MYFE Integration 1 The Beliefs that Make Up Who I am and Who I Will Grow Into I believe that college should be a place of growth and vulnerability. In order to do this, I think the most important thing is to be my authentic self. Dr. Brown in her TED talk about the power of vulnerability states that “They were willing to let go of how they should be in order to be who they are.”(“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). I believe that I fundamentally need to have self acceptance in order to grow. Only then can I have a sense of belonging which I believe is different than fitting in. From my perspective, fitting in usually means that people are changing who they are in response to others. In order to feel belonging, people must feel comfortable as themselves. When you are not your authentic self, it will be a lot harder to find a sense of belonging. I also believe that my purpose in college and life is not only to work on building my strengths but to also really focus on my weaknesses. I want to combat my weaknesses until they too become strengths instead of simply letting them stay as weaknesses and never again be addressed. For example, after taking the VIA character quiz, I learned that my biggest weakness is what VIA categorizes as “love.” They describe it as “valuing close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing & caring are reciprocated; being close to people” (VIA Character Quiz - Moreau FYE Week Two). This is obviously a skill that is very important now and later on in life so I want to be able to try to develop close relationships with people in order to develop this weakness. I also don’t solely want to focus on developing my resume or finding competitive internships but I also want to focus on personal development that may or may not be related to external desires. For example, I really enjoy my Writing & Rhetoric class that is focused on environmental and racial justice because I feel like I am better equipped to do good in the world. The same applies with going to Department of Sustainability meetings. I believe that I grow by opening my mind to new ideas. At Notre Dame, faith is a big component of student life, education, etc. Being from a background of no faith, that can be somewhat intimidating at times. However, Fr. Pete gave great advice to “resist the temptation to compare yourself to what people profess to know and believe” (“The Role of Faith in Our Story” by Fr. Pete McCormick CSC - Moreau FYE Week Three). By not being as intimidated, my Foundations of Theology class actually becomes very interesting and thought provoking. I feel like I am definitely growing as a learner by opening my mind to different perspectives. I also believe a major component of college life is about forging healthy relationships. While educational knowledge may start to fade over a long period of time, meaningful and healthy relationships will remain remembered. I feel like something that is super important is that your friends do not drag you down in any way. “A good, healthy friendship is one where two people are mutually growing and on a path toward becoming better people. (“5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship,” by Olivia T. Taylor - Moreau FYE Week 4). I have made friendships where we inform each other about, for example, club opportunities and academic workshops. We encourage each other to grow academically. Also, none of my friends peer pressure me into doing anything which is also a very good indicator that they respect me. In the future, I will continue to actively look for people who exhibit qualities of respect, honesty, and independence. I also believe our community has a responsibility to look out for each other. I hope to contribute to an environment where people feel safe. I believe that it is fundamental to be able to adjust my viewpoint on life when things get difficult. Especially in college, things can get overwhelming and obstacles can get in the way of succeeding. For example, I used to dread readings for classes because they took me so long and were not that exciting. I realized that having a negative mindset is not sustainable. I was able to change my perspective upon hearing “your ability to manifest your destiny, to find and fulfill your purpose lies in your ability to adjust your focus and sharpen your vision on the good and great things that are right in front of you and that are in store for you” (2021 Laetare Medalist Address by Carla Harris - Moreau FYE Week 5). Going forward, I will try to see failures or any setbacks as opportunities to grow. I believe that in addition to hearing other people’s viewpoints, it is also important to bring my authentic self to others and share about who I am, where I come from, and how those things have shaped me. Not only does that mean you can help expose your peers to new perspectives, but it is also fundamental in developing healthy relationships. It is also very important not to forget or disregard “where you come from.” For example, I hope to not forget the “frustrations over unjust systems and triumph over collective action” (“Where I’m From Poem”, - Moreau FYE Week Six) that I experienced throughout high school so that I can continue to use this part of my identity to do good. I believe that a huge thing that I need to focus on throughout college but also beyond is combatting the implicit biases that I hold. It is important to know that “the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete” (“Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Moreau Week Seven). I feel like one of the best ways to combat this is to meet new people of diverse backgrounds and hear their stories. This will help me broaden my perspective and challenge my perceptions.