Moreau FYE 29 April 2022 Capstone Integration As a Cathoplic I believe in inclusivity. I believe everyone has a right to be themselves and that we should love everyone for who they are and not who we want them to be. In this, it is also important to recognize the importance of being yourself. When we stay true to ourselves we allow people to be in the presence of authenticity. This creates a more trusting space for everyone involved. I went to catholic school all my life except for three years. During these years I attended the public school in my area. Since it was such a big class I felt like I could not stand out and be myself. I did everything in my power to be like everyone else. I stayed very quiet in class, I stopped playing sports because that was what the girls did, wore what everyone else was wearing, and lost touch with God. When I started to depend on validation from others I was not true to myself and this is honestly because I did not know who I was. During this time in public school I thought I had to be very “girl like” and fit into the same mold as everyone. This is why I recognize the importance of allowing others to be themselves because I know it hurt when I was not accepted. Family is the most important thing to me. I do not know what I would do or where I would be without my family. Staying close to the people who are essentially forced to be in your life is key. I want to make my family proud and try to live a life as great as the ones my parents have lived. Your family will always be there for you no matter what. My family has always been there for me. When moving schools, practicing my faith, and going through my mental illnesses, they supported me. They were never too quick to judge and they allowed me to be myself. This allowed me the courage and strength to ask for help when I was struggling. Without them I would not have been able to be the person I am today. They have pushed me to my fullest potential and never gave up on me. For example, I would not have found my love for architecture if my mom did not push me to attend a two week architecture camp two summers ago. I also would not have found my passion for golf if my dad did not force me to play with him and told me that he thought I was great. And lastly without my sister I would not have been able to get through the tough realities of being a teenager. My older sister shared with me things she had experienced and showed me that I was not alone. She ultimately validated my feelings and encouraged me to seek the help I needed. I see love in action when I see my family. Not only do they have this unconditional love for me and no matter how annoying I can be, they will love me, but they actually show their love through the actions I have stated. I know as my life goes on I will lean on my family for hel;p and they will support me no matter what. I want to live close to my family so I can be surrounded by people who truly love me. God is at the center of my mind. I strive to find things in His name and make Him proud. I do not fear death because I know He will be waiting for me. I know when times are hard God is there for me. It is like always having someone on your side. He will cheer you on and forgive you because he only wants the best for us. Prayer is very important in grounding yourself and I use it as a tool to keep me going. Every experience of love is an experience of God. The one who loves is never alone. I can now see God’s love in my family, my friends, and the beautiful things in nature. I understand that our faith is an ongoing journey and love in action will always prevail. I hope to continue to go to church every Sunday and live life as He would. As I attend a Catholic University this will not be hard. But, later in life I will be tested and I must learn to make time for my faith. Being successful truly means just being happy. Success cannot and should not be measured by how much money you make or how smart you are. To me being successful is feeling fulfilled. I will feel successful once I continue to work and achieve my dreams. This includes finding someone who loves me, making a family, and being an architect. I know whatever path this is, if I feel happy I know that I have succeeded. The highest good in life is happiness. Happiness is the source of life’s energy. Without happiness, there would be no motivation to do anything. Happiness is all anyone wants and it is all I hope for. I will continue to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to be happy. I want to make others happy but, ultimately, I want to be happy. I know if I stick to my core values that I will create a life for myself where I feel fulfilled and happy. Someone who lives a life well-lived is someone who has strength and dignity. In life you must realize that you are doing things for yourself and you do not have to please others. I am my only obstacle. To combat suffering, I will be with my family. It feels good to be alone at the moment. However, surrounding myself with a support system can build the strength I need to keep going up. By sticking to my core beliefs, I want to continue to be happy and explore what I bring to the world. Life is a working process and it is that that makes us strong. It is okay to not know where I will be in 10 years, but it is important to continue to do what I love.