates; present; probable; proof; pyrrhonean; pyrrhonism; question; reality; reasoning; reasons; reference; regard; relation; respect; result; rome; saisset; saying; sceptical; sceptical school; scepticism; school; science; second; sect; sense; sensible; sextus; sextus empiricus; shows; similar; soul; spirit; standpoint; statement; states; stoics; strong; subject; sun; suspension; system; teachings; tendency; tenth; testimony; theories; theory; things; thought; time; timon; ton; tropes; true; trustworthiness; truth; unknown; use; viii; way; word; works; writings; zeller cache: 17556.txt plain text: 17556.txt item: #58 of 181 id: 17771 author: Santayana, George title: Winds Of Doctrine: Studies in Contemporary Opinion date: None words: 61559 flesch: 54 summary: Many other things are doubtless implied in infinity which, if we noticed them, would leave us quite cold; and still others, no doubt, are inapprehensible with our sort and degree of intellect. From that common ground our imagination can perhaps start safely, and follow such hints as observation furnishes, until we learn to live and feel as other living things do, or as nature may live and feel as a whole. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; academic; account; action; actual; age; alien; american; animal; answer; arbitrary; argument; arts; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; bad; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; bergson; best; better; bible; blind; body; calvinism; capable; case; catholic; century; certain; change; characteristic; chief; child; christianity; christians; church; circumstances; clear; common; complex; concerned; conditions; confusion; congenial; conscience; consciousness; constitution; contrary; conviction; correct; cosmic; country; course; creation; creative; criticism; day; dead; death; deep; degree; depths; description; desires; destiny; development; different; direction; distinct; distinguished; doctrine; dogmas; doubt; doubtless; dramatic; dream; earth; effort; elements; emerson; empirical; essence; essential; eternal; ethical; ethics; events; evident; evil; evolution; existence; existent; experience; expression; eyes; fact; faith; false; fancy; far; fashion; feeling; felt; field; find; fixed; flux; footnote; force; form; foundation; freedom; fresh; friend; future; general; genius; genteel; genuine; god; good; gospel; great; greater; ground; habits; half; hand; happiness; hard; heart; heaven; help; higher; historical; history; hold; honest; hope; horror; human; human life; human nature; humanity; hypothesis; ideal; idealism; idealists; ignorance; ignorant; illusion; images; imagination; immediacy; immediate; independent; individual; inevitable; infinite; insight; inspiration; inspired; instance; instinct; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intent; interesting; interests; internal; introspection; intuition; inward; james; kant; kind; knowledge; known; labour; language; later; left; liberty; life; like; literary; little; lives; living; long; look; love; m. bergson; making; mankind; material; mathematics; matter; mean; meaning; mechanism; memory; men; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; miracles; modern; modernists; moment; momentum; moore; moral; movement; music; mystical; myth; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; objects; observation; observer; old; open; opinions; opposite; order; organs; original; pagan; partial; particular; passion; passionate; past; people; perfect; personal; persons; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physics; picture; place; plato; play; pleasure; poetic; poetry; poets; point; political; poor; possibilities; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; pragmatic; pragmatists; presence; present; primitive; principle; private; probable; problems; processes; profound; progress; prophecy; psychological; psychology; public; pure; quality; question; radical; reader; reality; realm; reason; reform; relations; religion; religious; remote; renaissance; respect; result; revelation; revolutionary; right; romantic; russell; salvation; save; saying; school; science; scientific; second; self; sense; sentiment; set; shelley; simplicity; sin; situation; small; social; society; sort; soul; space; special; specific; speculative; spirit; spiritual; spontaneous; strange; study; subject; substance; sympathetic; sympathy; system; temper; tendency; terms; theology; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; touch; tradition; transcendental; true; trust; truth; turn; ultimate; understanding; universal; universe; use; vain; value; verbal; view; vision; vital; way; ways; william; wisdom; wonder; words; work; world; worship; years; young; élan cache: 17771.txt plain text: 17771.txt item: #59 of 181 id: 18267 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: We Philologists Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Volume 8 date: None words: 19466 flesch: 68 summary: Greek antiquity is now investigated as the most beautiful example of life. As a complete entity Greek antiquity has not yet been fully valued · I am convinced that if it had not been surrounded by its traditional glorification, the men of the present day would shrink from it horror stricken. keywords: account; age; aim; ancients; antiquity; art; bad; bentley; best; better; breeding; calling; case; certain; christianity; classical; classical antiquity; clear; complete; conception; course; criticism; culture; day; deal; desire; education; educators; effect; end; entire; events; example; extent; fact; favour; feeling; form; free; freedom; future; general; genius; german; gods; goethe; good; great; greatest; greek antiquity; greeks; hand; happiness; hellenic; higher; highest; historical; history; homer; human; imitation; individual; influence; insight; instruction; intellect; knowledge; later; lies; life; like; little; long; love; man; mankind; means; men; mere; mind; modern; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; number; old; order; particular; past; people; period; philologists; philology; place; point; polis; position; possible; power; prejudices; present; professors; pure; question; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; renaissance; result; right; romans; scholars; schopenhauer; science; second; self; sense; soul; spirit; state; students; studies; study; task; teachers; things; thinking; thought; time; training; true; type; value; view; wagner; want; way; wolf; words; work; world; writing; wrong; young; youth cache: 18267.txt plain text: 18267.txt item: #60 of 181 id: 18569 author: Voltaire title: Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary date: None words: 86807 flesch: 72 summary: All men have the right in the bottom of their hearts to think themselves entirely equal to other men: it does not follow from that that the cardinal's cook should order his master to prepare him his dinner; but the cook can say: I am a man like my master; like him I was born crying; like me he will die with the same pangs and the same ceremonies. By what strange singularity do sensible men resemble Don Quixote who thought he saw giants where other men saw only windmills? keywords: able; absurd; account; actions; acts; admirable; air; alexander; ancient; animals; answer; antiquity; arms; army; article; arts; asia; assembly; atheism; atheists; author; bad; bambabef; battle; bayle; bear; beautiful; beauty; beings; best; better; big; birth; bishop; black; blind; blood; bodies; body; books; brahmin; bread; brother; cardinal; care; cases; cause; centuries; century; ceres; certain; chance; character; charlatanry; charles; chief; children; china; chinese; christian; church; cicero; citizens; civil; clear; climate; common; consequence; content; contradiction; contrary; corn; countries; country; courage; court; creature; crimes; cromwell; crowd; custom; cut; cæsar; day; days; dead; death; deity; descartes; desire; destiny; different; difficult; dispute; divine; doctor; dog; dondindac; doubt; duke; early; earth; effect; egyptians; empire; end; enemy; england; english; entire; envy; equal; error; essential; esteem; eternal; eternity; europe; events; evident; evil; example; exist; existence; express; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; false; family; fanaticism; far; father; fatherland; favour; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; fine; fire; fish; fools; footnotes; form; fortune; france; françois; free; french; friend; friendship; gauls; general; generation; genius; germany; gift; globe; god; gods; goes; good; government; great; great men; greater; greatest; greek; ground; guilty; hair; half; hand; happy; harm; head; health; heart; heaven; history; holy; homer; honest; honour; horrible; house; human; husband; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; ill; image; immortality; impious; india; indians; infinite; instinct; intelligence; iron; italian; italy; james; jesus; jewish; jews; joan; john; judge; judgment; jupiter; justice; king; kiss; kisses; knowledge; known; language; latin; laugh; laws; learned; left; letters; liberty; library; life; like; little; live; locke; logomacos; london; long; longer; lord; lost; louis; love; luxury; machine; man; mankind; marriage; mask; masters; matter; means; medicine; memory; men; mention; merit; millions; milton; mind; misfortune; mistaken; modern; moment; money; moon; moral; mother; mountains; mouth; movement; mysteries; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbours; new; newton; noble; non; nose; number; object; obliged; old; opinion; order; organs; origin; osmin; ouang; page; paradise; pardon; paris; parliament; passion; pay; people; perfect; persons; philosophers; philosophy; physical; piece; place; plato; pleasure; plutarch; point; poor; pope; position; possible; power; powerful; prejudices; present; priests; prince; principle; probable; prodigious; profound; property; providence; public; pure; queen; question; race; rare; real; reason; regards; religion; religious; republic; respect; rest; revolt; rich; ridiculous; right; rogue; roman; rome; run; sacred; sad; saint; save; sea; second; secret; sect; section; self; selim; sensation; sense; service; short; simple; single; sister; sleep; small; society; soul; sovereign; space; speak; species; spirit; stars; state; step; stone; strange; subject; substance; sun; superior; superstition; supreme; sword; system; taking; taste; temple; terms; things; thinking; thought; time; town; tragedy; tree; trouble; true; truth; turn; tyrants; understanding; universal; universe; unknown; unworthy; useful; useless; vain; vanity; vast; verses; vice; village; virtue; virtuous; voltaire; volumes; walk; want; war; water; way; white; wicked; wife; wine; wise; wish; wishes; witness; women; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writing; xiv; years; young; zarathustra cache: 18569.txt plain text: 18569.txt item: #61 of 181 id: 18819 author: Huxley, Thomas Henry title: Hume (English Men of Letters Series) date: None words: 63177 flesch: 57 summary: Une d'elles se leva d'impatience: Ah, dit-elle, je m'en étois bien doutée, cet homme n'est bon qu'à manger du veau!--Burton's _Life of Hume_, vol. As Hume observes, even in his time, people had left off making believe that a king was a different species of man from, other men; and, since his day, more and more such make-believes have become impossible; until the maintenance of kingship in coming generations seems likely to depend, entirely, upon whether it is the general opinion, that a hereditary president of our virtual republic will serve the general interest better than an elective one or not. keywords: "--(iv; absolute; abstract; account; actions; acts; analogy; animal; answer; appearance; appears; argument; assertion; associated; association; attempt; attention; attributes; authority; axiom; belief; berkeley; best; better; blue; bodies; body; book; brain; burton; business; capable; cases; causation; cause; centaur; century; cerebral; certain; certainty; changes; chapter; character; chief; circumstances; clear; cold; common; company; complete; complex; conception; conclusion; conditions; conduct; conjunction; connected; connexion; consciousness; consequences; considerable; constant; constitution; contents; contradiction; contrary; copies; course; curious; custom; david; day; death; definite; definition; degree; deity; descartes; desire; die; different; difficulty; direct; disposition; distinct; divine; doctrine; dog; doubt; duty; easy; edinburgh; edition; effect; elements; end; england; english; equal; essay; event; evidence; evident; evil; exact; example; existence; existent; expectation; experience; external; fact; faculty; faith; fall; false; familiar; feeling; fire; following; force; form; foundation; free; friend; functions; future; general; generic; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; happiness; head; higher; history; hope; house; human; hume; hypothesis; ideas; identity; imagination; immediate; immortality; important; impossible; impressions; individual; inference; infinite; influence; innate; inquiry; instinct; intelligent; interest; investigation; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kinds; knowledge; language; large; later; laws; learning; left; letters; liberty; lies; life; like; literary; little; locke; london; long; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; memories; memory; men; mental; mere; merit; method; mind; miracle; modern; moment; monarchy; moral; morality; motion; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; nervous; new; note; number; object; observation; obvious; occasion; old; open; operations; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organs; original; pain; particular; parts; passage; passions; past; people; perceptions; perfect; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; point; political; popular; possibility; power; practical; practice; predication; present; principles; probable; problem; proceeds; process; progress; proof; property; proposition; psychology; public; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; reach; ready; real; reality; reason; reasoning; red; reflection; regard; relation; religion; remains; remarkable; repetition; republic; resemblance; respect; rest; result; right; rise; run; satisfied; science; scientific; second; section; self; sensation; sense; sensible; series; set; shows; similar; simple; single; society; sole; sort; soul; sound; source; species; speech; spinoza; spirit; state; strong; study; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; support; supreme; system; temper; terms; theism; theology; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; turn; understanding; uniform; union; universal; universe; unknown; value; variety; verbal; view; virtue; volition; volume; vulgar; way; words; work; world; worth; years; young cache: 18819.txt plain text: 18819.txt item: #62 of 181 id: 19322 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: The Antichrist date: None words: 34224 flesch: 63 summary: But the people still retained, as a projection of their highest yearnings, that vision of a king who was at once a gallant warrior and an upright judge--a vision best visualized in the typical prophet (_i. e._, critic and satirist of the moment), Isaiah.--But every hope remained unfulfilled. They put themselves _against_ all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been _permitted_ to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to _natural_ conditions--one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a _contradiction_ of its _natural significance_. keywords: --the; able; acceptance; answer; antichrist; attack; attempt; bad; beginning; belief; best; better; blessedness; blood; body; book; botched; buddhism; cause; certain; chandala; chosen; christianity; christians; church; civilization; complete; concept; conception; conclusion; conditions; conscience; contempt; contradiction; contrary; conviction; corruption; courage; course; criticism; cross; cult; culture; dangerous; days; deal; death; democracy; denial; development; different; divine; doctrine; doubt; duty; décadence; early; earth; effort; egoism; end; enemies; enemy; english; error; established; eternal; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; experience; eye; face; fact; faith; false; far; feeling; form; formula; free; freedom; fundamental; general; genius; genuine; german; glad; god; gods; good; gospels; grand; great; greatest; hand; happiness; hatred; health; heart; heaven; higher; highest; historical; history; holy; hope; human; humanity; idea; imaginary; individual; influence; inner; instinct; integrity; intellectual; interest; israel; jesus; jewish; jews; joy; judge; judgment; kant; kingdom; knowledge; law; lie; lies; life; like; little; living; long; longer; look; love; lying; majority; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; master; meaning; means; men; mere; mind; misunderstanding; mob; moment; moral; morality; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; noble; notion; old; opposition; order; paul; people; perfection; philosophers; philosophy; pity; place; plain; pleasure; plutocracy; point; possible; power; present; priest; priestly; problem; process; profound; promises; proof; psychological; psychology; punishment; pure; question; race; reality; reason; religion; religious; remains; ressentiment; rest; revenge; right; rome; sacrifice; salvation; save; saviour; second; self; sense; sick; sickly; sin; sins; small; society; soil; sort; soul; sound; spirit; stand; state; step; strength; strong; struggle; suffering; superior; system; taste; theologians; theological; theory; things; thought; tidings; time; today; true; truth; type; typical; values; view; virtue; vision; war; way; weak; wisdom; woman; words; work; world; years cache: 19322.txt plain text: 19322.txt item: #63 of 181 id: 19610 author: Butler, Samuel title: Selections from Previous Works With Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals, and a Psalm of Montreal date: None words: 97360 flesch: 61 summary: Assuredly such men as the Marquis of Worcester and Captain Savery had very imperfect ideas as to the upshot of their own action. Near Piotta I met the whole village dragging a large tree; there were many men and women dragging at it, but they had to pull hard, and they were silent; as I passed them I thought what comely, well-begotten people they were. keywords: able; absence; account; action; actual; advanced; advantage; age; air; allen; alps; alternative; ancestors; animals; answer; antecedents; apparent; art; article; assured; attention; automatic; aware; baby; bad; bank; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; beings; best; better; bird; birth; bishop; blood; bodies; body; book; boy; brain; breathing; brother; buffon; building; business; canon; capable; care; case; catholic; causes; century; certain; certainty; change; chapel; chapter; character; child; children; chow; church; circumstances; city; class; classes; classification; clear; close; combination; common; comparison; complete; concerning; conclusion; condition; connection; consciousness; considerable; consideration; constitution; contrary; control; country; course; court; cream; creature; crime; currency; cycle; daily; darwin; day; days; deal; death; design; designer; desire; details; development; difference; difficulty; direction; diseases; doctrine; doubt; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; eating; edition; education; effect; effort; end; england; english; erasmus; erewhon; escape; evidence; evolution; example; existence; experience; explanation; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; familiar; family; far; father; fear; feeling; feet; finding; fine; fit; flesh; following; food; foot; force; forms; free; friends; future; general; generations; genius; getting; god; good; grace; great; greater; greatest; habit; habitual; half; hand; happy; hard; hatched; head; health; heart; heaven; help; herbert; heredity; hering; high; history; hitherto; hold; hope; horse; hospice; hour; human; huxley; hypothesis; ibid; idea; identity; ill; important; impression; individual; inherited; instinct; intelligence; interesting; italian; judge; kind; kingdom; kingsley; knowing; knowledge; known; lady; lamarck; language; large; late; law; laws; learned; leave; left; lewes; lie; life; lifetime; like; likely; line; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; love; main; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; members; memories; memory; men; mental; mere; method; mind; minded; minutes; modern; modification; moment; money; montreal; moral; morning; mother; mountain; music; musical; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; nosnibor; number; object; observed; obvious; occasions; offspring; old; ones; open; operation; opinion; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organs; original; oropa; ovum; page; pains; painter; painting; parents; particular; parts; passage; passing; past; paul; people; perception; perfect; performance; person; personality; phenomena; physical; pictures; piece; place; plain; plants; playing; pleasure; point; policeman; poor; position; possible; power; practical; practice; preceding; presence; present; previous; principle; prisoner; process; processes; professor; public; purpose; question; quiet; rate; reach; reader; ready; real; reason; reasonable; recent; recollection; reference; regards; religious; remembering; repetition; respect; rest; result; return; rich; right; road; romanes; room; round; rudimentary; rule; sameness; sanctuaries; sanctuary; save; saw; saying; scheme; school; science; scientific; second; selection; self; sense; sentence; series; set; similar; similarity; simple; single; sleep; small; society; sort; soul; space; species; spencer; spite; stages; stand; state; steps; straightener; strange; street; strong; structure; study; subject; successive; sufficient; sun; sure; system; talk; tendency; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tom; true; truth; turn; unborn; unconscious; unconscious memory; universe; use; valley; variation; vegetable; view; volition; wallace; want; water; way; week; wide; winter; wish; woman; words; work; world; worth; writers; writing; wrong; years; young cache: 19610.txt plain text: 19610.txt item: #64 of 181 id: 19817 author: Bruno, Giordano title: The Heroic Enthusiasts (Gli Eroici Furori) Part the First An Ethical Poem date: None words: 36507 flesch: 64 summary: He does not consider him perfect in divine heroic love, who feels the spur, the check, or remorse or trouble about other love; but him who has no feeling of other affections; so that being fixed in one pleasure, there is no displeasure that has any power to jostle him or dislodge him from his place. In those days men of superior intellect were often considered to be magicians or sorcerers; Mocenigo, after enticing Bruno to Venice, insisted upon his teaching him the secret of memory and other things that he knew. keywords: able; absolute; account; act; action; active; affections; air; alive; animal; ardour; beautiful; beauty; beginning; better; blind; body; breast; bruno; burning; burns; care; cause; centre; certain; change; cic; city; clear; cold; comprehension; conception; condition; constant; contemplation; contrary; conversion; corporeal; cruel; days; dead; death; degrees; delight; desire; destiny; different; discourse; diverse; divided; divine; divinity; dogs; dost; earth; end; enthusiast; equal; eroici; essence; eternal; evil; exist; eyes; face; fate; father; fear; figure; fire; flames; following; force; form; free; furori; geneva; giordano; god; gods; gold; good; goodness; great; greater; harmony; heart; heaven; hemisphere; heroic; high; higher; highest; hold; homer; hope; hostis; human; humanity; idea; imagination; inferior; infinite; instant; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intention; italy; jealousy; kinds; knowledge; known; law; laws; lectures; left; legend; levi; liberty; life; light; line; little; long; love; man; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; middle; mind; moon; mother; mountain; movement; moves; muses; naples; natural; nature; new; noble; non; number; object; open; operation; opposite; order; ordinary; pain; paris; perfection; philosophy; phoenix; place; pleasure; poet; point; possible; power; presence; present; proceeds; proposition; pure; quiet; rays; reason; religion; rise; round; rules; sad; science; scorn; second; seeing; sense; short; shows; sighs; similar; soul; space; species; sphere; spirit; splendour; stars; state; strength; study; subject; substance; suffice; sun; superior; sweet; tans; tansillo; teaching; tears; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; torment; true; truth; turn; ultimate; uncertain; understanding; universal; universe; vain; venice; venus; vice; virtue; way; wings; wisdom; wise; work; world; worthy cache: 19817.txt plain text: 19817.txt item: #65 of 181 id: 19833 author: Bruno, Giordano title: The Heroic Enthusiasts (Gli Eroici Furori) Part the Second An Ethical Poem date: None words: 27604 flesch: 67 summary: High thoughts, holy desires, and mind intent Upon the labours and the cunning of the heart Towards the immense divine immortal object, So do, that I be joined, united, fed, That I lament no more; that reason, sense, attend, Discourse and penetrate to other things. Therefore I understand the conclusion where he says to Love, Turn otherwhere thy bow, and wherefore should he try to kill him who is already dead, that is, he, who has no more life nor sense about other things, so that he cannot be stabbed or pierced or become exposed to other species. keywords: able; action; affection; air; aristotle; beauteous; beautiful; beauty; beginning; better; blind; blindness; bodies; body; breast; burning; captivity; care; cause; certain; ces; circle; common; condition; contemplation; contrary; darkness; day; dead; dear; death; deity; desires; diana; different; discourse; divine; divinity; doctrine; dost; double; earth; effects; enthusiast; entity; equal; essence; eternal; evil; exalted; excellent; eyes; face; faculty; fate; fear; figure; fire; flame; following; food; force; form; glory; god; goddess; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; guide; hand; happy; heart; heaven; heroic; high; higher; highest; hope; human; inferior; infinite; inflamed; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intent; joy; kind; knowledge; known; lao; lead; legend; lib; life; light; like; lion; little; living; long; longer; looking; love; low; majesty; man; manner; mar; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; moisture; movement; multitude; natural; nature; non; number; nymphs; object; ones; open; opposite; order; pain; parts; perfect; perfection; philosopher; pity; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; praise; present; progress; proposition; ray; reason; rest; return; rise; sea; second; secret; seeing; sense; sev; shows; similar; sky; smoke; sonnet; soul; species; spirit; splendour; stars; state; strength; study; subject; substance; suitable; sun; superior; sweet; tears; thee; things; thou; thoughts; time; torment; true; truth; unity; universal; universe; vain; vile; visible; vision; vulgar; water; waves; way; wings; words; work; world; worthy; wound cache: 19833.txt plain text: 19833.txt item: #66 of 181 id: 20137 author: Scholten, Johannes Henricus title: A Comparative View of Religions date: None words: 10640 flesch: 61 summary: In distinction from other religions, in which either God and man are strangers to each other, and opposed to each other, or man's personality is, as it were, sunk in God, Christianity is the religion by which man, in the full enjoyment of individual development, and with the sense of his own strength, lives in the consciousness of the most entire dependence upon God. In the highest stage of religious development, the most entire feeling of dependence is united in religion with the strongest consciousness of personal independence. keywords: ahura; ancient; angro; b.c; baal; beneficent; book; brahma; brahminism; buddhism; character; chinese; christianity; chron; conception; dead; death; deity; developed; development; divine; divinities; divinity; doctrine; earlier; earth; effort; evil; family; fetichism; fire; footnote; form; fruitful; future; german; god; goddess; gods; good; great; greek; heaven; heroes; higher; highest; human; indian; individual; influence; islamism; israel; jahveh; kingdom; kings; later; life; light; like; living; lord; mainyus; man; mazda; mohammed; molech; moral; mythology; names; nations; nature; new; norse; object; old; oldest; original; people; period; personal; place; power; priesthood; priestly; prophetism; religion; religious; rivers; sacrifice; sakya; sam; semites; siva; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; sun; supreme; system; time; tribes; true; veda; view; vishnu; war; world; worship; xviii; zarathustra cache: 20137.txt plain text: 20137.txt item: #67 of 181 id: 20500 author: Marshall, J. (John) title: A Short History of Greek Philosophy date: None words: 60788 flesch: 58 summary: And the world is full of men who are asking to be taught and willing to be ruled, and of other men who are willing to rule and teach them. That only the good man is truly wise or free or happy; that vice, however lavishly it surround itself with luxury and ease and power, is inherently wretched and foolish and slavish;--these are things which are worth saying and worth believing, things, indeed, which the world dare not and cannot permanently disbelieve, however difficult or even impossible it may be to mark men off into two classes, the good and the bad, however strange the irony of circumstance which so often shows the wicked who 'are not troubled as other men, neither are they plagued like other men; they have more than their heart could wish,' while good men battle with adversity, often in vain. keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; activity; acts; actual; aether; age; air; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; animals; answer; antisthenes; apprehension; argument; aristippus; aristotle; aspect; athens; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beauty; beginning; best; better; birth; birthplace; bodies; bodily; body; book; cause; centre; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; chief; children; city; civic; cold; coming; common; community; complete; conceived; conception; conditions; consciousness; content; contrary; course; creation; creature; criticism; day; death; definite; definition; democritus; desire; developed; development; dialectic; dialogue; different; distinction; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; earth; education; effect; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; entelechy; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; eternal; evil; excellence; existence; existent; existing; experience; expression; eye; fact; fair; familiar; father; final; fire; follows; force; form; free; friend; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; growth; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; heavenly; heavens; heraclitus; higher; highest; hold; hope; human; humanity; ideas; identical; iii; image; immortal; immortality; individual; infinite; influence; interesting; joy; justice; kind; knowable; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; library; life; like; lines; little; living; logic; logical; long; lost; love; lucretius; main; man; manner; material; mathematics; matter; mean; meaning; measure; melissus; members; men; mental; mere; method; miletus; mind; modern; moment; moon; moral; motion; motive; movement; mystery; native; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; note; notions; number; objects; old; opinion; order; ordinary; origin; original; pain; parmenides; particular; parts; passage; people; perception; perfect; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physics; place; plato; platonic; pleasure; point; political; politics; position; possible; potentiality; power; practical; practice; principle; prior; process; protagoras; pupil; purpose; pythagoras; question; rational; ready; realisation; realities; reality; reason; reference; regard; relation; respect; rest; result; right; rule; scepticism; school; science; search; second; seeds; self; sensation; sense; separate; short; similar; sin; skill; socrates; sophists; soul; source; space; speech; sphere; spirit; state; stoic; story; strange; structure; student; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; sun; supposed; system; taught; teachers; teaching; thales; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; underlying; union; universal; universe; utility; view; virtue; visible; vision; vital; void; way; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; working; world; xenophanes; years; zeno cache: 20500.txt plain text: 20500.txt item: #68 of 181 id: 20768 author: James, William title: Memories and Studies date: None words: 66483 flesch: 63 summary: At San Francisco the need will continue to be awful, and there will doubtless be a crop of nervous wrecks before the weeks and months are over, but meanwhile the commonest men, simply because they _are_ men, will go on, singly and collectively, showing this admirable fortitude of temper. In rough terms, we may say that a man who energizes below his normal maximum fails by just so much to profit by his chance at life; and that a nation filled with such men is inferior to a nation run at higher pressure. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; academic; account; action; active; activity; actual; address; agassiz; ago; air; alternative; american; ancient; animal; answer; army; article; attention; author; awful; bad; battle; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; black; blood; body; book; boott; bosh; boston; business; calls; care; case; century; certain; challenge; chance; character; children; city; civic; claim; class; classic; clear; college; colonel; common; comparison; conception; conclusions; concrete; conditions; conscience; consciousness; country; courage; course; critical; criticism; culture; curious; darkness; davidson; day; days; dead; death; deeper; definite; degree; democracy; destiny; detail; dialectic; different; direction; discipline; distinction; doctor; doubt; dramatic; duty; earlier; early; earth; earthquake; easy; economy; education; effective; effects; elements; emerson; end; ends; enemy; energies; energy; england; english; environment; equilibrium; equivalent; evidence; evolution; example; excitement; existence; experience; express; extent; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; factors; faculties; faculty; failure; faithful; fall; familiar; family; fancy; far; fashion; fatigue; fear; feel; feeling; fell; field; final; finding; fire; following; food; force; form; fort; fourth; france; francisco; fraud; frederic; free; freedom; friend; function; future; general; generation; genius; geniuses; god; good; great; greater; greatness; greek; ground; habit; half; hand; happy; hard; harvard; head; heart; heaven; help; heroic; higher; highest; history; hodgson; hold; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; human nature; idea; ideals; imagination; immediate; important; impression; individual; inevitable; inferiority; influence; information; inner; innumerable; insight; instance; instant; institution; intellectual; intelligence; interest; justice; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; labor; large; later; law; laws; lead; learning; leaves; left; letters; level; life; like; limits; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; lonely; long; longer; look; loss; lost; love; low; magazine; makes; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; medical; medium; meet; memory; men; mental; mere; methods; military; mind; minded; moment; money; monistic; months; moral; morning; motion; musical; myers; mystery; names; nations; native; natural; nature; near; need; new; non; normal; note; number; numerous; objective; observation; occasion; occupation; odd; officers; official; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; organism; organized; original; pages; pain; particular; party; passing; past; patient; peculiar; people; perfect; permanent; personal; personality; persons; ph.d; phenomena; philosophy; physical; picture; place; play; pleasure; point; policy; poor; popular; position; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; presence; present; president; previous; pride; principle; private; problem; process; professor; proper; psychical; psychological; psychologists; psychology; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; race; rate; rational; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; regiment; region; regular; religion; religious; remains; report; research; respects; result; revelation; right; robert; romantic; room; rule; san; save; saw; school; science; scientific; second; secret; self; sense; separate; service; set; shaw; significance; similar; simple; single; situation; sleep; small; social; society; soldiers; sort; soul; sound; special; spencer; sphere; spirits; spiritual; spite; spring; stands; stanford; state; step; strata; strength; strong; student; study; subject; subliminal; success; successful; sufficient; suggestion; sure; sympathy; system; talk; task; teaching; temper; tendency; terms; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; title; tone; total; touch; traditions; training; troops; true; truth; turn; type; unable; universal; universe; universities; university; use; usual; value; vast; view; vision; vital; voice; volumes; wagner; want; war; wars; way; ways; weak; weakness; weeks; white; wide; wife; willing; women; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writing; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 20768.txt plain text: 20768.txt item: #69 of 181 id: 20887 author: Morley, John title: Critical Miscellanies, (Vol. 3 of 3), Essay 2: The Death of Mr Mill; Essay 3: Mr Mill's Autobiography date: None words: 14701 flesch: 50 summary: Even those whom Mr. Mill honoured with his friendship, and who must always bear to his memory the affectionate veneration of sons, may yet feel their pain at the thought that they will see him no more, raised into a higher mood as they meditate on the loftiness of his task and the steadfastness and success with which he achieved it. He is the latest chief of a distinctively English school of philosophy, in which, as has been said, the names of Locke, Hume, Adam Smith, and Bentham (and Mr. Mill would have added James Mill) mark the line of succession--the school whose method subordinates imagination to observation, and whose doctrine lays the foundations of knowledge in experience, and the tests of conduct in utility. keywords: active; alive; authority; autobiography; belief; best; better; book; capable; century; certain; character; chief; common; condorcet; content; convictions; crisis; day; death; deeper; degree; dislike; distinction; doctrine; duty; earnest; education; effort; elements; english; experience; false; far; father; feeling; firm; footnote; force; form; future; general; good; great; greater; greatest; habit; hand; happiness; high; history; hitherto; hope; human; imagination; important; improvement; influence; intellectual; intercourse; interest; james; judgment; kind; liberty; life; likely; little; logic; long; man; mankind; means; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; modern; modes; moral; mr mill; nature; new; old; opinions; patience; peculiar; people; persons; philosophy; physical; point; political; positive; possible; power; practical; present; progress; public; purpose; qualities; quality; question; real; reason; religion; right; school; search; second; sect; self; sense; set; single; singular; social; society; sort; spirit; spiritual; state; strength; strong; subjects; sympathy; tendency; things; thought; time; tolerance; true; truth; turgot; type; union; value; way; ways; weak; wisdom; women; work; world; worth; writer; years cache: 20887.txt plain text: 20887.txt item: #70 of 181 id: 21995 author: Rashdall, Hastings title: Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge date: None words: 49872 flesch: 56 summary: In this state of mind matter presents itself as the one solid reality--as something undeniable, something perfectly intelligible, something, too, which is pre-eminently {7} important and respectable; while thinking and feeling and willing, joy and sorrow, hope and aspiration, goodness and badness, if they cannot exactly be got rid of altogether, are, as it were, negligible quantities, which must not be allowed to disturb or interfere with the serious business of the Universe. I have passed over a host of difficulties--the relation of God to time, the question whether or in what sense the world may be supposed to have a beginning and an end, the question of the relation in which God, the universal Mind, stands to other minds, the question of Free-will. keywords: absolute; accepted; account; activity; actual; analogy; answer; appeal; argument; attempt; attitude; authority; beginning; beings; belief; berkeley; best; better; bodies; book; cases; catholic; causality; cause; certain; change; character; characteristics; christ; christian; christianity; church; claim; clear; common; conception; connected; connexion; conscience; consciousness; contact; course; creed; day; degree; developed; development; different; difficulties; difficulty; divine; divine mind; doctrine; doubt; duty; element; end; equal; ethical; ethics; events; evidence; evil; existence; existent; experience; express; extent; external; fact; faith; father; feeling; force; form; general; god; good; great; greater; grounds; help; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; hope; human; human mind; humanity; hypothesis; idea; idealism; idealistic; immediate; immortality; important; independent; individual; inference; influence; insight; instance; intellectual; intelligible; interest; jesus; judgements; justified; kant; kind; knowledge; known; language; law; laws; lead; lecture; left; life; like; limited; line; little; logos; lord; love; materialism; matter; mctaggart; meaning; means; men; mere; metaphysical; mind; miracles; modern; moment; moral; moral consciousness; morality; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; non; objection; objective; objects; obvious; open; order; ordinary; particular; parts; people; person; personal; personality; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; point; popular; position; possibility; possible; power; practical; present; principles; professor; psychological; purpose; qualities; question; rational; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; reflection; regard; relations; religion; religious; religious belief; religious consciousness; religious experience; religious knowledge; religious thought; religious truth; revelation; right; science; self; sensations; sense; series; single; society; soul; source; space; spirits; spiritual; state; study; subject; substance; succession; supposing; supreme; system; talk; teaching; term; theism; theistic; theologians; theology; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thomas; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; unconscious; unique; unity; universal; universe; validity; value; view; want; way; work; world; wrong cache: 21995.txt plain text: 21995.txt item: #71 of 181 id: 22797 author: Morley, John title: Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol. 2 of 2) date: None words: 99951 flesch: 71 summary: She stands in history with Elizabeth of England, with Catherine de' Medici, with Maria Theresa, among the women who have been like great men. The same spirit finds even stronger and more distinct expression in a later aphorism:--Since the reason cannot understand everything, imagination foresee everything, sense observe everything, nor memory retain everything; since great men are born at such remote intervals, and the progress of science is so interrupted by revolution, that whole ages of study are passed in recovering the knowledge of the centuries that are gone,--to observe everything in nature without distinction is to fail in duty to the human race. keywords: abbé; absurd; account; acquaintance; actions; acts; admiration; advantage; afraid; amusing; answer; appearance; arbitrary; arms; art; artist; arts; attack; attention; author; bad; base; basis; battle; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; beneficence; best; better; black; blame; blood; body; book; break; brilliant; broken; brow; business; busy; capable; capital; care; case; catherine; catholic; catholicism; causes; centuries; century; certain; chair; chance; changes; chapter; character; characteristic; charming; chief; children; church; circle; circumstances; civilisation; clarissa; class; clear; close; collection; common; company; complete; composition; concerned; conditions; conduct; conscience; consciousness; consideration; constant; contempt; content; contrary; conversation; correspondence; country; courage; course; court; creature; cries; crime; criticism; cruel; curiosity; curious; d'alembert; dangerous; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; decent; deep; degree; delight; desire; desroches; dialogue; diderot; die; different; difficulty; dignity; dinner; direction; discussion; distance; doctrine; door; doubt; dozen; drawing; dream; duties; duty; eager; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; eighteenth; elaborate; elements; eloquence; empire; empress; encyclopædia; energy; england; english; enthusiasm; equal; essay; eternal; europe; european; evening; events; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; falconet; fall; false; family; famous; fancy; fashion; fataliste; father; fear; feeling; feet; field; figure; fine; fingers; fire; follow; following; folly; fool; foot; force; form; fortune; foundation; france; frederick; free; freedom; french; friend; friendly; friendship; future; galiani; galitzin; general; generation; generous; genius; german; gift; glory; god; gods; goethe; good; good man; government; grave; great; great man; greater; greatest; greek; greuze; grimm; ground; group; growth; habit; hague; half; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hatred; he._--i; head; heart; help; helvétius; hemsterhuys; high; historic; history; holbach; hold; holland; holy; honest; honour; hope; horace; host; hours; house; human; humanity; humour; husband; i._--but; i._--i; i._--what; idea; ignorance; iii; ill; illustration; image; imaginary; imagination; immense; immortality; important; independent; indies; indispensable; individual; injustice; instance; instant; institutions; instruction; intellectual; intelligence; intention; interest; interesting; intimate; irony; italy; jacques; jew; journey; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindly; king; knowledge; known; l'esprit; labour; lady; language; laugh; laws; leave; left; length; les; lespinasse; lessing; letters; lewis; life; like; likely; limits; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; lost; love; madame; mademoiselle; madman; making; man; mankind; manners; marriage; mass; masters; material; matter; maupertuis; mdlle; mean; meaning; measure; men; mere; merit; method; midst; mighty; mind; minister; model; modern; moment; money; montesquieu; months; moral; morality; morning; mother; motives; mouth; movement; multitude; music; musician; naigeon; names; nations; natural; naturalism; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; notes; notice; notion; number; object; occasion; oeuv; old; open; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organisation; original; outside; pages; painful; painter; painting; palissot; paradox; pardon; paris; party; passage; passion; pay; people; perfect; performance; person; personages; personal; petersburg; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; picture; piece; place; plain; play; pleasure; poetry; point; political; poor; popularity; position; positive; possible; posterity; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; present; pretty; pride; priests; princess; principle; private; profound; progress; pronounce; property; proportion; propositions; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; rameau; rare; rate; raynal; reaction; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; region; relations; religion; religious; remains; remark; remarkable; renegade; respect; result; return; revolution; richardson; ridiculous; right; rome; room; rousseau; run; russia; sacred; saint; sake; saying; scene; school; science; scientific; score; second; secret; self; seneca; sense; sensibility; sentiment; series; set; shame; short; silence; simplicity; sincerity; single; singular; sister; sky; sleep; small; social; society; sombre; soul; sound; source; sovereign; speculation; sphere; spirit; spite; state; sterne; stories; strange; strength; striking; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; success; superior; sympathy; system; systematic; table; talent; talk; task; taste; tell; telling; temper; terms; thee; theology; theory; things; thinking; thou; thought; thy; time; tis; tone; touch; town; trade; trouble; true; truth; turgot; turn; tyranny; understanding; unfortunate; unhappy; unity; universal; universe; unjust; useful; usual; utility; value; vanity; variety; vast; vices; view; vigorous; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; visit; voice; voltaire; volume; walpole; want; war; water; way; ways; weakness; week; white; wife; wilt; wise; wish; wit; women; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; young; younger; | | cache: 22797.txt plain text: 22797.txt item: #72 of 181 id: 23640 author: Hubbard, Elbert title: Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8 date: None words: 91572 flesch: 73 summary: Death certainly, and life, honor and dishonor, pain and pleasure, all these things equally happen to good men and bad, being things which make us neither better nor worse. Great men come in groups, like comets sent from afar. keywords: abbe; ability; able; account; action; advice; affairs; aged; agrippina; alcibiades; alcott; alexander; ambition; america; animals; answer; antoninus; appeal; argument; aristotle; army; arouet; arthur; athens; attention; auguste; augustus; aurelius; author; away; bad; bank; bastile; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; begin; belief; believe; benefit; best; better; big; birth; boarding; boat; body; book; boy; boys; brain; broken; brother; building; business; calls; calm; care; case; catholics; certain; character; charge; chief; children; christians; church; citizens; city; class; claudius; close; cold; college; coming; common; commonsense; complete; comte; concord; conditions; conduct; consideration; contempt; continued; copies; copy; country; course; court; credit; crito; culture; curious; cæsar; daily; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; degree; demand; desire; die; direct; divine; divorce; doctor; dollars; domestic; door; double; doubt; early; earnest; earth; east; easy; edition; education; effect; emerson; emperor; enemies; england; english; equal; escape; essay; evil; evolution; exact; example; excellent; exile; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; fame; family; famous; farm; father; faustina; favor; fear; feeling; feet; fell; final; fine; firm; flight; folks; folly; fool; force; form; france; francois; frederick; free; freedom; french; friends; friendship; fronto; future; garden; general; geneva; genius; gentle; george; girl; god; gods; good; good man; goodly; government; great; great man; greater; greatest; greek; greeley; ground; group; growth; guilty; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harvard; hate; hawthorne; head; health; heart; heinrich; hell; help; henry; herbert; high; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honors; horace; hours; house; household; human; humanity; humor; husband; idea; ignorance; illustration; immanuel; income; individual; influence; insight; instinct; intellect; intellectual; intent; interest; interesting; issue; jesus; jewish; jews; john; judge; justice; kant; kind; king; know; knowledge; lack; lady; landlady; language; large; later; latin; law; laws; lawyers; lead; learned; lectures; legal; leonardo; letters; lewes; liberty; lies; life; like; line; literary; literature; little; little man; live; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; love; madame; maker; making; man; manner; manuscript; marcus; mark; marriage; married; martineau; mathematics; matter; means; men; mennonites; mental; messalina; miles; mill; mind; misery; miss; modern; moment; money; months; moral; mother; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; nero; new; ninon; noble; number; office; old; old man; ones; opinion; opportunity; oratory; order; original; page; parents; paris; particular; party; passing; passion; past; patience; paul; pay; peculiar; penalty; pencils; people; perfect; pericles; person; personality; philip; philosophers; philosophy; physical; place; plain; plato; play; pleased; poet; poetry; point; poison; popular; positive; possible; pounds; power; practical; presence; present; pretty; pride; priest; private; privilege; problem; professor; progress; promise; proof; proper; property; proud; public; punishment; pupil; pure; quality; queen; question; quiet; race; read; real; reason; record; regard; religion; religious; reply; rest; result; return; rich; right; rome; room; royal; rule; run; sacred; safety; saint; satisfaction; saying; scheme; school; schopenhauer; science; scientific; sea; second; secret; secretary; secure; seeing; self; seneca; sense; sentence; separate; servants; set; seventeen; shakespeare; shanty; simon; simple; single; sister; sleep; small; smile; social; society; socrates; soldier; sons; sort; soul; speech; spencer; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; state; statement; stone; straight; strange; street; strength; strong; students; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sum; sure; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; talk; tall; teacher; teaching; telling; terms; thee; theological; theology; things; thinkers; thinking; thoreau; thought; time; touch; travel; trees; trouble; true; truth; turn; universe; useful; valuable; value; van; verus; view; village; virtue; visit; visitors; voice; voltaire; volumes; walk; want; war; watch; way; ways; weak; whitman; wife; wild; william; wisdom; wise; wit; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; writer; writing; wrong; xantippe; years; years old; york; youmans; young; young man; youth cache: 23640.txt plain text: 23640.txt item: #73 of 181 id: 2412 author: Aristotle title: The Categories date: None words: 14520 flesch: 64 summary: Some intermediate qualities have names, such as grey and sallow and all the other colours that come between white and black; in other cases, however, it is not easy to name the intermediate, but we must define it as that which is not either extreme, as in the case of that which is neither good nor bad, neither just nor unjust. (iii) 'privatives' and 'positives' have reference to the same subject. Other things, again, are both predicable of a subject and present in a subject. keywords: animal; body; case; common; contraries; contrary; definition; degree; double; false; genus; good; hand; individual; instance; knowledge; man; necessary; parts; perception; place; predicable; present; primary; prior; qualities; quality; quantity; reference; relative; said; sense; sight; species; state; subject; substance; terms; things; time; true; virtue; way; white; word cache: 2412.txt plain text: 2412.txt item: #74 of 181 id: 2526 author: Patañjali title: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: The Book of the Spiritual Man date: None words: 30560 flesch: 68 summary: Ambition is the inversion of spiritual power. Spiritual powers are to be drawn forth from the psychic meshes. keywords: able; absorption; action; aspiration; attention; awakened; birth; bodily; body; bondage; book; cause; centre; certain; clear; coming; commandments; commentator; concentrated; conditions; consciousness; control; creative; current; darkness; day; death; deeper; degrees; desire; development; different; discernment; disciple; divine; dynamic; effort; end; essence; eternal; everlasting; example; eyes; faith; father; fear; field; finer; fire; firm; force; form; fourth; free; future; gains; genius; god; great; growth; hate; heart; higher; hindrances; illumination; images; immortal; individual; indulgence; inner; insight; interior; joy; karma; knowledge; law; liberation; life; light; like; lives; long; love; luminous; manifestation; master; material; meaning; means; meditation; mental; mind; misery; natural; natural man; nature; new; obedience; object; order; outer; outward; oversoul; pain; past; patanjali; path; perception; perfect; personal; personal man; personality; physical; place; pleasure; point; poise; power; practical; practice; present; process; psychic; psychical; psychical man; pure; pure spiritual; purity; question; reading; real; rests; rules; sacrifice; second; secret; seed; seeking; seer; self; sense; separateness; sin; sorrow; soul; sound; spiritual consciousness; spiritual life; spiritual man; spiritual powers; spiritual reading; spiritual things; spiritual vision; stage; states; steady; step; strong; sutra; teaching; things; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; unity; universal; unwisdom; veil; vesture; view; vision; way; wisdom; wise; works; world; yoga cache: 2526.txt plain text: 2526.txt item: #75 of 181 id: 25788 author: Stephen, Leslie title: The English Utilitarians, Volume 2 (of 3) James Mill date: None words: 109316 flesch: 65 summary: The old system in which the ruling classes carried on business by family alliances and bargains between ministers and great men would be impracticable. To Mill Bentham was the legitimate development of Hartley, while to Mackintosh Bentham was the plausible perverter of Hartley. keywords: absolute; abstract; absurd; abuses; accepted; account; action; active; acts; actual; adam; admits; advantage; affected; agent; agitation; agriculture; aim; alliance; allies; america; analysis; answer; appeal; application; arbitrary; argument; aristocracy; article; asserted; association; assumed; assumption; atoms; attack; attempt; attention; authority; bad; bain; base; beauchamp; beginning; belief; bell; benevolent; bentham; best; better; bill; body; book; briefly; british; brougham; brown; burdett; burke; business; butler; canning; capable; capital; capitalist; case; causation; causes; century; certain; chalmers; change; chapter; character; characteristic; checks; chief; children; church; circumstances; claims; classes; clear; close; clusters; cobbett; coleridge; collected; commerce; committee; common; community; competition; complete; complex; conclusions; condillac; conditions; conduct; confidence; confusion; congenial; connected; connection; consequences; consideration; consistent; conspicuous; constant; constitution; contemporary; content; controversy; corn; correspondence; corresponding; cost; country; course; creed; criterion; criticism; day; days; death; debt; defence; definite; degree; deity; demand; democracy; desirable; desire; determined; developed; development; devoted; different; difficulties; difficulty; direct; disciples; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; doctrine; doubt; duties; duty; early; earth; economic; economists; economy; edinburgh; edition; education; effect; element; england; english; englishmen; enormous; enthusiasm; equality; error; essay; essential; establishment; ethical; evidence; evils; example; excess; excessive; exchange; existence; experience; explains; explanation; external; fact; faculty; fall; familiar; family; famous; father; favourite; fear; feeling; fertile; final; following; food; force; foreign; forms; formula; fragment; france; francis; free; french; friends; fundamental; future; general; gentleman; genuine; george; giving; godwin; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; growth; hand; happiness; hard; hartley; hazlitt; help; highest; historical; history; home; house; human; hume; huskisson; ibid; ideas; iii; illustration; immediate; important; impossible; impressed; impression; improvement; increase; independent; india; individual; industrial; industry; influence; inquiry; instincts; institutions; intellectual; interest; james; james mill; jeffrey; john; joseph; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; known; labour; labourer; lancaster; landlord; language; large; later; law; laws; lead; leaders; leading; lectures; legal; letters; level; life; like; limited; limits; line; literary; little; locke; logic; logical; london; long; love; m'culloch; macaulay; machinery; mackintosh; main; making; malthus; malthusian; man; mankind; manufactures; market; marriage; mass; materials; matter; meaning; means; measures; member; men; mental; mere; method; middle; mill; mind; miscellaneous; misery; modern; moment; monarchy; money; moral; morality; motive; movement; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notice; number; objects; obvious; office; official; old; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; origin; orthodox; outside; owen; paine; painful; paley; pamphlet; paper; parliament; parliamentary; particular; party; pauperism; people; period; permanent; personal; persons; phenomena; philip; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; phrase; physical; pitt; place; pleasure; plunder; poetry; point; policy; political; political economy; politics; poor; popular; population; position; poverty; power; practical; praise; preface; prejudices; present; press; pressure; previous; price; principles; private; problem; process; processes; produce; production; professor; profits; progress; property; proportion; prudence; psychology; public; purpose; qualities; quarterly; question; radical; rate; ready; real; reason; reasoning; reference; reform; reformers; regarded; regards; reid; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; remedy; replies; reply; representative; required; respect; restraint; result; review; revolution; revolutionary; ricardo; rich; right; rise; romilly; rule; rulers; s. mill; sacrifice; sanctions; saw; saying; scheme; school; science; scientific; scottish; second; self; selfish; sensations; sense; sentiment; separate; series; set; share; short; showing; shows; significant; similar; simple; single; sinister; small; smith; social; socialist; societies; society; sole; sound; source; southey; sovereign; space; speak; special; speculations; speech; sphere; spirit; spite; spread; standard; starting; state; statement; step; stewart; strength; strong; structure; struggle; study; subject; subsistence; sufficient; supernatural; superstition; supply; support; supposed; supreme; sympathy; system; task; taste; tendencies; tendency; terms; theology; theories; theory; things; thomas; thompson; thorough; thought; time; tooke; tories; torrens; trade; treatise; true; truth; ultimate; universal; university; useful; usual; utilitarians; utility; value; varying; vast; version; vice; view; virtue; virtuous; vital; wages; wallas; want; war; way; wealth; westminster; whig; william; wordsworth; working; works; world; worst; worth; writers; writings; wrong; xix; years; young cache: 25788.txt plain text: 25788.txt item: #76 of 181 id: 25830 author: Descartes, René title: A Discourse of a Method for the Well Guiding of Reason and the Discovery of Truth in the Sciences date: None words: 22128 flesch: 46 summary: Our Authour also invites all letterd men to his assistance in the prosecution of this Search; That for the good of Mankinde, They would practise and communicate Experiments, for the use of all those who labour for the perfection of Arts and Sciences: Every man now being obliged to the furtherance of so beneficiall an Undertaking, I could not but lend my hand to open the Curtain, and discover this New Model of Philosophy; which I now publish, neither to humour the present, nor disgust former times; but rather that it may serve for an innocent Divertisement to those, who would rather Reform themselves, then the rest of the world; and who, having the same seeds and grounds, and knowing That there is nothing New under the Sun; That Novelty is but Oblivion, and that Knowledge is but Remembrance, will study to finde out in themselves, and restore to Posterity those lost Arts, which render Antiquity so venerable; and strive (if it be possible) to go beyond them in other things, as well as Time: Who minde not those things which are above, beyond, or without them; but would rather limit their desires by their power, then change the Course of Nature; Who seek the knowledge, and labour for the Conquest of themselves; Who have Vertue enough to make their own Fortune; And who prefer the Culture of the Minde before the Adorning of the Body; To such as these I present this Discourse (whose pardon I beg, for having so long detain'd them from so desirable a Conversation;) and conclude with this Advice of the Divine _Plato_: _Cogita in te, præter Animum, nihil esse mirabile. Examining carefully afterwards what I was; and seeing that I could suppose that I had no _body_, and that there was no _World_, nor any _place_ where I was: but for all this, I could not feign that I _was not_; and that even contrary thereto, thinking to doubt the truth of other things, it most evidently and certainly followed, That _ keywords: able; actions; alwayes; arteries; artery; beginning; beleeve; best; better; bloud; bodies; body; cause; certain; clear; common; contrary; designe; desire; difficulties; discourse; divers; doe; doubt; earth; experiments; false; fortune; generall; god; good; great; hath; heart; hope; ignorant; judg'd; judge; judgment; knowledge; laws; life; like; little; long; man; manner; matter; means; men; method; minde; nature; necessary; need; new; occasion; onely; ones; opinions; order; organs; particular; parts; perfect; philosophy; place; power; principles; publick; reason; right; rules; sciences; self; severall; simple; soul; study; subject; sufficient; things; thought; time; tis; true; truth; understanding; undertake; use; veins; way; whereof; wit; world; | | cache: 25830.txt plain text: 25830.txt item: #77 of 181 id: 26163 author: Bergson, Henri title: Creative Evolution date: None words: 142708 flesch: 56 summary: Now, as soon as we have clearly distinguished between the order that is willed and the order that is automatic, the ambiguity that underlies the idea of _disorder_ is dissipated, and, with it, one of the principal difficulties of the problem of knowledge. Some start from the inorganic, and, by compounding it with itself, claim to form the living; others place life first, and proceed towards matter by a skilfully managed _decrescendo_; but, for both, there are only differences of _degree_ in nature--degrees of complexity in the first hypothesis, of intensity in the second. keywords: 143; absence; absolute; abstract; accidental; accomplished; account; accumulation; acting; action; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; advance; advantage; affirmation; analogous; analysis; ancient; animal; annihilation; apparatus; appearance; aristotle; artificial; aspect; association; attention; attribute; automatic; bears; beginning; beings; best; better; bodies; body; brain; capable; carbon; cases; categories; causality; cause; cell; centres; cerebral; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chemical; chemistry; child; choice; cinematographical; circle; circumstances; clear; common; comparison; complementary; complete; complexity; complicated; concentrated; conception; concepts; concerned; conclusion; concrete; conditions; consciousness; consequences; consists; construction; contingent; continuity; continuous; contrary; correspond; course; creation; creative; criticism; current; curve; cut; day; deduction; definite; definition; degree; descartes; detail; determined; developed; development; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; diminution; direction; discontinuous; disorder; distance; distinct; distinguished; divergent; division; doctrine; domain; doubt; duration; earth; effect; effort; elementary; elements; end; energy; entire; environment; equivalent; essence; essential; eternity; evolution; evolutionary; evolutionism; evolved; exact; example; existence; existing; exists; experience; experiments; explanation; express; extended; extension; extent; external; eye; eyes; fact; faculty; fall; far; feeling; finalism; finality; fit; fixed; flux; footnote; force; form; fragments; free; freedom; function; fundamental; future; galileo; general; genesis; geometrical; geometry; germ; given; glance; god; good; gradual; grasp; great; greater; greek; ground; group; growth; habits; hand; harmony; higher; history; hold; human; humanity; hypothesis; idea; identical; illusion; illustration; image; imitation; immanent; impetus; impulse; impulsion; independent; individual; individuality; indivisible; induction; inert; infinite; influence; innate; inner; insect; instance; instant; instantaneous; instinct; instrument; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; interest; internal; interruption; intuition; invention; inverse; inversion; isolated; judgment; kant; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; labor; language; laws; left; leibniz; life; light; like; limited; lines; little; living; logic; logical; longer; machine; makes; making; man; manifold; manner; manufacture; mark; mass; material; materiality; mathematical; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; mechanism; mechanistic; memory; mere; metaphysics; method; mind; mobile; mobility; model; modern; moment; motion; motionless; motor; movement; moving; multiplicity; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nervous; new; non; note; nought; nucleus; number; object; old; open; operation; opposed; opposite; order; organic; organism; organization; organized; organs; original; outer; outside; particular; parts; passing; past; perception; perfect; person; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physics; pieces; place; plants; plasm; plato; plotinus; point; position; positive; possibility; possible; potential; power; practical; precise; precision; presence; present; primitive; principle; problem; proceeds; process; profound; progress; properties; proportion; prove; psychical; psychological; pure; push; qualities; quality; quantity; question; radical; ready; reality; reason; reciprocal; regard; relation; relative; remains; repetition; representation; represents; respect; rest; result; rise; road; rudimentary; said; science; scientific; second; selection; self; sense; sensible; separate; series; set; short; shows; simple; single; small; social; society; solar; solid; space; spatiality; special; species; speculation; spencer; spinoza; state; straight; structure; study; subject; substances; successive; sudden; sum; system; tendencies; tendency; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; tissues; torpor; transformism; true; truth; turn; turning; unconscious; understanding; understood; undivided; unity; universal; universe; vain; variations; vegetable; vertebrates; view; vision; visual; vital; void; water; way; willed; wish; words; work; world; xiii cache: 26163.txt plain text: 26163.txt item: #78 of 181 id: 26659 author: James, William title: The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy date: None words: 102347 flesch: 61 summary: They _go with_ other things that can be so explained, no doubt; and some of them are prophetic of future utilities, since there is nothing in us for which some use may not be found. _this_ world, must be but a veil and surface-show whose full meaning resides in a supplementary unseen or _other_ world. keywords: absolute; abstract; absurd; accidental; account; acquaintance; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; address; adequate; advance; affairs; affirmation; allen; alternative; altogether; animal; answer; appeal; arguments; article; association; assumption; assurance; attempts; attention; attitude; authority; bad; bare; beings; belief; believing; best; better; birth; black; body; book; boy; brain; break; brute; business; calls; capacity; care; carlyle; case; casuistic; causation; causes; certain; champions; chance; changes; character; choice; circumstances; claim; class; clear; clifford; co.; cognition; come; comfort; common; community; complete; conceiving; conception; concerned; conclusion; concrete; conditions; conduct; conflict; consciousness; consequences; considerations; constitution; contemplation; continuity; contradiction; contrary; control; conviction; courage; course; craving; creed; critical; cycle; darwin; data; datum; day; dead; death; deep; deepest; definite; definition; degree; demands; denial; department; desire; detail; determination; determined; determinism; deterministic; differences; different; dilemma; direction; discussion; distinctions; divine; divinity; doctrine; dog; doubt; duty; earth; easy; effect; effort; ego; element; emotional; empiricism; end; ends; energy; england; english; entire; environment; equal; equilibrium; error; escape; essays; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; ethical; ethics; events; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; existing; exists; expectancy; experience; experiments; explanation; express; expression; extent; extreme; eyes; face; fact; factor; faculty; fair; faith; fall; false; far; fashion; fatal; fate; fear; features; feeling; field; final; fire; fit; fixed; flesh; following; forced; form; formula; free; freedom; french; friend; fruit; function; fundamental; future; gain; game; general; generation; genius; geniuses; genuine; gnosticism; god; gods; good; goodness; grant; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; gurney; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; head; heart; heaven; hegel; hegelian; help; hero; higher; highest; history; hodgson; hold; home; honor; hope; hour; human; hypothesis; ideal; idealism; identical; identity; idol; imagination; immense; important; impulses; independent; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; inner; insight; instance; instant; instincts; intellectual; intelligence; interests; invisible; inward; issue; items; james; judgment; kind; know; knowing; knowledge; lady; large; law; laws; leaves; left; legitimate; lies; life; like; line; literature; little; live; living; logic; logical; london; long; longer; look; loss; lost; love; making; man; mankind; manner; mass; material; materialism; matter; mean; meaning; mechanical; meet; melancholy; men; mental; mere; messrs; metaphysical; method; midst; mind; moment; monism; mood; moral; moral life; movement; mrs; murder; myers; mystery; mystical; naked; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; new; non; normal; notion; number; object; objective; obligation; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; optimism; option; order; ordinary; organic; origin; original; outer; outset; outside; outward; pages; pain; paper; particular; parts; pascal; pass; passion; passional; passive; past; path; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; personal; personality; persons; pessimism; pessimistic; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; physiological; picture; piece; place; play; pleasure; pluralism; point; poor; popular; position; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; postulate; power; practical; preference; presence; present; presumption; previous; principle; priori; private; problem; proceedings; process; produce; production; professor; progress; proof; propositions; proved; psychical; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; radical; rate; rational; rationality; reaction; reader; ready; real; reality; reason; reflection; reflex; regard; regret; relations; religion; religious; remains; remote; reply; research; respect; rest; result; right; rise; risk; romantic; room; rule; run; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; scale; scepticism; school; science; scientific; scientists; sea; second; secundum; self; sense; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; shape; shows; sidgwick; simple; simplicity; single; situation; small; social; society; soft; sole; sort; soul; space; sparrow; special; speculative; spencer; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; spontaneous; stand; state; step; strange; street; strength; strenuous; strict; strong; structure; study; subject; subjectivism; substance; succeed; success; sufficient; suicide; sun; supposed; supreme; sure; system; table; talk; task; tendency; terms; test; theism; theistic; theology; theoretic; theories; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thought; throw; time; total; totality; true; trust; truth; turn; type; ultimate; understanding; uniformity; unity; universal; universe; unknown; unseen; use; vague; variations; vast; verification; victory; view; visible; vision; vital; voice; water; way; ways; willing; willingness; wise; wish; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worship; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; york cache: 26659.txt plain text: 26659.txt item: #79 of 181 id: 2680 author: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome title: Meditations date: None words: 72421 flesch: 72 summary: Him also I must thank, that ever I heard first Bacchius, then Tandasis and Marcianus, and that I did write dialogues in my youth; and that I took liking to the philosophers' little couch and skins, and such other things, which by the Grecian discipline are proper to those who profess philosophy. And in very truth many good things are spoken by these poets; as that (for example) is an excellent passage: ' keywords: actions; affected; affection; age; air; ancient; anger; angry; antoninus; applause; apprehension; aurelius; b.c; bad; bare; bear; begin; beginning; behold; best; better; blood; bodies; body; book; caes; canst; care; cause; cease; century; certain; change; chief; children; christian; city; comedy; comfort; common; common good; common nature; conceit; conceive; consideration; consist; constant; constitution; content; contented; contrary; corruption; course; court; creatures; credit; daily; day; days; dead; death; deed; depart; depend; desire; didst; disposed; disposition; divine; dogmata; doth; duty; earth; effect; elements; emperor; end; endeavour; error; estate; esteemed; evil; example; exercise; expedient; external; eyes; faculty; fall; false; fame; famous; fancies; fancy; far; farewell; father; faustina; fear; fire; fit; free; friends; fronto; future; general; general thou; gentle; gods; good; good man; good things; goodness; grant; great; greek; grief; grieve; grievous; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hast; hath; health; heart; help; high; honour; human; hurt; hurtful; ignorance; iii; ill; imaginations; indifferent; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; law; learned; leave; let; letters; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; look; love; man; man doth; man thou; manner; marcus; material; matter; mayest; means; meditations; meekness; men; mere; mind; modesty; moment; mortal; mother; motions; mutual; natural; nature; nature doth; necessary; necessity; needs; new; number; object; observe; occasion; operation; opinion; order; ordinary; ostentation; outward; pain; particular; parts; pass; passion; past; perchance; perfect; perpetual; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; portion; possible; power; praise; present; prince; profitable; proper; providence; public; purpose; rational; reading; ready; reason; reasonable; regard; relation; respect; rest; return; right; roman; rome; saith; school; self; sense; sensible; short; simple; simplicity; sleep; sociable; society; socrates; soul; sound; spirit; stoic; straight; study; subject; subsist; substance; suffice; sufficient; text; thee; things; think; thou; thou art; thou dost; thou mayst; thou wilt; thoughts; time; tranquillity; trouble; true; true nature; truth; turn; understanding; universe; use; usual; vain; vanity; verus; vice; vii; viii; vile; virtue; want; way; whatsoever; whensoever thou; whereof; wickedness; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worldly things; worse; worth; wouldest thou; wrong; xiii; xiv; xvii; xxii; xxv; years; young cache: 2680.txt plain text: 2680.txt item: #80 of 181 id: 26842 author: Santayana, George title: The Sense of Beauty: Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory date: None words: 70631 flesch: 57 summary: But the sensuous and associative values of these things -- especially of music -- are so great, that even without an appreciation of form considerable beauty may be found in them. The beauty that is associated only with other beauty is therefore a sort of aesthetic dainty; it leads the fancy through a fairyland of lovely forms, where we must forget the common objects of our interest. keywords: -the; absence; absolute; abstract; absurdity; account; activity; actual; adaptation; admiration; advantage; aesthetic; aesthetic pleasure; aesthetic sense; aesthetic value; analogy; analysis; animal; appeal; apperceptive; appreciation; approach; architecture; art; artificial; artist; arts; associated; associations; attention; attitude; authority; average; bad; basis; beauties; beautiful; beauty; belief; best; better; bias; body; brain; capable; capacity; case; causes; centre; certain; change; character; characteristic; charm; circumstances; classification; clear; colour; comic; common; complex; comprehension; conception; conditions; confusion; conscience; consciousness; conspicuous; constant; contemplation; content; contrary; contrast; course; creation; criticism; deep; definite; definition; degree; delight; demands; description; desire; development; different; dignity; direction; distinction; distinguished; divine; economy; effect; elements; embodiment; emotion; emotional; energy; enjoyment; environment; essence; essential; et seq; ethics; evil; example; excellence; excitement; exercise; existence; exists; experience; explanation; expression; expressiveness; extension; external; eye; eyes; fact; faculties; faculty; fail; failure; fancy; far; feeling; felt; fiction; field; figures; fitness; fixed; force; form; formal; freedom; function; fundamental; general; genius; god; good; great; greater; greatest; grotesque; ground; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; historical; history; hold; human; human nature; ideal; illusion; illustration; image; imagination; immediate; important; impressions; impulses; incapable; incongruity; independent; indeterminate; individual; individuality; infinite; influence; inspiration; instance; instinct; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; intensity; interest; interesting; intrinsic; inward; judgments; justification; kind; knowledge; known; landscape; language; liberation; life; like; lines; little; long; longer; love; manifestation; manifold; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; medium; memory; mere; method; mind; moment; moral; morality; multiplicity; music; musical; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; noble; note; notion; object; objectification; objectified; observation; observer; order; organization; organs; origin; original; ornament; pain; painful; particular; passion; passionate; pathetic; people; perception; perfect; permanent; personal; philosophers; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plastic; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; plot; poet; poetry; point; position; positive; possibility; possible; power; powerful; practical; preference; presence; present; primitive; principle; problem; process; processes; produces; proper; proportion; psychological; psychology; pure; qualities; quality; question; reaction; real; reality; reason; recognition; reflection; regard; relation; religion; religious; representation; result; rhythm; sake; satisfaction; saying; scientific; second; seen; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sensitive; sensuous; seq; set; sexual; sight; similar; simple; single; size; sky; social; sort; soul; sound; source; space; spatial; species; specific; speech; sphere; spontaneous; standard; stars; state; stimulation; stimulus; structure; study; subject; subjective; sublime; sublimity; substance; suffering; suggested; suggestion; susceptibility; symbol; symmetry; sympathetic; sympathy; synthesis; system; taste; tendency; term; theory; things; think; thought; time; tone; tragedy; tragic; training; true; truth; turn; type; ugly; ultimate; understanding; uniformity; unity; universal; use; useful; utility; value; variations; variety; verbal; view; virtue; visible; vision; vital; vivid; vulgar; way; wealth; wit; words; work; world; worth cache: 26842.txt plain text: 26842.txt item: #81 of 181 id: 27597 author: Stephen, Leslie title: The English Utilitarians, Volume 1 (of 3) date: None words: 94321 flesch: 65 summary: The unsettled conditions which followed the peace in various European countries found Bentham other employment. Of these eleven were held by members of noble families; fourteen were held by men who had been tutors in, or in other ways personally connected with the royal family or the families of ministers and great men; and of the remaining two, one rested his claim upon political writing in defence of Pitt, while the other seems to have had the support of a great city company. keywords: absence; absolute; abstract; abuses; acceptance; accepted; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; adam; administrative; adopted; advantage; agent; agriculture; aim; american; analysis; ancestors; annals; answer; anti; appeal; application; arbitrary; argument; aristocracy; army; arthur; assumption; attack; attempt; attention; authority; average; bad; balance; beginning; belief; benevolence; bentham; best; better; bill; birmingham; bishop; blackstone; board; body; book; bowring; british; brother; brougham; burke; business; calls; cambridge; capable; career; case; catechism; causes; central; century; certain; change; chapter; characteristic; chief; children; church; circle; circumstances; claim; class; classes; classification; clear; clergy; clergyman; cobbett; code; codification; college; colquhoun; commerce; commercial; committee; common; complete; concerned; conclusions; conditions; conduct; conflict; congenial; connected; connection; conscience; consequences; consideration; constant; constitution; contemporary; content; continent; correspondence; corresponding; corresponds; corruption; country; course; court; creed; criminal; criticism; curious; day; days; deal; death; defence; definite; degree; demand; desirable; desire; despotism; details; determined; development; different; difficulty; disciple; discussion; disposition; distinction; doctrine; dominant; doubt; duke; dumont; duties; duty; early; easy; economy; eden; edinburgh; edition; education; effect; eighteenth; elaborate; eldon; empire; empirical; end; energetic; energy; england; english; englishmen; entities; entity; equal; equality; essay; essential; establishment; ethical; evidence; evil; example; excellent; existence; expense; experience; explanation; external; eyes; fact; fallacies; families; family; famous; father; favourite; feeling; fictitious; final; following; force; formula; foundation; fox; fragment; france; free; french; friend; friendly; functions; fundamental; general; gentleman; george; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; growth; half; hand; happiness; hard; harmony; head; help; highest; history; home; horne; house; howard; human; hume; ibid; ideas; iii; immediate; important; impression; improvement; increase; independent; individual; individualism; industrial; industry; influence; inquiry; instincts; institutions; intellectual; intelligent; interest; interesting; interference; introduction; intuitions; involved; ireland; jacobin; james; jeremy; john; judge; judgment; judicial; justice; kant; kind; king; knowledge; known; labour; language; lansdowne; large; later; law; laws; lawyers; lay; lead; leaders; leading; lectures; left; legal; legislation; letters; liberal; liberty; life; light; like; line; list; literary; little; locke; logical; london; long; lord; love; machinery; main; making; man; manchester; mankind; manufacturers; marked; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; men; mere; merit; method; middle; mill; mind; minister; minute; mischievous; modern; money; moral; morality; mother; motives; movement; mss; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notes; notice; number; object; obvious; officers; official; old; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; organisation; original; outside; oxford; pains; paley; panopticon; papers; parish; parliament; parliamentary; parr; particular; party; passions; pay; penal; people; period; permanent; personal; persons; philanthropic; philosophical; philosophy; phrase; physical; pitt; place; plan; pleasures; point; police; political; politics; poor; popular; population; position; possible; power; practical; practice; preface; prejudices; prepared; present; previous; priestley; primary; principles; prison; private; privileges; problems; procedure; process; product; professor; progress; proof; property; psychology; public; publication; punishment; pure; purpose; qualities; queen; question; race; radicalism; ready; real; reality; reason; reference; reform; reformers; regard; reid; relation; religious; remark; remarkable; representative; reputation; respect; result; return; review; revolution; revolutionary; rights; rise; rising; roads; romilly; royal; rule; russia; sanctions; scepticism; scheme; school; science; scientific; scotland; scottish; second; secondary; secure; security; self; sense; sentiment; separate; series; set; share; shelburne; short; showing; shows; significant; similar; simple; sinclair; slave; small; smith; social; societies; society; son; sound; source; sovereign; space; spain; special; speculation; sphere; spirit; spite; spread; springs; squire; state; statement; step; stewart; strong; studies; study; subject; substance; success; successful; sufficient; support; sympathy; system; table; task; teaching; technical; tendency; terms; theories; theory; things; thomas; thoroughgoing; thought; time; tooke; topics; tour; towns; trade; traditional; traitã; travels; treatise; true; truth; turn; tutor; type; ultimate; united; universal; universities; university; useful; utilitarians; utility; value; vast; view; vigorous; viii; virtue; vols; volumes; wages; want; watt; way; wealth; westminster; whigs; wilberforce; william; wilson; wisdom; working; works; world; worth; writers; writings; wrong; years; young cache: 27597.txt plain text: 27597.txt item: #82 of 181 id: 27814 author: Engels, Friedrich title: Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy date: None words: 22991 flesch: 48 summary: But Feuerbach himself did not go forward in his views of human society from his standpoint of 1840 and 1844, chiefly owing to that loneliness which compelled him to think everything out by himself, instead of in friendly and hostile conflict with other men of his calibre, although of all philosophers he was the fondest of intercourse with his fellows. He comes into relationship with other men, but each of the others is just as much an abstraction as he himself is. keywords: absolute; abstract; abstraction; activity; actual; ages; antagonism; basis; bourgeois; brain; cause; century; certain; changes; character; christianity; church; circumstances; class; classes; complete; conclusion; conditions; connection; consciousness; content; contradiction; contrary; course; day; desire; development; dialectic; different; doctrine; earlier; economic; effect; eighteenth; end; engels; england; english; entire; events; evident; evil; example; existence; exists; fact; feudal; feuerbach; fight; final; forces; form; foundation; french; general; germany; gods; great; greater; hand; happiness; hegel; hegelian; hegelian philosophy; higher; historical; history; human; humanity; idea; idealism; idealistic; ideological; independent; individual; industry; influence; instance; kant; knowledge; later; law; laws; left; life; limited; little; long; love; man; mankind; marx; materialism; materialistic; matter; means; mere; method; middle; mind; modern; moral; motion; motives; movement; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; old; origin; outside; particular; people; period; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; point; political; position; positive; possible; power; practical; present; process; processes; production; products; progress; pursuit; question; real; reality; reason; regard; relations; religion; religious; results; revolution; revolutionary; school; science; scientific; self; sense; set; short; significance; single; social; socialist; society; spite; standpoint; starcke; state; statement; step; subject; system; teachings; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; today; true; truth; universal; value; view; way; words; work; working; world; years cache: 27814.txt plain text: 27814.txt item: #83 of 181 id: 28484 author: Mansel, Henry Longueville title: The Philosophy of the Conditioned date: None words: 29785 flesch: 55 summary: With regard to the former of these two assertions, Mr. Mill's whole argument is vitiated, as we have already shown, by his confusion between _infinite_ and _indefinite_; but it is worth while to quote one of his special instances in this chapter, as a specimen of the kind of reasoning which an eminent writer on logic can sometimes employ. Absence from England prevented me from becoming acquainted with Mr. Mill's _Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy_ till some time after its publication; and when I was requested to undertake the task of reviewing it, I was still ignorant of its contents. keywords: absolute; abstract; analogy; argument; attempt; attributes; author; belief; better; body; book; capable; cause; certain; chapter; character; christian; conception; conditions; confusion; consciousness; contradiction; course; cousin; creatures; criticism; degree; dependent; derived; determined; different; direct; distinction; distinguished; divine; doctrine; ego; error; essence; examination; existence; express; fact; faith; find; form; free; general; god; goodness; great; greater; greek; ground; hamilton; hand; highest; human; ideas; image; immediate; inconceivable; infinite; instance; intellect; intelligence; intuition; kant; knowledge; language; laws; lectures; limited; logical; long; man; manner; mansel; material; materialism; matter; meaning; means; mental; mere; mill; mind; moral; names; natural; nature; necessary; negative; non; notion; noumenon; object; pantheism; perception; personal; personality; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; plato; plurality; point; portion; position; positive; possible; power; present; previous; primary; principle; problem; proper; qualities; question; real; reality; reason; regard; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; remarks; respect; result; right; schelling; second; self; sense; simple; sir; space; special; subject; substance; succession; supposes; system; term; theology; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; unable; unconditioned; universe; unknown; vol; way; wise; words; world; writer cache: 28484.txt plain text: 28484.txt item: #84 of 181 id: 29033 author: Morley, John title: Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3), Essay 10: Auguste Comte date: None words: 12604 flesch: 54 summary: Madame Comte conceived a dislike to the circle she found there, and this was the too early beginning of disputes which lasted for the remainder of their union. The question is difficult to answer generally; in Comte's case there is reason in the doubts felt by Madame Comte as to the expediency of relieving the philosopher from the necessity of being in plain and business-like relations with indifferent persons for a certain number of hours in the week. keywords: abstract; account; analysis; auguste; catholic; certain; character; classification; comte; comtist; conceptions; conditions; connection; construction; course; development; different; direction; doctrine; element; end; english; existence; exposition; facts; feeling; force; friend; general; good; great; hand; high; history; human; humanity; ideas; important; influence; intellectual; interest; key; kind; knowledge; laws; lectures; life; like; little; madame; man; marked; marriage; material; means; metaphysical; method; mill; mind; modern; money; moral; nature; need; new; object; official; old; order; phenomena; philosophy; place; political; polity; positive; positive philosophy; positive polity; possible; power; practical; present; principle; public; real; reason; relations; religion; rest; right; saint; saint simon; school; science; scientific; second; series; set; simon; social; society; sociology; special; spiritual; state; study; superior; system; theological; theory; things; thinker; thought; time; true; unity; value; vaux; volume; way; work; world; years; young; youth cache: 29033.txt plain text: 29033.txt item: #85 of 181 id: 29478 author: Mandeville, Bernard title: A Letter to Dion date: None words: 24815 flesch: 65 summary: Euphranor_ are very good Characters; but what I admire the most in them, is the consummate Patience in keeping Company, and bearing for a whole Week together, with two such insupportable, out of the way Rascals, as you have represented _Alciphron_ and _Lysicles_ to be. Now would I ask if a good Citizen, in Consideration of what has been said, might not assert, that dirty Streets are a necessary Evil inseparable from the Felicity of_ London, _without being the least Hindrance to the Cleaning of Shoes, or Sweeping of Streets, and consequently without any Prejudice either to the_ Blackguard _or the_ Scavengers. keywords: account; actions; adversaries; alciphron; angeles; argument; author; bad; bayle; beer; bees; benefit; berkeley; bernard; body; book; business; california; call'd; care; cause; century; character; chief; christian; church; clark; clergy; common; company; contrary; convinced; country; day; defence; design; desire; dialogue; different; difficult; dion; doctrine; doubt; drink; easy; edition; end; enemies; england; english; eternal; euphranor; evident; fable; faire; flourishing; folly; form; free; general; glory; god; good; government; grace; grand; great; greater; greatest; greatness; guilty; hands; happiness; heart; honest; human; impossible; individual; interest; introduction; john; justice; kaye; laissez; large; law; laws; leave; letter; liberty; library; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; love; luxury; lysicles; magistrates; management; mandeville; manner; means; memorial; men; mind; minute; money; morality; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; nicanor; nicole; notions; number; opinion; order; page; pains; people; philosopher; place; plain; pleasure; plenty; politician; poor; power; preface; principles; private; prosperity; publick; purpose; question; readers; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; rich; rigorism; rogues; second; self; sense; shew; sir; skilful; small; society; state; streets; sufficient; temporal; things; think; thirst; tho; thomas; thought; time; title; trade; true; university; use; vices; view; vindication; virtue; voluptuous; way; ways; wealth; welfare; wicked; william; wine; words; world; worldly; worth; writing; year cache: 29478.txt plain text: 29478.txt item: #86 of 181 id: 29869 author: Spencer, Herbert title: Essays: Scientific, Political, & Speculative; Vol. 1 of 3 Library Edition (1891), Containing Seven Essays not before Republished, and Various other Additions. date: None words: 159993 flesch: 51 summary: Volvox_ has no parts of its periphery unlike other parts; and it is not to be expected that it should have; seeing that as it revolves in all directions, it does not, in traversing the water, permanently expose any part to special conditions. Carrying with them the classification of strata existing in Europe, and assuming that groups of strata in other parts of the world must answer to some of the groups of strata known here, they are necessarily prone to assert parallelism on insufficient evidence. keywords: absence; absolute; abstract; abundant; accepted; accompanying; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; additional; adequate; adjacent; adult; advance; agencies; agency; agents; aggregate; aggregation; aid; air; alleged; allied; america; amounts; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancient; angular; animals; answer; apparatus; apparent; appearance; appears; appliances; approach; appropriate; area; argument; argyll; arrangement; article; ascending; assemblage; associated; assumed; assumption; atmosphere; atoms; attention; attributes; average; axis; bain; balance; bear; beds; beginning; belief; best; better; birds; blood; bodies; body; capable; cases; cause; celestial; cells; central; centre; centrifugal; certain; changes; channels; characteristic; characters; charles; chemical; chief; chiefly; children; circumstances; civilization; civilized; class; classes; classification; clear; close; cloud; combination; combined; comets; commodities; common; community; comparative; comparison; complete; complex; complexity; component; composing; composition; compounds; concentration; conception; concerned; conclusion; concrete; condensation; conditions; conduct; connected; connexion; consciousness; consequences; consequent; considerable; consist; conspicuous; constant; constitution; contact; contents; continent; continued; continuous; contraction; contrast; converse; cooling; correlation; correspondence; corresponding; countless; course; creation; creatures; crust; crustaceans; currents; daily; darwin; data; day; dead; decided; decrease; definite; degree; demand; denser; density; dependent; deposits; descendants; determined; developed; development; diameter; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; diffused; diminished; direct; direction; discovery; display; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; disuse; divergence; divine; division; doctrine; dogs; domestic; dominant; double; doubtless; duke; earlier; earliest; early; earth; edition; effects; elements; elevation; embryo; emotional; emotions; end; ends; england; enormous; entire; environment; equal; equilibrium; essay; essential; established; european; evidence; evolution; example; exercise; exhibit; existence; existing; exists; experiences; explanation; explicable; expression; extensive; extent; external; extreme; eye; fact; factor; fall; familiar; family; far; fauna; favourable; feelings; feet; fish; fit; fittest; flocculi; flora; following; follows; food; footnote; force; foregoing; formation; forms; fossils; functions; fundamental; furnished; ganglia; gaseous; general; generalizations; generations; genesis; geological; geologists; geology; germ; gives; globe; god; good; governing; governmental; gradual; gravitation; gravity; great; greater; greatest; groups; growth; habits; half; hand; harmony; head; heat; herschel; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; higher; highest; hind; history; holds; homogeneous; human; hutton; huxley; hypothesis; ideas; igneous; illustrated; illustration; immediate; immense; imperfect; implication; implied; important; impressions; inclinations; increase; indirect; individual; infant; inference; inferior; influence; inheritance; inherited; inner; inorganic; inquiries; inquiry; insects; instance; integration; intellectual; intelligence; intermediate; internal; interpretation; involved; irregular; jaws; john; jupiter; kind; kindred; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lands; language; laplace; large; largest; law; laws; layer; leading; leaves; left; legs; length; life; light; like; likely; limbs; limit; line; liquid; little; living; local; long; longer; lower; lowest; luminous; lyell; majority; makes; mammals; manifest; manner; manufacture; marine; marked; mars; martineau; mass; masses; materials; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; medium; members; membrane; mental; mere; metallic; method; miles; millions; mind; mineral; minor; minute; mode; modern; modifications; modified; molecular; molecules; molten; moment; moon; moral; movements; multiplication; multiplied; multitudinous; murchison; muscles; music; mutual; names; nations; natural; nature; nay; near; nearer; nebular; nebulous; nebulæ; necessary; necessity; needful; needs; neighbouring; nervous; new; non; north; notion; nucleus; number; numerous; nutriment; nutrition; nutritive; objection; objects; observation; observed; obvious; ocean; offspring; old; ones; operative; opposite; orbits; order; ordinary; organic; organisms; organization; organized; organs; origin; original; outer; oxygen; page; pains; painting; paper; paragraph; parallel; partial; particular; parts; passage; passing; past; peculiarities; people; period; peripheral; permanent; personal; persons; phenomena; photosphere; physical; physiological; physiology; place; planet; planetoids; plants; play; pleasures; point; politic; portions; position; possible; powers; presence; present; pressure; primary; primitive; primordial; principles; priori; probability; probable; process; processes; produce; production; products; professor; progress; proof; property; proportion; propositions; protoplasm; psychology; quantity; question; races; rapid; rational; reader; reason; reasoning; received; recent; recognized; red; reference; regard; region; related; relation; relative; religious; remains; remarkable; remote; removed; reply; representative; represented; reptiles; requisite; respect; respective; rest; results; review; rhythm; ring; rocks; root; rotating; rotation; round; rude; satellites; saturn; savage; saying; science; scientific; sea; second; secondary; sedimentary; seeing; segments; selection; self; sensations; sense; sentiments; separate; series; set; sets; sexes; shape; shell; shores; short; showing; shows; sides; significant; silurian; similar; simple; simplest; single; sir; size; skin; slow; small; smaller; smallest; social; societies; society; solar; solid; south; space; speaking; special; species; specific; speech; spheroid; spontaneous; spots; stages; stand; stars; state; statement; step; strange; strata; stratum; strength; stronger; structure; subject; subordinate; subsequent; subsidence; substances; successive; summer; sun; sundry; superficial; superior; support; supposed; supposition; surface; survival; sympathy; system; taking; temperature; tendency; terms; terrestrial; theory; things; thought; time; tissues; trace; traceable; traits; transmission; tree; tribe; true; truth; types; ultimate; undergone; unfolding; union; united; units; universal; unlike; unusual; upper; utility; vague; variations; varied; varieties; variety; vascular; vast; vegetal; velocities; velocity; venus; vertebrata; view; virtue; visible; vital; volume; water; waves; way; ways; weight; wide; wolf; women; words; work; working; world; worship; years; young cache: 29869.txt plain text: 29869.txt item: #87 of 181 id: 30866 author: Stebbing, W. (William) title: Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic date: None words: 43762 flesch: 52 summary: The difficulty in _Achilles and the Tortoise_ arises from the use of _infinity_, or, _for ever_, in the premisses, to signify a finite time which is infinitely divisible, and, in the conclusion, to signify an infinite time. The ancients used it; and in questions relating to man and society, it is still employed by _practical_ men. keywords: absence; abstract; account; action; agreement; analysis; antecedent; argument; assertion; attributes; axioms; belief; bodies; body; book; case; causation; causes; certain; certainty; chance; chapter; character; chemical; circumstances; class; classes; classification; common; comparison; complete; complex; composition; conception; conclusion; concrete; condition; connotation; connoted; consciousness; deduction; deductive; definite; definition; derivative; different; direct; distinct; distinction; division; doctrine; e.g.; edition; effect; elements; empirical; enquiry; equal; error; evidence; existence; existing; experience; experiment; explanation; external; facts; fallacies; fallacy; false; far; feelings; form; formation; general; generalisation; genus; geometrical; geometry; great; greek; ground; human; ideas; iii; import; independent; individual; induction; inductive; inference; instances; invariable; kind; knowledge; known; language; laws; like; limits; logic; man; marks; matter; meaning; means; mental; mere; method; mind; motion; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; non; number; objects; observation; observed; ones; order; original; particular; permanent; phenomena; physical; place; point; political; positive; possible; power; practical; predicate; premisses; presence; present; principles; process; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; qualities; quality; quantity; question; ratiocination; real; reasoning; reference; relations; resemblance; rest; result; science; scientific; second; sensations; sense; separate; series; set; simple; single; social; society; sole; special; species; specific; state; subject; substance; succession; sum; supposed; syllogism; system; terms; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; type; ultimate; uniformities; uniformity; universal; unknown; value; verbal; view; viz; volition; way; whewell; words cache: 30866.txt plain text: 30866.txt item: #88 of 181 id: 31205 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: The Philosophy of Spinoza date: None words: 121384 flesch: 59 summary: For it is certain, that by the guidance of Nature men conspire together, either through common fear, or with the desire to avenge some common hurt; and as the right of the commonwealth is determined by the common power of the multitude, it is certain that the power and right of the commonwealth are so far diminished, as it gives occasion for many to conspire together. On our minds also the mind of God and His eternal thoughts are impressed; but this being the same for all men is less taken into account, especially by the Hebrews, who claimed a preëminence, and despised other men and other men's knowledge. keywords: able; absolute; absurd; accordance; account; acting; action; acts; actual; adam; adequate; affairs; affected; affirmation; agitated; aim; anger; appetite; arises; attempt; attribute; authorities; authority; authors; axioms; basis; best; better; bible; blessedness; blood; bodies; body; book; bound; capable; care; cause; ceremonial; certain; certitude; change; chapter; character; chief; christ; circle; circumstances; civil; clear; commands; commonwealth; conceive; conception; conclusion; conduct; confused; conscious; constitution; contingent; contrary; control; corporeal; course; day; death; decree; definitions; deity; demonstration; desire; determinate; determined; determinism; dictates; different; differs; difficult; direct; distinct; distinguished; divine nature; doctrine; dominion; doubt; duration; earth; effect; effort; emotions; end; endeavor; ends; equal; error; essence; eternity; ethics; events; evident; evil; example; existence; experience; express; extension; external; external body; fact; faculty; faith; false; fear; final; fixed; following; follows; footnotes; force; form; fortune; foundation; free; free man; freedom; fundamental; future; general; glory; god; gods; good; government; greater; greatest; guidance; habit; hand; happiness; hate; hatred; heart; heaven; hebrews; highest; history; hold; holy; hope; horse; human; human body; human mind; human nature; human power; human reason; idea; ignorance; ignorant; iii; images; imagination; imperfect; impotence; inasmuch; increased; independent; individual; individual things; infinite; infinite nature; instance; intellect; intellectual; intention; interpretation; jews; joy; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; language; laws; learned; left; liberty; life; like; limited; little; live; living; long; longer; lord; love; makes; man; mankind; manner; masses; matter; meaning; means; men; mere; method; mind; miracles; mode; modifications; moral; morality; moses; multitude; narratives; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notions; number; obedience; object; observed; old; opinions; opposed; order; ordinary; origin; page; particular; parts; pass; passages; passions; past; paul; peace; people; perfect; perfection; person; peter; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; piety; plain; pleasure; point; political; possesses; possible; power; prejudices; present; preservation; pride; primary; principles; profitable; properties; prophecy; prophets; proportion; propositions; psychology; public; punishment; purpose; question; rational; reality; reason; reference; regard; related; religion; religious; remains; respect; rest; restrained; result; return; revelation; right; rule; sacred; said; sake; salvation; satisfaction; save; science; scripture; second; self; sense; service; set; sign; similar; simple; social; society; sole; solomon; sorrow; soul; sovereign; spinoza; spirit; springs; state; strength; strive; stronger; style; subject; substance; sufficient; sun; superstition; supreme; sure; system; teaching; terms; text; things; thinking; thought; time; treatise; triangle; true; truth; unable; understanding; universal; universe; value; view; vii; virtue; voice; war; way; ways; whatsoever; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; words; work; world; worship; wrong; years cache: 31205.txt plain text: 31205.txt item: #89 of 181 id: 3150 author: Butler, Joseph title: Human Nature, and Other Sermons date: None words: 47321 flesch: 56 summary: The natural supremacy of reflection or conscience being thus established, we may from it form a distinct notion of what is meant by _human nature_ when virtue is said to consist in following it, and vice in deviating from it. A backbiting tongue hath disquieted many_; _strong cities hath it pulled down_, _and overthrown the houses of great men_. keywords: account; action; advantage; affection; appetites; authority; balaam; behaviour; benevolence; better; body; business; butler; care; cases; certain; character; charity; chief; children; circumstances; common; comparison; compassion; condition; conscience; consequence; consideration; constitution; contrary; conversation; course; creatures; danger; death; degree; delight; desire; different; discourse; disposition; distinct; distinction; distress; duty; easy; end; endeavour; enjoyment; evil; exercise; external; faculty; fear; feel; fellow; following; general; god; good; good man; goodness; government; gratification; great; greater; greatest; happiness; hath; having; heart; higher; human; human nature; infinite; influence; instance; interest; inward; kind; known; law; life; little; love; man; manifest; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; misery; moral; natural; nature; necessary; neighbour; notion; object; observation; occasion; order; pain; particular; passions; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; persons; pleasure; positive; power; presence; present; principle; private; private good; proper; proportion; public; pursuit; question; real; reason; reasonable; reflection; regard; relation; religion; religious; resentment; respect; right; sake; satisfaction; scarce; self; sense; sermon; society; soever; sorrow; sort; state; strength; strong; strongest; subject; superior; supposed; temper; tendency; things; thought; time; tongue; true; truth; use; vice; view; virtue; want; way; wisdom; words; world cache: 3150.txt plain text: 3150.txt item: #90 of 181 id: 31941 author: Robertson, J. M. (John Mackinnon) title: Rationalism date: None words: 18153 flesch: 53 summary: And for this among other reasons, M. Bergson's attack upon Spencer and other generalisers in science for their 'mechanical' way of conceiving evolution is no blow to 'science,' as M. Bergson would probably avow, though he is lax enough to delimit science at times in his dialectic. There are well-known instances of men of science who by analysis widen the bounds of physical knowledge while accepting, in ways which other men find grotesquely uncritical, loose propositions on psychic existence. keywords: accepted; alike; analysis; ancient; answer; appeal; argument; attitude; author; authority; balfour; beliefs; believe; bergson; best; bias; butler; case; certain; certainty; challenge; christian; christianity; claim; common; conception; conclusion; consistency; course; creed; critical; criticism; current; day; defence; determinist; distinguished; divine; doctrine; doubt; early; effect; evidence; evolution; existence; experience; experiment; fact; faculty; faith; far; form; free; future; general; god; good; ground; habit; hand; history; human; idea; ideals; imperative; incapable; inference; instance; intellectual; james; judgment; kant; kind; knowledge; law; laws; life; living; logical; makes; man; matters; means; men; mere; mill; mind; moral; natural; nature; need; negative; new; non; note; observation; old; orthodox; particular; pascal; past; persons; phenomena; philosophic; point; positive; practical; practice; present; principle; probability; problem; process; processes; professed; professor; proof; proposition; proved; question; rationalist; reason; reasonable; reasoning; regards; religion; religious; revelation; right; science; scientific; self; sense; set; short; simple; society; spencer; sphere; spirit; stand; statement; terms; test; theistic; thesis; things; thought; time; true; truth; turn; ultimate; universal; universe; university; use; utilitarian; valid; view; way; work; wrong cache: 31941.txt plain text: 31941.txt item: #91 of 181 id: 32547 author: James, William title: Essays in Radical Empiricism date: None words: 56553 flesch: 65 summary: experience belonging to the same subject, with definite tracts of conjunctive transitional experience between them; or (3) the known is a _possible_ experience either of that subject or another, to which the said conjunctive transitions _would_ lead, if sufficiently prolonged. Call it self-transcendency or call it pointing, whichever you like--it makes no difference so long as real transitions towards real goals are admitted as things given _in_ experience, and among experience's most indefeasible parts. keywords: 8vo; absolument; absolute; abstract; account; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; adjectives; agents; ainsi; analysis; appearance; article; associates; attention; attributes; author; bare; beauty; belief; berkeley; best; better; bien; body; bombay; book; bradley; c'est; calcutta; case; cells; centre; certain; cette; change; character; choses; cit; class; clear; co.; cognitive; comme; common; complete; complex; conception; concepts; conceptual; concrete; confluent; conjunctions; conjunctive; connected; conscience; consciousness; constitution; content; contexts; continuous; contrary; course; critics; d'une; dans; day; de la; definite; degree; des; description; deux; dialectic; different; difficulty; direction; discussion; dispute; distinct; doctrine; dog; dualisme; dã ©; edition; effects; effort; elements; elle; empirical; empiricism; encore; end; entity; essay; example; exist; existence; experience; expã ©; external; face; fact; fait; farther; feeling; felt; field; figure; fire; following; footnotes; form; free; function; fundamental; future; general; good; green; group; haldane; hall; hand; hard; history; hold; humanism; humanistic; hume; hypothesis; ibid; idealism; ideas; identical; identity; idã ©; iii; image; immediate; important; inert; inner; inside; instance; intellect; intellectual; interest; intã ©; james; joseph; journal; kind; knower; knowing; knowledge; l'expã ©; l'ã ©; later; leaves; left; les; leur; life; like; lines; little; living; logical; london; long; longmans; lui; mais; makes; material; matter; meaning; means; memorial; mental; mere; metaphysical; methods; mind; moment; monde; movement; mãªme; mã¼nsterberg; n'est; natural; nature; need; new; non; nos; note; notion; nous; number; nã ©; object; objections; objective; ones; operations; opinion; opposite; order; original; outer; outside; oã¹; page; paradox; particular; partie; parts; pas; pass; passing; past; paths; pen; pensã ©; percept; perception; perceptual; personal; peut; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physique; phã; piece; pitkin; place; plan; pluralistic; plus; point; possible; postulate; pour; practical; pragmatism; present; principles; problems; process; processes; professor; prã ©; psychological; psychology; pure; pure experience; purpose; qu'elle; qu'il; qu'on; qualities; quality; que; question; qui; radical; radical empiricism; rationalism; reader; ready; real; realism; realities; reality; reason; reference; related; relations; reply; reprã ©; result; retrospective; review; right; room; rã ©; salle; satisfactory; scientific; second; secondary; self; sensation; sense; sensible; separate; series; set; shape; similar; simple; single; situation; soit; sont; sort; soul; space; span; special; spiritual; state; statement; stream; strong; stuff; subject; substitute; substitution; sure; system; table; taking; talk; tendencies; tendency; terminate; terminus; terms; text; theoretic; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; total; tous; tout; transcendency; transcendental; transitions; treat; true; truth; turn; type; tã ©; ultimate; understanding; une; union; unity; universe; use; value; verbal; view; vii; viii; vol; volume; vous; way; ways; wholes; wider; words; work; world; writers; xii; years; york; | |; © alitã; © e; © es; © ment; © rience; © rieure; © s; © toffe cache: 32547.txt plain text: 32547.txt item: #92 of 181 id: 32701 author: Prichard, H. A. (Harold Arthur) title: Kant's Theory of Knowledge date: None words: 99894 flesch: 56 summary: But, since in his statement of this fact he substitutes for bodies phenomena, which to him are perceptions, his statement can be put in the form 'space is _the form of perceptions_'; and the statement in this form is verbally almost identical with the statement that space is _a form of perception_. Here Kant definitely implies that an objective sequence, i. e. an order or sequence of the _manifold_ of a phenomenon, consists in a sequence of _perceptions or apprehensions_ of which the order is necessary or according to a rule; in other words, that a succession of perceptions in the special case where the succession is necessary is a succession of events perceived.