item: #1 of 34 id: 18053 author: Higgin, L. title: Spanish Life in Town and Country date: None words: 78231 flesch: 60 summary: Only revenue dues and _octroi_ duties have to be paid, and, of course, there is a liability to police supervision, which provides the police with a means of increasing their very inadequate pay by bribes or blackmail. During the whole time, _mañana veremos_ was the rule of action--a to-morrow that never was to dawn for those whose lives it was intended to sacrifice. keywords: air; alfonso; bull; cause; chapter; character; church; class; classes; country; course; court; day; days; death; don; end; england; english; fact; foreign; french; good; government; hands; head; high; history; home; honour; isabel; king; ladies; language; left; life; madrid; making; man; means; men; modern; moment; nation; native; new; number; party; past; people; place; play; portuguese; power; present; progress; provinces; public; queen; race; real; round; royal; seq; society; spain; spaniard; spanish; state; thing; time; town; war; water; way; women; work; world; years cache: 18053.txt plain text: 18053.txt item: #2 of 34 id: 18764 author: Meakin, Budgett title: Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond date: None words: 108875 flesch: 67 summary: There are several _cafés_ where Morocco men are to be met with by the score. Euan, 206 Snake-charming, 137, 151-158 Social life, Moorish, 82-87 Spain, Moorish empire in, founded by Berbers, 6, 54; footprints of Moors in, 332-379; place-names and words of Arabic origin, 333, 369; physiognomy of the people, 335; habits and customs, 335; salutations, 336; narrow streets, 336; forts and mosques (churches), 337; the mosque at Córdova (_q.v._); Girálda and El Kasar at Sevílle (_q.v._); the Alhambra at Granáda (_q.v._); other Moorish towns, villages, castles, and remains, 366-379; women of, at the battle of Jaca, 378 Sports and pastimes, Moorish: active, 96, 133-137; passive, 138-150, 151-158, 159-165 Stamps and stamp-dealers, 287 Story-teller, the, 122, 137, 138-150; Mulai Abd el Káder and the Monk of Monks, 141-148 T Tafilált, home for discarded Sultanas, 73 Tangier, English cede possession of, 9, 383; drunkenness and vice, 41; North African Mission, 42; shopping in, 118-124; market-place, 121-123; Sunday market, 125-132; salt-pans, 129; English Church at, 132; starting-place for Mekka pilgrims, 192, 196; residence of ambassadors, 205; gaol at, 233; many Frenchmen at, 300 Tarifa, Moorish remains at, 366 Tarragona, cathedral of, 373 Tea, making, 86, 103 Tilework of Algeria, 316 Toledo, 336, 373; Moorish hydraulists, 374; Ez-Zarkal's water-clocks, 374; cathedral, 374; sword-manufacture, 375 Tortosa, ancient pirate stronghold, 372 Tripoli, city and people, 326-331; the Turkish element in, 326; viewed from Morocco, 326-331; mosques, 328; irrigation, 330 Tunis, city, 321, 322 Tunisia, 299, 308; viewed from Morocco, 318-325; under French rule, 318-320; Jews in, 319; Arabs in, 322; Moors in, 322; women in, 325 V Valencia, ancient Moorish paradise, 372 W Water-carriers, Moorish, 132, 149 Water-clocks, Ez-Zarkal's, 374 Wazzân, Shareef of, present representative of Shurfá Idreeseeïn dynasty, 5, 296 Wilhelm II. keywords: abd; algeria; arabic; british; case; centre; children; city; country; course; court; day; days; door; empire; end; english; european; eyes; face; fact; feet; fez; find; fine; foreign; form; france; french; friends; general; god; good; government; half; hand; head; home; house; interpreter; land; left; life; lord; majesty; making; man; market; master; means; men; minister; money; moorish; moors; morocco; mosque; mulai; native; new; number; open; outside; pay; people; place; point; position; present; proverb; public; remains; result; right; round; slave; spain; spanish; state; story; style; sultan; sun; tangier; thee; things; thou; time; town; walls; war; water; way; white; women; work; years cache: 18764.txt plain text: 18764.txt item: #3 of 34 id: 22337 author: Florian title: History of the Moors of Spain date: None words: 58488 flesch: 58 summary: The governor was vanquished and Cordova taken, together with several other cities. Accordingly, he was soon proclaimed by the inhabitants, and several other cities followed the example thus set them. keywords: a.d; abderamus; africa; alphonso; arabs; arms; army; arts; battle; caliph; castile; character; christians; cities; city; cordova; country; court; death; empire; faith; father; ferdinand; god; grenada; head; heg; history; joseph; king; kingdom; master; men; mohammed; monarch; moorish; moors; mussulmans; new; note; page; people; period; place; possession; power; prince; prophet; religion; son; sovereign; spain; spaniards; throne; time; war; wars; world; years cache: 22337.txt plain text: 22337.txt item: #4 of 34 id: 27252 author: Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title: The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia date: None words: 50994 flesch: 72 summary: Opposite was a tobacconist's, with the gaudy red and yellow sign, _Campañia arrendataria de