item: #1 of 13 id: dul1.ark:-13960-t1tf0sj2n author: Brown, J. H. title: Spectropia; Or, Surprising Spectral Illusions. Showing Ghosts Everywhere, And Of Any Colour. [by J. H. Brown] With Sixteen Illustrations. date: 1864 words: 2903 flesch: 70 summary: When the three primary colours are mixed together, white is tlie result : so that when a ray of white light falls upon a piece of paper, and all the vibrations are equally reflected, the paper will appear white, and if they are all absorbed, it will ajipear black ; but, if the paper absorbs .*ome and reflects others, it will ajijiear coloured. A ghost, according to the general descriptions of those who fancy they have been favoured with a sight of one, apjjears to I)e of a pale phosphorescent white, or bluisli white colour ; usually indistinct, and so transparent that objects are easily seen through it. keywords: black; blue; case; choroid; coat; colours; complementary; cones; diagram; different; distance; eye; eyes; fig; figure; green; image; individuals; light; manner; nerve; object; orange; paper; parts; plate; red; retina; rods; scientific; ship; spectre; structure; surface; tiie; time; tlie; transparent; use; vibrations; white; yellow cache: dul1.ark:-13960-t1tf0sj2n.txt plain text: dul1.ark:-13960-t1tf0sj2n.txt item: #2 of 13 id: hvd.32044014463608 author: Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. title: Canterville Ghost : An Amusing Chronicle Of The Tribulations Of The Ghost Of Canterville Chase When His Ancestral Halls Became The Home Of The American Minister To The Court Of St. James / By Wilde ; Ill. By Wallace Goldsmith. date: 1906 words: 12969 flesch: 75 summary: I never told on you, though I was very much annoyed, and it was most ridiculous, the whole thing; for who ever heard of emerald-green blood?” “Well, really,” said the Ghost, rather meekly, “what was I to do? 79 THE CANTERVILLE GHOST _ The third morn- 18 THE CANTERVILLE GHOST ing also it was there, though the li- brary had been locked up at night by Mr. Otis himself, and the key carried up-stairs. keywords: afraid; american; appearance; awful; beautiful; bed; black; blood; blue; bottle; boys; canterville ghost; cecil; chains; chamber; chase; cheshire; child; cold; corridor; day; days; deal; death; deep; determined; dinner; door; duchess; duke; end; evening; eyes; face; fact; family; fearful; feet; fell; floor; form; frightened; girl; good; grave; great; green; half; hand; head; heavy; high; hollow; home; house; housekeeper; jewels; lady; large; laughter; library; like; little; london; long; look; lord; lord canterville; low; matter; mean; mind; minister; miss; moment; morning; mrs; net; new; night; noise; o'clock; old; oscar; otis; past; place; pony; poor; reason; red; rest; room; round; rusty; second; servants; simon; sir; skeleton; sleep; small; spot; stain; staircase; states; strange; terrible; thing; thought; time; twins; umney; united; virginia; voice; washington; way; white; wife; wilde; window; woman; years; young cache: hvd.32044014463608.txt plain text: hvd.32044014463608.txt item: #3 of 13 id: hvd.32044037135332 author: Jones, Joseph, 1812-1882. title: John's Alive; Or, The Bride Of A Ghost, And Other Sketches. By Major Jones [pseud.] Of Pineville, Ga. ... Ten Original Full-page Illustrations, By H. T. Cariss. date: 1883 words: 60404 flesch: 75 summary: By MAJOR JONES, OF PINEVILLE, GA., MAJOR JONES'S COURTSHIP, MAJOR JONES'S TRAVELS, ETC., ETC. You certainly didn't let him get away when you had his arms tied behind his back, did you ?” “Why, that old woman— “I thought so, interrupted Mr. Jordan,“the old woman was too much for you. keywords: account; adventure; affair; alive; anxious; appearance; arm; arms; army; arrival; ashore; assistance; astonished; attention; bacon; bad; ball; bank; barrel; battle; bearing; beautiful; bed; best; better; bill; blood; blue; boat; body; boys; breast; breath; breeze; bright; broken; brother; burglars; business; calm; camp; campaign; canoe; captain; capting; care; cast; change; chapter; character; chief; circumstances; city; clinch; close; clothes; cold; colonel; command; companion; company; condition; conduct; conversation; corporal; corpse; countenance; country; course; crockett; crowd; cry; cut; dandy; danger; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; deer; degree; departure; despondency; determined; different; difficulty; direction; dirty; distance; distant; divil; door; drane; duty; early; ears; earth; effect; emotions; end; enemy; eph; ere; escape; evening; events; excited; eyes; face; fact; fagan; faint; familiar; family; fate; fear; feelings; feet; fellow; field; fire; fit; floor; florida; foe; following; force; forest; form; fort; friends; funeral; gallant; general; gentleman; georgia; ghost; gloomy; good; governor; grave; great; groan; ground; guard; gun; hair; half; hand; happy; hard; hat; head; heart; heavy; hill; hogan; hold; home; hope; horse; hour; human; indians; ingins; interruption; iola; jealous; joan; john; johnny; johnson; jones; jordan; joy; known; ladies; lake; large; late; laugh; lay; leave; left; length; life; like; line; little; living; long; longer; look; lordy; love; mahoning; major; major