item: #1 of 9 id: berkowitz-classical-2022 author: berkowitz title: berkowitz-classical-2022 date: 2022 words: 4364 flesch: 23 summary: YouTube algorithms deal with approximately 98% of all copyright issues and, because YouTube’s business model generates profits primarily via user-uploaded content, it has been found to show bias towards established copyright owners.26 Copyright owners can set preferences for how they want the system to react to instances of copyright infringement, resulting in the automatic monetization of 95% of claims for the copyright owner. While there is recourse for uploaders facing copyright claims from social media sites, the appeals process can be lengthy and overwhelming. keywords: algorithmic; article; berkowitz; bots; broadcasts; claims; classical; classical musicians; content; copyright; copyright bots; copyright enforcement; copyright infringement; covid-19; december; different; dispute; domain; enforcement; facebook; fair; google; help; income; information; infringement; issues; june; law; libraries; library; live; media; moderation; musicians; networks; october; online; owners; pandemic; patrons; performances; point; process; public; public domain; questions; recordings; resources; social; social media; streaming; studios; systems; technology; university; upload; uploaders; uploading; user; videos; work; youtube cache: berkowitz-classical-2022.pdf plain text: berkowitz-classical-2022.txt item: #2 of 9 id: fan-research-2022 author: fan title: fan-research-2022 date: 2022 words: 4918 flesch: 13 summary: The creation of metadata standards in the field of intangible cultural heritage must first combine the basic concepts and characteristics of cultural heritage to extract specific attributes and provide element definitions that describe the basic characteristics of intangible cultural heritage resources, that is, core metadata. Design principles of intangible cultural heritage metadata The design of the metadata model of intangible cultural heritage information resources should be fully compatible with popular metadata standards. keywords: application; art; attributes; basic; category; characteristics; chen; china; concepts; construction; content; core; cultural; cultural heritage; definition; description; design; different; digital; elements; entities; entity; field; framework; general; heritage; heritage metadata; information; intangible; intangible cultural; introduction; june; knowledge; knowledge organization; libraries; library; long; metadata; metadata standards; model; museum; national; network; nzkpt&v; object; organization; principles; project; protection; qing; rdf; relationship; relevant; research; resources; retrieval; semantic; set; sharing; specification; standards; sun; system; technology; types; users; visual; woodcarving; wuhan cache: fan-research-2022.pdf plain text: fan-research-2022.txt item: #3 of 9 id: glowack_musial-applying-2022 author: glowack_musial title: glowack_musial-applying-2022 date: 2022 words: 4490 flesch: 34 summary: Applying Topic Modeling for Automated Creation of Descriptive Metadata for Digital Collections ARTICLE Applying Topic Modeling for Automated Creation of Descriptive Metadata for Digital Collections Monika Glowacka-Musial INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | JUNE 2022 Monika Glowacka-Musial ( is Assistant Professor/Metadata Librarian, New Mexico State University Library. TOPIC MODELING AND ITS APPLICATIONS Topic modeling (TM) is one of the methodologies used in natural language processing (NLP). keywords: access; algorithm; allocation; applications; average; best; blei; candidate; catalogers; collections; college; content; creation; david; descriptive; descriptive metadata; different; digital; dirichlet; documents; figure; function; glowacka; headings; humanities; information; information technology; jordan; journal; june; large; latent; lda; libraries; libraries june; library; list; metadata; method; mexico; mining; modeling; models; musial; new; news; news releases; number; performance; present; press; process; project; recall; releases; research; results; science; set; state; subject; subject headings; technology; test; text; topic; topic modeling; training; university; words cache: glowack_musial-applying-2022.pdf plain text: glowack_musial-applying-2022.txt item: #4 of 9 id: guo-contactless-2022 author: guo title: guo-contactless-2022 date: 2022 words: 6927 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, a systematic investigation and study of contactless services in public libraries in the pandemic is of great importance for the adaptation and innovation of library services. The emergence of online self -service library services has greatly contributed to the development of equalization and standardization of public library services. keywords: access; account; applications; available; books; borrowing; building; card; china; chinese; city; construction; contactless; contactless services; covid-19; data; delivery; development; digital; example; extension; face; figure; free; guo; help; hunan; information; information technology; intelligent; interaction; journal; june; large; large public; libraries; libraries june; library; library services; literature; liu; management; media; methods; mobile; model; national; needs; network; new; official; online; overdue; pandemic; patron services; patrons; payment; personal; physical; printing; provincial; public; public libraries; rate; reader; reading; recognition; reference; reference services; registration; remote; research; resources; science; self; service libraries; services; smart; smart libraries; smart services; space; study; survey; system; technology; time; touch; university; use; virtual; website; wechat; yang; yuan cache: guo-contactless-2022.pdf plain text: guo-contactless-2022.txt item: #5 of 9 id: kordahi-ontology-2022 author: kordahi title: kordahi-ontology-2022 date: 2022 words: 7663 flesch: 35 summary: They are an opportunity for learners to discover new disciplines and explore new areas.29 In fact, “the process for indexing metadata records meets standards for education, such as LOM, LOMFR and SupLOMFR.”30 At present, there is no feedback on the use of Thematic Digital Universities platforms. In