tabacos_, and a dram-shop where three hardy Spaniards from the mountains stood drinking _ All rights reserved_ keywords: air; andalusia; beauty; black; blue; bull; charm; church; city; cordova; country; dark; day; death; earth; english; eyes; face; gold; good; grey; hair; half; hands; head; horse; houses; land; life; little; look; love; man; men; mind; moorish; night; people; place; red; round; seville; sidenote; sky; spain; spanish; streets; sun; things; thought; time; town; trees; water; way; white; woman; work; world; years cache: 27252.txt plain text: 27252.txt item: #5 of 34 id: 29073 author: Dos Passos, John title: Rosinante to the Road Again date: None words: 41892 flesch: 78 summary: Three Soldiers_ _ A Gesture and a Quest_, 9 II: _ keywords: alonso; america; black; blue; bread; brown; castile; cold; country; dark; day; death; don; donkey; earth; eyes; face; feet; gesture; god; good; green; grey; hand; head; hills; horse; life; light; live; look; love; lyaeus; madrid; man; men; moment; mountains; new; people; red; road; round; sea; sky; soul; spain; street; sun; telemachus; things; thought; time; town; village; voice; way; white; wind; wine; women; work; world; years cache: 29073.txt plain text: 29073.txt item: #6 of 34 id: 29197 author: Parmele, Mary Platt title: A Short History of Spain date: None words: 31643 flesch: 65 summary: But their physical characteristics we are enabled to guess; for just as we find in Cornwall, England, lingering traces of the ancient Britons, so in the mountain fastnesses of northern Spain linger the _Basques_, who are by many supposed to be the last survivors of that mysterious primitive race. They were not yet acknowledged entire masters of Gaul and northern Spain. keywords: alfonso; army; carlos; castile; chapter; charles; city; coast; daughter; death; empire; england; europe; ferdinand; france; gothic; great; history; iii; isabella; king; kingdom; moors; new; people; philip; queen; reign; roman; rome; son; spain; spanish; throne; time; war; west; years cache: 29197.txt plain text: 29197.txt item: #7 of 34 id: 29591 author: Day, Dee title: Getting to know Spain date: None words: 10265 flesch: 77 summary: His tomb is in the beautiful Cathedral of Santiago--which is the way Spanish people say St. James--in Compostela, in northern Spain. There were once more than 80 Roman cities in Spain, with roads and bridges and walls which were built so well that they are still used by Spanish people today. keywords: boys; city; country; day; girls; great; illustration; moors; new; north; people; spain; spanish; time; today; way; world; years cache: 29591.txt plain text: 29591.txt item: #8 of 34 id: 31532 author: O'Shea, John Augustus title: Romantic Spain: A Record of Personal Experiences (Vol. II) date: None words: 61815 flesch: 69 summary: There must be bad characters amongst the Carlists, I reflected; and when they are on outpost duty at a distance from officers, and have taken a drop of aguardiente too much, they may sometimes fail to appreciate the nice distinction between _meum_ and _ I had _carte blanche_ to return when I deemed there was no further scope for my pen; but there was an obstacle in the way. keywords: arms; away; barbarossa; bay; british; cadiz; captain; carlists; carlos; chapter; church; city; company; country; cruz; day; days; don; england; english; fellow; fire; france; french; friend; general; gibraltar; good; ground; half; hand; head; hours; house; irish; irun; king; ladies; lady; land; leader; left; line; lizarraga; london; madrid; mahomet; man; men; money; moorish; morning; officers; order; outside; people; place; present; red; republican; road; san; santa; sea; sebastian; service; set; sight; soldiers; spain; spanish; street; tangier; thought; time; town; war; water; way; white; wine; years; young cache: 31532.txt plain text: 31532.txt item: #9 of 34 id: 32255 author: Collins, W. W. (William Wiehe) title: Cathedral Cities of Spain: 60 Reproductions from Original Water Colours date: None words: 570 flesch: 53 summary: See CATHEDRAL CITIES OF SPAIN 60 reproductions from original water colours by W. W. Collins. $2.00 60 reproductions from original water colours by W. W. Collins. keywords: cathedral; illustration; water cache: 32255.txt plain text: 32255.txt item: #10 of 34 id: 33833 author: Wood, Charles W. (Charles William) title: Glories of Spain date: None words: 144701 flesch: 80 summary: On great days countless candles lighted up the aisles and faintly outlined the more distant recesses. For the father's sake, for the sake of old times and the days of his youth, he was kind to the son. keywords: anselmo; atmosphere; barcelona; beauty; black; blue; building; cathedral; century; chapter; charm; church; cloisters; country; dark; day; days; dead; deep; door; dream; earth; end; eyes; face; fair; father; gerona; good; half; hand; heart; heaven; hour; house; illustration; left; lerida; life; little; look; looking; love; man; moment; monk; morning; mother; nature; new; night; outlines; paradise; past; people; picturesque; place; priest; river; room; rosalie; rose; round; saw; scene; sea; señor; sky; spain; streets; think; thought; time; town; vision; walls; way; white; windows; woman; work; world; years cache: 33833.txt plain text: 33833.txt item: #11 of 34 id: 34203 author: Prescott, William Hickling title: History of the Reign of Philip the Second King of Spain, Vol. 3 And Biographical & Critical Miscellanies date: None words: 130370 flesch: 66 summary: La primera, he writes to Don John, que por cuanto V. Ex.