[37] keywords: accordance; account; activity; actual; aim; answer; appeal; appearance; apprehended; apprehension; argument; assertion; aware; bodies; body; capable; case; categories; causality; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; clear; colour; combination; combining; conception; conclusion; condition; conformity; connected; connexion; consciousness; consideration; consists; contrary; corresponding; course; data; deduction; determination; determined; different; difficulty; distinction; doctor; doubt; effect; elements; empirical; empirical perception; event; existence; exists; experience; external; fact; faculty; figure; follows; form; formal; general; geometrical; ground; hand; i. e.; ideas; identical; identity; image; imagination; independent; individual; instance; internal; involved; judgement; kant; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; laws; lines; logic; look; mah; main; making; manifold; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mental; mere; metaphysics; mind; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; note; number; object; objective; order; ordinary; particular; parts; passage; perceiving; perception; permanent; phenomena; phrase; physical; physics; place; point; position; possibility; possible; preceding; presupposes; presupposition; principles; priori; problem; process; proof; proper; pure; qualities; quantity; question; realities; reality; reason; regard; related; relation; relative; representations; respect; right; rule; said; schema; second; self; sensation; sense; sensibility; sequence; shape; space; spatial; special; statement; states; subject; substance; succession; synthesis; synthetic; temporal; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; transcendental; treatment; triangle; true; truth; understanding; unity; universal; use; validity; view; virtue; viz; way; words; world cache: 32701.txt plain text: 32701.txt item: #93 of 181 id: 33411 author: Stace, W. T. (Walter Terence) title: A Critical History of Greek Philosophy date: None words: 114597 flesch: 72 summary: It is one and the same reason in me and in other men. He does not see the phenomenon with the eyes of other men, but penetrates the sensuous envelope and exhibits the Idea shining through the veils of sense. keywords: 8vo; able; absolute; abstract; academy; account; action; activity; actual; advance; age; air; alexander; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; animals; answer; appearance; argument; aristotle; artist; athens; atomists; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; birth; bodies; body; book; causation; cause; central; centre; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chief; child; class; clear; cold; colour; common; complete; concept; conception; conclusion; consciousness; consists; contradiction; contrary; control; copies; copy; correct; course; critical; criticism; crito; custom; day; death; definite; definition; democracy; democritus; desire; details; determined; developed; development; dialectic; dialogues; differences; different; difficulty; discussion; distinction; distinguished; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; dualism; early; earth; education; effect; efficient; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; ends; entire; epicureans; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; ethical; ethics; evil; evolution; example; existence; existent; experience; explanation; expression; external; fact; fall; false; family; far; fear; feeling; final; fire; follows; footnote; force; form; formal; formless; foundation; founder; free; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; gold; good; goodness; gorgias; governed; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; greek philosophy; ground; half; hand; happiness; harmony; heracleitus; higher; highest; historical; history; horse; human; idealism; ideas; identical; illusion; images; important; impressions; incorporeal; independent; individual; indivisible; infinite; influence; inorganic; intellectual; iron; isolated; justice; kind; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; left; level; lies; life; like; limit; line; little; living; logical; long; longer; look; love; lower; magnitude; main; making; man; manner; material; materialism; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; mechanism; members; memory; men; mere; metaphysics; mind; mistake; modern; moment; moon; morality; motion; movement; multiplicity; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; negative; neo; new; non; nous; number; objective; objects; obvious; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organism; origin; original; outside; pain; paper; parmenides; particles; particular; parts; pass; passes; passions; people; perception; perfect; period; personal; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; piece; place; plants; plato; platonism; pleasure; plotinus; poetry; point; political; politics; popular; position; positive; possible; practical; practice; present; previous; principle; problem; process; professor; proper; proposition; protagoras; pure; pythagoreans; qualities; quality; quantity; question; race; rational; reality; reason; reasoning; recollection; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; republic; rest; result; return; right; rise; rule; sake; saying; scale; scepticism; school; science; scientific; second; self; sensation; sense; sensuous; separate; set; shape; shows; similar; simple; single; small; socrates; socratic; sole; solution; sophists; sort; soul; source; space; special; sphere; spirit; spiritual; standard; stars; state; stoics; straight; study; subject; substance; sun; supreme; system; talk; teaching; tendency; terms; thales; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; total; treatise; true; truth; turn; ultimate; unity; universal; universe; unreal; value; view; virtue; water; way; weight; whiteness; wisdom; wise; wood; words; work; world; writings; wrong; xenophanes; years; young; zeno cache: 33411.txt plain text: 33411.txt item: #94 of 181 id: 33727 author: Moore, Addison Webster title: Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude date: None words: 125917 flesch: 52 summary: It deals with the laws and processes and structures of this consciousness in all its experiences, not with _exceptional_ experiences. For obviously, evil can be problematic only in an absolutely good world, and the idea that the world is absolutely good is not a generalization _upon_ experience, but a contradiction _of_ experience. keywords: absolute; abstract; abstraction; acceptance; accepted; accidents; account; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; adequate; adjustment; advance; advantage; affair; affection; agent; alleged; ambiguity; analysis; analytic; ancient; animal; answer; anticipated; anticipation; apparatus; appeal; appearance; appropriate; arbitrary; argument; aristotle; arithmetic; aspect; association; assumption; atomic; attempt; attention; attitude; aware; basis; bearing; beauty; beginning; behavior; beings; belief; bergson; best; better; biological; bodies; body; books; break; business; capable; capacity; car; case; categories; causes; center; century; certain; change; changing; character; characteristic; chief; children; choice; circular; circumstances; cit; civilization; claim; class; classes; clear; clearness; cognitive; cohen; commodity; common; comparison; compensatory; complete; complex; conception; concepts; concerned; conclusion; concrete; conditions; conduct; conflict; connexions; consciousness; consequences; consideration; consistent; constant; constitute; constructive; contact; contemporary; content; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; contrast; control; correct; corresponding; cost; counting; course; coöperation; creative; criterion; criticism; critics; cross; cut; data; day; dealing; death; deduction; definite; definition; degree; demand; description; desire; detail; determined; determining; developed; development; dewey; dialectic; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; direct; direction; discovery; discussion; disease; distinction; distinguished; doctrine; doubt; dreams; duty; earlier; early; earth; easy; economic; effect; effective; effort; elements; emotional; emotions; empirical; empiricism; end; ends; energies; entire; entities; environment; epistemological; epistemology; equal; error; escape; essence; essential; established; eternity; ethical; ethics; euclidian; events; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; example; exchange; existence; existent; experience; experimental; explanation; expression; extent; external; eye; face; fact; factor; faculty; failure; fall; false; familiar; far; fashion; fear; feeling; field; finding; fixed; focus; following; food; force; form; formal; forward; free; freedom; friend; fulfilment; function; fundamental; future; gain; general; generalization; generalized; genuine; geometrical; geometry; given; god; gods; good; great; greater; greek; ground; groups; growth; guidance; habit; hand; happy; hard; heaven; hegel; higher; historic; history; hold; hope; human; human nature; hypothesis; idealism; idealistic; ideas; identical; identification; identity; iii; imagination; immediate; immortality; implication; implicit; implies; important; impulses; increase; independent; individual; individual experience; industry; inevitable; inference; influence; inhibition; inner; inquiry; instances; instincts; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; interaction; interest; interesting; interpretation; intimate; intrinsic; invention; investigation; isolated; isolation; issue; james; judgment; justice; kant; kind; knower; knowing; knowledge; known; labor; language; large; later; law; laws; lead; left; level; lies; life; like; likely; limited; limits; line; little; living; loc; logical; logical operations; logical theory; long; looking; love; making; man; mankind; manner; marginal; market; marks; material; mathematical; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; mechanism; memory; mere; metaphysical; method; mill; mind; modern; modes; modification; moment; moore; moral; morality; motive; motor; movement; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neo; nervous; new; new logic; non; note; notion; novelty; number; object; objective; objectivity; obscure; observation; obvious; occasion; occurrence; offers; old; operations; operative; opinion; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organization; organized; origin; original; outcome; paper; paradox; particular; parts; past; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; period; personal; personality; persons; phase; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plato; play; pleasure; point; position; positive; possess; possession; possibilities; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; pragmatic; predicament; premises; presence; present; presentation; price; primary; primitive; principle; prior; private; problem; procedure; proceeds; process; processes; professional; professor; program; progress; proof; proper; properties; propositions; psychical; psychological; psychology; pure; purposes; qualitative; qualities; quality; quantity; question; range; rationalism; reach; reaction; ready; real world; realism; realities; reality; realization; realm; reason; reasonable; reasoning; recent; recognition; reconstruction; reference; reflection; reflex; regard; relations; relationship; relative; religion; religious; remains; represent; research; respect; response; responsible; results; right; routine; rule; russell; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; science; scientific; scientist; scope; second; secure; self; sensations; sense; sensory; sensuous; separate; series; set; sets; shows; significance; signs; similar; simple; single; situation; skill; social; society; solution; sort; soul; source; space; spatial; special; specific; sphere; spirit; spiritual; stage; standard; standpoint; starting; statement; states; static; step; stimulation; stimuli; stimulus; straight; strength; strong; structure; struggle; study; stuff; subject; subjectivism; subsequent; substitute; success; successful; sufficient; suggestion; supply; support; supposed; supreme; symbolic; symbols; synthetic; system; task; technique; temporal; tendencies; tendency; terms; test; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; today; total; tradition; trait; treatment; true; truth; turn; turning; type; ultimate; uncertainty; undertaking; unique; unity; universal; universe; university; use; uses; utility; validity; valuation; value; view; virtue; vision; visual; vital; vol; wants; way; ways; willing; words; work; working; world; worth; writing; wrong; years; æsthetic cache: 33727.txt plain text: 33727.txt item: #95 of 181 id: 34198 author: Lloyd, Alfred H. (Alfred Henry) title: The Will to Doubt: An essay in philosophy for the general thinker date: None words: 80745 flesch: 52 summary: With peculiar truth at the present time the University can justify itself only by serving real life, and it can serve real life, not merely by bringing its pure science down to, or up to, the health and the industrial pursuits of the people, but also by explaining, which is even to say by applying, as science is applied, or by animating the general scepticism of the time. In a fable, never in real life, a man might get the smell of burning wood in his house and refuse to recognize the danger because of the inevitable delay to his business which the alarm of fire would involve; but doubt is not less real nor less dangerous, nor even less capable, when under control, of useful applications. keywords: absolute; abstraction; accord; account; active; activities; activity; actual; age; agent; agnosticism; alive; aloof; analogy; answer; appeal; applicable; argument; attention; attitude; belief; believer; best; birth; blind; body; book; case; causation; causes; certain; change; chapter; character; christianity; church; claim; class; classes; clear; common; company; complete; conceits; conceptions; conclusion; conditions; confession; confidence; conflict; consciousness; consequence; conservative; constant; contradiction; contradictory; conventional; course; creature; danger; day; dead; deal; death; deeper; definite; demands; denial; descartes; developed; development; differences; different; direct; distinct; divided; divine; division; doctrines; dogmatic; double; doubt; doubter; doubting; dualism; duplicity; duty; dynamic; effective; elements; end; english; environment; error; essential; established; evidence; evil; example; exclusive; existence; experience; expression; external; eyes; face; fact; factional; faith; false; familiar; fear; feeling; field; final; fixed; formal; forms; freedom; future; general; genius; genuine; god; good; great; greatest; ground; group; habit; hand; having; heart; history; hold; honest; hope; hopeless; human; human experience; human life; human nature; humour; idea; illustration; immortality; important; inclusive; independent; individual; individuality; industrial; infinite; inner; institution; instrumental; intellectual; interest; interesting; justified; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; labour; large; later; law; lawlessness; left; letter; life; like; limitations; little; lives; living; logical; long; looking; lost; love; making; man; manifest; manner; material; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; men; mere; method; mind; modern; moment; moral; motion; motive; movement; moving; narrow; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; negative; new; objective; objective science; objectivism; old; open; operation; opportunity; opposed; opposition; order; ordinary; ordinary life; original; pagan; paradox; paradoxes; paradoxical; parallelism; partial; particular; parties; parts; past; peculiar; people; perfect; personal; personality; persons; phases; philosophy; physical; physics; place; poetry; point; poise; political; politics; positive; possibility; possible; power; practical; practical life; present; principle; professional; programme; psychology; pure; purpose; question; real; real life; real unity; real world; realistic; reality; reason; reference; regard; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; responsibility; responsible; return; right; rise; routine; running; sake; scepticism; science; scientific; scientist; second; seeking; self; sense; separate; set; short; sides; significant; simple; single; small; social; social life; society; soldier; somewhat; sorts; soul; space; special; special science; specialism; specific; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; standpoint; state; strange; study; subject; substance; substantial; supposed; sure; sympathy; technique; terms; theology; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thought; time; translation; true; truth; turn; typical; unity; universal; universe; unknowable; unreal; use; validity; value; veracity; view; visible; vital; way; ways; wholeness; witness; words; work; working; world; worth; years cache: 34198.txt plain text: 34198.txt item: #96 of 181 id: 34283 author: Benn, Alfred William title: History of Modern Philosophy date: None words: 41537 flesch: 58 summary: The possibility of reducing _à priori_ knowledge to a form of unconscious experience has put an end to dogmatic metaphysics. (iv.) A certain originality and speculative disinterestedness must be allowed to Maine de Biran (1766-1824), who, some years after Fichte--but, as would seem, independently of him--referred to man's voluntary activity as a source of _à priori_ knowledge. keywords: absolute; abstract; accepted; action; activity; advance; age; ages; agnosticism; analysis; answer; antecedent; antithesis; appearance; argument; aristotle; astronomy; attributes; auguste; author; authority; bacon; beginning; beings; belief; berkeley; berlin; best; better; bodies; body; bruno; categories; catholic; causal; causation; cause; century; certain; certainty; change; chapter; character; christian; church; claim; clear; common; complete; comte; condition; connection; consciousness; contradiction; course; court; criticism; critique; current; day; death; descartes; development; distinct; distinction; distinguished; divine; doctrine; doubt; early; earth; effect; ego; elements; end; energy; england; english; equal; essay; essence; eternal; ethics; europe; evil; evolution; example; existence; existing; experience; extension; extent; fact; famous; fichte; final; fire; form; france; free; french; fundamental; future; general; genius; geometry; german; giordano; god; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; hand; happiness; having; hegel; herbert; highest; history; hobbes; human; hume; idea; idealism; illustration; important; independent; individual; infinite; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interpretation; john; judgments; kant; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; left; leibniz; liberty; library; life; like; line; little; living; locke; logic; logical; london; long; love; malebranche; man; material; mathematical; matter; means; mechanical; mere; metaphysics; method; middle; mill; mind; modern; monads; moral; morality; motion; movement; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; neo; new; non; note; number; object; old; opinion; order; original; oxford; pain; pantheism; paris; particular; perceptions; perfect; perfection; period; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; plato; platonic; platonism; point; political; position; positive; possibility; possible; power; present; principle; problem; process; professor; progress; public; pure; purpose; qualities; question; reaction; reality; reason; reasoning; reference; relation; religion; religious; renaissance; result; revived; right; rome; schelling; school; schopenhauer; science; scientific; second; self; sensations; sense; sequence; series; service; set; short; shows; single; sir; social; society; solution; soul; source; space; speculation; spencer; spinoza; spirit; state; step; studies; study; subject; subjective; substance; succession; supposed; supreme; synthesis; synthetic; system; teaching; tendency; terms; theological; theology; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thomas; thought; time; trans; true; truth; ultimate; universal; universe; university; value; view; vols; war; way; words; work; world; writings; years; young cache: 34283.txt plain text: 34283.txt item: #97 of 181 id: 34511 author: Rand, Edward Kennard title: The Supposed Autographa of John the Scot date: None words: 2453 flesch: 77 summary: In _De Divisione Naturae_ i. 49 (Migne _P.L._ cxxii, 491 A) we read: Omnium hominum una eademque [Greek: ousia] est. He is supplemented in one of his own enlargements by _r^{2}_.[11] On another page, he is corrected by _r^{2}_, or possibly the text-hand.[12] Our last resort, if we are still to look for the autograph of John the Scot in the various hands of Reims, is to suppose that, if not _i^{1}_, it is _i^{2}_. keywords: author; bamberg; corrections; different; enlargements; est; fol; form; hand; hypothesis; i^{1; i^{2; illustration; insular; johannes; manuscript; non; notes; page; plate; present; reims; scribes; text; traube; work cache: 34511.txt plain text: 34511.txt item: #98 of 181 id: 36208 author: Cousin, Victor title: Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good date: None words: 145078 flesch: 63 summary: We ourselves saw the list of persons who this year contributed to the exhibition; there were her Majesty the Queen, the Dukes of Bedford, Devonshire, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sutherland, the Earls of Derby and Suffolk, and numerous other great men, besides bankers, merchants, _savants_, and artists. Follow him from the _St. Bruno_ completed in 1648, through the _St. Paul_ of 1649, to the _Vision of St. Benedict_ in 1651, and to the _ keywords: 12mo; 1st; 4th; 8vo; able; absolute; abstraction; absurd; account; action; activity; acts; actual; admirable; admiration; advantage; agreeable; aid; analogous; analysis; ancient; animated; antiquity; apollo; appear; appearance; appendix; application; arbitrary; argument; aristotle; art; artist; arts; attention; attributes; augustine; author; authority; bad; basis; bear; beauties; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behold; beings; belief; belong; benevolence; best; better; birth; body; book; bossuet; brilliant; bring; capable; care; catalogue; causality; cause; celebrated; century; certain; certainty; champagne; change; chap; character; charity; charm; charming; child; chimera; christianity; church; circle; circumstances; clear; cloth; collection; color; coloring; common; comparison; complete; composition; conceive; conception; condillac; condition; condé; conscience; consciousness; consequences; contemplation; contrary; corneille; country; course; court; cousin; crime; criticism; culpable; day; death; deceived; declare; defects; degree; delicate; demand; demerit; deny; deposit; descartes; desire; destiny; details; determinate; determined; developed; development; devotion; differences; different; difficult; dignity; direct; disciple; disinterested; disinterestedness; disposition; distinction; distinguished; diversity; divine; doctrine; domain; doubt; doubtless; duke; duties; duty; earth; eclecticism; ecstasy; edition; effect; egoism; eighteenth; elements; elevated; emotion; empirical; empiricism; end; england; english; enthusiasm; entire; equal; equality; error; escape; essence; essential; esteem; eternal; ethics; europe; evidence; evident; evil; exact; examination; example; excellent; excite; exercise; existence; experience; explanation; exposition; expression; exquisite; extended; extent; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; faithful; false; family; father; fault; fear; feeble; feeling; feet; fellow; figure; final; fine; following; footnotes; force; foreign; form; fortunate; fortune; foundation; fragments; france; free; french; friend; fundamental; future; gallery; general; generous; genius; german; glory; god; good; goodness; government; graceful; grandeur; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; head; heart; highest; history; holy; honest; honor; hope; human; human nature; humanity; hypothesis; ibid; idea; identical; ignorant; iii; ill; illusion; illustrious; images; imagination; imitation; immediate; immense; immortal; immutable; imperfect; important; imposing; impossible; inches; incontestable; independent; indignation; individual; infinite; influence; injustice; inspiration; inspired; instinct; institutions; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; interest; internal; intimate; invisible; joy; joys; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kind; know; knowing; knowledge; landscape; language; large; law; laws; learned; lecture; left; legitimate; leibnitz; lesueur; liberty; life; like; limited; limits; little; living; locke; logic; london; long; longer; look; louis; louvre; love; magnificent; malebranche; man; manifest; manner; marked; marvellous; master; material; means; measure; melancholy; memory; merit; metaphysics; method; midst; mind; model; modern; molière; moment; moral; morality; mother; motive; movement; museum; music; mysticism; national; natural; nature; necessary; necessary principles; necessity; need; new; nineteenth; noble; notions; number; object; obligated; obligation; obligatory; obscure; observation; old; opinion; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; original; page; painter; painting; paris; particular; pascal; passion; pathetic; paul; penalty; people; perfect; perfection; person; personal; personality; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; picture; piece; pity; place; plato; platonic; pleasure; poetry; point; politics; possession; poussin; power; powerful; preceding; precise; preface; presence; present; pretended; price; primitive; principal; principle; problem; process; produce; professor; profound; progress; proof; proper; property; proportion; prudence; psychological; psychology; public; punishment; pure; qualities; question; race; racine; rank; raphael; reach; real; reality; reason; reasoning; recompense; refined; reflection; refutation; regard; regular; reid; related; relation; relative; religion; religious; remains; remorse; republic; respect; rests; result; return; rich; richelieu; right; royal; rule; sacraments; sacred; sacrifice; sad; saint; satisfaction; scene; school; science; sculpture; second; secret; seeking; self; sensation; senses; sensibility; sensible; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; seventeenth; severe; sides; sign; simple; simplicity; single; skepticism; small; social; society; socrates; sole; solid; sort; soul; sound; source; sovereign; space; species; spirit; spite; spontaneous; state; step; strange; striking; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; subsist; substance; suffering; sufficient; superior; support; supreme; sustained; sympathy; system; taste; theodicea; theories; theory; thing; thought; times; title; tone; touching; traits; translation; triangle; true; truth; turns; type; ugly; understanding; understood; union; united; unity; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; useful; utility; vain; value; variety; vast; versailles; vice; view; virgin; virtue; virtuous; vol; volition; volume; voluntary; waagen; wanting; wants; war; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; witness; words; work; world; worship; worthy; xiv; years; young; æsthetics cache: 36208.txt plain text: 36208.txt item: #99 of 181 id: 37552 author: Geyer, Denton Loring title: The pragmatic theory of truth as developed by Peirce, James, and Dewey date: None words: 23586 flesch: 73 summary: Truth and falsity present themselves as significant facts only in situations in which specific meanings and their already experienced fulfilments are intentionally compared and contrasted with reference to the question of the worth, as to reliability of meaning, of the given meaning or class of meanings, it seems that truth is to be confined to retrospective experience. Larson, C. D.--What Is Truth? Leuba, J. H.--Religion and the discovery of truth. keywords: absolute; account; acquaintance; agreement; article; belief; boodin; bradley; case; certain; chapter; clearness; conception; conclusion; conduct; consciousness; consequences; consistency; course; criterion; criticism; definite; definition; demands; dewey; difference; discussion; distinction; doctrine; doubt; education; effects; error; essays; expectations; experience; facts; false; feeling; following; function; general; god; good; habits; hib; humanism; hypothesis; idea; independent; individual; interpretation; investigation; involved; james; jour; knowledge; known; later; leading; life; logic; logical; long; matter; meaning; means; mere; method; mind; moment; monist; moore; nature; new; notion; object; odor; old; opinion; order; original; outside; paper; particular; parts; paul; peirce; person; phil; philosophy; place; point; pop; position; possible; postulate; practical; practice; pragmatism; present; previous; principles; problem; professor; psychology; quality; question; realities; reality; reason; relation; results; rev; review; rose; rule; russell; satisfaction; satisfactory; schiller; school; science; scientific; second; sensations; sense; sensible; set; smell; spec; statement; sum; terms; test; theories; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; universe; useful; utility; valuable; value; way; william; word; work; working; worth; years cache: 37552.txt plain text: 37552.txt item: #100 of 181 id: 3800 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics date: None words: 88591 flesch: 70 summary: [3] Animata Wherefore, in order to determine, wherein the human mind differs from other things, and wherein it surpasses them, it is necessary for us to know the nature of its object, that is, of the human body. adequate in God, not inasmuch as he contains in himself the essence of the given mind alone, but as he, at the same time, contains the minds of other things. keywords: able; absolute; absurd; action; active; activity; actual; adequate; affected; arise; attributable; attribute; bad; bodies; body; capable; cause; certain; clear; common; conceive; conception; confused; contingent; contrary; coroll; corollary; def; definition; desire; determined; different; disposition; distinct; divine; doubt; duration; effect; emotions; endeavour; equal; essence; eternity; evident; evil; existence; existing; explanation; extent; external; external body; fact; false; fear; follows; foregoing; form; free; future; general; god; good; greater; guidance; hand; harmony; hate; hatred; highest; hope; human; human body; human mind; human nature; idea; iii; image; imagination; inasmuch; individual; infinite; instance; intellect; kind; knowledge; laws; life; like; live; long; love; man; manner; mean; men; mind; modes; modifications; nature; necessary; necessity; need; note; number; obedience; object; order; pain; painfully; particular; parts; passions; passive; past; perfection; place; pleasurably; pleasure; point; possible; power; present; proof.--the; prop; proportion; q.e.d; question; reality; reason; regard; relation; respect; rest; right; said; second; self; set; similar; state; strength; subject; substance; things; thinking; thought; time; true; understand; understanding; useful; vii; viii; virtue; way; ways; whatsoever; whereof; wish; wonder; words; xiii; xvi; xvii; xxi; xxix; xxv; xxviii; xxxvii cache: 3800.txt plain text: 3800.txt item: #101 of 181 id: 38091 author: James, William title: The Letters of William James, Vol. 2 date: None words: 125065 flesch: 75 summary: Agassiz, Mrs. Louis, her 80th birthday, =2=, 180 and _n._, 181; mentioned, =1=, 60, 65, 67. Barber, Francis, =1=, 5. Barber, Jannet, =1=, 4 _n._ Barber, John, =J.='s great-grandfather, in the Revolutionary army, =1=, 4 and _n._; H. James, Senior, on, 5. Barber, Mrs. John, =1=, 5. Barber, Patrick, =1=, 4 _n._ Barber family, the, =1=, 4, 5. Bashkirtseff, Marie, Diary of, =1=, 307, =2=, 148. Bastien-Lepage, Jules, =1=, 210 and _n._ Bay. keywords: 107; = j.=; a.m.; able; absence; absolute; abstract; academic; account; acquaintance; active; activity; actual; adams; address; adirondacks; administration; affectionately; afternoon; agassiz; air; aleck; alice; altogether; american; answer; anti; appeal; appearance; apr; april; argument; army; article; association; atmosphere; attention; attitude; audience; aug; august; author; authority; awful; background; bad; barber; basis; baths; bay; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; beings; belief; believe; bergson; best; big; bill; birth; black; blood; board; body; book; boston; boy; bradley; break; british; brother; business; bye; california; cambridge; card; care; case; centre; certain; change; chapman; chapter; character; charles; charming; chautauqua; chicago; children; chocorua; christian; church; circle; city; civilization; class; clear; cleveland; climate; close; club; co.; cold; college; columbia; common; company; conception; conditions; congress; conscience; consciousness; contents; continent; continued; control; copy; correspondence; corruption; countries; country; couple; course; cover; crime; criticism; curers; curiosity; curious; cut; daily; dark; date; daughter; davidson; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dearest; death; dec; deep; deeper; degree; delightful; des; details; dickinson; different; difficult; dinner; direction; disaster; discussion; divine; dog; door; doubt; dreyfus; duties; duty; early; earthquake; east; easy; edinburgh; education; effect; effort; elements; eliot; ellen; emerson; emmet; empiricism; end; energies; energy; england; english; escape; essays; europe; european; evening; exact; existence; experience; express; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; faithful; fall; false; family; fanny; far; father; fatigue; fear; feb; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; fighting; final; fine; finished; fire; flournoy; following; forces; forgive; form; fortnight; forward; foundation; frances; francisco; françois; free; freedom; french; friend; function; future; general; generation; geneva; genius; george; german; gibbens; gifford; glad; glorious; god; godkin; goldmark; good; grand; gray; great; greatest; green; grow; h. james; habit; half; hand; happy; hard; harris; harry; harvard; head; health; heart; heaven; heavy; help; henry; henry james; hibbert; higginson; high; higher; history; hodgson; hold; holt; home; honor; hope; hotel; hour; house; human; humanism; ideas; illustration; imagination; immense; important; impression; improvement; individual; influence; insane; instinct; intellectual; interest; interesting; international; invitation; irving; italian; italy; jack; james; jan; jay; job; john; journal; july; june; kant; keene; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; laboratory; lady; lake; lamb; language; large; later; law; lead; leave; lectures; lecturing; letter; liberal; library; license; lies; life; like; likely; line; literary; literature; little; live; lodge; london; long; longer; longmans; look; lord; loss; lost; lot; louis; love; loving; madame; magnificent; making; man; mankind; manner; march; mary; mass; material; matter; mckinley; mean; meaning; medical; meeting; memorable; memories; memory; men; mental; mere; message; metaphysical; method; middle; military; miller; mind; minded; miss; moment; monday; money; months; moral; morbid; morning; morse; mother; mountain; movement; mrs; myers; mystical; münsterberg; national; natural; nature; nauheim; near; need; nervous; new; news; night; noble; non; norton; note; notion; number; o'clock; object; occasion; october; odd; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; order; organism; original; outside; oxford; p.m.; pages; pain; palmer; paper; papini; paris; particular; party; pass; past; patience; pauline; pay; people; perception; perfect; period; permanent; perry; personal; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; pillon; place; play; pleasant; pleasure; pluralistic; point; policy; political; poor; popular; position; positive; possession; possible; post; power; practical; pragmatism; pray; present; president; pretty; previous; principles; private; problems; proceedings; process; professional; professor; progress; proper; proposed; prospect; psychical; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; putnam; quarter; question; race; radical; rate; reaction; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; reference; regards; region; regular; relations; religion; religious; remains; remarks; renouvier; reply; report; required; research; resignation; rest; result; return; review; rich; risk; rome; room; rosina; round; royce; run; rye; said; sake; santayana; save; saying; scene; schiller; school; science; scientific; second; sedgwick; self; senior; sense; sentiment; sept; september; series; service; set; shakespeare; shall; shape; showing; shows; sick; sides; simple; single; sir; sister; sitting; situation; sky; slow; smith; snow; social; society; solid; somewhat; sorry; sort; soul; space; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; spite; splendid; spring; stanford; state; statement; stay; step; straight; strange; street; strength; strong; students; studies; study; stuff; style; subject; success; suggestion; summer; sun; supposed; sure; sweet; switzerland; sympathetic; sympathy; system; talk; teachers; teaching; technical; telling; temple; tendency; term; thank; thayer; theodore; theories; theory; thesis; thine; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; tired; title; today; tolstoy; tomorrow; tone; total; town; train; treatment; tried; trouble; true; trust; truth; type; unable; united; universe; university; usual; vacation; valley; value; varieties; vast; venezuela; view; vision; visit; vital; voice; volume; von; voyage; w. j.; walking; war; ward; warm; washington; waste; way; ways; weather; week; wells; whitman; wide; wife; william; william james; willing; winter; wish; witness; woman; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worth; writer; writing; year; yesterday; yoga; york; young; youth cache: 38091.txt plain text: 38091.txt item: #102 of 181 id: 38141 author: Howard, Delton Thomas title: John Dewey's logical theory date: None words: 49401 flesch: 59 summary: It is proposed to follow the lead of the subject-matter as far as possible; to discover what topics interested Professor Dewey, how he dealt with them, and what conclusions he arrived at. This plan has an especial advantage when applied to a body of doctrine which, like Professor Dewey's, does not possess a systematic form of its own, since it avoids the distortion which a more rigid method would be apt to produce. keywords: abstract; abstraction; account; action; activities; activity; acts; actual; analysis; answer; apart; argument; article; aspects; attempt; attention; attitude; basis; belief; biological; body; capacity; case; categories; certain; change; chapter; character; cit; cognitive; complete; conception; concerned; conclusion; concrete; conditions; conduct; consciousness; consideration; content; contrary; course; critical; criticism; degree; description; development; dewey; different; difficulty; direct; direction; discussion; distinction; doctrine; effort; elements; empirical; empiricism; end; environment; epistemological; essay; established; ethical; ethics; evidence; evolutionary; existence; experience; explanation; external; eye; fact; faculty; fixed; following; follows; form; formal; function; general; genetic; given; green; ground; hand; hegel; historical; hold; human; ibid; idea; idealism; idealists; immediate; important; individual; inference; influence; inquiry; insight; instance; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interpretation; james; judgment; kant; kind; knower; knowing; knowledge; known; life; little; logical; logical theory; long; making; man; manifold; matter; meaning; means; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; modern; modes; moral; motor; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; nervous; new; non; notion; object; objective; operation; opposed; order; organic; organism; original; particular; parts; passage; perception; period; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; position; possible; practical; practice; present; principle; problem; process; processes; professor; psychical; psychological; psychology; purpose; question; reality; realization; reason; reference; reflection; related; relation; remarks; response; results; review; science; scientific; second; self; sensation; sense; sensory; separate; separation; series; set; significance; simple; situation; smell; special; specific; standpoint; statement; stimulus; studies; study; subject; synthetic; system; terms; test; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; traits; transcendental; treatment; true; truth; ultimate; unity; universal; use; validity; value; view; vital; vol; volume; water; way; work; world cache: 38141.txt plain text: 38141.txt item: #103 of 181 id: 38145 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits date: None words: 37205 flesch: 53 summary: Passion will not wait: the tragic element in the lives of great men does not generally consist in their conflict with time and the inferiority of their fellowmen but in their inability to put off their work a year or two: they cannot wait.--In all duels, the friends who advise have but to ascertain if the principals can wait: if this be not possible, a duel is rational inasmuch as each of the combatants may say: either I continue to live and the other dies instantly, or vice versa. By such men as are capable of this sadness--how few there are!--will the first attempt be made to see if humanity may convert itself from a thing of morality to a thing of wisdom. keywords: absolute; account; actions; acts; advantage; age; ages; ancient; art; aspect; away; bad; basis; belief; believe; best; better; body; brain; capable; capacity; case; certain; character; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; civilization; common; community; comparison; conception; condition; conduct; consequences; contempt; course; custom; day; death; deception; deep; degree; delight; delusion; depression; desire; developed; development; different; disposition; distrust; divine; domain; doubt; dream; earlier; effect; element; end; enduring; enemy; entire; erroneous; error; estimate; eternal; ethic; evil; evolution; example; existence; experience; explanation; extent; eyes; fact; faith; false; far; fearful; feeling; fellow; form; forward; foundation; free; freedom; fundamental; future; general; goal; god; good; goodness; great; greatest; greek; habit; hand; happiness; head; health; heart; higher; highest; historical; history; human; humanity; idea; ill; illogical; imagination; immoral; impulse; individual; influence; injury; inner; instance; intellectual; interest; joy; judgment; justice; knowledge; language; later; law; laws; life; light; like; little; lives; living; long; longing; look; love; makes; man; manifest; mankind; manner; matter; means; men; mere; metaphysical; mind; moments; moral; morality; motives; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; notions; number; object; observation; occasion; old; opinion; opposite; order; origin; pain; particular; party; passions; people; period; personal; personality; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; picture; place; pleasure; point; possible; potent; power; powerful; praise; presence; present; preservation; problem; process; progress; psychological; purpose; question; rational; reality; reason; reference; regard; relation; religion; religious; responsibility; responsible; rest; result; revenge; rich; rule; sacrifice; saint; salvation; satisfaction; schopenhauer; science; scientific; self; sense; significance; sin; single; society; sort; soul; source; species; spirit; standard; standpoint; state; step; strength; strong; subject; suffering; sympathy; things; thought; time; traditional; true; truth; unegoistic; universal; unjust; utility; utmost; value; vanity; victory; view; virtue; way; welfare; wisdom; work; world; years cache: 38145.txt plain text: 38145.txt item: #104 of 181 id: 38226 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: Thoughts Out of Season, Part II date: None words: 55801 flesch: 62 summary: If you live yourselves back into the history of great men, you will find in it the high command to come to maturity and leave that blighting system of cultivation offered by your time: which sees its own profit in not allowing you to become ripe, that it may use and dominate you while you are yet unripe. The masses seem to be worth notice in three aspects only: first as the copies of great men, printed on bad paper from worn-out plates, next as a contrast to the great men, and lastly as their tools: for the rest, let the devil and statistics fly away with them! keywords: able; accustomed; action; active; activity; actual; age; ages; aim; air; ancient; answer; antiquarian; art; artist; artistic; arts; atmosphere; bad; battle; beast; beginning; belief; better; blind; books; broken; business; cast; cause; century; certain; change; chaos; character; child; christianity; clear; cold; common; comparison; complete; condition; consciousness; consequences; contrary; course; critical; criticism; cry; culture; danger; dangerous; day; death; deed; deep; degree; demand; denial; desire; different; difficult; dignity; doubt; duties; earth; educated; education; educator; effect; egoism; end; ends; essay; eternal; events; evil; evolution; example; excess; existence; experience; expression; eyes; fact; faith; fall; false; famous; far; fear; fearful; feeling; fire; force; foreign; forgetfulness; form; free; freedom; fruit; future; gain; general; generation; genius; german; german culture; god; goethe; good; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; growth; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hartmann; hate; hatred; health; heart; heavy; help; higher; highest; historical; historical culture; historical men; history; hold; honesty; honour; horizon; human; humanity; idea; illusion; important; impulse; individual; influence; inner; instinct; interest; inward; joy; judge; judgment; justice; knowledge; lack; later; laws; learned; lies; life; little; live; living; lonely; long; longer; look; lost; love; making; man; mankind; manner; mark; masses; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mere; mind; modern; modern man; moment; monumental; monumental history; moral; motive; movement; nation; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; noble; number; object; objectivity; obscure; old; opinions; opposition; order; ordinary; original; outer; pain; particular; past; people; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; phrase; picture; place; plato; point; political; possible; power; powerful; present; process; production; professor; profit; progress; public; pure; question; race; rare; rate; ready; real; reason; regard; relation; religion; remains; rest; result; return; reverence; right; ripe; rise; road; roots; round; run; sacrifice; sake; savant; saying; schopenhauer; science; search; second; secret; self; sense; seriousness; service; set; short; sick; significance; simple; sincerity; single; small; smallest; society; soul; spirit; spite; spring; stand; state; step; strange; stream; strength; strong; struggle; study; substance; success; suffering; super; system; talk; task; taste; thee; theory; thing; thinker; thinking; thought; time; tree; troubled; true; trust; truth; turn; unconscious; understanding; understood; unity; universal; universities; university; use; useful; usual; vain; value; victory; view; virtue; visible; vision; want; way; weak; wisdom; wish; wishes; words; work; world; worse; worth; writing; wrong; yearning; years; young; youth cache: 38226.txt plain text: 38226.txt item: #105 of 181 id: 38283 author: Whittaker, Thomas title: Schopenhauer date: None words: 19552 flesch: 60 summary: Beyond pure philosophy Schopenhauer does not profess to go; but he accepts what the mystics say as the description of a positive experience which becomes accessible when supreme insight is attained intuitively. This difference between characters Schopenhauer goes on to explain in terms of his metaphysics. keywords: abstract; account; animals; appearance; art; ascetic; attempt; beautiful; blind; body; case; causality; certain; character; clear; common; complete; consciousness; contemplation; course; death; different; doctrine; effect; element; end; essence; eternal; ethical; ethics; explanation; expression; father; feeling; forces; forms; free; freedom; general; genius; great; happiness; higher; highest; human; idea; idealism; immediate; individual; individuality; injustice; inorganic; insight; intellect; intelligence; intelligible; intuition; intuitive; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; known; later; law; life; love; man; manifestation; matter; means; mere; metaphysics; mill; mind; modern; moral; music; nature; necessary; need; new; object; objectivation; objectivity; optimism; original; particular; person; personal; pessimism; phenomenon; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; platonic; point; position; possible; presentation; principle; problem; proceeds; process; pure; rational; reality; reason; redemption; regards; related; relation; religions; schopenhauer; science; scientific; self; sense; series; set; space; special; species; stages; state; striving; subject; suffering; sufficient; system; term; theory; thing; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; view; virtue; way; work; world; æsthetic cache: 38283.txt plain text: 38283.txt item: #106 of 181 id: 38430 author: None title: The philosophy of Mr. B*rtr*nd R*ss*ll date: None words: 26140 flesch: 72 summary: Cf. on such questions Venn, _S. L._, 2nd ed., pp. 240-4. Cf. Venn, _S. L._, 2nd ed., pp. keywords: alice; appendix; arguments; asserted; assertion; bad; beginning; book; boots; cambridge; case; certain; chapter; class; common; conclusion; considered; contradiction; course; day; death; denial; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; discovery; distance; doubtful; edition; evidence; example; existence; fact; false; footnotes; form; frege; general; generality; good; great; greater; greek; grounds; hare; head; hours; house; human; humpty; ibid; identities; identity; implication; important; income; infinite; instant; joke; jones; king; knight; knowledge; lady; late; laughter; law; laws; life; little; logic; logical; logicians; london; long; looking; man; march; mathematicians; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; member; men; method; middle; mind; modern; moment; morgan; mortal; nature; necessary; new; non; number; opinion; order; paradoxes; paradoxical; particular; people; philosophical; philosophy; place; points; possibility; possible; premisses; present; principle; problem; professor; proposition; queen; question; r*ss*ll; reason; relation; remark; right; rise; russell; schoenflies; second; sense; shandy; socrates; song; statement; subject; syllogism; symbolic; terms; theory; thing; thought; time; tristram; true; truth; tweedledee; universal; use; validity; vicious; view; vol; way; white; wife; word; work; xiv; years cache: 38430.txt plain text: 38430.txt item: #107 of 181 id: 38907 author: Frothingham, Octavius Brooks title: Transcendentalism in New England: A History date: None words: 107802 flesch: 57 summary: Such men as Goethe and Schiller cannot exist without effect in any literature or any century; but if one circumstance more than another has contributed to forward their endeavors and introduce that higher tone into the literature of Germany, it has been this philosophical system, to which, in wisely believing its results, or even in wisely denying them, all that was lofty and pure in the genius of poetry or the reason of man so readily allied itself. In 1840, the same powerful advocate of the transcendental doctrine, in a discourse before the alumni of the Cambridge Divinity School, declared that the return to a higher order of ideas, to a living faith in God, in Christ, and in the church, had been promoted by such men as Schleiermacher and De Wette; gave his opinion that the religious community had reason to look with distrust and dread on a philosophy which limited the ideas of the human mind to the information imparted by the senses, and denied the existence of spiritual elements in the nature of man; and again welcomed the philosophy taught in England by Butler, Reid and Coleridge; in Germany, by Kant, Jacobi and Schleiermacher; in France, by Cousin, Jouffroy and Degerando. keywords: ability; absolute; accepted; account; acknowledged; acquaintance; action; active; activity; actual; address; admiration; affections; age; aim; aims; air; alcott; american; analysis; ancient; animal; apparent; application; appreciation; argument; article; aspect; association; atheism; attempt; attention; attributes; authority; avowed; bacon; basis; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believers; beneath; best; better; biographia; body; books; boston; brilliant; broad; brook; brownson; calling; calm; cambridge; capable; capacities; capacity; cardinal; career; carlyle; cast; cause; century; certain; certainty; change; channing; chapter; character; characteristic; charles; charm; chief; child; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; claim; clarke; class; clear; close; cloth; coleridge; come; common; community; company; complete; conceptions; concern; concord; condition; confidence; connection; conscience; consciousness; consequences; constant; constitution; contribution; controversy; conversation; corresponding; country; courage; course; cousin; creed; critical; criticism; critics; culture; day; days; dead; death; deep; degree; department; desire; destiny; details; development; devoted; dial; different; difficult; dignity; direction; disciples; discipline; discourse; discovered; discussions; distinct; distinction; distinguished; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; dream; duties; duty; early; earnest; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; effort; elements; eloquence; eloquent; emerson; endeavor; engaged; england; english; entertained; enthusiasm; enthusiastic; entire; equal; error; essays; essence; essential; established; eternal; ethics; europe; evidence; evil; examiner; example; existence; experience; experiment; expression; extraordinary; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; faithful; fall; fame; familiar; famous; far; farm; fashion; favor; feast; feeling; feet; fellow; fichte; fidelity; field; fine; following; food; force; foreign; form; forth; foundations; france; free; freedom; french; fresh; friends; fuller; fundamental; future; general; generation; generous; genius; george; german; glory; glowing; god; goethe; good; goodness; gospel; grave; great; ground; half; hands; happiness; harbinger; hard; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; hegel; henry; herder; high; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; hours; house; human; human mind; humanity; idealism; idealists; ideas; illustration; imagination; immediate; immortality; important; impressions; impulse; incidental; independent; individual; industry; infinite; influence; information; inner; inspiration; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; intercourse; interest; interesting; interior; intuition; intuitive; inward; jacobi; james; jesus; john; johnson; journal; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kant; knowledge; known; labor; language; large; later; laws; leave; lecture; let; letters; liberty; life; light; like; lines; literaria; literary; literature; little; live; living; locke; lofty; long; look; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; margaret; marked; martineau; material; materialism; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; memory; men; mental; mere; metaphysics; method; mill; mind; minister; ministry; miracles; miss; modern; moment; moral; morality; morning; motion; movement; music; mystic; native; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; new england; new philosophy; new world; noble; number; object; objective; observation; occasion; office; old; open; opinion; opposite; order; organization; original; orthodox; outward; paper; parker; particular; party; passages; passion; passionate; past; paul; peculiar; penn; people; perception; perfect; period; permanent; perpetual; personal; personality; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; piety; place; plan; plato; poems; poetic; poetry; point; politics; popular; portion; position; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; preacher; preaching; prepared; present; previous; primary; primitive; principles; private; problems; process; processes; product; professed; profound; progress; promise; pronounced; proof; prophet; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; pythagoras; qualities; quality; questions; quoted; race; radical; rational; reaction; readers; reading; realities; reality; reason; reasoning; received; reflection; reform; reformer; regard; relation; religion; religious; remarkable; reply; respect; results; reverence; review; rights; ripley; room; rose; rule; sacred; samuel; satisfaction; satisfied; schelling; scheme; schleiermacher; scholar; school; science; scientific; sea; second; secret; self; sensation; sense; sensibility; sentiment; series; sermon; service; set; severe; short; similar; simple; sincerity; single; skepticism; slavery; small; social; society; solid; soul; sound; sources; space; special; speculation; sphere; spirits; spiritual; spiritual philosophy; standard; state; statement; step; stock; strength; strong; studies; study; subject; substance; success; superior; supernatural; supper; supreme; sure; surface; sway; sympathies; sympathy; system; table; taking; task; taste; teacher; teaching; terms; testament; theodore; theological; theology; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thomas; thought; time; tone; tradition; transcendental philosophy; transcendentalism; true; trust; truth; tyndall; type; understanding; unitarian; united; universal; universe; vain; views; virtue; visible; vision; voice; volume; walker; want; way; ways; william; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; women; words; wordsworth; work; world; writer; writings; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 38907.txt plain text: 38907.txt item: #108 of 181 id: 39002 author: Thomson, J. Arthur (John Arthur) title: Herbert Spencer date: None words: 78483 flesch: 50 summary: Truly it required more than ingrained nonconformity, loyalty to principles, and far-sighted prudence to make a Herbert Spencer, and hundreds unknown to fame must have shared a similar heritage; but the resemblances between some of Spencer's characteristics and those of his stock are too close to be disregarded. Whatever may have been its origin, the idea was familiar to several of the ancient Greek philosophers, as it was to Hume and Kant; it fired the imagination of Lucretius and linked him to another poet of evolution--Goethe; it persisted, like a latent germ, through the centuries of other than scientific preoccupation; it was made actual by the pioneers of modern biology--men like Buffon, Lamarck, Erasmus Darwin and Treviranus;--and it became current intellectual coin when Spencer, Darwin, Wallace, Haeckel and Huxley, with united but varied achievements, won the conviction of the majority of thoughtful men.