a general manner, information about the environment class comes from Thematic Digital Universities platforms (e.g., the viewed metadata records). keywords: access; activities; analyses; analyze; application; approach; article; behavioral; bloom; classes; classification; conference; context; dashboard; decimal; design; dewey; digital; digital libraries; digital profile; digital universities; digital user; domains; educational; engineering; environment; example; exploratory; figure; following; general; ims; information; information technology; interest; june; knowledge; kordahi; learner; learner model; learner profile; learning; libraries; libraries june; management; metadata; model; modeling; needs; objectives; oer; online; ontology; ontoulp; open; personal; personalized; preferences; profile; program; psul; questionnaire; records; relationships; research; resources; search; semantic; structure; subsystem; system; tailor; taxonomy; technical; technology; thematic; thematic digital; topical; topics; universities; university; user; user modeling; web; works cache: kordahi-ontology-2022.pdf plain text: kordahi-ontology-2022.txt item: #6 of 9 id: lane-gathering-2022 author: lane title: lane-gathering-2022 date: 2022 words: 2380 flesch: 54 summary: Although school boards provided tools to meet the “classroom” requirements, they could not ensure that every single student had access to a high-speed internet connection, nor could they offer school library access remotely. All in all, we processed hundreds of card requests and renewals and were able to powerfully illustrate to teachers how they could meaningfully integrate public library resources into their classrooms, either virtually or physically. keywords: able; access; administrators; board; community; county; curriculum; edward; families; inequality; information; internet; learning; libraries; library; pec; person; prince; public; reading; resources; school; staff; strength; students; support; teachers; technology; virtual; way cache: lane-gathering-2022.pdf plain text: lane-gathering-2022.txt item: #7 of 9 id: mccormack-rarely-2022 author: mccormack title: mccormack-rarely-2022 date: 2022 words: 4937 flesch: 31 summary: LITERATURE REVIEW While much has been written about methods and criteria for selecting special collections items to be digitized and the effects of digitization on collection accessibility, few authors have discussed the relationships between digital collections and the physical collections from which they were sourced. There are other discrepancies when comparing the country of publication between the physical (fig. 3) and digital collections (fig. 4). keywords: alma; analysis; authors; books; books collection; codes; collection; congress; country; criteria; data; development; digital; digital collection; digital library; digital rare; digitization; digitized; field; geographic; history; information; june; libraries; library; list; location; marc; marriott; materials; mccormack; metadata; names; numbers; online; order; patrons; physical; physical collection; physical rare; place; policies; policy; publication; rare; rare books; records; representative; selection; special; special collections; states; subject; tableau; technology; united; university; use; utah; wittmann; works cache: mccormack-rarely-2022.pdf plain text: mccormack-rarely-2022.txt item: #8 of 9 id: ridley-explainable-2022 author: ridley title: ridley-explainable-2022 date: 2022 words: 7159 flesch: 17 summary: The purpose of XAI is for AI systems to have “the ability to explain their rationale, characterize their strengths and weaknesses, and convey an understanding of how they will behave in the future” 12 and to “enable human users to understand, appropriately trust, and effectively manage the emerging generation of artificially intelligent partners. Typically, proofs are only available for AI systems that use “inherently interpretable” techniques such as rules, decisions trees, or linear regressions.20 Validations are explanations that confirm the veracity of the AI system. keywords: abstraction; academic; academy; access; accountability; advocacy; agency; ai systems; algorithmic; approach; approximation; area; artificial; artificial intelligence; assessment; association; audit; auditing; authorizations; available; bias; black; box; collections; complex; computing; conference; context; court; critical; current; data; decisions; design; different; et al; european; expert; explainability; explainable; explainable ai; explainable artificial; explanation; explanatory; feature; field; focus; framework; good; human; ieee; important; industry; influence; information; information systems; information technology; intelligence; interest; international; journal; june; key; law; learning; learning systems; libraries; libraries june; library; literacy; machine; machine learning; methods; michael; model; necessary; new; oversight; people; policy; power; principles; processes; proofs; public; regulation; reproducibility; research; results; review; ridley; right; science; set; society; specific; standards; strategies; studies; survey; systems; technical; techniques; technology; tool; transparency; trust; understanding; university; users; validations; xai; york cache: ridley-explainable-2022.pdf plain text: ridley-explainable-2022.txt item: #9 of 9 id: varnum-letters-2022 author: varnum title: varnum-letters-2022 date: 2022 words: 509 flesch: 26 summary: Even as we say farewell to these Editorial Board members, it is my pleasure to welcome these individuals to the Editorial Board on July 1: Ashlea Green, Mary A. Guillory, Dana Haugh, Shanna Hollich, and Cynthia Schwarz. Letter from the Editor (June 2022) LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Kenneth J. Varnum and Marisha C. Kelly INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES | JUNE 2022 EDITORIAL BOARD UPDATE I would like to open with a message of gratitude to the Editorial Board members who have helped shape the direction and focus of the journal over the past four years. keywords: articles; board; cultural; digital; editorial;; journal; june; letter; libraries; members; policy; public; technology cache: varnum-letters-2022.pdf plain text: varnum-letters-2022.txt