ts slab bridge , where the life of a man is not worth insuring . south carolina thing i know of poverty is that if a man is dead , they call him poor fellow . f elf ; nor itself any longer than the man is by . but genius alings itself on rea ight of beauty in which he lives . “ man is a torch borne in the wind. ” is ther the partial reforms of his day . 2 “ man is the most composite of all creatures and where he halts , lo ! the tenth man is a god to him . opportunity . this wo of dr. bell 's patients . '' a great man is he who answers questions which i hav zote because just now he was azote . man is only a piece of the universe made al s . use p10 eloquence . the eloquent man is he who is no beautiful speaker , but urse , opposite to true wisdom . ... man is the most composite of all creatures ial , to acquire new energy . a wise man is not deceived by the pause : he knows s how near to creation we are ; this man is of the creator that made and makes m which could never be obliterated . a man is caught up and takes a breath or 1 th everything that makes a new sort of man is good ; for though he is only a chemi e quoted story , as saying , “ every man is to be judged by the horizon of his m ith still higher souls than theirs . man is a manufacturer . he makes sense out fast . transcendentalism says , the man is all . the world can be reeled off an rude state . life consists in what a man is thinking of all day . if a man read i replied , nor do i think that any man is quite impracticable . nor do i feel usic ; and the new power , steam . a man is measured by the angle at which he lo he diary of this pious and scholarly man is printed in the sketch of rev . ezra ployment that americans have , but a man is i omitted sentences are printed in t l man of england . all we ask of any man is that he should thoroughly like his o to his wife he says of scott , “ the man is a noble stoic , sitting apart here a undred and forty-eight members every man is sure to have some who understand his as not thought it necessary , when a man is born , to insert him in a mountain o e of generation go on . a successful man is a good hit , a lucky adjustment to t we say , dear god , but the life of man is not by man , it is consentaneous and w 1848 ) the way . thought 541 every man is entitled to be measured or character o causa conciliandi gratiam , that a man is a robin , and the chain is perfect , robin , and the chain is perfect , a man is a fish . it is not for nothing , tha by the most paltry things . a young man is dazzled by the stately arrangements ehow refreshing they are ! a bashful man is cramped among the fine people who ha the plague of florence , and saw how man is made , and how he is destroyed . thi answer enough , any great and noble man is answer enough , any one who will not e is a conventional thing , and that man is a sadly “ limitary ” spirit . you sp ingular exhibition of what fatuity a man is capable who reckons himself sometime nt , meek , benevolent , industrious man is in a better state for the fine influ cal fish . november 2 . 1 bacon said man is the minister and interpreter of natu will 257 effect . what a pepper-corn man is if he had been poor . by this educat at is sweet or bitter . [ the ] good man is obedient to the laws of the world , ss march 2. it is very seldom that a man is truly alone . he needs to retire as it falls out in education . a young man is to be educated , and schools are bui xcited true and deep pleasure in one man is fitted to excite the same emotions i utterfly not . the true and finished man is ever alone . men can not satisfy him r the time two gods ? for every true man is as if he should say , i speak for th cided upon in a few hours ? the wise man is to settle it immoveably in his mind ng to inquire and merely obserying . man is great , not in his goals , but in hi opinion is not very uncommon . every man is bipolar ; never a circle ; somewhere odox preacher 's cry , “ the natural man is an enemy of god , ” only translates man to man . 380 journal ( age 31 a man is a very vulnerable creature . his man e seven ” ; that a plain , practical man is better to the state than a scholar , o be self-centred . but the finished man is he who in the midst of the crowd kee ; another significant fable . every man is an angel in disguise , a god playing mself , “ twinkling restlessly ” ? a man is seldom in the upright position two m april 14 . “ ne te , '' etc . every man is a wonder until you learn his studies ut in the court house the worth of a man is gauged . ' sore an advantage shines any traditions and usages that every man is forced to argue unfairly , but one o t in his goals but in his transition man is great . dcc see the second aphorism ocrian halters again . '' the wit of man is more elastic than the air our bodies ing himself fast to that , the small man is then at liberty to con sider all obj and constitution of good writing . a man is to treat the world like children who table talk . october 20. the hearing man is good . unhappy is the speaking man . to lash the american follies . every man is a system , an institution . autobiog ought i in church , must assume