ª está reputado de atrevido y de hombre que quiere mas ganar crédito de soldado que de general, que mude este estilo y se deje gobernar. [217] Las tenian los Moros barreadas de cincuenta en cincuenta pasos, y hechos muchos traveses de una parte y de otro en las puertas y paredes de las casas, para herir á su salvo keywords: "--ibid; "--marmol; aben; aboo; action; age; alpujarras; arms; army; battle; body; brother; campaign; capital; captain; castile; castilian; character; charles; chief; christians; city; commander; con; condition; conduct; cortes; council; country; countrymen; course; court; crown; day; days; de austria; de don; de españa; de granada; de la; de los; de su; death; del; don; don john; don juan; duke; emperor; enemies; enemy; escorial; execution; eyes; faith; father; field; fifth; filipe; fire; fleet; fol; force; galleys; general; good; government; ground; guerra de; hand; head; heart; hist; historia; history; house; humeya; i. p.; inhabitants; juan de; king; las; left; letter; life; little; los que; loss; madrid; marquis; mas; master; means; men; mendoza; military; mondejar; moorish; moriscoes; moslems; mountains; nation; nature; naval; new; number; order; para; people; person; philip; place; policy; por; power; present; prince; principal; quarter; que; quixada; rebelion de; rebellion; return; right; royal; scene; second; segundo; sidenote; sierra; soldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; state; strength; terms; thought; tidings; time; tom; town; troops; turkish; turks; velez; vessels; victory; war; way; women; work; world; y de; y que; years cache: 34203.txt plain text: 34203.txt item: #12 of 34 id: 34875 author: Webster, Wentworth title: Spain date: None words: 57135 flesch: 62 summary: Both of these great races have left clear traces on the maps of ancient Spain. ANDALUSIA embraces the whole of southern Spain from Murcia to the frontier of Portugal. keywords: architecture; art; atlantic; average; barcelona; basque; cadiz; capital; catalonia; central; century; character; chief; city; climate; coast; country; course; districts; east; ebro; europe; feet; form; galicia; government; granada; guadalquiver; history; inhabitants; land; literature; madrid; mediterranean; miles; mountains; murcia; north; northern; number; plateau; population; portugal; present; provinces; pyrenees; rainfall; real; rivers; roman; san; sea; seville; sierra; south; southern; spain; spanish; towns; valencia; war; waters; west; years cache: 34875.txt plain text: 34875.txt item: #13 of 34 id: 38767 author: Bates, Katharine Lee title: Spanish Highways and Byways date: None words: 123937 flesch: 73 summary: Supreme among the _Prado_ children, of course, is the little daughter of Philip IV, the central figure of the world-renowned _Las Meninas_. The river, often turbulent and unruly, was on this April afternoon, the sailors said, _buen muchacho_, a good boy. keywords: afternoon; air; alhambra; altar; andalusian; arms; away; baby; balcony; black; blood; blue; body; book; boy; bull; carriage; cathedral; catholic; century; children; christ; church; city; come; country; cross; dark; day; days; dead; death; don; door; english; evening; eyes; face; family; feet; figures; form; forth; french; girls; god; gold; good; granada; great; green; gypsy; half; hand; head; heart; holy; home; hour; house; illustration; isidro; james; king; ladies; lady; left; life; line; little; look; love; madrid; man; mary; men; morning; mother; music; new; night; peasant; people; philip; place; play; plaza; procession; queen; red; rest; roman; rose; royal; saint; san; santiago; second; set; seville; silver; son; spain; spaniards; spanish; stand; stone; streets; thou; time; toledo; train; turn; velázquez; virgin; walls; war; water; way; white; wild; women; words; work; world; years; yellow; young cache: 38767.txt plain text: 38767.txt item: #14 of 34 id: 39199 author: Boyd, Mary Stuart title: The Fortunate Isles: Life and Travel in Majorca, Minorca and Iviza date: None words: 102706 flesch: 72 summary: The situation was delightful; but after the grandly characteristic city of Iviza this zealously whitewashed town, in spite of its antiquity, seemed insignificant and _new_. I mention this specially because a lack of sitting-rooms is usually the weak point of Balearic _fondas_. keywords: afternoon; air; appearance; artá; black; blue; boy; cathedral; caves; church; city; close; country; dark; day; days; door; english; fonda; fruit; good; green; half; hand; head; high; hills; home; hotel; house; illustration; island; iviza; lady; leaving; left; life; light; looking; majorcan; man; market; men; minorca; morning; mountains; native; palma; people; place; point; pollensa; port; quaint; rain; red; return; road; room; rose; round; san; saw; sea; set; shop; son; spanish; stone; street; sun; sóller; table; time; town; trees; view; walls; water; way; white; women; work; world; years; young cache: 39199.txt plain text: 39199.txt item: #15 of 34 id: 39246 author: O'Reilly, Elizabeth Boyle title: Heroic Spain date: None words: 103827 flesch: 66 summary: The view of Cadiz from a _mirador_ is like nothing else ever seen: the clean whiteness of hundreds of roof terraces, the church towers of colored tiles and a host of other _miradores_, made it seem like a second city in itself, suggestive of the Orient; a strange city set in the blinding blue circle of the ocean. _See_ Gothic, Romanesque, Plateresque Arenal, Doña Concepción, 133 Arfe family, the de, 202, 312 Armory, Madrid, the Royal, 114, 220, 226, 227, 228 Arroyo, 360, 363, 368 Astorga, 4, 105, 113-116, 141, 159 Asturias, 4, 79-103, 105, 112, 267, 341, 346 Asturias, Prince of, 84, 85, 288, 291, 324 Athens, 149, 268, 423 Augustine, St., 18, 155, 156, 189, 246, 342 Augustus Cæsar, 107, 392 Averroës, 88, 319 Avila, 6, 159, 160, 162, 164, 166, 195-212, 213, 216, 269, 273, 396 Azcoitia, 14, 18, 23 Azpeitia, 23, 30, 31 Baalbec, ruins of, 353 Bacon, Lord, 28, 64, 69, 135 Bailén, battle of, 172, 380 Balearic Islands, 415 Balmes y Uspia, Jaime, 210 Baltazar Carlos, infante, Don, 60, 221, 227, 378 Balzac, Honoré de, 327, 333 Barcelona, 7, 8, 26, 28, 140, 146, 216, 345, 379, 394, 395-419, 421 Basque Provinces, 4, 13-32, 36, 79, 83, 101, 105 Bazán, Doña Emilia Pardo, _see_ keywords: age; alfonso; altar; avila; barcelona; book; burgos; castile; cathedral; centuries; century; character; charles; children; christian; church; churches; cities; city; come; country; cross; day; days; de la; death; don; england; english; europe; face; faith; family; feet; ferdinand; francis; french; god; good; gothic; half; hand; heart; hills; holy; hour; house; isabella; juan; king; land; left; león; life; look; love; madrid; man; mass; men; miles; modern; morning; mountains; national; near; new; night; noble; past; people; philip; picture; place; prayer; province; queen; race; red; religion; river; round; saint; salamanca; san; santiago; scene; set; seville; small; son; soul; spain; spaniard; spanish; spirit; streets; teresa; things; thought; till; time; toledo; town; train; visit; walls; way; week; white; women; work; world; ximenez; years; young cache: 39246.txt plain text: 39246.txt item: #16 of 34 id: 40356 author: Collins, W. W. (William Wiehe) title: Cathedral Cities of Spain date: None words: 55528 flesch: 74 summary: In the north transept in a small chapel is a good Virgin and Child by Alonso Cano; in the south is the Altar de la Gamba, over which hangs the celebrated _La Generacion_ of Louis de Vargas, known as _La Gamba_ from the well-drawn leg of Adam. There are many good early tombs throughout the Cathedral. keywords: alfonso; altar; arches; building; capilla; cathedral; centre; century; chapel; church; city; cloisters; columns; convent; coro; country; court; day; days; de san; del; door; end; façade; feet; ferdinand; figures; fine; good; gothic; granada; great; houses; illustration; interior; juan; left; leon; life; light; moorish; nave; north; place; present; retablo; river; round; salamanca; san; santa; seville; sketch; south; spain; stone; street; time; toledo; tomb; tower; town; walls; way; west; work; years cache: 40356.txt plain text: 40356.txt item: #17 of 34 id: 40528 author: Lathrop, George Parsons title: Spanish Vistas date: None words: 65847 flesch: 66 summary: first_, that of the central raised plains stretching from range to range of its several mountain-ribs; and, _second_, that of the sea-level and the latitude in which the country lies. As we stepped over the threshold these sounds continued with _crescendo_ effect, ourselves being taken for the theme. keywords: air; alhambra; barcelona; black; blue; bull; burgos; cathedral; church; city; close; coming; cordova; country; court; dark; day; days; door; end; eyes; fact; find; fine; french; garden; gate; gold; granada; green; half; hand; having; head; hill; hotel; hour; houses; illustration; kind; life; look; madrid; man; men; moorish; morning; new; night; north; open; order; people; place; point; present; room; sevilla; sort; spain; spanish; square; stone; street; sun; time; toledo; tower; town; trees; valencia; wall; water; way; white; window; women; work; years cache: 40528.txt plain text: 40528.txt item: #18 of 34 id: 40776 author: Gordon, Cora title: Poor Folk in Spain date: None words: 81088 flesch: 81 summary: Old men, dressed in the ancient Jijona costume of black blouse and black velvet hat with turned-up brim and pointed crown--kept on to the head by an elastic at the back--would address me in a patois impossible to understand. Old houses stood step above step, on a hill so steep that the roadways were all staircases and the houses had two entrances, the front