this consolidates staying away from judgment and well actually being enduring our discernments. 1. i believe that objective #3 which states “discern possible ways of living life” stands out as the most relevant objective to my own personal life. i am growing and i will respond by soaking it all up and discerning with it. this semester, my engineering class has had a significant focus on our major discernment, and this process of discernment brings this quote to life. while i did not show adequate discernment in how much time i spent self-reflecting, i did show adequate discernment in who i spent my time with. she knew that talking to others might not always give her what she wanted to hear but what she needed to hear it by using the “discernment conversation activity” (week 5). michael himes moreau fye week three) (“7 clues: an interactive assessment activity ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau week five) (“the right way to be introspective(yes, there’s a wrong way)” by tasha eurich moreau fye week six) (“why the only future worth building includes everyone” by his holiness pope francis moreau fye week 7) moreau integration paper #1 professor retartha moreau first year experience 15 october 2021 uplifting roots from new jersey to notre dame i believe that our relationships are what make our lives full. this has been a huge priority as of late, as i attempt to discover what i am both passionate about and gifted at to discern my major. in week 5, i addressed the question “what role do others play in my discernment?” this week was special in the sense that we did not do a regular qqc, but we wrote a paragraph based on a conversation that we had with our friends. i spent a lot of time discerning my major and sometimes i still feel like i am still figuring out what i want to do. this truly fueled the fire and let him know the areas in which he wanted to discern his career. becoming integrated in the communal life at notre dame has also posed challenges for me, but i believe i have moved closer towards discerning my place in the notre dame community. (“discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5). and through these deep connections, loved ones can also aid in my growth (week five discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). i was trying to discern what sort of job would let me help people in a way that would be truly fulfilling, and this notion of being known and recognized as someone who helps others kept popping up in my head (navigating your career journey, meruelo center, moreau week 4). one of these moments was the discernment conversation we had during week 5. during the conversation, my friend told me that the things i value the most are my friends and their wellbeing, which is absolutely in line with my goal of being a beacon to others (conversation activity, moreau week 5). (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five) while i mention gratitude and mindfulness multiple times in my mission statement, it is crucial that in my gratitude and mindfulness i am actively careful with the way that i introspect. “why don’t i have it all found out?” “why haven;t i found my niche yet?” “am i going to be comfortable with my career & life post graduation?” these questions all are towards healthy character discernment. the prompt said “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor. and while you are the author of your story, it is often helpful to involve those you trust.”( discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five) through this assignment and the help of my mother whom i consulted, i was able to see the flaws of the plan that i had put together. when i think of what i am made for, i am drawn back into my major discernment process during senior year of high school. it represents my deepest desires and what my life’s discernment has led up to at this point. however, when looking at our major discernment assignment — an assignment where we figure out what major in the engineering school we would like to continue to pursue — for engineering class, i looked at my hobbies and interests outside of the classroom. the syllabus explains that i will be “invited to engage with practices of defining, discerning, and developing a vision of a life well-lived.” (“mfye syllabus” moreau fye week 1). deep thought allows me to think about my life and pray to god about my discernment. michael himesweek 3 1 “week five discernment conversation activity” by todd howardweek 5 while many things in life occur slowly over time as the result of a series of individual events, personal change and improvement never begins as the result of outside forces, but instead as the result of one’s own commitment to changing themselves. a life well-lived to aiza is a life surrendered to god, that is how she’d put it and that is what she would encourage each and every one of us to pursue (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). aiza reached for the sky and more when it came to reaching goals, but there’s no discrediting the journey she went through during college and graduate school as she discerned where god would take her in her career and if she was truly seeking what he wanted for her (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four) . as she navigated the discernment process, she was unsure if she would end up where she did, but she was beyond certain about the life of advocacy she would live and pursue with christ. especially after coming to the nam 2 u.s. and being reliant upon the power of love, i was motivated to discern what love truly is. i especially want to thank carlos’ older sister for being always providing carlos with discerning conversations that always led to personal growth and self-reflection. carlos always said if it wasn’t for his sister, he would not have been able to realize himself to switch majors in his freshman year of college (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five). this will include reflecting on my life influenced by pico iyer (week one), remembering my life is short term influenced by theresa aletheia noble(week three), and asking those close to me what i can work on as a person from the “discernment conversation activity”(week five). citations (“why we need to slow down our lives” by pico iyer moreau fye week one) (“hesburgh” produced by jerry barca and christine o’malley moreau fye week two) (“domer dozen” by university of notre dame moreau fye week two) (“meet the nun who wants you to remember you will die” by ruth grahammoreau fye week three) (“7 clues: an interactive assessment activity ” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau week five) (“ways to practice mindfulness” by mcdonald center for student well-being moreau fye week six) (“why the only future worth building includes everyone” by his holiness pope francis moreau fye week seven) (“integration three assignment” moreau fye week eight) (“teaching accompaniment: a learning journey together ” by steve reifenberg moreau fye week nine) (“the spirit of inclusion at notre dame” moreau fye week ten) (“passion isn’t enough” by shankar vedantam and eitan hersh moreau fye week eleven) (“i am george floyd. professor anthony polotto moreau first year experience 14 october 2021 the discernment of beliefs in the matter of just two months, i have managed to understand so much about myself. i hope to discover myself, my passions, my talents, my purpose, and even my weaknesses as i discern my personal beliefs as an individual. in order to achieve my career goals, i must be comfortable with self-reflection, so i can clearly discern where i want to pursue my career and discover where my passions lie. it is important to remember that all of the difficult courses and errors we experience in discerning our future plans are worthwhile and ultimately shape who we are. similarly, my mom’s insight and guidance through the difficulties of medicine and the effort it requires to achieve your goals is so helpful to me (“week five discernment conversation activity” -moreau fye week 5). as i discern what i want to do with my life, i also know that it’s more than just a job i’m looking for when i come out of college; it’s a life that i’m looking for. i want a job where i can do good for others, and thus be proud of myself because being able to love what you do when you get up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night is so crucial to a good life (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by pete conway moreau fye week five). we must be patient with ourselves as we discern who we are, what we want from life, and what we are meant to do. i also think that my curiosity and my pursuance of truth through this curiosity will be important these next coming years as i attempt to discern what i think the truth about the world, people, and god, as well as my major and future job. it not only brings about confusion and desperation but also feelings of doubt and discernment. the definition of these 5 principles, which form the 5 strong pillars of the university’s character are mentioned below: sanya jain mind: seeking understanding through the integration of faith and reason; heart: discerning our personal vocation in service to the church and world; zeal: enkindling the desire to use our gifts to boldly proclaim god’s word; family: embracing christian community as the context for lifelong formation; hope: trusting in the cross and god’s promise of the kingdom (“holy cross and christian education” by notre dame campus ministry moreau fye week 12) * (it was a pdf file and hence the link may not work since it is linked to my canvas account) the university of notre dame aims to influence all their students based on these 5 principles as they think this is what would help them shape individuals that are vital for our future. i seek wisdom to discern my future. there is a well known quote from uncle ben to peter parker in the spiderman comics, “with great power comes great responsibility.” i believe that every person has great power and it is the responsibility of each individual to discern what the right path for them is to use their power. i will continue to look within my soul and discern my personal ambitions, use those to identify my ultimate goals in life, and employ the hope that emanates from those to avail myself to the maximum of the possibilities that the school offers to contribute to that end. while this class sometimes put forward materials i didn’t love, the career stuff was very helpful, especially through the lens of discernment (“three key questions,” father michael himes, moreau fye week 3). one such way to begin to discern these questions is to create a personal mission statement to define your values and hold yourself accountable. in week five of moreau, we were instructed to have a conversation with someone close to us who knows us well enough to help us discern what a life well-lived is. we talked about how trying to understand others as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). when building yourself and discerning the way you want to live your life, the most important part is building not what you think other people want to see, it is being yourself, and that “you go into yourself, you find the sin… …you fight that sin… …then a depth of character is constructed.” (“should you live for your resume or your eulogy?” by david brooks – moreau fye week two). first, in week one i discerned that i believe that i am responsible for making myself vulnerable because it can make me a better person. he will come to those who are file:///c:/users/nglez/downloads/the%20screwtape%20letters%20by%20c.s.%20lewis_chapter%208.pdf preaching the gospel and it is important to have discernment in your walk in faith because you don’t ever want to confuse the enemy’s lies and think that god is telling you these things. although at times difficult to come to terms with, college is an experience with unimaginable changes both good and bad, which i am positive will shape me into the person i hope to become and give me the gift of discerning the things of most importance. he valued structure over beauty and took personal responsibility in his own creations (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick was a man who spread kindness through his actions and felt a responsibility to end “the opposite of kindness” (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick let his values guide his daily life (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). patrick was never afraid to speak the truth; even if it was something you did not want to hear (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). when i began looking for a place to go to college, one of my requirements was that it was a university, with enough variety in majors that i could have different options to choose from and discern what career path i want. i remember asking my advisor for help discerning the path i should take, and he simply responded that this was not his choice to make. either way, i know that i must reflect on my happiness and well-being here, as that is the only true way that i will discern whether or not this is right for me. i will use new skills learned on campus, especially those in moreau, to discern what i actual enjoy and try to do things for the right reason, so that i may cultivate my personal virtues. integration #2 fys 10101-59 megan leis the amber of this moment this semester has been an experience for growth, for learning and forming new connections, and for discerning what is needed of me and what i want. i also had a conversation with my mother that played a role in my discernment. she said she hopes i can use my leaderships skills to inspire others to not be complacent with things they are not happy with in the world ("discernment conversation activity" by notre dame moreau fye week five). there is a stigma within our families and the general society that dropping out of a stem major is a failure on our part, rather than a discerning of our true passions. i am sure that as time goes on, we will discern if this is the correct path and where we belong in life. as i continue on this journey, i will continue going to dorm masses, spending time at the grotto, and doing some self-reflection to discern what i believe and how i should go about my life. i also felt like i could not reach out to other people because i equated vulnerability with weakness (“week 5 discernment activity” by moreau fye week five). our struggles with god and his presence in human’s lives can take years to decipher; however, we must all be patient and discern what we are encountering in our lives. unfortunately, we live in a world where satan is real, so we must continue to come to the father and ask him for discernment in all circumstances in our lives. this starts with individuals reflecting on their own bias through tests and other possible discernment methods. i am glad that i have encountered the many difficult situations of my past couple months because they have made me stronger and more discerning for the future. i have been able to discern how i should treat my relationships with others, and to prioritize certain ones over others. another aspect of my life-well lived is discerning my vocation and what i am meant to do with my life. i have also been able to discern my values and my morals with a certain conviction here. this line expresses my hope that i’ve had, with all the discerning i’ve been doing. this will therefore provide further assistance in truy discerning and guiding me in the right direction for my career goals as well as provide a catalyst in my passion to use my own personal qualities as a means for good. ever since i was a child, my family has truly provided a support and source of guidance in navigating through life as well as through the process of discerning and understanding who i am. this has also guided me to value my family on a deeper level and therefore give back to those who have supported me in discerning my path of life. i plan to use this idea of uniting with others as a compass throughout my life and especially make it a center in discerning my career path in a way that will embrace every human being rather than just certain individuals. this process of discerning a career is further addressed in an article by the meruelo center for career development, “he contended that career satisfaction/success depends in part on how well a person can identify and implement his/her career self-concept, which is comprised of your values, interests, personality, and