Moreau First Year Experience Me, Myself, and I These past few weeks have made me go in-depth about my beliefs and my character. Before taking this class, I always had moments where I just reflected alone in my room and was thinking about life itself. What was I going to do with my life, how am I carrying my life, am I taking advantage of my time, what can I do right now to have a better future. I always asked questions, but these questions from each assignment in Moreau made me feel more open-minded about the world and people themselves. These tapped into my root beliefs at this point in my life. I believe that my purpose is to take advantage of my privilege and find ways to give back to the community. I mainly started having this mindset when I was having an open-mind about what was going on in the world. I wanted to gain different perspectives of certain issues. Watching videos, reading articles, talking to people. My attribute of being open-minded started to develop over time as time went on. There weren’t many challenges in tapping into my purpose because I would say the internet has made it easier for me to gain knowledge that a textbook written from someone else can’t tell me. Anything that I am curious about, I can just find on google. Learning about difficulties in the world and how people struggle to attain the simplest things really made me humble and made me appreciate the life and opportunities I have in this world. In week 3 QQC, there was this particular quote that resonated with me that still sticks with me to this day:”Spirituality concerts the real world, and how we see it, how we do it, how we approach it. Spiritual life alters the cockeyed lighting that makes us the center of the universe” (“The Role of Faith in Our Story” by Pete McCormick - Moreau FYE Week 3). Such as the spiritual lighting mentioned in the content, I further understand that I perceive the world and treat it in a way that I want it to treat me back. Faith does indeed inform me on how I see the world. I feel grateful every day for the life that God gave me. I try to see everything with beauty and purpose. When things get tough, I am always hopeful for a better outcome because I believe in God. I present love by thinking about others and never putting yourself above them. These characteristics shape my view of this world, and faith is indeed my guide throughout my life. In week 2 QQC, there was this quote that caught my attention:“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love”(“David Brooks: Should you live your life for your resume...or your eulogy?”- Moreau FYE Week 2). Looking at your inner weakness and combating it is a step that everyone can take to achieve their most authentic self. It is something that I needed to do in order to achieve my best inner self and be humble. In week 6 QQC, I stated this certain statement in my poem that connects to my purpose: “I’m from humbleness starting with nothing in Mexico to being happy having a home with my family”(“Where I’m From” - Moreau FYE Week 6). Knowing where I come from makes me feel more humble with the life I have right now. It correlates with my purpose because it gives me motivation to strive to give back to the ones who don’t have the same opportunity as me. I believe that I am responsible for the connections I have in this world. I can build chemistry with the right people and know when a relationship needs to end when it needs to at Me, Myself, and I this point. In week 1 QQC, there was this particular thing said by Breme Brown that made me pause and think about it twice: “These folks, very simply, dared to be imperfect. They had the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others”(The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown - Moreau FYE Week 1). Throughout the majority of my life, I was very nervous and self-conscious of how I look, my mannerisms, and just in general what I was going to add to the conversation. I feel like to this day it still sticks with me, but I don't show it as often as I used to. Approaching people from different backgrounds can definitely be tough sometimes, but I always just think of the positives that will come out of the conversation. In week 4 QQC, “Friendships should make you feel positive and like you’re investing in something long-term”(5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship by Olivia T. Taylor - Moreau FYE Week 4). I would say taking the steps to understand what unhealthy relationships are will get me to that goal of having to forge life-giving relationships. Just taking a step back and understanding the red flags in my relationships will help me avoid them, deal with them better, and make me have more time to meet with other people with the same values as me. I believe that I pursue truth by looking at different perspectives instead of relying on just one. In QQC 7, Ngozi said something that stuck with me: ”Amid a controversy, it’s important to remember that implicit bias is real—and it matters”(“Danger of a single story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Moreau FYE Week 7). A thing we can do to pursue the truth is not relying on one side's perspective. I feel as though this creates assumptions and makes people seperate from the actual truth. People rely on that one source of information and stick with it without actually taking the time to see it themselves and experience it. In QQC 5, Kevin Grove stated something that really enlightened me: “Faith and Reason together place us always in a relationship to each other”(“Two Notre Dames: Your Holy Cross Education” by Kevin Grove - Moreau FYE Week 5). Getting to understand other people's perspectives can make me open-minded on issues that I am not knowledgeable about and make me thrive in tackling those issues.