item: #1 of 34 id: 10163 author: Snouck Hurgronje, C. (Christiaan) title: Mohammedanism Lectures on Its Origin, Its Religious and Political Growth, and Its Present State date: None words: 33802 flesch: 47 summary: iv., p. 535, etc. (_Islâm_, iv., p. 186); also some of the accounts mentioned in Güterbock, _Der Islâm im Lichte der byzantinischen Polemik_, etc.] Two and a half centuries ago, a prominent Orientalist,[2] who wrote an exposition of Mohammed's teaching, felt himself obliged to give an elaborate justification of his undertaking in his Dedicatio. Everything maintained or invented to the disadvantage of Islâm was greedily absorbed by Europe; the picture which our forefathers in the Middle Ages formed of Mohammed's religion appears to us a malignant caricature. keywords: allah; arabian; arabs; authority; canonists; centuries; century; christian; community; day; development; faithful; god; history; influence; islâm; khalifate; law; life; man; mecca; men; mohammed; mohammedans; moslim; new; people; place; power; prophet; qorân; religion; spiritual; state; time; tradition; way; work; world; years cache: 10163.txt plain text: 10163.txt item: #2 of 34 id: 10738 author: Draycott, Gladys M. title: Mahomet, Founder of Islam date: None words: 71977 flesch: 61 summary: Mahomet conceived the office of Prophet to be the result of an irresistible divine call. Mahomet bears closer resemblance to the ancient Hebrew prophets than to any Christian leader or saint. keywords: abu; ali; allah; arabia; army; attack; bekr; beni; chief; city; command; days; death; desert; end; faith; faithful; followers; force; god; hand; house; islam; jews; journey; kaaba; kuran; kureisch; leader; life; lord; mahomet; man; mecca; medina; men; mind; muslim; nature; people; pilgrimage; place; position; power; prophet; religion; spirit; strength; thou; time; tribes; way; women; world; years cache: 10738.txt plain text: 10738.txt item: #3 of 34 id: 11198 author: Becker, Carl Heinrich title: Christianity and Islam date: None words: 17393 flesch: 53 summary: It might therefore be supposed that in Islam Christian theory underwent similar modification or disappeared entirely. The course of this development was greatly influenced by Christianity, but Christian ideas had been operative upon Muhammed's eager intellectual life at an even earlier date. keywords: arab; christianity; development; east; fact; form; god; ideas; influence; islam; jesus; life; man; muhammed; muhammedanism; new; qoran; religion; theory; thought; tradition; world cache: 11198.txt plain text: 11198.txt item: #4 of 34 id: 11376 author: Besant, Annie title: Autobiographical Sketches date: None words: 71625 flesch: 64 summary: I have found, with a keen sense of pleasure, that Mr. Bradlaugh and myself were in 1867 to some extent co-workers, although we knew not of each other's existence, and although he was doing much, and I only giving such poor sympathy as a young girl might, who was only just awakening to the duty of political work. Mr. Bradlaugh is rather a rough sort of speaker, is he not? He is the finest speaker of Saxon English that I have ever heard, Mrs. Conway answered, except, perhaps, John Bright, and his power over a crowd is something marvellous. keywords: besant; book; bradlaugh; case; charles; chief; child; children; christ; church; court; day; death; doubt; england; faith; father; freethought; george; god; good; home; house; justice; knowlton; law; life; like; lord; love; man; matter; men; mother; mrs; national; pamphlet; people; place; poor; population; question; reformer; right; room; school; sir; society; thought; time; watts; way; wife; woman; words; work; world; years; young; | | cache: 11376.txt plain text: 11376.txt item: #5 of 34 id: 12010 author: Williams, Cora Lenore title: The Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition: San Francisco, 1915 date: None words: 4689 flesch: 72 summary: I speak: From the universal flux, In a moment, that is ever unique, Life to new consciousness springs; Creator and created together evolve, In a time-stream continually changing. Obviously to give it extension we shall have to ascribe to reality other dimensions than those of our present sense realm. keywords: consciousness; exposition; head; life; man; things; thought; time; world cache: 12010.txt plain text: 12010.txt item: #6 of 34 id: 12085 author: Besant, Annie title: Annie Besant: An Autobiography date: None words: 97082 flesch: 63 summary: The _Whitehall Review_ frankly put this forward as an object to be gained, and Mr. Bradlaugh was summoned to the Mansion House on a charge of publishing blasphemous libels in the _Freethinker_; meanwhile Sir Henry Tyler put a notice on the Order Book to deprive the daughters of Mr. Charles Bradlaugh of the grant they had earned as science teachers, and got an order which proved to be invalid, but which was acted on, to inspect Mr. Bradlaugh's and my own private banking accounts, I being no party to the case. I have found, with a keen sense of pleasure, that Mr. Bradlaugh and myself