item: #1 of 155 id: 10274 author: Barrow, Isaac title: Sermons on Evil-Speaking date: None words: 38368 flesch: 55 summary: Especially this scurrilous and scoffing way is then most detestable when it not only exposeth the blemishes and infirmities of men, but abuseth piety and virtue themselves; flouting persons for their constancy in devotion, or their strict adherence to a conscientious practice of duty; aiming to effect that which Job complaineth of, The just upright man is laughed to scorn; resembling those whom the psalmist thus describeth, Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their arrows, even bitter words, that they may shoot in secret at the perfect; serving good men as Jeremy was served--The word of the Lord, saith he, was made a reproach unto me, and a derision daily. When men, to raise an admiration of their wit, to please themselves, or gratify the humours of other men, do expose their neighbour to scorn and contempt, making ignominious reflections upon his person and his actions, taunting his real imperfections, or fastening imaginary ones upon him, they transgress their duty, and abuse their wits; 'tis not urbanity, or genuine facetiousness, but uncivil rudeness or vile malignity. keywords: able; abuse; accounts; actions; advantage; advice; affairs; anger; apt; authority; bad; barrow; base; best; better; blame; brethren; brother; business; care; cases; cause; charge; charity; children; christian; clear; common; company; comparison; conceit; concerned; confidence; conscience; considerable; considering; contempt; conversation; credit; damage; dealing; delight; design; dignity; discourse; discretion; disgrace; displeasure; disposition; divers; divine; doth; duties; duty; earnest; ears; effect; ends; enemy; equity; evil; excuse; expression; facetiousness; false; fancy; father; faults; fear; fine; folly; fool; foolish; foul; free; general; giveth; glory; god; good; good man; goodness; grand; great; greater; greek; ground; guilty; harsh; hath; hearers; heart; heaven; heed; heinous; high; holy; honest; honour; human; humour; ill; iniquity; innocent; interest; isaac; jesting; judge; judgment; justice; kind; language; law; liar; lie; lies; life; like; lips; little; lord; love; malice; malignity; man; man doth; mankind; manner; matter; means; meekness; men; mind; mirth; mischief; mischievous; mouth; nature; necessary; needful; neighbour; noble; oath; obligation; occasion; odious; old; opinion; ordinary; particular; passion; paul; people; persons; piety; place; plain; play; pleasant; power; practice; practice doth; prejudice; principles; private; proper; prophet; psalmist; public; punishment; purpose; rash; ready; reason; reasonable; regard; religion; reproach; reproof; reputation; respect; reverence; right; rule; sacred; safety; saith; satisfaction; scarce; scripture; sense; sermons; service; severe; signify; sin; slander; slanderer; slight; small; sober; society; sort; sound; speaketh; speaking; special; speech; spirit; stories; strange; sweareth; swearing; talk; temper; tender; terms; thee; thereto; things; think; thou; thoughts; thy; time; tis; tongue; true; truth; unjust; unworthy; use; vain; vanity; vile; virtue; want; way; ways; whereof; wholesome; wicked; wickedness; wisdom; wise; wise man; wit; witness; wits; words; work; world; worse; worthy; wrong; yea cache: 10274.txt plain text: 10274.txt item: #2 of 155 id: 10417 author: Hubbard, Elbert title: Love, Life & Work Being a Book of Opinions Reasonably Good-Natured Concerning How to Attain the Highest Happiness for One's Self with the Least Possible Harm to Others date: None words: 28295 flesch: 74 summary: The old-time prejudice of business men against the man who had done time was chiefly on account of his incompetence, and not his record. If you can work and are willing to work, business men will not draw the line on you. keywords: ability; absolute; absurd; age; army; attitude; average; bad; beautiful; beggar; belief; benefit; best; better; big; blood; body; book; boys; business; captain; case; certain; chance; chapman; character; children; church; churches; civilization; class; commerce; company; competition; concern; condition; confidence; consideration; control; course; danger; day; days; dead; death; desire; difference; disagreeable; divine; doctor; dogma; earth; effort; eternal; evolution; exclusive; exercise; expression; eyes; fact; fair; fay; fear; fetich; formal; free; friendship; future; general; gentle; girl; goal; god; good; grammar; gratification; great; habit; hand; hate; head; heart; heaven; help; high; highest; hold; holy; hooker; house; idea; individual; institution; intellect; intent; ivan; kind; knowledge; labor; law; lies; life; like; lincoln; line; little; living; long; look; love; making; man; matter; mcintyre; means; men; mental; mills; mind; money; morality; natural; nature; necessary; need; neutral; new; obedience; officer; old; old man; opportunity; order; outside; pay; people; perfect; person; place; plan; play; point; poise; potter; power; prayer; preparation; present; pretty; priest; prison; progress; proposition; public; question; reason; reform; religion; religious; rest; result; revival; right; rule; sacred; self; sense; sergeant; service; set; shaw; silent; socialism; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; state; step; street; strong; struggle; subject; sunday; superstition; supreme; sure; sympathy; tell; terrible; things; thinking; thought; time; tom; town; true; truth; turn; useful; wait; waste; way; week; willing; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years cache: 10417.txt plain text: 10417.txt item: #3 of 155 id: 10591 author: Trumbull, H. Clay (Henry Clay) title: A Lie Never Justifiable: A Study in Ethics date: None words: 44978 flesch: 62 summary: Dyaks; their truthfulness Earl, G.W.: cited Early Christians, temptations of East Africans, estimate of truth by Egyptian idea of deity synonymous with truth Elisha and Syrians Enemy, duty of truthfulness to Esau, deceit practiced on Eunomius: cited Evil as a means of good Exigency, lie of (see _Lie of Necessity_) False impressions, limit of responsibility for Falsehood: estimate of, in India; in Ceylon; in Persia; in Egypt; Punic faith, synonym of; in medical profession; its use as means of good; spoken in love; in legal profession. Family troubles, concealment of Fichte: cited Firmus, Bishop: cited Flag of truce, sending of Flatt: cited Forsyth, Capt. J.: cited Fowler, Professor: cited Frankness, brutal Fridthjof and Ingeborg, story of Fürstenthal, R.J.: cited German ideal of truth Glasfurd: cited God: killing, but not lying, a possibility with; cannot lie; his concealments from man; is truth; called to witness lie; Greeks, ancient: their estimate of truth Gregory of Nyssa: cited Hall of two truths Hamburger, Dr. I.: cited Hannibal: cited Harischandra, story of Harkness, Capt. Henry: cited Harless: cited Hartenstein: cited Heber, Bishop: cited Hebrew midwives Hebrew spies Hegel: cited Heralds' law Herbart: cited Hennas, Shepherd of: cited Herodotus: cited Hill Tribes of India: their estimate of truth Hindoo; estimate of truth; passion-play. Hodge, Dr. Charles; cited Home of Song Home of the Lie Hottentot, estimate of truth Hugo, Victor: cited Hunter, W.W.: cited Ilai, Rabbi: cited Iliad, estimate of truth in Indians, American, influence of civilization on Ingeborg and Fridthjof of, story of Innocent III.: cited Insane: lying to their right to truth Inscription of Darius Intoxicated, the: their right to truth Isaac: his deceiving Isaac, Jacob, and Esau Ishmael, Rabbi: cited Jackson, Prof. A.V.W.: cited Jacob: his deceiving his lie to Isaac Jacobi, F.H.: cited Javanese: their truthfulness Jehoshaphat and Ahab Jehuda, Rabbi: cited Jerome: cited Jesuits, teaching of Jewish Talmudists, discussions of Johnson's Cyclopaedia: cited Judith and Holofernes Justin Martyr: cited Juvenal: cited Kant, Immanuel: cited Keating, W.H.: cited Kent, Chancellor: cited Khonds of Central India, truthfulness among Killing an enemy or lying to him Kirkbride, Dr. Thomas S., testimony of Kolben, P.: cited Krause: cited Kurtz, Prof. J.H.: cited Lamberton, Prof. W.A.: cited Lecky, W.E.H.: cited Legal profession, ethics of Legends, Scandinavian Liar: an enemy of righteousness form of prayer for Liars, place of Libby Prison, incident of Lichtenberger, F.: cited Life, losing of truth to save Life insurance, truthfulness in Lightfoot, Bishop: cited Liguori: cited Livingstone, David: cited Logic swayed by feeling Loyola, Ignatius: cited Luther, Martin: cited MA, symbol of Truth Macaulay, Lord, on Lord Clive's treachery Macpherson, Lieutenant: cited Mahabharata on lying Mahaffy, Prof. J.P.: cited Mandingoes: their estimate of truth Marcus Aurelius, quotation from Marheineke: cited Marriage, duty of truthfulness in connection with Marshman, Joshua: cited Martensen, Hans Lassen: cited Martineau, Dr. James, quotations from Martyrdom price of truth-telling Mead, Professor: cited Medical profession, no justifiable falsehood in Melanchthon: cited _Menorath Hammaor_, reference to Merrill, J.H.: cited Meyer, Dr. H.A.W.: cited Meyrick, Rev. F.: cited Micaiah, story of Midwives, Hebrew, lies of Mithra, god of truth Moore, William: cited Moral sense of man against lying Morgan: cited Müller, Julius: cited Müller, Prof. Max: cited Murderer, concealment from would-be Nathan, Rabbi: cited Neander: cited Nitzsch: cited Oath of witness in court Omichund, deceit practiced on One all-dividing line Origen: cited Ormuzd, Zoroastrian god of truth Paley, Dr.: definition of lie Palgrave, W.G.: cited Paradise, two pictures of Park, Mungo: cited Pascal: cited Passion-play, Hindoo Patagonians: their view of lying Patient, deception of, by physician Paul and Peter: suggestion of their deceiving Perjury justifiable, if lying be Persian ideals Peter and Paul: suggestion of their deceiving Phillips, Charles, misrepresented Philoctetes, tragedy of Phoenicians: their untruthfulness Physician, lying by Pindar: cited Place of liars Plato: cited Pliny the younger: cited Pope Innocent III.: cited Prayer, form of, for liar Principles, not rules, Bible standard Priscillianists, sect of Prophets, lying Plan, lord of truth Punic faith, synonym of falsehood Pylades and Orestes Quaker and salesman Quaker guns, concealment by means of Ra, symbol of light Raba: cited Raffles, Sir T.S.: cited Rahab the harlot, lying of Rawlinson, Prof. George: cited Reinhard: cited Responsibility, limit of Robber: concealment from lying to Roberts, Joseph, quotation from Rock of Behistun, inscription on Roman Catholic writers, views of Roman matron, story of: cited by Pliny Roman standard of truthfulness Rothe, Richard: cited St. John, Sir Spencer: cited Samuel at Bethlehem Sapphira: her deceiving Satan, father of lies Sayce, Prof. A.H.: cited Scandinavian legends Schaff, Dr. Philip: cited Schaff-Hertzog: cited Schleiermacher: cited Schoolcraft, H.R.: cited Schwartz: cited Scott Sir Walter: cited Self-deception in others, limit of responsibility for Semple, J.W.: cited Sharswood, Chief-Justice: cited Shepherd of Hermas, quotation from Sherwill: cited Shorn, Dr. J.: cited Sick: their right to truth Simplice, Sister, story of Sin _per se_, lying Smith and Cheetham: cited Smith and Wace: cited Smyth, Dr. Newman: cited Sonthals, truthfulness among South, Dr. Robert: cited Sowrahs, truthfulness among Speech and act, lying in Spencer, Herbert: cited Spies, Hebrew, Rahab and Spy denied soldier's death Stephen, Leslie: cited Story, Justice: cited Surgeon's responsibility for his action testimony as to deceiving patient Symonds J.A.: cited Syrians, Elisha and Talmud, teachings of Talmudists, discussion among Taylor, Jeremy; cited Teaching of Jesuits Temptations influencing decision Tertullian: cited Theognis: cited Thornwell, Dr. James H.: cited Tipperahs: their habit of lying Todas, truthfulness among Tragedy of Philoctetes Truce, flag of, use of Truth: universal duty of telling God is not every one entitled to full dearer than life justifiable concealment of unjustifiable concealment of Truth, estimate of: among Hindoos among Scandinavians in ancient Persia in ancient Egypt among Romans among ancient Greeks among ancient Germans among Hill Tribes of India among Arabs among American Indians among Patagonians among Africans among Dyaks among Veddahs among Javanese Ueberweg, F.: cited Ulysses, reference to Urim and Thummim Veddahs of Ceylon: their truthfulness Veracity: duty of of Greeks of Persians of primitive and civilized peoples compared of Hill Tribes of India of Arabs of American Indians of Africans of Dyaks of Veddahs of Javanese Viswamitra and Indra, story of Von Ammon: cited Von Hirscher: cited Walker, Helen, example of War: justifiable concealment in duty of veracity in Westcott, Bishop: cited Wheeler, J. Talboys; cited Whewell, Dr. William: cited White lie Wig, concealment by Wilkinson, Sir J.G.: cited Witness, oath of, in court Woolsey, President: cited Wuttke, Dr. Adolf: cited Yudhishthira and Drona, mythical story of Zoroastrian designation of heaven and hell _SCRIPTURAL INDEX_. GENESIS. keywords: absolute; action; advantage; ages; allowable; ancient; animal; answer; approval; arguments; augustine; basil; best; better; bible; binding; book; case; centuries; certain; character; charge; children; christian; chrysostom; church; circumstances; civilized; claim; clear; common; concealing; concealment; conclusions; condition; conduct; confidence; conscience; consequences; consistent; contrary; cost; course; cycl; day; death; deceit; deceived; deceiving; deception; defense; definition; difference; discussion; distinction; divine; dorner; duties; duty; emergency; end; enemies; enemy; essential; estimate; eternal; ethical; ethics; evil; example; exigency; face; fact; faith; falsehood; far; fathers; favor; fellow; footnote; fridthjof; friend; gain; general; god; gods; good; great; gregory; guilty; hand; harischandra; heart; hebrew; higher; history; hodge; honor; house; human; humanity; ibid; idea; iii; illustration; important; india; individual; influence; innocent; insane; instance; intention; interest; involved; isaac; jeremy; jesus; john; justice; justifiable; justification; justified; killing; law; lawful; legal; liar; lie; lies; life; like; line; lord; love; loving; lying; man; mankind; martensen; matter; means; measure; mere; mind; moral; morality; nature; necessary; necessity; neighbor; nicene; oath; obligation; old; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; origen; patient; people; personal; physician; place; point; position; possibility; possible; power; practice; premises; present; primal; primitive; principles; prisoners; profession; proper; prophets; public; purpose; question; rabbi; race; rahab; ready; real; reasoning; recognized; reference; relations; responsibility; responsible; results; right; rothe; rule; sacred; sake; samuel; save; self; sense; service; sick; sin; sins; sister; smyth; social; society; soul; sound; speaking; special; speech; spencer; spirit; spoken; standard; stands; statement; story; subject; suggestion; sure; taylor; teachings; telling; testimony; theology; theory; thing; thornwell; thought; time; treatment; true; truth; truthfulness; universal; universe; untruth; unvarying; use; veracity; view; virtue; viswamitra; war; warfare; way; weakness; witness; word; work; writers; wrong cache: 10591.txt plain text: 10591.txt item: #4 of 155 id: 10767 author: Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew) title: Courage date: None words: 7702 flesch: 83 summary: Afterwards, if you go in for my sort of calling, don't begin by thinking you are the last word in art; quite possibly you are not; steady yourself by remembering that there were great men before William K. Smith. There must be many men in other callings besides the arts lauded as hard workers who are merely out for enjoyment. keywords: address; andrews; best; betters; boy; courage; course; day; dead; deal; december; elders; end; face; fight; future; gay; glorious; god; good; great; greatest; half; hands; help; hope; hour; johnson; land; letter; life; little; long; m'connachie; man; means; men; miss; old; ones; partnership; pass; people; poor; rector; red; roses; share; sir; sort; students; sure; talk; tell; tent; things; thought; time; war; way; word; work; worth; years; young; youth cache: 10767.txt plain text: 10767.txt item: #5 of 155 id: 11557 author: Morley, John title: On Compromise date: None words: 58738 flesch: 56 summary: They are aware of the existence of the great speculative subjects and of their importance, but the pressure of the political spirit on such men makes them afraid of the conclusions to which free inquiry might bring them. Is there any weight in the sort of answer which such men make to the accusation that their conformity is a very degrading form of deceit, and a singularly mischievous kind of treachery? keywords: able; absolute; abstract; account; acquiescence; action; active; acts; actual; advantages; affairs; ancient; answer; application; arguments; aspirations; assent; attack; attempt; attention; attributes; authority; bad; balance; belief; believe; best; better; body; care; case; catholic; causes; centuries; certain; change; chapter; character; christian; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; civil; classes; clear; coercion; coherency; comfort; common; community; complex; compromise; conception; concerned; conclusions; conditions; conduct; conformity; connected; conscience; consequences; conservative; consideration; constant; contrary; controversy; convenience; conviction; country; course; creed; criticism; current; custom; daily; day; days; dealing; decisive; definite; degree; desire; development; different; direction; disapproval; discussion; dissent; divine; doctrine; dogma; doubt; duty; ease; economy; education; effect; effective; elements; empire; end; energy; england; erroneous; error; essential; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; expediencies; expedient; experience; expression; external; face; fact; faith; false; far; favour; fear; feeling; field; final; following; footnote; force; forms; france; free; freedom; french; future; general; generation; generous; god; good; government; great; greater; ground; growth; guide; habits; hand; hard; harm; heart; high; highest; historic; history; hold; honest; hope; hour; human; hume; ideas; illustration; imagination; immediate; important; improvement; independent; indispensable; individual; inevitable; influence; inquiry; instance; institutions; instructed; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; large; law; lead; level; liberty; lies; life; like; likely; limits; line; little; living; logic; long; love; majority; making; man; management; mankind; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; method; mill; mind; mischievous; mistaken; modern; moment; monarchy; moral; morality; motives; narrow; national; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notions; number; object; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; organic; orthodox; parents; particular; parts; past; penalties; people; personal; persons; persuasion; physical; place; plain; plea; point; policy; political; politics; poor; popular; position; positive; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; prejudices; present; principle; private; process; progress; progressive; proper; proportion; propositions; provisional; public; purpose; quality; question; quo; rate; ready; real; reality; reason; recognition; reference; reform; regard; region; religion; religious; reserve; respect; responsibility; rest; result; right; rites; root; sacrifice; sake; saying; school; search; second; self; sense; sentiment; set; shape; short; silence; silent; simple; sincerity; single; slavery; small; social; societies; society; soul; sound; sovereign; speaking; special; speculative; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; state; status; step; strength; strong; structure; subjects; superstition; supreme; sure; system; temper; tendency; terms; theology; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tolerance; tradition; transformation; triumph; trouble; true; truth; turn; type; understanding; union; useful; usefulness; utility; value; vast; vicious; view; vigorous; virtue; vulgar; want; way; ways; weak; wife; willing; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; wrong; years; young cache: 11557.txt plain text: 11557.txt item: #6 of 155 id: 11939 author: Jordan, David Starr title: Life's Enthusiasms date: None words: 6125 flesch: 78 summary: It is well that we should know them, should know them all, should know them well--an education is incomplete that is not built about a Pantheon, dedicated to the worship of great men. Senator Hoar, Professor Agassiz, Professor Le Conte, Professor Shaler,--all these, whatever the weight of years, remained young men to the last. keywords: action; agassiz; best; child; city; contact; day; days; dead; dream; end; english; enthusiasms; eyes; field; form; future; god; good; grace; gray; great; green; habit; hands; heart; highest; history; hope; human; humanity; humor; inspiration; joy; known; land; life; little; living; long; love; man; master; men; movement; music; nature; new; old; people; pine; poetry; possible; power; ragtime; religion; right; school; science; sea; snow; spirit; study; teacher; things; thought; touch; trees; true; truth; university; verse; way; white; women; words; work; world; worth; young; youth cache: 11939.txt plain text: 11939.txt item: #7 of 155 id: 12020 author: Wilcox, Ella Wheeler title: A Woman of the World: Her Counsel to Other People's Sons and Daughters date: None words: 49020 flesch: 72 summary: Great geniuses are often consumed with a passion for some one line of study or employment, but there have been many great men who did not know what they were fitted to do until accident or necessity gave them an opportunity. I recollect speaking with you once upon the difficulties young women encountered who attempted to win honours in a dramatic career. keywords: able; achievements; acquaintance; affection; agreeable; aid; american; associates; attention; attractive; beautiful; beauty; beings; best; better; birth; boy; brain; broad; capable; care; career; careful; certain; change; character; charles; charming; charms; children; church; city; clarence; clean; clergyman; college; comfort; common; companion; companionship; complete; conditions; confidence; consideration; control; conversation; country; course; cupid; daily; daughter; day; days; dear; debt; desire; determination; determined; development; devoted; devotion; different; difficult; divine; doctor; domestic; doubt; duncan; duty; early; earth; edna; education; effort; elise; encounter; excellent; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; family; far; father; fault; fear; feeling; folly; fortune; free; friend; future; girl; glad; god; good; gordon; great; greater; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; help; higher; highest; home; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; husband; idea; ideals; important; impulses; influence; interesting; jealousy; kind; knowledge; lack; land; large; later; law; laws; life; like; line; literary; little; long; look; lost; love; lovely; loving; making; man; marchmont; marriage; married; matter; means; men; mental; mere; methods; mind; minded; misfortune; miss; mistake; moment; money; months; moral; mother; motherhood; mrs; natural; nature; near; necessity; need; new; newspaper; noble; old; order; outside; parents; path; pay; people; period; personal; physical; pity; place; play; pleasure; poor; position; possible; power; praise; presence; pride; principles; profession; proud; public; qualities; ready; real; reason; regard; regret; religious; respect; result; right; room; sacrifice; school; self; selfish; sense; sensible; sentiment; set; sex; shadow; single; sister; situation; small; social; society; son; sorrow; soul; speak; spiritual; stand; step; strength; strong; study; subject; success; sure; sweet; sympathetic; sympathy; tact; talk; teacher; temptation; things; think; thinking; thought; time; traits; trouble; true; truth; turn; type; understanding; unhappy; unselfish; use; view; virtue; walk; way; wholesome; wife; wise; wish; wives; woman; womanhood; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; young; young girl; young man; youth; zoe cache: 12020.txt plain text: 12020.txt item: #8 of 155 id: 12035 author: Fowler, Thomas title: Progressive Morality: An Essay in Ethics date: None words: 33792 flesch: 41 summary: It is the function of these classes not only to give expression to the thoughts which are working obscurely in the minds of other men, but also to detect those aspects and bearings of conduct which are not obvious to the general intelligence. Vulgarity to such men is a worse reproach than hardness of heart or indifferent morality. keywords: account; action; acts; advantage; answer; application; approbation; attempt; attention; better; blame; case; censure; certain; chapter; character; children; circumstances; citizens; civilized; claims; class; classes; code; community; conception; condition; conduct; conflict; conscience; conscious; considerable; considerations; constant; course; danger; desire; development; different; disapprobation; distinct; doubt; duties; duty; education; effect; essential; ethical; evil; example; exercise; experience; expressions; extent; external; familiar; family; fear; feelings; form; friend; future; general; god; good; gratification; greater; hand; happiness; higher; honour; human; immediate; importance; individual; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intention; interests; judgment; justification; kind; knowledge; large; law; laws; legal; lie; life; like; likely; little; long; love; lower; man; mankind; manner; matters; means; members; men; mere; mind; money; moral; moral feeling; moral sanction; moral sentiment; moralist; morality; motives; nature; needs; neighbours; new; notice; object; obligation; obvious; opinions; order; ordinary; pains; particular; people; perfection; personal; persons; physical; place; plain; pleasure; point; popular; position; possible; practical; practice; praise; present; principles; process; progress; promote; public; punishment; purpose; question; reason; reasonable; reasoning; reference; reflexion; regard; relations; religious; respect; responsibility; results; right; rules; sacrifice; sanction; satisfaction; self; sense; sentiment; service; similar; social; society; state; subject; suffering; sufficient; sympathetic; tendency; terms; test; theft; true; trust; use; view; way; welfare; words; work; wrong cache: 12035.txt plain text: 12035.txt item: #9 of 155 id: 12426 author: Routledge, George title: Routledge's Manual of Etiquette date: None words: 87963 flesch: 75 summary: Les dames en moulinet, _ladies give right hands across to each other, half round, and back again with left hands_. A lady should be particular during the early days of courtship--while still retaining some clearness of mental vision--to observe the manner in which her suitor comports himself to other ladies. keywords: 1st; 2nd; 3rd; account; acquaintance; address; advance; advantage; agreeable; altar; appearance; attempt; attention; awkward; bad; balancez; ball; banns; bars; bear; beat; beat_.--spring; beauty; beef; beginning; best; better; bird; black; blue; bone; bonnet; book; bow; brave; breakfast; breast; breeding; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; britain; british; brother; business; cards; care; careful; carving; case; cellarius; centre; ceremony; certain; chaine; champagne; change; character; children; choice; church; circle; circumstances; claret; clever; close; coloured; colours; common; company; compliment; conduct; consent; consideration; conversation; corner; correct; costume; country; couples; course; courtesy; courtship; cross; custom; cut; dance; dancers; dancing; dark; day; days; dear; delicate; desire; dessert; deux; different; difficult; dinner; direction; dish; door; double; doubt; drawing; dress; dressed; duties; duty; early; ease; easy; effect; elegant; endeavour; engagement; england; english; etiquette; evening; eye; face; fact; fair; fall; family; far; fashion; fashionable; fashioned; father; favourite; feeling; feet; figure; fine; fish; flowers; following; foot; fork; form; forward; fourth; fowl; freedom; french; fresh; friends; game; general; gentleman; gift; girl; giving; glasses; gloves; good; gown; graceful; grand; great; greatest; green; guardian; guests; habits; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hat; head; health; heart; help; high; higher; home; honour; hostess; hour; house; husband; illustration; importance; indispensable; inside; instance; interest; introduction; invitation; invite; jewellery; kind; knife; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; large; laws; lead; leading; leave; left; left foot; left hand; length; letters; liberty; licence; life; like; likely; line; little; london; long; longer; look; love; luncheon; manner; marriage; married; materials; matrimony; matter; means; meat; meet; memory; men; mere; middle; mind; mistake; mistress; moment; money; monsieur; morning; mother; movement; music; mutton; mutual; names; natural; nature; near; necessary; neck; need; new; note; notice; number; object; observed; occasion; offer; old; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; pair; paper; parents; paris; particular; parties; partner; party; pass; passing; people; permission; personal; persons; petit; piece; places; plate; play; pleasant; pleasing; pleasure; point; polite; politeness; polka; portion; position; possible; pour; power; precedence; prefer; presence; present; pretty; previous; private; promenade; proper; propriety; public; purpose; quadrille; quality; queen; question; rank; ready; real; reason; received; regard; repeat; reply; respect; rest; retire; retreat; return; rich; right; right foot; right hand; ring; rise; room; round; rule; seat; second; sense; servant; set; shape; short; shoulder; silk; simple; size; slices; slight; small; social; society; soup; spoon; spring; stand; station; step; stranger; style; subject; sufficient; supply; table; taking; taste; temper; temps; things; thought; time; toilette; tour; true; turn; turning; usual; valse; variety; veal; visitors; visits; vulgar; walking; want; way; wear; wedding; white; wife; wine; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; years; young; young lady cache: 12426.txt plain text: 12426.txt item: #10 of 155 id: 12492 author: Sorley, W. R. (William Ritchie) title: Recent Tendencies in Ethics Three Lectures to Clergy Given at Cambridge date: None words: 25587 flesch: 56 summary: But the controversies of the time centred almost exclusively round two questions: the question of the origin of moral ideas, and the question of the criterion of moral value. As regards the former question--that of the origin of moral ideas--the Utilitarian School held that they could be traced to experience; and by 'experience' they meant in the last resort sense-perceptions and the feelings of pleasure and of pain which accompany or follow sense-perception. keywords: absolute; account; action; activity; altruism; animal; appearance; assertion; basis; bradley; case; certain; civilised; claim; common; community; competition; complete; conception; conditions; conduct; conflict; consciousness; cosmic; course; criterion; darwin; day; degrees; desire; developed; development; different; difficulty; distinction; doctrine; doubt; efficiency; egoism; end; environment; eternal; ethical; ethics; evil; evolution; existence; experience; facts; footnote; forms; fundamental; general; good; goodness; green; group; happiness; higher; human; huxley; ibid; ideas; importance; individual; influence; instance; intellectual; kind; knowledge; law; life; man; material; matter; means; metaphysical; method; mind; moral; moral ideas; morality; natural; natural selection; nature; new; nietzsche; operation; order; origin; philosophy; place; point; possible; practical; present; principle; process; progress; qualities; question; realisation; reality; relation; result; right; sacrifice; satisfaction; school; science; scientific; second; selection; self; sense; significance; social; society; spiritual; standard; struggle; success; suggestion; sympathy; system; tendency; term; theory; things; thought; time; traditional; true; truth; unity; universe; use; utilitarian; value; view; way; work; world; worth; writers; wrong; years cache: 12492.txt plain text: 12492.txt item: #11 of 155 id: 12508 author: Dickinson, G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes) title: The Meaning of Good—A Dialogue date: None words: 64380 flesch: 73 summary: This is admitted to be a kind of Good; but such Good, it is maintained, is defective, not only because it is precarious, but because it depends upon objects of which it is not the essence to produce that Good, but which, on the contrary, just as much and as often produce Evil. For, if it be true that perfect Good does involve some such relation, and yet that it is one unattainable under the conditions of our present life, then we must say either that such Good is unattainable--and in that case why should we idly pursue it?--or that we believe we shall attain it under some other conditions of existence. keywords: able; absolute; absurd; account; action; activities; activity; actual; alien; answer; appeal; appearance; argument; art; attempt; attitude; audubon; aware; bad; bartlett; beautiful; beginning; belief; best; better; body; business; case; certain; change; character; choice; clear; common; common good; complex; conceive; concerned; condition; connection; consciousness; content; contrary; course; criterion; current; day; dear; death; delight; dennis; different; difficulty; direct; discovery; discussion; dispute; doubt; elements; ellis; end; ends; essence; essential; eternal; evil; example; existence; experience; eye; fact; fall; far; fear; feeling; final; follow; form; free; future; general; general good; generation; god; good; good good; good thing; great; greatest; hand; happiness; hard; having; heaven; help; hold; hope; human; hypothesis; idea; immortality; important; impulse; independent; individual; infinite; instance; instinct; intelligible; interest; interrupted; judge; judgments; kind; knowledge; law; laws; leslie; life; like; little; lives; living; long; love; main; man; matter; mean; meaning; men; mere; method; mind; moment; moral; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; number; object; open; opinions; opposite; order; pain; parry; particular; passion; past; people; perception; perfect; perfect good; person; personal; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; point; position; possible; practical; practice; present; principle; process; progress; protest; pure; pursuit; question; rate; ready; real; reality; reason; regard; relation; rest; results; right; river; round; routine; sake; science; scientific; second; seeking; self; sense; set; significance; silence; simple; single; social; society; soul; space; species; standard; state; subject; sufficient; supposing; system; talk; things; thinking; thought; time; true; true good; truth; turn; ultimate; use; validity; view; way; wilson; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years cache: 12508.txt plain text: 12508.txt item: #12 of 155 id: 12811 author: Bennett, Arnold title: The Human Machine date: None words: 22908 flesch: 74 summary: Considering the difficulty we have in our own brains, where our efforts are sure of being accepted as well-meant, and where we have at any rate a rough notion of the machine's construction, our intrepidity in adventuring among the delicate adjustments of other brains is remarkable. Personally, I think he would have been wiser if he had asked first for the power to keep in order such brains as we have. keywords: absurd; affair; age; ambition; attention; attitude; aurelius; baby; bad; best; better; blame; blaming; box; brain; business; calm; capable; case; certain; change; character; cheerfulness; child; common; concentration; conduct; conscious; control; course; cure; daily; day; days; deal; development; difficult; dignity; discipline; effect; efficient; effort; egotism; end; environment; epictetus; existence; experience; face; fact; fire; flat; force; form; free; friction; futile; general; good; great; grumbling; habit; half; hand; happiness; head; heart; hope; hour; house; human; human machine; idea; idle; important; impossible; income; individual; inevitable; influence; instinct; interest; kind; large; life; little; lives; living; machine; making; man; manner; matter; means; mental; mere; mind; moment; money; morning; mouth; nature; necessary; new; obedience; object; office; old; order; ordinary; particular; people; perfecting; person; phenomenon; point; power; practical; practice; present; principles; question; rate; reason; reasonable; rent; result; right; said; saying; second; self; sense; simple; society; sole; soul; spectacle; study; sure; temper; things; thought; time; tone; true; truth; universe; use; way; wife; work; world; wrong; year; young cache: 12811.txt plain text: 12811.txt item: #13 of 155 id: 12887 author: Fairbanks, Douglas title: Laugh and Live date: None words: 32127 flesch: 81 summary: Therein lies the difference between the _genius_ and a _commonplace_ man. Great men may have no time to fritter away but they have plenty of leisure for men worth while--_the pushers and the thinkers_. keywords: ability; able; action; advantage; advice; affairs; ambitions; bad; best; better; big; blood; body; books; brain; business; busy; case; certain; chance; chapter; character; children; clean; cleanliness; close; condition; confidence; consideration; country; courage; course; day; days; defeat; democratic; desire; development; door; douglas; drama; early; easy; effect; effort; energy; enthusiasm; exercise; existence; experience; eye; eyes; face; fact; failure; fairbanks; fall; father; fear; feet; fellow; fine; foot; force; friends; good; great; greater; grin; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; help; higher; highest; hold; home; honesty; hope; house; human; idea; illustration; important; individual; indulgence; initiative; interest; job; joy; kind; knowledge; known; lack; large; later; laugh; laughter; life; like; likely; little; live; living; long; look; love; makes; man; matter; means; men; mental; mere; mind; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; movies; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; old; open; opportunities; opportunity; order; ordinary; people; personality; physical; picture; place; play; point; poise; possible; power; practical; preparedness; profit; proper; purpose; quality; reading; ready; real; reason; refinement; reliance; result; right; rise; road; run; scene; second; self; sense; set; shakespeare; small; smile; society; sort; soul; spirit; spring; start; state; stock; street; strength; strong; struggle; subject; success; successes; successful; sure; system; taking; things; thinking; thought; time; training; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; type; use; value; victory; virtue; vision; waste; way; ways; wear; wholesome; words; work; world; worth; years; young; youth cache: 12887.txt plain text: 12887.txt item: #14 of 155 id: 12913 author: Bain, Alexander title: Moral Science; a Compendium of Ethics date: None words: 139680 flesch: 59 summary: The distinction between _knowledge_ and _opinion_ (the higher and the lower kinds of knowledge) does not settle the question, for opinion may be as _strong_ as knowledge. The correct meaning of _superior_ and _inferior_ is determined by command and obedience. keywords: absence; absolute; abstract; account; acting; actions; active; acts; actual; additional; admits; advantage; affairs; affections; agent; agreeable; aim; alleged; analogy; analysis; ancient; anger; answer; apparent; appeal; appetites; application; approbation; arbitrary; argument; aristotle; associated; association; attempt; attributes; author; authority; aversion; bad; basis; bearing; beauty; beings; beneficence; beneficial; benefit; benevolence; bentham; best; better; blame; bodily; body; bonum; book; brown; butler; calculation; calm; capable; cardinal; care; case; categorical; causes; certain; chapter; character; characteristic; charity; chief; children; choice; christian; chrysippus; circumstances; civil; civilized; class; classification; close; code; coincide; command; common; common good; community; comparison; compassion; complete; conception; concerned; condition; conduct; connexion; conscience; consciousness; consequences; consideration; constant; constitution; contemplation; contract; contrary; correct; corresponding; country; courage; course; creatures; criterion; custom; cynics; day; death; definite; definition; degree; deity; delight; demerit; denial; derived; desirable; desire; detail; determination; determined; determining; developed; dictates; differences; different; difficulty; dignity; direct; disapprobation; discipline; discussion; disinterested; disposition; distinction; distinguished; divine; division; doctrine; duties; duty; early; easy; education; effect; element; emotions; end; ends; enjoyment; epicurean; epicurus; equality; error; essential; established; esteem; estimate; ethical; ethics; evidence; evident; evil; exact; example; excellence; excess; exercise; existence; expedient; experience; expression; extent; external; extreme; fact; faculties; faith; fall; family; far; farther; favour; fear; feelings; fellow; final; fitness; fixed; following; footnote; force; form; fortune; foundation; freedom; friendship; function; fundamental; future; general; general good; generous; giving; god; gods; good; good actions; good man; goodness; government; gratification; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; habit; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hatred; head; higher; highest; hobbes; hold; honour; honourable; hope; human; human happiness; human nature; humanity; hume; hutcheson; idea; ignorance; iii; ill; imagination; immediate; immutable; imperative; imperfect; important; impulses; inclination; independent; individual; inferior; influence; injury; injustice; innate; instance; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; intense; intention; intercourse; interest; internal; intuition; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kinds; knowledge; known; large; law; laws; lay; leading; left; legal; legislation; length; liable; liberty; life; like; liking; little; locke; long; love; main; making; man; mandeville; mankind; manner; matter; maxim; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; mere; merit; method; mind; misery; mistake; mode; modern; moment; money; moral; moral action; moral approbation; moral code; moral distinctions; moral duties; moral faculty; moral feelings; moral good; moral judgments; moral law; moral nature; moral obligation; moral philosophy; moral right; moral rules; moral science; moral sense; moral sentiment; moral virtues; moralists; morality; motive; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; notions; number; obedience; object; objection; obligation; obligatory; obvious; occasions; old; operation; opinion; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; origin; original; pain; painful; paley; parents; particular; parts; passions; past; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; performance; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; pity; place; plato; platonic; pleasant; pleasurable; pleasure; point; political; politics; popular; position; positive; possession; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; present; pride; primary; primitive; principle; priori; private; proceeds; process; produce; proof; proper; property; proportion; propriety; protagoras; prudence; prudential; psychology; public; punishment; pure; purpose; pursuit; qualities; question; race; rank; rational; real; reality; reason; reasoning; rectitude; reference; regard; relation; relative; relief; religion; religious; remains; remarks; remorse; remote; replies; reply; reputation; resentment; respect; result; review; rewards; right; rules; sacrifice; sake; sanction; satisfaction; saying; scheme; scientific; second; section; security; seeking; self; selfish; sensations; senses; sensibility; sentiment; separate; set; sets; share; short; simple; single; situation; small; smith; social; society; sokrates; sole; soul; source; sovereign; special; species; speculative; sphere; standard; state; statement; stewart; stoical; stoics; strength; subject; subjective; suffering; sufficient; summary; summum; superior; superiority; support; supporters; supposed; supreme; sympathetic; sympathy; system; taste; temperance; tendencies; tendency; terms; theological; theology; theories; theory; things; think; thought; times; training; treatise; true; truth; ultimate; understanding; universal; universe; unjust; useful; usual; utility; value; varieties; variety; veracity; vice; view; vii; viii; virtue; virtuous; volition; voluntary; want; war; way; wealth; welfare; wisdom; wise; wish; words; work; world; worth; wrong cache: 12913.txt plain text: 12913.txt item: #15 of 155 id: 13004 author: Burgess, Gelett title: More Goops and How Not to Be Them: A Manual of Manners for Impolite Infants date: None words: 3618 flesch: 91 summary: [Illustration: Exaggeration] _EXAGGERATION_ Don't try to tell a story To beat the one you've heard; For if you try, you're apt to lie, And _that_ would be absurd! Don't try to be more funny Than any one in school; [Illustration: Don't be Bad] _DON'T BE BAD_ Just as long as you dare to be, Because your mother doesn't see. keywords: 4to; baby; book; burgess; care; co.; day; dress; feet; frederick; good; goop; illustration; little; look; manners; mother; new; noise; party; play; right; seed; small; stealing; stokes; street; york cache: 13004.txt plain text: 13004.txt item: #16 of 155 id: 13072 author: Yoritomo-Tashi title: Common Sense, How to Exercise It date: None words: 31513 flesch: 60 summary: Common sense is solid, illusion is yielding, also illusion never issues victorious from a combat with it; during a struggle illusion endeavors vainly to display its subterfuges and cunning; illusions disappear one by one, crusht by the powerful arms of their terrible adversary--common sense. But, Dean Farrar added: With common sense, it is wisdom; with method it is power; with charity beneficence; with religion it is virtue, life, and peace. keywords: able; action; acts; aid; altho; analysis; approximation; argument; art; attention; attribute; away; beautiful; beauty; best; care; cause; certain; character; circumstances; color; common sense; comparison; conclusions; conduct; consequences; contrary; control; cool; country; daily; danger; day; deduction; degree; desire; development; different; direct; direction; effects; effort; egotism; enthusiasm; environment; error; escape; essential; events; exact; example; existence; experience; fact; faculty; fall; false; fan; fear; following; force; foresight; form; fortune; good; great; habit; happiness; harmony; headedness; heart; hope; house; idea; illusion; imagination; importance; impressions; impulse; impulsive; indispensable; individual; influence; initial; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; lack; lang; laws; lesson; life; light; little; logic; long; man; manifestation; manner; master; material; means; memory; method; mind; moment; moral; moral sense; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; new; number; object; obstacles; old; opinion; opportunity; order; past; peasant; people; perception; perfect; permits; personal; persons; phases; philosopher; pity; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; practical sense; practise; precaution; precious; present; prince; principles; produce; purpose; qualities; quality; question; reality; reason; reasoning; reflection; related; relative; resolutions; result; science; second; seeing; self; sentimentality; sentiments; shogun; soul; spite; state; struggle; subject; success; sun; superior; things; thought; time; trees; true; truth; unable; value; view; way; wisdom; wise; world; yoritomo; young cache: 13072.txt plain text: 13072.txt item: #17 of 155 id: 13104 author: Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt) title: The Abominations of Modern Society date: None words: 54041 flesch: 80 summary: I would to God men kept young for a greater length of time. There are many men who, when at peace, are most fastidious of speech, but when aroused into the violence of passion, blaze with imprecation. keywords: abomination; agony; air; alley; almighty; american; angel; answer; apparel; associations; awful; bad; ball; bank; beach; beautiful; behavior; bell; best; better; bible; black; blasphemy; blood; board; body; book; box; boy; brain; break; breath; bright; broken; brow; business; capital; cards; care; cents; chapter; character; cheek; children; christian; church; churches; circles; cities; city; clear; close; club; coal; coat; cold; commercial; common; companies; company; conversation; counter; country; court; crime; cry; curse; curtain; custom; cut; dance; darkness; dash; daughters; day; days; dead; death; deep; demand; despair; disease; dissipation; dollars; door; dress; drink; drinking; drop; drunkard; drunkenness; duty; earth; elegant; end; england; enterprise; escape; establishments; eternal; eternity; evening; evil; excitement; excuse; exquisite; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; fallen; false; families; family; far; fashion; fashionable; father; feeling; feet; finest; fingers; fire; flash; floor; fly; foam; foot; fortune; foul; fourth; friend; gambler; gambling; game; gaming; garments; gentleman; glad; glass; god; gold; good; gospel; government; grand; grave; great; grog; habit; hair; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harm; hat; hath; hats; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; high; higher; highest; hold; home; honest; honorable; hope; hot; hour; house; household; hundreds; infamous; influence; iniquity; innocent; joy; judgment; kind; ladies; land; large; law; laws; leaf; left; lies; life; lights; like; line; lips; literature; little; living; london; long; look; looking; lord; lost; lottery; magnificent; making; man; matter; means; men; mercantile; merchant; midnight; millions; mind; minister; miserable; moment; money; months; moral; morning; mother; multitudes; municipal; music; national; nature; need; needle; neighbor; new; newspaper; night; number; o'clock; office; oil; old; open; orphans; parents; pass; past; path; pay; people; perpetual; persons; philadelphia; pictures; pillow; place; play; police; poor; position; power; prayer; presence; present; printing; prosperity; public; pure; purpose; question; quick; railroad; reason; regard; religious; respectable; rest; ring; road; roll; room; ruin; rum; sabbath; sacrifice; saw; scores; sea; second; secret; self; set; sewing; shame; shares; sharp; ship; shoe; shop; silver; sing; sky; sleep; small; social; society; son; soul; sound; spirit; spring; stand; standing; start; state; step; stock; stone; story; street; strike; strong; style; subject; summer; sunday; sure; table; talk; taxes; tear; thing; thought; thousands; throw; thunder; tickets; time; toil; tongue; town; trouble; truth; turn; unfit; utter; vast; victims; voice; wages; walk; wall; war; watch; water; wave; way; wheel; white; wife; wild; window; wine; wings; winter; woe; woman; words; work; world; worst; worth; wreck; wrong; xxx; years; york; young; young man cache: 13104.txt plain text: 13104.txt item: #18 of 155 id: 13449 author: Bennett, Arnold title: The Plain Man and His Wife date: None words: 18047 flesch: 77 summary: Whereupon the plain man was, as too often with us plain men, staggered and deeply affronted by the illogical absurdity of human nature. I know that plain men are seldom failures; their very plainness saves them from the alarming picturesqueness of the abject failure. keywords: age; alpha; anglo; answer; aware; bed; brain; business; career; case; certain; children; coffee; common; course; daughter; day; dead; dear; demands; difficult; dinner; domestic; end; evening; example; existence; eyes; face; fact; family; father; fine; form; free; friend; fundamental; future; getting; girl; good; grave; great; hands; happy; hobby; home; hours; house; human; imagination; indignation; instincts; interest; interesting; joy; knowledge; late; leg; leisure; letter; life; little; long; man; married; mean; men; mere; mind; moment; money; moral; mrs; mutton; nature; naught; night; obsession; office; old; omega; omicron; order; organized; path; people; person; phrase; place; plain; plain man; pleasure; point; present; quality; question; real; reason; risks; room; satisfaction; scoundrel; second; secret; self; sense; simple; sort; soul; spending; successful; supreme; theory; thing; timbuctoo; time; tone; traveller; true; truth; way; week; wife; wisdom; wise; woman; world; years; young cache: 13449.txt plain text: 13449.txt item: #19 of 155 id: 13588 author: Moore, John Hamilton title: The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant Being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers, calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners, improve the understanding, rectify the will, purify the passions, direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects, and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English language with elegance and propriety date: None words: 148469 flesch: 70 summary: The character of _Achates_ suggests to us an observation we may often make on the intimacies of great men, who frequently choose their companions rather for the qualities of the heart, than those of the head: and prefer fidelity, in an easy, inoffensive, complying temper, to those endowments which make a much greater figure among mankind. And here I cannot but mention an observation which I have often made, upon reading the lives of the philosophers, and comparing them with any series of kings or great men of the same number. keywords: abdallah; abilities; able; absurd; account; acquaintance; acquainted; acting; action; address; admiration; admire; advantage; advice; affairs; affectation; affected; age; agreeable; air; almighty; amanda; ambition; america; amiable; ancient; angels; anger; angry; anguish; animal; answer; appearance; application; approach; apt; argument; arms; aspect; assembly; attention; aukward; author; authority; aversion; bad; balsora; beauties; beautiful; beauty; behaviour; behold; beings; best; better; birds; birth; black; blessed; blood; bodies; body; book; bosom; boys; breast; breath; breeding; bridge; brother; business; busy; calamities; calls; capable; care; careful; cast; cause; celebrated; certain; change; character; charms; cheerfulness; chief; child; children; choice; christian; circumstances; city; civil; civility; cleanliness; clear; close; clouds; colour; columbus; command; common; companies; company; composed; conceal; condition; conduct; confidence; confusion; conscience; consciousness; consequence; consideration; constant; constitution; contempt; content; continued; contrary; conversation; converse; countenance; country; courage; course; court; creation; creatures; crimes; cruel; custom; cut; cæsar; daphne; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; defence; degree; delicate; delight; design; desire; despair; different; difficult; difficulties; dignity; direct; disagreeable; discourse; discovery; discretion; disgrace; disposition; distance; distinction; distinguished; divine; doubt; dreadful; dream; dress; drink; duties; duty; earth; easy; education; effects; elegance; eminent; empire; employment; endeavour; enemies; enemy; english; enjoy; envy; epistles; equal; esteem; esteemed; eternal; eternity; ev'ry; evening; events; evils; example; excellent; exercise; existence; experience; express; expression; extraordinary; eyebrows; eyes; face; faculties; fair; faithful; fall; false; family; famous; fancy; far; fashion; fate; father; faults; favour; fear; features; feet; fellow; female; field; figure; fine; fingers; fire; firm; fit; fixed; following; folly; fool; foot; force; form; fortune; forward; frame; free; french; frequent; friend; friendship; future; gain; gay; general; genius; gentleman; gesture; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; gold; golden; good; good company; goodness; grace; graceful; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; green; grief; guard; guilt; habitual; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; hath; hatred; head; health; heap; hearing; heart; heaven; heavy; helim; help; high; highest; hill; history; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; human; humble; humour; hurry; husband; idea; idle; ignorant; ill; imaginary; imagination; immortality; importance; improvement; inclination; increase; inferior; infinite; influence; information; inhabitants; innocence; innocent; innumerable; inspire; instances; intellectual; interest; jack; jews; joy; joys; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; kingdom; kings; knowledge; known; labour; ladies; lady; land; language; large; laugh; laughter; laws; lay; lead; learning; leave; left; legs; length; letters; liberty; lie; lies; life; like; line; lips; little; live; lively; living; long; longer; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; love; maker; making; malice; man; mankind; manner; mark; masters; matter; means; measure; melancholy; memory; men; mention; mercy; mere; merit; method; middle; midst; mind; miserable; misery; misfortunes; modern; modesty; moment; money; moon; moral; morality; morning; mother; motions; mountain; multitudes; music; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; noble; noise; notice; number; o'er; obedience; object; obliged; observation; occasion; offer; old; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; order; pains; paper; particular; parts; passage; passes; passions; past; patience; paul; pay; peculiar; people; perfection; perpetual; person; philip; philosopher; picture; piece; pity; place; plain; play; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; position; possession; possible; posture; poverty; power; practice; praise; prayer; presence; present; pretty; pride; principle; private; progress; promises; proper; proportion; prospect; providence; public; pupil; pure; purpose; puts; qualities; quality; queen; question; quick; raised; rank; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; reasonable; received; reflection; regard; religion; religious; remarkable; reputation; resolution; respect; rest; return; revenge; rich; riches; ridicule; ridiculous; right; rise; romans; rome; room; rose; round; rude; ruin; rule; run; sacred; sake; satisfaction; saviour; saying; scarce; scene; school; scripture; sea; second; secret; self; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiments; servant; service; set; sets; sex; share; shew; shine; shining; short; silent; silly; silver; sincere; single; skies; sleep; slow; small; smile; society; soft; solid; solomon; song; sons; soon; sorrow; soul; source; space; spain; speaker; speaking; species; spectator; speech; speeches; spirit; spread; spring; stands; stars; state; steady; story; stranger; strength; strong; studies; study; subject; success; sudden; sufficient; sun; superior; support; supreme; sword; system; takes; talents; talk; taste; teacher; teeth; tell; telling; temper; temperance; terror; thee; thing; thought; throne; throw; thy; time; tis; tone; tongue; town; train; trifling; triumph; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; unhappy; universal; use; useful; utmost; utter; vain; valuable; value; vanity; variety; vices; view; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; visit; voice; vulgar; walk; want; war; warm; way; ways; weak; weight; white; wide; wife; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; writers; writing; wrong; years; young; young man; youth cache: 13588.txt plain text: 13588.txt item: #20 of 155 id: 13877 author: Starke, D. title: Poise: How to Attain It date: None words: 28987 flesch: 64 summary: Ignoring such enterprises as they know to be unworthy of their powers, those who are possest of real poise (and not of that foolish temerity colloquially known as _bluff_) will devote themselves solely to such tasks as a well-ordered judgment and an accurate knowledge of their own potentialities indicate to them to be fitting. The man of real poise is like the child who, disclaiming the transitory blaze of the straw, prefers to work patiently at building a fire whose moderate heat will afford him a durable and useful warmth. keywords: able; acquiring; action; advance; advantage; affairs; ambition; attention; attitude; awkwardness; better; breathing; careful; cases; cause; certain; chapter; character; child; children; circumstances; common; condition; confidence; conquest; control; courage; daily; day; defeat; defects; definite; desire; development; difficulty; distrust; dread; easy; effect; effort; effrontery; egoism; embarrassment; emotions; end; enemies; energy; estimate; exaggerated; exercises; existence; experience; extent; eyes; fact; failure; faith; false; fate; faults; fear; feeling; force; form; free; frequent; gaze; goal; good; great; habit; hand; head; health; help; idea; importance; incapable; isolation; judgment; knowledge; lack; life; likely; little; longer; making; man; marked; mastery; matter; means; mental; mere; merits; mind; minutes; modesty; moment; moral; movements; necessary; necessity; need; nervous; object; obvious; open; order; particular; people; perfect; person; physical; place; point; poise; possest; possible; power; practise; prey; pride; proper; qualities; quality; question; real; reason; reasoning; resolution; result; rise; road; self; series; sort; soul; speaking; state; step; strong; struggle; study; subject; success; sure; sympathy; things; thought; time; timid; timid man; timid people; timidity; trouble; true; unable; undertaking; value; vanity; virtue; way; weakness; words; work; world cache: 13877.txt plain text: 13877.txt item: #21 of 155 id: 14239 author: Austin, John Mather title: Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness Being a Series of Lectures to Youth of Both Sexes, on Character, Principles, Associates, Amusements, Religion, and Marriage date: None words: 40998 flesch: 66 summary: The ruin of multitudes of young men can be traced to the same origin--a bad selection of associates. Young men! keywords: action; advice; affairs; amusement; appearance; associates; attention; attractions; attractive; bad; beautiful; beauty; beings; beneath; best; better; bible; body; business; card; care; career; certain; character; characteristics; children; christian; christianity; circumstances; class; comfort; common; company; condition; conduct; confidence; connected; consequences; consideration; correct; corrupt; counsel; country; course; danger; dangerous; dark; day; days; death; deeds; deep; degree; desire; different; discrimination; disposition; divine; doctrines; domestic; dress; duties; duty; early; earth; earthly; education; effect; enjoyment; enlightened; error; essential; estimation; evening; evil; exercise; existence; experience; eye; fact; fair; fall; false; family; father; feelings; female; folly; footnote; form; friendly; friends; fruit; future; general; glorious; god; golden; good; good character; goodness; great; guide; habits; half; hand; happiness; happy; health; heart; heaven; help; high; higher; highest; history; honest; honorable; hope; hours; house; human; husband; idea; ignorant; important; industrious; industry; influence; intemperance; judgment; kind; knowledge; labor; ladies; lady; land; language; lecture; length; life; like; likely; little; living; long; look; love; man; manners; marriage; matter; means; men; mere; mind; moment; moral; morning; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; object; obtain; occupation; ocean; old; open; opinion; painful; parents; path; pathway; paul; peaceful; people; person; piety; place; plain; pleasant; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; possess; power; practical; practice; preparation; present; pride; principles; proper; prospects; prosperity; public; pure; purity; qualifications; real; reason; reflection; regard; religion; religious; reputation; respect; rest; rich; right; rise; ruin; rule; sabbath; sacred; saviour; scriptures; sea; secure; self; sense; sex; simple; single; small; society; soul; sound; sources; spirit; spring; state; step; strength; study; subject; success; sun; temptation; thee; things; think; thought; thy; time; topics; true; truth; turn; understanding; useful; value; vice; vicious; view; virtue; virtuous; walk; want; waters; way; ways; wide; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worthless; worthy; wretchedness; wrong; years; young; young man; youth; youthful cache: 14239.txt plain text: 14239.txt item: #22 of 155 id: 14312 author: Trine, Ralph Waldo title: What All The World's A-Seeking The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness Power and Happiness date: None words: 45333 flesch: 68 summary: great life in the world's history, among those living and among the so-called dead, and tell me if in _ This is a great law that but few who would have great power and influence seem to recognize, or, at least, that but few seem to act upon. keywords: able; absolute; action; aid; ambition; answer; atmosphere; attitude; awakening; away; beautiful; beauty; beginning; best; better; body; brings; brother; building; care; case; certain; character; chief; children; christ; conditions; connection; conscious; contrary; country; day; days; degree; desire; destiny; development; devotion; direct; disease; divine; effect; effort; emotions; entire; error; eternal; example; face; fact; failure; fear; fellow; finding; forces; form; friend; general; god; good; grasp; great; great law; great life; great power; great principle; greater; greatest; greatness; growth; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; having; hearted; heaven; help; helpfulness; higher; higher life; highest; history; hold; human; human life; ideal; individual; infinite; infinite life; influence; inner; intelligence; interests; interior; joy; kind; kingdom; know; knowledge; large; law; laws; life; like; little; lives; living; long; look; love; making; man; manifest; mankind; master; material; means; men; mental; mere; mighty; mind; moment; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; number; object; old; operation; order; particular; parts; past; people; personal; physical; place; pleasure; poor; possible; power; powerful; present; principle; purpose; question; realization; reason; regard; result; rich; right; royal; satisfaction; scientific; seeking; self; sense; service; set; simple; single; small; soul; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; strong; success; supreme; term; thee; things; thinking; thought; time; true; true life; truth; turn; type; unfoldment; universal; universe; use; valuable; value; vital; way; weak; wealth; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; years; young cache: 14312.txt plain text: 14312.txt item: #23 of 155 id: 14314 author: Post, Emily title: Etiquette date: None words: 210528 flesch: 71 summary: If other young men or any young girls are standing near, the hostess very likely introduces him. Other houses are filled with things of little intrinsic value, often with much that is shabby, or they are perhaps empty to the point of bareness, and yet they have that inviting atmosphere, and air of unmistakable quality which is an unfailing indication of high-bred people. keywords: + =; = +; = =; = |; ability; accepted; accompanied; account; acquaintance; actual; additional; address; advantage; affairs; afford; afternoon; agreeable; aisle; alice; ambassador; american; amusing; announcement; answer; apartment; appearance; approach; appropriate; arm; arms; arrangement; articles; aside; ask; asking; attempt; attention; attitude; attractive; aunt; avenue; average; awkward; baby; bachelor; background; bad; ball; ballroom; bath; beautiful; beauty; bed; bedroom; beginning; begins; behavior; bell; best; best man; big; black; blue; book; bored; boston; bouillon; bouquet; bow; bowl; bows; box; boxes; boy; boys; bread; breakfast; breeding; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; brilliant; broken; brother; business; butler; cake; calls; camp; candy; cap; card; care; careful; case; casual; caterer; center; centerpiece; century; ceremony; certain; chair; champagne; chancel; chaperon; chapter; character; charge; charm; charming; chauffeur; checks; chicken; chief; children; china; chocolate; choice; christening; church; cigar; circumstances; cities; city; clean; cleaning; clergyman; close; clothes; club; coat; coffee; cold; collar; color; colored; come; comfort; comfortable; coming; committee; common; community; companion; company; complete; conduct; consideration; conspicuous; contact; contrary; conventional; conversation; cook; corner; correct; cost; cotton; country; country house; couple; course; courteous; courtesy; covered; cream; crepe; criticism; cuffs; cultivation; cup; cups; custom; customary; cut; damask; dance; dancing; dark; date; daughter; day; days; deal; dear; dear mrs; death; decoration; deep; delighted; demands; description; dessert; details; dick; different; difficult; dignified; dignity; dine; dining; dinner; dinner dress; dinner table; direct; discomfort; dishes; dislike; display; distance; distinction; distinguished; doe; door; double; doubt; dozen; drawing; dress; dresses; dressing; drive; duke; dull; duties; duty; débutante; early; easy; eating; edge; education; effect; effort; eggs; elaborate; elderly; embroidered; engaged; engagement; england; english; entertaining; entertainment; entire; entrance; envelope; equal; equipment; especial; essential; etc; ethel; etiquette; europe; european; evening; event; evidence; example; excepting; excuse; expensive; expert; expression; extra; eyes; face; fact; fail; fair; families; family; fancy; far; fashion; fashionable; fashioned; father; feeling; feet; fifth; fine; finger; finished; fire; fish; fit; flannel; flat; floor; flowers; follow; following; food; footmen; foreign; forget; fork; formal; formal dinner; forms; forward; fourth; free; french; fresh; friendly; friends; fruit; funeral; furniture; future; game; garden; general; generation; gentleman; genuine; gift; gilding; girl; giving; glad; glass; glasses; gloves; godmother; going; golden; golf; good; good manners; good taste; good time; governors; grace; gray; great; greater; greatest; green; group; growing; grown; guest room; guests; guide; habit; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; hat; hats; head; heart; heavy; height; help; high; highest; hold; home; honor; honorable; hope; hospitality; hostess; hostesses; hot; hotel; hour; house; house party; house wedding; household; housekeeper; housemaid; huge; human; huntington; husband; idea; illness; illustration; immediate; important; inches; individual; inevitable; informal; initials; instance; interest; intimate; introduction; invalid; invitations; january; jim; john; jones; journey; justice; keeping; kind; kindhart; kitchen; knife; knives; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; language; large; later; lavish; law; lawn; leave; leaving; left; length; letter; library; life; like; likely; limited; linen; list; little; little house; lives; london; long; longer; look; looking; love; lovejoy; lovely; luck; luggage; lunch; luncheon; maid; makes; making; man; manners; mark; marked; marriage; married; mary; match; material; matter; meal; meaning; means; measure; meat; medium; meet; meeting; member; membership; memory; men; menu; mere; message; method; middle; miles; mind; minister; minutes; miss; moderate; modern; moment; monday; money; months; mother; motor; mourning; mrs; music; names; napkin; narrow; natural; near; nearest; necessary; necessity; need; needless; neighbors; new; new york; newport; news; norman; note; notice; number; nurse; nursery; o'clock; object; occasions; odd; offer; office; old; oldname; open; opera; opinion; opposite; orange; order; ordinary; ornament; outside; page; pantry; paper; parents; paris; park; parlor; particular; parties; partner; party; past; people; perfect; perfection; performance; period; person; personal; personality; pew; pews; picnic; picture; piece; pink; place; plain; plates; play; playing; pleasant; pleasure; plenty; point; pointed; polished; polite; politeness; poor; popular; popularity; position; possible; post; practise; prefer; prepared; presence; present; president; pretty; private; procession; professional; prominent; proper; proportion; public; purpose; quality; quantity; quarters; queen; question; quiet; r.s.v.p; railroad; rank; reading; ready; real; reason; reception; regret; regular; relative; remarks; request; reserved; respect; restaurant; result; return; ribbons; rich; riding; right; ring; rises; risk; robinson; room; rude; rudeness; rule; run; salad; sally; sandwiches; satin; sauce; school; seat; second; secretary; selection; self; senator; sending; sense; separate; servants; service; serving; set; shake; shirt; shoes; sign; silk; silver; simple; single; sir; sister; sit; sitting; situation; sixth; size; slightest; slippers; small; small house; smaller; smart; smartest; smartlington; smile; smith; smoke; smoking; smooth; social; society; soft; sorry; sort; sound; soup; space; speak; speaking; speech; spirit; spite; spoken; spoon; sports; spread; square; stage; stairs; stand; standing; states; station; stay; steamer; steps; stick; stockings; stop; straight; stranger; street; strong; style; subject; success; sufficient; sugar; suggestive; suitable; suits; summer; sunday; supper; supposing; sure; sweet; sympathy; table; tablecloth; talent; talk; taste; tea; teas; telephone; tell; tennis; tenth; thanks; theater; things; think; thought; tickets; time; tiny; tip; titherington; title; toast; toplofty; towels; town; train; travel; tray; trimming; trip; trouble; trousers; trousseau; true; trying; tuesday; turn; turning; type; typical; unable; united; unknown; unusual; useful; ushers; usual; valet; value; variety; vegetables; veil; vestibule; view; visiting; visitor; visits; voice; vulgar; waistcoat; wait; waitress; walk; walking; want; washington; way; wealth; wear; wearing; weather; wedding; week; welcome; white; wide; widow; wife; winter; wise; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; worldly; worse; wraps; writing; wrong; yard; years; yellow; york; young; young girl; young man; young people; younger; youth; | +; | =; | mr; | | cache: 14314.txt plain text: 14314.txt item: #24 of 155 id: 14408 author: Anonymous title: Manners and Conduct in School and Out date: None words: 5389 flesch: 81 summary: The right kind of girl and boy friendships may give joy for a lifetime; the wrong kind must be a continual menace. 5) Don't be prudes, girls, but let every boy know that he must keep his hands off from you. We earnestly hope this little book may help girls and boys to become happier, more agreeable, and more effective citizens. keywords: assembly; attention; best; body; boys; chaperon; courtesy; dance; duty; face; floor; food; fork; friend; gentle; gentleman; girl; good; habits; hall; hand; heart; help; home; hostess; kind; knife; life; little; lunch; manners; men; older; paper; partner; people; person; place; right; room; school; seat; social; street; table; things; thought; time; walk; want; way; woman cache: 14408.txt plain text: 14408.txt item: #25 of 155 id: 14418 author: Smiles, Samuel title: Thrift date: None words: 124291 flesch: 70 summary: Want of sympathy--Masters and servants--Christian sympathy--Competition--What capital represents--Workmen and employers--The Ashworths--New Eagley Mills--Improved workpeople--Public spirit of manufacturers--Mr. Lister of Bradford--Mr. Foster's speech--Great men wise savers--Sir Titus Salt--Saltaire--Its institutions--Music and sobriety--Mr. Akroyd, Halifax--Yorkshire penny bank--Origin of the bank--How to help the poor--Saving helps sobriety--Drunkenness put down--Childish work--Penny banks. Great men are wise savers and wise spenders. keywords: able; accommodation; accomplished; account; accumulation; action; active; acts; actual; advancement; advantages; advice; affairs; agricultural; air; akroyd; animal; annual; appearances; arithmetic; art; articles; artists; association; assurance; attention; author; average; bacon; bad; bank; baxendale; beautiful; beauty; beer; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bill; birmingham; blessing; board; body; book; boy; boys; bradford; bread; building; business; buying; capital; capitalists; care; carrying; cases; cause; cent; certain; chadwick; chance; chapter; character; charities; charity; chief; children; circumstances; city; civilization; classes; cleanliness; clear; clerks; close; clothes; clothing; clubs; co.; coal; college; colliers; comfort; comfortable; coming; common; companies; company; competition; concern; condition; conduct; connection; consequence; considerable; constant; control; cook; cooking; corn; cost; cottage; cotton; country; courage; course; credit; crime; crossley; culture; daily; day; days; deal; dear; death; debt; deep; degradation; degree; denial; denison; deposits; desire; determined; devoted; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; diligent; dirty; disease; disposed; disposition; distress; district; domestic; door; doubt; dress; drink; drinking; drunkenness; duke; duties; duty; dwellings; dying; early; earnings; earth; east; easy; economize; economy; edinburgh; educated; education; edward; effect; efforts; employers; employment; end; energy; engaged; engine; england; english; enjoyment; enormous; entire; equal; establishment; evening; events; evil; example; excellent; exercise; existence; expenditure; expense; experience; extent; extravagance; face; fact; factory; failure; fair; fall; false; families; family; far; fashion; father; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; fever; fine; firm; fixed; flour; flowers; following; folly; food; footnote; foreign; forethought; form; fortune; fox; france; free; french; friend; friendly; frugality; fund; funeral; furnished; furniture; future; gains; general; generation; generosity; genius; gentleman; george; girard; girls; god; gold; goldsmith; good; government; great; great men; greater; greatest; ground; guinea; habits; half; halifax; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; healthy; heart; heavy; help; helping; higher; highest; history; home; honest; honour; hope; hospital; hours; house; household; huddersfield; human; humble; husband; idea; idle; idleness; ignorance; ignorant; immense; important; improved; improvement; improvidence; income; increase; independence; individual; indulgence; industrial; industrious; industry; influence; inhabitants; instance; institution; instruction; intellectual; intelligence; interest; iron; john; johnson; joseph; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; labourers; labouring; lancashire; large; late; law; laws; learning; leave; leeds; left; length; lessons; letters; library; life; like; literary; literature; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; lough; love; lowest; luck; majority; making; man; management; manchester; manners; manufacture; manufacturing; market; marriage; married; martha; mass; masters; material; matter; means; mechanics; members; men; mere; method; middle; military; mill; millions; mind; miners; miserable; misery; modern; moment; money; months; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mrs; music; mutual; nasmyth; national; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighbourhood; neighbours; new; noble; notice; number; numerous; object; office; old; old man; open; operation; operative; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; organization; parents; parish; park; parliament; partnership; parts; past; pay; payment; pennies; penny; people; period; personal; persons; physical; picture; piece; place; plan; pleasure; point; political; poor; poor man; poorer; poorest; population; position; possessed; possession; possible; post; pounds; poverty; power; practical; practice; present; pretty; price; principal; principle; private; produce; profits; progress; proper; proportion; prosperity; prosperous; provident; provision; prudence; prudent; public; punctuality; purchase; pure; purpose; pursuit; qualities; question; race; railway; ranks; rates; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; recent; reckless; reform; regard; regular; reliance; relief; remarkable; report; respect; respectability; respectable; responsibility; result; return; rev; rich; rich man; riches; right; rise; room; rules; run; said; sake; salt; saltaire; sanitary; satisfied; savage; save; savings; savings bank; scale; scheme; school; science; second; secret; secure; self; selfish; sense; servants; service; set; share; sheridan; shillings; shop; short; sickness; sikes; similar; simple; single; sir; sixpence; skilled; slavery; slaves; small; smith; sober; sobriety; social; societies; society; soldiers; soul; south; spending; spirit; spread; state; steady; steam; step; sterling; stock; store; streets; strike; strong; struggle; study; style; subject; success; successful; suffering; sufficient; sum; summer; sums; supply; support; sympathy; system; taste; temperance; thee; things; thinking; thought; thousands; thrift; thriftless; thriftlessness; time; tools; town; trade; training; true; truth; uncivilized; united; upper; useful; useless; uses; usual; valuable; value; vice; view; virtue; wages; want; water; way; ways; wealth; week; weekly; wholesome; wife; william; winter; wisdom; wise; women; wool; words; workers; workhouse; working; workmen; workpeople; world; worse; worship; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; yorkshire; young; young man cache: 14418.txt plain text: 14418.txt item: #26 of 155 id: 14679 author: Soulsby, Lucy Helen Muriel title: Stray Thoughts for Girls date: None words: 49139 flesch: 72 summary: I find, on comparing your suggestions, that there are thirty-eight things to avoid in home life (which suggests complexity); however, each of you was to confine her attention to three virtues and three failings, so in giving you my own likes and dislikes, I will not dwell on more than three. The girl who does that has left the riddle of home life unsolved: she was meant to wrestle with that difficulty till she wrung from it the blessing, the peace which comes only from self-conquest and acceptance of all the circumstances of her life. keywords: able; advice; affection; age; air; amusement; aunt; bad; beauty; best; better; bit; books; brothers; business; care; careful; case; certain; character; children; christian; church; clear; clever; comfort; commandment; common; commonplace; conscience; content; conversation; corps; country; course; daily; danger; dante; daughter; day; dear; definite; denial; different; difficulty; discipline; dress; dull; duties; duty; dwell; easy; education; english; evil; eyes; face; fact; family; far; father; fault; feel; feeling; fine; fit; flowers; footnote; form; free; french; fresh; friends; friendship; future; general; gift; girls; god; good; good time; gossip; great; grow; half; hand; happiness; hard; harm; head; heart; help; higher; highest; history; holidays; home; home life; hope; hour; house; household; husband; ideal; idle; inclined; influence; interesting; interests; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; lady; large; late; law; learning; leave; lessons; letters; life; like; likely; little; live; living; long; look; lord; love; making; married; matter; means; men; mental; mere; mind; minded; miss; modern; money; moral; morning; mother; natural; nature; need; net; new; nice; noble; novels; obedience; old; older; ones; open; opinion; ordinary; outside; pass; people; perfect; person; personal; pity; place; plan; pleasant; pleasure; plenty; poetry; point; poor; possible; power; prayer; present; principle; public; question; quiet; rachel; reading; ready; real; reason; religious; right; rule; sabbath; salt; saying; school; second; self; selfish; sense; sensible; servants; set; silly; sister; sleep; small; society; solomon; sort; soul; special; spiritual; stage; standard; start; strength; strong; study; subject; sunday; sweet; sympathy; tact; talk; talking; term; things; thinking; thought; time; tiresome; tone; tongue; touch; trouble; true; truth; turn; unselfish; use; useful; value; virtuous; want; way; ways; week; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worth; wrong; year; young cache: 14679.txt plain text: 14679.txt item: #27 of 155 id: 15419 author: Starrett, Helen Ekin title: Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls date: None words: 19082 flesch: 65 summary: But in these days this criterion of family and parentage is insufficient; for, sad as it may seem, the children of really excellent parents are often so derelict in duty, so lacking in conscientiousness, so idle and aimless and frivolous that their companionship should be dreaded for susceptible young people especially for young girls. Such expressions as perfectly awful, perfectly beautiful, too lovely for anything, hateful, horrible, may constantly be heard in conversation upon trivial and unimportant subjects in companies of young people whose educational opportunities and social advantages would lead us to expect a very different style of conversation. keywords: aims; associates; attention; beautiful; beauty; behavior; best; books; certain; character; children; circumstances; comfort; companions; company; conduct; control; conversation; course; culture; daily; day; days; dear; deep; dress; duties; duty; earnest; education; english; events; experience; expression; fact; family; feelings; friends; general; genuine; girl; god; good; good manners; great; greatest; habits; hand; happiness; happy; health; heart; help; high; home; hope; household; human; ill; important; influence; instance; kind; kindness; knowledge; lack; lady; letter; life; like; literature; little; lives; long; loud; love; lovely; manners; matter; men; mental; mind; moral; mother; mrs; nature; noble; old; order; outward; pain; parents; people; person; personal; place; pleasure; poor; possible; power; present; price; private; reading; reason; refined; regard; religious; right; rise; room; rules; school; self; selfish; sense; sentiment; set; social; society; sorrow; speech; spirit; spiritual; standard; strength; study; table; tact; taste; teachers; temper; temptation; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; voice; want; way; wish; woman; words; work; world; wrong; young; young girl; young lady; young people; young person cache: 15419.txt plain text: 15419.txt item: #28 of 155 id: 15510 author: Cobbett, William title: Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject. date: None words: 99180 flesch: 66 summary: But I found something here besides these rude works of nature; I found something in the fashioning of which _man_ had had something to do. There are cases where _health_ requires wine, and even small portions of more ardent liquor; but (reserving what I have further to say on this point, till I come to the conduct of the husband) keywords: able; absence; account; act; acts; advice; affairs; affection; age; america; amiable; answer; ardent; arise; arms; ashamed; attempt; attention; authority; aware; baby; bachelor; bad; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; best; better; body; book; boy; boys; bread; breast; business; calling; care; case; certain; change; character; children; choice; church; churches; circumstances; civil; clothes; cold; coming; command; common; community; companions; company; conduct; consequences; constant; contrary; cost; countries; country; course; creatures; crime; daily; danger; daughters; day; days; deal; death; degree; delight; description; desire; despicable; different; dinner; disgrace; disposition; doctor; domestic; door; dress; drink; drinking; duties; duty; early; earth; ease; eating; education; effect; end; england; english; equal; example; exercise; existence; expense; experience; extent; eyes; face; fact; fall; false; families; family; farmer; fashion; fatal; father; fault; fear; feelings; fellow; female; fine; fire; fit; fixed; fond; food; force; form; fortune; france; free; french; friends; gaming; garden; general; genius; gentlemen; girl; god; good; government; grammar; great; greater; greatest; ground; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; help; high; history; home; honour; hope; horses; hours; house; human; hundreds; husband; importance; industrious; industry; influence; injurious; innocent; instances; jealousy; judge; judgment; justice; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; labour; labourer; labouring; ladies; language; large; late; law; laws; lazy; lead; learning; leave; leisure; letters; life; like; likely; little; living; london; long; look; loss; love; lying; making; man; manner; mark; marriage; married; matter; means; meat; men; mere; middle; mind; miserable; misery; moment; money; months; morning; mother; music; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighbours; new; number; numerous; object; observation; observe; occasion; offence; old; ones; opinion; order; pain; paper; parents; parliament; particular; parties; party; passion; pay; pecuniary; people; perfect; person; piece; place; play; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; portion; possession; possible; pounds; poverty; power; powerful; pox; practice; present; pretty; price; private; produce; proof; property; public; punishment; purpose; question; rank; rate; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; regard; respect; rest; return; rich; riches; right; risk; rude; ruin; rule; saying; school; second; seeing; self; sense; servants; set; sex; shakspeare; share; single; slave; sleep; slops; small; smallest; sober; sobriety; society; sons; sort; soul; sound; source; speak; species; spirit; spite; state; strength; strong; study; subject; sufficient; sure; talent; talk; task; taste; taxes; tea; temptation; thing; thought; thousands; time; town; tradesman; trees; troubles; true; trust; truth; turn; unfortunate; unjust; useful; vain; value; virtuous; voice; vow; walk; want; water; way; week; weight; wife; wine; wish; wives; women; words; work; world; worse; worthy; writing; years; young; young man; youth cache: 15510.txt plain text: 15510.txt item: #29 of 155 id: 16520 author: Slattery, Margaret title: The Girl and Her Religion date: None words: 41236 flesch: 77 summary: It is because these things are so that one feels like giving added praise to the girls who today _are_ girls of high ideals, who refuse to let the carelessness of the times in which they live gain entrance to their hearts to tarnish those ideals. But scores of little girls go shivering to school every morning after a breakfast of bread and tea, they return numb with cold after a dinner of more bread and tea and they go home to a supper of the same with a piece of stale cake or a cookie to help out. keywords: able; action; afternoon; air; ambition; answer; atmosphere; average girl; beautiful; beginning; best; bitter; body; book; boys; brother; business; care; change; character; child; children; christ; christian; church; city; class; clear; cold; college; community; companions; conditions; conscious girl; country; courage; cultivation; current; daughter; day; days; deep; definite; desire; dreams; dress; duty; early; earnest; easy; effort; environment; eyes; face; factory; facts; family; fashion; father; fear; fine; flowers; food; free; friends; future; gain; girl; girlhood; god; good; great; group; half; hand; handicapped; handicapped girl; happiness; happy; hard; heart; help; high; home; honest; hope; house; ideals; idols; impressed; indifference; indifferent girl; individual; inspiration; instruction; interested; interesting; joy; land; large; later; law; lead; lie; lies; life; like; little girl; live; living; long; looking; lost; love; making; man; mary; matter; means; men; mental; mind; misunderstood; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; natural; nature; needs; new; new girl; old; old girl; open; opportunity; parents; past; people; person; physical; picture; place; plans; play; pleasure; poor; possible; power; prayer; presence; present; pretty; privileged girl; problem; promise; public; pure; questions; real; religion; religious; result; right; room; roommate; sacrifice; school; sea; seed; self; sense; service; set; shalt; simple; sin; social; society; sort; soul; special; spirit; street; strength; strong; struggle; study; suffering; summer; sunday; sweet; sympathetic; sympathy; talk; task; teacher; teaching; teens; temptation; things; thought; time; today; touch; town; training; triad; trouble; true; truth; twin; voice; wait; want; way; ways; weak; weeks; wise; women; words; work; world; wrong; year; young; young girl cache: 16520.txt plain text: 16520.txt item: #30 of 155 id: 16802 author: American lady title: The Ladies' Vase; Or, Polite Manual for Young Ladies date: None words: 30076 flesch: 63 summary: Still, her social, affectionate nature longed for communion with other minds and hearts, on all subjects of deepest import. But they forget that, if it does not accord with their general style of living--if it is out of harmony with other things, it will so strike every body; and this want of fitness will prevent its looking well on them. keywords: account; action; affairs; affections; age; agreeable; appearance; apt; attention; beautiful; beauty; beloved; best; better; body; book; breath; care; case; certain; character; charm; child; children; christian; circumstances; cold; comfort; common; company; condition; conversation; country; course; day; days; deal; deep; degree; delicate; determined; display; disposition; domestic; dress; duties; duty; earth; education; effect; elegant; enjoyment; excitement; exercise; expression; eye; eyes; false; family; fanny; father; feelings; female; flowers; form; friends; friendship; gentleness; genuine; girl; glorious; glory; god; good; great; greater; habit; hair; half; hands; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; heaven; higher; home; hope; hour; house; human; ignorant; ill; imagination; importance; influence; intellectual; intercourse; interest; jemima; kind; knowledge; ladies; lady; large; life; like; likely; little; look; love; manners; marriage; matter; means; measure; men; mental; mind; moral; morning; mother; mrs; music; nature; necessary; need; night; novel; object; order; ordinary; pain; parents; party; peculiar; people; perfect; person; picture; place; pleasure; politeness; poor; possession; powers; present; principle; proper; providence; purpose; reading; real; reason; refined; religion; remarks; respect; romance; room; school; self; selfishness; sense; sensibility; sentiments; set; sex; short; simple; sisters; small; social; society; spirit; splendid; strength; strong; style; subject; summer; superior; support; sure; sympathy; table; talent; talk; taste; teeth; thing; thought; time; tone; trials; true; truth; turn; use; useful; view; walk; want; water; way; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worth; writing; wrong; years; young; youth cache: 16802.txt plain text: 16802.txt item: #31 of 155 id: 16937 author: Morley, John title: Critical Miscellanies (Vol 2 of 3), Essay 1: Vauvenargues date: None words: 10540 flesch: 63 summary: Take the Man of the World, for instance: 'A man of the world is not he who knows other men best, who has most foresight or dexterity in affairs, who is most instructed by experience and study; he is neither a good manager, nor a man of science, nor a politician, nor a skilful officer, nor a painstaking magistrate. If we reproach France in the eighteenth century with its coarseness, artificiality, shallowness, because it produced such men as the rather brutish Duclos, we ought to remember that this was also the century of Vauvenargues, one of the most tender, lofty, cheerful, and delicately sober of all moralists. keywords: actions; bacon; balance; best; body; book; century; certain; character; characteristic; circumstances; common; condition; conduct; corneille; criticism; death; delicacy; different; direct; doctrine; eighteenth; english; exaltation; expression; feeling; fine; footnote; forces; form; french; genius; good; great; greatness; hand; hard; heart; high; human; humanity; ideas; imagination; instance; instinct; intelligence; kind; king; letters; life; like; literature; little; lower; man; mark; maxims; men; mind; mirabeau; molière; moral; moralist; natural; nature; new; noble; oeuv; paris; pascal; passions; people; philosophy; place; poetic; prejudice; prudence; qualities; quality; racine; reason; rest; rochefoucauld; sense; sentiment; soul; spirit; strength; strong; temper; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; vauvenargues; vices; view; virtue; virtuous; voltaire; way; ways; weak; words; world; writers; years cache: 16937.txt plain text: 16937.txt item: #32 of 155 id: 17110 author: Beveridge, Albert J. (Albert Jeremiah) title: The Young Man and the World date: None words: 84879 flesch: 76 summary: While addressed more directly to young men, these papers were yet written for men on both sides the hill and on the crest thereof. Singular advice for young men, you will say, this counseling of restraint, calmness, and the husbanding of his powers. keywords: ability; able; absurd; account; achievement; action; active; address; advantage; advice; affairs; afraid; american; american people; answer; argument; attempt; attention; attitude; attorney; audience; authority; bad; battle; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; believe; best; better; bible; big; bismarck; blessed; blood; body; books; boy; brain; brilliant; building; burns; business; business man; calling; capable; career; careful; cares; case; cast; century; certain; change; character; children; christ; church; city; civilization; class; clear; client; close; club; college; college man; combined; common; commonplace; conception; conditions; conduct; confidence; constitution; constructive; conversation; counsel; country; courage; course; court; cæsar; daily; daring; day; days; deal; death; deeds; deep; definite; delicate; development; discipline; distinguished; doctor; doubt; drink; duty; earnest; earth; east; education; effective; effectiveness; effort; elemental; emerson; empire; energy; england; english; entire; equal; equipped; eternal; exalted; example; excellent; exceptions; experience; expression; eye; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; fall; family; far; fatal; fate; father; fear; feeling; fellow; field; fighting; fine; fire; force; form; fortune; free; fresh; friends; future; general; genius; german; glorious; god; going; gold; good; government; great; great man; great things; greater; greatest; habit; half; hand; happiness; hard; harder; head; heart; help; helpful; high; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; ideals; illustration; immortal; important; industry; influence; institutions; instruction; intellectual; intense; interest; japanese; john; joy; judge; jury; justice; kind; kindly; knowledge; labor; language; large; law; laws; lawyer; leader; learning; legal; liberty; life; like; limitations; lincoln; line; literature; little; live; living; long; look; lord; lost; lot; love; making; manhood; mankind; manner; mark; material; matter; mean; men; mental; mere; method; millions; mind; minister; minutes; modern; moment; money; months; moral; morning; morrow; mother; music; nation; national; natural; nature; necessary; need; nerves; new; newspaper; noble; notable; noted; number; ocean; office; old; old man; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; order; ordinary; paper; particular; party; past; people; perfect; period; permanent; person; personal; personality; philosophy; physical; place; plan; play; pleasure; point; political; politics; poor; position; possibilities; possible; power; powerful; practical; practise; preacher; preaching; present; president; problem; process; produce; profession; progress; proportion; public; public man; pulpit; purpose; qualities; quality; question; quit; race; read; reading; real; reason; religion; religious; remarkable; republic; resolve; respect; result; reward; rich; right; righteousness; room; rule; sacred; savonarola; saying; school; science; second; self; sense; sermon; service; set; shakespeare; simple; sincere; single; small; society; soil; soldier; sort; soul; sound; source; speaker; speaking; speech; speeches; spirit; splendid; start; state; statement; statesmanship; steel; step; strange; strength; strong; strong man; study; subject; success; successes; successful; suggestion; support; sure; sweet; sympathy; system; talk; task; terms; thee; things; thinking; thought; time; tobacco; town; training; true; truth; turn; ultimate; understanding; united; universal; universe; universities; university; use; useful; valuable; value; vast; view; vision; vital; vitality; voice; want; war; washington; waste; way; wealth; wife; willing; win; wisdom; wise; wish; women; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worth; wrong; years; york; young american; young lawyer; young man; youth cache: 17110.txt plain text: 17110.txt item: #33 of 155 id: 17195 author: Hubbard, Elbert title: A Message to Garcia Being a Preachment date: None words: 2703 flesch: 74 summary: [Sidenote: _Good men are always needed_] [Sidenote: There are other Garcias] Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, dowdy indifference, and half-hearted work seem the rule; and no man succeeds, unless by hook or crook or threat he forces or bribes other men to assist him; or mayhap, God in His goodness performs a miracle, and sends him an Angel of Light for an assistant. keywords: article; book; business; daniels; day; elbert; employer; encyclopedia; garcia; good; heart; help; hubbard; illustration; institution; letter; life; man; matter; men; message; rowan; russian; shop; sidenote; thing; time; war; work cache: 17195.txt plain text: 17195.txt item: #34 of 155 id: 17201 author: Mallock, W. H. (William Hurrell) title: Is Life Worth Living? date: None words: 88296 flesch: 69 summary: To _de-religionize_ life, then, it is not enough to condemn creeds and to abolish prayers. Indeed, many men who believe most firmly that without religion human life will be dead, rest their hopes for the future not on the revival and triumph of any one alleged revelation, but on the gradual evanescence of the special claims of all. keywords: able; absence; absolute; account; action; affection; agree; aid; air; altogether; analysis; answer; apparent; appeal; arguments; attempt; authority; basis; bear; beauty; beginning; belief; best; better; bible; body; book; brain; buddhism; calls; capable; capacities; case; catholic; catholicism; century; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristics; chief; choice; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; claims; clear; close; colour; common; communion; comparison; complete; conception; condemnation; condition; conduct; confusion; connected; conscience; consciousness; consequences; constant; contrary; course; creed; criticism; daily; day; dead; deal; death; deep; definite; degree; delight; denial; desire; devotion; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; disease; distinct; divine; doctrine; dogmas; doubt; dream; duty; earnest; earth; effect; element; eliot; end; english; enthusiasm; entire; equal; escape; essential; eternal; evidence; evident; evil; exact; example; existence; experience; express; expression; extent; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; false; fancy; far; farther; fast; fear; feeling; figure; following; footnotes; force; form; foundation; free; friend; future; general; generation; george; ginger; gladness; god; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; grounds; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; health; heart; heaven; hell; help; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hold; holy; hope; human; human life; humanity; huxley; ignorance; imagination; important; independent; individual; influence; instance; intellectual; intense; intensity; interest; inward; joy; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; language; large; laws; lay; leaves; life; like; limits; literary; literature; little; lives; living; logic; logical; long; longer; loss; love; man; mankind; mass; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; mere; methods; mill; mind; modern; molecules; moment; moral; moral end; moralists; morality; motion; motive; mystery; natural; nature; necessity; need; new; non; number; object; objective; observation; obvious; old; open; opinion; opposite; order; organism; outside; pains; particular; passage; passion; past; peculiar; people; perfect; personal; pessimism; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plain; pleasure; point; popular; position; positive; positive school; positivists; possibility; possible; power; practical; praise; presence; present; principles; private; prize; professes; professor; progress; proof; proportion; protestant; protestantism; proved; pure; purgatory; purity; purpose; question; race; rate; rational; reach; real; reality; reason; regard; religion; religious; required; rest; result; revelation; reverence; right; rise; rome; room; ruin; rule; sacred; saints; sake; saying; school; science; scientific; second; self; sense; set; sets; sides; similar; simple; single; small; social; society; sociology; solemn; sort; soul; source; special; spiritual; spite; standard; stars; state; statement; stephen; strange; strength; strong; struggle; study; subject; success; sufficient; sum; supernatural; support; supreme; surface; sympathy; system; taste; teaching; temptation; tendency; terms; test; theism; theology; theory; things; thinkers; thought; time; tone; treasure; true; trust; truth; turn; tyndall; universal; universe; use; utmost; vain; value; vast; vice; view; vigour; virtue; visible; volumes; want; way; ways; weight; western; wide; wisdom; wish; woman; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; wrong; years cache: 17201.txt plain text: 17201.txt item: #35 of 155 id: 17274 author: Hillis, Newell Dwight title: The Investment of Influence: A Study of Social Sympathy and Service date: None words: 58403 flesch: 75 summary: If great men come in groups, there is always a greater man in the midst of the company from whom they borrowed eminence--Socrates and his disciples; Cromwell and his friends; Coleridge and his company; Emerson and the Boston group; high over all the twelve disciples and the Name above every name. To this end were great men born. keywords: achievements; affection; africa; age; ages; air; ambition; angels; apple; arms; arnold; artist; atmosphere; author; away; babe; battle; beautiful; beauty; begin; beneath; best; bird; bitter; black; blessed; blood; blossom; body; bonds; books; boy; boys; brain; branches; broken; brother; brow; busy; career; carlyle; cast; center; centuries; century; certain; chapter; character; children; christ; christian; church; cities; city; civilization; clouds; cold; comfort; coming; common; company; conscience; courage; cruelty; cry; culture; cup; daily; darkness; day; days; dead; death; debt; deeds; deep; desert; disciples; distant; divine; door; drops; duty; early; earth; ease; easy; element; eloquence; enemies; engine; england; english; enthusiasm; events; evil; example; exhibits; eyes; face; fact; fall; fallen; fame; far; father; fear; feet; fellows; fidelity; fields; fierce; finding; fire; flowers; food; force; forest; form; forth; fortune; forward; freedom; friend; friendship; fruit; fruitage; future; garden; general; generation; genius; gentleness; gifts; glory; god; gold; golden; good; good man; grass; great; great heart; great man; greatest; greatness; grecian; ground; growth; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harshness; harvest; hath; head; heart; heart man; heavenly; helpfulness; hero; heroes; high; higher; history; hold; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humble; hunger; ideas; ignorance; ignorant; imagination; immortal; immortality; impotent; increase; india; individual; industrial; industry; infinite; influence; institutions; instruments; integrity; intellect; invisible; iron; jacob; jesus; john; journey; joy; judgment; kindness; king; knowledge; labor; land; large; law; laws; leaders; leaves; left; liberty; library; life; light; like; lincoln; lips; literature; little; lives; living; london; long; look; lord; lost; love; man; manhood; marble; march; market; master; memory; men; mental; merchant; mercy; mere; midst; millions; mind; mob; modern; moment; months; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mountains; movement; multitudes; music; nation; nature; need; new; noble; oak; ocean; oft; old; old man; ones; open; opportunity; pain; parents; passing; passion; past; patience; patriot; people; perfect; personality; physical; picture; place; plant; pleasure; plow; poet; poor; possible; poverty; power; praise; precious; presence; present; principle; progress; public; pure; realm; reason; red; refinement; reforms; religion; remembered; renown; return; rich; rich man; rise; rock; room; rose; rude; ruskin; sacrifice; sage; saul; scholar; schools; science; sea; secret; seed; seer; self; selfishness; sensitive; service; shadow; shelter; ships; sick; silent; single; sins; skill; slave; slavery; sleep; small; snow; social; society; soft; soil; soldiers; song; sons; soul; sound; sown; speech; spirit; splendid; springs; standing; stars; state; steam; stone; storm; strange; strategic; streets; strength; strong; study; suffering; summer; sun; sweet; sweetness; sympathy; talent; taste; teacher; temple; thee; things; thought; throne; tides; time; toil; tools; touch; traveler; treasures; tree; true; truth; upward; value; vast; vicarious; victory; villages; vision; voice; warm; water; weak; weakness; wealth; weary; weight; wheat; white; wife; winds; winter; wisdom; wise; witness; woman; words; work; world; wrong; years; yesterday; young; youth cache: 17274.txt plain text: 17274.txt item: #36 of 155 id: 17499 author: None title: A Jolly by Josh date: None words: 6793 flesch: 70 summary: He had no prospects, but good health, good heart, and good mind. You have often in your yachting experiences seen the yachts belonging to the Goulds, Vanderbilts, and other men of great wealth. keywords: accustomed; better; case; comfort; desires; discard; energy; expenditure; expenses; expensive; fact; good; great; habits; handle; happiness; happy; harris; income; large; liberty; life; little; look; man; means; men; mind; money; necessary; object; ones; people; personal; point; pony; pursuit; reach; respect; sense; small; things; time; touchstone; use; view; want; way; work; years cache: 17499.txt plain text: 17499.txt item: #37 of 155 id: 17609 author: Young, John H. title: Our Deportment Or the Manners, Conduct and Dress of the Most Refined Society date: None words: 92605 flesch: 73 summary: Courtesies shown to ladies traveling alone--Duties of an escort--Duties of a lady to her escort--Ladies should assist other ladies traveling alone--The seats to be occupied in a railway car--Discretion to be used in forming acquaintances in traveling 167 CHAPTER XV. RIDING AND DRIVING. Gentlemen cannot be invited without their wives, where other ladies than those of the family are present; nor ladies without their husbands, when other ladies are invited with their husbands. keywords: absent; account; acid; acquaintance; address; affairs; affection; agreeable; altar; american; anniversary; answer; appearance; appropriate; archery; arms; articles; artist; assistance; attempt; attention; away; bad; ball; bath; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; best; better; black; blue; bonnet; books; bottle; bow; break; breeding; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridemaids; bronze; brown; brush; business; callers; calling; calls; cardinal; cards; care; careful; cases; cause; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; chapter; character; children; christian; church; circle; circumstances; cities; city; civility; clean; clergyman; close; cloth; cold; collar; color; comfort; common; companion; company; condolence; conduct; confidence; constant; conversation; corner; correct; costume; country; couple; courage; course; courteous; courtesy; crape; crimson; cuffs; culture; custom; customary; cut; daily; dance; dancing; dark; daughter; day; days; dear; death; degree; delicate; desirable; desire; different; dinner; disagreeable; display; domestic; door; drawing; dress; driving; drops; dry; duties; duty; early; ease; easy; education; engaged; engagement; england; english; entertainment; envelope; equal; escort; etiquette; evening; evil; example; excuse; exercise; expression; eyes; face; fact; fail; family; fashion; father; fault; favor; feelings; feet; fine; fingers; fit; flowers; following; follows; food; foot; foreign; fork; form; formal; free; friends; friendship; fruit; funeral; future; game; general; gentleman; giving; glass; gloves; gold; golden; good; gossip; gray; great; greatest; green; guests; habits; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hat; head; health; heart; higher; highest; hold; home; honor; hope; hospitality; hostess; hot; hour; house; household; husband; ignorance; illustration; importance; inconvenience; individual; influence; informal; interest; intimate; introducing; introduction; invitation; jewelry; journey; kind; kindness; knife; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; language; large; late; laws; leave; leaving; left; lemon; length; letters; liberty; life; like; lilac; linen; list; little; lives; long; longer; look; love; making; manners; mark; marriage; married; material; matter; means; meeting; members; memory; men; mention; mere; mind; miss; mix; months; moral; morning; mother; mouth; mrs; music; nails; names; nature; near; necessary; need; neglect; new; note; number; o'clock; object; occasion; occupation; offer; oil; open; opera; opinions; orange; order; ordinary; ounce; page; paper; parents; parties; party; passing; people; perfect; performance; permission; permit; person; personal; piece; pink; pint; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleasing; pleasure; points; politeness; position; possible; practice; precedence; presence; present; presentation; president; previous; private; proper; propriety; public; pure; purple; purpose; quiet; rank; ready; reason; receiving; reception; recognition; red; refusal; refuse; regard; regret; relations; relatives; religious; remedy; reply; requirements; respect; return; rich; riding; right; ring; rise; room; rose; round; rude; rudeness; rules; salutation; scarlet; seat; second; self; sense; servant; services; set; short; silk; silver; similar; size; skin; small; soap; social; society; soft; solution; sons; speaking; special; spirits; stand; standing; state; stranger; street; strong; style; subject; success; sufficient; suit; suitable; suitor; summer; superior; sweet; sympathy; table; talk; taste; tea; teeth; temper; things; thorough; thought; time; title; toilet; tone; training; traveling; treatment; true; united; use; ushers; veil; visit; visitor; vulgar; walking; want; warm; wash; washing; watch; water; way; wear; wedding; week; white; wife; wine; winter; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; writer; writing; years; yellow; young; young lady; younger cache: 17609.txt plain text: 17609.txt item: #38 of 155 id: 17781 author: McGovern, John title: The Golden Censer Or, the duties of to-day, the hopes of the future date: None words: 84333 flesch: 77 summary: Lives of great men all remind us We may make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us, Footprints on the sands of time.