skills.” ("navigating your career journey" by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week 4). jesus calls each of us to love our neighbor and he doesn’t discern between race, sexuality, gender, or creed. i got to become more involved in research and finally discerned what type of research i would like to pursue in the future years as an undergraduate student. for example, during week four, i identified the continuous seeking of knowledge, the desire to help others, a flexible schedule, and collaboration as some of the features that i would like my future career to include (“career development reflection activity” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four), and during week five, conversation with my mom showed me that i feel most “in the zone” when i am working through a challenging math problem or trying to understand a complex topic miller 3 in science classes (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five)–i thus recognized that i thrive off of intellectual stimulation and am looking for a career that often presents changes and new challenges. this realization has also helped me with my career discernment as i try to understand what i want to do with my life. part of it is making an effort on my part to actively explore and discern. when talking about discernment, my remaining years will be full of it. helped along by the moreau discernment activities (week 5), discerning is a slow process that pays off in the end. even past the next three years, discerning a fulfilling life will take a lifetime. through discernment, then i will be able to grow in wisdom in making the right decisions. it would also aid in helping me act with more courage because i would know (through discernment) who and what to stand for just like marcus cole’s article on george floyd. bibliography (“why we need to slow down our lives” by pico iyer – moreau fye week one) (“domer dozen” by notre dame – moreau fye week two) (meet the nun who wants you to remember you will die” by the new york times – moreau fye week three) (“career development reflection” by notre dame – moreau week four) (“discernment conversation activity” by notre dame – moreau week five) (“five minutes” by aria swarr, grotto – moreau week six) (“tattoos on the heart chapter 8” by fr. through developing concrete root beliefs, it has provided a compass for me in determining my path that i plan on taking in life and also has allowed me to discern the unique and incredible plan that god has for me. this moreau course has helped me to become aware of these changes as they happen in real time, and have given me the building blocks necessary to help me discern what has shaped me and my beliefs up to this point in my life. however, before discerning these major life questions, i think it’s important to establish a foundation of core beliefs that may be built upon. major discernment, time management, faith, and self care are all things which can seem hazy to me one day, but clear the next. learning through living throughout my time at notre dame so far i have grown personally, through knowing my worth and discerning my personal values. beauty from ashes in light of the content from weeks 9 through 12 in my moreau course, along with my personal experiences here at notre dame, i have identified several challenges i’ve encountered since arriving on campus and have spent some time discerning how i will respond to each of these difficulties. kyle explained that when he first started to live step by step, he reminded himself each day “improving myself slowly and steadily should be my mission each day” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye spring week five). with my friend subtly pointing it out in the discernment activity, by saying that she wanted me to remember that my’ friends are here to help and that i just need to reach out’ (activity:complete”week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). for example, during my conversation with my friend mariela, she mentioned that i need to sometimes take a break from my school work, take a breather, go back to work and make sure to give myself grace if i don’t get the desired score ("discernment conversation activity" by yerania serrato-bucio moreau fye week 5). as himes once said, “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc.). i found it interesting on how her observations about me fit into what i strived to be, making an impact on others and my environment (activity: complete "week five discernment conversation activity" – moreau fye week 5). i stay involved in the political world and greatly value discerning what i believe is right and wrong in america. experiences in high school showed me my passion for musgrave 3 law, as reminded by a discernment conversation with a former teacher (“week five discernment conversation activity” by , moreau fye week five). another aspect of my mission statement touched on my career discernment process and finding the balance between becoming successful, but not letting my professional aspirations dominate all our other aspects of my life. one tool that was helpful in narrowing down which careers would compliment me was the conversation discernment activity (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). discerning your passions is a very difficult process. in addition to finding personal fulfillment, living a life well lived also involves discerning your social passions and helping others. for example, in college she had to complete a “meaningful conversation discernment activity” for one of her classes. i remember sitting in my dorm room late on a thursday night, just having gone to a major discernment meeting, feeling beaten down. he immediately picked up, and upon asking him about his discernment process, he told me his story. integration 3 march 1, 2022 discerning my own life well lived family and friends, i stand here before you as we celebrate the life of christopher salerno. i was pleasantly surprised when i saw we we’re reading about michael himes’s three questions about vocational discernment in moreau, because, earlier in the year, i had also explored them in my theology class (“three key questions” by michael himes – moreau fye week 3). in this discernment about my vocational calling, i cannot rely merely on my own intellect. in the fifth week of class, i had the opportunity to interview my brother about what he saw were my strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5). in week 5 of moreau, we discerned how to live a life well-lived by taking to someone important in our lives. agreed with by my girlfriend when, in a conversation about who i am as a person, she said that “i value the humanity of individuals and feel that many people do not get the respect they deserve.” (discernment conversation with kelsey goldwein moreau fye week 5). in a conversation with my girlfriend, i was told that “i value the humanity of individuals and feel that many people do not get the respect they deserve.” (discernment conversation with kelsey goldwein moreau fye week 5) although i agree and think this to be true of myself, it is not a way in which i had viewed myself before. my roommate has a different opinion of me than my mom, and my mom has a different opinion of me than my brother (discernment conversion activity moreau fye week five). she said i was locked in during competition, whether it be for swimming or school (“discernment activity” by lisa dolphin moreau week five). (“7 clues” moreau fys week 4) i personally found week 5 more insightful, specifically the (conversation discernment activity moreau, fys week 5) talking with my friends and family about how i seem to be. my career is something that can feel daunting, but i need to overcome that fear and take risks to discern what my passions and values are in the workforce. [6: week five discernment activity, j.a. i slightly remember this being one of the main subjects of the conversation i had to do for moreau, i did it with tito too (“week five discernment conversation activity” by me moreau fye week five). i remember when we had to do career discernment activities during moreau, which was not useful for me as i already knew what i wanted to do, but i feel like during that time, it gave me the courage to push through the hard road that would surely be ahead of college (“exploring a life well-lived career development reflection” by meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week fourth). the classes i’ve taken here at notre dame have helped me discern how to do so. in the discernment activity, it says, “view every disappointment and setback as a lesson.” (“discernment activity” fye moreau week 5). abbey’s mom got the chance to talk about how she viewed abbey and what she thought about abbey’s choices, and even the future she saw for her daughter (“discernment activity” moreau fye week five). i also spoke to my mom for advice on discerning my future career in week 5 (“week five discernment conversation activity” by mereulo family center for career development, clh_gynkfo/edit?usp=sharing, moreau fye week 5). if you do not reflect on yourself in the right way, then you will not realize the things about yourself that you actually want to decipher and discern. we need to be able to reflect on our lives to understand if the decisions we are making are the ones that will leave us happy down the road and this sort of introspection and mindfulness is absolutely crucial to being able to understand and discern what we want from life. it can be hard find what work will be best for you but the most important things you can do are to know yourself, study what you enjoy, and try out a variety of jobs and majors; all of these things are important to understanding and discerning what you might want to do in life ( by notre dame, moreau week 4 fye). works cited “why we need to slow down our lives” by pico lyer moreau week one “hesburgh film” by jerry barca and christine o’malley moreau week two “three key questions” by father michael himes moreau week three “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development moreau week four “discerning a life well-lived” by irish compass moreau week five “the right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)” by tasha eurich moreau week six “why the only future worth building includes everyone” by pope francis moreau week seven integration 3 tom o’connor reflections on a life well lived we gathered here today to remember the way that tom lived his life. however, i know that this kind of discernment extends throughout my entire life because “career development is a process and a journey. even with all the resources available, discernment at any point in life can be daunting and stressful. “no matter where you go, always rely on square one” (“discernment conversationactivity” with my mom, jeni�er espino moreau fye week five), and square one is whatever you need it to be, whoever you need it to be. however, how can the others play a role in my discernment of a well-lived life? her mom, leslie, recalls a time in college when she called and asked her some questions for an assignment, one being “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fys week 5) leslie remembers elizabeth taking what she said to heart about taking time to slow down and to truly be proud of her accomplishments. while we may not realize the dangers of this addiction to continuous stimulation, philosopher blaise pascal discerns that, “all the unhappiness of men arises from one simple fact: that they cannot sit quietly in their chamber” (“why we need to slow down our lives” by pico pepe 2 lyer moreau fye week one). when i interviewed my girlfriend she concurred that, “i am a person who loves connecting with others, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). however, for the first time i heard it qualified by my friend melody in an interview for the discernment conversation activity this semester. you know yourself very well and are strong in your values” (“discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five). severy moreau fye week four “discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five “5 minutes” jihoon kim moreau fye week six “why the only future worth building includes everyone” by pope francis moreau fye week seven “integration three” by moreau fye week eight “teaching accompaniment: a learning journey together” by steve reifenberg moreau fye week nine “why it's so hard to talk to white people” by robin diangelo moreau fye week ten “passion isn't enough” by shankar vedantam moreau fye week eleven “allyship reflection” by moreau fye week twelve “mission statement” by moreau fye week thirteen works cited barca, j., et al. discernment conversation activity reflection. he was all stressed out about choosing his major and discerning what life path he was called to pursue. i told him that he was far from the only one going through this discernment process and that students all around the world were feeling the exact same way. it is up to you to figure out what it means and how to use it in the service of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by tommy hedman moreau fye week 5). she said that she would always be there to support me no matter what happens because she loves me more than anything (discernment conversion activity-moreau fye week 5). throughout this year, i have found incredible individuals that i am lucky to call my friends and have had the honor of supporting them through difficult decisions such as the discernment of a major. you just don’t know which one yet!” (discernment conversation activity – with my mom – moreau fye week 5). (“week five discernment conversation activity” by sheila negron moreau fye week five). “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc.). but more often than not, we were telling each other how much we loved each other (discernment conversation activity, moreau fye week five). i’m proud to say that he started to keep an open mind, which allowed him to hear other opinions (discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). (discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity — moreau fys experience week five) since she was young, pauline had always been passionate about writing, whether it be recording things happening in real life or expressing her opinions on certain topics. many people cannot discern this answer until they are late into their life, but it is never too early to start thinking about such a meaningful question. ever since i was a child, i strongly utilized the advice of my mom when making di�cult life decisions, such as academic and career discernment. in the discernment conversation i had with my mom earlier this semester, she said that i most value my friends and family (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). as part of an introductory college course, carson was tasked with having a meaningful discernment conversation. this was evidenced as he became closer with his friends and with his dorm, but ultimately carson knew that he was capable of doing more, empowering his deep dive into career discernment. – moreau fye week 1 "hesburgh" by jerry barca and christine o'malley by jerry barca and christine o’malley – moreau fye week 2 “three key questions” by father michael himes – moreau fye week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4 “week five discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5 “the right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)” by tasha eurich, ted conferences – moreau fye week 6 why the only future worth building includes everyone” by his holiness pope francis, ted conferences – moreau fye week 7 “teaching accompaniment: a learning journey together” by professor steve reifenberg – moreau fye week 9 “why it’s so hard to talk to white people about racism” by dr. robin d’angelo, adapted from huffpost – moreau fye week 10 “how to avoid an echo chamber” by dr. paul blaschko, thinknd – moreau fye week 11 “constitutions of the congregation of holy cross” – moreau fye week 12 “complete: writing a personal mission statement activity” – moreau fye week 13 li 1 anthony polotto moreau first year experience 19 november 2021 difficulty and development: the notre dame experience asking people for advice in a tricky situation is perhaps the easiest way to demonstrate how everyone reacts to situations differently. 