[9] _Spencer's historical position in regard to the Evolution-Idea._--In 1840, when Herbert Spencer was twenty, he bought Lyell's _ keywords: ability; able; absence; abstract; account; acquaintance; actions; active; activities; activity; adaptation; adjustment; advance; advantage; age; aggregate; analogy; analysis; ancestors; animals; answer; appears; appreciation; arguments; attempt; attention; attitude; autobiography; average; baer; balance; basis; beauty; beginning; behaviour; belief; best; better; big; biological; biologists; biology; blood; bodies; bodily; body; book; boy; brain; building; capable; capacity; carlyle; cases; categories; causation; cause; cells; certain; changes; chapter; characteristic; characters; chemical; chief; children; chromosomes; circumstances; clear; coherent; combination; common; complete; complex; complexity; component; comte; conception; concepts; conclusion; concrete; conditions; consciousness; consequent; considerable; constitutional; continued; continuous; correspondence; course; creation; creature; criticism; daily; darwin; darwinian; data; day; days; death; deep; definite; degree; derby; details; determinants; determined; development; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; difficulties; direct; direction; discussion; distinct; division; doctrine; doubt; drawing; dynamic; early; earth; edition; education; effective; effects; egg; element; emotional; energy; entire; environment; equal; equilibration; equilibrium; essay; essential; ethics; evidence; evolution; evolutionist; exercise; existence; experience; expression; external; extreme; factors; facts; faculty; faith; family; father; feeling; fertilisation; finished; fit; fittest; following; force; form; formula; forth; freedom; friends; function; fundamental; future; general; generalisation; generation; genesis; genius; george; germ; germinal; gives; good; great; greater; groups; growth; habit; half; hand; hard; health; herbert spencer; hereditary; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; higher; highest; hinton; historical; history; home; homogeneity; homogeneous; hudson; human; huxley; hypothesis; idea; important; impressed; inanimate; incident; inconceivable; increase; independent; indirect; individual; individual life; individuation; influence; inheritance; inner; inorganic; instance; institutions; integration; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interesting; internal; interpretation; intuitions; invalid; isolation; james; john; kind; knowledge; lack; lamarck; large; later; law; laws; left; lewes; life; light; like; likely; limitations; limited; lines; little; living; local; london; long; longer; love; making; man; marked; marriage; material; matter; means; measure; mechanical; mechanism; members; mental; mere; metabolism; method; millions; mind; minute; mode; modern; modifications; modified; molecular; molecules; months; mood; moral; mother; motion; moving; mr spencer; multiplication; music; mutual; natural; natural selection; nature; near; necessary; need; needful; nervous; new; non; normal; number; numerous; nutrition; obvious; offspring; old; open; order; ordinary; organic; organic evolution; organisation; organism; organs; origin; outer; ovum; parental; parents; particular; parts; passing; past; peculiar; people; period; persistence; personal; phenomena; philosophy; physical; physiological; place; plants; plasm; pleasure; poetry; point; political; population; position; positive; possible; power; practical; present; pressure; principles; priori; problem; process; processes; products; prof; progress; progressive; properties; psychical; psychology; public; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; railway; range; rate; rational; read; reader; reading; reality; reason; redistribution; regard; relations; relative; religion; religious; remains; reproduction; respect; result; review; revised; saw; school; science; scientific; second; secure; selection; self; sense; sentence; sequences; series; set; sexual; short; shows; sidgwick; similar; simple; size; small; social; social evolution; social organism; society; sociological; sociology; special; species; specific; spencer; sperm; spite; stages; state; statement; statics; step; stock; strength; strong; structure; struggle; study; subject; substance; successive; supply; surface; survival; symbols; synthetic; system; task; tendency; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; traits; transformation; transmission; true; truth; type; ultimate; uncle; units; universal; universe; unknown; unlike; unstable; useful; value; variations; view; vigour; visit; vital; volume; von; wallace; waste; way; ways; weismann; words; work; working; world; writing; years; young cache: 39002.txt plain text: 39002.txt item: #109 of 181 id: 39065 author: Hyde, William De Witt title: The Five Great Philosophies of Life date: None words: 66190 flesch: 64 summary: Adversity is the better for us all, for it is God's mercy to show the world their errors, and that the things they fear and covet are neither good nor evil, being the common and promiscuous lot of good men and bad. Yet such charitableness does not forbid our practical judgment of the difference between sheep and wolves, good men and bad, when important issues are involved. keywords: able; account; act; action; acts; aims; air; answer; anxious; appeal; appetite; aristotelian; aristotle; attempt; attitude; bad; ball; base; basis; beautiful; beauty; beneficent; best; better; blessed; blessedness; body; book; bound; brave; breakfast; broad; brother; business; capable; care; case; certain; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; citizen; city; class; clear; cold; common; community; complete; conception; condition; conduct; consistent; consists; contrary; control; cost; courage; course; criticism; cut; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; deed; deeper; defects; definition; democracy; desire; development; devoted; devotion; different; dignity; disciples; disease; distinction; divine; divorce; doctrine; duty; early; earth; easy; education; effective; elements; end; ends; energy; enter; epictetus; epicurean; epicureanism; epicurus; essential; evil; example; exercise; experience; expression; external; eye; eyes; face; fact; fall; false; family; father; fault; fear; feelings; fellows; fill; follow; food; foolish; form; fortitude; fortune; free; freedom; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; general; generous; glory; god; gods; gold; good; good man; good things; goodness; government; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; health; heart; heaven; higher; highest; hold; home; honest; honour; hours; house; human; husband; ideal; iii; important; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; institutions; instruments; intellectual; interests; jesus; joy; joys; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; large; later; law; laws; life; light; like; literature; little; lives; living; logical; long; longer; look; lord; love; man; manner; master; material; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; miserable; modern; moment; money; moral; morrow; murder; music; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; new; noble; note; object; office; opinion; order; outward; pain; particular; parts; passions; past; penalties; people; perfect; perfection; permanent; personal; personality; persons; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plan; plato; platonic; play; pleasant; pleasure; point; political; politics; poor; possible; poverty; power; practical; prayer; precious; present; pride; principle; private; problem; property; proportion; prudence; public; pure; purpose; question; race; real; reason; reasonable; recognise; regard; relations; religion; republic; result; reverence; rich; riches; righteousness; ring; rise; roll; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sake; save; school; science; second; secret; seeking; seen; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; service; set; share; short; shows; simple; single; slavery; sleep; small; social; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; spite; stand; state; statement; stoic; stoicism; strain; strength; strenuous; strong; study; subordination; suffering; superior; support; supreme; sweet; sympathy; systems; talk; teaching; temperance; terms; thee; thine; things; thinking; thou; thought; thy; time; tito; toil; total; touch; training; trouble; true; truth; turn; union; universal; universe; unrighteous; use; value; vast; view; virtue; wants; way; ways; welfare; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; working; world; worry; worst; worth; wrong; years; youth cache: 39065.txt plain text: 39065.txt item: #110 of 181 id: 39964 author: Dietzgen, Joseph title: The Positive Outcome of Philosophy The Nature of Human Brain Work. Letters on Logic. date: None words: 121935 flesch: 59 summary: Since reason, or the faculty of thought, never appears by itself, but always in connection with other things, we are continually compelled to pass from the faculty of thought to other things, which are its objects, and to treat of their connections. In order that light may shine, that the sun may warm, and revolve in its course, there must be space and other things which may be lighted and warmed and passed. keywords: absolute; absolute nature; absolute truth; absolute world; abstract; account; accurate; achievement; action; activity; actual; adequate; aim; aims; analysis; ancient; animal; answer; apparent; aristotle; assumed; attempt; attention; attributes; authority; aware; bad; basis; beautiful; beginning; beings; belief; best; blood; bodies; body; bourgeois; brain; capitalism; categories; category; causality; cause; certain; change; character; child; children; christian; circle; circumstances; civilization; claim; class; classes; classification; clear; clouds; color; common; common nature; comprises; concept; conception; conclusion; concrete; condition; confused; connected; consciousness; constitute; contact; content; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; correct; cosmic; cosmos; course; critique; day; dear; death; definite; demands; departure; desire; details; determined; developed; development; dialectic; dietzgen; differences; different; different things; difficult; discussion; distinction; distinguished; distinguishing; divine; doctrine; doubt; duty; earth; easy; effect; element; empirical; end; ends; enlightenment; entire; error; essence; essential; eternal; ethics; eugene; evident; evil; evolution; exact; exaggerated; existence; exists; experience; explanation; expression; extent; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; false; familiar; famous; fantastic; far; father; fechner; feeling; field; final; fixed; flesh; fluid; following; force; form; formal; freedom; function; fundamental; future; general; general cause; general concept; general existence; general nature; general object; general thing; general truth; general understanding; general world; generality; generalization; genuine; genus; god; gods; gold; good; grasp; great; greater; hand; hard; head; heat; heaven; hegel; hegelian; help; higher; highest; historical; history; hitherto; holy; hope; horse; human; human brain; human intellect; human mind; human understanding; humanity; idea; idealist; identical; identity; idol; ignorance; illustration; imagination; important; independent; indispensable; individual; inductive; infinite; innate; innumerable; inseparable; instance; instrument; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interconnection; interests; interrelation; investigation; iron; kant; kinds; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; known; labor; lack; language; law; laws; leaf; left; letter; liberty; life; like; limited; limits; line; little; living; logic; logical; long; look; main; making; manifestations; manifold; mankind; manner; mark; marx; material; materialist; matter; maxim; meaning; means; measure; mental; mere; metaphysics; method; mind; mistake; modern; moment; monistic; moral; morality; mother; motion; movement; multiplicity; music; mysterious; names; narrow; nations; natural; natural science; natural things; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; object; objective; old; opinion; opposite; order; organ; origin; outcome; outer; outside; particle; particular; parts; passing; peculiar; people; perceptible; perceptions; perfect; period; perishable; permit; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; picture; piece; place; plain; plants; plato; platonic; point; political; position; positive; possible; power; practical; practice; present; principles; priori; problem; process; processes; production; products; professor; progress; proletarian; prominent; proof; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; race; reader; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; regard; related; relation; relative; religion; religious; research; respect; result; right; ripples; rule; ruling; sake; sanctified; school; science; scientific; scientific understanding; second; self; semblance; sense; sense perceptions; senseless; separated; separation; sheet; short; shows; single; small; sober; socalled; social; society; socrates; solution; soul; sound; source; space; special; special nature; special object; special science; specialties; specialty; species; speculative; speech; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spite; standard; standpoint; stars; state; statement; step; stone; straight; struggle; study; subject; sublime; subsequent; substance; sufficient; sum; sun; superior; supernatural; supreme; system; tangible; task; term; theoretical; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; thought process; time; today; total; touch; traditional; transcendental; transformations; true; true nature; true thought; true understanding; truth; understanding; understood; uniform; unity; universal; universal nature; universal truth; universal world; universe; unlimited; value; variety; vice; view; virtue; visible; vision; viz; walking; wants; water; way; wealth; welfare; white; wisdom; wise; wish; wonderful; words; work; working; world; world philosophy; world truth; world wisdom; worship; worthy; wrong; years cache: 39964.txt plain text: 39964.txt item: #111 of 181 id: 39977 author: Spencer, Herbert title: Illustrations of Universal Progress: A Series of Discussions date: None words: 149221 flesch: 50 summary: soul_, as giving life and motion to the whole body; the _magistrates_ and other _ All art, civilized as well as savage, consists almost wholly in the making of objects _like_ other objects; either as found in Nature, or as produced by previous art. keywords: absence; absolute; abstract; abundant; accompanying; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; adequate; advance; agencies; agency; aggregation; aid; air; alleged; allied; america; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancient; angles; animals; answer; apparatus; apparent; appearance; appliances; application; applied; appropriate; architecture; areas; argument; arms; arose; arrangements; articles; artificial; aspect; associated; assumed; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; atmosphere; atoms; attention; authority; average; axes; axis; bain; basis; bear; beds; beginning; behaviour; belief; best; better; biology; blood; bodies; bodily; body; books; bulk; case; causes; celestial; cells; central; centre; centrifugal; ceremonies; certain; changes; channels; character; characteristic; chemical; chemistry; chief; chiefly; child; children; church; circle; circumstances; civilization; civilized; class; classes; classification; clear; close; cold; colours; combinations; comets; commodities; common; community; comparatively; comparison; complete; complex; complexity; complicated; composition; compound; comte; conceive; concentration; conception; conclusion; concrete; condensation; conditions; conduct; conformity; consciousness; consequence; considerable; conspicuous; constant; constitution; contact; continent; continued; continuous; contraction; contrary; contrast; control; cooling; correspondence; corresponding; country; course; creation; creatures; creeds; crust; culture; current; daily; data; day; days; dead; death; decided; definite; degree; deity; demand; denser; density; deposits; derivation; detail; determined; developed; development; devonian; diameter; differences; different; differentiation; difficulty; diffused; direction; discharge; discoveries; discovery; display; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; drawing; dress; earlier; earliest; early; earth; east; effects; elements; elevation; emotional; emotions; end; endless; ends; energy; england; enormous; epoch; equal; equality; equator; equilibrium; essential; established; europe; european; evidence; evolution; exact; example; excited; excitement; exhibit; existence; existing; exists; experience; explanation; express; expression; extended; extension; extensive; extent; external; extreme; fact; fall; familiar; far; fashion; fauna; feeling; feet; figures; find; fingers; fish; fit; fixed; flocculi; flora; following; follows; food; force; foregoing; formations; forming; forms; fossils; functions; fundamental; future; ganglia; gaseous; gases; general; generality; generalizations; generations; genesis; geological; geologists; geology; geometrical; geometry; germ; globe; god; gods; good; governing; government; gradual; gravitation; gravities; gravity; great; greater; greatest; greek; groups; growing; growth; habits; habitual; half; hand; happen; happiness; harmony; having; head; heat; heavens; hegel; herschel; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; homogeneous; honour; human; humanity; hypothesis; ideas; igneous; illustrated; illustration; immediate; immense; important; impressions; incongruity; increase; independent; indirect; individual; inference; inferior; influence; inorganic; inquiry; instance; institutions; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; intensity; intercourse; intermediate; internal; intervals; involved; irregular; jupiter; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lands; language; laplace; large; latest; laughter; law; laws; leading; left; length; life; light; like; likely; likeness; limbs; limited; limits; lines; liquid; little; living; long; longer; look; lord; loudness; love; lower; lowest; lyell; magnitudes; majority; makes; making; mammals; man; manifest; manner; manufacture; marine; marked; marks; mass; masses; materials; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanics; medium; members; men; mental; mere; method; middle; miles; millions; mind; mineral; minor; minute; modern; modes; modifications; modified; molten; moment; moon; moral; movements; multiplication; multiplied; murchison; muscles; muscular; music; musical; mutual; mystery; names; nations; natural; nature; nay; near; nearer; nebular; nebulous; nebulæ; necessary; necessity; needful; needs; neighbouring; nerves; nervous; new; note; notice; notion; number; numerous; objects; observances; observation; obvious; ocean; old; ones; opposite; orbits; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organization; organized; organs; origin; original; outer; outlines; painful; painting; parallel; parallelism; particular; parts; past; peculiarities; people; perception; period; personal; persons; phases; phenomena; philosophy; physical; physics; physiological; physiology; picture; pitch; place; planets; pleasurable; pleasure; poetry; point; poles; political; portions; position; positive; possible; powerful; powers; practice; present; pressure; previous; prevision; primary; primitive; principles; probability; probable; problem; process; processes; produce; production; products; progress; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; proved; psychology; public; purpose; quantitative; quantity; question; races; rapid; rational; reach; reader; real; reasoning; received; recent; recitative; recognition; records; red; reference; regard; regions; relations; relationship; relative; religion; religious; remains; remark; remote; reply; representative; represented; requires; requisite; respect; respective; rest; results; reverse; rhythm; rings; rise; rocks; root; rotating; rotation; round; rude; rulers; sacred; satellites; saturn; savage; save; saying; scheme; school; science; scientific; sculpture; sea; second; secondary; sedimentary; seeing; self; sensations; sense; separate; series; set; sets; shores; short; showing; shows; sides; significant; silurian; similar; simple; simplest; simultaneous; single; sir; size; slow; small; smaller; smallest; social; societies; society; solar; sole; solid; solution; song; sounds; south; space; speaking; special; species; specific; speech; spencer; spheroid; stages; stand; stars; state; statement; step; strata; stratum; strength; striking; strong; stronger; structure; study; style; subject; submission; subordinate; subsidence; substance; successive; sufficient; summer; sun; sundry; superior; supposed; supposition; surface; symmetrical; system; table; temperature; tendency; terrestrial; theory; things; thought; time; titles; trace; traceable; traits; tribes; true; truth; type; ultimate; unable; uniform; union; united; units; universal; universe; unlike; upper; use; usual; vague; varied; varieties; variety; vast; velocities; vertebrate; view; virtue; visible; vocal; voice; water; way; ways; weights; wide; words; work; world; worship; worth; written; years cache: 39977.txt plain text: 39977.txt item: #112 of 181 id: 40089 author: Dewey, John title: Reconstruction in Philosophy date: None words: 51391 flesch: 52 summary: At the time of practical experience man exists from moment to moment, preoccupied with the task of the moment. CHAPTER VIII RECONSTRUCTION AS AFFECTING SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY How can philosophic change seriously affect social philosophy? keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; advance; aim; aims; ancient; animals; application; aristotle; art; arts; associations; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; away; bacon; basis; behavior; beliefs; best; better; body; business; capable; capacity; case; causes; centuries; century; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; classes; classic; classification; command; common; communication; community; complete; conception; concepts; concerned; concrete; conditions; conduct; conflict; conscious; consequences; considerations; constant; contemplative; contemporary; contrast; control; course; custom; day; defects; definite; degree; demonstration; desire; details; development; different; difficulty; direction; discovery; distinction; diversity; division; doctrine; earth; economic; education; effect; elaborate; elements; emotional; empirical; ends; energy; environment; essential; esthetic; events; evils; existence; experience; experimental; external; fact; factor; failure; fall; false; fancy; features; final; fire; fixed; forces; form; formal; formation; free; freedom; function; future; general; german; good; great; greek; group; growth; guidance; habits; hand; happiness; hard; health; higher; highest; historic; history; hold; human; humanity; idealism; ideas; imagination; important; improvement; independent; individual; industrial; industry; inferior; influence; inquiry; institutions; instrumental; intellectual; intelligence; interest; intrinsic; invention; isolated; judgment; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; learning; life; light; like; limited; limits; living; logic; logical; longer; main; making; man; mankind; marked; material; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mechanics; memory; men; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; modern; moment; moral; movement; moving; natural; nature; necessary; need; needed; new; notion; number; objective; observation; observed; old; open; operations; operative; order; organic; organization; organized; origin; particular; past; perfect; personal; persons; philosophies; philosophy; physical; physician; picture; place; plato; poetry; point; political; positive; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; present; primitive; principles; prior; problem; process; processes; production; progress; proper; psychology; pure; purpose; quality; question; rank; rational; rationality; ready; reality; reason; reconstruction; relation; relationship; religion; religious; remote; respect; response; results; revolution; rigid; rule; sake; school; science; scientific; scope; self; sensations; sense; separate; set; short; significant; situation; social; social philosophy; society; source; special; species; specific; spirit; spite; state; strong; study; subject; success; suggestions; superior; supreme; system; systematic; task; technical; temper; term; test; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tools; traditional; traits; trouble; true; truth; turn; ultimate; understanding; unique; universal; universe; use; utilitarianism; value; variety; view; way; ways; work; world; worth cache: 40089.txt plain text: 40089.txt item: #113 of 181 id: 40307 author: James, William title: The Letters of William James, Vol. 1 date: None words: 112482 flesch: 74 summary: The great number of _old_ men and women here has struck me very much. I confess I rather despair of any popular religion of a philosophic character; and I sometimes find myself wondering whether there can be any popular religion raised on the ruins of the old Christianity without the presence of that element which in the past has presided over the origin of all religions, namely, a belief in new _physical_ facts and possibilities. keywords: able; absolute; academic; accomplished; account; acquaintance; active; activity; address; admirable; affairs; affection; affectionate; afraid; afternoon; agassiz; age; agreeable; air; albany; alice; altogether; amazon; american; amusing; anatomy; animal; answer; appearance; appointment; apr; april; article; ashamed; ashburner; atmosphere; attention; attitude; aug; aunt; author; autumn; aware; awful; bad; basis; beautiful; beauty; bed; beer; beginning; belief; beloved; berlin; best; big; billy; black; blessed; blood; bob; body; book; boston; bowditch; boy; boys; brain; brazil; bright; broken; brother; business; bye; cambridge; care; case; cast; central; century; certain; chance; chapter; character; characteristic; charles; charming; chemistry; children; chocorua; choice; circumstances; city; class; clear; close; club; cold; colleagues; college; combination; comfort; coming; comme; common; company; comparative; complete; conception; condition; confidence; congress; consciousness; continued; conversation; convinced; copy; correspondence; country; couple; course; court; creation; creature; credit; critical; critique; curious; cut; daily; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dear old; dearest; death; dec; deep; deeper; degree; delicious; delightful; department; des; desire; details; determinism; development; devoted; diary; different; difficulty; dining; dinner; direction; discussion; dog; dollars; door; doubt; drawing; dresden; duties; dwight; early; earth; ease; easy; editor; education; effect; elder; elements; eliot; elly; emerson; england; english; enjoyment; essay; ethics; europe; european; evening; events; evil; examination; example; excellent; exception; excuse; exercise; existence; expected; expedition; experience; experimental; express; exquisite; external; eyes; face; fact; faculty; fall; familiar; family; fancy; farewell; fast; father; fear; fearful; feb; feeling; feet; fellow; female; field; figure; final; fine; finished; fire; florence; following; force; foreign; forest; form; formulas; fortnight; france; francis; free; freedom; french; fresh; friend; friendly; friendship; future; general; generation; generous; geneva; genius; george; german; gibbens; gift; girls; gives; glad; godkin; goethe; good; good old; grace; grass; gray; great; greater; green; grimm; grow; gurney; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harry; harvard; head; health; heart; heaven; help; henry james; higginson; high; higher; hill; history; hitherto; hodgson; holmes; home; hope; hotel; hours; house; household; howells; human; humor; husband; idea; illness; illustration; immense; important; impression; independent; indian; individual; influence; information; instance; instruction; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interesting; intimate; introduction; irish; italy; james; jan; january; john; josiah; journal; joy; judgment; july; june; justice; kant; kate; katharine; keeping; kind; kitty; knowledge; known; laboratory; lady; lake; language; large; later; law; learning; leave; lectures; leisure; letter; letters:-to; library; life; like; likely; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; looking; lost; lot; lots; louis; love; lovely; making; man; manner; margaret; mark; marriage; married; mary; material; matter; mean; measure; medical; medicine; members; memory; men; mental; mere; metaphysical; midst; miles; mind; minny; miserable; miss; mistake; modern; moment; months; mood; moral; morning; mother; mountains; mrs; museum; mã¼nsterberg; nation; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; nervous; new; newport; news; nice; night; noble; non; norton; note; notice; nov; novel; number; numerous; object; occasion; occupation; ocean; oct; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; original; outside; p.m.; page; pain; painting; palmer; paper; parents; paris; particular; party; pass; past; pay; peculiar; pencil; people; perfect; period; permanent; perry; personal; philosophical; philosophique; philosophy; photograph; physical; physiological; physiology; pictures; piece; pity; place; plans; play; pleasant; pleasure; plenty; pocket; point; political; poor; position; possession; possible; post; power; practical; practice; precious; presence; present; president; pretty; price; principles; private; problem; professional; professor; professorship; proper; psychical; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; putnam; qualities; quality; question; quiet; quincy; rate; reaction; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; record; reference; regards; regret; regular; relations; religious; remains; renouvier; reply; report; research; resources; respect; rest; result; return; review; rich; robertson; room; round; royce; run; sad; said; sake; school; science; scientific; second; sedgwick; self; send; senior; sense; sentences; sept; september; set; shadworth; shape; sick; sickness; silence; similar; simple; single; sister; sketch; skin; sleep; small; snow; social; society; solid; son; sorry; sort; soul; space; speak; special; speculation; spencer; spirits; spiritual; spite; splendid; spring; stand; start; state; stay; steamer; step; strange; street; strength; strong; students; studies; study; stumpf; style; subject; success; summer; sunday; sure; swampscott; sweet; switzerland; sympathy; system; talk; talking; teacher; teaching; temperament; temple; teplitz; term; thee; theodora; theological; theories; theory; things; think; thinking; thomas; thought; time; title; today; tomorrow; tone; town; trees; trouble; true; trust; truth; tweedies; type; unable; understanding; universe; university; usual; vacation; vast; vide; view; visit; voice; vol; volume; walk; want; ward; warm; washington; way; ways; weather; week; white; whitman; wide; wife; wild; wilky; william; william james; window; winter; wish; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; working; world; worth; writing; wundt; wyman; years; years old; yesterday; york; young; younger; youth cache: 40307.txt plain text: 40307.txt item: #114 of 181 id: 40435 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1 date: None words: 230430 flesch: 64 summary: [Greek: Oi)=da ga\r o(/ti o)li/gois tisi\ tau=ta kai\ dokei= kai\ do/xei; O(=is ou)=n ou(/tô de/doktai kai\ oi(=s mê/, _tou/tois ou)k e)/sti koinê\ boulê/, a)ll' a)na/gkê tou/tous a)llê/lôn kataphronei=n, o(rôntas ta\ a)llê/lôn bouleu/mata_. ei)=nai kai\ mano\n kai\ ta\s keywords: 104; 107; 131; 2nd; 314; = chthai; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = ntas; = nti; = oi; = phos; = r; = ron; = ros; = s; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = thos; = ton; = tos; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/peiron; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)nthrô; a)nthrôpi; a)po\; a)rchai; a)rchê =; a)ristote; a)thênai; a. p.; a. plato; ability; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; abundance; abundant; academic; academy; accomplishments; account; acknowledged; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; acute; acuteness; admiration; adv; advanced; advantage; adverse; advice; affairs; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agesilaus; aggregate; agreement; aid; ainsi; air; alexander; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; ancient; anecdote; animals; animâ; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anytus; aphorismes; apolloniate; apologia; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appendix; appetite; applicable; application; appreciated; appreciation; apprehension; aptitude; apud; architect; argument; aristeides; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotelian; aristotle; aristoxenus; arithmetic; army; arrangement; artistic; ascendancy; ascetic; asia; assertion; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athenæus; atomic; atoms; atque; attachment; attack; attainable; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; autem; authenticity; authoritative; authorities; authority; authors; aux; aware; b.c; bacon; bad; base; basis; battle; bearing; beautiful; beginning; belief; belong; benefit; berlin; best; better; bien; biography; birth; black; blood; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bone; bonitz; bonum; books; boys; branch; brandis; brother; bryson; bulk; c'est; c. 2; calls; canon; canonical; capable; capital; care; career; careful; case; catalogue; cato; causes; celebrated; celebrity; celestial; censure; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; cette; champion; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chief; children; chro; chronological; chrysippus; chrê =; cicero; circle; circulation; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; clinton; close; coelo; cold; collected; collection; colloquial; colour; combination; comic; command; commencement; commentary; commentators; comments; commerce; common; communication; community; companions; compare; compare plato; comparison; competent; complete; composing; compositions; compound; comprehensive; conception; concepts; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; conjectures; conjunction; connected; conscience; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; considerable; consideration; consistent; conspicuous; constant; constituent; constituted; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contraries; contrary; contrast; controversy; conversation; copies; copious; copy; corinth; correct; corresponding; corrupt; cosmical; counter; country; countrymen; courage; course; covered; credit; creed; critical; criticisms; critics; cross; curiosity; curious; current; custom; cycle; cynics; cyropædia; cyrus; d'un; danger; dangerous; dans; dark; das; dass; date; day; days; de coelo; de la; de sensu; deal; death; debate; deceased; decided; declaration; declared; defective; defence; definite; definition; degree; dei=; delphian; demetrius; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demosthenes; departure; describes; description; desire; despise; despot; destruction; detail; determined; determining; development; devoted; dia\; dialectic; dialecticians; dialogues; didaskalei =; die; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; dikastery; dikasts; dindorf; dio\; diodorus; diogenes; dionysius; direct; disciples; discipline; discontinuous; discord; discourse; discredit; discussion; displeasure; dispositions; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; donc; dou =; doubt; doubtful; dramas; dramatic; dry; dunato\n; duoi =; duration; duties; duty; dwells; dwelt; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(no\s; e(tai =; e)/chein; e)/phê; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)mpedoklê =; e)mô =; e)n; e)nanti; e)o; e)pi\; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; early greek; earnest; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effluvia; egypt; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; ejus; elaborate; elder; eleatic; eleian; elementary; elements; elenchus; eminent; emotional; emotions; empedokles; emphatic; empire; empiric; empiricus; employment; endurance; enduring; enemies; energy; enim; enjoyment; enmity; enquiry; entire; epiktêtus; epikurus; epinomis; epist; epistles; epistolæ; epithets; equal; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; establishment; esteemed; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etiam; eu)=; eubulides; eudoxus; eukleides; euripides; euseb; eusebium; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evang; event; evidence; evil; exact; examination; examining; example; exception; exclusive; exercise; exhibits; exigencies; exile; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; exposition; expository; express; extended; extension; extent; exterior; extracts; extreme; eye; eyes; fact; fait; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; faut; favour; favourable; fear; feature; feelings; fellow; female; fifth; figure; final; financial; find; fine; fire; fixed; flat; flesh; following; footnote; force; forcible; foreign; form; formal; formidable; forward; foundation; founder; fourth; fragments; frame; free; freedom; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; für; ga\r; galen; gein; general; generation; genius; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gesch; geschichte; giving; glaukon; glô =; gnô; gods; goi; gon; gone; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; gra; grains; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; greek mind; greek philosophy; griech; griechen; ground; groups; growth; guarantee; gymnosophists; gê =; gôn; habits; half; halikarnassus; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; head; hearers; heat; heavy; hegesias; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermodôrus; herodotus; hesiod; hieron; higher; highest; hipparchus; hippias; historians; historical; history; hobbes; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; home; homoeomeries; honourable; hope; horses; hot; house; human; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)diô =; i. 1; i. 2; i. 3; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illud; illustrate; illustration; illustrious; images; imagination; immediate; imperfect; impiety; important; impressed; impression; improved; improvement; impulse; inadmissible; inconsistency; independent; indeterminate; indian; indictment; indirect; indispensable; individual; individuality; indivisible; indulgence; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; influx; information; informed; ingenious; inherent; injustice; institutions; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intentional; interdependence; interesting; interlocutors; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intervening; intimate; invention; investigation; involved; ionic; irregular; ischomachus; items; john; judge; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kai\ de; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kakô =; kalliklês; kallimachus; kalô =; kapila; karsten; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kinê; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; kriton; kronus; ku =; kyrenaic; kyrênê; l. ii; laborious; labour; lachês; laert; laertius; language; large; lassalle; latent; law; laws; leading; learner; learning; leave; lectures; leges; legg; length; les; lessons; letters; leukippus; leur; liberty; libraries; library; life; lifetime; like; likely; limits; list; literary; literature; little; llei; logical; lois; long; longer; loss; lost; love; lucian; lucretius; lui; lykurgus; lysis; ma =; magnitude; main; mais; making; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; manuscripts; marbach; march; marked; mass; mata; material; mathem; mathemat; matter; me\n; meaning; means; measure; megara; megarics; melissus; melêtus; memor; memorabilia; memorable; men; menedêmus; menexenus; menon; mental; mentions; mere; merit; metaphors; metaphys; metaphysical; meteorology; metha; method; middle; military; mill; mind; ministration; minos; mission; mistake; mixture; modern; modes; modifications; moi; moins; moment; money; moon; morality; motion; motive; mousei =; movement; mss; mullach; multitude; munk; museum; mê\; mêde\n; même; mên; môn; n de\; n e)n; n kai\; n te; n tô; n'est; names; namin; narrative; native; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nein; neque; nesthai; new; nicht; noei =; nomos; non; nos; notice; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntos; ntôn; nu =; nubes; number; numerous; nên; nês; nêsin; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/ti; o(\; o(moi; o)/nta; o)/ntôn; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obscure; observation; observed; obstetric; occasion; occupation; occupied; oekonomikus; official; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; old; onesikritus; ontology; open; opening; operative; opinion; opponents; opposing; opposite; oracle; oral; orat; oration; orator; order; ordinary; origen; original; orthodox; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)de\n; ou)k; ou)si; pa =; painful; pains; panætius; para\; parakalou =; parmenides; partial; particles; particular; parts; passage; past; patient; pay; peculiar; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; pergamus; peri\; perikles; period; peripatetic; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phalereus; phasin; phenomenal; philadelphus; philolaus; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; phêsi; picture; pindar; place; placit; plain; plants; plato; plato de; platonic; platonic apology; platonic compositions; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonic works; platonischen; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plenary; plotinus; plurality; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poets; poiei =; point; pois; pole; political; politics; politikus; polloi =; pollê =; poor; popular; pores; portion; positive; possession; possible; pote; potential; pour; poverty; power; powerful; pra =; practical; practice; precepts; preconceived; predecessors; predicate; predication; preface; preller; premisses; preparatory; prepared; preponderance; presence; present; preservation; preserved; pressure; presumption; pretensions; prevalent; previous; primary; primordial; prince; principal; principle; prior; private; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceeding; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; production; professes; professing; professional; professor; progress; proklus; proleg; prominent; proof; properties; property; proposition; propounded; propriety; protagoras; proved; prudence; præp; prô =; pseudo; psuchê =; ptolemy; pu =; public; pupils; pure; purpose; puthago; putting; pythagoreans; pô =; pôn; qu'elle; qu'il; qualities; quam; quand; quantity; quasi; que; question; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; r(êtorikê =; rapid; rare; rational; reach; reader; ready; real; real plato; real sokrates; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; rebus; received; recent; recognition; reference; refutative; regard; region; regular; rein; reiske; reject; relation; relative; religion; religious; remaining; remains; remarkable; remarks; replies; reply; reports; reproach; republic; repugnance; reputation; rerum; residence; respecting; respects; respiration; respondent; rest; result; return; review; rhetor; rhetoric; rich; right; road; rome; rotation; rotatory; rule; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saw; saying; scanty; scene; schaub; schaubach; scheme; schleiermacher; scholarch; scholars; scholia; school; schriften; science; scientific; scope; scrutiny; search; searcher; searching; second; sect; security; sed; seis; select; self; seneca; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; seq; seqq; sequel; sequence; series; service; set; setting; seventh; severe; sextus; seôs; similar; simonides; simple; simplikius; sir; situation; sixth; sketches; skopei =; slaves; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; sokratic dialogues; solid; solution; sont; sophists; sophokles; sort; soter; soul; sound; soûtras; space; sparta; speaker; speaking; special; speculations; speculative; speech; speusippus; spheres; spherical; spirit; spite; spokesman; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stands; stars; state; statement; stationary; steinhart; step; stilpon; stimulating; stimulus; stobæus; stoic; stoichei =; strabo; stranger; straton; strength; striking; strong; structure; students; study; style; su\; subject; subordinates; subsequent; substance; substratum; succeeding; successive; successors; suffering; sufficient; suitable; summary; sun; sunt; superior; support; supposition; surface; surprise; susemihl; symbolical; sympathy; symposion; syracuse; system; systematic; système; sânkhya; sêmei =; sôkra; ta\s; tables; tai =; talk; task; taste; tau =; teacher; teaching; tennemann; terms; teron; testimony; testing; tetralogies; tetta; text; thales; theagês; thei; themistius; theogony; theophrastus; theopompus; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; theô =; theôrei =; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllean; thrasyllus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tortoise; total; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; toutes; traditional; training; transcendental; transformation; transient; transition; treatise; trial; trilogies; true; trust; trustworthy; truth; tu =; turannei =; tusc; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; tônos; u(ma =; u(mei =; u(mô =; u(pe\r; u(po\; ueber plato; ueberweg; ultra; unable; unanimity; understanding; une; unequal; unfinished; uniform; unity; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmeaning; unum; unwilling; unworthy; useful; useless; v. p.; vacua; vacuum; valuable; value; varied; varieties; variety; varro; vast; vehement; vein; verdict; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; visit; vit; vital; vol; volume; von; want; wanting; warm; water; way; ways; wealth; white; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; working; works; world; worse; worthy; writers; writings; wrong; xenokrates; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xenophontic sokrates; xiii; xiv; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zenonian; zetai; zeus; zum; zur; zêtou =; zôn; æschines; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê(ra; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40435.txt plain text: 40435.txt item: #115 of 181 id: 40436 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2 date: None words: 208893 flesch: 69 summary: [Greek: oi(=os de\ ou(tosi\ ge/gone tê\n _a)topi/an_ a)/nthrôpos, kai\ au)to\s kai\ oi( lo/goi au)tou=, ou)d' e)ggu\s a)\n eu(/roi tis zêtô=n], &c. [Greek: katêgorête/on ei)/ê kai\ au(tou= kai\ ui(e/os kai\ e(tai/ron, e)a/n ti a)dikê=|], &c. Plato might have put this argument into the mouth of Euthyphron as a reason for indicting his own father on the charge of murder: as I have already observed in reviewing the Euthyphron, which see above, vol. keywords: 114; 127; 135; = en; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = o; = oi; = ron; = s; = sai; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = tai; = te; = ton; = zon; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)ll; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)ndrei; a)nthrô; a)retê; absence; abstract; absurd; abundant; accomplished; accomplishments; account; achilles; acknowledged; acquisition; acting; active; acts; actual; address; administered; admiration; admirers; advanced; adverse; advice; adviser; affairs; affection; affirmative; affirming; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; agreeable; ai)ti; aim; alk._--i; alkibiades; allusion; amabile; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; anytus; apology; apparent; appeal; appendix; applicable; application; approach; appropriate; archelaus; argument; aristeides; aristophanes; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; art; artists; arts; ascribes; ashamed; aspects; assembly; assent; assertion; assign; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; attached; attainment; attempt; attention; attribute; au)=; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; authority; aversion; aware; b.c; bad; bad man; bain; base; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; belti; beneficial; benefit; best; better; blame; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; book; bou; branch; brave; business; c. p.; calculation; calling; calls; capable; capacity; capital; care; case; causation; causes; certain; chai; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; charmidês; chei =; chiefly; children; choice; chro; chrê =; cicero; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; class; classification; clear; close; cognition; collocutor; colour; comic; command; commentators; comments; common; communion; community; comp._--i; comp._--yes; companion; company; comparative; compare plato; competent; compositions; comprehensive; conception; concluding; conclusions; concrete; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; confusion; conjunction; conscious; consciousness; consent; consequences; considerable; consistent; consists; conspicuous; constant; contemporary; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; conversation; cookery; corps; correct; corresponding; counsel; courage; courageous; court; craft; credit; creed; critical; critics; cross; crowd; cure; customs; daimo; danger; dans; day; de\; deal; dear; death; debate; declaration; defective; defence; definition; degree; dei =; deinô =; description; design; desire; despot; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dionysodorus; direct; direction; discipline; discourse; discussion; disease; disgraceful; dishonourable; dispositions; dispute; dissent; distant; distemper; distinction; distinguished; divine; doctrine; doer; dokou =; double; doubt; doubtless; dramatic; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(autoi =; e(ka; e)/chei; e)/phê; e)a\n; e)gô\; e)kei =; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)pistêmô =; e)pô =; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earnest; earth; easy; education; effect; effective; efforts; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)de; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; elaborate; elements; elenchus; eloquent; embarrassment; eminent; emotional; emotions; end; ends; endurance; enemies; enemy; enforce; enim; enjoyment; enquiry; entire; epithets; equal; equivalent; equivocal; erastes; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimate; ethical; ethics; eu(rei =; eu)=; euthydêmus; evidence; evident; evil; examination; example; excellent; exception; exercise; exhibits; existence; existent; expedient; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; fail; failure; fallacies; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; fathers; favour; fear; feature; feeling; felt; figure; find; finding; fine; following; food; footnote; force; foreign; form; formal; free; freedom; frequent; friend; friendship; function; fundamental; future; ga\r; gain; galen; gein; geis; general; generality; generic; genuine; genuineness; genus; geometrical; geometry; gesch; gifts; giving; gods; goi; gold; gon; good; good definition; good gain; good general; good health; good man; good opinion; good things; goodness; gorgias; gos; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; grecian; greece; greek; ground; guard; guidance; gymnastic; gôn; habit; half; hand; handling; happiness; happy; harmony; harp; head; health; hearers; hearing; heindorf; help; hermann; high; highest; hip._--i; hipparchus; hippias; hippokrates; historical sokrates; history; hold; holiness; holy; homer; honourable; horses; house; human; humiliation; hurtful; hypothesis; i(/na; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; immediate; immortality; important; improvement; inadmissible; independent; indispensable; individual; inference; inferior; influence; injustice; inspiration; inspired; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; interest; interesting; intermediate; interpretation; interrogation; introduction; investigation; irregular; issue; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ mê\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ tou; kako; kakô =; kalei =; kalliklês; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kebês; kings; kleinias; knowing; knowledge; known; krete; kritias; kriton; ktesippus; lachês; ladle; language; large; largest; later; law; lawful; lawgiver; laws; leading; learning; leave; lectures; leges; lego; length; lesser; lessons; let; letters; liberty; life; like; list; literary; little; lives; logical; long; loss; love; lovers; lysis; ma =; madness; main; maj; major; majority; making; man; manifestation; mankind; manner; marked; master; mata; material; matters; maxims; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; medicine; mei =; members; memorabilia; memorable; memory; men; mena; mendacious; menexenus; menon; mental; mention; mere; metaphys; metha; method; military; mill; mind; minos; mischief; mischievous; miserable; misery; mission; mistake; moderation; modern; moi; moment; money; moral; morality; mos; mother; mou; multiplication; multiplied; multitude; mythe; mê\; mên; mês; n kai\; n te; n ti; names; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; nei; nein; new; nikias; nikom; nomi; nomizo; notice; nou =; nous; ntas; ntes; ntoi; ntos; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nên; nês; nôn; o(/pôs; o(/stis; o(/ti; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)/ntes; o)rthô =; object; objections; occasions; odysseus; oi(=o; oi(=s; oi)=mai; open; opinion; opponent; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)=sa; ou)ch; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)kou =; outlay; pa =; pain; painful; particular; passage; past; pay; peculiar; peculiarity; people; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexity; personages; personal; persons; persuasion; pertinent; phai; phenomena; phili; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phronei =; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; picture; pilot; place; plato; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonis; playing; pleasurable; pleasures; plei; pleonektei =; plutarch; poetical; poetry; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; poison; political; politicians; politics; politikus; pollachô =; polloi =; pollô =; polus; poor; portion; position; positive; possession; possible; post; postulate; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; practised; practitioner; praise; precautions; preceding; preliminary; premisses; prepared; presence; present; prevalent; previous; primum; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; professes; professional; professor; profitable; progress; proleg; prolixity; prometheus; proof; proper; property; proposition; protagoras; province; prô =; psuchê =; public; punishment; pupils; pure; purpose; pursuits; puzzled; pô =; pôn; qualities; quam; quantity; question; questioning; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; rational; reader; ready; real; real sokrates; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; received; reciprocal; reference; refers; regard; regular; rein; relation; relative; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replies; replies sokrates; reply; republic; reputation; research; respecting; respondent; result; revelations; rhapsode; rhetoric; rhetors; rich; ridiculous; right; rule; ruling; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sake; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; second; sect; security; sei; seis; self; semi; sensations; sense; sentence; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; setai; sets; seôs; shame; showing; shows; sick; sign; silly; similar; simmias; simonides; simple; single; situation; skilful; skill; skopei =; slave; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokr._--but; sokr._--do; sokr._--i; sokr._--now; sokr._--perhaps; sokr._--the; sokr._--well; sokr._--what; sokr._--you; sokrates; sokrates cross; sokrates questions; sokratic; solution; song; sophistical; sophistry; sophists; sophô =; sort; soul; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; speeches; spirit; spurious; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesmen; steinhart; strength; stress; striking; strong; stuart; study; stupid; style; su\; subject; subsequent; substantive; success; successful; successive; suffering; sufficient; suggestive; suitable; superior; superiority; supply; supposed; supposition; surprise; symposion; system; systematic; sôkra; sôphrosu; talk; talking; task; taste; tau =; te kai\; teachable; teachers; teaching; temperance; tendency; terms; teron; terrible; text; theagês; thei; theo\s; theories; theory; theætêtus; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tou =; tou\s; tous; tout; trainer; training; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; trial; true; trust; truth; ttein; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; ugly; ulterior; unable; unanimity; understood; une; universal; unjust; unknown; unpunished; untaught; untrue; unwise; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; valuable; value; varieties; variety; veracious; verbal; view; viii; virtue; virtuous; visit; viz; vol; volition; vulgar; want; war; warnings; way; ways; wide; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wishes; words; work; working; world; worse; worthless; writings; wrong; xenophontic sokrates; years; young; youth; youthful; zein; zesthai; zeus; zum; zêtei =; zô =; ê(gou =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40436.txt plain text: 40436.txt item: #116 of 181 id: 40437 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 3 date: None words: 217537 flesch: 65 summary: u(pokei=tai mê\ ei)=nai, kai\ tou= _e)kei/nou_ kai\ a)/llôn pollô=n a)na/gkê au)tô=| metei=nai.]] =n kai\ _poi= keywords: 143; = llon; = lon; = ma; = men; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = nti; = s; = sa; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = ton; = xai; a(/ma; a(plou =; a)/llêla; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/nthrôpos; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho; a)lla\; a)lêthei; a)lêthou =; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)nagkai =; a)nthrô; a)po\; a)pori; a. p.; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; absurdity; accompanying; accomplished; account; acting; action; active; acts; actual; acute; adaptation; admiration; admissible; admits; advanced; adverts; affinity; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; agathon; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; ai)/sthêsis; ai)sthê; alkibiades; allusion; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancient; angler; animals; answer; antecedent; antinomies; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aptitude; ardour; argument; arises; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotelian; aristotle; arithmetic; art; artist; artistic; ashamed; aspasia; aspect; aspirant; assemblage; assertion; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; athenæus; attachment; attainable; attempt; attention; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tou\s; au)tê\n; au)tô =; audience; auditors; authority; auxiliary; avoidance; aware; b.c; bad; basis; battle; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behalf; bekk; belief; believer; believing; belong; benefit; best; better; bodies; bodily; body; bonum; book; bou; brandis; business; c'est; c. plato; calls; campbell; canon; capable; capacity; care; caricature; case; categories; category; causes; century; certain; certainty; cette; changes; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; child; chnê; choice; chro; chrô =; cicero; circle; circumstances; citizens; city; claim; classes; classification; clear; close; cogitant; cognition; coincides; cold; colour; combination; command; commentary; commentators; common; communion; community; companions; company; compare plato; compares; comparison; competent; complete; complicated; composition; compound; comprehending; comprehensive; computation; conceivable; conceive; conceiving; conception; concepts; concerned; concipient; concluding; conclusion; concrete; condition; conjecture; conjunction; conscience; consciousness; consent; consequences; consistent; constant; constituent; construction; contemplation; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; contrast; conversation; copula; correct; correlative; corresponding; cosmical; counter; courage; criticism; critics; cross; curious; customs; cutting; cætera; dans; das; date; day; death; debate; declaration; defect; defective; definite; definition; degree; dei =; demonstration; denial; denies; department; der; descending; description; designate; desire; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; dictum; didactic; die; differences; different; different men; difficulties; difficulty; dikai; dikasts; dilemma; dionysius; diotima; direction; disbelief; discourse; discriminating; discussion; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; divergence; diversified; diversity; diversum; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doctrine plato; dog; dogmatical; dokei =; double; doubt; doubtful; doxa; dunato\n; duscherei =; dê\; dêlou =; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(ka; e(no\s; e)/chei; e)/chon; e)/rôs; e)/stin; e)/ti; e)kei =; e)le; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)nergei =; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti\n; e)x; e)ô =; earlier; early; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=dos; ei)=nai; ei)dô =; ei)pei =; ei)s; eighth; einleitung; elaborate; eleate; eleatic; elements; elenchus; eloquent; eminent; emotional; emotions; employ; enigma; enjoyment; enquiry; ens; entire; epikurus; equal; equivalent; equivocal; eros; erotic; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; estimate; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etymological; etymologies; etymology; eukleides; euthydêmus; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellent; exclusive; exercise; exhortation; exigencies; existence; existent; expected; experience; explanation; exposition; express; extent; extra; extreme; eyes; fact; factors; fair; false; false opinion; falsehood; familiar; fancy; farther; favour; fear; features; feeling; fiction; fifth; figure; fit; fixed; flux; follow; following; footnote; force; forcible; formal; formation; forms; formula; forward; fourth; fragment; free; frequent; friends; function; fundamental; funeral; future; ga\r; gein; general; generalisation; generation; generic; gentle; genuine; genus; geometry; gesch; gignô; giver; giving; gkê; gnesthai; gnetai; gods; gois; gomen; gon; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; governor; gradations; gradual; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; growth; guidance; gôn; habit; half; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; haters; health; hearers; heat; hedonists; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermogenes; higher; highest; hippias; historical; history; hoc; hold; holding; homer; homo; honourable; horse; hot; human; hunters; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)de; i. p.; idealists; ideas; idem; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortality; imperfect; important; impression; improvement; impugns; impulse; incompatible; inconsistency; incorporeal; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; indivisible; infallibility; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; ingenious; ingenuity; inherent; inspiration; instructive; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercommunion; interesting; intermediate; internal; intimates; introduction; involved; items; jamais; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kalei =; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; knê =; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; language; large; lassalle; later; lawgiver; laws; learners; legibus; legitimate; lego; legome; length; les; lesson; letters; liable; life; like; likely; likeness; limit; line; lista; little; logical; long; longer; look; lost; lous; love; lusitelou =; lysias; madness; main; maintaining; mais; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; mantikê =; marked; master; mata; materialists; matos; matters; maxim; me\n; meaning; means; measure; measuring; medical; megaric; megi; memorab; memory; menexenus; menon; mensura; mensuration; mental; mere; meta\; metaphys; mete; method; middle; mill; mind; mistake; mixture; mockery; modern; modes; moi; moment; money; motion; movement; multa; multifarious; multiplied; multitude; music; mythe; mê\; même; mên; mês; môn; n a)/llôn; n de\; n ei)=nai; n kai\; n lo; n o)/ntôn; n te; n tô; n'est; names; naming; narrow; nas; naton; natural; nature; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nei; nein; new; nikom; ninth; noei =; nois; non; nos; notice; notre; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nun; nên; nêsis; nôn; nô|; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(poianou =; o(rô =; o(tiou =; o)/nta; o)/ntos; o)/ntôn; o)\n; o)noma; o)rthô =; object; objections; objective; obscure; observations; observed; occasion; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; omnia; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; orator; order; ordinary; organ; original; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)kou =; ou)si; pa =; pain; painful; panegyric; para\; parmenides; partakes; partial; participation; particular; partnership; parts; passage; passion; past; pasô =; pathei =; patient; pausanias; peculiar; people; perception; percipient; peremptory; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexing; perplexities; personal; persons; persuasion; peut; phai; phaino; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phro; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; place; plants; plato; plato non; plato proceeds; platonic; platonic dialogues; platonic parmenides; platonic sokrates; platonic theory; plausible; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plus; plutarch; plê; poetical; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; points plato; poiou =; political; politikus; pollô =; portion; positive; possession; possibility; possible; pote; potential; potentiality; pour; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; praise; preceding; precepts; predicate; predication; pregnant; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; presence; present; previous; pri\n; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privileged; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; prodikus; professes; professional; professor; profit; progress; proklus; proleg; pronounced; proof; proper; properties; property; proposition; propriety; proseipei =; protagoras; protagorean doctrine; protarchus; province; prô =; pseu =; pseudei =; psuchê =; psuchê\n; psychological; pulchrum; pupils; pure; purpose; puzzle; pôn; qu'il; qualification; quality; quam; quand; question; qui; quid; quod; r(ou =; ratiocinative; rational; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; rectitude; reference; reflection; refutation; regard; region; rein; relation; relative; relativity; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; renan; replies; reply; reproach; republic; research; resemblance; respecting; respondent; rest; result; review; rhetoric; rhetors; ridicule; ridiculous; right; road; rotation; rules; s te; sai; sake; sameness; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saying; scale; scheme; schleiermacher; schol; scholia; schriften; schwegler; science; scientific; search; second; sect; seeing; sei; sein; seis; select; self; sensations; sense; sensible; sensual; sentiment; separate; separation; seq; series; set; sets; seventh; sextus; seôs; shows; sides; significant; signification; similar; simple; simplikius; single; singular; sitting; sixth; skill; skopei =; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; solution; sont; sophist; sophistês; sort; soul; sounds; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; spirit; spoken; spontaneous; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesman; steersman; steinhart; step; stimulating; stimulus; stoichei =; strange; striking; strong; stuart; study; stô|; subdivision; subject; subordinate; subsequent; substance; substantive; subtle; subtleties; subtlety; successive; sudden; suffering; suffers; sufficient; suitable; sujet; summum; sunt; superior; superiority; supposes; supposition; sweet; syllables; symposion; system; systematic; sô =; sôkra; tai =; taking; talk; task; taste; tau =; tau)to\n; teachers; teaching; technô =; temperance; terms; teron; testimony; testing; text; thei; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; thing; thinking; thos; thought; thrasymachus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; tina\; title; to\; to\ mê\; to\n; toi =; toiau; tois; topics; total; totum; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; tout; toutes; trace; traditional; training; transcendental; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; true; true opinion; truth; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; têtos; tô =; tôn; u(po\; ueber; ueberweg; ulterior; ultimate; unanimity; unchangeable; understanding; une; unity; universal; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmixed; unsolved; unum; unum non; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variable; variance; varieties; variety; vehement; vein; verb; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vol; vulgar; want; way; ways; white; william; wine; wisdom; wise; wishes; words; work; working; world; worst; writer; writing; written; wrong; xenophon; xenophontic; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zesthai; zum; zê =; zêtei =; zêtô =; zôn; ê(dona\s; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)/dê; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40437.txt plain text: 40437.txt item: #117 of 181 id: 40438 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 4 date: None words: 255044 flesch: 64 summary: Demiurgus, opposed to [Greek: i)diô/tês], ii. 272 _n._; of kosmos, iii. 265 _n._; postulated, iv. 220; is not a creator, _ib._; produces kosmos, by persuading Necessity, _ib._, 222; on pattern of ideas, 227; evolved the four elements from primordial chaos, 240; addresses generated gods, 233; prepares for man's construction, places a soul in each star, _ib._; conjoins three souls and one body, 234; how conceived by other philosophers of same century, 254; little noticed in Aristotle, 255; degeneracy of man originally intended by, 263. Demochares, law against philosophers, i. 111 _n._ Democracy, least bad of unscientific governments, iii. 270, 278; origin, iv. 80; monarchy and, the _mother-polities_, 312; dissent of Aristotle, _ib._ _n._; Plato's second ideal state a compromise of oligarchy and, 333, 337. Demokritus, life and travels, i. 65; Plato's antipathy to, 66 _n._, 82 _n._, ii. 118, iv. 355 _n._; often mentioned in Aristotle, _ib._; opinions of ancients on, i. 82 _n._; his universality, 82; relation to Parmenidean theory, 66; plena and vacua, ens and non-ens, 67, iii. 243 _n._; his absolute and relative, i. 71, 80; atoms differ only in magnitude, figure, position, and arrangement, 69; different from Plato's Idea, and Aristotle's _materia prima_, 72; not really objects of sense, _ib._ _n._; inherent force, 73; his ultimatum, the course of nature, _ib._; primary and secondary qualities, iv. ; early relations with Sokrates, 248; service as a citizen and soldier, 249; political life, 251; political changes in Greece during life, 1; travels alter death of Sokrates, 253; permanently established at Athens, 254; teaches at the Academy, _ib._; received presents, not fees, iii. 218 _n._; his pupils, numerous, wealthy, and from different cities, i. 255; many subsequently politicians, 261 _n._; Eudoxus, 255; Aristotle, 260; Demosthenes, 261 _n._; visits the younger Dionysius, 258, 351, 194 _n._; relations with Dionysius, 255; disappointments, 280; varying relations with Isokrates, ii. 331 _n._, iii. 35; his jealousy and love of supremacy, i. 117 _n._, 153 _n._; alleged ill-nature, 117 _n._; antipathy to Antisthenes, 151, 152 _n._, 165; alleged enmity between Xenophon and, iii. 22 _n._, iv. 146 _n._, 312 _n._; rivalry with Lysias, iii. 408, 410 _n._, 411 _n._; death, i. 200; Plato and Aristotle represent pure Hellenic philosophy, _xiv_; St. Jerome on, _xv_; criticism on early Greek philosophy, 87 _n._; relation to predecessors, 91; theories in circulation in his time, _ib._; Parmenidês and Pythagoras supplied basis for, 89; relation to Sokrates, 344 _n._, ii. 303; Pythagoreanism, i. 10 _n._, 15 _n._, 87, 344 _n._, 346 _n._, 347, 349 _n._, ii. 426 _n._, iii. 368, iv. 424 _n._; Herakleitus, i. 27, ii. 30; Demokritus, i. 66 _n._, 82 _n._, iv. 355 _ keywords: 107; 111; 112; 118; 119; 127; 128; 138; 143; 151; 157; 168; 173; 178; 181; 189; 195; 197; 198; 202; 237; 263; 268; 276; 304; 305; 307; 308; 311; 313; 316; 325; 335; 338; 343; 353; 359; 367; 378; 382; 383; 386; 387; 404; 417; 429; 432; 433; = llon; = nai; = ntai; = s; = sa; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = thos; = ton; a(/ma; a(martê; a)/llôn; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)dikê; a)ei\; a)gathou=; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)ndrô =; a)nthrô; a)rchê =; a)retê; a)ri; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; abuse; accomplished; account; accredited; acquisition; acting; action; active; acts; actual; address; adeimantus; admiration; admission; admits; advanced; advantages; advice; affairs; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agreeable; agreement; ai)ti; aid; aim; air; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; anterior; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; apollo; apollonia; apology; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; appropriate; approved; aptitude; argos; argument; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; arrangements; article; artisans; assertion; assumed; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athênê; attainment; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tô =; audience; authenticity; authorities; authority; authors; auxiliaries; aversion; bad; basis; battle; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behaviour; belief; belong; beneficial; benefit; best; better; birds; births; blame; blood; board; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bonum; book; boys; branch; business; c. plato; canon; capable; capital; care; carrying; case; causes; cave; celestial; censorship; censure; central; centre; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chiefs; childhood; children; choice; choric; chorus; chrê\; cicero; circle; circular; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; civil; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; close; cognition; coincidence; coincides; collective; colony; combination; combined; comfort; command; commentators; common; commonwealth; communion; communism; communities; community; companions; comparative; compare plato; compared; comparison; competent; complete; compositions; conception; conclusion; concrete; condition; conduct; conjunction; connected; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; consequent; considerable; constant; constituent; constituted; constitution; construction; consummation; contemplated; contemplation; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; controul; convinced; copy; correct; correlation; corresponding; corruption; council; counter; countrymen; couples; courage; course; court; craftsman; cranium; creed; crimes; criticism; critics; cross; curious; current; customs; cyropædia; cyrus; damage; dancing; danger; dangerous; das; date; day; daylight; days; dealing; death; debate; declaration; declared; defect; defective; defence; definite; definition; degenerate; degree; dei=; delight; delphian; demiurgus; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demos; demosthenes; department; derivation; description; desires; despot; despotic; despotism; detail; determine; determining; developed; development; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogues; didactic; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; dignified; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dikasts; diogenes; direct; direction; discharge; discipline; discord; discourse; discussion; diseases; displeasure; dispositions; disputes; dissent; dissenter; distemper; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; double; doubt; dramatic; dreams; drill; drink; drunkenness; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(ka; e)a; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti; e)the; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effort; egyptian; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)ko; ei)pei =; ei)s; ein; elaborate; elders; elements; elenchus; emotional; emotions; empedokles; end; endurance; enemies; energetic; energy; enters; entire; epic; epikurus; epinomis; equal; equivalent; eros; erroneous; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; eu)=; euripides; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellence; excess; exclusive; exercise; exhibit; exhibitions; exhortation; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; failure; faith; fallacies; false; falsehood; families; family; fancy; farther; fathers; fault; favour; fear; feature; feeling; fellow; female; festivals; fictions; fifth; figures; final; fine; fire; fit; fixed; following; follows; food; footnote; forbidden; forbids; force; foreign; form; formal; forward; foundation; fourth; fractions; fragment; free; freedom; freeman; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; galen; gein; general; generated; generation; generic; genesis; genius; gentle; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gignome; girls; giving; gkê; glaukon; gnetai; gods; gold; gone; good; good man; goodness; gorgias; gos; governing; government; grades; grave; gravest; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; ground; growth; guardians; guilty; gunai =; gunaikô =; gymnastic; gôn; habits; hades; half; hand; happiest; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; hatred; head; health; hearing; heart; hellenic; herakleitus; heresy; heretics; hermann; herodotus; heroes; hesiod; higher; highest; hippias; hippokrates; hippolytus; historical; history; hobbes; hold; homer; homicide; homilies; homo; honourable; house; human; hunting; hurt; hymns; hypothesis; i)de; i)di; i. 2; i. p.; i. pp; ideas; identical; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; iliad; illustrated; illustration; images; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortal; immortality; imperfect; impiety; important; impulse; inconsistent; increase; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; individual man; indivisible; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; information; inherent; injustice; insists; inspiration; instance; institutions; instructive; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercourse; interest; interesting; interference; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intimates; intrinsic; introduction; invasion; ionic; irregular; irresistible; issue; jealousy; jews; judges; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kakô =; kalô =; kata\; kath; kings; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmical; kosmos; kratylus; kretan; krete; kritias; kronus; kühn; labei =; labour; lachês; land; language; large; lawgiver; laws; leading; leave; lectures; left; legal; legends; leges; legg; legibus; legislation; legitimate; length; letters; leôs; liable; liberty; library; life; like; likely; limited; limits; lista; literary; little; lives; logical; long; longer; lost; lot; lots; lous; love; lowest; lucretius; lykurgus; lysias; ma =; magistrates; magnêtic; main; maintenance; majority; making; males; malthus; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; marked; marriage; married; martin; masters; mata; material; matter; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; megarics; megi; melêtus; members; memorab; memory; men; mena; menexenus; menon; mensura; mental; mention; mere; merit; mess; messênê; metaphor; metempsychosis; metha; method; metics; military; mill; mind; minimum; mischief; mischievous; misconduct; miserable; misery; mistake; mixture; moderate; modern; modes; moi; money; month; moon; moral; mother; motive; movements; mu =; multitude; music; musical; mutual; mythe; mê\; mê\n; môn; n kai\; n te; n. i.; n. index; names; narratives; narrow; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neglect; nein; new; nocturnal; nois; nomophylakes; non; nos; notice; nou =; nourishment; nous; noway; ntas; ntes; ntôn; ntôs; nu =; number; numerous; nurses; nên; nês; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(\; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obligation; observation; occasions; occupations; offence; offspring; oi(=on; old; oligarchical; oligarchy; onerous; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; oracle; order; ordinary; organism; organs; origin; original; orthodoxy; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)k; ou)kou =; ou)si; outer; outline; pa =; pain; painful; para\; parallel; paramount; parents; parmenidês; partial; particular; parties; parts; passage; passion; past; peculiar; penalties; penalty; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; performance; peri\; period; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physician; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; picture; place; planets; plato; platonic; platonic republic; platonic sokrates; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poetry; poets; poiei =; point; point plato; politei; political; politics; politikus; polity; pollô =; poor; popular; population; portions; position; positive; possess; possible; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; prayer; precautions; precepts; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; present; president; prevalent; previous; priests; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; prizes; pro\s; probability; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; procreation; produce; professes; professional; profitable; prohibition; project; prologues; pronounced; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; prose; protagoras; proved; provision; proëm; prudence; prô =; psuchê =; punishment; pure; purity; purpose; pythagorean; pôn; qualified; qualities; quam; quarrel; question; qui; quod; quæ; race; rational; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; receiving; reciprocity; recognise; rectitude; reference; regard; region; regular; regularity; regulated; regulations; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replenishment; replies; reply; representations; republic; repugnance; repulsive; reputation; respecting; rest; restrictions; results; return; revolution; rhetoric; rhythm; rich; right; rotations; rotatory; rulers; ruling; rôn; s te; s.v; sacred; sacrifice; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scale; scenery; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; seat; second; secondary; sections; security; sei; seis; select; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; service; set; sets; severe; sexes; sexual; seôn; seôs; shadows; showing; sickness; silver; similar; simonides; simple; single; slave; slavery; small; sober; social; societies; society; sokrates; sokratic; soldiers; solid; solon; solution; songs; sophists; sort; soul; sound; source; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; speculative; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stars; state; statement; steersman; steps; stimulus; stories; strabo; strangers; strength; strict; striking; strong; stronger; structure; studies; study; style; su\; subject; subordinate; subordination; subsequent; substance; succession; suffering; sufficient; suitable; sun; superintendence; superior; supervision; supply; support; supposed; supreme; sympathy; symposion; syssitia; system; systematic; sês; sôkra; ta\; ta\s; tai =; task; taste; tata; tau =; te kai\; teachers; teaching; temperance; temples; temporary; temptations; tendency; tender; tenth; tera; terms; teron; terrible; territory; testimony; theft; thei; theo\s; theological; theology; theophrastus; theories; theory; theætêtus; theô =; things; thought; thrasymachus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; total; tou =; tou\s; tous; tradition; training; treatise; treatment; trial; triangles; tribe; tripartite; triple; true; trust; truth; ttein; tugcha; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; u(pothe; ulterior; unchangeable; understand; unfit; uniform; universal; universe; unjust; unjust man; unknown; unsolved; unworthy; useful; usefulness; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variance; varieties; variety; vast; vein; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vision; voice; vol; voluntary; votes; wants; war; watch; water; way; ways; weak; wicked; wife; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; witnesses; women; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthless; wounds; wrong; x. p.; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xii; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zeus; zê =; zêtei =; zô =; æschylus; æsthetical; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40438.txt plain text: 40438.txt item: #118 of 181 id: 41319 author: Prakashananda, Swami title: The Inner Consciousness: How to Awaken and Direct It date: None words: 5872 flesch: 75 summary: However, when we apply the term consciousness in our daily lives, in its varied relation to various channels of existence, in our varied experiences, in different states and conditions, we have to understand it from a dualistic standpoint, and we also have to study other phases of consciousness, such as inner consciousness and outer consciousness, soul-consciousness and body consciousness. Then we can make such distinctions as inner consciousness and outer consciousness. keywords: absolute; body; certain; concentration; conditions; consciousness; different; divine; energy; experiences; external; gross; idea; impressions; inner; inner consciousness; life; little; lives; love; meaning; means; mind; objects; outer; perceptions; proper; pure; question; realm; search; senses; state; study; subject; term; things; true; way; word cache: 41319.txt plain text: 41319.txt item: #119 of 181 id: 42208 author: Dewey, John title: German philosophy and politics date: None words: 26737 flesch: 55 summary: CONTENTS PAGE I GERMAN PHILOSOPHY: THE TWO WORLDS 3 II GERMAN MORAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 47 III THE GERMANIC PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY 91 INDEX 133 GERMAN PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICS I GERMAN PHILOSOPHY: THE TWO WORLDS The nature of the influence of general ideas upon practical affairs is a troubled question. German philosophy is attached to antitheses and their reconciliation in a higher synthesis. keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; actual; affairs; age; american; assertion; authority; basis; belief; bergson; book; causal; century; characteristic; chief; civilization; complete; conception; condition; conquest; consciousness; consequences; control; course; creative; culture; day; development; discovery; distinction; divine; doctrine; duty; earth; economic; education; effect; effort; ego; empirical; end; ends; english; enlightenment; essential; established; ethical; european; existence; experience; experimental; expression; extent; external; fact; fichte; final; force; form; foundation; freedom; french; function; future; general; german; german philosophy; german thought; germanic; god; good; gospel; government; great; growth; hand; happiness; harmony; hegel; heine; higher; historic; history; home; human; humanity; idealism; idealistic; ideas; imagination; individual; individualism; influence; inner; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; interests; international; kant; kantian; kingdom; knowledge; language; later; law; laws; life; like; literature; little; long; luther; manifestation; mankind; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mere; method; military; mind; mission; modern; moral; moral freedom; morality; motives; mystic; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; obedience; object; order; organic; organization; organized; original; outer; particular; past; people; period; philosophy; physical; place; point; political; political philosophy; politics; position; possible; power; practical; present; primitive; principle; priori; property; prussia; pure; purpose; quality; question; race; reality; realization; realm; reason; recent; regard; relations; religion; respect; revolution; right; science; scientific; self; sense; set; short; significance; situation; social; society; soul; space; spirit; spiritual; state; struggle; substance; supersensible; supreme; system; teaching; technical; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; type; unity; universal; university; war; way; wide; words; work; world; writings; years cache: 42208.txt plain text: 42208.txt item: #120 of 181 id: 42930 author: Plotinus title: Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 1 In Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods date: None words: 82510 flesch: 66 summary: The Art that is universal is prior to the other arts; but Art is posterior to the Soul herself, or rather, to the life that is in Intelligence before becoming soul, and which, on becoming soul, deserves to be called the Soul herself. DIFFICULT PASSAGES. He regrets the inevitable uncertainties of capitalization (as between the supreme One, Intelligence World-Soul and Daemon or guardian, and the lower one, intelligence, soul and demon or guardian); and any other inconsistencies of which he may have been guilty; and he beseeches the mantle of charity in view of the stupendousness of the undertaking, in which he practically could get no assistance of any kind, and also in view of the almost insuperable difficulties of his own career. keywords: able; absolute; absurd; accident; action; active; actualization; affections; amelius; ammonius; animal; appetites; aristotle; atoms; attribute; beauties; beautiful; beauty; begotten; beings; better; birth; bodies; body; book; capable; cary; cause; centre; certain; characteristic; cicero; circle; circumstances; common; complete; composite; conceive; conception; condition; consciousness; consist; constitutes; contemplate; contemplation; contrary; corporeal; course; desire; dialectics; differences; different; disposition; distinct; divided; divine; divinities; divinity; division; doubt; earth; effects; elements; ennead; entelechy; entire; entities; essence; eternal; evil; existence; extension; exterior; eyes; fact; faculties; faculty; fate; fire; following; foreign; form; function; general; generation; genuine; goal; good; great; growth; guardian; hand; harmony; heat; heavens; heraclitus; higher; highest; homely; human soul; hypothesis; ideas; identical; identity; iii; image; immortal; immovable; imparts; implies; impression; indeterminate; individual; indivisible; inferior; infinite; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intelligible matter; intelligible things; intelligible world; justice; kind; knowledge; later; left; life; light; like; line; live; location; long; longer; love; magnitude; man; manifold; manifoldness; manner; mass; material; matter; means; mere; mixture; motion; movement; moves; multitude; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; notions; number; numenius; objects; ones; order; page; particular; parts; passions; perfect; perfection; period; philosophers; philosophy; place; plant; plato; plotinos; point; porphyry; possesses; possessing; possible; power; presence; present; primary; principle; prior; privation; proceed; produce; proper; proportion; pure; purification; qualities; quality; quantity; rank; rational soul; reach; reason; reasoning; relation; remains; respect; rest; result; return; rise; science; second; self; seminal; sensation; sense; separate; shape; shapeless; similar; simple; single; single soul; soul; source; sphere; spirit; stars; state; stoic; study; subject; subsist; substance; substrate; sufficient; suitable; superior; supreme; system; teachings; temperance; therefrom; thereto; things; thinking; thought; timaeus; time; totality; true; truth; turn; united; unity; universal soul; universe; virtues; virtuous; vision; way; wisdom; works; world; writings; years cache: 42930.txt plain text: 42930.txt item: #121 of 181 id: 42931 author: Plotinus title: Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 2 In Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods date: None words: 108829 flesch: 64 summary: Other souls radiate also, some by remaining united to the universal Soul, others by descending lower in order better to illuminate the bodies to which they devote their care; but these cares are troublous. We saw that the universal Soul was a single identical principle which commands uniformly; but other souls, as we have just explained, are in a very different condition. keywords: action; active; acts; actuality; actualization; affected; affection; air; anger; animal; answer; appearance; appetite; approach; aristotle; attribute; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; best; better; bodies; body; book; capable; cary; case; causes; centre; certain; change; characteristic; color; common; composite; conceive; conception; condition; consciousness; constitute; constitution; contemplate; contemplation; contrary; corporeal; creator; darkness; degree; depend; descending; desire; differences; different; disposition; distance; distinct; divided; divine; divinities; divinity; division; doubt; earth; elements; enters; entire; entities; essence; eternal; evil; existence; existing; experience; extension; exterior; eye; eyes; fact; faculty; father; figures; fire; following; force; foreign; form; general; generation; genuine; gnostics; good; great; greater; hand; harmony; heat; heaven; high; higher; human; hypothesis; idea; identical; iii; illuminated; image; imagination; immutable; impassible; inanimate; individual; indivisible; inferior; infinite; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intelligible beings; intelligible entities; intelligible things; intelligible world; intermediary; intuition; irrational soul; jupiter; kind; knowledge; known; later; life; light; limited; limits; living; location; longer; love; luminous; magic; magnitude; man; manifold; manner; mass; matter; means; medium; memory; men; mere; mirror; model; mother; motion; movement; multiple; multitude; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; non; number; numenius; object; opinion; order; organism; organs; origin; outside; participates; participation; particular; parts; passions; people; perception; perfect; person; physical; place; plants; plato; plotinos; point; possess; possible; potentiality; power; presence; present; primary; principle; proceeds; production; proper; pure; qualities; quality; quantity; question; rank; rational; rays; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasonable soul; reasoning; receives; relation; resembles; respect; rest; result; return; second; seeing; self; seminal; sensation; sense; separate; set; similar; simple; single; single soul; soul; soul present; sound; space; sphere; stars; state; subject; subsist; substrate; suffering; suitable; sun; superior; supreme; sympathy; theory; therefrom; thereto; things; thinking; thought; time; totality; trace; true; truth; united; unity; universal soul; universe; use; vegetative; view; virtue; visible; vision; way; wisdom; work; world cache: 42931.txt plain text: 42931.txt item: #122 of 181 id: 42932 author: Plotinus title: Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 3 In Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods date: None words: 112771 flesch: 63 summary: As to the magnitude and beauty of the intelligible world, we can judge of it by the love which the Soul feels for it, and if other things feel love for the Soul, it is because she herself possesses an intellectual nature, and that by her the other things can, to some extent, become assimilated to Intelligence. The numbers that subsist in other things play two parts. keywords: absolute; absurd; accident; action; active; activity; acts; actualization; air; alteration; animal; answer; anterior; aristotle; attribute; beautiful; beauty; begotten; beings; better; bodies; body; book; cary; case; categories; category; causes; celestial; certain; chance; characteristic; classification; classified; combination; common; complete; composite; conception; condition; consist; contains; continuous; contraries; contrary; corporeal; decad; definition; degree; desire; determination; determined; differences; different; disposition; distinction; distinguished; divine; divinity; division; double; doubtless; duration; earth; elements; entities; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; evil; existence; experience; extension; exterior; fact; figure; find; fire; following; follows; form; free; future; genera; generation; genus; good; great; greater; greatness; habituation; hand; happiness; heaven; higher; horse; hypostatic; ideas; identical; identity; iii; image; impossible; inasmuch; individual; inferior; infinite; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intelligible things; intelligible world; interval; justice; kind; knowledge; liberty; life; light; like; limit; line; living; longer; love; magnitude; man; manifold; manner; matter; mean; measure; memory; mere; mixture; movement; multiple; multitude; natural; nature; necessary; need; non; notion; number; object; opinion; order; organism; outside; page; pair; particular; parts; passive; past; perfect; philosophers; physical; place; plato; pleasure; plotinos; point; possesses; possession; posterior; potentiality; power; presence; present; primary; principle; proceeds; produce; property; pure; qualities; quality; quantity; question; rank; reaction; real; reason; reasonable; reasoning; recognize; refer; relation; relative; respect; rest; result; says; science; second; self; seminal; sensation; sense; separate; shape; similar; simple; single; smaller; socrates; soul; space; species; stability; stars; state; stoics; subject; subsist; suitable; superior; supreme; terrestrial; therefrom; thereto; things; thinking; thought; timaeus; time; totality; true; united; unity; universal; universal soul; universe; use; veritable; virtue; visible; walking; water; white; world cache: 42932.txt plain text: 42932.txt item: #123 of 181 id: 42933 author: Plotinus title: Plotinos: Complete Works, v. 4 In Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods date: None words: 16304 flesch: 82 summary: Prometheus, iv. 3.14 (27-412). Providence embraces everything below, iii. 2.7 (47-1054). keywords: 1.10; 7.3; 8.5; action; actualization; anchor; beauty; bodies; body; category; cause; chance; common; differences; different; divine; divinity; ecstasy; essence; essential; eternity; evil; existence; footnote; form; god; good; higher; highest; iii; individual; intelligence; intelligible; life; light; man; matter; memory; men; motion; movement; nature; number; objects; page; parts; physical; power; principle; providence; psychological; psychology; pun; purification; qualities; quality; quantity; quotation; rank; reason; relation; rest; science; second; self; seminal; sensation; sense; simile; soul; stars; statue; stoic; sun; super; supreme; sympathy; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; unity; universal; universe; virtue; vision; wisdom; world cache: 42933.txt plain text: 42933.txt item: #124 of 181 id: 42968 author: Haeckel, Ernst title: The Riddle of the Universe at the close of the nineteenth century date: None words: 110916 flesch: 48 summary: He called these three great questions the indispensable postulates of practical reason, though he had already clearly shown them to have no reality whatever in the light of _pure_ reason. On that theory the study of the moral world belongs to _practical_ reason, while that of nature, or of the physical world, is referred to _pure_ or theoretical reason. keywords: absolute; account; acquaintance; action; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; advance; affinity; ages; aid; aim; amphibia; analysis; anatomical; anatomy; ancestors; ancestral; ancient; animals; answer; anthropistic; anthropogeny; anthropoid; anthropology; anthropomorphic; antiquity; apes; appearance; application; applied; aspects; associated; association; astronomy; athanatism; atoms; attempt; attribute; baer; basis; beautiful; beginning; belief; berlin; best; better; biogenetic; biological; biology; birds; birth; blood; bodies; bodily; body; bois; bones; book; brain; branches; brief; brute; carbon; case; catholic; causes; cell; cellular; central; centres; centuries; century; cerebral; certain; chain; changes; chapter; character; characteristic; charles; chemical; chemistry; chief; child; children; christian; christianity; church; circulation; circumstances; civilization; civilized; claim; classes; classical; clear; close; cnidaria; combination; commencement; common; community; comparative; comparison; complete; complicated; comprehensive; conception; conclusions; condensation; condition; conflict; connected; consciousness; consequence; constant; construction; contents; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; convinced; cord; correct; corresponding; cosmic; cosmogony; cosmological; cosmos; countless; course; creation; creator; critical; criticism; culture; cuvier; daily; dangerous; darwin; day; days; death; definite; degree; descartes; descent; design; despotism; determined; developed; development; differences; different; difficult; direct; direction; discoveries; discovery; discussion; distance; distinction; distinguished; divine; division; dogma; dominant; dualism; dualistic; earlier; earliest; early; earth; earthly; educated; education; effect; egg; eighteenth; elaborate; electricity; elementary; elements; embryology; embryonic; eminent; emotion; empirical; energy; enigma; entire; equal; ernst; erroneous; error; essential; establishment; eternal; eternity; ether; ethical; ethics; evolution; evolutionary; exact; exclusive; existence; experience; experiment; explanation; expression; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; fall; familiar; family; famous; fashion; father; features; feeling; field; firm; fishes; fluid; foetus; following; force; form; formation; fossil; foundation; fourth; frame; free; freedom; french; functions; fundamental; ganglionic; gaseous; general; generation; geology; germany; germinal; glance; god; gods; goethe; golden; good; gospels; gradual; grave; gravitation; great; greater; greatest; greek; groups; growth; gut; haeckel; half; hand; harmony; head; heat; heaven; heavenly; heredity; higher; higher animals; highest; historical; history; hope; human; human soul; humanity; hypothesis; idea; iii; imagination; immense; immortality; impartial; imperfect; important; impressions; independent; indispensable; individual; infinite; influence; infusoria; inner; innumerable; inorganic; inquiry; insight; instance; instincts; interesting; internal; interpretation; investigation; iron; johannes; judgment; kant; kind; kinetic; knowledge; known; kölliker; lamarck; large; later; law; laws; layers; left; legends; life; light; like; limits; line; link; little; living; long; longer; love; lower; lowest; majority; male; mammals; man; manner; marvellous; mass; masses; material; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; mechanism; medicine; medusæ; membranes; memory; mere; merit; metamorphosis; metazoa; methods; microscopic; middle; millions; mind; minute; modern; modern science; modifications; moment; momentous; monism; monistic; monotheism; moral; morality; morphology; mosaic; mother; movement; multicellular; muscles; muscular; mysterious; mystic; myth; müller; narrow; nations; natural; natural history; nature; nearest; necessary; need; nerves; nervous; new; nineteenth; nineteenth century; noble; normal; notion; nucleus; number; numerous; object; observation; obvious; old; oldest; ontogeny; opinion; opposed; opposite; opposition; order; organic; organic life; organic world; organism; organization; organs; origin; original; outcome; outer; ova; ovum; pantheism; papacy; papal; parents; particles; particular; parts; path; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; period; periodic; persistence; personal; personality; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; phyletic; phylogenetic; phylogeny; physical; physics; physiological; physiology; place; placentals; planet; plants; poetic; point; political; polytheism; ponderable; pope; popular; possession; possible; potential; powerful; practical; predecessors; present; presentation; prevalent; primary; primates; primitive; principal; principle; problem; processes; profound; progress; proof; properties; proportion; protists; protoplasm; protozoa; province; psyche; psychic; psychic activity; psychic life; psychological; psychology; psychoplasm; pupil; pure; purpose; purposive; question; races; rational; reader; real; reality; reason; recent; reflex; reform; regard; related; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; representatives; reptiles; research; respect; result; reymond; rise; roman; romanes; rudimentary; rule; scale; school; science; scientific; scientists; second; secondary; section; selection; self; sensation; sense; sensitive; separate; series; sexual; shape; short; significance; similar; simple; simplest; single; sixteenth; sixth; size; skeleton; skin; skull; small; social; sole; solid; solution; soul; sound; source; space; special; species; specific; speculation; speech; spermatozoa; sphere; spinal; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spite; sponges; stage; stars; step; stimuli; stimulus; striking; structure; struggle; studies; study; subject; subjective; substance; success; sum; sun; supernatural; superstition; support; supposed; supreme; surface; system; systematic; task; teaching; teleological; temperature; tertiary; theism; theologians; theoretical; theories; theory; thesis; things; thinkers; thorough; thought; thoughtful; thousands; time; tissue; title; touch; trace; transcendental; transformation; tree; trinity; true; truth; turn; type; ultramontane; unconscious; unicellular; unity; universal; universe; untenable; valuable; value; vast; vertebrates; vesicle; view; virchow; virtue; vital; way; words; work; world; worship; wundt; years; young; zoology cache: 42968.txt plain text: 42968.txt item: #125 of 181 id: 4363 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: Beyond Good and Evil date: None words: 64157 flesch: 52 summary: It is not the strength, but the duration of great sentiments that makes great men. Every select man strives instinctively for a citadel and a privacy, where he is FREE from the crowd, the many, the majority--where he may forget men who are the rule, as their exception;--exclusive only of the case in which he is pushed straight to such men by a still stronger instinct, as a discerner in the great and exceptional sense. keywords: able; account; accustomed; action; actual; ages; ancient; animal; answer; anti; appearance; arbitrary; aristocratic; artists; asia; attempt; average; bad; basis; beautiful; beings; belief; belong; best; betray; better; blood; body; books; bow; break; bring; calls; capacity; care; case; causes; centuries; century; certain; certainty; chapter; character; charm; child; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; class; classes; clumsy; coming; command; commanding; common; conception; condition; conscience; conscious; consequences; constraint; contrary; control; counter; courage; cruelty; culture; curiosity; dangerous; dangers; daring; day; definite; degree; delicate; delight; democratic; denial; depth; desirable; desire; development; different; difficult; discipline; disguise; disgust; distance; distinction; distress; distrust; divine; doctrine; domain; doubt; dreadful; duties; ears; earth; effect; elevation; emotions; end; english; enjoyment; entire; equal; equality; error; estimates; eternal; europe; european; events; evil; example; exception; exercise; existence; experiences; expression; extent; extraordinary; extravagant; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; false; far; favour; fear; feeling; finer; folly; force; foreign; form; formula; france; free; freedom; french; friends; fundamental; future; game; general; generation; genius; genuine; german; god; gods; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; gregarious; ground; half; hand; happiness; hard; hatred; heart; help; herd; hidden; higher; highest; historical; history; hitherto; home; honest; honour; human; humanity; ideas; immediate; immense; imperative; impulse; independent; individual; influence; innocent; instance; instinct; intellectual; intention; intercourse; interpretation; involuntary; jews; judgments; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; lacking; language; late; law; life; like; little; lives; living; logical; long; longer; look; love; man; manifold; mankind; manner; mask; masters; matter; means; mediocre; memory; men; minds; misunderstood; modern; moment; morality; morals; movement; music; mysterious; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; noble; non; obedience; obvious; old; ones; opinion; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; origin; original; painful; past; peculiar; people; period; person; personal; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physiological; pity; place; plato; play; plebeian; point; political; politics; poor; popular; possession; possible; power; powerful; praise; prejudice; presence; present; pride; principle; problem; process; profound; proud; psychologist; psychology; pure; purpose; qualities; question; race; rank; rare; ready; real; reality; reason; refined; refinement; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; requirements; respect; responsibility; reverence; richard; right; rule; ruling; sacrifice; saint; sake; says; scholars; schopenhauer; scientific; second; secret; self; sensation; sense; sentiments; seriousness; severity; shame; short; sign; silence; similar; single; skepticism; slave; small; social; society; socrates; solitude; soul; speak; species; spirit; spiritual; spirituality; spite; stand; state; step; strange; strength; strong; stronger; struggle; stupidity; style; subject; subtle; subtlety; successful; suffering; super; superficial; superstition; supposing; supremacy; sure; suspicion; sympathy; systems; talk; task; taste; tempo; tendency; terrible; text; thee; things; think; thinker; thinking; thought; time; today; tragedy; true; truth; turn; type; tyranny; ultimate; uncertain; use; useful; utility; vain; valuations; value; vanity; view; virtues; wagner; want; way; weak; wicked; willing; wisdom; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; worst; worth; wrong; yea; young; youth cache: 4363.txt plain text: 4363.txt item: #126 of 181 id: 44949 author: Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson title: James Frederick Ferrier date: None words: 45447 flesch: 59 summary: