item: #1 of 21 id: hvd.32044004351631 author: Emerson title: Conduct Of Life date: 1876 words: 71018 flesch: 76 summary: In an English party, a man with no marked manners or features, with a face like red dough, unexpectedly discloses wit, learning, a wide range of topics, and personal fa- miliarity with good men in all parts of the world, until you think you have fallen upon some illus- Can it be that the American trious personage. If there ever was good man, be certain, there was another, and will be more. keywords: action; activity; advantage; affection; age; ages; aid; aim; aims; air; america; ancestors; animal; answer; appear; argument; arms; art; artist; arts; atoms; away; bad; balance; ball; basis; beautiful; beauty; bed; behavior; belief; believe; benefit; bent; best; betray; better; bird; black; blood; body; books; boston; boy; boys; brain; brave; bread; broken; building; business; california; capital; care; cause; certain; chain; change; character; charm; cheap; chemistry; children; churches; circumstance; cities; citizen; city; civil; class; climate; clothes; cloud; coal; coat; cold; college; command; commerce; common; community; companions; company; condition; conduct; connection; considerations; constitution; conversation; corn; costs; countries; country; courage; course; creature; crime; crowd; culture; cut; daily; dancing; dark; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; debt; deep; defect; degree; demand; design; destiny; different; direction; district; divine; doctrine; dollar; doors; dozen; dress; duties; duty; early; earth; easy; economy; education; effect; elements; end; endless; enemy; energy; england; english; equal; europe; events; evil; existence; expense; experience; expression; eyes; face; facts; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; family; fancy; far; farmer; fashion; fast; fate; father; fear; feeling; feet; field; fine; fire; fit; flowers; flowing; fly; food; foot; force; foreign; forest; form; fortune; freedom; french; friends; friendship; frivolous; fruit; future; gain; game; general; genius; gentleman; glory; god; gods; goethe; good; good man; government; gravity; great; great man; greatest; greek; ground; guide; habit; half; hands; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; help; heroes; high; higher; highest; hints; history; hold; home; honor; hope; horizon; horses; hour; house; human; ideas; illusions; imagination; immense; importance; individual; influence; insight; intellectual; interest; interior; iron; joy; judge; justice; key; kind; king; know; knowing; knowledge; labor; large; late; law; laws; lead; leaf; learning; leave; legs; lesson; let; liberty; library; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; look; lord; loss; lost; love; low; machine; main; making; man; mankind; manners; market; masses; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; meet; memory; men; mental; merchant; method; millions; mind; moment; money; moral; morning; mother; mountains; music; names; napoleon; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neighborhood; new; noble; number; objects; office; old; opinion; order; organization; pain; particular; party; passion; pay; people; perception; perfect; performance; personal; persons; philosophy; picture; piece; place; planet; plants; play; pleasure; poet; poetry; point; police; political; politics; poor; population; position; possible; poverty; power; practical; practice; praise; presence; present; pride; private; property; providence; public; purpose; quality; question; race; rank; rare; reach; reaction; reading; ready; real; reason; related; relation; religion; religious; resistance; resources; respect; results; return; rich; right; rise; road; room; root; rough; rude; rule; run; savage; says; scale; school; science; sea; second; secret; secure; self; selfish; sense; sentiment; service; set; shakspeare; shop; short; sick; skill; sky; small; social; society; solitude; soul; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spring; stand; stars; state; steam; step; stone; street; strength; stroke; strong; style; subject; sublime; success; sun; supply; sure; sweet; sympathy; system; talent; talk; task; taste; terms; thee; things; thinking; thought; time; tis; town; toy; trade; travel; tree; true; truth; turn; ugly; understanding; universal; universe; useful; uses; vain; value; vast; virtue; vote; wall; want; war; water; waves; way; ways; wealth; weight; wide; wild; wind; wine; wings; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; wit; woman; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worth; wrong; years; york; young; youth cache: hvd.32044004351631.txt plain text: hvd.32044004351631.txt item: #2 of 21 id: hvd.32044005056015 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 03) date: 1882 words: 123775 flesch: 80 summary: Society always, but best men alone. I expect everything good and auspicious from the studies and the actings of good men in the course this thought shall guide them. keywords: absolute; account; acquaintance; acting; action; admiration; advantage; affections; afternoon; age; ages; agreeable; aims; air; alcott; alexander; america; ancient; anecdotes; angelo; animal; annual; answer; apparent; april; apud; architecture; argument; aristotle; artist; arts; assembly; astronomy; attention; audience; august; aunt; bacon; bad; baggage; ball; banks; bare; battle; bay; beautiful; beauty; bedford; beggars; beginning; bell; ben; best; better; betwixt; biography; birds; black; blessed; blood; blow; blue; board; boat; body; bold; book; boston; botany; boy; boys; brave; breath; brescia; bridge; bright; broken; brother; burke; business; byron; cabin; calm; calvinism; cambridge; canova; capable; captain; cardinals; carlyle; casts; cathedral; cause; centenary; ceremony; certain; chain; chamber; change; channing; chapel; chapter; character; charles; charm; children; christianity; church; churches; cicero; circle; circumstances; cities; city; civil; class; classification; clear; close; clothes; clouds; coach; coat; cold; coleridge; collection; college; comes; comfort; commerce; common; companions; company; compare; compensation; composition; concord; confidence; congregation; consciousness; constitution; contents; convent; conversation; conviction; correspondence; countenance; country; courage; course; court; courtesy; creation; creature; croce; cross; crowd; curiosity; danger; dante; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; december; deep; degree; delight; design; desire; different; dignity; dim; dinner; direction; discourse; distinction; divine; doctrine; door; doubt; dreams; duke; dull; dust; duty; early; earnest; earth; east; easy; edition; education; edward; effect; effort; elegant; emerson; england; english; equal; essays; etc; eternal; europe; evening; events; everett; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eye; eyes; ezra; face; facts; fair; faith; faithful; false; fame; familiar; family; famous; fancy; far; fast; father; faults; fear; february; feeling; feet; fellow; fields; figure; fill; fine; finest; finished; fire; fit; floor; florence; flowers; foot; force; forms; forth; fox; france; free; freedom; french; fresh; friend; friendship; fruit; future; gallery; garden; gate; gay; general; geneva; genius; gentleman; genuine; george; german; gibbon; gifts; girl; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; goethe; gold; golden; good; good man; government; grand; grass; great; great man; greatest; greatness; greek; guide; habits; hair; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; harmony; hat; head; hearing; heart; heaven; hedge; help; henry; hero; heroes; high; higher; highest; hill; historical; history; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; hotel; hour; house; human; humility; hunt; idea; ignorance; iii; imagination; immense; immortal; immortality; important; individual; infinite; influence; inscription; instinct; intellectual; interest; iron; italian; italy; jackson; jail; january; jesus; john; jonson; journal; journey; joy; judge; judgment; july; june; kind; kindness; knowledge; known; labor; lady; lafayette; lake; landor; landscape; language; large; later; laws; learned; learning; leave; lecture; left; letters; liberty; library; lies; life; light; like; limits; line; literary; literature; little; live; liverpool; living; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; love; luther; maker; making; malta; maltese; man; manifold; mankind; manners; manse; marble; march; marriage; mary; mass; material; matter; mean; meaning; measure; meeting; memory; men; mere; merit; method; michel; middle; mighty; milan; miles; milton; mind; minister; miss; mob; modern; moment; money; montaigne; months; moon; moral; morality; morning; mother; mountain; mouth; mrs; museum; music; names; naples; napoleon; narrow; nation; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; newton; noble; non; note; notice; november; o'clock; object; observation; occurs; ocean; october; oegger; office; old; old man; ones; open; opening; opera; opinion; order; ordinary; organ; original; ornament; padua; page; painting; paper; paragraph; paris; particular; party; passage; passenger; passing; passion; past; pathetic; paul; pay; peculiar; people; perfect; perkins; perpetual; personal; persons; peter; petrarch; philosophers; philosophy; piazza; picture; picturesque; piece; pine; pity; place; plain; plants; plato; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; plutarch; plymouth; poem; poetry; poets; point; politics; poor; pope; portrait; position; possession; possible; power; practical; praise; prayer; preacher; preaching; presence; present; pretty; price; priest; principle; prison; private; property; public; pure; purpose; quaker; question; race; rain; rank; rare; read; reading; real; reason; record; red; regard; relation; reliance; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; respect; rest; return; reverence; revolution; rich; riches; ride; ripley; rise; river; road; rock; roman; rome; room; rose; rough; round; royal; ruins; rule; sabbath; sad; safety; said; sail; sailor; saint; sake; santa; saturday; saying; scarce; scene; scholar; school; science; scott; sea; second; secret; seeing; self; sense; sentence; sentiment; separate; september; sermon; service; set; shade; shakspear; shells; shines; ship; shore; shows; sick; sides; signor; silent; silver; similar; simple; simplicity; sincere; single; singular; sir; sitting; size; sky; slavery; sleep; small; snow; social; society; socrates; soil; sole; solid; solitude; song; sort; soul; spare; speaking; speech; spiritual; spite; splendid; spot; spring; stars; state; statues; steamboat; step; stone; storm; strange; stream; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; sufficient; sun; sunday; sung; sunset; superior; sure; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; syracuse; system; table; talent; talk; taste; taylor; teacher; teaching; tell; temple; theatre; thee; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thought; thousands; thy; time; tis; titian; tomb; tongue; topic; towers; town; tradition; traits; traveller; travelling; trees; true; trust; truth; tuesday; turn; understanding; universal; universe; unknown; useful; utter; vain; valuable; value; vast; vatican; venerable; venice; verses; view; villa; village; virtue; vision; visit; voice; volume; voyage; vulgar; walk; walking; walls; want; washington; watch; way; wealth; weather; webster; week; west; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; window; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wise man; wit; women; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthy; write; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; york; young; young man cache: hvd.32044005056015.txt plain text: hvd.32044005056015.txt item: #3 of 21 id: hvd.32044009864794 author: Emerson title: Representative Men : Seven Lectures. date: 1850 words: 60863 flesch: 71 summary: Other men are lenses through which we read our own minds. he seeks other men, and the otherest. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; admirable; advantages; age; ages; aim; air; angels; animal; answer; appearance; architecture; artist; asia; astronomy; athens; bacon; bad; battle; beautiful; beauty; behmen; belief; benefit; best; better; birth; blood; bodies; body; bold; bonaparte; book; brain; bread; caste; cause; celestial; centre; centuries; century; certain; character; chemistry; children; church; circle; citizen; city; class; common; company; complete; condition; constitution; contemporaries; conversation; correspondence; country; courage; course; creation; creature; credit; criticism; culture; day; days; death; defence; degrees; deity; delight; delighted; democrat; desire; difference; direct; divine; doctrine; doubt; early; earth; easy; economy; education; effect; egotism; elements; eminent; end; enemy; energy; england; english; equal; essence; europe; events; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; false; fame; fast; fate; father; fear; feet; figure; fine; fire; fit; food; force; form; fortune; france; freedom; french; friends; general; generous; genius; german; glad; god; gods; goethe; gold; good; government; grand; great; great men; greater; greatest; ground; habit; half; hands; happy; hard; head; health; heart; heaven; hell; help; hero; heroes; higher; highest; history; hold; homage; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; ideas; identity; imagination; immense; individual; influence; insight; institutions; intellect; intellectual; intelligent; interest; invention; iron; italy; john; joy; judge; justice; key; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labor; language; large; law; laws; lead; leaf; learned; learning; lessons; library; life; like; limits; line; literary; literature; little; lived; living; london; long; look; lord; love; low; making; man; mankind; manners; marriage; masses; master; material; meaning; means; measure; men; mental; merit; method; mind; modern; moment; money; montaigne; moral; music; mystic; names; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; new; newton; nineteenth; object; office; old; open; opinion; order; organ; original; originality; particulars; parties; parts; passion; people; perception; perfect; perpetual; personal; persons; philosopher; pictures; place; plain; planet; plato; play; pleasure; poem; poet; poetic; poetry; point; poor; popular; position; possible; power; practical; private; probity; problem; proceeding; property; prophet; proportion; public; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; rank; rare; reach; reader; readings; real; reality; reason; regard; related; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; representative men; republic; respect; rest; result; reverse; rich; right; room; saint; saw; saying; scale; scholar; school; science; sea; second; secret; self; sense; sentence; sentiment; series; service; set; shakspeare; sides; simple; single; sir; skeptic; skepticism; skill; sky; small; smallest; social; society; socrates; solid; sort; soul; sound; speculation; speech; sphere; spine; spirit; spiritual; stand; state; statement; stone; strange; street; strength; strong; structure; student; study; style; subject; subtle; success; sun; superior; supreme; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; synthesis; system; talent; temple; tendency; theory; things; thinking; thought; time; tis; trade; translation; troops; true; truth; turn; understanding; unity; universal; universe; use; uses; value; vast; virtue; vision; want; war; water; way; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; wit; women; wonderful; works; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; written; years; young; young men; youth cache: hvd.32044009864794.txt plain text: hvd.32044009864794.txt item: #4 of 21 id: hvd.32044009938762 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 02) date: 1882 words: 113590 flesch: 77 summary: There will be to good men hencefor- ward a horrid anticipation when the majestic vision that has, for ages, kept a commanding check upon the dangerous passions of men— has rivetted the social bonds and brought forward so many noble spirits and prodigious benefits to the 1 For Mr. Emerson's delight in the song of the wind see, in the Poems, the “Wood Notes II,” where it sings through the pine ; also “The Harp and “ Maiden Song of the Æolian Harp. In mo- ments when our own faith wavers, when we are disturbed with melancholy doubts, the unfailing refuge of the mind is in that little honoured num- ber of good men and women among our friends, whose probity is our anchor, that, like a squad- 1828] SILENCE 243 ron of angels, gather on the mount before us and send out from their seraph faces courage and light into our hearts. keywords: 1830; able; absolute; accomplished; account; achille; acquaintance; action; active; acts; adams; admiration; advantage; affairs; affections; afraid; age; ages; agreeable; alas; ambition; america; anaxagoras; ancient; angel; animal; answer; appendix; apprehension; april; apud; argument; aristotle; arrangement; aspect; astronomy; atheism; attention; augustine; aunt; authority; authors; awful; bacon; bad; balance; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; bible; blessed; blind; blood; body; books; boston; bread; bright; brilliant; brother; burke; business; butler; byron; cabot; calvin; calvinism; cambridge; care; carlyle; cast; cause; centenary; centre; centuries; century; certain; change; channing; chapter; character; chardon; charity; charles; charleston; children; christianity; church; cicero; circumstances; city; class; clay; clear; close; clouds; cold; coleridge; college; comfort; coming; command; committee; common; community; company; compensation; conception; concord; condition; conduct; confidence; connexion; conscience; consequence; consideration; contents; contrary; conversation; correct; country; courage; course; cousin; creation; creature; criticism; curiosity; curious; daily; dark; day; days; dead; dear; death; debt; december; deep; degree; deity; delicate; delight; design; destiny; devotion; die; different; dignity; dim; direct; discourse; discoveries; disease; divine; divinity; doctrine; door; doth; doubt; draw; dull; dust; duties; duty; early; earth; easy; edition; education; edward; effect; element; ellen; eloquence; emerson; england; english; envy; equal; error; essays; essential; eternal; eternity; ethics; europe; evening; events; everett; evidence; evil; exact; example; exercise; existence; experience; experiment; expression; extent; extracts; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; family; fancy; far; fashion; fast; fate; father; favour; fear; february; feeling; field; final; fine; fire; fit; flesh; florida; flowers; following; folly; food; foolish; force; foreign; form; fortune; forward; fox; free; friend; friendship; fruit; future; fénelon; gain; general; generation; genius; gentleman; genuine; george; german; glad; glory; god; gods; goethe; gold; good; good man; goodness; grand; grandeur; grave; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; ground; grown; growth; gérando; habit; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; help; henry; herbert; heroic; high; higher; highest; history; hold; holy; home; honour; hope; hour; house; human; human mind; human nature; humanity; humble; hume; humour; hymn; idea; idle; ignorance; ignorant; image; imagination; immense; immortality; imperfect; important; impossible; improvement; independent; indians; individual; infinite; influence; insignificant; inspiration; instance; institutions; intellectual; intelligent; intercourse; interest; iron; january; jesus; john; johnson; journal; joy; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; land; landor; language; large; later; laws; leads; learning; leave; lectures; letters; library; lie; lies; life; light; like; line; little; live; living; locke; lofty; long; look; lord; loss; love; low; mackintosh; majesty; making; man; mankind; manner; march; mary; mass; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; meet; memory; men; mere; merit; middle; mighty; milton; mind; minister; miracle; miss; modern; moment; montaigne; moon; moral; morning; mother; mountains; mrs; murat; muse; names; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; newton; noble; non; north; note; novels; november; number; object; observations; occasion; ocean; october; office; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; original; page; pain; particular; parts; pass; passage; passion; past; peculiar; people; perception; perfect; person; personal; philosophers; philosophy; piety; place; plan; plato; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plotinus; plutarch; pocket; poems; poetry; point; poison; political; poor; pope; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; prayer; preacher; preaching; presence; present; president; pride; principle; private; progress; proper; proportion; prosperity; proud; providence; public; pulpit; pure; purity; purpose; question; quiet; race; rare; reader; reading; real; reason; received; reed; reflections; regard; relation; religion; religious; remark; reputation; respect; rest; result; return; rev; revolution; rich; riches; rights; ripley; rules; run; runs; sad; sake; sampson; satisfied; saw; saying; scarce; schiller; scholar; school; science; scott; sea; second; secret; sect; self; send; sense; sentiment; separate; september; sermon; set; shakspeare; shame; shell; shows; sick; silence; silent; silly; simple; simplicity; sin; single; sins; sir; sister; slave; sleep; small; snow; social; society; socrates; solemn; solitary; solitude; song; sorrow; sort; soul; sound; space; speech; spirit; spiritual; spring; stars; state; staël; stewart; storm; strange; street; strength; strong; study; subject; sublime; substance; subtle; success; suffering; summer; sun; sunday; sure; sweet; sympathy; system; talk; talking; tallahassee; taste; teacher; testimony; thee; theology; theory; thine; things; thinking; thomas; thought; thousands; time; tis; title; tone; tongue; touch; town; trade; train; true; trust; truth; tucker; turn; uncle; understanding; universal; universe; unknown; unseen; use; useful; uses; vain; value; vast; venerable; verses; view; virtue; visit; voice; vol; vulgar; waldo; walk; want; warm; washington; way; webster; wife; william; wind; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; woman; wonder; wood; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worship; writing; wrong; xviii; years; york; young; young man; youth cache: hvd.32044009938762.txt plain text: hvd.32044009938762.txt item: #5 of 21 id: hvd.32044010307692 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 07) date: 1882 words: 116960 flesch: 79 summary: Clough's Bothie ; good man and poem. The non-resistants go about and persuade good men not to vote, and so paralyze the virtue that is in the conservative party. keywords: absence; account; acquaintance; action; adams; address; admirable; advantage; agassiz; age; ages; aims; air; alcott; alexander; america; americans; ancient; angels; animal; answer; anti; appears; apple; approach; april; architecture; argument; aristocracy; arithmetic; arms; arrangement; artist; arts; assembly; astronomy; attempt; attention; audience; august; author; bacon; bad; bailey; balance; bancroft; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behmen; behold; believe; best; better; bhagavat; biographical; birth; black; blood; boat; bodies; body; bonaparte; books; boston; boy; boys; brain; bread; breakfast; british; brook; brother; brown; building; burke; business; byron; cabot; cambridge; capital; captain; care; carlyle; carolina; cause; celestial; century; certain; chambers; change; channing; chaos; chapter; character; charles; cheap; check; chemistry; chief; children; choate; christianity; church; circles; cities; citizens; city; class; classes; climate; clouds; clough; club; cold; college; color; coming; common; community; companions; company; concord; condition; conduct; connection; conscience; consciousness; constitution; contents; conversation; cost; cotton; country; courage; course; creation; creature; criticism; crop; culture; cut; daily; dante; dare; dark; david; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; degrees; delight; des; destiny; dickens; difference; dinner; direction; discourse; disraeli; divine; doctrine; door; double; doubt; dreams; dress; duke; early; earth; east; easy; economy; edda; edinburgh; edition; education; edward; effect; elements; ellery; eloquence; emerson; eminent; energy; england; english; englishman; equal; escape; essays; essential; eternal; europe; evening; everett; evil; example; excellent; exist; experience; experiment; expression; eyes; fable; face; facts; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; families; family; fancy; far; farm; farmers; fast; fate; father; fault; fear; february; feeling; feet; fellows; festus; field; figures; fine; finished; fire; fit; flesh; follow; following; food; foot; force; foreign; form; fortune; forward; fourier; fox; france; francis; free; freedom; french; friend; friendship; fruit; fuller; future; gallery; game; garden; geeta; general; generous; genius; gentlemen; george; german; girl; glad; glasgow; god; gods; goethe; gold; good; government; grand; grass; gray; great; great man; greatest; greek; ground; habit; hafiz; hair; half; hall; hallam; hampshire; hand; happy; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavy; help; henry; herrick; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hoar; hold; home; honest; honour; hope; horace; horizon; horses; hot; hour; house; human; hunter; idea; identity; imagination; immense; immortality; indian; individual; inevitable; influence; information; inspiration; instant; instinct; institutions; intellect; intellectual; interest; interesting; ireland; irish; iron; island; italy; jackson; january; john; johnson; journal; joy; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kepler; kind; king; knowing; knowledge; known; kurroglou; kyrat; labor; lady; landscape; lane; language; large; latin; laugh; laws; lead; leave; lectures; left; lesson; letters; liberty; library; life; like; line; list; literary; literature; little; live; liverpool; living; lodgings; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; louis; love; lowell; lyceum; macaulay; mad; making; man; manchester; manly; manners; march; margaret; mary; massachusetts; masters; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; meeting; members; memoir; memory; men; merchant; mere; merits; mexico; michael; middle; mills; milnes; milton; mind; miss; mob; model; modern; moment; monday; money; montaigne; month; moral; morning; mother; mountain; mrs; muse; museum; music; mystic; mythology; names; napoleon; national; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; needs; new; new