Describe one particular research and/or intellectual interest that you plan to pursue beyond the classroom. Why does that interest you? What steps have you taken to pursue that interest at Notre Dame? Beyond the classroom, I aim to research and design machinery that increases efficiency in scientific processes via Mechanical and Biomechanical Engineering. I believe that I can use my research and design to serve through problem solving and fostering scientific progress. My passion for problem solving and design led me to this interest. I discovered this method of applying my interests thanks to my internship last summer. I worked at a small, local laboratory on several machines and parts aimed at increasing accessibility and efficiency of scientific processes. My biggest project, Pipette Guide, assists labs with manual pipetting. While similar products exist, our team aimed to optimize this product by making it cheaper to manufacture without diminishing its performance. This would allow the small device to be sold at a much lower price, increasing accessibility for labs with smaller budgets. We also created several smaller products that increased the efficiency of other scientific processes, such as freeze drying. I want to optimize scientific processes through research, design, and problem solving so that society can advance scientific progress at a greater rate. This will provide more resources for smaller labs and reduce procedure times so that we can quickly research, create medicines, and further global progress. This is how I can best use my skills and passions to serve. At Notre Dame, I am pursuing these interests by participating in the Notre Dame Rocketry Team. During my time on the team, I worked on the Apogee Control System. The purpose of this system is to aid our rocket in reaching a particular peak height and to monitor that height so we can adjust our system accordingly. The ACS provides efficient control of the height of our rocket. I also researched motors to add to this system that would provide slight adjustments and enough power to our course adjustments. This further optimizes the rocket by making it easier for the ACS to control the peak height. Thanks to my experience in design and research from NDRT, I am one step closer to my goal of serving others by optimizing scientific procedures. What are your goals for post-graduation and how do you think participation in the Sorin Scholars can help you achieve those goals? What grants and/or fellowships do you intend to pursue while at Notre Dame to help accomplish these goals? After graduation, I intend to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering. I aspire to gain experience with research, design, and problem solving in the work force. My hope is that this job can further my education by not only providing me this experience but also by leading to a graduate degree. I hope to achieve a master’s degree in Mechanical or Biomechanical Engineering or an MBA. I aim to work for a company that will help me pursue this graduate degree. Participating in the Sorin Scholars program can help me achieve this in a multitude of ways. First, it will provide structure and instruction as I apply for research, career, and fellowships. Because I am committed to a research career, undergraduate research experience is vital for pursuing careers and higher education. This program will introduce me to such opportunities and support and guide me through the application and interview processes. Outside of imparting its knowledge of research, careers, and fellowships, Sorin Scholars can also connect me with Alumni. They will share knowledge and advice and help me build my network, which will benefit my job search. Second, the Sorin Scholars program can also help me participate in post-graduate outreach. I wish to use my career knowledge to support girls in STEM. This cause is of great importance to me, and the Sorin Scholars can guide me through finding a career or organization through which I could do this. This way, I can provide opportunities for girls to learn about and interact with my field of research, further fulfilling my aspiration to serve through research and design. Thirdly, this program can aid in finding and applying for fellowships and grants so that I may continue to engage in research and Engineering. I intend to pursue programs like the Goldwater Scholarship Program. I plan to contribute to research in the fields of Mechanical and Biomechanical Engineering, and this program would support my educational pursuit towards a mechanical research career, allowing me to accomplish such contributions.