into the lowest story and the back into the upper, and often the back-yard was higher than the roof. keywords: antonio; bed; black; blas; boy; bull; carriage; children; country; day; days; door; dust; emilio; end; english; eyes; face; feet; french; friend; girl; good; guitar; half; hands; head; hill; home; house; illustration; jan; jijona; left; little; looking; luggage; luis; madrid; man; men; moment; morning; murcia; music; night; open; people; pesetas; place; play; red; road; room; round; señor; shop; sitting; spain; spaniard; spanish; station; street; sun; time; town; train; trees; verdolay; village; water; way; woman; work cache: 40776.txt plain text: 40776.txt item: #19 of 34 id: 41593 author: Buck, Walter John title: Unexplored Spain date: None words: 146318 flesch: 71 summary: Capra pyrenaica_; those of the centre and south of Spain being differentiated as _C. hispánica_. As designed by nature, they afford but a home for wild beasts, fowls of the air, and other _ferae_ which abound in striking and charming variety. keywords: animals; april; away; beneath; bird; black; boar; bull; bush; bustard; camels; case; chamois; chapter; close; conditions; country; course; danger; dark; dawn; day; days; dead; deep; deer; doñana; ducks; eagle; earth; eggs; end; ere; eye; face; fact; february; feet; find; flamingoes; flight; following; foot; form; game; geese; good; green; grey; ground; guns; half; head; high; hills; home; hour; human; ibex; illustration; inches; land; lay; lbs; left; length; life; like; line; man; marisma; miles; minutes; moment; morning; moréna; mountain; mud; nature; nest; new; night; north; numbers; open; pack; pair; pass; place; point; red; rock; sand; save; scene; scrub; season; second; seq; set; shooting; shot; sierra; snow; south; spain; spanish; species; spot; spring; stag; summer; sun; time; view; water; white; wild; wild spain; wildfowl; wind; winter; work; world; yards; years; | | cache: 41593.txt plain text: 41593.txt item: #20 of 34 id: 43378 author: Scott, C. Rochfort‏ (Charles Rochfort) title: Excursions in the mountains of Ronda and Granada, with characteristic sketches of the inhabitants of southern Spain, vol. 1/2 date: None words: 98692 flesch: 59 summary: The attempt to regenerate the national army by the infusion of a body of _educated_ officers, whose advancement should depend entirely upon their own conduct and acquirements, was a praiseworthy effort to break through the barriers of presumption, ignorance, and vice, with which the pampered nobles of Spain had, until then, closed the door of promotion against every kind of merit; reserving for themselves all the most influential and lucrative posts, and placing in the inferior, the illegitimate branches of their houses, their numerous hangers-on and menials, and, even yet worse, the debased panders to their vices. And, if they were not destined to the _same_ country, the two places to which they were proceeding would certainly have been distinguished by different names. keywords: a.d; army; band; beltran; benito; blas; bridge; bull; castle; chapter; character; city; cordoba; country; course; dark; daughter; day; days; distance; don; enemy; english; eyes; fair; father; feet; fine; following; forest; fortress; french; general; gibraltar; good; government; governor; granada; half; hand; head; horses; house; inhabitants; kind; know; left; length; life; malaga; man; means; miles; moment; moorish; moors; mountain; open; opportunity; party; pass; period; place; plain; present; principal; purpose; right; river; road; rocky; ronda; roque; round; san; sierra; spain; spaniards; spanish; spot; state; stream; taking; thing; time; town; traveller; valley; view; village; visit; walls; water; way; word; work; years cache: 43378.txt plain text: 43378.txt item: #21 of 34 id: 43705 author: Scott, C. Rochfort‏ (Charles Rochfort) title: Excursions in the mountains of Ronda and Granada, with characteristic sketches of the inhabitants of southern Spain, vol. 2/2 date: None words: 102278 flesch: 61 summary: The quality of the wine depends, therefore, upon the quantity and age of the various _madre_ butts from which it has been flavoured; and the taste is varied from dry to sweet, and the colour from pale to brown, by the greater or less admixture of _Pajarete_, _Amontillado_, and _boiled_ sherry. But in summer, carriages even may proceed to Seville by a cross road, which not only lessens the dust, but reduces the distance from six _long_ to the same number of _short_ leagues; or, in other words, effects a saving of about three miles. keywords: bank; bridge; cadiz; casa; case; castle; chapter; city; coast; cordoba; country; course; day; days; direction; distance; don; enemy; english; fact; fine; following; foot; fortress; french; general; gibraltar; good; granada; ground; half; hand; having; hill; house; inhabitants; itinerary; leagues; leaving; left; length; life; little; los; malaga; means; miles; mountains; north; pass; place; plain; point; position; post; present; proceeding; rest; right; river; road; rocky; roman; ronda; route; san; sea; seville; sierra; site; south; spain; spanish; spot; state; steep; stream; time; town; valley; venta; vicinity; view; village; walls; water; way; wine; xeres; years