--Longfellow. Good men, a little older than yourself, are still better. keywords: able; account; action; actual; addison; advantage; adversity; affair; affection; age; aged; ages; aid; alexander; ambition; america; animal; answer; atheist; attack; attempt; attention; awful; bachelor; bacon; bad; bank; banker; battle; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behold; belief; best; better; bible; big; billiards; birds; bishop; blood; board; body; books; boy; boys; brain; brother; building; bushel; business; buy; care; careful; case; cashier; cast; celebrated; censer; cents; certain; chance; chapter; character; charm; check; chicago; chief; childhood; children; christian; church; circumstances; cities; city; class; clear; clerk; close; clothes; co.; cold; comfort; coming; command; common; companions; company; comrade; conceit; confidence; constant; contentment; cost; cottage; country; courage; course; creator; creatures; credit; cries; cry; customer; cut; dark; day; days; deal; death; deep; delight; desire; destiny; die; difference; difficult; dollars; duties; duty; early; earth; ease; easier; easy; effect; effort; emerson; empire; employer; enemy; england; english; envy; errors; eternity; evening; events; evil; example; existence; expenses; experience; eyes; face; fact; faculties; failure; fair; fall; fame; family; far; farm; fatal; father; faults; fear; feelings; feet; fellow; field; figures; final; fine; fire; firm; flight; fly; folly; food; foolish; fools; force; form; fortunate; fortune; foundation; france; franklin; free; french; frequent; friend; friendship; future; gain; gaze; general; gentleman; george; girls; gladstone; glory; god; golden; good; good man; goodness; government; grand; grass; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; green; grief; ground; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; happy man; hard; hast; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; heavy; help; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; home; honest; honest man; honor; honorable; hope; hours; house; human; humanity; humble; husband; idea; illustration; immortal; importance; influence; instance; interest; iron; job; johnson; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; kings; knowledge; known; labor; laborer; lack; lady; land; language; large; laugh; law; leave; left; lesson; life; lightning; like; line; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; louis; love; lovely; luck; madame; making; man; manhood; mankind; manner; march; mark; marriage; married; married man; marvelous; matter; means; memory; men; mercy; middle; mighty; miles; millions; milton; mind; miserable; moment; money; months; moral; morning; mother; music; napoleon; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; noon; o'clock; object; office; old; old man; open; opening; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; order; ordinary; outside; page; pain; paradise; parents; particular; pass; passion; past; path; pay; pence; people; perfect; person; personal; picture; piece; pity; place; pleasant; pleasure; poet; point; poor; poor man; position; positive; possible; poverty; power; practical; practice; praise; presence; present; president; pride; private; profit; progress; promise; proof; proper; proud; pure; qualities; quality; question; quick; reach; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; record; regard; religion; respect; result; return; rich; richter; ridiculous; right; rise; road; room; rule; run; sacrifice; sad; safe; save; sea; second; secret; self; selfishness; sense; set; sex; shadow; shakspeare; shepherd; shillings; short; sick; sickness; simple; single; single man; sir; sister; sleep; small; smith; society; soft; solemn; solid; somewhat; sons; sorrow; soul; sound; speech; spirit; spring; stand; standing; stars; state; stay; stop; store; strange; street; strength; strong; strongest; study; style; subject; success; successful; summer; sun; sure; surplus; sweet; system; talk; taste; tell; temple; tender; thee; thing; thought; thy; time; tis; tongue; town; true; truth; turn; unhappy; universe; utter; value; vanderbilt; vanity; view; virtue; voice; walk; want; war; washington; watch; water; way; weak; wear; week; wheat; whisky; wife; william; willing; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worth; writer; years; young man; youth cache: 17781.txt plain text: 17781.txt item: #39 of 155 id: 17956 author: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount title: Recreation by Viscount Grey of Fallodon, K.G. date: None words: 7066 flesch: 73 summary: He had, too, a very trained ear for bird songs, which cannot be acquired without having spent much time in listening to them. He had one of the most perfectly trained ears for bird songs that I have ever known, so that if three or four birds were singing together he would pick out their songs, distinguish each, and ask to be told each separate name; and when farther on we heard any bird for a second time, he would remember the song from the first telling and be able to name the bird himself. keywords: beauty; best; birds; blackbird; books; british; colonel; country; day; duty; england; english; feeling; fishing; fond; friends; games; good; great; happy; history; holiday; interest; joy; knowledge; leisure; life; little; long; man; natural; old; people; planning; pleasure; poetry; reading; recreation; roosevelt; song; spare; sport; things; thought; time; use; walk; war; work; world; years cache: 17956.txt plain text: 17956.txt item: #40 of 155 id: 18394 author: Marden, Orison Swett title: Cheerfulness as a Life Power date: None words: 20935 flesch: 79 summary: Many men go through life carrying their tongue, their temper, their whole disposition so that wherever they go, others dread them. Such men are the true nation-builders. keywords: age; air; american; author; bad; beautiful; beauty; beecher; best; better; birds; blood; body; book; boston; boy; brain; bright; brown; business; cells; cheerful; cheerfulness; children; city; clear; close; cold; condition; constant; contented; corn; countenance; daily; dark; day; days; duty; earth; emerson; eyes; face; faith; father; field; fine; flowers; fortune; friend; fun; glad; gloom; god; good; great; greatest; habit; hand; happier; happiest; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; head; health; heart; heaven; help; henry; high; home; house; human; humor; husband; idea; ill; inside; john; joy; kind; kindness; king; land; laugh; laughing; laughter; leave; life; light; like; little; lives; living; london; long; look; looking; love; machinery; man; manner; means; men; mental; merry; mind; minister; mirth; moment; money; morning; mother; music; nature; necessary; need; neighbors; new; office; old; open; paradise; people; perpetual; picture; piece; place; pleasant; pleasure; poor; power; queen; question; ready; rest; room; rothschild; round; saying; secret; self; service; set; singing; sir; sit; small; smile; society; song; soul; spirit; stones; success; sunlight; sunny; sunshine; sweet; system; table; talk; things; thought; time; trouble; true; turn; walk; want; water; way; weather; white; wife; wise; woman; words; work; world; worry; worrying; worth; writer; years; york; young cache: 18394.txt plain text: 18394.txt item: #41 of 155 id: 18438 author: Stapleton, John H. (John Henry) title: Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals date: None words: 100936 flesch: 73 summary: Books not marked _net_ will be sent postpaid on receipt of advertised price. Thus a book advertised as _net_, $1.00, will be sent postpaid on receipt of $1.10. keywords: abominable; abuse; account; act; action; activity; acts; affairs; affection; agent; almighty; animal; answer; assent; attitude; authority; bad; bear; belief; best; better; blame; blasphemy; blessed; blood; bodily; body; books; breach; brother; burden; business; calumny; capable; care; case; catholic; certain; change; chapter; character; charity; chastity; children; choice; christ; christian; church; circumstances; claim; clear; cloth; commandment; common; concerned; conclusion; conditions; conduct; confession; conscience; consent; consequence; consideration; contempt; contract; contrary; contumely; conviction; correct; course; creation; creator; creature; credit; crime; criminal; culprit; cut; damage; danger; day; days; dead; death; deed; defense; degree; deliberate; demands; dependent; desire; detraction; devotion; different; difficulty; dignity; direct; disorder; divine; dogma; double; doubt; drink; duty; earth; easy; education; effect; effort; end; enemy; envy; equal; error; essential; established; esteem; event; evidence; evident; evil; example; excellence; excess; excesses; excuse; existence; experience; explanation; express; extent; exterior; extreme; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; fallen; false; falsehood; far; fatal; father; fault; favor; fear; feature; feeling; fellow; flesh; folly; food; forbidden; force; form; free; frequent; friends; friendship; fruit; future; general; gluttony; god; good; good faith; grace; great; greater; greatest; grievous; grounds; guilt; habit; half; hand; happiness; hard; harm; hatred; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; high; history; hold; holy; homage; home; honesty; honor; hope; human; idea; ignorance; ignorant; impossible; inclination; individual; infallible; influence; information; iniquity; injury; injustice; innocent; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; intention; interests; jesus; judge; judgment; justice; justified; keeping; killing; kind; knowing; knowledge; known; labor; language; large; law; lawful; laws; lead; leave; legitimate; liberty; life; liguori; like; little; lives; living; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; lust; lying; maker; malice; man; manner; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; mercy; mere; merit; mind; misery; misfortune; moment; moral; morality; mortal sin; motives; murder; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighbor; net; new; non; notable; number; oath; obedience; object; obligation; observance; occasion; offending; offense; offer; old; oneself; open; opinion; opposed; order; ordinary; outside; owner; paper; parental; parents; party; passion; pay; people; perfect; person; personal; physical; piety; place; plain; pleasures; point; poor; popular; position; positive; possession; poverty; power; practical; practice; prayer; precept; presence; present; pride; principle; private; profanity; profession; promise; proper; property; protestant; prudence; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; rare; rash; real; reason; reasonable; received; relation; religion; religious; remark; remedy; reputation; respect; responsibility; responsible; rest; restitution; result; rich; right; round; rule; run; sacred; sacrifice; safe; said; saints; salvation; satisfaction; satisfied; save; scandal; school; second; secret; secure; self; sense; series; sermons; services; servile; share; simple; sin; sinful; single; sins; slander; slight; small; society; sole; sort; soul; spiritual; stand; state; statement; stone; strange; strength; strong; subject; success; suffer; sufficient; sunday; superior; supernatural; superstition; supposes; supreme; suspicion; swearing; system; taking; task; teacher; temptation; term; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; title; training; true; truth; turn; understand; unjust; unlawful; unnatural; use; value; vengeance; venial; vice; victim; view; virtue; vols; voluntary; vow; vows; walk; want; war; way; ways; weakness; wealth; wisdom; wish; woman; works; world; worse; worship; worth; wrath; wrong; years; yield; young cache: 18438.txt plain text: 18438.txt item: #42 of 155 id: 18533 author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) title: The Child at Home: The Principles of Filial Duty, Familiarly Illustrated date: None words: 43121 flesch: 83 summary: He took little children in his arms, and blessed them. It was simply this: She was one day playing in the room with several little children, and was making them laugh very loud. keywords: account; affection; affectionate; afraid; angels; apples; bad; beloved; body; book; bosom; boy; boys; brothers; care; case; chamber; chapter; character; child; childhood; children; christian; class; cold; commander; companions; company; conduct; conscience; consequences; countenance; courage; coward; crime; danger; dark; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; death; desire; disgrace; disobedience; disobey; disposition; door; duties; duty; earth; earthly; evening; eye; face; falsehood; family; father; fear; feelings; fire; fireside; forgiveness; friends; george; girl; gloomy; god; good; grave; great; green; guilty; hand; happiness; happy; hard; heart; hearted; heaven; henry; holy; home; hope; hour; house; idle; ingratitude; joy; joys; judgment; kind; kindness; laugh; law; leave; left; liar; lie; life; little; long; look; lost; love; maker; man; mind; miserable; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; necessary; new; night; noble; obedient; pain; pale; parents; party; peace; person; play; pleasant; pleasure; poor; power; prayer; prepared; presence; prison; ready; resolution; rest; return; room; savior; scene; school; search; shame; ship; sick; sickness; sin; sins; sisters; sleep; son; sorrow; spirit; stage; step; story; streets; temptation; thing; thought; time; trifling; truth; ungrateful; unhappy; unkind; usefulness; vain; voice; want; way; wicked; willing; wishes; work; world; worse; wretched; wrong; years; young cache: 18533.txt plain text: 18533.txt item: #43 of 155 id: 18712 author: Cope, Henry Frederick title: Levels of Living Essays on Everyday Ideals date: None words: 47288 flesch: 78 summary: He is truly godly who sees God in all things, in the affairs of this day, in the faces of living men, in the flowers and fields, who sees all the divine wonder and beauty of life, and not he who sees the Most High only in some legendary past or in a strange, imaginary future. Every man is made up of many men._ keywords: affairs; age; ages; angels; answer; attempt; away; beautiful; beauty; best; better; blind; bread; burdens; business; care; character; chief; children; church; clear; coming; conduct; confidence; conscience; content; course; creed; culture; cure; daily; danger; day; days; death; deeds; deep; deeper; denial; desire; determines; development; die; divine; divinity; dreams; dull; duties; duty; earth; easy; end; essential; eternal; evil; eyes; face; fact; faculties; failure; fair; faith; fame; far; father; fear; fellows; finding; folly; force; forgiveness; friends; future; glorious; glory; god; gold; good; goodness; great; great life; great things; great work; greater; greatest; greatness; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; help; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holiness; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; human; humanity; hunger; ideal; imaginary; infinite; inner; inspiration; jesus; joy; joys; kind; kingdom; known; larger; law; lead; learning; life; lift; like; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; loss; love; makes; making; man; manhood; matter; mean; measure; men; mighty; mind; miracle; misery; modern; money; moral; motive; nature; need; new; noble; old; ones; order; pain; passion; past; pay; people; perfection; personal; philosophy; piety; pious; place; pleasure; poor; possession; possibilities; poverty; power; practical; praise; present; price; prosperity; providence; purpose; question; race; real; reason; refreshing; relations; religion; religious; riches; right; righteousness; rightness; sacred; sacrifice; sad; salvation; satisfaction; save; saving; school; science; search; secret; seeking; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; servant; service; set; shepherd; sign; simple; social; song; sorrow; soul; spirit; spiritual; strange; strength; strong; struggle; sublime; success; sympathy; task; teacher; things; think; thought; time; toil; tools; true; truth; universe; unseen; use; value; vision; voice; way; ways; wealth; wise; women; wonder; words; work; working; world; worry; worth; wrong; young cache: 18712.txt plain text: 18712.txt item: #44 of 155 id: 19432 author: Mapes, Victor title: Heart and Soul by Maveric Post date: None words: 75761 flesch: 66 summary: There are a lot of other men around me, about the same as I am. Among other things, they saw a Chinaman smoking opium and this gave rise to a desire on her part to experience the sensation for herself. keywords: accepted; accordance; account; acts; addition; advanced; advantage; affection; age; ages; air; animals; answer; appeal; apt; aspiration; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; automobile; average; away; bad; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believe; benefit; best; better; bible; big; blame; body; books; boy; boys; brain; break; bringing; business; capable; care; case; causes; certain; chance; character; children; church; civilization; class; classes; clear; cold; coming; communities; community; complicated; concerned; conclusion; conditions; conduct; confused; connection; conscience; consequences; considerable; consideration; constant; contrary; control; countless; country; course; creator; date; daughter; day; days; dear; death; deeper; degree; design; desires; development; devoted; devotion; different; direction; discipline; divine; doubt; early; earth; easy; education; effect; effort; enlightened; enlightenment; entitled; essence; essential; established; evidence; example; exercise; existence; expected; experience; explanation; expression; extent; eyes; face; fact; factor; faith; family; fashioned; father; fear; feelings; fine; force; form; freedom; friend; fundamental; future; general; generation; george; girl; god; good; great; greater; greatest; ground; growth; habit; hand; harm; harry; head; heart; help; helpful; high; hold; home; honor; hope; hours; house; human; humanity; husband; idea; imagination; important; impulses; inclinations; inclined; individual; influence; information; inner; inspired; inspiring; instincts; intellect; intelligence; intention; interest; involved; jake; jones; judge; kind; knowledge; lack; lacking; large; later; law; laws; lead; life; like; little; lives; living; logical; long; longer; look; lost; lot; love; main; majority; making; man; mankind; material; matter; meaning; means; men; methods; millions; mind; modern; moment; money; moral; mother; motives; movement; music; mysterious; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; normal; notions; number; nurse; obedience; obvious; old; opinion; order; pain; parents; particular; past; people; person; personal; place; play; pleasure; point; possible; practical; present; pretty; principle; private; problem; progress; proper; protoplasm; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; question; read; real; reason; reasonable; reasoning; reflection; regard; religion; religious; respect; responsibility; results; rich; right; rise; road; room; rule; run; sake; satisfaction; saying; scheme; school; science; scientific; second; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; sentiment; set; share; sides; similar; simple; situation; small; society; sort; soul; spirit; spiritual; standards; state; stop; stories; strong; subject; sublime; suffering; sufficient; sympathy; talk; tendency; tender; theory; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; traditions; training; tree; trouble; true; truth; turn; underlying; understanding; use; view; vital; want; war; way; ways; welfare; wife; willing; wise; wish; women; wonderful; words; work; world; worthy; wrong; years; young cache: 19432.txt plain text: 19432.txt item: #45 of 155 id: 19696 author: Schauffler, Robert Haven title: The Joyful Heart date: None words: 41991 flesch: 69 summary: I realize that mine is not the popular side of this question and that an occasional poet with an income may be found who will even argue against giving incomes to other poets. Jean Finot is right: True happiness is so much the greater and deeper in the proportion that it embraces and unites in a fraternal chain more men, more countries, more worlds. keywords: able; achievement; action; advantage; age; air; american; answer; apparatus; appreciation; apt; art; artist; artistic; arts; athletic; atmosphere; attainment; attention; audience; auto; average; away; bad; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; best; better; blood; board; bodies; body; book; brain; brimming; brother; browning; business; care; century; certain; chapter; chief; children; cities; city; civilization; class; classes; close; cold; common; companion; comrade; comradeship; condition; conscious; constant; country; course; creation; creative; creativeness; crowd; culture; cup; day; days; dead; death; decline; deep; delight; demands; different; divine; dollars; drop; dry; dust; duty; earth; effect; efficiency; emerson; energy; england; english; enthusiasm; essential; eternal; evolution; example; exercise; exhausted; existence; expression; exuberance; eyes; fact; failure; fair; fall; fame; family; famous; fashion; father; favorite; feeling; fellow; fellowship; fine; folk; forced; fortune; forward; free; friends; fullness; future; gain; game; general; generous; genius; gift; glory; god; good; grand; great; greater; greatest; grown; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hazlitt; health; heart; heaven; help; high; history; hold; home; hours; house; human; humanity; idea; imagination; important; income; industry; influence; inspiration; instance; instrument; intellectual; interest; invention; journey; joy; joyful; joys; keats; kind; knowledge; labor; lack; land; large; late; left; library; life; like; line; listener; literary; literature; little; live; living; lonely; long; longer; look; louis; love; machine; magazine; making; man; mankind; march; margin; mark; master; means; mechanical; meet; memory; men; mental; mere; mind; modern; modest; moment; morning; mother; music; musical; natural; nature; need; nervous; new; normal; note; office; old; ones; open; order; ordinary; overplus; pain; painters; past; people; perfect; performance; person; philosopher; phonograph; physical; piano; place; player; playing; pleasure; poetic; poetry; poets; point; poor; popular; porcupine; possible; power; powerful; practical; precious; present; principal; privilege; proxy; public; quality; quantity; race; rare; rate; reader; reading; real; reason; record; red; religion; renaissance; return; richard; right; ring; rise; road; robert; room; rule; running; safe; science; score; sculpture; secret; self; sense; set; share; sickness; silent; singers; single; sister; situation; sleep; small; social; solitude; song; sort; soul; sound; special; spirit; spiritual; sportsmanship; stamps; state; stimulants; strength; stuff; subject; success; supply; support; supreme; sure; sweet; swift; sympathy; tannhã¤user; tennis; things; think; thought; thousands; time; tired; training; trip; trouble; true; truth; turn; type; urban; use; variety; virtue; vision; vitality; voice; walt; water; way; week; white; whitman; wide; wife; winter; wise; women; wonder; words; wordsworth; work; world; worth; writers; writing; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 19696.txt plain text: 19696.txt item: #46 of 155 id: 19872 author: Gosse, Edmund title: Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France date: None words: 45539 flesch: 62 summary: The moralist's father, Louis de La Bruyère, was Comptroller-General of Rents of the Hôtel de Ville of Paris; his mother was an attorney's daughter. Perhaps he had been trying Godefroi de La Bruyère off on the stolid inhabitants of Caen. keywords: abbé; accepted; account; action; addison; age; aim; allard; amour; amusing; analysis; anxious; appearance; ardent; army; attempt; attention; attitude; august; author; bad; battle; beautiful; beauty; beginning; best; better; bien; body; boileau; book; bossuet; brief; brilliant; business; c'est; cardinal; career; case; century; certain; cette; chapter; character; charm; church; class; clear; close; common; company; complete; conception; condition; conduct; condé; confidence; conscience; contemporaries; conversation; corneille; country; courage; course; court; critical; criticism; curious; dans; daughter; day; days; de la; de sévigné; deal; death; degree; delicate; des; desire; different; difficult; direct; doubt; dreadful; duchess; duke; duty; earlier; earliest; early; edition; effort; egotism; eighteenth; energy; england; english; esprit; essential; europe; events; evidence; example; excessive; existence; experience; expression; exquisite; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; fact; family; famous; fashion; father; fellow; fighting; figure; finished; footnote; force; form; fortune; france; french; frenchmen; friend; friendship; fronde; future; gallantry; general; generation; genius; gloire; glory; good; grand; grave; great; greatest; greek; half; hand; head; heart; henri; heroic; high; history; home; honour; hope; house; human; humanity; idea; impossible; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; interest; introduction; jacques; kind; king; knowledge; known; l'esprit; la bruyère; la fayette; la france; la rochefoucauld; lack; lady; language; later; les; letters; life; light; like; lintier; literary; literature; little; lives; long; look; louis; love; making; man; mankind; manner; matter; maurice; maximes; melancholy; memory; men; military; mind; mme; mme de; modern; moment; months; moral; moralist; mother; nation; nature; necessary; new; noble; nous; object; observed; officers; opinion; order; original; pages; painful; paris; particular; pascal; passage; passion; past; pathetic; paul; people; personal; persons; philosopher; phrase; physical; picture; pity; place; pleasure; poets; point; political; poor; portraits; pour; poverty; power; practice; prepared; present; prince; propre; prose; public; pure; purpose; qualities; que; queen; question; qui; racine; rapid; reader; reading; real; reason; record; reflections; regard; regiment; remarkable; result; retz; rich; richelieu; roland; romantic; round; royal; sablé; sacrifice; saint; savage; saying; second; self; sense; sentiment; set; seventeenth; seyres; simple; simplicity; smile; social; society; soldier; son; sort; soul; source; spirit; state; strong; struggle; studied; study; style; subject; success; support; sur; system; sévigné; talk; taste; teaching; temper; terrible; theophrastus; things; thought; time; timid; trace; true; truth; turn; type; typical; value; vanity; vauvenargues; verse; view; violand; violent; virtue; voltaire; volume; war; wars; way; wish; women; wonderful; words; work; world; writers; writing; years; young; young french; youth cache: 19872.txt plain text: 19872.txt item: #47 of 155 id: 20098 author: Hunter, William Crosbie title: Evening Round-Up More Good Stuff Like Pep date: None words: 41826 flesch: 78 summary: Many men, hitherto straight, moral men, go to the bad at this time, and per contra many men quit their immoral and health hurting habits and change to moral men. Great man by his own measure, minute man by the great measure of time. keywords: ability; act; action; acts; air; anger; animal; appreciation; attention; attitude; baby; bad; beautiful; beauty; bed; belief; believe; benefit; best; better; big; blessings; blood; board; body; book; boy; boys; brain; brass; brings; building; business; busy; car; care; cents; change; chapter; character; charity; cheer; children; christian; church; city; cold; common; confidence; content; control; country; courage; cover; crowd; cry; cure; cut; dad; daddy; day; days; dear; death; deeds; definite; diet; different; disease; doctor; dollars; dream; duty; earth; easy; efficiency; elimination; energy; envy; eternity; evening; example; excitement; exercise; experience; extremes; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; family; far; fear; feeling; fellow; fine; food; form; friends; future; girl; gloom; god; golden; good; great; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; help; helpful; high; history; hold; home; hope; hot; hours; house; human; humor; hunter; husband; idea; illustration; important; interest; interesting; inventory; iron; joy; kansas; kind; know; lack; land; law; life; like; likely; lines; little; living; long; look; lot; love; luck; making; man; material; matter; means; measure; medicine; men; mental; methods; mighty; millions; mind; mineral; miserable; misery; money; morning; mother; natural; nature; near; necessary; negative; nerves; nervous; new; occupation; office; old; ones; opportunity; pages; pain; paper; past; patient; patriotism; pay; peace; people; pep; period; perseverance; person; personal; physical; picture; pill; places; plan; plants; play; pleasant; pleasures; plenty; point; poise; poor; positive; power; powerful; practical; practice; precious; present; pretty; problems; progress; purpose; reading; real; reason; religion; rest; reward; rich; ridicule; right; road; rock; round; rules; salt; sarcasm; science; sect; self; sense; service; short; simple; sincere; sincerity; size; skin; sleep; smiles; snaps; society; spirit; start; state; step; story; street; strength; study; success; suffering; suggestions; sunday; sunshine; sweet; system; talk; tension; things; think; thinking; thought; time; tired; today; tomorrow; travel; trouble; true; truth; turn; universal; use; vegetable; verbomania; walk; walking; want; waste; water; way; weakness; week; wheat; wife; woman; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worries; worry; worth; wrong; years; young cache: 20098.txt plain text: 20098.txt item: #48 of 155 id: 20151 author: Lewis, Harry A. title: Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail date: None words: 146021 flesch: 65 summary: We will grant that you could provided you took means similar to those used by Jefferson, for while we must admit that all cannot be Jeffersons, nor Lincolns, nor Garfields, still we are constantly repeating in our mind the words of the poet:-- Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, As before said, Mr. Everett fully understood all this and great men innumerable could be quoted in support of this doctrine. keywords: ability; able; absence; academy; account; acknowledged; action; active; adams; address; administration; adopted; adoption; advanced; advice; affairs; age; albany; alexander; american; andrew; answer; anti; appearance; april; argument; arms; army; arthur; article; assembly; astor; attempt; attention; audience; august; authority; bank; bar; battle; bearing; beautiful; beecher; beginning; belief; benefit; bennett; benton; best; better; bill; black; blaine; board; boat; body; bonner; book; boston; boy; boys; breaking; brilliant; britain; british; brother; buffalo; building; buren; burr; business; business man; cabinet; calhoun; california; calling; campaign; candidate; capable; capacity; capital; career; careful; carolina; case; cast; celebrated; central; cents; certain; chairman; chance; character; characteristic; charge; charles; chicago; chief; children; childs; church; circumstances; cities; city; civil; claim; class; clay; clerk; close; co.; college; colonel; colonies; command; commerce; commercial; commission; committee; common; companies; company; complete; compromise; condition; confederate; confidence; congress; connected; conspicuous; constitution; contest; continued; contrary; control; convention; conversation; convinced; cooper; correspondence; cost; council; country; courage; course; court; credit; daily; daniel; davis; day; days; dead; death; debate; debt; december; decided; decision; declaration; deep; degree; democratic; department; desire; details; determination; determined; devoted; different; distance; distinction; distinguished; district; division; doctrine; dollars; doubt; douglas; drew; drink; dry; duties; duty; early; earth; east; economy; editor; education; effect; efforts; election; eloquence; eminent; employment; end; enemy; energy; engine; engineer; england; english; enterprise; entire; equal; essential; establishment; esteem; europe; evening; everett; example; excitement; executive; existence; experience; expression; extended; extent; extraordinary; eye; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; fall; fame; familiar; family; famous; farm; farmer; fast; father; favor; favorite; feature; february; federal; feeling; feet; fellow; figure; final; financial; fire; firm; flood; flume; following; foot; force; foreign; form; fortune; forward; foundation; france; franklin; free; french; friend; fulton; future; gain; garfield; general; genius; gentleman; george; getting; girard; glorious; god; good; gould; government; governor; grant; grave; great; great britain; great men; great success; greater; greatest; greeley; ground; habit; half; hamilton; hampshire; hand; happy; hard; harper; hayne; head; heart; help; henry; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hold; home; honest; honor; honorable; hope; horace; hostilities; hotel; hour; house; howe; human; idea; illinois; illustration; immediate; immense; important; improved; independence; india; industry; influence; instrument; integrity; intellectual; intended; intense; intercourse; interest; iron; issue; jackson; james; january; jay; jefferson; john; johnson; journal; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kansas; keen; kentucky; kind; knowledge; known; labor; labored; lands; language; large; later; law; lawrence; laws; lawyer; leader; leading; learning; leave; ledger; lee; legal; legislation; legislature; length; letters; liberty; life; like; lincoln; line; little; lived; living; logan; london; long; look; loss; love; luck; machine; mackay; madison; magnificent; majority; making; man; management; manner; march; marked; married; marshall; massachusetts; matter; mcclellan; means; measure; meeting; member; memory; men; merchant; mere; method; miles; military; millions; mind; minister; moment; money; monroe; months; moral; morning; morse; mother; motion; movement; mrs; national; native; natural; nature; navy; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; new england; new york; noble; nominated; nomination; north; northern; noted; november; number; numerous; object; obnoxious; obstacles; occasion; ocean; october; office; official; ohio; old; open; opening; operation; opinion; opponent; opportunities; opportunity; opposed; orator; order; ordinary; original; outside; pacific; paper; parents; paris; parliamentary; parties; partner; party; passage; past; patent; paying; payment; peabody; peculiar; pennsylvania; people; perfect; period; personal; persons; peter; philadelphia; pickney; piece; place; plan; point; policy; political; politics; poor; popular; position; possible; post; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; preacher; prepared; present; president; presidential; press; previous; price; principal; principles; printer; printing; private; profession; profit; progress; prominent; property; proprietor; public; purpose; qualities; question; race; railroad; railway; ralston; read; readers; real; reason; recognized; record; regard; relation; religious; remarkable; representatives; republican; reputation; required; residence; resolution; resources; respect; result; return; rich; right; river; robert; room; rothschild; rubber; rule; run; said; salary; satisfied; saw; scene; school; seat; second; secretary; secure; security; seeking; self; selling; senate; senator; sense; september; series; service; session; set; seward; sewing; shares; ship; short; similar; simple; singer; single; situated; sixteen; slavery; small; smoke; social; society; sooner; sound; south; southern; speaker; speaking; special; speech; speeches; speed; spirit; splendid; spring; stand; start; state; statesman; steam; stephenson; stewart; stock; store; strange; street; strength; strong; struck; struggle; studies; study; style; subject; subsequent; succeed; success; successful; sufficient; sum; superior; support; supporters; supreme; sympathy; system; talent; tariff; task; taylor; telegraph; tennessee; term; terrible; territory; thing; thomas; thorough; thought; thousands; ticket; tilden; tilton; time; tone; town; trade; treasury; treaty; trial; trip; trouble; true; trust; truth; undertaking; union; united; united states; valuable; value; vanderbilt; vast; vergennes; victory; view; virginia; voice; volume; vote; want; war; washington; watt; way; ways; wealth; webster; weed; week; west; western; whig; white; wife; william; wonderful; wood; words; work; working; world; worthy; writer; wrong; years; years mr; years old; york; young; young man cache: 20151.txt plain text: 20151.txt item: #49 of 155 id: 20470 author: Morton, Agnes H. title: Etiquette date: None words: 41748 flesch: 63 summary: little_ faces. It is not etiquette for the groom to bear any of the expense, except the fee to the clergy man; nor to furnish anything for his own wedding, except the ring and the bouquet for the bride, presents for the brides-maids and best man, and some little token for the ushers. keywords: acquaintance; address; afternoon; agreeable; american; announcement; appropriate; arm; attention; away; ball; banquet; bath; bearing; behavior; best; better; black; board; bow; breakfast; breeding; bride; brief; brilliant; business; calls; card; care; case; centre; ceremony; certain; chaperone; character; children; china; choice; church; circle; circumstances; city; class; clergyman; close; cloth; club; coffee; cold; common; company; conditions; conduct; control; conventional; conversation; corner; correct; country; course; courtesy; cream; crowded; custom; cut; dance; daughter; day; days; deference; delicate; desirable; dessert; different; dignified; dignity; dining; dinner; dishes; display; distinction; dress; dressing; duty; early; easy; effect; effective; effort; elaborate; elderly; elegant; emergency; engraved; entertaining; entertainment; equal; etiquette; evening; example; expression; extreme; eye; eyes; face; fact; family; fancy; far; fashion; fashionable; fingers; flowers; following; fork; form; formal; formality; free; friends; fruits; general; gentleman; gifts; girl; giving; good; gown; graceful; great; greeting; guest; half; hand; handsome; happy; harmony; hat; head; high; hold; home; honor; hospitality; hostess; hot; hour; house; household; husband; idea; ill; important; individual; informal; interest; introduction; invitations; kind; known; ladies; lady; large; late; law; laws; leave; leaving; left; liable; liberty; life; like; limited; linen; list; little; long; look; lower; luncheon; man; manner; marriage; matter; means; meet; men; message; messenger; mind; mother; mourning; mrs; music; names; napkin; nature; near; necessary; need; neglect; new; note; number; o'clock; occasion; offer; office; old; opportunity; order; owner; parents; particular; parties; party; paying; people; perfect; personal; piece; place; plain; plates; pleasant; pleasure; points; polite; possible; post; presence; present; pretty; private; proper; propriety; public; purpose; quality; quiet; rank; rare; ready; reason; receiving; reception; refined; regard; relative; reply; request; respect; return; rich; right; room; rude; rule; safe; salad; seat; self; sense; separate; servant; service; serving; set; sidewalk; silver; similar; small; social; society; solid; space; special; speech; spirit; stand; standing; stranger; street; style; subject; suit; supper; table; taste; tea; theatre; things; thoughtful; time; title; town; training; trouble; true; usage; use; usual; value; visiting; visits; walking; water; way; ways; wedding; white; wife; wine; woman; words; work; world; year; young; younger cache: 20470.txt plain text: 20470.txt item: #50 of 155 id: 20608 author: Calhoun, A. R. (Alfred Rochefort) title: How to Get on in the World: A Ladder to Practical Success date: None words: 71604 flesch: 67 summary: The names and memories of great men, says an able writer, are the dowry of a nation. Great men have evoked the admiration of kings, popes and emperors. keywords: abilities; ability; able; account; accustomed; action; active; activity; acts; advance; advantages; advice; affairs; agriculture; ambition; american; answer; application; apprentice; arms; artist; association; attention; author; bad; battle; bear; beginning; best; better; bible; biography; blessing; blood; body; books; boy; brain; brave; brilliant; brother; business; business man; calling; capable; capacity; career; careful; carnegie; case; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; cheerfulness; chemistry; chief; children; circumstances; civilization; classes; clerk; close; college; comfort; command; common; companions; company; condition; conduct; confidence; connection; conscience; consideration; constant; control; cooper; correct; country; courage; course; cultivation; culture; daily; danger; davy; day; days; deal; death; debt; decision; degree; dependent; descendants; desire; determination; determined; devoted; difference; difficulties; difficulty; diligent; direction; discipline; disease; distinguished; doubt; duke; duties; duty; early; early life; earth; easy; economy; edison; education; effect; effort; eminent; employment; end; energetic; energy; england; english; enter; equal; essential; evil; example; excellence; exercise; experience; extent; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; failure; fall; families; family; famous; far; farmer; farming; father; feeling; fellow; fields; fine; fire; force; form; fortune; forward; free; french; friends; future; gain; general; genius; gentleman; george; gift; god; good; goodness; government; great; great men; greater; greatest; greatest men; growth; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; help; higher; highest; history; home; honest; honor; hope; horace; hours; house; human; humble; idea; idleness; ignorant; illustration; importance; improvement; individual; industrious; industry; inevitable; influence; information; integrity; intellectual; interest; john; johnson; journey; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; labor; land; large; late; law; laws; lawyer; learning; leisure; length; lesson; lie; life; like; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord; love; luck; lying; making; man; manhood; mankind; manner; marriage; matter; maxim; means; measure; meet; memory; men; mental; merchant; mere; mind; misfortune; missionary; modern; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; newton; noble; object; observation; obstacles; occasion; office; old; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; order; ordinary; pain; painter; parents; path; patience; patient; pay; people; perseverance; persevering; persistent; person; personal; phipps; physical; place; pleasure; point; poor; poor man; position; possession; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; present; pride; principal; principles; profession; progress; proper; prosperity; protection; proved; proverb; public; public life; purpose; pursuit; qualities; quality; race; rank; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; related; remarkable; reputation; requisite; resolution; respect; rest; results; reward; richard; right; rise; road; ruin; rule; saw; saying; school; science; scott; second; secret; secure; self; sense; service; ship; simple; sir; sleep; small; social; society; soldier; sort; soul; sound; spirit; stand; start; state; steady; step; stone; strength; strong; study; subject; success; successful; suffering; system; talents; teachers; temper; temptation; things; thinking; thoughts; time; toil; tools; trade; training; trouble; true; trust; truth; university; use; useful; valuable; value; village; virtue; want; washington; watt; way; ways; wife; william; wisdom; wise; woman; words; work; working; world; worth; writing; wrong; years; young man; youth cache: 20608.txt plain text: 20608.txt item: #51 of 155 id: 20819 author: Weaver, G. S. (George Sumner) title: Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women On the Various Duties of Life, Physical, Intellectual, And Moral Development; Self-Culture, Improvement, Dress, Beauty, Fashion, Employment, Education, The Home Relations, Their Duties To Young Men, Marriage, Womanhood And Happiness. date: None words: 66043 flesch: 78 summary: A man may be coarse, vulgar, and wicked, and society admits him to all its privileges, and good women will meet him on terms of equality. So may great women be. keywords: abuse; action; active; activity; affection; agreeable; aims; air; altar; ambition; animal; associates; bad; beautiful; beauty; benevolence; best; better; birds; blessed; bodies; body; book; bosom; boys; breath; business; care; causes; cents; character; charity; charms; cheerful; children; church; circumstances; class; clear; cold; combe; common; complete; confidence; conscience; constant; constitution; control; correct; corrupt; country; course; crown; cts; cultivated; cultivation; culture; cure; custom; daily; dangerous; day; dear; death; deep; degree; delight; demand; dependent; development; different; dignity; direct; discipline; diseases; divine; doubt; dress; duties; duty; early; earnest; earth; earthly; easy; educated; education; effort; employment; engravings; enlightened; essential; eternal; evil; exercise; existence; experience; eye; face; fact; families; fashion; fashionable; father; fault; fearful; feelings; feet; female; field; fit; flower; folly; force; form; fowler; free; freedom; friends; friendship; future; garden; general; generation; genius; gift; girlhood; girls; glorious; glory; god; good; good life; goodness; grace; grand; gratitude; great; greater; guide; habits; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; head; health; heart; heaven; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; home; hope; house; human; humanity; husband; hydropathy; idea; ignorant; illustrated; immortal; important; improvement; individual; infinite; influence; instruction; integrity; intellectual; interest; inward; joy; joys; judgment; kind; know; knowledge; labor; language; large; laws; lecture; lessons; life; like; likely; little; lives; living; long; look; love; lovely; m.d; making; manners; marriage; married; married life; mass; matter; means; men; mental; mighty; mind; minded; miserable; moral; morality; mother; muslin; natural; nature; necessary; need; neglect; new; noble; numerous; object; ones; open; opinion; opportunities; order; organs; ornament; outward; paper; passions; peculiar; people; perfect; person; personal; philosophy; phrenological; phrenology; physical; physiology; piety; pious; place; plain; pleasure; poor; popular; position; possess; possible; powerful; powers; practical; practice; preparation; presence; present; price; primary; principles; progress; proper; public; pure; purity; purpose; question; ready; real; reason; refined; regard; relation; religion; religious; respect; reverence; rich; right; rule; sad; schools; science; second; self; sense; service; set; shew; short; skies; small; social; society; solemn; soul; sound; sphere; spirit; spiritual; standard; state; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sun; sunshine; sweet; system; talk; taste; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; trall; treatment; trials; true; true life; true woman; truth; universal; universe; useful; usefulness; useless; utility; vain; value; vanity; view; vigorous; virtue; virtuous; voice; want; washington; water; way; ways; weakness; wells; wicked; wide; wife; wind; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; womanhood; womanly; words; work; world; worse; worship; worth; wrong; years; york; young; young men; young woman; youth; youthful cache: 20819.txt plain text: 20819.txt item: #52 of 155 id: 20861 author: Black, Hugh title: Friendship date: None words: 36467 flesch: 76 summary: In friendship men look for peace, and concord, and some measure of content. All the fruits of friendship, be they blessed or baneful, spring from this root of influence, and influence in the long run is the impress of our real character on other lives. keywords: accepted; affection; argument; attitude; beautiful; beauty; best; better; blessed; bond; book; break; broken; brother; business; care; certain; chance; character; choice; christ; christian; circle; city; close; cold; comfort; common; communion; company; confidence; connections; conscience; counsel; culture; danger; day; dead; death; deeper; desire; different; divine; doubt; duty; earth; easy; eclipse; environment; eternal; evil; existence; experience; eyes; face; fact; failure; fair; faith; fall; father; fault; fear; feeling; feet; fellowship; force; form; friendship; fruits; future; gain; gift; glory; god; good; great; greatest; grief; ground; hand; hard; hath; heart; heaven; help; higher; highest; history; home; hope; human; human friendship; human life; ideal; individual; influence; insight; intercourse; interests; intimacy; jesus; joy; kind; kingdom; larger; law; lesson; life; light; like; limits; little; lives; living; long; look; lord; loss; lost; love; making; man; material; matter; meaning; means; memory; men; mere; mind; miracle; modern; moral; mutual; mystery; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; noble; occasion; old; open; opportunity; ordinary; outside; pain; past; people; permanent; personal; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; present; purpose; quality; ready; real; reason; relationship; religion; renewing; respect; responsibility; result; root; sacred; satisfaction; secret; self; selfishness; sense; sentiment; separate; service; set; sin; social; society; sorrow; sort; soul; spiritual; spite; state; strength; strong; subject; success; sweet; sympathy; tender; test; thee; things; thought; thy; ties; time; touch; true; true friendship; trust; truth; use; value; want; way; wise; wonder; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worth; wreck; young; youth cache: 20861.txt plain text: 20861.txt item: #53 of 155 id: 21981 author: Adler, Felix title: The Essentials of Spirituality date: None words: 17615 flesch: 64 summary: At least, to keep within the bounds of the artistic simile, the members of the Hebrew people were regarded as first-proof copies, and other men as somewhat dim and less perfect duplicates. Shall we say that such men are the outcome of their heredity, their education, their environment? keywords: act; apt; attitude; bad; beings; belief; best; better; brother; business; case; certain; change; character; christian; classes; conditions; conduct; consequences; course; criminal; day; death; degree; dignity; divine; doctrine; double; effect; end; ends; equality; evil; existence; experience; extent; face; fact; faith; family; father; fellow; food; goal; good; goodness; great; guilt; habits; hand; hard; heart; hebrew; highest; hour; human; human life; idea; indefeasible; independence; inner; instance; judge; justice; kind; law; life; like; little; lives; look; love; man; means; men; mental; mere; minded; moment; moral; morality; nature; nearer; necessary; need; neighbor; new; object; occasions; office; opposite; oppressors; order; parable; particular; pass; people; persons; place; point; poor; possible; power; present; principle; private; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; race; reason; regard; relations; respect; responsible; right; rule; secret; self; sense; sin; small; social; society; soul; spiritual; spiritual attitude; spiritual life; spirituality; state; step; supreme; things; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; use; view; virtue; way; white; words; work; world; worth; wrong cache: 21981.txt plain text: 21981.txt item: #54 of 155 id: 22050 author: Lees, J. Cameron (James Cameron) title: Life and Conduct date: None words: 36446 flesch: 79 summary: Everything shows that the greatness of great men is almost as much a bodily affair as a mental one. By studying the lives of great men. keywords: able; action; ages; air; amusement; bad; bear; beautiful; benefit; best; better; blessed; blessing; body; books; brave; broken; business; care; careful; case; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; child; children; christian; church; circle; circumstances; citizenship; clear; close; co.; cold; common; community; company; conduct; connection; control; country; courage; course; culture; day; days; death; different; direct; disease; distinct; doubt; duties; duty; early; earnestness; easy; effect; endeavor; english; enthusiasm; essential; evil; example; exercise; experience; face; faith; family; family life; father; feelings; follow; following; food; form; friends; friendship; general; gentleman; god; good; government; great; hand; happiness; hard; hath; head; health; heart; help; high; highest; history; home; honor; house; household; human; humble; idea; iii; ill; importance; influence; instance; iron; james; john; keeping; kind; knowledge; labor; law; laws; lay; left; life; like; list; literature; little; live; london; long; look; lord; love; man; manners; means; members; men; mere; mind; money; moral; nature; necessary; need; noble; old; open; opinion; order; parents; paul; people; person; physical; place; pleasure; poet; point; poor; possible; power; practical; prayer; present; principle; proper; proverb; public; pure; question; race; reading; ready; recreation; regard; relation; religion; religious; reputation; respect; rest; result; rich; right; round; rule; saying; school; scripture; second; self; sense; service; set; sign; sir; sleep; small; smile; society; soul; special; spend; spirit; spiritual; standard; state; strength; strong; study; subject; success; sufficient; system; taking; tell; temper; thee; things; think; thinking; thought; time; true; trust; use; value; virtue; want; water; way; ways; weak; wise; woman; words; work; working; world; worship; worthy; writer; wrong; years; young; young man; youth; zeal cache: 22050.txt plain text: 22050.txt item: #55 of 155 id: 22105 author: Alexander, Archibald B. D. (Archibald Browning Drysdale) title: Christianity and Ethics: A Handbook of Christian Ethics date: None words: 88635 flesch: 67 summary: It is indeed true that in ordinary life men are frequently judged to be good or bad, according to the outward effect of their actions, and material results are often regarded as the sole {20} measure of good. In fellowship with God man finds in the end both himself and his brother. keywords: absolute; account; acting; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; age; aim; aims; analysis; ancient; animal; answer; apostle; appeal; application; aristotle; asceticism; aspects; assume; attempt; attitude; authority; bad; basis; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; bergson; best; better; body; brotherhood; browning; calls; capable; capacity; care; case; century; certain; change; chapter; character; charity; chief; children; choice; christian; christian character; christian ethics; christian ideal; christian life; christian man; christianity; christl; church; circumstances; citizens; claim; clear; coming; common; community; complete; conception; concerned; conditions; conduct; conflict; connected; conscience; consciousness; consequences; consideration; content; control; conviction; courage; creation; creative; culture; danger; day; deals; death; decision; demand; desire; destiny; determination; determined; determining; development; devotion; different; disciples; discipline; distinctive; divine; doctrine; dogmatics; duties; duty; early; earth; earthly; education; effect; effort; element; end; endeavour; ends; entire; environment; epistles; equality; essence; essential; eternal; eternal life; ethical; ethics; ethik; eucken; evil; evolution; evolutionary; example; excellence; exercise; existence; experience; expression; extreme; fact; factor; faculties; faculty; faith; family; father; fatherhood; feeling; fellow; final; force; forgiveness; form; freedom; fulfilment; fuller; function; fundamental; future; general; gift; goal; god; god man; good; goodness; gospel; grace; gradual; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; growth; hand; happiness; harmony; heart; heaven; hebrew; hegel; higher; highest; historical; history; holiness; holy; home; hope; human; human life; human nature; humanity; ideal; idealism; idem; iii; immediate; important; impulse; independent; individual; industrial; infinite; influence; inherent; inner; inner life; inquiry; instincts; institutions; intellectual; interest; interpretation; intimate; israel; james; jesus; jesus christ; john; joy; judgment; justice; kant; kingdom; knowledge; known; larger; law; laws; legal; liberty; lies; life; little; living; logic; long; lord; lost; love; luke; main; making; man; manhood; manifestation; mankind; mark; marriage; material; matt; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; meekness; members; men; mental; mere; message; metaphysics; mind; ministry; modern; moral life; morality; morals; motive; movement; mutual; nation; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; new life; new testament; nietzsche; noble; non; norm; note; number; obedience; object; obligation; old; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; organ; origin; outward; particular; passages; passions; passive; past; paul; pauline; people; perfect; perfection; personality; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; plato; pleasure; poetry; point; political; politics; position; positive; possessions; possibilities; possibility; possible; postulates; power; practical; prayer; presence; present; present life; primary; primitive; principle; problem; process; professor; progress; prominent; promise; pronounced; property; psychological; psychology; purity; purpose; pursuit; qualities; question; rational; realisation; reality; realm; reason; recent; reference; reflection; regard; relation; relationships; religion; religious; repentance; respect; responsibility; result; right; righteousness; roman; sacrifice; sake; salvation; says; school; sciences; scientific; scope; scripture; second; section; self; sense; separate; service; set; shape; short; significance; sin; social; social life; socialism; society; socrates; soul; source; sovereignty; special; sphere; spiritual; spiritual life; spontaneity; spring; stages; standard; state; stoics; strong; study; subject; suffering; supreme; sympathy; system; task; teaching; temperance; tendency; terms; testament; theological; theology; theories; theory; things; thought; time; trans; treatment; true; true life; truth; twofold; type; ultimate; understanding; union; unique; unity; universal; universe; use; value; view; virtue; vision; vocation; way; wealth; wisdom; witness; words; work; working; world; worship; worth; writers; xix cache: 22105.txt plain text: 22105.txt item: #56 of 155 id: 22135 author: Perry, Ralph Barton title: The Moral Economy date: None words: 64416 flesch: 61 summary: The attempt to eliminate conflict, and reduce to a minimum the sacrifice of special interests, marks the operation of the _internal_ or _moral_ principle of progress. The aesthetic interest may supply interest where there is none, or enhance other interests, 194. keywords: absolute; account; achievement; action; activities; activity; adjustment; aesthetic; aesthetic interest; affairs; age; analysis; ancient; appeal; apple; application; apprehension; arbitrary; aristotle; arnold; art; aspect; assertion; attaches; attainment; attempt; attention; authority; bad; bearing; beautiful; beauty; behalf; belief; benefits; best; better; bias; body; book; broad; capable; capacity; case; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; christianity; cit; civilization; claims; class; clear; common; community; complexity; conception; concern; concerned; condition; conduct; conflict; confusion; conscience; consequences; constant; constructive; content; contrary; control; cosmological; cosmos; cost; course; critical; criticism; culture; customary; danger; day; death; definition; degree; democracy; desire; development; difference; difficulty; direction; discipline; discussion; distinction; doubt; duty; easy; economy; effort; egoism; emotions; end; endeavor; enlightened; enlightenment; enterprise; environment; epictetus; established; ethical; ethics; evidence; evil; example; exercise; existence; experience; eyes; fact; failure; fall; false; fear; field; finality; fine; folly; forces; form; formalism; fortune; free; freedom; fulfilment; function; fundamental; gain; general; god; good; goodness; government; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; growth; habit; hand; happiness; hard; harmony; health; heart; higher; highest; history; home; hope; human; human life; humanity; idea; idealism; iii; imagination; immediate; importance; impulse; individual; individualism; injustice; institutions; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; intercourse; interest; internal; isolated; judgment; justice; justification; knowledge; lack; large; law; laws; liberality; lies; life; light; like; limited; limits; little; living; logic; long; longer; lord; loss; love; making; man; mankind; manner; materialism; matter; maximum; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; men; mere; metaphysical; method; mind; minded; modern; moral; moralist; morality; motive; music; mysticism; narrow; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; nietsche; object; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; organism; organization; organized; original; painting; particular; passim; peculiar; perfection; personal; philosophy; piety; place; plato; play; pleasure; point; political; possible; power; practical; preference; present; pressure; primitive; principle; private; problem; process; progress; progressive; proof; proper; proposition; protest; provident; prudence; prudential; purpose; quality; question; race; rational; real; reason; recognition; relation; religion; religious; representation; republic; respect; revolution; rules; run; sake; satisfaction; save; saving; scale; second; self; sense; service; short; simple; single; situation; small; social; society; solution; soul; source; special; spirit; state; strength; strong; struggle; subject; success; summary; superstition; support; system; task; terms; test; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; turn; type; tyranny; understanding; united; universal; use; value; variety; view; virtue; war; way; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; working; world; worldliness; worship cache: 22135.txt plain text: 22135.txt item: #57 of 155 id: 22177 author: Sullivan, W. R. Washington (William Robert Washington) title: Morality as a Religion An exposition of some first principles date: None words: 74916 flesch: 58 summary: Nevertheless, it must be conceded, and such men as I have spoken of were the first to admit it, that lives such as these are necessarily imperfect. Such men may plunge into pleasure, absorb themselves in their books or research, wear and waste themselves in the making of wealth, and for a time they are satisfied. keywords: able; absolute; account; acknowledged; action; acts; admit; advance; age; agency; ages; agnosticism; air; altar; america; ancient; anglican; animal; answer; appeal; appearance; argument; articles; aspect; atmosphere; attempt; attention; attitude; augustine; authority; awful; bad; bannisdale; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believe; best; better; birth; bishop; blood; bodies; bodily; body; book; boundless; bread; broken; capacity; case; catholic; centuries; century; certain; change; chapel; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; churches; civilised; claim; clear; close; command; common; communion; compensation; complete; comte; conceive; conception; conclusion; conduct; conformity; conscience; conscious; consequences; content; controversy; conviction; convinced; cosmos; countries; country; course; creation; creed; cry; day; days; dead; death; deep; definite; deity; destiny; destruction; development; devotion; different; difficult; dignity; direct; distinction; divine; divinity; doctrine; dogma; doom; doubtless; duty; earliest; early; earth; ecclesiastical; elect; element; emerson; emotion; end; ends; energy; england; english; enthusiasm; essence; essential; eternal; ethical; ethical church; ethical man; ethical religion; ethics; europe; events; everlasting; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; experience; explanation; expression; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faculty; faith; fall; false; family; famous; far; father; feeling; final; fire; flesh; followers; force; form; foundation; founder; fourth; frame; france; free; friend; functions; future; general; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; growth; guidance; half; hand; harmony; heart; heaven; heavenly; hebrew; helbeck; hell; help; high; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; holiest; holy; home; hope; hour; human; humanity; huxley; ideal; idealism; identical; ignorance; image; immanuel; impossible; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; innermost; inspiration; instance; instinct; institution; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interpretation; invisible; irresistible; jesus; joy; judgment; justice; kant; kingdom; knowledge; known; land; language; late; laura; law; laws; lay; layman; length; life; like; line; little; lives; living; long; lord; lost; love; makes; making; man; mankind; marriage; masters; matter; meaning; means; memory; men; mental; mere; metaphysical; mill; mind; ministers; miraculous; mischief; modern; moment; moral; moral law; moral life; morality; movement; mrs; music; mysterious; mystery; nations; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; nineteenth; noble; non; note; notion; numbers; obedience; object; obvious; old; open; operation; order; origin; outside; pass; passing; past; path; paul; people; perfect; person; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; plain; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; poor; position; positive; possess; possibility; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; precise; prepared; presence; present; prevalent; priest; principles; private; professor; progress; pronounced; prophet; public; punishment; pure; purpose; question; race; rate; rational; ready; realisation; realities; reality; reason; relations; religion; religious; reply; research; respect; rest; results; return; revelation; reverence; reverent; right; righteousness; rise; rome; rule; sacerdotal; sacrament; sacred; sacrifice; sake; satisfied; save; scene; school; science; scientific; scientist; second; seen; self; sense; sentiment; service; set; shadow; shape; significance; silence; silent; social; society; solemn; sons; sort; soul; source; spain; spencer; spirit; spiritual; stages; standard; stars; state; stone; strong; study; subject; sublime; sun; supreme; surrender; sweet; system; teaching; temple; tennyson; terms; theism; theology; theory; things; thinker; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; turn; type; ultimate; unable; unity; universal; universe; unknown; unseen; validity; vast; view; virtue; vision; voice; war; ward; way; ways; whatsoever; wife; wise; witness; woman; words; work; world; worse; worship; worthy; writers; wrong; years; young; youth cache: 22177.txt plain text: 22177.txt item: #58 of 155 id: 22364 author: Abercrombie, John title: The Philosophy of the Moral Feelings date: None words: 56900 flesch: 50 summary: This exercise is entirely under the control of the will; but the will to exercise it respecting moral truth is closely connected with the love of that truth; and this is intimately dependent on the state of moral feeling of the mind. This is a mental condition, in which a desire or an affection, repeatedly acted upon, is, after each repetition, acted upon with less and less effort,--and, on the other hand, a truth or moral principle, which has been repeatedly passed over without adequate attention, after every such act makes less and less impression, until at length it ceases to exert any influence over the moral feelings or the conduct. keywords: absolute; acting; action; active; actual; advantage; affections; aid; almighty; anxious; appeal; attention; authority; belief; benevolence; case; certain; chain; character; circumstances; class; comfort; compassion; conclusions; conduct; confidence; connected; conscience; consequences; considerations; conviction; correct; course; cultivation; culture; deeds; degree; deity; desire; different; direct; direction; distinct; distinction; distress; divine; doctrine; duties; duty; economy; effect; emotions; essential; eternal; evidence; example; exercise; existence; experience; extensive; facts; faith; farther; fellow; form; future; general; god; good; gratification; great; great moral; greater; guide; guilt; habitual; hand; happiness; harmony; healthy; heart; higher; highest; human; iii; immediate; important; important moral; impression; individual; inductions; infinite; influence; inquiry; instances; intellectual; intended; interest; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; laws; leads; life; love; man; mankind; manner; means; measure; mental; mercy; mere; mind; moral; moral approbation; moral aspect; moral attributes; moral beings; moral causes; moral condition; moral constitution; moral decisions; moral degradation; moral discipline; moral distinctions; moral duty; moral economy; moral emotions; moral feelings; moral governor; moral habits; moral harmony; moral history; moral impressions; moral improvement; moral nature; moral principle; moral process; moral purity; moral rectitude; moral relation; moral responsibility; moral science; moral system; moral truth; motives; natural; nature; necessary; new; object; observations; obvious; operation; opinion; opposed; order; particular; passion; peculiar; perceive; perfect; personal; philosophy; place; point; power; powerful; practical; presence; present; primary; principles; process; processes; propensity; proper; public; pure; purity; purpose; qualities; question; rational; real; reason; reasoning; reference; regard; regulated; relation; remarkable; reputation; respect; responsible; result; right; rule; sacred; sacrifice; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; similar; simple; society; solemn; sound; source; state; step; subject; system; tendencies; tendency; things; true; truth; understanding; uniform; uniformity; utility; utmost; veracity; vice; view; virtue; volition; voluntary; want; way; wisdom; world; worthy; writings; wrong cache: 22364.txt plain text: 22364.txt item: #59 of 155 id: 22417 author: Ordway, Edith B. (Edith Bertha) title: The Etiquette of To-day date: None words: 52914 flesch: 67 summary: She will not, even in her own room, make such noise as will attract attention or disturb other guests. The young woman should be careful not to permit her fiancé to take her away in a corner from other guests for a long time, and he should remember to do his social duty by other young ladies present, even if he wishes to devote himself to one. keywords: acquaintance; address; afternoon; aisle; amusement; announcement; appropriate; attention; attitude; beauty; best; black; body; book; bow; breakfast; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; brief; broken; business; butante; calling; calls; card; care; carriages; case; ceremonious; ceremony; certain; chance; chaperon; chapter; character; charm; child; children; church; circle; circumstances; city; clergyman; close; club; coat; coffee; comfort; common; company; conduct; consideration; conversation; corner; correct; correspondence; country; couple; course; courteous; courtesy; custom; customary; cut; dance; dancing; date; daughter; day; days; dear; desires; dining; dinner; door; drawing; dress; duties; duty; early; effort; elaborate; emergency; engagement; english; engraved; entertaining; entertainment; envelope; equal; etiquette; evening; expression; family; father; favor; fine; flag; flowers; following; food; fork; form; formal; friends; friendship; fruit; functions; funeral; general; gentleman; gift; girl; giving; gloves; good; gown; great; group; guest; half; hand; happiness; happy; hat; head; high; home; home