england; newcomb; newspaper; newton; noble; non; nonsense; notes; novels; november; number; oak; object; ocean; october; odd; office; old; old man; open; opinion; opportunity; opposite; orator; order; original; owen; oxford; page; painter; paper; paradise; paragraph; paris; parker; parliament; particular; party; passage; patmore; pay; peel; people; perfect; persian; personal; personality; persons; phillips; philosophers; philosophy; pictures; piece; pillsbury; place; plain; plant; plato; play; pleasure; plutarch; poem; poet; poetic; poetry; point; political; politics; pond; poor; population; position; possible; post; pounds; poverty; power; practical; pray; prayer; pretty; principle; private; probity; problem; proclus; produce; professor; promise; property; prose; proud; providence; public; purana; pure; purpose; pythagoras; quarrel; quarter; queen; question; quincey; race; rachel; railroad; rapid; rare; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; reform; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; representative; representative men; republic; respect; rest; result; return; revolution; rhetoric; rich; richard; right; rise; river; road; robert; rogers; rome; room; rule; running; runs; sacred; safe; said; sail; saint; samuel; saw; scholar; school; science; scotland; scott; sea; second; secret; security; selection; self; sense; sentences; sentiment; september; series; servant; service; shade; shakspeare; shay; shepherd; shop; shore; shows; silver; simple; single; sir; skepticism; sketches; skill; sky; slavery; sleep; small; smith; social; socialism; society; socrates; solid; solitude; sort; soul; sound; speak; speaking; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; square; stand; stars; state; stay; steam; step; stick; stone; strange; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; substance; success; sufficient; summer; sun; sunday; superior; superiority; support; sure; surface; swedenborg; sweet; sword; sydney; symbol; sympathy; system; talent; talk; talleyrand; taste; tax; taylor; temperance; temple; tendency; tennyson; texas; thee; theory; things; thomas; thoreau; thought; throw; thy; time; tis; tongue; tools; touch; town; trade; traits; translation; travel; trees; true; truth; turn; turner; understanding; union; united; universal; universe; university; uses; valuable; value; vast; verses; village; virtue; vishnu; visit; vital; voice; volume; vote; voyage; waldo; walk; walking; walls; want; war; washington; water; way; wealth; webster; week; whig; whip; white; wide; wife; wild; william; willing; wilson; wind; window; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; wishes; wit; women; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; worship; worst; worth; writers; writing; wykeham; years; yesterday; york; young; youth cache: hvd.32044010307692.txt plain text: hvd.32044010307692.txt item: #6 of 21 id: hvd.32044010308302 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 10) date: 1882 words: 129793 flesch: 76 summary: Crawshay, Mr., trip-hammer of, Cotton, binds the Union, VII, 201; | VII, 387. power of, vii, 242. Creation, VII, 105; going on, v, 152; Cotton, Sarah, iv, 295. ix, 101; higher logic of, VIII, 409; Counsellor, man's, VII, 43. theories of, VIII, 561. Hamilton, Ontario, England in, Greeks, the, I, 388; V, 434; picture VIII, 523. of, v, 15; old English study of Hamlel, Lear and, v, 124–26; aris- the, VIII, 499; immortality of, tocracy in, VII, 320. VIII, 525, 526; wrote their meta- Hampden, lv, 320. physics in names, ix, 559, 560. keywords: 1872; 194; 437; academy; account; action; activity; adams; address; admirable; advance; advantage; affairs; affectionate; afternoon; agassiz; age; ages; agreeable; aid; aims; air; alcott; alexander; american; ancient; andrew; anecdotes; angelo; animal; anniversary; answer; appleton; april; apud; architecture; argument; aristocracy; arnold; arrangement; artist; arts; astronomy; athenæum; atlantic; attention; attitude; august; augustine; aunt; authors; autumn; away; bacon; bad; bartlett; beach; beautiful; beauty; beecher; begin; beginning; belief; bell; benefit; best; beuve; bias; biographical; biographie; bird; birth; birthday; black; blood; body; book; boston; boy; boys; bradford; brave; bring; brother; brown; bryant; building; business; byron; cabot; cairo; california; calvinism; cambridge; camp; captain; care; carlyle; cause; celebration; centuries; century; certain; channing; chapter; character; charles; charm; charming; cheap; chemistry; chicago; chief; child; children; choice; christian; christianity; church; churches; circle; cities; city; civil; civilization; clarke; class; clear; club; cold; coleridge; college; colonel; coming; commanding; commencement; committee; common; companion; company; compare; concord; conditions; conduct; connection; contents; conversation; copy; corner; correspondence; cost; country; courage; course; court; criticism; culture; cure; curiosity; cuvier; cæsar; daily; daniel; dante; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; degree; delight; demand; des; details; difference; difficult; dinner; direction; discourse; discovery; distinction; divine; doctrine; doors; drawing; dream; duties; duty; earlier; early; earth; easy; edition; education; edward; effect; egotism; egypt; element; eliot; elizabeth; ellen; eloquence; emerson; energy; england; english; englishman; enthusiasm; entire; equal; eternal; eternity; ethics; europe; european; evening; events; everett; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; extracts; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; family; fancy; far; farmer; fast; fate; father; fault; fear; february; feeling; feet; fields; finding; fine; fire; fit; florence; flower; following; follows; forbes; force; foreign; forest; form; fortunate; fortune; fox; france; francis; free; freedom; french; friends; friendship; fruit; fuller; future; garden; general; generation; genius; gentleman; geoffroy; geology; george; german; gift; girls; god; gods; goethe; gold; good; government; governor; grand; gray; great; greater; greatness; greek; grimm; ground; guests; guide; générale; habit; hafiz; hair; half; hall; hand; happy; harvard; having; hawthorne; head; hearing; heart; heaven; hedge; hegel; height; help; henry; herbert; hero; heroes; high; higher; highest; hilaire; hindoo; history; hoar; hold; holmes; holy; home; honest; honour; hope; horace; horizon; hosmer; hospitality; hotel; hour; house; household; howe; human; humanity; humboldt; humility; hunt; hunter; ideas; identity; ignorance; illusion; imagination; immense; immortality; important; index; indian; individual; inferior; influence; insight; inspiration; instant; instinct; intellect; intellectual; interest; interesting; invention; invitation; inward; italy; jackson; james; january; jesus; john; johnson; jones; journal; journey; joy; judge; july; june; justice; kant; key; kind; king; knowledge; lady; lafayette; lake; language; large; late; latent; latin; law; laws; learning; leave; leaving; lectures; lecturing; lee; left; lesson; letter; liberty; library; life; like; limitations; lincoln; lines; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; longfellow; look; looking; lord; lost; love; lowell; luther; making; man; mankind; manners; mansfield; manuscripts; march; marcus; margaret; marked; marriage; martial; mary; massachusetts; masters; material; mathematics; matter; matthew; max; meaning; means; measure; meeting; memories; memory; men; menu; mere; merit; metaphysics; method; michel; mill; milton; mind; minister; miracle; miscellanies; miss; modern; moment; money; montaigne; montesquieu; month; moral; morning; mother; mountain; mrs; museum; music; müller; nantasket; napoleon; nations; native; natural; nature; naushon; near; necessary; necessity; need; negro; new; newcomb; newton; niebuhr; nobility; noble; north; norton; notes; notice; november; number; o'clock; object; observation; occasion; ocean; october; office; old; open; opinion; opportunity; oracles; order; oriental; originality; owen; oxford; page; pain; paper; paradise; paragraph; paris; parties; party; pascal; passage; passes; past; people; perception; perfect; perpetual; personal; persons; peter; philadelphia; philip; phillips; philosophy; physician; pictures; place; plants; plato; play; pleasant; pleasure; plutarch; plymouth; poem; poetic; poetry; poets; point; political; politics; poor; pope; population; position; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; praise; prayer; preacher; preaching; presence; present; president; principle; private; prize; problem; professor; progress; property; prose; proud; public; purana; pure; purpose; question; quiet; quotation; quoted; race; railroad; ralph; randolph; rank; rare; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; recall; record; reform; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; remembrance; renan; report; republic; resources; respect; rest; result; return; rev; rhetoric; rich; richard; riches; right; ripley; river; robert; rock; rome; room; rule; run; ruskin; russell; sacred; safe; sail; saint; sampson; samuel; sarah; saturday; save; saw; saying; scale; schelling; scholar; school; science; scott; scriptures; sea; second; secret; seeing; select; self; sense; sensibility; sentences; sentiment; september; sermon; service; shakspeare; short; showing; shows; sick; silent; simple; single; sir; sketches; skill; sky; slavery; sleep; slow; small; smith; snow; social; society; socrates; soldiers; solitary; solitude; song; sonnets; soul; sound; southern; space; speaking; speech; speeches; spinoza; spirit; spiritual; spite; spring; stage; stand; stanley; stars; statement; states; stay; step; stirling; storm; strange; street; strength; strong; students; studies; study; style; subject; sublime; success; suggestion; sumner; sun; sunday; superior; superiority; surprise; swedenborg; sympathy; system; table; talent; talk; task; taste; taylor; teachers; teaching; telegraph; temperance; temple; tennyson; terms; test; theodore; theology; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thoreau; thought; till; time; tis; tom; tone; town; trade; train; translation; travel; trees; true; trust; truth; understanding; union; united; universal; universe; universities; university; uses; vain; valuable; value; variety; varnhagen; vast; verses; view; vii; viii; village; viri; virtue; vision; visit; voice; vol; voltaire; volume; von; vote; voyage; waldo; walk; walls; want; war; ware; washington; water; way; wealth; weather; webster; week; weiss; wendell; west; western; wide; wife; wild; wilkinson; william; wind; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; women; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; write; writers; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; york; young; youth; zoroaster cache: hvd.32044010308302.txt plain text: hvd.32044010308302.txt item: #7 of 21 id: hvd.32044010308328 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 01) date: 1882 words: 84921 flesch: 71 summary: He remembers the soothsayer's faithful account of Antony's guardian genius which among other men was high and unmatch- able, but quailed before Cæsar's. The solitary man was as other men are. keywords: account; acquaintance; action; active; admiration; advanced; advantage; affections; age; ages; agreeable; aid; air; ambition; america; amherst; analogy; ancient; animals; anniversary; answer; antiquity; appetite; april; apud; asia; attention; august; aunt; author; bacon; bad; barrow; beasts; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; benevolence; best; better; blood; body; bold; book; boston; bow; boy; bright; brilliant; broad; broken; brookfield; brother; burke; burton; byron; cabot; cambridge; care; cast; cause; cents; century; certain; chair; change; channing; character; charles; charm; cheney; chief; child; childhood; children; choice; christian; church; cicero; circle; circumstances; city; civil; claim; class; close; cloud; club; cold; college; command; committee; common; community; company; comparison; composition; conclusion; condition; conduct; connection; constant; constitution; contents; conversation; corner; country; course; creation; creator; crown; curious; cæsar; daily; darkness; day; days; dead; death; december; dedication; deep; deity; delight; design; desire; destiny; die; different; dignity; direction; discussion; distant; distinction; divine; divinity; dollars; dominion; doubt; drama; dreams; drop; earlier; early; earth; ease; edinburgh; edition; edward; effect; effort; elegant; elizabeth; eloquence; eloquent; emerson; empire; energies; england; english; enjoyment; enthusiasm; essay; esteem; eternal; eternity; europe; evening; events; everett; evil; examination; excellent; exercise; exhibition; existence; experience; expression; extent; extracts; extraordinary; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faint; fair; faith; fall; fame; family; fancy; far; fashion; fast; fate; father; favour; fear; february; fed; feelings; feet; fellow; fiction; field; fine; fire; firmament; flowers; following; force; forest; form; fortune; fox; franklin; free; freedom; french; friend; friendship; fruits; frye; future; futurity; gay; general; generations; genius; giant; gibbon; glad; glorious; glory; god; gods; golden; good; gorgeous; gourdin; government; grandeur; great; greater; greatness; greece; greek; grief; habits; half; hall; hand; happiness; hard; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hold; home; honour; hope; hour; house; human; human