Integration One Integration One Taylor Kelly Who Is Nico and What Does He Believe I play ultimate frisbee at ND and recently went to a tournament. On our way there in our “voops” (our carpool companions) and back we play something call hot seat. In this game, you ask a question and everyone goes around and answers. The one rule is that things shared in the conversation are not shared outside of it. I’m not sure if I am breaking the rules here, so don’t tell anyone, but one of the questions was, “make one phrase that encompasses your philosophy or motto of life.” I’m going to share my answer, I think that is allowed. I answered, “All gas, no breaks, with good people.” I summarized it by saying I want to go into things with 100% effort, not looking back, not caring what others think, but doing what I want to do (not in a selfish way), and do this with good people. I expanded on that saying that for me the meaning and purpose of life is finding good people to do it with. All the money all the fame, to me means nothing without good people surrounding you. This phrase and the way this phrase came about really ties into a bunch of stuff that we talk about in Moreau, and I think something that helped me form this idea in my head. The first week we talked about vulnerability. This whole poop activity required vulnerability from others. Asking questions and answering different questions with people you had just met a few days earlier is vulnerable. You risk what you have with them already, you fear they may judge you, but you create a trusting group dynamic can help ease those pains. In the first week, QQC part of my quote was, “They were willing to let go of who they thought they should be, in order to be who they were which is, you have to, absolutely do that, for connection” (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). After this car ride, I felt very connected to the people I rode with. And I would think it was because of our vulnerability towards each other, and what we shared. I believe that through vulnerability new friendships can be forged. Looking at week two of Moreau, the topic of study was the two sides of the atom. It talked about the balance between the two, in personal ambition and your service to others. Looking at my motto for life, it shows the need to develop relationships with others and stay driven in life. I think this balances the two yins and yangs of this so-called atom. If my eulogy was today I would hope I had a positive impact on others, and not just that I was a good student. I believe that like Father Moreau, you don’t just want to educate the mind with academic things but also spiritual. QQC #3 again relates to this motto I have, so I guess this motto really is a reflection of my root beliefs. I picked the quote, “God, in turn, commands us to love our neighbor, whose good we can only will if we see him instead of focusing on ourselves” (“Faith Brings Light to a Dark World” by David Fagerberg - Moreau Week Three). I talked about the importance of friends in life and loving them before yourself, and their impact on your faith journey. In using them to talk about your faith and keep your faith on track. I believe that good Christian people can help you on your faith journey. In week 4, I picked this quote: “Attention is one of the rarest forms of love” (“Five Signs You're in a Toxic Relationship” by Olivia T. Taylor - Moreau Week Four). I’ve tried to stay active and not distracted when I am around others. It is really annoying when you are hanging out with someone and they are elsewhere or on their phone, so I myself try not to do that. When eating at the dining hall I make sure that I am not on my phone and present. Especially at the Notre Dame one, because that place is just so cool (I love the old architecture). I believe that loving others is what gives life meaning. In week 5 we wrote a poem. I wrote, “I am from a lot of things.” I think that through this writing process I realized that I am everyone around me has a unique story. I am able to learn these stories through connecting with people. Everybody's story is unique and meaningful. In week 6 I picked a quote about difficulty. Part of that quote is, “work of resurrection shys away from no difficulty in our tradition we call them crosses” (“Two Notre Dames: Your Holy Cross Education” by Fr. Kevin Grove - Moreau week six). My question was, “How can I challenge myself and not shy away from difficulty?” In my comment I said, “For me, I think the difficulty right now is continuing to reach out to others, organizing things, and getting involved in my clubs at Notre Dame. I signed up for quite a few clubs, at the clubs fair, however, was overwhelmed by emails, and didn’t end up getting involved. However, I just started going to ultimate frisbee this weekend, and just went to formula SAE yesterday.” As we can see from my beginning story I have started to grow in putting myself out there, especially at ND, and trying to find a community there too. I think it is so funny that every part of Moreau can tie into a little story from ultimate frisbee. Tying into my motto, all gas no breaks means to not shy away from difficulty or discomfort. I believe that seeking discomfort and difficulty, is where the essence of life is. The last week of Moreau does not tie in super well with my story above, but it definitely is important. To treat everyone with respect, and not treating anyone differently based on their identifiers such as race gender, and so on. In my QQC I talked about struggling with implicit bias and how we all have it in ourselves. I believe that no one should be treated differently based on their skin, gender, or any such identifier. I think moving forward, I should continue to reflect and strive for my beliefs and goals. Continue to grow in myself, living every day to the fullest. All gas no breaks with good people.