3. i believe i grow by using failure as a lesson (w5) and by discerning bad relationships and acting on them (w4). by the end of the week, i discerned that i enjoyed most growth when i strived for new endeavors, and in the advent of failure, reflected and learned from such experience. during my discernment conversation with my father in week 5, this was something that he wanted me to make sure that i continue to work on going forward. he assured me in this discernment conversation that “it is okay to fail” and expressed to me that only through failure can you learn to be better. a quote he continuously said, but seemed to disregard quite often, was “you can’t make everybody happy” (“discernment discussion” by my mother – moreau fye week five). although i still want to be wealthy, discerning what makes me happy in life has made me no longer have complete tunnel vision. in week 5 of moreau, we did a discernment activity in which we asked a series of questions to someone close to us. it would be best if you discerned what's essential for you because you're not here forever. there is no reason to measure yourself against anyone else to discern whether you lived a well-lived life. this was truly doing something with “no guarantee,” but it led to me getting an on-campus job, joining meaningful clubs that help discern my major, and meeting some of my closest friends thus far. features of my life, such as school and major discernment, fostering an inclusive community, and staying connected to my faith, have all been highlighted and strengthened at notre dame. even before arriving at notre dame, the process of major discernment has been on my mind, as i have loved the art of creation ever since i was young. helping others and bringing a genuine sense of joy to those around me is a gift i often forget i possess, and would like to take more pride in and become even more involved” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). which is ironic because in the discernment in week five my mother told me that i value my faith and my family. our sphere has widened, and we find ourselves, quite unexpectedly, in a new, expansive location, in a place of endless acceptance and infinite love.” bibliography: why we need to slow down our lives by pico lyer week 1 "hesburgh" by jerry barca and christine o’malley week 2 "three key questions" by father michael himes week 3 by meruelo family center for career development week 4 complete "week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau week 5 “the right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)” by tasha eurich week 6 download _tattoos on the heart_ chapter 8_ jurisdiction (1).pdf by father greg boyle week 7 “teaching accompaniment: a learning journey together” by steve reifenberg week 9 "growing up gay and catholic” by jacob walsh week 10 “how to avoid an echo chamber” by dr. paul blaschko week 11 “dean g. marcus cole: 'i am george floyd. at notre dame, there are a significant amount of resources to aid in career discernment, but the biggest help to him was a very informal one. this supports the central idea behind jack’s career discernment. why?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five dsicernment conversation activity” moreau activity moreau fye week five). during my major discernment process earlier this semester for instance, i decided to answer father himes's "three key questions," one of which asked, "is this vocation/ role/ profession/ way of life that you are considering something you are good at?" i found this to be true this semester, as i explored different career possibilities during my discernment process. through that process, i learned a lot about my interests, skills, and talent and decided to double major in a dual degree program, contrary to the initial plans i had before the discernment. while talking to my parents many weeks ago, my dad described his observations that when “situations get chaotic, i seem to become more productive, calmer, and more focused on the tasks at hand” (discernment reflection – moreau fye week 5). as for week 4, i gained knowledge about career discernment. in week 5, i learned about the role others play in my career/life discernment. i found networking to be very useful in discerning our career path. as suggested in this week’s material (“discerning a life well-lived irish compass activity” – moreau fye week 5), the purpose of networking is to explore and grow in the knowledge of yourself, others, and ways of living, and it is not just about asking a person for a job or internship. at some point, you’ll have a specific conversation with mom that really puts the value of loved ones in perspective for you ( discernment conversation activity with mom moreau fye week five). one day, while talking to her best friend, bridie told her that a time when bridie saw her at her best and fullest potential was when carolyn was running a clothing drive for that thrift store that she loved so dearly (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). i've had lots of trouble discerning this and over the next three years, i plan to set myself up for future success in addition to living in the moment and enjoying the best four years ever at this beautiful university. in week 5, we performed a discernment activity. when talking to my father in week 5’s discernment activity, he wanted me to know that it is okay to fail, and that only by failing can i continue to learn and strive towards more success in my future. all that talent, 2 “week five discernment conversation activity” by todd howardweek 5 1 “hesburgh” by patrick creadon, quote by nancy pelosiweek 2 all those intellectual skills, and yet the place where you would most likely find him would be on his couch playing minecraft. i noticed this especially during the week 5 discernment activity. as long as i center those topics during my discernment of what i want my future to look like, i can form a fulfilling relationship with my work. we talked a lot about career discernment in week 4 of moreau and the quote i picked out was, “there is no ‘best major’ out there, but there is a ‘best major for you’” (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4). in week five of moreau, we did a discernment activity where i asked a close friend, “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). relationships have an incredible power to bring out the best in us and encourage us to improve, as i was reminded in my discernment conversation with my dad. (discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week 5)* it is my goal to always place my relationships with god and others as the focal point of my life. by bringing more of my attention to the present, i have been able to be much more introspective and really discern what i want my life to look like. this time of discernment has allowed me to understand that the “commonly held belief in our society that a major equals a certain career path” is simply not true (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week 4). (“week five discernment conversation activity” by week five). through my freshman courses, i’ve been exposed to the career center, which has helped me begin to discern how i can combine my skills and want to serve others. an article on discernment from the ccd references dr. donald super: “he contended that…the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implement as many parts of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” moreau fye week four). in my discernment conversation with my mother in one of my moreau assignments, she said i loved two things, “people and purpose” (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). to explore life, we should discern our path: "what are possible ways of living a life well-lived?" these questions about a life-well lived will lead to further career and life discernment in general. upon learning about these new perspectives, i can explore career options on irish compass ("discerning a life well-lived irish compass activity", by moreau fye instructors moreau week five). during her first year of college, katie had an insightful conversation, where she asked her mother, “what do you think i want to change in the world” ( “ moreau fye_week five_discernment conversation activity_sp22” by moreau instructors–moreau week five). week 14capstone integration three helm moreau first year experience april 29, 2022 discerning a life well lived as the academic year comes to a close it is nice to reflect on all that we have learned. in our final qqc, i stated my mission statement and discerned it the following way (moreau fye week thirteen). i think that you have to identify some inspirational people, question how they did what they did, explore how that can apply to your life, and discern your own life by putting your thoughts into action. discerning who you are and how you want to live your life also requires you to ask others to help you. not only do these people help you discern your life, like my mom in the other example, but you go through life with these people and create memories together. as my response, for the time being, i have discerned it to be my mission statement, “to fully become who i am meant to be for myself and for others” (“qqc 13” by anjeleigh dela cruz moreau fye week thirteen). through sitting still, i discerned my mission statement, and through sitting still again, may i fully understand the implications of my mission statement a total breakdown. works cited (“why we need to slow down our lives | (” by pico iyermoreau fye week one) (“three key questions” by father michael himes moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame” meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” -conversation with thomas bowenmoreau fye week five) (“why does god allow suffering? ( discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5) i further analyzed this conversation with my best friend in a paper i wrote halfway through the semester. our lives are not defined by our jobs or career or how smart we are, i remember from one of the career discernment discussions we heard; “there is no ‘best major’ out there but there is a ‘best major for you” (week 4) and “the more time i spend away from my work, the better that work will be, most often” (week 1). he told me that something that he believed was going to bring me success and joy was that “i had become unapologetically me” (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). but how can i best discern what is the best career choice? continuing on with week four, i’ve already changed my major twice trying to discern what the best course of action is for me and no one else. i had a conversation with my mother in week 5 about discernment (“discernment conversation” by moreau moreau fye week 5). i think this advice is useful, especially for discernment. michael himes – moreau week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4 discernment conversation activity – moreau week 5 “the right way to be introspective” by tasha eurich – moreau week 6 “why the only future worth. he constantly tried to appreciate all aspects of lifethe good and the badbecause he realized that it was difficult to discern true goodness without having experienced the truly bad. this semester, i attended a discernment retreat with the dominican sisters of mary, mother of the eucharist. this prayer will help me grow closer to god, which will help me clearly discern my vocation. i will additionally talk to trusted individuals who know me well to better discern my career path (week 5). (“week five discernment conversation activity” with eric and tracy richardson moreau fye week five). however, the lessons i have learned by going to campus ministry’s discernment coffee hours has helped me be at peace with this. who we are is so intertwined with our relationships with others because “often, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves” (“spring 2022 week five: discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by andrew whittington moreau fye week five). the discernment conversation activity helped me see how others view me, and in turn taught me more about myself. a good friend that nicole met in her first year at notre dame, ali mauritson once said that what we do with our lives centers around the way in which we serve god (discernment activity – moreau fye week 5). relating back to career, they once told me, “... you can live a good life through a good career, sure, but you want to be remembered as who you were as a person, not who a boss determined you were” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by joyce and philip hicks – moreau fye week five). it is especially important to talk to your loved ones as much as possible and show them how much you appreciate them before it’s too late (week 5 discerning a life well-lived). this is something that my mother expressed her pride in me for during the discernment activity. she told me that she is very proud of all the different clubs and activities i have tried this first year as well as in high school (“discernment activity” moreau fye week five). philosopher blaise pascal discerns that, “all the unhappiness of men arises from one simple fact: that they cannot sit quietly in their chamber” (“why we need to slow down our lives” by pico lyer moreau fye week one). when i interviewed my girlfriend she concurred that, “i am a person who loves connecting with others, and sees it as a major role in my happiness” (“moreau discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). i aspire to mimic the courage that jesus used, out of love, and an ultimate goodness, to unite people through our struggles and bind us together as one.the constitutions of the congregation of the holy cross discerns that, “the same spirit moved father moreau to found the community of holy cross in which we have responded to the call to serve christ” (“constitutions of the congregation of the holy cross” moreau fye week 12). one quote from this semester’s moreau fye course that brought me some clarity and comfort throughout the discernment process was that “there is no “best major” out there but there is a “best major” for you ("navigating your career journey" from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four).” i think that a life well-lived means using our time to do something that we enjoy, which we have some aptitude for, and that has some meaningful positive impact. i have found the difficulty i’ve had throughout my discernment process resulted from focusing too much on any one of these individual pillars. a conversation that i had with my parents was an eye-opening chance to see myself from the perspective of someone else (conversation discernment activity moreau fye week five). the discernment conversation i had with my in week 5 helped me ground myself in a moment where i needed this grounding desperately. i bet part of his motivation for donating his time to the south bend community could be summed up by his father’s words: “[evan] desired to bring others joy above most everything else.” (discernment conversation thomas wood moreau fye week five). my conversation with my parents as a part of the week 5 discernment activity provided some reassurance that this is the right path for me. (moreau fye_week five_discernment conversation activity_sp22, by university of notre damemoreau fye week 5). “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc.). the fostering of a community of friends who can be honest with us and whom we can genuinely hear, before whom and with whom we can be open and humble.” this quote by father michael himes in his piece “three key questions” explains to us a key point in discerning what we want to accomplish in our life, and that is that we need to surround ourselves with people who will encourage us and who will be honest with us in telling us what we are good at. a friend saying something to him was all he needed to change what he was doing and to make an effort to get closer to his new college friends (discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). i value authenticity from myself and others because it shows that they are solid in their values (“week five discernment conversation activity” -moreau week five). it can be difficult to find time to allocate to reflecting on the state of one’s life, however, it is vital to the process of discerning a life path. it has also been helpful to speak to the people who know me well about my career discernment journey. my parents are passionate advocates for mental health and the prioritization of relationships and friendships, and they advised me that there is no singular formula for success (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). that circle of friends is crucial to vocational discernment” (himes). in week 1, i talked about the dilemma i am faced with in both major selection and, more broadly, career discernment. through both self-reflection and exemplification from role models, a guideline to life well-lived, and therefore to the words of a eulogy, can be discerned. this principle came up heavily within my discussion with my parents as both of them noted how important fairness and justice were to me (discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week 5). there exists a temptation, however, in the pursuit of career discernment to dedicate oneself to a strict purpose too early in life, disregarding the vast opportunities available to oneself. one of, if not the singular most useful exercise from this semester was the career discernment activity, in which i was able to speak with my brother about what he perceives to be my strengths and weaknesses and about how my influence has impacted him ("discernment conversation activity" – moreau fys week 5). “[his] grandpa [had] always been the person that [he could] rely on most to give [him] advice” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). it was through a similar process that i came to choose aerospace engineering for my major, and i hope this material helps others navigate the treacherous waters of major discernment. it is possible that a discernment conversation with a peer could also help, one where questions like “what do you think i most value and desire in life?” or “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear?”