life; human nature; humble; hume; idea; ignorant; images; imagination; immortal; immortality; important; improvement; impulse; independence; individual; infancy; infant; infinite; influence; instances; institutions; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; interest; introduction; iron; january; john; jonson; journal; joy; judge; judgment; june; justice; kent; know; knowledge; land; language; large; later; law; laws; lay; lead; learned; learning; leaves; lectures; left; letters; library; life; light; like; limit; lines; literary; literature; little; living; long; longer; look; lord; lot; love; lyon; magnificent; majesty; makes; man; mankind; manners; march; mary; material; matter; mean; meeting; members; memory; men; middle; mighty; miles; milton; mind; minister; miss; moment; monday; moon; moral; morning; mountain; multitude; muse; music; names; national; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; newton; noble; non; notes; november; number; object; october; old; open; opinion; oration; order; ordinary; original; page; paper; paradise; partial; particular; parts; passage; passing; passions; past; path; peculiar; people; perchance; perfect; perfection; period; person; philosophy; picture; pitt; place; plain; plato; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; poem; poetical; poetry; political; poor; popular; portion; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; praise; prayer; presence; present; pride; principles; private; professor; profound; progress; prophecy; prose; proud; providence; public; pure; purpose; pursuits; pythologian; queen; question; race; ralph; rare; reach; read; reading; real; reason; record; regard; relations; religion; religious; remarkable; remote; report; respect; rest; return; rev; review; revolution; rich; rights; rise; river; romance; rome; room; round; salem; samuel; saturday; scenes; scholar; school; science; scott; sea; second; secret; secretary; self; sense; sentence; sentiment; series; sermon; service; set; shakspeare; shew; silver; simple; single; singular; sir; sketch; sketches; sky; slavery; sleep; small; social; society; socrates; solitary; solitude; song; sons; sort; soul; source; space; speaking; species; spectacle; speech; spirit; stars; state; step; stone; strange; strength; strong; students; study; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; summer; sun; superior; supreme; sweet; system; tale; talk; taste; temple; term; thanks; theatre; thee; themes; theory; things; thinking; thought; thy; time; toil; town; trade; tragedy; trees; tremendous; tribe; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; unknown; useful; vain; vanity; variety; vast; verses; view; virtue; vision; voice; volume; vulgar; waldo; walk; want; way; weak; weary; white; wide; wide world; wild; william; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; wonders; wood; works; world; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; young; youth cache: hvd.32044010308328.txt plain text: hvd.32044010308328.txt item: #8 of 21 id: hvd.32044010371169 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 04) date: 1882 words: 106707 flesch: 80 summary: Great men. Great men. keywords: 1837; able; absolute; account; action; adams; address; addresses; admiration; advantage; affection; afternoon; age; ages; aims; air; alcott; allston; american; ancient; angel; animal; answer; antique; apparent; appearances; april; architecture; art; artist; august; aunt; authors; away; baby; bacon; bad; bank; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; belief; bell; bentley; best; better; bible; biographical; bird; black; body; book; boston; boy; boys; brave; bright; brother; business; cambridge; care; carlyle; cause; centenary; certain; channing; character; charity; charles; charm; chemistry; child; children; christianity; church; churches; circumstances; city; civil; clarke; class; classification; clear; clothes; clouds; club; coat; cold; coleridge; college; colors; coming; common; community; company; compare; composition; concord; condition; conduct; consciousness; constitution; contents; contrast; conversation; corn; correspondence; country; courage; course; cousin; creation; creative; crisis; criticism; culture; curiosity; curious; daily; darkness; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; deep; deity; delight; demand; different; dinner; direct; discipline; discourse; distant; divine; divinity; doctrine; domestic; door; doth; doubt; dreams; drop; dull; duties; duty; early; earth; easy; edition; education; edward; effect; element; eloquence; emerson; ends; england; english; entire; entry; essays; eternal; eternity; ethics; europe; evening; events; everett; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; extreme; eye; eyes; face; facts; faculties; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; familiar; family; far; farmer; fast; father; fear; february; feeling; feet; field; finding; fine; fire; fit; flowers; follow; following; food; foolish; force; form; fortune; fountain; freedom; french; friend; friendship; fruit; fuller; future; garden; gay; general; generation; genius; genuine; george; german; gifts; girl; glad; globe; god; gods; goethe; good; good man; goodness; grand; grass; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; ground; habit; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; hedge; help; henry; heroic; high; higher; highest; hill; historical; history; hoar; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; humble; idea; idle; ignorance; illustration; imagination; individual; infinite; influence; insight; instinct; intellect; intellectual; interest; iron; january; jesus; john; johnson; journal; joy; joys; judge; judgment; july; june; justice; kind; knowledge; known; labor; lady; language; large; law; laws; leaf; learned; learning; leave; lectures; lesson; letters; lidian; lie; lies; life; like; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; look; lord; loss; lost; love; lovely; making; man; manifest; mankind; manners; march; margaret; market; marriage; martineau; mary; mass; matter; meaning; means; measure; meeting; memory; men; merchant; mere; merit; miles; milton; mind; minister; miracle; miss; mob; modern; moment; money; montaigne; moody; moon; moral; morning; mother; motion; mountains; mrs; muse; music; names; napoleon; native; natural; nature; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; new; newspapers; night; noble; note; november; number; oak; object; obscure; observation; ocean; october; office; old; old man; open; opinion; oration; order; original; page; painting; paragraph; particular; party; passage; passion; past; pay; people; perception; perfect; personal; persons; philosophers; philosophy; picture; picturesque; piece; piety; pine; place; plain; plant; plato; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; plutarch; poems; poet; poetic; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; popular; poverty; power; praise; prayer; preacher; preaching; presence; present; pretty; pride; priest; principle; private; problem; profound; progress; property; proportion; prose; prudence; public; pure; purpose; question; race; rain; rare; read; reading; real; reason; record; regard; relation; reliance; religion; religious; remains; remote; respect; rest; return; revolution; rhetoric; rich; riches; ripley; road; rome; room; rule; run; sad; salem; saying; scholar; school; science; scott; sculpture; sea; second; secret; seed; seeing; self; sense; sentences; sentiment; september; series; sermon; service; set; shakspear; shop; shows; sick; silent; simple; single; sir; sketches; skill; sky; slavery; sleep; small; snow; social; society; solid; solitude; sort; soul; sound; south; space; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; splendid; spontaneous; stand; stars; state; stone; strange; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; summer; sun; sunday; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; talents; talk; talking; taste; tax; taylor; teachers; teaching; tedious; temple; tendency; things; think; thinking; thoreau; thought; time; town; trade; trees; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; united; unity; universal; universe; vain; value; vast; verdict; view; village; virtue; vision; visit; voice; vol; volume; waldo; walk; wall; want; warm; warren; watcher; water; way; weather; webster; week; white; wife; wild; william; wind; winter; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; woman; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; world; worship; worth; writer; writing; years; yesterday; york; young; young man cache: hvd.32044010371169.txt plain text: hvd.32044010371169.txt item: #9 of 21 id: hvd.32044010490480 author: Emerson title: Nature : Addresses, And Lectures date: 1849 words: 85063 flesch: 75 summary: There are new lands, new men, new thoughts. By trusting your own heart, you shall gain more confidence in other men. keywords: 16mo; absolute; account; action; active; activity; acts; actual; address; advantages; affections; age; ages; aid; aim; aims; air; american; ancient; animal; answer; appearance; association; attempts; attention; awe; bad; bear; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behold; belief; believe; beneficent; benefit; best; better; body; books; boston; boy; brave; business; cast; cause; centre; cents; certain; change; chapter; character; charity; child; children; christ; christianity; church; churches; circle; circumstance; cities; city; civil; class; cold; college; command; commerce; commodity; common; company; condition; conscience; consciousness; conservative; constitution; content; continent; conversation; corn; country; courage; course; creation; criticism; culture; custom; daily; darkness; day; days; dead; dear; death; debt; deed; deep; degree; delight; desire; die; difference; discipline; distrust; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; dream; drink; duties; duty; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; effort; element; end; endless; ends; energy; england; english; entire; equal; essence; eternal; ethics; europe; events; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; fancy; far; farmer; fast; fate; fear; fed; feeling; feet; field; final; fine; fire; flowers; flows; food; foolish; force; foreign; forms; fortune; foundations; free; freedom; french; friends; fruit; functions; future; garden; general; generation; generous; genius; gentlemen; german; glad; god; good; goodness; government; grand; grandeur; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; ground; guide; half; hands; happy; hard; harmony; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; help; hero; high; higher; highest; history; holy; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; idea; idealism; immense; immortal; importance; individual; infancy; infinite; influence; inquiry; inspiration; instinct; institutions; intellect; intellectual; interest; invisible; jesus; joy; justice; knowledge; known; labor; land; landscape; language; large; law; laws; leaf; learning; leave; lecture; lesson; letters; library; lies; life; light; like; literary; literature; little; live; living; long; longer; look; loss; lost; love; lovers; low; man; mankind; manner; market; material; matter; meaning; means; meantime; measure; mechanical; meet; memory; men; mere; method; mind; miracles; modern; modes; moment; money; moon; moral; morning; motion; mountains; movement; multitude; music; names; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; new man; noble; objects; observation; ocean; office; old; open; opinion; order; origin; ornament; particular; parts; passing; passion; past; people; perception; perfect; perpetual; personal; persons; phenomenon; philosophy; picture; piety; place; plant; plato; play; pleasant; pleasure; poems; poet; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; poor