Maria Finan Moreau First Year Experience 24 November 2021 The Path Towards Independence Notre Dame is a university that promotes growth in students and challenges them to reach their fullest potential. In turn, the students strive for excellence and success through the topics they learn in class, student clubs, and outside activities. The achievements and challenges we go through help build resilience and experience that allow us to grow as individuals. As we apply the lessons we learn, we become closer and closer to the person we want to become. After coming to Notre Dame, I have learned a lot through my classes, teachers, friends, and family. With the first semester being almost over, I believe that I have developed in my thoughts, perspectives, and opinions. The Moreau First Year Experience has provided many opportunities for me to reflect and think about what I have encountered. The things I encounter in my life provide important lessons that I can use in my future, while also sharing them with others. Although I deal with challenges everyday, I am able to get through them with a positive attitude and an open mind. The pressure to be perfect is placed upon every single person. Constantly, we battle with ourselves as we strive to rid our shortcomings. This pressure is nothing new and plagues our minds as we go throughout our lives. However, it is important to understand that “there’s often no threshold of accomplishment that puts these feelings to rest” (“What is Imposter Syndrome?” by Elizabeth Cox - Moreau FYE Week Nine). Elizabeth Cox describes how our feelings of dissonance never truly subside as there will always be the underlying knowledge that there is someone better than you. Even as we achieve higher levels of success, humans can never feel satisfied with their work and always feel that they do not deserve their accomplishments. Although these feelings will not completely go away, we can try to combat them by talking with others where we realize that we are not the only ones dealing with these problems. Understanding that everyone experiences dissonance with themselves can help us accept that we are not perfect beings. I believe that this is important for students to understand as we navigate college life and how we want to approach our future. The high expectations I place on myself are sometimes impossible to achieve, and I have learned to be happy with the things that are feasible. Encountering these challenges has led me to find peace within myself where I can improve at my own pace rather than compare myself to others. Struggle is something that should be accepted rather than rejected. Although we dread the feeling of pain, loss, and sadness, these experiences define who we are and shape how we view life. Every person is vulnerable but “it’s a very good thing…because it allows you to grow and expand” (“Women Find Healing Through Kintsugi Workshop” by Kirsten Helgeson - Moreau FYE Week Ten). She reveals how kintsugi allows people to accept that they are vulnerable as they learn from these experiences. The women are able to understand that many others have gone through struggle and hardships as well, showing that they are not alone. It is important to understand that by continuing to grow towards your best self, you can develop as a mature, happy person. Rather than having your struggles pull you back, you should let them provide life lessons that you can apply to your future. I am glad that our society is evolving to be inclusive of all people. You never know what issues people may be dealing with, but it is important to not judge them and open up to them. Encountering struggle is important for us to develop as individuals and understand that everyone is dealing with their own issues, bringing us closer together. As we continue to globalize our world and perspective, diversity is inevitable. However, there are still many people unfamiliar with this concept and actively resist diverse communities. Prof. Agustin Fuentes explains that “racism and racial bias is implicit in the American experience” (“Diversity Matters!” by Prof. Agustin Fuentes - Moreau FYE Week Eleven). He demonstrates how American culture is heavily influenced by implicit bias in regards to race. Even though the United States is the most diverse country in the world, we still suffer from racism and segregation. However, race is something that is changeable, meaning that the idea of race is different from the past and will be different in the future. This is why diversity matters. We care about diversity because different races and cultures show us how different people view the world. I believe it is important to be aware of the struggles that minorities face everyday in the US. Instead of ignoring it, we need to own up to our mistakes and find solutions that are honest and respectful towards those affected. Community is a gift that we receive and we must work hard to respect this gift and continue to be kind towards others. I am glad that Notre Dame strives to be diverse and accept all people regardless of their appearance, financial status, or cultural background. I believe that hope is something that everyone should encounter. But, many people struggle to find hope because we go through “peaks” and “troughs” every single day (The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis - Moreau FYE Week Twelve). The author demonstrates how humans go through ups and downs as we traverse through life. Our lives are riddled with many problems that we have to overcome, which decreases our morale and affects our outlook on the world. But that is what makes people so resilient. Through the downs and challenges we deal with, eventually we are able to arrive at a “peak” where we feel safe and secure. Humans are incomplete and imperfect but these qualities are what make us distinct and different. I know that my future path will be rough, but I am still hopeful that I will achieve my greatest potential where I feel satisfied and proud of what I have accomplished. Hope is incredibly important for people to have as it can motivate them to strive for better and be hopeful that the future will bring brighter opportunities. The Moreau First Year Experience has given me a chance to explore different perspectives and ideas about personal growth. The things I have learned and reflected have contributed to my journey towards independence where I can confidently navigate my way through the ups and downs of life. I have encountered many new things during my first semester at Notre Dame, and I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained. As I become more independent, I hope to mature and develop as my best self where I can be satisfied with what I have accomplished.