(“moreau fye_week five_discernment conversation activity_sp22” moreau curriculummoreau fye week five) could be asked and answered earnestly. in doing so one could learn about what they can’t discern about themselves, and thus they can be better prepared to search for a job. his empathy was a strength as well, and could put himself in the shoes of others in order to grow closer to them and help them through any sort of issue (discernment conversation moreau week fye week 5). my main use of these three questions was discerning a career, which at first i thought was going to be a doctor, but instead chose a career in finance. he said that throughout the years “i had become unapologetically me” (discernement conversation activity moreau fye week 5). growing up in connecticut with her three siblings, two dogs and supportive parents, mary was able to explore her interests and abilities and discern much about herself at an early age. as can be seen by sister aletheia’s pursuit of her own happiness, part of a life well-lived involves discerning and discovering what inspires and fascinates you and incorporating it into a career and life path. not too long ago before his demise, jacob was able to have a beautiful conversation with one of his hallmates at notre dame (module 5 discernment activity). michael himes – moreau fye week 3) (“navigating you career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4) (“7 clues assessment activity” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau week 4) (“discernment conversation activity” moreau week 5) (“5 minutes” by grotto – moreau week 6) (“tattoos on the heart chapter 8” by fr. during weeks four and five of moreau this semester, we discussed discernment and picking a career. if a step back and reflect on my life, i can fully discern the positive impact different people and events. in week five, i was given the opportunity to discern other people can have an impact on my career discernment. i talked to my dad and this made me realize i possessed various strengths i did not know about in the past (“conversation discernment activity”, by moreau fye week five). this began with my discernment conversation; seeing that other driscoll 3 people view how my spirit lights up when i get to spend time with the people that i love is really motivating to hear ("week five discernment conversation activity"— moreau fye week five). nobody is expected to have life figured out at 18. he really had to discern and reflect and think about a life well-lived. (discernment conversation activity moreau week 5). sources: “why we need to slow down our lives” by pico lyer week 1 “hesburgh” by jerry barca and christine o’malley week 2 “three key questions” by father michael himes week 3 “navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development week 4 “discernment conversation activity” by moreau week 5 “the right way to be introspective” by tasha eurich week 6 “tattoos on the heart” “jurisdiction” by father greg boyle week 7 integration 3 integration 3 moreau fye spring 2022 spreading her lessons to everyone always knew that during the time which she passed, she would want people to recount her root beliefs and describe how she inhabited a life well-lived. she constantly reminded her friends in college there is no “best major”, instead, she helped them discover what was the “best major for them.” always giving her best to help others discern was where she got her joy. she had a conversation with her mother where her mom showed her the role an outside person plays in discernment (week 5 discernment conversation activity). she may have had to learn what makes her happy or ponder on discernments in order to get there, but once she began to live by the values stated here today, everything became more clear…and i am sure she is happy that everyone else can hear these values today too. my dad does a great job of pushing me to achieve my goals, but often times, i feel like i don’t meet his expectations because he sets them so high.” (“discernment conversation activity” by mark hennin moreau fye week 5) mark realized that even if it isn’t said a lot, his father would always be proud of him, and he mentioned that if his father hadn’t set such a high bar for him early in life, he wouldn’t have truly lived life to his full potential. that’s all important in discerning that really vital vocation in one’s life. to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc. she said that he valued people, that he was at his very best when he was solving problems (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). grotto network -moreau fye week 6), and to value others’ perspectives and advice, especially those who have been put in my life to help my towards my mission (moreau fye_week five_discernment conversation activity_sp22 google docs – moreau fye week 5). one hard thing lisa had to hear was to branch out because although she talked to a lot of people, she didn’t surround herself with enough diversity (“discernment conversation activity''moreau fye week five); “...because life flows through our relations with others…” she made the spring semester a semester to branch out even more, with clubs and events. i am glad that my friends currently see the joy i get from being around other people, and i hope to continue to exemplify my values in my daily actions ("week five discernment activity"—moreau fye week five). one thing that particularly stresses me out is discerning a career path. as i continue my discernment journey, i’ll continue to ask myself three questions: what brings me joy? additionally, asking those who know me what they could see me doing in the future is an informative experience, which was the case with the week five discernment activity. over the next three years, i plan to work towards my mission of having a successful career by applying myself in my classes, utilizing the resources offered by the career center, having conversations with alumni and other people in my life that can help me in my discernment process, and following the examples set by people like fr. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult thing i needed to hear, she said that “i need to get out of my comfort zone and expand my horizons” (“week 5 reflection discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). i remember talking about this with my cousin about this as well during the discernment conversation, we talked about the fact that a life well lived is not necessarily one that is successful in essence. (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation” by moreau moreau fye week 5) is more about leaving an impact on the people who are around you. as said by his childhood best friend teddy grassmann, ayden “desired above all to be a good catholic because it is his reasoning behind most all things he does and believes” (“discernment conversation activity” by university of notre dame moreau fye week five). since a large part of this semester’s reflections were on major/occupation discernment, i also chose to include my plans for the remainder of my academic career, as well as my career goals following graduation. in week three’s discernment activity, i was asked to ponder three important questions: is this a source of joy? works cited (“why we need to slow down our lives | (” by pico iyermoreau fye week one) (“hesburgh film (” by jerry barca and christine o’malleymoreau fye week two) (“three key questions” by father michael himes moreau fye week three) (“navigating your career journey moreau first year experience course | undergraduate career services | university of notre dame” meruelo family center for career developmentmoreau fye week four) (“week five discernment conversation activity” -conversation with thomas bowenmoreau fye week five) (“why does god allow suffering? thomas allowed these past opportunities to guide him toward an impactful career in law, a profession he had discerned from early on in life. in a conversation with a high school mentor, it became clear that the people who knew him best were completely certain he would become an impactful lawyer who was committed to serving others through litigation (discernment activity – moreau fye week five). the insight helps us “develop a vision of a life well-lived that is uniquely aligned with [our] most authentic sel[ves]” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by the university of notre dame moreau fye week 5). once, in college, she called me for help on an assignment which focused on self and career discernment. week 5 to me kind of goes back to week 4. what i mean by this is in week 5 the main focus is what role others play in discernment. and this advice came at the perfect time for john when he heard this as a college student at notre dame because he was in the middle of discerning between a career in medicine or business. they had the difficult conversations that always blossomed into motivation ("week five discernment conversation activity"moreau fye week 5). in week five, we did an activity that asked us to interview a close friend or smiley member and to basically ask them what they thought of us (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five). now is a time in my life that is extremely focused on career discernment and being future oriented, as proven by week four discussion, but often this acts as a distraction that takes away focus from my relationships. he chose to, “view every disappointment and setback as a lesson.” (“discernment activity” fye moreau week 5). one such issue that new nicole had to solve was the discernment of her major. i interviewed my dad during the fifth week of moreau for the discernment activity. those challenges led you to value both the respect of others and respect for yourself (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five).” this was right on, as respect from others is a value rooted deeply in the way i choose to live. the impact that others can have on my personal philosophy is enormous, especially at notre dame where professors and alumni “have opted into speaking with students like me about discerning a life well-lived.” (week 5). outside of these resources, though, the most important people in my discernment are still likely my parents. 5 works cited “why we need to slow down our lives” by pico lyer moreau week one “hesburgh film” by jerry barca and christine o’malley moreau week two “three key questions ” by father michael himes moreau week three “navigating your career journey” by the meruelo center for career development moreau week four “discerning a life well-lived” by irish compass moreau week five “the right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)” by tasha eurich moreau week six “why the only future worth building includes everyone” by pope francis moreau week seven “teaching accompaniment” by steve reifenberg moreau week nine “why it’s so hard to talk to white people about racism by robin diangelo moreau week ten “how to avoid and echo chamber” by thinknd moreau week eleven final integration pawelek 1 whittington moreau 23 april 2022 path to a life well-lived i believe it is increasingly difficult to articulate one specific way to live a life well-lived. i think it is exceedingly important to discern this. one exercise that helped me discern this mission was integration one; writing my eulogy. i think this really helped me begin to discern what i want my life to look like in these next three years, because in order to know where i am going, i must know where i have been. i think one crucial question we must ask ourselves while we are attempting to discern how to live a life well-lived is what can we do for others? this truly helped discern a life well-lived to me. in the discernment activity, i was able to connect with someone that i considered to be a friend that makes life worth living. ("discernment activity" moreau fye week 5) i also was able to reflect on why that relationship was so important to me. their good intentions make it easy for me to not only take their advice but their criticism as well when it comes to emotional matters (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). the need to take more responsibility and grow up hit me like a truck when i was alone in my dorm room after saying goodbye to my parents for the first time, and a million different questions rattled around my mind regarding my major, discernment, and how to make the most of the next four years of my life. it is up to us to figure out what they mean and how to use them in the service of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by tommy hedman moreau fye week 5). one way that you can help discern what it is you want in life is by asking for advice from those who are close to you, because they know you almost as good as you know yourself. that’s all important in discerning that really vital vocation in one’s life. to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc. ).” (“three key questions” by father michael himes moreau fye week 3) by having those close to us give us advice on life, we can discern what is truly best for us. when thinking about the things i value the most, i remembered a conversation i had with my best friend, ximena, for the “discernment conversation activity” of moreau fye week five. like my sister told me, i’m at my best when i’m cracking jokes with people that i fully trust (discernment conversation activity with emily moses moreau fye week five). based on the quote from the meruelo family center for career development, “contrary to popular belief, deciding on a major does not determine the rest of your life.” i’m still struggling to be okay with this, but my goal over the next three years is to take classes and join clubs that interest me so i can better discern where and what i want to do. “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor.” (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five)2 she developed and strengthened new skills and gained new perspectives as she expanded her potential. they are the kind of people that you can sit down and have an honest conversation with, about your future, about life (“discernment conversation,” moreau fye week 5). this period of meditation taken to derive an all-encompassing mission statement has helped me accurately discern the way in which i want to orient myself. finally, i used the content from week 3 of the course, where we discerned our professional aspirations by pondering on critical questions such as “is this a source of joy?” and “is this something that taps into your talents and gifts?” (“three key questions” by father micheal himes moreau fye week 3). we practiced a crucial activity in talking to important people in your life to get their insight on ourselves (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by notre dame moreau fye week 5). i believe that in order to be a reflective leader who strives for social change, you need to be able to discern independently