wedding; honor; hospitality; hostess; hotel; hour; house; household; human; husband; ill; important; inch; individual; informal; interest; intimate; introduction; invitation; ladies; lady; large; later; leave; leaving; left; letter; life; like; linen; little; long; luncheon; maid; man; marriage; married; matter; meal; means; meeting; members; men; moment; money; mother; mourning; mrs; mutual; napkin; near; necessary; need; new; note; number; o'clock; obligations; observance; occasion; office; old; open; opportunity; order; paper; parents; parties; party; people; period; permissible; permit; person; personal; personality; place; plain; play; pleasure; position; possible; post; preferable; presence; present; president; private; procession; proper; provide; public; quiet; rank; real; reason; reception; refreshments; regard; relative; reply; request; respect; return; right; room; rule; safe; sake; salutation; school; seat; seated; second; self; sending; sense; servants; service; set; signature; silver; simple; single; size; small; social; society; sort; soup; special; spirit; spoon; stand; standing; states; stay; street; style; suit; sympathy; table; talk; taste; tea; things; thought; time; title; traveling; true; type; united; use; ushers; usual; visit; wardrobe; way; wear; wedding; white; wife; wise; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; worth; writing; year; young cache: 22417.txt plain text: 22417.txt item: #60 of 155 id: 2274 author: Bennett, Arnold title: How to Live on 24 Hours a Day date: None words: 13111 flesch: 77 summary: III PRECAUTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING Now that I have succeeded (if succeeded I have) in persuading you to admit to yourself that you are constantly haunted by a suppressed dissatisfaction with your own arrangement of your daily life; and that the primal cause of that inconvenient dissatisfaction is the feeling that you are every day leaving undone something which you would like to do, and which, indeed, you are always hoping to do when you have more time; and now that I have drawn your attention to the glaring, dazzling truth that you never will have more time, since you already have all the time there is--you expect me to let you into some wonderful secret by which you may at any rate approach the ideal of a perfect arrangement of the day, and by which, therefore, that haunting, unpleasant, daily disappointment of things left undone will be got rid of! I have found no such wonderful secret. Hundreds of thousands of hours are thus lost every day simply because my typical man thinks so little of time that it has never occurred to him to take quite easy precautions against the risk of its loss. keywords: able; arts; average; bed; beginning; better; book; business; case; certain; change; conduct; content; convinced; course; daily; danger; day; days; deal; dear; desire; difficult; effect; effort; employ; end; evening; fact; failure; feeling; fellow; fine; form; good; great; half; home; hours; human; important; impossible; income; interest; knowledge; life; like; literature; little; living; long; majority; man; matter; means; mecca; men; mental; mind; minutes; miracle; moment; money; morning; music; nature; newspapers; night; novels; office; people; poetry; point; principles; programme; question; reading; reason; regular; respect; self; sleep; soul; street; study; suggestion; task; tennis; thing; time; tired; train; typical; waste; way; week; wish; work; year cache: 2274.txt plain text: 2274.txt item: #61 of 155 id: 23025 author: Henney, Nella Braddy title: The Book of Business Etiquette date: None words: 65452 flesch: 74 summary: At the same time he must protect himself and other business men from incompetent, weak, or vicious employees. Numbers of our magazines--and they are as good an index as we have to the feeling of the general public--are given over completely to the service or the entertainment of business men (the T. B. M.) and an astonishing amount of space is devoted to them in most of the others. keywords: ability; account; accustomed; address; advertising; advice; american; angry; answer; appearance; appointment; atmosphere; attention; attitude; authority; bad; bank; bear; bed; beginning; behavior; bell; best; big; big business; book; boy; boys; bread; brief; brown; building; business house; business letter; business man; business office; busy; busy man; caller; calling; calls; card; care; careful; case; certain; chair; chance; character; charge; chief; circumstances; city; clean; clerk; close; clothes; comfortable; common; company; concern; conditions; conductor; connection; conversation; correct; country; course; courteous; courtesy; credit; customer; day; days; deal; department; desk; different; difficult; dining; dinner; discourtesy; dollars; door; doubt; dress; dressed; early; easier; easy; efficient; effort; employees; employer; end; etiquette; excellent; exceptions; executive; experience; face; fact; fair; father; fault; feeling; feet; firm; foolish; fork; form; friend; general; gentleman; girl; good; good man; good manners; good work; great; greater; group; guest; habit; half; hand; happy; hard; head; help; high; hold; home; hopkins; host; hours; house; human; hundreds; hurry; idea; important; information; inside; instance; institution; intelligent; interested; interesting; interview; job; kind; lady; large; later; lawyer; leaves; left; letter; life; like; likely; line; little; lives; living; long; look; lunch; magazine; mail; making; man; management; manager; manners; material; matter; mcadoo; means; men; methods; middle; mind; minutes; mistake; moment; money; morning; mrs; names; natural; necessary; need; new; number; offer; office; old; old man; ones; open; operator; order; organization; outside; papers; past; pay; people; perfect; person; personal; personality; place; pleasant; pleasure; point; policy; polite; politeness; poor; position; possible; practice; present; president; pretty; problem; prospect; public; purpose; qualities; questions; quick; railroad; ready; real; reason; reception; red; regular; responsibility; rest; result; right; road; room; rude; rudeness; rule; salary; salesman; salesmanship; school; second; secretaries; secretary; self; sell; selling; sense; service; set; shop; simple; small; smile; social; sort; space; special; spirit; spite; standard; state; store; stories; straight; subject; subscriber; success; successful; superior; sure; switchboard; table; talk; telephone; temper; things; think; thought; time; town; trade; train; training; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; united; valuable; value; visitor; voice; wait; waiter; want; war; way; ways; wear; white; wife; wire; wise; woman; words; work; working; world; worth; writing; wrong; years; york; young man; youngster cache: 23025.txt plain text: 23025.txt item: #62 of 155 id: 23092 author: Wagner, Charles title: The Simple Life date: None words: 39542 flesch: 73 summary: There are good men, officially so recognized, quoted among their associates, I had almost said guaranteed by the Government or the Church, who can be reproached with nothing but dry and hard hearts; while we are astonished to encounter in certain fallen human beings, the most genuine tenderness, and as it were a thirst for self-devotion. And what shall we say of the pride of good men? keywords: able; account; action; advantage; affairs; air; appeal; army; artificial; attention; authority; bad; base; beautiful; beauty; beings; best; better; bird; blood; bread; business; calm; care; case; certain; charm; chief; children; classes; common; conclusion; conditions; confidence; content; contrary; cost; country; courage; crowd; customs; dangerous; dark; day; days; death; deep; desire; development; different; difficult; doubt; dress; duty; dwelling; earth; easy; education; effect; effort; end; enemy; energy; essential; evident; evil; exercise; existence; experience; eyes; face; fact; faculty; false; family; far; fashion; fatal; father; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; fine; food; force; forgotten; form; fortune; free; fruit; future; gain; general; god; gold; good; great; greater; greatest; habits; hands; happiness; happy; hard; heads; heart; hidden; high; higher; history; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; humble; idea; individual; inner; interest; joy; justice; kind; knowledge; labor; lack; language; law; liberty; life; like; literature; little; live; living; logic; long; longer; look; lost; love; luxury; man; mark; material; matter; means; men; mercenary; midst; mind; modest; moment; money; moral; morrow; mother; multitude; natural; nature; necessary; necessities; needs; new; number; numerous; office; old; opinion; order; ordinary; outside; outward; painful; parents; past; pay; people; personal; personality; pity; place; plain; play; pleasure; point; poor; position; possession; possible; power; practical; precious; present; pride; principle; profit; progress; public; question; ready; reason; relations; religion; respect; result; rich; right; round; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sad; satisfaction; satisfied; self; sense; servants; service; set; short; simple; simple life; simplicity; single; sleep; small; social; society; songs; soul; source; speech; spirit; spite; state; strange; strength; stronger; subject; suffering; sun; talk; taste; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; turn; understanding; unknown; use; value; view; walk; want; way; wealth; wide; wish; women; words; work; working; world; worldly; worth; years; young; youth cache: 23092.txt plain text: 23092.txt item: #63 of 155 id: 23230 author: Anonymous title: Boys: their Work and Influence date: None words: 9575 flesch: 80 summary: Very often the last act of chumship is the acting as best man at the friend's wedding. Combinations and unions of working men are perfectly right, if they unite for their own advantage, and for protection against oppression, and strikes may, though in very rare cases, be a painful necessity. keywords: bad; better; books; boys; calling; care; certain; choice; christ; church; country; courage; course; day; duties; duty; fair; father; fellow; god; good; great; help; home; honest; honour; lad; life; like; little; long; look; love; man; mean; men; money; morning; mother; necessary; old; parents; people; prayers; ready; real; religion; religious; respect; right; rule; school; share; sunday; thing; time; use; want; way; wife; words; work; wrong; young cache: 23230.txt plain text: 23230.txt item: #64 of 155 id: 23659 author: Crane, Frank title: 21 date: None words: 4975 flesch: 80 summary: Any human being that will observe the laws of life as carefully as successful business men observe the laws of business will come to that inward poise and triumph which is life's happiest crown, as certainly as the stars move in their courses. The healthy human body will furnish more of the joy of life, if it is not abused, than can be given by any of the artificial tonics which the ignorance and weakness of men have discovered. keywords: able; art; best; better; body; business; common; crane; day; denominator; dollars; exercise; fool; god; good; great; greatest; half; happiness; happy; healthy; human; intellectual; inward; kind; life; like; man; matter; mind; money; new; old; people; poor; religion; right; success; things; thoroughbred; truth; way; wisdom; wise; work; world; wrong; young cache: 23659.txt plain text: 23659.txt item: #65 of 155 id: 2541 author: Smiles, Samuel title: Character date: None words: 120133 flesch: 67 summary: As woman is not woman until she has known love, neither is man man. Great men are always exceptional men; and greatness itself is but comparative. keywords: abbe; ability; able; account; accustomed; action; active; acts; admiration; admire; advantage; adversity; advice; affairs; affection; ages; alive; altogether; american; answer; application; army; arnold; atmosphere; attention; author; authority; bacon; bad; battle; baxter; bear; beautiful; beauty; behaviour; bell; benefit; best; better; bible; biographies; biography; blessed; blessings; blood; body; books; bosom; boswell; boy; boys; brain; brave; broken; brougham; bunyan; burke; burns; business; byron; caesar; calling; capable; capacity; captain; care; career; careful; cases; cast; cause; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charity; charles; cheerfulness; chief; children; choice; christian; church; circumstances; class; classes; close; comfort; command; commander; common; commonwealth; companions; companionship; company; comparatively; complete; condition; conduct; confidence; conscience; consciousness; consolation; constant; contact; contemporaries; contrary; control; conversation; country; courage; courageous; course; court; courtesy; cultivation; culture; daily; danger; dante; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deathbed; debt; decision; deeds; deep; degree; delight; denial; desire; details; determination; determined; development; devoted; devotion; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; direction; discipline; disease; disposition; distinguished; domestic; doubtless; duke; duties; duty; early; early life; earnest; earth; education; effect; effort; elevated; elevation; eminent; emperor; employment; enduring; enemies; enemy; energetic; energy; england; english; englishman; enjoyment; enthusiasm; entire; equal; esteem; events; evil; example; excellent; exercise; existence; expense; experience; extent; extraordinary; extreme; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; faithful; fall; false; family; far; faraday; father; favourite; fear; features; feeling; feels; fellow; field; fine; finest; fire; following; footnote; forbearance; force; form; formation; fortune; forward; fox; france; francis; franklin; free; freedom; french; fresh; friend; friendship; future; gaol; general; generous; genius; gentle; gentleman; gentleness; genuine; george; german; gift; girl; glorious; glory; god; goethe; good; good life; good man; goodness; gospel; government; great; great men; greater; greatest; greatness; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harsh; hath; having; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; help; helper; henry; herbert; heroes; heroic; higher; highest; highminded; historian; history; hold; holding; home; honest; honour; honourable; hope; hours; house; household; human; human life; humanity; husband; hutchinson; idea; idle; idleness; ignorance; illustration; imitation; immense; important; impression; imprisonment; improved; impulse; individual; indolence; industry; influence; influential; inspiration; inspired; instance; instruction; integrity; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intercourse; interest; italy; james; johnson; joy; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; laborious; labour; lady; large; late; law; lay; learning; leave; lectures; left; leisure; length; lesson; letters; liberty; lie; life; like; literary; literature; little; lives; living; long; longer; lord; loss; lot; love; luther; lying; making; man; management; manhood; mankind; manly; manner; marriage; married; matter; means; measure; melancholy; members; memoirs; memory; men; mental; mere; method; midst; milton; mind; minister; miserable; misery; misfortune; miss; modern; moment; money; moore; moral; mother; motive; mrs; music; napier; napoleon; narrow; nation; national; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; noblest; number; obedience; object; observation; occasion; occupation; office; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; original; pain; painter; palmerston; parents; parts; passion; past; patience; patient; patriotism; people; perfect; period; perpetual; perseverance; personal; persons; perthes; petty; philosophy; physical; picture; pitt; place; pleasure; plutarch; poems; poet; poetry; point; politeness; political; politics; poor; pope; popularity; portrait; possession; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practical life; practice; presence; present; pride; prince; principal; principles; prison; private; professor; progress; prolonged; prosperity; proud; proverb; public; public life; pure; purity; purpose; pursuits; qualities; quality; queen; question; race; rank; rare; read; reading; real; real life; reason; recent; record; regard; related; religion; remarkable; reply; reputation; requisite; respect; result; return; reverence; rich; right; rise; rome; room; rough; round; rude; ruin; rule; run; sacrifice; sad; samuel; saying; says; schiller; school; science; scott; second; secretary; self; selfishness; sense; sensible; sentiment; service; severe; shakspeare; share; sheridan; shyness; silent; simple; single; sir; slave; sleep; small; smith; social; society; soldier; solitude; sorrow; sort; soul; source; southey; speaking; special; speech; spirit; spring; stand; standard; standing; state; statesmen; stiff; strength; striking; strong; struggle; studies; study; subject; success; successful; suffering; sufficient; supposed; sustained; sweet; sympathy; system; tact; talent; talk; taste; taylor; temper; temperament; temptation; tenderness; thee; things; thinking; thomas; thought; time; toil; trade; training; trials; trouble; true; trust; truth; truthfulness; turn; understanding; union; universal; unknown; upright; useful; useless; usual; vain; valour; value; vices; view; vigorous; vigour; virtue; virtuous; voice; vulgar; walter; want; war; washington; way; ways; weak; weakness; wellington; wesley; wife; william; wilson; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; woman; words; work; workers; working; world; worse; worth; write; writers; writing; wrong; years; young; young man; youth cache: 2541.txt plain text: 2541.txt item: #66 of 155 id: 26254 author: McKee, Mabel Anne title: The Heart of the Rose date: None words: 3529 flesch: 94 summary: What makes girls such queer creatures, anyway, Beth? She laughed. While they ate quantities of hot waffles they talked of the fellows and girls. keywords: baby; book; boy; bud; different; dorothy; face; fellows; floyd; girls; great; hand; heart; home; john; little; long; look; man; new; night; open; petals; rose; sense; sister; way; white cache: 26254.txt plain text: 26254.txt item: #67 of 155 id: 26334 author: Lecky, William Edward Hartpole title: The Map of Life Conduct and Character date: None words: 99514 flesch: 51 summary: It is not surprising that a profession which inevitably leads to such things should have excited scruples among many good men. The well-known confession of Darwin that his intense addiction to science had destroyed his power of enjoying even the noblest imaginative literature represents a danger to which many men who have achieved much in the higher and severer forms of scientific thought are subject. keywords: 8vo; ability; absolute; accepted; account; accustomed; action; active; activity; acts; actual; administration; advantages; advocate; affairs; age; ages; aim; ambition; amusements; anarchy; anglican; animal; apparent; arguments; army; articles; assumed; atmosphere; attention; authority; bad; basis; beauty; belief; benefit; best; best men; better; bill; blame; bodies; body; book; brilliant; british; business; calamities; career; cases; catholic; cause; centuries; century; certain; chamber; change; chapter; character; charities; charity; charm; chief; childhood; children; choice; christendom; christian; christianity; church; church life; churches; circle; circumstances; civilisation; civilised; class; classes; clear; clergy; client; close; code; comfort; common; community; competition; complete; compromise; concentrated; conception; conditions; conduct; conflict; conscience; consequences; considerable; considerations; conspicuous; constant; constitution; contrast; control; conviction; corresponding; corruption; cost; countless; countries; country; coup; courage; course; crimes; criminal; criticism; crown; cultivation; curious; custom; d'état; danger; dangerous; day; days; death; defence; definite; degree; democratic; departments; desire; destruction; development; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; diminished; direct; direction; discipline; disease; disposition; distinction; doctrine; domestic; doubt; dreams; drink; duties; duty; early; earth; ecclesiastical; education; effect; effort; election; elements; empire; energy; england; english; english life; enjoyment; enormous; enthusiasm; escape; essential; establishment; ethics; europe; european; evidence; evident; evil; exaggerated; exaggeration; examination; example; excessive; excitement; exercise; existence; expenditure; experience; expression; extended; external; extreme; eyes; fact; faith; fall; false; family; far; faults; favour; fear; feeling; field; footnotes; force; foreign; form; formation; formularies; fortunes; france; free; french; future; gain; general; generation; genuine; gift; gigantic; good; good men; government; grave; gravest; great; great majority; great place; great truth; greater; greatest; gross; ground; habits; habitual; half; hand; happiness; happy; healthy; henry; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honour; honourable; hours; house; human; human happiness; human life; human nature; ideals; idleness; ill; imagination; immediate; immense; important; improved; improvement; increase; independent; individual; industrial; industry; inevitable; influence; innocent; instances; institutions; intellectual; intense; interests; international; ireland; irish; judge; judging; judgment; justice; justification; justified; keen; kind; knowledge; known; labour; large; latitude; law; laws; lawyers; laymen; lead; leaders; legal; legislation; leisure; lessons; level; liberty; life; like; likely; limits; literary; literature; little; lives; living; long; lord; lot; louis; love; low; luxury; main; majority; making; man; management; manifest; mankind; manner; marked; marriage; married; married life; masses; material; matter; means; measure; melancholy; member; men; mental; mere; merits; methods; military; mind; moderate; modern; modern life; moment; money; moral; moral life; moralists; morality; morbid; motives; movement; multitudes; napoleon; narrow; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; newman; number; numerous; oath; object; obvious; old; open; opinion; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; ostentation; outside; owner; pagan; painful; parents; parliament; parliamentary; parliamentary life; particular; parties; party; passion; past; people; perfect; period; permanent; personal; persons; philanthropic; phillips; physical; place; play; pleasure; point; policy; political; politics; poor; popularity; population; position; positive; possess; possession; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; present; president; pressure; priesthood; priests; principle; private; private life; probable; process; profession; progress; prominent; property; proportion; protestant; public; public life; public men; public opinion; punishment; pure; purpose; qualities; question; race; raid; rank; reach; reading; real; reason; reasoning; recognised; reform; relations; religion; religious; remarkable; respect; responsibility; restraint; result; rich; right; rise; roman; rome; ruin; rule; run; sacerdotal; sacrifice; sanitary; savage; scale; school; second; sections; secular; self; sense; services; set; short; shows; sides; simple; single; skilful; sleep; small; social; society; soldiers; sorrow; soul; sound; special; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; stages; standard; state; statement; statesmen; steady; strange; strength; stress; strong; stronger; strongest; study; subject; success; successful; suffering; sufficient; support; supreme; sympathy; system; tact; talents; task; tastes; teaching; temperament; temptations; tenant; tendencies; tendency; terrible; theological; theology; theory; things; thought; time; touch; treatment; true; truth; turn; type; universal; unjust; unselfish; useful; useless; valuable; value; variety; vast; vice; vicious; view; violent; virtue; vols; vote; want; war; wars; way; ways; weakness; wealth; weight; wide; wife; wise; wishes; women; words; work; working; world; worst; writers; wrong; years; young; young men; youth cache: 26334.txt plain text: 26334.txt item: #68 of 155 id: 26597 author: Wells, Samuel R. (Samuel Roberts) title: How to Behave: A Pocket Manual of Republican Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits Embracing an Exposition of the Principles of Good Manners; Useful Hints on the Care of the Person, Eating, Drinking, Exercise, Habits, Dress, Self-culture, and Behavior at Home; the Etiquette of Salutations, Introductions, Receptions, Visits, Dinners, Evening Parties, Conversation, Letters, Presents, Weddings, Funerals, the Street, the Church, Places of Amusement, Traveling, Etc., with Illustrative Anecdotes, a Chapter on Love and Courtship, and Rules of Order for Debating Societies date: None words: 52042 flesch: 71 summary: _Hot_ biscuits; _hot_ griddle cakes, saturated with butter and Stuart's syrup; and _hot_ coffee, scarcely modified at all by the small quantity of milk usually added, are among the most deleterious articles ever put upon a table. If a gentleman offers to dance with a lady, she should not refuse, unless for some _particular_ and _valid_ reason, in which case she can accept the next offer. keywords: 12mo; 25c; absurd; acquaintance; action; addition; address; affairs; age; agreeable; aid; american; amusement; appetite; arm; art; attention; author; awkward; bad; beautiful; beauty; behavior; best; better; black; body; book; bow; bread; breeding; broadway; business; calls; card; care; careful; carriage; case; cents; ceremony; certain; change; chapter; character; children; choice; church; circumstances; city; civility; claim; clean; cloth; clothes; co.; code; colors; common; company; complete; conduct; conversation; costume; country; course; courtesy; cultivation; culture; cure; custom; dance; dancing; dark; day; debate; deference; desire; development; diet; different; dinner; directions; disagreeable; diseases; doubt; dress; dressed; drink; drinking; duties; duty; eating; education; effect; elder; england; english; entitled; equal; essential; etiquette; evening; excellent; exercise; experience; extra; eye; face; fact; faculties; family; fashion; fashionable; fear; feelings; feet; fellow; fine; fit; following; food; fork; formal; forms; fowler; free; french; friend; general; gentleman; genuine; gloves; good; good manners; grace; graceful; great; greek; guests; guide; habits; hair; half; hand; happiness; harmony; hat; head; health; heart; high; highest; hints; home; honor; hope; house; household; human; husband; hygiene; hygienic; illustrated; illustrations; important; improvement; individual; intellectual; intercourse; interest; intimate; introduction; john; journal; ladies; lady; language; large; laws; leave; letters; liable; life; like; little; long; look; looking; love; m.d; mail; making; man; manners; manual; matter; means; member; men; mental; mere; mind; mode; moral; morning; mother; motion; mrs; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; notes; number; observances; occasion; offer; oil; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; organs; original; pages; painter; paper; parents; particular; parties; party; people; perfect; perfection; person; personal; philosophy; phrenological; phrenology; physical; physiognomy; physiology; piece; place; plain; pleasure; point; politeness; position; possible; practical; practice; presence; present; price; principles; proper; public; publishers; pure; purpose; qualities; question; rank; reader; real; reason; relation; required; respect; rest; right; room; rude; rule; school; science; scrub; seat; self; sense; served; set; sex; shoes; short; simple; sister; size; small; social; society; speaking; special; spirit; standing; state; street; study; style; subject; superior; system; table; taste; teeth; things; thought; time; titles; tobacco; training; treatment; true; usage; useful; valuable; value; visits; volume; vulgar; walking; want; warm; water; way; wear; weather; wells; white; wife; woman; word; work; worth; years; york; young cache: 26597.txt plain text: 26597.txt item: #69 of 155 id: 27830 author: Conklin, Mary Greer title: Conversation What to Say and How to Say it date: None words: 23112 flesch: 60 summary: WHAT CONVERSATION IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT PAGE What is the aim of conversation?--The talk of Coleridge and Macaulay--Browning's delightful conversation--Why we go into society--The elements of good conversation--What it is not--Genius and scholarship not essential to good conversation 21 Chapter II DISCUSSION _VERSUS_ CONTROVERSY Dr. Johnson's and Robert Louis Stevenson's opinion of discussion--Politeness and discussion--The hostess in discussion--Flat contradiction in discussion--Polemical squabbles--Brilliant discussion in France--The secret of delightful conversation in France--Leading the talk--Topics for discussion--Gladstone's conversation 35 Chapter III GOSSIP Gossip in literature--Gossip comes from being of one kindred under God--Gossip and the misanthrope--Personal history of people we know and people we don't know--Gossip of books of biography--Interest in others gives fellowship and warmth to life--Essential difference between slander and innocent gossip--The psychology of the slanderer--The apocryphal slanderer--Talking behind another's back--Personal chat the current coin of conversation 63 Chapter IV Why cultivating the social instinct adds strength to business persuasion--Secret of the ability to use tactful and vivid words in business--Essential training necessary to the nice use of words--Business success depends upon nicety and tact more than on any quality of force 161 Chapter VIII CONCLUSION Conversation is reciprocal--Good conversationalists cannot talk to the best advantage without confederates--As in whist it is the combination which effects what a single whist-playing genius cannot accomplish--Good conversation does not mark a distinction among subjects; It denotes a difference in talkability--The different degrees of talkability--Imperturbable glibness impedes good conversation--Ease with which one may improve one's conversational powers 175 CHAPTER I _INTRODUCTORY_ WHAT CONVERSATION IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT _ keywords: ability; aim; american; anecdotes; appreciation; art; attempt; attention; best; better; black; book; brilliant; business; capable; care; certain; chapter; children; clever; common; companion; company; controversy; conversation; conversationalists; criticism; day; delightful; delightful conversation; dialog; different; dining; dinner; discrimination; discussion; distinction; doubt; drawing; duty; effect; elements; english; essential; express; expression; fact; familiar; family; far; flow; form; france; french; friends; general; general conversation; general talk; genius; giving; good conversation; good talk; gossip; gracious; great; group; guests; habit; half; hand; highest; history; home; honest; hostess; hosts; hour; human; ideas; impossible; intellectual; intercourse; interest; interesting; interruption; johnson; keats; kind; known; large; leading; left; life; like; listening; literature; little; lives; long; louis; mahaffy; man; matter; means; men; mental; mere; mind; moment; mrs; natural; nature; near; necessary; neighbor; new; nicety; note; opinion; order; party; people; perfection; person; personal; phase; place; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; point; power; present; principles; quality; question; ready; reason; remark; right; robert; room; round; scandal; secret; self; sense; silence; simple; small; social; society; sort; speech; stevenson; subject; sympathy; table; tact; talk; talker; talking; tell; thing; thought; time; tongue; topics; true; turn; tête; unconscious; use; views; vocabulary; way; whist; wit; women; words; world; written; years; young cache: 27830.txt plain text: 27830.txt item: #70 of 155 id: 28998 author: Cooke, Maud C. title: Social Life; or, The Manners and Customs of Polite Society date: None words: 153333 flesch: 72 summary: Daughters of the hostess should not repeatedly appear upon the floor while other lady guests are neglected. fiancé's_ showing the same attention to other ladies that she, in her turn, is willing to accept from other gentlemen, and she should take the same pains to please his taste in trifles that he does to gratify her slightest wish. keywords: absence; acceptance; accepted; account; acquaintance; acquainted; action; adding; addition; address; advance; advantage; affair; afternoon; agreeable; aisle; amber; american; amusement; anniversaries; anniversary; announcement; annoyance; answer; apparent; appearance; appropriate; apt; arms; arrangements; arrival; articles; artistic; assistance; attention; attractive; awkward; baby; bad; ball; baskets; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; believe; best; beware; bicycle; bill; bits; black; blossoms; blue; board; body; bonnets; book; bouillon; bow; bowl; boxes; boys; brass; breach; bread; breakfast; breathing; breeding; bridal; bride; bridemaids; brilliant; broken; bronze; brown; brush; business; butter; cabinet; cakes; calling; calls; cards; care; careful; carriages; carrying; case; center; ceremonious; ceremony; certain; chairs; change; chaperon; character; charming; cheese; chicken; chief; children; china; chocolate; choice; christening; church; circle; circumstances; cities; city; claret; clear; close; cloth; club; coat; code; coffee; cold; color; colored; comfort; coming; command; common; company; complete; complexion; compliment; conclusion; conduct; congress; consideration; contents; contrast; control; convenient; conversation; converse; cool; corner; correct; correspondence; costume; country; couple; course; courtesy; courtship; cover; cranston; cream; cultivate; culture; cup; cups; custom; cut; daily; dainty; dance; dancing; danger; dark; date; daughter; day; days; dear; death; december; decline; decorations; deep; degree; delicate; delightful; delsarte; demand; department; departure; design; desirable; desire; desk; dessert; devoted; diamonds; different; difficult; dining; dinner; disagreeable; dishes; display; disposition; distance; distinguished; doe; door; drawing; dress; dressed; dressing; drink; drive; driving; drop; dry; dull; duties; duty; early; easy; edge; education; effect; elaborate; elbow; elderly; elegant; embroidered; endeavor; engaged; engagement; england; english; entertaining; entertainment; entire; envelope; escort; etiquette; evening; event; evil; example; exception; excuse; exercise; expense; expensive; express; expression; eyes; face; fact; fall; family; fancy; fashion; fashionable; father; favor; favorite; fear; feast; feature; feelings; feet; fifth; figures; fill; finding; fine; fingers; finish; fire; fish; fit; floor; flowers; following; food; foot; force; foreign; fork; form; formal; formality; forward; fourth; free; french; friendly; friends; friendship; fruit; funeral; furnished; furniture; future; game; garden; gathering; general; gentleman; george; german; gifts; girl; giving; glass; glasses; gloves; god; gold; golden; good; gown; grace; graceful; gracious; grant; gray; great; greater; greatest; green; group; guests; habit; hair; half; hall; hand; handle; handsome; happiness; happy; hard; harmonizes; harmony; hat; hats; head; health; heart; heavy; help; high; highest; hill; hold; home; honor; honored; hope; hostess; hostesses; hot; hotel; hour; house; household; husband; ices; idea; illustration; important; inches; individual; informal; information; initials; instance; intended; interest; intimate; introduction; invitations; invited; january; jewels; john; judges; july; june; keeping; kind; kindly; knife; knives; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; large; lawn; laws; lead; leave; leaving; left; lemon; length; letter; life; like; line; lips; list; literary; little; long; longer; look; loose; lovely; loving; luncheon; mail; making; manner; march; mark; marked; marriage; married; material; matinée; matter; meal; means; measure; meat; meet; meeting; members; men; mention; menu; mere; method; mind; minutes; miss; mistake; mistress; modern; moment; money; morning; mother; motion; mouth; mrs; muscles; music; musical; mutual; nails; names; napkin; narrow; natural; nature; near; neat; necessary; necessity; neck; need; new; note; notice; november; number; o'clock; object; occasion; october; offer; office; old; olives; ones; open; opera; opinion; opportunity; opposite; orange; order; ordinary; ornamental; outer; outside; oysters; page; pair; pale; paper; parents; parlor; particular; parties; partners; party; passing; past; pearls; people; perfect; permissible; permit; person; personal; phrase; physical; piano; pictures; piece; pillow; pink; place; plain; plates; play; playing; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; polite; politeness; popular; portion; position; possession; possible; power; practice; presence; present; preserve; president; pretty; previous; price; printed; private; privilege; professional; program; proper; public; pure; purple; purpose; quality; question; quick; quiet; r.s.v.p; readiness; ready; real; reason; receiving; reception; recognition; red; reference; refreshments; refusal; regard; regret; regular; relations; relative; remarks; rendering; repast; reply; repose; request; requires; respect; respectfully; rest; result; return; ribbon; rich; richard; riding; right; rise; roast; robe; roe; roof; room; roses; round; rule; russell; salad; salt; salutation; sandwiches; satin; satisfactory; saucer; save; saying; scarf; school; seat; seated; second; selection; self; sending; sense; separate; servant; service; serving; set; sets; shades; shape; shoes; short; shoulders; sides; silence; silk; silver; simple; simplest; single; sister; sitting; size; skin; skirt; sleeve; slender; slight; slightest; small; smaller; smile; smith; social; society; soft; soirée; sorrow; soul; soup; space; special; spirit; spoon; spread; square; stand; standing; state; stay; step; stout; stranger; street; strong; study; style; subject; success; sufficient; sugar; suitable; summer; supper; supposed; surface; sweet; sympathy; system; table; tact; talk; taste; tea; teas; temper; term; thanks; theater; things; thought; throat; thursday; time; tints; tiny; titles; toilet; tone; tongue; topics; touch; town; train; trouble; true; truth; tuesday; type; united; unmarried; use; useful; ushers; usual; valuable; value; variety; vegetables; veil; view; visiting; visitors; visits; voice; waist; walking; wall; want; warm; washington; watch; water; way; ways; wear; wearer; wearing; wedding; wednesday; weeks; weight; wheel; white; wide; wife; window; wine; wise; wish; woman; wood; words; work; world; worn; worth; writer; writing; written; years; yellow; york; young; young ladies; young lady cache: 28998.txt plain text: 28998.txt item: #71 of 155 id: 29917 author: Thornton, William Thomas title: Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics With Some of Their Applications date: None words: 91430 flesch: 48 summary: And it is to Comtists of all people--intellectual salt of the earth as they are--that this figment is recommended for adoration--yes, to those who, pharisaically standing aloof from the common herd, thank their imaginary substitute for God, or whatever else it is they deem thankworthy, that they are not blind as other men are, and least of all as those dazed metaphysicians who actually personify their own mental abstractions. It must be admitted, then, that, so far, no reason has appeared why the force or forces by which the universe was originally moulded, may not, as contended, have been perfectly heedless and reckless; may not, without the least premeditation or the slightest view to any ulterior object, have produced certain phenomena in those particular sequences to which the name of natural laws has been given; and may not, with the same total absence of purpose, have adopted certain other courses of action which, very fortunately, though quite undesignedly, have resulted in the production of endless varieties of mechanism, most of them of marvellously intricate and complex structure, and all and each of them of structure marvellously suitable for performing, in co-operation with Nature's laws, functions of an utility as varied as their structure. keywords: absence; absolute; absurdity; account; accumulation; acting; action; acts; actual; additional; adequate; advance; advantage; affairs; affected; agency; agent; aggregate; animal; answer; antecedent; anti; apparent; appearance; argument; arrangement; association; assume; assumption; atheism; attempt; aught; author; authority; aware; basis; bear; bee; bees; behalf; beings; belief; best; better; birth; blind; bodily; body; buckle; capable; case; causation; causes; cells; certain; certainty; chain; chances; change; chapter; character; chief; children; choice; circumstances; claim; class; classes; clear; clock; colour; combinations; committed; common; community; comparison; competent; complete; complex; comte; conceive; concerned; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; conjecture; connected; connection; consciousness; consequences; consequent; consists; constant; constitute; constitution; content; contrary; control; copies; copy; correct; corresponding; course; creation; creative; creator; creature; creed; crime; darwin; day; dead; death; deduction; definition; degree; deity; descartes; description; design; desire; development; different; difficulty; direction; distinct; distinguished; divine; doctrine; double; doubt; duties; duty; earth; effect; efficacy; elementary; elements; end; ends; enjoyment; entire; entitled; equal; equivalent; error; essence; essential; events; evidence; evident; evil; exact; examination; example; exercise; existence; existing; experience; explanation; extension; extent; external; extreme; eye; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; false; fancy; favour; feel; feeling; fellow; figure; fire; flame; following; follows; force; form; forward; free; functions; future; galton; general; generations; generosity; genuine; god; good; greater; greatest; ground; habit; half; hand; happiness; hard; having; head; hearing; heart; heaven; help; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hive; hold; honest; hope; house; human; hume; huxley; hypothesis; idea; identical; imagination; immediate; inasmuch; inconceivable; incumbent; independent; indispensable; individuals; inference; infinite; influence; inherent; injustice; innumerable; instance; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; interest; invariable; judge; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; known; labour; language; large; law; laws; lay; legal; lewes; liberty; life; like; likely; limbs; limits; little; living; long; lord; love; majority; making; mankind; manner; material; materialism; matter; meaning; means; mechanism; members; mental; mere; merit; meritorious; metaphysical; mill; mind; minute; miracles; mistaken; mode; molecular; molecules; moment; moral; morality; motion; motives; movements; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; note; notions; number; numerous; object; obligation; observed; obvious; occasion; offspring; old; omnipotence; operation; opinion; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; organic; organisms; organs; original; owner; pain; parent; particles; particular; parts; past; path; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; performance; period; person; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; point; political; positive; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; prayer; prefer; prescribed; presence; present; previous; principles; probability; probable; proceeds; process; produce; professor; progress; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; protection; protoplasm; public; punishment; pure; purpose; pursuit; qualified; qualities; quality; question; rate; rational; real; reality; reason; reasoning; record; recurrence; reference; regard; regularity; relations; religion; religious; remains; rendering; reparation; repetition; reply; respect; rest; results; return; reverse; right; rise; rule; run; sacrifice; said; sake; save; science; scientific; second; seeing; selection; self; sensations; sense; sensible; separate; series; set; shall; shape; showing; similar; simple; single; skill; smallest; social; society; sole; solidity; solitary; sort; soul; sound; space; special; species; spirit; stages; state; steps; stone; strength; structure; subject; substance; succession; suffice; sufficient; sun; superior; support; supposition; system; tendency; terms; testimony; theory; thine; things; thinking; thought; thy; time; total; touch; true; trust; truth; turn; type; unable; understanding; uniform; uniformity; universal; universe; unjust; useful; utilitarianism; utility; utmost; value; varieties; vice; view; virtue; volitions; water; way; weight; whit; wisdom; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years cache: 29917.txt plain text: 29917.txt item: #72 of 155 id: 31143 author: Bate, John title: Talkers: With Illustrations date: None words: 84478 flesch: 75 summary: He grumbles against trade, commerce, money; against good men and bad men; against good women and bad women; against babes and children, young ladies and old maids. In company, says Charron, it is a very great fault to be more forward in setting one's-self off and talking to show one's parts than to learn the worth and to be truly acquainted with the abilities of other men. keywords: abilities; absence; absent; absolute; account; accustomed; acquainted; actions; affectation; affected; air; alas; answer; appearance; arthur; ask; attempt; attention; authority; bad; bearer; benefit; bessie; best; better; blandford; blood; body; bond; book; boy; brief; brother; business; calls; captain; care; case; certain; change; character; charity; children; christian; church; circle; circumstances; city; class; clear; close; college; command; common; company; conduct; confidence; consciousness; content; contrary; conversation; correct; countenance; country; course; cowper; credit; cure; day; deal; dear; death; deep; desire; detractor; different; difficult; dinner; disposition; divine; doctor; door; doth; doubt; dredge; eadie; earth; education; effect; egotism; elder; english; escape; etc; evening; evil; excellent; excuse; exercise; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; false; falsehood; family; father; fault; favour; fear; feeling; fellow; fine; fire; flatterer; flattering; flattery; flowers; following; folly; fool; foolish; force; forward; free; friend; friendly; general; gentleman; girl; god; gone; good; good man; goodness; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; grumbler; grumbling; guard; guilty; habit; half; hand; hannah; happiness; happy; hard; hath; head; health; hearers; hearing; heart; heaven; help; high; highest; hill; hold; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; hopkins; hour; house; human; humour; husband; illustrations; importance; influence; information; innocent; instance; instrument; intelligence; intention; interest; job; jones; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; know; knowledge; labours; ladies; lady; lane; language; large; laugh; laughter; law; learning; leave; left; length; liar; lie; lies; life; like; likely; line; lips; little; living; long; longer; look; lord; loud; love; lying; man; manner; matter; meaning; means; measure; meet; member; men; mental; mention; mere; mind; minister; mirth; mischief; miss; moment; monopolist; moral; morning; mother; motives; mouth; mrs; musgrove; music; mutual; natural; nature; nay; need; neighbour; new; noble; notice; number; o'clock; oakes; oath; object; obliged; occasion; offence; office; old; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; page; particular; party; pastor; peculiar; pedant; people; perfect; person; personal; peter; piece; pipes; pity; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; point; poor; pope; possible; power; practice; praise; preacher; presence; present; pride; private; proctor; professor; promise; proper; prov; purpose; quality; question; quiet; read; reader; reading; reality; reason; regard; religion; religious; reply; report; reputation; respect; result; return; rev; right; room; rose; round; ruin; rule; sacred; save; saying; scandal; school; scripture; sea; second; secret; self; sense; sentence; servant; shame; sharp; shop; short; sidney; silence; silent; similar; simple; sir; sister; slack; slander; slanderer; small; smith; social; society; solemn; sorry; soul; speaking; speech; spirit; spread; squire; stand; state; statement; stock; stories; story; strange; street; strength; strong; study; stukely; style; subject; sure; suspicion; swearing; sweet; tale; talker; talking; talks; taste; tea; telling; temper; terms; thee; things; thinking; thought; thoughtless; thy; time; tis; tone; tongue; town; tradesman; true; trust; truth; turn; usual; utterance; uttered; vain; vanity; view; village; virtue; voice; walk; want; watson; way; ways; weakness; webster; whisper; wife; willing; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; witness; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; wrong; years; young; young man cache: 31143.txt plain text: 31143.txt item: #73 of 155 id: 31340 author: Hackley, E. Azalia (Emma Azalia) title: The Colored Girl Beautiful date: None words: 21367 flesch: 77 summary: As I have not been blessed with a daughter, I send these thoughts to the daughters of other colored women, hoping that among them there is some new thought worthy of a racial Amen. To colored women in whom I have faith and to colored children whom I love, I send this little message. keywords: act; actions; advancement; aim; appearance; attractive; bad; beautiful; beauty; best; better; black; blood; bodies; body; boy; breathing; burden; care; cause; change; character; charm; children; christ; cleanliness; clothes; colored; colored children; colored girl; colored mother; colored people; colored race; colored woman; conditions; control; culture; daily; daughter; day; deep; desire; dress; duty; early; education; emotion; example; expression; eyes; face; family; fit; forces; friends; future; gifts; girl; girl beautiful; god; good; great; habits; hair; hand; health; heart; help; history; home; hump; husband; inward; kind; knowledge; laws; leave; life; lines; little; living; long; looks; lost; love; marriage; married; matter; maturity; men; mental; mind; money; mother; mother beautiful; nature; necessary; need; negro; new; nose; old; open; order; organs; parents; people; personal; personality; physical; pictures; points; posterity; power; present; race; real; religion; religious; respect; return; right; school; self; skin; small; soul; speech; spiritual; spirituality; spot; strength; strong; study; success; talk; taste; teeth; tell; things; thought; time; today; training; value; vibrations; vital; voice; way; white; wife; woman; woman beautiful; work; world; worth; years; young; youth cache: 31340.txt plain text: 31340.txt item: #74 of 155 id: 32421 author: Call, Annie Payson title: A Man of the World date: None words: 6200 flesch: 62 summary: WORLD I There are two worlds in the minds of men: the one is artificial, selfish, and personal, the other is real and universal; the one is limited, material, essentially of the earth, the other supposes a kind of larger cosmopolitanism, and has no geographical limits at all; it is as wide as humanity itself, and only bounded by the capacity for experience, insight, and sympathy in the mind and heart of man. It was of true men of the world that the Lord spoke when He said, I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil! keywords: able; best; body; case; character; clear; conventional; day; dirty; disease; evil; experience; freedom; general; good; health; heart; human; individual; innocence; knowledge; life; long; lord; love; man; means; men; mind; narrow; nature; neighbor; patient; people; phases; point; possible; power; provincial; selfish; sin; soul; standards; strong; true; true man; truth; understanding; universal; view; way; wholesome; work; world cache: 32421.txt plain text: 32421.txt item: #75 of 155 id: 32438 author: Faris, John T. (John Thomson) title: The Book of Courage date: None words: 44649 flesch: 77 summary: What a blessing it will be to the world that millions of young men were trained in France to repress hurtful emotion, to exercise self-restraint--which may be defined as the act or process of holding back or hindering oneself from harmful thoughts or actions. No task is too difficult for the man with a purpose, declared a worker with young men, some of whom were ready to give up. keywords: ability; able; africa; afternoon; american; answer; apt; attention; author; away; bear; beginning; best; better; bible; biographer; blind; book; boy; boys; brothers; business; business man; busy; career; cause; certain; chair; chance; chapter; character; children; christian; church; city; close; clothes; clough; coal; college; comfort; comment; companionship; company; conquest; country; courage; courageous; course; cry; daily; day; days; death; deed; depths; difficult; difficulties; discouraged; dollars; drink; duty; early; easy; education; estate; evening; evil; experience; eyes; face; fact; failure; famous; father; feel; fellow; fire; firm; folks; forest; fortune; france; friend; friendship; future; girl; giving; glad; god; good; government; great; greatest; ground; habit; half; hand; hard; head; health; heart; help; helpful; high; historian; history; home; hope; hotel; hours; house; idea; iii; incident; industry; jefferson; john; journey; joy; kind; knowledge; labor; large; later; learned; leave; left; lesson; life; like; lines; little; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; love; making; man; matter; meeting; member; memory; men; message; miles; mind; minister; missionary; mistake; moment; money; months; morning; mother; mountains; nature; necessary; need; new; news; night; number; occasion; office; old; opportunity; page; paper; past; patron; pay; people; perils; philadelphia; pile; place; plants; pocket; poor; position; possible; power; prayer; present; president; prize; professor; promise; public; publisher; purpose; question; railroad; reading; ready; real; record; reply; rest; results; return; road; room; rule; sake; school; scotland; search; second; secretary; self; service; set; short; sir; small; smile; soldiers; son; speaking; spirit; stand; story; strength; strong; struggle; student; study; success; successful; summer; sure; sympathy; system; talk; task; teacher; telling; tells; temptation; things; thinking; thought; time; town; train; trip; true; trying; unable; useful; want; war; washington; way; week; white; wife; winter; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; worker; world; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; years old; york; young; young man cache: 32438.txt plain text: 32438.txt item: #76 of 155 id: 33188 author: Wiggin, Edith E. title: Lessons on Manners for School and Home Use date: None words: 18862 flesch: 79 summary: IT is true that good manners, like good morals, are best taught by the teacher's example. Children that come from homes where good manners are taught and practised, will be glad to repeat the precepts of politeness learned in the home circle; and those less favored will not want to be behind in this hitherto unstudied branch. keywords: 12mo; 16mo; 8vo; adventures; aged; american; amusement; answer; article; attention; attractive; author; behavior; best; better; blackboard; boards; book; booksellers; boston; boy; boys; breeding; business; careful; cars; cents; children; church; close; cloth; company; conduct; courtesy; day; door; dress; eating; edition; english; evening; family; folks; french; friend; general; gentleman; george; girl; glass; good; good manners; great; hand; haste; help; history; home; illustrated; illustrations; interested; interesting; ladies; lady; late; laughing; leave; leaving; lee; lesson; life; like; little; long; looking; mail; manners; matter; miss; mistakes; mother; mrs; nature; necessary; net; new; old; older; open; outline; paper; parents; people; person; pictures; place; play; politeness; popular; possible; price; proper; public; publishers; questions; reader; reading; reason; receipt; remarks; respect; right; room; rude; rule; saying; scholars; school; seats; service; shepard; sisters; small; society; speaking; stories; story; strangers; street; table; talking; teacher; things; time; travel; true; turn; use; visitors; volume; waiting; want; way; window; wish; work; world; worth; years; young cache: 33188.txt plain text: 33188.txt item: #77 of 155 id: 3351 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1746-47 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 17382 flesch: 62 summary: Do they consist in little commercial play at cards in good company? The true pleasures of a gentleman are those of the table, but within the bound of moderation; good company, that is to say, people of merit; moderate play, which amuses, without any interested views; and sprightly gallant conversations with women of fashion and sense. keywords: account; adieu; advantage; advice; affection; age; attention; bad; best; book; boy; breeding; business; care; character; chesterfield; civility; common; company; contrary; conversation; country; course; day; deal; dear; degree; desire; difference; dress; easy; example; eyes; fashion; fine; french; frequent; friendship; general; genteel; gentleman; god; good; good company; graces; great; greatest; guide; harte; heart; history; honor; hours; journey; knowledge; language; lausanne; learning; leipsig; letter; life; little; london; long; love; man; manners; master; mean; merit; mind; monsieur; nature; necessary; object; order; particular; people; person; place; play; pleased; pleasures; post; practice; present; proper; purpose; real; reason; regard; remember; right; self; sense; short; studies; subject; success; things; thinking; thought; time; town; true; truth; understanding; use; useful; vanity; virtue; want; way; weakness; women; world; worth; writing; years; young cache: 3351.txt plain text: 3351.txt item: #78 of 155 id: 3352 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1748 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 44444 flesch: 62 summary: Good company is not what respective sets of company are pleased either to call or think themselves, but it is that company which all the people of the place call, and acknowledge to be, good company, notwithstanding some objections which they may form to some of the individuals who compose it. A few hours each day will then be sufficient for application, and the others cannot be better employed than in the pleasures of good company. keywords: absolute; account; actions; address; adieu; advantage; affairs; ancient; answer; application; apt; attention; austria; authority; awkward; bad; bath; berlin; best; body; book; boy; breeding; business; cardinal; care; case; causes; certain; character; charles; common; companies; company; consequence; considerable; contempt; contrary; conversation; convinced; countenance; countries; country; course; courts; criminal; day; deal; dear; degree; deserve; desire; different; disagreeable; doubt; easy; education; eliot; empire; england; english; europe; events; example; experience; facts; false; fashion; fashionable; favor; fear; figure; fine; force; foreign; form; fortune; france; french; frequent; friend; frivolous; general; genteel; gentleman; german; glad; god; good; good company; government; graceful; graces; great; greater; greatest; greek; half; hand; harte; having; heart; history; hope; hours; house; ignorance; ignorant; ill; important; infinite; interest; judge; judgment; kind; knights; knowledge; language; late; latin; laughter; learning; leipsig; letter; life; little; live; london; long; look; love; low; man; manner; master; mean; men; mention; merit; military; mind; minister; minute; modern; moment; monsieur; morning; munster; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; new; number; object; observation; occasion; old; ones; open; opinion; order; pains; particular; parts; pass; pay; people; person; place; plain; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; points; political; power; pray; present; pretty; pride; princes; private; proper; public; questions; rank; reading; real; reason; reflections; regard; religion; religious; respective; right; roman; sake; saxony; self; sense; set; share; short; silly; solid; spain; speaking; state; strong; study; subject; sufficient; sure; talk; taste; things; thought; time; treaty; trifling; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; use; useful; useless; utmost; value; vanity; views; virtue; want; way; weaknesses; wit; women; words; world; worth; writing; years; young cache: 3352.txt plain text: 3352.txt item: #79 of 155 id: 3353 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1749 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 48229 flesch: 64 summary: If indeed they think in manner destructive of all religion, morality, or good manners, or to the disturbance of the state, an absolute government will certainly more effectually prohibit them from, or punish them for publishing such thoughts, than a free one could do. I desire that you will form no connections, nor (what they impudently call) friendships with these people; which are, in truth, only combinations and conspiracies against good morals and good manners. keywords: able; account; acquaintance; actions; address; adieu; advantage; affection; air; ambition; answer; application; apt; architecture; assemblies; attention; authors; awkward; bad; berlin; best; body; books; boy; breeding; business; capitals; cardinal; care; case; certain; character; civil; common; companies; company; complete; compliments; comte; consequence; considerable; contempt; contrary; conversation; convinced; correct; country; countrymen; course; court; day; deal; dear; degree; desire; different; dignity; dissimulation; distinguished; ears; easy; education; elegance; eloquence; engaging; england; englishman; europe; evenings; exercises; expense; experience; eyes; fashion; faults; favor; fear; fellow; figure; fine; fit; flatter; form; fortune; foundation; french; frequent; friend; friendship; future; general; genteel; gentleman; german; glad; god; good; good