integration Moreau 4/29/2022 The Power and Passion in My Forgiveness Since the beginning of my life, I have been one to love the purity of this planet and our nature, as need most of us did when we were children. I loved to climb the trees for the only reason of loving it. I loved to run because I just loved it, and I loved to learn because I just loved it. I believe there is so much power in the way we think and the way I can set my mindset. My life will be guided by my enjoyment: what makes me crave for more but challenges me to the most I can be. There is the passion that we rational humans do not understand, but we cannot let our ignorance stop us from achieving those feelings. How I will have a life well-lived is by listening to my nature and acknowledging myself through forgiveness and reflection. I do because I can, for living is my passion. I live for the struggles and the laughs, the moments of inspiration and a new idea. I will always live for the journey and keep the destination as a trophy and reminder of the journey. The gas of my life will be the connection to my nature, telling what I love. I will build that connection in my relationship with God. The foundation of my identity will be a child of God. My connection with God comes through all the links around me, including the relationships to people. “ we all need each other.” (Pope Francis - week 8) The first and most powerful step in a life well lived is confidence and the control of our ego. No one human is the main character in this world which is hard to hear at times. The connection with others is how we, yes become better as a society, but also as individuals. I’ve often heard how we are more connected than we consciously realize. Connecting to others is connecting more to one’s self. The awareness we have grown is the realization of our nature in a more profound step. The way I will make this happen is to make forgiveness the center focus of my life. Understanding that with each life story comes new lessons and the more I can experience these lessons through others, the larger my awareness can grow. This is why in an argument I take in every bit because it can only make me better and more aware, and I already forgive them because I understand them already and if I don’t I understand that there is something I dont understand. Growing with the other humans on this planet is the ticket to my happiness, for my nature is to be one with them. As the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. I am with all others. I need others because I am part of each person. I wish to lead my life in a way that others will want to follow, but to be someone that knows how to live without a weight on my shoulders take time to learn and develop awareness of how to learn. “Good teachers are usually good learners” (Professor Steve Reifenberg - week 9). I believe learning comes through reflection and again forgiveness, but being willing and able to set aside the ego to let yourself know that you know nothing at all is the only way to start to open your eye to the truth. As I mentioned in my QQC in week 9, I have learned much about learning itself, and through every experience I have, I hope to come to it assuming I do not understand so that I can get everything I can out of it. The way a leader must think is the way Jesus Christ thinks. “Jesus sought out and welcomed all people into the Kingdom of God” (Jacob Walsh, Grotto - week 10). The color of our world comes from our diverse world. To have a life well-lived, I must see myself as a leader like Jesus. He is humble and passionate and lives without assumptions. Forgiveness filled him and flowed in his veins. To lead my team, my workplace, my relationships my life, I must be the one to forgive those I dislike the most and always assume the good intentions of every individual. Diversity reflects these aspects perfectly, for if you are accepting and forgiving, uncomfortable is less of a challenge than someone who isn't forgiving. The assumptions are the root, as I said in week 10. I will aways be one the one invite the outsider. The one to give everyone a chance and a friend. Being aware the keys to growth and round your understanding to avoid these assumptions, but this can be lost in this day and age with social media and the internet. In week 11, we talked about this effect of technology and the formulas that create bubbles. “They all have extremely similar backgrounds and political views.” (Dr. Paul Blaschko, TinkND - week 11) Looking at the negative is definitely something that will not contribute to a life well-lived, but understanding the ones that concise of trends and recurrence deserve criticism. The opportunal connectedness of the internet is wonderful, but this opportunity is taken advantage of and used to only reinforce our own opinions and thoughts. The way to solve this is awareness of ourselves and searching for those that are different from me because that is where I will grow. If the ego is more important, I will stay stagnant in my growthful journey, which is falling and failing in the eyes of God. All these things are so important to have a life well-lived, but they are all so simple in thought, but not in execution. I find it so powerful to know that these changes take such little pause and awareness, but also then terrified that these things are the things leaving humanity in the subconscious and reactionary. Such small things can also make a traumatizing life-changing impact, as in Marcus Cole’s experience in week 12 (Marcus Cole, Dean of Notre Dame Law Schoo - week 12l). Awareness is easy in retrospect but if one looks at it as easy is the moment it slips from us. To help others find and keep awareness as well as myself, I will always continuously check myself and reflect to make sure I am don’t get anger from the lack of forgiveness. I will strive to make every small part of my surroundings better through the small things. To be aware of the seemingly simple aspect of living simply because you love it seems difficult considering the number of akes and pains that comes through life, and the work it takes to feel free and live with God in your heart is a lot, but it is not painful work at that. Though, forgiveness and soft reflection will be my blood and bones. To live a life well lived, we need each other, and to build relationships and family community in every part of my life. I will live my life with freedom in my mindset to give my potential the room needed to build my own awareness of my life and improvement. Work cited “Teaching Accompaniment: A Learning Journey Together” (Professor Steve Reifenberg) “The Spirit of Inclusion at Notre Dame” (du lac: A Guide to Student Life, University of Notre Dame) “How to Avoid an Echo Chamber” (Dr. Paul Blaschko, ThinkND) “Dean G. Marcus Cole: 'I am George Floyd. Except, I can breathe. And I can do something.” (Marcus Cole, Dean of Notre Dame Law School)