Week 8-Integration 3 Jill McEntee The Life I Lived When I think about the last chapter of my life, I would like to be remembered as someone who had regrets. I recently listened to a podcast that described the importance of having regrets throughout your life. I was surprised at first to hear this, however quickly I gained an understanding about what the TED speaker was describing. People that have regrets during their lifetime are normal, and our regrets show us what matters most. Therefore, our regrets illustrate how we want to live the rest of our lives. So many people make mistakes and hold to them for so long, however that is what shaped the rest of their lives. I would also like to be remembered as someone whose achievements are not mentioned. I do not care about what I did or how I could be described, but rather how I made people feel. I would define a life well-lived as a life full of people that teach me something different every day. I want to look up 10 years from now and see that I am not in the same place as I was today. An observable sign that I lived a life well-lived is that I am not making the same mistakes at eighty that I am making at eighteen. I would first like to talk in my Eulogy about my ambition and adventurous attitude towards helping people. Moreover, Kiersten Dehaven’s Domer Dozen speech was very insightful and eye-opening. It was very interesting to learn about her path to Ethiopia and what she does for women entrepreneurs there. In my future I would like to have an international influence just as Kiersten Dehaven does. I have always had an interest in traveling abroad and working internationally especially under a women centered organization. Kiersten’s path seems untraditional and full of passion for faith and her community. I was extremely inspired by her dedication and commitment. In my future I would like to work world-wide with people who each contribute different amazing qualities to our job. Therefore, In my eulogy I would like to start by talking about my dreams and aspirations through helping others.(“Domer Dozen”, by Kiersten Dehaven - Moreau FYE Week Two) Moreover, at eighteen I think discovering myself can be found in how family and friends perceive us. A lot of issues are important to me on a societal level because I am interested in society and people. One of my own qualities that I have learned over the course of my life is that I live each day excited to talk to people with all different perspectives. I know that every day I can learn from new people and experiences. However, my friend Ella articulated to me that although I can be spontaneous and adventurous, I am sometimes impulsive in my decisions. Overall I really enjoyed this opportunity to talk to Ella (Conversation with my friend Ella Moreau FYE Week Five). Moreover, as the career center stated, “The only way to know more about yourself is to test the waters - just get out and experience life! “This quotation resonates with me because I find myself constantly preoccupied with the thought of a perfect future or a five year plan. I have always been one to love testing the waters and trying all different new classes and things. In the career center article it talks about exploration and many other important ways of trying new careers. However, something that also stood out to me was the paragraph speaking about doing a https://domerdozen.nd.edu/ job that you love. In my life I would like to choose a job that I love that does not feel like work every day. (“Navigating your Career Journey” by Career Center- Moreau FYE Week Four) Ultimately, In “A Grotto Story,” Dr. Lim was truly an inspiration. I can not imagine how his accident impacted his life and turned it upside down. It was inspirational to learn about the progress that Dr. Lim had made. He referred to many of the negative conversations that he had within himself towards his life and dreams .He also discussed how he complained a lot during this time because it felt like his world was over. However he realized over time that he had many gifts and a life under God worth living. Thus. In the Grotto video it was very clear that Mr. Lim had begun to appreciate not just the little details of life, but his relationship with God. More specifically, the 5 minutes every day that he must recline his chair he used to pray and establish a strong relationship with God. (“A Grotto Story” by Mr. Lim - Moreau FYE Week Six). In my life, although it is cliche I would like to actually take time to appreciate the little moments. Similarly, I would like to accomplish appreciating the little things in life by slowing down. From the Lyer article I learned the science behind slowing down and taking a break every day. Although this proves to be crucially important for our work and stress levels, it also seems a bit unrealistic for a stressed college student. Although it may be unrealistic to put away an hour of time to do nothing, I am going to try to put away 5 minutes each day away from the stimulation of my phone and computer. (“Why We Need to Slow Down our Lives” by Pico Lyer- Moreau FYE Week One). In my life I would like to slow down and take time for the people around me. In my life my focus is not on the success or achievements, it is on the relationships we make and the paths that they take to create these relationships. This part of the integration is the hardest part for me to grasp: acceptance that life will end. Sister Aletheia wrote, “My life is going to end, and I have a limited amount of time. “We naturally tend to think of our lives as kind of continuing and continuing.” This quote resonated with me because I think death is a fear that we all have. We spend so much time thinking about the future when in reality we don’t know what that future looks like. The overused phrase of, 'you only live once, '' this embodies Sister Thereas’s perspective. We all act like life is continuing and continuing and continuing when in reality that is not the perspective we should have. That mindset makes it possible for us to procrastinate our dreams and fears and face reality. We keep pushing away opportunities to help people and achieve our goals because we think that we will always have tomorrow. (“Meet the Nun who wants you to remember that you will die” “by Sister Aletheia - Moreau FYE Week Three). In my life, I would like to focus less about a 10 year plan and more like a 10 day or week plan. Instead of acting like I have an infinite amount of time to live out my dreams, I want to make them possible tomorrow. Ultimately, all that matters in my life are relationships. Pope Francis’ Ted Talks talk about the importance of our relationships, I believe that is at the core of my dreams and aspirations. (“Why the only future Worth Building includes everyone” by Pope Francis - Moreau FYE Week Seven) In the end I would like to be remembered by how I made people feel. In my lifetime I would have liked to have impacted 10 lives for the better. https://undergradcareers.nd.edu/navigating-your-career-journey---moreau/ https://grottonetwork.com/make-an-impact/transform/why-does-god-allow-suffering/ https://ideas.ted.com/why-we-need-a-secular-sabbath/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/14/us/memento-mori-nun.html https://www.ted.com/talks/his_holiness_pope_francis_why_the_only_future_worth_building_includes_everyone/transcript