jones; making; man; manner; maple; march; marshal; mary; matter; mean; meg; melancholy; miles; mind; miss; moment; money; morning; mother; mouth; music; musket; muttinger; nature; near; necessary; new; night; number; oaks; object; occasion; officer; old; open; operation; opportunity; opposite; order; pain; parlor; parson; party; past; patrick; peculiar; people; phelim; philadelphia; piece; pine; pistols; place; point; poor; position; possible; post; power; prepared; presence; present; previous; prisoner; profile; rations; reader; ready; rear; red; reflections; relief; reply; report; rest; return; revenge; ride; rifle; river; road; robbery; room; rose; sad; sailors; scene; scream; sea; search; seat; second; sergeant; set; severe; sez; shade; shot; shoulder; silence; sir; sisters; sleep; slight; small; smith; smoke; society; soldier; solemn; sound; spirit; spite; spot; squaw; stand; standing; state; steps; store; strafford; strange; street; subject; sudden; suffering; sugar; sun; sure; surprise; sutler; sympathy; table; tall; thaw; thicket; thought; time; tom; tone; town; trees; true; truth; valley; vicinity; view; voice; voyage; wagon; want; war; water; way; wedding; white; wid; wife; wild; wind; withlacoochee; wolf; woman; woods; work; world; wounded; wounds; year; york; young cache: hvd.32044037135332.txt plain text: hvd.32044037135332.txt item: #4 of 13 id: hvd.32044037447711 author: None title: Ghost Stories; Collected With A Particular View To Counteract The Vulgar Belief In Ghosts And Apparitions. With The Ten Engravings From Designs Of F. O. C. Darley. date: 1854 words: 59217 flesch: 72 summary: Ghost stories. THE counting-house of Mr. Mellinger was haunted: of that fact, Tobias, the old man-servant, entertained no doubt, and often told Rosina, the housekeeper, though under the strictest injunction of the most sacred silence, that in the middle of the night he heard noises in it; that the great ledgers were opened and shut; that the ghost went about slipshod, and that he could frequently dis- tinguish the jingling of money. keywords: account; acquaintance; adventure; affair; answer; apartment; apparition; appearance; arms; astonished; astonishment; attention; banker; barbito; bear; bed; belief; bernhardi; black; blood; body; bretiole; burnet; business; captain; castle; cause; chair; chamber; character; chest; child; circumstances; city; close; clothes; coffin; cold; colonel; commandant; companion; company; consequence; considerable; conversation; convinced; corpse; count; counting; country; courage; courier; course; cuenza; danger; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deceased; deep; devil; disposition; distance; dog; dollars; don; door; doubt; dress; duty; elector; emmeline; endeavoured; escape; eternal; evening; excellent; expected; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; family; fast; father; fear; fearful; fellow; figure; fire; floor; following; fork; fortune; french; friend; fright; funeral; garrick; general; gentleman; ghost; ghost stories; girl; god; good; gown; grave; great; green; green mantle; grenadier; guard; guilielmo; half; hand; haunted; head; health; heart; heaven; help; high; home; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; idea; imagination; informed; inn; innocent; interest; joy; key; keys; kind; king; landlord; lantern; large; late; leave; left; length; letter; liberty; lieutenant; life; like; lips; little; living; long; look; lopez; lost; love; madame; manner; mantle; master; means; melancholy; mellinger; military; mind; moment; money; morning; mother; mysterious; nature; necessary; new; night; nocturnal; noise; o'clock; object; occasion; offer; officers; old; open; opinion; opportunity; order; pale; pallasch; paper; parents; particular; party; pass; pastor; people; person; peter; pieces; pistol; place; plan; poor; possession; possible; post; power; present; property; prussian; purpose; quarter; question; ready; real; reason; receipt; report; rest; return; robert; room; rose; rosina; sake; secret; senses; sergeant; servant; short; sigismund; silence; single; sir; situation; sleep; soldiers; soul; spectre; spirit; sponseri; stairs; state; stipps; stories; story; stranger; street; struck; subject; supernatural; supposed; sure; table; terrified; terror; thing; thought; time; tobias; tone; town; trembling; unfortunate; utmost; vain; vault; venice; village; visit; voice; water; way; white; wife; wilmsen; window; wine; wish; wished; wollmar; woman; word; years; young; ”—page