cache: 43705.txt plain text: 43705.txt item: #22 of 34 id: 43852 author: Vertot, abbé de title: The Revolutions of Portugal date: None words: 38681 flesch: 68 summary: Emanuel_; whereas the King of _Spain_ was only descended from a Daughter of the same King _ Portugal_ was then made a Kingdom, and was sometimes govern'd by its own Prince, at other times it was reckon'd part of the Dominions of the King of _Castile_. keywords: archbishop; braganza; business; conspirators; country; court; crown; design; don; duke; head; king; kingdom; life; lisbon; man; marquiss; master; minister; olivarez; orders; palace; people; portugal; prince; queen; spain; spaniards; spanish; thing; thought; time cache: 43852.txt plain text: 43852.txt item: #23 of 34 id: 44490 author: Wigram, Edgar Thomas Ainger title: Northern Spain date: None words: 70655 flesch: 73 summary: But the Spanish chroniclers have been lacking in the Englishman's regard for circumstantial detail; so whether it was an untamed Cantabrian or a Roman Centurion who was annexed as _hero eponymus_ for the basilica of Iria Flavia it is now impossible to guess. To them all petty annoyances and inconveniences assume disproportionate dimensions, and they are well advised in checking their _razzias_ at San Sebástien, Pau, or Biarritz. keywords: army; bare; battle; black; bridge; búrgos; castile; cathedral; centre; chapter; church; city; coast; colour; country; course; day; days; del; don; early; end; english; feature; feet; fine; foot; french; general; good; green; ground; half; harbour; head; high; hills; king; lady; left; leon; level; line; lugo; madrid; men; miles; moors; mountains; northern; page illustrations; pamplona; pass; place; point; price; right; river; road; rock; salamanca; san; santiago; scenery; sea; second; segóvia; sierra; sir; south; spain; spanish; stands; stone; street; sun; tagus; text; time; toledo; town; valley; view; village; walls; water; way; wellington; white; work; years; zamora cache: 44490.txt plain text: 44490.txt item: #24 of 34 id: 45471 author: Boisgelin de Kerdu, Pierre Marie Louis de title: The History of the Revolutions of Portugal date: None words: 69544 flesch: 56 summary: | birth | marriage | coronat. _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KINGS AND QUEENS | keywords: archbishop; authority; braganza; brazil; cause; conduct; conspiracy; conspirators; country; court; crown; death; don; duke; duke de; favour; french; friends; general; government; great; history; king; kingdom; lisbon; majesty; marquis; master; minister; occasion; order; people; person; place; portugal; portugueze; prince; principal; public; queen; secret; son; sovereign; spain; spaniards; state; time; troops; war; year; | alphonso; | children; | daughter; | henry; | john; | maria; | philip; | |; | |ferdinand; | |leonora cache: 45471.txt plain text: 45471.txt item: #25 of 34 id: 45797 author: Sawyer, Edith A. (Edith Augusta) title: Jose: Our Little Portuguese Cousin date: None words: 16878 flesch: 85 summary: As the music grew louder, little Jose dared to join in with his beloved violin. And every day Antonio told Jose stories about the great world outside of Portugal. keywords: 12mo; antonio; book; boy; brother; children; cloth; cousin; day; farm; father; good; home; joanna; jose; mother; new; oxen; portugal; portuguese; red; school; time; winter; work cache: 45797.txt plain text: 45797.txt item: #26 of 34 id: 46034 author: Field, Henry M. (Henry Martyn) title: Gibraltar date: None words: 38616 flesch: 70 summary: Of course a soldier is always interested in a fortress, for it is in the line of his profession; and the greatest fortification in the world could but be regarded with a curious eye by old soldiers like those who had led our armies for four years; who had conducted great campaigns, with long marches and battles and sieges--battles among the bloodiest of modern times, and one siege (that of Richmond) which lasted as long as the famous siege of Gibraltar. Such are the heroic memories which gather round Gibraltar, and overshadow it as its mighty crags cast their shadows on the sea. keywords: army; battle; bay; brave; come; country; day; days; enemy; england; english; fire; fleet; fortress; garrison; gibraltar; governor; guns; line; man; men; military; new; officers; place; regiment; rock; sea; ships; siege; soldiers; spain; spaniards; spanish; time; town; war; way; world; years cache: 46034.txt plain text: 46034.txt item: #27 of 34 id: 46301 author: Lynch, Hannah title: Toledo, the Story of an Old Spanish Capital date: None words: 83253 flesch: 67 summary: Santiago, Toledo_ 272 _ On his release, the Duke of Alva decided to marry Don Fadique to his cousin, Maria de Toledo. keywords: alfonso; arabian; archbishop; arches; architecture; arms; art; beauty; bridge; cardinal; cathedral; century; chapel; chapter; christian; church; city; count; day; days; de la; de