Intergeration 1 Moreau An Internal Software Update Root Belief: I believe that I am only able to grow if I truly am vulnerable which is the first step in loving yourself I believe it is truly tough to be vulnerable because people are not content with themselves. In today’s day and age, it is hard to be vulnerable because you put that wall up. It truly is difficult to love yourself with social media. Social media allows for people to see a certain perssona online and if someone is not on par with that it leaves many insecurities and is makes it impossible to fully love themselves. This makes the wall even bigger and creates a nation of people not content with their true selves. In the (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One) Brown talks about the courage to be imperfect allows for folks to be their most authentic self. Since they are okay without being perfect they can truly love themselves. These people who are so content with themselves can completely drop their mask “aka fake persona” can truly make deep connections and be compassionate. The direct reason why people can make connections and show compassion is that they are authentic. Self-love is such a powerful and overlooked thing. It changes the mindset an individual can have which is all that it takes to transcend life. Root Belief: I believe that I am constantly searching for the truest form of myself. In life we are constantly controlled by fear and given certain standards on how we should live. We are constantly maturing and growing up. As adolescents, we truly don’t care and act freely but the older you get the harder it is to be you. The older you get the more you care about what other people think about you. People change how they act to “fit in” and care more about how others perceive them than being true to themselves. High school is the place a lot of this happens and kids are walking on eggshells so they can be illustrated as cool. (“Should You Live for Your Resume or Your Eulogy?” by David Brooks - Moreau FYE Week Two) the video shines a light on how society works. In today's day and age people get so hung up on earthly things, that they lose sight of what is truly important. We put too much emphasis on this life and forgot how small a percentage this life is in the grand scheme of things. Our true goal should be to live forever in eternal heaven. Adam 1 lives for worldly desires a l and be good for wrong intentions. Adam II wants us to embody certain moral qualities not only to do good but to a good cause, we want to not cause we have to. To conclude, the most important thing in life should be to be a good moral person and to do so with the right intentions. The final goal has always been when we are judged to live with God forever and that is all. Root Belief: I believe that is important to pursue faith An Internal Software Update I believe this because my whole life I have blindly gone to Catholic school because that is what my parents told me to do. I always knew I wanted to go to Catholic School but never truly why. I went on Kairos, a strong religious retreat and thought that was enough to fully ignite my love for God. In the end, I was wrong and it didn’t ignite the flame I was looking for. I still went to mass and God was in my life but I wasn’t super excited about it all the time. When I got into the Gateway program associated with Notre Dame I was excited to be enwrapped in Catholic Community. I had my fingers crossed this was the shove I needed to be excited about God. I needed to Notre Dame’s Catholic values and sense of community to truly allow me to see how exciting it truly can be. I can say without a doubt the environment here and the harmonious love for God have given me that extra shove. In (“The Role of Faith in Our Story” by Fr. Pete McCormick - Moreau FYE Week 3), the video talks about how important the journey of self-discovery is. Life is an accumulation of events and experiencing influencing who you truly are. How many high schoolers have felt like life is pointless just because they haven't found out who they truly are. Self-discovery is tough and it’s supposed to be that way but God has a plan for us. All life is a bunch of lows and highs that are checkpoints in the grand scheme of things. Every checkpoint is just one more step closer to what God intends us to be. Root Belief: I belief that my community should address all forms of abuse In all forms of life abuse is present. There are so many types, physical, verbal, manipulation. Some forms like verbal and manipulation truly aren't talked about as much as they should be. I believe this because I have seen it actually happen in real life. Kids being told they aren’t good enough in a sport or school, spouses yelling at each other, people manipulating others and evidently making that person's life worse. I think communities need to stress that obviously physical abuse is very evident and the other types need more time in the spotlight. This truly could help a lot of people because they think their life are normal and they are miserable just because. (“5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship”by Oliver Taylor - Moreau FYE Week Fourth) a part of the article talked about fake friends and red flags to see if your friend is fake. The major one that stuck out to me was you notice your friend is taking more than giving. In biology, relationships can either be commensalism or parasitic. This is what I think of is both parties benefiting from each other or is one party just taking. You can really see this when a friend is never there for you but if you need them they are just aren’t existent. I have seen this happen with other people; having toxic friends is terrible and can beat a person down. Overall a toxic friend can be abusive in life. We need to know when to get out. It is so paramount to understand the difference between a real and fake friend. I believe that it is important to take any opportunity that you may be interested in. An Internal Software Update Saying yes to an unfamiliar opportunity is something that I have always found to be challenging in that sense that failure seems so likely. I think the reason for this is because I have, for much of my life, looked at failure in an entirely negative light. Failure to me meant that I had come up short, that I was not good enough. But failure shouldn’t be looked at in this way, instead, failure should be a learning experience. Carla Harris said, “Failure always brings you a gift. And that gift is called experience. Now you know how to do it better. Now you know how to do it differently. Now you know how to do it successfully.” (“Notre Dame Commencement 2021: Laetare Medalist Address” by Carla Harris - Moreau FYE Week 5) Now that I am in college, I want to embrace new opportunities, and more importantly, I want to embrace the failure that may come with these experiences. I have no reason to fear failure, I only have knowledge to gain. I believe that it is important to look back on your youth and let yourself grow When writing my “Where From Poem. I really touched on how big family was but also the hardships in my life. I have seen the bad I have done and the good. It scares me to notice how close I am to being a full adult and to be done growing. That poem truly scared me in the fact of my anxiety has not really got any better. It also shined a light on the good in my life and how lucky I am. I really am happy I did that assignment. Hopeful next time I could make it rhyme. Root Belief: I believe that I pursue the truth by looking for the whole truth in life and not the single story This belief truly challenges my actions with thinking. I really have thought about how many times has information been corrupted before getting to me. My thought process now truly tries to take all information I hear with a grain of salt. I give everything in my lifetime before I truly make a judgment on it and that is what I am most happy about. ("Danger of a Single Story" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Moreau FYE Week Seven) the ideology that I saw came out of the video most was generalizations and stereotypes. In the world today there are so many preconceived notions about people and places that just aren’t fully true. It makes you think about how much information in life does not circulate the full truth. The main thing this video did for me was give me a new perspective; allowing me to try to find the whole story before assuming anything. This allows you to see the world in a new viewpoint seeing less hate. A lot of times in the news in third world countries you hear about all the bad but there actually is good. I’m so thankful for this video. It has given me the wisdom to truly shine a light on the whole truth and not just one side of it.