were in 1867 to some extent co-workers, although we knew not of each other's existence, and although he was doing much, and I only giving such poor sympathy as a young girl might, who was only just awakening to the duty of political work. keywords: besant; book; bradlaugh; charles; child; children; christian; church; country; court; day; days; death; duty; england; existence; eyes; face; faith; following; friends; god; good; hall; heart; home; house; human; justice; knowledge; law; life; little; london; lord; love; man; matter; men; mind; months; mother; mrs; national; nature; pain; people; place; police; poor; position; public; question; read; reformer; right; save; science; self; service; set; sir; social; society; struggle; thought; time; truth; way; women; words; work; world; years; | | cache: 12085.txt plain text: 12085.txt item: #7 of 34 id: 12902 author: Leadbeater, C. W. (Charles Webster) title: A Textbook of Theosophy date: None words: 45601 flesch: 57 summary: Isis Unveiled_ 15 was a founder of the T.S. 14 was an apprentice to a Master 14 Bliss of the higher worlds 89-91 Books, oriental sacred 18 Brain, connection with astral body 59 connection with ego 59 connection with mental body 49 etheric part of 62 Branch-races 104-5, 125 Bridges to ego 59, 61 Brotherhood, the Great, of Adepts 12-4, 116-9, 132 entry into 119 Great White, the 12 Head of 12 Lords of the Flame hold highest office in 132 man may join in 116 Brotherhood of humanity, the universal 138-9 Bubbles in space 19-21 aggregations of 19-22, 23-4 form material of nebula 19 Casual body, the, abstract thoughts arouse 46 appearance of 45-9 bad qualities do not affect 47, 58 colours in 46-8 composition of 45 is the vehicle of ego 42 life in 95-6 mental body reacts upon 58 of Adept 45, 48 of developed man 48 of primitive man 46 of saint 48 of savage 48 only good affects 47, 58 permanent vehicle of ego 45 unselfish emotions arouse 47 Cause and effect, law of 100-7 adjustment of 101 angels connected with 101 cannot be modified 101 exactness of 100-1 explains problems of life 100-1 Cause and effect, is universal 100 simile of debts and 102-7 Cell-life of astral body 65 of mental body 65 of physical body 65 Centres of force 60 Ceremonial, angels approach men through 85 Chain, a, consists of seven rounds 124 life-wave of a 121, 123-5 lunar, the 123, 126-7 periods 125 Chains of globes 121 descent of, into matter 121-4 incarnation of 121-5 Character and simile of muscles 114 how, is formed 111-5 Chemical elements 21, 28 Children of the Fire-mist 131 (also see Lords of Flame) Christ, the, learning the lesson of 96 spoke of the æonian condemnation 119, 133 Church, the angels approach men through 85 Clairvoyant sight 46 character seen by 50 force-centres seen by 60 Colours of astral body 56-8 of causal body 46-8 of mental body 48 of thoughts 54 Consciousness, development of 45-6 of developed man 62-3 states of 64 Corpse, astral 86 physical 86 the Moon is a 123 Counterparts, astral 73-4 of globes 122 Crookes, Sir William 22 Dead, the, can be helped 77-9 can continue studies 77 can help their fellowmen 77 communicate with living 74 cravings of the 75-7 first feeling of 76 friends of, in mental world 93-4 have no measurement of time 75 in astral world 73-89 in mental world 89-95 in the three sections of astral world 74-5, 78-83 most of, are happy 76 period in astral world, 64-5, 82 period in mental world 64 relation of, to Earth 73-4 some seize other bodies 88 thought-creations of 80 what they see 73 Death, a second 63, 89 artists after 77 average men after 64-5 character not changed by 74 conditions of life after 74 cultured men after 65 etheric double at 87 happiness after 74, 76 in astral world 68, 89 lovers of music after 77 misery after 75 philanthropists after 77 primitive men after 63 sensualists after 75-6 spiritual men after 65 students of science after 77 what is 3, 63, 137, 144 Deity (see Solar Deity) Demons, tempting 53, 67 Departments of the world 11 Devas, hosts of 11 (also see Angels) Discrimination 118 Divine Life 29 ensouls matter 29-40 responds to vibrations 33 Divine world, extent of 26-7 first plane named 23, 41 Door, shutting the 131 Dreams 62 Earth, Adepts from Venus come to 131 astral globe of 26-7 -chain 121 first men of the 125-30 nature spirits of the 85 purpose of life on 142 Earth-chain, the 121 animal-men build early forms on 127-8 explained 121-4 incarnation of 122-5 Moon-animals come to 128 Education, department of 11-2 Ego, the, assumes bodies 42, 61 bridges of to physical body 58, 61 connection of, with brain 59 desire of, for vivid life 97 drops lower bodies 43 ensouls fragment of group-soul 42 fills mental images of himself 93 gains qualities 43 habitat of 94 is a part expression of Monad 61 is the manifestation of the triple Spirit in man 42 life of, in causal body 95-7 life of, in lower bodies 63-4 lives for millions of years 97 loses part of his life sometimes 86 object of descent of 45, 98 only good affects 47-8, 58, 112 origin of 39, 109 passes to mental world 85 remembers past