Week 8 Integration 1 Geiger 1 Mr. Anthony Poletto Moreau First Year Experience 15 October 2021 Notre Dame Has Strengthened My Core Beliefs and Created New Ones Coming to Notre Dame, I was already steadfast in my beliefs. I knew what I believed about the world, and I knew what I wanted out of my life. That being said, upon my arrival to Notre Dame, much of what I believed was shaken and some of these beliefs have since changed. However, this is not bad in any way. The experience of college is meant to be a time of reflection and growth; it is a transition from childhood to adulthood. As a result of its transformative nature, college often changes the way that students view the world around them. In just the short time that I have been here, Notre Dame has not only strengthened many of the beliefs that I hold, but it has also formed some of my beliefs. I hold many root beliefs. My first root belief is that all problems will improve over time; I just have to be patient. All people experience hardships at every point in their lives. What I have found, however, is that these problems are usually short-lived. Troubles that I was having a year ago are no longer a problem. Furthermore, my problems right now will not be troubling me a year from now. I believe that time is able to heal all wounds. My time at Notre Dame only strengthened this belief. During the first week at school, I was struggling to develop connections and relationships with other students. Seven weeks later, I have a solid group of friends in my dorm, in my classes, and in the clubs that I have joined. The syllabus explains that I will be “invited to engage with practices of defining, discerning, and developing a vision of a life well-lived.” (“MFYE Syllabus” - Moreau FYE Week 1). One of the ways that I have worked to Geiger 2 create a “life well-lived” is through the friendships that I have formed. Friendships are vital for any healthy, well-rounded person. This is because “friendships should make you feel positive and like you’re investing in something long-term” (“5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship” by Olivia Taylor - Moreau FYE Week 4). The example of friendship is just one way that time has been able to improve situations. But it is for this reason that Notre Dame has further proven to me that time is able to solve any problem. This is not the only example, however, of how Notre Dame furthered my root beliefs. Notre Dame also strengthened my belief that religion has an immeasurable impact in my life. While religion is important in all aspects of life, I believe that it is the most helpful when I am struggling. After my grandma was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer, I leaned further into religion as a source of hope. Even though I knew that she was going to pass away, I trusted that she would also find eternal life. This is exactly the belief of Ted Brooks. He explains, “Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore, we must be saved by hope” (“Should you live for your resume or your eulogy?” by David Brooks - Moreau FYE Week 2). Hope, achieved through religion, has been able to console me during difficult times in my life. I have found that my time at Notre Dame has only furthered the importance of religion in my life, which has made me a hopeful person. The improvement of my faith and overall spirituality at Notre Dame is so crucial because “spirituality concerns the real world, and how we see it, how we do it, how we approach it” ("Faith Brings Light to a Dark World" by David Fagerberg - Moreau FYE Week 3). Since Notre Dame has improved my spirituality, all parts of my life have become better while I have been here. While Notre Dame has strengthened my root beliefs, it has also opened my eyes to entirely different perspectives of what is important to me. https://grottonetwork.com/navigate-life/relationships/signs-of-toxic-friendships/ https://www.ted.com/talks/david_brooks_should_you_live_for_your_resume_or_your_eulogy?language=en https://grottonetwork.com/keep-the-faith/belief/faith-brings-light-to-dark-world/ Geiger 3 During high school, I thought school and academics were the most important aspects of my life; however, Notre Dame has taught me that this is not the case. A new root belief that I hold is the importance of being a well-rounded person. Father Kevin Groves stated, “The best of what you and I were created to be is made manifest when every capacity of our intellects and calls of our hearts are both augmented by faith and reason” (“Two Notre Dames: Your Holy Cross Education” by Father Kevin Groves C.S.C - Moreau FYE Week 5). I have learned that while academic success is important, it is not the only important part of school. I also need to develop as a person; a person who has friendships, a deep faith, and a kind heart. I have realized the importance of “personal development” in the short time that I have been here. In my poem, I wrote, “Despite the fact that my friends are all not here with me now, they are still supporting me. I am on the phone with them multiple times a week” (“Where I’m From” by - Moreau FYE Week 6). Just because I do not see these people nearly as much as I used to does not mean that they no longer play a role in my life. Instead, these people from home will always have a place in my life, and I have to remain in touch with them. This “personal development” also extends beyond just friendships. It also plays a part in how I treat others. Unfortunately, “many of us are more biased than we realize. And that is an important cause of injustice—whether you know it or not” (“How to Think About ‘Implicit Bias’” by Keith Payne, Laura Niemi, John M. Doris - Moreau FYE Week 7). While I know that I also hold implicit bias, I am now making a more conscious effort to address my biases and also meet new people who can teach me about situations, events, and cultures that I have never experienced before. Notre Dame truly has changed my perspective. I now understand the importance of a balanced life in both academic and personal growth. What is truly amazing is I have been here for less than two https://notredame.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=859bc1a8-0d0f-4eb4-a1c1-d0a45c429187 https://notredame.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=859bc1a8-0d0f-4eb4-a1c1-d0a45c429187 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-think-about-implicit-bias/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/author/keith-payne/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/author/laura-niemi/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/author/john-m-doris/ Geiger 4 months. I cannot begin to imagine how my perspectives and beliefs will further change as I continue. Notre Dame has both strengthened many of my root beliefs and it has also helped me to create new root beliefs. More specifically, the college experience proved to me that I have to be patient when I am experiencing difficulty. When I first arrived, I was struggling to make friends. Now, I have many friends that I have a great time with. Clearly, time can help solve many problems. Secondly, Notre Dame further showed me just how important religion is in my life. This is because religion plays an aspect in every part of life. By allowing God to enter my life, I can find fulfillment in all that I do. Finally, Notre Dame has also helped me create entirely new root beliefs. I now appreciate being a well-rounded person. If I were to focus entirely on school, I would have already burnt out. However, now by focusing on both my academic and personal growth, I can set myself up for success in the future, while also enjoying my time. In less than two months, Notre Dame has transformed my life in ways that I never thought possible.