cache: hvd.32044037447711.txt plain text: hvd.32044037447711.txt item: #5 of 13 id: hvd.32044050807148 author: James, M. R. 1862-1936. title: Ghost-stories Of An Antiquary, By Montague Rhodes James ... With Four Illustrations By The Late James Mcbryde. date: 1905 words: 48736 flesch: 78 summary: [All rights reserved] I905 HARWARD COLLEGE LIBRARY BEO JEST OF WINWARD PRESCOTT JANUARY 27, 1933 THESE STORIES ARE DEDICATED TO ALL THOSE WHO AT WARIOUS TIMES HAVE LISTENED TO THEM _- ----… … -- :) -------- ~** ----•' – ~--~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~)~~- :-)--~~*~ `- +) - GHOST STORIES OF AN ANTIQUARY CANON ALBERIC'S SCRAP-BOOK ST. keywords: abbot; able; abney; account; afternoon; air; alberic; anderson; answer; antiquary; anxious; appearance; arms; ash; bed; bedroom; bertrand; best; better; bishop; bit; black; body; book; boy; brain; breakfast; britnell; brown; building; bunch; business; cambridge; candle; canon; care; case; castringham; century; certain; chamber; chest; church; clear; collection; college; colonel; common; company; considerable; conversation; count; country; course; cousin; crome; cross; cry; curious; dark; date; day; days; dead; deal; dear; dennistoun; details; difficult; dinner; door; doubt; drawing; dreadful; early; edge; end; england; english; englishman; evening; excitement; expect; experiences; eyes; face; fact; family; far; father; fear; fell; figure; fine; fire; floor; following; form; forward; friends; gentleman; ghost; girl; glass; globe; going; good; grandfather; great; gregory; hair; half; hall; hand; head; hearts; help; herr; high; hole; home; hope; hotel; hour; house; human; idea; impression; inn; inscription; inside; interest; interesting; italian; jensen; job; john; key; kind; landlord; lantern; large; late; latin; laugh; lawyer; left; letters; library; life; like; likely; lines; lips; little; locked; long; look; lost; magnus; man; manner; manor; master; matthew; mean; mezzotint; middle; mind; minutes; moment; monsieur; moon; morning; morrow; mrs; museum; near; need; neighbours; new; night; nisbet; noise; north; notes; number; o'clock; object; old; open; opposite; outside; papers; parkes; parkins; particular; passage; past; people; period; person; picture; piece; place; plan; playing; point; poor; possible; present; pretty; private; professor; question; quiet; red; return; richard; rogers; room; round; run; sacristan; scrap; search; second; series; servants; set; short; shut; similar; sir; sitting; sleep; small; somerton; standing; stay; steinfeld; stephen; steps; stone; stories; story; strange; street; strong; study; subject; sudden; supper; sure; surprise; taking; talk; tea; terror; thank; thing; thomas; thought; time; town; treasure; tree; true; truth; usual; viborg; vicar; view; village; visit; voice; walk; wall; way; weeks; whistle; white; williams; window; wine; wish; woman; wood; words; work; world; wraxall; writing; yards; years; yellow; young cache: hvd.32044050807148.txt plain text: hvd.32044050807148.txt item: #6 of 13 id: inu.39000005810242 author: Baring-Gould, S. 1834-1924. title: Book Of Ghosts / By S. Baring-gould ; With Eight Illustrations By D. Murray Smith. date: 1904 words: 157156 flesch: 90 summary: GARDINER, M.A. Crown 8vo. E. N. P. MOOR, M.A. Crown 8vo. keywords: 16mo; 1os; 2s.6d; 30s; 4to; 800; account; adventures; afraid; ages; alarm; alarmed; alec; alfred; alken; american; amory; ancient; aneurin; anna; answer; apparition; appearance; arler; arms; arrival; arthur; ask; asphodel; assumed; attempt; attention; auchimachie; aunt; auntie; author; aware; b.a; b.d; baby; bad; baker; ball; bank; baring; bayonne; beard; beautiful; bed; bedroom; beginning; bell; bench; beneath; benjamin; bessie; best; better; betty; bible; biographies; bishop; bit; black; bless; blood; blue; boat; bodies; body; bold; bones; book; bottle; bouchon; bow; box; boy; bread; breakfast; breast; breath; bride; bright; brighton; british; broken; brother; brow; burn; burst; business; cach; café; cambridge; canon; captain; care; carriage; cart; case; catalogue; century; certain; chalk; chamber; change; character; charles; cheap; cheeks; chemistry; child; children; chin; christian; christmas; church; churchman; churchwarden; churchyard; circumstances; city; classical; clear; close; cloth; clothes; clouds; coat; coffee; coffin; coins; cold; college; colonel; colonial; colonial edition; coloured; commercial; common; company; complete; concern; condition; congregation; conscience; considerable; conversation; cook; corner; corpse; cost; cottage; country; couple; course; creation; creature; crorun; cross; crown 8vo; crown crown; cry; cut; d.d; daily; dance; dark; darkness; date; daughter; david; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; deceased; deep; delight; demy 