fys intergration spindler FYS December 1st, 2021 What have I encountered and how will I respond? Over the course of the semester I have encountered with vastly different things in this class, such as relaxing and using breathing techniques in stressful situations especially during the semester or in times of need. I have also encountered building the correct type of relationship with certain individuals. Realizing that we still have inqeuailty in our country has alos played a significant role in my learning in this class. In this class I was able to comprehend and realize when people are in need of help even when theyre not asking for it. Using these skills I was provided with will carry on for the rest of my life. Week Nine, showed us how to deal with, "What is Imposter Syndrome?". The video (Elizabeth Cox, TED-Ed) connected with me a lot more than in the past semester this video showed how high is cheating people after they accomplish something don't really celebrate or take time to realize what they did they usually go on to the next thing in the next thing after that. This is usually found and high competitors such as athletes for entrepreneurs. I believe I have occasions being a high-performance athlete and always competing either against myself or others and when I finally do accomplish that goal or prestigious award I'm moving on to the next thing similar to what the video talks about. instead of taking time to really grasp what went into it and feel either award you should. I usually dealt with a lot of these similar things in high school because it came so naturally so I just needed to compete I'm at the next thing. How to resolve this type of issue in your daily life is taking a step back and visualizing everything that you did accomplish, so it makes it so much more rewarding the next time you do something similar or something more significant. This causes you to continue to have that competitive attitude and the things you love doing. I have also been experiencing this in our football season because at times I dont always feel like I am accomplishing the things I set out for, this might be a small goal in the day or week or a long term one. Overall, I am now dealing with this type of situatiuon better than I first realized I was couping with such a thing. Another important factor was, we have all discovered somewhat of brokenness in our daily lives. We usually just put it aside and usually are discouraged by it. After a time we try to forget about it, but after time more and more things just pile on. Some can cope with all of these things but not all at once and if someone does try dealing with one of their brokenness problems it’s like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole, they usually don’t know where to start or what to deal with. Watching the video “Women Find Healing Through Kintsugi Workshop” (Grotto). This shows how women deal with their own brokenness, such as getting a pottery cup and putting all the things that are affecting their lives such as divorces, violence, or broken relationships. When they put all that into the cup and then smash it and piece it back together. Such as their own lives that it’s broken and now you have to piece it back together. This is a great way to deal with so many issues in oneself life. I have dealt with so many things in my own life, and I wish I have seen this around those times so I could’ve done something similar to cope with it. Honestly, this might not seem like a significant tool but truly it is to let everything go that hurts you. This is resinating with me most right now because due to all our coaching staff leaving and stuff, caught me off guard, and now dealing woith brokenness has me lost but appalling these methods daily wil only help the situation I am in. Furthermore, Reading the text “Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community” (Parker J. Palmer, Center for Courage and Renewal), showcases many thoughts on how we as a community can become stronger as a whole. For example, “community is not a goal to be achieved but a gift to be received.” this explains that we have a whole community and we don't understand how to specifically use our relationships. Another is that we are not appreciated for having them as well we do not fully grasp their full potential. We usually push them aside and focus on the negative or things that really don't matter. Having diversity matters. Having people in your life and building countless relationships is important, but having many people from different backgrounds is also key to success. We can learn from each other in such things that we wouldn't understand by ourselves. Using diversity also builds character in our lives. It shapes our way of thinking outside the box, it allows us to be more comfortable with others and feel better in certain situations. Although this might be tough for others, as long as we all try to connect with each other in different ways and get to know each other, can help build a better community. Growing up parents usually influence what we believe in or how we should act towards certain things. As a kid your childhood is usually mapped out by them in some sense this is good others say this has a negative toll of letting their son or daughter choose its way but what they should believe in and not having an effect on either way. I think that from our childhood and having many people influence our decisions and actions can affect the way we grow and have hope, not just our parents are friends other family members as well as teachers and even the media. Growing in Hope and living are the two necessities the help our community grow as of one. We need each other to believe have faith that have hope in each other in any ideas or thoughts that they have because having them will influence our future as we know it. As we continue with our own lives we should respect others decisions even if they differ from our thoughts or opinions and try to understand the way of their thinking and why they chose that where's is what you would have done and see the different outcomes that could have good or bad. Having these will only continue to have hope and one another Overall, each week brought us a new perspective on how to deal with certain situations and applying these tools and techniques in our lives will not only help our well being but also the people around us. We can share the knowledge that we learned from this class and spread the awareness, of brokenness, having hope and having trust and love.