8/23/2021 1) Review the Moreau FYE Fall 2021 syllabus. Which of the focus questions or objectives stated in the document stand out to you as particularly relevant to your life? Searching for self-knowledge stands out the most to me. 2) Drawing from Dr. Brown’s commentary, submit a QQC Reflection to prepare for in-class discussion. View the “QQC Reflections” section of the syllabus for detailed guidance. Question: Why is it that a seemingly simple thing like shame can completely control our lives in society? Quote: “When you ask people about belonging, they’ll tell you their most excruciating experiences of being excluded. And when you ask people about connection, the stories they told me were about disconnection.” I found this quote interesting because it rather hit home for me. I had never realized that we have a tendency to focus on the few mistakes we’ve made, rather than the vast successes of our lives. Comment: Dr. Brown’s findings on vulnerability and the crucial role it plays in our happiness and courage were quite surprising to me. I have typically lived with the notion that one must avoid vulnerability in order to be strong and persevere. Dr. Brown completely opposes that thought, and says that those are the thoughts of people who are scared and have lots of built-up shame. I ultimately have come to agree with what she says to be true, although I still do not think that I like it very much. Though I often find it easier to sit back and pretend to be tough, I suppose vulnerability is actually a good and healthy thing to admit.