lives 44 sheaves of 61 sight of 45 the, simile of day at school and 98 succession of personalities of 109 withdraws from astral plane 82 Elemental kingdoms, the three 29-30 seven types of each of 37 Elemental creatures 37 Elements, chemical 21, 28 proto- 21 Emotions affect life after death 64, 67-8 of the living react on the dead 74 selfish and unselfish 110 should be developed in fourth round 131 the home of the 71 Emotional world (see astral world) Entity, astral body 66-8 Etheric, bodies of early humanity 129 bodies of nature spirits 84 matter 25 Etheric double, the 59 at death 87-8 force-centres in 60 is a bridge 59 is not a vehicle 87-8 some dead cling to 88 vitality flows through 59 Evil, is transitory 48, 58, 135-6 is utilized for progress 135 man's powers of, are restricted 102 simile of Niagara Falls, and 135 Evolution, additional, for animals 131 advanced state of 131 animal 31-40 break in regularity of 130 central point of 125, 130 early stages of, for backward entities 127 examining scenes of early 3 is the Will of the Deity 11, 142 ladder of 17 man restrains law of 105 mineral 30-1 object of human 99 of human forms 129-30 of life 28-40 other schemes of 121, 123 pressure of 99, 105 resistless stream of 136 scheme of, a 32, 122-5 summit of human 13 super-human 13, 119 Theosophy explains laws of 99 three stages of 108-9 vegetable 30-1 Eye-brows, force-centre between 60 Failure is impossible 5 Fairies (see Nature-spirits) 'Fetters' to be cast off 120 Fire-mist, Children of the 131 Fire, nature-spirits of 84 Sparks of divine 10, 41, 61 Flame, Lords of the 131 Fohat 19 Forces, the higher, Adepts' knowledge of 14 Force-centres 60 Founder of each race 11 Founders of the Theosophical Society 14 Fragment of life of the Logos 9 of group-soul 39, 42 of the Monad 61 Freemasonry, angels approach men through 85 Free-will 99 Free-will, limitation of unbounded 102-3 _ keywords: animal; astral; bodies; body; chain; death; earth; ego; evolution; good; kingdom; level; life; man; matter; mental; nature; physical; soul; thought; time; way; world cache: 12902.txt plain text: 12902.txt item: #8 of 34 id: 13142 author: Rogers, L. W. (Louis William) title: Self-Development and the Way to Power date: None words: 9845 flesch: 67 summary: Then we begin to discover that this very desire for greater spiritual power is generating a force that carries us forward and upward. Without desire man would be in a deathlike and dangerous condition--a condition in which further progress would be impossible. keywords: body; desire; development; evolution; life; man; mind; nature; power; work cache: 13142.txt plain text: 13142.txt item: #9 of 34 id: 14002 author: McIvor-Tyndall, Alexander J. (Alexander James) title: Cosmic Consciousness The Man-God Whom We Await date: None words: 65831 flesch: 61 summary: In truth Tennyson had so fixed his consciousness in the spiritual rather than in the external, that he looked out from that inner self, as through the windows of a house; he was prepared, as he said, to believe that his body was but an imaginary symbol of himself, but nothing and no one could persuade him that the real Tennyson, the _I am_ consciousness of being which was he, was other than spiritual, eternal, undying. The numerous instances of Illumination, or cosmic consciousness which are forcing attention at the present time, prove that there is a _race-awakening_ to a realization of our unity with Om. keywords: attainment; body; buddha; consciousness; day; death; earth; experience; fact; god; human; idea; illumination; individual; jesus; law; liberation; life; light; lord; love; man; meaning; mind; mohammed; nature; new; personal; physical; power; present; realization; self; sense; soul; spirit; state; things; time; truth; way; words; world; years cache: 14002.txt plain text: 14002.txt item: #10 of 34 id: 14064 author: Hayes, H. E. E. (Herbert Edward Elton) title: Mohammed, The Prophet of Islam date: None words: 11331 flesch: 59 summary: The revelation produced after this, speaks of it as the Day of deliverance, and Mohammed rejoices because the stigma of powerlessness to show evidence of miracle in his life, is removed, for he accounts for the victory by direct intervention of God in his favour. There is no God but God, and Mohammed is the Apostle of God. keywords: followers; god; influence; islam; life; man; mecca; medinah; men; mohammed; moslem; people; policy; prophet; system; time; | | cache: 14064.txt plain text: 14064.txt item: #11 of 34 id: 14378 author: None title: Five Years of Theosophy date: None words: 149081 flesch: 59 summary: Many members of the Society who would not have been otherwise called to Chelaship became convinced by practical proof of the above points, and rightly enough thinking that if other men had hitherto reached the goal, they too, if inherently fitted, might reach it by following the same path, importunately pressed to be taken as candidates. Statistics of wars and of the periods (or cycles) of the appearance of great men--at least those who have been recognized