8vo; desire; devon; devotion; diagrams; different; dinner; distance; doctor; donelly; door; double; doubt; drawing; dreadful; dream; dress; dressed; dressing; drop; drove; dull; duty; dying; early; earth; easy; edition; editor; education; edward; effect; egypt; egyptian; electric; electricity; elizabeth; end; energy; engaged; england; english; entrance; epistle; escape; essays; evening; examination; excuse; existence; expense; experience; explanation; expression; extension; extraordinary; eyes; f.r.s; face; fact; faint; fair; faith; fallen; family; fancy; far; farmer; fashion; father; fcap; fear; feared; features; feeble; feeling; feet; fellow; felt; female; fernwood; fiction; fiddle; fifth; figure; fine; finger; fire; firm; fit; fixed; flag; flemming; floor; flowers; fog; following; fontanel; foot; force; form; fourth; fourth edition; france; francis; frank; free; french; fresh; friend; frightened; future; gale; galleries; gallery; gander; garden; garments; gate; general; gentleman; george; german; ghosts; gibbins; gilbert; girl; glad; glass; glory; glámr; god; golden; good; gould; gown; grammar; grandfather; grave; great; greek; grettir; grey; groves; guides; gun; hair; haired; half; halifax; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; hattersley; haunted; head; health; heart; heaven; heavy; help; henry; high; hills; hindu; history; hockin; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; horror; horses; hotel; hour; house; human; humour; hung; husband; hutton; idea; illustrated; illustrations; inclined; india; industry; information; instrument; interest; introduction; ios; iron; jabez; jacob; james; jameson; jane; japanese; jean; joanna; joe; john; jonas; joseph; joy; julia; junior; keble; key; kindly; kitchen; knees; knife; knowing; knowledge; lacy; ladder; ladies; lady; lambole; lamp; landing; lap; large; latin; law; lawlor; leaden; leaders; leads; leather; leave; left; legs; length; letice; letters; level; leveridge; library; life; lighted; like; limited; limited edition; linen; lips; literature; litt.d; little; little book; little joe; little library; live; living; ll.d; lodgings; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; love; lucas; luxor; lynton; m.a; ma'am; mabel; maid; major; mammy; man; manner; map; maps; marked; married; martha; mary; material; matter; mcalister; mean; meat; meet; memory; merewigs; messrs; methuen; milk; mill; mind; minutes; miss; mistake; modern; moment; money; monsieur; months; mood; moon; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mountjoy; mrs; mud; museum; music; mustapha; mystery; narrow; national; native; natural; nature; near; nearer; neck; need; net; new; news; night; ninth; noble; nonsense; north; nose; notes; notice; novel; november; number; numerous; nurse; o'clock; o'hooligan; object; occasion; offer; office; old; open; opening; opposite; orders; orléans; outside; overhead; oxford; page; pain; pale; pansies; papers; parish; parson; particular; party; pass; passage; passing; past; paul; pay; people; period; personality; peter; philippa; photogravure; pictures; piece; pipe; place; plans; plates; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plenty; pocket; poems; point; pointed; political; pomps; poor; poppy; porch; portion; portrait; position; possible; post; pott 8vo; power; practical; pray; prayer; prehistoric; presence; present; pretty; price; priest; primer; principal; private; professional; professor; public; pudding; pure; purpose; queen; questions; quiet; race; ram; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; rector; red; release; religion; remains; remarkable; resentment; rest; retired; return; revised; richard; ring; river; road; robert; rock; roger; roll; romance; roof; room; rose; round; roused; rowlandson; royal; royal 8vo; run; running; rush; sahib; samuel; satisfaction; scene; school; scientific; search; seat; second; second edition; secret; selections; self; sense; series; servants; service; set; shadow; sharp; sheet; shepherd; shillings; ship; shop; shot; shoulders; sides; sign; silent; silver; sir; sister; sitting; sixpence; sixth; skeleton; sleep; small; smith; smoke; snow; social; society; soil; somewhat; son; sons; sorry; sort; soul; south; speak; speeritual; spirit; spot; spring; square; stage; staircase; stand; startled; station; stay; step; stepmother; stick; stirring; stockbroker; stone; stories; story; strange; stream; street; strength; strict; strings; stroke; strong; students; study; subject; sufficient; suit; summer; sun; sure; surprise; svo; swanton; syntax; system; table; taking; tales; talk; tea; teapot; technology; tell; tennyson; terrible; terror; testament; text; textbooks; theatre; theology; thing; thinking; thomas; thorhall; thought; throat; time; tongue; touch; town; train; translations; trees; trouble; true; trunk; trust; tunnel; turning; unable; university; upper; upstairs; usual; valley; vanities; veil; venture; veritas; vicar; village; vincent; violin; visit; vocabulary; voice; volumes; waiters; walk; walking; wall; want; warm; watch; water; way; wedding; week; west; westminster; wheel; whiskers; whisky; white; wide; wife; wild; william; window; wine; wings; winter; wish; wives; woman; wood; woodcuts; woolfield; word; wordsworth; work; working; worn; worse; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; young