Another friend of after days, the late Principal Tulloch, after noting the fact that Oxford had not then developed the philosophic spirit which in recent years has marked her schools, and which had not then taken root any more than the High Church movement which preceded it, goes on: 'It may be doubted, indeed, whether Oxford exercised any definite intellectual influence on Professor Ferrier. Philosophical Remains_ of Professor Ferrier are probably those which would best deserve to be mentioned. keywords: absolute; account; acknowledges; action; andrews; answer; article; attractive; author; beauty; beginning; belief; best; better; blackwood; body; book; brilliant; brown; business; candidate; case; century; certain; chair; change; chapter; character; charm; church; circle; city; class; clear; coleridge; college; common; complete; conception; concerned; consciousness; considerable; country; course; criticism; daughter; days; dead; death; delightful; development; different; difficult; difficulties; distinction; distinguished; doctrine; doubt; earlier; early; easy; edinburgh; effect; english; essential; established; evident; existence; experience; expression; face; fact; family; famous; father; favourite; feelings; ferrier; following; form; frederick ferrier; free; freedom; friend; friendship; general; genius; german; god; good; grant; great; greatest; greek; hamilton; hand; happy; hegel; high; history; hold; home; house; human; hume; humour; idealism; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; important; impossible; individual; influence; institutes; intellectual; intelligence; intercourse; interest; interesting; introduction; james; james ferrier; john; jowett; kant; keen; kind; knowledge; known; language; large; later; law; learning; lectures; letters; liberty; library; life; light; like; lines; literary; literature; little; living; locke; lockhart; london; long; look; looking; lord; love; macpherson; magazine; magdalen; making; man; manner; material; matter; means; memory; men; mental; mere; metaphysics; mind; miss; moral; movement; mrs; natural; nature; near; necessary; new; number; object; occasion; old; oliphant; open; opinion; opponent; order; ordinary; original; outside; oxford; pages; park; particular; party; past; people; perception; personal; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; pipes; place; plato; poetry; point; politics; popular; position; power; practical; present; principal; principles; process; professor; professor ferrier; public; quality; question; quincey; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; regard; reid; religion; remains; remarkable; reputation; result; review; room; schelling; school; science; scotland; scottish; second; self; sellar; sensation; sense; series; sides; similar; sir; small; smith; social; society; sort; soul; special; speculative; spirit; spite; state; statement; strange; street; strength; students; study; style; subject; system; talk; task; teaching; terms; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; town; true; truth; tulloch; turn; united; university; view; visit; want; way; william; wilson; wish; wit; words; work; working; world; writer; writings; years; young; youth cache: 44949.txt plain text: 44949.txt item: #127 of 181 id: 4583 author: Hume, David title: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion date: None words: 36035 flesch: 54 summary: Any question of philosophy, on the other hand, which is so OBSCURE and UNCERTAIN, that human reason can reach no fixed determination with regard to it; if it should be treated at all, seems to lead us naturally into the style of dialogue and conversation. Those who enter a little into study and inquiry, finding many appearances of evidence in doctrines the newest and most extraordinary, think nothing too difficult for human reason; and, presumptuously breaking through all fences, profane the inmost sanctuaries of the temple. keywords: able; abstruse; absurd; account; adjustment; advantage; ages; analogy; ancient; animal; appearance; argument; arrangement; assent; attributes; authority; benevolence; better; body; cause; certain; circumstances; cleanthes; common; comparison; conclusion; conduct; conjecture; consequences; continued; contrary; contrivance; controversy; creatures; curious; deity; demea; design; different; difficulties; difficulty; disposition; divine; doubt; earth; economy; education; effects; established; eternal; eternity; evidence; evil; existence; experience; fact; faculties; fall; force; form; foundation; general; generation; god; good; great; greater; greatest; happiness; hope; house; human; human reason; hypothesis; ideas; ignorance; ill; ills; imperfect; incomprehensible; inference; infinite; influence; instances; intelligence; intelligible; intention; judgement; kind; language; life; like; limited; little; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; melancholy; men; mere; method; mind; misery; moment; moral; motion; narrow; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; number; objections; objects; observation; occasion; operations; opinion; order; origin; original; pain; particular; parts; perfect; phenomena; philo; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; pleasure; point; popular; possible; power; present; principles; priori; probability; proofs; proper; purpose; question; reach; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; recourse; refined; regard; religion; religious; remote; requisite; resemblance; rest; rule; scepticism; science; sense; sensible; sentiments; short; similar; similarity; situation; small; society; species; spirit; state; subject; succession; sufficient; superior; support; supposing; supposition; supreme; system; terms; theological; theology; theory; thing; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; unknown; utmost; variety; vegetation; views; vulgar; works; world cache: 4583.txt plain text: 4583.txt item: #128 of 181 id: 46759 author: Gourmont, Remy de title: Philosophic Nights in Paris Being selections from Promenades Philosophiques date: None words: 23732 flesch: 71 summary: A player is a man who always compares himself to other men. The branches are broken at a height that other men cannot reach. keywords: able; absolute; accident; acts; ancient; animal; anti; bad; beautiful; beginning; best; better; blue; book; case; causes; century; certain; character; charming; colors; common; conceit; conditions; confidence; contrary; course; crime; days; death; deep; desire; die; different; difficult; direction; doubtless; earth; elements; end; entire; environment; error; event; evil; evolution; example; existence; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; fashion; fellow; fish; form; france; free; freedom; french; future; game; general; genius; god; good; gourmont; great; green; hands; happiness; happy; height; helvétius; history; hope; human; idea; illusion; images; importance; impossible; individual; ingenious; intellectual; intelligence; interest; joys; known; labors; large; leaves; left; leopardi; liberty; life; limited; literary; literature; little; lives; long; look; love; loving; majority; man; manner; matter; means; men; milieu; mind; modern; moment; money; movement; mysterious; names; nature; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; notes; notion; novel; number; old; open; order; origin; particular; passion; past; people; personal; persons; pessimism; philosophy; place; player; pleasure; poet; point; power; precious; prejudices; present; question; quinton; rare; real; reason; red; religious; remy; responsibility; return; river; rose; scholar; science; scientific; sea; second; self; sensibility; series; simple; single; sir; social; sole; source; species; spirit; strength; subject; superior; testimony; theory; things; thought; time; today; trees; true; truth; turn; universal; useful; value; virtue; vital; water; way; wind; witnesses; woman; words; work; world; worth; writer; writing; year; young cache: 46759.txt plain text: 46759.txt item: #129 of 181 id: 46901 author: McIntyre, J. Lewis (James Lewis) title: Giordano Bruno date: None words: 114562 flesch: 66 summary: As man _quâ_ man is different from lion _quâ_ lion, but in the common nature of animal or of corporeal substance they are one and the same, so the matter of things corporeal, as such, is different from the matter of things incorporeal, as such: but from another point of view it is the same matter which in dimensions or extension is corporeal matter, and which when without dimensions or extension is an incorporeal substance. The School upon the Liberal Arts_, and the _Animadversions against Aristotle_. keywords: absolute; abstract; accidents; account; acquaintance; acrot; action; active; acts; actual; age; aim; air; ambassador; ancient; animal; apparent; appearance; argument; aristotelian; aristotle; asinity; aspect; atomic; atomism; atoms; attack; attempt; attitude; attributes; authority; averroes; bacon; bartholmèss; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; berti; besler; best; birth; blind; bodies; body; book; brunnhofer; bruno; cabala; cases; catholic; cause; cena; centre; century; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chief; christ; christian; church; cicala; ciotto; circle; clear; close; coincidence; cold; college; common; comparison; complete; composite; composition; conception; concerned; condition; conflict; consideration; consists; constant; contact; contemplation; content; continuous; contraries; contrary; copernicus; copy; corporeal; corresponding; corruption; council; course; court; creation; criticism; cusanus; custom; danger; darkness; date; day; days; dead; death; deeds; definite; degree; democritus; descartes; desire; determined; development; dialogue; dicson; differences; different; difficulty; dimensions; direct; direction; discovery; distance; distinction; distinguished; diverse; divine; divinity; division; doctor; doctrine; documents; doubt; duration; e.g.; earlier; early; earth; edition; effect; effort; egyptians; elements; elizabeth; emanation; empedocles; end; england; english; enthusiasm; equal; error; essence; eternal; eternity; ether; europe; evidence; evil; evolution; example; excommunication; existence; exists; explanation; expression; extension; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; false; familiar; fate; father; fault; favour; fear; feeling; felt; figure; final; fine; fire; fixed; florio; following; foolish; footnote; force; form; formal; formed; fortune; forward; france; frankfort; freedom; french; friend; furori; future; gassendi; general; generation; generous; geneva; genius; geometrical; germany; giordano bruno; giovanni; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; greek; greville; ground; habit; half; hand; harmony; head; heart; heavens; helmstadt; henry; heresy; heretic; heroic; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; honour; honourable; hope; house; human; humanity; hypothesis; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identity; ignorance; iii; image; imagination; immanent; immeasurable; immenso; immortality; important; individual; infinite; influence; innumerable; inquisition; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; interest; internal; interpretation; introduction; intuition; inward; italian; italy; january; john; judge; judgment; june; jupiter; justice; kind; king; knowing; knowledge; known; lag; lampas; language; lat; later; latin; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; lectures; leibniz; length; letter; liberty; life; light; like; limit; limited; line; list; literary; little; living; logical; london; long; look; lost; love; lowest; lucretius; lullian; lully; magic; magical; magnitude; main; man; manner; marburg; march; mass; material; mathematical; matter; mauvissière; maximum; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; members; memory; men; mere; metaphysical; method; middle; mind; minima; minimum; miracles; mirror; mocenigo; modern; modes; moisture; moment; monad; months; moon; moral; morosini; motion; mountains; movement; multitude; mystical; names; naples; natural; natural things; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neoplatonism; new; noble; nola; non; nov; number; object; office; old; open; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; org; origin; original; outside; outward; oxford; padua; pain; pantheism; particular; parts; passage; passion; pedant; people; perfect; perfection; period; peripatetics; person; phase; philip; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; place; planets; plato; pleasure; plotinus; point; poor; pope; positive; possibility; possible; potency; potentiality; poverty; power; powerful; practical; praise; presence; present; principle; prison; process; produce; professed; professor; progress; proper; propositions; prudence; public; pure; purpose; pursuit; pythagoras; qualities; quantity; queen; question; race; reach; realisation; reality; reason; references; reflection; regard; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; remains; respect; rest; result; return; riches; rise; roman; rome; said; saw; saying; scholastic; school; schopp; science; scientific; sea; second; self; sense; sensible; sentence; separate; set; shadow; shakespeare; short; shows; sidenote; sidney; signs; sigwart; similar; simple; simplicity; single; small; society; solicitude; solid; soul; source; spaccio; space; speaking; special; species; speculative; sphere; spherical; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spite; spring; standpoint; stars; state; stay; step; stone; straight; strong; study; subject; substance; substantial; subtle; succession; sufficient; summa; sun; suns; support; supposed; supreme; surface; sympathy; system; taking; teaching; temple; term; theology; theory; things; thomas; thought; time; time bruno; title; tocco; toland; tongue; touch; translation; tribunal; triginta; true; truth; twofold; type; ultimate; umbris; unable; understanding; union; unity; universal; universe; universities; university; vacuum; vain; value; vautrollier; venetian; venice; vices; vide; view; virtue; visit; viz; vol; vulgar; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wittenberg; works; world; worthy; writers; writings; years; young; | | cache: 46901.txt plain text: 46901.txt item: #130 of 181 id: 47025 author: Feuerbach, Ludwig title: The Essence of Christianity Translated from the second German edition date: None words: 149219 flesch: 64 summary: All divine attributes, all the attributes which make God God, are attributes of the species--attributes which in the individual are limited, but the limits of which are abolished in the essence of the species, and even in its existence, in so far as it has its complete existence only in all men taken together. Thus in God man has only his own activity as an object. keywords: "--ambrosius; "--augustinus; "--ib; "--j; "--luther; "--petrus; absolute; absolute nature; absolute religion; abstract; abstract god; abstraction; absurdity; accordance; account; actions; active; activity; acts; actual; adam; adequate; admiration; affected; affection; affirmation; affirming; affirms; agency; agreeable; aim; air; aliquid; almighty; analysis; ancient; angels; anger; animals; answer; anthropology; anthropomorphisms; antithesis; apostle; apparent; appearance; application; arbitrariness; arbitrary; articles; atheism; atque; attains; attempt; attributes; autem; authority; bad; baptism; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believer; believest; believeth; beloved; bene; bernard; best; better; bible; biblical; blame; blessed; blessed god; blessedness; bliss; blissful; blood; bodily; body; bond; book; bread; brute; böhme; canst; capability; capable; catholicism; cause; celibacy; central; certainty; chance; chapter; character; characteristic; chastity; chief; child; children; christian; christian faith; christian god; christian love; christian man; christian religion; christianity; christus; church; circle; clear; cold; command; common; community; compassion; complete; conceivable; conceivest god; conception; concerned; conclusion; concrete; conditions; confess; confession; confidence; connected; conscience; consciousness; consequence; consistent; consolation; contemplation; content; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; conviction; corporeal; corporeality; corporis; corpus; corresponding; course; creation; creator; creatures; crime; criterion; critical; criticism; cross; culture; cultus; cum; darkness; day; dead; death; deeds; deeper; deepest; definite; definitions; degree; dei; deity; demands; denial; denies; deo; dependent; depths; desire; destruction; determinate; determinations; determined; deum; deus; developed; development; devils; die; difference; dignity; direct; discrimination; disposition; distance; distinction; distinguished; distinguishing; disunion; divine; divine activity; divine love; divine nature; divine power; divinity; doctrine; dogma; dogmatic; dost; doth god; doubt; dream; drinking; duties; duty; e.g.; earth; earthly; eating; edition; effect; egoism; ejus; elements; emotional; emotions; empirical; end; enemies; enim; enjoyment; enthusiasm; epist; ergo; erit; essence; essential; essential man; essential nature; est; eternity; etiam; everlasting; evident; evil; exaltation; exalted; example; excellent; exclusive; exhibits; existence; existent; existing; experience; explanation; expresses; expression; external; extra; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; false; far; father; favour; fear; feeling; fellow; feminine; fiction; fidem; filius; finiteness; fire; flesh; fleshly; food; force; foreign; form; formal; forward; foundation; free; freedom; friend; friendship; fulfilled; fulfilment; fulness; fundamental; future; future god; future life; general; generation; genesis; genuine; ghost; gift; glance; glory; goal; god; god faith; god god; god identical; god love; god man; god self; godhead; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greeks; ground; guarantee; habet; half; hand; happiness; happy; hath; hatred; heart; heathens; heaven; heavenly; hell; help; heresy; heretics; hidden; higher; highest; highest nature; historical; history; hitherto; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; home; hominem; homo; honour; hope; horror; human feeling; human god; human heart; human individual; human love; human nature; humanity; ibid; idea; identical; identity; idolatry; igitur; iii; illusion; illusory; image; imaginary; imaginary god; imagination; immanent; immediate; immortality; imparted; imperfect; impersonal; importance; impressions; impulse; inasmuch; incarnate; incarnation; incomprehensible; indifferent; individual; individual god; individual man; individuality; indubitable; inexplicable; infinite; inherent; inmost; inmost nature; innumerable; instinct; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interest; intermediate; internal; intimate; involuntary; inward; ipse; ipso; ipsum; israel; israelite; israelitish; jacob; jehovah; jesus; jews; john; joy; joyful; joys; judaism; judgment; justice; knowledge; known; language; latent; law; laws; left; lies; life; light; like; limitation; limited; limits; little; living; loci; logos; lomb; long; longer; longing; look; lord; lord god; lost; love; love man; ludicrous; magis; majesty; major; making; man; man divine; manhood; manifestation; mankind; manner; marriage; mary; material; materialism; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; mediator; medium; men; mercy; mere; metaphysical; mind; miracle; miraculous; mirror; misery; mode; modern; modo; moment; monachism; moral; moral god; morality; mother; motive; mouth; multa; music; mysteries; mystery; mystical; mysticism; narrow; nations; natural; natural man; naturalism; nature; nature god; nay; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; neque; new; nihil; nisi; non; nos; nothingness; object; objective; objective nature; obvious; old; omnia; omnibus; omnipotence; omniscience; omnium; ones; open; operation; opinion; opposed; opposite; opposition; order; ordinary; organ; origin; original; outward; painful; pantheism; partaking; particular; passage; passion; passive; past; patrem; paul; peculiar; people; perfect; perfect man; perfection; personal god; personal love; personal man; personal nature; personality; personified; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; pious; place; plants; pleasure; point; political; poor; popular; positing; positive; possession; possibility; possible; potest; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; prayer man; precious; predicates; presence; present; present god; primitive; principle; proceeds; process; product; production; profound; proof; property; proposition; propter; protestantism; providence; public; punishment; pure; purpose; quae; qualitative; qualities; quality; quam; quando; question; qui; quia; quid; quis; quod; quæ; rank; rational; rational man; rationalistic; real existence; real god; real man; realisation; realised; realities; reality; reason; recognition; reconciliation; redemption; reference; reflection; regard; relation; religion; religion god; religion man; religious; religious consciousness; religious faith; religious love; remains; renunciation; representation; resemblance; respect; rests; result; resurrection; revelation man; rise; rule; sacraments; sacred; sacrifice; saint; sake; salvation; satisfaction; satisfied; saviour; saying; science; scientific; second; secondary; secret; sed; self; sensational; sense; sensible; sensitive god; sensual; sensuous; sentiment; separate; separation; service; sex; sexual; short; shows; significance; similar; simple; sin; sine; sinful; single; single man; sinless man; sins; sole; sophistry; sorrows; soul; source; space; speak; special; species; specific; speculative; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; splendour; spontaneity; spontaneous; spring; spurious; standard; standpoint; state; stone; strange; strength; strict; striking; subject; subjective god; subjective man; subjectivity; subordinate; subsistent; substance; substantial; substitute; suffering; suffers; sufficing; sum; sunt; superficial; superhuman; supernatural; superstition; supper; supranaturalistic; supreme; sympathy; system; tamen; tantum; taste; tears; temporal; tendency; tender; testament; thee; theologians; theological; theology; theoretic; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thou; thou god; thought; thy; thy god; tibi; time; transcendental; tree; trinity; triumph; trivial; trouble; true god; true life; true love; true man; true nature; trust; truth; turn; ubi; ultimate; unbelief; unbelievers; unbelieving; understanding; unholy; union; united; unity; universal; universal man; universe; unknown; unlimited; untruth; unum; utmost; validity; value; vere; vero; view; vii; viii; virgin; virginity; virgo; virtue; visible; want; water; way; welfare; wicked; wife; wills; wilt; wine; wisdom; wise; wishes; woman; wonder; words; work; working; world; worldly; worship; worthless; worthy; writings; xiii; xix; xvi; yearning; æsthetic cache: 47025.txt plain text: 47025.txt item: #131 of 181 id: 4705 author: Hume, David title: A Treatise of Human Nature date: None words: 226313 flesch: 53 summary: Thus if instead of saying, that in war the weaker have always recourse to negotiation, we should say, that they have always recourse to conquest, the custom, which we have acquired of attributing certain relations to ideas, still follows the words, and makes us immediately perceive the absurdity of that proposition; in the same manner as one particular idea may serve us in reasoning concerning other ideas, however different from it in several circumstances. If ideas be particular in their nature, and at the same time finite in their number, it is only by custom they can become general in their representation, and contain an infinite number of other ideas under them. keywords: abstract; absurd; absurdity; account; accustomed; acquaintance; acquainted; actions; addition; admit; advantage; advantageous; affairs; affected; affections; affirm; agreeable; allegiance; alteration; anger; animals; answer; appearance; appetite; approach; approbation; apt; argument; arise; arrive; artifice; artificial; assent; association; assurance; attention; attribute; authority; aversion; beautiful; beauty; belief; benevolence; better; betwixt; blame; bodies; body; book; calm; capable; capacity; cases; causation; cause; certain; chain; chances; change; character; children; choice; circumstances; civil; clear; colour; common; company; comparison; compleat; conception; concern; conclusion; condition; conduct; conformable; conjunction; connected; connexion; consent; consequence; considerable; consideration; consists; constancy; constant; constitution; contempt; contiguity; contiguous; continued; contradiction; contrariety; contrary; conversation; convincing; correspondent; coued; course; creatures; custom; decision; definition; deformity; degree; demonstration; design; desire; determination; determined; different; difficulties; difficulty; diminution; direct; direction; disagreeable; discover; disposition; dispute; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; division; doctrine; double; doubt; duration; duties; duty; easy; education; effect; efficacy; emotions; encrease; endeavour; endowed; enjoyment; enquiry; entire; equal; error; essence; essential; established; esteem; esteemed; event; evidence; evident; evil; exact; examination; examine; examining; exception; excite; existence; existent; experience; experiments; explication; extended; extension; external; extraordinary; eye; eyes; facility; faculties; faculty; fall; false; falshood; family; fancy; farther; fear; feeling; fiction; figure; follow; following; footing; footnote; force; foregoing; form; fortune; foundation; free; frequent; friends; future; general; gives; giving; good; government; great; greater; greatest; grief; habit; hand; happiness; hatred; head; history; hope; human; human mind; human nature; humility; hypothesis; idea; identity; iii; image; imagination; immediate; imperfect; importance; impossible; impressions; impulse; incapable; inclination; independent; indifference; individual; indivisible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; injustice; instances; intention; interest; internal; interrupted; interruption; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; laws; lead; length; liberty; lies; life; like; line; little; lively; lively idea; long; longer; look; love; malice; mankind; manner; material; matter; maxim; meaning; means; measure; memory; men; mere; merit; method; mind; minute; misery; mistake; mixture; moment; moral; morality; motion; motive; mutual; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; notice; notions; number; obedience; object; objections; obligation; obscure; observation; obvious; occasion; ones; operation; opinion; opposite; opposition; order; original; pain; parallel; particular; parts; passage; passions; past; peculiar; people; perceive; perceptions; perfect; performance; person; phaenomenon; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; pity; place; pleased; pleasure; point; possession; possest; possibility; power; powerful; practice; praise; precedent; preceding; precise; present; present impression; pride; primary; principal; principles; private; probability; probable; proceeds; produce; producing; production; progress; promises; proof; propensity; properties; property; proportion; public; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; recourse; reflection; regard; regarded; related; relation; religion; remains; remarkable; remedy; remote; removal; removed; repetition; requisite; resemblance; resembling; respect; return; riches; right; rules; runs; satisfaction; satisfactory; scarce; science; second; sect; security; self; sensation; senses; sensible; sentiments; separable; separate; separation; set; shew; short; sides; signs; similar; simple; simplicity; single; situation; small; society; solidity; soul; sound; source; space; speaking; species; spirits; stability; standard; state; strength; strong; stronger; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; superior; superiority; supposed; supposing; survey; susceptible; sympathy; system; taking; tangible; taste; temper; tendency; terms; thing; thinking; thought; time; title; touch; transition; trivial; true; truth; turn; uncertainty; understanding; uneasiness; uneasy; unintelligible; union; united; universal; universe; unknown; useful; usual; utility; utmost; vain; value; vanity; variation; vice; vicious; view; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; vivacity; viz; vulgar; want; way; ways; weak; words; world cache: 4705.txt plain text: 4705.txt item: #132 of 181 id: 47136 author: Beer, Margrieta title: Schopenhauer date: None words: 27190 flesch: 70 summary: For this reason music makes every scene of real life, and of the world, more profoundly significant. In real life the scholar is far surpassed by the man of the world, for the strength of the latter consists in perfect intuitive knowledge. keywords: able; abstract; actual; animals; appearance; architecture; art; arthur; artist; arts; asceticism; attitude; beautiful; beauty; berlin; best; book; capacity; case; character; clear; complete; concerned; conflict; consciousness; consolation; constant; contemplation; copy; course; daily; dantzig; day; death; deeper; deepest; deliverance; desire; development; different; direct; earlier; early; end; english; essay; essential; eternal; ethical; ethics; events; existence; experience; expression; extent; eyes; father; feeling; final; force; form; free; function; fundamental; future; general; genius; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; heart; hegel; highest; history; holiness; home; human; humanity; ideas; illusion; imagination; importance; indian; individual; influence; inmost; inner; insight; instinct; intellect; intellectual; intuition; intuitive; inward; joy; kant; knowledge; language; later; letters; lies; life; light; like; literature; little; living; london; longer; love; m.a; man; marked; means; men; mere; mind; misery; modern; morality; mother; music; nature; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; objects; order; ordinary; pain; painting; particular; passionate; peace; permanent; personal; pessimism; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; plato; pleasure; poetry; point; possible; power; present; principles; prof; pure; real; reality; reason; recognition; relation; religion; religious; renunciation; rest; saint; satisfaction; school; schopenhauer; science; self; sense; significance; sphere; spirit; state; stone; striving; strong; subject; suffering; surrender; sympathy; system; theories; theory; things; thought; time; treatment; true; truth; universal; universe; university; view; virtue; vision; way; willing; wish; words; work; world; years; æsthetic cache: 47136.txt plain text: 47136.txt item: #133 of 181 id: 4722 author: Berkeley, George title: An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision date: None words: 28201 flesch: 59 summary: In order to get clear of this seeming difficulty we need only observe that diversity of visible objects doth not necessarily infer diversity of tangible objects corresponding to them. We have shown the way wherein the mind by mediation of visible ideas doth perceive or apprehend the distance, magnitude and situation of tangible objects. keywords: abstract; angles; apparent; appearance; blind; case; certain; circumstances; colours; common; confused; confusion; connexion; consequence; different; difficulty; distance; distinct; doth; earth; equal; erect; evident; experience; extension; eye; eyes; faintness; farther; feet; figure; geometry; greater; hath; head; high; horizontal; ideas; immediate; inverted; judge; judgment; know; lesser; like; lines; little; lower; magnitude; man; manner; matter; means; men; mind; moon; motion; nature; nearer; nearest; necessary; new; number; object; observed; opinion; particular; parts; perception; pictures; plain; point; proper; rays; reason; sect; sense; sight; situation; small; sort; square; tangible; tangible ideas; things; thoughts; time; touch; true; truth; understanding; view; visible; visible extension; visible magnitude; visible objects; vision; way; whereof; words cache: 4722.txt plain text: 4722.txt item: #134 of 181 id: 4723 author: Berkeley, George title: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge date: None words: 37377 flesch: 58 summary: For, when we perceive certain ideas of Sense constantly followed by other ideas and WE KNOW Nothing can be plainer to me than that the extensions I have in view are no other than my own ideas; and it is no less plain that I cannot resolve any one of my ideas into an infinite number of other ideas, that is, that they are not infinitely divisible. keywords: absolute; abstract; abstract ideas; abstraction; absurd; account; active; answer; appear; author; beings; betwixt; bodies; body; cause; certain; clear; colour; common; conceive; connexion; constant; contradiction; corporeal; demonstration; different; difficulties; difficulty; distance; distinct; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; easy; effects; errors; evidence; evident; example; excite; existence; extended; extension; external; figure; force; foregoing; frame; general; general ideas; god; good; great; greater; hand; having; human; ideas; imagine; immediate; impossible; inch; inert; infinite; innumerable; instance; knowledge; language; laws; life; like; line; little; long; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; motion; names; natural; nature; necessary; note; notions; number; objection; objects; occasion; opinion; order; particular; particular ideas; parts; perceives; perception; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; power; present; principles; proper; purpose; qualities; reader; real; reality; reason; received; reflexion; regard; relation; relative; rest; rules; sect; sensations; sense; sensible; sight; signification; signs; small; sort; soul; space; spirit; study; subject; substance; support; things; thinking; thought; time; triangle; true; truth; understanding; universal; unperceived; use; view; way; whatsoever; whereof; words; world cache: 4723.txt plain text: 4723.txt item: #135 of 181 id: 4724 author: Berkeley, George title: Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists date: None words: 36644 flesch: 74 summary: What think you of distrusting the senses, of denying the real existence of sensible things, or pretending to know nothing of them. Shall we therefore examine which of us it is that denies the reality of sensible things, or professes the greatest ignorance of them; since, if I take you rightly, he is to be esteemed the greatest SCEPTIC? HYL. keywords: absolute; abstracted; absurd; act; action; active; affected; air; answer; beings; bodies; body; brain; cause; certain; change; clear; cold; colours; common; conceive; corporeal; creation; degree; different; difficulty; distance; distinct; doth; doubt; effect; evident; existence; exists; extended; extension; external; eye; false; farther; figure; fire; general; god; good; grant; great; hath; heat; hold; hyl; hylas; ideas; immediate; instrument; kind; knowledge; light; like; little; long; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; motion; natural; nature; notions; objects; occasion; opinion; order; particular; perceive; perception; phil; philonous; philosophers; place; plain; pleasure; point; possible; pray; present; principles; proved; qualities; question; real; real things; reality; reason; regard; satisfied; scepticism; sensation; sense; sensible; sensible things; sort; soul; sound; spirit; substance; substratum; supposed; term; things; thought; time; tree; true; truth; unknown; unperceiving; unthinking; visible; vulgar; way; whatsoever; word cache: 4724.txt plain text: 4724.txt item: #136 of 181 id: 47588 author: Brandes, Georg title: Friedrich Nietzsche date: None words: 37425 flesch: 68 summary: Nevertheless the self-contradiction we find in asceticism--life turned _against_ life--is of course only apparent. Thus Renan says, almost in the same words: In fine, the object of humanity is the production of great men ... nothing but great men; salvation will come from great men. keywords: able; account; action; address; age; aim; ancient; answer; appearance; aristocratic; ascetic; attacks; author; bad; best; birth; book; brandes; calls; case; centuries; century; certain; character; children; christianity; class; clear; conditions; conscience; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; contrast; copenhagen; country; courage; course; creatures; cruelty; culture; cæsar; danish; day; days; deal; dear; death; deep; degree; delight; desire; development; different; doctrine; doubt; earliest; early; edition; eduard; education; educator; english; essay; europe; european; evil; examples; existence; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; far; feeling; force; form; france; freedom; french; fresh; friedrich; friend; fundamental; future; general; genius; george; german; glad; goal; god; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; guilt; half; hand; happiness; hartmann; hatred; health; heart; higher; highest; historical; history; homogeneous; honour; hour; human; humanity; hymn; ibsen; idea; ideals; ill; immense; importance; individual; influence; instance; instincts; intellectual; interest; interesting; joy; justice; kierkegaard; kind; knowledge; known; language; later; lectures; leipzig; letter; lies; life; like; literature; little; living; loathing; long; longer; love; mankind; marriage; mass; masses; matter; meaning; means; men; midnight; mind; modern; morality; mountain; music; narrow; nature; nay; necessary; need; neighbour; new; nice; nietzsche; nobility; noble; north; number; obedience; object; old; opinions; order; origin; original; pain; pamphlet; paper; paris; passionate; past; people; personality; pessimism; petersburg; philistinism; philosophy; pity; place; pleasure; point; polish; popular; possible; power; powerful; present; principle; problem; process; production; psychological; public; punishment; question; race; reader; real; reality; reason; regards; relation; religion; renaissance; renan; respect; result; revenge; rich; right; rule; russia; rée; sake; saying; schopenhauer; second; self; sense; set; shakespeare; single; sir; slave; small; society; sort; soul; spirit; spite; standpoint; state; strange; strauss; strength; strong; struggle; style; success; suffering; summer; taine; thee; things; thinker; thought; thy; time; true; truth; turin; understood; university; unselfish; use; value; view; virtue; von; wagner; war; way; winter; woman; words; work; world; writer; writings; years; young; zarathustra cache: 47588.txt plain text: 47588.txt item: #137 of 181 id: 48431 author: Santayana, George title: Egotism in German Philosophy date: None words: 37140 flesch: 59 summary: A happy equilibrium once established in human life would have been only a temptation, a sort of Napoleonic or Mephistophelian quietus falling on the will to strive. The dead heart of other nations may dream of gods in the clouds, or of some perfect type of human life already exemplified in the past and only to be approached or repeated in the future. keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; actual; aims; animal; art; arts; assertion; attitude; authority; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; believe; best; better; capable; case; categorical; certain; change; chapter; character; christianity; clear; common; conscience; consciousness; contempt; contradiction; contrary; courage; course; criticism; day; dead; death; deep; description; desire; destiny; development; die; different; divine; doctrine; dream; duty; earth; education; egotism; egotistical; elements; essence; established; ethics; evil; evolution; existence; experience; expression; external; fact; faith; false; faust; feeling; fichte; folly; force; foreign; form; freedom; future; general; genius; german; german philosophy; god; goethe; good; great; greater; greek; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; heart; heathen; heathenism; heaven; hegel; highest; historical; history; honest; human; idea; idealism; idealistic; ideals; illusion; image; imagination; imperative; important; impulse; individual; inevitable; infinite; instance; instinct; intellectual; intense; interests; intrinsic; justified; kant; knowledge; language; latent; later; law; laws; learned; leibniz; lies; life; like; little; living; locke; logic; longer; love; mankind; material; matter; max; means; men; mere; method; mind; mission; modern; moment; moral; morality; movement; music; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; nietzsche; notion; objects; old; opinions; optimism; order; original; passions; past; people; perpetual; personal; philosophers; philosophy; picture; place; plan; play; point; political; possible; postulates; power; powerful; practice; present; primitive; principle; private; progress; protestantism; pure; pursuit; reality; reason; religion; religious; right; romantic; romanticism; sacrifice; school; schopenhauer; science; secret; self; selfishness; sense; set; single; situation; society; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; stirner; strength; strong; subjective; substance; superior; superman; sympathy; system; terms; theirs; theory; things; thought; time; transcendental; transcendentalists; true; truth; turn; unconscious; understanding; universal; universe; use; value; view; virtue; vital; vitality; war; way; wild; willing; wisdom; wish; words; work; world; years; young cache: 48431.txt plain text: 48431.txt item: #138 of 181 id: 48495 author: Carus, Paul title: Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism date: None words: 35214 flesch: 61 summary: In spite of identifying the self with the body, which is mortal, Nietzsche longs for the immortal. Among all the philosophies of modern times there is perhaps none which in its inmost principle is more thoroughly opposed to our own than Nietzsche's, and yet there are some points of mutual contact which are well worth pointing out. keywords: accepted; account; actual; agreement; ambition; anarchism; animal; art; assertion; attitude; authority; beings; best; better; body; book; cause; certain; character; characteristic; christian; christianity; claims; coming; common; comprehension; conception; conclusion; conditions; conduct; consistent; contempt; control; cosmos; courage; course; criterion; das; day; death; decadence; deep; definite; der; desire; deussen; development; die; different; doctrine; dream; duties; duty; dã¤hnhardt; eagle; earth; ego; egoism; english; error; eternal; ethical; ethics; evil; evolution; existence; experience; expression; extreme; factors; facts; fate; father; faust; fear; features; fellow; field; followers; foot; form; free; freedom; friedrich nietzsche; friend; future; gaya; general; genius; george; german; god; goethe; good; great; greek; hand; head; health; heart; herd; higher; highest; history; human; humanity; ideal; illustration; individual; individualism; influence; ingenious; instincts; institutions; intellect; joy; justice; knowledge; language; large; later; law; laws; leave; leben; liberty; life; like; lines; little; living; logic; logical; long; love; mackay; man; mankind; marriage; masses; master; material; maxims; means; measure; men; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; meyer; minds; modern; moore; morality; napoleon; natural; nature; need; negation; negative; neighbor; new; nietzsche; nietzsche nietzsche; nominalism; non; norm; old; order; original; overman; past; people; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; plato; poet; poetry; point; political; position; possible; power; practical; present; principle; problem; product; professor; progress; property; prophet; protest; proud; pure; purpose; question; reader; real; real world; reality; reason; recognition; religion; religious; result; right; rise; rules; sake; sanction; school; schopenhauer; schulpforta; science; scientific; scienza; second; sein; self; selfhood; sense; serpent; significance; sister; small; social; society; soul; sovereignty; spirit; spiritual; spite; standard; state; stirner; strange; strength; struggle; subjective; success; superior; superstition; survival; sympathy; system; tendencies; tendency; term; things; thinker; thought; time; true; true world; truth; type; tyrant; ultimate; und; unique; universe; use; valuation; value; view; virtue; war; way; wife; wisdom; woman; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; young; zarathustra cache: 48495.txt plain text: 48495.txt item: #139 of 181 id: 49203 author: Krauskopf, Joseph title: "My Visit to Tolstoy": Five Discourses date: None words: 17054 flesch: 70 summary: Like many other old men, I retire from the world to await my end in solitude. And the hundreds of young men who have received their agricultural training at the National Farm School, and the hundreds of others, young and old, who, directly and indirectly, have been encouraged by that school to forsake the congested cities and to take up the farmer's life, owe their escape from the miseries of the Ghetto, and their enjoyment of health and happiness, to the promise asked of me by that noblest of all farmers, count Tolstoy. keywords: act; age; agricultural; american; army; article; best; better; book; children; christianity; church; cities; count; country; czar; day; days; death; discourse; distinguished; education; end; estate; evils; eyes; face; faith; family; farm; flight; food; free; future; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; ground; having; head; heart; holy; home; human; israel; jesus; jewish; jews; joseph; justice; keneseth; krauskopf; labor; lands; large; law; life; like; little; living; long; look; love; making; man; money; moral; new; novel; number; old; orthodox; parts; peasant; people; petersburg; philadelphia; philosophy; place; plan; political; poor; poverty; power; present; priest; problem; promise; purpose; rabbi; reason; reform; religion; religious; request; return; rich; right; room; russia; school; self; service; social; society; soil; speech; spirit; states; support; table; teachings; temple; thought; thousands; time; tolstoy; tree; united; university; views; village; visit; war; way; wife; woman; words; work; working; world; worse; writings; wrongs; years; young cache: 49203.txt plain text: 49203.txt item: #140 of 181 id: 49316 author: Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis) title: The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche date: None words: 82110 flesch: 63 summary: The Case of Wagner (including Nietzsche _contra_ Wagner and selected aphorisms), translated by A. M. Ludovici, and We Philologists, translated by J. M. Kennedy, with prefaces by the translators. Therefore, it came to be recognized at the very beginning of civilization, that the man who killed other men was a foe to those conditions which the average man had to seek in order to exist--to peace and order and quiet and security. keywords: absolute; absurdity; account; accurate; action; activity; acts; actual; affairs; ages; aid; aim; allzu; american; analysis; anarchy; ancient; animals; answer; antichrist; apollo; apparent; argument; aristocracy; artist; attack; attempt; attitude; authority; average; average man; aware; bad; basel; battle; bear; beginning; beings; belief; believe; benefit; best; better; birth; blood; body; bonn; book; boy; brief; brother; business; capable; capacity; caste; cause; certain; change; chapter; charity; chief; children; christendom; christianity; church; civilization; civilized; class; classes; clear; close; code; college; combat; common; community; complete; composer; conceivable; conception; conclusion; conditions; conflict; conscience; conscious; consequence; constant; contempt; contrary; control; conviction; country; courage; course; crime; criticism; critics; culture; cunning; danger; dangerous; darwin; david; days; dead; deal; death; definite; degeneration; degree; deity; der; desire; device; die; different; dionysian; dionysus; direction; discovery; divine; doctrine; doubt; drama; dreams; duty; early; earth; edition; education; effect; efficiency; effort; end; endeavor; enemies; enemy; energy; england; english; enthusiasm; environment; equal; error; escape; essay; essential; eternal; ethical; europe; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; example; existence; experience; expression; eye; face; fact; fair; faith; false; familiar; family; far; fashion; fast; father; fear; feeling; fellow; feminine; final; fit; food; force; form; frau; free; freedom; french; friedrich; friedrich nietzsche; friends; function; fundamental; future; förster; general; german; goal; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; healthy; heart; heaven; hell; help; helpless; herd; hero; higher; higher man; highest; history; hold; holy; home; hours; human; human life; human race; humanity; hume; humility; huxley; idea; ideals; iii; immoralist; important; impressions; impulse; increase; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; inherent; inquiry; insanity; instance; instinct; instinctive; institution; intellectual; intelligent; interest; introduction; jews; joy; judge; justice; kennedy; knowledge; known; labor; large; later; law; laws; left; leipsic; levy; liberty; lies; life; like; lion; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; love; ludovici; majority; making; man; mankind; manner; marriage; masculine; mass; masses; mastery; matter; means; measure; meeting; members; men; menschliches; mere; method; military; mind; modern; moment; morality; morals; morgenröte; mother; music; natural; nature; naumburg; near; necessary; need; neighbor; new; nietzsche; nietzsche nietzsche; noble; nordau; normal; notes; notion; number; object; obvious; old; opinion; opposed; opposition; order; origin; original; past; paul; pay; people; perfect; period; permanence; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; phrase; physical; picture; pious; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleasure; poetry; point; political; poor; possible; power; powerful; preface; present; primary; probable; problems; professor; progress; proof; prophet; protection; publication; punishment; purpose; putting; qualities; question; quotations; race; reader; real; reason; recurrence; regard; religion; religious; respect; result; revenge; richard; rid; ridiculous; right; ritschl; room; rule; ruling; run; rée; sacrifice; salomé; scheme; school; schopenhauer; science; search; second; seeking; selection; self; sense; sentimentality; series; service; set; shows; sin; sister; slave; small; society; sort; soul; species; spencer; spirit; start; state; store; strauss; strength; strong; strong man; stronger; struggle; student; study; subject; submit; success; suffering; sufficient; superior; superiority; superman; survive; sympathy; system; task; teacher; teaching; tendency; terms; terrible; theology; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; title; today; tragedy; translation; true; truth; turn; type; ultimate; unable; und; unfit; united; universal; universe; university; useless; utterly; value; vast; view; violent; virtue; volume; von; wagner; wagner nietzsche; war; way; ways; weak; weakness; welfare; white; wife; wild; wilhelm; william; willing; woman; words; work; working; world; worse; worth; writings; wrong; yearning; years; york; young; youth; zarathustra; zur cache: 49316.txt plain text: 49316.txt item: #141 of 181 id: 5116 author: James, William title: Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking date: None words: 52811 flesch: 66 summary: Such worlds would be far less unified than ours. Health in actu means, among other things, good sleeping and digesting. keywords: absolute; abstract; abstraction; account; acquaintance; actual; addition; agreement; alternative; ancient; answer; application; atoms; attitude; attributes; bad; bare; beliefs; berkeley; best; better; book; case; categories; certain; change; character; children; claim; class; clear; clock; come; common; common sense; complete; conception; concepts; concrete; conditions; connexion; consciousness; consequences; content; contrast; copy; cosmic; course; critical; day; definite; definition; design; designer; details; dewey; difference; dignity; discourse; divine; doctrine; duty; earth; elements; empirical; empiricist; end; energy; escape; essential; eternal; evil; example; existence; expedient; experience; extent; eyes; face; facts; faith; false; familiar; farther; fashion; feeling; field; final; fine; fit; fixed; flux; following; footnote; forms; formula; free; freedom; function; future; general; genuine; god; good; great; group; growth; hand; hard; heart; higher; history; hold; home; hope; hour; human; humanism; hypothesis; idealism; ideas; immediate; important; independent; individual; influence; inner; instance; intellectual; interest; justice; kind; know; knower; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; leading; lecture; left; level; life; like; line; little; live; living; locke; logic; logical; long; look; loose; lost; love; makes; making; man; mass; materialism; matter; meaning; means; men; mental; mere; messrs; metaphysical; method; mind; minded; mindedness; moment; monism; monistic; moral; mystical; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notion; number; object; objective; obvious; old; oneness; ones; open; opinion; opposite; optimism; order; origin; particular; parts; pass; past; people; perfection; personal; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; picture; place; play; pluralism; pluralistic; point; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; power; practical; pragmatically; pragmatism; pragmatistic; presence; present; previous; principle; problem; process; processes; professor; promise; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; radical; rate; rationalist; realities; reality; reason; relations; religion; religious; remote; rest; results; rich; right; room; round; run; runs; salvation; scheme; schiller; science; scientific; second; self; sensations; sense; sensible; separation; set; shape; shows; significance; similar; simple; single; small; sole; sort; soul; space; special; spencer; spirit; spiritualism; spite; squirrel; stage; stand; stars; stock; subject; substance; sure; system; talk; temperament; tender; terms; theism; theories; theory; things; think; thinking; thought; time; total; tough; treatment; tree; true; truth; turn; type; unified; union; unity; universe; use; useful; usual; value; verification; view; vital; water; way; ways; wealth; weather; willing; words; work; world; worth; years cache: 5116.txt plain text: 5116.txt item: #142 of 181 id: 5117 author: James, William title: The Meaning of Truth date: None words: 58216 flesch: 60 summary: To me such truth would not only be non-existent, it would be unimaginable, inconceivable. I fornicate with that unclean thing, my adversaries may think, whereas your genuine truth-lover must discourse in huxleyan heroics, and feel as if truth, to be real truth, ought to bring eventual messages of death to all our satisfactions. keywords: absolute; absolute truth; abstract; absurd; account; acquaintance; acts; actual; advance; agreement; altho; ambulatory; answer; anti; article; associates; assumed; bare; bear; belief; believer; better; body; book; caesar; case; certain; chain; change; character; claims; clear; cognition; cognitive; common; complete; conception; concepts; conceptual; concrete; concreteness; conditions; connected; consciousness; consequences; consistency; consists; content; continuous; contradiction; contrary; copying; course; critics; day; dead; death; definite; definition; degree; description; dewey; different; direct; direction; discourse; discussion; doctrine; dog; doubt; dream; earlier; effects; empirical; empiricism; environment; epistemological; epistemology; error; essence; essential; eternal; events; example; existence; existing; exists; expedient; experience; experiential; eyes; face; fact; false; farther; feeling; felt; field; fit; follow; following; footnote; form; formula; free; function; future; general; genuine; god; good; great; hall; hand; headache; hebert; higher; history; hold; hope; humanism; humanistic; hypothesis; idea; identical; image; immediate; important; independent; individual; inner; innumerable; inquiry; instance; intellectual; interest; intermediaries; ivanhoe; journal; kind; knower; knowing; knowledge; language; later; lead; left; lies; life; like; line; little; live; logical; long; man; material; matter; mean; meaning; men; mental; mere; method; mind; misunderstanding; moment; natural; nature; need; new; non; notion; number; object; objection; objective; obvious; ones; opinion; order; ordinary; original; paper; particular; parts; past; path; people; percept; perceptions; perceptual; philosophers; philosophy; physical; picture; place; play; point; pointing; positive; possess; possibility; possible; postulate; power; practical; pragmatist; pratt; presence; present; previous; prior; process; processes; professor; property; proposition; provisional; psychological; psychology; pure; quality; question; radical; rate; reader; realities; reality; reason; reference; relation; remains; reply; resembles; result; review; right; round; run; russell; saltatory; satisfactions; satisfactoriness; satisfactory; saying; scepticism; scheme; schiller; second; self; sensation; sense; sensible; shape; shows; similar; simple; single; situation; sort; space; spite; stage; stand; statement; states; step; stuff; subject; substitute; sure; system; talk; tendencies; tendency; termini; terminus; terms; test; theoretic; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; tigers; time; touch; transcendency; transitions; trouble; true; true idea; trueness; truth; turn; type; ultimate; universal; universe; use; useful; value; verification; view; vol; volume; way; ways; words; workings; world cache: 5117.txt plain text: 5117.txt item: #143 of 181 id: 51710 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: Thoughts out of Season, Part I David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer - Richard Wagner in Bayreuth. date: None words: 62292 flesch: 54 summary: In this respect, however, all shame has vanished--from the public as well as from the Master's mind: he is allowed, not merely to cross himself before the greatest and purest creations of German genius, as though he had perceived something godless and immoral in them, but people actually rejoice over his candid confessions and admission of sins--more particularly as he makes no mention of his own, but only of those which great men are said to have committed. And now ye presume that ye are going to be permitted, tamquam re bene gesta, to praise such men! keywords: ability; able; account; action; affairs; aim; ancient; answer; appeal; appearance; approach; arms; art; artist; artistic; arts; attack; attention; attitude; author; aware; bad; bayreuth; bear; beethoven; belief; believe; best; better; blessed; blind; body; book; breath; building; business; capable; care; case; certain; character; charm; christian; christianity; classical; classics; clear; comfort; coming; common; complete; concerned; confession; conscious; contemporaries; content; contrary; convinced; country; courage; course; creative; creator; creatures; cries; culture; danger; daring; david; david strauss; day; death; definite; delightful; desire; despair; development; different; difficult; direction; disraeli; distance; distress; dithyrambic; divine; doubt; dramatic; dramatist; dream; duty; earlier; earth; editor; education; effect; efforts; element; end; enemies; english; equipped; error; eternal; europe; events; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; famous; far; fear; feeble; feeling; following; forces; form; free; freedom; french; friend; future; general; generation; genius; genuine; german; german culture; glance; god; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; half; hand; happiness; haydn; heart; heaven; help; hero; hidden; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hold; home; honest; hopes; house; human; humanity; ideal; importance; individual; influence; instance; institutions; intellectual; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; known; lack; language; law; laws; leaves; left; lessing; life; like; literary; little; lives; lofty; long; look; lost; love; mankind; manner; master; matters; meaning; means; meet; men; mere; midst; mind; modern; moment; moral; morality; movement; music; musicians; mysterious; myth; narrow; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nietzsche; noble; notions; object; observer; oil; old; ones; opinion; order; original; page; pain; paper; particular; passages; passion; past; people; period; personal; philistine; philistinism; philosophers; philosophy; picture; pity; place; play; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; praise; prepared; presence; present; problem; proper; prose; public; pure; purpose; question; race; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; regard; relation; religion; religious; respect; rest; result; return; reverse; right; ring; road; rule; sacred; salvation; satisfied; scholars; schopenhauer; science; scientific; second; secret; seeing; self; sense; set; severe; sign; silence; simple; single; skill; small; society; sorrow; sort; soul; sound; speech; spirit; spite; spoken; stamp; standard; state; strange; strauss; straussian; strength; striking; strong; stronger; struggle; student; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; superior; talent; task; taste; terms; terrible; theatres; theme; theological; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; tragic; triumph; true; truth; turn; type; unity; universe; use; value; victory; view; virtue; visible; voice; voltaire; wagner; war; water; way; weakness; wild; wish; wit; wonderful; words; work; world; worthy; wretched; writer; years; yoke; young; æsthetic cache: 51710.txt plain text: 51710.txt item: #144 of 181 id: 52090 author: La Mettrie, Julien Offray de title: Man a Machine date: None words: 56906 flesch: 71 summary: Tout se réduit à des sons, ou à des mots, qui de la bouche de l'un passent par l'oreille de l'autre dans le cerveau, qui reçoit en même temps par les yeux la figure des corps, dont ces mots sont les signes arbitraires. Mais réciproquement si l'homme ne peut se dispenser de convenir qu'il distingue toujours, lorsque la santé le laisse jouïr de lui-même, ceux qui ont de la probité, de l'humanité, de la vertu, de ceux qui ne sont ni humains, ni vertueux, ni honnêtes gens; qu'il est facile de distinguer ce qui est vice, ou vertu, par l'unique plaisir ou la propre répugnance qui en sont comme les effets naturels, il s'ensuit que les animaux formés de la même matière, à laquelle il n'a peut-être manqué qu'un degré de fermentation pour égaler les hommes en tout, doivent participer aux mêmes prérogatives de l'animalité, et qu'ainsi il n'est point d'âme, ou de substance sensitive, sans remords. keywords: able; absolument; absurd; academy; account; action; active; ainsi; alors; analogy; anatomy; ancients; animals; animaux; ape; après; argument; arts; assertion; assez; atheism; attributes; aucune; aurait; aussi; autant; author; autres; avait; avoir; avons; bacon; beau; beaucoup; beautiful; beings; belief; berlin; best; better; bien; blood; bodies; bodily; body; boerhaave; bon; book; brain; britannica; c'est; capable; cause; ce n'est; ce pas; ce que; cela; celebrated; celles; celui; century; cependant; certain; cerveau; ces; cette; ceux; change; chap; chaque; chief; child; children; chose; christianity; church; circulation; clear; coeur; cold; college; color; comme; comme la; comme un; comment; composed; conception; condillac; condition; conscience; consequence; conséquent; contraire; contrary; contre; convinced; corps; court; crime; croire; côté; d'autres; d'esprit; d'un; d'être; dans; dans la; dans son; dans un; day; de cette; de la; de son; de tous; deaf; death; degree; des; descartes; desire; deux; dictionary; dieu; different; dire; discovery; distinction; dit; diverse; doctor; doctrine; doit; donc; doubt; doute; duke; dépend; earth; edition; education; effet; elle; encore; encyclopaedia; encyclopédie; enfant; enfin; england; english; esprits; espèce; essay; essence; essential; est; et comme; et de; et en; et la; et même; et nous; et par; et pour; et qui; et se; etc; evident; excite; exemple; existence; experience; experiments; extension; external; eyes; eût; fact; faculties; faculty; faire; fait; fait la; faites; famous; fashion; father; faut; fear; feeling; femme; fever; fibres; figures; fine; fièvre; fois; font; fontenelle; force; forms; fort; france; french; functions; fureur; gain; general; genius; gens; god; good; grands; great; greater; greatest; génie; hand; happiness; happy; hasard; health; heart; help; helvetius; heureux; history; hobbes; holbach; hommes; human; hypothesis; ibid; idea; idées; iii; il ne; il pas; ils; image; imagination; imagine; impossible; incontestable; infinite; influence; instinct; intelligence; internal; j'ai; jamais; je ne; john; judge; juger; julien; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; l'art; l'auteur; l'autre; l'eau; l'empire de; l'esprit; l'expérience; l'histoire; l'homme; l'organisation; l'univers; l'âme; l'éducation; la circulation; la faculté; la foi; la force; la grande; la machine; la mettrie; la mort; la même; la nature; la pensée; la révélation; la source; la tête; la vertu; la vie; la vérité; lange; language; later; law; laws; le corps; left; lequel; les; lesquels; letters; leur; leviathan; leyden; life; light; like; likeness; limited; little; locke; london; long; look; lorsqu'il; lorsque; loss; lui; luzac; m. la; machinalement; machine; mais; maladies; malebranche; man; manière; mark; materialism; matter; means; measure; mechanism; medicine; member; men; mere; method; mieux; mille; mind; modern; modifications; moins; moment; mon; moral; motion; mots; movement; muscles; médecins; mérite; même; n'a; n'en; n'est; n'est pas; n'ont; n'y; natural; nature et; nature nous; naturelle; ne la; ne peut; ne se; necessary; necessity; need; nerfs; nerves; new; nom de; non; nos; notes; notre; nous; nous ne; number; objects; observations; observe; oeuvres; offray de; old; open; opinion; order; organization; organized; organs; pain; par; par la; par un; parce; paris; parmi; partie; pas; passe; passions; penser; perdu; perfect; petit; peut; peuvent; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophiques; philosophy; physical; physician; phénomènes; pieces; place; plaisir; pleasure; plus; plutôt; point; pope; position; pour; pourquoi; pourrait; pouvoir; power; premier; presque; principal; principle; produit; professor; progress; properties; proportion; propre; prouver; public; pure; qu'elle; qu'il; qu'on; qu'un; quand; que; que nous; que par; quelle; quelque; question; qui; qui fait; qui la; qui ne; qui se; qui sont; quick; raison; rare; real; reason; relation; religion; remords; remorse; rend; respect; ressorts; rest; result; ridicule; rien; royal; s'en; s'il; saint; sang; sans; save; scholar; sciences; second; self; semblable; semble; sensation; senses; sensitive; sentiment; sentir; serait; ses; set; seule; seulement; share; short; si ce; si la; signs; similar; simple; singe; skilful; skill; sleep; society; soient; soit; sont; sorte; soul; source; spectacle; speech; spirit; spiritual; spite; springs; stahl; statement; strength; strong; structure; study; subject; substance; suivant; sujet; sur; sur la; susceptible; system; système; tant; teacher; teaching; tels; temps; terre; theologians; theology; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; title; toland; toujours; tous; tout; toutes; traité; translation; treatise; trop; trouve; true; truth; tête; understanding; une; universe; unknown; uns; vain; vertu; vice; vie; vient; view; virtue; voilà; voit; vol; volonté; volume; vous; voyez; vrai; vue; vérité; watch; way; william; willis; wine; wise; wish; word; works; worthy; writer; xii; years; yeux; young; était; été; être cache: 52090.txt plain text: 52090.txt item: #145 of 181 id: 52945 author: McLachlan, D. B. title: Reformed Logic A System Based on Berkeley's Philosophy with an Entirely New Method of Dialectic date: None words: 51429 flesch: 61 summary: Standards can only mediate comparisons between _abstract_ properties, for if they contained all the concrete properties of the compared objects they would, by supposition, be as unmanageable as the latter. These objects are necessarily classified according to their phenomenal appearance only, and such ideas lack an essential characteristic of true general ideas. keywords: '--a; able; abstract; abstraction; account; action; actual; alternative; analogy; analysis; animal; antecedents; applicate; application; applied; argument; aristotle; arithmetic; artificial; associated; association; attention; bad; beings; belief; berkeley; best; better; body; book; caesar; capable; case; categories; category; causation; causes; certain; change; character; class; classes; classification; colour; common; comparison; complete; conclusion; concrete; concretion; condition; consciousness; correct; cosmic; country; data; day; definition; degree; design; dialectic; different; difficult; distance; distinct; division; doctrine; doubt; earth; education; effect; elements; emotions; end; energy; equal; essential; example; excited; exercise; existence; experience; explanation; expression; extension; extent; external; fact; faculty; fallacies; fallacy; false; far; feelings; feet; figures; fine; following; footnote; force; form; future; general; general idea; generalisation; generality; good; great; ground; group; hand; high; horse; human; hypothetical; idea; image; imaginary; imagination; important; imprint; incapable; independent; individual; induction; inference; information; instance; intellect; intellectual; interval; iron; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; language; large; laws; left; life; like; line; logic; logical; logicians; long; making; man; manner; marks; material; matter; meaning; means; memory; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; miles; mill; mind; modern; moods; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; notion; noumenon; number; objective; objects; observation; old; order; ordinary; original; particular; particular ideas; parts; people; perception; persons; perspective; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; place; plain; plasma; point; positions; possible; power; practical; practice; precedent; premises; present; primary; principal; principle; prior; process; properties; property; proposition; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; rational; real; realism; realistic; reason; reasoning; recollection; reference; relation; resemblance; respect; rest; result; right; rules; science; scientific; second; self; sense; sentiment; sequence; series; similar; simple; single; size; society; sort; space; species; standard; state; stone; study; subject; substance; substantial; substantialism; superfluous; supposed; surface; syllogism; syllogistic; synthesis; terms; theorems; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; unity; universal; unknown; use; useful; useless; utility; valid; vase; verbal; vice; view; virtue; water; way; weather; whately; white; wise; words; work; world; | | cache: 52945.txt plain text: 52945.txt item: #146 of 181 id: 53260 author: Ludovici, Anthony M. (Anthony Mario) title: Nietzsche: His Life and Works date: None words: 22359 flesch: 63 summary: _Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche_, by Deussen. _Nietzsche, sein Leben und sein Werk_, by Raoul Richter. AND 'Notes to Zarathustra' PREFACE BY DR. OSCAR LEVY CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD London 1910 Introduction The commission for a book on Nietzsche, to form the latest addition to a series of famous philosophers, is most certainly a sign that the age of adversity, through which the earlier Nietzscheans had to struggle, has at last come to an end. keywords: able; actual; age; aim; altruism; aph; aristocratic; ask; attack; attitude; author; bad; beautiful; beginning; best; blood; book; broad; bâle; case; certain; chapter; children; christian; christianity; class; classes; conclusion; conditions; course; creator; darwin; dawn; day; democracy; desirable; dogma; doubt; earth; egoism; elevation; end; enemies; english; essay; europe; evil; existence; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; fate; feeling; force; form; friedrich; friedrich nietzsche; friends; future; genealogy; general; german; god; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; happy; hard; hath; health; heart; higher; highest; history; human; humanity; ill; important; kind; known; leipzig; life; like; line; lion; little; long; love; man; mankind; master; means; men; mere; mighty; mind; modern; moment; moralities; morality; morals; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; new; nietzsche; noble; notions; number; old; order; particular; past; people; philosopher; philosophical; pity; place; poet; points; political; possible; power; powerful; present; prevail; principles; problem; question; regard; religion; result; right; school; schopenhauer; science; second; self; sense; short; single; sister; slave; society; sound; spake; species; spirit; spite; stendhal; step; strength; strong; struggle; student; subject; sun; things; thought; time; title; true; type; university; use; values; view; virtue; wagner; want; war; way; weak; wisdom; words; work; world; worth; years; zarathustra cache: 53260.txt plain text: 53260.txt item: #147 of 181 id: 5329 author: Dom title: PoPHILO: Popular Philosophy date: None words: 5977 flesch: 73 summary: There are times when others and events create opportunities for us. 84.There are times when changes appear to threaten our plans. keywords: age; best; calm; cause; certain; clear; common; conscience; conviction; critics; dark; demands; discretion; dommy; easy; effort; end; events; experience; fear; form; freewill; interest; it?s; know; knowing; knowledge; leave; life; matters; methods; mind; order; outcome; passion; past; peace; person; personal; physical; potential; principles; progress; purpose; rational; realise; reality; reason; sake; sanity; self; similar; state; strength; strong; things; think; thoughts; time; treasure; truth; turn; way; willing; wisdom; work; world; worth cache: 5329.txt plain text: 5329.txt item: #148 of 181 id: 53622 author: Wright, Willard Huntington title: What Nietzsche Taught date: None words: 92082 flesch: 61 summary: The broad effects which can be obtained by punishment in man and beast, are the increase of fear, the sharpening of the sense of cunning, the mastery of the desires: so it is that punishment _tames_ man, but does not make him better--it would be more correct even to go so far as to assert the contrary. Consequently_ man must be made unhappy,--this has been the argument of the priest of all ages.--You have already divined what, in accordance with such a manner of arguing, must first have come into the world:--sin.... keywords: able; absolute; abstract; accordance; account; actions; activities; activity; acts; actual; advance; age; aim; aims; analysis; ancient; animal; antichrist; aphorisms; appearance; application; argument; aristocratic; art; artist; ascetic; assumption; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; attributes; bad; basis; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believe; best; better; birth; body; book; brief; bâle; calls; capable; caption; care; cases; cast; cause; certain; change; chapter; character; child; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; class; classes; clear; close; code; command; common; community; complete; conception; concepts; conclusions; conditions; conduct; conscience; consciousness; consequence; considerable; consideration; consists; constant; constructive; contempt; contents; contrary; counter; country; courage; course; creating; critical; criticism; critics; cross; cruelty; culture; current; danger; dangerous; darwin; dawn; day; death; decadence; deeds; deep; definite; definition; degeneration; degree; demand; desire; destructive; development; devoted; different; difficult; dionysian; direct; discussion; distinction; distrust; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earlier; early; earth; ecstasy; education; effect; elements; end; enemies; energy; english; entire; equal; equality; error; essays; essential; established; eternal; ethical; ethics; event; evidence; evil; example; exception; excerpts; existence; experience; explanation; expression; extent; eyes; fact; faith; false; familiar; family; famous; fashion; fate; father; favour; fear; feeling; final; following; folly; force; form; foundation; fourth; free; freedom; friedrich; friedrich nietzsche; friends; friendship; fundamental; future; genealogy; general; german; goal; god; good; good man; goodness; gospel; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; growth; guilt; hand; happiness; hard; hate; hath; hatred; health; heart; heaven; herd; higher; higher man; highest; history; hitherto; holy; home; honour; hope; human; humanity; hypothesis; ideal; idols; imaginary; immoral; important; impulse; increase; independent; individual; influence; inner; instance; instincts; institutions; intellectual; interest; interpretations; introduction; jewish; joyful; judgment; justice; knowledge; labour; lacking; language; large; later; laughter; law; laws; leipzig; level; lies; life; like; lion; little; living; long; longer; look; love; ludovici; main; majority; man; mankind; manner; marked; marriage; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; mediocre; men; mere; metaphysical; methods; mind; modern; moment; morality; morals; mother; motives; movement; music; nations; natural; nature; naumburg; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; nietzsche; nihilism; nobility; noble; non; notes; notion; number; numerous; obedience; object; old; ones; opinions; opposed; opposite; order; organic; origin; original; outcome; pages; pain; paragraphs; particular; parts; passages; passions; past; paul; people; perfect; period; personal; pessimism; phase; phenomena; philologist; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physiological; pity; place; pleasure; points; political; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; praise; prejudices; present; preservation; previous; priest; primitive; principal; principle; problem; process; profound; progress; property; psychological; psychology; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; question; quotations; race; racial; rank; reader; reading; reality; reason; reasoning; recurrence; regard; related; relation; relationship; relative; religion; religious; research; respect; result; return; revenge; reverence; right; rise; rule; sacrifice; salvation; scale; school; schopenhauer; scientific; second; section; self; sense; series; service; set; shame; short; sick; significance; similar; sin; single; sister; slave; slavery; small; social; socialism; society; soul; source; spake; species; specific; spirit; state; statement; step; strength; strives; strong; stronger; struggle; student; study; style; subject; suffering; superficial; superior; superman; sympathy; system; task; taste; teachings; tendency; terms; terrible; thee; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; thy; time; time nietzsche; tradition; true; truth; turn; twilight; type; ultimate; understand; understanding; universal; universe; university; useful; utility; valuable; valuations; values; vanity; victory; view; virtue; volume; wagner; want; war; way; weak; weakness; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; writings; wrong; years; young; zarathustra cache: 53622.txt plain text: 53622.txt item: #149 of 181 id: 53791 author: Hume, David title: Philosophical Works, v. 1 (of 4) Including All the Essays, and Exhibiting the More Important Alterations and Corrections in the Successive Editions Published by the Author date: None words: 130705 flesch: 55 summary: We shall briefly examine each of these in order, and shall subjoin some considerations concerning our _general_ and _particular_ ideas, before we leave the present subject, which may be considered as the elements of this philosophy. A very material question has been started concerning _abstract_ or _general_ ideas, _whether they be general or particular in the mind's conception of them_. keywords: able; abstract; absurd; absurdity; account; accustomed; acquainted; actions; addition; admit; advantage; affair; affirm; agreeable; answer; appearance; apt; argument; arrive; assent; assurance; attention; attribute; authority; belief; betwixt; bodies; body; capable; capacity; cases; causation; cause; certain; certainty; chain; chances; change; character; circumstances; clear; colour; common; comparison; complex; composition; conception; conclude; conclusion; conduct; conjunction; connected; connexion; consequence; considerable; consideration; consists; constant; contiguity; contiguous; continued; contradiction; contrariety; contrary; conversation; conviction; correspondent; country; course; custom; davenport; david; day; dear; definition; degree; demonstration; desire; determination; determined; different; difficulties; difficulty; disposition; distance; distant; distinct; distinct idea; distinction; distinguishable; doctrine; doubt; duration; easy; edinburgh; edition; effect; efficacy; endeavour; endowed; enemies; england; english; entire; equal; error; essays; essence; essential; established; event; evidence; evident; exact; examination; examine; existence; existent; experience; experiments; extended; extension; external; extraordinary; eye; eyes; fact; faculties; faculty; fall; false; fancy; farther; feeling; fiction; figure; fire; following; follows; force; foregoing; form; foundation; frequent; friends; friendship; future; general; genius; good; great; greater; greatest; habit; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; history; hope; house; human; hume; hypothesis; idea; identity; images; imagination; immediate; impossible; impression; impulse; independent; indivisible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; inquiry; instances; internal; interruption; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; leave; left; length; letter; life; like; line; little; lively; london; long; longer; look; lord; mankind; manner; matter; maxim; meaning; means; measure; memory; mere; method; mind; minute; moment; moral; motion; mr hume; mr rousseau; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; number; objections; objects; observation; obvious; occasion; ones; operation; opinion; order; original; pains; paper; particular; parts; passions; past; peculiar; people; perceptions; perfect; person; personal; phenomenon; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; piece; place; plain; pleasure; points; possessed; possibility; pounds; power; precedent; precise; present; present impression; principles; probability; proceeds; proof; propensity; proper; proportion; public; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; real; reality; reason; reasoning; received; reflection; regard; related; relation; remains; remarkable; repetition; requisite; resemblance; resembling; respect; rest; return; right; rise; rousseau; rules; run; said; satisfaction; satisfactory; scarce; science; second; secret; section; self; sensation; senses; sensible; sentiments; separable; separate; set; short; sides; similar; simple; simplicity; single; sir; situation; small; solidity; soul; space; speaking; species; standard; state; strong; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; superior; supposition; surface; survey; system; tangible; taste; terms; thing; thinking; thought; time; tis; tis certain; tis evident; tis impossible; touch; transition; true; truth; turn; twill; uncertain; understanding; uninterrupted; union; united; universe; unknown; usual; utmost; vacuum; variation; view; vivacity; viz; vulgar; way; words; world; years cache: 53791.txt plain text: 53791.txt item: #150 of 181 id: 53792 author: Hume, David title: Philosophical Works, v. 2 (of 4) Including All the Essays, and Exhibiting the More Important Alterations and Corrections in the Successive Editions Published by the Author date: None words: 160751 flesch: 54 summary: Of this nature are constancy, fortitude, magnanimity; and, in short, all the qualities which form the _great_ man. In order to this, we must first show the correspondence of _passions_ in men and animals, and afterwards compare the _causes_, which produce these passions. keywords: abstract; absurd; account; acquaintance; actions; actuated; additional; advantage; advantageous; affairs; affected; affections; affirm; ages; agreeable; allegiance; alteration; analogy; ancient; anger; animal; answer; appearance; appetite; approach; approbation; apt; argument; arise; artifice; artificial; attention; attributes; authority; aversion; bear; beautiful; beauty; belief; benevolence; better; betwixt; blame; bodies; body; book; calm; capable; care; cases; cause; certain; change; character; children; choice; circumstances; civil; cleanthes; clear; commerce; common; company; comparison; complete; conception; concern; conclusion; condition; conduct; confined; conjunction; connected; connexion; consent; consequences; considerable; consideration; constant; constitution; contempt; contiguity; contiguous; continued; contradiction; contrariety; contrary; contrivance; conventions; conversation; country; courage; course; creatures; curious; custom; dangerous; deformity; degree; deity; demea; depend; design; desire; determined; different; difficulties; difficulty; direct; direction; disagreeable; discovery; disposition; dispute; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; divine; doctrine; double; doubt; duties; duty; easy; economy; education; effect; emotion; endeavour; endowed; enjoyment; entire; envy; equal; essence; essential; established; esteem; esteemed; event; evidence; evident; evil; examination; excite; existence; existent; experience; experiment; explication; external; extraordinary; eyes; facility; faculties; faculty; fall; false; falsehood; family; fancy; farther; favour; fear; feeling; fix; following; follows; footing; force; foregoing; form; fortune; foundation; free; friend; future; general; generation; gives; giving; god; good; government; great; greater; greatest; grief; hand; happiness; hatred; head; history; honour; hope; house; human; human mind; human nature; humility; hypothesis; ideas; ill; imagination; immediate; imperfect; importance; impossible; impressions; impulse; inclination; increase; independent; individual; infer; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; injustice; instances; intelligence; intelligible; intention; interest; internal; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; language; laws; liberty; lie; lies; life; like; limited; little; lively; long; longer; love; making; malice; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mere; merit; method; mind; misery; mixture; moment; moral; morality; motive; mutual; narrow; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notion; number; obedience; object; objections; obligation; observance; observation; obvious; occasion; operation; opinion; opposite; opposition; order; original; pain; particular; parts; passage; passions; past; peculiar; people; perceptions; perfect; performance; person; phenomenon; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; pity; place; pleased; pleasure; point; possession; power; powerful; practice; praise; present; pride; principal; principles; private; probability; probable; proceeds; produce; producing; promises; proof; propensity; property; proportion; proprietor; public; purpose; qualities; quality; question; rational; reach; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; recourse; reflection; regard; regarded; related; relation; religion; religious; remarkable; remedy; remote; removal; requisite; resemblance; resembles; resembling; respect; riches; right; rules; satisfaction; scepticism; science; second; section; security; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sentiments; separate; set; share; short; signs; similar; simple; single; situation; small; society; soul; source; space; species; spirits; stability; state; strangers; strength; strong; stronger; subject; succession; sufficient; suitable; superior; superiority; support; supposing; supreme; survey; susceptible; sympathy; system; temper; tendency; terms; theory; thing; thinking; thought; time; tis; tis certain; tis evident; tis impossible; tis natural; title; transition; true; truth; turn; twill; uncertainty; understanding; uneasiness; uneasy; union; united; universal; universe; unknown; useful; usual; utility; utmost; vain; value; vanity; variation; variety; vice; vicious; view; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; vivacity; viz; vulgar; want; war; way; wit; words; world cache: 53792.txt plain text: 53792.txt item: #151 of 181 id: 54860 author: Piccoli, Raffaello title: Benedetto Croce: An Introduction to His Philosophy date: None words: 77944 flesch: 38 summary: The ultimate test of the validity of æsthetic thought is in its capacity to expand our sphere of æsthetic apprehension; and pure æsthetics is but the methodological moment of æsthetic history or criticism. CRITICISM AND HISTORY Beyond the system--The universality of art--The discipline of art--Poetry, prose and oratory--Classicism and impressionism-- Practical personality and poetical personality--The monographic method in criticism--The reform of æsthetic history--Criticism as philosophy--Sensibility and intelligence. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; abstractions; accepted; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; actuality; affirmation; american; answer; apparent; arbitrary; art; artist; artistic; arts; aspect; assumed; attempt; attention; attitude; author; autonomy; beautiful; beauty; beginning; bergson; body; book; bruno; case; categories; category; centuries; century; certain; change; chapter; character; classes; classical; clear; come; common; complete; complex; conceivable; concept; conception; conceptual; concrete; concreteness; conditions; confusion; consciousness; consideration; constant; contact; contemporary; contemporary history; content; contributo; course; creation; creative; critical; criticism; critics; croce; culture; day; dead; death; deeper; definition; della; determinations; determined; development; dialectic; different; difficulty; direct; discipline; discussion; distinction; doctrine; documents; double; duty; early; easy; economic; economic activity; education; effort; elaboration; element; empirical; end; ends; england; english; error; essays; essential; estetica; ethical; ethics; european; evil; existence; experience; exposition; expression; external; fact; faith; false; feeling; fictions; field; filosofia; final; following; footnote; form; formal; foundation; freedom; function; fundamental; general; generation; germany; good; grade; grasp; great; greatest; habits; hand; hegel; hegelian; help; higher; historical; historical thought; history; human; human activity; human spirit; human thought; ideal; idealism; identification; identity; iii; image; imagination; immediate; implicit; importance; impulse; independent; individual; individual judgment; individuality; infinite; influence; instance; instruments; intellectual; intention; interest; interpretation; intimate; intrinsic; intuition; intuitive; italian; italy; judgment; juridical; kind; knowledge; labour; labriola; language; later; law; laws; legitimate; life; light; like; limited; limits; literary; literature; little; living; logical; logical activity; longer; love; main; making; marx; material; materialism; mathematical; matter; meaning; means; meditations; mediã; mere; metaphysics; method; mind; modern; moment; moral; morality; movement; naples; national; natural; naturalism; naturalistic; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; non; number; object; obvious; old; ones; opposed; order; original; particular; passions; past; peculiar; perfect; period; perpetual; personality; philology; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; poem; poetical; poetry; point; political; positive; positivism; possible; power; practical; practical activity; pratica; prejudices; present; primi; principle; priori; problems; process; processes; production; progress; proper; proposition; pseudo; psychological; pure; purposes; quality; reach; reaction; reader; reality; reason; recent; regard; relation; religion; religious; renaissance; representation; research; result; rhetorical; rigorous; saggi; sanctis; scepticism; scholar; school; science; scientific; scientist; second; sense; series; set; similar; single; social; society; sociology; solution; soul; space; spaventa; special; speculation; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spiritual activity; stage; standards; step; sthetic activity; sthetic history; sthetic judgment; storia; structure; student; studies; study; subject; successive; synthesis; system; task; taste; technical; technique; tendency; terms; theoretical; theoretical activity; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tradition; tragedy; treatment; true; true history; truth; turn; types; typical; ultimate; unable; understanding; unity; universal; universal history; universality; universe; useful; validity; value; vico; view; vision; volition; volumes; war; way; words; work; world; writings; years; ¦ sthetic cache: 54860.txt plain text: 54860.txt item: #152 of 181 id: 55317 author: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome title: The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus A new rendering based on the Foulis translation of 1742 date: None words: 41631 flesch: 80 summary: Of what value the things are which the many account good you may judge from this: If a man has conceived certain things, such as prudence, temperance, justice, or courage, to be good in the real sense, he cannot, while he is of this mind, readily listen to the traditional gibe about a superabundance of good things. Are you then to be a fool because they are? In whatever case I had been left I could have made my fortune: for what is it to make a fortune but to confer good things upon one's self; and true good things are a worthy frame of mind, worthy impulses, worthy actions. keywords: account; action; acts; advantage; affairs; aid; aim; air; anger; angry; atoms; bad; bear; befall; beings; best; better; blood; body; book; breath; business; calm; care; case; causes; certain; change; children; citizen; common; conduct; consequence; constitution; contrary; course; day; dead; death; depart; desire; disposition; divine; divinity; duty; earth; elements; end; eternity; events; evil; external; eyes; fame; fate; fear; fellow; fire; fit; flesh; food; form; forth; fortune; free; freedom; friends; future; gain; general; glory; gods; good; good man; good things; goodness; great; greater; hand; harm; heart; help; human; hurt; ignorance; ill; indifferent; individual; intelligence; judgment; justice; kindly; knowledge; law; leisure; liberty; life; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; look; lot; love; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; means; men; mind; modesty; moment; mother; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; objects; occasion; old; opinion; order; ordered; ostentation; pain; particular; parts; passion; past; perfect; philosophy; place; pleasure; poor; power; praise; present; principles; proper; providence; public; purpose; rational; ready; reason; reasoning; regard; rest; return; right; rules; satisfied; saying; second; sense; set; short; simplicity; small; social; socrates; soul; source; special; spirit; stand; state; substance; superior; things; think; thought; time; trouble; true; truth; understanding; universal; universal nature; universe; use; vain; value; view; virtue; want; way; work; world; worse; worthy; wrong; years cache: 55317.txt plain text: 55317.txt item: #153 of 181 id: 5621 author: Cushing, Max Pearson title: Baron d'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France date: None words: 33773 flesch: 76 summary: Le la Tolérance dans la Religion, ou de la Liberté de conscience par Crellius. La description si précise et si détaillée que Moïse fait du Deluge dans la Genèse, ayant une autorité infaillible, puis qu'elle n'est autre que celle de Dieu même, nous rend certains de la réalité et de l'universalité de ce châtiment terrible. keywords: --ibid; 8vo; abbé; account; affectionate; als; amsterdam; answer; anti; appendix; approbation; atheism; auf; aug; august; aussi; author; autres; aux; avait; avoir; b. m.; b. n.; b. p.; barbier; baron; basis; beccaria; bergier; berlin; best; bibliography; bibliothèque; bien; bon; bonheur; book; boston; boulanger; brit; british; c'est; carlile; castillon; cause; celle; century; certain; ces; cette; chapter; character; charming; chemistry; chez; christianisme; chrétienne; circumstances; citoyen; clergé; collection; comme; common; company; compliments; contagion; contemporary; contre; conversation; copies; copy; correspondence; country; critica; criticism; critique; curé; d'aine; d'alembert; d'un; damilaville; dans; dans la; das; daughter; david; day; days; de diderot; de holbach; de l'allemand; de l'anglois; de la; de m.; de paris; de s.; deal; dear; death; dec; del; deluge; depuis; des; desire; deux; dictionnaire; diderot; diderot et; dieu; discours; dissertation; doit; doubt; dumarsais; dévoilé; early; edition; effets; eighteenth; encore; england; english; entire; essai; est; et de; et il; et la; etc; eugenia; examen; fact; faire; fait; famous; faut; ferney; following; form; france; française; frederick; french; friend; friendship; fut; galiani; garrick; general; german; glad; god; good; gouvernement; grand; great; greatest; grimm; hand; happiness; happy; heart; helvetius; high; histoire; history; hitherto; hobbes; holbach; holland; hope; human; humble; hume; ideas; idées; iii; il de; important; incrédules; interesting; intimate; intitulé; introduction; italian; j'ai; jacques; james; jean; john; journal de; july; june; kind; king; knowledge; l'académie; l'anglais; l'auteur; l'esprit; l'origine; l'ouvrage; la nature; la religion; la révolution; la terre; lagrange; later; latin; laws; le baron; learning; leipzig; length; les; letter; lettre; leur; leyden; lib; liberté; library; life; light; like; literary; little; littéraire; livre; london; londres; long; lord; love; lui; lxvi; m'a; m. le; madame; mais; making; malesherbes; man; manière; manuscript; marmontel; materialism; matter; mdcclxviii; mdcclxx; means; mention; meslier; mind; mines; minéralogie; mirabaud; miracles; miss; mit; mlle; mme; modern; moins; monde; morale; morellet; mss; mus; museum; mémoires; métallurgie; métaux; même; n'a; n'y; naigeon; nationale; natural; naturelle; new; news; nicht; non; nos; notes; notre; nous; nouvelle; oblig'd; oeuvres; old; opinions; order; original; ouvrage; pages; par m.; paris; pas; paul; people; peut; philosophers; philosophical; philosophiques; philosophy; physical; physique; pièces; place; pleasure; plus; point; politique; por; portative; pour; pour la; preface; present; press; principes; private; privilège; préjugés; prêtres; publication; qu'il; qu'on; que; quelque; qui; raison; rare; reason; recueil; refutations; relations; religion; religious; return; revue; rey; roi; rome; rousseau; royale; rue; règne; réflexions; révolution; s'est; sacrée; saint; salon; sans; school; sciences; scientific; second; sens; sentiments; servant; ses; set; short; sincere; sir; siècle; social; society; société; son; sont; sous; spinoza; stahl; study; style; suis; superstition; sur; sur la; system; système; terre; terrible; testament; theological; thomas; thought; théologie; time; title; titre de; toujours; tous; tout; toutes; traduit de; traité; translation; trois; trop; trouve; true; truth; très; und; une; universelle; university; uns; vertu; view; viii; vol; vols; voltaire; volume; von; vous; véritable; wallerius; way; wife; wilkes; wir; wishes; works; world; writing; xxviii; years; york; young; écrit; été; être cache: 5621.txt plain text: 5621.txt item: #154 of 181 id: 5652 author: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm title: Thoughts out of Season, Part I date: None words: 62322 flesch: 53 summary: In this respect, however, all shame has vanished--from the public as well as from the Master's mind: he is allowed, not merely to cross himself before the greatest and purest creations of German genius, as though he had perceived something godless and immoral in them, but people actually rejoice over his candid confessions and admission of sins--more particularly as he makes no mention of his own, but only of those which great men are said to have committed. And now ye presume that ye are going to be permitted, tamquam re bene gesta, to praise such men! keywords: ability; able; account; action; aesthetic; affairs; aim; ancient; answer; appeal; appearance; approach; arms; art; artist; artistic; arts; attack; attention; attitude; author; aware; bad; bayreuth; bear; beethoven; belief; believe; best; better; blessed; blind; body; book; breath; building; business; capable; care; case; certain; character; charm; christian; christianity; classical; classics; clear; comfort; coming; common; complete; concerned; confession; conscious; contemporaries; content; contrary; convinced; country; courage; course; creative; creator; creatures; cries; culture; danger; daring; david; david strauss; day; death; definite; delightful; desire; despair; development; different; difficult; direction; disraeli; distance; distress; dithyrambic; divine; doubt; dramatic; dramatist; dream; duty; earlier; earth; editor; education; effect; efforts; element; end; enemies; english; equipped; error; eternal; europe; events; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; famous; far; fear; feeble; feeling; following; forces; form; free; freedom; french; friend; future; general; generation; genius; genuine; german; german culture; glance; god; goethe; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; half; hand; happiness; haydn; heart; heaven; help; hero; hidden; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hold; home; honest; hopes; house; human; humanity; ideal; importance; individual; influence; instance; institutions; intellectual; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; known; lack; language; laws; leaves; left; lessing; life; like; literary; little; lives; living; lofty; long; look; lost; love; mankind; manner; master; matters; meaning; means; meet; men; mere; midst; mind; modern; moment; moral; morality; movement; music; musicians; mysterious; myth; narrow; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nietzsche; noble; notions; object; observer; oil; old; ones; opinion; order; original; page; pain; paper; particular; passages; passion; past; people; period; personal; philistine; philistinism; philosophers; philosophy; picture; pity; place; play; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; poor; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; praise; prepared; presence; present; problem; proper; prose; public; pure; purpose; question; race; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; regard; relation; religion; religious; respect; rest; result; return; reverse; right; ring; road; rule; sacred; salvation; satisfied; scholars; schopenhauer; science; scientific; second; secret; seeing; self; sense; sentences; set; severe; sign; silence; simple; single; skill; small; society; sorrow; sort; soul; sound; speech; spirit; spite; spoken; stamp; standard; state; strange; strauss; straussian; strength; striking; strong; stronger; struggle; student; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; superior; talent; task; taste; terms; terrible; theatres; theme; theological; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; tragic; triumph; true; truth; turn; type; unity; universe; use; value; victory; view; virtue; visible; voice; voltaire; wagner; war; water; way; weakness; wild; wish; wit; wonderful; words; work; world; worthy; wretched; writer; years; yoke; young cache: 5652.txt plain text: 5652.txt item: #155 of 181 id: 5682 author: Kant, Immanuel title: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals date: None words: 30901 flesch: 42 summary: But in the practical sphere it is just when the common understanding excludes all sensible springs from practical laws that its power of judgement begins to show itself to advantage. The ends which a rational being proposes to himself at pleasure as effects of his actions (material ends) are all only relative, for it is only their relation to the particular desires of the subject that gives them their worth, which therefore cannot furnish principles universal and necessary for all rational beings and for every volition, that is to say practical laws. keywords: able; account; acting; action; autonomy; beings; case; categorical; causality; certain; command; common; conception; condition; contradiction; contrary; desires; determined; determining; different; duties; duty; effect; empirical; end; ends; experience; feeling; find; form; freedom; general; good; hand; happiness; human; humanity; idea; imperative; inclination; influence; interest; judgement; kind; kingdom; knowledge; law; laws; life; love; man; maxim; means; member; men; mere; metaphysic; moral; moral law; morality; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; notion; object; objective; obligation; order; ought; particular; philosophy; place; point; possible; power; practical; practical law; practical principle; practical reason; principle; priori; promise; proposition; pure; pure reason; purpose; question; rational; rational beings; reason; regard; relation; respect; satisfaction; second; self; sense; speculative; subject; supreme; thing; time; true; understanding; universal; universal law; use; value; view; volition; way; world; worth cache: 5682.txt plain text: 5682.txt item: #156 of 181 id: 5683 author: Kant, Immanuel title: The Critique of Practical Reason date: None words: 63079 flesch: 34 summary: Now, here there comes in a notion of causality justified by the critique of the pure reason, although not capable of being presented empirically, viz., that of freedom; and if we can now discover means of proving that this property does in fact belong to the human will (and so to the will of all rational beings), then it will not only be shown that pure reason can be practical, but that it alone, and not reason empirically limited, is indubitably practical; consequently, we shall have to make a critical examination, not of pure practical reason, but only of practical reason generally. Now since the promotion of this summum bonum, and therefore the supposition of its possibility, are objectively necessary (though only as a result of practical reason), while at the same time the manner in which we would conceive it rests with our own choice, and in this choice a free interest of pure practical reason decides for the assumption of a wise Author of the world; it is clear that the principle that herein determines our judgement, though as a want it is subjective, yet at the same time being the means of promoting what is objectively (practically) necessary, is the foundation of a maxim of belief in a moral point of view, that is, a faith of pure practical reason. keywords: ^paragraph; able; accordance; account; acting; action; analytic; application; attribute; beings; bonum; book_1|chapter_1; case; categories; causality; causes; certain; certainty; character; choice; cognition; command; common; complete; conceit; conception; concepts; concerned; condition; conduct; connected; consciousness; consequence; contradiction; contrary; critical; critique; deduction; degree; desire; determination; determined; determining; determining principle; different; disposition; distinct; duty; effect; empirical; empiricism; employment; end; evil; examination; example; existence; experience; external; eyes; fact; faculty; feeling; finite; form; foundation; freedom; general; god; good; great; greatest; ground; hand; happiness; harmony; higher; highest; holiness; holy; hope; human; idea; immortality; inclinations; independent; influence; intellectual; intelligible; interest; internal; intuition; judgement; kind; knowledge; known; laws; legislation; life; like; limits; love; man; manner; matter; maxim; means; mechanism; mere; mind; moral law; moral principle; morality; motive; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; notion; obedience; object; objective; objective law; obligation; order; pain; perfection; person; phenomena; philosophy; physical; physical law; place; pleasure; point; positive; possibility; possible; postulate; power; practical law; practical point; practical principle; practical reason; present; principle; priori; priori law; problem; progress; proper; pure law; pure moral; pure practical; pure rational; pure reason; pure speculative; pure understanding; purity; purpose; question; rational; reality; reference; regard; relation; remark; respect; rests; result; right; rule; satisfaction; science; second; self; sense; sensible; source; special; speculative reason; subject; sufficient; summum; summum bonum; supersensible; supposed; supposition; supreme; supreme practical; system; theoretical; theoretical reason; things; thought; time; transcendent; true; unconditioned; understanding; universal; universal law; use; view; virtue; viz; want; way; wisdom; wish; world; worth cache: 5683.txt plain text: 5683.txt item: #157 of 181 id: 5684 author: Kant, Immanuel title: The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics date: None words: 13202 flesch: 51 summary: It may be asked whether metaphysical elements are required also for every practical philosophy, which is the doctrine of duties, and therefore also for Ethics, in order to be able to present it as a true science (systematically), not merely as an aggregate of separate doctrines (fragmentarily). it seems contrary to the idea of it that we should go back to metaphysical elements in order to make the notion of duty purified from everything empirical (from every feeling) a motive of action. keywords: ^paragraph; actions; case; certain; commands; condition; conscience; consciousness; constraint; contradiction; doctrine; duties; duty; effect; elective; end; ends; ethical; ethics; external; fact; feeling; formal; freedom; general; good; happiness; humanity; idea; imperative; inclinations; internal; introduction; jurisprudence; law; laws; love; man; matter; maxim; means; men; mere; mind; moral; morality; nature; notion; object; obligation; order; perfection; philosophy; physical; possible; power; practical; principle; pure; purpose; question; rational; reason; respect; self; spring; strength; subjective; thing; true; universal; vice; virtue cache: 5684.txt plain text: 5684.txt item: #158 of 181 id: 5717 author: Gunn, John Alexander title: Bergson and His Philosophy date: None words: 58774 flesch: 66 summary: M. Georges Dwelshauvers criticized Bergson's views in his articles-- Raison et Intuition, étude sur la philosophie de M. Bergson, in La Belgique artistique et litteraire, Nov.