company; government; graces; great; greater; habit; half; hand; harte; head; health; heart; history; home; hours; house; human; idle; ill; important; informed; interest; italian; italy; judge; king; knowledge; language; late; learning; left; letter; liberal; life; like; little; living; london; long; look; lord; love; low; lustre; man; mankind; manners; master; mean; men; merit; mind; mistaken; moment; monsieur; months; morning; motions; naples; natural; nature; nay; necessary; neglect; object; observation; occasion; old; ones; opinion; orator; orders; pains; particular; parts; passions; pay; people; person; place; play; pleased; pleasing; pleasures; point; polish; politeness; possible; post; power; pray; prejudices; present; pretty; principal; proper; public; real; reason; recommendation; reflection; regard; remains; require; respect; return; right; rome; room; rules; sake; security; sense; sentiments; september; set; shining; short; solid; speaker; stanhope; stay; strength; strong; studies; study; style; subject; sure; taste; things; thought; time; true; trust; truth; turin; use; useful; utmost; venice; verona; vices; view; virtues; vulgar; want; way; wish; women; words; work; world; worth; year; young; youth cache: 3353.txt plain text: 3353.txt item: #80 of 155 id: 3354 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1750 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 34210 flesch: 66 summary: I remember that when, with all the awkwardness and rust of Cambridge about me, I was first introduced into good company, I was frightened out of my wits. Those creatures will destroy your fortune and your health, corrupt your morals, and you will never acquire the style of good company.] keywords: able; absolute; accomplishments; account; acquaintance; address; adieu; advantage; advice; age; air; answer; attention; authors; awkward; bad; beau; behavior; best; books; breeding; business; care; case; certain; character; commerce; common; companies; company; conduct; connections; consequence; considerable; constitution; contempt; contrary; conversation; convinced; countenance; country; course; court; day; deal; dear; degree; desire; desirous; different; dignity; disgraceful; distinguished; dressed; easy; education; england; english; equal; events; example; excellent; expense; experience; false; fashion; fellow; figure; fine; form; fortune; france; french; frequent; friend; friendship; frivolous; general; gentleman; god; good; good company; government; graces; great; greatest; greek; guard; half; hand; happy; harte; head; heart; high; history; hitherto; honor; hours; ill; important; infinite; interest; invention; italian; judge; kind; king; knowledge; known; language; learning; les; letter; life; like; little; london; long; love; low; lying; man; manners; master; mean; meet; merit; method; mind; modesty; moment; monarchies; monde; money; monsieur; moral; morning; naples; nature; near; necessary; new; object; observation; old; ones; opinion; order; paris; particular; pay; people; perfection; person; petits; place; play; pleased; pleasing; pleasures; point; politeness; possible; power; pray; present; pretty; proper; public; pure; purity; rank; reading; real; reason; regard; religion; respect; return; right; rome; school; self; sense; sentiments; share; shining; short; solid; study; subject; success; talk; taste; things; thought; time; timidity; treaty; true; trust; truth; turn; use; useful; vanity; vices; virtues; vulgar; want; way; wish; wit; women; words; world; worth; years; young; youth cache: 3354.txt plain text: 3354.txt item: #81 of 155 id: 3355 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1751 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 37367 flesch: 66 summary: In all my letters from Paris, I have the pleasure of finding, among many other good things, your docility mentioned with emphasis; this is the sure way of improving in those things, which you only want. In such companies there is always something to be learned as well as manners; the conversation turns upon something above trifles; some point of literature, criticism, history, etc., is discussed with ingenuity and good manners; for I must do the French people of learning justice; they are not bears, as most of ours are: they are gentlemen. keywords: abbe; accomplishments; account; address; adieu; age; agreeable; air; albemarle; arms; attention; awkward; bad; best; books; breeding; business; care; case; certain; character; child; commerce; common; companies; company; contrary; conversation; convinced; correct; countenance; country; course; courts; dance; dancing; dans; day; days; deal; dear; degree; delicacy; desire; destination; different; domestic; douceur; dressed; easy; elegance; eloquence; engaging; england; english; europe; experience; fashion; favor; fear; fellow; figure; fine; footing; foreign; form; fortiter; fortune; france; french; frequent; friend; general; genteel; gentleman; gentleness; glad; good; graces; great; greatest; greek; half; hand; happy; harte; having; head; heart; help; history; home; honor; hope; house; ill; important; informed; judge; justice; kind; king; know; knowledge; ladies; lady; language; learning; les; letter; life; like; little; london; long; look; lord; love; madame; man; manners; marcel; matter; means; mere; merit; mind; ministers; modo; mohairs; moment; monconseil; monde; monsieur; nature; necessary; need; new; object; observation; occasion; old; ones; opinion; opportunity; order; paris; parliament; particular; passion; people; perfection; person; personal; pictures; place; pleased; pleasing; pleasures; point; politeness; political; possible; present; proper; public; reading; real; reason; regard; relative; respect; rest; return; right; romans; secret; self; sense; short; solid; sorry; speaking; stay; strong; style; suaviter; subject; superior; sure; talk; things; thought; time; ton; trade; true; truth; useful; utmost; value; vous; want; way; week; wish; women; words; world; worth; writing; years; young cache: 3355.txt plain text: 3355.txt item: #82 of 155 id: 3356 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1752 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 39337 flesch: 63 summary: Good manners, to those one does not love, are no more a breach of truth, than your humble servant at the bottom of a challenge is; they are universally agreed upon and understood, to be things of course. At Hanover you will very easily get good letters of recommendation to Brunswick and to Cassel. keywords: abilities; able; absurd; account; acquaintance; address; adieu; advantage; affairs; afterward; age; air; ambassador; answer; applause; arts; attention; beginning; berlin; best; bolingbroke; books; breeding; business; cardinal; care; case; certain; character; circumstances; civil; civility; common; companies; company; compliments; comte; consequence; considerable; contrary; conversation; convinced; countenance; country; course; court; day; days; deal; dear; degree; desire; different; dignity; directeur; disagreeable; doubt; duke; easy; education; election; empire; enemies; engaging; england; english; established; europe; experience; fashion; favor; favorite; fear; fellow; figure; fine; foreign; form; fortune; france; french; frequent; friend; general; gentleman; german; glad; god; good; government; graces; great; great deal; greatest; half; hanover; hath; head; health; heart; help; history; hope; hour; house; human; ignorant; ill; importance; impossible; informed; instance; interest; italian; judge; kind; king; knowledge; lady; language; late; learning; leave; les; letter; lewis; life; like; little; london; long; look; lord; love; madame; mais; man; manners; master; matters; means; men; merit; mind; minister; moment; monde; monsieur; months; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; object; observation; occasion; old; ones; opinion; order; pains; paris; parliament; particular; passions; people; perfection; person; place; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; politeness; political; pour; power; present; pretty; princes; principle; private; proper; prudence; que; qui; rank; reading; reason; regard; relative; return; right; rome; sake; secret; sense; set; short; situation; society; spain; stay; study; subject; superior; sure; talk; things; thought; time; tragedy; treaty; trouble; true; truth; turn; use; useful; utmost; vanity; views; voltaire; vous; want; way; weak; week; wish; wit; women; words; work; world; worth; years; young cache: 3356.txt plain text: 3356.txt item: #83 of 155 id: 3357 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1753-54 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 20648 flesch: 64 summary: Good manners are the settled medium of social, as specie is of commercial life; returns are equally expected for both; and people will no more advance their civility to a bear, than their money to a bankrupt. Other people take great pains to conceal or disguise their natural imperfections; some by the make of their clothes and other arts, endeavor to conceal the defects of their shape; women, who unfortunately have natural bad complexions, lay on good ones; and both men and women upon whom unkind nature has inflicted a surliness and ferocity of countenance, do at least all they can, though often without success, to soften and mitigate it; they affect 'douceur', and aim at smiles, though often in the attempt, like the Devil in Milton, they GRIN HORRIBLY A GHASTLY SMILE. keywords: able; account; acquaintance; address; adieu; advantage; age; answer; assure; attention; berlin; best; book; business; care; case; certain; chancellor; character; cold; common; company; countenance; country; courts; customs; day; days; deal; dear; degree; desire; different; duke; easy; election; elegance; eloquence; english; europe; experience; far; fashion; fear; figure; fine; fox; french; friend; general; glad; good; graces; great; greatest; hague; half; history; hope; house; human; justice; king; knowledge; lady; language; late; les; letter; life; like; little; london; long; look; lord; man; manheim; mankind; manners; master; means; merit; method; mind; minister; munich; nature; necessary; new; object; occasion; old; ones; opinion; order; pains; parliament; particular; parts; people; place; pleasing; pleasure; power; private; proper; public; reading; reason; return; right; saying; secretary; sense; set; shining; short; sir; spa; speaker; spirit; stay; style; success; sultan; sure; things; thoughts; time; trouble; true; truth; use; vanity; view; vous; vulgar; want; way; week; wild; words; world; worth; years; yesterday; young; youth cache: 3357.txt plain text: 3357.txt item: #84 of 155 id: 3358 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1756-58 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 21259 flesch: 72 summary: But this has, at one time or another, been the case of most great men; who have not always had equal opportunities of exerting their talents. I would have the Berlin commission your object, in good time; never lose view of it. keywords: account; adieu; affair; age; america; army; attention; bath; best; blackheath; body; bremen; brother; brunswick; business; care; case; cassel; certain; commission; conjectures; considerable; country; court; day; days; deal; dear; dear friend; desire; domestic; doubt; duke; empress; enemies; expedition; ferdinand; fleet; france; french; friend; general; germany; glad; god; good; great; half; hamburg; hand; hanover; head; health; help; highness; home; honor; hope; hours; house; human; ill; interest; john; kind; king; knowledge; lady; landgrave; late; leave; letter; life; little; live; london; long; lord; love; m----t; majesty; man; manner; march; matter; means; men; mind; ministers; money; monsieur; month; morning; neutrality; newcastle; news; night; object; old; opinion; order; parliament; people; pitt; place; pleased; pleasures; point; present; prince; private; proper; prussia; public; purpose; queen; reasonable; regard; return; royal; russians; second; secret; september; short; sir; situation; success; sum; sure; taking; things; thought; time; treaty; troops; trouble; true; truth; victory; vienna; war; waters; way; week; winter; work; world; worse; year; yesterday cache: 3358.txt plain text: 3358.txt item: #85 of 155 id: 3359 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1759-65 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 17944 flesch: 71 summary: I have no political events to acquaint you with; the summer is not the season for them, they ripen only in winter; great ones are expected immediately before the meeting of parliament, but that, you know, is always the language of fears and hopes. He is very happy now in having free access to all Lord Craven's papers, which, he says, give him great lights into the 'bellum tricenale'; the old Lord Craven having been the professed and valorous knight-errant, and perhaps something more, to the Queen of Bohemia; at least, like Sir Peter Pride, he had the honor of spending great part of his estate in her royal cause: I am by no means right yet; I am very weak and flimsy still; but the doctor assures me that strength and spirits will return; if they do, 'lucro apponam', I will make the best of them; if they do not, I will not make their want still worse by grieving and regretting them. keywords: account; adieu; affairs; age; answer; apt; august; bad; bath; best; blackheath; business; care; case; certain; change; character; comte; country; course; court; day; days; deal; dear; dear friend; december; difficulties; doubt; dresden; drink; duke; england; english; experience; fear; france; french; friend; general; glad; god; good; gout; great; guerchy; half; hamburg; harte; head; health; help; holderness; hopes; house; ill; kind; king; knowledge; lady; late; leave; letter; life; little; london; long; longer; lord; love; majesty; man; matter; means; medicines; meeting; mind; ministers; ministry; monsieur; months; morning; nature; necessary; new; night; november; office; old; ones; opinion; order; parliament; past; people; person; pitt; place; pleasure; point; political; poor; possible; post; pounds; present; prince; proper; prussia; public; ratisbon; reason; return; secretary; self; session; spain; state; success; summer; sure; thank; things; time; town; treaty; true; truth; use; war; waters; way; week; winter; words; world; worse; year; yesterday cache: 3359.txt plain text: 3359.txt item: #86 of 155 id: 3360 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Letters to His Son, 1766-71 On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman date: None words: 12539 flesch: 76 summary: There is one very bad sign for Lord Chatham, in his new dignity; which is, that all his enemies, without exception, rejoice at it; and all his friends are stupefied and dumbfounded. Lord Chatham comes to town to-morrow from Bath, where he has been to refit himself for the winter campaign; he has hitherto but an indifferent set of aides-decamp; and where he will find better, I do not know. keywords: account; affairs; age; answer; bath; blackheath; body; boys; business; care; case; charles; chatham; chesterfield; climate; cold; come; commons; complaint; condition; country; court; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dear friend; dresden; duke; faithful; france; friend; general; glad; god; good; gout; great; half; harte; head; health; house; humble; ill; kind; king; lady; left; legs; letter; life; limbs; little; london; long; lord; madam; man; married; ministry; months; new; october; old; opinion; parliament; past; pay; people; pitt; place; pleasure; political; poor; post; pounds; present; reason; rheumatic; servant; stanhope; state; strength; sure; time; town; truth; way; weather; week; winter; world; worse; year; yesterday cache: 3360.txt plain text: 3360.txt item: #87 of 155 id: 33716 author: Anonymous title: Manners and Rules of Good Society; Or, Solecisms to be Avoided date: None words: 76316 flesch: 71 summary: This custom of turning down a corner of a visiting card signifies that other ladies of the family besides the hostess are included in the call. A gentleman should not turn down a corner of his card, even though he may be acquainted with other ladies of the family besides the mistress of the house. keywords: account; acquaintance; acquainted; act; addition; address; afternoon; amusement; answer; arm; army; arranged; arrival; attendance; bachelor; ball; best; black; bow; bowing; breakfast; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; brother; calling; calls; cards; case; centre; ceremony; certain; chamberlain; chapter; charity; children; christening; christian; church; circle; circumstances; classes; cloth; coffee; comers; company; considerable; consideration; contrary; convenient; conversation; corner; correct; country; couple; course; court; custom; cut; dance; dancing; date; daughters; day; days; departure; desire; dessert; dining; dinner; door; drawing; dress; driving; dukes; early; eldest; engaged; engagement; england; english; enter; entertainment; entitled; equal; etiquette; evening; excellency; fact; family; fashion; fashionable; father; favour; fish; flowers; follow; following; foreign; fork; form; friendly; friends; fruit; game; garden; gatherings; general; gentlemen; giver; giving; gloves; good; grand; great; guests; half; hall; hand; handed; hats; head; health; highest; home; hostess; hour; house; household; hunting; husband; imperative; individual; instance; intimate; introduction; invitations; kind; king; knife; knights; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lady patronesses; ladyship; large; late; lead; leave; leaving; left; length; levée; lieutenant; like; list; little; london; long; longer; lord; luncheon; madame; majesties; majesty; majority; man; manner; marriage; married; married lady; matter; means; members; military; minutes; mistress; moment; monsieur; months; mother; motor; mourning; mrs; mutual; names; near; necessary; new; notice; number; o'clock; occasion; offer; office; officers; official; oftener; old; open; opportunity; optional; order; page; parents; particular; parties; partners; party; pass; patronesses; people; period; person; place; pleasure; point; popular; position; possible; precedence; presence; present; presentation; previous; prince; princess; principal; private; privilege; proper; public; purpose; queen; question; rank; reason; received; reception; refreshments; regards; relatives; request; residents; return; riding; right; ring; room; round; royal; rule; save; saying; seat; seated; second; servant; service; shake; shooting; short; silk; silver; sir; small; smith; social; society; sons; soup; sovereign; space; special; spoon; standing; state; stewards; style; subscription; sufficient; surname; syllable; table; taking; tea; tickets; time; title; town; train; understood; unmarried; upper; usual; viceregal; visiting; visitor; waiting; walking; way; wear; wedding; weeks; white; widow; wife; wine; wish; wishes; wives; words; work; worn; year; young; young ladies; young lady; younger; | |; |accent cache: 33716.txt plain text: 33716.txt item: #88 of 155 id: 34258 author: Conwell, Russell H. title: Acres of Diamonds date: None words: 16241 flesch: 83 summary: Great men get into office sometimes, but what this country needs is men that will do what we tell them to do. That other young man gets up and says, There are going to be great men in this country and in Philadelphia. keywords: acres; ali; astor; better; bible; bonnet; boy; business; capital; care; cents; children; christian; city; conwell; country; course; day; diamonds; dollars; door; duty; earth; farm; farmer; father; friends; god; gold; good; great; guide; hafed; history; home; house; human; jack; lecture; life; like; little; machine; man; massachusetts; men; millions; mines; money; mother; need; new; office; old; opportunity; people; philadelphia; place; poor; president; principle; rich; rich man; right; school; second; sense; son; states; store; talk; thing; thought; time; town; true; united; war; way; wealth; wife; woman; work; world; worth; years; york; young; young man cache: 34258.txt plain text: 34258.txt item: #89 of 155 id: 34863 author: None title: Conversation: Its Faults and Its Graces date: None words: 29898 flesch: 77 summary: The _ile_ in all words must be sounded _ill_, with the exception of _exile_, _senile_, _gentile_, _reconcile_, and _camomile_, in which _ They contributed to his _maintenance_; pronounce _maintenance_ with the accent on _main_, and _never_ say, _maintainance_. keywords: 12mo; accent; act; active; address; adjective; adverb; attention; author; bad; best; better; beware; book; brother; case; cents; certain; change; character; chief; circumstances; claim; class; clear; common; company; conjunction; construction; conversation; correct; course; creatures; current; daily; day; different; discourse; doubt; duty; easy; edition; education; effect; elements; end; england; english; error; exercise; expression; family; fault; feeling; fellow; fit; following; form; free; french; future; general; geometry; god; good; grammar; grammatical; great; habit; half; heart; high; higher; home; hour; house; human; idle; ignorance; ill; imperfect; important; indispensable; intercourse; interest; introduction; john; kind; known; ladies; language; large; latin; lay; leave; lie; life; like; likely; lips; little; logic; london; long; looks; love; man; manner; matter; means; men; mere; mind; mistake; mood; moral; morrow; mutual; need; neuter; new; nominative; notice; number; objective; old; order; page; participle; peculiar; people; perfect; persons; place; play; plural; point; poor; power; practice; preposition; present; principle; pronounce; pronouns; pronunciation; proper; propriety; quantity; questions; rank; reader; reading; refined; regard; rhetoric; rhyme; rich; right; room; rule; russell; scholar; schools; second; sentence; set; short; simple; singular; social; society; sound; speaker; speaking; speech; spirit; strong; study; style; subject; syllable; sympathy; talk; taste; tense; thing; thoughts; time; tongue; topic; true; truth; university; unnecessary; use; useful; utterance; verb; voice; vulgar; want; way; week; whately; words; work; worth; writing; wrong; years; young; youth cache: 34863.txt plain text: 34863.txt item: #90 of 155 id: 35123 author: Hartley, Florence title: The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness A Complete Hand Book for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society date: None words: 87016 flesch: 71 summary: Yet, in spite of the universal need, and almost universal habit, there are really but very few persons who write a _good_ letter; a letter that is, at the same time long enough to interest, yet not long enough to tire; sufficiently condensed to keep the attention, and not tedious, and yet detailed enough to afford satisfaction; that is correct in grammatical construction, properly punctuated, written in a clear, legible hand, with the date, address, signature, all in the proper place, no words whose letters stand in utter defiance to spelling-book rules; in short, a well-written letter. One good rule can be always followed by young ladies; to converse with a lady friend as if there were gentlemen present, and to converse with a gentleman as if in the room with other ladies. keywords: acquaintance; action; address; advantage; agreeable; almonds; amusement; answer; appearance; arms; arrangement; article; attention; awkward; bad; ball; ball room; bath; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; best; black; blue; body; boiling; bonnet; book; bottle; bow; bread; breakfast; breeding; bride; brush; business; callers; calls; cap; card; careful; carriage; case; centre; certain; chain; change; chapter; character; cheerful; children; church; circumstances; city; clean; cloak; close; cloth; clothes; cold; collar; color; comfort; common; companion; company; conduct; confidence; consideration; conspicuous; conversation; converse; cool; correct; correspondence; costume; country; course; courtesy; cover; crape; cream; cut; daily; dance; dancing; dark; day; days; decline; deep; degree; delicate; deportment; desire; details; different; difficult; dinner; directions; dish; display; domestic; door; doubt; drachm; drawing; dress; dresses; dressing; drops; dry; duties; duty; early; ease; easy; education; effect; effort; elegant; endeavor; engagement; equal; escort; etiquette; evening; evil; excellent; exercise; extreme; eyes; face; fair; fall; familiar; family; fancy; fashion; father; favor; feelings; feet; figures; fine; fingers; finished; fire; fit; flannel; flowers; following; food; foot; form; forward; frame; french; fresh; friend; fruit; general; gentleman; german; girl; glass; gloves; good; graceful; great; green; guests; habit; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; high; hints; hold; home; hospitality; hostess; hotel; hour; house; household; human; husband; ill; important; information; insult; interest; interesting; introduce; invitation; iron; judgment; juice; keeping; kind; kindness; knife; knit; knitting; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; language; large; late; lead; leave; leaving; left; lemon; letter; life; light; like; linen; literature; little; long; look; loud; love; manner; married; material; matter; means; mere; milk; mind; minutes; miss; mix; mixture; mode; morning; mortar; mother; mouth; mrs; music; muslin; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; needle; new; note; notice; number; object; occasion; offer; oil; ones; open; opera; opinion; order; otto; ounces; paper; parents; parlor; parties; partner; party; pass; passing; pattern; pearl; people; perfect; person; personal; piano; picture; piece; place; plain; play; pleasant; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; position; possible; power; practice; present; pretty; private; proper; propriety; public; pure; purpose; question; quiet; reach; reading; ready; real; reason; reception; regard; remarks; removed; repeat; request; respect; return; ribbon; rich; rise; room; root; rose; round; row_--knit; rows; rude; rudeness; rule; run; salt; seat; seated; second; self; sense; servants; service; set; shawl; sheet; short; silence; silk; simple; skin; sleeves; small; smooth; soap; social; society; soft; sorrow; speak; spermaceti; spirits; spoon; stand; standing; state; stitches; strain; stranger; street; strong; study; style; subject; suffering; sufficient; suitable; summer; supper; sympathy; table; taking; talk; tartar; taste; tea; thin; things; time; tone; tooth; traveling; trimmed; trouble; true; use; useful; usual; veil; velvet; visit; voice; vulgar; waiters; walk; walking; want; wardrobe; warm; wash; washing; water; wax; way; wear; wedding; wet; white; windows; wine; winter; wishes; women; wool; words; work; world; worse; writing; wrong; years; young cache: 35123.txt plain text: 35123.txt item: #91 of 155 id: 35354 author: McHugh, John A. (John Ambrose) title: Moral Theology A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities date: None words: 178138 flesch: 48 summary: There are other sins added in some species of oath, namely, a second sin against religion in case of a sworn vow, a sin against justice and fidelity in case of a sworn contract, a second sin against religion and a sin against justice and fidelity in case of a sworn vow and contract (see 2246 a). Now, it was said above that unbelief, hatred of God and blasphemy are the most enormous of sins (see 820, 895, 1301, 1302), and so it follows that the worst form of idolatry is graver than other sins. keywords: absolute; absolution; abstain; abstemiousness; abstinence; accidens; accidental; account; act; actions; active; acts; actual; adjuration; administration; adultery; adults; advantage; advice; affability; affection; affirmative; agreement; alms; altar; animal; anointing; answer; appetites; application; artificial; asks; assist; attack; attention; attrition; authorities; authority; authors; avarice; avoidance; bad; balbus; baptism; baptismal; beginning; benefactor; benefice; benefit; best; better; birth; bishop; blessed; blessing; blood; bodily; body; books; bound; breach; bread; business; calls; candidate; canon; canon law; canonical; capital; cardinal; care; carnal; case; catechism; catholic; causes; celebrant; celebration; censure; ceremonies; certain; certainty; cessation; cfr; chalice; change; character; charity; chastity; chief; children; christ; christian; church; church law; circumstances; civil; classes; clear; clergy; clerical; clerics; code; coition; command; commandment; committed; common; communication; communion; community; commutative; comparison; compensation; complete; concealment; concerned; conditions; conduct; confession; confessors; confidence; confirmation; congregation; conjugal; conscience; consecrated; consecration; consent; consequences; considerable; consideration; contempt; contract; contrary; contrition; control; contumely; cor; corporal; correction; council; counsel; country; couple; courage; coöperation; creature; crime; culpable; curiosity; custom; customary; daily; damage; danger; dangerous; day; days; dead; death; debt; decency; decree; deeds; defamation; defect; defense; definition; degrees; delay; deliberate; demands; demons; denzinger; desire; despair; details; devotion; different; differs; difficult; dignity; direct; direction; diriment; disease; disobedience; dispensation; dispense; dispositions; disregard; disrespect; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distributive; divination; divine; divine law; divorce; doctrine; domestic; doubt; doubtful; dress; drink; drunkenness; duties; duty; easter; ecclesiastical; ecclus; education; effects; element; employer; end; ends; engaged; engagement; entire; entrusted; eph; equity; error; escape; essence; essential; eucharist; evil; example; excellence; excess; excessive; exchange; excuses; exercise; exorcisms; expected; experience; explicit; express; expression; external; extraordinary; extreme; fact; faith; faithful; fall; false; family; fast; fasting; father; favor; fear; feeling; female; fidelity; flesh; following; food; foolish; forbidden; forbids; force; forgiveness; form; formal; fornication; fortitude; fourth; fraud; free; freedom; frequent; friendship; fruits; fulfillment; future; general; ghost; gift; glory; gluttony; god; good; good reason; goodness; government; grant; gratification; gratitude; grave; grave matter; grave reason; grave sin; gravity; great; greater; greatest; greatness; guilty; habitual; half; hand; hard; harm; harmful; hatred; head; health; hearing; heart; heb; help; higher; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; home; homicide; honor; hope; hour; human; humility; husband; hypocrisy; i.e.; idolatry; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illicit; immediate; immoral; impediment; imperfect; imperfection; implicit; important; imposes; impossibility; impure; impurity; incapable; incest; inconvenience; indirect; individual; infant; inferior; influence; injured; injuries; injury; injustice; innocent; inordinate; instruction; integral; integrity; intellect; intellectual; intended; intention; intercourse; internal; interpretation; intoxicants; invalid; irreverence; john; judge; judgment; judicial; jurisdiction; justice; justified; kind; kings; kisses; knowledge; known; labor; lack; laity; language; large; latin; law; lawful; lawfulness; laws; learned; legal; lesser; letters; lewdness; liberality; lie; lies; life; lightness; like; little; living; local; long; lord; loss; love; luke; lust; lying; major; making; malice; man; manner; marriage; married; martyrdom; mass; material; matrimony; matter; meaning; means; meat; medical; members; mental; mercy; mere; merit; mind; minister; ministry; minor; mixed; moderate; moderation; modesty; money; moral; moral virtue; morality; mortal sin; mortification; mother; motive; mouth; murder; mutual; natural; natural law; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neglect; negligence; neighbor; new; notable; number; oath; obedience; object; obligation; obligatory; oblige; obscene; observance; occasion; occult; occupied; offend; offense; offers; office; oil; old; omission; omit; onanism; opinion; opportunity; opposed; opposite; opposition; order; ordinaries; ordinary; ordination; origin; original; outside; owner; pain; parents; parish; particular; parties; party; passing; passion; passive; pastor; patience; paul; pay; penalties; penalty; penance; penitent; people; perfect; performance; performing; period; permanent; permissible; permission; permit; pernicious; persecution; person; personal; pertains; physical; physicians; piety; pius; place; pleasure; pollution; poor; pope; positive; possession; possible; potential; power; practical; practice; praise; prayer; precept; preparation; prescribed; presence; present; presumption; previous; price; priest; priesthood; principal; principles; private; probable; process; procreation; productive; profession; prohibition; promise; promissory; proof; proper; property; protection; prov; proximate; prudence; prudent; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; quality; quantity; question; race; rank; rash; reading; reason; reasonable; receive; reception; recipient; reference; refusal; regard; related; relationship; relatives; religion; religious; remedies; remote; repentance; reputation; request; requirements; requires; reservation; reserved; resistance; respect; restitution; result; return; revelation; right; rite; rule; sacrament; sacred; sacredness; sacrifice; sacrilege; sacrilegious; saints; sake; salvation; satisfaction; saying; scandal; scientific; scripture; scrupulous; seal; second; secondary; secret; self; semination; sense; sensible; sensual; sentence; service; set; sex; sexual; shows; sick; sickness; sign; silence; similar; simoniacal; simony; simple; simulation; sin; sinful; sinfulness; single; sinner; sins; sixth; slight; sloth; small; sobriety; social; society; solemn; sorrow; soul; special; special sin; special virtue; species; speech; spirits; spiritual; sponsor; spouse; sqq; state; stipend; strength; strict; strike; strong; study; subject; subjective; submission; substance; substantial; suffering; suffices; sufficient; suicide; suitable; suited; sunday; sunt; superior; superiority; supernatural; superstition; support; supreme; systems; taxes; teaching; temperance; temporal; temptation; testament; theft; theologians; theological; theology; things; thought; time; today; touches; trading; treatment; tribute; true; truth; truthfulness; unable; unbaptized; unbelief; unconscious; unction; united; unjust; unlawful; unnatural; unworthy; urgent; usage; use; useful; usual; utility; vain; valid; validity; validly; value; vel; venereal; vengeance; venial; venial sin; viaticum; vice; view; vii; viii; violation; violence; virginity; virtual; virtue; virtuous; viz; vocation; voluntary; vow; vows; war; water; way; ways; welfare; wife; willed; wine; wisdom; wish; wishes; witness; woman; words; work; workers; world; worse; worship; writing; wrong; xii; xiii; xiv; xxi; year; young cache: 35354.txt plain text: 35354.txt item: #92 of 155 id: 35761 author: Cone, John A. (John Albert) title: The Man Who Pleases and the Woman Who Charms date: None words: 27245 flesch: 72 summary: Few persons try as he did to acquire that power, but because the average man cannot at once exercise that potent influence over others which he did, it does not follow that we are unable to understand the secret of Burr's success, nor is it evident that other men cannot acquire something of this power by thinking it worth while to do so. Other men of less ability, but with more tact, soon outstrip him in the race for public favor. keywords: ability; accomplishment; account; acquaintances; address; advice; agreeable; appearance; art; attention; attractive; average; bad; beautiful; beauty; best; better; blaine; breeding; bright; burr; business; care; careful; careless; cause; certain; charm; clear; clothes; comfort; common; company; compliment; contact; conversation; courtesies; courtesy; culture; day; defects; degree; desire; different; disagreeable; dreams; dress; dressed; ease; easy; effect; effort; emerson; english; equal; expression; extent; eyes; face; fact; familiar; fascinating; fashion; fault; feelings; fine; form; fresh; friends; gentleman; gift; girl; good; gown; grace; graceful; great; greater; greek; habit; half; handsome; happiness; happy; head; health; heart; help; herald; high; hold; home; human; idea; ill; importance; individual; influence; intelligent; intercourse; interest; interesting; kind; knowledge; lack; lady; language; life; likely; listener; little; long; look; love; magnetic; making; man; manner; material; matter; means; men; mental; mere; mind; mother; music; natural; nature; neatness; necessary; need; new; old; opinions; people; perfection; person; personal; physical; place; plain; pleasant; pleasing; pleasure; point; politeness; popular; position; possible; power; praise; pretty; public; qualities; quality; reason; refinement; regard; room; school; secret; self; sense; sex; short; small; social; society; soul; speaking; speech; spirit; spite; story; study; subject; success; sweet; sympathy; tact; talk; talking; taste; temper; things; thought; time; tone; training; true; truth; use; value; voice; way; wife; wishes; woman; wonder; words; work; world; writer; writing; years; young; young man; youth cache: 35761.txt plain text: 35761.txt item: #93 of 155 id: 35890 author: Chapone, Mrs. (Hester) title: Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, Addressed to a Lady date: None words: 51425 flesch: 55 summary: There is nothing more common than to see people fall into the most ridiculous mistakes, with regard to their own characters; but I can by no means allow such mistakes to be unavoidable, and therefore innocent: they arose from voluntary insincerity, and are continued for want of that strict honesty towards ourselves and others, which the Scripture calls _singleness of heart_; and which in modern language is termed _simplicity_,--the most enchanting of all qualities, esteemed and beloved in proportion to its rareness. To read a series of such lives as those of Tiberius, Nero, or Domitian, would be intolerable, were we not consoled by the view of those excellent emperors, who remained uncorrupted through all temptations. keywords: able; account; acquaintance; actions; admiration; advantage; affairs; affection; affectionate; age; agreeable; almighty; amiable; ancient; appearance; assistance; attention; authority; bad; behaviour; beloved; benevolence; best; better; birth; blessed; body; books; brother; burrows; capable; care; carter; case; certain; chapone; character; child; children; choice; christ; chronology; circumstances; command; common; companions; company; conduct; connection; consequence; contempt; conversation; country; course; creatures; day; dear; dearest; death; degree; delight; desire; different; difficult; direct; disposition; divine; duty; early; earnest; earth; ease; easy; economy; education; effects; empire; english; envy; essential; esteem; eternal; europe; events; evil; example; excellent; experience; fall; false; family; fancy; father; faults; favour; fear; fellow; following; form; friend; friendship; future; general; genius; girl; god; good; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; greece; hand; happiness; happy; heart; highest; historical; histories; history; holy; honour; hope; house; human; humour; husband; idea; ignorance; ill; imagination; important; improvement; indulged; innocent; instruction; interesting; jews; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kind; kindness; king; knowledge; ladies; lady; language; laws; letters; life; like; little; long; lord; love; man; mankind; manner; marriage; married; means; memory; men; mercy; mind; miss; mistress; modern; moment; moral; morality; moses; mrs; mulso; mutual; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; neglect; new; niece; obedience; object; occasion; old; opinion; opportunity; order; parents; particular; parts; passion; people; perfection; person; place; plan; pleasure; poetry; point; politeness; possible; power; praise; precepts; presence; present; pride; principles; proper; proud; public; purpose; pursuit; qualified; rational; reading; ready; real; reason; regard; regulation; religion; religious; respect; richardson; right; romans; rome; rule; sacred; saviour; second; secrets; self; sense; sensible; sentiments; servants; service; sex; share; short; sincere; situation; small; society; spirit; state; study; style; subject; supply; support; supposed; taste; temper; tenderness; testament; thing; thomas; thought; thy; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; useful; vain; valuable; vanity; vice; view; virtue; want; way; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; work; world; worthy; writing; years; young; youth cache: 35890.txt plain text: 35890.txt item: #94 of 155 id: 35975 author: Watson, Lillian Eichler title: Book of Etiquette, Volume I date: None words: 76122 flesch: 70 summary: Nor can we be original to the extent that we do not follow the rules of etiquette regarding correct forms for social cards. The ordinary visiting card is used, with the letters P.P.C. written in pencil or ink in one corner, indicating the departure and so differentiating it from other cards. keywords: ------------+-------------+----------+----------+-------------+---------; acceptance; acknowledgment; acquaintances; address; affair; afternoon; agreeable; altar; america; anniversary; announcement; answer; appearance; appropriate; april; attention; bad; ball; bearers; bearing; beautiful; bereaved; best; birthday; black; book; border; boy; breakfast; breeding; bridal; bride; bridesmaids; brother; brown; business; cake; caller; calling; calls; card; care; careful; case; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chance; chaperon; chapter; charge; charming; child; children; christening; christian; church; church wedding; circumstances; city; clergyman; close; clothes; color; company; complete; conditions; condolence; conduct; confidence; congratulation; conversation; cordial; corner; correct; correspondence; country; couple; course; courteous; courtesy; crêpe; culture; custom; customary; dance; dancing; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dear mrs; death; deceased; deep; definite; delightful; desire; details; dignified; dignity; dinner; display; door; doubt; drawing; duties; duty; early; ease; effort; elaborate; elderly; embarrassment; engagement; entertainment; envelope; etiquette; evening; expression; face; fact; families; family; far; fashionable; father; feeling; fifth; flowers; following; forget; form; formal; friday; friendliness; friendly; friends; friendship; funeral; future; garden; general; gentleman; gifts; girl; giving; golden; good; good form; gown; grace; gray; great; grief; group; guests; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; harris; head; helen; henry; home; home day; home wedding; honor; hope; hospitality; hostess; hour; house; husband; ill; immediate; important; impressive; inches; informal; inquiry; instance; intimate; introducing; introduction; invitation; john; jones; june; kind; known; ladies; lady; large; later; laws; leave; leaving; left; length; letter; life; like; little; long; lord; love; luncheon; maid; man; manners; marriage; married; material; matron; matter; means; members; men; method; mind; miss; months; mother; mourning; mrs; music; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; note; number; o'clock; occasion; offer; office; old; older; open; ordinary; outfit; pall; paper; parents; particular; parties; party; past; people; perfect; permissible; person; personal; place; plain; pleasure; polite; poor; possible; presence; present; pretty; private; privilege; professional; proper; public; purpose; question; quiet; reason; receiving; reception; regard; regret; relatives; reply; request; respect; return; ribbon; right; ring; robert; room; rose; rules; second; self; servant; services; set; short; silver; similar; simple; simplicity; sincere; sir; sister; size; small; smile; smith; social; social calls; social card; social letter; society; sorrow; special; speech; spirit; stationery; story; stranger; street; success; sufficient; sympathy; table; taking; taste; tea; tenth; theater; things; thursday; time; title; town; train; tray; trousseau; true; tuesday; unmarried; use; ushers; usual; veil; visit; want; way; wear; wedding; wedding day; wedding invitation; weeks; welcome; white; widow; wife; wise; wishes; woman; words; world; worth; writing; year; york; young; young girl; young lady; young man; | ------------+-------------+----------+----------+-------------+---------; | |; |believe; |obedient; |remain; |the; |to; |yours cache: 35975.txt plain text: 35975.txt item: #95 of 155 id: 36048 author: Martine, Arthur title: Martine's Hand-book of Etiquette, and Guide to True Politeness date: None words: 49793 flesch: 67 summary: Be careful never to look back, nor to observe too narrowly the dresses of such ladies as may pass you. On the other hand, no lady, however numerous the solicitations of her admirers, should consent to dance repeatedly, when, by so doing, she excludes other ladies from participating in the same amusement; still less, as we have elsewhere hinted, should she dance exclusively with the same gentleman, to the disadvantage of others. keywords: absent; account; acquaintance; advantage; affectation; agreeable; answer; appearance; arm; article; ask; assembly; attempt; attention; bad; ball; behavior; best; better; bone; books; bow; breach; breast; breeding; bride; business; calls; card; care; careful; carriage; carver; carving; case; center; ceremony; certain; chair; chance; character; chesterfield; children; church; circle; coat; common; company; conduct; conversation; country; course; courtesy; custom; customary; cut; cutting; dance; dancing; day; degree; desire; different; difficult; dinner; disagreeable; discourse; dish; display; domestic; door; drawing; dress; dressed; dressing; easy; etiquette; evening; excellent; fact; family; fashion; fat; father; feeling; fine; fingers; fish; fork; form; friend; general; gentleman; giving; glass; good; graceful; great; guests; habits; half; hand; happiness; hat; head; heart; hold; home; honor; hostess; hour; house; husband; ignorance; ignorant; ill; importance; intimate; introduction; invitation; kind; knife; ladies; lady; large; leave; left; leg; letters; life; like; likely; little; long; look; love; making; manner; married; master; means; men; mind; miss; mother; mouth; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neglect; new; object; occasions; occur; offensive; offer; old; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; particular; parties; partner; party; people; person; pieces; place; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; point; politeness; position; possible; practice; presence; present; private; proper; propriety; public; reason; regard; request; respect; rest; right; rise; room; round; rude; rules; said; saying; seat; self; sense; servant; set; short; shoulder; showing; silence; sir; slices; slight; small; social; society; soup; spoon; stand; stranger; street; subject; sufficient; sure; table; talk; taste; temper; things; thought; time; tone; trouble; true; truth; turn; visit; visitor; voice; vulgar; vulgarity; walk; want; way; wedding; wife; wine; wish; wishes; wit; woman; words; world; young; young lady cache: 36048.txt plain text: 36048.txt item: #96 of 155 id: 36664 author: Burgess, Gelett title: Goops and How to Be Them date: None words: 2749 flesch: 85 summary: St. Nicholas, _and are here reprinted by permission of the_ Century Company. [Illustration: Introduction] _INTRODUCTION_ Let me introduce a Race Void of Beauty and of Grace, Extraordinary Creatures With a Paucity of Features. keywords: adolphus; bed; better; books; cry; doll; father; floor; george; goops; hint; illustration; little; manners; memory; mother; play; politeness; sure; table; tease; time; toys cache: 36664.txt plain text: 36664.txt item: #97 of 155 id: 36695 author: Hillis, Newell Dwight title: Right Living as a Fine Art A Study of Channing's Symphony as an Outline of the Ideal Life and Character date: None words: 5819 flesch: 77 summary: Great men are as open as glass bee-hives and as transparent as the sunbeams, for they are conscious of their enormous reserves. But small men use lying artifices and disguises to protect themselves. keywords: age; answers; art; babes; beautiful; beauty; birds; books; cathedral; century; channing; character; christ; cloth; content; culture; day; era; fame; fine; flowers; gallery; god; great; greatest; happiness; heart; ideal; inner; iron; knowledge; life; light; listening; little; living; love; luxury; man; means; men; mind; music; nature; new; occasions; perfection; pictures; prayer; reason; religion; revival; rich; ripeness; rude; sages; secret; small; society; soft; song; soul; spiritual; stars; strength; study; sweet; symphony; talk; thought; time; truth; vision; wealth; wisdom; work; world; years; youth cache: 36695.txt plain text: 36695.txt item: #98 of 155 id: 36849 author: Hunter, William Crosbie title: Think: A Book for To-day date: None words: 37073 flesch: 78 summary: Many men--hitherto straight, moral men--go to the bad at this time, and per contra, many men quit their immoral and health-hurting habits and change to moral men. Great man by his own measure--minute man by the great measure of time. keywords: ability; act; action; acts; air; anger; animal; appreciation; attitude; bad; beautiful; bed; belief; believe; benefit; best; better; big; blessings; blood; body; book; boy; boys; brain; building; business; busy; car; care; certain; change; character; charity; cheer; children; christian; church; cold; confidence; content; control; country; courage; course; cross; crowd; cure; cut; dad; day; days; death; deeds; definite; different; disease; doctor; dollars; doubt; dream; duty; earth; efficiency; elements; elimination; energy; envy; evening; evidence; example; exercise; experience; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; false; family; fear; feeling; fellow; food; force; form; friends; fruit; future; getting; girl; gloom; god; golden; good; great; habit; hands; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; help; helpful; high; hold; home; hope; hours; house; human; humor; idea; ideals; important; individual; interest; interesting; inventory; iron; joy; kind; kindness; lack; life; like; likely; lines; lips; little; live; living; long; look; lot; love; makes; making; man; material; matter; means; measure; medicine; men; mental; method; middle; millions; mind; mineral; minutes; miserable; misery; money; moral; morning; morrow; mother; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; nerves; new; occupation; office; old; ones; opportunity; pain; past; patient; patriotism; pay; peace; people; pep; period; person; personal; physical; picture; pill; plans; play; pleasant; pleasures; plenty; poise; poor; positive; power; practical; practice; precious; present; printing; problems; progress; proper; purpose; quack; quiet; reading; real; reason; religion; rest; reward; ridicule; right; road; rules; sarcasm; science; sect; self; sense; set; sidenote; simple; sincere; skin; sleep; smiles; spirit; start; state; step; story; street; strength; success; suffering; suggestions; sunday; sunshine; sweet; system; talk; things; think; thinking; thought; time; tired; trouble; true; truth; turn; universal; use; vegetable; verbomania; view; walk; walking; waste; water; way; weakness; week; wife; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worry; worth; wrong; years; young cache: 36849.txt plain text: 36849.txt item: #99 of 155 id: 36993 author: Jordan, Furneaux title: Body, Parentage and Character in History: Notes on the Tudor Period date: None words: 24510 flesch: 65 summary: If King Henry, however, had had no wife at all, the Reformation would have come no more slowly than it did; if he had had, like King Solomon, seven hundred wives, it would have come no more quickly. Momentous changes in sixteenth century 1 Many characters given to noted persons 3 A great number given to Henry 3 The character given in our time 6 Attempt to give an impartial view 8 Need of additional light 14 NOTE II.--THE RELATION OF BODY AND PARENTAGE TO CHARACTER. keywords: action; active; applause; best; better; blood; bodily; body; brain; busy; capable; caprice; catholic; century; certain; change; character; characteristic; church; circumstance; class; clear; common; compeers; complex; conduct; confident; conspicuous; country; court; cranmer; cruelty; day; death; deep; desire; different; difficult; early; education; edward; elements; elizabeth; england; english; erasmus; europe; evil; example; extreme; far; father; features; feeling; figure; fitfulness; forward; french; friends; genius; gifts; god; good; great; grounds; groups; growth; hand; hate; head; henry; henry viii; high; history; houses; human; ideal; impassioned; importance; incidents; individual; inheritance; intellect; interest; judgment; king; knowledge; large; later; leaders; learning; life; light; like; little; lived; living; long; love; lust; luther; man; marked; marriage; mary; matter; men; mental; methods; mind; modern; moment; monster; mother; movements; nature; nay; new; newer; notable; note; number; numerous; old; opinion; order; organisation; papal; parentage; parliament; passionate; passionless; passions; people; piety; pious; place; policy; pope; popular; possibly; practical; progress; public; qualities; queen; question; quiet; race; rate; reality; reflective; reformation; reign; religion; religious; rome; rule; run; scotland; self; selfishness; sense; single; sixteenth; son; sort; special; spirit; step; striking; strong; stronger; stuart; student; study; subjects; temperament; things; thought; throne; time; true; truth; tudor; unlike; vain; views; viii; voice; ways; wife; wives; wolsey; women; work; world; years; young cache: 36993.txt plain text: 36993.txt item: #100 of 155 id: 37016 author: Janet, Paul title: Elements of Morals With Special Application of the Moral Law to the Duties of the Individual and of Society and the State date: None words: 129250 flesch: 66 summary: On the whole, there is no difference between _country_ and _ And here again we should distinguish between _anger_ and _rancor_. keywords: able; absolute; abuse; account; actions; activity; acts; admirable; advantages; advice; affection; agent; agreeable; agreement; ancients; anger; animals; answer; aristotle; arms; attached; authority; avarice; bad; beautiful; beings; belief; benevolence; best; better; body; brave; calls; capable; capital; care; case; causes; celebrated; certain; change; chapter; character; charity; children; choice; cicero; circumstances; citizens; civil; civility; classes; clear; code; combat; commands; commerce; common; condition; conduct; confidence; conscience; consent; consequence; consideration; constraint; contempt; contract; contradiction; contrary; correct; country; courage; course; crime; criminal; cruelty; culture; dangerous; day; days; death; defects; defense; degree; delicate; depositary; deprive; desire; devotion; differences; different; difficult; dignity; discipline; disposed; disposition; distinction; distinguished; divided; divine; division; doctrine; double; doubt; duel; duties; duty; earth; easy; economy; education; effort; elements; end; endowed; enemies; enemy; enjoyment; enlightened; envy; error; escape; essential; esteem; evident; evil; exact; example; exception; excess; exchange; exercise; existence; experience; express; expression; external; eyes; fact; faculties; faith; fall; false; falsehood; family; far; father; fault; favor; fear; feeble; feeling; fellow; fidelity; find; following; force; form; fortune; free; friends; friendship; functionaries; functions; fundamental; future; gain; general; generous; gift; giving; god; good; goodness; government; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; habit; hand; happiness; happy; harm; hatred; head; health; heart; help; higher; highest; hold; homicide; honest; honor; hope; house; human; humanity; idea; idleness; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ill; important; inclinations; independent; individual; industry; inequalities; inequality; infinite; influence; injustice; innocent; instance; instinct; instruction; intellectual; intelligence; interest; judge; judgments; justice; kant; keeping; kill; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; labor; large; law; laws; lay; lead; left; legal; legitimate; lender; liberty; lie; life; limits; little; lives; long; longer; look; love; majority; makes; making; malebranche; man; manner; marriage; master; material; maxim; means; measure; medium; members; men; merit; military; mind; misery; modern; moment; money; moral; moral good; moral law; moralists; morality; mother; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; nicole; noble; number; obedience; object; obligation; obligatory; obliged; obvious; odious; old; opinion; order; outward; pain; painful; parents; particular; parties; parts; passions; paternal; patience; penalty; people; perfect; perfection; peril; person; personal; personality; philosopher; physical; place; plato; pleasure; point; political; poor; positive; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; practice; present; preservation; pride; principal; principle; private; procure; prodigality; profession; progress; promise; property; proportion; protection; prudence; public; punishment; pure; purpose; question; race; rare; rash; reach; real; reason; reasonable; reciprocal; regard; relations; relative; religion; religious; remedy; remuneration; respect; responsibility; responsible; result; return; rich; riches; ridiculous; right; rise; rousseau; rules; sacred; sacrifice; sanction; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; science; second; security; self; sense; sensibility; sentiment; servants; service; share; shows; similar; simple; slander; slavery; slaves; small; social; societies; society; socrates; soil; sort; soul; source; special; species; speech; spirit; standpoint; state; strength; strict; strong; study; subject; success; suffering; sufficient; suicide; summary; superior; supreme; terms; thee; theft; theoretical; theory; things; thou; thought; thy; time; touching; treaties; trouble; true; trust; truth; united; unjust; unquestionably; use; useful; useless; utility; value; vice; view; violation; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; vote; want; war; way; ways; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; woman; word; work; workmen; worship; worthy; wrong; young cache: 37016.txt plain text: 37016.txt item: #101 of 155 id: 37068 author: Bok, Edward William title: Successward: A Young Man's Book for Young Men date: None words: 27062 flesch: 74 summary: All that is hoped for from this book is that it may have for young men a certain sense of nearness to their own lives and thoughts, from the fact that it is not written by a patriarch whose young manhood is far behind him. It is written to young men by a young man to whom the noise of the battle is not a recollection, but an every-day living reality. keywords: absolute; american; appearance; apt; average; ball; belief; best; better; book; business; business life; business man; business success; business world; capable; capacity; career; certain; character; church; class; clothes; college; commercial; confidence; correct; country; course; day; dollars; dress; early; education; element; employer; experience; eyes; fact; feel; form; friend; general; girl; god; good; great; greater; greatest; hand; heart; help; home; honest; honorable; hours; human; hundreds; idea; important; income; influence; interests; judgment; kind; knowledge; large; later; life; liquor; little; lives; living; long; look; love; majority; making; marriage; matter; means; men; mental; methods; mind; mother; nature; new; old; people; period; personal; place; pleasures; point; position; possession; possible; practical; present; principle; qualities; question; real; reason; religious; respect; right; rule; safe; self; sense; sex; single; small; smoke; social; society; special; study; success; successes; successful; successful men; sure; surest; theater; thing; thought; thousands; time; true; truest; truth; use; value; want; way; week; wife; wise; woman; womanhood; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; young fellow; young man cache: 37068.txt plain text: 37068.txt item: #102 of 155 id: 37358 author: Cohen, Chapman title: Determinism or Free-Will? date: None words: 32377 flesch: 57 summary: There can be no other meaning than the capacity to create an ideal presentment of the penalties attaching to certain actions. Of course, punishment in the sense of the infliction of pain merely because certain actions have been committed, no Determinist would countenance. keywords: absence; absurd; acting; action; acts; agent; alternatives; application; argument; assumption; bad; belief; better; capacity; case; causation; certain; chance; character; choice; circumstances; clear; complete; conception; concerned; conditions; conduct; consciousness; consequences; consideration; conviction; course; deal; definition; deliberation; desire; determination; determined; determinism; deterministic; different; direction; discussion; education; end; environment; essential; events; existence; experience; expression; external; fact; factors; feeling; forces; form; free; freedom; future; general; good; great; greater; habit; hand; heredity; human; human nature; identical; illustration; important; indeterminist; individual; influence; instance; intelligible; intentional; issue; james; judgment; kind; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; left; liberty; life; little; long; man; manner; material; matter; meaning; means; medium; mental; mere; mind; moment; moral; morality; motives; natural; nature; new; operation; opinion; order; organism; origin; particular; past; people; person; phenomena; philosophy; physical; place; point; pointed; position; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; power; powerful; praise; present; principle; problem; process; professor; psychological; psychology; punishment; qualities; question; reaction; real; reason; regret; relation; reply; responsibility; responsible; result; right; room; science; scientific; self; sense; significance; simple; social; society; statement; states; strength; strong; study; subject; terms; testimony; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; true; truth; universe; use; value; view; volition; voluntary; way; words; work; world; writer; wrong