as such by their contemporaries; statistics of the periods of development and progress of large commercial centres; of the rise and fall of arts and sciences; of cataclysms, such as earthquakes, epidemics; periods of extraordinary cold and heat; cycles of revolutions, and of the rise and fall of empires, &c.: all these are subjected in turn to the analysis of the minutest mathematical calculations. keywords: account; adepts; animal; aryan; atoms; b.c; body; buddha; buddhist; case; christian; chronology; connection; consciousness; course; date; day; death; desire; development; divine; doctrine; earth; energy; era; esoteric; european; evidence; evolution; existence; fact; fifth; following; force; form; general; god; good; great; greek; hand; head; hindu; historical; history; human; india; individual; knowledge; language; law; left; life; light; living; mahatma; man; material; matter; meaning; means; men; mind; modern; nature; new; object; occult; opinion; orientalists; people; period; philosophy; physical; place; power; prakriti; present; principle; question; race; reason; result; sankara; sanskrit; science; self; sense; soul; spirit; state; subject; sun; system; theory; things; thought; time; truth; universal; universe; way; western; words; work; world; writing; years cache: 14378.txt plain text: 14378.txt item: #12 of 34 id: 14587 author: Morris, Kenneth title: The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19 date: None words: 234603 flesch: 69 summary: Great men simply will not incarnate in malarial territory; because they would have no chance whatever of doing anything, with that oppression and enervation sapping them. These Chow ages seem like the winking of an eye; but they were crowded with great men and small, great deeds and trivialities, like our own. keywords: aeschylus; age; ages; ancient; art; asia; athens; augustus; b.c; battle; beauty; caesar; celtic; centuries; century; china; chinese; civilization; coming; confucius; conquered; course; crest; culture; cycle; day; days; dead; death; decades; divine; doctrine; doubt; earth; east; egypt; emperor; empire; end; english; europe; european; example; eyes; fact; fall; father; forces; gaul; genius; glory; gods; good; grand; great; greatness; greece; greek; half; han; hand; head; hear; heaven; high; history; homer; house; human; ideas; imagine; india; ireland; irish; italy; kind; king; know; knowledge; language; laotse; latin; law; left; life; light; like; literature; living; look; main; man; manvantara; master; material; means; men; mind; modern; mountains; music; mysteries; national; nature; near; need; new; north; note; order; past; people; period; persia; personality; place; plato; poetry; point; power; pralaya; present; race; real; reign; religion; roman; rome; saw; sea; second; secret; self; sense; set; son; soul; spain; speak; spirit; spiritual; splendor; state; strength; tao; teacher; teaching; things; thought; throne; tiberius; till; time; tradition; truth; ts'in; turn; vision; war; wave; way; west; western; wisdom; words; work; world; years cache: 14587.txt plain text: 14587.txt item: #13 of 34 id: 14599 author: Collins, Mabel title: Light on the Path and Through the Gates of Gold date: None words: 38036 flesch: 73 summary: Then comes the barrenness and lack of vitality,--that unhappy and disappointing state into which great men too often enter when middle life is just passed. It is the first test of his strength; he must suffer, must enjoy or endure, more keenly than other men, while yet he has taken on him a duty which does not exist for other men, that of not allowing his suffering to shake him from his fixed purpose. keywords: desire; disciple; existence; fact; gates; heart; human; knowledge; life; light; man; men; nature; pain; path; place; pleasure; power; self; sensation; soul; thing; thought; way; world cache: 14599.txt plain text: 14599.txt item: #14 of 34 id: 15545 author: Besant, Annie title: The Basis of Morality date: None words: 9249 flesch: 59 summary: It is fixed, and therefore unprogressive; while man evolves, and at a later stage of his growth, the morality taught in the Revelation becomes archaic and unsuitable. Men have grown out of them; they no longer heed nor obey them, for man's reason performs its eclectic work on Revelation, chooses the good, rejects the evil. keywords: basis; conscience; evolution; god; happiness; law; life; man; morality; revelation; right cache: 15545.txt plain text: 15545.txt item: #15 of 34 id: 16269 author: Besant, Annie title: Thought-Forms date: None words: 21383 flesch: 60 summary: Fig. 16, for example, is somewhat suggestive of a partially opened flower-bud, while other forms are found to bear a certain resemblance to shells or leaves or tree-shapes. Such forms remain as coherent erections for some considerable time--an hour or two at least; and during all that time they are radiating forth their characteristic vibrations in every direction, just as our thought-forms do; and if the music be good, the effect of those vibrations cannot but be