and try to figure out exactly what you want in your character that you believe will create an impact for change. michael himes talks about structuring discernment into 3 questions: “is this a source of joy? these three questions play a heavy role in discerning reflective leadership and making a change. after interviewing a close college friend, he revealed his interpretation of my career uncertainties: “as scary as it might be for you to pursue a career as a writer, i don’t think you’ll be satisfied until you take that risk” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by noah korth moreau fye week five). continuing around this idea of others being able to see our mission statement in action, we must think back to the question: what roles do others play in our discernment? at first, i had the idea that discernment was all about me and my own thoughts and views. however, after the conversation i had with my mother during the discernment conversation activity, i have realized that my discernment is affected by others around me. “often, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves.” (week five discernment conversation activity by moreau first year experience course moreau fye week five). i aim that every relationship i make allows for both people to grow and if there are times of trouble with another person, i am able to discern and make the right decisions. furthermore, as i was determining my priorities, i asked myself the question, “is this a source of joy for me?” “what am i getting out of doing this activity?” i really pondered this during week 3 of moreau when i was deciding what kinds of questions i needed to ask to guide myself towards a better path of discernment in college. because of this, it is important to take time specifically dedicated to discerning who you are. as i said, notre dame will help you along the journey of career discernment, and this is not something that you need to focus on now, but i want you to take away the wisdom that taking time to figure out who you are is invaluable. accepting that becoming a doctor might not represent my total happiness was something shocking to hear, but once i deeply thought about it, i realized that i should perform my abilities in something else than this (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i will hear other discernments and take them as constructive criticisms to help me explore a better life well-lived. they did not shy away from personal topics and liam grew from their friendship (week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i had the feeling that they would simply know my views and stances on specific issues but that was farthest from the truth.” (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). she was always discerning her call, thinking of ways she could make a difference in the world. college is a place to discern my passions and learn from my failures. for example, i will attend more office hours with my professors to “help [me] discern whether or not [i am] good at [something]” ("three key questions" by fr. this helped her to discern her steps towards her future, which we can all agree she successfully took. in a reflection after a conversation with his mom on discerning his path in life, tom wrote,“how i feel and what i value is not always conveyed in how i act and that i need to take more care with my actions to ensure i am doing things that i would want to see myself doing” (moreau fye week five). one hard thing lisa had to hear was to branch out because although she talked to a lot of people, she didn’t surround herself with enough diversity (“discernment conversation activity''moreau fye week five); “...because life flows through our relations with others…” she made the spring semester a semester to branch out even more, with clubs and events. looking back at that time floods me with anxiety even now, but he saw me at my best when i questioned my decisions (discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). in the discernment conversation activity, i was told that i always placed others before myself (moreau fye week five). you might know what's not important, but you're struggling to discern exactly what is. he loved having late night conversations with those he was close with, using them as an opportunity to learn more about both others and himself: “often, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). at the same time, “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i’ve found myself far busier than i was at home, having to manage my classwork with clubs, hall commitments, career discernment, and making plans for summer. through some career discernment activities and workshops (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week 4) and discussions with my parents, advisors, and friends (“moreau week 5 qqc by '' moreau fye week 5), i’ve discovered that i want to transfer to the mendoza college of business to be a real estate developer. when i asked my mom what she sees as my greatest desire in life, she responded with “your family and friends” (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). in a follow up question during my discernment conversation, my mom said that i’ve been at my very best while at college. i understand that discerning my career will help me better understand my life and how to live it well, but spending a whole week of moreau on it seems unnecessary. when i surveyed my friend abby, it greatly helped me improve the way i was living my life (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). my friend, ali mauritsen, said that god desires to reveal our vocations to ourselves, in a similar way that someone is excited to tell their friend a surprise (week 5 discernment activity by with ali mauritsen – moreau fye week 5. pasted at the end). week 5 discernment activity for my discernment activity, i spoke with my friend ali maurtison, a senior chemical engineering major studying for the mcat. i have been able to discern what god is calling me to do with my life, as my eyes have been opened to my strengths, my desires, and my aspirations for the future. taking the time to navigate one’s career journey, while it may be very difficult and frustrating, is an important step in discerning what one’s plan for living a life well-lived in the future encompasses. in an interview with one of hugh’s closest friends, hugh inquired, “what do you think i most value and desire in life?” hugh’s friend’s response was that hugh valued “meaningful, long-lasted connections and the ability to make a positive impact in the lives of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). she would agree with the article notre dame gave to her to help her own discernment that said, “you have to know yourself first your values, interests, personality, and skills (vips) before you can make effective career choices” ("navigating your career journey” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week four). her parents even told her at one point that, “you can live a good life through a good career, sure, but you want your eulogy to remember who you were as a person, not who a boss determined you were” ("week five discernment conversation activity" by joyce and philip hicks – moreau fye week five). i remember having a moment of realization about how much my family means to me when i was reminiscing with my mom during the conversation we had for the discernment activity (discernment conversation activity with mom moreau fye week five). helping others and bringing a genuine sense of joy to those around me is a gift i often forget i possess, and would like to take more pride in and become even more involved” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week 5). in one reflection she wrote back in college, she said she hoped to “find ways in which we can use physics to improve the lives of others, which, upon reflection, mirrors the ways in which i wish i could change lives for the better in my own family.” (“discernment conversation reflection” by moreau fye week 5). all of farida’s friends can attest to the fact that she was also leaping outside of her comfort zone (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5), regardless of how uncomfortable the experience would be—competing on the national tennis team in egypt, no cursing for a full year in 7th grade (succeeded for 11 months and two weeks), speaking six languages and continuing to learn more, working alongside greta thunberg’s colleagues and organizing events surrounding environmental racism, having her work be featured on teen vogue british vogue, and becoming a part-time translator to make climate information more accessible to non-english speakers all by age 18… the list goes on and on. in week three, father michael himes presented us with “three key questions” to ask during our career discernment process. in our career discernment process, if we only focus on one aspect as opposed to the whole, we will ultimately find ourselves unfulfilled. through moreau, i have been able to realize the importance of this and discern how i can actually serve this purpose in my life. he loved to defy the odds and prove that he could do whatever he put his mind to (discernment conversation with my dad moreau fye2 week 5). when i had my discernment reflection with my dad, he told me something that was difficult to say but important to hear: you will always have small regrets as you go through your career path, but you must always continue on your path and not dwell on these regrets, as things always happen for a reason (discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). she valued other’s opinions and listened to their advice (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). living was also how he discerned his career in medicine. whether volunteering at memorial hospital’s nicu or shadowing a family friend, aidan discerned his passion at a relatively young age. i love to have late night conversations with people and talk about what’s really important in life, knowing that these conversations are beneficial both for the people i have them with and for myself: “often, others can help us see things we cannot see ourselves” (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). grace was always very passionate about helping other students improve not only their academic skills, but also their confidence in themselves (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). she grew old with her husband doing the things she enjoyed, and she passed away naturally at the age of 92. eulogy commentary in the paragraph where i referenced the discernment activity, i specifically wanted to use that week because of what my friend said during our conversation. she mentioned that i was always willing to help others with studying and schoolwork, and i thought that this related well to my participation in tutoring during high school (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). growing up, i have always abided by our “family motto that delgado girls stick together meaning that no matter what obstacles we face we must always put each other first because at the end of the day they are the people that are not going anywhere” (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). despite these failures, my brother has stressed to me that “failure is a process of growth” (“discernment conversation activity” by kyle thompsonmoreau fye spring week five). as i have discerned over this past year, engineering is definitely the field that i want to pursue because of the joy that it brings me. on these walks, i have come to understand my growth throughout these past few months, appreciate those around me, and discern my views on issues present in my community. i cannot truly make a tangible change in others’ lives if i have not discerned my own path. however, with discerning my own path, i will be able to use my gifts to the fullest extent possible to make positive changes in the world around me. in order for me to be able to effectively and tangibly help people around me, i need to discern who i have direct contact with. the career development center and the discernment conversation activity from week five helped me decide how this applies to me. with this in mind, i have decided to continue pursuing a mechanical engineering degree in order to eventually reach my end goal (“navigating your career journey” by the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). when i interviewed my father as part of my discernment process, he asserted that “community is essential for [me]” (chris jennings interview – moreau fye week 5), and i know that i will gravitate toward strong communities for the rest of my life. i know that my career goals and plans will continue to change; after all, dr. donald super describes our career discernment as a “developmental process that spans a person’s entire lifetime” on the undergraduate career services page (“navigating your career journey” – moreau fye week 4), but the person i aim to become is independent of my professional pursuits. moreau fye professor lassen steven wu march 2, 2022 discernment of a goal: a meditation and a eulogy it has now finally come to the moment of the end of my life when this eulogy would be revealed. but there were more abstract values that could turn out to be essential when situations demanded discernment. a vocation is not an independent variable but is deeply intertwined with other parts of our identities and experiences (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). this semester has provided me a greater chance for self-reflection to discern the path god intends for me to follow to best accomplish this goal. they said i am at my best when i am busy, when i have no time for fear or for self doubt (“week five discernment conversation activity” with eric and tracy richardson moreau fye week five). for example, she said i would feel most fulfilled in a profession where i’m helping others and making a difference, but also one where i can be independent and support myself” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by the university of notre dame moreau fye week five). in weeks four and five of moreau, we explored different career paths and discerned what we wanted to do in our lives. as part of his career discernment journey, he looked at university resources such as the undergraduate career resources to be sure he was certain of his major. neol mentioned that during this part of his discernment journey, he talked to an upperclassman in his dorm, duncan hall. in a conversation with my mom during the week 5 discernment conversation activity, i reflected in my follow-up, “one thing she always tells me is to stop caring about the opinions of others, and work harder to be more carefree and spontaneous by stepping out of my comfort zone”. i remember one particular conversation i had with jack when he was discerning how best to live a life well-lived. i told him he loved two things, “people and purpose” (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). jack taught me the importance of discerning my interests in the present and my goals for the future. even as a kid, i always had a passion for it and she has pushed me in the direction of my passions” (“discerning a life well-lived” by daniel schrage moreau fye week five). after having these conversations, it has become very apparent that being a doctor is the thing that is right for me (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau first year experience moreau fye week five). moreau integration spring james demaro moreau fye 29 april 2022 capstone integration assignment within the past year, i have begun to learn more about myself by asking myself important questions such as “what role do others play in my discernment?” (“week five irishcompass activity” moreau fye week five). additionally, this has allowed me to discern which career path i will follow in my life. the quote : “all too often, we raise questions about vocational discernment as if everything depends on what i want and what i love when in fact, at least as important perhaps more important in making a good vocational decision is what do the people around me need? in discerning my purpose, i had a conversation with sister. this worked to reaffirm and direct my construction of defining how i want to live my life (activity: complete "week five discernment conversation activity" – moreau fye week 5). this is especially true in careers and discernment of future plans, as conversations with professors and family members have revealed that life is full of unexpected twists. when i had my discernment reflection with my dad, he told me something that was difficult to say but important to hear: you will always have small regrets as you go through your career path, but you must always continue on your path and not dwell on these regrets, as things always happen for a reason (discernment reflection moreau fye week 5). she appreciated that every person brought a unique perspective and came into her life for a reason, and so valued and sought out others opinions at every opportunity (moreau fye_week five_discernment conversation activity_sp22 google docs – moreau fye week 5). 