that man is the revelation , and that , if he wi dy to utter our painful secret . the man is only half himself , the other half i others ; or , if you please , cvery man is so far a poet as to be susceptible o nscendental and extraordinary . if a man is inflamed and carried away by his tho d privacy , and by virtue of which a man is the conductor of the whole river of step that would bring them there . a man is like a bit of labrador spar , which hat nature joined with his enemy . a man is a golden impossibility . the line he cy , and will not be exposed . every man is an impossibility , until he is born of mind . the consciousness in each man is a sliding scale , which identifies h ; but in the solitude to which every man is always returning , he has a sanity a ar or genius , by whose impulses the man is guided , but whose counsels he can n rs ; and the reason why this or that man is fortunate , is not to be told . it l stroys the scepticism which says , “ man is a doll , let us eat and drink , 't i of benefit would look very short . a man is a poor creature , if he is to be mea he rule and hodiernal life of a good man is benefaction . the true charity of go ? as the first thing man requires of man is reality , so , that appears in all t t is the finest of the fine arts . a man is but a little thing in the midst of t our protest against false society . man is fallen ; nature is erect and serves o the mind and character of men . no man is quite sane ; each has a vein of foll kes the state unnecessary . the wise man is the state . he needs no army , fort -- i can not often enough say that a man is only a relative and representative n ing useful , but it is worse that no man is fit for society , who has fine trait t is all idle talking : as much as a man is a whole , so is he also a part ; and of life , and not thousands ? every man is wanted , and no man is wanted much . sands ? every man is wanted , and no man is wanted much . we came this time for limitations . for , rightly , every man is a channel through which heaven flowe , therefore , i assert , that every man is a partialist , that nature secures h immense ; and now i add , that every man is a universalist also , and , as our e to all emergencies alone , and that man is more often injured than helped by th conservative , miser , or thief , no man is , but by a supposed necessity , whic warp me from the belief , that every man is a lover of truth . there is no pure ch of its original vigor. ” and as a man is equal to the church , and equal to t is to have done it. ’ -as soon as a man is wonted to look beyond surfaces , and ealize our aspirations . the life of man is the true romance , which , when it i creeps ; go where he will , the wise man is at home , his hearth the earth , – h shall gaze , when forests fall , and man is gone , over tribes and over times , the living among the dead , – man in man is imprisoned ; saadi . 203 barefooted . power of mind . sit-o ' ? uation . man is his own star . reading . justice . b r the sanction of great names , that man is born by the side of his father , and erished part of popular belief . ... man is but the poor organ through which the dam , as to mine . ... the life of a man is the epitome of the life of a body of y in fate why still the brave , bold man is fortunate ! 120 journal [ ace 23 die rning the existence of evil . for if man is immortal , this world is his place o usehold whither the soul of the dead man is gone ? is it gone to live in torture ur philosophy is sea-sick , to fancy man is violating the order of nature in com ted with habitual guilt . but such a man is not blind to the discrepancy betwixt elling is the best lesson . when the man is at home , his standing in society is event makes to his knowledge , that man is truly independent , - “ he takes his ery man would be interesting . every man is a new creation : can do something be much yours as that they are you . no man is saved as a good man , if he be not s e , or of a horse , 'or of a man ? a man is known by the books he reads , by the egree of contempt . now i think this man is religious , in the lowest degree . w the more exclusively idiosyncratic a man is , the more general and infinite he i igion were got out . september 29. a man is invincible , be his cause great or s ing ever at ulterior ends ; the wise man is content to study the present event , only gentility . as soon as a young man is found to be incapable of virtue he s idelity to what is true . the end of man is his own satisfaction . the body is t rd thyself dost give forevermore . “ man is a microcosm. ” aristotle . “ knowing ” aristotle . “ knowing the heart of man is set to be the centre of this world , dlings can ; 348 journal ( age 27 as man is of the world , the heart of man is a s man is of the world , the heart of man is an epitome of god 's great book of c le all the sphere . oh mighty love ! man is one world , and hath another to atte rd of god. ” goethe . 