uplifting to every man upon whose vehicles they play. keywords: affection; astral; blue; body; case; colour; desire; effect; feeling; fig; form; illustration; lines; man; matter; mind; nature; plate; thought; vibrations cache: 16269.txt plain text: 16269.txt item: #16 of 34 id: 17213 author: Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen title: The Future of Islam date: None words: 47229 flesch: 57 summary: The Mohammedan nations have for the most part each its separate school, composed of its own Ulema and presided over by its own Grand Mufti or Sheykh el Islam, and these are independent of all external influence. I cannot myself find any cause of despair for Mussulmans in the prospect of a curtailment of their religious area in the directions indicated, or any certain reason of exultation for their enemies in the thought that with the fall of Constantinople Islam, too, will have fallen. keywords: abd; abd el; arabia; asia; authority; caliphate; christian; constantinople; day; egypt; el islam; empire; europe; future; god; government; hamid; hejaz; house; india; islam; law; life; mecca; mohammedan; mussulman; ottoman; position; power; present; prophet; sultan; thought; time; title; turkish; ulema; world; years; | | cache: 17213.txt plain text: 17213.txt item: #17 of 34 id: 18266 author: Besant, Annie title: Death—and After? date: None words: 23961 flesch: 62 summary: Now the link between the Immortal Triad and the Perishable Quaternary is Manas, which is dual during earth life, or incarnation, and functions as Higher Manas and Lower Manas. Out of this normal state he plunges into physical life for brief periods in order that he may gain experiences otherwise unattainable, and bring them back to enrich his more abiding condition. keywords: body; consciousness; death; desire; devachan; double; earth; ego; footnote; human; kâmaloka; life; living; man; manas; matter; nature; period; soul; spirit; state; time; world cache: 18266.txt plain text: 18266.txt item: #18 of 34 id: 20394 author: Various title: Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism date: None words: 22118 flesch: 54 summary: L'Arménien avait été jugé au Mehkemé dit du Stambol Effendi, avant d'être envoyé à la Porte. Il est donc de l'intention de l'Empereur que vous déclariez à la Porte Ottomane, sous la forme d'un conseil bienveillant, que nous nous attendons positivement à ne plus voir se renouveler des exécutions qui soulèvent contre elle l'indignation de toute la Chrétienté. keywords: aberdeen; canning; communication; constantinople; copy; despatch; earl; excellency; execution; french; government; instructions; law; les; lordship; majesty; minister; nous; pasha; porte; pour; que; question; qui; rifaat; sir; sir stratford; stratford; stratford canning; turkish cache: 20394.txt plain text: 20394.txt item: #19 of 34 id: 20660 author: Sell, Edward title: The Faith of Islam date: None words: 101404 flesch: 77 summary: THE CREED OF ISLÁM Imán--God--Attributes of God--Discussions on the nature of God--The rise of the Mutazilites--The Sifátíans--Mushábihites--Names of God--Creation of the Qurán. The creed of Islám, Lá-iláha-il-lal-láhu wa Muhammad-ur-Rasúl-Ulláh, (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the Apostle of God) is very short, but the system itself is a very dogmatic one. keywords: abu; account; act; alí; angels; arabic; authority; belief; body; book; chapter; day; days; death; divine; doctrine; earth; evil; faith; farz; fast; following; form; god; good; heaven; ibn; imám; islám; khalíf; knowledge; law; life; lord; man; meaning; mecca; men; month; muhammad; muslim; namáz; nature; night; number; o god; opinion; order; orthodox; people; person; place; power; prayer; prophet; qurán; religion; revelation; salát; second; state; subject; sunnat; system; súra; thee; thou; thy; time; traditions; true; verse; way; words; world; | | cache: 20660.txt plain text: 20660.txt item: #20 of 34 id: 20927 author: Cherágh Ali title: A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád' Showing that all the Wars of Mohammad Were Defensive; and that Aggressive War, or Compulsory Conversion, is not Allowed in The Koran - 1885 date: None words: 98540 flesch: 74 summary: Kias_), passed under the name of _Fiqah_ or _ Omit_ 22 them it xvii _f.n._ keywords: a.h; abu; arms; attack; authority; badr; bani; battle; bin; book; cause; defence; defensive; enemy; english |; execution; f.n; faith; fight; fighting; followers; footnote; force; god; hath; ibn; iii; islam; jews; jihád; koran; koreish; law; life; mahomet; means; mecca; medina; men; mohammad; moslems; muir; number; page; people; persecution; persons; place; prisoners; prophet; religion; sidenote; sir; story; sura; time; traditions; tribes; true; verses; vide; vol; war; wars; word; year; | george; | henry; | ix; | rev; | viii; | | cache: 20927.txt plain text: 20927.txt item: #21 of 34 id: 21080 author: Leadbeater, C. W. (Charles Webster) title: The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena date: None words: 32917 flesch: 42 summary: Even when our imagination has fully grasped all that is comprehended in what has already been said, we do not yet understand half the complexity of the problem; for besides all these new forms of physical matter we have to deal with the still more numerous and perplexing subdivisions of astral matter. We must note first that every material object, every particle even, has its astral counterpart; and this counterpart is itself not a simple body, but is usually extremely complex, being composed of various kinds of astral matter. keywords: astral; body; case; class; course; earth; elemental; essence; evolution; fact; form; good; great; human; life; man; matter; nature; person; plane; power; thought; time; world cache: 21080.txt plain text: 21080.txt item: #22 of 34 id: 21533 author: Pascal, Théophile title: Reincarnation: A Study in Human Evolution date: None words: 67130 flesch: 58 summary: The visible bodily sheath has had its atoms scattered to the four elements; the etheric body[263] has become separated from the physical molecules whose vital support it formed; the body of passions and desires (_astral body_) has lived for a few years in what Catholics call _Purgatory_, Greeks, _Hades_, and Hindus, _Kâmaloka_; after which, only germs have been left behind; then the intelligence (_mental body_) has been dispersed in turn and endures only in a germinal state. The improvements subsequently effected by human bodies did not then exist; the difference, or distinction, which has now widened into a gulf, was scarcely perceptible, and in the early incarnations of these rudimentary human souls back-slidings and falls were so frequent that some of them, thus enfeebled, might find it to their advantage[194] to become incarnate, at times, in highly-developed animal bodies. keywords: animal; astral; atoms; beings; birth; bodies; body; book; brain; causal; causal body; chap; consciousness; death; development; divine; doctrine; earth; evil; evolution; existence; footnote; force; form; god; human; intelligence; law; life; light; lives; man; matter; memory; nature; new; past; physical; place; point; power; present; qualities; reason; reincarnation; return; soul; state; teaching; thought; time; universe; vibrations; work; world cache: 21533.txt plain text: 21533.txt item: #23 of 34 id: 29399 author: Leadbeater, C. W. (Charles Webster) title: Clairvoyance date: None words: 43895 flesch: 55 summary: So that though the physical eye or ear has undoubtedly always its counterpart of astral matter, that particular fragment of astral matter is no more (and no less) capable of responding to the vibrations which produce astral sight or astral hearing than any other part of the vehicle. It is hardly possible altogether to exclude these latter faculties, for astral sight necessarily has considerably greater extension than physical, and fragmentary pictures of both past and future are often casually visible even to clairvoyants who do not know how to seek specially for them; but there is nevertheless a very real distinction between such incidental glimpses and the definite power of projection of the sight either in space or time. keywords: astral; body; case; clairvoyance; course; etheric; fact; faculty; life; man; matter; means; nature; new; past; people; physical; plane; power; present; seq; sight; subject; thought; time; use; vibrations; vision; way; world cache: 29399.txt plain text: 29399.txt item: #24 of 34 id: 30134 author: Rogers, L. W. (Louis William) title: Elementary Theosophy date: None words: 53557 flesch: 65 summary: It is commonly said that we can do nothing more for them when they have passed away from physical plane life, but a greater error could not easily be made. The breaking down of the body under the ravages of disease may cause pain, but that belongs to physical life, not death. keywords: astral; belief; body; case; consciousness; course; death; earth; evolution; existence; fact; form; god; human; incarnation; law; life; man; material; matter; mind; nature; past; people; person; physical; plane; plane life; soul; thought; time; work; world; years cache: 30134.txt plain text: 30134.txt item: #25 of 34 id: 36585 author: Wilson, Samuel Graham title: Bahaism and Its Claims A Study of the Religion Promulgated by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha date: None words: 74040 flesch: 72 summary: The oppressions and anathemas received by the old Bahais from the followers of Abdul Baha Abbas give the answer.