cache: inu.39000005810242.txt plain text: inu.39000005810242.txt item: #7 of 13 id: loc.ark:-13960-t3st8rx7n author: O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889. title: Ghost / By Wm. D. O'connor ; With Two Illustrations By Thos. Nast. date: 1867 words: 18804 flesch: 92 summary: Standing, face to face with him — dilating — blackening — its whole form shuddering with a fury to which his own was tame — the semblance of a shriek upon THE GHOST. He fol- lowed her at once, and, hardly glancing at Mrs. Flanagan, who sat there in stupefac- tion, with her apron over her head and face, he laid his hat on a table, went to the bed- THE GHOST. keywords: air; answer; arms; bar; black; boston; brain; breast; bright; charge; child; christmas; cold; con; corner; dark; daughter; day; dead; dear; dim; docther; dollars; door; dream; evening; eyes; face; family; father; features; feeling; feet; feval; figure; fire; flanagan; foot; forehead; friend; george; ghost; god; good; grave; great; hair; hands; hard; head; heart; help; home; hope; house; ing; james; lamp; left; letter; library; life; like; lips; little; long; longer; look; looking; love; low; ma'am; man; matter; mean; memory; miller; mind; moment; morrow; mrs; nathalie; netty; new; night; open; pale; papa; pause; pay; people; phantom; place; pocket; poor; quiet; red; renton; rest; rich; rollins; room; sense; set; shadowy; shock; sick; silence; silent; sir; smile; solemn; spectral; spirit; stairs; stern; strange; streaming; street; strong; sure; table; tenant; tender; thing; thinking; thought; thuh; time; true; turn; vexed; voice; wall; want; way; white; wild; wind; woman; words; world; wrong; years; yon; young cache: loc.ark:-13960-t3st8rx7n.txt plain text: loc.ark:-13960-t3st8rx7n.txt item: #8 of 13 id: mdp.39076006965847 author: Patterson, Lillie. title: Halloween. Illustrated By Gil Miret. date: 1963 words: 5834 flesch: 94 summary: The people from Ireland and Scotland brought their love of Halloween bonfires. 39 were At first, Halloween celebrations filled with fear of evil spirits. keywords: american; apples; big; black; cats; celts; children; customs; dance; day; dead; druids; evil; fear; fire; folk; fortune; fun; ghosts; goblins; good; halloween; head; help; holiday; homes; irish; jack; little; magic; midnight; music; new; night; nuts; october; old; pair; people; pomona; saints; samhain; season; small; souls; spirits; stand; story; strange; sun; thought; time; trick; unicef; united; witches; world; years cache: mdp.39076006965847.txt plain text: mdp.39076006965847.txt item: #9 of 13 id: nyp.33433043009319 author: D'Apery, Ellen, 1842-1915. title: Sociable Ghost. Being The Adventures Of A Reporter ... Written Down By Olive Harper [pseud.] And Another. Illustrated By Thomas Mcilvaine And A. W. Schwartz ... date: 1903 words: 54736 flesch: 83 summary: “But let me tell you, young man, and try and remember what I say, if the living only knew what the dead do there would be a deuced sight less wickedness in the world. He made a mental note of it and said to himself that other men had become leaders in the domains of swelldom on less than this, and he decided to keep his eyes open for any other novelty which could be transplanted above ground. keywords: account; aces; affair; age; air; alive; arms; bad; banquet; beans; bed; best; better; big; bishop; body; bones; bony; book; business; captain; cards; care; case; cemetery; ceremonies; certain; chance; chapter; children; church; city; coffins; cold; company; convention; conversation; country; course; curiosity; curl; cut; dance; day; days; dead; dear; death; decorations; descendants; desire; different; dog; door; doubtless; earth; edwards; egypt; end; epitaph; evening; evident; evil; existence; experience; eyes; face; fact; family; far; father; fear; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; find; fine; finished; flowers; fogg; folks; food; foot; force; form; free; friends; gambler; general; gentlemen; getting; ghosts; girl; glad; good; grand; grave; great; ground; guests; hair; half; hand; hard; head; heart; heaven; help; hold; home; honor; hope; hour; house; hurt; idea; interest; kind; ladies; lady; land; laugh; leader; left; leg; lie; life; line; little; little