6 (moreau fye week 5: week 5 discernment conversation activity; conversation with my brother) 7 (moreau fye week 7: why the only future worth building includes everyone; his holiness pope francis, ted conferences) capstone integration what is a life well lived? one of my pillars is my mom, she always knows what to say, and knows how to elevate my potential above and beyond, “no matter where you go, always rely on square one” (“discernment conversationactivity” with my mom, jeni�er espino moreau fye week five). we choose our path by discerning what we find as important and what we put our time and energy towards. i interviewed my dad and he told me “you have a good heart and always make me laugh.” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau moreau fye week five) hearing this was so meaningful, as my dad is someone whom i admire and trust and that his opinion means the world to me .this activity allowed me to gauge how well of a life i have lived so far, and this is important because living a life well-lived isn’t just for me, but also for the people i love. in week five of moreau, we were instructed to have a conversation with someone close cox 5 to us who knows us well enough to help us discern what a life well-lived is. we talked about how trying to understand others as well as being understood gives purpose to one’s life (discernment conversation moreau fye week five). he was constantly discerning god’s will for himself. for him discernment was a journey that was winding and never ending. “if you actively engage in the process, take ownership, and utilize the tools at your disposal you will reap the benefits and establish a satisfying professional life.” 4 he discerned both priesthood and marriage with an open mind to the joys and struggles of both. “we can spend endless amounts of time in self-reflection but emerge with no more 5 "week five discernment conversation activity" edit?usp=sharing moreau week 5. i find it difficult to balance the coursework of my classes, participation in extracurricular activities, and career discernment. while the concept of death is somewhat morbid, coming to terms with the brevity of life allows us to discern what we wish to take away from our brief time on earth, leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. http://hesburgh a major source of stress for college students including myself is the career discernment process. i have felt overwhelmed by classes and adjusting to life in college, making it difficult for me to put extra energy into discerning a career path. however, when i put off this discernment process, i find that it just brings me more anxiety. as i explored notre dame’s undergraduate career services website, i felt motivated to take ownership of my career discernment process and utilize the tools that are available at my disposal (“navigating your career journey” by meruelo center for career development – moreau fye week four). i have found that speaking to those who know me well is a powerful tool of self-reflection and has aided my career discernment process. for moreau week five, i was prompted to engage in a conversation with a close friend or family member concerning my values, strengths, and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). my conversation with my mother during week 5 moved me closer to recognizing where my passions lie in terms of a potential career (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). this notion of channeling what we are good at and what makes us happy into a positive impact on our community forms the basis of father michael himes’ “three key questions” to discern a miller 3 vocation (“three key questions” by father michael himes – moreau fye week three). sometimes, when i’m tired and struggling, i underappreciate those who look out for me and 3 (moreau fye week 3: the nyt: meet the nun who wants you to remember you will die) 4 (moreau fye week 4: undergraduate careers: navigating your career journey) 5 (moreau fye week 5: week 5 discernment conversation activity; conversation with my brother) 6 (moreau fye week 6: grotto network: why does god allow suffering) 7 (moreau fye week 7: why the only future worth building includes everyone; his holiness pope francis, ted conferences) victoria gordon-brown moreau capstone integration whose interactions i rely on for joy and purpose; by valuing those i care about, i can build them up and make them feel valued. while discerning his career path, his brother michael emphasized his ability to grasp things quickly and get along with a wide variety of people (discernment conversation moreau semester 2 week 5 ). in the discernment conversation i had with my grandpa during week 5 of this semester, i was overwhelmed by the difficult questions about what i want to do with my life. i still remember him telling me, “to not take life too seriously” because he always wants to encourage me to have new experiences and seize the day no matter what it brings (discernment conversation activity, moreau fye w5). as we discussed in class, it is important that we reframe our “why” questions to “what” questions because “asking what could keep us open to discovering new information about ourselves” (the right way to be introspective, tasha eurich, moreau fye w6). in order to make my positive impact professionally i must carefully research and discern different job opportunities and continually reassess my roles. i have begun this careful discernment by looking at the mission statements of companies in fields i am interested in. the people around me are able to separate my emotions from my actions and can use their own resources and understanding of my environment to provide new insight (“week five discernment conversation activity document” by moreau fye instructors – moreau fye week 5). the interview included asking each other something that would be hard to hear (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). adding to this topic, it is interesting that my mother told me that she felt i was most challenged and stimulated when i am unbothered, free to problem solve on my own and follow my own natural learning curve (“week five discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). one example: your discernment about whether architecture is right for you, i know, has been a struggle in the first semester. my mom knew me the best out of anyone (discerning a life well lived, moreau fye week 5), so together we always talked about my future plans, hopes, dreams, and aspirations. while having a conversation with my mom, she said, “you value hard work and never give up when you know what your goal is” (“discernment conversation activity” by yulma acevedomoreau fye week five). in the fourth week, we looked at how we can discern our prospective careers. it was a bit difficult because we’re basing everything based on only a few months of knowing each other but we realized that we knew each other well and have more in common than we once thought ( byweek 5 discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity yerania serrato-bucio moreau fye week five). (moreau discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). when i’m making a big life decision like choosing what college to go to or discerning my major, a huge part of the process was talking to my parents, friends, professors, tennis coach, etc., because they know me in ways i don’t know or see myself in. similar to this, it is also easy to get lost in your own thoughts about your goals for the future that the other aspects of discerning a major can be lost. another major event that occurred within the semester that contributed greatly to my development is the process of discerning my major. there, this portion of the conversation stretched my awareness of myself, as well as confirmed something i knew about myself to another level” (“discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five). severy moreau fye week four bordallo 7 “discernment conversation activity reflection” by moreau fye week five kim, jihoon. the quote “and while you are the author of your story, it is often helpful to involve those you trust” (“discernment conversation activity” – week 5) reminds me of her. you only live once discerning what a life well-lived consists of is certainly difficult given that i have so much of my life awaiting. it takes significant discernment to identity values, interests, personality traits, and skills, and how you can combine them into a career. jack began that conversation of discernment while studying at notre dame. during an electrical engineering alumni panel, jack began contacting a mentor named sarah devitt (week five discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). due to that, i was able to discern what it is that i want to do with the rest of my life, i even reflected on whether my current major was right for me. for week 5’s discernment conversation i talked to daymine snow and this is how the conversation went. everything she ever did was with her father in mind, whether it was with life-changing decisions such as choosing a career path that sparked the same fire within her that sean’s did with him, or the more mundane things like seeking opportunities to give back to the community around her in any way she could (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). and in both her professional career and volunteer interests, it’s easy to discern what ellie valued most in life, because those were the things she put her entire spirit into pursuing, which is something that we all should reflect on in our own lives. i certainly took each opportunity to make a big decision seriously as many of you listened to hours of college decisions, major discernment, and job changes over my life because they presented me with the opportunity to become a truer version of myself and live a more impactful life. i took the time to talk with others who knew me best or knew my goals because it was important for me to have a plan as i made any changes in life(“week five discernment conversation activity document” by moreau fye instructors – moreau fye week 5). in conclusion, as i talked with a teacher that is now my friend ("reflection-discernment conversation activity" by and geovanni hernandez (my teacher) moreau fye week 5), i want to achieve joy and share it with others. looking back at my conversation in week 5, i remember “i was told that i can be too hard on myselfthat i take grades too seriously and i don’t let myself make mistakes” ( "week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). as i continue to discern the way in which i am called to share my gifts with the world—be that through the priesthood, through a job as a professor, or something else entirely—i know that introspection will be an important part of making the right choice. or, what do you think i want to change in the world?” (week five discernment conversation activitymoreau week 5) asking someone close to us these personal questions, can allow us to reach a deeper understanding, or perhaps a side of us that we didn't know was there. this habit started after week 5 of moreau when he had to call a friend about his college major discernment. over his four college years will was able to discern what he wanted to do post graduation, and took a job with a tidal energy firm. in week three of this moreau course, the material we discussed focused on discerning whether or not you are living a life well-lived. in week five of the moreau course, i had a conversation with my mom about what she thinks my strengths are ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). i have to become more comfortable with the idea that it is okay to ask for help (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). our earlier activity with irish compass really put me on track to discern my livelihood. i recognize that my career discernment is an ongoing process. when tony was at notre dame he really struggled with his career discernment. he felt intimidated, and unsure of what to do in terms of career discernment. i also remember him saying the only way to know is to “test the waters through trial and error.” this would make him feel like doing the right thing, and being constructive with his discernment by understanding that wanting to switch majors, and trying other options is good. tony will forever be missed, but always will be remembered for his wise viewpoints of specific topics of discernment. for instance, when you get to college, you will have to discern what major or career path you would like to pursue. he explained that "other people help us discern whether we are good at what we do. during my major discernment process at some point in college, i wondered if i was making the right decision. also, i engaged in different discernment activities on campus. one of them was the "irishcompass (platform) conversational activity," which helped me understand how to reach out to others, notre dame alumni to be more specific, and enlist their help and advice in my discernment process. i hope to animate this mission statement in my next years through trying out different passions of mine to discern my path in the future. through this discernment especially being honest with myself about what i want i hope to become the woman “of many aspirations, whose self-character is rooted in catholic and familial values that shape her being and essence ultimately radiating off of her!” (“zuzanna’s mission statement” by zuzanna kawula, moreau fye week 13). over the past few months, i have spent much time discerning my major and career path. throughout my career discernment processes, i have talked to friends and family in order to aid my decision-making. for moreau week 5, we were encouraged to engage in a conversation with a close family member or friend in order to identify my values and vocation (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). as i further discerned where my curiosity lies, i found myself interested in the study of global affairs. because of this, i have sought out opportunities in this line of work, such as the irishcompass job navigation website (“discerning a life well-lived irish compass activity” by moreau first year experience course moreau fye week five) used in moreau week five. my attentiveness to accountability, i learned in this course’s discernment activity, is noticed by people close to me. essentially i called my friend cj and he told me how much he respects this, but i also learned that he gets concerned with how i treat my body as i attempt to handle the high stress and high involvement of my college experience (“discernment conversation activity” –moreau fye week five). this quote from one of the readings states, “to help us discern what our talents and gifts are, we need a circle of friends (parents, teachers, coaches, etc. this also ties in with one the conversation activity in week five, where the conversation made me think, “one thing that stretched my awareness of myself was how much i could influence the people around me without even realizing it” (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). during the interview with my mom we discussed the question “what is something that is hard for me to hear but something that i need to know” (discerning a life well lived moreau week 5) . during a discernment conversation activity, elizabeth helped mary identify things she valued or desired in life, as well as issues that were personally important to her (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). something that really helped mary find purpose in her life though was discerning the path she wanted to take in life. during week 5, we were assigned to contact someone and have a discernment conversation. (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five) i decided to call my young little brother and throughout the conversation, i was able to realize how