[312] Fortunately for the world, the universal reign of Bahaism is not to be realized, neither is the prophecy of Abdul Baha to be fulfilled which says[313] that the flag of Baha Ullah will overcome every other flag and all rulers will do homage to it. As a souvenir of the visit, the American Bahais presented a silver vase to the shrine of Abdul Baha Ullah at Acca, the Holy City. keywords: abbas; abdul baha; abul; acca; ali; american; azal; bab; babis; baha; baha abbas; baha ullah; bahais; book; browne; chicago; christ; christian; christianity; claims; day; effendi; facts; faith; followers; god; government; history; house; ibid; islam; kheiralla; life; like; lord; love; man; manifestation; men; mirza; mohammed; movement; mrs; narr; new; note; peace; people; persia; phelps; professor; religion; revelation; shah; spirit; tablets; time; trav; truth; universal; wife; women; words; world; years cache: 36585.txt plain text: 36585.txt item: #26 of 34 id: 39523 author: Dinet, Etienne title: The Life of Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah date: None words: 109914 flesch: 73 summary: The study of innovations introduced in this way into the Prophet's history has caused us to note that they were often prompted by feelings inimical to Islam which were not only out of place in scientific research, but were also unworthy of our epoch. _It may also seem strange that in the illustrations accompanying the text, no portrait of the Prophet will be found, nor any picturing of events in which he figured as the hero._ _ keywords: abdullah; abu; abu bakr; ali; allah; arabs; bakr; banu; believers; black; brother; camel; caravan; chapter; city; companions; day; dead; death; dost; earth; enemy; eyes; face; faithful; father; fear; good; hands; hath; head; holy; house; ibn; idolaters; illustration; islam; jews; ka'bah; khadijah; left; life; like; lord; madinah; makkah; man; men; mohammad; moslems; mussulmans; night; o allah; o prophet; order; people; place; prayer; prophet; qur'an; quraish; religion; road; round; saying; sidenote; soldiers; son; sufyan; talib; temple; thee; thou; thought; thy; time; turn; umar; water; way; women; words; world; year cache: 39523.txt plain text: 39523.txt item: #27 of 34 id: 39986 author: Steiner, Rudolf title: The Way of Initiation; or, How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds date: None words: 43054 flesch: 69 summary: _Rudolf Steiner, Ph.D._ Arranged from the translation by _Max Gysi_. _Rudolf Steiner, Ph.D._ 1.00 23010 Initiation of a Candidate--6 copies (_Burlesque_) 5.00 22991 Indian Masonry. keywords: .50; cloth; day; disciple; experiences; feelings; form; great; human; initiation; knowledge; leather; life; man; mind; morocco; mystic; nature; new; occult; order; paper; path; physical; power; right; soul; spirit; steiner; student; things; thought; time; truth; way; work; world cache: 39986.txt plain text: 39986.txt item: #28 of 34 id: 47749 author: Maniri, Sharaf al-Din Ahmad ibn Yahya title: Letters from a Sûfî Teacher date: None words: 29497 flesch: 75 summary: Before the sunset prayer, some time should be spent in attentively examining the desire-nature _i. e._, reviewing the gains made and the losses incurred during the day. _Third_:--the purity of the heart, _i. e._, renunciation of all evil qualities, such as uncharitableness, envy and malice. keywords: body; desire; disciple; divine; god; heart; heaven; inner; knowledge; life; love; man; nature; path; prophet; purity; save; self; soul; stage; teacher; thee; thou; work; world cache: 47749.txt plain text: 47749.txt item: #29 of 34 id: 5641 author: Lehrs, Ernst title: Man or Matter Introduction to a Spiritual Understanding of Nature on the Basis of Goethe's Method of Training Observation and Thought date: None words: 141609 flesch: 55 summary: Nature outside man had taught him that life on all levels takes it course in a perpetual interplay of opposites, manifested externally in an interplay of diastole and systole comparable to the process of breathing. Howard in a modest yet dignified way describes his Christian faith, his guide through all his relationships, whether to other men or to nature.10 A man comes before us who, untroubled by the prevailing philosophy of his day, was able to advance to the knowledge of an objective truth in nature, because he had the ability to carry religious experience even into his observation of the sense-world. keywords: activity; body; chapter; colour; conception; condition; consciousness; day; discovery; earth; effect; electricity; ether; existence; experience; eye; fact; field; following; force; form; goethe; gravity; heat; human; kind; knowledge; levity; life; light; man; material; matter; means; mind; nature; new; number; observation; order; phenomena; physical; picture; plant; point; polarity; present; process; realm; result; science; sense; soul; space; sphere; state; substance; system; thinking; thought; time; view; way; work; world cache: 5641.txt plain text: 5641.txt item: #30 of 34 id: 57292 author: Judge, William Quan title: Echoes From The Orient: A Broad Outline of Theosophical Doctrines date: None words: 22738 flesch: 64 summary: Here a great, a glorious civilization once flourished, only to disappear as the others did; and that a grand development of civilization is beginning here again is one of the operations of the just and perfect law of Karma to the eye of the Theosophist, but one of the mysterious workings of an irresponsible providence to those who believe in a personal God who giveth the land of other men to the good Christian. At the same time, too, one Nirmânakâya may