man; living; long; look; lost; lot; love; maid; man; manner; married; master; meaning; men; mind; minutes; moment; money; mother; mouth; movement; mrs; museum; music; natured ghost; near; need; newspaper man; noble; notice; number; occasion; offer; old; old man; order; pardon; passport; pay; people; persons; pipe; place; plan; play; pleasure; point; poker; poor; possible; present; press; pretty; princess; professional; punishment; question; ready; real; reason; regard; reporter; rest; rich; right; room; rum; satisfaction; seeing; sense; sentiment; set; ship; short; silence; sir; sleep; small; smile; smoke; sociable ghost; society; soft; sorry; sound; spirit; stand; stone; story; strange; street; strong; subject; sure; table; talk; tall ghost; teeth; things; thought; time; tobacco; toe; tomb; trinity; trouble; true; truth; turn; vault; voice; waiting; walk; water; way; whiskey; white; widow; wife; woman; wonder; words; work; world; worse; worth; years; young lady; young man cache: nyp.33433043009319.txt plain text: nyp.33433043009319.txt item: #10 of 13 id: uc1.31158007652646 author: Middleton, Jessie Adelaide. title: White Ghost Book. Illustrated With Four Ghost Photographs And Other Plates. date: 1916 words: 78014 flesch: 80 summary: Betty and I yarned over old times until my host passed from the passive remonstrance of ill-concealed yawns to more active measures, by saying, rather sternly: “ Betty, Kenneth had no sleep last night, so we 46 The White Ghost Book must pack him off early to-night. It chanced that Claridge’s was quite full, and my friend could not get her usual suite, so she took rooms in another hotel not far off. keywords: 2nd; abbess; abbey; account; adair; afraid; afternoon; antoinette; apparition; appearance; arm; arms; attention; awake; bad; bank; barn; beautiful; bed; bedroom; bell; best; betty; big; bit; black; blood; blue; body; bolling; bones; books; bosham; boy; breakfast; bright; brother; brougham; brown; candle; captain; carr; case; castle; cat; certain; chair; chapel; chest; child; children; church; circumstances; clear; close; clothes; cold; companion; convent; conversation; convinced; corner; country; course; cousin; covered; creature; crib; cross; cry; crystal; curate; curious; cut; dark; date; daughter; davies; day; days; dead; dear; death; december; deep; description; diary; different; dimples; dinner; disturbances; disturbed; doctor; dog; dogs; door; doubt; dream; dress; dressed; dressing; drive; early; east; effect; english; evening; events; evidence; evil; experience; explanation; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; family; famous; fancy; far; farm; fashioned; father; fear; feeling; feet; felt; following; footsteps; form; friend; frightened; gallery; garden; ghost; ghost book; ghost story; ghostly; girl; glass; god; going; good; gordon; gorges; gran’father; great; grey; half; hall; hand; hard; hat; haunted; hauntings; head; hearing; heavy; help; high; hill; hole; home; hope; horrible; horror; hostess; hour; house; human; husband; idea; iii; ill; impossible; impression; incident; instances; interest; interesting; irish; james; jane; john; joseph; kenneth; kilman; kind; kitchen; knighton; knocking; known; lady; lamp; landing; large; later; lay; leave; left; letter; life; lights; like; little; living; lloyd; london; long; looking; lord; lost; loud; louder; lower; macpherson; maid; man; mann; maria; married; mary; matter; maurice; maw; men; middle; mill; mind; minutes; miss; moment; month; morning; mother; mrs; murder; music; mysterious; near; neighbourhood; nell; new; night; noise; north; november; number; nun; nuns; nurse; nursery; occasion; old; old house; old man; open; opposite; outside; overhead; o’clock; o’connoll; p.m.; page; pale; particular; party; passage; past; peculiar; people; person; phantom; photograph; place; point; poor; present; pretty; priest; procter; queer; question; reading; real; rector; red; remarkable; rest; return; road; room; room door; rose; round; run; saw; saying; scene; search; second; seeing; servants; service; set; shadow; shoes; shooting; short; sir; sister; sitting; sleep; sleeping; small; soon; sorr; soul; sounds; south; spirit; spot; square; staircase; standing; state; stay; stories; story; strange; strong; subject; summer; sunday; supernatural; supposed; sure; surprised; table; talk; tall; tea; tell; telling; terrier; terror; thing; thinking; thought; time; tommy; town; trees; trouble; true; turning; upstairs; usual; view; village; violent; visible; vision; visitor; vivid; voice; walker; walking; wall; want; watch; way; wesley; west; white ghost; wid; wide; wife; wild; williams; window; wish; witness; woman; wonderful; wood; words; world; writing; yard; years; york; young; fifteen; figure; fine; fire; fireplace; first; five; flat; floor cache: uc1.31158007652646.txt plain text: uc1.31158007652646.txt item: #11 of 13 id: uc2.ark:-13960-t3rv0db8c author: Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922. title: Ghosts I Have Met And Some Others. With Illustrations By Newell, Frost, And Richards. date: 1902 words: 37973 flesch: 82 summary: Ordered out on strike, and won't do any haunting after sundown unless some other employer of unskilled ghosts pays his spooks skilled wages. 