man; popular; population; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; praise; presence; present; price; priest; primary; principle; private; privilege; progress; property; prospects; prudence; public; pure; question; race; rain; read; reading; real; reality; reason; reformer; reforms; relation; religion; religious; remains; remote; resources; respect; result; return; revolution; rich; riches; rise; river; road; rome; room; routine; sacred; scholar; school; science; sea; second; secret; seeing; self; selfish; sense; sensible; sentiment; series; service; set; short; shows; sign; silence; sincere; single; skill; sky; slave; sleep; small; snow; social; society; solid; solitary; solitude; soul; space; speak; speech; spirit; spiritual; splendid; stand; stars; state; steps; stock; stone; strange; street; strength; strong; student; study; subject; sublime; success; sun; supreme; sympathy; system; talent; talk; taste; temple; tendency; thee; theirs; theory; thine; things; thinking; thought; thy; time; title; total; town; trade; transcendentalist; transparent; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; unity; universal; universe; unknown; use; useful; uses; value; variety; vast; view; virtue; visible; vision; voice; volume; want; war; ware; warm; water; way; white; wide; wild; wind; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; women; wonder; wonderful; words; work; working; world; worship; worth; wrong; year; young; young man; youth cache: hvd.32044010490480.txt plain text: hvd.32044010490480.txt item: #10 of 21 id: hvd.32044011591039 author: Emerson title: Address Delivered Before The Senior Class In Divinity College, Cambridge, Sunday Evening, 15 July, 1838 date: 1838 words: 7687 flesch: 78 summary: Let me not taint the sincerity of this plea by any oversight of the claims of good men. In its fruitful soils; in its navigable sea; in its mountains of metal and stone; in its forests of all woods; in its animals; in its chemical ingredi- ents; in the powers and path of light, heat, attrac- tion, and life, is it well worth the pith and heart of great men to subdue and enjoy it. keywords: absolute; ages; beauty; breath; charm; child; christ; christianity; church; churches; circle; cold; day; divine; doctrine; evil; eye; faith; fear; forms; friends; god; good; goodness; great; heart; heaven; high; historical; history; holy; honor; hope; human; infinite; jesus; joy; justice; laws; life; light; like; love; man; men; mind; miracles; moral; names; nature; new; office; open; persons; power; preacher; preaching; prophets; purity; reason; religion; rich; second; sentiment; society; soul; spirit; sublime; things; thought; true; truth; virtue; wiser; words; world; worship cache: hvd.32044011591039.txt plain text: hvd.32044011591039.txt item: #11 of 21 id: hvd.32044011633724 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 09) date: 1882 words: 118751 flesch: 79 summary: If I knew only Thoreau, I should think coöp- eration of good men impossible. But the others (those wise hermits), who speak from their thought, speak from the deep heart of men, from a far wide public, the public of all sane and good men, from a broad humanity: and Greek and Syrian, Parthian and Chinese, Cherokee and Kanaka, hear them speaking in their own tongue. keywords: able; absolute; academy; account; acquaintances; acres; action; active; adams; address; advantage; affairs; afternoon; agassiz; age; aid; aims; air; alcott; american; andrew; angelo; animal; answer; appendix; apple; april; apud; argument; aristocracy; army; art; artist; astronomy; atlantic; attention; attitude; audience; august; aunt; author; autobiography; bacon; bad; banks; bark; battle; bear; beautiful; beauty; bed; beecher; begin; beginning; benefit; best; better; bettine; beuve; bigelow; biographical; bird; black; blood; blue; boat; body; bonaparte; book; borrow; boston; boy; boys; brave; broad; brother; brown; building; burke; burns; business; cabot; cadets; california; cambridge; camp; capital; captain; care; carlyle; carnot; carolina; catholic; cause; cent; centre; certain; chamber; chance; channing; character; charles; charm; chase; chemistry; chicago; children; choice; christianity; church; cicero; cid; circumstance; cities; citizens; city; civilization; class; classes; classic; clay; clear; club; cold; college; colour; coming; committee; common; companions; company; concord; conditions; conduct; congress; conscience; constitution; contents; conversation; correspondence; cost; cotton; country; courage; course; court; criticism; cry; culture; cut; daily; dans; dante; daughter; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; debt; december; deep; degree; delight; delighted; demand; department; des; design; despair; diary; difference; dinner; direction; discourse; divine; doctrine; door; doubt; dream; dreary; duty; earlier; early; earth; east; easy; economy; education; edward; effect; egotism; elements; elizabeth; ellery; eloquence; emancipation; emerson; end; ends; enemy; energy; england; english; equal; eternal; ethics; europe; evening; events; everett; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; false; fame; family; fancy; far; farm; farmer; fate; father; fault; fear; feats; february; feeling; feet; field; fighting; finding; fine; finished; fire; flowers; fly; following; food; foot; forbes; force; foreign; form; fortune; france; francis; franklin; frederick; freedom; french; friend; friendship; fruit; future; garden; garrison; general; generation; genius; gentleman; geology; george; german; gift; girl; glad; god; gods; goethe; golden; good; government; governor; grand; grass; gravity; gray; great; greater; greatness; greek; grimm; ground; hafiz; half; hall; hands; happy; hard; harp; harvard; head; health; heart; heaven; help; henry; herbert; heroic; high; higher; hint; history; hoar; hold; holmes; home; honest; honour; hope; horace; horses; hospitality; hotel; hour; house; human; humanity; hunter; ideas; illinois; illusions; imagination; immense; immortality; important; impossible; impression; indian; individual; influence; insight; inspiration; instant; intellect; intellectual; intelligent; interest; interesting; invitation; iron; jackson; james; january; jesus; john; johnson; josiah; journal; joy; judge; july; june; justice; kansas; key; kind; king; know; knowledge; labour; lady; lake; landscape; lanfrey; language; large; law; laws; lawyer; lead; learning; leave; lectures; left; lesson; letters; liberty; library; lie; life; like; lincoln; lines; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; longfellow; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; louis; love; low; lowell; lyceum; lyons; major; makes; man; manly; manners; march; marriage; mary; massachusetts; matter; meaning; means; measure; meeting; members; memory; men; mere; michel; michigan; miles; military; milton; mind; miscellanies; miss; modern; moment; money; montaigne; month; monthly; moral; morning; mother; mount; mountains; mrs; muse; music; napoleon; national; nationality; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negro; new; newcomb; newspaper; newton; noble; northern; note; notice; november; number; oak; object; occasion; october; offer; office; ogden; old; old age; open; opinion; orator; order; originality; page; paper; paragraph; paris; parker; particular; parties; party; passage; past; pay; people; perception; perfect; performance; perpetual; personality; persons; peter; petty; philadelphia; phillips; philosophy; pictures; piece; pindar; pine; place; plain; plant; plato; play; pleasure; plotinus; plutarch; poems; poetic; poetry; point; policy; political; politics; pond; poor; popular; population; position; post; pour; poverty; power; practical; praise; prayer; prescott; presence; present; president; principles; private; problem; proclamation; professor; progress; promise; property; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; quiet; quincy; race; railroad; rain; rare; reach; read; reader; reading; real; reality; reason; red; regiment; relations; religion; religious; remains; remark; remarkable; report; resources; respect; rest; return; revolution; rhetoric; rich; richter; ride; right; river; robert; rock; romance; romantic; rome; room; rose; rule; run; saadi; sacrifice; sainte; samuel; sanborn; saturday; saying; scale; scholar; school; science; scott; sea; search; second; secret; secretary; seeing; seek; self; sense; sensibility; sensible; sentence; sentiment; september; service; settlers; seward; shakspeare; ships; shop; short; shows; silent; simple; single; sir; sitting; sketches; skill; sky; slavery; slaves; sleep; slow; small; smith; snow; social; society; soldier; solid; solitude; song; soul; southern; space; speaking; speech; spirit; spiritual; spite; spring; stand; stars; state; statement; statesmen; steam; step; stick; strange; street; strength; stroke; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sufficient; sumner; sun; sunday; superficial; superior; supreme; sure; surface; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; system; taking; talent; talk; talleyrand; task; taste; tea; teacher; teaching; telegraph; tennyson; terror; test; text; thee; theodore; theology; things; thomas; thoreau; thought; thy; time; tis; titan; tone; town; trade; translation; travel; tree; trial; trifles; true; trust; truth; turn; union; united; universal; universe; university; uses; vain; valuable; value; varnhagen; vast; verses; victory; views; village; virtue; visit; voice; vol; voltaire; volumes; von; vote; walden; waldo; walk; wall; want; war; warm; washington; water; way; ways; weak; webster; week; wendell; west; western; whipple; wide; wild; william; willing; wilson; wind; window; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; women; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worth; write; writers; writing; wrong; years; yellow; yesterday; york; young; youth cache: hvd.32044011633724.txt plain text: hvd.32044011633724.txt item: #12 of 21 id: hvd.32044013641121 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 08) date: 1882 words: 119256 flesch: 79 summary: Good man, rich man, creditable speaker, well - educated, — all these indispensable, but no genius. I remember Tracy told me he had known men obtain a great career in politics by some foible or insanity they had. keywords: 1855; ability; able; absolute; account; acres; action; adams; address; addresses; admirable; advantage; affection; agassiz; age; ages; aid; aims; air; alcott; alfred; allingham; america; americans; ancient; anecdotes; angelo; animal; answer; anthony; appearance; apples; april; apud; aristocracy; aristotle; arms; army; art; artist; arts; asser; astronomy; attention; attitude; audience; august; aunt; authors; bacon; bad; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behmen; belief; benefit; best; better; bias; bill; birth; black; blood; blue; body; bonaparte; book; boston; botany; boy; boys; brain; brave; bread; brute; build; burke; burns; business; byron; béranger; cabot; california; calls; cambridge; campbell; cape; capital; care; career; carlyle; cattle; cause; centuries; century; certain; chance; channing; character; charles; charm; chaucer; cheap; chemistry; chief; children; choate; christian; christianity; church; circle; cities; city; civil; class; classes; clay; clear; clergy; climate; close; clothes; clough; club; coke; cold; coleridge; college; columbus; come; comfort; coming; command; commerce; common; company; compare; concord; conditions; conduct; confidence; congress; conscience; constitution; contents; contrary; convention; conversation; copies; corner; correspondence; cost; country; courage; course; court; courtesy; creation; crime; criticism; crown; culture; curious; custom; cut; daily; dante; david; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; debt; december; deed; deep; degree; delia; delight; desire; destiny; diary; die; difference; dinner; direction; discourse; discovery; distinction; divine; doctor; doctrine; dog; dollars; donne; door; doubt; drop; dull; dust; duty; early; earth; east; easy; economy; edition; editors; education; edward; effect; election; elegant; element; elevation; elizabeth; ellery; eloquence; emerson; england; english; englishman; equal; essay; essential; eternal; eternity; europe; european; evelyn; events; everett; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; family; fancy; far; farmer; fast; fate; father; fault; fear; feats; february; feeling; feet; fell; field; figure; fill; finding; fine; fire; firm; fish; fit; fixed; flower; follow; food; foot; force; foreign; forest; form; fortune; fox; france; franklin; free; freedom; french; friends; fruit; fugitive; fuller; function; future; game; garden; general; generous; genius; gentleman; geology; geometry; george; german; gifts; girl; glory; god; gods; goethe; gold; good; government; governor; grand; grass; gravitation; gravity; great; great