cache: 37358.txt plain text: 37358.txt item: #103 of 155 id: 37988 author: Leslie, Eliza title: The Ladies' Guide to True Politeness and Perfect Manners or, Miss Leslie's Behaviour Book date: None words: 88570 flesch: 71 summary: Yet this she must endure because it suits an idle and thoughtless _friend_ to make her a long and inopportune visit. If the names of the speakers are given at the _commencement_ of every speech, write those names in _large_ letters, putting a dot and a dash after them. keywords: account; acquaintance; address; advantage; agreeable; american; ample; amusement; amusing; annoyance; answer; apartment; appearance; articles; attempt; attention; author; bad; bag; baggage; beautiful; bed; beginning; best; better; bill; black; blue; board; boarding; body; book; borrowing; bow; box; boys; breakfast; brown; business; buying; bye; cakes; cap; capable; card; care; careful; case; centre; cents; certain; chambermaid; chance; chapter; character; cheap; children; church; circumstances; city; civilities; civility; clean; close; coffee; cold; coloured; common; company; consequence; consideration; contrary; convenient; conversation; corner; cost; cotton; country; course; cover; cross; crowd; custom; customary; cut; danger; day; days; decline; desire; different; difficult; dining; dinner; dishes; disposition; distinguished; door; doubt; drawing; dress; dressed; dressing; duke; duty; early; easy; eating; effect; elegant; endeavour; engaged; england; english; enquire; evening; exact; excellent; excuse; expected; expense; experience; express; extra; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; false; familiar; family; fan; far; fashionable; father; feeling; female; figure; fine; fire; flowers; food; foolish; foot; fork; form; french; fresh; friend; friendship; fruit; furnished; general; genteel; gentleman; gifts; girl; glass; gloves; good; great; green; guest; habit; hair; half; hand; handkerchief; handsome; hard; head; health; hearing; heart; heavy; high; home; hostess; hotel; hour; house; ideas; idle; ill; importance; inconvenience; indispensable; ink; inside; instance; intelligent; intercourse; interest; intimate; introduce; introduction; invitation; keeping; kind; kindness; knife; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; large; late; leave; left; letters; liberty; life; like; likely; line; literary; little; live; living; loan; long; longer; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; love; low; making; manners; manuscript; married; means; members; men; mere; middle; mind; minutes; miss; mistress; money; morning; mother; mouth; mrs; music; names; near; necessary; neck; need; new; newspaper; note; number; numerous; o'clock; occasion; offence; office; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; order; original; owner; page; painful; paper; parents; parlour; particular; parties; party; pay; people; persons; philadelphia; piano; piece; place; plain; play; playing; pleasant; pleasure; pocket; poetry; polite; poor; portion; possible; post; power; practice; presence; present; previous; price; print; private; probability; proper; public; publisher; purchase; purpose; quarter; question; read; reading; real; reality; reason; refrain; regard; regret; regular; remarks; reply; request; respect; respectable; rest; return; ribbon; right; risk; room; round; rude; run; safest; said; satisfied; saying; seal; seat; second; secret; self; sense; sensible; servants; set; sewing; sheet; ship; shopping; shops; short; sick; sides; silk; silly; silver; sister; sitting; size; sleeping; sleeves; slip; small; smooth; society; sorry; spare; stairs; stamps; standing; state; stay; stop; store; stranger; street; strong; subject; sufficient; summer; table; talk; talking; taste; tea; teeth; tell; temper; things; time; tired; title; town; travelling; trouble; true; truth; ugly; umbrella; ungenteel; usual; variety; visit; visiter; visiting; voice; vulgar; want; warm; water; wax; way; wear; weather; wet; white; wine; winter; wish; wit; woman; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; york; young; young ladies; young lady cache: 37988.txt plain text: 37988.txt item: #104 of 155 id: 37998 author: Nordau, Max Simon title: Morals and the Evolution of Man date: None words: 75466 flesch: 53 summary: According to him, a man would be acting conscientiously if, despising what all others hold good, right and sacred, he wallows in the satisfaction of his selfish instincts, as long as his conscience approves or even bids him do so; on the other hand, he is a sinner if, in opposition to his inner voice, but according to moral law, that is in obedience to extraneous authority, he practices all the virtues. Is the mob, incapable of thought, ignorant, swayed by momentary and shifting impulses, to make moral laws for the select few who are its natural guides? keywords: absolute; accordance; account; actions; active; activity; acts; advantage; age; aim; aims; animals; answer; assumption; authority; average; bad; bear; beginning; beings; beneficial; best; better; biological; bliss; body; capable; case; categorical; causes; cell; century; certain; changes; chapter; character; choice; circumstances; citizens; civilization; claim; clear; code; coercion; comfort; commands; common; community; complete; complicated; concept; conception; conclusion; concrete; conditions; conduct; conscience; consciousness; consequence; consideration; constitutional; content; contract; contrary; control; convinced; cosmic; country; course; creatures; crime; criminal; current; custom; danger; dark; day; death; deeds; defence; definite; definition; demands; denies; desire; determined; development; dictates; different; differentiated; dignity; dim; discipline; divine; doctrine; doubt; duties; duty; earth; effect; effort; egoism; emotion; end; energy; equal; essence; essential; eternal; eternity; ethics; eudæmonism; evil; evolution; example; exercise; existence; experience; explanation; expression; extent; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; fall; fear; feeling; fellow; following; force; foreign; foretell; form; formula; free; freedom; functions; fundamental; future; general; giver; god; gods; good; great; greater; group; hand; happiness; hard; head; hell; higher; highest; history; hobbes; hold; honour; human; humanity; idea; image; imagination; immediate; immoral; imperative; impressions; impulses; incapable; increase; independent; individual; individual life; individual morality; influence; inhibition; inner; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; interests; investigation; judge; judgment; justice; justified; kant; knowledge; labour; lack; later; law; laws; leading; left; legal; level; lies; life; like; limitation; little; live; living; long; longer; look; love; machine; majority; making; man; mankind; manner; masses; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanism; members; men; mere; merit; mind; misdeeds; modern; moment; moral action; moral community; moral conduct; moral law; moral life; moral man; moral philosophers; moral progress; morality; morality morality; movements; nations; natural; natural law; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; obedience; object; observed; obvious; old; opinion; opposition; order; organic; organism; organized; origin; original; outer; outside; pain; painful; particular; party; past; path; penal; people; perfect; perfection; period; person; personal; personality; phenomenon; philosophers; philosophy; phrases; picture; place; plato; play; pleasant; pleasurable; pleasure; point; police; political; politics; positive law; possessions; possible; power; practical; practice; present; preservation; primitive; principle; private; problem; processes; profit; progress; proof; property; public; punishment; purpose; quality; question; rate; reach; ready; reality; reason; reasonable; recognition; reflex; relations; religion; religious; respect; responsibility; responsible; result; revolt; reward; right; rise; rousseau; rule; sacrifice; salvation; sanctions; satisfaction; savage; school; scientific; self; selfishness; sense; sentence; set; short; shows; significance; simple; single; small; social; society; soul; sound; source; special; species; sphere; spinoza; spiritual; standard; stars; state; stimuli; stimulus; stoics; strength; strong; stronger; struggle; subjective; sufficient; superior; superstition; supposed; supreme law; sympathy; system; task; theological; theory; thing; thought; thousands; time; torture; trace; treaty; true; understanding; universal; universal law; universe; unjust; unknown; use; useful; value; vice; victory; view; virtue; virtuous; war; way; weak; welfare; wish; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years cache: 37998.txt plain text: 37998.txt item: #105 of 155 id: 39005 author: Conkling, Margaret C. (Margaret Cockburn) title: The American Gentleman's Guide to Politeness and Fashion or, Familiar Letters to his Nephews date: None words: 118541 flesch: 59 summary: Wit_, _humor_, and _playfulness_ are its proper embellishments, and _variety_ should characterize its themes. They only are _educated_, who have acquired that self-knowledge and self-discipline which inspire a _disinterested love of our fellow-beings, a reverence for Truth_--in the largest sense of the term--_and the power of habitually exalting the higher faculties over the animal propensities of our nature_. keywords: abstract; accomplished; accomplishments; accustomed; acquaintance; acquisition; action; addition; address; admiration; admissible; adoption; advance; advantage; advice; affairs; affection; afraid; agreeable; aid; alloway; american; amiable; amusement; anecdote; answer; apartment; apology; appearance; appointment; appropriate; arm; arms; arrival; artist; aside; assist; assistance; assumption; assurance; attendance; attention; attributes; author; authority; bad; ball; bath; bearing; beautiful; beauty; belle; benefit; benton; best; black; blue; body; book; boots; bow; box; boy; boys; bred; breeding; brief; broad; broken; brother; brown; business; busy; byron; capacity; card; care; career; careful; carriage; cars; case; celebrated; ceremonious; ceremony; certain; chair; chance; character; characteristic; charge; charley; charming; cheek; cheerful; cheerfulness; chief; child; children; christian; church; circumstances; city; claims; close; cloth; clothes; coat; cold; collateral; colonel; color; colored; comfort; comfortable; coming; comma; command; common; companion; company; compliment; condition; conduct; confidence; connection; consciousness; consideration; control; convenience; conversation; cordial; cornelia; corner; correct; costume; country; countrymen; course; courteous; courtesies; courtesy; cousin; crowd; cultivation; culture; curiosity; cut; daily; dark; daughter; day; days; dear; death; deep; degree; demands; desirable; desire; details; devoted; different; dignity; dining; dinner; directions; dirty; discern; discipline; discovery; discriminating; discussion; display; distinctive; distinguished; domestic; door; double; doubt; drawing; dress; dressed; driving; duties; duty; early; earth; earthly; ease; easy; eating; education; effect; effort; elaborate; elderly; elegant; elevated; embarrassment; endeavor; engaged; england; english; enjoyment; entire; epistolary; equal; ernest; escape; essential; established; evening; example; excuse; exercise; exhibition; existence; experience; explanation; expression; exquisite; extent; extreme; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; familiar; familiarity; family; fanny; fashion; fashionable; fashioned; fast; father; favorite; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; female; figure; fine; fingers; fire; fixed; flowers; following; food; foreign; forgotten; form; fortune; forward; franklin; free; french; frequent; friend; friendship; future; garments; general; genial; genius; gentleman; genuine; gift; girl; glance; glass; gloves; god; golden; good; governor; graceful; graces; grand; gratification; great; greatest; green; group; guests; guide; habit; habitual; half; hall; hand; handsome; happiness; happy; hat; head; health; heart; heaven; henry; hero; high; highest; history; home; honor; honorable; hope; hospitality; host; hostess; hotel; hours; house; huge; human; humanity; humor; husband; ida; idea; ignorance; ill; illustration; importance; impressions; incident; indifference; individual; indulgence; industry; influence; information; inquiry; instance; intellectual; intended; intercourse; interest; introduction; invitation; james; john; johnson; journey; judge; judicious; julia; justice; kind; kindness; know; knowledge; ladies; lady; land; language; large; late; laughing; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; left; legitimate; legs; length; letter; life; like; likely; lines; listening; literary; literature; little; living; london; long; longer; looking; lord; loud; love; lunettes; madam; mamma; man; manhood; manly; manner; mansion; marked; married; master; matters; means; meeting; men; mental; mere; merry; mind; minister; minutes; mirth; miss; mistaken; mode; models; modern; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; movement; mrs; music; musical; napoleon; national; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighbor; nephews; new; newspaper; nice; noble; note; number; nurse; object; observance; observation; observer; observing; occasion; occupation; offer; offering; office; old; old man; open; opening; opera; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; outer; outward; page; pair; pale; papa; paper; pardon; parlor; particular; parties; party; passage; passing; past; patient; peculiarities; people; perceptions; perfect; period; permission; permit; personal; persons; peters; phrase; picture; pity; place; plain; pleasant; pleasure; poetry; point; polished; politeness; political; poor; portion; position; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; precedence; prepared; presence; present; pretty; previous; pride; principle; private; professional; promise; proper; propriety; public; pure; purpose; pursuit; quick; quiet; quote; rank; reading; ready; real; reason; reception; recognition; refinement; regard; relation; relief; religious; remark; remembrance; reply; requisite; residence; respect; respectful; result; retreat; return; reverence; rich; riding; right; rise; room; rose; round; rudeness; rule; safe; saw; saying; scene; school; search; seat; secret; secure; selection; self; send; sense; sensible; sensitive; sentence; servant; service; set; sex; shade; shawl; short; similar; simple; single; sir; sister; sitting; size; sketch; sketches; skill; slight; slightest; small; smile; smith; smoke; social; society; sofa; soft; soldier; sorry; soul; speaking; spirit; stairs; standard; standing; staring; state; station; step; stopping; stranger; street; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; successful; sudden; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superior; superiority; sweet; sympathy; system; table; tact; talk; task; taste; tasteful; tea; teeth; tell; temperance; thank; theme; things; thorough; thought; time; tobacco; toilet; tone; tour; town; training; travelling; tribute; trifles; trouble; true; trust; truth; turning; uncle; unexceptionable; unfortunate; union; united; unknown; unworthy; use; useful; usual; v----; value; variety; venerable; view; visit; visitors; voice; vulgar; walking; want; warm; washington; water; way; weary; wedding; welcome; white; wide; wife; window; wisdom; wish; wishes; wit; woman; words; work; world; worn; worthy; writing; xvix; y----; yankee; years; york; young; young lady; young man; younger; youth; youthful cache: 39005.txt plain text: 39005.txt item: #106 of 155 id: 39040 author: Anonymous title: Manners and Rules of Good Society; or, Solecisms to be Avoided date: None words: 75890 flesch: 64 summary: This custom of turning down a corner of a visiting card signifies that other ladies of the family besides the hostess are included in the call. A gentleman should not turn down a corner of his card, even though he may be acquainted with other ladies of the family besides the mistress of the house. keywords: accent; account; acquaintance; acquainted; act; addition; address; afternoon; amusement; answer; arm; army; arranged; arrival; attendance; bachelor; ball; best; black; bow; bowing; breakfast; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; brother; calling; calls; cards; case; centre; ceremony; certain; chamberlain; chapter; charity; children; christening; christian; church; circle; circumstances; classes; cloth; coffee; comers; company; considerable; consideration; contrary; convenient; conversation; corner; correct; country; couple; course; court; custom; cut; dance; dancing; date; daughters; day; days; departure; desire; dessert; dining; dinner; door; drawing; dress; driving; dukes; early; eldest; engaged; engagement; england; english; enter; entertainment; entitled; equal; etiquette; evening; excellency; fact; family; fashion; fashionable; father; favour; fish; flowers; follow; following; foreign; fork; form; friendly; friends; fruit; game; garden; gatherings; general; gentlemen; giver; giving; gloves; good; grand; great; guests; half; hall; hand; handed; hats; head; health; highest; home; hostess; hour; house; hunting; husband; imperative; individual; instance; intimate; introduction; invitations; kind; king; knife; knights; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lady patronesses; ladyship; large; late; lead; leave; leaving; left; length; levée; lieutenant; like; list; little; london; long; lord; luncheon; madame; majesties; majesty; majority; man; manner; marquis; marriage; married; married lady; matter; means; members; military; minutes; mistress; moment; monsieur; months; mother; motor; mourning; mrs; mutual; names; near; necessary; new; note; notice; number; o'clock; occasion; offer; office; officers; official; oftener; old; open; opportunity; optional; order; parents; particular; parties; partners; party; pass; patronesses; people; period; person; place; pleasure; point; popular; position; possible; precedence; presence; present; presentation; previous; prince; princess; principal; private; privilege; proper; public; purpose; queen; question; rank; reason; received; reception; refreshments; regards; relatives; request; residents; return; riding; right; ring; room; round; royal; rule; save; saying; seat; seated; second; servant; service; shake; shooting; short; silk; silver; sir; small; smith; social; society; sons; soup; sovereign; space; special; spoon; standing; state; stewards; style; subscription; sufficient; surname; syllable; table; taking; tea; thing; tickets; time; title; town; understood; unmarried; upper; usual; visiting; visitor; waiting; walking; way; wear; wedding; weeks; white; widow; wife; wine; wish; wishes; wives; words; work; worn; year; young; young ladies; young lady; younger cache: 39040.txt plain text: 39040.txt item: #107 of 155 id: 39155 author: Williams, Cora May title: A Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of Evolution date: None words: 247903 flesch: 52 summary: Though in a warlike state, where courage is especially necessary to tribal existence, the bravest men would perish in larger numbers than other men, and the survival of the unfittest would seem thus to be secured, the influence of their bravery on others might excite the latter to imitation and do far more good than the begetting of offspring who would inherit their bravery. Two elements, a positive and a negative, constitute the idea of justice--that of man's recognition of his claims to unimpeded activities and the results they bring, and that of the limits which the presence of other men necessitate. keywords: 12mo; 8vo; absence; absolute; abstract; acceptance; accidental; accordance; account; accumulation; accustomed; acting; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; adjustment; advance; advancement; advantage; advantageous; affected; affection; age; agent; ages; agreeable; aid; aim; alexander; altruism; altruistic; analogy; analysis; ancestors; ancient; animal life; animals; answer; apparent; appearance; application; applied; approach; approbation; argument; artificial; aspect; assertion; assimilation; associated; association; assumed; assumption; attainment; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; authors; average; away; axiom; bad; basis; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; benefit; benevolence; best; better; birds; blame; blind; blood; bodies; body; book; bound; brain; branches; burning; calculation; capable; capacities; capacity; care; carneri; case; causality; causes; cells; century; certain; certainty; change; chapter; character; characteristics; chemical; chief; children; choice; christian; circle; circumstances; civilization; civilized; claim; classes; classification; clear; close; code; coincide; color; combinations; command; committed; common; community; comparative; comparison; compelled; competition; complete; complex; complexity; complicated; comprehension; compulsion; conceivable; conceive; conception; concepts; concerned; conclusion; concomitant; conditions; conduct; conflict; conformity; connected; conscience; consciousness; consequences; considerable; consideration; consistent; constancy; constant; constitute; constitution; contact; content; continual; continuance; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; control; conviction; correct; corresponding; corresponds; countries; country; courage; course; coöperation; coördinate; creation; creature; crime; criminal; criterion; criticism; cruelty; culture; custom; danger; darwin; data; daughter; day; days; dead; death; decision; decrease; deeds; defence; defines; definite; definition; degree; demands; dependent; descendants; descent; desirability; desirable; desire; destruction; determination; determined; determining; developed; development; develops; die; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; direction; disadvantage; disagreeable; discipline; discussion; disease; disposition; distant; distinction; distinguished; divine; division; doctrine; dog; domestic; doubtless; dugdale; duties; duty; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; eating; edition; education; effect; effort; eggs; egoism; egoistic; elements; emotions; end; endeavor; endowed; ends; enduring; enemies; energy; england; english; enjoyment; environment; equal; equilibrium; equivalent; erroneous; error; escape; essay; essential; established; ethical; ethics; events; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; exact; example; exceptional; excess; excitation; excuse; exercise; exhibit; existence; existent; exists; experience; experiments; explanation; expressed; expression; extended; extension; extent; external; extreme; eye; eyes; face; fact; factors; faculties; faculty; fail; failure; faithfulness; fall; false; family; far; father; favor; favorable; fear; feature; fechner; feeling; fellow; felt; female; field; final; fire; fittest; fixed; following; food; footnotes; force; form; formation; formula; foundation; freedom; friends; function; fundamental; furnishes; future; gain; general; general good; generations; germ; god; gods; good; good action; good conduct; good man; goodness; government; gradual; gratification; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; growth; guilty; habit; haeckel; half; hand; happiness; hard; harmful; harmony; having; head; health; heat; help; heredity; higher; highest; historical; history; hitherto; hope; hours; house; human; human action; human beings; human individual; human life; human nature; human society; humanity; hunger; ibid; ideal; identical; identity; ignorance; iii; imagination; immediate; immense; immoral; imperative; imperfect; important; impulse; includes; increase; independence; indirect; individual; individual life; individualism; infant; inference; inferior; influence; inherent; inheritance; innate; inner; inorganic; instance; instinct; instinctive; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; intensity; intention; interest; interesting; interference; internal; interpretation; intimate; introduction; investigation; involved; isolated; isolation; john; joy; judge; judgment; justice; justified; kant; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; labor; lack; language; large; later; law; laws; lead; leaves; left; legal; legitimate; length; liberty; library; lies; life; like; likely; limitation; limited; limits; line; literature; little; live; living; long; longer; look; loss; love; lowest; lubbock; luxury; m.a; maintenance; majority; makes; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mark; marriage; mass; material; matter; maximum; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; medium; members; memory; men; mental; mercy; mere; merit; metaphysical; method; middle; mind; minute; misery; mistake; modern; modifications; moment; moral; moral action; moral character; moral evolution; moral ideal; moral law; moral life; moral man; moral nature; moral order; moral sense; morality; morbid; mother; motion; motive; movement; murder; murderer; mutual; mystery; nation; natural; nature; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neglect; nerve; nervous; nest; net; new; non; normal; noticed; nourishment; number; numerous; obedience; object; objection; objective; obligation; observation; observed; offspring; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organization; organized; organs; origin; original; outer; outside; outward; pain; painful; parents; particular; parts; passage; passion; passive; past; peculiar; people; perceive; perception; perfect; performance; period; periodicity; permanent; personal; persons; phase; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physiological; pity; place; plants; play; pleasurable; pleasure; poetry; point; political; poor; population; position; positive; possess; possessed; possession; possibility; possible; poverty; power; practical; practice; prel; presence; present; preservation; pressure; prevention; previous; prey; primary; primitive; principle; priori; prison; probable; problem; process; processes; produce; professor; progress; progressive; proof; propagation; proper; properties; property; proportion; protection; protoplasm; province; psychical; psychological; psychology; public; punishment; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; radicle; range; reach; reaction; ready; real; reality; realization; reason; reasonable; reasoning; recent; recognition; reference; reflex; reform; regard; reign; related; relations; relative; religion; religious; remains; remarks; remembered; remorse; representation; represented; representing; requirements; resistance; respect; responsibility; rest; restraint; result; resultant; retrogression; return; revenge; right; rise; rolph; roman; room; root; rule; sacrifice; sake; sanction; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; scale; school; science; scientific; second; secure; selection; self; selfish; selfishness; sensation; sense; sensibility; sentence; sentiment; separate; seq; series; set; sexes; sexual; shape; showing; shows; sides; significance; similar; simple; single; sins; slavery; slaves; slight; slow; small; social; social life; socialists; societies; society; solution; soon; sort; soul; source; space; special; species; spencer; spirit; spite; spontaneous; spread; springs; stability; stable; stages; standard; standpoint; state; statement; stephen; strange; strength; stress; strong; stronger; strongest; structure; struggle; study; subject; subordinate; suffering; sufficient; suicide; sun; superior; superiority; supernatural; supply; support; supposing; survival; survive; sympathetic; sympathy; system; taking; taste; teleological; temptation; tendencies; tendency; terms; testament; testimony; theft; theology; theories; theory; things; thought; time; tissue; torture; total; totality; transcendental; treatment; tribes; true; truth; type; ultimate; unconscious; understanding; uniformity; union; united; unity; universal; universe; unknown; use; useful; utilitarianism; utility; value; vanity; variability; variable; variation; varieties; variety; vice; view; violent; virtue; virtuous; vitality; voluntary; wallace; want; war; way; ways; weakness; weight; welfare; white; wider; wife; willed; willing; wills; wish; wives; women; words; work; working; world; worth; wrong; years; young; youth; æsthetic cache: 39155.txt plain text: 39155.txt item: #108 of 155 id: 39551 author: Tufts, James Hayden title: Ethics date: None words: 207431 flesch: 58 summary: A child may be shown in a pretty direct and physical fashion the difference between _meum_ and _tuum Sometimes we say, So and so is a _good_ man, meaning to say that that is about all that can be said for him--he does not count, or amount to anything, practically. keywords: ability; absence; absolute; abstract; absurd; accepted; accident; account; achievement; act; acting; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; added; adequate; adjustment; administration; advance; advantage; affairs; affection; agencies; agency; agent; ages; agreement; aid; aim; aims; alternative; altruism; ambiguity; american; analysis; ancestors; ancient; animal; answer; appeal; appetite; application; appropriate; approval; approved; aristotle; art; arts; aspects; assertion; associated; association; attainment; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; average; aware; bad; balance; base; basis; bear; beginning; behavior; beings; belief; benefits; benevolence; bentham; best; better; birth; blame; blind; blood; bodies; bodily; body; book; building; business; calling; capable; capacities; capacity; capital; care; case; causes; central; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charity; chief; children; choice; christian; chs; church; circumstances; citizen; civic; civilization; civilized; claim; clan; class; classes; clear; close; collective; come; command; commerce; commercial; common; common good; common life; community; company; compare; comparison; competition; complete; complex; comprehensive; conception; concerned; concrete; conditions; conduct; conflict; conflicting; conformity; connected; conscience; conscientious; conscientiousness; conscious; consciousness; consequences; consideration; constant; constitution; content; contract; contrary; control; controlling; conviction; corporate; corporations; correct; corruption; country; courage; course; courts; coöperation; criminal; criterion; criticism; culture; current; customary; customs; dance; danger; dangerous; day; days; dealing; death; deed; deeper; defects; definite; definition; degree; deliberate; deliberation; demand; democracy; democratic; denial; dependent; desirable; desire; detail; determined; developed; development; devotion; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; difficulties; dignity; direct; direction; disagreeable; discovery; discussion; disease; disposition; distinct; distinction; distribution; divine; division; divorce; doctrine; doer; domestic; dominant; doubt; duties; duty; earlier; early; easy; economic; education; effect; effective; efficiency; effort; egoism; egoistic; elaborate; elements; emotional; emotions; emphasis; empirical; employer; end; endeavor; ends; energy; england; english; enjoyment; enormous; enterprise; entire; environment; epicureans; equal; escape; essay; essence; essential; established; estimate; ethical; ethics; ethik; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; exact; example; excellence; exchange; excitement; exclusive; execution; exercise; existence; expense; experience; explicit; expression; extent; external; extraordinary; extreme; face; fact; factors; faculty; fair; faith; fall; false; familiar; families; family; family life; far; fashion; father; favor; fear; feeling; fellow; feud; field; final; finding; fine; fixed; following; food; footnotes; force; foreseen; foresight; form; formal; formation; formed; forming; formula; freedom; friendship; fulfillment; fuller; function; fundamental; future; gain; game; general; general good; generous; gentleman; genuine; german; getting; god; gods; good; good character; good man; goodness; government; gratification; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; ground; group; group life; group morality; growth; guilty; habits; habitual; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; head; heart; hebrew; hedonism; hedonistic; help; higher; highest; history; hobhouse; hold; holding; home; honesty; honor; hope; hours; household; human; human life; humanity; hunger; husband; ibid; ideal; ignorance; iii; illustration; imagination; immediate; immoral; imply; important; impulses; inability; inclination; incompatible; increase; independence; individual; individual good; individual life; individual moral; individualism; industrial; industry; influence; inherent; initiative; injury; injustice; inner; inquiry; insight; instinctive; instincts; institutions; insurance; intellectual; intelligence; intended; intense; intensity; intention; interest; interesting; internal; international; interpretation; intimate; intrinsic; introduction; involved; irrespective; isolated; isolation; israel; issue; james; jehovah; judge; judging; judgment; jural; justice; kant; kantian; keeping; kind; kindness; kindred; kingdom; kinship; knowing; knowledge; known; labor; laborers; lack; land; language; large; later; latin; law; laws; lead; leave; left; legal; legislation; level; liable; liberty; like; likely; limitations; limited; limits; lines; literature; little; live; living; local; long; longer; lord; loss; love; luck; machinery; main; maintenance; making; man; manner; mark; market; marriage; martineau; material; matter; maxim; meaning; means; measure; mediæval; members; memory; men; mere; merit; method; middle; military; mill; mind; misery; modern; money; moral; moral act; moral action; moral basis; moral character; moral conduct; moral consciousness; moral development; moral end; moral good; moral ideal; moral interest; moral judgment; moral knowledge; moral law; moral life; moral order; moral philosophy; moral principle; moral problems; moral progress; moral purpose; moral quality; moral self; moral sense; moral significance; moral situation; moral society; moral standard; moral theory; moral value; moral worth; morality; mores; mother; motive; movement; mutual; narrow; natural; nature; necessary; necessities; necessity; need; needed; negative; new; noble; non; note; notice; notion; number; obedience; object; objective; obligation; obvious; occasions; occupation; offender; officials; old; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; opposed; opposite; opposition; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organization; organized; origin; original; outcome; outer; outside; outward; overt; ownership; pain; parental; parents; partial; particular; parties; party; passion; past; paulsen; pay; peculiar; penalty; people; perception; period; permanent; personal; personality; persons; phase; philosophy; physical; place; plato; play; pleasure; point; policy; political; politics; pollock; poor; popular; positive; possession; possibilities; possibility; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; presence; present; pressure; price; primitive; principle; prior; private; probable; problem; procedure; process; processes; produce; production; professor; profit; programme; progress; progressive; prolegomena; promise; proof; property; prophets; proportion; provision; psychological; psychology; public; publicity; punishment; pure; purpose; putting; qualities; quality; question; race; range; rational; reaching; reaction; ready; real; reality; realization; reason; reasonable; recent; recognition; reconstruction; reference; reflection; reform; regard; regular; relation; relationship; relative; religion; religious; remote; republic; requirements; resources; respect; responsibility; responsible; restraint; results; return; review; rich; right; righteousness; rightness; rules; sacred; sacrifice; sake; sanction; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; save; saying; scale; scheme; school; science; scientific; scope; second; secure; seeking; self; selfhood; selfish; selfishness; sense; sentiments; separate; separation; series; service; set; sets; sex; sexes; share; shop; shows; sidgwick; significance; similar; simple; single; situation; skill; slavery; small; smith; social; social conditions; social good; social group; social justice; social life; social nature; social order; social self; social welfare; socialism; socializing; society; sociology; socrates; solidarity; song; sort; soul; special; species; specific; spencer; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; spring; standard; standing; standpoint; start; state; statement; status; stephen; stock; stoics; strength; stress; striking; strong; stronger; struggle; student; studies; study; subject; subjection; subordinate; subordination; success; successful; suffering; sufficient; suggested; sum; sumner; superior; supply; support; supreme; survival; sympathetic; sympathy; system; taboos; technical; tendencies; tendency; terms; testament; theoretical; theories; theory; things; thinking; thought; thoughtfulness; time; tools; totem; trade; tradition; training; traits; transportation; treatment; tribal; tribe; true; truth; turn; type; typical; ultimate; union; united; universal; universe; university; unjust; unseen; unsettled; use; useful; utilitarianism; valuable; valuation; value; variety; versus; view; vii; virtue; viz; vols; voluntary; wage; wants; war; way; ways; weak; wealth; welfare; westermarck; wide; wife; willing; wisdom; wise; wishes; woman; words; work; working; workmen; world; worse; worth; wrong; years; young; æsthetic cache: 39551.txt plain text: 39551.txt item: #109 of 155 id: 39648 author: None title: Character and Conduct A Book of Helpful Thoughts by Great Writers of Past and Present Ages date: None words: 69978 flesch: 76 summary: Contemptuousness JUNE 30 Our Lord not only _told_ men that they were the children of God, that they should strive after their Father's likeness, and that they might approach nearer and nearer to being perfect as He is perfect: but, what was more than this, in every word He spake,--whether of teaching, or reproof, or expostulation, or in His passing words to those who received His mercies,--He _treated_ them as God's children. And, further, if we are going on from the mere admiration of great men to try and live like them, we are obeying one of the happiest impulses of our being. keywords: able; accidie; action; aim; amiel; anger; angry; answer; april; apt; arnold; asia; attention; august; aurelius; avebury; bad; battle; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beecher; beginning; belief; believe; best; better; bishop; bitterness; blessed; body; book; broken; brooks; brother; business; calm; canon; care; carlyle; cause; certain; change; character; charity; charles; chief; children; christ; christian; christmas; church; circumstances; clear; comfort; common; concentration; condition; conduct; conscience; consciousness; consequences; constant; control; conversation; courage; course; courtesy; creed; culture; daily; day; days; dead; death; december; deed; degree; desire; despair; difficult; discipline; disease; divine; doubt; drummond; duties; duty; earth; easy; education; effort; eliot; emerson; essential; eternal; evil; example; exercise; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; failure; faith; fall; false; family; far; fashion; father; faults; fear; february; feelings; feet; fellow; force; forgiveness; form; free; friendship; future; gain; gentle; george; gift; god; good; goodness; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; ground; grow; growth; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; health; heart; heaven; help; henry; herbert; high; higher; highest; hold; holy; home; honest; hope; hour; human; human life; humanity; humility; humour; ideal; ideal life; idle; idleness; important; individual; infinite; influence; inward; james; january; jealousy; jesus; john; journal; joy; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; kindness; kingdom; kingsley; knowledge; labour; latham; law; left; lies; life; light; like; little; live; living; long; look; lord; lose; loss; love; lowell; luxury; maccoll; maccunn; making; man; mankind; manners; march; marcus; mark; master; meaning; means; measure; memoir; memory; men; mental; mere; method; mind; moment; money; moral; morning; mrs; music; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neighbour; new; noble; november; object; october; offence; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; outward; paget; pain; passing; passion; past; pastorum; patience; people; perfect; personal; persons; petty; phillips; physical; place; pleasure; poor; possible; power; praise; prayer; presence; present; pride; principle; professor; proportion; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; quiet; reach; ready; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; respect; responsibility; rest; result; rich; righteousness; ring; robertson; rochefoucauld; rule; run; sacrifice; sad; sake; save; saying; second; secret; seen; self; selfishness; sense; september; service; set; sick; silence; silent; simple; sin; single; sins; sleep; small; social; society; sorrow; soul; sound; speaking; special; speech; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; step; stevenson; stopford; strange; strength; strong; struggle; success; suffering; sun; supreme; sure; sweet; sympathy; talk; task; temper; temple; temptation; tennyson; thee; things; thinking; thought; thy; time; trouble; true; trust; truth; union; vain; value; vanity; vices; view; virtue; voice; wait; walk; want; waste; water; watson; way; ways; weak; weakness; westcott; wise; wish; women; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthy; wrong; years; young cache: 39648.txt plain text: 39648.txt item: #110 of 155 id: 40845 author: Hopkins, Mark title: The Connexion Between Taste and Morals: Two lectures date: None words: 15525 flesch: 59 summary: What is called moral taste is, in fact, discriminated from taste in general, only as it has the moral actions of free and intelligent agents for its object. I said that this was a practical point, and I now wish to show, in connexion with it, precisely how it is that mischief arises from the perversion of moral taste; as was shown, in the former Lecture, how it arises from its perversion in other things. keywords: account; action; admiration; affections; approbation; arts; associations; attention; beauties; beautiful; beauty; case; certain; character; cities; common; conduct; connexion; correct; corrupt; course; cultivation; different; distinction; dress; duty; effect; emotions; enjoyment; evil; experience; external; eye; false; fashion; favorable; features; feeling; fine; forms; general; genius; god; good; good taste; goodness; great; hand; happiness; highest; hours; human; imagination; important; impression; judgment; leisure; life; light; little; long; man; matter; means; memory; men; mere; mind; moral; moral beauty; moral taste; natural; nature; objects; obvious; order; perfect; persons; pictures; place; pleased; pleasing; pleasures; point; power; present; principle; qualities; question; ready; reason; regard; respect; sense; sensibilities; society; sound; spirit; state; strong; subject; sublime; sublimity; sun; susceptibility; taste; tendency; thing; time; true; vice; view; virtue; want; works; world; young cache: 40845.txt plain text: 40845.txt item: #111 of 155 id: 40901 author: Celnart, Elisabeth title: The Gentleman and Lady's Book of Politeness and Propriety of Deportment, Dedicated to the Youth of Both Sexes date: None words: 46199 flesch: 63 summary: These visits are divided into several classes; those of the evening or afternoon, which are the most polite; of the morning, which are the most friendly and respectful; by cards, and presenting one's-self, and by cards without presenting one's-self; visits weekly, which are confined to acquaintances with whom we have not very close relations; monthly, which are less ceremonious, but however partake of coldness: it is at Paris more than any other place, that these visits are permitted; such calls demand much attention to the toilet; they should be as short as possible; a visit of quarter of an hour is long enough, and we should be careful to retire when other persons come in. In the last case, there is a method of manifesting our interest, without violating etiquette; it consists in making these inquiries of the domestics, or of other persons of the house, and of saying afterwards when introduced; 'I am happy Sir, to hear that you are in good health. keywords: account; acquaintance; act; address; advice; affection; agreeable; air; answer; appearance; arm; articles; arts; assembly; attention; bad; balls; beware; black; body; brilliant; business; cards; care; careful; carriage; carry; case; catholic; ceremonious; ceremony; certain; chair; chapter; church; circumstances; common; company; conduct; contrary; conversation; course; custom; dance; day; days; degree; delicacy; delicate; deportment; desire; different; distinguished; domestic; door; drawing; dress; duties; duty; elegance; elegant; endeavor; error; esteem; familiar; family; father; favor; form; fortune; friends; general; gentleman; glass; good; grace; great; guests; habit; half; hand; hat; head; health; hold; home; honor; hour; house; husband; ibid; iii; ill; impolite; important; indispensable; interest; intimate; invitation; kind; ladies; lady; language; large; leave; left; letter; life; little; lively; long; love; madam; manner; mark; married; master; means; mind; mistress; modesty; mother; mourning; near; necessary; new; object; observed; occasion; offer; office; ones; open; opinion; order; paper; paris; particular; people; persons; place; play; pleasure; point; politeness; possible; practice; present; private; profession; proper; propriety; provincial; public; questions; rank; readers; reason; received; regard; relations; religious; reply; request; respect; respectable; respectful; return; ridiculous; right; room; rules; salute; saying; seat; second; section; self; service; sex; short; silence; similar; situation; small; social; society; strangers; street; style; subject; suitable; table; taking; taste; terms; thanks; thing; time; title; toilet; ton; tone; towns; trouble; true; turn; unfortunate; useful; visitors; visits; vulgar; walk; want; way; white; wife; wish; wishes; words; work; world; writing; year; young cache: 40901.txt plain text: 40901.txt item: #112 of 155 id: 41632 author: Sherwood, M. E. W. (Mary Elizabeth Wilson) title: The Art of Entertaining date: None words: 113336 flesch: 76 summary: It is made with _brioche_ paste, mixed with madeira, currants, raisins, and potted cream. Quails, with a twang of aromatic herbs, are followed by macaroni flavoured with spiced livers, cocks' combs, and eggs called _risotto_, then golden _fritto_, cooked in the purest _cru_ of olive oil, and _quocchi_ cakes, of newly ground Indian corn, which is all that our roasted green corn is, without the trouble of gnawing it off the cob,--a process abhorrent to the conscientious diner unless he is alone. keywords: account; addition; admirable; advantage; affair; afternoon; age; ages; agreeable; aim; air; alcohol; almonds; amateur; american; amuse; amusement; amusing; ancient; answer; antiquity; appetite; apple; apt; arrow; art; article; artistic; asparagus; attempt; attention; author; bacon; bad; baked; ball; banquet; basket; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; bedroom; beef; beer; beginning; beignet; best; better; big; bill; birds; bit; black; blue; boiling; bonbons; bones; book; bore; bottle; bouquet; bow; bowl; box; boy; boys; brain; brandy; brass; brave; bread; breakfast; breeding; bride; bright; brillat; brilliant; broiled; broken; broth; brown; burgundy; business; busy; butler; cabbage; cake; california; calls; candied; cards; care; careful; carême; case; catholic; cauliflower; cayenne; celebrated; celery; centre; centuries; century; ceremony; certain; champagne; change; chapter; character; charles; charming; cheap; cheer; cheese; chef; chicken; children; china; chinese; chocolate; christmas; church; château; cities; city; civilization; clam; claret; clean; clever; climate; close; cloth; clothes; club; coat; codfish; coffee; cold; colour; coloured; comfortable; coming; command; common; company; condition; conscientious; convenient; conversation; cook; cooked; cookery; cooking; cool; corn; cost; costume; countries; country; couples; course; court; cover; cracked; cream; crumbs; cucumber; cup; cups; curious; curtains; custom; cut; daily; dance; dancing; dangerous; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; deer; delicacies; delicate; delicious; delightful; delmonico; description; dessert; different; difficult; dining; dinner; dish; dishes; distinguished; dog; dogs; dollars; domestic; door; doubt; doubtless; dozen; draw; drawing; dress; dressed; dressing; drink; drinking; drive; drop; dry; duck; duke; dull; dutch; duty; early; earth; easter; easy; eating; eels; effect; eggs; elaborate; elegant; end; endless; england; english; entertaining; entertainment; entrées; equal; etiquette; europe; evening; excellent; expensive; experience; exquisite; eye; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; families; family; famous; fancy; fans; fare; fashion; fashionable; fat; father; favourite; fear; feast; feathers; fed; feed; feeling; feet; field; figure; fill; fine; fingers; fire; fish; fit; flat; flavour; flour; flowers; following; fond; food; foot; footman; force; foreign; fork; form; fortune; fox; france; free; french; fresh; fried; friends; frozen; fruit; fry; frying; funny; furnished; furniture; future; game; garden; gas; gay; general; genius; gentleman; german; getting; gifts; girl; giving; glass; glorious; gold; golden; golf; good; good dinner; grace; grand; grapes; gravy; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; guests; hair; half; hall; hand; handle; handsome; happy; hard; hat; head; healthful; healthy; heart; heaven; heavy; help; herbs; hidden; high; higher; highest; history; hold; hole; home; honour; hope; horace; horses; hospitality; hostess; hot; hotel; hounds; hour; house; household; housekeeper; human; hungry; hunting; husband; ice; ices; idea; immortal; important; inches; india; individual; infinite; influence; inside; inspired; instance; intellectual; intelligence; interest; interesting; invitation; irish; iron; italian; italy; jelly; john; johnson; juice; keeping; kind; king; kitchen; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lamb; lamp; language; large; lawn; leader; leaf; learned; leaves; left; legend; lemon; length; letters; lettuce; life; lights; like; linen; liqueurs; liquor; literary; literature; little; live; lobster; london; long; longer; look; lord; lost; louis; love; lunch; luncheon; luxurious; luxury; macaroni; madame; madeira; magnificent; maid; makes; making; mamma; man; manners; market; marriage; matter; mayonnaise; meal; meaning; means; meat; meet; members; memory; men; mention; menu; middle; milk; mind; minutes; mistress; mix; mixed; mixture; model; modern; moment; money; morning; mother; mrs; music; mustard; mutton; names; nation; national; natural; nature; neat; necessary; necessity; neck; need; neighbourhood; new; nice; night; noble; note; novel; number; nurse; nuts; o'clock; oil; old; omelet; onions; open; opulent; orange; order; ordinary; ornamental; ounces; outside; oven; oysters; pair; palate; pale; paper; paris; parlour; parsley; particular; parties; party; passing; past; pastry; peaches; peas; people; pepper; perfect; perfection; person; picnic; picture; picturesque; pie; piece; pies; pig; pint; place; plain; plates; play; players; playing; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plenty; plum; poetical; poetry; poets; pomme; poor; popular; porcelain; pork; position; possible; post; potatoes; pound; pour; power; practice; prepared; prescott; present; pretty; prince; princess; private; procession; proper; public; pudding; purple; purpose; purée; putting; qualities; quantity; quart; quarter; queen; question; quick; quiet; quote; railway; rare; reach; ready; real; reception; recipe; red; refined; remarkable; respect; respectful; return; rhine; rice; rich; river; roast; roasted; robert; rome; room; rose; royal; rule; run; russian; saint; salad; salmon; salt; salted; sandwiches; satin; sauce; sausages; savarin; savoury; saw; scene; school; season; seat; second; self; sense; servants; service; set; shakspeare; shell; sherry; shooting; short; sieve; silk; silver; simple; sir; size; skin; sleep; slice; small; social; society; soft; sorts; soup; sour; south; spain; spanish; speech; spirit; splendid; spread; stand; state; stew; stewpan; stir; stock; stories; strain; strange; strawberries; street; strength; string; study; subject; success; sugar; summer; sunday; supper; sweet; table; talent; talk; taste; tea; teaspoonful; tell; telling; tender; terrapin; thackeray; theatre; thee; thick; thing; thought; throw; tilden; time; tired; title; tomatoes; tongue; touch; tour; town; training; traveller; tree; trouble; trout; true; turkey; turn; turtle; ude; united; unknown; useful; usual; valse; variety; vases; vast; vatel; veal; vegetables; venison; vinegar; vineyards; visit; vulgar; wales; walking; wall; want; warm; wash; watch; water; way; wealth; wear; weather; wedding; week; welcome; white; wife; wild; wine; winter; wish; witty; woman; wood; wooden; words; work; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; xiv; years; yolk; york; young cache: 41632.txt plain text: 41632.txt item: #113 of 155 id: 41901 author: Marden, Orison Swett title: The Victorious Attitude date: None words: 70922 flesch: 70 summary: From his cradle up he should be taught to hold his head high, and to look on himself as a son of the King of kings, destined for great things. Men who have achieved great things could not account for their faith; they could not tell why they had an unflinching belief that they could do what they undertook. keywords: ability; abundance; achievement; action; active; actual; affirmation; afraid; age; ambition; answer; anxiety; appearance; army; assurance; atmosphere; attempt; attitude; awake; bad; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believe; best; better; birthright; bodily; body; books; boy; boys; brain; building; business; capable; career; cause; cells; certain; change; chapter; character; cheerful; child; children; christ; circumstances; clean; cling; coming; concentrated; conditions; confidence; consciousness; constant; control; conviction; convinced; country; course; creative; creator; crime; criminal; cruel; cure; current; cut; dark; day; days; death; deeper; demand; desire; determination; different; difficulties; direction; disappointment; discord; discouraged; discouragement; disease; divine; divinity; door; doubt; doubting; dreams; drop; early; earth; education; efficiency; effort; employees; endeavor; enemies; enemy; enjoyment; environment; example; existence; experience; expression; eye; face; fact; faculties; failure; faith; family; fatal; fate; father; fear; feeling; flesh; force; free; friend; future; general; girl; goal; god; good; great; great life; greater; greatest; growth; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; harbor; hard; harmony; hate; hatred; head; healer; healing; health; heart; help; helpful; hero; high; higher; hold; holding; home; hope; hours; house; human; humanity; ideal; ill; image; important; individual; inferiority; infinite; influence; instance; intelligence; jealousy; joy; keeping; key; kind; kindness; lack; large; law; lead; life; like; line; little; lives; living; long; longing; look; losing; lost; love; magnet; majority; making; man; manner; marvelous; material; matter; means; measure; mental; mental attitude; mere; mighty; mind; miracle; miserable; mission; model; moment; money; morning; mother; multitudes; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; noble; obstacles; old; oneness; open; opportunity; opposite; outside; parents; path; patient; people; perfect; perfection; perpetual; persistent; person; physical; physician; picture; place; plan; play; plenty; point; poor; poorhouse; position; positive; possibilities; possible; poverty; power; powerful; prayer; principle; processes; progress; prosperity; prosperous; public; purpose; putting; qualities; race; reach; ready; real; reality; realization; reason; resolve; resources; respect; responsible; rest; results; revenge; rich; right; rise; rosary; rule; secret; seed; self; sense; service; set; similar; slave; sleep; society; sort; soul; source; spirit; spite; splendid; stand; start; state; step; stream; strength; strong; struggle; subconscious; subjective; sublime; success; successful; suffering; suggestion; sun; superb; supply; sympathy; symptoms; system; talk; thee; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; traitor; treatment; tremendous; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; unfortunate; union; universe; unseen; use; vicious; victims; victorious; victory; vigorous; vision; visualizing; voice; waiting; walk; want; war; water; way; weak; weakness; wish; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; worry; worst; worth; wrong; years; young; youth; youthful cache: 41901.txt plain text: 41901.txt item: #114 of 155 id: 4225 author: Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) title: First and Last Things: A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life date: None words: 56258 flesch: 62 summary: Man, thinking man, suffers from intellectual over-confidence and a vain belief in the universal validity of reasoning. It is through military urgencies alone that many men can be brought to consent to the collective endowment of research, to public education and to a thousand interferences with their private self-seeking. keywords: able; absolute; abstract; action; acts; adequate; affairs; analysis; ancestors; answer; arbitrary; aristocracy; aspect; association; assumption; atmosphere; atoms; attempt; attitude; base; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; believer; best; better; biological; blood; body; book; boundary; broad; brotherhood; business; case; catholic; century; certain; chairs; change; chaotic; chapter; children; christian; christianity; church; circle; circumstances; civilization; civilized; class; classes; classification; clear; collective; coming; common; community; competition; complex; conception; concerned; conditions; conduct; conflict; confusion; consciousness; considerations; constant; constructive; contemporary; control; course; curiosity; cut; danger; day; deal; death; definition; democracy; desire; development; differences; different; difficult; direction; discipline; discussion; disposition; doubt; dream; duty; earth; easy; economic; effect; effort; element; emotional; emotions; end; error; essential; evil; exact; example; existence; experience; expression; external; fact; failure; faith; fall; false; family; far; feeling; fellowship; figure; fine; food; force; form; formulae; free; freedom; friends; fundamental; general; generation; god; good; great; greater; ground; group; half; hands; hard; hate; help; high; history; hold; home; honour; human; human mind; humanity; idea; imagination; immediate; immortality; important; impulses; individual; individuality; inevitable; infinite; instance; institutions; instrument; intellectual; intercourse; interest; internal; intimate; isolated; issues; judge; justice; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; lead; left; level; life; like; limited; limits; literature; little; lives; living; logic; long; lost; love; main; making; man; mankind; manner; marriage; mass; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; metaphysical; method; military; mind; modern; money; moral; mother; motives; movement; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; negative; new; non; normal; number; objective; offspring; open; operation; order; organization; organized; outcome; particular; parts; passion; past; peace; people; perfect; period; personal; personality; persons; persuasion; phase; physical; picture; pink; plane; play; pleasure; point; political; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; poverty; power; practical; predestination; present; pride; primary; principles; private; problems; process; property; propositions; public; purpose; quality; question; race; reading; real; reality; reason; reasoning; recognition; refuse; regard; relation; relationship; religion; religious; research; return; right; rule; ruling; sake; salvation; samurai; scheme; science; scientific; secession; second; secret; section; seeking; self; sense; series; service; set; sets; sexual; share; significance; similar; simple; sin; small; social; socialism; society; sort; soul; sound; space; special; species; spirit; standards; state; statement; strength; strong; study; substance; subtle; suggestion; sympathy; synthesis; synthetic; system; talk; teaching; tendency; terms; test; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tradition; true; truth; type; understanding; units; universal; universe; urgent; usage; use; utmost; value; view; virtue; want; war; waste; way; ways; weak; wide; wife; women; words; work; working; world; worship; wrong; years; young cache: 4225.txt plain text: 4225.txt item: #115 of 155 id: 4320 author: Hume, David title: An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals date: None words: 48459 flesch: 50 summary: In other illustrious men, say he, you will observe, that each possessed some one shining quality, which was the foundation of his fame: On the contrary, such sentiments must acquire new force from the present reasoning. keywords: accomplishments; account; actions; advantage; affected; affection; agreeable; ambition; appearance; appellation; applause; approach; approbation; argument; attention; authority; aversion; bad; beauty; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; benevolence; best; better; blame; blameable; body; breast; business; cap; capacity; care; case; censure; certain; character; chief; cicero; circumstances; civil; command; common; community; company; comparison; concern; conclusion; conduct; connexions; consequences; considerable; consideration; constant; contempt; contrary; conversation; countries; country; courage; creatures; crime; danger; day; deformity; degree; desire; determinations; determined; different; difficult; discourse; disposition; distant; distinction; doubt; duty; ease; easy; eminent; endowments; enjoyment; enquiry; equal; equity; esteem; esteemed; evident; evil; existence; experience; express; expression; extensive; extreme; eye; false; family; farther; feeling; fellow; fidelity; figure; following; footnote; force; form; fortune; foundation; frame; friendship; future; general; generous; genius; good; government; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; hatred; health; heart; high; historian; honour; human; human nature; humanity; hypothesis; ideas; iii; ill; images; imagination; immediate; impossible; indifference; individual; industry; influence; injury; injustice; instance; instinct; intention; intercourse; interest; internal; judgement; justice; language; laws; lib; life; like; little; lively; long; love; man; mankind; manner; matter; means; measure; mental; merit; mind; misery; modesty; moral; morality; motives; mutual; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; object; obligation; observance; obvious; odious; offices; opinion; opposite; opposition; order; origin; original; pain; particular; parts; passions; peculiar; people; perfect; pernicious; person; personal; philosophers; philosophy; place; pleasing; pleasure; point; political; possession; power; practice; praise; preference; present; prevail; pride; principles; private; property; public; purpose; quae; qualities; quality; question; real; reality; reason; reasoning; reflection; regard; relations; remote; requisite; respect; result; riches; right; rules; satisfaction; satisfactory; section; security; self; selfish; sense; sensible; sentiment; serve; set; similar; simple; situation; small; social; societies; society; sole; source; species; spectator; speculative; spirit; state; strong; subject; success; sufficient; superior; support; sympathy; system; taste; temper; tendency; theory; things; thought; times; true; truth; turn; understanding; universal; useful; usefulness; useless; usual; utility; utmost; vanity; vice; views; violence; virtue; want; war; way; wit; words; world cache: 4320.txt plain text: 4320.txt item: #116 of 155 id: 43359 author: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert title: Human Intercourse date: None words: 124705 flesch: 58 summary: Perhaps this public repetition of it may not be without utility at a time when, although it is clear to us that he has left an immortal name, the exact nature of the rank he will occupy amongst great men does not seem to be evident as yet. Prejudices: about great men, 4; national, 7; of English gentlewomen, 382. keywords: ability; able; absence; absolute; accident; account; accurate; acquaintance; active; activity; admirable; advantages; affairs; affected; affection; affectionate; agreeable; alive; allusion; amusements; ancestors; ancient; anonymous; answer; anxiety; anxious; apparent; appearance; architecture; aristocracy; aristocratic; art; artistic; arts; association; attempt; attention; authority; authors; aware; bad; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; believe; best; bible; bishop; boat; boating; bohemianism; books; boys; brevity; brief; broken; brothers; business; byron; cards; care; careful; carelessness; case; cathedral; causes; ceremony; certain; chance; changes; character; charles; charm; charming; children; choice; church; circumstances; city; civilization; civilized; class; classes; clear; clergy; clergyman; clerical; clever; close; comfort; commercial; common; communication; companionship; comparison; complete; condition; conduct; confessional; confidence; conformity; confusion; connected; connection; consequence; consideration; consolation; constant; contempt; contrary; contrast; control; convenience; conventional; conversation; correspondence; cost; countries; country; courage; courtesy; criticism; cultivated; culture; custom; daily; day; days; dead; dear; death; defect; defence; degree; delightful; departure; dependent; desirable; desire; details; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; dignity; dinner; direction; disagreeable; discipline; dislike; display; disposition; distance; distant; distinction; divine; doctrine; domestic; doubt; drawing; dress; drink; dull; duty; early; ease; easy; education; effect; effort; element; eliot; emotion; england; english; english people; englishman; enjoyment; equal; equality; error; escape; essay; essential; established; estimate; evident; evil; exact; example; excellent; exceptional; exercise; existence; experience; expression; extreme; eyes; face; fact; faculties; fair; faith; false; families; family; father; fault; favor; favorable; fear; feeling; female; feminine; field; filial; find; fine; firm; flowers; following; foolish; force; foreign; foreigners; formal; forms; fortune; france; fraternal; fraternity; freedom; french; french people; frenchman; frequent; friendly; friendship; future; gain; game; general; generation; genteel; gentility; gentleman; george; gifts; gladstone; god; goethe; goldsmith; good; government; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; guest; habits; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; healthy; hearing; heart; help; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; home; honest; honorable; hope; hospitality; host; hour; house; household; human; humble; humor; husband; ideas; idiosyncrasy; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; imagination; immense; importance; incident; income; independence; indifference; individual; indulgence; industry; inferior; influence; information; instances; instinct; intellectual; intelligent; intercourse; interest; interesting; intimacy; intimate; italy; jealousy; john; keeping; kind; kindly; kindness; knowledge; known; labor; lack; ladies; lady; language; large; late; latin; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; legal; leisure; length; letter; liberty; library; life; like; likely; limited; limits; literary; literature; little; littré; lives; living; local; london; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; luxury; maids; making; man; manners; marriage; married; mass; material; matter; means; member; memory; men; mental; mere; merit; middle; military; mill; mind; modern; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; motive; mountains; music; mysterious; napoleon; narrow; national; nationality; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighborhood; new; newspaper; noble; norman; notion; number; numerous; object; objection; obligation; observation; obstacle; occasions; offer; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; order; ordinary; original; outside; painful; painter; painting; palmer; paper; parents; paris; particular; parties; passim; passion; passionate; past; paternal; patience; patriotic; peculiar; pecuniary; people; perfect; perfection; person; personal; personality; peter; philistine; philistinism; philosophy; physical; place; plain; pleasant; pleasure; plumpton; poet; poetry; point; political; poor; popular; position; positive; possible; post; poverty; power; powerful; practical; prayers; presence; present; pride; priest; priestly; prince; principle; private; probable; produce; profession; progress; proper; public; pure; purpose; pursuits; qualities; question; quiet; quotation; race; railway; rank; rare; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; reasonable; receiver; recognized; reference; refinement; regard; regret; relations; relationship; religion; religious; remarkable; respect; respectable; respected; result; rich; riches; right; river; roman; rome; room; royal; rudeness; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sad; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; scenery; school; science; scientific; sea; second; seldom; self; sense; sentiment; separate; separation; servants; service; set; severe; sex; share; shelley; short; silence; silent; simple; single; situations; skill; slight; slightest; small; social; society; solitude; sons; space; special; spirit; spite; state; station; story; strangers; strength; strong; stuart; student; studies; study; style; subject; success; superior; superiority; supernatural; supposed; sweet; sympathy; system; talent; talk; talking; taste; temper; tendency; tender; terms; terrible; things; thinking; thought; time; titles; tocqueville; tone; tongue; town; trade; train; training; travel; travelling; trouble; true; trust; truth; turn; tyranny; unable; understood; uneducated; universe; university; utmost; vain; valuable; value; variety; vast; vices; victim; view; virtue; visible; visit; voice; vulgar; want; war; water; way; ways; wealth; wife; wild; william; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; women; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worldly; worship; worst; worth; writer; writing; wrong; xii; xiii; xvii; years; young; youth cache: 43359.txt plain text: 43359.txt item: #117 of 155 id: 43405 author: Eucken, Rudolf title: Ethics and Modern Thought: A Theory of Their Relations date: None words: 19919 flesch: 59 summary: Life in the community must be exalted, and fitted to become the representative of spiritual life. We see something essentially different, wherever spiritual life develops. keywords: able; achievement; action; activity; aim; aims; alien; appears; art; aspiration; autonomy; case; certain; change; character; cohesion; community; conception; conditions; consciousness; conviction; culture; danger; day; decision; development; different; direction; efforts; ego; endeavour; environment; ethical; ethics; eucken; existence; experience; external; fate; forces; forms; gain; good; great; higher; highest; history; human; human life; humanity; idea; importance; impulse; independent; individual; influence; inner; inner life; interest; invisible; life; little; love; man; mankind; means; men; mere; modern; modern life; morality; movement; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; negation; new; new life; new world; old; operation; order; outer; personal; personality; philosophy; plane; position; possession; possible; power; present; preservation; principle; problems; reality; recognition; relation; religion; religious; requirements; science; self; sense; separate; significance; single; social; society; soul; sphere; spiritual; spiritual life; spite; strength; strong; subjective; superior; task; things; thought; time; true; truth; universe; values; visible; way; work; world; york cache: 43405.txt plain text: 43405.txt item: #118 of 155 id: 43439 author: Miller, John Ormsby title: Short Studies in Ethics: An Elementary Text-Book for Schools date: None words: 25400 flesch: 79 summary: It is astonishing what a large number of great men have risen by their own industry to positions of the highest authority and influence. In reading the lives of great men, we see very clearly that they began to acquire the qualities which afterwards distinguished them when they were boys. keywords: able; actions; acts; ambition; attention; bad; benevolence; best; blood; body; boy; boys; brave; business; careful; case; certain; character; children; conscience; control; country; courage; courtesy; daily; danger; day; desire; difficult; dishonesty; drink; duties; duty; easy; effort; energy; england; english; evil; example; exercise; fact; faithful; faithfulness; far; father; fear; feeling; fellow; form; foul; free; friend; friendship; general; gentleman; gentleness; god; good; great; great man; greater; greatest; guilty; habit; hand; hard; hardest; head; heart; help; highest; history; home; honesty; honour; human; impure; industry; justice; kind; labour; language; law; lessons; lie; life; little; lives; living; long; love; lying; man; manly; manners; matter; means; men; mind; modern; moment; money; moral; mother; nature; necessary; need; noble; obedience; old; open; order; parents; patriotism; pay; people; person; personal; physical; place; poet; poor; power; practise; practising; profanity; purity; race; real; reason; reliance; repentance; right; sacred; saying; school; self; sir; sleep; small; soldiers; soul; strength; strong; things; thoughts; time; true; truth; truthfulness; unclean; unselfishness; use; virtue; voice; way; weak; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; wrong; years; young; young man cache: 43439.txt plain text: 43439.txt item: #119 of 155 id: 45387 author: Mangasarian, M. M. (Mangasar Mugurditch) title: Morality Without God A Lecture Delivered Before the Independent Religious Society date: None words: 8237 flesch: 71 summary: If you have no objection, I request that your address be on the following important and timely question: Can there be any morality without a belief in God? If it will be a help to you to know in advance what position I will take on the subject of the proposed addresses, let me say as clearly as I can, that I will try to show that morality is independent of a belief in God or gods, and that, therefore, church attendance is not essential, but that, on the contrary, often church going retards both intellectual and moral progress; and further, that the countries in which a larger proportion of the people go to church, and the Ages of Faith, in which everybody went to church, are and have been, the least moral. keywords: address; anderson; belief; better; bishop; character; christian; christian religion; christianity; church; clergyman; country; creed; darwinism; death; earth; evidence; evil; example; existence; faith; false; fear; future; god; good; great; hall; heaven; hell; hope; human; idea; independent; invitation; jesus; life; little; love; man; men; millions; mind; morality; morning; nature; orchestra; people; position; preacher; protestant; question; religion; religious; rewards; right; subject; sunday; temperance; theologian; theology; things; true; truth; virtue; way; words; world cache: 45387.txt plain text: 45387.txt item: #120 of 155 id: 455 author: Parlette, Ralph Albert title: The University of Hard Knocks date: None words: 38939 flesch: 90 summary: But they have served and overcome and developed great lives with the poor, crude tools at their command. We get life from life, not from laboratories, and we have life more abundantly as our lives touch greater lives. keywords: advantages; afterwhile; america; amusement; apples; audience; bad; bank; barrel; ben; best; better; big; bill; book; boy; boys; bucket; bump; business; busy; care; chance; chapter; chicago; children; city; class; coffee; college; commencement; committee; community; country; cruel; day; days; dead; department; destiny; dinner; dollars; downward; education; effort; experience; eyes; family; father; feet; fine; floor; fly; fool; friends; girl; god; good; gray; great; greater; greatest; greatness; green; gulf; gussie; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; head; heart; help; higher; home; hope; house; human; humanity; inside; interested; jar; jelly; job; joy; kind; knocks; knowing; larger; learning; lecture; lesson; life; little; live; living; long; look; lot; love; lowe; luck; lyceum; man; material; matter; means; men; miles; mill; mind; mississippi; money; moses; mother; mountain; mud; nation; need; needful; needless; new; note; notice; oar; obstacles; office; old; ones; outside; overcoming; page; parlette; past; path; pay; people; person; picture; place; poor; pot; power; president; press; pull; rattle; ready; real; red; rich; right; river; room; round; running; saying; school; sentence; sermon; service; shake; shell; size; small; smaller; songs; sorghum; sorry; south; stage; stand; start; step; story; strength; strings; strong; struggle; study; success; sun; sweet; table; teacher; things; thought; time; today; tomorrow; tools; town; train; trees; trouble; truth; try; turkeys; university; upward; vacation; valley; vision; want; way; wisdom; woman; wonderful; words; work; working; world; years; yesterday; young cache: 455.txt plain text: 455.txt item: #121 of 155 id: 45591 author: Anonymous title: Beadle's Dime Book of Practical Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen Being a Guide to True Gentility and Good-Breeding, and a Complete Directory to the Usages and Observances of Society date: None words: 23328 flesch: 67 summary: The recent fashions of wearing the plumes or feathers of the ostrich, the cock, the capercailzie, the pheasant, the peacock, and kingfisher, in the riding-hats of young ladies, in my humble opinion, are highly to be commended. If any one thing marks a person's bringing up, it is the language used in company; and it may be set down as an almost invariable rule, that any one who uses _slang_ words, who talks loudly and rudely, who utters an oath, or who becomes angered and expresses it, is _no_ gentleman, and has not had good associations. keywords: acquaintance; address; advice; agreeable; arm; attention; bad; ball; beadle; beautiful; bell; better; beware; book; bow; boy; breeding; brief; business; cards; careful; case; ceremony; chapter; character; chess; children; church; circle; coat; common; companion; company; conduct; contents; conversation; course; custom; dance; dancing; darling; day; days; dear; deportment; dime; dinner; door; dress; dresses; easy; etiquette; evening; excuse; exercise; expression; eyes; family; feeling; female; fit; flowers; form; friends; general; gentleman; girl; good; grace; great; guests; habit; hair; half; hand; hat; head; heart; home; host; hour; house; husband; ignorant; ill; improper; introductions; invitation; kind; ladies; lady; language; large; laws; left; letters; life; like; little; long; look; love; man; manner; marriage; married; matter; men; mind; miss; moment; mother; mrs; music; necessary; need; new; note; observances; observed; occasions; offer; old; open; opinion; order; ornaments; page; parents; parties; party; people; person; place; pleasant; politeness; possible; presence; present; private; proper; proprieties; propriety; public; ready; real; regard; relations; remark; respect; riding; right; room; rudeness; rules; sea; seat; self; set; sexes; social; society; song; special; street; study; style; subject; success; table; talk; taste; thee; thing; thursday; time; true; visits; vulgar; walk; want; way; wedding; white; wife; wish; wishes; woman; word; writing; year; young; young man cache: 45591.txt plain text: 45591.txt item: #122 of 155 id: 45641 author: Knott, Laura A. (Laura Anna) title: Vesper Talks to Girls date: None words: 39776 flesch: 76 summary: Just as you embody in yourself the influences that hundreds of other lives have exerted upon you, so others are bearing and will always bear the marks of your influence. But school life, both for teachers and pupils, involves an unusual amount of wear and tear on the nervous system, and hence we should be more careful than others, industrial workers, for example, to see that this strain never becomes unduly severe. keywords: able; age; answer; attitude; best; better; blessings; body; book; business; care; case; certain; change; character; chief; children; circumstances; close; college; common; community; conditions; confidence; constant; control; cost; country; course; danger; daughter; day; days; death; definite; different; difficult; discipline; duties; duty; early; earnest; earth; ease; easy; education; effort; enduring; fact; failure; faith; family; faults; feeling; fellow; fine; form; forward; freedom; friends; friendship; future; generation; girl; god; good; great; greater; greatest; growth; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hardness; health; heart; help; high; higher; highest; history; home; human; ideal; important; individual; influences; inspiration; intellectual; interests; joy; kind; knowledge; labor; lack; larger; law; laws; learning; life; likely; little; lives; living; long; look; love; loyalty; making; man; matter; means; mind; moment; money; moral; mother; nature; necessary; need; new; old; ones; opportunities; opportunity; order; outside; parents; past; path; paul; people; period; person; physical; place; play; pleasure; point; position; possible; power; present; price; privilege; progress; purpose; question; ready; real; reason; regard; resources; respect; responsibility; result; rhythm; rich; right; sacrifice; sake; school; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; service; set; share; small; social; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; spite; strength; strong; struggle; student; study; subject; success; successful; suffering; tasks; teachers; temper; things; thought; time; trouble; true; unhappy; use; vacation; value; view; virtues; want; way; ways; welfare; willing; wise; wish; women; wonder; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; young; young people; youth cache: 45641.txt plain text: 45641.txt item: #123 of 155 id: 46129 author: Spencer, Herbert title: The Data of Ethics date: None words: 93933 flesch: 47 summary: For though the accompanying creed may negative a deliberate shortening of life that is miserable, it cannot justify a gratuitous lengthening of such life. Suppose that each, instead of enjoying such pleasures as come to him, or such consumable appliances to pleasure as he has worked for, or such occasions for pleasure as reward his efforts, relinquishes these to a single other, or adds them to a common stock from which others benefit, what will result? keywords: ability; absence; absolute; abstract; accompanying; account; achievement; actions; activities; activity; acts; actual; adaptation; adapted; adjusted; adjustments; advance; aggregate; aggressions; agreeable; aid; alleged; altruism; altruistic; amounts; analogous; animals; appropriate; aspect; asserted; associated; assumption; attention; authority; average; bad; balance; behavior; beings; belief; beneficial; benefit; best; better; biological; blessedness; blood; bodily; body; business; care; cases; causation; cause; certain; changes; chapter; character; children; circumstances; citizens; civilized; claims; class; clear; code; cold; combined; comes; common; community; complete; complex; compound; compromise; conception; concerned; conciliation; conclusions; concrete; conditions; conduces; conducive; conduct; conformity; connected; connections; consciousness; consequences; consequent; considerable; conspicuous; constituted; constitution; continued; contrast; control; course; creatures; current; daily; day; death; decrease; definite; degree; desires; developed; development; differences; different; diffused; direct; disagreeable; discharge; disregard; distant; distinguished; divine; division; doctrine; duties; duty; early; effects; efforts; egoism; egoistic; elements; emotional; empirical; end; ends; entire; equal; equilibrium; equity; essential; established; ethical; ethics; evils; evolution; evolved; excess; exchange; exercise; existence; existing; exists; experience; extent; external; extreme; fact; factors; faculties; failure; fall; family; far; fear; feelings; fellow; fish; food; form; fulfillment; functions; fundamental; furthering; future; general; general happiness; god; good; goodness; gratification; greater; greatest; greatest happiness; group; growth; guidance; hand; happiness; health; heat; hedonism; help; higher; highest; holds; hour; human; human conduct; hypothesis; ideal; immediate; implication; implying; inadequate; increase; independent; indirect; individual; individual life; industrial; inferior; injurious; injury; intellectual; intelligence; interests; internal; intrinsic; intuition; involved; judgments; justice; kind; kindred; knowledge; known; labor; large; later; law; laws; leading; life; like; limit; little; lives; living; long; longer; loss; lowest; maintaining; maintenance; makes; making; man; manifest; manner; marked; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; members; men; mental; mind; mischiefs; misery; modes; moment; money; moral; moral conduct; moralists; morality; motions; motive; movements; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; needful; needs; negative; nervous; non; normal; note; notion; number; numerous; object; obligation; offspring; operation; order; ordinary; organic; organism; organization; organs; origin; outer; painful; pains; parental; particular; parts; pass; passing; past; people; perfect; perfection; performance; personal; persons; phenomena; physical; physiological; place; pleasurable; pleasures; point; political; positive; possible; power; present; preservation; prey; primary; primitive; principles; private; processes; produce; progress; proper; property; proportion; proximate; public; pure; purpose; pursuit; question; race; range; rational; reach; real; rearing; receipt; received; recognition; regard; relations; relative; religious; remote; representative; requirements; respect; restraints; results; right; rules; sacrifice; satisfactions; savage; science; scientific; second; self; sensations; sense; sentiments; services; set; sets; share; short; simple; single; small; social; social life; societies; society; special; species; spectator; stages; standard; state; strong; structures; study; subject; subordination; substance; successive; suffering; superior; supposed; supreme; surplus; sympathetic; sympathy; system; terms; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; trait; true; truth; types; ultimate; understood; universal; unlike; utilitarianism; vague; varied; view; virtue; vital; war; way; ways; welfare; words; work; world; wrong; yield; young cache: 46129.txt plain text: 46129.txt item: #124 of 155 id: 46777 author: Fletcher, Horace title: Happiness as Found in Forethought Minus Fearthought date: None words: 37788 flesch: 62 summary: Happiness is not dependent upon wealth, and wealth does not necessarily bring happiness, but both are dependent upon _good-habit-of-thought_; for _good-habit-of-thought_ develops _appreciation_, which is the measure of all wealth, and _appreciation_ leads to the _habit-of-feeling_ and the _habit-of-action_ which produce happiness. We will therefore define fear as _an expression of fearthought_. FEARTHOUGHT. keywords: action; afraid; altogether; altruism; altruistic; anger; animals; appreciation; atmosphere; attention; attitude; attraction; author; bad; beautiful; beauty; beginning; best; better; birth; blood; body; book; business; calm; care; cases; cause; certain; change; character; children; christ; christian; civilized; comfort; common; conditions; connection; conscious; consciousness; consideration; constant; contagious; correct; counter; courage; course; creation; cultivation; cure; dark; day; death; desire; deterrents; different; difficult; disagreeable; disapproval; disease; divine; doctor; dread; easier; easy; effect; effective; egotism; element; emotion; end; enemy; energy; environment; epidemic; eradication; evil; evolution; example; experience; experiment; expression; face; fact; false; family; fears; fearthought; feeling; fever; field; flesh; forethought; form; free; freedom; friends; fruit; future; general; god; good; great; greatest; growing; growth; habit; happiness; happy; harmony; hate; health; higher; home; hope; human; idea; ill; important; impressions; incident; individual; influence; intelligence; interest; knowledge; known; law; liar; life; like; little; living; logic; long; love; man; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; menticulture; method; mind; misery; moment; mother; natural; nature; necessary; new; non; normal; note; nutrition; object; old; opportunity; optimism; optimistic; order; pain; parents; passions; past; patient; people; perfect; personal; persons; perverse; pessimism; physical; place; point; possibility; possible; power; powerful; practice; present; principle; process; professor; profitable; progress; protection; pure; purpose; quarantine; question; race; reach; real; reason; relative; religion; respectable; result; right; room; root; science; selection; self; selfishness; separate; service; sewer; sick; simple; social; society; soul; special; spiritual; state; strength; strong; study; subject; success; suggestion; suspicion; sympathy; tap; teachers; teaching; teeth; terror; things; thinking; thoughts; time; tree; trouble; true; useful; uses; value; victim; view; war; water; way; weakness; woman; words; work; world; worry; worst; wrong; yellow; young cache: 46777.txt plain text: 46777.txt item: #125 of 155 id: 4754 author: Jordan, David Starr title: The Philosophy of Despair date: None words: 6942 flesch: 80 summary: Life is only possible under the rare conditions in which life is not destroyed. It was said of Oscar McCulloch, an earnest student of human life, that in whatever part of God's universe he finds himself, he will be a hopeful man, looking forward and not backward, looking upward and not downward, always ready to lend a helping hand, and not afraid to die. keywords: action; best; better; bubbles; day; desire; despair; earth; end; environment; eternal; evolution; experience; expression; fact; failure; forces; form; functions; god; greater; heart; hope; human; impossible; joy; joys; knowledge; life; little; living; long; lost; love; man; natural; nature; nerve; nervous; new; night; pain; past; pessimism; philosophy; place; play; pleasure; power; present; reach; real; reason; sad; science; soul; subjective; things; time; today; truth; turn; ultimate; universe; way; wisdom; world; worth; youth cache: 4754.txt plain text: 4754.txt item: #126 of 155 id: 47993 author: Della Casa, Giovanni title: A Renaissance Courtesy-book: Galateo of Manners & Behaviours date: None words: 34290 flesch: 69 summary: It is no longer the court but the monde about which social life centres, not that other men do not belong to the world (as this author naïvely explains), but because we are concerned solely with that great world which is the home of fashion. For asmuche then, as our maners, have some pleasure in them when we respect other men, and not our owne pleasure: if we diligently searche forthe what those things be, that most men do generally like or dislike: we shall in suche sorte wisely and easily finde out, the meanes & wayes, to choose and eschewe, those fashions and maners, we are to leave or take, to live amongest men. keywords: acquaintance; againe; age; ages; althoughe; alwayes; amongest; apparell; archbishop; asmuche; author; base; bee; beginning; behaviours; beholde; best; better; beware; bishop; bite; blame; bodie; body; book; bycause; calling; care; casa; case; castiglione; century; ceremonies; certaine; charge; chaunce; chaunceth; children; civil; cleane; cleanliness; code; common; companie; company; conceite; concerned; condition; conduct; conversation; counsell; count; countenaunce; countrie; country; courteous; courtesie; courtesy; courts; credite; cunning; curious; custome; dant; day; della; desire; details; discourse; discretion; disdaine; doe; doings; doone; doth; dreames; drinke; eares; effect; ells; els; english; eschewe; example; experience; eyes; face; faire; fall; familiar; fashions; fault; fellowes; fine; fit; follies; foolishe; form; foule; french; friend; galateo; gallant; gentleman; gestures; god; good; good man; good manners; goodnes; grace; greate; hands; hard; hath; head; heare; hee; honest; honour; house; hurt; ill; individual; inough; italian; italy; jestes; judge; keepe; kind; king; knowe; knowledge; lady; language; large; laughe; learne; leave; lesse; let; lie; life; light; like; litle; long; lorde; love; maister; man; maner; manners; mans; matter; meane; meaning; measure; mediaeval; meete; men; men doe; men y^t; mens; mere; middle; minde; mocke; modern; moste; mouth; nature; neede; new; noble; noise; notwithstanding; number; occasion; old; order; otherwhile; owne; parte; passe; people; peradventure; perchaunce; perfect; personal; peterson; place; plaine; pleasaunt; pleasure; point; poore; power; praise; precepts; present; prety; pride; proper; purpose; real; reason; renaissance; respect; rest; reverence; rome; rude; rules; saide; saye; saying; scorne; seeke; selfe; selves; sense; shalbe; shame; shewe; silence; singular; sixteenth; skill; small; social; society; soever; solace; som; sorte; speache; speake; state; suche; sweete; table; talke; taste; taught; thee; therfore; things; thinke; thou; thought; thy; time; titles; tounge; treatise; trifles; true; turne; understanding; unseemely; uppon; use; vaine; venice; version; virtue; w^t; water; way; wee; wee doe; weene; wel; whome; wine; wise; wit; women; woords; wordes; worke; world; worship; worthy; y^e; y^t; young cache: 47993.txt plain text: 47993.txt item: #127 of 155 id: 49263 author: Mortimer, Geoffrey title: The Blight of Respectability An Anatomy of the Disease and a Theory of Curative Treatment date: None words: 26537 flesch: 65 summary: Many men and women make their way to Respectability by putting on side. Many women have confessed to me that they did not understand men till they married one, and many men have said the same concerning women. keywords: advance; art; attack; author; bad; balfour; barbaric; barbarism; belief; best; better; blight; body; book; bourgeois; boys; brain; british; brown; business; career; carlyle; case; cecil; century; certain; chapter; character; charge; chief; children; city; civilisation; civilised; class; classes; clear; commercial; common; community; conduct; congenital; contempt; content; country; course; criticism; culture; darwin; daughters; day; days; decent; desire; diderot; difficult; disease; dress; drummond; dull; easy; economic; endeavour; england; english; esteem; ethical; evil; evolution; example; exercise; eyes; fact; family; fear; feeling; fellow; female; folk; fool; force; form; free; freedom; friend; general; genius; genteel; gentility; gentleman; getting; girls; glorious; god; good; gradual; great; greatest; grundy; habit; hand; hard; hat; healthy; heart; higher; history; hold; home; hope; house; human; humanity; ibsen; ideas; ignorant; important; influence; instances; intellectual; intelligent; john; judgment; kidd; kind; knowledge; ladies; lady; large; law; liberty; lie; life; like; literary; literature; little; lives; living; london; long; look; lord; love; low; main; majority; making; malady; man; manners; marriage; mass; matter; mean; mental; merchant; mere; middle; mind; miserable; modern; money; moral; morality; mrs; muddleton; national; natural; nature; need; neighbours; new; number; old; opinion; order; orthodox; oxford; party; patient; people; person; philistine; philosophy; pickles; place; play; political; poor; position; power; present; professor; progress; proper; pseudo; public; pugsley; question; race; rank; real; reason; religion; religious; reputation; respectability; respectable; respectable man; rest; rich; right; road; room; rule; savage; science; scientific; self; sense; service; set; sex; sexes; sheep; shop; simpkins; simple; small; snobbery; snobbishness; social; society; sons; sort; souls; sound; specific; specimen; spirit; stand; state; street; strong; study; stupid; subject; sunday; system; talk; theory; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; title; town; trade; true; truth; type; tyranny; university; upper; value; views; villadom; vulgar; want; way; wealth; week; white; wholesome; wife; women; wonder; words; work; working; world; worth; writer; years; young; young man; youth cache: 49263.txt plain text: 49263.txt item: #128 of 155 id: 50189 author: Clifford, William Kingdon title: The Scientific Basis of Morals, and Other Essays Viz.: Right and Wrong, The Ethics of Belief, The Ethics of Religion date: None words: 40710 flesch: 61 summary: But in the reflex process we find the first trace of that singular and wonderful judgment by analogy which ascribes to other men a consciousness similar to our own. Suppose we answer, 'I don't want to live together with other men in this complicated way; and so I shall not do as you tell me.' keywords: account; action; agent; answer; approbation; assumption; attention; authority; away; belief; best; better; body; care; cases; catholic; certain; character; children; choice; church; circumstances; class; clear; clergy; common; community; complex; conception; conditions; conduct; conscience; consciousness; countries; country; course; day; deal; definite; definition; desires; determined; different; dislike; doctrine; doubt; dream; duty; emotion; end; ethical; ethics; evidence; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; facts; false; family; father; feeling; free; function; future; general; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; ground; guide; hand; happiness; heaven; help; history; human; humanity; immediate; importance; individual; inference; influence; inquiry; investigation; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; like; little; long; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; maxims; meaning; means; men; mental; mere; method; mind; moment; moral; moral sense; morality; motive; motor; murder; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; number; object; observed; old; ones; order; organized; particular; past; people; person; phenomena; physical; piety; place; pleasure; portion; position; possible; powers; practical; practice; precepts; present; priesthood; process; processes; prophet; public; purpose; question; race; reason; regard; religion; religious; represented; responsibility; responsible; rest; result; right; rule; sake; saying; sciences; scientific; second; selection; self; sense; set; similar; simple; sin; social; society; sort; special; statement; strong; subject; sun; symbol; system; taste; teaching; testimony; things; thought; time; tribal; tribe; true; truth; uniformity; use; view; virtue; voluntary; want; way; ways; word; work; wrong cache: 50189.txt plain text: 50189.txt item: #129 of 155 id: 5068 author: Wilson, Woodrow title: On Being Human date: None words: 6895 flesch: 68 summary: They are meant, it may be, to be pondered; it is hoped, no doubt, they may instruct, or inform, or startle, or arouse, or reform, or provoke, or amuse us; but we read, if we have the true reader's zest and plate, not to grow more knowing, but to be less pent up and bound within a little circle,--as those who take their pleasure, and not as those who laboriously seek instruction,--as a means of seeing and enjoying the world of men and affairs. Some seem written with knowledge of the black art, set our base passions aflame, disclose motives at which we shudder--the more because we feel their reality and power; and we know that this is of the devil, and not the fruitage of any quality that distinguishes us as men. keywords: action; affairs; age; art; balance; beings; books; calm; change; choice; city; clear; confused; course; day; doubt; eyes; field; genial; genuine; genuineness; good; great; human; humanity; humor; image; interest; knowledge; large; life; light; like; little; living; long; love; meaning; men; mere; mind; natural; nature; need; new; old; people; power; purpose; quality; quiet; reflection; scale; self; sense; serenity; set; society; sort; spirit; stage; standards; study; sympathy; things; thought; time; true; view; vision; wholesome; wide; world cache: 5068.txt plain text: 5068.txt item: #130 of 155 id: 5078 author: Wilson, Woodrow title: When a Man Comes to Himself date: None words: 4724 flesch: 66 summary: As a matter of fact, men have never dreamed of wishing to do without the trammels of organized society, for the very good reason that those trammels are in reality but no trammels at all, but indispensable aids and spurs to the attainment of the highest and most enjoyable things man is capable of. He has got rid of earlier prepossessions about the world of men and affairs, both those which were too favorable and those which were too unfavorable--both those of the nursery and those of a young man's reading. keywords: achievement; action; affairs; business; change; end; enthusiasm; exercise; eyes; faculties; fit; good; great; hold; life; little; long; love; man; means; men; mere; mind; money; motive; necessity; new; place; play; powers; purpose; real; right; satisfaction; satisfied; self; sort; spirit; statesman; tasks; thinking; thought; time; true; unselfish; use; way; world cache: 5078.txt plain text: 5078.txt item: #131 of 155 id: 5255 author: Green, Walter Cox title: The Book of Good Manners; a Guide to Polite Usage for All Social Functions date: None words: 52488 flesch: 77 summary: The ushers, best man, and groom may come after the dinner to attend the wedding rehearsal. The ushers, bridesmaids, best man, and maid of honor are generally dispensed with; but if present, their duties are the same as at a church wedding, with minor differences. keywords: acquaintance; address; afternoon; afternoon dress; aisle; appropriate; arm; bachelors; ball; bearers; best; best man; black; bow; breakfast; bride; bridesmaids; business; calling; calls; cards; care; carriage; case; ceremony; chaperone; church; clergyman; congratulations; conversation; corner; couple; customary; dance; dancing; date; daughter; day; days; dear; debutante; desires; details; dinner; door; dress; ends; engagement; engraved; entertainment; envelope; escort; evening; evening dress; family; farewell; father; fee; flowers; follow; formal; friends; funerals; gift; gloves; good; groom; guests; hand; hat; high; home; honor; honorable; hostess; hour; house; husband; intimate; introductions; invitations; john; kent; lady; large; leave; left; letter; lord; luncheons; madam; mail; man; married; men; messenger; miss; mother; mourning; mrs; names; near; necessary; need; note; obedient; official; opera; pall; parents; parties; party; patronesses; permission; person; personal; place; possible; present; procession; proper; public; receiving; reception; relatives; return; right; seat; secretary; servant; shake; sir; small; social; special; stand; street; suitable; supper; table; taste; teas; theatre; time; trip; ushers; visit; way; wear; wedding; week; white; wife; wilson; wishes; woman; words; year; young; younger cache: 5255.txt plain text: 5255.txt item: #132 of 155 id: 56306 author: James, George Wharton title: Living the Radiant Life: A Personal Narrative date: None words: 70303 flesch: 73 summary: Other men impress you in a moment as untruthful, dishonorable, and unreliable. The man who thinks only as other men think, dares act only as other men act, is as a babe in swaddling clothes, helpless, dependent. keywords: 8vo; able; action; active; acts; afraid; air; american; animals; appearance; appetite; appreciation; arizona; army; aspirations; assurance; attention; attitude; aura; away; bad; battle; beautiful; beauty; beings; belief; benefit; best; better; birds; birth; black; blessed; blessing; body; books; boy; boys; brave; brotherhood; brothers; browning; business; california; calm; care; case; certain; change; chapter; character; cheerfulness; children; christ; christian; church; circumstances; cities; city; claim; clear; cloth; cold; color; common; complete; conceit; conditions; conflict; contact; contemporaneous; content; contentment; control; country; courage; creator; crown; cruel; cry; daily; danger; dangerous; daring; darkness; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; delicate; delight; demands; desert; desire; determined; development; different; discontent; divine; doors; doubt; duty; earth; easy; effect; effort; employers; endeavor; energy; england; english; equal; eternal; evil; exercise; experience; expression; exquisite; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; family; far; fashion; father; fear; fearless; fearlessness; feeling; feet; fellow; fire; flowers; following; food; foolish; force; form; forward; freedom; friend; fun; future; gain; gentle; george; glad; glorious; glory; god; gold; good; goodness; government; grand; grass; great; greater; greatest; ground; growth; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; health; heart; hearted; heaven; hell; help; helpful; helpless; heroes; heroism; high; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honor; hope; hours; house; human; humanity; humor; hunger; husband; ideas; ignorant; illustrated; illustrations; important; independence; indian; individuality; influence; inspiration; interest; joaquin; john; joy; joys; judgment; justice; kind; king; knowledge; labor; large; laugh; law; laws; lead; leader; leaves; lesson; life; like; lines; little; live; living; london; long; look; looking; lost; love; making; man; mankind; mark; material; matter; means; men; mental; mere; miles; miller; millions; mind; minister; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; mountains; movement; multiplication; music; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; net; new; noble; observation; ocean; office; old; ones; open; opportunity; optimism; order; ordinary; outside; pages; pain; passion; past; pay; people; perfect; personal; physical; picture; pity; place; pleasure; poem; poet; poor; position; possible; power; powerful; practical; presence; present; president; principles; privilege; progress; protest; public; pure; purity; purpose; quality; question; quiet; race; radiancies; radiancy; radiant; radiate; radiating; radiation; rare; reaching; readiness; reading; ready; real; rebellion; rebuke; red; refined; regard; religion; religious; rest; result; rich; right; rise; river; rough; rule; sail; satisfaction; satisfied; school; science; scientific; sea; seat; second; secret; seeing; self; selfishness; sense; sensitive; serenity; service; set; short; shows; simple; sin; sincere; sincerity; sins; slave; sleep; small; snake; snow; society; sorrow; soul; source; speaking; special; spirit; spiritual; spite; stand; stars; state; step; story; strange; street; strength; striving; strong; study; subject; success; suffering; sun; sunshine; sure; sweet; sweetness; sympathy; system; theirs; things; thought; thousands; thrilled; time; touch; trees; tremendous; true; truth; turn; united; unselfish; unworthy; use; varied; vast; vigorous; vivid; voice; walk; walt; want; war; watch; way; weak; weary; welcome; west; white; whitman; wide; wild; willed; willing; wisdom; wise; women; wonderful; words; work; world; worth; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 56306.txt plain text: 56306.txt item: #133 of 155 id: 56721 author: Guthrie, Malcolm (Writer on Herbert Spencer) title: On Mr. Spencer's Data of Ethics date: None words: 36487 flesch: 47 summary: To say that when men act ethically they act from egoism is only to include ethical action in a statement of a more general biological law, and takes the mind off from the special ethical study altogether. This certainly accords to the subjective factor a commanding position in the physical action of organisms; it also implies a foresight of the results of actions, and a certain degree of advance in psychology but throws no light upon the lower stages of biological action. keywords: absolute; account; actions; activities; acts; actual; adaptation; adjustment; altruism; altruistic; aspect; assertion; attempt; authority; bad; basis; best; biological; biological law; biology; case; causation; causes; certain; changes; chapter; character; chemical; complete; complex; conception; concomitant; conditions; conduct; consciousness; consequent; consideration; continuance; continuous; correspondences; cosmical; course; darwin; data; deductive; definite; degree; determined; determining; developed; development; different; education; egoism; emotional; ends; environment; equilibration; equilibrium; essential; established; establishment; ethical; ethics; evolution; existence; explanation; external; factors; feeling; forces; form; formula; free; functions; fundamental; future; general; good; gradual; great; greater; growth; heredity; highest; histories; history; human; humanity; ideal; imperative; increase; individual; influence; inner; intellectual; interest; internal; kind; knowledge; large; law; laws; life; like; limited; limits; line; little; lives; living; long; makes; man; manner; matter; means; mechanical; mind; moral; morality; motions; motive; moving; mutual; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; object; obligation; offspring; operation; order; organic; organism; origin; original; outer; pain; particular; personal; phenomena; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; place; pleasure; point; possible; power; practical; present; preservation; pressure; principles; problem; process; processes; progress; proper; psychological; purposed; quantitative; question; rational; read; reason; recognition; regard; relations; relative; result; right; rule; science; scientific; scope; self; sense; set; simple; social; society; solar; special; species; spencer; state; statement; structure; study; subjective; surroundings; sympathies; sympathy; system; terms; theories; theory; things; thought; time; treatment; true; ultimate; universe; value; view; way; welfare; work; world cache: 56721.txt plain text: 56721.txt item: #134 of 155 id: 5681 author: Unknown title: The Laws of Etiquette; Or, Short Rules and Reflections for Conduct in Society date: None words: 22156 flesch: 70 summary: Do not presume, as some do, to found expectations of favour or promotion from great men who profess themselves your obliged servant. Such men go through scenes of pleasure, enjoying nothing. keywords: abb; acquaintance; affectation; agreeable; arm; attention; awkward; ball; best; better; bow; breeding; brummel; business; care; carriage; case; ceremony; certain; chapter; character; coach; common; company; compliment; conduct; conversation; country; course; cravat; custom; day; delicate; different; dinner; distinction; door; drawing; dress; ease; easy; england; entire; error; etiquette; fact; fashion; fashionable; flattery; fork; forms; france; french; friends; general; gentleman; good; grave; great; greater; guests; habit; hand; highest; host; hour; house; ignorance; importance; indispensable; intercourse; intimate; invitation; johnson; kind; knife; knowledge; ladies; lady; language; leave; letters; life; literary; little; long; love; man; manner; master; matters; men; mind; moment; morning; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; object; occasion; old; opinion; order; ordinary; paper; parlour; particular; party; perfect; persons; piece; place; pleased; point; politeness; political; possible; present; pretensions; proper; propriety; public; purpose; qualities; rank; real; refined; remark; reply; reputation; respectable; rest; room; seat; self; sense; servant; sir; social; society; sort; standing; street; style; subject; table; things; think; time; visit; vulgar; wine; wit; women; world; young cache: 5681.txt plain text: 5681.txt item: #135 of 155 id: 57260 author: Mandeville, Bernard title: The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits date: None words: 221634 flesch: 56 summary: It would be difficult to name a king, or other great man, in very ancient times, who attempted to govern an infant nation that laid no claim to some commerce or other with an invisible power, either held by himself or his ancestors. But let us grant that the eyes of the mobility are to be dazzled with a gaudy outside; if virtue was the chief delight of great men, why should their extravagance be extended to things not understood by the mob, and wholly removed from public view, I mean their private diversions, the pomp and luxury of the dining-room and the bed-chamber, and the curiosities of the closet? keywords: abilities; able; abominable; abundance; account; actions; administration; advanced; advantage; adversaries; affairs; affected; affection; afraid; age; ages; agreeable; aim; ambition; ancient; anger; angry; animals; answer; appearance; appetites; applause; application; apprehension; argument; arms; art; artful; ashamed; assertion; assistance; attention; author; authority; avarice; aversion; bad; bare; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; beer; bees; beg; beginning; behalf; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bids; birth; blessing; blood; boast; bodies; body; book; brain; business; calamities; calling; capable; capacity; care; cause; certain; chance; character; charge; charity; chief; children; choice; christian; church; circumstances; civility; civilized; class; cleo; cleomenes; clergy; clothes; cold; come; comforts; commandment; commerce; common; company; compass; compassion; compliment; compound; conceal; conceive; concern; condition; conquest; conscience; conscious; consequence; considerable; consideration; conspicuous; constitution; contempt; content; contented; continual; contrary; contrivance; conversation; convinced; cost; countries; country; courage; court; covetous; creatures; crimes; cruel; cry; cunning; curious; custom; daily; day; days; dead; deal; death; defence; degree; deity; delight; denial; design; desire; despise; destitute; destruction; dialogue; die; different; difficult; dignity; discipline; discourse; diversion; divine; doctrine; doubt; dozen; dress; drink; drinking; duty; early; earnest; earth; ease; easy; economy; education; effect; employment; encouraged; endeavour; endeavouring; enemies; england; enjoy; enjoyment; envy; equal; equivalent; established; esteem; esteemed; europe; evident; evil; example; excellency; excessive; exercise; existence; expence; experience; express; extraordinary; extravagant; eyes; face; faculty; fall; false; families; family; fancy; fashionable; father; fault; favour; fear; felicity; fellow; figure; fine; fire; fish; fit; flattery; flourishing; following; folly; fond; food; foot; force; foreign; form; fortune; frailties; frailty; frame; free; friends; friendship; frugality; furniture; future; gain; general; generality; generation; generous; genius; gentleman; glad; glory; god; gods; gold; good; good man; goodness; government; grand; gratitude; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; ground; grown; growth; guilty; half; hand; handsome; happen; happiness; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; height; help; hide; high; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hive; hold; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; hor; horatio; horses; hours; house; human; humanity; humble; humility; humour; hunger; hypocrisy; ideas; idle; ignorance; ignorant; ill; imaginable; imaginary; impartial; impossible; impression; improvements; impudence; inclinations; increase; individual; indolent; industrious; industry; infancy; infants; inferior; infinite; influence; innocence; innumerable; instance; instinct; interest; invention; invisible; inward; jest; judge; judgment; justice; kingdom; knowing; knowledge; known; laborious; labour; lady; land; language; large; laugh; laws; learned; learning; leave; left; length; liberty; life; like; limbs; line; lion; little; live; livelihood; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; lordship; loss; love; low; lowest; lust; luxury; main; makes; making; malice; man; management; manifest; mankind; manner; manufactures; masters; matter; mean; meanest; meaning; meet; men; merchant; merit; method; middling; mighty; mind; ministers; mischief; miserable; misfortunes; mixture; modesty; moment; money; moral; moses; motion; motive; multiplicity; multitudes; names; nation; national; natural; nature; nay; near; necessaries; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; neighbour; new; noble; noise; notice; notions; number; objects; obvious; occasion; odious; offensive; officers; offspring; old; ones; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; opposite; order; origin; original; outward; pains; painting; pardon; parents; parish; particular; parts; passion; patience; pay; peculiar; people; perfection; performance; persons; piece; pity; place; plain; play; pleased; pleasure; plenty; point; politeness; pomp; poor; possessions; posterity; pounds; poverty; power; powerful; practice; praise; pray; precept; present; preservation; pretended; pretty; prey; pride; princes; principal; principle; private; probability; probable; procure; prodigious; produce; profession; promise; proper; property; proportion; proud; providence; prudence; prudent; public; purchase; purpose; qualifications; qualities; quality; quantity; quarrel; question; quiet; rate; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; refined; reflection; regard; relation; religion; religious; remark; remote; reputation; require; resolution; respect; result; reverence; reverse; rich; riches; ridiculous; right; room; ruin; rules; run; safety; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; saw; saying; scheme; schools; sciences; sea; second; secret; self; selfishness; sense; sensible; sentiments; servants; service; serviceable; set; sets; sex; shame; ships; shocking; shop; signs; silly; silver; sincere; sincerity; single; skill; sloth; small; sociable; sociableness; social; societies; society; soever; soldiers; solicitous; sooner; sorry; sort; soul; sound; speaking; species; speech; spirit; spite; state; stir; stock; stone; strange; strangers; strength; stress; strict; strong; strongest; studied; study; subject; sublime; subsist; substance; sufficient; superior; superiority; superlative; supply; support; suspect; symptoms; system; talk; taste; taught; temper; tendency; theirs; thing; thinking; thirst; thought; thousands; throw; time; tolerable; tools; touch; trade; treasure; trouble; troublesome; true; truth; turn; uncommon; understanding; uneasy; universal; universe; unknown; untaught; use; useful; utmost; vain; valuable; value; vanity; variety; vast; vices; vicious; view; violence; violent; virtue; virtuous; vulgar; want; war; wars; water; way; ways; wealth; week; welfare; wicked; wife; wild; wild man; willing; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; wit; women; wonder; words; work; working; world; worldly; worse; worth; wretches; writing; wrong; years; young; youth; zeal cache: 57260.txt plain text: 57260.txt item: #136 of 155 id: 5775 author: Drake, Durant title: Problems of Conduct: An Introductory Survey of Ethics date: None words: 141159 flesch: 62 summary: The inclemency's of nature and the enmity of the beasts and other men kill more often the less moral than the more moral. Socrates drinking the hemlock, Jesus dying in agony on the cross, Regulus returning to be tortured at Carthage, were deliberately sacrificing their personal welfare for the good of other men. keywords: ability; able; abnormal; absolute; abstract; accepted; account; achievement; action; activity; acts; actual; addams; addition; adequate; adjustment; advance; advantage; affairs; aim; alcohol; alcoholic; allegiance; alternative; altruistic; american; ancient; animals; answer; apparent; appeal; application; approval; arguments; arnold; art; ask; aspect; association; atlantic; attack; attainment; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; average; bad; badness; ballot; base; basis; battle; bearing; beautiful; beauty; best; better; big; blame; blind; blood; bodily; body; book; boys; brain; break; brief; broken; buildings; burden; business; calls; campaign; candidate; capital; care; carlyle; cases; categorical; cause; century; certain; chance; chaos; chap; chapter; character; chastity; check; chief; children; choice; christian; church; cities; citizen; city; civilization; claims; class; classes; clear; code; college; comfort; command; commission; common; community; competition; competitors; complete; complex; concentration; conception; concerned; concrete; condemnation; conditions; conduct; conflict; conscience; conscientious; conscientiousness; conscious; consciousness; consequences; considerable; consideration; constant; contemporary; content; continual; continued; contrast; control; conventional; conviction; cooperation; corporations; correct; corruption; cost; country; courage; course; craving; crime; criminal; criterion; criticism; crude; cruelty; culture; custom; cut; daily; danger; dangerous; data; day; days; death; deep; deeper; defects; definite; definition; degree; delicate; delight; demands; democracy; dependent; desirable; desire; development; dewey; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; direction; discussion; disease; distrust; divorce; doctrine; dollars; doubt; drinking; duties; duty; earlier; early; earnest; earnings; easier; easy; economic; economy; education; effects; efficiency; effort; elements; emerson; emotional; emotions; employees; end; endeavor; ends; enemies; enemy; energies; energy; enjoyment; enormous; enthusiasm; environment; equal; equality; escape; essays; ethical; ethics; europe; european; evil; evolution; exact; example; excellent; excitement; exercise; existence; expense; experience; experiments; expert; expression; extent; external; extreme; extrinsic; eyes; face; fact; factors; failure; fair; fall; familiar; family; far; father; fear; feeble; feeling; fellows; felt; field; final; fine; fixed; follow; following; food; foolish; footnote; forces; foreign; form; fortunes; fostered; foundation; free; freedom; friction; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; gambling; game; general; generation; genius; getting; girls; goal; god; gods; good; goodness; government; grave; great; greater; greatest; ground; group; grown; growth; guidance; guide; habit; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harm; harmful; health; heart; help; high; higher; history; hold; home; honest; honor; hope; hours; houses; human; human happiness; human life; humanity; husband; ideals; ignorance; iii; ill; ills; imagination; immediate; immoral; imperative; imperious; important; improvement; impulses; inclination; income; increase; individual; individualism; indulgence; industrial; industry; inevitable; influence; inheritance; injustice; inner; innocent; insight; instinct; instinctive; institutions; intellectual; intelligent; interesting; interests; international; intrinsic; inward; james; jane; journal; joy; joys; judge; judgment; justice; justifiable; justification; justified; kant; knowledge; known; labor; laborers; lack; land; language; large; lasting; later; law; laws; laziness; leaving; legal; legislation; legitimate; lesser; lesson; level; liberty; lies; life; like; likely; line; liquor; literature; little; living; local; long; longer; longings; loss; lost; love; loyalty; lure; lust; luxury; machinery; main; maintain; majority; making; man; managers; mankind; manners; marked; marriage; masses; material; matter; matthew; meaning; means; measure; mechanism; medical; members; memory; men; mental; mere; method; mill; mind; moderate; modern; moment; money; monopoly; monthly; morality; morals; mother; motives; motto; movement; municipal; music; mutual; national; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; need; needless; neighbors; new; newspapers; noble; non; normal; number; obedience; objective; objects; observation; obstacles; obvious; office; officials; offspring; old; open; opinion; opportunities; opportunity; opposing; order; organic; organization; organized; origin; ought; outlook; outward; owners; oyster; pain; parents; particular; parties; party; passion; past; patriotism; paulsen; pay; peace; penalties; penalty; people; perils; permanent; personal; personal morality; perverted; phases; philosophy; phrase; physical; pictures; places; plan; plato; play; pleasant; pleasure; poetry; point; policy; political; politics; poor; popular; population; position; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; potentialities; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; present; pressure; pretty; prey; price; primitive; principles; private; problems; process; produce; production; professional; professor; profits; progress; prohibition; proper; proportion; prosperity; prostitutes; prostitution; proved; provide; provision; prudence; psychological; psychology; public; public morality; pull; punishment; pure; purpose; pursuit; push; putting; quarterly; question; race; racial; railway; range; rate; reach; read; real; reality; realization; reason; recent; recognition; recreation; reference; reform; regard; relations; relative; religion; religious; remedy; representative; resistance; resources; responsibility; responsible; restraint; result; return; revenue; review; rich; right; righteousness; risk; rooted; rules; run; sacrifice; safe; saints; sake; sane; santayana; satisfaction; satisfying; savage; save; saving; scale; scheme; school; scientific; seager; sec; second; secs; secure; seeking; selection; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; sensitive; serves; service; set; sex; sexual; share; shows; similar; simple; simplicity; single; sins; situation; skill; slight; small; social; social life; social morality; socialism; society; solution; sort; soul; sound; source; special; species; specific; speech; spencer; spirit; spiritual; spite; stable; stages; standards; state; statement; step; stevenson; stimulus; stock; street; strength; strong; stronger; struggle; studies; study; subject; success; successful; suffering; suggestion; sums; superficial; supply; support; survival; sympathy; system; tariff; task; taussig; tax; temper; temperance; temptation; tendency; terms; theories; theory; things; thought; thousands; time; today; tolstoy; total; town; trade; training; treatment; tribal; tribe; trouble; true; trust; truth; truthfulness; tufts; type; tyranny; ultimate; underlying; unearned; unfair; unhappy; united; universal; unscrupulous; unselfish; upper; use; useful; usefulness; valuable; value; vast; vicious; view; vii; viii; virtue; vision; voice; vol; vote; voting; wages; want; war; warner; wars; waste; way; ways; weak; welfare; wholesome; wider; widespread; wife; william; willingness; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; women; won; words; work; workers; working; world; worse; worth; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: 5775.txt plain text: 5775.txt item: #137 of 155 id: 58136 author: Pitt-Rivers, George Henry Lane Fox title: Conscience & Fanaticism: An Essay on Moral Values date: None words: 29155 flesch: 47 summary: Are we sure, asks a French author, that the ideas which flow from great men of genius are exclusively their own work? That is to say, that since moral values are eternally valid, independently of man's capacity to be conscious of them, they can only have existence in the one eternal mind.