-Dec., 1905, and April, 1906. Etudes sur la philosophie de Bergson, 1906. FARGES. keywords: 1902; 1911; 1912; absolute; account; action; activity; address; alcan; allen; american; analysis; animal; anti; april; article; attempt; attention; aware; bergson; better; bibliography; body; book; brain; bulletin; cambridge; capable; carr; case; catholic; centres; cerebral; certain; change; changement; chapter; character; clear; collected; college; common; conception; concepts; conditions; congress; connexion; conscience; consciousness; consideration; contrary; course; creation; creative; creative evolution; creatrice; criticism; current; dans; data; date; day; de bergson; de la; de m.; dec; definite; degree; des; determined; determinism; developed; development; different; difficult; direction; distinct; distinction; divine; doctrine; donnees; doubt; dreams; duration; duree; early; effort; elements; ends; energy; england; english; essai; essays; essence; et la; eternity; ethical; ethics; evolution; evolutionary; example; existence; experience; expression; external; fact; false; feb; feeling; following; footnote; force; form; francaise; france; free; freedom; french; function; fundamental; future; general; german; god; good; grasp; great; greater; habit; hand; heart; help; henri bergson; hibbert; higher; history; hold; homogeneous; human; humanity; hypothesis; idea; idealism; images; immediate; immobility; implications; important; impulse; independent; individual; indivisible; influence; instinct; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interesting; international; introduction; intuition; intuitive; james; jan; journal; july; june; kant; kind; knowledge; known; l'academie; l'ame; l'energie; language; large; later; laughter; lectures; les; liberty; life; light; like; line; literature; little; living; london; long; macmillan; man; march; material; matiere; matter; meaning; means; measure; medium; memoire; memories; memory; mere; metaphysics; metaphysique; methods; mind; modern; moment; morale; motor; movement; moving; multiplicity; nature; necessary; need; new; notion; nov; number; object; oct; old; oneself; open; opposed; order; original; ouvrage; oxford; pages; paper; parallelism; paris; particular; passing; past; perception; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophique; philosophy; physical; place; point; political; politiques; position; possible; power; practical; preface; present; press; principle; problems; process; professor; professor bergson; progress; psychical; psychological; psychology; pure; purpose; quality; question; qui; rapport; ravaisson; realism; reality; realm; reason; recognition; recollections; reference; regard; relation; religion; religious; remarks; representation; result; review; revue; rise; russell; science; scientific; seances; second; section; self; sensation; sense; sept; series; set; short; shows; simple; situation; social; society; solution; soul; space; spatial; special; spirit; spiritual; spirituelle; statement; states; static; strike; studies; study; style; subject; subtle; sur; sympathy; syndicalism; system; tendencies; terms; theological; theology; theory; things; thinker; thought; time; title; translation; true; truth; type; une; unity; universe; university; unwin; use; useful; valuable; value; view; vision; vital; volume; war; way; william; words; work; world; writings; years; york cache: 5717.txt plain text: 5717.txt item: #159 of 181 id: 5827 author: Russell, Bertrand title: The Problems of Philosophy date: None words: 43323 flesch: 62 summary: Thus according to the philosophers before Kant, the law of contradiction, which asserts that nothing can at the same time have and not have a certain property, sufficed to establish the truth of all _a priori_ knowledge. We will, in the next chapter, consider briefly what may be said to account for such knowledge, and what is its scope and its degree of certainty. keywords: account; acquaintance; actual; answer; applies; argument; aware; belief; believing; berkeley; body; case; cassio; certain; certainty; chapter; colour; common; complex; connexion; contradiction; course; data; datum; definite; definition; degree; description; desdemona; different; difficult; doubt; error; evidence; evident; example; existence; exists; experience; fact; false; falsehood; form; future; general; good; great; ideas; immediate; important; independent; induction; inductive; instance; intuitive; involved; judgement; kant; kind; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; light; like; logic; logical; long; look; loves; man; matter; means; memory; mental; mere; mind; mortal; motion; nature; necessary; number; object; order; othello; particular; parts; past; people; person; philosophers; philosophy; physical; point; possible; present; principle; priori; private; probability; probable; property; proposition; question; real; reason; red; regard; relation; result; science; seeing; self; sensations; sense; shape; similar; single; sort; space; subject; sun; table; terms; theory; things; thought; time; tree; true; truth; universals; universe; value; view; way; whiteness; world cache: 5827.txt plain text: 5827.txt item: #160 of 181 id: 58559 author: Smith, Adam title: The Essays of Adam Smith date: None words: 243494 flesch: 53 summary: Should some more humble, though, perhaps, much nearer kinsman, presume to put such great men in mind of his relation to their family, they seldom fail to tell him that they are bad genealogists, and miserably ill-informed concerning their own family history. In quiet and peaceable times, when the storm is at a distance, the prince, or great man, wishes only to be amused, and is even apt to fancy that he has scarce any occasion for the service of any body, or that those who amuse him are sufficiently able to serve him. keywords: abstract; absurd; accident; accord; account; accuracy; accurate; accustomed; acquainted; acting; action; active; acts; actual; adjective; admiration; admired; admit; advantage; affected; affections; affinity; agent; ages; agreeable; air; ambition; amiable; analogy; ancient; animals; animated; antecedent; anxiety; anxious; appearances; appears; applause; application; approach; approbation; approved; apt; aristotle; arrangement; assistance; astronomers; astronomy; attempt; attention; author; authority; aversion; axis; bad; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behaviour; beings; benefactor; beneficence; benefit; benevolence; best; bestows; better; betwixt; blamable; blame; bodies; bodily; body; breast; brethren; business; calamity; calls; capable; care; case; causes; celestial; censure; centre; certain; chain; change; character; child; children; choice; cicero; circle; circular; circumstances; civil; class; cold; colours; command; common; companions; company; comparison; compassion; complete; complex; composition; conceive; conceiving; concerned; condition; conduct; confidence; confusion; conjugations; connected; connection; consciousness; consequence; considerable; consideration; consist; constitution; contempt; contemptible; contented; continual; contrary; conveniency; conversation; copernicus; correct; correspondence; countenance; countries; country; course; crime; custom; dance; dancing; danger; day; deal; death; declensions; defect; deformity; degree; deity; delicate; demerit; denote; design; desire; despise; determined; different; difficulty; dignity; diminish; direction; disagreeable; disapprobation; discourse; disjointed; disorder; disposed; disposition; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguish; distress; disturb; diurnal; divided; divine; doctrine; double; doubt; dreadful; duties; duty; early; earth; ease; easy; education; effect; effort; elements; eloquence; emotions; end; endeavour; enemies; enemy; english; enjoy; enjoyment; entire; envy; epicycles; equal; essence; essential; established; esteem; events; evident; evil; exact; example; excessive; excite; exciting; exertion; existence; experience; express; expression; exquisite; extensive; external; extraordinary; extravagant; eye; eyes; faculties; faculty; fall; falsehood; familiar; family; fancy; fashion; father; favour; fear; feeling; fellow; figure; fire; firmness; folly; force; form; fortune; foundation; french; friends; friendship; frivolous; furious; gaiety; gay; general; generosity; generous; glory; god; gods; good; government; grace; gratification; gratitude; gravity; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; grief; guilty; habits; habitual; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hatred; having; head; health; heart; heavenly; heavens; heroic; highest; hipparchus; history; home; honour; hope; horror; house; human; human nature; humanity; humble; humour; hurt; hypothesis; idea; ignorance; iii; imagination; imitated; imitating; imitation; imitative; immediate; immense; impartial; imperfect; importance; impressed; improper; incapable; increase; independent; indignation; individual; indulgence; industry; inferior; infinite; influence; ingenious; injuries; injury; injustice; innocent; instrumental; interest; interesting; interval; invention; invisible; irregular; italian; joy; judge; judgment; jupiter; justice; kepler; kindness; knowledge; known; language; latin; laws; lay; lead; learned; left; levity; life; light; like; likely; line; little; lives; long; longer; look; looking; loss; love; machine; magnanimity; man; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; measure; melancholy; melody; members; memory; mere; merit; metaphysical; middle; mind; miserable; misery; misfortune; moderate; modern; moment; mood; moon; moral; morality; motion; motives; movement; multitude; music; mutual; names; nations; natural; nature; near; nearest; necessary; necessity; neglect; neighbour; new; noble; notice; nouns; number; objects; observation; observes; obvious; occasions; odious; offensive; offices; old; ones; open; opera; opinion; opportunity; opposite; orbits; order; ordinary; organ; original; pain; painful; painting; parents; particular; parts; passions; passive; past; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; period; periodical; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; picture; piece; place; planets; plato; pleased; pleasure; poetry; point; positive; possess; possible; poverty; power; practice; praise; precise; precision; prepositions; presence; present; preservation; pressure; pride; principal; principle; private; probability; probable; produce; profession; progress; prompt; proper; proportion; propriety; prosperity; proud; prudence; ptolemy; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; rank; real; reality; reason; regard; regarded; regular; relation; relative; religion; remote; renders; represented; reputation; requires; resemblance; resentment; respect; respectable; revenge; reverence; revolutions; revolve; rhyme; rich; ridiculous; room; round; rules; sacred; safety; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; scarce; school; science; second; security; seeing; self; selfish; sensation; sense; sensibility; sensible; sentiments; separate; set; shame; similar; simple; single; singular; situation; small; smaller; smallest; social; society; soever; sole; solid; song; sorrow; sort; soul; sounds; source; species; specific; spectator; sphere; spirit; splendid; stand; stars; state; station; statuary; stoics; strength; strong; strongest; study; subject; subsist; substance; substantive; succession; sufferer; suffers; sufficient; suitable; sun; superior; superiority; supply; support; supposed; supposing; surface; surprise; syllable; sympathetic; sympathy; system; talents; tangible; taste; temper; tendency; termination; theory; things; think; thought; time; tranquillity; true; truth; turn; understanding; unfortunate; universal; universe; unjust; use; useful; usual; utility; utmost; vain; value; vanity; variation; variety; verbs; vice; vicious; view; violation; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; want; war; water; way; weakness; willing; wisdom; wise; wishes; wonder; words; work; world; worthiness; worthy; wrong; years; young; youth cache: 58559.txt plain text: 58559.txt item: #161 of 181 id: 59 author: Descartes, René title: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences date: None words: 23065 flesch: 12 summary: I was disposed straightway to search for other truths and when I had represented to myself the object of the geometers, which I conceived to be a continuous body or a space indefinitely extended in length, breadth, and height or depth, divisible into divers parts which admit of different figures and sizes, and of being moved or transposed in all manner of ways (for all this the geometers suppose to be in the object they contemplate), I went over some of their simplest demonstrations. But since that time other reasons have occurred to me, by which I have been led to change my opinion, and to think that I ought indeed to go on committing to writing all the results which I deemed of any moment, as soon as I should have tested their truth, and to bestow the same care upon them as I would have done had it been my design to publish them. keywords: able; account; arteries; artery; best; better; blood; bodies; body; capable; causes; cavity; certain; circumstance; clear; conduct; contrary; course; demonstrations; design; desire; different; difficulties; difficulty; doubt; earth; end; equal; error; examination; example; existence; experience; experiments; false; fine; general; god; good; greater; greatest; ground; hand; heart; human; ideas; ignorant; judgment; knowledge; laws; life; light; like; little; manner; matter; means; men; method; mind; motion; nature; necessary; new; objects; opinions; order; organs; particular; parts; perfect; perfection; philosophy; place; possible; power; present; principles; proceed; public; reach; reason; reasonings; rules; sciences; sense; single; soul; stars; state; study; subject; sufficient; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; useful; vein; view; way; world; years cache: 59.txt plain text: 59.txt item: #162 of 181 id: 6920 author: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome title: Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius date: None words: 59834 flesch: 72 summary: Achilles tells Priam that Zeus has two casks, one filled with good things, and the other with bad, and that he gives to men out of each according to his pleasure; and so we must be content, for we cannot alter the will of Zeus. He added that no notice must be taken of anonymous informations, for such things were of bad example. keywords: a.d; able; act; action; activity; acts; air; anger; angry; animal; antoninus; bad; bear; beautiful; best; better; blame; bodies; body; book; breath; care; cause; certain; change; character; children; christians; common; community; condition; conformable; constitution; content; contrary; course; day; dead; death; deity; depart; desire; didst; difference; disposition; dissolution; divine; divinity; dost; dost thou; duty; earth; elements; emperor; end; endure; epictetus; evil; existence; experience; external; eyes; fact; faculty; fall; fame; father; fault; fear; fixed; flesh; form; free; freedom; friends; future; general; gods; good; good man; government; great; hand; harm; hast; help; human; ignorance; indifferent; intelligence; interest; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; labor; law; lie; life; like; little; lives; living; longer; look; love; man; manner; material; matter; means; men; mind; mother; movement; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notion; object; occasion; old; opinion; order; pain; parts; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; philosophy; pius; place; pleasure; political; poor; portion; possible; power; praise; present; principles; proper; providence; purpose; rational; ready; real; reason; religion; reputation; requires; respect; rest; return; reverence; right; roman; rome; rules; ruling; sake; satisfied; saying; says; sense; short; simple; small; social; society; socrates; soul; state; stoic; substance; sufficient; superior; teachers; thee; things; think; thou; thou art; thou canst; thou wilt; thoughts; thy; time; tranquillity; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; universal; universal nature; universe; use; useful; value; verus; vexed; vii; viii; virtue; want; water; way; wish; words; work; world; worse; worth; wrong; years; young cache: 6920.txt plain text: 6920.txt item: #163 of 181 id: 7495 author: Lutz, Henry F. (Henry Frey) title: To Infidelity and Back date: None words: 51506 flesch: 69 summary: 42:16. Slight tastes of philosophy may perchance move one to atheism, but fuller draughts lead back to religion--Lord Bacon CINCINNATI, OHIO 1911 DEDICATION To the sacred memory of the pioneers of the great Restoration Movement of the nineteenth century, who forsook the religious associations of a lifetime and cheerfully endured poverty, persecution and every hardship in their endeavor to restore Christian union on the primitive gospel, and who held forth a beacon-light that helped me to find the truth in its simplicity as it is in Christ Jesus. In the ship, religion; pole-star, faith in God; rudder, free will; compass, conscience; sextant, rationalism and experience; anchor, hope; guiding chart, creeds and opinions of men vs. the Word of God; pilot, Jesus Christ. keywords: able; acts; ages; america; answer; apostles; army; attention; authority; bad; baptism; baptize; baptizoo; beginning; belief; best; better; bible; blind; bodies; body; book; catholic; cause; century; certain; change; chapter; character; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; claim; classes; clear; coming; commandments; conclusion; conditions; conscience; conscientious; cor; country; course; creeds; cure; darkness; day; death; devout; differences; different; disciples; divided; divine; divisions; doctrines; doubt; duty; early; earth; education; effect; effort; end; england; english; entire; eph; error; eternal; evil; example; experience; fact; faculties; faith; false; father; feelings; fields; finite; followers; following; form; free; general; glory; god; good; gospel; great; greatest; greek; guide; hand; head; heart; heaven; heb; help; hereditary; highest; history; hold; holy; honest; hope; human; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; immerse; immersion; important; individual; infallible; infidelity; intellect; intellectual; investigation; jesus; jesus christ; jews; john; joy; judgment; kingdom; knowledge; language; large; law; lay; leaders; leading; liberal; life; like; line; little; local; logical; long; look; lord; love; luke; man; mark; material; matter; meaning; means; medicine; members; mental; mere; message; method; mind; ministry; modern; moral; movement; names; nations; nature; necessary; need; new; new testament; number; officers; old; opinion; order; paul; people; person; pet; peter; philosophy; phrenology; place; point; political; position; possible; pouring; power; practice; prayer; preachers; prejudice; present; primary; primitive; principles; professor; progress; proper; public; purpose; question; rationalism; rationalistic; real; reason; religion; religious; restoration; result; revelation; right; rom; safe; saints; salvation; school; scriptures; sectarian; sectarianism; self; sense; service; simple; sinners; sins; small; soul; specific; spirit; spiritual; sprinkle; sprinkling; strong; study; subject; system; teaching; testament; testimony; theology; theory; things; think; thought; time; true; truth; turn; union; unitarianism; united; unity; walk; want; water; way; word; work; working; wrong; years; young cache: 7495.txt plain text: 7495.txt item: #164 of 181 id: 7514 author: Stock, St. George William Joseph title: A Guide to Stoicism date: None words: 17921 flesch: 68 summary: Good men are always happy and bad men always miserable. The sole condition of communion with gods and good men was the possession of a certain frame of mind, which might belong equally to a gentleman, to a freedman, or to a slave. keywords: accordance; act; air; animal; aristotle; assent; bad; better; bodies; body; cause; certain; change; choice; chrysippus; cicero; city; cleanthes; common; comprehension; cosmos; day; death; definition; dialectic; division; doctrine; earth; elements; end; ethic; evil; existence; fire; fool; form; free; god; gods; good; good man; great; greeks; hand; happiness; happy; health; highest; human; idea; impression; impulse; indifferent; intellect; justice; kind; knowledge; law; liar; life; like; logic; man; matter; meaning; men; mere; mind; moral; natural; nature; object; opinions; order; origin; paradox; parts; passions; perfect; phantasy; philosophy; physical; physics; place; plato; point; power; preferred; primary; principle; propriety; providence; qualities; question; rational; reason; regard; rest; rhetoric; right; rome; sage; school; self; seneca; sense; socrates; soul; spirit; state; stoicism; stoics; subject; teaching; term; things; thought; time; true; truth; universe; vice; view; virtue; void; water; way; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; young; zeno cache: 7514.txt plain text: 7514.txt item: #165 of 181 id: 8438 author: Aristotle title: The Ethics of Aristotle date: None words: 114254 flesch: 58 summary: Yet people in general do not perform these actions, but taking refuge in talk they flatter themselves they are philosophising, and that they will so be good men: acting in truth very like those sick people who listen to the doctor with great attention but do nothing that he tells them: just as these then cannot be well bodily under such a course of treatment, so neither can those be mentally by such philosophising. [Sidenote:1124a] Honour then and dishonour are specially the object-matter of the Great-minded man: and at such as is great, and given by good men, he will be pleased moderately as getting his own, or perhaps somewhat less for no honour can be quite adequate to perfect virtue: but still he will accept this because they have nothing higher to give him. keywords: absence; abstract; absurd; accordance; account; acting; actions; activity; acts; actual; addition; advantage; affection; agent; aim; aims; anger; angry; animals; apt; argument; aristotle; bad man; base; bear; belongs; best; better; better man; bishop; blame; blessed; bodily; body; book; brave man; butler; capable; care; case; causes; certain; chance; chap; chapter; character; characteristic; chief good; children; choice; choiceworthy; circumstances; class; clear; common; community; compare; complete; compulsion; conceive; concerned; conclusion; condition; conduct; connected; connection; constitute; content; contrary; control; courage; course; custom; dealing; death; defect; deficient; definite; definition; degree; deliberate; deliberation; desire; destitute; details; determined; different; difficulty; direct; direction; discipline; discussion; disgraceful; disposed; distinct; distinction; easy; effect; entitled; equal; equality; equitable; ethics; evil; excellence; excess; excessive; exchange; exercise; existence; experience; extensive; external; extremes; fact; faculties; faculty; fall; father; fault; fear; feeling; final; follow; following; fond; food; form; fortune; friendship; gain; general; giving; good character; good counsel; good man; good moral; good reason; good state; good things; goodness; goods; grasping; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; habits; hand; happiness; happy man; having; higher; highest; hold; homer; honour; honourable; human; i.e.; idea; identical; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; imperfect; imperfect self; important; impression; independent; individual; injustice; inquiry; instance; intellectual; intercourse; intuition; judge; justice; kind; kindly; kindness; knowing; knowledge; known; law; laws; leave; liberal man; liberality; life; like; line; little; look; loss; love; lust; magnificent man; making; man destitute; manner; mass; mastery; matter; mean; mean state; meaning; measure; men; mental; mere; minded man; minor; moment; money; moral; moral action; moral choice; moral state; moral virtue; motive; movement; natural; nature; necessary; need; noble; notion; number; object; obvious; old; ones; operation; opinion; opposed; order; origination; pain; pained; painful; parents; particular; parties; parts; passage; passion; peculiar; people; perception; perfected; perfected self; person; philosophy; place; pleasant; pleased; pleasurable; pleasure; point; political; position; positive; possession; possible; power; practical; practice; praise; praiseworthy; precious; present; principle; prior; process; produce; profit; profitable; proof; proper; property; proportion; proportionate; province; public; purpose; pursue; question; rational; real; reason; reasoning; receiving; reference; regard; related; relation; relative; resemblance; respect; rest; result; right; right reason; rightness; rule; run; sake; saying; science; scientific; second; secure; self; sense; sentiment; separate; set; share; short; sidenote; similar; small; social; society; soul; sources; special; species; spirit; state; statement; strict; strong; subject; sufficient; superior; supposed; taste; term; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; unequal; universal; unjust; unjust man; use; useful; value; vice; view; vii; viii; virtue; voluntary; want; war; way; ways; wealth; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; words; working; wrong; young cache: 8438.txt plain text: 8438.txt item: #166 of 181 id: 8909 author: Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d' title: The System of Nature, or, the Laws of the Moral and Physical World. Volume 1 date: None words: 121781 flesch: 39 summary: There is, therefore, every reason to believe that it is entirely in the brain, that consists the difference, that is found not only between man and beasts, but also between the man of wit, and the fool: between the thinking man, and he who is ignorant; between the man of sound understanding, and the madman: a multitude of experience, serves to prove, that those persons who are most accustomed to use their intellectual faculties, have their brain more extended than others: the same has been remarked of watermen, that they have arms much longer than other men. If, then, the will and the actions of this individual have an influence over a great number of other men, here is the moral world in a state of the greatest combustion, and those consequences ensue which man contemplates with fearful wonder. keywords: able; account; accustomed; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; advantages; agency; agent; agreeable; aid; air; aliments; analogous; analogy; animals; assistance; associates; association; attention; attraction; authority; bad; basis; beings; beneficial; benefits; better; birth; blind; blood; bodies; body; brain; calculated; calls; capable; capacity; causes; cease; certain; chain; change; chap; chiefs; children; chimeras; circumstances; citizens; combinations; combined; common; communicated; competent; complicated; condition; conduct; conformable; conformation; conformity; confusion; connected; connection; consent; consequence; conservation; constant; continual; contrary; convinced; country; courage; course; crime; criminal; dangerous; day; dead; death; degrees; depend; deprived; desire; desirous; despair; destiny; destitute; determined; different; difficulty; direction; disposed; dispositions; dissolution; distinct; distinguished; disturbed; diversity; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; durable; duration; duties; earth; easy; education; effects; efforts; elements; end; energies; energy; enlightened; entire; error; essence; esteem; eternal; evidence; evident; evil; example; excited; exercise; existence; experience; extent; exterior; eyes; facility; fact; faculties; faculty; fall; false; fatal; fear; feeble; feeling; felicity; fellow; fellow man; fire; flow; folly; force; form; foundation; free; fruit; functions; future; general; globe; gods; good; government; great; greater; greatest; habit; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; heaven; honest man; hope; human; hypothesis; ideas; igneous; ignorance; ignorant; imaginary; imagination; immortality; impossible; impressions; impulse; incapable; independent; individual; industry; inert; infancy; infinity; influence; inherent; injurious; injustice; innate; instant; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interior; invariable; invisible; irrational; judge; judgment; justice; knowledge; known; labour; laws; liberty; life; like; little; lively; lives; living; longer; love; machine; man; mankind; manner; marked; marvellous; mass; material; matter; means; mechanism; melancholy; members; memory; men; merit; mind; miserable; misery; mode; modifications; moment; moral man; morals; motion; motives; moves; multitude; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; nerves; new; number; objects; obstacles; occasion; opinions; opposed; order; organization; organized; organs; origin; pain; painful; particles; particular; parts; passions; peculiar; people; perceptions; permanent; phenomena; philosophers; physical; place; play; pleasure; point; political; politics; portion; possess; power; powerful; prejudices; prejudicial; present; preservation; pretended; primitive; principles; procure; produce; production; propensities; properties; property; proportion; public; punishment; qualities; quality; race; real; reason; reasonable; received; reflection; regard; regulated; relations; religion; remains; remedies; remorse; reply; repose; requisite; respect; result; riches; right; road; science; seeing; self; sensations; senses; sensibility; sensible; sentiments; series; set; shewn; short; similar; simple; single; small; societies; society; solid; soul; sound; source; sovereign; species; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spring; state; stone; strong; subject; subsist; substance; sufficient; suitable; supernatural; superstition; susceptible; system; talents; temperament; tendency; terrible; terrors; thee; thing; thinking; thou; thought; time; transitory; true; truth; turn; understanding; unhappy; united; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; useful; useless; utility; vain; variety; vice; vicious; view; violent; virtue; virtuous; virtuous man; visible; want; water; weak; welfare; wicked; willing; wills; wise; words; work; world cache: 8909.txt plain text: 8909.txt item: #167 of 181 id: 8910 author: Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d' title: The System of Nature, or, the Laws of the Moral and Physical World. Volume 2 date: None words: 138002 flesch: 37 summary: Every thing proves to us, that it is not out of nature man ought to seek the Divinity. Nevertheless, if the Divinity be incomprehensible, It would not be straining a point beyond its tension, to conclude that a priest, or metaphysician, did not comprehend him better than other men: it is not, perhaps, either the wisest or the surest way to become acquainted with him, to represent him to ourselves, by the imagination of a theologian. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; absurd; account; accustomed; acknowledged; acquainted; act; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; admiration; advantage; advantageous; agent; ages; agreeable; aid; alarm; altars; analogous; argument; assemblage; assistance; atheist; attempt; attention; attributes; authority; bad; basis; behold; beings; benefits; benevolence; best; better; birth; blind; blind man; blood; bodies; body; bosom; brain; calamities; calculated; calls; capable; capacity; capricious; causes; cease; ceremonies; certain; change; chap; character; children; chimeras; chimerical; circumstances; citizens; clarke; clear; clothe; colours; combinations; common; competent; complete; comprehension; conception; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; confusion; consent; consequence; contented; continual; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; corporeal; correct; corrupt; countries; country; courage; course; creatures; credulity; creeds; crime; criminal; cruel; dangerous; day; days; decrees; degree; deities; deity; delirium; demonstrable; demonstrated; deprive; descartes; desires; desirous; destiny; destitute; destruction; determined; devoid; different; difficult; difficulties; dint; discordant; disposed; disposition; disputes; distinct; distinguished; disturbed; divine; divinities; divinity; doctor; doctrines; doubt; dread; duties; duty; earth; easy; education; effects; efforts; elements; empire; end; endeavour; enemies; enemy; energies; energy; enlightened; enthusiasm; entire; equitable; equity; error; essence; esteem; eternal; eternity; ethics; evidence; evident; evil; examination; excite; exercise; existence; existent; exists; expect; experience; extended; extent; exterior; extravagant; eyes; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; faithful; fall; false; familiar; fanaticism; fatal; father; favour; fear; feeble; feeling; felicity; fellow; fire; fixed; flatter; follies; folly; force; form; formidable; forth; foundation; free; friends; frightful; fruit; furnishes; fury; future; general; genius; gloomy; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; habit; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hath; hatred; head; heart; heaven; history; hitherto; homage; honest; human; human mind; human nature; humanity; hypothesis; ideas; idols; ignorance; ignorant; imaginary; imagination; immateriality; immediate; immense; immutable; impenetrable; impious; importance; impossibility; impossible; imposture; impulse; incapable; incompatible; incomprehensible; inconceivable; inconsistent; independent; individual; industry; infancy; infinite; influence; inhabitants; injurious; injustice; instant; intelligence; interest; invariable; invisible; irrational; judge; judgment; justice; kindness; knowledge; known; labour; language; laws; lead; legitimate; length; liberty; life; like; limited; limits; little; living; longer; love; machine; makes; man; mankind; manner; marvellous; mass; material; matter; means; measure; men; mercy; mere; metaphysical; mind; ministers; miserable; misery; misfortunes; mode; modifications; moment; monarch; morality; mortals; motion; motives; multitude; mysteries; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; newton; notions; number; numerous; objects; obscure; obvious; occasion; occupied; operation; opinions; opposed; oracles; order; organization; organized; organs; origin; parent; particular; parts; passions; peculiar; people; perfection; permanent; perpetual; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; point; politics; portion; possess; power; powerful; prayers; prejudices; prejudicial; present; pretended; priests; primitive; princes; principles; produce; production; profound; progress; proofs; properties; proposition; public; punishments; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; real; reason; reasoning; received; reflection; regions; relations; religion; reply; repose; requisite; research; respect; result; return; reveries; revolutions; right; road; sacred; sacrifices; sanguinary; savage; science; secret; self; sensations; senses; sensible; sentiments; set; shewn; short; similar; simple; single; slaves; slender; slightest; society; sorrows; soul; sound; source; sovereign; space; species; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spring; standard; state; step; stone; strange; striking; study; subjects; substance; substantive; subtle; sufficient; suitable; sun; supernatural; superstition; superstitious man; support; supreme; systems; tears; temperament; terms; terrible; thee; theologians; theological; theology; theories; thing; thinking; thou; thought; thy; time; tremble; trouble; true; truth; turn; tyranny; tyrants; understanding; unfortunate; unhappy; uninformed; unintelligible; union; united; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; unquestionably; useful; useless; vague; vain; variety; vengeance; vices; vicious; victims; view; virtue; virtuous; voice; want; war; way; ways; weakness; welfare; wicked; willing; wisdom; wise; witness; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wrath; zeal cache: 8910.txt plain text: 8910.txt item: #168 of 181 id: 919 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics — Part 1 date: None words: 14346 flesch: 64 summary: By 'God' I mean a being absolutely infinite--that is, a substance consisting in infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality. God, or substance, consisting of infinite attributes, of which each expresses eternal and infinite essentiality, necessarily exists. keywords: absolute; absurd; act; attribute; cause; corollary; def; definition; different; divine; essence; eternal; existence; extended; follows; free; god; idea; iii; infinite; intellect; manner; men; modifications; nature; necessity; note; number; order; parts; perfection; point; power; proof; prop; q.e.d; reason; respect; substance; things; thought; vii; way; words cache: 919.txt plain text: 919.txt item: #169 of 181 id: 9199 author: Haeckel, Ernst title: Monism as Connecting Religion and Science A Man of Science date: None words: 16594 flesch: 49 summary: In like case with the charge of atheism and irreligion are those so often heard against monism, that it destroys the poetry of life and fails to satisfy the spiritual wants of human nature; we are told, in particular, that aesthetics--certainly a most important department both in theoretical philosophy and in practical life--is prejudiced by a monistic philosophy. And religion itself, in its reasonable forms, can take over the ether theory as an article of faith, bringing into contradistinction the mobile cosmic ether as creating divinity, and the inert heavy mass as material of creation.[11] From this successfully scaled height of monistic knowledge there open up before our joyously quickened spirit of research and discovery new and surprising prospects, which promise to bring us still nearer to the solution of the one great riddle of the world. keywords: activities; activity; address; advances; altenburg; animals; articles; atoms; basis; beautiful; belief; berlin; body; brain; case; cells; century; chemical; chemistry; christian; civilised; combinations; common; comparative; conception; confession; consciousness; conservation; conviction; cosmic; cosmos; course; creation; critical; culture; darwin; day; death; degree; descent; development; devil; die; different; divine; doctrine; dogma; dualistic; earth; elements; empirical; energy; essential; ether; ethic; ethical; evolution; existence; fact; faith; footnote; form; functions; fundamental; ganglion; general; german; god; good; great; greatest; hand; higher; highest; historical; history; human; idea; immortality; important; individual; influence; inorganic; investigation; kant; knowledge; known; law; leipsic; life; light; like; little; long; love; lower; lowest; mammals; man; mass; material; matter; mind; mobile; modern; monism; monistic; moral; morphology; natural; nature; new; number; occasion; old; organic; organs; original; perfect; period; personal; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; point; present; primary; primitive; principles; psychology; pure; question; races; rational; reason; recent; regard; relation; religion; religious; science; scientific; sense; separate; series; single; social; soul; space; special; spirit; stage; structure; substance; system; theory; thinking; thousands; time; true; truth; und; unity; universe; vertebrates; view; way; wonderful; words; work; world; years cache: 9199.txt plain text: 9199.txt item: #170 of 181 id: 920 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics — Part 2 date: None words: 18656 flesch: 67 summary: the adequate knowledge of external bodies, as also of the parts composing the human body, is not in God, in so far as he is regarded as affected by the human mind, but in so far as he is regarded as affected by other ideas. A body in motion or at rest must be determined to motion or rest by another body, which other body has been determined to motion or rest by a third body, and that third again by a fourth, and so on to infinity. keywords: adequate; attribute; bodies; body; cause; certain; common; cor; essence; existence; external; external body; faculty; false; god; human; human body; human mind; idea; iii; individual; infinite; knowledge; lemma; manner; mind; modes; modifications; motion; nature; note; number; object; order; particular; parts; present; proof; prop; proposition; q.e.d; rest; said; things; thinking; thought; true; vii; ways; words cache: 920.txt plain text: 920.txt item: #171 of 181 id: 9304 author: Faguet, Émile title: Initiation into Philosophy date: None words: 40052 flesch: 59 summary: This appears subtle but is not, for it only amounts to the statement that in speaking of God time must not be mentioned, for God is as much outside time as outside space. One of them, Euhemerus, invented the theory, which in part is false and in part accurate, that the gods are simply heroes, kings, great men deified after their death by the gratitude or terror of the populace. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; activity; acts; ages; ancient; animals; antiquity; aristippus; aristotle; athens; atoms; authority; bacon; beings; belief; believe; berkeley; best; better; bodies; body; cause; century; certain; chapter; character; christianity; church; clear; common; complete; comte; condition; conscience; consequence; consideration; contrary; creation; david; death; descartes; desire; disciple; divine; doctrine; doubt; duty; earth; effect; effort; ego; eighteenth; end; epicureanism; epicurus; eternal; eternity; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; existence; exists; experience; explanation; fact; faith; false; fear; feeling; force; form; foundation; free; freedom; french; general; god; gods; good; good god; goodness; government; grace; great; greater; greek; happiness; hegel; history; hobbes; human; humanity; hume; ideas; illusion; imagination; immoral; immortality; important; individual; infinite; influence; innate; instance; intellectual; intelligence; jesus; justice; kant; kind; knowledge; known; law; laws; lay; leibnitz; liberty; life; little; locke; long; love; malebranche; man; manner; matter; means; memory; men; metaphysics; method; middle; mind; modern; moment; morality; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; nineteenth; non; number; object; order; outside; particular; passions; people; perfect; perfection; philosophers; philosophy; place; plato; pleasure; point; politics; polytheism; possible; power; powerful; practical; principle; profound; proof; pupil; pure; real; reality; reason; reasoning; regard; relation; religion; religious; right; rousseau; sceptics; school; science; self; sensations; sense; sensibility; seventeenth; simple; sin; society; socrates; sophists; soul; space; spirit; spiritual; state; stoicism; subject; supreme; system; tendency; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thomas; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; united; universal; universe; victor; view; virtue; way; weak; wills; wisdom; wise; wishes; works; world; zeno cache: 9304.txt plain text: 9304.txt item: #172 of 181 id: 9306 author: Croce, Benedetto title: Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic date: None words: 99680 flesch: 56 summary: The impossibility of choice of content completes the theorem of the _independence of art_, and is also the only legitimate meaning of the expression: _art for art's sake_. It is important to make clear that as the existence of the hedonistic side in every spiritual activity has given rise to the confusion between the aesthetic activity and the useful or pleasurable, so the existence, or, better, the possibility of constructing this physical side, has generated the confusion between _aesthetic_ expression and expression _in the naturalistic sense_; between a spiritual fact, that is to say, and a mechanical and passive fact (not to say, between a concrete reality and an abstraction or fiction). keywords: able; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; action; activities; addition; aesthetic; aesthetic activity; aesthetic concepts; aesthetic criticism; aesthetic expression; aesthetic fact; aesthetic feelings; aesthetic form; aesthetic hedonism; aesthetic ideas; aesthetic intuitions; aesthetic judgment; aesthetic knowledge; aesthetic pleasure; aesthetic problem; aesthetic reproduction; aesthetic science; aesthetic senses; aesthetic theory; aestheticians; affirmation; altogether; amounts; analogous; analysis; animals; antiquity; appearance; arbitrary; argument; aristotle; art; art fact; artificial; artistic; artists; arts; association; attempt; attention; author; bad; basis; baumgarten; beautiful; beauty; belief; benedetto; best; better; bodies; body; book; brief; capable; case; categories; category; century; certain; character; characteristic; classes; classic; classification; clear; collection; colours; comic; common; complete; complex; concept; conception; concrete; conditions; confused; confusion; consciousness; consist; constant; contemplation; content; contradiction; contrary; correct; criterion; criticism; critics; critique; croce; dante; day; death; definite; definition; degree; designate; desire; development; different; difficulty; discovery; distinction; distinguished; divine; division; doctrine; domain; double; doubt; dramatic; draw; duty; easy; economic; economy; effect; effective; eighteenth; elementary; elements; empirical; end; ends; energy; england; epic; equal; erroneous; error; erudition; essence; essential; ethic; ethical; exact; example; existence; experience; expression; extent; external; externalization; eyes; face; facts; faculty; failure; false; fancy; feeling; field; figures; follow; following; force; form; formal; formula; france; free; french; function; fundamental; general; genius; german; god; good; grade; grammar; grammatical; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hedonism; hedonistic; hegel; hegelian; herbart; herder; highest; historical; history; human; humanity; humboldt; ideas; identification; identity; illusion; image; imagination; imitation; immediate; imperfect; important; impossibility; impressions; incapable; independence; individual; individuality; inferior; infinite; influence; inspiration; instance; intellective; intellectual; interesting; internal; intuition; intuitive; italian; italy; judge; judgment; kant; kind; knowledge; labour; language; later; laws; left; leibnitz; lessing; lies; life; like; limited; limits; line; linguistic; literary; literature; little; living; lofty; logical; longer; love; lyric; lyrical; making; man; manifestations; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; memory; mention; mere; metaphysical; method; middle; mimetic; mind; mixture; modern; modes; moment; moral; moralistic; morality; movement; music; mystical aesthetic; mysticism; naples; natural; naturalistic; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; new; nineteenth; non; notes; number; object; objective; obliged; observations; occasions; old; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; organism; origin; original; outside; painter; painting; particular; past; pedagogic; people; perception; perfect; period; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physiological; picture; place; plato; play; pleasurable; pleasure; poem; poetic; poetry; poets; point; political; poor; possess; possible; power; practical; practical activity; precise; primitive; principle; problem; process; productive; profound; progress; proper; propositions; prose; proved; psychic; psychological; psychology; pure; pure intuition; purpose; qualities; quality; quantitative; question; raphael; rate; rational; reality; reason; reflexion; regards; relations; relative; religion; remains; remarks; renaissance; representation; reproduction; researches; respect; result; return; rhetoric; right; romantic; rules; said; sanctis; satisfaction; save; saying; schelling; schiller; schleiermacher; school; schopenhauer; science; scientific; sculpture; search; second; secondary; sensation; sense; sensible; sensual; sentiment; series; set; shows; similar; simple; single; small; social; solution; sort; soul; sounds; space; speaking; special; species; speculation; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; state; statement; stimulus; studies; study; style; subject; sublime; successful; suffice; superior; supreme; symbol; sympathetic; synthesis; system; talk; taste; technique; terms; theme; theoretic; theories; theory; thesis; things; thinkers; thought; time; tragic; transcendental; translation; treatises; true; true aesthetic; truth; type; ugliness; ugly; understanding; union; unity; universal; use; useful; useless; utilitarian; utility; vain; value; variety; verbal; verisimilar; vico; view; volitional; way; winckelmann; word; work; writers; writing cache: 9306.txt plain text: 9306.txt item: #173 of 181 id: 948 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics — Part 3 date: None words: 23250 flesch: 69 summary: If anyone has done something which he conceives as affecting other men pleasurably, he will be affected by pleasure, accompanied by the idea of himself as cause; in other words, he will regard himself with pleasure. By highmindedness I mean the desire whereby every man endeavours, solely under the dictates of reason, to aid other men and to unite them to himself in friendship. keywords: action; activity; adequate; affected; appetite; body; cause; conceive; contrary; cor; corollary; desire; determined; emotions; endeavour; essence; evil; existence; external; fact; fear; free; future; greater; hate; hatred; hope; human; idea; iii; image; love; man; men; mind; nature; note; object; pain; painfully; passive; past; pleasurably; pleasure; point; power; present; proof; proportion; q.e.d; regard; said; self; similar; thing; time; way; wonder; words; xiii; xvii cache: 948.txt plain text: 948.txt item: #174 of 181 id: 9662 author: Hume, David title: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding date: None words: 57986 flesch: 54 summary: They pretend that those objects which are commonly denominated _causes,_ are in reality nothing but _occasions;_ and that the true and direct principle of every effect is not any power or force in nature, but a volition of the Supreme Being, who wills that such particular objects should for ever be conjoined with each other. But there are other causes, which have been found more irregular and uncertain; nor has rhubarb always proved a purge, or opium a soporific to every one, who has taken these medicines. keywords: able; abstract; account; accurate; acknowledged; actions; advantage; age; ages; analogy; animals; answer; appearance; apt; argument; assurance; attention; attributes; authority; belief; bodies; body; cases; cause; certain; certainty; chain; chance; character; circumstances; clear; colours; command; common; conceive; conception; conclusion; conduct; conjunction; connected; connexion; conscious; consequences; constant; contradiction; contrary; course; creature; curiosity; custom; customary; definition; degree; deity; determined; different; difficulty; dispute; distinct; distinction; doctrine; doubt; easy; effect; endeavour; energy; enquiries; enquiry; equal; established; event; evidence; evident; examination; existence; experience; experiments; extension; external; extraordinary; fact; faculties; falsehood; farther; feeling; force; foundation; future; general; god; good; greater; greatest; history; hitherto; human; human nature; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; imagination; immediate; impossible; impression; inference; infinite; influence; instance; instinct; judgement; knowledge; known; laws; learned; liberty; life; light; like; little; lively; long; love; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; memory; men; mere; method; mind; miracle; miraculous; moment; moral; motion; motives; narrow; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; number; objections; objects; observation; observed; obvious; operations; opinion; opposite; order; original; particular; parts; passion; past; people; perceptions; perfect; person; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; pleasure; point; power; present; pretended; primary; principles; priori; probability; probable; process; production; profound; proof; proper; proposition; providence; public; qualities; quantity; question; reach; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; reflection; regard; regular; relation; religion; remote; requisite; researches; resemblance; rest; result; sceptical; scepticism; science; scrutiny; second; secret; section; sensation; senses; sensible; sentiment; similar; simple; single; society; species; state; strong; subject; sufficient; superior; supposed; supposition; supreme; suspicion; system; terms; testimony; theory; thing; thought; time; transition; true; truth; ultimate; understanding; uniform; uniformity; universal; universe; unknown; useful; usual; veracity; virtue; volition; wise; witnesses; words; world cache: 9662.txt plain text: 9662.txt item: #175 of 181 id: 971 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics — Part 4 date: None words: 22596 flesch: 71 summary: Again, desire, in so far as it is referred to the mind, is the very essence of the mind (Def. of the Emotions, i.); now the essence of the mind consists in knowledge (III:xi.), which involves the knowledge of God (II:xlvii.), and without it (I:xv.), can neither be, nor be conceived; therefore, in proportion as the mind's essence involves a greater knowledge of God, so also will be greater the desire of the follower of virtue, that other men should possess that which he seeks as good for himself. A man of ripe age deems their nature so unlike his own, that he can only be persuaded that he too has been an infant by the analogy of other men. keywords: action; bad; body; capable; cause; common; conceive; contrary; def; desire; determined; different; emotion; endeavour; essence; evil; excessive; existence; extent; external; fear; force; free; future; general; god; good; greater; guidance; hand; harmony; hatred; highest; human; idea; iii; individual; infirmity; knowledge; laws; lesser; life; live; love; man; men; mind; nature; necessity; obedience; object; order; pain; parts; perfect; pleasure; possible; power; present; preservation; prop; proportion; q.e.d; reason; said; self; state; stronger; thing; time; true; understanding; useful; vii; virtue; way; words cache: 971.txt plain text: 971.txt item: #176 of 181 id: 975 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Ethics — Part 5 date: None words: 10719 flesch: 71 summary: For he maintained, that the soul or mind is specially united to a particular part of the brain, namely, to that part called the pineal gland, by the aid of which the mind is enabled to feel all the movements which are set going in the body, and also external objects, and which the mind by a simple act of volition can put in motion in various ways. But he had so distinct a conception of mind being distinct from body, that he could not assign any particular cause of the union between the two, or of the mind itself, but was obliged to have recourse to the cause of the whole universe, that is to God. keywords: body; cause; clear; contrary; def; distinct; emotions; essence; eternal; eternity; existence; form; gland; god; greater; human; idea; iii; intellectual; kind; knowledge; love; man; mind; modifications; nature; order; passions; pleasure; power; prop; proportion; q.e.d; reason; said; subject; things; time; understand; virtue; way cache: 975.txt plain text: 975.txt item: #177 of 181 id: 989 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 1 date: None words: 31137 flesch: 60 summary: (90) Moses admitted, indeed, that there were beings (doubtless by the plan and command of the Lord) who acted as God's vicegerents - that is, beings to whom God had given the right, authority, and power to direct nations, and to provide and care for them; but he taught that this Being Whom they were bound to obey was the highest and Supreme God, or (to use the Hebrew phrase) God of gods, and thus in the song (Exod. xv:11) (42) The truth of a historical narrative, however assured, cannot give us the knowledge nor consequently the love of God, for love of God springs from knowledge of Him, and knowledge of Him should be derived from general ideas, in themselves certain and known, so that the truth of a historical narrative is very far from being a necessary requisite for our attaining our highest good. keywords: abraham; accordance; actions; adam; aid; authority; bible; blessedness; bound; cause; ceremonial; certain; chapter; christ; clear; common; conclusion; decree; deity; deut; different; divine; divine law; doctrine; doubt; earth; eternal; evident; evil; ezekiel; face; fact; fear; follows; form; free; general; gentiles; gift; god; gods; good; government; great; greater; happiness; heart; hebrews; highest; holy; human; idea; ignorance; ignorant; imagination; inasmuch; individual; instance; intellect; isaiah; israelites; jews; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; light; like; live; living; long; lord; love; manner; masses; matters; means; men; mercy; mere; mind; moral; moses; mouth; nations; natural; nature; necessity; need; object; old; opinions; order; ordinary; particular; pass; passages; paul; peace; peculiar; people; piety; plan; point; power; prophecy; prophetic; prophets; purpose; question; reason; regard; religion; respect; revealed; revelation; rites; scripture; set; sign; society; solomon; special; spirit; state; subject; superstition; temporal; testament; thee; things; thought; thy; time; treatise; true; truth; understanding; understood; universal; virtue; voice; way; wisdom; wise; words; worship cache: 989.txt plain text: 989.txt item: #178 of 181 id: 990 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: Theologico-Political Treatise — Part 2 date: None words: 32669 flesch: 66 summary: (11) An examination of these assures me that the prophecies therein contained have been compiled from other books, and are not always set down in the exact order in which they were spoken or written by the prophets, but are only such as were collected here and there, so that they are but fragmentary. (36) Aben Ezra, however, as I have already stated, affirms, in his commentaries, that the work is a translation into Hebrew from some other language: I could wish that he could advance more cogent arguments than he does, for we might then conclude that the Gentiles also had sacred books. keywords: aben; attention; authority; bible; book; case; causes; certain; chap; chapter; chronicles; clear; common; conclusion; contrary; covenant; david; day; death; decrees; deut; deuteronomy; different; difficulties; divine; doctrine; doubt; endnote; eternal; events; evident; existence; ezra; fact; fire; fixed; god; great; hath; hebrew; historian; histories; history; human; instance; intention; interpretation; interpreting; israel; jacob; jeremiah; jews; joseph; joshua; judah; judges; kings; knowledge; land; language; laws; life; light; like; little; long; lord; maimonides; man; marginal; masses; matters; meaning; means; men; method; mind; miracles; moses; narrative; natural; nature; necessary; need; nehemiah; new; obscure; old; opinions; order; ordinary; passages; pentateuch; people; person; pharisees; place; plain; point; power; present; principles; prophecy; prophets; providence; question; read; readings; reason; reign; related; religion; rest; sacred; said; samuel; saul; scribes; scripture; second; sense; set; similar; state; subject; testament; text; things; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; verse; version; way; words; work; world; writer; writings; years cache: 990.txt plain text: 990.txt item: #179 of 181 id: 991 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: A Theological-Political Treatise [Part III] date: None words: 16433 flesch: 62 summary: , we are bound, solely by the authority of this text, and not by reason, to believe that God has no body: consequently we must explain metaphorically, on the sole authority of Scripture, all those passages which attribute to God hands, feet, &c., and take them merely as figures of speech. CHAPTER XII - Of the true Original of the Divine Law, and wherefore Scripture is called Sacred, and the Word of God. keywords: apostles; attributes; authority; bible; books; certain; chapter; charity; christ; command; cor; covenant; different; divine; doctrine; dogmas; end; epistles; fact; faith; faithful; god; good; hand; instance; jews; judgment; justice; knowledge; known; law; life; lord; love; man; manner; meaning; means; men; mind; moses; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; obedience; object; old; opinions; order; original; passages; paul; people; philosophy; pious; prophets; question; reason; religion; revelation; sacred; salvation; scripture; simple; spirit; teaching; testament; theology; things; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; wish; word; works cache: 991.txt plain text: 991.txt item: #180 of 181 id: 992 author: Spinoza, Benedictus de title: A Theological-Political Treatise [Part IV] date: None words: 28413 flesch: 63 summary: However, as we have shown that the natural right of the individual is only limited by his power, it is clear that by transferring, either willingly or under compulsion, this power into the hands of another, he in so doing necessarily cedes also a part of his right; and further, that the Sovereign right over all men belongs to him who has sovereign power, wherewith he can compel men by force, or restrain them by threats of the universally feared punishment of death; such sovereign right he will retain only so long as he can maintain his power of enforcing his will; otherwise he will totter on his throne, and no one who is stronger than he will be bound unwillingly to obey him. (5) If it were really the case, that men could be deprived of their natural rights so utterly as never to have any further influence on affairs [Endnote 29], except with the permission of the holders of sovereign right, it would then be possible to maintain with impunity the most violent tyranny, which, I suppose, no one would for an instant admit. keywords: able; absolute; accordance; action; acts; affairs; answers; army; authorities; authority; body; captains; cause; certain; chapter; chief; citizens; civil; commands; commonwealth; compact; consent; contrary; control; country; covenant; danger; death; decree; desire; dictates; divine; divine right; dominion; enemies; enemy; evil; fact; fear; fellow; force; form; freedom; general; god; good; government; great; greater; hands; hatred; hebrews; high; human; individual; injury; jews; joshua; judge; judgment; justice; king; kingdom; laws; levites; liberty; life; like; live; long; lord; love; man; matters; means; men; mind; monarch; moses; natural; natural right; nature; necessary; need; new; obedience; opinions; order; peace; people; piety; popular; possible; power; priest; private; prophets; public; question; reason; received; religion; religious; respect; rest; revelation; right; rites; rulers; sacred; secular; set; sole; sovereign; sovereign power; sovereign right; spiritual; state; subjects; supreme; sway; things; thought; time; transfer; tribes; true; virtue; war; way; words cache: 992.txt plain text: 992.txt item: #181 of 181 id: 9996 author: Adams, Charles Francis title: "'Tis Sixty Years Since" Address of Charles Francis Adams; Founders' Day, January 16, 1913 date: None words: 16813 flesch: 57 summary: It so chances that Scott's period of retrospect is also just now most appropriate in my case, inasmuch as I entered Harvard as a student in the year 1853--sixty years since! Written years before, at the time of publication he was thirty-three. keywords: accepted; action; advanced; african; american; applied; aristotle; best; better; body; carolina; case; centuries; century; certain; change; character; class; close; community; concerned; conditions; consideration; constitution; contrary; correct; country; course; day; days; demand; democracy; development; different; discussion; economical; entire; example; executive; existence; experience; extent; face; fact; field; form; free; fundamental; future; general; generation; good; government; great; greater; growth; hand; harvard; haskell; history; ideals; ill; immediate; individual; industrial; instance; issue; large; later; law; legislative; lieber; life; local; long; majority; man; massachusetts; matter; mind; national; natural; necessary; new; north; noses; observant; observation; occasion; outcome; parliamentary; past; people; period; place; point; political; politics; possible; power; practical; presence; present; principle; problem; process; pronounced; protection; public; question; race; reaching; recall; relations; remedy; respects; result; scientific; second; self; short; single; slavery; social; solution; south; spirit; statement; states; system; tendency; term; theories; theory; things; thought; time; trade; true; united; university; view; war; way; words; work; working; world; years cache: 9996.txt plain text: 9996.txt