man; greatest; greatness; greece; greek; greenough; hafiz; half; hallam; hampshire; hand; happy; hard; hate; hawthorne; head; heart; heaven; hegel; helmont; help; henry; herbert; hero; heroes; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hoar; hold; home; honour; hooker; hope; horace; horatio; horses; hour; house; human; humanity; hume; ideas; identity; iii; illusions; imagination; immense; immortality; importance; indian; individual; inevitable; influence; inspiration; instinct; intellect; intellectual; interest; interesting; irish; iron; island; italy; jackson; january; jenny; jesus; john; johnson; journal; jove; joy; judge; july; june; justice; key; kind; king; knowledge; known; kossuth; lady; landscape; language; large; late; latin; law; laws; lawyers; lead; leaf; learned; learning; leaves; lectures; lecturing; left; letters; liberty; library; lies; life; like; line; list; literary; literature; little; live; living; logic; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; loss; lost; louis; love; lowell; luther; macaulay; machine; magnet; majority; making; man; mankind; manly; manners; mansfield; march; margaret; marriage; martial; mary; massachusetts; masters; material; materialism; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; meeting; member; memoir; memory; men; mercy; mere; merit; metaphysics; method; middle; miles; millions; milton; mind; minority; minot; mirabeau; miscellanies; miss; mob; modern; moment; money; montaigne; months; montreal; moon; moore; moral; morning; mother; mountain; mrs; muse; music; mythology; names; napoleon; national; nations; natural; naturalist; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; new england; new york; newcomb; newton; niebuhr; nobility; noble; non; northern; notes; notice; novel; november; number; oak; object; october; office; oken; old; open; opinion; oration; orator; order; original; ossoli; owen; painting; paper; paragraph; paris; parker; parliament; parties; party; passage; past; peel; pencil; people; perception; perfect; performance; period; perpetual; personal; personality; persons; philadelphia; philip; philosophy; picture; piece; pine; pity; place; plain; plant; plato; play; pleasure; plotinus; plutarch; plymouth; poems; poetic; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; popular; population; porphyry; portion; position; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; praise; present; president; priest; principle; private; proclus; professor; property; prudence; public; pure; purpose; pythagoras; quality; queen; question; qui; quincy; quotation; race; railroad; rare; reading; ready; real; realism; reality; reason; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; remark; report; representative; republic; respect; rest; result; return; revolution; rhetoric; rich; richard; ride; right; river; road; robert; roman; rome; room; round; ruin; rule; russell; saadi; sacred; saint; sake; samuel; saw; saxon; saying; schelling; scholar; school; science; scientific; scott; sea; second; secret; self; senate; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; sentimentalism; september; service; shakspeare; ship; shop; short; shows; sidney; sign; simple; single; sir; skepticism; skill; sky; slave; slavery; slow; small; smith; social; society; socrates; soil; solid; solitary; solitude; song; soul; southern; speech; speeches; spent; spirit; sponge; spring; square; stallo; stand; stars; state; statement; statesmen; statute; step; sterling; strange; stream; street; strength; strong; structure; study; style; subject; substance; success; summer; sun; superiority; superlative; sure; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; system; talent; talk; taste; taylor; tennyson; test; thackeray; thee; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thoreau; thought; till; time; tis; tone; tools; town; trade; traits; translation; tree; true; trust; truth; understanding; union; united; unity; universal; universe; university; uses; vain; value; vast; verses; victory; view; village; virtue; vision; visit; voice; vol; volume; vote; vulgar; waldo; walk; walking; wall; want; war; ward; warm; washington; water; way; wealth; weather; webster; week; western; whig; wide; wife; wild; wilkinson; william; wind; wine; winter; winthrop; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; wolf; women; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; worse; worth; writer; writing; years; yesterday; york; young; youth cache: hvd.32044013641121.txt plain text: hvd.32044013641121.txt item: #13 of 21 id: hvd.32044015467137 author: Emerson title: Essays, Second Series date: 1844 words: 61419 flesch: 72 summary: If there were good men, there would never be this rapture in nature. Good men must not obey the laws too well. keywords: 16mo; able; account; action; activity; admirable; advantage; ages; aim; air; alive; america; animal; appearance; aristocracy; artist; arts; association; bad; ball; base; bear; beautiful; beauty; behavior; belief; benefit; best; better; blood; body; books; boston; business; care; cause; centre; certain; change; character; children; chivalry; church; circumstance; citizen; city; class; clouds; cold; command; commerce; common; company; concert; condition; conscience; constitution; content; conventions; conversation; converse; country; course; courtesy; creator; creatures; criticism; culture; day; days; deal; dear; deep; degree; design; desire; difference; direction; distance; divine; door; doubt; dream; e poet; earth; easy; education; effect; element; ends; energy; england; english; equal; essence; eternal; events; evil; example; excellent; excess; exist; existence; experience; experiment; expression; eyes; face; fact; fair; faith; fall; false; fancy; far; fashion; fast; fear; feel; feet; field; figure; fill; fine; fire; flower; flowing; foolish; force; form; fortune; fox; free; freedom; friend; friendship; frivolous; fruit; future; game; garden; general; generosity; genius; gentleman; gifts; god; gods; good; good man; government; great; great men; greek; ground; growth; habit; half; hands; hard; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; help; heroes; high; higher; highest; history; homage; homer; honor; hope; horizon; horses; hour; house; human; ideas; imagination; importance; impossible; impulse; individual; influence; insight; institutions; intellect; intellectual; interest; iron; joy; justice; kind; kings; knowledge; known; labor; land; landscape; language; large; law; laws; lead; leave; life; like; line; literature; little; living; long; longer; look; lord; love; makes; man; man n; manners; marriage; matter; meaning; means; measure; meet; members; memory; men; mers; metamorphosis; methods; mind; modern; moment; money; moral; morning; music; musical; n e; names; napoleon; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; object; office; old; oldest; open; opinion; order; original; pain; partial; particulars; parties; party; people; perception; perfect; personal; persons; philip; philosophy; pictures; place; planet; plants; plato; play; pleasure; poem; poet; poetry; point; political; politics; poor; popular; poverty; power; practical; praise; presence; present; principle; private; promise; property; proportion; public; pure; quality; question; r.s; race; rain; read; real; realist; reality; reason; relations; religion; religious; representative; resistance; respect; rest; result; rich; right; road; room; rule; runs; sage; satisfaction; science; sea; second; secret; secure; self; selfish; sense; sentiment; service; set; shakspeare; share; shows; sides; silent; single; sir; skill; sleep; small; social; society; solitary; soul; space; speech; spirit; spiritual; standing; stars; state; step; stone; street; strong; study; subject; success; sufficient; summer; sun; superior; symbol; sympathy; system; talent; taste; temperament; tendency; thee; things; thought; time; town; trade; tree; true; truth; turn; type; union; universal; universe; use; useful; uses; vain; value; victory; vigor; virtue; voice; vol; wait; want; water; way; wealth; wide; wine; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worse; worth; wrong; year; young; youth cache: hvd.32044015467137.txt plain text: hvd.32044015467137.txt item: #14 of 21 id: hvd.32044018865758 author: Emerson title: Henry D. Thoreau : Emerson's obituary. date: 1862 words: 2558 flesch: 63 summary: 9 Ilis mother and sister, who survive him, Mrs. Cynthia and Miss Sophia Thoreau, desire me to say that they remember your friendly letters to Mr. Thoreau, and have desired to send some token of their remembraance. The premature death of Mr. Thoreau is a bitter dis- appointment to many friends who had set no limit to their confidence in his power and future performance. keywords: book; concord; d. thoreau; death; emerson; forest; friends; good; harvard; henry; henry d.; known; life; man; men; michigan; mind; natural; nature; notice; obituary; plants; power; private; remarkable; studies; thoreau; university; years cache: hvd.32044018865758.txt plain text: hvd.32044018865758.txt item: #15 of 21 id: hvd.32044038422945 author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 05) date: 1882 words: 121394 flesch: 81 summary: Others I know, who are new men, in new regions, with faint memory of their own words and deeds on past occasions. One cannot compliment the power and culture of his community so much as to think it holds a hundred writers; but no, if 1 Andrews Norton, Professor of Sacred Literature in the Harvard Divinity School, a strong writer and good man. keywords: able; absolute; account; action; activity; actual; addresses; advantage; affection; afternoon; age; ages; agreeable; aim; aims; air; alcott; allston; ambition; american; analysis; ancient; angelo; animal; answer; appearance; appendix; april; architecture; artist; attention; august; aunt; aurora; authentic; author; bacon; bad; bank; base; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behold; benefit; best; better; bettina; bible; biography; birds; black; blessed; blood; blue; boat; body; books; boston; boy; boys; bradford; brave; bread; brother; brow; business; byron; cambridge; care; carlyle; cast; cause; certain; channing; character; charles; charm; children; christianity; church; circles; circumstance; city; class; classes; cloud; cold; coleridge; college; coming; command; commerce; common; community; company; compensation; concord; condition; confess; confidence; consciousness; constitution; contents; conversation; correspondence; countenance; country; course; creation; creatures; criticism; culture; cæsar; daily; danger; dante; darkness; day; days; dead; deal; dear; death; december; deep; degree; delicate; delight; demand; desire; detached; details; dial; diet; different; dignity; direction; discourse; disease; divine; divinity; doctrine; domestic; door; doubt; draw; drawing; dream; duties; early; earnest; earth; easy; economy; edition; education; edward; effect; effort; elegance; element; elizabeth; ellen; eloquence; emerson; emotion; energy; england; english; entire; entry; equal; essays; eternal; eternity; ethics; europe; evening; evil; example; existence; experience; expression; extreme; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; fair; faith; faithful; fall; falling; false; family; fancy; far; farm; farmer; father; fear; february; feel; feeling; feet; fellow; field; figures; fine; fire; fish; fletcher; flower; flowing; following; follows; food; foolish; force; foreign; forest; form; fortune; free; freedom; french; friend; friendship; fruit; fuller; future; gallery; game; garden; gay; general; genius; gentleman; george; gift; girl; glad; glance; globe; glory; god; gods; goethe; golden; good; good man; government; grand; great; great man; greater; greek; ground; growing; grown; gulf; half; hand; happy; hard; hate; having; head; health; hearing; heart; heaven; hedge; help; henry; heroes; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hoar; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; hospitality; hour; house; household; housekeeping; human; ideas; imagination; immortality; individual; infinite; influence; insight; institutions; intellect; intellectual; interest; invisible; january; jesus; john; jones; journal; joy; judge; july; june; justice; kind; know; knowing; knowledge; labor; landor; landscape; language; large; late; laws; lead; leaf; learning; leave; lectures; left; let; letters; library; lie; lies; life; light; like; line; literary; literature; little; live; living; long; longer; look; lord; love; lovely; maiden; making; man; manly; manners; march; margaret; mary; masters; matter; meaning; means; measure; mechanical; meeting; memory; men; mere; merit; method; michel; milton; mind; miracle; miss; modern; moment; money; montaigne; month; moon; moral; morning; mother; mountain; movement; mrs; music; musical; names; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negro; neighbor; new; new thought; newspaper; noble; norton; note; notice; novels; november; numbers; obedience; object; october; office; old; old age; open; opening; opinion; order; original; osman; page; painter; painting; palmer; paper; paragraph; particular; parties; parts; passage; past; people; perception; perfect; pericles; period; perpetual; personal; persons; philosophy; pictures; piece; pine; pity; place; plain; plant; plato; play; pleasure; plutarch; poems; poet; poetic; poetry; point; politics; pond; poor; poor