[2] The purpose of this essay is to offer a different solution. keywords: account; action; appreciation; aspect; assertion; attempt; attitude; authority; autosuggestion; basis; beliefs; best; better; body; capable; case; certain; character; child; church; circumstances; clear; code; common; community; conclusion; conditions; conduct; connexion; conscience; consciousness; contrary; control; cosmic; country; course; day; desirable; desire; development; different; direction; distinction; divine; doubt; duty; effect; elements; emotional; emotions; ends; environment; essentials; ethical; ethics; evil; existence; experience; explanation; fact; factors; faith; false; fanaticism; fear; feeling; following; force; form; formation; free; fundamental; general; genius; god; good; great; greater; greatest; habits; haeckel; hand; happiness; heredity; highest; history; hudson; human; hypnotic; hypnotism; hypothesis; ideas; illustration; importance; impulse; increase; independent; individual; influence; inherent; instance; instinct; instinctive; intellectual; intelligence; interests; james; judgment; knowledge; known; law; laws; life; little; long; love; man; masses; matter; meaning; means; memory; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; modern; moral; moral judgment; moral values; morality; motive; nature; nearer; necessary; need; new; normal; object; obligation; old; opinion; organic; origin; particular; passage; past; people; personality; phenomena; physical; place; play; point; position; possible; power; present; press; primary; principle; problem; processes; professor; progress; proportion; psychic; psychological; psychology; public; purpose; quality; quantity; question; rational; real; reality; realization; reason; recent; recognition; regard; relation; religion; religious; resistance; respect; responsibility; result; richardson; right; rule; school; self; sense; simple; social; soul; standard; state; statement; subjective; subjective mind; subjects; sufficient; suggestion; symbols; system; tendencies; tendency; terms; theory; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; universal; use; utilitarian; utility; validity; valuation; value; view; voice; ward; way; women; words; world; writers; years cache: 58136.txt plain text: 58136.txt item: #138 of 155 id: 60422 author: Dewey, John title: Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics date: None words: 59911 flesch: 64 summary: Such interests are the union of the subjective element, the self, and the objective, the special relations to be realized (Sec. XXXIV), and thus necessarily produce a right and healthy attitude towards moral ends. Some writers would call the æsthetic feelings, the feelings of beauty, of harmony, which gather about moral ends adventitious. keywords: --see; absolute; abstract; abstraction; account; acting; action; active; activities; activity; acts; actual; adjustment; agent; alexander; analysis; animal; attempt; authority; bad; badness; bain; bare; basis; benevolence; bentham; better; bradley; capable; capacity; case; certain; change; character; child; circumstances; common; community; complete; conceived; conception; concrete; conditions; conduct; conflict; conscience; conscientiousness; consciousness; consequences; content; course; criterion; criticism; demands; desirable; desire; different; direct; disposition; doctrine; duty; effects; element; end; ends; environment; ethical; ethics; evident; evil; evolution; example; exercise; existence; exists; experience; expression; external; faith; family; feeling; fixed; force; form; freedom; function; general; getting; good; good man; goodness; greatest; green; growth; hand; happiness; having; hedonism; hedonistic; higher; human; ideal; identity; immediate; immoral; impulse; individual; individuality; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; interest; intrinsic; judgment; kant; kantian; kind; knowledge; larger; law; laws; life; love; makes; man; material; matter; meaning; means; member; mere; mill; mind; moral; moral action; moral activity; moral conduct; moral end; moral law; moral life; moral value; morality; motive; movement; moving; natural; nature; necessary; needs; new; object; objective; obligation; order; ordinary; ought; outside; pain; particular; past; performance; person; philosophy; physical; place; pleasure; point; possession; possibility; possible; power; practical; practice; present; principle; private; problem; proper; psychology; quality; question; rational; real; realization; realizing; reason; recognition; reference; regard; relation; relationships; respect; result; right; rule; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; saying; scientific; sec; self; sense; service; set; situation; social; society; sort; special; specific; spencer; spirit; standard; state; statement; struggle; subject; sum; surroundings; system; taking; term; theories; theory; thing; thought; time; true; truth; unity; universal; use; utilitarianism; value; view; virtue; vol; wants; way; welfare; work; world; wrong cache: 60422.txt plain text: 60422.txt item: #139 of 155 id: 60484 author: Washington, Booker T. title: Character Building Being Addresses Delivered on Sunday Evenings to the Students of Tuskegee Institute date: None words: 56931 flesch: 73 summary: When other people were failing in all parts of the country, the evidence of this man's character, his regard for truth and honest dealing, caused money to come into his bank when it was being withdrawn from others. You can get the most out of this Conference by putting into practice this effort to make other people happy. keywords: able; account; addresses; answer; ask; attention; bank; beautiful; believe; best; better; black; body; books; boy; building; business; capacity; care; cases; certain; character; church; cities; city; class; clean; clothes; coloured; coloured people; comfortable; community; condition; confidence; contact; country; course; dark; day; days; deal; degree; department; different; direction; discouraged; districts; dollars; dress; duty; education; effort; encouraging; end; evening; example; fact; family; far; food; forward; foundation; friends; future; general; gentleman; getting; good; great; greatest; gwine; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; having; head; heart; help; high; higher; highest; hold; home; honest; hope; hour; house; idea; ignorant; important; individual; industrial; influence; institution; interest; kind; labour; land; large; learning; lessons; life; like; likely; little; lives; living; long; making; man; manner; matter; mean; men; mind; minutes; mistake; money; months; morning; mother; nature; need; negro; new; number; o'clock; opportunity; order; parents; pay; people; person; place; point; poor; position; possible; present; problem; proper; property; proportion; public; purpose; question; race; religion; reputation; respect; responsibility; result; right; room; saw; school; school life; sense; service; set; shoes; simple; small; south; southern; spirit; stand; state; stay; strong; students; study; subject; success; successful; sunday; support; sure; talk; teachers; temptation; things; thought; time; town; training; true; truth; tuskegee; useful; value; way; week; white; wish; women; work; world; worth; year; young; young man; young people cache: 60484.txt plain text: 60484.txt item: #140 of 155 id: 6101 author: Palmer, George Herbert title: The Nature of Goodness date: None words: 43718 flesch: 73 summary: There are about as many good things in the world as good persons, and we are obliged to speak of them about as often. We employ in it the apparatus of conscious life. keywords: account; action; acts; actual; adjustment; affair; agencies; aim; attention; aware; beginning; beings; best; better; body; book; brutes; business; calls; care; case; central; certain; change; chapter; character; child; clear; common; complete; conception; conditions; conduct; conjunct; consciousness; consequence; construction; control; course; curious; cut; day; definition; degree; desire; development; diagram; different; difficulty; direction; discussion; distinction; early; earth; easy; effort; elements; end; entire; environment; ethical; ethics; evil; example; excellence; existence; experience; expression; extent; external; extrinsic; face; fact; familiar; far; farther; field; figure; fixed; forces; form; formation; friend; fullness; functions; future; gain; glorious; goal; good; goodness; great; greater; ground; guidance; hand; hard; higher; hold; house; human; ideal; iii; important; individual; influence; inner; instincts; intention; interest; intrinsic; john; judgment; kind; knife; knowledge; large; left; life; light; like; little; lives; long; longer; loss; lower; makes; making; man; mark; material; matter; meaning; means; mental; mere; mind; mode; moment; moral; motion; multitude; music; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; object; occasion; office; order; organic; organism; organization; outer; outside; parts; past; peculiar; people; person; personal; personality; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plan; point; possibilities; possible; powers; praise; present; process; progress; purpose; qualities; rational; reach; readers; ready; reality; reason; reference; reflex; regard; relations; remains; result; room; sacrifice; sake; science; second; section; seed; self; sense; separate; set; significance; similar; simple; single; small; social; society; sort; special; spiritual; stage; stone; strange; structure; study; sure; swift; table; talk; terms; things; thought; time; tree; true; truth; turn; unconscious; universe; unlike; use; view; vii; viii; volition; want; watch; water; way; wide; wish; work; world; worth; years cache: 6101.txt plain text: 6101.txt item: #141 of 155 id: 6463 author: Fullerton, George Stuart title: A Handbook of Ethical Theory date: None words: 98779 flesch: 66 summary: Such men live in an atmosphere of agitation. The boldest and most gifted of thinkers, who have not hesitated to call into being Utopian schemes for an ideal state, such men as Plato and More, have thought that the ideal state must have a religion. keywords: acceptance; accepted; accident; account; action; acts; actual; admit; advance; advantage; aim; aims; ancient; animals; apparent; appeal; approach; appropriate; argument; aristotle; attainment; attempt; attention; attitude; authority; average; bad; basis; bear; beings; beliefs; benevolence; bentham; best; better; blind; body; book; broad; broader; brutes; butler; capable; capacities; capacity; case; centuries; century; certain; chapter; character; characteristic; children; choice; christian; church; citizens; civilization; civilized; claim; class; classes; cleanliness; clear; codes; common; communities; community; complete; comprehensive; conceives; conception; concerned; conditions; conduct; conflict; conscience; conscious; consciousness; consequences; consideration; constitution; content; control; country; course; creature; crime; criminal; custom; day; decisions; definite; degree; deliberate; deliberation; demands; desirable; desire; detail; developed; development; differences; different; difficult; direction; dispute; distinction; distribution; diverse; doctrine; dogmatic; dominant; duties; duty; easy; effort; egoism; egoistic; elements; emotions; end; endeavor; ends; enlightened; enlightenment; environment; equal; ethical; ethics; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; example; exercise; existence; experience; expression; face; fact; family; far; feeling; fellow; field; following; food; footnote; forces; forms; free; freedom; fundamental; future; general; goal; god; good; good man; government; great; greater; greatest; green; ground; group; guide; habits; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; hegel; help; higher; history; holding; human; human nature; humanity; ibid; ideal; identical; ignorance; iii; important; impulses; inclined; increase; independent; individual; influence; information; instance; instincts; institutions; intellectual; intelligence; intention; interests; international; intuitions; judge; judgment; justice; kant; kind; know; knowledge; later; law; laws; legislation; lesser; level; lie; life; like; limited; limits; little; lives; living; london; long; look; love; lower; making; man; mankind; manner; marked; material; matter; maxims; means; measure; members; men; mere; methods; mill; mind; modern; moment; moral; moral law; moral man; moralists; morality; motive; multitude; nations; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbor; new; nietzsche; normal; number; object; objection; obligation; old; open; opinion; order; organization; organized; origin; pain; particular; past; pattern; peoples; perceptional; perfection; permanent; persons; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; place; plato; play; pleasure; point; political; politics; position; possess; possible; practical; present; primitive; principle; problem; process; prolegomena; proof; proper; property; psychic; psychologist; psychology; public; punishment; purpose; qualities; question; race; rational; rational social; rationality; reader; reading; ready; realization; reason; reasonable; recognition; reference; reflection; regard; relations; release; religion; religious; resentment; result; rich; right; rise; rule; sacrifice; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; savage; save; scale; schools; science; scientific; sec; seeking; self; selfish; sense; series; service; set; setting; share; sidgwick; significance; simple; single; small; social; social man; social order; social state; societies; society; sort; sphere; stages; standard; standpoint; state; step; strive; strong; struggle; study; subject; suffering; sympathy; system; task; tendency; tension; terms; theory; things; thomas; thought; time; touching; true; truth; turn; type; ultimate; use; useful; utilitarian; utilitarianism; value; veracity; view; viii; virtues; virtuous; voice; volition; volume; voluntary; wants; war; way; ways; wealth; westermarck; wider; willing; wills; wish; word; work; worth; writers; wrong; years cache: 6463.txt plain text: 6463.txt item: #142 of 155 id: 7019 author: None title: For Auld Lang Syne: A Book of Friendship date: None words: 11824 flesch: 92 summary: But we may go farther and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude, to want true friends, without which the world is but a wilderness. Into life's bitter cup true friendship drops Balsamic sweets to overpower the gall; True friends, like ivy and the wall it props, Both stand together, or together fall. keywords: --_bacon; --_cicero; --_emerson; --_la; --_pope; --_seneca; --_shakespeare; --_tennyson; --_thoreau; adversity; affection; age; beloved; best; better; bond; breast; care; comfort; common; companions; day; dear; ease; esteem; eye; face; fair; faithful; feeling; fellowship; fire; force; fortune; friendship; fruit; generous; god; gold; good; great; greatest; grief; hand; happiness; heart; heaven; honest; honor; house; human; joy; joys; kindness; life; light; like; little; lives; love; loving; making; man; measure; men; mere; mind; nature; need; new; noble; old; pain; passions; people; perfect; persons; place; pleasure; power; present; pride; prosperity; pure; rare; real; rich; self; sorrow; soul; springs; strong; summer; sun; sweet; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; time; tis; tree; true; true friend; true friendship; truth; virtue; warm; way; wise; words; world; worth; years; young cache: 7019.txt plain text: 7019.txt item: #143 of 155 id: 7539 author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of title: Quotes and Images from Chesterfield's Letters to His Son date: None words: 4854 flesch: -114 summary: I know myself (no common piece of knowledge, let me tell you) I CANNOT DO SUCH A THING I, who am not apt to know anything that I do not know Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds If free from the guilt, be free from the suspicion, too If you would convince others, seem open to conviction yourself If I don't mind his orders he won't mind my draughts If you will persuade, you must first please If once we quarrel, I will never forgive Ignorant of their natural rights, cherished their chains Impertinent insult upon custom and fashion Improve yourself with the old, divert yourself with the young Inaction at your age is unpardonable Inattention Inattentive, absent; and distrait Inclined to be fat, but I hope you will decline it Incontinency of friendship among young fellows Indiscriminate familiarity Indiscriminately loading their memories with every part alike Indolence Indolently say that they cannot do Infallibly to be gained by every sort of flattery Information is, in a certain degree, mortifying Information implies our previous ignorance; it must be sweetened Injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult Inquisition Insinuates himself only into the esteem of fools Insipid in his pleasures, as inefficient in everything else Insist upon your neither piping nor fiddling yourself Insolent civility INTOLERATION in religious, and inhospitality in civil matters Intrinsic, and not their imaginary value It is a real inconvenience to anybody to be fat It is not sufficient to deserve well; one must please well too Jealous of being slighted Jog on like man and wife; that is, seldom agreeing Judge of every man's truth by his degree of understanding Judge them all by their merits, but not by their ages Judges from the appearances of things, and not from the reality Keep your own temper and artfully warm other people's Keep good company, and company above yourself Kick him upstairs King's popularity is a better guard than their army Know their real value, and how much they are generally overrated Know the true value of time Know, yourself and others Knowing how much you have, and how little you want Knowing any language imperfectly Knowledge is like power in this respect Knowledge: either despise it, or think that they have enough Knowledge of a scholar with the manners of a courtier Known people pretend to vices they had not Knows what things are little, and what not Labor is the unavoidable fatigue of a necessary journey Labor more to put them in conceit with themselves Last beautiful varnish, which raises the colors Laughing, I must particularly warn you against it Lay down a method for everything, and stick to it inviolably Lazy mind, and the trifling, frivolous mind Learn to keep your own secrets Learn, if you can, the WHY and the WHEREFORE Leave the company, at least as soon as he is wished out of it Led, much oftener by little things than by great ones Less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in Let me see more of you in your letters Let them quietly enjoy their errors in taste Let nobody discover that you do know your own value Let nothing pass till you understand it Let blockheads read what blockheads wrote Life of ignorance is not only a very contemptible, but tiresome Listlessness and indolence are always blameable Little minds mistake little objects for great ones Little failings and weaknesses Loud laughter is the mirth of the mob Love with him, who they think is the most in love with them Loved without being despised, and feared without being hated Low company, most falsely and impudently, call pleasure Low buffoonery, or silly accidents, that always excite laughter Luther's disappointed avarice Machiavel Made him believe that the world was made for him Make a great difference between companions and friends Make himself whatever he pleases, except a good poet Make yourself necessary Make every man I met with like me, and every woman love me Man is dishonored by not resenting an affront Man or woman cannot resist an engaging exterior Man of sense may be in haste, but can never be in a hurry Man who is only good on holydays is good for very little Mangles what he means to carve Manner is full as important as the matter Manner of doing things is often more important Manners must adorn knowledge Many things which seem extremely probable are not true Many are very willing, and very few able Mastery of one's temper May you live as long as you are fit to live, but no longer! Wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded Will not so much as hint at our follies Will pay very dear for the quarrels and ambition of a few Wish you, my dear friend, as many happy new years as you deserve Wit may created any admirers but makes few friends Witty without satire or commonplace Woman like her, who has always pleased, and often been pleased Women are the only refiners of the merit of men Women choose their favorites more by the ear Women are all so far Machiavelians Words are the dress of thoughts World is taken by the outside of things Would not tell what she did not know Wrapped up and absorbed in their abstruse speculations Writing anything that may deserve to be read Writing what may deserve to be read Wrongs are often forgiven; but contempt never is Yielded commonly without conviction You must be respectable, if you will be respected You had much better hold your tongue than them Young people are very apt to overrate both men and things Young fellow ought to be wiser than he should seem to be Young men are as apt to think themselves wise enough Your merit and your manners can alone raise you Your character there, whatever it is, will get before you here If you wish to read the entire context of any of these quotations, select a short segment and copy it into your clipboard memory--then open the plain text eBook below and paste the phrase into your computer's find or search operation. keywords: affectation; apt; bad; best; better; breeding; business; cardinal; common; company; complaisance; day; dress; dressed; ears; enemies; fools; friends; frivolous; good; great; interest; knowledge; learning; life; little; love; man; manners; men; merit; mind; mob; modesty; necessary; old; ones; open; opinion; people; pleased; pleasing; pleasures; real; sense; temper; things; time; trifling; truth; understanding; useful; value; want; woman; world; worse; worth; young cache: 7539.txt plain text: 7539.txt item: #144 of 155 id: 7819 author: Mandeville, Bernard title: An Enquiry into an Origin of Honour; and the Usefulness of Christianity in War date: None words: 53296 flesch: 65 summary: When the Fashion of Duelling was at its greatest Height_ _Courts of Honour erected in_ France _Laws of Honour made by them to prevent Duelling_ _ But if, moreover, such a one should behave with Decency at Devine Service, and seem now and then to be attentive to what is spoken; if ever he had been seen with a Book in his Hand, either open or shut; if he was respectful to the Clergy, and zealous against those, who are not of the same Religion which he professes to be of, he would be call'd a very Religious Man; and half a Dozen of them in a Regiment would, in a little Time, procure a mighty Character to the whole, and great Honour to the Chaplain. Hor. keywords: account; act; actions; acts; affairs; affront; afraid; ages; allow'd; appearance; armies; army; assist; authority; awe; bad; battle; bees; behaviour; belief; believers; benefit; best; better; body; brave; business; care; cause; certain; christian; christianity; church; civil; cleo; clergy; clergymen; common; considerable; contrary; countries; country; courage; creatures; cromwell; day; days; death; denial; design; desire; devotion; different; difficult; discipline; divine; doctrine; doubt; duelling; duties; duty; earth; easy; effect; end; endeavour; enemies; england; enthusiasm; esteem; eternal; evident; evil; eyes; fable; faith; far; fast; fasting; favour; fear; fellow; fight; fighting; flatter; flesh; force; france; future; general; glory; god; good; gospel; govern'd; grand; great; greater; greatest; hand; head; hearers; heart; heaven; help; highest; honest; honour; hor; horatio; human; hypocrites; impossible; influence; interest; invention; invisible; justice; known; laity; laws; lay; leave; liberty; life; liking; little; lives; long; love; man; mankind; manner; mean; meaning; men; military; mind; mischief; morality; multitude; nation; natural; nature; nay; necessary; notions; numbers; occasion; officers; opinion; origin; outward; pains; party; passion; peace; people; perform'd; persons; piety; pleasure; point; politicians; power; practice; prayers; praying; preaching; precepts; pretend; pride; priests; principle; probable; protestants; publick; purpose; quality; question; real; reason; regard; religion; religious; reputation; roman; rome; satisfaction; second; self; selves; sense; sentiments; service; set; shame; shew; signifies; sincere; society; soever; soldiers; sort; spirit; strictness; superstition; task; temporal; thing; tho; thought; time; troops; true; truth; useful; value; vast; vicious; virtue; virtuous; vulgar; want; way; ways; wicked; wise; women; words; work; world; worldly; worship; years; zeal cache: 7819.txt plain text: 7819.txt item: #145 of 155 id: 7952 author: Lubbock, John, Sir title: The Pleasures of Life date: None words: 69993 flesch: 73 summary: Many great men have made shipwreck in the attempt. We cannot but fancy that the lives of many great men might have been much prolonged by the exercise of a little ordinary care. keywords: able; account; action; actual; advance; advantage; age; ages; air; ambition; ancestors; ancient; angels; angry; animals; anxiety; anxious; aristotle; art; artist; aurelius; bacon; battle; bear; beauties; beautiful; beauty; best; better; birds; blessings; blue; bodies; body; books; boy; breath; bright; browne; calm; care; cases; century; certain; change; chapter; character; charm; cheerful; children; choice; church; cicero; circumstances; city; clear; close; clouds; cold; color; comfort; common; company; conduct; content; contrary; countries; country; course; crowd; daily; danger; dark; darkness; darwin; day; days; dead; death; deep; delicate; delighted; delightful; depend; description; desire; die; different; difficult; distant; divine; doth; doubt; dull; duty; early; earth; eastern; easy; education; effect; emerson; endless; england; english; enjoyment; epictetus; essays; eternal; eternity; evening; evil; exceptions; exercise; existence; experience; exquisite; eye; eyes; fact; fair; faith; faithful; fall; fame; family; fancy; far; father; fault; fear; feeling; feet; field; fire; flowers; fly; food; form; fortune; free; freedom; french; fresh; friends; friendship; fruit; future; gain; game; general; genius; gift; glories; glorious; glory; god; gods; goethe; gold; golden; good; grass; grave; gray; great; greater; greatest; greeks; green; guide; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; help; herschel; hidden; higher; highest; hills; history; home; honor; hope; hour; human; idea; ignorance; imagination; immortal; important; impression; increase; infinite; influence; instance; intellectual; intelligence; intense; interest; interesting; jeremy; john; johnson; journey; joy; judgment; king; knowledge; known; labor; landscape; language; laugh; law; learning; leaves; left; leisure; length; lesson; library; lie; life; light; like; lines; list; literature; little; live; living; long; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; love; lovely; macaulay; main; man; mankind; marcus; marvellous; material; matter; means; melancholy; memories; memory; men; mention; mere; mighty; millions; milton; mind; minute; miserable; mistake; modern; moment; money; moon; morning; mother; mountains; music; natural; nature; nay; near; need; new; noble; notes; number; object; ocean; old; open; opinion; opposite; order; origin; pain; painting; paradise; passion; past; peace; people; perfect; persons; philosophers; philosophy; picture; places; plato; pleasant; pleasure; plutarch; poetry; poets; point; poor; possible; poverty; power; praise; precious; present; pride; privilege; problems; progress; proverb; pure; purpose; question; quiet; race; rate; reach; reading; real; reality; reason; reference; regards; regions; religion; respect; rest; result; return; reward; rich; river; rocks; room; round; rule; ruskin; sake; saying; scenery; schools; science; scott; sea; second; selection; self; seneca; sense; shadow; shakespeare; short; silent; silver; single; sir; sky; sleep; small; socrates; soft; song; sorrow; soul; source; space; special; spirit; spring; stars; state; step; stones; storm; strength; strong; studies; study; subject; suffering; summer; sun; sunshine; sweet; sympathy; system; talk; taste; taylor; tell; tennyson; thee; things; thought; time; tis; toil; touch; training; travel; trees; troubles; true; truth; universe; use; valuable; value; vanity; variety; view; violet; virtue; visit; voice; walk; want; watch; water; waves; way; ways; weary; white; wife; wind; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; wonder; wonderful; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worthy; wrong; years; young; youth cache: 7952.txt plain text: 7952.txt item: #146 of 155 id: 8103 author: Rickaby, Joseph title: Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law date: None words: 106624 flesch: 70 summary: He has no concern to make a good _man_ up to the ethical standard, which supposes the observance of the whole natural law, duties to God, and duties within himself, as well as duties to human society, and by this observance the compassing of the everlasting happiness of the man's own individual soul. Besides fortitude and temperance, already described, _liberality_ is a mean between prodigality and stinginess; _magnificence_ between vulgar display and pettiness: _magnanimity_ between vainglory and pusillanimity; _truthfulness_ between exaggeration and dissimulation; _friendship_ between complaisance, or flattery, and frowardness,--and so of the rest. keywords: absolute; account; act; acting; action; activity; acts; actual; agent; aim; anger; angry; animal; answer; appetite; application; argument; aristotle; art; article; authority; bad; beauty; belongs; best; better; blood; bodily; body; broken; brute; business; calls; capacity; capital; cardinal; care; case; certain; chapter; character; charity; children; choice; christian; church; circumstances; citizen; city; civil; claim; clear; coming; command; commercial; common; commonwealth; community; commutative; complete; concern; concerned; conclusion; condition; conduct; conscience; consent; consequences; consequent; consideration; constitution; contemplation; contract; contrary; control; corp; counsel; country; course; creation; creature; crime; custom; day; days; dead; death; deed; defect; defence; definition; delight; democracy; deontology; desire; deterrent; development; devotion; different; difficulty; direct; direction; disease; distinction; distinguished; divine; division; doctrine; doer; dominion; doubt; duel; duties; duty; earth; education; effect; element; end; ends; english; equal; error; essential; eternal; eternal law; ethics; evident; evil; excellence; exchange; exercise; exigency; existence; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eye; face; fact; faculty; fail; faith; fall; false; families; family; far; father; fear; final; food; footnote; force; form; formal; forth; fortitude; free; function; fundamental; gain; general; glory; god; golden; good; good man; goodness; government; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; grievous; ground; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harm; having; head; health; heart; higher; highest; hobbes; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; human; human nature; humanity; idea; ignorance; ii.--of; iii; imagination; imperative; important; inalienable; inasmuch; independent; individual; injury; innocent; instance; intellectual; intended; intention; interest; intrinsic; inward; judge; judgment; justice; killing; kind; knowledge; known; labour; land; large; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; left; legal; legibus; legislator; liberty; lie; lies; life; like; likely; limited; line; little; living; long; lord; loss; lost; love; lying; magnanimous; magnanimous man; man; mankind; manner; market; marriage; material; matter; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; misery; moderation; modern; monarchy; money; moral; moral law; morality; mother; motive; multitude; mutual; nation; natural; natural law; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neighbour; new; nobler; obedience; object; obligation; observance; occasion; offence; office; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; origin; outward; owner; pain; paley; parent; particular; parties; party; passes; passion; pay; people; perfect; perfection; person; personal; peter; philosophy; phrase; physical; piece; place; plato; pleasure; point; political; polities; polity; polygamy; poor; popular; portion; position; positive; possible; power; practical; practice; praise; precept; present; preservation; primary; principle; private; probability; progress; proof; property; proposition; prudence; psychical; public; punishment; pure; purpose; quality; quantity; question; race; rational; reach; readings_.--st; ready; real; reason; reasonable; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; republic; reputation; requisite; restitution; result; retributive; right; risk; rousseau; rule; said; sake; sanction; satisfaction; saying; second; secret; section; seeing; self; sense; sensitive; set; sets; shall; short; sign; simple; sin; sins; social; socialism; society; soul; sovereign; special; species; speculative; speech; spirit; spiritual; spoken; standard; state; strength; strong; study; subject; subjective; suffering; sufficient; suicide; supernatural; supreme; sword; taking; temperance; temporal; terms; theory; thing; thomas; thos; thought; time; true; truth; twofold; understanding; union; universal; unjust; unlawful; use; useful; usury; utilitarianism; vain; value; variety; vast; vengeance; vice; view; vii; viii; violation; violence; virtue; virtuous; volition; voluntary; war; way; ways; wicked; willed; wills; wise; wish; woman; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthy; wrong; xiii; years cache: 8103.txt plain text: 8103.txt item: #147 of 155 id: 8216 author: Vaknin, Samuel title: Issues in Ethics date: None words: 30 flesch: 86 summary: RTF is Rich Text Format, and is readable in nearly any modern word processing program. Please see the corresponding RTF file for this eBook. keywords: rtf cache: 8216.txt plain text: 8216.txt item: #148 of 155 id: 8399 author: Sherwood, M. E. W. (Mary Elizabeth Wilson) title: Manners and Social Usages date: None words: 126430 flesch: 71 summary: Young ladies find it a very pretty recreation to make the tea-table attractive with the floral arrangements, the basket of cake, the sandwiches, the silver tea-caddy, the alcohol lamp burning under the silver or copper kettle, the padded cozy to keep the tea warm, the long table around which young gentlemen and young ladies can sit, while mamma, patient American mamma--receives the elder people in the parlor. In America the other extreme has led to a very vicious system of etiquette, by which young ladies are recognized as altogether leaders of society, receiving the guests and pushing their mothers into the background. keywords: acquaintance; address; admirable; advantage; afraid; afternoon; agreeable; altar; american; amusement; answer; appearance; appropriate; aristocracy; arm; arrangements; artificial; artist; artistic; asking; attempt; attention; autumn; awkward; bad; ball; bashful; basket; bear; beautiful; beauty; beef; beginning; bell; best; better; black; blossoms; blue; body; bonnet; book; bouillon; bouquets; bow; bowl; boxes; boy; bread; breakfast; breeding; bridal; bride; bridegroom; bridesmaids; bright; brilliant; brocade; broken; brother; brown; business; busy; butler; cake; calling; calls; cap; cards; care; careful; careless; carriages; case; cashmere; casino; caudle; centre; ceremony; certain; chairs; champagne; change; chaperon; chapter; character; charming; cheap; cheese; children; china; choice; christening; christian; church; circle; cities; city; civilities; civility; claret; clean; clergyman; clever; cloak; cloth; clothes; coach; coat; coffee; cold; colored; colors; comfort; comfortable; common; company; compliment; condolence; conduct; confusion; conspicuous; convenient; conversation; cook; cordial; corner; correspondents; costly; costume; country; country dinner; couple; course; courtesy; crape; cream; crowded; cultivated; cup; cups; custom; cut; dance; dancing; danger; dark; date; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deep; degree; delicate; delicious; delightful; demands; desire; dessert; diamond; different; difficult; dignity; dining; dinner; disagreeable; dishes; display; distinction; distinguished; doctors; dollars; door; doubt; dozen; drawing; dreadful; dress; dresses; dressing; drive; driving; drunk; duke; dust; duties; duty; early; easy; effect; elaborate; elderly; elegance; elegant; embroidered; engaged; engagement; england; english; englishman; engraved; entertainment; envelope; etiquette; europe; evening; excellent; excuse; expected; expensive; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; familiar; familiarity; families; family; fancy; fans; fashion; fashionable; fashioned; father; favorite; favors; fear; feathers; feeling; feet; fianc; figure; fine; finger; fire; fish; floral; flowers; follow; following; foot; footman; foreign; foreigners; fork; form; formal; formula; fortunate; fortune; france; freedom; french; fresh; friendly; friends; fruit; funeral; future; game; garden; gay; general; genius; gentleman; gentry; german; gifts; gilt; girl; giving; glad; glass; glasses; gloves; gold; golden; good; good society; gown; graceful; grand; gray; great; greater; green; grief; guests; habit; hair; half; hall; hand; handed; handles; handsome; happy; hard; hat; hats; having; hawthorne; head; heart; heavy; help; high; highest; hire; history; hold; holding; home; honor; hope; horses; hospitality; hostess; hot; hotel; hour; house; household; human; husband; ices; idea; ignorant; ill; important; indispensable; informal; instance; interest; intimate; introduction; invitation; january; john; keeper; keeping; kind; kindly; kitchen; knife; knives; ladies; lady; lamps; language; large; laugh; law; lawn; laws; leader; leave; leaving; left; letters; liberty; life; light; like; lilacs; lilies; linen; list; little; lives; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; loss; lovely; lover; luncheon; luxurious; luxury; magnificent; maid; making; mamma; manners; marked; marriage; married; matter; meal; means; meat; members; men; middle; mind; miss; mistake; mistress; mixed; modern; moment; money; monogram; months; moral; mother; mourner; mourning; mouth; mrs; music; names; napkins; natural; nature; near; neat; necessary; necessity; neck; necked; need; neighbor; new; new york; newport; note; notice; november; number; o'clock; occasion; offence; offer; old; ones; open; opera; opportunity; optimist; optional; orange; order; ordinary; original; ornaments; oysters; pair; pale; paper; parents; paris; park; parlor; particular; parties; partner; party; past; pay; pearls; people; perfect; period; person; personal; picture; piece; pink; place; plain; plates; play; pleasant; pleases; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; position; possible; post; potatoes; power; practice; presence; present; president; pretty; prince; princess; private; privilege; proper; propriety; public; punch; purple; purpose; quadrille; queen; question; quiet; rank; rare; ready; real; received; receiving; recent; reception; red; refreshments; relatives; remains; request; respect; respectable; respectful; rest; result; return; ribbon; rich; ring; rise; roast; room; roses; round; royal; rule; salad; salt; satin; saying; season; seats; second; self; sending; sense; sensible; separate; servants; service; set; severe; shades; shape; sherry; shocked; shoes; showing; shy; shyness; silk; silver; silver wedding; simple; simplicity; single; sister; size; small; smith; social; society; soft; solid; sons; sort; soup; speaking; speech; spirit; splendid; spoken; spoon; spread; spring; square; stand; standing; stately; step; stiff; stone; stout; stranger; strawberries; street; strong; study; style; subject; success; sufficient; sugar; summer; sunday; supper; sweet; sympathetic; sympathy; system; table; tact; talk; talking; taste; tea; teas; tennis; term; theatre; thick; thing; thought; time; title; tour; town; train; travelling; trees; trouble; true; truth; understood; universal; usages; useful; ushers; usual; valse; valuable; vases; vegetables; veil; velvet; visiting; visitor; visits; voice; vulgar; wales; walk; wall; want; warm; washington; water; watering; wax; way; wealth; wear; wearing; weather; wedding; week; welcome; white; widow; wife; willing; wine; winter; wise; wish; wit; woman; wood; words; work; world; worth; writer; writing; years; yellow; york; young; young ladies; young lady; young men; young people; young person cache: 8399.txt plain text: 8399.txt item: #149 of 155 id: 8450 author: Ware, Mary G. (Mary Greene) title: The Elements of Character date: None words: 55277 flesch: 59 summary: True religious life consists in doing the will of God every moment of our lives. this is attempted, is an added impediment to its performance; and until it is accomplished, there is no safety for the Character, for each year is adding additional force to careless or evil habits of thought and affection, and consequently of external life. keywords: absolute; abstract; action; acts; affections; aid; apt; attributes; bad; beauty; beings; best; better; body; books; brain; capable; capacities; cause; certain; character; charity; children; christian; church; circle; class; classes; common; companionship; consequence; consideration; constant; contrary; conversation; courage; course; courtesy; creed; daily; danger; day; death; degree; delight; desire; development; different; direct; distinct; divine; doctrine; duties; duty; earth; ease; education; effort; employment; end; envy; error; eternity; evil; excellence; exercise; external; external life; eye; eyes; fact; faculties; fail; faith; falsehood; family; fancy; father; fear; fellow; food; form; foundation; friends; gain; genius; genuine; god; good; goodness; great; growth; habit; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; hope; human; humanity; ideas; idleness; ill; image; imagination; indifference; individual; indolence; infinite; influence; intellectual; internal; judgment; kind; kingdom; knowledge; labor; language; large; laws; lead; learning; lie; life; like; little; lives; living; long; lord; love; lowest; making; man; manners; material; means; men; mental; mere; mind; moment; money; moral; morality; natural; nature; necessity; need; neighbor; new; object; old; opinions; opposite; order; particular; people; perfect; perfection; performance; persons; physical; place; pleasure; politeness; poor; position; possess; possession; possible; power; prayer; present; pride; progress; proportion; pure; purity; purpose; quality; question; race; reading; ready; reality; reason; reform; relations; religion; religious; reputation; respect; result; reward; right; rude; sake; science; second; self; selfishness; sense; set; short; simplicity; sin; sins; small; social; society; soul; source; special; spiritual; standard; state; strength; striving; strong; study; subject; sure; talent; things; thinking; thought; thoughtless; time; training; traits; true; truth; turn; understanding; universal; use; uses; vain; value; vices; virtue; walk; want; way; wealth; wisdom; wise; women; words; work; world; worldly; worthy; wrong; year cache: 8450.txt plain text: 8450.txt item: #150 of 155 id: 8467 author: Frost, S. Annie (Sarah Annie) title: Frost's Laws and By-Laws of American Society A condensed but thorough treatise on etiquette and its usages in America, containing plain and reliable directions for deportment in every situation in life. date: None words: 65930 flesch: 69 summary: A gentleman alone may join lady friends for a few moments between the acts at a theatre, or in the intermission at a concert, but only for a few moments, as their escort has a prior claim upon their attention. If lady friends attend a funeral, if they are not in mourning, they should wear grave, quiet colors. keywords: acquaintance; act; acts; address; affairs; agreeable; amusement; answer; arm; arrangements; arrival; artist; attention; awkward; bad; ball; bath; best; black; body; book; bow; breach; bred; breeding; bride; bridegroom; business; caller; calling; calls; card; careful; carriage; case; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; character; children; choice; church; circumstances; city; clean; clergyman; coffin; comfort; common; companion; company; compliment; conduct; conversation; converse; corner; country; course; courteous; courtesy; customary; customs; cut; dance; dancing; day; death; decline; delicate; desire; dinner; dish; display; door; drawing; dress; dresses; duke; duties; duty; early; easy; endeavor; engaged; engagement; english; entire; escort; etiquette; evening; excuse; expected; express; extreme; face; fact; fair; familiar; family; fashion; father; fault; favor; feelings; fish; flowers; following; foot; force; fork; form; formal; free; french; friend; fruit; funeral; game; general; gentleman; gentleman friend; gift; gloves; good; grave; great; gross; guests; guide; guilty; habit; hair; half; hand; hat; head; heart; hold; home; honor; hospitality; hostess; hotel; hour; house; household; husband; ill; immediate; important; interest; intimate; introduction; invitation; james; jewelry; kind; kindness; knife; known; ladies; lady; lady friend; language; large; late; laws; lead; leave; left; letter; liberty; life; like; little; long; longer; look; lord; loud; low; manners; married; matter; meal; means; meeting; members; men; mere; mind; miss; moment; money; morning; mother; mouth; mrs; music; napkin; nature; near; nearest; necessary; need; new; note; notice; number; o'clock; object; occasion; offer; officer; old; ones; open; order; parents; parties; partner; party; passing; people; perfect; performance; permission; person; personal; place; play; playing; pleasant; pleasure; point; politeness; poor; position; positive; possible; practice; presence; present; price; private; proper; propriety; public; question; quiet; ready; reason; receiving; regard; relatives; remark; request; respect; rest; return; riding; right; rise; room; round; rude; rudeness; rules; salutation; sauce; seat; second; sense; servants; service; set; short; sign; small; smoke; smoking; social; society; soup; special; speech; standing; state; stay; stop; strangers; street; strict; studio; subject; sufficient; supper; table; talk; taste; teeth; temper; tete; things; time; toilet; tone; train; trouble; true; true lady; value; view; visit; visitor; vulgar; waiting; walking; want; watch; water; way; wear; wedding; wednesday; week; white; wife; wine; wish; wishes; woman; words; work; world; writer; young; young lady cache: 8467.txt plain text: 8467.txt item: #151 of 155 id: 8881 author: Given, Charles Stewart title: A Fleece of Gold; Five Lessons from the Fable of Jason and the Golden Fleece date: None words: 13945 flesch: 67 summary: Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime; And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time. These examples and thousands of others remind us that Heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight; keywords: action; active; activities; activity; adventure; affairs; age; american; arms; art; bear; best; body; books; boy; brain; brilliant; century; character; charles; college; common; country; day; dead; demands; destiny; door; dragon; duty; element; empire; england; experience; extreme; fact; faculties; failure; fame; famous; fate; fields; fire; fleece; force; forest; fortune; genius; glorious; golden; good; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; hand; henry; high; highest; history; hold; hope; human; human life; ideals; illustrious; individual; james; jason; john; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; land; latent; later; law; life; literature; little; lives; living; man; material; means; men; mighty; mind; moment; nation; nature; new; oars; object; opportunities; opportunity; organ; pages; path; people; picture; place; plow; power; present; progress; purpose; quality; quest; question; reach; reading; reality; regard; relation; rich; right; rise; royal; science; sea; self; sense; single; social; society; sons; soul; state; success; supreme; things; thought; throne; time; true; truth; twentieth; type; use; usefulness; valuable; value; vigor; way; wealth; william; wise; words; work; world; writing; years; young; young man; youth cache: 8881.txt plain text: 8881.txt item: #152 of 155 id: 8932 author: Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert) title: Lessons in Life; A Series of Familiar Essays date: None words: 82440 flesch: 69 summary: The boys, all of them, have the general idea that every thing that is necessary to become great men is to try for it; and each one supposes it possible for him to become Governor of the State, or President of the Union. The idea of being educated to fill a humble office in life is hardly thought of, and every bumpkin who has a memory sufficient for the words repeats the stanza:-- Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time. keywords: action; admirable; affairs; affection; age; american; anger; animal; appetite; article; attention; author; aware; bad; ballot; bass; bear; beautiful; beauty; belief; best; better; bible; blood; bodily; body; books; box; boy; brain; bread; burden; business; calling; care; cases; cause; certain; change; character; charity; cheerful; childhood; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; class; cold; collar; common; condition; confidence; conscience; conscious; consciousness; consequence; constant; constitution; contempt; content; control; country; course; creature; creeds; daily; day; deacon; deal; death; degree; delicate; delight; desirable; desire; development; devotion; diet; difference; dignity; direction; disposition; divine; door; doubt; dozen; dress; drink; dry; duties; duty; earth; easy; effect; effort; equal; essential; excellent; exercise; exhausted; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; familiar; families; family; family life; far; farmers; father; fault; fear; fed; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; field; fine; finished; fit; fitness; flowers; food; fool; forces; form; frame; freedom; friend; fruit; general; generation; generous; genius; gentleman; genuine; girls; glad; glory; god; gold; good; good man; grand; grateful; great; great men; greater; ground; growth; habit; hair; half; hands; happiness; happy; hard; head; healthy; heart; heaven; help; highest; history; hold; home; homely; honest; honor; hope; horses; hour; house; human; human life; humanity; humble; husbands; idea; ill; important; individuality; infinite; influence; innocent; instances; instinct; interest; joy; judgment; justice; kind; knowledge; labor; lack; land; language; large; law; laws; left; legitimate; length; lesson; liberty; lie; life; line; lips; literary; little; lives; living; long; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; lot; love; lying; machinery; majority; maker; making; man; manhood; mankind; matter; mean; measure; memory; men; mental; mind; minister; moment; money; moods; moral; morbid; morning; mother; motive; mouth; multitudes; muscle; muscular; music; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; neighborhood; nervous; new; noble; nose; notice; number; objects; office; oil; old; old man; open; opinion; order; organs; outside; pain; parents; particular; parts; passion; peculiar; people; perfect; perfection; personal; persons; perverseness; pity; place; plant; play; pleasant; pleasure; poetic; poetical; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; popular; position; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; praise; prayer; presence; present; pride; private; professional; progress; proper; providence; public; pure; qualities; quality; quarrels; question; race; reach; reader; ready; real; reason; regard; related; relations; religion; religious; remarkable; repose; reputation; respect; result; rich; right; rise; room; rule; rural; sad; saw; school; sea; secure; seed; self; selfish; sense; sensibilities; sensitive; service; set; shakspeare; shoulders; shying; simple; singing; single; slavery; sleep; small; social; social life; society; soil; sore; sort; soul; sound; space; special; spirit; spiritual; spoiled; spot; spring; standard; state; straight; strange; strength; strong; style; subject; success; sufficient; sun; sure; sweet; sympathetic; sympathies; sympathy; system; talk; talking; task; tender; thing; thought; thousands; time; touch; town; tree; true; trust; truth; turn; ugly; unhappy; variety; view; virtue; visit; voice; walk; want; water; way; ways; weak; weakness; wealth; white; wife; willing; window; wish; wishes; woman; womanhood; words; work; world; worse; worth; wrong; years; young; young man cache: 8932.txt plain text: 8932.txt item: #153 of 155 id: 9054 author: Alcott, William A. (William Andrus) title: The Young Woman's Guide date: None words: 71037 flesch: 71 summary: I scarcely ever prescribed for one of these _staid_ young women, without very great pain. Young women should have some avocation. keywords: account; accustomed; action; active; advice; affections; age; aged; aid; air; anecdote; ask; attention; bad; bathing; beauty; bed; best; better; bible; blood; bodies; body; books; care; case; certain; change; chapter; character; children; christ; christian; circumstances; class; clothes; clothing; cold; command; common; concerns; condition; conduct; conscience; conscientiousness; considerable; contrary; conversation; courage; course; creator; daily; danger; daughter; day; days; deal; decision; degree; dependence; desirable; desire; direction; distinguished; divine; domestic; doubt; dress; duties; duty; early; eating; economy; education; efforts; employment; end; error; evening; evil; example; excellence; exercise; extent; external; fact; families; family; far; fashionable; father; fear; feelings; female; following; food; form; frame; friend; future; general; glory; god; good; grand; great; greater; guide; habit; half; hands; happiness; happy; hard; head; health; heart; heaven; high; highest; home; hope; hours; house; human; husband; idea; ignorant; importance; improvement; individual; industry; influence; intellectual; internal; keeping; kind; knowledge; known; labor; large; late; laws; life; like; likely; little; lives; long; lord; love; lungs; mankind; manner; matter; means; measure; mental; mere; millions; mind; modesty; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; mrs; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neglect; new; number; numerous; object; old; opinion; order; organs; parents; particular; passive; people; perseverance; personal; persons; philosophy; physical; place; point; poor; possible; power; practice; preparation; present; principle; progress; proper; proportion; public; punctuality; purpose; question; race; reader; reading; reason; reasoning; reflection; regard; relation; require; respect; responsibilities; rest; result; right; room; rule; sabbath; sake; saviour; school; seldom; self; sense; set; sex; sick; single; sisters; skin; sleep; small; social; society; sort; soul; speaking; spirit; standard; state; stomach; study; subject; suffering; sufficient; suppose; surface; system; taking; taste; teachers; temper; tendency; term; thing; thoughts; thousands; time; true; truth; turn; use; useful; valuable; value; vast; views; virtue; visiting; walking; want; warm; water; way; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; world; worse; worth; writing; wrong; years; young; young men; young woman cache: 9054.txt plain text: 9054.txt item: #154 of 155 id: 9402 author: Maxwell, M. H. (Mary H.) title: Be Courteous, or, Religion, the True Refiner date: None words: 23213 flesch: 78 summary: They have always taken care of themselves, and can do this still without any help from little Emma Lindsay. If it be your minds, said Henry, rising to his feet, that we call at Appledale, and invite Miss Martha and Miss Emma Lindsay to be of our company, please manifest it by raising the right hand. keywords: afraid; alice; appledale; beautiful; berries; better; bible; blue; boy; brighton; change; chapter; charity; child; children; christian; cold; come; coming; company; cotting; courtesy; daughters; day; dear; death; dinner; door; dora; dress; emma; emma lindsay; evening; eyes; face; family; fanny; farmer; father; feelings; friend; garden; girl; glad; god; good; graffam; great; green; hand; happy; hat; head; health; heart; help; henry; hill; home; hope; house; human; jesus; joshua; kind; ladies; lady; large; life; like; lindsay; little; long; looking; love; mamma; man; manner; margaret; martha; mary; matter; milk; mind; miss; moment; morning; mother; mrs; near; new; night; old; open; palmer; parties; people; pity; place; plain; poetry; polite; poor; reply; respect; road; room; seat; self; sick; sir; sister; sliver; small; speak; spirit; sun; susan; table; talk; thee; things; thought; thy; time; trees; true; truth; visit; walk; want; water; way; white; wife; window; woman; words; work; world; years; young cache: 9402.txt plain text: 9402.txt item: #155 of 155 id: 9469 author: Jordan, David Starr title: The Call of the Twentieth Century, an Address to Young Men date: None words: 12837 flesch: 80 summary: We had seen little men artificially held up in high places, and great men artificially held down in low places, and our own justice-loving hearts abhorred this violence to human nature. Will you, boy of the Twentieth Century, let him come as a man among men in his time, or will you throw away his inheritance before he has had the chance to touch it? keywords: action; america; best; better; books; brain; business; centuries; century; chance; children; civilization; college; commerce; common; complex; day; demand; democracy; doctors; duty; earth; education; end; equal; equality; face; fair; force; form; fortune; free; future; god; good; great; hand; happiness; history; home; hope; human; idle; individual; inheritance; joy; joys; kind; kingdom; knowledge; large; life; like; literature; little; long; love; man; means; men; mind; money; nation; need; nervous; new; old; open; opportunity; past; people; place; plain; play; pleasures; power; purpose; rag; ready; real; religion; reward; rich; right; room; run; save; science; self; service; small; spirit; strength; strenuous; system; things; thought; time; trade; training; true; truth; turn; twentieth; twentieth century; use; value; vice; vulgarity; way; win; wise; women; work; world; worth; years; young; young man cache: 9469.txt plain text: 9469.txt