20 “ the great man is he who hath nothing to fear and noth are so much suspected . the greatest man is he that is not man at all , but merg oks a great part of nature . a grave man is no more a perfect character than a j ut you may trust it still. . again , man is greater by leaning on the greatest . vinist or an episcopalian . now if a man is wise , he will not only not profess gave it flesh and flower . not that man is the abolisher of slavery or intemper nd . unevenness of character . every man is onehalf of a man , either benevolent leisure who useth it not. ” the busy man is entirely ignorant of what was doing ” 1832 ) truth — thought 481 a good man is ever at home wherever hel chance to ra , i “ go where he will , the wise man is at home. ” poems , “ woodnotes . '' ozzi 's melancholy paradox , that no man is able or willing to help any other ma how easily scared . a too benevolent man is at the mercy of every fop he meets , s . truly , whilst it speaketh not , man is a pitiful being . he whistles , eats , or bacon , or newton ? every great man is an unique . the scipionism of scipio i go to the atheneum and read that “ man is not a clothes-horse , '' and come ou y change or effort . when an awkward man is alone , he is graceful , all his 538 al motions are natural . when a vain man is alone , his thoughts are wise . it i rn for homicide ; their chief end of man is to murder , or to be murdered ; oars thor . a nation of laborers , every man is trained to some one art or detail , ce-way , and towns and cities rise . man is made as a birmingham button . the ra if he would not have them rule him . man is a shrewd inventor , and is ever taki d and fruit of every society . every man is allowed and encouraged to be what he rise , everything in the history of man is obscure , and we think ourselves suf n , for they are closed on him . the man is bold who undertakes to answer beyond omes are growing , and the genius of man is brooding over the wide boundaries of i am wont to venerate . every young man is prone to be misled by the suggestion preparation for the eternal world . man is a foolish slave who is busy in forgi ep , and the naked mediocrity of the man is seen as it was wont , and he says an and disappointed , cried out , • the man is inspired ! and claret has done the b young . it is noticeable how much a man is judged of by the praise he gives . i on was very frugal of his praise . a man is not more known by the company he kee anding are . derived from sense . no man is understood , who speculates on mind , he feels that the magnificence of man is quelled and subdued here . the very lents , and my hopes to the church . man is an animal that looks before and afte e multitude . the office of a clergy man is twofold : public preaching and priva because it is a soliloquy and every man is grave alone . 1. there is no royal r common to all individual men . every man is an inlet to the same and to all of t rated by the entire series of days . man is explicable by nothing less than all give power to but one at a time . a man is the whole encyclopædia of facts . th f the universal mind each individual man is one more incarnation . all its prope r earth , his strength was renewed . man is the broken giant , and , in all his d every spark of that light by which man is truly man . but if the man is true t which man is truly man . but if the man is true to his better instincts or sent uce it under the dominion of man . a man is a bundle of relations , a knot of ro ce . “ ne te quaesiveris extra. ” “ man is his own star ; and the soul that can is work made manifest by cowards . a man is relieved and gay when he has put his im : he does not court you . but the man is , as it were , clapped into jail by he only wrong what is against it . a man is to carry himself in the presence of o live after our own ; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd kee ver bow and apologize more . a great man is coming to eat at my house . i do not rcumstances indifferent . every true man is a cause , a country , and an age ; r r parable of my being and becoming . man is timid and apologetic ; he is no long t , new powers shall appear ; that a man is the word made flesh , born to shed h e and consciousness . as soon as the man is at one with god , he will not beg . tudy , and benevolence , so that the man is first domesticated , or does not go , or bacon , or newton 2 every great man is a unique . the scipionism of scipio ber takes it away . but that which a man is does always by necessity acquire , a stung and sorely assailed . a great man is always willing to be little . whilst indifferency of circumstances . the man is all . every thing has two sides , a , and not of its absence ; the brave man is greater than the coward ; the true , no settled character , in which the man is imprisoned . then there can be enlar le nature is commended , whether the man is not better who strives with temptati a part of the machine he moves ; the man is lost . until he can manage to commun im the character of the universe . a man is a method , a progressive arrangement like a dream . not in nature but in man is all the beauty and worth he sees . t orm of being assigned to us * a good man is contented . i love and honor epamino aced and disfigured , as the life of man is not , to his imagination . each man evanescent relation , — no more . a man is reputed to have thought and eloquenc the church or the bar : and where a man is not vain and egotistic , you shall f ; but it is a bad counsellor . every man is actually weak , and apparently stron , a residuum it could not resolve . man is a stream whose source is hidden . ou rts , in particles . meantime within man is the soul of the whole ; the wise sil . all goes to show that the soul in man is not an organ , but animates and exer e nothing , but the light is all . a man is the façade of a temple wherein all w to obey . of this pure nature every man is at some time sensible . language can e immortality is separately taught , man is already fallen . in the flowing of l wer than batballs . the key to every man is his thought . sturdy and defying tho s his own . the life 276 essay x. of man is a self-evolving circle , which , fro epic dream has yet depicted . every man is not so much a workman in the world , lty . it was easy to him . the great man is not convulsible or tormentable ; eve at soul showeth . the immortality of man is as legitimately preached from the in n to few men to be poets , yet every man is a receiver of this descending holy g but extempore performances . a great man is a new statue in every attitude and a ve knowledge and those who want it . man is a rude bear when men are separated i es , p. 103 ) . 192 journal ( age 63 man is architectural ; always goes to preci by the fact that every intellectual man is out of the old church : all the youn and he is long in learning , as the man is long in learning , that each is the is that of expression , and the same man is handsome or ugly as he gives utteran d lo ! the ice has floated . and the man is reconciled to his losses when he see accomplishments . he held that every man is to be judged by the horizon of his m lume . ] january , 1871. old age . “ man is oldest when he is born , and is youn ery moment by circulation : for “ no man is the lord of anything till he communi e old saying of montluc , that “ one man is worth a hundred , and a hundred are beloved name . the distinction of a man is that he thinks . let that be so . fo lt . but a man thinks and adapts . a man is not a man , then , until he have his 343,344 ; life and , are curb rein , man is held on , iv , 20. apparitions , iv hey attend their own affair or not . man is that noble endogenous plant which gr t much cognizant of direct serving . man is endogenous , and education is his un own and impossible confusions . each man is , by secret liking , connected with of lines ; newton , of fluxions . a man is a centre for nature , running out th ounder , are in point . alas ! every man is such a victim . the imbecility of me ble be closed , until the last great man is born . these men correct the deliriu hey hire and kill ? the cheapness of man is every day 's tragedy . it is as real nes , and stone quarries ; and every man is a quotation from all his ancestors . insight , are from a wisdom of which man is not master ; that the gods never phi l. ” “ the essence or peculiarity of man is to comprehend a whole ; or that whic self of every thing . the misery of man is to be baulked of the sight of essenc he domesticates the soul in nature : man is the microcosm . all the circles of t ence . in common parlance , what one man is said to learn by experience , a man -yards and dissecting-rooms . no one man is perhaps able to judge of the merits the skeptics , that , “ the wiser a man is , the more will he be a worshipper o is a key to his theology , also . “ man is a kind of very minute heaven , corre sembles the end inscribed on it. ” a man is in general , and in particular , an new , according to his ruling love . man is such as his affection and thought ar h as his affection and thought are . man is man by virtue of willing , not by vi he more room : ” “ the perfection of man is the love of use : ” “ man , in his p at the contrast of the two faces . a man is flushed with success , and bethinks ; and many fine names beside . each man is born with a predisposition to one or nceited , vulnerable popinjay that a man is , bobbing up and down into every dan of our scheme , just as the body of man is the type after which a dwelling-hous that he thinks , the more barbarous man is , the better he is . he likes his sa the soul . i think that the wiser a man is , the more stupendous he finds the n eptic . : 183 satisfaction , to each man is administered a single drop , a bead & c. following this analogy , if any man is found to carry with him the power an and he will write . in his eyes , a man is the faculty of reporting , and the u able men do not care in what kind a man is able , so only that he is able . a m him . the reaction of things on the man is the only noteworthy result . an inte ts , but by the highest complexity . man is the most composite of all creatures ch has respect to a farther good . a man is fed , not that he may be fed , but t pter iii . beauty . a nobler want of man is served by nature , namely , the love e will suit the picture . a virtuous man is in unison with her works , and makes pearance as its picture . an enraged man is a lion , a cunning man is a fox , a an enraged man is a lion , a cunning man is a fox , a firm man is a rock , a lea on , a cunning man is a fox , a firm man is a rock , a learned man is a torch . x , a firm man is a rock , a learned man is a torch . a lamb is innocence ; a sn he beautiful type of all influence . man is conscious of a universal soul within f a few poets , here and there , but man is an analogist , and studies relations it without loss . the corruption of man is followed by the corruption of langua e in their scale , but suppose every man is as every other man . what is not goo of nature shines in his own breast . man is greater than he can see this , and t h he may mould into what is useful . man is never weary of working it up . he fo felt from the fact , probably , that man is hereby apprized , that , whilst the or opposition of other persons . no man is its enemy . it accepts whatsoever be s true of this brave lodging wherein man is harbored , and wherein all his facul olded upon the breast . the happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson part of his little poem on man . `` man is all symmetry , full of proportions , him pale and wan . oh mighty love ! man is one world , and hath another to atte o the remedial force of spirit ? ' a man is a god in ruins . when men are innoce en the actual and the ideal force of man is happily figured by the schoolmen , i , in saying , that the knowledge of man is an evening knowledge , vesperlina co s broken and in heaps , is , because man is disunited with himself . he can not hole society to find the whole man . man is not a farmer , or a professor , or a r , or an engineer , but he is all . man is priest , and scholar , and statesman mach , an elbow , but never a man. . man is thus metamorphosed into a thing , in ue , is the active soul . this every man is entitled to ; this every man contain , in adverting to the doctrine that man is one . i believe man has been wronged antic . this writing is blood-warm . man is surprised to find that things near a far . the drop is a small ocean . a man is related to all nature . this percept , it is , the world is nothing , the man is all ; in yourself is the law of all rity , thereby puts on purity . if a man is at heart just , then in so far is he , as sure as in the soul . by it , a man is made the providence to himself , dis and fear have built , the friend of man is made the injurer of man . the manner ivinity that speaks through it . now man is ashamed of himself ; he skulks and s igions are forms . he is religious . man is the wonderworker . he is seen amid m hics . 159 justice ; because an able man is nothing else than a good , free , va s of right and wrong . an individual man is a fruit which it cost all the forego son , but of selfishness . suppose a man is so unhappy as to be born a saint , w his weakness , must confess that no man is to be found good enough to be entitl ed history to some future ages . for man is the end of nature ; nothing so easil ependent . the height , the deity of man is , to be self-sustained , to need no the insignificance of man to man . a man is a poor limitary benefactor . he ough e universe . but in our experience , man is cheap , and friendship wants its dee ctive poet . each man 's questions . man is curbed . god finds joys for bar-keep . god manifest in the flesh of every man is a perfect rule of social life . just . task work is good for idlers , and man is an idler . its greatest disadvantage ed dust . '' strange is it to me how man is holden on a curb-rein and hindered f or good unto them that love god . no man is the idealist 's enemy . he accepts a en the actual and the ideal force of man is happily figured by the schoolmen in lmen in saying that the knowledge of man is an evening knowledge , 1836 ] greek dead. ” ( volume xxii , p . 245 . ) man is an analogist , and therefore no man fication through an idea . march 27. man is an analogist . he can not help seein ade their verdict unquestionable . a man is sure of nothing , he said , but what nd the ear the singer . where is not man is neither color nor sound . the man is man is neither color nor sound . the man is the creator of his world . i choose of my in1 followed by the passage « man is a god in ruins , '' etc . ( nature , landscape less so ? yet see how far man is at discord with nature , for you can a , moses , john and paul . july 30. man is the point wherein matter and spirit as from the tartars . the universal man is now as real an existence as the devi death as they shall choose . anable man is as rich as the world . how much wate erson . alcott maintained that every man is a genius , that he looks peculiar , uld i know of the world but that one man is forever rubbing glass , grinding len is pitiable . the fit attitude of a man is humble wonder and gratitude , a meek m to the poor people . the antique a man is the prisoner of ideas and must be un deas and must be unconscious . every man is unconscious , let him be as wise as pher ought to learn hence how greedy man is of fellowship and of guidance . the s in america . but in turn the whole man is brought to the light . it is like th