man; popular; position; possible; poverty; power; practical; praise; prayer; preacher; presence; present; pretty; pride; principle; private; problem; profound; progress; promise; property; proportion; prose; proud; prudence; public; pure; purpose; question; race; rain; ralph; raphael; rare; reader; reading; ready; real; reason; record; reference; referred; reflection; reform; reformer; regard; relation; reliance; religion; religious; remembrance; representative; respect; rest; return; rev; revolution; rhetoric; rhyme; rich; riches; ripley; river; road; rock; room; rule; run; sabbath; sacred; sad; saint; samuel; saying; scholar; school; science; sculpture; sea; second; secret; seeing; self; sense; sensible; sentences; sentiment; september; series; sermon; service; set; shade; shakspear; shop; short; sick; sign; silence; silent; simple; sincerity; single; sitting; sketches; skill; sky; sleep; small; social; society; soft; solemn; solitary; solitude; song; soul; sound; space; speaking; speech; spirit; spiritual; spoken; spontaneous; stand; stars; state; step; sterling; stranger; stream; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sublime; substance; success; summer; sun; sunday; superficial; superior; swedenborg; sweet; sword; sympathy; system; talent; talk; taste; taylor; teachers; teaching; teeth; temperance; tennyson; terror; tests; thee; things; think; thinking; thomas; thoreau; thought; thy; time; today; tomorrow; tone; tongue; town; trade; tradition; tragedy; traits; travel; tree; trifles; trivial; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; universal; universe; utter; vain; value; variety; vast; verses; view; village; virtue; vision; visit; voice; volume; vulgar; waldo; walk; walking; wall; want; warm; water; wave; way; weak; webster; week; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; wine; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; woman; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; worship; worth; writer; writing; wrong; years; yesterday; young; youth cache: hvd.32044038422945.txt plain text: hvd.32044038422945.txt item: #16 of 21 id: hvd.32044080906258 author: Emerson title: Letters And Social Aims date: 1876 words: 71966 flesch: 74 summary: It is in vain to make a paradise but for good men. Nature carries on its administration by good men. keywords: able; account; action; activity; affairs; ages; aims; air; america; angelo; animal; appearance; architecture; argument; artist; arts; assembly; astronomy; audience; author; bacon; bad; bard; beautiful; beauty; begins; behavior; belief; best; better; birds; body; book; boy; brain; brave; burns; care; cause; century; certain; change; character; charm; cheap; chemistry; child; children; church; churches; city; civilization; class; coal; cold; college; comic; command; common; companion; company; condition; content; control; conversation; counsel; country; courage; course; court; creation; creature; credit; culture; cut; daily; dante; day; days; dead; dear; death; debt; deep; deeper; degree; delicate; delight; desire; different; dignity; direction; discourse; divine; doctrine; door; doubt; dress; early; earth; east; easy; education; effect; elements; eloquence; eminent; emphasis; end; energy; england; english; entire; equal; essential; eternal; events; examples; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; faith; fall; false; fancy; far; father; fear; feeling; feet; figure; fine; fire; fit; flies; fly; following; food; foot; force; forest; form; france; free; freedom; french; friend; future; game; gawain; general; genius; geology; gift; god; goethe; gold; good; grand; great; greater; greatness; greek; ground; habit; hafiz; half; hand; happy; hard; head; health; heart; heaven; heavy; height; help; heroes; heroic; high; higher; highest; hints; history; hold; home; honor; hope; hour; house; human; humanity; ideal; ignorance; image; imagination; immense; immortality; indian; individual; insight; inspiration; intellect; intellectual; interest; invention; invisible; iron; john; joke; jonson; joy; key; kind; king; knowledge; known; labor; lady; language; large; laughter; laws; learning; leave; letters; liberty; lie; life; lift; like; lines; literature; little; lived; living; logic; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; love; low; madame; main; making; man; mankind; manners; mark; masters; material; matter; meaning; means; measure; melody; memory; men; mental; merit; merlin; metaphysical; method; millions; milton; mind; mistress; modern; moment; moral; morning; mountains; muse; music; mythology; nachiketas; names; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; news; newton; noble; north; object; occasion; old; open; opinion; orator; order; originality; pains; painter; paradise; particular; parties; party; passing; passion; past; people; perception; perfect; performance; perpetual; persian; persian poetry; personal; persons; philosophy; phrase; pictures; pindar; place; plants; plato; play; pleasure; plutarch; poem; poetic; poetry; poets; point; political; politics; poor; possession; possible; poverty; power; powerful; practical; presence; present; pretty; principle; private; profound; progress; proper; property; proportion; prose; proverb; public; pure; purpose; quality; question; quotation; quote; race; rare; read; reader; reading; real; reason; religion; religious; resources; respect; results; return; rhyme; rich; ridiculous; right; river; rome; room; roses; rude; rule; run; savage; scale; scholar; science; sea; search; second; secret; self; senate; sense; sensibility; sentence; sentiment; set; shakspeare; short; shows; silent; simorg; simple; single; sir; skill; sky; sleep; social; society; solomon; song; soul; sound; speech; spirit; spiritual; spring; stands; state; step; street; strength; strong; structure; study; style; subject; sublime; success; sudden; sufficient; sun; superior; surprise; swedenborg; sweet; symbols; sympathy; system; talent; talk; taste; thee; theory; things; thinking; thought; thousands; time; tis; tone; tongue; town; trade; true; truth; turn; understanding; unity; universal; universe; use; uses; vain; value; vast; verses; view; virtue; voice; want; war; water; way; ways; west; wild; wind; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; women; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; working; world; writer; writing; years; young; youth cache: hvd.32044080906258.txt plain text: hvd.32044080906258.txt item: #17 of 21 id: hvd.hn227q author: Emerson title: Poems. date: 1847 words: 26780 flesch: 86 summary: Earth endures; Stars abide — Shine down in the old sea; Old are the shores; But where are old men 7 HAMATREYA. WHY should I keep holiday When other men have none 7 Why but because, when these are gay, I sit and mourn alone? keywords: 16mo; ages; alphonso; ancient; arts; bard; beautiful; beauty; bee; best; better; bind; bird; blood; blue; boughs; boy; brave; bread; breast; bright; brook; canst; care; castile; celestial; cents; cheer; child; clay; clear; close; cloud; cold; corn; cup; daemonic; daily; dark; day; days; dear; death; deed; deep; delight; desert; desire; divine; doth; drop; early; earth; eternal; eyed; eyes; face; fair; fall; far; fast; fate; fear; feet; fell; fierce; fire; flame; floor; flowers; force; forest; form; forth; fortune; free; freedom; friend; fruit; garden; gaze; genius; german; glad; god; gods; gold; good; grass; great; green; grief; guy; hafiz; half; hand; happy; hath; head; heart; heaven; heed; hermione; high; hill; history; holy; home; hours; house; human; initial; jove; joy; juice; kind; king; know; lake; land; law; lay; leaf; leaves; lies; life; light; like; line; lion; lips; little; long; look; lord; lore; lost; love; loving; maid; man; masters; matter; meaning; meet; men; merlin; mighty; mind; monadnoc; moon; morning; mould; mountain; muse; music; mystic; nature; need; new; noble; o'er; ocean; ode; old; open; pale; paradise; pass; past; perfect; persian; pine; place; plain; plant; play; pleasure; poems; poet; poor; power; price; proud; pulse; pure; purple; race; rain; reach; reason; red; rhyme; rich; river; road; rock; roots; rose; round; runs; saadi; sad; sand; sea; secret; seeing; seek; self; shade; shadow; shines; silent; silver; single; sings; skies; sky; sleep; slow; snow; soft; song; sorrow; soul; south; space; speech; speed; sphere; sphinx; spirit; spring; star; state; stone; storm; strain; stream; strong; summer; sun; sung; sweet; tell; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; threnody; thy; time; tis; toil; tongue; town; toy; traveller; tree; true; truth; turn; uriel; vain; virtue; voice; volume; wall; want; warm; waste; water; wave; way; white; wide; wild; wind; wine; wing; wise; wit; woe; woodnotes; woods; work; world; year; yield; yon; young cache: hvd.hn227q.txt plain text: hvd.hn227q.txt item: #18 of 21 id: hvd.hn3k85 author: Emerson title: English Traits date: 1856 words: 67678 flesch: 72 summary: But it turned out good men. It would be the natural leader of British reform ; its proud function, that of being the voice of Europe, the defender of the exile and patriot against despots, would be more effectually dis- charged; it would have the authority which is claimed for that dream of good men not yet come to pass, an International Congress; and the least of its victories would be to give to England a new millennium of beneficent power. keywords: abbey; ability; absence; action; activity; advantage; affairs; afraid; age; ages; agriculture; aid; aims; air; alfred; america; americans; anecdotes; animal; architecture; aristocracy; army; art; artificial; arts; bacon; bad; bear; beautiful; beauty; belief; believe; best; better; bias; bill; bishop; blood; body; books; boston; box; brain; bridge; britain; british; broad; business; cambridge; captain; care; carlyle; castle; cause; centuries; century; certain; change; chapter; character; check; chief; children; choice; church; churches; cities; city; civil; civility; civilization; class; classes; clergy; climate; coach; coal; cockayne; cold; coleridge; college; comfort; commerce; commercial; common; companion; company; compass; condition; conduct; conversation; countries; country; countrymen; courage; course; court; creation; criticism; culture; curious; cut; daily; dark; day; days; dear; death; deep; delight; descent; details; die; different; dinner; direction; doctrine; doubt; drawing; dress; drink; duke; duty; earl; earth; east; easy; economy; educated; education; effect; element; empire; end; endurance; energy; england; english; english church; english history; english mind; english race; english traits; englishman; entire; equal; equality; estates; europe; exact; examples; excellent; existence; expense; eyes; face; fact; factitious; faculty; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; families; family; farm; fast; father; favorite; fear; feeling; feet; fine; fire; fish; force; foreign; foreigners; form; fortune; foundations; france; freedom; french; frenchman; friend; fuller; future; gain; game; garden; general; genius; gentleman; george; german; globe; god; gods; gold; good; government; great; greater; greek; ground; habit; half; hall; hand; handsome; hard; head; heart; heaven; help; henry; heroes; high; higher; highest; hint; history; hold; home; honor; horses; hospitality; hour; house; huge; human; humanity; ideas; imagination; important; impression; independence; india; individuals; industry; influence; inspired; instinct; intellectual; interest; ireland; irish; iron; island; john; journal; justice; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labor; landor; language; large; late; latin; law; laws; learned; learning; leave; left; letters; liberty; library; life; like; line; literary; literature; little; liverpool; lives; living; local; logic; london; long; longer; look; lord; love; low; machine; machinery; making; man; manchester; mankind; manly; manners; marked; marks; master; meaning; means; measure; members; memory; men; mental; merit; middle; miles; millions; milton; mind; modern; moment; money; monument; moral; morning; museum; names; nation; national; nationality; natural; nature; near; necessity; need; nelson; new; newspaper; nobility; noble; norman; northern; norway; number; objects; occasion; ocean; office; old; open; opinion; order; oxford; paper; parliament; party; passion; pay; people; perfect; performance; period; personal; persons; philip; philosophy; pictures; piece; place; plain; planet; plato; play; pleasure; plenty; poetic; poetry; poets; point; political; politics; poor; popular; population; position; possession; possible; pounds; poverty; power; practical; praise; present; pride; principle; printing; private; privilege; proof; property; public; punch; pure; queen; question; race; rank; rare; read; readers; readily; reading; real; reason; reform; relation; religion; religious; remains; respect; rest; result; return; revolution; rich; right; rise; rivers; robust; roman; rome; romilly; room; rough; royal; rude; ruin; rule; run; russell; sailors; samuel; saxon; scale; scholars; school; science; scotland; sea; second; secret; secure; self; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; service; set; shakspeare; sheep; ship; shop; short; shows; sir; skill; sky; slow; small; social; society; soil; solid; source; speaking; speech; speed; spirit; splendor; square; stand; standing; state; steam; step; stonehenge; stones; streets; strength; strike; strong; structure; study; style; subject; success; suit; superiority; sure; surprised; sympathy; system; table; talent; talk; taste; temperament; terms; theory; thing; thought; time; tone; towns; trade; traditions; traveller; tribe; true; truth; universities; university; value; variety; vast; victory; view; vigor; visit; voice; voyage; vulgar; walk; want; war; watch; water; way; wealth; wellington; west; wide; wife; william; wind; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; women; wood; wordsworth; work; working; world; worst; writers; years; york; young; youth