Microsoft Word - Document3 Encountering Obstacles Furthers Growth This semester I have encountered new people, new ideas, and new ways of thinking. I was exposed to a much more diverse atmosphere than I was used to back home in Pensacola, Florida. All the new aspects of college life also caused me to encounter struggles, obstacles, and even loneliness at some points. However, with these new challenges that I was faced with I learned from mistakes that I had made, and I also became a better person after overcoming each obstacle and struggle. 1: Encountering change. “I had been looking forward to college for years…. This was not the payoff I expected” (“Advice from a Formerly Lonely College Student” by Emery Bergmann – Moreau FYE Week 9). This quote perfectly sums up my initial emotions and thoughts when I first arrived at Notre Dame. I have always been told that college is the best four years of life, so I had high hopes and expectations. I was looking forward to being able to go anywhere I wanted without having to tell my parents, go to parties every weekend, and, most importantly, make best friends for life. However, a little over one week in and I already hated business school and transferred to FTT. Even in FTT I still was not very happy, so I dropped out to pursue YouTube and signed the papers making it official. My mom called the provost office to get them to accept me back in if I changed my mind, and my brother convinced me to stay in college. All those events occurred in the first few weeks of the semester starting. Now it is the end of the semester and, to be honest, I still feel the same way. My plan is to finish this year at Notre Dame and then transfer to South Alabama, record for YouTube with my Florida friends, and get an apartment with two of my best friends from back home, one of which is also transferring from his current school to South Alabama. However, after talking to all my old friends I realized that most of them are not happy where they are. I have been told that almost nobody enjoys their first year of college, that it takes to time to make new friends, and that change is important to expand thinking. I do believe all of that is true, but I also believe that if I am not truly happy, I should do something about it to make me happy. So, while my response of transferring to be with old friends may seem as if I am running away, I really am doing it to further my YouTube channel, something that I am passionate about, and increase my enjoyment of life. 2: Encountering Diversity. “A country whose citizens treat one another with scorn does not have a bright future” (“Wesley Theological Seminary 2012 Commencement Address” by Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C. – Moreau FYE Week 10). At Notre Dame I have encountered diversity like I have never seen before. On a regular basis I will hear students speaking in Chinese and Spanish, and every single class that I am in has at least one student from a foreign country. I will admit that I can be very judgmental of others based on their political views, religion, nationality, etcetera, but my mindset has truly changed this semester at college. In Moreau I could not avoid conversing with just about everybody in the class since it was so small, and our seats changed every week. One student that I met is Pedro, and he is also in Alumni Hall with me. He is from Brazil, and I never thought that me and him would become friends. This is because I really do not know anything about Brazil, nor have I never met somebody born in Brazil. However, he is one of my go-to friends to play a game of pool with and he always swipes up with support on my Instagram stories that promote my YouTube videos. I learned that people from different countries really are not that much different than Americans. Yes, they have unique accents and different cultures, but their hobbies that they enjoy doing are mostly in line with what Americans, like me, enjoy doing as well. They are just normal college-aged students who enjoy what just about all other college-aged students enjoy, despite their differing nationalities, 3: Encountering Loneliness. “I need other people for comfort, encouragement, and support, and for criticism, challenge, and collaboration (“Thirteen Ways of Looking at Community” by Parker J. Palmer – Moreau FYE Week 11). In high school I was always social and had a lot of friends. In fact, I was much more friend oriented than family oriented and spent almost every single day with friends. Then I went to college and had to start the friend-making process over again. However, I had this bias that most Notre Dame kids are nerds who only care about school and academics. I came to realize that they do care about their schoolwork, of course, but it is not their life to focus on school. My roommate Jake, who helps me film, is my best friend at Notre Dame right now, and all my other friends here are mainly people I play pool with. As much as I hate to say it, I still really do not have any friends at Notre Dame. Yes, I know a bunch of people who I am friendly with and who I hang out with, but I still do not have my group of friends that we do everything together with like I had in high school. While my bias about everybody being 100 percent academically focused was not true, I still have not found a single person that I truly click with. I feel as if I really do not belong here because I really do not care about school, but I just care about enjoying life and having fun. I know that everybody must do things they do not enjoy to get somewhere that they will enjoy, but it is hard to find something you enjoy when 1) I do not enjoy my environment and 2) I do not have friends to enjoy things with. I have never been depressed or so lonely to the point where I literally have nobody, but I will find myself watching Netflix alone on a Saturday night rather than being with friends. Recently, I have been working on putting myself out in the open more, and I have already made three good friends by just reaching out: one helps me with my YouTube videos and the other two play pool with me a lot. I even looked up other YouTubers from Notre Dame and messaged one I found, which in turn caused us to get dinner together and gave me somebody new to talk to that is going after similar goals as me. 4: Encountering challenges. “Striving for completeness means spending one’s life as a citizen of this world imitating the person of Christ as the gateway to citizenship in heaven.” (“Holy Cross and Christian Education” by Fr. James B. King – Moreau FYE Week 12). These past few weeks I have really been trying to become a better person with better habits. Since college I have not went as hard as usual in the gym and I also rarely went to mass or prayed. However, with everything I am going through in terms of feeling like I do not fit in and with my YouTube channel I am really trying to fix how I live my life. I recently got in trouble for my YouTube videos, and I was forced to remove all videos on my channel filmed on Notre Dame Campus. I also got banned from filming on Notre Campus. This outcome really hurt me, because I had so many ideas to film and I had a whole plan of the new direction of my content, but then it all collapsed. Jake, my main filmer, is no longer filming for me so I had to reach out to new people for help. However, despite me finding new people, filming off campus is incredibly hard, especially considering I do not have a car. The saddest part for me is that I was going to stay at Notre Dame all four years, or at least until I got 100K subscribers on YouTube. Now, I feel somewhat forced to transfer because there is no realistic way for me to film at Notre Dame anymore. I still am going to work hard on YouTube off campus because I am a strong believer in not giving up when pressured to give up, and I will still aim to post a video every Tuesday, despite my filming restrictions. At the end of the semester, I have encountered struggles and challenges, but in the end, I encountered hope. I first had to encounter change for myself to change, diversity for me to expand my mind and my perception of others, loneliness to encourage me to meet new friends, and challenges for me to become more creative and innovative in my thinking. With every obstacle I became a better person, more prepared for future obstacles. I have hope for the future in terms of making new friends, my YouTube channel, and even my grades, since they are decent. Overall, I will always encounter both good and bad things in my life, but with every encounter comes an opportunity to learn and grow.