Moreau Integration 1 Believing In Me I believe that I am a leader. I believe that I grow through vulnerability. I believe that I am responsible to be a kind person to myself and those around me. I believe that I am spiritual and am on a journey of discovery of faith. I believe that I stand up for myself and put myself first when it comes to relationships as well as other things. The first week that we moved back into the dorms this fall, I got a pretty weird email. I was told that my tennis coach had nominated me to go on a “leadership retreat” for student-athletes. Going into this retreat, I continuously asked myself the question of “Why am I going on this trip?” and thinking to myself, “the last thing I am is a leader”. Over this weekend retreat, we talked a lot about the idea of vulnerability. Quite perfectly, this happened to be the same week we discussed the idea of vulnerability in Moreau. Before coming to campus, I treated myself pretty much the same way you would treat someone you hate. I constantly brought myself down at any chance I got, but I never understood that it impacted the people around me. As Brené Brown says in her Ted Talk, “We can’t practice compassion with other people if we can’t treat ourselves kindly” (“The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown - Moreau FYE Week One). This quote has come back to me over and over again this semester, and really resonates with the person I want to be. If I want to be an empathetic, kind, and decent person to the people I surround myself with, it has to start within me first. Along those same lines, I’ve learned that courage plays a huge role in your ability to be vulnerable, be a good leader, and more. In David Brooks’ Ted Talk, he said that an Adam II was built through “a lack of courage” (“Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?” by David Brooks – Moreau FYE Week Two). He talked more about courage which I’ve recently learned is extremely powerful. Without having the courage to be vulnerable, the courage to speak out, the courage to be who you are, it is impossible to truly be the person you want to be. Being courageous is an extremely powerful step in becoming a leader, a true version of yourself, and building connections with other people. Though I know it starts with me first, I also hope that I can an impact in whatever I do and make a difference in the people’s lives around me. This really relates to Carla Harris’s “pearls” of life, one of them being “It is what you do for others that counts” (“Notre Dame Commencement 2021: Laetare Medalist Address” by Carla Harris – Moreau FYE Week 5). It’s important to care for yourself and be the best version of yourself that you can be, however, what you do for other people is what matters. I also believe that I am spiritual and am on a journey of discovery of faith. When talking about the role faith plays in our journey, Father Pete says, “The greatest journey you will ever go on is one of self-discovery” (“The Role of Faith in Our Story” by Fr. Pete McCormick – Moreau FYE Week 3). This quote makes me feel really hopeful. I have a weird relationship with religion and have for a while. I was raised in a Hindu household but as I got older, I had a lot of questions about organized religion. Though I think of myself as spiritual, religion is something that has always raised questions and doubt in my head. Moreau Integration 1 Despite this, having faith in a greater power has gotten me through dark times in my life. Though I may not believe in the God of Hinduism, or Christianity, or anything else, I do believe that in a higher power, and the idea that everything happens for a reason. This spirituality really powers me and keeps me going and is why I believe it’s such an important part of me. When it comes to relationships with others, I believe that I am a good friend, a kind person, and have a positive impact on the people I am surrounded by. Since coming to Notre Dame, I’ve learned the importance of having healthy relationships and surrounding yourself with the right people. In week three, we read that, “If the majority of the things that come out of your friend’s mouth is a complaint or has some sort of a negative angle, you’re probably not having the most fun with them ” (“5 Signs You’re in a Toxic Friendship” by Olivia T. Taylor – Moreau FYE Week Four). Unfortunately, I have learned how to deal with toxic relationships like this and have learned to put up boundaries. This means prioritizing yourself, and even being “picky” with the people you choose to surround yourself with. It makes the biggest difference in your life, and passes on to the people who you affect as well. I’ve especially learned, since coming to Notre Dame, how important it is to surround yourself with people who lift you up, support you, and love you for who you really are. It makes the biggest difference in your life, your attitude, how you treat yourself, and how you treat others. Along those same lines, it’s important to remember that everyone is always going through their own battles, and having the patience to be kind to people even in their toughest moments makes a difference. In Chimamanda Adichi’s TED Talk, she says, “The consequence of the single story is this: It robs people of dignity. It makes our recognition of our equal humanity difficult” (“Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi – Moreau FYE Week Seven). This quote really describes something that I hope to never do. I hope to never reduce someone to a “single story” or single action. I don’t want to be a person who makes others feel small, and I hope to never have a negative impact on people’s lives. This makes me hopeful that I always treat people with respect, kindness, and an open heart. Everyone is facing battles and remembering that is so important. This really speaks to the type of person I hope to be and the way I treat others.