cache: hvd.hn3k85.txt plain text: hvd.hn3k85.txt item: #19 of 21 id: hvd.hn5eg7 author: Emerson title: Essays, First Series. date: 1841 words: 77586 flesch: 76 summary: Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the inter- nal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men. If it prove a mind of uncommon activity and power, a Locke, a Lavoisier, a Hutton, a Bentham, a Fourier, it im- poses its classification on other men, and lo! keywords: able; absolute; account; action; activity; acts; actual; affection; affinity; afraid; age; ages; aim; aims; air; angels; animal; answer; appearance; apprehension; approach; artist; arts; ashamed; assume; attempt; attitude; attributes; bad; balance; base; beautiful; beauty; behold; benefit; best; better; biography; blood; body; books; boy; boys; brave; bread; brother; caesar; cast; cause; centre; certain; chance; character; charm; child; children; church; circles; circumstance; cities; civil; claims; class; climate; cloud; cold; color; command; common; communication; company; compensation; condition; consciousness; constitution; content; conversation; corn; country; courage; course; court; creation; culture; curiosity; cut; daily; day; days; dead; dear; death; debt; deed; deep; deeper; defect; degree; delight; desire; difference; direction; disease; divine; doctrine; door; doubt; duties; duty; earnest; earth; easy; education; effect; effort; element; emotion; endless; energy; england; entire; equal; essay; essence; estimate; eternal; events; evil; example; excellent; existence; experience; expression; eye; eyes; face; fact; faculties; faculty; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; fancy; father; fear; feel; feet; fellow; field; figures; fine; fire; fit; flower; flowing; foolish; force; foreign; forest; form; fortune; free; freedom; friend; friendship; fruit; gain; general; genius; gifts; god; gods; good; good man; goodness; grace; grandeur; great; great man; great soul; greater; greatness; greek; ground; growth; habit; half; hand; happy; hard; hate; hath; head; health; heart; heaven; height; heroic; heroism; higher; highest; history; hold; home; honest; honor; hope; horizon; hour; house; human; humanity; idea; iii; imagination; immense; immortal; individual; infinite; influence; instinct; intellect; intellectual; interest; intrinsic; jesus; joy; judgment; justice; kind; know; knowledge; labor; large; law; laws; learned; leave; lesson; letters; lies; life; light; like; likeness; line; literature; little; living; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; maiden; man; mankind; manly; manner; mark; material; matter; mean; measure; memory; men; mind; moment; money; moon; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mountain; music; names; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; near; necessity; need; new; noble; obedience; object; office; old; open; opinion; organs; original; pain; particular; parties; party; passing; passion; past; pay; people; perception; perfect; period; personal; persons; philosophy; pictures; place; plato; play; pleasure; poetry; poets; point; political; poor; popular; possession; possible; poverty; power; praise; prayer; presence; present; primary; principle; private; progress; property; proportion; prudence; prudent; public; pure; questions; rare; real; reality; reason; record; regard; related; relations; reliance; religion; religious; remains; respect; rest; rich; rome; rose; rule; sacred; saw; school; science; sculpture; sea; secret; seek; seen; self; sense; sensual; sentiment; set; shadow; shakspeare; shall; shows; sides; signs; silence; silent; simple; simplicity; single; skill; sky; sleep; social; society; solitude; somewhat; sort; soul; sound; space; speech; spirit; spiritual; splendor; spoken; spontaneous; star; state; statement; step; stone; strain; stranger; street; strength; strong; study; subject; sublime; success; sun; superior; sweet; swift; sympathy; system; talent; taste; tax; teaching; temple; thee; theirs; things; thought; time; tongue; trade; tree; trivial; true; trust; truth; turn; understanding; unity; universal; universe; useful; vain; value; variety; vast; virtue; vision; voice; walk; wall; want; war; water; way; wide; wife; wild; wind; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wit; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worship; worth; wrong; xii; years; yesterday; young; youth cache: hvd.hn5eg7.txt plain text: hvd.hn5eg7.txt item: #20 of 21 id: hvd.hw1zwi author: Emerson title: Journals (v. 06) date: 1882 words: 118005 flesch: 79 summary: Influence of Jesus and good men. There is no symmetry in great men of the first or of the tenth class. keywords: able; absence; account; action; actual; addresses; admirable; advantage; affirmative; afternoon; age; ages; agreeable; aims; air; alcott; ambition; american; ancient; anecdotes; angels; animal; answer; anti; appearance; appendix; april; aristocracy; artist; arts; association; attention; attitude; audience; august; aunt; authors; babe; bad; bancroft; bank; bear; beautiful; beauty; beckford; bed; beginning; behavior; behmen; believe; bell; beloved; benefit; best; better; bible; biographical; birds; black; blood; blue; body; books; boston; boy; boys; bradford; brain; brave; bright; brisbane; brook; brother; brownson; business; calm; cambridge; care; carlyle; cause; certain; change; channing; character; charles; charm; chaucer; chemistry; children; chinese; church; churches; circumstance; cities; city; class; close; cold; college; comfort; coming; common; communities; community; companion; company; concord; condition; conduct; conscience; conservative; constitution; contemporaries; contents; conversation; corn; correspondence; cotton; country; courage; course; court; criticism; culture; cut; daguerreotype; daily; dante; dark; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; debt; december; deep; delight; demand; details; devil; dial; die; different; dinner; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; door; doubt; dream; dull; duty; early; earth; easy; economy; edition; edmund; education; edward; effect; element; elizabeth; ellery; eloquence; emerson; energy; england; english; equal; essays; eternal; europe; evening; events; everett; example; excellent; existence; experience; experiment; expression; eyes; face; fact; faculty; fair; faith; fall; fame; family; fancy; farm; farmer; fast; fate; father; faults; fear; feeble; feel; feeling; feet; fields; figures; fine; finest; fire; fit; flowers; following; food; foot; force; forest; form; fourier; free; freedom; friends; friendship; fruitlands; fuller; game; garden; garrison; general; generous; genius; gentleman; george; german; gifts; god; gods; goethe; gold; golden; good; good man; government; grace; grand; grandeur; great; great man; greater; greatest; greatness; green; grey; grief; ground; half; hands; happy; hard; hawthorne; head; health; heart; heaven; hell; help; henry; high; higher; highest; hill; history; hoar; hold; home; honest; honor; hope; horizon; hosmer; hospitality; hours; house; household; human; ideal; imagination; imperfect; importance; indian; individual; influence; innocent; insight; inspiration; instant; institutions; intellect; intellectual; intelligent; interest; iron; jackson; january; jesus; john; jones; journal; journey; joy; july; june; justice; kind; knowledge; labor; lady; landor; landscape; lane; language; large; late; law; laws; leave; lectures; left; lesson; letters; liberty; lies; life; light; like; line; lion; literary; literature; little; live; living; london; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; love; low; magazine; magic; making; man; mankind; manners; march; margaret; marriage; married; mary; mass; massachusetts; matter; meadow; mean; meaning; measure; meet; meeting; memory; men; merchant; mere; merit; methods; miles; millions; milton; mind; minister; miss; modern; moment; money; montaigne; months; moon; moral; morning; morrow; mother; mountains; movement; mrs; music; names; nantasket; napoleon; nations; native; natural; nature; near; nearer; nearest; necessary; necessity; need; neighborhood; new; new england; new york; newcomb; newspapers; noble; nominalist; nonsense; notes; novel; november; obedience; objects; occasion; october; office; old; open; opening; opinions; opportunity; order; osman; page; paper; paragraph; particular; parties; party; passage; passion; past; pay; people; perfect; period; personal; persons; perspective; philosophers; philosophy; picture; piece; pine; pity; place; plain; plants; plato; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plymouth; pocket; poems; poet; poetic; poetry; point; politics; pond; poor; population; portrait; position; possession; possible; poverty; power; practical; practice; praise; prayer; preach; preacher; presence; present; price; private; problem; proclus; profound; progress; promise; property; proportion; providence; public; pure; purpose; pythagoras; quality; question; rabelais; railroad; rare; read; reading; real; realist; reason; reform; reformers; regard; relation; religion; religious; representative; respect; rest; result; return; rev; rhetoric; rich; riches; ripley; river; robert; robin; room; rose; rude; saadi; sacred; sad; said; saint; samuel; saw; saying; scale; scholar; school; sea; second; second series; secret; seen; self; sense; sensible; sentences; sentiment; september; series; service; set; shade; shakers; shakspeare; shelley; shining; shop; shows; sick; sign; silent; silver; simple; sir; sketches; sky; slavery; sleep; small; snow; social; society; solid; solitary; solitude; sort; soul; sound; space; speaker; speech; spirit; spiritual; spoken; spring; square; stand; stars; state; step; stock; stone; straight; strange; stream; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; substance; success; summer; sun; sunday; superior; surface; swedenborg; sweet; sympathy; system; talent; talk; talking; taste; taylor; temperance; tendency; tennyson; thee; theory; things; thinking; thomas; thoreau; thought; thousands; time; total; town; trade; transcendentalist; travel; trees; trick; true; trust; truth; union; united; universal; universe; vain; value; variety; vast; verses; victory; view; village; virtue; visit; voice; vol; volume; waldo; walk; walls; want; warm; washington; water; way; ways; weak; webster; week; west; whig; white; wide; wife; wild; william; wind; window; wine; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; wit; woman; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; wordsworth; work; world; worse; worship; worth; writer; writing; written; wrong; years; yesterday; york; young; young man; youth cache: hvd.hw1zwi.txt plain text: hvd.hw1zwi.txt item: #21 of 21 id: hvd.hwkizb author: Emerson title: May-day And Other Pieces date: 1875 words: 17937 flesch: 87 summary: In lowly cot or painful road, And evermore the cruel god Cried, “Onward !” and the palm-crown showed. Born for success he seemed, With grace to win, with heart to hold, With shining gifts that took all eyes, With budding power in college-halls, As pledged in coming days to forge Weapons to guard the State, or scourge Tyrants despite their guards or walls. I sing it to the surging crowd, - Good men it will calm and cheer, Bad men it will chain and cage. keywords: adirondacs; age; air; arms; ball; bards; beauty; best; better; bird; blood; blue; boat; bold; boston; boys; brain; break; breast; breath; bring; broad; camp; chain; cheer; children; city; clouds; cold; cries; cry; dark; day; days; death; debt; doth; dream; dust; earth; east; eternal; eyes; face; far; farewell; fate; fear; feet; field; fire; flowers; fly; foot; forest; forms; freedom; fresh; friends; frost; frozen; garden; gay; genius; girl; glad; god; gods; gold; good; great; green; guide; hafiz; hall; hand; happy; hark; harp; head; heart; heaven; hid; high; hills; home; hope; hours; house; hymn; isle; jove; joy; july; kind; kings; lake; land; large; late; laws; leaf; leaves; left; lie; life; like; little; lofty; long; loud; love; low; man; maple; marble; mark; memoriam; memory; men; merlin; mind; moon; morn; morning; mountain; muse; music; nature; near; new; night; north; northern; note; o'er; oak; old; pain; passion; past; pine; play; poet; poor; power; pride; quatrains; race; rainbow; red; rich; rivers; rose; round; rule; sea; secret; self; sense; shore; skies; sky; sleep; slow; smile; snow; soft; solution; song; sons; soul; spring; starry; stars; state; stone; stream; strength; strong; summer; sun; sunset; sweet; swift; tender; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; time; titmouse; tongue; town; translations; travellers; tree; true; truth; turn; una; unknown; vain; verse; vine; voice; voluntaries; waldeinsamkeit; walls; war; water; wave; ways; west; white; wild; wind; wine; wise; wit; wood; words; world; wreaths; years; yon; youth cache: hvd.hwkizb.txt plain text: hvd.hwkizb.txt