10/10/21 Moreau Integration Values that Transform the Soul I believe that I grow through experience. As a naturally introverted and sometimes shy person, it is easy for me to want to stay in my comfort zone. Whether that means staying in my same social circle of friends, sticking with the same route to class and back, or observing conversations in class rather than participating in them. It can also be easy to avoid certain situations so that I do not have to worry about things becoming awkward. I am still working on becoming more comfortable outside of my comfort zone and thankfully college has helped with that. Being a college student has forced me into many uncomfortable situations, many of which have brought out vulnerability. As Brene Brown talks about her career in social work she mentions that she was taught to, “lean into the discomfort.”[footnoteRef:0] She continues to explain how she did not want to do that and the obstacles and struggles in her way because she was avoiding vulnerability and not accepting it. Once she realized the power of vulnerability and how it can lead us to our full potential she was able to grow. [0: (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week 1) ] Although in college I will encounter many moments of vulnerability, I think that the best way to put myself out there is through experience. Experience will allow me to make mistakes which may be uncomfortable at first, however after those mistakes, I have the opportunity to learn and grow. Experience is the fuel source to vulnerability which leads to growth. I believe that equality is an important value that needs to be recognized exponentially more in the world. Equality is important to me because I think that everyone should be able to reach their full potential without being hindered by implicit biases or the judgements of others. When Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explained her life story she said, “When we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.”[footnoteRef:1] This quote really resonates with me because our society feels like it is becoming increasingly polarized to one side of an argument based on what information people have been exposed to or what they want to believe. The truth is buried, twisted, and manipulated easily and we have to do more digging if we want to understand both sides of the story which can be challenging for some people. The consequences of not having the truth can be dangerous and scary. I think it is important for me and the people I encounter to be conscious of our implicit biases and recognize that everyone should be valued the same even if they are different from us. If we can accept the diversity in our world, we can become a stronger community and work together better. [1: (https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Moreau FYE Week 7) ] I believe that faith drives who I am and who I want to be. David Fagerberg explains that, “Faith is a transformed mind, a mind being filled with the light of God.”[footnoteRef:2] He also states, “We don’t have to look elsewhere for God; we only need to look around. He’s there, and the dawning faith sees him everywhere.”[footnoteRef:3] Fagerberg explains the importance of faith, hope, and love. I am so grateful that these values are all present in my college experience. As a Holy Cross and Notre Dame student, I am glad that I have so many opportunities to continue and grow in my faith. After going to a public high school, I recognize how strong a faith filled community can be. My faith has helped me in so many ways since I got to college. I have been able to meet new people that have the same values as me and it has never been hard to find a friend or group of people that I can go to Mass with. This type of environment fosters a community where I can find a lot of great friends. Olivia Taylor states, “The best kind of friendships are the ones where you leave with a smile on your face, knowing you’re both growing to be better people and that you’re helping each other get there.”[footnoteRef:4] Virtuous friendships can be hard to come by sometimes. I am fortunate to have a tight-knit community of Gateway students and also Notre Dame students. I am excited to learn more about the people that surround me and their goals/values in life so that I can hopefully build strong virtuous relationships throughout college. [2: (https://grottonetwork.com/keep-the-faith/belief/faith-brings-light-to-dark-world/?utm_source=fall_2021&utm_medium=class&utm_id=moreau by David Fagerberg-Moreau FYE Week 3) ] [3: (https://grottonetwork.com/keep-the-faith/belief/faith-brings-light-to-dark-world/?utm_source=fall_2021&utm_medium=class&utm_id=moreau by David Fagerberg-Moreau FYE Week 3) ] [4: ( https://grottonetwork.com/navigate-life/relationships/signs-of-toxic-friendships/ by Olivia Taylor-Moreau FYE Week 4)] I believe that I am made to love and help others. I really enjoyed writing my “What has formed me” poem because it brought up memories of the past and reminded me of how I want to see myself in the future. George Ella Lyon describes it as, “Its life beyond my notebook is a testimony to the power of poetry, of roots, and of teachers.”[footnoteRef:5] The meaning of these poems is so powerful. It ties in well with David Brook’s points about how you live your life. He states, “You go into yourself, you find the sin that you have created over and again through your life...you fight that sin and you wrestle that sin. And out of that wrestling, that suffering, then a depth of character is constructed.”[footnoteRef:6] I do not want to go through my education and life experiences to build my resume. I want to be present in the moment and grow into the person I want to be rather than what I want to be portrayed as on paper based on accomplishments. At Notre Dame and Holy Cross, I want to strive to reach my goals academically, socially, mentally, and physically. As my career, I hope to do research in healthcare to advance medicine and help others. I know that Notre Dame and Holy Cross will prepare me to reach that goal and go beyond to further my faith and growth in this community as well. As Father Sorin wrote, “Sometimes when I think about the good that can be done throughout this country had we a college conducted according to Catholic principles, my desire to erect such a building torments me and disturbs my rest…”[footnoteRef:7] I am so grateful that Father Sorin decided to create Notre Dame and I am so grateful for the strong tradition in faith that has continued for many years. I am confident that I will grow and reach my goals during my time here in college and for the years to come after. [5: (http://www.georgeellalyon.com/where.html by George Ella Lyon- Moreau Week 6)] [6: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlLWTeApqIM by David Brook-Moreau Week 2)] [7: (Sorin letter to Moreau.pdf - Google Drive by Father Sorin-Moreau Week 5)]