important i am to him. during a conversation with my roommate in early february, i realized that “i don’t [] have to save the world or cure cancer to have a life well-lived at the end of the day” (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). our fifth week sought to answer the question "what role do others play in my discernment?" as her grandmother mentioned, katie was driven by her passion for helping others and deepening her knowledge, and there was no doubt she did that throughout her lifetime (discernment conversation activity with patti gardes week moreau fye week 5). alexis’ dad described her as a compassionate yet disciplined person throughout her whole life (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week 5). i decided to include this because of the conversation i had with my roommate for the discernment conversation activity of week 5. he said that “[i] value the simple things in life because they make [me] happy and because they are often taken for granted.” (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” quote from my roommate moreau fye week five). i had a conversation with my that dad pointed out to me that i had an off-brand form of resilience, an unwillingness to give up despite my being hard on myself for failure (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). while doing the discernment conversational activity with my sister, she told me, “i know that you really value independence and setting yourself to a high standard, always seeking to do the best you can do, but sometimes what you end up seeking is perfection, and always aspiring to that high mark tends to put you in positions of isolation and suffering. one particularly important part of his upbringing his undergraduate years at notre dame were critical to the discernment of his values and ambitions. though a somewhat unpleasant thought, this kind of reasoning is tied in with the necessity of life discernment which takes place during the four years one spends as an undergraduate. this interaction, he told me, had a great sway on his decision to pursue a computer science degree (“week five discernment conversation activity” by nd moreau moreau fye week 5). they want what is best for you and will offer advice if they think that you need it (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). having a strong sense of discernment is good in these scenarios from both ends, involving your conscience and your friends' conscience. my discernment through my good friend julia told many things that both i knew about myself, and i didn't know. to discern a career path, there is a process to follow. for example, he said that he thinks i could benefit from being more direct with people (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). when talking to my friends about each other’s values and how we perceive each other, i realize how important community is to me and that i need to be more available for my friends whenever they are struggling over the next few years (“week five discernment conversation activity” from moreau – moreau fye week five). he gave her many good tips, but something that stuck out to her was, “always be true to yourself” (“discernment conversation activity” by bob burgess moreau fys week five). when talking about self-improvement with my mom i focused on the question “what is something hard to say, but something that i need to hear?” (discerning a life well lived moreau week 5). a big part of moreau this semester was the concept of career discernment. the first part of understanding where we would fit best in the workforce is understanding ourselves, so our whole class was tasked with asking a peer about our own selves (“week five discernment conversation activity” by nd moreau moreau fye week 5). ( "week five discernment conversation activity”moreau fye week five). those who knew her would agree that she always put others before herself (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five). when i asked my parents the questions from the week 5 material, i avoided the most difficult one: “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). this self reflection helps us understand our worth, and as our discernment conversation activities also taught us, feeling pride, contentment, and worth is further enhanced when we take a moment to self-reflect with others. in my conversation with my friends in week five, i found that my values are apparent to those around me that i am inclusive and wish to build a strong community with those around me (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” by moreau – moreau fye week five). this brief conversation can help you gain a new perspective on your life and, ultimately, help you discover how to develop a vision of a life well-lived that is uniquely aligned with your most authentic self.” (“discerning a life well-lived conversation activity” by moreau first year experience moreau fye week five). he told you how he saw you as a person that cared about reaching stability in life and how a big component will be my devotion to helping the community (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye wee five). when completing the “meaningful conversation discernment activity” (moreau fye week five) and asking the question “can you reflect on a specific episode when you saw me “in the zone,” when i was at my very best? when asked how he discerned his path, he quoted the meruelo center for career development he had utilized at nd. for her discernment in week five of her moreau fye course at notre dame, bianca’s friends talked about how selfless she was, almost to a fault. moreau capstone integration (4/29/22) kurama 1 4/29/2022 moreau capstone integration complexions of a life well discerned during my year at notre dame, i have been exposed to a variety of new experiences that have made me question and define what pursuing a life well-lived means to me. i have begun to further develop my beliefs and ideologies in many regards, and moreau has helped me to identify some of these changes and how they have impacted my understanding of a life well lived and discerned. (“navigating your career journey” from the meruelo family center for career development moreau fye week four) discerning a life well-lived one thing i hope you will begin to do more is feeling comfortable enough with mom and dad to sit down and talk to them, not just about how school is going, but about the kind of person you are and the kind of person you want to be. (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five) obstacles to a life well-lived probably the most important lesson i have for you in this letter is to be careful with how you introspect. however, surrounding myself with people who love me, they have helped me understand and discern what i want to do in the future, while i am still a little unsure about my choice to pursue chemical engineering, i know the people i have in my life will support me regardless of the path i take. (“exploring a life well lived ccd activity” – moreau fye week 4) this has made my discernment easier. (“discerning a life well lived qqc assignment” moreau fye week 5). (discernment conversation activitymoreau fye week five) “but then i began to realize that some of the things that i can do, the movements that i have already, can be a blessing for some others.” (“five minutes” by grottomoreau fye week six) she realized that there were many people out there that would love to have the opportunity she had. my conversation with my sister for qqc five allowed me the opportunity to gain insight on what others believe i am passionate about (“discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye moreau fye week five). ever since she was a child, she strongly utilized the advice of her mom when making di�cult life decisions, such as the career discernment illustrated above. moreau gave me an outlet to think about these deeper questions and discern what i truly want for my life. this was apparent to my loved ones as well because when i asked my mom in the week five discernment activity what is most important to me she said, “you want lasting relationships”(moreau fye week five). the career discernment website states, “every experience shapes you in some way, whether you realize it at the time or not!”(meruelo family center for career development-moreau fye week four). noah has always been very passionate about social change (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). people were always asking james “what do you think you most value and desire in life?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). when attempting to discern my life and convictions through looking at how my memory, courage, and creativity have played a role, i also like to ask myself a few questions. because i am in the period of my life that requires a lot of discernment, it’s nice to see the important questions that i need to address being laid out in front of me in a straightforward fashion. indeed, you cannot face the journey alone, and many individuals played a role in helping her discern her life. when she asked others for aid in discerning her life, they all had plenty of things to say ("week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau fye week five). one of the most surprising things she said is that i have good leadership qualities, but i don’t feel the need to exercise them because i like being in my comfort zone (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5). he called his father after doing which, who reinforced his ideas about his future ("discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). her grandfather once told her, “you light up the world whether you realize it or not” and sometimes that was hard for her to believe (discernment conversation activity, moreau fye w5). lastly, as we have focused a lot on discernment this semester, i challenge myself to think more seriously about what i want to do, career-wise. when having a conversation with my mom about something that is difficult to say, but i need to hear, she told me that i need to learn to ask for what i want (“week five discernement conversation activity”moreau fye week 5). i don’t know how to discern my major because that answer isn’t on quizlet and i can’t memorize a study guide that will ensure that i choose the correct answer. to keep my walls down i will do what my mother says i always do and continue to question everything to no why and if something is a no i want to see if i could change it to a yes (discernment conversation with tracy albertsonmoreau week 5). in addition to understanding the first steps to seeking out a career, my discernment activity where i talked to my mom, was a definite confidence booster, as she encouraged me to mojica 4 seek out a career in which i can help people (“week 5 reflection discerning a life well-lived” by moreau fye week five). even in college when she was still trying to figure out what to do, her mom said that they had a conversation for a discernment conversation activity in which they talked about how what katherine really wanted to do was help people (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). that’s all important in discerning that really vital vocation in one’s life” and for me that task is my work and time in honduras (“three key questions by father michael himes moreau fye week three). in order to maximize my time on earth, i need to discern my career and what i want to do. i want to discern this through both the advice of people as well as prayer and thoughtful reflection. when i do discern i will be sure to do so in a healthy manner conducive to positive gains from reflection. jack told him, “ you’ve always brought light to me when i had some rough times and when i was tired of you, but i found a way to laugh anyways.” (“moreau discernment conversation” by jack bailey moreau fye week five) this was very important to ben in his life after the conversation, and he realized that he had the ability to cheer people up through humor. when i arrived at notre dame, i was challenged by people who thought differently from me, and it allowed me to discern my own beliefs. i think an important piece of advice i have received was from my dad in the discernment activity from week five. he simply stated, “always be true to yourself” (“discernment conversation activity” by bob burgess moreau fys week five). “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“week five dsicernment conversation activity” moreau activity moreau fye week five). he would give the advice to all in career discernment that “if you give yourself that time you will gain so much” (career development center – week four). (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five) tiki seriously believed in the power of positivity. kayle’s boyfriend said of her: “[kayle was] most passionate and most alive when [she was] helping others and juggling a million things” (“discernment conversation activity” with isaac mccormick moreau fye week 5). she wanted to explore as much of the world as possible, and she discerned those paths that would give her those possibilities. furthermore, in week 3 of this moreau course, we discussed key questions that help to discern whether we are headed in the right direction in life. why?”, 4/29/22 capstone integration and my mom told me that i value being kind to others and treating others with respect ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). the conversation with my mom in week 5, helped me realize that i need to learn to ask for what i want in life (“week five discernement conversation activity”moreau fye week 5). in today’s world, it is hard to find time to discern your path and find your joys in life because it is so fast-paced and focused on achievement. when completing the reflections, i felt like i had a better understanding of what it means to go through the process of discernment to a certain extent. when having the conversation (“week five discernment conversation activity” - moreau fye week five), one of the things that stood out was that i am very driven by my values, and they are my “why” in a lot of what i chose to do. her dad knew what was important to her, and something he noticed, despite her limited experience, was how important the church’s teachings on life were to her (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week five). an important practice in discerning if we are on the right track to leading a well-lived life is to involve our loved ones in our journies. during my freshman year at notre dame, i had a conversation with my mother about her interpretation of my greatest values, desires, and passions and what she considers to be my strengths (discernment conversation activity – week 5). capstone integration 1 moreau integration 27 april 2022 discerning the man in the mirror living a life well-lived will turn out differently for everyone. she was unafraid to seek out conversations with those who may help her (discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity week 5), and she was always willing to be a help to another. it is especially relevant in lent and discernment, as i embark on this journey of self-improvement with christ. his parents noted that what he ultimately desired in life was to be happy (discernment conversation with parents moreau fye week five). we also both discussed the priesthood as our vocation in life, and agreed that we needed to do more discernment about both priesthood and married life. this means that we must also treat others with the 6 "the right way to be introspective" (tasha eurich, ted conferences) (week 6) 5 "week five discernment conversation activity" (week 5) dignity and respect that they deserve as creatures who require the same needs that we do. for the kingdom to come in this world, disciples must have the competence to see and the courage to act.”12 12 “constitutions of the congregation of holy cross” 2: mission, paragraphs 9-14 (week 12) integration 3 march 4, 2022 moreau fye integration three throughout my time at notre dame, we have spent a large amount of time discerning what a well-lived, successful life looks like. zach understood that this type discernment is crucial to living a life worth living (moreau fye week five). it was not a one stop event, but rather a lifetime of discernment: “as you can see, career development is a process and a journey. but during a discernment conversation with my mom, she surprised me by saying i “actually have the qualities of a good leader,” i am just comfortable not exerting them (discernment activity with mom– moreau fye week five). you just don’t know what path” (discernment conversation with my mom – moreau fye week 5). whenever he was frustrated with something complex, like fixing his car or doing his taxes, he would say, “it’s not a one-step process.” (“navigating your career journey – moreau first year experience course” by meruelo family center for career development – moreau fye week 4) though this was initially meant to describe the career discernment process, he used it for everything. when i interviewed my high school friend teddy, he said that i “desired above all to be a good catholic because it is my reasoning behind most all things i do and believe” (“discernment conversation activity” by university of notre dame moreau fye week five). many of these forces will prove to be net evils or negative influences and, as such, it is my mission to discern between the many forces in life and choose which are good and which are not. nobody has to have their whole life planned out to continue on their journey, rather as my mom explained it’s more about what’s in their heart that matters most ("discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). you’ve always been very social with people around you, and are good at making conversation.” (discernment conversation activity by jack bailey moreau fye week five) therefore, i realized that i should remain close with my family in the next three years of my college experience, as it brings me pure joy. something i have learned at notre dame is that simply learning the theoretical side of any area is simply not enough – to truly discern what career path you will find yourself in you must venture into the professional world and see what a professional in that area does in his day-to-day life. she kept all of this in mind come the time she was to discern what it was she wanted to do. during my career discernment activity, when i asked my mother what difficult thing i needed to hear, she said that “i need to get out of my comfort zone and expand my horizons” (“week 5 reflection discernment conversation activity” by moreau fye week five). in a conversation with my father over this issue, he told me to think on what i liked about school, which has always been the relationships ("discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). this is similar to what we practiced in week 5 of moreau when we had a conversation with someone from our lives in which we asked them tough questions (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). i must join clubs, take classes that are genuinely of interest to me, and then discern my major and career path based off of that. these include exploring, discerning, and questioning what you must do in order to fulfill your personal mission statement. this time of discernment allowed me to reflect back on my original doubts about what i want to do as a human and how i would shape my life. discernment is the obtainment of your own spiritual direction. week five's qqc was different, making us ask a friend for some personal quotes on how you define yourself through your own discernment. (discernment activity by robert corrato/julia difazio moreau fye week five) seeing how short life is, it has made me realize the categories of greater importance in life. wilcutt 5 but, nobody has to have their whole life planned out to continue on their journey, rather as my mom explained it’s more about what’s in their heart that matters most ("discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week 5). the discernment activities this semester have helped me realize that my mission in life encompasses a professional field where i can truly help and give back to others.. as i look to my life beyond notre dame, i hope to follow my mission as i pursue a career as a pro bono criminal defense attorney. with this in mind, that’s why i’ve been able to discern my future path. ultimately, this semester in moreau has helped me discern my definition of a life well-lived and how i can come to live it. “one thing that stretched my awareness of myself was how much i could influence the people around me without even realizing it” (week five discernment conversation activity – moreau fye week five). in week five of moreau, we participated in a discernment activity with a close friend, and the question that i thought was the hardest to ask was “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear?” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). i think it is safe to say that discernment is a life long process. i have people who know me well and care about me who can help me answer it, as my parents did when i had a discernment conversation with them. (“discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week 5). the first question father himes tells us to ask ourselves in discerning what we want out life to be is “what brings you joy?” (“three key questions,” adapted from father micheal himes – moreau fye week 3). in a conversation with her mother, the question “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear” (moreau discernment activity) was posed. abby’s dad once commented that what she most valued and desired in life was “to do the good in front of her, serve god, and submit to his will” (“moreau fye week five discernment conversation activity” by erick chittle moreau fye week five). he often credited his works to a discussion with a friend, who left him with the following takeaway: “as scary as it might be for you to pursue a career as a writer, i don’t think you’ll be satisfied until you take that risk” (“week five discernment conversation activity” by noah korth moreau fye week five). in the (“discernment conversation activity” by the moreau program moreau fye week 5), i talked with my mom about how she views me and some of my strengths. as noted by my parents (discernment conversation with parents moreau fye week five), one important way to live a meaningful life is to seek joy, which is something i believe i have truly focused on doing. during the discernment conversation activity a close friend told me i have the qualities of a great leader, but that they often don’t stand out against my peers who are “louder” than me (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5). something helpful in mitigating this, is what my mom said during our discernment conversation, remembering that “... you can’t do everything for other people.” (discernment conversation with my mom moreau fye week five). (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5) i value my boundaries and do not allow individuals who cross them to stay in my life. (“week five discernment conversation,” moreau fye week five). my mother definitely played a huge part in my discernment. i have had a very back and forth discernment journey for my major, but for now, i am decided as a pls major. besides self-reflection, another important aspect of my next three years at notre dame is career discernment. i also really enjoyed the discernment activity from week 5, and will plan to do a similar repetition with that process (“week five discernment activity” by moreau fys–moreau fys week five). because of this, i think the discernment activity is extremely important to my development as a notre dame student. far away from the influences of family, hometown friends, and cultural expectations, i have been able to truly discern what matters to me as well as how i can integrate these values into my future. having friends that will sit down and have an honest conversation about what you want to do with your life (“discernment conversation,” moreau fye week 5) are the kind of friends that want to stick around. another resource that helped me discern my path for the future was the irish compass from the meruelo family center for career development, which presented to me possible paths based on the responses that i gave (“irish compass” moreau week four). she knew her strengths and weaknesses and was able to play them to her advantage, enabling her to discover her interests and helping her in her discernment of her career path. next, i would like to explore how i discerned what a life well lived was. i had a lot to work through at various times and i often used my dad to help me discern what to do. i immediately feel better after talking to my dad about his personal experience in discerning his career. in the next three years, i will discern my major and my career path by engaging in conversation with upperclassmen about their experiences in discernment. in our conversation of discernment, he reminded of my natural problem skills. i am lucky to be able to harness this strength as i go through life because i know it will help me pursue a life well-lived (“week five discernment conversation activity” – moreau fye week five). evan tried his hardest to get into nd and in the end, had the opportunity to attend (“week five discernment conversation activity” by moreau first year experience moreau fye week five). to give back to his beloved university he joined irish compass, where he helped notre dame students discern careers in politics and always offered internships to the students of the university (irish compass – moreau fye week 5). (week five: discerning a life well lived discernment conversation activity, moreau moreau fye week 5). one of danuta’s best friends kacper once told her how she “helped the energy of the group be whatever it needed to be” (discernment activitymoreau week 5). there are times of second-guessing and discernment, but there is also nothing wrong with that. maddy once had a conversation with her mother following the week five discernment conversation activity conversation guide. she told maddy that she remembered that she “would just keep fighting and pushing through it for [herself] and [the] team, and [she] was very tenacious” (“week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five). lucy also put a lot of careful thought into discerning the path for her life. lucy also discerned her path in life by asking herself, what brings her joy, what is she good at, and how can she help those in her community. in an interview with one of hugh’s closest friends, hugh inquired, “what do you think i most value and desire in life?” hugh’s friend responded that hugh valued “meaningful, long-lasted connections and the ability to make a positive impact in the lives of others” (“week five discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). i’m proud to say that i keep an open mind, which allows me to hear other opinions (discernment conversation moreau fye week 5). although some of the terms might not have a typically positive connotation, i have always been really confident in who i am, as demonstrated in the eulogy ("week five discernment conversation activity" by moreau moreau fye week 5). through the discernment conversation (moreau fye week 5), i learned that social connection takes high priority in my life. ", by aria swarr moreau fye week six) (“why the only future worth building includes everyone”, by his holiness pope francis moreau fye week seven) (“teaching accompaniment: a learning journey together ”, by professor steve reifenberg moreau fye week nine) (“the spirit of inclusion at notre dame”, by a guide to student life, university of notre dame moreau week ten) (“how to avoid an echo chamber” by professor paual blaschko moreau week eleven) (“justice on the margins” by suzanne shanahan moreau week twelve) week 14 capstone integration three professor oswald moreau fye capstone integration 26 april 2022 a discernment of what i want to do, who i am now, and who i want to be as my first year at notre dame draws to an end, i have begun reflecting on all of the new experiences that i have had, the amazing, genuine people that i have met, and the multitude of life lessons that i have learned. for this reason, i have realized that taking time specifically dedicated to discerning who i am is incredibly important. even though she was satisfied with this career choice, she also realized that “the process of discernment is an ongoing, lifelong endeavor” (“spring 2022 week five: discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity”– moreau fye week five) her life reflected this. maggie’s life was characterized by career discernment, in addition to personal discernment. sagely, he also pointed out that the idealist inside of me can imagine a better world while my inner realist helps discern what is possible. moreover, the week 5 discernment activity was a way for me to develop the values of my mission statement based on the perceptions of those most important to me. the common thread throughout my discernment discussions with my loved ones was that they see me at my best and most motivated when i am involving myself in organizations that work to protect and preserve the environment. a homework assignment that gave me reassurance from moreau is the discernment conversation (discernment conversation, moreau week 5). week 3 and week 4 of the moreau curriculum concerns discernment. i found this article added a dimension i had not previously considered to my major discernment. at the top of the list, it read, “i want lasting relationships”(discernment conversation activity-moreau fye week five). discerning a life well lived was an interesting week. father himes’s three key questions are, i think, an excellent way to discern one’s path in life, and i think that it applies excellently to the third part of my mission statement. my discernment conversation with my mom enlightened me as to what inspires me to take part in things and confirmed my values. she also confirmed that i value community, sincerity, and challenge(discernment conversation–moreau fye week 5). after having a deep conversation with my mom, she told me, “you value hard work and never give up when you know what your goal is” (“discernment conversation” by yulma rodriguezmoreau fye week 5). (discernment conversation activity moreau fye week 5) varun believed in doing what he loved, he would commit whatever it was and do it to the best of his ability. an idea crafted by dr. donald super has helped me to learn what i should pay attention to when discerning my career: “the idea is that the best career choices for a person are those that allow him/her to implement as many part of his/her self-concept as possible” (“navigating your career journey” by undergraduate career services moreau fye week four). dr. super has shed more light on what i should look for when discerning my career. week five of moreau asked us tran 4 to complete a discernment talk with someone who knows us well. to follow dr. super’s idea, i plan to use these traits in my career discernment. this came through a moreau activity for a discernment conversation. this brief conversation can help you gain a new perspective on your life and, ultimately, help you discover how to develop a vision of a life well-lived that is uniquely aligned with your most authentic self” (“discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week five). additionally my engagements helped me through the discernment process. he explained to me that one of the most important tenets of having a good life is to live in a way that would make you proud (“week 5 discernment conversation activity” by pete conway moreau fye week five). micheal himes says that this is one of the most important criteria in discerning one’s vocation: does it bring you joy? when i’m making a big life decision like choosing what college to go to or discerning my major, a huge part of the process was talking to my parents, friends, professors, tennis coach, etc., because they know me in ways i don’t know or see myself in. we also discussed this in greater length during our discernment conversation activities in week 5 of moreau. week 5 of moreau asked us to hold a discernment conversation activity with someone we trust. in this discernment conversation activity, he said that i “lack one true self." the final question of the assignment was “what is something that is difficult to say but important for me to hear” (“discerning a life well-lived discernment conversation activity” moreau fye week 5)? during the “week five discernment conversation activity,” i had a conversation with my mother about my faith and religion, and how i was struggling amid the hard classes. she told me that “it's not about being the brightest or the best, it's about not giving up and believing god will give you the strength to carry on” ("week five discernment conversation activity" moreau fye week five).