Focus Question: "In what ways may courage, vulnerability, and belonging be a part of my search?" 1. I have found the Focus Question, ‘In What way do stories shape my journey?’ for the week Sept 20-24 particularly intriguing. Personally, stories have helped formulate the person I am today. Learning and hearing the stories of others has been a catalyst in my own personal growth, whether that be from a grandparent, a friend, or a stranger. I hold the belief that you can learn something new from every single person you meet, and through this belief, I have gained invaluable perspectives and insights into matters I believed I fully understood. At Notre Dame, I look forward to meeting people from all around the globe, so I can hear their stories and grow as a person. 2. Question: What steps should someone take to allow themselves to be more vunerable? Quote: ‘Connection is why we’re here. Its what gives purpose and meaning to our lives’ This line particularly stood out to me, as I think more than ever in the past year, this point has been stressed. Through zoom and facetime, we were able to connect throughout the pandemic, but these are not sufficient substitutes for face-to-face human interaction. The ability to communicate and listen to others is undeniably important, and this quote gives me hope for the future, as personally for a while during lockdown I felt starved of authentic human interactions like many others. As an outgoing person this was tough, as it was difficult to truly ‘connect’ to anyone other than my family. I firmly agree with Dr Brown here, as for myself, connecting with others is a huge part of my life. Comment: I found Dr Brown’s ted talk particularly enlightening in a number of ways. The way in which she presents vulnerability as something which is essential to grow and prosper as a person is striking, the quote, ‘You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle. But you are worthy of love and belonging’, particularly resonated with me as it reaffirms the point that no one is perfect, and that is perfectly fine. I found the fluidity in her speech fantastic, and the over-arching message that we have to break down our walls and allow ourselves to be free in our expression of our feelings and emotions is truly transformative.