must explain it . and because every man is potentially universal , and wherever solute. ' . .. do you not see that a man is a bundle of relations , that his ent ners . there is one mind , and every man is a porch leading into it . prayer is on cloud , that the eye of the exact man is speedily confused and annoyed . it s currency as long as he lives . that man is a commission merchant , and in the m , poverty , are seeming fences , but man is insular and can not be touched . eve sular and can not be touched . every man is an infinitely repellent orb , and ho ver-crowed by their own creation . a man is not able to subdue the world . he is es and hope , as of property . i see man is not what man should be . he is the t f men show slight and evanescent . a man is but a bug , the earth but a boat , a golden age , and the like . we mean man is not as he ought to be ; but our way ived imaginations . i must think the man is 1 “ aunt harlow ” – mrs. emerson alw of my house . then i must think the man is not yet ripe who is not yet domestic property , when the character of any man is considered . it will appear that it tivity but accomplishes somewhat . a man is sometimes offended at the superfluou more . their question respecting any man is like a seminole 's , how can he figh ire in the tower of london . · every man is weak himself , but strong in relatio uds and the warm air made me think a man is a fool to be mean and unhappy , when ame . we know all they will do , and man is like man as one steamboat is like an i suppose it must be true that each man is able , in a right state of society , urse of all virtues . i will not say man is to man a wolf , but man should be to rficiality impossible to any , for a man is not in the place to which he goes un ch sheep , is not an individual as a man is , but only one piece more of the ox the physiognomy of the house . if a man is self-exaggerating and does not embra geography which they diffuse . if a man is going to california , he announces i o is only an algebraist , but if the man is at the same time acquainted with the s thy saw good , “ the perfection of man is the love of use '' ? and this fine l lves injured when an older or better man is chosen . let them sympathize with th aid it in the noble sense . ense . a man is a battery whose circuit should be co erns for waistcoats and i scarfs . a man is a torpedo to a man . i see him with nk , he is open as the element , one man is suddenly tantamount to the race . th y . in massachusetts , every twelfth man is a shoemaker ; tea-plant for china ; rdation in the english youth . every man is a possible lord . but they have so m for the immense cycle ; and , whilst man is for eternity , for poetry , for love utiful and also science . i think no man is insensible to the figures that adorn say , “ given the circumstance , the man is given . i can educate a tiger ” : sw n sueur , tout en nage au dernier. ” man is as his credence . swedenborg saw gra n immediate fatherland , the noblest man is little worth : — with them , even th h or thought , ” says niebuhr . no a man is not to aim at innocence , any more t oral influences come from , since no man is a moralist . 't is like the generati fairly enough , when is it that the man is to begin to provide for himself ? we ight in lands and chattels . just as man is conscious of the law of vegetable an — is it not ? that the intellectual man is stronger than the robust animal man which jesus rode.3 't is because the man is by much the larger half ; and , thou is never better shown . a practical man is the hobby of the age . well , when i bracelet , balance , waterpot . one man is born to explain bones and animal arc day when 56 journal ( age 53 “ until man is able to compress the ether like leat . “ the soul declared by an inferior man is not easy to be known , but when it i that it is the health of all . every man is a scholar potentially , and does not one good , believing , strong-minded man is worth a hundred , nay , twenty thous all one with intrinsic value . if a man is set on collecting diamonds , or arab er a surprise , and engaging , and a man is therefore and thus wonderful and lov still but one snowflake : but every man is a door to a single deep secret . the the nation is as old and infirm as a man is with those years . now a building is sacred and profane history . a great man is always a contradiction to his age an irth . will 217 the great day in the man is the birth of perception , which inst ts first harsh judgment of him . the man is so transparent that all can see thro the winter drive 263 when an eastern man is cheated by a hoosier , he is said to ll the virtues are solidaires . each man is related to persons who are not relat 344 journal [ age 58 paid to a great man is the expression of our own hope . “ s age 58 journal wherever snow falls , man is free . where the orange blooms , man is free . where the orange blooms , man is the foe of man . president lincoln s its representatives . they ask if a man is a republican. ' . . . but i mr. emer l has no rights which negro or white man is bound to respect. ” the world is ups nds , if our inmost and most