Blake wesley Blake’s wonderful Journey with Notre Dame Welcome to my Moreau journey. I am here to talk about my challenges and the other beliefs that happen throughout this Moreau experience. My beliefs are different from everyone else beliefs because everyone has a different experience for Moreau. I believe my purpose is to maintain my study habits. This is one of my beliefs because I need to maintain my study habits so I can keep up on my grades. My origins for this belief are that I have to be focused up and ask questions and pay attention in class and do not let others, or my phone distract me. To develop this belief I am going to have to be consistent and be focused on do not let anything distract me from doing this belief. The challenges I would have to deal with are letting my friends come in the way or letting girls distract me or even video games. This belief means everything to me because having a study habit will make you a better person in life and academically because you will have a good reference for things and be organized. This belief is related to the week is self-knowledge. I am saying this because self-knowledge is a big part of maintaining my study habits because when I am really tired and really busy I tend to lack on my studies and slowly become disorganized and I feel like when stuff like that happens I need to maintain my organization so I could keep being consistent on them. By doing the little things it would become easier for me to become more neet than sloppy. Also when we talked in Moreau we talked about finding the truth in yourself. You want to have the truth so you can get things done easier and not just by doing the bare minimum. Comment by Ashley Burkholder: I believe that my purpose is to be the best version of myself by doing the small things in life the right way My second belief is I believe that I grow by people’s positive feedback. This belief plays a huge role to me because as a person you would want to get good feedback from someone that is positive feedback so you can take it and put it into your own life and tell someone how you got there. The origin for this belief is that I would have to start little and work my way up and take people’s feedback in life and put them in my own life. My development for this belief was that I have seen many different positive feedbacks. For example. In the summer for summer school here at Notre Dame, we had basketball workouts. The players on the team are really good people and when we were doing a drill someone commented on me and said “good shot Blake” I said yessir. after that happen my shot continued to fall and I make consistent shots and that positive feedback builds you up more because in your head you are like o I just hit that and they said good shot, let me go ahead and hit the next one. That build me up because of the positive energy. We talked about life-giving relationships in class and during the homework. When I search for life-giving relationships I can search for one because they are filling me up with positive feedback and both of us are growing because of the positivity that is taking place. Being positive will get you so far in life because the more positive you are the more your life would become much easier and nice, and people will start to respect you because of how positive you are towards them. We also talked about faith shapes the way we see the world and see other people. Faith means you always need to give other people feedback because they need positive feedbacks just like I need positive feedback. I need to build other people up because everyone is a child of God and I feel like in today’s world everyone needs positivity towards each other. It would make the world so much easier. Comment by Ashley Burkholder: life giving relationships where both people grow together. when other people give you positive feedback, you grow closer together because you know you can trust them to help you get better My third belief is being a leader. Being a leader is rare in today’s world because some people are scared to speak up and some just don’t talk and are quiet. I play basketball and basketball is all about communicating with each other. You have to be able to talk on defense and even sometimes on offense. For example. During practice, somebody did the drill wrong and I stepped up as a freshman and said you all good move on from it and onto the next drill. Me speaking up to the person who did the drill wrong helped my other teammates out because it helped them not to do the same thing he just did. And by my voice speaking up everyone was just fine after that. It does do not matter how old you are in college basketball to be a leader. Anybody can be a leader if they put their minds into it and don’t care what anyone else thinks or says. You can also be a leader off the court. If you see a group not doing something good and look like they are up to something talk to that group and tell them what is right and what’s not right so they can understand. In class w talked about bias and part of being a leader is stepping up and talk to somebody and tell them to not judge a book by its cover off somebody because you have no idea what they are going through class we made a poem about who we were as a student and before you talk about someone get to know them first and do not just start talking about them. My origin for this belief is never be afraid to speak up and talk to people and be a loud leader. As a freshman I love speaking up because people think just because I am a freshman that means we do not listen but that is not the case at all. If you put your mind into people will start respecting you. In class we talked about how to be truthful and being a leader you have to become a truthful person.