Integration One Assignment Integration One Assignment These past few months have challenged me in ways I never thought were possible. From the beginning of the school year, when it was extremely humid, to now at the height of midterms, the trials and tribulations I have encountered have been nothing but hard. Yet, it has been the hard things that made me realize the hidden truths behind every challenge, success and outcome each day. I believe that I am searching for the right balance. In Brene Brown’s Ted Talk, Power of Vulnerability, she discussed the meaning of vulnerability: “It is to tell your story of who you are with your whole heart.” This motto strongly correlates to my “why” behind everything that I do and has allowed me to be my authentic self. As I continuously wear my heart on my sleeve, and put a hundred percent effort day to day, I have tried to find the balance between meeting high expectations and not being let down when I do not reach them. The confrontation between external success and internal value, as stated in David Brooks Ted Talk, is something that I have learned over my time here at Notre Dame and am still facing every day. While achieving certain goals is significant, I know that my effort and internal value lies beyond a score or rejection. As Brooks discusses the difference between the Adam One and Adam Two sides of human nature, I I believe that my purpose is to fully grasp the balance between both Adams; building upon my depth of character and staying true to my moral values such as love, dependency, and self worth. I believe that I forge life giving relationships by being supportive and there for one another. This can be carried out by performing simple acts of kindness such as buying coffee for a friend, or knowing when to simply listen. In lifting others up and having a support system, it is self-rewarding to see my peers turn their struggles into growth. For instance, when my friend was having a hard week at school, trying to manage her long golf practices and studying for a microeconomics midterm, I sat down with her for an hour and helped her study. This helped her be efficient with her time and feel prepared for the exam. I believe that I grow by exploring new opportunities that Notre Dame has to offer. Coming from a public school, faith and spirituality were not intertwined with my education. Here, the wide range of resources including the Hall Masses, lighting candles at the Grotto and the priest living in my residence hall will allow me to explore a community full of guidance and love for one another. In an article, “Faith Brings Light to A Dark World,” the author mentioned how “Spirituality concerns the real world, how we see it, how we do it, and how we approach it.” It not only paves the way to shed light and hope in difficult times, but also reminds us to live and lead with love. Establishing a framework will also guide me in finding my truest passions, my people, and above all my self discovery. In Father Pete’s video, he mentions how, “what truly matters is responding to the best of your ability as the person you know yourself to be.” Thus, staying true to yourself in response to adversity and challenges is a true definition of growth. I believe that I pursue truth through hearing different perspectives. Coming from the west coast, I realized I was sheltered. I had never fully encountered people from the midwest and east coast, and had yet to grasp the dramatic fluctuations in weather. I was not used to people constantly opening doors for me or smiling when I walked past them. Most of all, I was sheltered from learning about a culture other than my own. Now, I have listened to different perspectives through meeting new people and adapting to a new environment. In relation to the Ted Talk featuring Chimamanda Adieche, I have learned to hear more than one single story. She points out that to create a single story is to “show a people as one thing, and only one thing, and that is what they become.” To prevent this from occurring, it is salient to understand all aspects and perspectives to cultivate a knowledge of truth. I believe that I am made to help people. Throughout high school, I have enjoyed helping others including senior citizens and children with disabilities. For instance, from volunteering at Senior Sunrise, I have learned that I enjoy interacting with elders who contain a lot of wisdom and have valuable life experiences. It enabled me to find joy in facilitating human connection, and making somebody else feel loved and appreciated. When I was a camp counselor for children with disabilities, I was able to interact with them through various activities such as creating arts and crafts and playing sports. Not only did it make me feel good that I was impacting others, but it also was rewarding to make a difference in people’s lives. In college, I plan to volunteer for the Robinson Community Learning Center and help tutor children, along with volunteering at an elderly home. Lastly, I believe that I am made to bring family together. When writing the “Where I am From Poem,” I touched upon the things that have made me who I am today, the most important being family. Over the past few months, I have learned to cultivate a family oriented culture, participating in Baking with FJ’s every Tuesday, and helping organize fun events our hall participates in. By bringing people together, I have assimilated a family environment, remninding how my past and future are interconnected through close relationships with people. It has enabled me to form new friendships, share many laughs in the kitchen, and adapt to new changes in my life, and for that I am grateful.