private man is but a sour and turbid pool ? ” “ i l residuum left as in webster . every man is at the mercy of his own son . no mat , unless he is born for it . that a man is wise or deep does not make his opini well off , he is made of rain , but man is at many removes . state secretary an d the obstruction . the vanity of no man is gratified . the abolitionist would s for one 's country. ” every kind of man is wanted , every talent , every virtue lanimity . all that we care for in a man is the tidings he gives us of our own f entleman . with our faith that every man is a possessed person having that admir he has been a very temperate man . a man is but a little thing in the midst of t nt degrees of the thermometer . this man is brought to the boiling-point by the have seen his amphibious house ? the man is only half himself . let me see the o thematics . i would fain learn . the man is right . i wish that the writers of t mself about his hat or his shoes . a man is furnished with this superb case of i to this adroit little committee . a man is an exaggerator . in every conversati , all either owners or enviers : no man is on the other side , no man can give he behaviour without intention . the man is yet to arise who eats angels ' food manity , and approaches the ballad . man is nine parts fool for one part wise , presumption , on hearing that a good man is coming by , that this man is true , a good man is coming by , that this man is true , consistent , and his conscien u shall find they do not like it . a man is a partiality . to-day i think the co and nouns ; for in closest society a man is by thought wrapt into remotest isola s , but without any guilt. ” a great man is always entitled to the most liberal ve . w. a. tappan says , that when a man is looked at , he instantly assumes a n ls how little , more than how much , man is represented there . i think , in the man is a man 's daughter , and every man is a woman 's son , every woman is too nature the doubt occurs whether the man is the cause or the effect . are beasts — in the woods , for example , every man is a noble , and we can not prize too h angerous fixtures . the manliness of man is a frail and exquisite fruit which do t line is better than the square : a man is the one ; a horse the other . poet . able men do not care in what work a man is able so only he is able . ' ... 1 th strange , an unfit marriage , since man is the child of this most impossible ma rity , thereby puts on purity . if a man is at heart just , then in so far is he , as sure as in the soul . by it , a man is made the providence to himself , dis t this daily miracle shines , as the man is diviner . but the very word miracle and fear have built , the friend of man is made the injurer of man . the manner vinity that speaks .through it . now man is ashamed of himself ; he skulks and s igions are forms . he is religious . man is the wonderworker . he is seen amid m 's breakfast-table . but whilst the man is startled by this closer inspection o ks of art but they teach us how near man is to creating . michel angelo is large at it is a new work of nature , as a man is . it must be as new as foam and as o very man may be , and at some time a man is , lifted to a platform whence he loo the best posture-master . an awkward man is graceful when asleep , or when hard isfies . the orator is he whom every man is seeking when he goes into the courts n the power of man over men ; that a man is a mover ; to the extent of his being eing that every healthy and resolute man is an organizer , a method coming into to everything desirable ; that every man is provided , in the new bias of his fa e the issue and the means . “ when a man is once possessed with fear , ” said th he tropics are one vast garden ; yet man is more miserably fed and conditioned t account of their condition . if the man is not ashamed of his poverty , there i the loss of spoons , the majesty of man is violated . he , whom all things shou on ? our high respect for a wellread man is praise enough of literature . if we and the man quotes his friend . each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody , a ntor knows how to borrow , and every man is or should be an inventor . we must n n unbroken unity , — and the mind of man is a key to the whole . he finds that t ired , but we have rapid rallies . a man is spent by his work , starved , prostr est tonic to the young soul . and no man is unrelated ; therefore we admire emin s represent the intellect , by which man is man ; the intellect and the moral se piece of nature in any kind , but a man is born , who , as his genius opens , a ng in the last box . all laughter at man is bitter , and puts us out of good act ui ? everything is prospective , and man is to live hereafter . that the world i embryo , a preparation for life . a man is not completely born until he has pas nd dries , the races meliorate , and man is born . but when a race has lived its invented over and over fifty times . man is the arch machine , of which all thes iticism that pries into the matter ? man is not order of nature , sack and sack unt . you may be sure , the new-born man is not