have many different men--or women--whom he directs. keywords: adepts; astral; beings; body; day; death; doctrine; earth; human; karma; law; life; light; man; men; nature; new; point; race; society; soul; state; theosophical; time; world; years cache: 57292.txt plain text: 57292.txt item: #31 of 34 id: 5772 author: Russell, George William title: AE in the Irish Theosophist date: None words: 88219 flesch: 76 summary: When the soul has many lives Fettered by Forgetfulness, Hands that burst its long-worn gyves Cruel seem and pitiless. There it was born and well born, and grew downwards into earth, and all our hopes and efforts and achievements here but vaguely reflect what was true and perfect in intent above, a compact of many hearts to save the generations wandering to their doom. keywords: air; beauty; breath; children; dark; darkness; dawn; day; deep; divine; dream; earth; eyes; face; fire; flame; form; glory; god; gods; great; half; heart; hope; joy; life; light; long; love; man; men; mind; mystic; nature; pain; past; people; place; power; race; rest; rose; secret; self; soul; spirit; spiritual; stars; sun; thee; things; thought; time; twilight; voice; way; white; wisdom; words; world; years cache: 5772.txt plain text: 5772.txt item: #32 of 34 id: 61526 author: Hughes, Thomas Patrick title: A Dictionary of Islam Being a cyclopedia of the doctrines, rites, ceremonies, and customs, together with the technical and theological terms, of the Muhammadan religion. date: None words: 1242 flesch: 48 summary: Although compiled by a clergyman who has had the privilege of being engaged in missionary work at Peshawar for a period of twenty years, this Dictionary of Islam is not intended to be a controversial attack on the religious system of Muhammad, but rather an exposition of its principles and teachings. The Dictionary of Islam has been compiled with very considerable study and labour, in the hope that it will be useful to many;--to the Government official called to administer justice to Muslim peoples; to the Christian missionary engaged in controversy with Muslim scholars; to the Oriental traveller seeking hospitality amongst Muslim peoples; to the student of comparative religion anxious to learn the true teachings of Islam;--to all, indeed, who care to know what are those leading principles of thought which move and guide one hundred and seventy-five millions of the great human family, forty millions of whom are under the rule of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Empress of India. keywords: arabic; english; work cache: 61526.txt plain text: 61526.txt item: #33 of 34 id: 6687 author: Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna) title: From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan date: None words: 96727 flesch: 71 summary: Sometimes it extinguishes the divine spark; at other times it only increases it, transforming it into a lighthouse which becomes man's lodestar for life. The mystical school of Yogis was established by Patanjali, the founder of one of the six philosophical systems of ancient India. keywords: animal; away; babu; body; bombay; brahmans; case; caves; centuries; chief; cobra; colonel; country; course; dark; day; dayanand; days; dead; death; earth; end; english; european; eyes; fact; family; feet; god; goddess; gods; great; gulab; hair; half; hand; head; help; hindu; human; india; kind; left; life; like; living; look; modern; moment; mountain; music; narayan; nature; new; people; place; present; rao; rest; right; river; rock; round; sea; second; secret; sham; shiva; sing; society; soul; stone; sun; takur; temple; thought; time; town; water; way; white; women; world; years cache: 6687.txt plain text: 6687.txt item: #34 of 34 id: 7452 author: Yogananda, Paramahansa title: Autobiography of a Yogi date: None words: 158239 flesch: 73 summary: Many men broke through the tent openings, or crowded any space below the galleries. Are you content to be a hollow victrola, mechanically repeating the words of other men? I give up! keywords: air; america; ananta; ancient; ashram; astral; babaji; beings; benares; body; brother; calcutta; causal; chapter; child; consciousness; cosmic; creation; day; days; death; deep; disciples; divine; door; earth; english; eyes; face; family; father; feet; following; food; form; friend; gandhi; god; good; great; group; guru; hand; head; heart; hermitage; hindu; holy; home; hours; house; human; illustration; india; infinite; joy; knowledge; kriya; lahiri; lahiri mahasaya; law; leave; left; life; light; living; lord; love; mahasaya; man; master; master mahasaya; meditation; men; mind; morning; mother; nature; near; new; order; past; peace; power; presence; present; ranchi; realization; return; room; saint; sanskrit; school; science; self; serampore; silence; sir; son; soul; spiritual; sri; sri yukteswar; state; story; students; swami; temple; thought; time; train; truth; vision; visit; voice; way; west; wisdom; woman; words; work; world; years; yoga; yogi; yukteswar cache: 7452.txt plain text: 7452.txt