item: #1 of 9 id: addrakatti-fast-2023 author: addrakatti title: addrakatti-fast-2023 date: 2023 words: 2365 flesch: 48 summary: The students access published lecture videos independent of time and location. Lecture videos and MOOCs are hosted on cloud platforms to make them available to registered users. keywords: access; admin; application; audio; based; cbmir; content; engine; extraction; fast; figure; file; indexing; information; institutions; issue; learning; lecture; library; metadata; module; ocr; online; platforms; popular; python; repositories; research; retrieval; search; source; speech; storage; text; time; user; video cache: addrakatti-fast-2023.html plain text: addrakatti-fast-2023.txt item: #2 of 9 id: bradley-creating-2023 author: bradley title: bradley-creating-2023 date: 2023 words: 5060 flesch: 46 summary: Git was already part of the workflow for development of the app, and we had used git pulls as a way of deploying other apps, such as the aforementioned feedback kiosks, so this seemed like a reliable solution here as well. When clicked, the app is opened in the default browser, and the user can go about managing queue functions as normal. keywords: api; app; application; build; code; computer; data; database; delete; deployment; design; development; dreamfactory; electron; export; figure; file; folder; form; functions; job; key; label; libraries; machine; multiple; need; new; options; patron; print; process; project; prototyping; queue; queueing; react; select; server; service; single; structure; student; studio; system; text; time; type; university; user; value; version; web cache: bradley-creating-2023.html plain text: bradley-creating-2023.txt item: #3 of 9 id: eaton-drying-2023 author: eaton title: eaton-drying-2023 date: 2023 words: 2816 flesch: 61 summary: {{ item.description }} `, props: ['item'] } And the Vue constructor: new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { 'menus-component': menusComponent … }, data() { return { hamburger: We tested this proposed approach ahead of time, by implementing Vue’s v-for directive on the web librarian’s personal projects page. keywords: aria; bigger; class="highlight; class="searchmenu; code; div; dry; fancy; hand; hidden="true">