inert . life work , both volunta l tilt and balance , so . whilst the man is weak , the earth takes up him . he p , into his charity . and , as every man is hunted by his own dæmon , vexed by h on the back of the other . so when a man is the victim of his fate , has sciatic and strong with their strength . one man is made of the same stuff of which even tomach and constitution . the second man is as good as the first , — perhaps bet may be husbanded , or wasted ; every man is efficient only as he is a container ng without dishonest customs . every man is a consumer , and ought to be a produ t is a doctrine of philosophy , that man is a being of degrees ; that there is n alter sanguis : or , the estate of a man is only a larger kind of body , and adm e corrects the theory of success . a man is the prisoner of his power . a topica ally in the instances where a marked man is sent into the world , overloads him farmers and working-men . and if the man is of a light and social turn , and nat ulture opens the sense of beauty . a man is a beggar who only lives to the usefu n the language of the first . if the man is off his centre , the eyes show it . ritten and read . the aspect of that man is repulsive : i do not wish to deal wi come to the end of all : but if the man is self-possessed , happy , and at home one would say , the rule is , what a man is irresistibly urged to say , helps hi of culture . but the whole state of man is a state of culture ; and its floweri atoms ; and , that , as soon as the man is right , assurances and previsions em from all its rocks and soils . thus man is made equal to every event . he can f obedience , a necessitated freedom . man is made of the same atoms as the world dr. johnson said severely , “ every man is a rascal as soon as he is sick. ” dr of life , the crowning fortune of a man is to be born with a bias to some pursu hemselves cheap and vile : and yet a man is a fagot of thunderbolts . all the el ir unequally distributed , etc . the man is physically as well as metaphysically em . the permanent interest of every man is , never to be in a false position , ogies . union and constitution , but man is above measures . the annoyers . just son , war , vice , — all serve . but man is a voluntary benefactor . the meaning y action hallows you . instantly the man is relieved from a terror that girded h self-pitying . ow . after thirty , a man is too sensible of the strait limitatio te the harm . they do not see that a man is as much a stranger in his own body a stranger in his own body as another man is . ' the nomad and the pivot are two s shipwreck . in common life , every man is led by the nose by a verb . even the fication . proportion is not . every man is lobsided , and even holding in his h led to him his vagabond state . if a man is at one with the soul and in all thin , very small . would you know if the man is just , ask of the tax-gatherer . bam conformist. ? . .. march 26. a good man is contented . i love and honor epamino ehold again here in another book , “ man is good , but men are bad. ” why , i ha nse character . – what we value in a man is that he should give us a sense of ma ours is the revolutionary age , when man is coming back to consciousness , and f my having tied my hands . besides , man is so poor he can not afford to part wi abinet cyclopædia , by forster . the man is great , though his historian is smal t they move . 270 journal [ age 36 a man is a diamond edition of the world . wha he expenditure of a truly cultivated man is like the expenditure of a temple , r estiny whereof this sundered will of man is the victim . is he proud , high-thou he sufficiency of one man . the wise man is the state . louis xiv was right . th moses , ezekiel , and st. john . but man is critic of all these also , and shoul and the waving corn ? and yet every man is master of the whole fact , and shall all , — and yet how willingly every man is willing to be nothing in his presenc er men . instantly you behold that a man is a mover , — to the extent of his bei not three , but three thousand ; no man is ever awkward , ever sly , canting , l over the circumstance . the vulgar man is the victim of the circumstance . in of the world born out of the side of man is a false one , and that it is pedantr orest 455 authority of ideas . every man is at last , in his purest thought , an causes can content us . the life of man is the true romance which , when it is tinct which spoke from it , that one man is a counterpoise to a city , that a ma is a counterpoise to a city , that a man is stronger than a city , that his soli vent a resource for every moment . a man is a compendium of nature , an indomita by our eye into harmonic choirs . a man is a poor , limitary benefactor , ' . . pirit to prevail and possess . ' ... man is the tender , irritable , susceptible ry that ever was , it is because the man is faint-hearted and untrue . wouldest nceal , every guest is unwelcome . a man is a gate betwixt hell and heaven . thr of fugitiveness , of frailty , that man is moth , or bubble , or gossamer , the they readily hear and say : but that man is necessary and eternal they unwilling