Data Preparation for Fairseq and Machine-Learning using a Neural Network details the use of what models? answer: sequence-to-sequence context: q and Machine-Learning using a Neural Network details the use of sequence-to-sequence models and how it can be applied for a variety application with Discovery Service explores how to track Open Access content through what? answer: UnPaywall links context: he Primo Discovery Service explores how to track Open Access content through UnPaywall links. Creating a Custom Queueing System for a Makerspace Using Editorial members have a wide skill set reflective of what? answer: library coders and technologists context: icy. Editorial members have a wide skill set reflective of library coders and technologists, however, some of the articles that we review are beyond o How long did I serve on the editorial committee for Code4Lib Journal? answer: 7 years context: itor for Code4Lib Journal. After serving on the editorial committee for 7 years, I am rotating off of the committee to focus on other research project How many national pre-conferences did I present at? answer: two context: co-convener for the local New York City chapter of Code4Lib, presented at two national pre-conferences, and served on a couple of Code4Lib national co How many times did I serve as a coordinating editor for Code4lib Journal? answer: second context: Journal updates, recent policies, and a call for editors. This is my second time and last time as coordinating editor for Code4Lib Journal. After s I have learned quite a lot from what? answer: my fellow editorial committee members context: t rewarding experience. I have learned quite a deal from my fellow editorial committee members, and for that I am immensely grateful. This includes ev What are two recent developments with the journal? answer: recent policies context: Editorial: Journal Updates and a Call for Editors Journal updates, recent policies, and a call for editors. This is my second time and last time as answer: a guest editorial policy and a retraction policy context: to share two recent developments with the journal: a guest editorial policy and a retraction policy. The EC has implemented a guest editor policy. Ed answer: the review process. context: the review process. A retraction policy has also been implemented. This retraction policy was developed so the EC could withdraw articles that may in What committee has been the most rewarding? answer: editorial committee context: Code4Lib related activities, I have to say that working with the editorial committee (EC) has been the most rewarding experience. I have learned quit What compares the differences between archival and bibliographic description? answer: Designing Digital Discovery and Access Systems for Archival Description context: the appropriate formatting of datasets. Designing Digital Discovery and Access Systems for Archival Description compares the differences between archi What describes the use of sequence-to-sequence models and how it can be applied for a variety of applications? answer: Data Preparation for Fairseq and Machine-Learning using a Neural Network context: ing the queue process of a makerspace. Data Preparation for Fairseq and Machine-Learning using a Neural Network details the use of sequence-to-sequenc What does A Fast and Full-Text Search Engine for Educational Lecture Archives outline? answer: the development of a search engine for educational videos using Python in India context: nal Lecture Archives which outlines the development of a search engine for educational videos using Python in India. Click Tracking with Google Tag Ma What does Click Tracking with Google Tag Manager for the Primo Discovery Service explore? answer: how to track Open Access content through UnPaywall links context: nager for the Primo Discovery Service explores how to track Open Access content through UnPaywall links. Creating a Custom Queueing System for a Maker What does the guest editor policy make it clear? answer: their role in context: o consult with experts outside of the EC. The guest editor policy is in place to make it clear to the author, guest editor, and readers, their role in What examines the use of Python to identity and synchronize out-of-sync vendor and ILS catalog records? answer: Using Python Scripts to Compare Records from Vendors with Those from ILS context: eation tool using linked data sources. Using Python Scripts to Compare Records from Vendors with Those from ILS examines the use of Python to identity What has also been implemented? answer: recent policies context: Editorial: Journal Updates and a Call for Editors Journal updates, recent policies, and a call for editors. This is my second time and last time as What has been the most rewarding experience for me? answer: working with the editorial committee context: various Code4Lib related activities, I have to say that working with the editorial committee (EC) has been the most rewarding experience. I have lear What has the EC implemented? answer: a guest editor policy context: ditorial policy and a retraction policy. The EC has implemented a guest editor policy. Editorial members have a wide skill set reflective of library What is a case study on streamlining the queue process of a makerspace? answer: Web Technologies context: Web Technologies is a case study on streamlining the queue process of a makerspace. Data Preparation for Fairseq and Machine-Learning using a Neural N What is a great opportunity to be a part of a team of editors? What is an example of a practical application for almost any library, archive, museum, and other related spaces? answer: The Code4Lib Journal context: The Code4Lib Journal – Editorial: Journal Updates and a Call for Editors Mission Editorial Committee Process and Structure Code4Lib Issue 55, 2023 What is EC? answer: editorial committee context: Code4Lib related activities, I have to say that working with the editorial committee (EC) has been the most rewarding experience. I have learned quit What is in place to make it clear to the author, guest editor, and readers, their role in the review process? answer: The guest editor policy context: we feel it necessary to consult with experts outside of the EC. The guest editor policy is in place to make it clear to the author, guest editor, and What is Revamping Metadata Maker? answer: Linked context: vestigates how to better streamline redundant HTML code from the popular LibGuides web content management system. Revamping Metadata Maker for ‘Linked What is the name of the editorial committee of Code4Lib Journal? answer: EC context: ated activities, I have to say that working with the editorial committee (EC) has been the most rewarding experience. I have learned quite a deal from What is the name of the issue of Code4Lib Issue 55, 2023-1-20? answer: The Code4Lib Journal context: The Code4Lib Journal – Editorial: Journal Updates and a Call for Editors Mission Editorial Committee Process and Structure Code4Lib Issue 55, 2023 What kind of editors are highly encouraged to apply to Code4Lib Journal? answer: diverse communities context: f editors, then this is an excellent opportunity. Applicants from diverse communities are highly encouraged to apply. I believe that every issue of C What scholarship was used to fund my first Code4lib Conference at North Carolina State University? What type of license is this work licensed under? answer: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 context: For Authors Call for Submissions Article Guidelines Log in This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. What was my first article for the Code4Lib journal? answer: 2012 context: other research projects. Code4Lib has played a big part in my career. In 2012, I published my first article for the journal. After attending my first When did I publish my first article for the journal? answer: 2012 context: other research projects. Code4Lib has played a big part in my career. In 2012, I published my first article for the journal. After attending my first Where did I attend my first code4lib conference? answer: North Carolina State University context: In 2012, I published my first article for the journal. After attending my first Code4Lib Conference at North Carolina State University in 2014, funded Who investigates how to better streamline redundant HTML code from the popular LibGuides web content management system? answer: DRYing Our Library’s LibGuides-based Webpage by Introducing Vue.js context: based systems for digital born materials. DRYing Our Library’s LibGuides-based Webpage by Introducing Vue.js investigates how to better streamline red Why was the retraction policy developed? answer: so the EC could withdraw articles that may include work that violate ethical standards or may be unreliable context: policy was developed so the EC could withdraw articles that may include work that violate ethical standards or may be unreliable. Retractions are not