los; de toledo; death; del; don; doña; effect; el greco; father; figure; fine; french; gates; general; god; gold; good; gothic; great; greco; half; hand; head; history; house; illustration; isabel; jews; juan; juan de; king; left; legend; life; light; los; man; maria; moorish; moors; palace; pedro; people; philip; picture; power; prince; puerta; queen; remains; river; rodrigo; roman; round; royal; rule; san; santa; son; sovereign; spain; spanish; statue; streets; tagus; time; toledan; toledo; town; vega; walls; wamba; water; way; wife; work; world; years; young cache: 46301.txt plain text: 46301.txt item: #28 of 34 id: 46485 author: Nixon-Roulet, Mary F. title: Our Little Spanish Cousin date: None words: 21347 flesch: 82 summary: The long hedgerows look very beautiful against the soft blue of the Spanish sky, but little Fernando did not see anything pretty in them as he lay at the bottom of the ditch, roaring lustily. And little Juanita begged, Do please tell us one, Antonio, and as nobody could ever resist the _niña's_ wistful, brown eyes, Antonio smilingly began the story of The Three Sisters. keywords: antonio; boys; children; day; father; fernando; flowers; girl; granada; home; house; juanita; king; little; manuel; mother; pablo; people; place; school; señora; sister; spain; spanish; story; things; time; years cache: 46485.txt plain text: 46485.txt item: #29 of 34 id: 47628 author: Wood, Walter title: A Corner of Spain date: None words: 43405 flesch: 64 summary: And yet the North Portuguese small farmer, well off and prosperous, can afford to hire the man in a similar position across the Spanish frontier to do his hard work, whilst in Galicia women do the work of men in their husbands' absence. This book does not pretend to be a history or a complete record of Galicia. keywords: air; bay; bridge; british; building; cathedral; church; city; coast; corunna; country; day; days; diligence; england; english; ferrol; french; galicia; great; high; hills; hotel; illustration; island; james; land; man; mondariz; moore; night; open; peasant; people; pilgrims; place; pontevedra; river; road; santiago; sea; spain; spanish; stone; streets; time; town; vigo; visitor; water; way; women; work; years cache: 47628.txt plain text: 47628.txt item: #30 of 34 id: 50125 author: Hume, Martin A. S. (Martin Andrew Sharp) title: The Court of Philip IV.: Spain in Decadence date: None words: 158405 flesch: 60 summary: As if by common consent, all fingers pointed at young King Philip as the instigator of the crime.[11] It was asserted that the man who struck the blow was one Alonso Mateo, a crossbowman of the King; but though hundreds affirmed it, neither he nor any other was ever prosecuted for the crime, and the immortal Lope de Vega, who firmly believed that the young Sovereign connived at the murder of the Duke of Lemos, the former minister of his father, in November 1622, only interpreted the general belief in the capital, if it was indeed he who wrote that whoever struck the fatal blow at Villa Mediana, _the impulse that guided it was sovereign_. Following these and a hundred other ostentatious groups, the mention of which would fill pages, King Philip left his palace as the great clock in the courtyard--one of the marvels of Madrid--struck the hour of one, and reached a side door of the monastery in his coach by a circuitous route. keywords: ambassador; baltasar; brother; buckingham; capital; cardinal; carlos; case; castile; catalonia; catholic; charles; church; cortes; cottington; council; country; course; court; courtiers; day; days; death; don; ducats; duke; emperor; end; england; english; face; father; favourite; fernando; flanders; france; french; god; gold; good; half; hand; haro; honour; hope; hopton; house; infanta; juan; king; king charles; king james; king philip; lady; left; letter; life; lord; love; madrid; majesty; man; maria; marquis; marriage; matter; men; minister; money; mss; national; news; night; nobles; nun; olivares; order; palace; palatinate; peace; people; philip; philip iv; policy; portugal; portuguese; power; present; prince; prince philip; public; queen; retiro; return; royal; sidenote; silver; son; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; things; time; war; way; wife; work; world; years; young cache: 50125.txt plain text: 50125.txt item: #31 of 34 id: 6918 author: Prescott, William Hickling title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 1 date: None words: 153735 flesch: 60 summary: (Teoría, tom. ii. cap. The reader will find the whole petition extracted by Marina, Teoría, tom. ii. cap. keywords: age; alfonso; anales; arabs; aragon; archbishop; arms; army; authority; barcelona; battle; bernaldez; body; brother; cap; castile; castilian; católicos; cause; century; chap; character; christian; church; cities; city; cordova; cortes; corónica; cosas; council; country; court; crown; day; de barcelona; de españa; de hist; de la; de