The Importance of Connection and Growth The Importance of Connection and Growth I believe that I am made to connect with my fellow humans. I come from a place where connections are very important. In Hawaii there is a very strong sense of community. I think that this has helped me to quickly become a part of Notre Dame. The “Where I am from” ("Where I'm From” by George Ella Lyon - Moreau FYE Week Six) poem by George Ella Lyon helped me to understand this unique advantage. In Hawaii the overarching sense of community is known colloquially as aloha. This sense of community has taught me the value in human connections and how important they are to thriving in new places. I think that my ability to share my gifts and feelings has been a great boon during my short stay here. I realized this during our first week’s lecture about being vulnerable. As Bernet Brown said “The people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging.”( “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One) I believe that Hawaii has instilled me with the confidence and sense of belonging to ask for help and be open when I need to. I think that ability to be open and vulnerable has helped me to be more understanding and outgoing. I found that being open about myself has helped me to form real connections with people I now view as close friends. Additionally I believe that the reading “5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship”("5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship" by Olivia T. Taylor, Grotto Moreau FYE Week Four) from the Grotto actually helped me shift my perspective on the way I treat others. While I understand that this was intended to show how important identifying and rectifying issues with others is, I was able to reflect on what I do that could be a red flag in a relationship with friends. I believe that my purpose is to understand. I have had the privilege of experiencing a wide range of cultures. Each of these cultures has shared a part of themselves with me. Learning about all of these cultures often comes from making friends who are members of these cultures. One of the big realisations of having friends from a multitude of backgrounds is that there is nothing particularly different other than a few traditions. As David Brooks from the New York Times says “This emotional and moral knowledge should give us a sense of identity, a sense of ideals to live up to and an appreciation of the values that matter most to us — equality or prosperity or freedom.” (How to Destroy Truth by David Brooks, NY Times Moreau FYE Week Seven) While they have specific cultural identities they follow they are largely the same as me. At our core we share similar values for life and human dignity. The realisation that across people groups core values have great similarities has helped me to want to understand more about other cultures. I have always had a great respect and curiosity about other cultures. Growing up in Hawaii my first best friend was from a Hongwanji mission. In my early life race and religion never came into my mind when I was deciding who to be friends with. I think that this was a crucial part of my development and how I do my best to understand others. When I moved to Boston I was exposed to a new set of cultures. However, because of the understanding of other cultures I built up as a child in Hawaii, finding common ground and learning about the cultures. I believe that my purpose is to understand so that I may help build human connections between people and cultures to help form a more global community. I believe that I can grow by developing my faith. These portions of our class have shown me where my shortcomings are. Those shortcomings are particularly in the area of faith. In the character strengths survey (VIA Character Strengths Survey by VIA Adult Survey Moreau FYE Week Two) characteristics relative to faith were among my weakest ones. My relationship with faith is not very consistent. Unfortunately there was no close accessible church near me in Maui. I think the Moreau First Year Experience is equipping me to develop my faith on campus. The discussion of resources where students could develop their faith was informative. The activity where we went to visit places where my faith could be developed. The “How was your faith life developed or changed in your time at ND?” questions from Campus Ministry ("Student Reflections on Faith" by Campus Ministry Moreau FYE Week Three) helped me to understand how students in similar situations began to develop their faith at Notre Dame. The fact that I have these experiences to help guide me as I begin to explore more about the faith traditions I have lost connection with is a great inspiration for me. In addition my rector has become a similar inspiration in providing connections through which I can explore my faith. By being open and honest with him about my desire to explore the faith possibilities at Notre Dame. I think that by developing my faith here at Notre Dame I can perpetuate Father Sorin’s aim to make Notre dame “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country.” (Fr. Sorin Letter to Bl. Basil Moreau, December 5, 1842 Moreau FYE Week Five) This aim resonates with with me. I hope to leave Notre Dame and have an active role in improving the world in which we live. Spreading a sense of community and making an effort to help people in need and to improve the global standard of living are things that are very important to me. I feel that by utilizing all aspects of my Notre Dame education and by using Notre Dame to become more in touch with my faith I can become that force for change that I wish to see spread out into the community. I hope that going forward Moreau can continue to show me resources to utilize in order to make the most of my experience here.