39 GHOSTS I HAVE MET I had half a notion that the word spook would draw him out, for I have noticed that ghosts do not like to be called spooks any more than negroes like to be called nig gers. I have written ghost stories for years now, serious and comic, and I am to-day at the end of my tether compelled to move forward and yet held back. That accounts for it, he said, simply. keywords: able; account; address; afraid; answer; apart; appear; arm; august; author; aware; awful; barker; barney; beautiful; bed; bell; best; better; bit; black; blood; blue; box; cab; captain; carleton; case; certain; children; chill; christmas; chung; cigar; close; cockney; cold; coming; complete; con; condition; convinced; corner; course; creature; crime; cut; dampmere; dawson; day; days; detail; doctor; door; double; doubt; dozen; editor; effort; end; english; escape; evening; experience; explanation; eyes; face; fact; fall; family; fan; fear; fearful; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; figure; fire; flesh; floor; following; foot; force; free; friend; gas; ghosts; glad; glass; gold; good; goose; great; green; hair; half; hall; hand; hard; haunted; head; heat; help; henry; home; hope; horrid; hot; hour; house; i6th; idea; incident; instant; interested; jack; jarley; keswick; kind; knife; lake; laugh; left; library; lie; life; lighting; like; line; literary; little; living; london; long; look; looking; mad; man; manner; matter; mean; meeting; mind; minutes; moment; morning; mystery; nature; necessary; need; nervous; new; night; o'clock; odd; office; old; order; page; paper; parton; past; pen; people; perkins; person; peters; physical; place; point; poor; position; presence; present; question; reading; real; reason; rest; return; room; rose; sail; scheme; second; segyars; self; sense; sez; shiver; shmoke; shove; single; situation; sleep; small; smile; smoking; sorr; sort; spectre; spirit; spook; standing; state; stay; stone; stories; story; strange; sudden; sufficient; summer; tale; thing; thought; thurlow; time; tion; tired; town; trouble; true; truth; turn; turning; usual; view; vulgar; walk; wall; water; way; week; white; wife; wilkins; wind; wish; witness; wonder; words; work; world; wrath; writing; wrong; years; york cache: uc2.ark:-13960-t3rv0db8c.txt plain text: uc2.ark:-13960-t3rv0db8c.txt item: #12 of 13 id: uc2.ark:-13960-t4hm5g83g author: Hood, Thomas, 1799-1845. title: Haunted House / By Thomas Hood ; Illustrated By Herbert Railton ; With An Introd. By Austin Dobson. date: 1896 words: 7328 flesch: 82 summary: A critical e}'e was to be kept on current Literature, — a regret- ful one on the Drama, and a kind one on the Fine Arts, from whose Artesian well there would be an occasional draiviiigr More than half of the first number, which was published in January with, for those days, considerable success, (1,500 copies being sold), was contrib- uted by Hood himself The frontispiece was an exceedingly good steel engraving by J. Cousen, after Thomas Creswick, xii INTRODUCTION R.A., of The Haunted House ; and it is quite possible that the original picture, which, we arc told, was never in Hood's possession, supplied the initial sugges- tion for the poem it was employed to decorate. After changing printers twice, Hood managed to get out the second num- ber, which opened with another of his more serious poems, The Ladfs Dream, — the title, by the way, of one of Stothard's water-colour designs in the William Smith Bequest at South Kensington. keywords: /or; ^^^^; ^nd; acrojs; aim; air; assistance; austin; author; best; bloody; bridge; browning; certain; chamber; charles; chilly; cloud; colour; complete; condition; contributions; creature; crime; critical; dark; date; days; dead; death; deferted; description; dickens; disease; door; doubt; drawing; dream; duty; ear; echo; editor; effort; end; enterprise; evry; familiar; fear; final; flight; floor; frame; garden; gloomy; half; hall; hand; haunted; haunted house; heart; herbert; hollow; hon; hood; horror; houfe; human; hung; ihe; iii; ike; ill; initial; introduction; keats; key; kind; lay; letter; library; life; like; literary; little; london; long; lord; lover; mackay; malady; manner; march; mazy; merry; mid; milnes; minor; mortal; moth; mould; mrs; myftery; norton; number; old; open; pages; papers; period; pieces; place; plain; poem; poet; progress; prose; ragged; room; ruin; said^; samuel; savage; senfe; shadow; shirt; sick; sighs; song; sound; spirit; stanzas; state; stedman; stone; tale; thomas; thought; thro; time; title; tjie; tke; turn; verses; wall; want; water; whifper; wild; william; woe; work; years