los; death; del; don; duke; enemy; europe; father; ferdinand; fifteenth; fol; france; general; good; government; granada; head; henry; hist; history; i. p.; iii; influence; inquisition; isabella; james; john; justice; king; kingdom; las; law; laws; lib; life; los; madrid; marina; marineo; marquis; master; memorables; mendoza; military; monarch; moorish; moors; nation; nobility; nobles; number; order; original; palencia; people; period; person; place; policy; portugal; present; prince; principal; public; pulgar; purpose; queen; reyes; right; royal; second; son; sovereigns; spain; spanish; spirit; state; subject; time; tit; toledo; tom; war; work; writers; years; zurita cache: 6918.txt plain text: 6918.txt item: #32 of 34 id: 6967 author: Prescott, William Hickling title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 2 date: None words: 150170 flesch: 61 summary: de España, tom. ii. lib. 40.--Mariana, Hist. de España, tom. ii. lib. keywords: acad; action; admiral; age; anales; apud; aragon; arms; army; authority; bernaldez; camp; cap; cardinal; castile; castilian; católicos; century; chapter; character; charles; christian; church; city; close; coleccion; colon; columbus; country; course; court; crown; day; days; de españa; de granada; de hist; de la; de los; de portugal; death; del; discovery; don; duke; enemy; enterprise; epist; europe; example; expedition; family; father; ferdinand; fol; following; french; general; gold; gonsalvo; good; government; great; ground; head; hernando; historian; history; iii; indias; influence; interests; isabella; italian; italy; jews; john; juan de; king; kingdom; land; las; left; length; letters; lib; life; los; malaga; man; manner; marquis; martyr; measure; mendoza; mind; monarch; moorish; moors; naples; nation; natural; navarrete; new; notice; number; occidentales; opus; order; original; people; period; person; peter; place; policy; portugal; portuguese; possession; present; prince; public; purpose; queen; quincuagenas; rebus; reyes; royal; science; second; seville; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; state; subjects; time; title; tom; town; treaty; ubi; viages; voyage; war; way; work; world; ximenes; years; zurita cache: 6967.txt plain text: 6967.txt item: #33 of 34 id: 6968 author: Prescott, William Hickling title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3 date: None words: 153704 flesch: 67 summary: de España, tom. ii. lib. 161.--Garibay, Compendio, tom. ii. lib. keywords: action; administration; age; anales; apud; aragon; arms; army; authority; año; battle; body; cap; capitan; captain; carbajal; cardinal; castile; castilian; catholic; católicos; century; chap; chapter; character; charles; city; close; condition; conduct; conquest; cordova; cortes; cosas; country; course; court; crown; daughter; day; de aragon; de españa; de france; de hist; de la; de los; de louis; death; del; des; duke; enemy; epist; estates; event; example; father; ferdinand; field; fol; force; france; french; general; gestis; giovio; gomez; gonsalvo; good; government; gran; granada; ground; guicciardini; hands; head; heart; hernando; hist; history; husband; i. lib; i. p.; iii; illust; interests; isabella; istoria; italian; italy; joanna; king; king ferdinand; kingdom; las; laws; left; length; letter; lib; life; light; los; louis; man; marineo; martyr; memorables; military; mind; minister; monarch; mémoires; naples; nation; natural; navarre; nobles; number; occasion; opus; order; people; period; person; personal; peter; philip; place; policy; powers; present; prince; principal; public; purpose; que; queen; quincuagenas; rebus; reign; return; reyes; reyes de; royal; second; son; sovereigns; spain; spaniards; spanish; spirit; state; strength; subject; time; toledo; tom; treaty; troops; ubi; v. lib; venice; virorum; vitae; war; way; work; writers; xii; ximenes; years; zurita cache: 6968.txt plain text: 6968.txt item: #34 of 34 id: 7470 author: Hay, John title: Castilian Days date: None words: 67708 flesch: 73 summary: There is little in these frivolous lives that is worth knowing,--the long inglorious reigns of the dwindling Austrians and the parody of greater days played by the scions of Bourbon, relieved for a few creditable years by the heroic struggle of Charles III. Go into the little apartment where his last days were passed; a wooden table and book-shelf, one arm-chair and two stools--the one upholstered with cloth for winter, the other with tin for summer--on which he rested his gouty leg, and a low chair for a secretary,--this was all the furniture he used. keywords: age; air; beauty; blood; bull; castile; catholic; centuries; cervantes; charles; child; church; city; court; cross; day; days; dead; death; don; door; evening; eyes; face; family; feet; fine; glory; god; good; half; hand; heart; history; honor; hour; house; king; lady; law; left; life; light; look; love; madrid; man; men; mind; moment; new; noble; paris; people; philip; picture; place; power; red; room; royal; san; saw; scene; spain; spaniard; spanish; spirit; stands; streets; thought; time; toledo; town; tradition; velazquez; walls; water; way; women; work; world; years; young cache: 7470.txt plain text: 7470.txt