cache: uc2.ark:-13960-t4hm5g83g.txt plain text: uc2.ark:-13960-t4hm5g83g.txt item: #13 of 13 id: uc2.ark:-13960-t56d5q54x author: Evans, Henry Ridgely, 1861-1949. title: Hours With The Ghosts : Or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft. Illustrated Investigations Into The Phenomena Of Spiritualism And Theosophy / By Henry Ridgely Evans. date: 1897 words: 56073 flesch: 70 summary: Spirit legs, spirit hands, he gives table and chair; Gravitation defying, he flies in the air; But the fact to which henceforth his fame should be pinned, Is his power to raise, not himself but the wind! After Slade's departure from Hamburg, spirit mediums sprang up like toadstools in a single night. keywords: 8vo; account; action; adept; affair; alleged; american; ancient; annie; answer; apparatus; apparitions; appearance; arm; assistant; astral; attention; audience; author; balance; baltimore; bavaji; belief; bell; besant; best; black; blavatsky; blue; board; body; book; box; brain; branch; brotherhood; brothers; buddhism; cabinet; capable; career; case; ceiling; century; chair; chalk; character; charles; church; circle; city; claim; clever; clock; closed; cloth; coal; coat; col; commission; committee; communication; con; conclusions; conditions; confederate; confession; conjurer; conjuring; connection; conscious; consciousness; considerable; contact; control; cord; corner; countess; country; course; cover; crookes; curious; curtain; cut; dark; davenport; day; days; dead; dear; death; described; diagram; different; distance; doctrine; door; double; doubt; dummy; east; easy; effect; egyptian; end; energy; england; english; envelope; esoteric; europe; eusapia; evans; evidence; examination; existence; experiments; explanation; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; fame; family; famous; fay; feat; feet; fig; figure; fingers; fire; floor; following; foot; force; form; free; french; friends; future; general; gentleman; genuine; ghostly; ghosts; gillespie; glass; grasp; great; ground; guitar; hahn; half; hall; hand; head; heavy; henry; hidden; high; hindoo; history; hodgson; hold; holding; home; hoomi; hour; house; human; hypnotic; hypothesis; ibs; idea; inches; index; india; influence; ingenious; inner; instrument; interesting; investigation; investigators; iron; isis; john; judge; keeler; kind; knee; knots; knowledge; known; koot; lady; large; law; laws; left; left hand; length; letters; levitation; life; lights; like; line; little; london; long; look; luminous; madame; madame blavatsky; magician; mahatmas; man; manifestations; manner; marked; maskelyne; materializations; materializing; matter; meaning; means; medium; mediumistic; meet; members; mental; messages; method; mind; minute; mme; modern; moment; movements; moving; mrs; muscle; muscular; musical; mysterious; mystery; mystic; names; nature; near; necessary; neck; nervous; new; new york; newspaper; normal; note; number; objects; occasion; occult; olcott; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; oriental; original; pad; pair; paper; paris; peculiar; pencil; people; performances; period; persons; petrovna; phenomena; philosophy; photography; physical; physical phenomena; picture; piece; pierre; place; play; pocket; point; portrait; position; possible; post; power; prepared; presence; present; pressure; priestess; proceedings; prof; professional; professor; proper; proved; psychic; psychical; psychology; public; pull; purpose; question; raps; reach; reader; reading; ready; reality; reason; religious; remarkable; report; required; research; result; revelations; right; right hand; room; rope; russian; school; science; scientific; seance; second; secret; self; series; set; seybert; sheet; short; shrine; sides; similar; simple; sinnett; sitter; sitting; slate; slips; small; society; solovyoff; soul; sound; space; special; spirit; spirit hand; spirit medium; spiritualism; spiritualistic; spring; square; stage; stances; stand; states; steel; stories; strange; street; strong; student; study; subject; subjective; surface; table; taylor; telepathy; tell; temple; tension; terms; test; theory; theosophical; theosophists; theosophy; things; thought; thumb; tie; time; tingley; transference; trick; trickery; true; trumpet; truth; turning; tying; united; university; unknown; upper; use; usual; view; vol; washington; watch; water; wax; way; ways; weight; weird; western; white; william; window; witchcraft; wooden; words; work; world; wrist; writer; writing; written; years; york; yost; young cache: uc2.ark:-13960-t56d5q54x.txt plain text: uc2.ark:-13960-t56d5q54x.txt